Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1916 Jan June.pdf


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\\ cib und meille Kinder. die<br />

Frauen und Toc-Mer des \ 'olkes<br />

~agt ihr. und ihr fordert mith auf,<br />

tlie 'Vaffen zu ergreifcl1, urn sie z.u .<br />

"crteidig-el1. ~ un, gerade lhT habt<br />

aile Crsache, Zlt wuuschen, dass<br />

cuch dies erspart bleibe. denn die<br />

Fcinde del' Frauen und Tochter<br />

de! V olkes sind nicltt jenseits der<br />

Grenzen Zl1 sltehen. Das sind diejenigen,<br />

die sic auf den Felderu,'<br />

in den ,Fabriken, im Bureau, in<br />

dC!n <strong>Magazine</strong>n. tiberall mit<br />

schwerer Arbeit iiberburden,<br />

ihren Karper Tuiniercn und die<br />

Schuld daran tragen, dass sic nul'<br />

t'chwachlichc Kinder ill die V" elt<br />

set zen. die jill vo~hineil1 d'azll be­<br />

,li1111111 sind, die Opfer im Kampf<br />

lllll!; Dasein xu we'rden. .<br />

. Die Feillde del' Frauen und<br />

Tochter des Volkes sind aile Kapitalisten.<br />

pic dercn Schwache<br />

una uniahigkeit sich selbst Zll<br />

vcrteidigen, missbraucbclld, ihllen<br />

Hunge,rlohne zahlen: sic zum<br />

Elend und oft zor Prostitution<br />

v~rdalllmen. 'Cnd solltet ihr mich<br />

7.\o,:lngen. die \Vaffen zu crgreife:n.<br />

um sic zu verteidigcll, we:rde: ich<br />

sic gewiss nicht'gegen dicjenigen<br />

kehren, die ihr

• .' F and<br />


•<br />

i<br />

FOOD.·.<br />

• •<br />

'rhe average person lias little<br />

idea of the nutritive value of the<br />

things he eats. He does not know<br />

how his food should he combined<br />

in quantity or element, or how it<br />

should be varied to give him the<br />

best return. He just stumbles<br />

along in the dark, eating and<br />

drinking according to the custom<br />

of his countrymen, blindly following<br />

hi s appetite. which is<br />

often an unsafe guide because<br />

improperly trained.<br />

During the acti\'c growing<br />

period of a h ~a lthy childhood<br />

and young adult years, and in<br />

older p~plc who fotlo\\' 3n<br />

energetic physical and mental<br />

lif~ of work and play. a good cooilitution<br />

somehow survives the<br />

f"Ough abuse to which the ordinary<br />

individual subjects it in<br />

feeding. ~liddlc life is safely<br />

reached and passed. O ld age<br />

comes shuffling 0 11 with more<br />

deliberate step and silvered<br />

crown. "And when those robbers,<br />

Time and Death. athwart the<br />

path. cOIl!'piring. !Otand;' their<br />

prospective victim is--a watch<br />

run down. a bullet spent, a bios·<br />

sam born to bloom and drop its<br />

peta.ls in decay. Men say. l'He<br />

fitlcd full his allotted time and<br />

died at a ripe old age:' This is<br />

the resu1t w'hicfi the average man<br />

would like to have for himself.<br />

But what of the people handicapped<br />

from birth by faulty digestive<br />

and eliminating organs<br />

How abollt those who inherit fine<br />

appetites, but are cursed with<br />

occupations which steat their<br />

chances for normal exercise ~<br />

How about a dozen other kinds<br />

of folks. who, to li ve out their<br />

threescore and ten, must have a<br />

better system in dining<br />

An excessive di et of carbohydrates,<br />

if digested, will rUIl to<br />

excessive fat ahout the heart, as<br />

well as elscwhere, and burden the<br />

heart in nourishing it. It is prone,<br />

also. to disturb digestion. It is<br />

bad for dyspeptics. Those with<br />

stomach trouble wi ll oft en bcnefit<br />

by resorting to a judicious<br />

meat diet.<br />

On the other hand. an excessive<br />

meat (protein) di et overworks<br />

the eliminating organs a nd<br />

brings on degeneration of the<br />

heart, blood vessels and kidney,<br />

with high blood pressure. This.<br />

in a broad way. means Bright's<br />

disease ~nd premature old age.<br />

Look at the many in dividuals<br />

in the class of "forty, s~out. "<br />

Their prominent abdomens are<br />

burdens of useless fat. Bulky,<br />

paunchy, flabby people, short of<br />

breath and long on appctitethey<br />

are onded and lInd er~<br />

worked.<br />

:\. pi g has appetite plus. and<br />

little brai n. A man is little more<br />

than a porker, if he rUll s to banquets<br />

and neglects hi s biceps.<br />

Forty inches about the waist<br />

in a mall five fcet eight inches<br />

tall. whethcr t wenty year~ old or<br />

fift y, is a porcine proportion. If<br />

he is not lazy. hi s energy rUlls to<br />

pushing a pcn, eatin~ enough fo r<br />

twO a nd "sitting tight." He rides<br />

to and from hi s office. behind a<br />

chauffeur, if he has one.<br />

Ten to one he has to consult a<br />

doctor suddenly, some day, for<br />

gall stones, kidney stones,<br />

Bright's disease. or other serious<br />

trouble. "He spends the last<br />

ten years of his life trying to<br />

escape premature decay.<br />

Added to these pudgy people.:<br />

pampered on sweets, and t l··<br />

seder'ltary people who make the<br />

meals on meat, there is a thi,'<br />

class. These habitually su fi"<br />

fro111 faulty elimination. Thl<br />

are constipated, bad breathed an·<br />

coated of tongue. The 111otioll :­<br />

of their eliminating tracts arc<br />

slu gg-ish, and there is sand in the<br />

gearin g of their gray matter.<br />

Ch ronic absorption from their<br />

thirty feet of scwer poisons their<br />

hrai ns and vital organs. Their<br />

scant exercise, careless habits ~!!4<br />

faulty quality of food catcr to the<br />

undertaker. Man's muscles, mind<br />

and meals Illust be well balanced<br />

to in sure comfort. comeliness<br />

and long life.<br />

Finally, food is a misfit wh en'<br />

worry. fear, anger, hate or disappointment<br />

dominates. They<br />

check the Row of stomach juices<br />

just as they interfere with appetite.<br />

Good appetite and good<br />

digestivn ,line with good cheer.<br />

(October Bulletin. Department<br />

of Health, Chicago.}'<br />


By Will. E. Bohn<br />

1 n the public schools we ar ~<br />

!lpending more mOlley on the eelu·<br />

cation of girls than on that of boy~.<br />

O ne of twO things is true. Either<br />

the educated female is a good prodtlct<br />

pa rtly wasted. or she is a poor<br />

product and our monty is wasted.<br />

As a matter of fact, she is a good<br />

product. But she is not as good<br />

as she might be. Give the girls the<br />

prospect of active participation in<br />

our political life and a wide range<br />

of studies will gain new meaning<br />

for more than half our pupils. They<br />

wi ll learn more without the expen·<br />

diture of an additional dollar. Anli<br />

what they learn will gain in mean·<br />

ing. The girl graduate will lean<br />

~ hool a fitter person becau!'e she<br />

ha .. seen from the start a reahln<br />

for intelligent cithenship.<br />

'l'ltE YOUNG SOCIA.Ll8TB' J[AOAJinB<br />


• • date itself to their pace, the tune<br />

very slow, sad, and ",ou:~lrul,<br />

sounds Illm:h more hke a<br />

; - By Allen Clarke . funeral march than a battle<br />

~ ._ • challe n g"~.<br />

I.<br />

heen in a ('amp in a rura.l district.<br />

This batch represent!' those<br />

In the seaside town where 1<br />

Their faces were brown and red;<br />

who havc been to "the front" and<br />

li ve, there were last winter some<br />

their eyes bright; their step vivacious;<br />

thcir voices brave and jolly<br />

through the fire. They are ~ lIrthousands<br />

of troops in training.<br />

\'ivors. remnants of just such an·<br />

as they sang a Illusic·hall ditty as<br />

other fi nc .mel strong" fivc hundred<br />

as the re gim ent 'Ipprnaching<br />

Early in the 1'.;' ew Year they<br />

they marched along. !\ot a limp,<br />

went away.<br />

not an llllsound limb. not a faltering-<br />

foot amongst them all. All at The fi\'c hundred who ha\'c nnt<br />

them.<br />

Most of them ha ve now "died<br />

for their country," as the news·<br />

th eir best. all in splendid condition-<br />

ready to go to " the front," ing- !'pecilllclls who havc.<br />

yct "been in it" stare at th e~e liv·<br />

papers say, and will come back to<br />

Britain no more.<br />

read)' to he transformed into-­ .\nd !,nme of the1l1 beg-in to<br />

This autumn there are again<br />

what<br />

wonder.<br />

some thousands of troops here ill<br />

It i~ not an encourag-ing' specta("le.<br />

f,lr thong-II it rOIl~es<br />

training. Fresh batches; fresh<br />

IT .<br />

their<br />

fuel to feed the great war·fire, the<br />

mad bonfire of kings. They arc<br />

being got ready ~o s~!!d to "the<br />

front," to the line of sl~tlghter.<br />

They are being well fed. They<br />

are being drill ed and exercizerl to<br />

make them fit and strong. They<br />

are marched about inhaling the<br />

rich seaside air that many of them<br />

would neve r have ta!'tecl but for<br />

the war. They are being de\'cIoped<br />

to their ph y!'i~a l best , into<br />

as fine specimens of manhood as<br />

good food. fresh air. ilncl exercise<br />

can make them. \\'hat for That<br />

they may become healthy ci tizens<br />

and thl' progenitors of a sounder<br />

race Are they thus heing pre·<br />

pa.red that they may ble!\s the<br />

world with healthy useful li fe ~<br />

O h dear. no! Xothing so<br />

uto:)ian as that in this practical<br />

age!<br />

:\0, it is for death they are being<br />

made so fit and strong.<br />

The other day I saw a regiment<br />

)f them marching along the prom·<br />

cn ade. The. bugles blew; the<br />

1rl1lnS rattled; the thousand feet<br />

\\'c n ~ forward rhythmically. These<br />

men had been in training for<br />

!ilonths. All the summer, before<br />

coming to our town, they had<br />

The answer is !'omewhat sup·<br />

plied by another batch of soldiers<br />

('oming- in the opposite direction.<br />

These are not so numerous as the<br />

others-there are not five hundred<br />

here-there arc only about<br />

three dozen. The other fo ur<br />

hund rcd anti odd of this lot have<br />

not answcre d ihc roll·cal!. They<br />

lie in France and F landers.<br />

This batch is coming from the<br />

(OIl\"a lescent camp at the other<br />

end of the town. They. and others<br />

like them. come out on ly for an<br />

airing. T hey wear a rcd tie and<br />

hlue tronsers-the badge of the<br />

w()l!n(kd.<br />

The..:e art" not walkin~ hri..:kly<br />

alonr,-far fmlll it. They are not<br />

e,"en in step-their injurie!' prevent<br />

marching in uni~ o n . Some<br />

:'Ire limping. somc hohhling. other:-<br />

drag-ging a foot. others helpin~<br />

thelllseives along with sticks.<br />

\~hile still ot hers have an arm in<br />

a !'Iing. or a bandage round their<br />

head. Some of them look vcry<br />

pale. \'ery weary, as they march<br />

along. They have no bugler and<br />

no drums with them ; but they are<br />

whistling a tune as thet creep<br />

along. But, in order to accommo-<br />

•<br />

pity it also raises questions.<br />

Are they-bri ght. strong-. actin<br />

Tllcn- to run the risk of being<br />

tllrned into slIch !'trkken weal,<br />

crc;-otures as the!'e. by bayonet<br />

and Indict all(1 shel\<br />

I ~ there IW wa\' to seltk inter·<br />

nati(lnal quarrel!' iltlt this<br />

III.<br />

It i~ three o'dork in the !11 ~1r Iling.<br />

I t is a Su nday mOr!\mg.<br />

am awakened fr om sleep by a<br />

..:hrill whistl e. I know that<br />

wh istle. It is the whistle SUnlmoning<br />

(he soldiers \0 a5sefllhlc<br />

for paradc. There arc nlany<br />

~o ld ier:- billet('"d in Ollr street.<br />

O ppo~ite our window,; i~ a hotlse<br />

used a..: onlerly-ro


ing into line, 1 ' he~r the cal1iug oi<br />

the roll, 1 sec,' shaClowy, vague.,<br />

women and men gathered Tound<br />

-iMenUs, wives; swceth..cart !$, of<br />

the. n~~n w ho are going 'awaythe<br />

m ~ n who have beefl training<br />

here and getting ready. Yes'ter':'<br />

day the train' brought mothers.<br />

sister.; (at hers: relati\'es, from inland<br />

towns. for a good-bye ' after-<br />

1\090 with those wllo were to depart.<br />

O n the promenade I saM' a<br />

pretty arid 'yet' a' vetS pathetic<br />

sight .... a young soldier carrying a<br />

baby in his left ann, while hi,<br />

rigj1,t a'rm ' e n c!r~ l ed tl~e waist of<br />

hi s young wife, to whom he was<br />

talking earnestly, T~e girr"s face<br />

was white and solemn . . It was an<br />

unusua,l sight to 'see in lhe daylight,<br />

in a Ilublic tho(ough{are, a<br />

man. with a bah~' in one arm ' and<br />

the otIt er round' its mother.<br />

Yet the con pie were utterly oblidous<br />

of the folks who passed<br />

them. ' T he\' were ah!'orhed in<br />

their fond farewell. >:eve rm ~ r e<br />

might the father hold his child<br />

oren fold the mother with h i~ arm.<br />

"God bless thcm," I :;did tl) my·<br />

self i;s l passed.<br />

Perhaps thdt yOU11g' father was<br />

olle Q£ these ~oh1i cr ~ now assclll·<br />

hting in' .the dark lIi~ht to mardI<br />

to the rai lway :-tation and depart<br />

fo r ",'tl,e frOlll."<br />

'<br />

1 heard the officer give hi ~ coml~and<br />

~; ' ''Form fours-righ t. turn."<br />

and the~ I watched through the<br />

wind~w, the reginumt. dim in the<br />

glOQm, march towards what<br />

~e.e med a terrible doud of blackness_il'hpenetrable<br />

I:'loon~-at the<br />

bottQI11 .of the street running<br />

down t~ the sea, 1 heard \'oices<br />

c~l'iing out. "Good-bye, Dick."<br />

,lAre '· ,w ~ dO~"·ll.h~art~d ". And<br />

the men · started si ng-in'g ' as they<br />

n)archc;d .away.<br />

~ Thct\ they quickly disappeared<br />

into that tremendous bla.ck cloud.<br />

WHYI<br />

~ .... '4<br />

Ry Tom Robin!'Oll.<br />

The scene, a slum room in<br />

Canning Town on Christmas<br />

E\'e; ami the docker's wife(whose<br />

husband is "fighting for his COUIltry.")<br />

and he.r {our wee bairns a{e<br />

seated round a fire that barely<br />

kee.ps grim King Frost from invading<br />

the soldier's empire-his<br />

home.<br />

"~laIllIllY," says J ack, aged<br />

twelve, "wherc's my daddy :"<br />

" He's-l dun no c:

atives who will-hed to submerge<br />

the socialistic planks and, if necM<br />

essary, fuse with one of the old<br />

parties on the free-silver issue;<br />

and the Middle-of-the-Road POPM<br />

ulists or uradicals" who, like Tom<br />

Watson, would have not one of<br />

the Omaha planks cast in the<br />

shade, and who abhorred amalgaM<br />

mation with Democrats or Republicans<br />

as temptations of the<br />

Devil. The censen'atives wished<br />

to make the currency qt1e~tion<br />

the one and only issue of the<br />

party. This policy might drive<br />

out the socialisls but it would<br />

make the party an "orthodox" 'orM<br />

ganiation which any \'oter cOllld<br />

enter without losing caste.<br />

When the party met in natio",ll<br />

convention at 51. Louis on <strong>June</strong><br />

22, 18¢, the internecine st mggle<br />

again broke out. ,. The con se r\'ativ e~<br />

urred that the con\'entio~l put forward<br />

but one issue--free silver.<br />

They demanded that the party endorse<br />

the Democratic nominees,<br />

Bryan and Sewell. Tom 'Watsoll<br />

and his middle-o fMtheMroad followM<br />

ers would have the whole Omaha<br />

platfonn or nothing. They would<br />

have none of Sewell's ilk. as he<br />

was "a railroad magnate and a<br />

national bank president.·' \Vatson<br />

et al were beaten. They seceded,<br />

but the pany was doomed. The<br />

conservatives merged with the<br />

Democrats and in timc disappeared.<br />

'Vatsen and his worshippers stood<br />

by the ship for several years.<br />

But the <strong>Socialists</strong> were di ~gusted<br />

and were done with the movement.<br />

Those o f them who remained with<br />

the Populists up to 1&)6 now had<br />

a Socia1i!>t -party to join-the Socialist<br />

Labor Pany which put out<br />

its shingle in 1&}2. But many had<br />

lost hope and had left the Populists<br />

by ones and twos before. They<br />

had lost faith in "orthodox" panie!'<br />

which annexed Socialistic idea~ and<br />

tacked to their platfonns social rCM<br />

fonn planks with which to catch<br />

votes. For this reason the Progressive<br />

movement of 1912 could<br />

not allure the Social\st from hi s<br />

own party by holding 0';11 a chance<br />

of realizmg many of IllS demands<br />

at once.<br />

.. T'BZ TOtJNO eOCIALD1'S' litAoAZINZ<br />



- -.<br />

(Continued from December) off one of hi ~ Ilonds; thC'r. t\1,'Y t ,re<br />

DELIVERED AT PARIS. May 30, 1878<br />

•<br />


(Translat~d from til~ Fr~nch by Jamu Parton) t<br />

AnOlher ract. After th~ 010 man,<br />

th~ young man. Three )'\'an later. in<br />

1763. at Abhc\'iJle. the oay :titer a<br />

night of .!!torm and high wind. there<br />

was found upon Ihl' pa,'~ment of a<br />

bridge an old crucifix of worm-eaten<br />

wood. which for three ~C'nturiu had<br />

bC'en fa.!!tened to thC' parapet. ,Vho<br />

I'ad thrown down this crucifix \Vho<br />

committed this s::r.crilege It i~ nOI<br />

known. Puhaps a passerby. Perhaps<br />

the wind, Who is the guilty<br />

one Tht" ni~hop of Amit'n.'J 1:lllnches<br />

a monitoire. 1\01t' what a mcniloire<br />

IVIIS: it wa, an order In nil Ihe fai thlui,<br />

on pain of hC'II, to declare what<br />

Ihey knC'w O. heliC'Hd th C'y knC'w of<br />

such or .'Juch a fact: a llIurdC'rous injlHll·t'lJl1,<br />

when addrl'!"cci by fvnatici~1ll<br />

to ignorance, Thl' monitoirC' of the<br />

ni~hop of Arniens doe.'J iu work; the<br />

town gossip asSUI1lf:~ the character of<br />

crime. chargt'd. Ju~ticC' di9covers, or<br />

belir\'u it discover!', that on t!w<br />

night when the crucilix was thrown<br />

down. twO nlC'n. twO officers, an,'<br />

namC'd La Harre. tILt' other u'Etallonde.,<br />

pall~ed OVC'T Iht~ bridge of Ab·<br />

heville, that they "!l're drunk :11\.1<br />

that Ihey .!!ar.g a g"uard- rvcllI lIn;H.~,<br />

ThC' trihullal \\'a~ the Se1H:sdl::ky "i<br />

.'\l1hr\·;lIe, ThC' Ser~"e 1a~t·y of Abb~\'illC'<br />

wu eqll;\,aiqt It) the cour :<br />

of Ih e Capite>uls of TOIII"tl~e, It w;,!'<br />

not less just, Two ~rd, r ~ for arre .. t<br />

we're iuue:d. D'EttalhJllj,! ,·.eapcu.<br />

La Barre waa taken, Hi':l they de­<br />

Ih'ered to judicial C'x.lmiu:ttic,n. lie<br />

denied having crossed t!'e hri\lge: he<br />

confe~sed to ha\'ing s tm ~ the !lJn;!'.<br />

The S~neschalcy of Abbc~' id~ c )11-<br />

demned him: he appraled t.., IIII'! ]larliaml'nt<br />

of Paris, HC' wac; eont!uctl'd<br />

10 Paris: the senttnce was found good<br />

and cot'lirmC'd, HC' was eOllducteel<br />

back to Abbe"il1e in chains. I<br />

abridge. The mon~tf OUJ hour arrives.<br />

.ThC'y begin by suhje.cting the<br />

ChC\'alier de La narre to the torture.<br />

ordinar)' and extraordinary. \0 mnke<br />

him re,'eal h~, aC"01llpliC.~i. Ac.:um·<br />

,~Iices in whil.r~ 1n havin~ cr,),s.·d ,'\<br />

l. riuge and "UII~ ;, !l.ong fJnnnq' the<br />

torture (lne of hi ~ :: lee'! \\,,1'\ hr,·k,.n:<br />

hi:l conf~S!lu", 'In hf':lr'''t' Ihe 1)O,1es<br />

crack, fAirr.,.d a"";.r. rr. '! n':~ l 'IIY.<br />

<strong>June</strong> 5, 11M, I. ... Barre wa§ drawn t o<br />

tht' grut Iqual e {If Al)l)e":11t, whert<br />

flamed a pen;t..:n ti:.1 lire: t"~ renten'-":<br />

was read' lo :.:, l:brrr; tllcn Ihey em<br />

out his tonglH: with iro l! 1 in,~rr _.:<br />

then. in nlC'fey, hi s iH:!lO W;li ".~ r-,fl<br />

and thrown into the firf'. So died I'w<br />

Che,'alier dC' La Barre. H C' was nine ­<br />

teen y'ears ot 3"e.<br />

Then, 0 Voltaire! thou did~t ' Itt.~r<br />

a cry of horror, and it will h~ lhine<br />

eternal glory!<br />

ThC'n didsl thOIl ent.,r IIIH,n thr ,lIlpallillg<br />

trial ,r the pUI: ,h'll1 or:t;'!!.<br />

th at unC'on,ciou, p" ..... e.r, the blil1 \<br />

multitude: that terrible ntalristra d ',<br />

so se"ere to slIiljC'cts. so docile 10 Ih~<br />

l1last~r, c ru shing and flatt~r;nu. knC'("­<br />

ing upon the people bdore the k:ng:<br />

that c\c.r/:fy, \'ill: mc\an,Q'e (Ii bypcai,y<br />

and fanatici~m: "olta;re alOlle, r rl!­<br />

peat it. drclared war II.fu.inst thaI cnalilion<br />

of all the lucial illi()uil i

.\ .<br />


nl rOil ~IaIlSIS' IDagalt ••<br />


O~$." ~o( r"' ~ A."';eu Sooi.liu Sua,:".,<br />

~.. ..If Y Qua, People'. Fede~tion<br />

£ntertd as Second-CI:15S ~(ail Mattu<br />

<strong>June</strong> 2, J911, at the post office at New .<br />

York, N~ Y., under the Act of March .<br />

J. 1819.<br />

Published Monthly at<br />

15 Spruce Street. New York.<br />

b1 the<br />

SOC:iaU.tic Co-operative Publ A ..'r..<br />

John Nne-el, Pres. 0, -Knoll. Sec'y,<br />

E. Ranlm, Trc:.as.<br />

SUBSCRIPTJON_,Sc. • copy, SOc.<br />

• YC6I.t, f'or N. Y. City and Canilda.<br />

6Oc;:, on aCCQunt of the bightr postage.<br />

Muko and Dlhe:- fo(cilrn cOUntrlU,<br />

15 CCntL<br />

,<br />

DUNDLE RATES-le. per copy<br />

ADVERTISING_lOc. a line, $1.00<br />

an inch. For Dnl ycar one: illch $10.00.<br />

- .<br />

I From the Day, For the Day!<br />

.....------~<br />

Christmas and Peace Talk have<br />

come and gOlle. And they who<br />

yesterday prayed for .. Peace all<br />

Earth, Good Will to :'.Ien," are<br />

again iustil y blowing the preparedness<br />

horns .that the annament<br />

interests of our nation ha\'e<br />

obligingly furnished.<br />

A year has passed, the bloodiest<br />

year of the world's history.<br />

And fateful as the year just<br />

past, the coming year will be. The<br />

questions that it will decide, with<br />

fire and with sword, will playa<br />

great part in' the future of humanity<br />

and of chrilization.<br />

This w'ar- hif l£ht.:'thi bond!><br />

that bound the worki,lgnlen ,of all<br />

nations with ties tHat s~~I1lei:l ill- .<br />

dissoluble. For \1s ' the new year '<br />

must be a year of zealous work. a<br />

constant striving to rebuild what<br />

the war has torn down, The<br />

International 6f Labor 'Olust arise<br />

to a new life. must make of a<br />

workillg c1~s s that was W,eak and<br />

unable to accomplish the task it<br />

had 'set itself, a mo\'ement strong<br />

and self-co'ilfident, a n10 veme~t<br />

that wi ll in the ,'ears to come<br />

force its will, its i ~lca l s. upon the<br />

ruling classes,<br />

I t all seemec\ so simple, so<br />

easy to understand, \Vhere was<br />

the Socialist, two years ago, who<br />

wOldd have dared to s ug~e!'>t preparedne!>s<br />

~ And now that the<br />

crisis ha:; come, many of our com·<br />

mdes here in America are wor:;e<br />

than the most hitterlv co ndcmn ~ d<br />

Sc il eiclemnnn ancl l;uesde. Not<br />

e\'cn they C\'er fa:vorcd preparedncss.<br />

It is possible that we, the materialists.<br />

ha\'e somewhat 'mdercstimated<br />

the :o;tr('n~ th of n ... tional<br />

prejudices, \Ve who slvlUlti have<br />

known better. fo r~o t that tl-e<br />

mind of the child becomes the<br />

soul of the man. \Ve spent om<br />

time and our encrg-y hrin~ing men<br />

into the party, mcn whose sallis<br />

and hearts hac! been moulded.. by .<br />

the schools and the books of our<br />

ruling class, And then we wonder<br />

that a year or two of exceedin~ly<br />

haphazard Socialist education has<br />

not driven out the old ideals.<br />

StattS who are daily bec! ming a<br />

more formld'ati1e" ri\;dl, .and would<br />

subdue it, were '-it . li npr~ pared.<br />

Then Russia would take . back<br />

Alaska, ~lexico the territory fhat<br />

was once stolen from it by . the<br />

Coited States, a.nd England.<br />

through Canada. might tak,. pos·<br />

session of the , ;,otthern part. of<br />

our nation,<br />

The fir~t two arguments ' arc<br />

hardl), worth di scussi ng. In 'the<br />

first place it ill behooves a Socialist<br />

who "nows the stupidit),<br />

of _thc working class-of the COUIltry"<br />

to speak 6r.i- militiu of the<br />

people. A militia Q.f tjlC people in<br />

the L!nited St ak~ would he under<br />

... 11 ci-rel1n}Stanl.!~ ~--Il~ilitia owned<br />

atlll controlled hy "the capitalist<br />

class. ' Altcl 'wb'e', l)I!tide the ··So·<br />

Ci3~is.t . r~~fn l·~ ,llt i'.' ~hnt mil::ht desire<br />

to give expression to the<br />

"",ill of ,the wc;trking c!ass," On<br />

the other hand there,is no haltin j:!<br />

on an incline. Once ,\'e han :tucrificed<br />

a principle ~fo r the sakeof<br />

gaining somcthing ' fer IH)thillg'.<br />

we are· Gil -a .dOW.l1.W3Cl\ path titat<br />

mllst lead to dcslrlu:.tio lt Hebel<br />

and Licuknecht spoke at a tii;,e<br />

when it seemed that the Socialist<br />

ideal might he realized in G~r­<br />

THE YOUNG SOatALI8Ta'-,~~4%n:rS ._________....::._'--<br />

~----.. --.---..----.-. .-----.. ~<br />


(A ddr u~ tlch\"C'Ted lotlore Inlt'fI o· •<br />

: I ..._________ MILITARISTIC PLAN ...-...-___________ EOR AMERICAN NATION iitln

10 .) ~ TOUll'G &OOlALI8TS' IU.QASIlf'B<br />

truc, t hCi-t is nothinr ntOft certain<br />

than that tldensh'e ntilitary and na­<br />

".1 prtparntion will not I\'llii to pre­<br />

,'cnt wllr with Jallan, but will, on the<br />

contrllr)" make that war certain,<br />

Oncc mort I remind you that pellce<br />

can only be insured by .piritual,<br />

nevtr by mnte:rial, prellaration, Is It<br />

not our duty, nay, i. it not the high­<br />

Cit wi.dom, to ask oursclvu how it<br />

tOUles to pus that this natinn, remo\'ed<br />

..!r011l us by 5,000 milts of<br />

ocun, has comt to hate us'so hittHly<br />

as to cherith the idel\\ of lOuing war<br />

upon us~<br />

Fault Lies in United Stilt ••<br />

If we loC'k into our hurts and seek<br />

~n answer to that question, we shall<br />

know how to prepare again .. t war<br />

with japan. h japan's hostility to<br />

til ~due te the fact that we have<br />

treated thu proud and independent<br />

nation with insult and ignominy If<br />

we answer thllt qucstion honestly, we:<br />

shall loo)n find ways to rl!move all<br />

peril of altack hy japan, by remo\'­<br />

ing the cause of ~he hatred of UI.<br />

Suppc'le that. instead of rd¥in ~<br />

upon thi'l ' Ilil'itual preparldnus, you<br />

rely upon armed might, lIS Comrade<br />

Ruu(' lI ad" i£('d, what then SUPPOJ(,<br />

you Iprnd twenty-five hillions to<br />

arm and fortify the Pacific COltSt<br />

Suppose YOII build a bigger arm:l(hI<br />

than Great Uritail1 e\' ~ r dreamed 0 :<br />

-do you Ihink that will avail to<br />

R\'e n war anfl m::r.intain peace II it<br />

not r at h~r c,'rtain to ('aUie Jallan to<br />

make ::Iliiulln:!I wit h other I)owcri UIIfriellrlly<br />

10 us, or draid of our great<br />

arm:\nlenu<br />

But suppose we spend only twt ntyfi<br />

ve ·milli .:ms through a dellurtment of<br />

peace to promote good relation s and<br />

a right understanding with Japan, to<br />

draw ever tighter the bonds of fri~l\tI ­<br />

ship b~tweclI the two pcoplu, is it<br />

not c(' rlam that you will do fl\r more<br />

to a,'erl war and to in surl' peace than<br />

twenty-fi" c billions spent by a Oe·<br />

partment of \Var on war preparations<br />

could do~ To you in this audience<br />

who ha ve come from 1:lnds torn by<br />

the fierce passions of racial antag­<br />

OniS}l15 I car. safely appeal for answer<br />

to thi.s question, AU hiltory bears<br />

witMs!! to the futility of roy friend<br />

Russell'l r-olicy,<br />

Lead. "to Dntruction<br />

And lurely it is well within my<br />

right as a IPokuman fOT the $0-<br />

dalillt party of this country to point<br />

out the tragic fact that for this utterly<br />

futile military preparedness we<br />

;'Ire ca\lc-d upon to barter aU hopes of<br />

!Ioodal reoonstruction, I hav," lo,'ed<br />

Comrade Russdl u truly as ever<br />

man loyed man, I think. 1 have admired<br />

and loved him for the manner<br />

in which he has championed the<br />

cause of the downmott and disinherited.<br />

Enr hil voice has been heard<br />

ur.ing the great remedial rdormsthe<br />

It cps to be taken toward industrial<br />

denloc:raey and brotherhood.<br />

But now all is to be sacri ficed,<br />

If we ar( to follow his present<br />

lenderlhip ~ nd consent to this vast<br />

;ncrtaIJe of military and naval exl,endilure,<br />

then we mult abandon all<br />

hope of old ace pensions for the victims<br />

of the industrial , truigle, of<br />

sieknl'U :'Inu accident insuraneC', and<br />

so on, The proiram of the Navy<br />

Bonrd requires an annual expenditure<br />

of some 265 millions on the na\'y<br />

alone, and the army expenditures<br />

will he no 1(,51. Here, then, we arc<br />

tn slll'nd upon this hideously Wil 'lteiul<br />

work of death and destruction<br />

each ye3.r fa r more than the total<br />

cost of the Panama Canal. \Ve must<br />

ahandon the work of ~ocia l re.::onslrllction<br />

and conl('cratc 311 our energies<br />

10 the work of dcstn:clion,<br />

sla\'{'s an ti Man ,<br />

Socialism Is Menaced<br />

It is told in the gnspels that n n nne<br />

(\ccas:on Jd llS 83ther{'d His disciple\<br />

around 11;111 and watn{'d them thai<br />

there were peril ous tim e'S ahead of<br />

them. timu of war and of rllmor~ 0'<br />

war, when they would ne('d 10 be<br />

careful not to permit th('nudves to<br />

h(' swept from the meorings of th(' ir<br />

faith_ Surely, my comr3.tles, we oi<br />

the Socialist mo\'cmcnt of Americ;'1<br />

Ilel'd to he on Huard kst we be swept<br />

from the moorings of ol1r grcal faith.<br />

ns the br:lve and heloved enm!'ad e<br />

who has .. poke to us. nnd 10 many<br />

(lthen, han' been. It is easy to affirm<br />

intl'ff'ational solida rity in times<br />

of peace, when the skies nrc uncl<br />

ouded. hu t the test of our faith<br />

comu ..... ith war and the threat of<br />

war. And now more than e\'er we<br />

nce d tn ol ffirm ollr faith nnshnkf n<br />

to set om h,ces and our hearts<br />

a!la in.!! t h:.tred, against war, against<br />

mi litarism, pnd trust in the swo rd,<br />

I alll of those wh o believe that out<br />

o f Ihi~ war the dt'moeracy of Europe<br />

will emerqe victorious; that it will<br />

rife triumphant over the prostrnte<br />

form of militarism: that the wnrweary<br />

and prncc-hunRry millions will<br />

h : able 10 institute grea~ ll.nd elfecti"e<br />

canwstigns for disarmament in<br />

;'Ill the hellig-erent nations, "ictorious<br />

nnd defeated alike,<br />

'<br />

In that cHnt I would ha"t thi'l<br />

Am('ricn th;'\t I ha" e chosen for my<br />

hahitatinn nnd sphere of sen'ieethill<br />

Amem:a that 1 10\'1.', that is mine<br />

no leu than it is Comrade \Valling's<br />

-(ree to lead in the great realiution<br />

nf the prnpheu' IIges-old v;'ion. t<br />

would have her hold out dean hand5<br />

to all the other nations. and say Itl<br />

them, "0 ,ister nationl, r, Amuic.a,<br />

wht) in timel of peace took you'<br />

weary and hungry children and lo\'e<br />

them as my ow n, welding their hear<br />

together in the fl.anu: of my it .. , l<br />

eauling their strh'ings and anger I<br />

die, now come to you and lay do ..... ,I<br />

my wen pons with your w\!apon<br />

unite your heartl again in a comma 1<br />

joy and w:th you walk in peace and<br />

fellowship,"<br />

How to R~ the Nines<br />

Examine anyone of the statements<br />

of equality in the multiplication table<br />

of nine, up to a:ld including nine time ..<br />

tcn. Select, for example, 9x7 equals<br />

63; o r 9x2 equals 18,<br />

Obsen'e that in ea -h case the first<br />

digit in tht product is, one leu than<br />

the number by which nine is multiplied:<br />

and the second digit in thl'<br />

T .. roduct is such that when added to<br />

th e first digit, the sum of the tw o i ~<br />

nine_<br />


(Continued from pag~ 8)<br />

liun, There is a possibility, Wl'<br />

admit, o f jttst StIch event ~ a.s \\'1.:<br />

ha\'e pic tured. But we den\' m tl~t<br />

emphatically that Alaska - could<br />

ever be Russianized, t hat ;" Icxico<br />

could ever bring :'.Iexican rule and<br />

~ 'exican condition s to an Y of o ur<br />

Southern States. Ru.ss ia h~~ nenr<br />

succeeded in Rnssianizing Finnland,<br />

Finnland still has its own<br />

diet. s till elects its <strong>Socialists</strong> to<br />

parliament, h as woman suffrage<br />

and w o rkingmen's compensatio n<br />

laws, In short, it i!' a historical<br />

fact that no politically unde"~I ­<br />

o ped natio n has ever been able to<br />

force its own oppressive laws upon<br />

a more civilized. more highly<br />

developed people,<br />

So let u s ~o on, undaunted, in<br />

our struggle against war, "Ve<br />

have but one enemy, and that is<br />

the capitalist system. We- have<br />

but one thing to fear, and that is.<br />

that our comrades may forget that<br />

the highest ideal. that the m ost<br />

beautiful phase of the Socia1i!'t<br />

movement is its international<br />

spirit, its world·wide solidarity,<br />

Fight Capitaliam. 6gh~ Nationalism.<br />

fight ,War!<br />




18<br />

practiclllly unaniJuouJly. to join iht<br />

S13te and National Orgllniutiont.<br />

l m3y add that Syracuse i. an ex·<br />

cellent Ci ty for :Po bcnl1hy lu8''lc t'o<br />

grow in. and would not be surprise d<br />

to Ste thit k agut" 5Urpll5S all the alit.,<br />

lugues in weSie rn Ntw York Stat.e.<br />

t:tccpting the incompar:lble Rochedl!r<br />

Ilggreg;uion. Their organizH; "Cbm·<br />

rnde Ungle ich. is an c'Al'cient worker.<br />

:lnd we milY rest lusured that he ~ whl<br />

do all in hi s power to make: tbe Sialt<br />

Federation proud 10 incl ude Syracuse<br />

in their ranko;.<br />

j<br />

y" P. S. L. Wilkes-Barre. Pa.<br />

This city will soon h~\'e a Y. P.<br />

S. L. if Comrade John Hug hes. now<br />

Socialist Party O rganiur of Luzerne<br />

Count)', Pa.. fOTl!\Crly sc:.crclary of<br />

New York Sl3te. Y. P. S. L .. makes<br />

Bood Ih c promi!\c he made to .me ;n<br />

October. This s~ction is in e.xcell~'H<br />

condition for tht fo rmatio n of 3 Y. 1'.<br />

S. L .. and cOluiurring the good "ark<br />

Co mrade HlIghrs has -J)ccn doi nA'<br />

slIch as orJ;:3nizing plIrt)'<br />

bra llches. and conducting well-attended<br />

lecturt'.'l, I can set' no reason<br />

\\'h)". with the aid o i this estecmetl<br />

comrade. that we cllnnO! soon includr<br />

a Y. P. S. L. of :u least o ne hundred<br />

young people in our National Organizalion.<br />

Y. P. S. L. Albany. N. Y.<br />

] regret to rel)Ort'lhe sudden death<br />

o f the above leaRtlt. which occurred<br />

somewh~re bctwet'n September ht<br />

and NO \'ember lst.· 'According to<br />

Comrade \\'m. Bellsle),. it was causcd<br />

by most of the acti\'e mCl1lbt'tlI att~ndin8'<br />

night school. and' "bo·to the weak<br />

co nditio n of the local SOl';alist Party.<br />

H e will. if circulllstanct:; ;tfford. dIvide<br />

his time to org3nizing 3 I e'tgut. in<br />

Alb:any.<br />

Respectfully submitted.<br />

A. J. Frackcnpohl.<br />

Specia l S tate O rganizer.<br />

Y. P. S. L. QUEENS<br />

The first an nual enttrta inm ent :and<br />

dance oi the Y. P. S. L .. held jointly<br />

by Circles I and 2., at the Labor<br />

Lyceum. o n NO\'cmbcr 28th. l)rO\'ed<br />

to be a 5ucces~ financi311y and 1,0·<br />

cially. The Q ueens Lcagut' was honored<br />

wilh Ihe presence of a nuntber<br />

of members o f the \'arious leaghcs.<br />

particularly "IU8Iy-Iunged yo uths from<br />

the Bronx."<br />

Now that Ih~ hig lilll ~ is Cj) \' ~r . IIU:I11-<br />

be rs are setlling down to ~ducation.l<br />

work. Both circles hilV~ s ubscrtbet!<br />

fa the Int~r-Local Study ClarA Course<br />

of the Rant! School. So tbat all nlfmben<br />

would be e n ~ bled to lake tHe<br />

course, the circle treasury pays haH<br />

of the luition ftc. wj.h the result thte<br />

\'en: n,arly all .m ~m l1trs arc t aking<br />

Anna Malty's course. ··Elemen t.s of<br />

Socia.lism." It is encouraging to se:<br />

the Qu~enl Yilutls de\· ... le them'1.eh·c.!s<br />

a5 wholtheart), to the iiud)' of Socialisnl<br />

u they do to a good l illie.<br />

Respt'etfully s ubmillcd.<br />

Lillian Urich!. f ress Agent.<br />


The next llIt'eting of the 5t3te Commince<br />

wi ll he held at the Lahor Lycemn.<br />

South 14th 51.. Newark. on Sunday.<br />

janu:ay 9. <strong>1916</strong>. heginning at<br />

2:.10 P. ~1. sharp. Delegates a re re­<br />

(juest t'd to he o n dOlt'. \ 'i5i!ors :Ire<br />

a lw3Y ~ welcome and will find nur<br />

meclings intt'rc5ting.<br />

Bdo w is' a hrief SUl1llllllry o f the<br />

a.c ti\·ilies of the fourtce n ~ew Je r .~ey<br />

leagucs;<br />

Bergen Co. Circle<br />

The ps.ychology of Bergen Co. Yip­<br />

.iels diffcrs :norc or lo ss from the­<br />

I)[hcrs. They do not want th e S ta tl.'<br />

Ollin' to know much (Ii the good work<br />

Ihey a re doing. Two successful<br />

dances ;1I1d se\'{' r31 kctllres havc heen<br />

held within the la sl fcw mo nths.<br />

Tht'y art' gre-al I(l\'ers of naturc,<br />

which 'is ill accord with Iheir em'ir o n-<br />

IRt'ut. . .<br />

Camden<br />

This iii a rtcord city. as thr~e circle!<br />

h"\'e hee-n formt'd \hcre within 3<br />

}'ea r ·s ~ tilht' . They ar~ .. l1 doing splend<br />

id wo rk.<br />

. The yoUn!lc:a t hUI th-e 111051 active is<br />

Circlr No.3 .• Tbc:y h"" e found deha<br />

l e~ a good way to nltrllct int:!rest.<br />

Comrade 'Ciub, Je~sey City<br />

As usual. Ihis i$ onc oi the most<br />

a\~ti \'('.. I~nguo: s in Ihe S ale. H allowe·I,.'11<br />

e ntertainme nt. a matcur ni ~hl 3tlll<br />

tlral1l:t tic "t!vell ts lun'c heen Iheir re­<br />

{'Cilt attractions-and smile lIl o re to<br />

\ o llie. .'\ l1UlIIl!er of the Yil)sc1s I,arlidvate<br />

ill the Jet5\·y City Public<br />

S I)cakins C ia);!;. .<br />

Elizabeth<br />

Dllc 10 thc faci II-at I am a ml.'l11-<br />

hcr oi thb circle. I ha\'c h('(' n able 10<br />

k('\'p an eye' on their acti\·itics. \Ve<br />

thillk OUf' circle i" the but ill the<br />

Statt-lnlt action, speak 10llder than<br />

wortIs. H er e are some of them :<br />

People arc stii1.ta lking ahout o ur suc­<br />

':C$~fll l a lln i\'e r ~a ry affair. A$ a re-­<br />

slIlt: dramati'c c;ircle \yas formed wilh<br />

a \·ie w t.o discovering' new lalenl. The<br />

Yipsels Me. ~lrOhgly reprc::st' ntcd in<br />

the lural pullik Speaking Cla:>S. Will<br />

c(\t;hq.t.-: ~h Idn:h's Pity. ~<br />


u<br />

I A RE!'!1f!Ali~Iu2tRU~! RBARISM 1<br />


and mandate. They must insist<br />

that no man shall have t he right<br />

to hasten ' -Va r, through being<br />

given too much power, and thal<br />

~~ .<br />

III early times men went out<br />

hunting and fishing for food, as<br />

ing work quickly by means of<br />

machinery. Heaps of things were<br />

ali serious questions shall be d ealt<br />

with slowly, carefully, and opcnly.<br />

they now do for sport. They made easily by fewer people than Then the chances of \ -Va r will be<br />

killed animals, caught fish , and before, hut these things did not reduced. and the people will have<br />

then went home and cooked them find their way to those who a lead, while p ressing forward by<br />

in the best way they could. The needed them, Food was sold to the use of every means open to<br />

women and children, who remained<br />

at ho me, shared their a ll kinds of articles. Many articles<br />

those who could buy, and so were<br />

them, towards the time when War<br />

shall indeed be a remnant of barbarism;<br />

men, women, and chil­<br />

meail ;ometimes one lot of h unters<br />

could not find buyers, tho ugh<br />

disputed with another lot. there were many needy people.<br />

dren li ving a common life. with<br />

They rought with rough weapons, Xew ma rkets must be found. Sold<br />

iers could p repare the way. It<br />

education free as the air . we<br />

and there were wounded and dead<br />

breathe. useful work fo r all, overwork<br />

for none, le,isure and pleas­<br />

to be cared for or buried.<br />

was only necessary to work up a<br />

How could they settle thei r C]uarrcl. and then send soldiers to<br />

ure shared by a ll. and the olt! dark<br />

grievances, in these early times. settle it by sword, cannon. and<br />

days appearing but as a shadow<br />

in any wiser way Th.cir everyday<br />

bayonet. In this way modern<br />

from the past.<br />

life made them friendly with ,vars began.<br />

Die im frtihtitlichen Sinne geleite<br />

ten<br />

the rough kni(e and the arrow. Still , as in early times, war<br />

There were not many steps between<br />

means cruelty and inhumanity. Vereinigten Freien Deubchen<br />

killing animals and fi ght­<br />

which we shudder to think of.<br />

Schulen<br />

ing with each other. These hunt­ Sorrow, ruin, destruction. death, von New York und Umlea:end<br />

~ rs were brave and hardy, faithfui Illad couRicL an c! loneliness ilnd erteilen Unterricht im An.cha.l1ungsunterricht<br />

in Verbindung mit Vortra·<br />

to their side of the contlict. anguish to innocent as well as<br />

gen ~ow ie Guang. und bei gellilgcn·<br />

Sometimes religious fa naticism guilty. It is a remnant of barbarism-something<br />

der Beteiligung auch Tllrnen. Zeich­<br />

left over from nen und Handarbeitsunterricht filr<br />

caused them to fight, or; they sacrificed<br />

human life to their gods. the savage ages.<br />

Schulen si nd, in:<br />

Madchen, Die Adressen der einzelnell<br />

We sometimes say that they lived If food, clothes. houses, were Manhattan: Rand School. 140 Ost<br />

in a barbaric, or rO\lgh, uncivilized<br />

age.<br />

the work, unless those too yo ling lind Sonntag \'orm.: No. 2329 2.<br />

made for use, an d if all shared in 19. St.. Sam. tag \'orm. ; Labor<br />

Temple, 247 Ost 84. Str., Sam;;taq­<br />

In quieter times. when the people<br />

or two infirm. there would be no An" Samstag nachlll.: No. 88-4<br />

learned to cultivate the land, wa rs. though human passions<br />

Colum bus Ave., Salllstags " OfTll ,<br />

9- 12 Uh r,<br />

life became more kindly. till a would not disappear. The <strong>Socialists</strong>,<br />

who arc striving and working Ave. \\'111. Stdlwagen's Hall.<br />

Bronx: Ecke 158. Str. und Fore"t<br />

class began to claim special rights<br />

in the land, making o thers work for this time, "more true and Sam'tag und Sonntag vorm.<br />

for them, and taking a large part fair:' are on the side of Peace, because<br />

they arc on the side of nachmittags.<br />

Brooklyn : 1..'\bor Lyceum, 949 Willoughby<br />

Ave.. Samstag vor- und<br />

of the produce to themselves. So<br />

much was produced that markets human wel1~beillg.<br />

Long Island City: Hettinge r's Halle.<br />

had to be found, and thus wars But till Socialism is realized, Broadway und 7. Ave .• Samsta~<br />

vormittags.<br />

were again engaged in, this time the horrors o f \Var should be prevented.<br />

The <strong>Socialists</strong> should Sonntag "ormittags,<br />

Elixabeth, N. J.: 605 Eliubeth A,·e ..<br />

on behalf of wealthy people. But<br />

in these wars, pain, suffering.<br />

death, ruin, were the lot of the<br />

make Sllre that the workers are<br />

represented directly in the councils<br />

Green\·ille: Labor Lyceum, IZ9 Linden<br />

Str .• Samstag nachmittags.<br />

of those who make, and those Union Hill: Frommchens Halle. New<br />

people of the coulltries, while<br />

York Ave. lind Union Str., ";onntag<br />

vormittags.<br />

some began to talk of the foolishneSs<br />

who have the power of avo iding,<br />

of killing. Still more men \ Var. They must join their Die Vereinigung hat auch ein'<br />

became owners of land. Factories thoughts and actions in all countries,<br />

linked together by joint un­<br />

hubsch augestattetes Liederbucb illl<br />

Verlag. Nibere Auskunft erteilt d ~r<br />

were added with the introduction<br />

Sekretir Reinhard Meyer, 301 East<br />

of steam power, and ways of doderstanding,<br />

through conference 83, Stree t, New York. (Advl)<br />


LEUTE<br />

Von Wilhelm Dusch.<br />

Ber Bauer sprach zu sein c11l<br />

Jungen:<br />

Hcut' in tier Stadt, da wirSl dn<br />

gaffen.<br />

Wir fahren hin uud seh'n die<br />

Affen.<br />

Es ist ge1ungen<br />

L'ud urn sich schief zu lachen.<br />

'Vas die fur Streiche machen<br />

L'nt! fUr Gesichter.<br />

Wie rechte Bosewichter.<br />

Sie krauen sich,<br />

Sie uusen sieh,<br />

Sie hauen sieh,<br />

Sie lausen skh,<br />

Beschnuppern dies, beknuppcrn<br />

das,<br />

L'nd keiner gonnt del11 anoern<br />

was,<br />

L' nd essen tun sic mi t clcr H antl,<br />

l'nd alles tUIl sic mit \' ersland,<br />

Cnd jeder stiehlt :tIs wic ein<br />

Rabe,<br />

Pass auf, das siehst du hettte!<br />

o Vater. rief dcr r.;: nabc,<br />

Sind Affen denn auch Leutc<br />

Der Vater sprach: ~u n ja.<br />

1\'icht ganz, doch so beinah.<br />


\'on Jakob nnu Wilhelm Grimm.<br />


ein l.1nd liches Gericht zu gel1iessen,<br />

Bcreitet mir Kar:offelll,<br />

wic Ihr sie zu essen pflegt. danll<br />

will ich mich zu Eurem Tisch<br />

~ctzc n unci sic lI1it Frettde verzehrcn."<br />

Ocr Haner liichelte Hnd<br />

"a.~tc: "Ihr scid cin Graf oder<br />

Fiirst oder gar cin Herzog: \'or­<br />

Iichl1le Hcrren habell manchmal<br />

.. olch ein lieliisle!l. Euer \ Vunsch<br />

"011 aher crfliill werden." Die<br />

Fran ging in die Kuche lind sic<br />

fil1[.!' all . I,artotldn Zll waschcn<br />

11:111 hi ... \<br />

wahrhafllJ! 1l1cin Suhn," ull,1 die<br />

Liehe III scin C111 l,il1,le re~tc<br />

sieh ill "l'incm Il erzcn. ·'.\l'er.··<br />

setzte cr hinzu. "wie kanll:.t Dn<br />

111cil1 :-;,,[111 seill . DII bi:'it (' 11<br />

grosser II err geworden 111111 Ich~ t<br />

in Reichhl111 1111


nUr vorn Ucberftuss der Rechen. , %u seiu, ~ so will ith Deine Kunst<br />

Arme Leute )"ind si~er: ieh. gebe<br />

ihoen lieber, ak dass, ich ill,l:o<br />

ctwas nehme. So aucb, was icp<br />

ohoe M uhe, List nnd Gewa"rttheit'<br />

auf die Probe stellen; wenn Du<br />

abet nieht· bestehst. so m'ltsst Du<br />

m\t des Seilers Tochter Hochzeit<br />

halten lind das . Gemehle def<br />

haben kann, das riihrt ieh Retien soil Dein~ Musik '-dabei<br />

nicht an." - . seia1'<br />

II Ach, m.::in Sohn," sa"gte I der ,uHerr Graf," aU'tworte~e def<br />

Vater, lies gefaUt' nlir ~loch 'nicht<br />

tin Dieb bleibt dn Dieb ; ' ich<br />

sage Qir, es nimnlt keip. · gutes<br />

Meister, fldenkt Eu'eh drei Sti.icke<br />

aus, so schwer lltr woUt, und<br />

wenn ich Eure Ailfgabe nieht<br />

.. Ende." Er fUhrte il'm zu def losc, 'so ' tnt mir, "' wie ' Euch ge·<br />

Mutter, und als sie t(ortt; d,a 5s ~ es . f~lIt." Der Gral sann eiuige<br />

iht Sohn war: ,veiott' ,' sit VOt Augenblicke nach, dann sprach<br />

Freude; a'ls er ih~ a'be'r ' sagee. Cjr: "\\'ohlan, zum ersten sollst<br />

dass er tin ~leisterdieb geworden<br />

ware. so 'flo!Jsen ihr z\'vei Strome<br />

tiber das Gesicht. En~tli

• THE ' yOUNO- SOCI.\t.18T8,' MAGAZINE<br />

-----,<br />

• I' .....<br />

JliiiEMORY OF ~T.YAL~NTINE i<br />

In a deep forest, uncJer shady<br />

trees, surrounded by grass and<br />

I This month we dedicate the roads where the fruits of )'our velvety moss, is a spring. A<br />

f~urteenth day to the memory of g3therinf.! will be delayed and never ending stream of cry ~ ti'l ­<br />

St. Valentine. He was not: a perhaps lost forever." Verily t clear water flows down the slope<br />

ailltesman br a soldier. It is said say unto you. HEvery heldles5 act, into the vaUey below. waterin~<br />

that he won his way to "the hearts every h roken promise mars your trees and plants that the)' ma)'<br />

of the people of his time through work nnd leaves g'reat rents and bear ri ch fruit. And all who drin\i'<br />

h~s kindness and sympathy. He gaps through which our enemies its waters become so strong, so<br />

attained immortal fame: through thrust their swords of malice and brave. so IlQble, that they ~an li\'e<br />

th.· l.tters of Jove and cheer and !'Iander and undo our work and only in freedom, in purity, in SUIlshine<br />

and light. Dut the sJlr illR<br />

good council which he sent to steal OUT stores." Forget not to<br />

thOle in need. Of course most of heed the words of those who have \\'as poisoned. The crops ill' lil'C<br />

htt! letters are lost, but we found /irone before yotl and profit hy v .. Ucy were ruined, no ft o}~~rs<br />

thi. 9nt addressed to the Y. P. their work and greater experience.<br />

Be ever mindftl1 of the poisoned waters became ill, cow­<br />

bloomed. and those who drank it ..<br />

S. L. of Ameri~a :<br />

My 'dear young comrades and<br />

plan and forget not the scheme ardly, and blind, as they att~ded<br />

friends:<br />

of the whole les-;t you build your alld tore each other like wild anima<br />

ls. But the jo'y that was ill<br />

to!y heart is always with you in<br />

O WI1 head i!1to the wall and it<br />

your great and worth~' work.<br />

will come to pass that you will hell over this senseless carnage<br />

Full well I know that you and<br />

mar the \lI1it~ of~ the -work and was of short duration. l'nceasingly,<br />

day and night. , the spriil S"<br />

your elders are building the<br />

make the wall crooked and unsilifhtly.<br />

Bear in mind that thCl in the forest Sent down its clear.<br />

stately m~'l :;jo Il 9 in which the<br />

human family shall some day<br />

time for ornamentation and di4 fresh ,vater. In a short time it<br />

dwell in greater perfection than<br />

g-ression has not yet come and our had carried off the pOison trom<br />

any which was ever' known. So<br />

great task still is the building of the brooks and streams, and there<br />

] say unto yOli each and all, be of<br />

plain , solid, invincible wall s of<br />

where human blood had dyw thc<br />

good , courage. build s t ~a di1 y and<br />

faeis and deeds, Neither ntllst<br />

meadows a horrible red, flower:­<br />

patieQtly and you shall accolTIpli~h<br />

great things. "Tis true that<br />

trees b:ore ·· fruit; thousandfold.<br />

blossomed' in a ri ot of colors a nd<br />

you !lpend too mueh vahlable time<br />

in the contcmpl'atiolt ttio n. This c):a1llple oi jo; tilt more firmly he becomes<br />

like a 8tone wall in the midst of Europe show~ the religion of the l'()Il\'ilh·td that woman is his intelleClllal<br />

just such pressure and told their rll iing das!'I of th(' \\'orld . J( you<br />

inferior, [{ thi!'> country<br />

countryinen that nor one dollar art O\'er ,S and under 45 you are is a democracy it IllUst clothe<br />

would they \'ott" for war purpOlltl, flolelit;ally a !loldier--=yolt ma ~. \\'"Oll1en with tile franchise, \Ve<br />

To my mind they ~ h o uld have not know it. but you are. ' Vait han ~Ol a strange and remark ­<br />

nlaintained th~jl' international 1Inlil sufficient time hal pal sed able country here in America in<br />

Standing.<br />

and VOll will find o ut. \Vhat does many wa~'s. for Itss than half of<br />

11 this country of OUTS \\'ere at it stand for, religion or no re­ all the ,\'orkus receive more than<br />

. 'ar I would not \'ote one penny ligion, fhat of all the shot-ridden $500 a year. Qf the women, les!;<br />

toward financing such a war u is Rags on t~e Emopean batt1efield5. than one-half receive more than<br />

in prog'TtU in Europe at the pres- on not one is there the red flag of $6 per ..... eek for their work.<br />

ent time. 1 would rather be shot Socialism The present war has no P05-<br />

a tb'ousand time.! for treason. if I am speakini for a party that sible justificatior in ~o rals, and<br />

this were con'trved as treason, has never bought a vote. It i5 the there is in fact n0 concei vablt: tx.­<br />

t)efcre casting such a :vote. Bet- only democratic party in the Ctl5e for the appalling a.s!lau lt upteT<br />

by far to. be shot for treason world. In time to come th~e will . on modl!rn civili zation. The world<br />

to the capitalilt da" .titan to Un be but two parties in this country,<br />

learns slowly but surely and out<br />

and b~ a traitor to the workin, the capitali,t party and the work- of the terrible catastrophe, out of<br />

dass, ... - _. inimen', party: And out of this this indescribable 51aughter there<br />

vt~.- SodalJt4ta . art opposed to order of procedure ther.e must w.ill ar.i~ as never before a de­<br />

'fIar; and that bring. to P'1y mind come a change. There must come mand for world-wide democracy,<br />

that the continued exis.tencl of a change whereby the capitalists world - wide brotherhood and<br />

war·iS· anothe'r reason why woman Qf thecolmtrylia,'e co.niiOlled .-tb-e _--world-wide peace.


, • • 1- -; - :::::::::"'--~-~--:-"'--<br />

:l~ ' y'(j~'NQ~ ~!~~£.'$ ·iNyERNATi.OltAi. i<br />

_I .• ' •• , _ .. ~_ ............__...._ .. _ ..__.. ~"!"~<br />

. :ipni-wa, in Europe, ,t,hich cOm- everyone who dare!) to breathe a<br />

pl.~eif dlsorganibd t.the- Socialist ,..'(H'd a~ainst ' the fair name of hi!;<br />

lntemational, Jiktwife made it falher<strong>Jan</strong>d. E\'eri Bulgaria, Greece<br />

"imPoSsible to carry onltt;e work and 'Italy follow the example, set<br />

·tif ~ ... th'e ~<strong>Young</strong> Peopl(c', fflJ,rna- b; · th~ more' power,fut _nati~n s.<br />

tional">~jch" hao- it's~ hea(f: in " The Italian <strong>Young</strong> Socialist<br />

Vi,:,fna The ' b~lsines~ of the l~lqvement ,held a nafiollal ~OI1-<br />

Youn,g .PeopTc's Int em ~ t ronal has g~essin Reggio "Emilia in )'Iay,<br />

t,h~~f~re. ~een . transferred to '~ hjch .. was an il11:posing mani­<br />

Beme, J ~wltzerland , · where the festation of the unity and broth­<br />

'<br />

~OQ1 r.aile~ are working ~ !;ple ndlr Int.,.­<br />

na\lonal dj:lp.onstra,tio'ns ·,gn Qc,.<br />

io~er 3rd ~ .. as c~r~i.!~ . o(Jt .it.' ~1t<br />

('9un1f,i!-f"~& tb~ following re~rfs<br />

wW show :<br />

Yn ..1fa1y .. ~n~ ~~~i. the st-a~e<br />

of sieEe rendered demonstrp:tions<br />

jmpOssible:' -I; spite Ipf the m.ost<br />

earnes..t efforts it Wfl~ impossible<br />

to get ·the.lnterJl;\tjonal manifests<br />

int9, tl~~ , h ~,t1.ds qf ,*.1)( Italian comrades,<br />

• 1 ~ Derunarlr: .about,.'40 demonstrations<br />

'were held, JO.(¥)() I,:aflets<br />

wer~ «is~ribtlted "nd 1,000<br />

large .pl,.~r.d8 hung and 1,200<br />

Francs collected . for tht Liebknecht,<br />

Fund. " ,<br />

In Norway were ,held 25 meetings,<br />

withr,. participatjon of' onr<br />

J 5,000 people, About 1,000 FraJ'lcs<br />

were coUected l(or'the Liebk'necht<br />

(eit....\:6~~w- ' ~ep~.Ilted ~"~ lhe ' , ' .<br />

B'elgian' n1(yem~nt!, . w~d~~~ ti ~""''''~~ -~fiJoh . In Germany It was partlculari)<br />

,<br />

"lr. O\~f ~nti-militarislic ~gita·<br />

'P. ' .. ~ 1T~ '-:'~~ ""1""" .~---. dIfficult to - arrange demonstra-<br />

\~a9-: . , . I~asli'::ed~ ~!fLe tions. MHitary control, I pol4!e<br />

ti~ ~J Ii!l!llllu ·pay particular at- ne,~~~s~y.t ~of 'lJo,urceasJl1g aC~l .,ty and t he. nationalist 'blindness of<br />

ten~i~~ to the s tri~i~lJ ...faCt. ,that d.~, ~u !: ~ fQr the ~e~~~o f '\vell-known" 1.~bo r ' leaders made<br />

all bt:Uig~r:enl natiops, whetber r, • the organ f~ a public demonstration' impos­<br />

.~~~b!i£! or monar~hies, ~'h~ t bFr o~ . ~M~~~e't ~f}t~ •.:;.:. sible. However, in, mpny ci~ies in<br />

r~l!p 9>: ; Jmpe~or or Czar, h flY~ · .{'.i~ti~v!~.rli;g'l*i~~~le G.ermany demonstrations in the<br />

b.eF.!hu~~niIP.o_ '! S in ll~ iUl l the war ha,n.np ni.ous rel~ti ons ,~ that ,exist spirit of the Inte~atipnal prac.laall/8<br />

t~~ '~~' cr> it JLves to, the ,mili,. be$wt;ell the YOll~lg , Soc,ialist .. and mation were heW on Octob~[ 3rd.<br />

.ta~y _~~I~rities for the oppression th,e ' ,reKul.~r 'p.arty organizations ,olf 1n Holland it was impossi!'1e'.to<br />

01 ~~J pe~e at'hOflc, a{td Cor tire It~JY, This is no accident. 'W here arrange de,monstratiol1s in. more<br />

o,v~r~lp'pw. 5>f a!l>Y,and all liberties in ,the other large belligerel~t , na. t,han nine cities, 10 ~ num,iter of<br />

~ 9f..)~ ·~cen , soo.bittf:ly fought tior)s, in Germany, Austria and citi .. ~s delJ1onstratiJls whic,h h,ad<br />

~1l~n.9 :'1:_o , durly '\\~on in the year, France, the Socialist movel'"ents been pla'nned were frllstrat~ be.<br />

gou--:h.)i:"" l;lundreus -of comrades ha\'e made concessions to their cause the owners of the mew'-og<br />

'h~vle ~~s.~ 'j!l: r~ifOn~4 lQf 10D8' re sf..ectiv~ governments have al: halls had beeh intimitated 'by tl~<br />

t..e~. ,!lq.qtr, ~he ' D:}OItJI(\U,,1 (On- lo''''ed ~ themselves to be sub- p'olice an~ did not,d'are op~n - t"e,ir<br />

,d!t~8 f·,. fqr ,anti-mjl;t4ristic ' and merged by the wave of patrioHsl1l halls to these demonstratra~. ,<br />

re_':9 hlHO:l~.!-r,y ' p"'rqp~ap .d,a, that has swept their nations, the In Switzerlp.nd splend.!d.deIPon­<br />

-"':' !,#i1~~!_Ge rmany" i~ .i.t ~ dei~nse Y~un1 Socialist · or¥~qizations strations wer~ held, about 'JO in<br />

01... ~usOpeaJA , M..'llt~r~ par France , tbro~ghout Europe have held fast number, 30,000 proclamatiqn"s<br />

In it~. "'~aiupaig-n a.g'i.UJ,t. Ge rm an to International principles: The were distribu·t~d: fa-rge quantitie~<br />

,mi'itari&m<br />

,- 'J 'J .,!!~<br />

'<br />

)<br />

have -, heljtated . to Italian mOHment, however J<br />

will of other literature di'tributed and<br />

p , .,' ", 0;. o{ L" ."T, ~<br />

.c~~~~~r ·thle .. ~Jigb:tJ.s~mJ!r .. ~~! : rem.,in ~ve r "lemorable in t~~ap.- . &o.oFra.!!.c~OJ1~(effor the~-t..ieboC<br />

_i:Ji;S&~.$jsfaf~,Loo · ,,',:it,.hin their nals J<br />

of the International for the knecht fund. Everywhere nf"<br />

-9.~.'i: ri'!t~on!},wit~ _ r~l~n ,tless b,u- brave stand it took agail~st mili- members were enrolled, aQd eig~<br />

'i.lit)'-. w'\1i1e ~tlSitria ~ io4 _Russia tar~m and war befQre all(J -af,ler ne'lt' circles were organi.z,.~.<br />

,.·r'iak L terrible ~-~ ,!ge~an:c~ ' upo" - ho; tiliti-es we're ·dec·la-red: _ •. r About 2,OOO people participated,<br />

r AY.AL1~"~ 'FIGHtE;";OR' :rH~<br />

.-. .. ' ...<br />

Tilese untiappy days ha\c<br />

brought us so many uhier di!up·<br />

ppint,hertts. so Ihany shattered<br />

ideals, have drh·en so many of Ollr<br />

co:ilradts into the enemies· camp,<br />

tlUl"t )\'.e somet im e~ feel as if na ­<br />

tional (eding had entirely wiped<br />

Oll't In ternational brot herhood.<br />

\.'Ye forg~t that in e\'Cry nation oi<br />

Europe <strong>Socialists</strong> are suffering<br />

long months of ,imprisonment for<br />

s.p.cakil\g and wri ting as International<br />

ists. that more than O IlC<br />

comrade has given his life rather<br />

thall sacrifice his ideals,<br />

Alexalidra l":o)lolltay is. we:<br />

" ·hell the war broke Ollt Com·<br />

rade 1-\011011\(1\' was arrested, ' a~<br />

were a ll Ru ....;ians in Berlin, hU I<br />

was relea~cd a few d;),s afterward,<br />

with the friendly and lilt.- ar~ standing firm for gC'l­<br />

leadl'rs may have fallen, the rank<br />

perl1li~­<br />

..,ioll 10 '·lea\,e Gc rma,ny," Bnt<br />

lidOlr it~ and international broth(,fhool<br />

l. To h.we rerallt d :\meri·<br />

can ~Ol.'ill li slS to rhrir mission, ·t,.,<br />

liave turn the n'il ~ of natlunalioct<br />

ph~jt1dil'l" (1'11111 the eyes of delu ·<br />

ded l'umrati ("s, this hn'! been rhl'<br />

nlat' sa~ it wjtt,Ollt re s~ r\'ati o 'l ,<br />

grfOal -"t'r\'il'e that sill' ·has "('11-<br />

olle of the heroic .figure s of oll r<br />

Illternational movement. A Ru s~<br />

s~an by birth,"a daughter of tlli'<br />

ancieilt (eudii nobility, she early<br />

became drawn into the revolutioliarv<br />

dertd If! ollr :\mcril'an 1I1(.\le1lltnt.<br />

In a jl'W days l'nlllrad{' J{(llIontay<br />

will relllrn In 1':l1rope where<br />

the work oi reconstruction l'alls<br />

for all hUlIcI ... lin ded.:. Hut hdort<br />

moveO)ent of her country.<br />

she--·Iea\·e$ our s';orcs she- ·has lin·<br />

~f'he -breaking: 9£ all '{.lfl1i1y· ties<br />

olber IllcSSRj.fe to delinor: :l me l\.·<br />

w~s inevit,ble and. with nothing<br />

sage to the yOl.1I1~ ~ol·ialist~ of [he<br />

to live for but the' hi6CtJnent<br />

nation: ··In the hands of the conting<br />

wi,ich had become her life, she<br />

went to 'Switzerland where she<br />

gl:lleration lies the fllt.tlre of<br />

the :-iocia li:,t muvement and its<br />

spe·nt ·a short time in-the study oi<br />

problcms. But th at the Interna·<br />

social sqiences, Btit after two<br />

tional of the flllute Illuv be fit to<br />

years 'she returned to her nath'e<br />

larid to take art actiJ.'e part in<br />

wbere wa~ she to go, this woman<br />

without a rountry Fra,l.ce, BcIlive<br />

;md to la).;c IIp th~ ~t rl1gg1e<br />

against our t'nemics it must build<br />

its revolutionary propagand",.<br />

t11ou"h her a~tivity for ti!e :Ru.ssian<br />

Social -Democratic Labor<br />

.Party endangl!ted life a'nd liberty.<br />

Qfte ne ~ thin We ha'V ~ time to tbll<br />

"pe was arrested, 'She'\vorked un4<br />

de~ a constant' cloud of" suspicion<br />

and persecution until in 1906 she<br />

fled from Russia. a:ha toole 'up her '<br />

hoine in Berlin.' RUSSi";s'ldss Was<br />

Germa'ny's gain, at- lbst so fa t- as<br />

th,e mdvement was . con.cerned,<br />

I he brilliant young 'speaker<br />

toflred the ~tintry for the German<br />

-SOCial 1etnocracy and was<br />

TID YOUNG aoOI..&..LUTW 1lACt~<br />

-----------------<br />

-J<br />

li kewise active in England: Belgiulll,<br />

Swit ze rland, France ,and<br />

t\orway. Here her extraordinary<br />

lalent for languages was of 'great<br />

\':lllle to her in her work.<br />

IN~~N~tl~NAi l<br />

--------...- -----.!....-----.~<br />

Comrade KollolHay is no\ ..' ~ l os.<br />

illg a splendidly successful tQur<br />

through the l'nited Statts, I H.er<br />

(·nthll .. ia:-.tk meetings are proof ()f<br />

til t' 1:lct that..herr, as t'vervwhere,<br />

th(, i-:"rcat mass o{ lhr d~~.(,'on.<br />

Sl.'illl1,> \\orkin!; dass hlls 1I0t for·<br />

g-OItCl1 it!> 11lis~ion, that: though<br />

gitlln aud England were c1osed 'tt) three f1tI1(Jalll('lllal~, lItU~H ,Ia\'<br />

I\(~r .' ~Q she went to Sweden ' but th~ee I.'onlcr 5101l es lIpOIl it 1~<br />

wa!' driven (r01l1 there for ' her build lip tj1f~ !'lIpe r .. tntl·tllr~ of edanti<br />

- militaristic agitation, . · In l1Cae )11 and :lgitation, Fir!'t, . a<br />

~tock h o lm and ' in ~Itflmij she tinited , internatio'1:iil orgailizatiol1<br />

!Opent a number Of wee~s behird 01 the \\'orkil1~ dR~", an ofglliiza.<br />

prison bars fQr the · same pn'p'ar- tioTt . whoge highe!it d\tty t-hali be<br />

d ~)Ilable . offense, ~ 111 ~orw~y, to sub:-litute internatiolt.al s,oli·<br />

""here Comrade Kollontay, fil1ally darit\' for chauviniSll1' allllnarrow<br />

toOk LIp her abdde,' she' again , tlO~ ~airi~ti"m, whi("h ~ hall placi! d asif<br />

Ol~~r ~ activi.ty! ~u.t _ a : li ,ttJe , ~~e _ ie~Jipp... al>O~·.7- ~ I)e i(d~ll g, f

• - - :-: -,~ 1:0v.'o. 'I'ICl .... ft· -~aoUJJr.t -", .. ~<br />

•• ," r ... ~_ _ • '.<br />

:~~)~gl::i:~:Ct~::aJlo"<br />

It'on; :\nd th:\t in the e-ycs of Ihe Cl('rn:\1<br />

God, the tiJ;:ure of a murdcrer is<br />

not ch:angetl hecaust', in5teau oi :l wallow's<br />

cap. Ihere is placed UI)on his<br />

head an emperor's crown.<br />

:\h1 lei us proclaim Rhsolutc truth!'l.<br />

Lei us dishonor war. t\c.o; glorious<br />

war does not el(ist. !'\o: it is 1'101<br />

good. alld it is not Ilsdul. 10 makc<br />

corp~e.. l'\o: it cannOI lit' Ihal life­<br />

Ir::l\·:\iI5 for death. ~o; oh, Illolhe-rs<br />

who ~ urround m~. it cannol he Ihat<br />

war. Ihe rohb('r, should ~-tlntinlle tl)<br />

takc frorn you your children. Xo: it<br />

ca nnot bt' 'h~' wO lntn sho\\l(\ hear<br />

children in v' .., that 1110.' 11 should he<br />

born. that people 5hould plow anJ<br />

sow, Ihal the fannCT shoull! fertilize<br />

the fields, and the workmen enrich the<br />

cily, Ihat ind uslry should produce<br />

1l1:\r\"cl ~. that /{clliu. lihnuld produce<br />

prodigies, thai Ihe \':aSI hum:U1 ac tivity<br />

should. in prt~cnce of Ih(' starry<br />

~ky, multiply cffort ~ and cr"::Ition •.<br />

:111 10 result ;11 that frighlful intl'rn:\­<br />

tiona I exposition which is call~d 3<br />

field of battle!<br />


By Arnold Loral1d. M. n.<br />

IU Ventilated Quarters<br />

That living in the vitiated ::lir<br />

oi a close room is deleteriotls to<br />

health i:'l proved by a simple ob­<br />

--en-ation of the faces of tho!'c<br />

:'topping' for a long" time, or habitually<br />

cioing so by r~ason of their<br />

professions. in close localities.<br />

They will prel'cnt a pale. gray.<br />

l'id.:ly appearance. and it is a fal't<br />

that they \'cry rapidly aC(luire all<br />

sorts of infections: especially jg<br />

tuberculosis vcry prevalent in<br />

sudl cases. We observe precisely<br />

the !lame thing in the case of<br />

plants which, if kept in a close<br />

room, especially wh~re little light<br />

reaches them, soon lose their<br />

color and are destroyed by para~<br />

sites; and exactly the same hap.<br />

li"ing and laboring in large nllt1l ~<br />

hers ill small and dose quarteh,<br />

waiterll and similar employees,<br />

are those in whom fllh~h- 'tiTosis i~<br />

musl frequently found. In r(,!lpel:t<br />

to wurkmen, thi ... l11a\· be Illore<br />

truly the case in Etlr~pe, whrre<br />

thl:~ li\'r untll'r more miserable<br />

cl.HltlHiOtt~ thal1 in .\merica.<br />

WhNl' tht-i r positio n is possil)ly<br />

the Illu~t em'iabl\,' o f all wage<br />

carner ....<br />

l 'l"sc air, ju:-:t as I1ltlt'h as<br />

~tag'llatll wata, ptf)1ll0ltS the<br />

g rowth (I f dal1gerolls miaobe:-..<br />

ant! the ~'hancts o f infection :lre<br />

gn'ath' t'Tlhanced where a nlllllbcr<br />

of pe~plc are gathered tog-tther in<br />

511(h places. :\ Iany of thrm Illay<br />

be "utTering from inlel·tious di$case:.<br />

of the respiratory o rgans:<br />

they exhale. and also eject , by<br />

coughing' nr !lnec7.in g, an ~normotH.<br />

number of microbes, which<br />

mingle with the air and multiply<br />

at their leis ure in such close a1-<br />

mospheres: and this i!l especially<br />

so whell they are as!listed in their<br />

growth by {he great heat prtvalelll<br />

in such places, particularly<br />

in wintcr time. Bacteriological<br />

examimltions made of the air of<br />

stich localities have shown an<br />

enormollS lIumber of dange rou'\<br />

microhe.... \\'e nee:d. therefore,<br />

not be surpri sed when perions,<br />

and tl'pecially children whose resistance<br />

i ... diminished, often contract<br />

tonsillitis , diphtheria, bronchitis,<br />

or pneumonia, etc., after<br />

having' passed ·an ('vening in sllch<br />

a plare. the air heing hot. and<br />

particl1larly if. at the same time,<br />

the temperature outside was vcry<br />

low,<br />

Living in 3 dose room will<br />

soon tell on the /:;,crieral health.<br />

and thiii is easily visible in thc<br />

appe:arance Ot slIch pers(Ml!.<br />

Their paJe faces form.: a strik'ing<br />

contral't to ih~ fresh rosy (:bt:ek~<br />

pens in the case of man, Prisoners,<br />

of those w ho habittla11~ lin in<br />

unfortunate work-people, the frel'h<br />


. -. •<br />

111 Yn. 61GI8I1SIS'lI\8gIZI_.<br />


ar,,,,, .f 'be A .. eri_n Soel.Ji.1 h .. d .. '<br />

Seltoo .... It You';'- Pceopl.'. FedentioB<br />

Entered as Second· CluJ Mail Mauer<br />

<strong>June</strong> 2. 1911, at the IlOU oillet at New<br />

York. N. 'I., uncler the Act' of March<br />

J, 18ip.<br />

Publis~cd MODth1, at<br />

15 '-Spruce Street. New York.<br />

by the<br />

lodaliatic Co-operative PubL AI.'n.,<br />

JobD NaGd, Pfta. . O. Knoll. See'y.<br />

E. Ramm, Trcaa.<br />

• ~!-!~SCJ~~rP~~~~Ci~;' :n~O~!~:~:<br />

6Oc., on account of the higher pouagc.<br />

Mmco and olhc:, foreii'D countrlu,<br />

1$ centa.<br />

BU'NDLE RATES-Jc. per copy.<br />

ADVERTISn/G-IOc .• line. i1.00<br />

all inch. For one year one-illcb $10.00.<br />

schools; and even from their v('ry<br />

youngut days this should be installed<br />

into the minds of yo1t!"h,<br />

together with the contra-adyantages<br />

of fresh air. By these mea::s<br />

the.y will be accustomed to the<br />

fresh air and its beneficial efi"~c :s.<br />

as much as tRiy ,/ill learn to Jetest<br />

the hc-:-r-ors -;,£ me air exhalrd<br />

by other people, ' whicb ·js -. tile<br />

sour~e ' of SO m~ny iJ\fections,<br />

Every one who wishes 'to enj!)'<br />

life during youth, and live to a<br />


----------.... - 'I<br />

(The Youl;'g Sodafbt or Grt'at Britain)<br />

The Labor ~ember's Lor~ly ~n,oke '<br />

By Allen 'Clarke '<br />

The Labor )lember, leaning a week, cOllld a~ord' ,to paX inorc<br />

back in his easy' chair, began his rent than a laborer ,with twentyrep'osef~11<br />

re,:el in the cigar, _!lIC. _. t~re-e __ or t.wenty-four shill:hgs a<br />

sublimely special cigar whjch h~d we,d.,<br />

beeh graciously gh'et; to him hy ... Th.e 'time was. .e~even o'clock at<br />

a lord-a real hall-marked. prop- night, an,d the{ La}}or i'lember,<br />

crly - labelled, proudly _ p: digrc..:d •. J;\'hose nahle wa..! Joshua ~ uttall ,<br />

lord. It was. ~the[eiore ,' ,9111y - Uao ~l:It COllle.:r.lO~le wlfh tht:<br />

felicitously. filting that' it shotJL<br />

children, But it is also well to<br />

rememb~r that there are other<br />

folks' children besides bne's own,<br />

a41d to ~.sk why should these .not<br />

h'aYe fine 'opportunities also.<br />

Xhat thought set him thinking<br />

of jack Croft, whom he had met<br />

TlIl! Y0O:>l0 IIOCI4LI8T8' .JU!U.ZDOI __. ___________<br />

in the tralll, J ~cl{ wa ~ a worJWng.<br />

Wan of thirty-three, with a wife<br />

and two children: and one of La·<br />

bor's hardest caJl\'assers at election<br />

time,<br />

The Labor ~ lel1lbf!r asked Jack<br />

if he was going to en list.<br />

Jack, who hac! re.ae! a bit, and<br />

thought a bit. replied that he saw<br />

no reason why he should,<br />

" l1l1t if the Germans s hould<br />

heat Ib--:"<br />

.Jack said he wasn't l'0I1cerned<br />

:lbollt that ([u e:- tion, "' \Ve have<br />

w()rse enemies at home than the<br />

{;crm:lll:. nbroadi' he !'aid. "The<br />

... weat ing- employers, greedy laQd·<br />

Illrds. ra scally contractors, food·<br />

l'o rt1 erers, (ottoll-comerer:. - the<br />

l"ilap:' you've oftell told us we<br />

:-hould eomhat l'\·erlastillgly, Yet<br />

.,·ou\·e hec l! sitting on the same<br />

platfurm with 'cm to.oi:;:-ht."<br />

'·Yes, ~'es," said the Labor<br />

:\ Il' mher, "that's all ri q-ht at ordi·<br />

nary tillles, htH thi s i:, all extra·<br />

i rdillary ti llie, ,\11 patriots must<br />

Joi n tn.~e th er to crush the COIll-<br />

11\(111 foe."<br />

,,[ don't s('e it," sairl J:lck. "The<br />

~ra l,b c r s g'r.,hhcd hefore the war:<br />

lhl'.I' arc ):!,rah hin g- now the \\'ar is<br />

ill!: t11i.'Y wi ll grah just the same<br />

II!Je n. it'so,·er, Theil the lm s il\e s~<br />

of l.al 1\1r i

10<br />

offices. For lordly influence went<br />

• long way. Some day-wben his<br />

son was .(ter some big municipal<br />

.ppolntm('nt-a word -from his<br />

10rtll~hip would be helpful. •<br />

Yes, it was just 3S well for Labor<br />

Members to be tolerant to­<br />

,,7.;ds lords. Not only was it businch;<br />

but it WilS christian to be<br />

charitable:<br />

"""hat a splendid cigar it is,"<br />

said the -Labor \Lember. blowing<br />

out a fragr:ant .ncbula of !\moke.<br />

And aoy such democratic views<br />

as remained in the Labor Men.­<br />

ber's soul were clouded, and obscured<br />

by the lordly smoke.<br />


Do you know tht: \t ah~t: and tht:<br />

worth o f a rtal Ih'c cro;"'d of young<br />

<strong>Socialists</strong> Thl:' kind th., ("an go out<br />

in a bunch and comc hom~ the §Rille<br />

way without the leut bit of damage<br />

done to health. happinul or friend­<br />

.biP~ The 50rt of a crowd that will<br />

sing an" dance, .wim and study, hike,<br />

read, play, run, row arid be aame for<br />

&II)' ord kind" of ' fun a't aflY old time<br />

and place If you can tnuhfuIJ)' say<br />

yes. 1 conaratulat~ you, and only<br />

hope that you may ne"~r h."e to<br />

leave them. 1 ha\'e been uud to<br />

that lort of a crowd and ha\'~ had<br />

to quit them-and now, take it fron1<br />

me. you can ne\'er mealur~ the true<br />

worth of a Yipici crowd until you ...·e<br />

left them far behinq you, and you<br />

know you can't get buk onr the<br />

wuk end.<br />

' Thil is how it works oul. You'r~<br />

,ent way down into the countr), to<br />

do the bOlSes' ~ wo rk, and incidentilly<br />

to earn your bread. You don't want<br />

to ao part:.:ularly-tbt:re's a number<br />

of ',ood tilues jU·lt ahead, and per·<br />

hap; you',vc' already ' ""ed lhe best<br />

airl of all to go along with you.<br />

You are nOt crazy about lea\'inr<br />

town just then, but you ,4>-You bet<br />

)'0\1 CO. ,,.11 th.t week it i,,,'t 50 bad<br />

-of course. when lU(,etjn' night C01lle5<br />

;.round you JUI' fa ll a thinlJln' about<br />

wbo'U all be there .nd who they'U<br />

have for chairman, and how 1000a the<br />

meelin' will take.<br />

But then Sunday comtl aroundand<br />

it'. no usc-the bluff don't go<br />

any further, you know by that time<br />

you're rul homesick. No U5e cryin'<br />

about it tboulh, 10 you ju.t pick out<br />

the dandielt .ort of a place or trip<br />

SO' take in, and you set out bold u<br />

~ !'OVl!'l 1OOU1.III .... ~uoq J<br />

ever yOu pleue, You're. not alone,<br />

either, t)ecause your side partner ia<br />

in exactly the same ho:u as you. H.,<br />

too. has be·en used to life and , la uBh~rer.<br />

10 you're partnen in mi5ery as<br />

wdl as work. You -pick out a long<br />

excursion trip and think eYerything<br />

will be all rieht. You settle down<br />

cnrnfortably and start to talk about<br />

.cenery and carne.r.;, and work and<br />

Shows -anagirll-oh, loti o· things.<br />

You leave as the lua is jui t about<br />

lettling down to relt, and you figure<br />

out that the hikers back home are<br />

b\9\ftt!i' "Tap," 9~ the bugh;s to sig.<br />

t1al for the return journey. They<br />

mun ha\'e had lome .port, you muu·.<br />

Then you try to . ettle down and rut.<br />

No use, it can't be done; 10 you start<br />

10 wander round the limited deck<br />

space of the boat. You (lm into a<br />

cro ..... d or fello ...... and girls, about<br />

Ihirty of them. That'5 strange, JUII<br />

about the size of your crowd. There<br />

il gou again. They slart to 5ingnot<br />

your Socialist songs. to be 5urestill,<br />

the tllnes are familiar. And<br />

they're \'ery rrienlily ..... ithin their own<br />

circle, thi5 crowd.<br />

At last the m·o-o-n comu up-hig<br />

and round and white. The crowd<br />

ulkes a hint from him and 5w inKI into<br />

a lIong.· What i5 that melody .0<br />

.trangely familiar "Santa Lucia,"<br />

d-n them, couldn't they try some·<br />

thing el se Hut your mind goes back<br />

to another river nnd another crowd<br />

and other ..... ord. to the lame tuncthey<br />

just keep rinKing into your ears:<br />

Comradu so dear to me.<br />

Hearts. warm and tender.<br />

To them where'er I be,<br />

My Ion! I 'll render.<br />

U nder broad Hea\'en's dome,<br />

\Vhere'tr on earth I roam.<br />

With them I fed at home,<br />

\Ve're Comrades' e"er.<br />

"With them you fe el at home," yes<br />

- and without them you don't.<br />

You're ju. t perfectly rni.euble, and<br />

you're lona.:ing ner 50 hard for the<br />

hearty laugh of your boYli and the<br />

.wish of the girls' dresses as they a:o<br />

d:ancing and skipping past. But the<br />

longest exile mu.t conle to an end<br />

• ome time, and in a few weeks you're<br />

bal'k ag:a in. They're all glad to see<br />

yOll, but you're a whole lo t gladder<br />

to he back with them. And the mi5·<br />

erics of the put are: soon forlouen<br />

in the pleasuru of the present.<br />

But there cQmu :a time when you<br />

can't 10 back-and you know you<br />

ca n' t. Your life: t",ku you far awa,y<br />

from the happy scenell and eompan~<br />

ionship. The crowd regretll your I e-.<br />

iDe. of coune. There is a short<br />

period of farewdh, wbe~\!l'Drtin" is<br />

suth .;w(el -OrlOW"; tht'n they .ru<br />

'DIck .to their round, and you face a<br />

world of (old . trangen aloae, You<br />

w.nder from place to p1ace, never<br />

resting~ ne\'er ·'at ·home." . Sllcced' fn<br />

.onle -measure ~atteQdl your· efforu,<br />

bnt ne\'er anyone to -rtjolce in it with<br />

you. You feel the . tinrl of defeat<br />

occasionally, and tbey r,nk\e deeply.<br />

'cause there'l no hand of comrade·<br />

ship to lIlap you on tht. b,l.ck 20114 bid<br />

you ' ~b race up, it will aU come oul ,II<br />

righl" You tty to - buy what'\'er<br />

ph:asure you. think you' wafat-but<br />

there- -il a 'dilferenee-and you : lind<br />

that you cannot buy true comrade·<br />

s hip. You think of the younKsten<br />

back ·home-picture them aU perched<br />

on a rence 'preparing for a race acroRS<br />

the meadow. You lee them. like true<br />

proletarian5, putting their lunchu to·<br />

gelher in a communal pile: from<br />

which everyone may h('lp himself.<br />

Hut a Ijiht dawns-you lIettle down<br />

in one 1)lace finally and you hunt for<br />

your kind. You come to the:m with·<br />

out any 'bl:are '01 trumpets. You only<br />

lIt r~tcb out your 'hand and uk to be<br />

one of th~m-the Italt If need bebut<br />

one of then1. And they t:ake you<br />

in and make you fed :at home. and<br />

they (all you "Comrade," Gee! that<br />

sounds "oed to your eatl a,ain.<br />

You ha \'e n't heard it for a long time,<br />

you nc\'er paid much attention to it<br />

in the: old days. but ii's the sweetest<br />

kind of music jult now.<br />

,,",n~ tfle)' take yOu in. Soon you<br />

ha\'e your regular pl3ee in their<br />

he.rtl and lh('y in youn, The otheu<br />

back ill the old home alway. remain<br />

a most pleasant. memory; atld, when<br />

tht! Rtory circle forms round the fireplace<br />

you never tire of tellin .. yotlr<br />

new C01l1radu about the efforts and<br />

Rrank:l 01 those you left behind you.<br />

You take your place in their .ong and<br />

. tor)', you do your share of work and<br />

play, and loon lOU just belon", that's<br />

all-you just belong. ' ..<br />

The story is almost done-an. counted.<br />

This nferendum was propOHd by<br />

the Pennsylvania State Cornmittet!,<br />

It WI' aeconded by the followiDr<br />

Leacuea. their mamberahlp ,iv~:<br />

St. Paul. Minn., 35; Lawrence. M .....<br />

15; Jamestown, N. Y .• 56: Chiclro,<br />

UL (North Side), 40; Pitt.burch, PL<br />

(J"'ah), 110: Cincinn.ti. 0., 21;<br />

Peoria. Ill., 1': Waahinrton, D. C.,<br />

24, Total. 319,<br />

R.port Cardl<br />

All Luguu iilre hereby warned<br />

th:at untu. a report card hearing an<br />

accurafe acc:ount of their good stllndina<br />

membership is sent to tht' Na·<br />

tjollal Office )'efore F~brtl:lfr 10 11('\<br />

ballots will be ' the Direct..,r of thi, Ucpartment.<br />


This i, th\' la ~ t n il for l1l:atC'rial<br />

fOr Ihe Fthruary program. Somo!<br />

stuff .... l~ sent in by 50111(' of our lo)·al<br />

worhn, hut not uutly en ough to<br />

lI1akt' up the whole thing. Get bus)'<br />

T ht' progralJl i. to include<br />

an im prollll'tu mock-Iria l. subJecl,<br />

"P~OI)lt \ ' 5, Tht' Reminl!{ton .'\.m"<br />

Co." L~haqte: Aidin" :and abttrina<br />

murder through the manufacture of<br />

ml\nit l0n~ oi war.<br />

---<br />

Commemoration: Birthda),s. W2Ihington<br />

and Autun Uebel, FdJru·<br />

ary 2lnd<br />

Vulenline's Party, Fehruary Hth;<br />

Leap '{ear Dance, February 29th.<br />

A call for Ilate~ for Ihe Krust lecture<br />

tour will go out immelliatel)<br />

after the new year. The lour will<br />

take in only the Ea~le rn Statu 2011,1<br />

will h('gjn ahout the iniddle: of .,",pd\.<br />

The numbl'r of datu is strictly 11111-<br />

ited. lIO immedialC' :action shl'uld be<br />

taktn on rtceipt of tue p:arriculat5.<br />

PLAYS<br />

Sinclair's no\·cl. "Samuel. the<br />

S('tktr." hai betn drumatizecl by<br />

Comrade J. C Frost 9' -.'ew York.<br />

1t will recei\'e it s firH productiun b),<br />

Ihe ('omrade Club of Hudlon Coun'<br />

ty. K J.<br />

:\ new :Inti-military pl.y by \\'m.<br />

F. Krusl". enlitled "Prelu.rednC'S5," i,<br />

no ..... ready fo r sale. '(':an be gi\tn in<br />

one act or two and plays for ont'<br />

hour. A rulin~ clas~, bent on war.<br />

find5 thtir efforts (rustrated by the<br />

org:anized worken, ..... ho are willing<br />

to ddend their Ow n countr), tlUt<br />

rduse 10 attack anybody cl.e·l.<br />

Twelve \'ery nsy speaking p3rB and<br />

two good ludl. Can C'l\lily be pro·<br />

duced by allY Y. P. S. L. Price 25c.<br />

Fitchburg. Man.. though bUI recently<br />

or~3nil('tI. is ~ howinK good<br />

growth. They W(,T~' rCl' rl'Sen tc: d at<br />

the Stlltt· t " n ~('nt' 'I' '11111 :IT(' pr.·<br />

p:lrinR 3 1 d ll fCS and<br />


12<br />

J<br />


THE V: P. S. L. MOVEIlENT IN next cotwention ro ill H~> Buffalo -'hjls<br />

NEw YORK STATE betn men,tioned. But'tlt :any rate let<br />

By G. L Tishler. Rochutir, :::.~~I i~~~'~n ~~tr~~b~~~!f:lh~h'!~)~t~~<br />

-. ~. ". ...<br />

.. ~<br />

-<br />

S~~~~Vi~~ ·Pa;~:. ~~,~~a1e:~~!);~I~e °O~~<br />

ficeu of our Lra&'f e.!, anif With th):<br />

officers of th e Sf"'e ~Tld Natip nal 110-<br />

crations. and s'4p.ptl ~ ~~". pubhcationl.<br />

And re!Utlll!)er "'and fullil tb,e<br />

spirit of our sloKin., Edupt!oJl. O'fg;1I11zat;on,<br />

and Solidarity!<br />

State Secretary<br />

previou. one, although I do not sec<br />

Our movement IS o nly a !ntle 0l·er ho,,' th:at C3.n be dont. '(1 ~1\1 from<br />

two years "young," but even al this !{ochdter, you know.)<br />

tarly age, although handicapped by At pre.ent we have pr3.ctie:ally no<br />

the lack of sufticient fund§ and l1Ia- plan for systematie ,edueation. Evc.t)·<br />

terial for building, it is ahowinR Lentue followl its owh

"<br />

. lin ,-,- ' -<br />

But du DOt think f~r a momcnt.<br />

btu,," W~ ha,'c hcrtin made: special<br />

mentiol\. of two social airai,s, ih,t we<br />

.r~ in any waYnCA'lcctinlt our ~duc.·<br />

,'iona' futurta. Our regular )\'t'dnt:l·<br />

day even in,. art .,-i\·cn O\'e:r to cduea­<br />

,tonal prOl'ram •. aDd ' our nc\\,o t:o m­<br />

.. tctd~ dn thl. work hils Rrrinrcd (or<br />

• ..tit'. of Iclentific: Ireturn for<br />

J/cbruary and 1.hrch. the .pcnkC'fs to<br />

h .. ".riou. profc u ou or the l:nh-trsh,.<br />

01 Rochcatct. It may be mcntloned<br />

here Ihllt we find the profulor,<br />

mon courteou, at- all times.<br />

They .eem to be inlcrutt'd in us<br />

and our work. and arc "cr~ wil F n ~<br />

to rive: Ut tbfi, time. which, "f<br />

cOuru. II without charge. It is needle"<br />

to say that their lectures, al ­<br />

though not directly on Socialism.<br />

ire alwa,., of great int ~ rul. and another<br />

vel''' important f~ " tllrt about<br />

the In il thlt tht'), nr(" a dtawinjf carJ<br />

for \'Ilitor, Ilne non. membt':rI.<br />

On SundRY ("\'en ing, january 2Jrd,<br />

our Y. P. S. 1... 1("1111 d ("; h;"It('d wilh<br />

Local J{oche , tt':r Sociali.u Pitrt.)' 0 :1<br />

th("; ,ubjtct "Ruoi;td. thM this na.<br />

tioll .hal! immediately ("lIlhar1.: On a 'l<br />

IIctequat(" program or prcp:lI'cun(",u 1\'<br />

rt!t.l.t aUad, by any fo rC" ;r,rn pow ("u."<br />

LOCI' ·Roche. ter's team Ilphtld th e<br />

affirmath' C" side. ;'\nd I) f course it w as<br />

II Iplrntlirl ( I~b;'\te . Th(" tllree judlle <<br />

d cc id~cI th;., the Y. p , S. L. fi r Ilc t:

0<br />

Der Meister Uichelte .. uod gab<br />

kcillc Anhvort.<br />

Als die Nacht allgebroch~n<br />

war, kam cr mit cinem <strong>Jan</strong>gen<br />

Sack auf dem Ri"tcken. einem<br />

Bunde! unter dem Arm und cincr<br />

Laternc in deT Hand zur Dorfkirche<br />

geg::mgen. In dem Sack<br />

batte er Krebse, in dem Bunde1<br />

aber kurze \Vachslichter. Er<br />

setzte sich auf den Gottesacker,<br />

holte einco Krebs hefaus und<br />

k!cbte ihm eill Wachslichtchcn<br />

auf den Riicken; dan" ziindclC er<br />

cia:; Lichtchen an und scute den<br />

Krebs auf den Boden und ' liess<br />

ihn kriechcll. Er holte cinco :Lwciten<br />

aus dem Sa~. machte es mit<br />

tliu'icm cbcnso und {UhT, fort, bi~<br />

3nch der lettte aus dem Sacke<br />

w .... r. Hierauf 7.og er ein lauJ:;"es,<br />

schwarzcs Gewand an, das w:l'<br />

e~ne 'i\lonchsk utte al1ssah, uud<br />

~Iible sieh einen grauco Bart au<br />

qaf. Kinn. Als er cndlich gall:t.<br />

tl::kenntlich war, nahm er den<br />

Sack, in dem die Krebse· gewescn<br />

\\ aren, ging in die Kirche lIn~<br />

~lieg aui die Kanzel. Die Turmnlll<br />

schlug eben zwolf; als .:ier<br />

iU Yote' Schlag verklnngen war,<br />

rief er mit tauter. gcllenrie"<br />

Sl1mllle: "Hart an , Ihr siindigen<br />

i'.lcn .. chen, das IEnde aller Dinge<br />

ist gcko11111lcn, der Jiingste Tag<br />

ist nalle. hart an, hort an! \Ver<br />

mit mir in den Himmel will, der<br />

kriechc ill d~n Sack. Jeh bin<br />

Petnts. der die HimmeistUre offnet<br />

und schliesst. Seht Ihr,<br />

draussen auf dem Gottes3cker<br />

wandell' die Gestorbenen nnd<br />

sanlll1Cl1l ihre. Gcbeine Zllsammcn.<br />

Koml1lt. kOlUmt und kriecht in<br />

den Sack, die \Velt geht unter!"<br />

Dils Geschrei erscha11te durch<br />

das gal17.e Dorf. Der Pfarrer und<br />

cler Kii~ter, die' zt1l1achst .an der<br />

Kirchc \vohnten, batten ,es. zuerst<br />

yernommen, und als sie die Lichter<br />

erblkkten. die auf dem Gottesacker<br />

I11nherwandelten, ' merkten<br />

sie,) dass . etWa5 Ungtwohn­<br />

Ijches vorging, und tuten in die<br />

Kircbe ein. Sie horten der' Predi~<br />

ein~ Wc;.ife' %u, dt!- s ti~ ss der<br />

Kuster den 'Plarrer an lind<br />

sprach:> "Es wire" nieht' ubel,<br />

wenn wir die Gelegenhdt beniitzten<br />

und %usa~men vor dem Anbruch<br />

des Jiiqgsten Tags auf eine<br />

leichte Art in den Himmel ~amen."<br />

.<br />

"Freilich," envi~rte der Plarrer,<br />

"das sind 3uch meine G~<br />

danken gewesen j habt Ilir Lust,<br />

so wonen wir uns auf den "Veg<br />

machen."<br />

"Ja," antwortete dtr Kuster,<br />

" aLer fhr, Herr Pfaner, habt den<br />

\"ortritt, kit folge nach."<br />

Der Pfarrer schritt also 'lor uud<br />

stieg auf die Kanzel, wb der Meister<br />

den Sack offnete. Der Pfarrer<br />

kroch zuerst hindn, dann der<br />



left, dO.wJl to <strong>Socialists</strong>-has been<br />

strl}i;~ . ~y ,such extraordi:lary<br />

bli.ndness that it calls this terrible<br />

hltman slaughter a ;'sacred" waf<br />

of " Jibc{,3tion," and calls upon<br />

men to lay down their lives-for<br />

what For some phantom ideal<br />

of "liberation," forgetting that<br />

inner freedom is the sole true<br />

freedom, and tha t. nnally . no one<br />

llrcvcnted th«: gonrnments from<br />

gi"ing. to the oppressed nations<br />

-before the war and wilholtt tile<br />

war-at least that external freedom<br />

which is now, presumably,<br />

being secured. at the price of the<br />

criminal shedding of a sea of<br />

hlood .<br />

f<br />

People dream o f dis3r11)ament<br />

which the war is supposed to<br />

bring. Brothers. do nOt belie;'e<br />

it. F or the governments of today<br />

to disarm the nations is tan·<br />

tamount to dc!>troying thelll·<br />

selves. hecau!>c these go\-ern~<br />

ments arc upheld solely by state<br />

vi.ol('nce. \l1ld do not enjoy the<br />

free l'(lIlfidence o i their peoples.<br />

H o~v l'an they affo rd to cast a.s i (~c<br />

theIr sale prop--the soldIer s<br />

bayonet ~<br />

The Germans arc no t our enemies.<br />

and the Russians anll the<br />

f'rench arc no t the encmie:s of<br />

tbe Ge rl)\all ~. The commo n<br />

ent:lll)' t - U!l all. to whatever nationality<br />

we u1ay belong, is the<br />

brpte i)l o u rselves.<br />

This truth has never ueen so<br />

dear1): confirmed as nj)~Y, when<br />

the meu of the twelllieth century;<br />

intoxicat('d with their fal se sci·<br />

enct', extre!:Il~ly, pro ud of it. of<br />

their external culture and their<br />

machine civilization. ha"c "Iuldenty<br />

discovered the true plane<br />

of their development; this plane<br />

has turned o ut to be no higher<br />

than that on which our ance!lto r s<br />

stood in the time- -Qf Attila and<br />

Genghi~-Khan. "It makes one extremely<br />

sad to know that 2,000<br />

years of Christianity ha"e passed,<br />

scarcely leaving a tral;O 0 11 men.<br />

13m this is int

l'<br />

r -.. ~~<br />


"" u _. ==--_. ____ _<br />

·.:....:. ,-r .. . .. . ' half staTHd to tliupport idlcr! in<br />

: ' I~ ~ ~ ~ f.N. )"1 ilA.I-a ... ~S. 'Cls.n £. .' ' ,,1.' 'other ."Ia~ .. and lands, and to en·<br />

. .,' , . - 1 all'1e l;o\'ernmen(s to destroy un-<br />

'_ ;: ~f !1: I' ll.>! )ij{,FEa~cl !' 'a]I~ , . IH, . : ~irendl ntr Arabs in LibYa for<br />

~~ . .-<br />

~<br />

__..__.__.____ J_. "prestige': ' .<br />

.... v;~. arc u p here among t~~ .. aying th,!t he h~d only taken Un thi5 glorious day oi an Ital-<br />

\'inek,.....resting aft~r ary ~x:elle lH what already had bcen stolen ian -- s umm·cr. the ~ Princess, the<br />

rut'i 'c~ . eaten under the halian iLo01 the PO~:>r h Parsoll, and I, solemnly pas s~rl a<br />

;k"y _ , Below can be seen the l.azily we discll 1)!l~ d thi~ proh- resolution that sometl-oing \\o'as<br />

w h,ole ~ f a gol~(11 \'~II~y, ~ith it~ I~m after ...our meal, with tnl! as- wroog ,..,ith 1t all, that (\,hile we<br />

Llisy h~tle t""ms, Its , co~mtJe~s li~Hance QiJ..ht peaSallt \\,1)0 I\O~" :f)' mpat{.lited' with the o ld baron!'.<br />

ca,Olpt.nll~ It!'! funny life of owns -th~ ~a~tl~ and, grows hi!' we had to admit that they Hr_\<br />

cheer)' se1f·i mponan~t' , and, Alas! \·ines and ..:urn on the wall:, \\hich ir~nkl\' stole: but, on the other<br />

i'u grinrl'inl;' I>o\'nty_ . hi!" predeces:o:ors lined with arUled hand. -they were supplanted by a<br />

Here we are in a really feullal men. and gets but a starveling s\,stem which had elevated thcit<br />

~ t!~gh old. the wills of whic.h livclihODd. alit oi it. f~f)m the simple art o f the solLher<br />

arc n ow level ....·ith the gr~lInd, The~t' o ld baron~ had \' drawn til).<br />

111 spite of war and oppression. the<br />

total membershil) has incre~sed<br />

from 40,000 to iO,oou, Two tb~.<br />

-and l'opie:s l)f the Hem Conference<br />

I{('port were sold,<br />

4 In the .\n.1 of (klOber anti·war<br />

dcmOIl..;1 rations wer~ held in Swt"·<br />

dt'll. ~"rway. Denmark . .'\meril·a,<br />

~wit7.i."rla nd, I ;ermany a.nd Porlug.d.<br />

'J hc illl'l)1l1{' fur tht: ve;lr ha!><br />

Ilt'cn 3.,\2t).05 Fralll'~, ex~ellditurr"'<br />

..1. ,\41.115 Fral1~!'>. leaving It balalll't'<br />

uf abvut 1,000 Franc~.<br />

Hepurt:-. show that the <strong>Young</strong><br />

~'ll';al;st \lo\,clIlent eve.rywh.ere b<br />

lIlak ing splendid progre!Js. E:i.p~ ­<br />

l· ial l.~ true is thihip w('re di ,\u~~(''',<br />

and Illl' ,til nnpo inl •,i the fl'!'!llt'r<br />

\Va. l'xprc,.,ed 111 Iht' t(lll"wing' jen­<br />

It''n,~!- . Y,)ung ~n~: ia1i :- 1 (Jrgamzatlul\,<br />

art' tight ing organizatiun~ .<br />

TheIr tir'I, their highl~ ... t dill y i!'><br />

das.,-\,. 11I'I·i. ) ll ~. ~I)l"ial;~t propa·<br />

gancla \"lIe aClivity of tht' .V0\111~<br />

I>copl\' anrl their thurough t'ciul'alion<br />

j. a nece~,arv parI (If tb i ~<br />

~ truj.! gh' and l'au 1.1(' al·l·l)ll1plisl.t'd<br />

nnl)' h,\ ,epa.rale vrj.f/ill i.t.atiyu~\ ~VC;<br />

rel'olllll l(' nd 0.:0 tlpt'rallon with Ih('<br />

()ider \-',111radc:- by me. .. uh .. uf 11lUIUal<br />

delegalt·. with idcntic,ll right,."<br />

:\ 111I1IIilt'r ,.f lllNUIJIl'. ,tJoll\'~1i"II ­<br />

;11/0:;\11 111I(,;lIallonal cmhlelll. a \W,,·<br />

card .:.\ ·telU . t't

I<br />

•<br />

, !'mI T01I1nt 8DCIULJftII' JUlI_<br />

SATAN ' S<br />

L- By Mary<br />

deot portal guarcl. and the imp ~<br />

cowered with haoitual '{ea w ,;, i nd<br />

l'I'aited . to ~e called. ' _Through<br />

twice three hundrcd · vellow<br />

lames they marc!'ed up to ~h.e<br />

festal ttu-one of. His Majesty. The<br />

-.royal drum and fife corps pbyed<br />

• mqclern medley of the booming<br />

of cannon and the shriek of fac·<br />

&My whist1es. It was a hdlish-<br />

R~nh~d ~ ICE<br />

_]<br />

gold he grinds out little c11il·<br />

deco's lives in his: great factodes ';<br />

demoralizes the legislatures.<br />

adulterates the food of others.<br />

MajC!:stically the thick clouds noise, and Satan praised the mu. Su.re~r this wilt please your lordsieian!<br />

for their efforts. slup' r<br />

of sulphur and brimstone fumes<br />

h • 't<br />

.0 l ' • "<br />

rose from the great polished<br />

"Nay, not so, es qUl e an an-<br />

N~w b.:tng forth your gifts I cieot show," said -Satan. "SincG<br />

brass caldrons on either side of<br />

he c:led. L~t each be .~alled ae- men have worshipped money,<br />

the broad staircase that led to the<br />

~ordmg to hiS num~er, AU ~he made monty power. they have<br />

antichamber, The iron steps were<br />

~mps had numbers like the enOl- tempted each other to just such<br />

dazzling in their white heat.<br />

mals and gang workers o~ t.he acts. The' clever ones defraud<br />

Lone tongues of flame ' of every<br />

ear~h. Satan had found th.l~ 10- the others; t~le manufacturer who<br />

hue and the roar of the fires filled<br />

-gcmous m~thod of degradation so underpays His men ; the swindler,<br />

tht air, like the full tones of a<br />

~~ch t~ hIS favor t~at he adopted th~ highwayman are all the same.<br />

great organ. But above this rose<br />

tt In Ius latelit effiCiency scheme. I've seen them time and time<br />

a gnater noise-the tread of<br />

"Number 2585 I" caHed the again. Dogs will ' be dogs as I<br />

hundreds of hurrying feet. If'was<br />

master oi ceremonies.<br />

have said before, men will be<br />

the imps' returning from their<br />

" What ha.ve you brought me" men. They all will die for gold.<br />

quest. Every year on Satan's<br />

shouted Satan.<br />

It bores me ; bnng me something<br />

birthday the losF souls who had<br />

One of the largest imps s ter~d new, What have you in your<br />

served an apprenticeship of one<br />

forth leading . a large brindled bag there"<br />

century are entered in a contest<br />

bulldog.<br />

"r have a man," piped a tremfor<br />

the office of sheriff of the underworld.<br />

Then they go forth for<br />

"Here, master, is a fitting prize bling voice, "just a plain ordinary<br />

for you, This bull of ancient man."<br />

four and t,wenty hours, and he<br />

lineage was mad and ~it the hand "\Vhat is his name Why have<br />

wlio brings the choic~t gift to<br />

that cared for him and several you brought him here i\ lind<br />

His Majesty is decorated with<br />

innocent children."<br />

how 'you word your reasons, imp,<br />

the badge of honor.<br />

"Away with it, dOg!i will be in this contest for the highest<br />

Now tbey wC!:rc hurrying back. dogs. There's nothing new in offite of my state, and I am not to<br />

SQrne came merrily. confident of that. Call on the nC!: ~ t one." be trifled with! U nless you prove<br />

their success; others bent wearily<br />

under their heavy bm:dens,<br />

"Number 2969 1" ,. tailed the him guilty of the greatest crime<br />

mllster of ceremonies. "<br />

and show tha't he has lost both<br />

also hoping to win Satanic favor.<br />

H~ came br~athlc~ss ane! p ~ r- heart and sol)l. your rest in hell<br />

As they crowded to the portals in spiring, tugging a great machine. will be the ·forfeit.' ~ .<br />

·their eagerness to be first, they<br />

"Here i~ ' 3 prize for you, my " Ay, mast~r, b~ it so. You<br />

pushed and jostled one. another master. This is the machine gun yourself sh~l1 judge," said the<br />

and 'shrieks were heard, "What's which was aimed at helpless men, imp trembling stilt more. "I ~ J ave<br />

'your' hur:ry!l "Stop your pushwomen<br />

and. children. Toilers of brought you Henry Dubb. These<br />

,ing ,n uGet off my tail! This is<br />

the mines who had asked for a are the c,rimes I've found him<br />

n'ot the New York sub'Y· ... . little more pay."<br />

guilty of: He crings before those<br />

' ·S;lence.. all t" shouted tht an· "Say no more!" cried Satan. of his own image who daily rob<br />

"Take the·thing away. 'Tis but a him. He belieVe! everything he<br />

machine; hadst brought the hand is told. He yates for the legis lathat<br />

made it. the soulless wretch tors who betray him. He supwho<br />

profited by its use, that pOrts a government under which<br />

would have pleased me more. Be filth and dirt and mjsery contmu~<br />

gone I What has the next for year after year, He bows his head<br />

me" ':'"- ;-~ .. :.:.:;;-~ _ ~:ttrcharifJ', : l.Y~de has nothing<br />

~ "I have it.!" cried 'l vpi~e. "Cet' ·~to eat ... when~.hjs "' wifc and chilme<br />

be next. 1'\'e got the man ren suffer •. the thinks it must be<br />

w.ho seUs .his- soul for, gold. For so. He \'otes his wife and daulirh-<br />

imp, eager to save his soul. "In<br />

days gone by. man was oppressed<br />

by man. He co uld not' help himself.<br />

He could not read. He had<br />

no means of communication. He<br />

·had no say. But now all that i!'<br />

changed. Men have books, tele·<br />

phones, newspapers. railroads.<br />

Each can be informed. He know -;<br />

who is oppressed, and who is the<br />

oppressor. And every year he<br />

may registe[ his opinion at the<br />

polls. O h, master, is not he who<br />

does this carelessly, this act upon<br />

which the d-estin), of his kind. hi!;<br />

flesh lind blood, depends for their<br />

wellbeing. is not he the greatest<br />

of all criminals 7"<br />

"You are a wise imp, indeed,"<br />

responded Satan. "Bring me that<br />

fellow Dubb that 1 may chasti ze<br />

him and satisfy my lust. YOll<br />

have not only saved yom seat,<br />

but you shall be the sheriff of the<br />

underworld. Away with all the<br />

rest! Start the music for the<br />

festal dance 1" And frOI11 all the<br />

factories the whistles began to<br />

shriek, the cannons renewed their<br />

roar, accompanied by the weeping<br />

and crying of millions of<br />

widows and orphans. SMan was<br />

at hi s best.<br />

Nothing to Fear<br />

"They say George has brain<br />

fever."<br />

" Fat chance. Can an angleworm<br />

have water on the knee"<br />


ters into the sallle class with the . ,<br />

senseless and criminals. lie is so<br />

conceited . that he thinks that WALTER C· RANE By Robert Heele<br />

. (Thl' Soria/ist RNJir.u) Engl3nd.<br />

,yhat he does is right. The sui, I<br />

ferings of his brother never affect<br />

him, while he is comforta"le. has left a sad gap in the ranks of noth ing but Hepublicanislll and<br />

• The passing of \Valter Cmlle but his audiences would listen to<br />

He is the caUSe of all evils, and it those who built up the Illodern Royal Grants. At the next election.<br />

when he introduced these<br />

worries him not."<br />

Socialist movement in this country.<br />

Vlhen he joined U!!., our topics, he was told to confine<br />

""Veil S

11_ .llIts· 11.1<br />


~ ...... A..ric .. Soei.tist SuM.,<br />

.......... V .... p.., .... F ..... tlo.<br />

£ater~d as S~(ond .C lass Mail Mattu<br />

J .... Z. 1911. at the post office at New'"<br />

YOf'k. N. Y •• under the Act of Man:h<br />

J, 1879, .<br />

"'.li.li"d Month1x at<br />

J5 'pnacc Street. New York.<br />

by die<br />

IodaUetic. Co-opei.ative PubL_ A ..'n.<br />

laha Naatl. Pru.· O. Knott. Sec'y,<br />

, Eo Rahun. Trus.<br />

SUBSC.RIPTlON-St. • copy, SOc.<br />

• ,ea~: For N. Y. City and, Canada.<br />

6Dc., on'ac:c::ount ~f the hieller poslagc.<br />

.u.ico·'and Olhtr~ foreigll countries.<br />

75 cut.:.: . .<br />

BUNDLE RATE5-Jc. per copy<br />

ADVERTISING- IOe. a line:. Sl.OO<br />

aa lath. For one year one: illch $10.0!l.<br />



-.L-<br />

Johndee Makes Another Grab<br />

Rockefeller j ;.; ,at 1ailt in the<br />

patent medicin e hu si n e~s. It ~J<br />

estimated that $IOO,OOQ.ex>b .... a<br />

year is spent for p~te nt medici nc:-;<br />

in this coull try. That was morc<br />

money tha n .l a wn O. coul d sta~lI d<br />

to see gettiuS' away from "hill!<br />

with equanimity, . so' the "Standard<br />

O il Company Ot :\ew J eTsey,<br />

one ... of. the hyphenated bits into<br />

wnlch the old Standard O il Serpent<br />

,¥ro'as chopped nIl. is now put­<br />

.--_ .. ------._. .<br />

• TI;III_.!'~tt~o ~IOCIALISTS' . 1II; was~ vigorously tier ,- '~t)n oI:ni ilil-ihr,:Traini~ g irrut th.t<br />

nied . .l ame" E, \\'esl. the chief ex- pl1b lic $(:hool5; ~(o ur Statc:.:::-3' he<br />

ccutive: declared that th.eir pro- -Slal~ Board o f · t«gent ~ .....:.. caregram<br />

for "the development of full" con:,i

10 ) 'T" 'I'ovwe 1IOa1Al.JIIft' .... eA&lJm ','"<br />

Morric,'s formal conversion to<br />

Socialism in 1882-he joined the<br />

Democratic Federation in <strong>Jan</strong>uary,<br />

1883- "'85 the next great influen<br />

ce on Crane's life. It happened<br />

at a time when he had become<br />

discontented with the conditions<br />

under which art existed,<br />

with the relations of art and life.<br />

During '83 and '84 Crane was<br />

again in Italy. but when he returned<br />

the perusal of "Art and<br />

Socialism" and a correspondence<br />

with Morris on the difficulties he<br />

felt soon converted him into an<br />

ardent adherent, and from then<br />

to the day of his death he never<br />

faltered ~ r tumed back. Socialism<br />

had brought liim from the<br />

verge of pessimism, as regards<br />

human progress, to a real hope<br />

for the futnre of art founded on a<br />

reco~stit\ltion of society.<br />

T he next ten years or so wCl"e<br />

ptl"haps the most fn1itful in ef·<br />

fort of Cl"a ne's life. O UI" numbel"<br />

was so small that no one among<br />

us capable of taking any part in<br />

public life was allowed to remain<br />

idle, and a man of Crane's activity<br />

and powers came to the front,<br />

He was not naturally a good<br />

speaker, bt{t h ~s Socialist Icchues,<br />

illustrated as they usually were<br />

by blackboard sketches, were always<br />

interesting from their personal<br />

note, the quaint ,and humorous<br />

turn of his mind, One<br />

lecture of his-1 fo rget the official<br />

titl~n the Bag Baron and the<br />

Crag Baron, was particularly delightful,<br />

and the picture of him<br />

standin g' at the B1ackboal"d and<br />

drawing with both hands at once<br />

will always survlve in the memory<br />

of those present. His cartoons,<br />

freely contributed to "Justice,"<br />

uCommonweal," . " Labor<br />

Leader," "·Clarion," etc., were<br />

merely a part of the services of<br />

his pencil to the cause, He was<br />

always ready to contribute a de--<br />

sign or an illustration to any publication<br />

which seemed to require<br />

it, In one of these cartoons, "The<br />

Triumph of Labor" (1891), Crane<br />

reached the highest level of his<br />

powers in design and execution.<br />

The unrest among artists, of<br />

which something has been said,<br />

came to a head in the early" Eighties,<br />

and di vided into two main<br />

currents of di scontent-dissatisfaction<br />

with the Academy as the<br />

representative of English art, and<br />

di ssatisfaction with conditions<br />

which tended to make sound art<br />

impossible. T he latter began to<br />

center round T he Art Workers'<br />

Guild, founded in IBB4, a body of<br />

art-workers with which "Morris<br />

and Crane soon associated themselves,<br />

An attempt in 1886 to<br />

unite all sections of artists in an<br />

open exhibition failed, but it had<br />

the very important result of<br />

bringing about the fOl"mation of<br />

The Arts and Crafts Exhibition<br />

Society, of which Crane was the<br />

first president, and to which he<br />

rendered invaluable service.<br />

The machine industry of the<br />

nineteenth century had brought<br />

about a state of thi,ngs in which<br />

the artistic element was neces·<br />

sarily eliminated from nianufaclured<br />

goods, even when a conscious<br />

effort to obtain beauty in<br />

them was made. This had a<br />

double cause : the divorce of the<br />

designer Crom the craftsman and<br />

his material, so that he lost the<br />

inspiration which the accidents of<br />

the ·material affords, and evaded<br />

its restraints; and the divorce of<br />

the producer from the user, which<br />

freed him from another set of res<br />

traints no less important and<br />

useful. Morris's lifework in · art<br />

was the restoration of these fundamental<br />

conditions, the subjection,<br />

even the elimination, of the<br />

machine element in decorative<br />

arts and crafts i and The Arts and<br />

Crafts Exhibition Society took up<br />

his work on a wider scale when he<br />

had created a public for it, and<br />

carried it on with conspicuolls<br />

success. Their exhibitions put<br />

designers and executants ' in the<br />

same position as other artists,<br />

and gave an opportunity of personal<br />

distinction for artistic work<br />

in design and craftsmanship.<br />

They have vindicated English art<br />

at home and abroad, and the success<br />

of the Retrospective E~ hibilion<br />

at Ghent two years ago, re·<br />

peated at Paris last year, was a<br />

striking proof of the soundness of<br />

the principles by which it was<br />

animated.<br />

Cran e's direction of the arts and<br />

crafts movement, his constant insistence<br />

on the vulgarizing influence<br />

of the machine industry<br />

in any decorative work. however<br />

wel l.intentioned, was perhaps the<br />

greatest public service of his liCe.<br />

As a writer and a poet his illfll1 ~<br />

ence was confined to a limited circle,<br />

D-nd his various tellures of<br />

office as the head of art schools in<br />

l\lanchester, Reading, and London<br />

had little lasting effect, T he real<br />

value of hi s life·work lay in thisthat<br />

being a man who could, and<br />

did, produce beautiful things, he<br />

was able to claim the attention of<br />

the world at large when he expounded<br />

the conditions under<br />

which great art could exist, that<br />

sound art is only possible in sound<br />

conditions of life for artist and<br />

public alike.<br />

Endlesl<br />

'·.Paw, what's the longest period<br />

of time"<br />

"From one pay·day to the<br />

next."<br />




to the State Secret.uiu, But all<br />

lC'aguea in organized states should be<br />

sure to send in their tabu laud returns<br />

to th c! ir State Secretaries, and not to<br />

th~ National Office. Th~ State Secruaries<br />

will tabulate the ,' ot~ of their<br />

e ntir~ s tat~ (by C i~ cle leagues) and<br />

send it to the National Office not<br />

later than April 24th. This applies<br />

only to New York, New Jersey.<br />

Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Indiana.<br />

All other Ic,.gutS should send<br />

a tabulation of their "ole to the Na·<br />

tional Officc direct, and lIot latC'r than<br />

April 24th. State Secretaries will do<br />

we ll to notify their leagues to this<br />

effect.<br />

The rouic on thC' lecturc course is<br />

just about mad~ up, and th~ \·C' ry few<br />

op~ n dat ~s left in ce rtain localiti~s are<br />

b~i n g offered to h~a gues and locals as<br />

their last chanc~ to get in On the big·<br />

gest undertaking e,'er attemp t ~d by<br />

th~ y, P. S. L. If your IC'ague gC't s<br />

one of th~ offers, make sure that you<br />

accept. You do n't know what you'll<br />

be cutting yourself out of if you don't.<br />

Ballots on the National Y. P. S. L.<br />

Rderendum ;'.>\-<strong>1916</strong>" ar~ to be sent<br />

out within a few days. Owing to<br />

some delay in g~uing out the ballots<br />

the time limit is ext~nded for ten days<br />

beyond that printed on the balloU,<br />

D~tr oi t , Mich., is holding a fi ne pro-­<br />

granl of educational nnd social affairs.<br />

They are supporting the local in run·<br />

oinr the Goebel.Maley Course.<br />

ThC' regularly organized leagues of<br />

Chicago are to fedel"ate themseh'es<br />

imo a strong city mo \'~m ent, and big<br />

things may be looked for fro III them.<br />

Their first annual city cOII\'e ntion is<br />

10 take place on Sunday, March 12th.<br />

The Central \Vest Side League is to<br />

Swilt:erland, Feb, 7, <strong>1916</strong>-<br />

Dear "Yiplc1 H<br />

Cpmradea:<br />

Heartfelt fraternal greetingl from<br />

the firlt IHllion of the International act as host, and our mOM prominent<br />

Younl Socialist Congress. Our conference<br />

i, marked with enthusiasm<br />

spenkers have b~en invited,<br />

and practical work, and marks a cnat GENERAL NOTES<br />

step forward in international Y. P. S.<br />

The Boy Business<br />

L, afl'airL<br />

Wilh, MUnzenburg,<br />

CO lllrad~ Schader of Dillon, Monl.,<br />

International Secretal"Y, approves so highly of the plan to or·<br />

T. 16: Schweide,<br />

ga nize the boys of tfi'e land that he<br />

Eugene Olausen,<br />

stands rudy to pledg~ ten dollars a<br />

Ernst Chri.tian.<br />

yea r or more to help the work just as<br />

soon as a comm ittee of ou r ~d u cato r s<br />

Rderendums have bee n se nt out on get rudy to lake th~ matter in hand .<br />

the proposed amendment to the Na· There is no time to waste on this<br />

tional Y. p, S. L. Constitution 50 as question, all suggC'st ions and opinio ns<br />

to provide for" Exempt Due Stamps." on the m;.ttC'r should be sent to the<br />

In orde l" to have time they we re se nt <strong>Young</strong> People's Department, Na·<br />

direct to the Circle lenguC's and not tional Office.<br />

Unde Sam as Teacher<br />

Few people realiu thai not only in<br />

thC' public sc hools but ~ \' en in home ·<br />

courses of reading o ur governnlC'nt<br />

is preparing the way fo r better education<br />

among the workers. The De·<br />

partment of Education has issued spC'·<br />

cial reading li st!, and after examin·<br />

ing the pa rticipants, g ranlS ccrlifi.<br />

cates of proficiC'll cy, Literature is<br />

also issued 0 11 social games, preparation<br />

of food, care of children, and<br />

many othu topics of general intercst.<br />

\\'rite 10 the Congressman of your<br />

di,.trict about it.<br />


MallY Socialist parC'nts are worry·<br />

ing thenuelvC'! sick because their<br />

young hopduls express a prdcrence<br />

for reading of "Dia mond Dick" rather<br />

than thC' third volume of Marx. There<br />

is nothing to be gained by scolding<br />

or nagging-the thing to do if fictiOn<br />

i§ deman d~d by the youngstC'rs-is to<br />

substitute radical, worth-while fiction<br />

for the trash usually dished out as<br />

best seners thesC' days.<br />

I f you know of any good radical or<br />

Socialist fic.tion, make a li st of it and<br />

5~nd itin to this department. If you<br />

ha\'e read through the books yOUf·<br />

self and are familial" with the plot,<br />

make a short synopsis of it as fol·<br />

lows:<br />

The JunKie (Upton Sincla;r), expose.<br />

of Pnckingtown conditions and<br />

powerful story of poor worker's<br />

life.<br />

i<br />

. . I<br />

@<br />

The Chasm (George Cranl Cook),<br />

class of ideals between Ru ssian<br />

nutoerat and American rebtl, in their<br />

battlC' fOI" hen rt of a gi rl.<br />

Ragged· Troullered Philanthropist<br />

i Roht. Tressal), story of lire of a<br />

skilled mechanic, a painter. and his<br />

r llbbin~ against the 5)'stelll. A soul·<br />

IIlory of the "Jimmie HigHins" of<br />

ollr RlO \'CIllC'nt.<br />

So a grea.t many nlore should be<br />

lisll'd. Furthermore, Ih ey should bC'<br />

graded for young fo.lks and old in :tccordam:e<br />

to th eir effects on people of<br />

different ages and stages of dc\' c-I ­<br />

opmen!.<br />

T he ~ Iory is o ne of the best forms<br />

of education. Thrre is not a speaker<br />

on tht· road to·day but who reeog·<br />

nizcs and mak es use of this fact can·<br />

tinuously. Our fiction is far more<br />

interesting ·and absorbing than the<br />

mushy Ir:iSh usuall y indulged in b)'<br />

thc young. \\' ha t we need now is<br />

an adequate lin of our available<br />

material. .<br />

All lrachC'rs, students and r~ade r s<br />

are urK ed 10 makC' up such lists and<br />

sent.! thC'ilI in without delay.<br />


One of the 1lI0s t inlerestin ~ and<br />

valuaille activities of thc foreign<br />

<strong>Young</strong>- PCf)p le's Socialist Leagues i ~<br />

the ma in laining of lillie cottages ami<br />

sh~lt er houses for the usC' of their<br />

lIl C'mb("r~ on long hikes and journeys.<br />

The ~~ little cottagC's are generally<br />

built by th e memhers, and arc localcd<br />

high in the mou ntains or by the banks<br />

of a beautiful ri\'er. Their lise is free<br />

to all m~m!iers of the oqpllizalion.<br />

Thert' are steps being takcn by Ihe<br />

Yipsels of this counl ry to embark on<br />

the same sort of ente rpri l~s, alld it<br />

s ~em s 10 me that it would hC' one of<br />

the best Ihings that CQuld be under·<br />

taken,<br />

The :\orfolk, \ 'a., Y. P. S. L. lIIai n •.<br />

tained a l·ollagC' on the James !linr<br />

al\ last sumTliC'r, nnd it wa s a SI)lendid<br />

liuecus. One of the northcw XC'w<br />

Jerscy Leagues had a base at ShaJy.<br />

sidC'-on.thl'- Hudson, from whence<br />

many interesting land and wate r trips<br />

ha ve been started,<br />

Plans are being made to extend<br />

this sen·ite this year, and e\'ery<br />

league ought at least to look around<br />

for a chance to do something of Ihis<br />

kind. I n Chicago the Yip s~h are<br />

thinking oi establishing a permanent<br />

camp at Fox Lake, about fi fty milea

II<br />

from tht city, whilt tbe Junio', y . p,<br />

S. 1.. will probably be taken Caft of<br />

in a ltnt city on tht iuplainn<br />

Mi"u. • .~••<br />

It may not ahuys be; ,practi£al tOi<br />

take up •• ark of this kind. tu,l1 where<br />

it is )'0\1 will find it Qf great help in<br />

"e~ini your mtmheu togelh'fr. You<br />

do DOt ncd to huild a palace. :a few<br />

little shatkl or lrn15 ,,·ill do, or elst<br />

the homt'yf a Socia1i~t miy be put<br />

It your di~sa1. The objl:ctof the<br />

wholf' hUlin.1S is to promote com·<br />

n.duhip, and the spirit of lh~ affair<br />

should not be lost !light of in arranging<br />

the ' det3irl. PI3.nl" should be<br />

madf' as early as pouible. right now<br />

is the bt'St time. elu all availablt'<br />

THE YOUJ'lG 80C;IALIIT8' IIJ::;.:;:IW:;:.:;:'-'::,IN=E_' ________ _<br />

sitC's will be taken up. In no two<br />

IUKUC'S will the ('on'dilion5 be found<br />

the same-thili letter is only a l ugaestion<br />

that )'OU ICrt busy and il1\'~s­<br />

is going to gt.t it'<br />

The 8 . of C. hal arrallg~d for ~O IllC'<br />

tig:tt~ lh~ m:l1t~r.<br />

. thing oo,'el aud original: something<br />

that hasn't beC'n triNI btfor~. as far u<br />

---<br />

Slal~ con"~nlion s s;:hed ul~d for the we know." It is a. 'report blank to be<br />

coming yur : Indiana. al Lafayc1tt, ~C'nt out e\'~ ry month to each Icague,<br />

Sepl. 1-4: ~e ..... jer¥y, al Elizabeth, which shows the lr.tanding of c"~r)' in ~<br />

May 14th : Pennsyh·ania. al Reading, di"itlual league and the whole StatC'.<br />

T h ~<br />

April 29-30: Ne ..... York, at - Ruffalo,<br />

fir ... t bunch is f&I~ady om. Bt Jur.:<br />

to s~ iI. It is probahly on yOllr hul'<br />

July 1-·1.<br />

leli n bo~l.td . . You will notice that, it is<br />

Fred Krafft. ' I('cturer. playwright,<br />

IIQt cou~plete, That ii because .\11 the<br />

leagll~ !' did not Jeud in theit . Tepo~i:<br />

and authttr of national reputation is<br />

cards. \Ve nlus! have the.~e cards to<br />

to I~c ture ,: 011 "The M od~r n Drama<br />

('olll pil~<br />

and 'Mod~rn Probl~tlI s, " iIIustntins;<br />

our figur~s. Without them<br />

his lecture ~itb selcction from ollr<br />

ltading udic~ dramatists. Thi .. 'ii<br />

held under the :auspices of thc Elizabeth,<br />

No J" Yipsels,<br />


TION OP Y. P. 8. ·J. API'AIRS<br />

'.---<br />

Tht: .Y. p, 5."4 "tarq.wina, ·:E~er!"<br />

thilll; is comi", .. long in line itlal)('·<br />

Tbt' whol~ State. wilb Iht: excCI.tion of<br />

QIIt" o.r tWQ I~aa"el. i~ t.('~rtil\&" RroKr~<br />

ss. This bids fair 10 be a b3.nnt'r<br />

ytar for the. Y. P. S. L of this State.<br />

Wbl.l ak _SO\1 doin,lt to furth~r advaln.~<br />

our mon~ullm( Arc you doing your<br />

shart' If you a~ not, thell get hllsy.<br />

Tl:tof(~ is always wMk)n the Y. P. S. l..<br />

for those who wrml f O do il.<br />

Did. )'our I~aglle g~t in - on Ihe fir"t<br />

month of the lllt'mbcrship C'ont~st ~ If<br />

not, why not' Ij~ 'sure to aN :11 for<br />

MardI. It i§ th~ month for st"Cu ring<br />

nC'w l1Iembccs. Th~ league securinll the<br />

I:.rgtsl percent:t!lt' iCetS a pennant. Who<br />

WC' cannot do a thiilg. We are willing<br />

to do our ~hare . ,Are you going to do<br />

yours Let us hi"e a little co-op·<br />

eration,<br />

Here is .ome mO.rC' good news. AI·<br />

though you hne ~ee n l11emh~r. of the<br />

State F~d~ration for som~ time you<br />

haven't as yet r~C'ci,'ed )'~ur charter,<br />

Vo'e have had these handsomely en·<br />

General Note.<br />

e!rclt' 7, Philaddphia, r~ports 100<br />

members.. weeki), meetings at thdr<br />

own headquaru~ f5. 3 lihrary, St udy<br />

cluI, chorus and dramuic section.<br />

gra\'ed and Ih~y are by this time in<br />

C'irclt' Paterson, N. J" is not at all the possession of every lugue. The<br />

bluffed by this showing, Till y ha"e '<br />

li on tr\le ~ No! Decide:dly no, On<br />

the contrary, invite your non·Sodalist<br />

friends. who are: of th e:\ same opin.<br />

ion, to our lacturcs, dehates, discussions<br />

and ,o(.:iablu and they .. will 01,·<br />

set\'e that the member'll of the Y. 1'.<br />

S. L, possess t'nthusiasm and _vigor,<br />

They will find a spirit of optimilm<br />

that lei dam pr.e"aill c1se~ hC'r~ among<br />

young bo)' s and girls.<br />

l'hest' YiP5t'1!, me:mbC'rs of the<br />

". p , S. L.. are encouraged by thc<br />

fact that there is a mo\'e:mcnl that<br />

i.ntends to put aside all obstaclu t>l<br />

abolilh wage.slave:ry, crcatu within<br />

them a fig hting spirit.<br />

\Vith tht naked facts of I)re\'ailin)t<br />

economics and ,ocia~ conditions con·<br />

fronting them, Ihey hopcofully stri\e<br />

for a cau~e that rnay, in some ti ll,e<br />

10 come, afford them and Iheir de·<br />

s«ndanb a happier life than they<br />

have: nov.',<br />

The s,"iablu held in Circle 5 are<br />

for the purpose of promoting a fra·<br />

ternal feeling. the fou!,dation of<br />

unity and Itrength, The:' members<br />

of Ihe: circle should go into tJtem wi th<br />

vim, and disprove the assertion<br />

that 50cial1! 1S "leepy-beads,<br />

kickers. et(,<br />

Israel Diamond.

-<br />

u<br />

.<br />

I Sources of Power I<br />

• •<br />

From the carliest times man has<br />

had huviu work to do than the<br />

strength of his body could bear or his<br />

patience endure. As the nted for<br />

transportation arose, he tamed the<br />

horse and ox and spread a sail that the<br />

wind would drive his ship and sa\'c:<br />

him Ihe rowing. Later he built waterwheels<br />

and windmills to grind the<br />

grain for bread. his most essential ar­<br />

,:_1_ .. r ;ood. Tht:n. long aftu, ncar<br />

the end of the eighteenth century.<br />

lhcrc camc a great demand for a dri\t.<br />

ing power for new and rar more extcnsh'c<br />

UIU. The first spinning and<br />

wuving machine. had been invented<br />

and others were following in rapid<br />

succession. It was then that Jalllu<br />

Watt perfected the stc;un cn5rinc.<br />

which not only filled the demand, but<br />

rla\'C a new impulse .to the further de·<br />

yelopnunt of labor·.!I:l\'i ng duices,<br />

from t.hat time t3 the pruent the<br />

application of power to our 1\eeds has<br />

betn goinS' on so persi5lently that it<br />

has entirely changed Ollr daily life,<br />

In view of the fact that this prOce$.!l<br />

is still continuing and that we Me be·<br />

cORl ing more and more dependent<br />

upon the lise of power, it may be interesting<br />

to take a look into the<br />

sources and nleans at our disposal.<br />

Nature has supplied us with but three<br />

forms with which we are as yet ac·<br />

quainted. They are coal, petroleum<br />

and Olher fuds. water power and wind<br />

power. As for the means of utilizing<br />

this energy, we ha\'e the steam engine,<br />

steam turbine and internal combus·<br />

TO T0111fO IOOU.LI8ft' KAIlA&IJm<br />

tion engine t1) convert the energy<br />

Stored in the natural fuels into work.<br />

waterwheels and water lurbinu to<br />

operate on watu power, while wind·<br />

mills and sailing veuels still use the<br />

pOWN of the wind direct. \.<br />

The steam engine of James \"'att<br />

hn been the principle power device<br />

from the time of i1.5 invention, .. century<br />

and a quarter ago to the present<br />

day. and that in practically its origi·<br />

nal form. . The impro\'ements that<br />

have been madt' in it to make it more<br />

tfficient or to adopt it to other usn.<br />

sllch u the locomotive Rnd stumboat,<br />

ha\'e been luch as to lea ve the e$5enlial<br />

character of the machint.' un·<br />

changed. For example. the properties<br />

of steaI11 with reference to tempera·<br />

ture and preuure ha\'e been Itudif:d<br />

with" view to geninlt' the most d1icitnt<br />

method of operation, A,Iso, notable<br />

progress has betn made in de­<br />

.ijrning boilers and furnact. '0 as to<br />

ule the: 8reattst posiible part of the<br />

heat available in the fuel. Most everyone<br />

knows now that smoke jssuinJ{<br />

{rom a smokt.'st:H:k is a li ..'11 of incolIIplett<br />

burning of the coal and there·<br />

,fore means wastdulnell. but in the<br />

case of largf: power plants, the t.est,<br />

applied are much finer, conlisting of<br />

chemical analysis of the fuel USed and<br />

the RllSes formed by combustion. One<br />

of the most grateful results of this<br />

work has bt.'en making possible the<br />

USf: of coal which formerly was not<br />

nlined or was separatt.'d out !II waste<br />

product on account' of its poor character.<br />

Waterpower has only begun to<br />

come into its own .ince the df:velopment<br />

of electricity. The power avail·<br />

ahle in a stream depends upon two<br />

thingl: quantity of water flowing. in<br />

othcr words, size of the stream and<br />

height through which thf: water falls.<br />

Building a watf:rpower plant requires<br />

a high initi,,1 in\'cstmf:nt compared<br />

with a steam power plant of equal capacity.<br />

This explains in part why<br />

steam is !It ill a live compf:titor of<br />

water power. It is proportionally<br />

smaller as the waterfall is higher and<br />

for thil reason we find extensive<br />

waterpower development in mountainous<br />

regions such as Switzer<strong>Jan</strong>d and<br />

ou r Rock Mountain Statu. Niagara<br />

Falls is all excf:ptionally fine source<br />

of energy because it is fairly high and<br />

the quantity o f water Hawing is immense.<br />

One of the most important<br />

problem5 now being worked out in<br />

this connection is to transmit electricity<br />

ovtr gnat distances f:conomi.<br />

cally so as to make it uailable in<br />

places rar removed from its source.<br />

The power of Niagara is now being<br />

used in placet over a hundred miles<br />

"wny from the source and the range<br />

is tonstantly increasing.<br />

The steam turbine is like II water<br />

whef:1 or water turbine, but as the<br />

name implies operates on steam. As<br />

the t.'quipment for furnishing it with<br />

'team is the same as that used with<br />

the stcam engine, moat of what has<br />

been said above under the steam en·<br />

gine applies hert.'. The turbine itaelf<br />

operates at extremely high speed onl)'.<br />

and i5 therefore limited to two chief<br />

Ules, w,ith electric generators and propelling<br />

ship!§.<br />

Thcre remains but one other prime<br />

motor; namely, the internal combustion<br />

engine, SQ called because unlike<br />

the stum engine, the fuel is not<br />

burncd in a fu rnace and the heat<br />

transmitted to steam as a working<br />

medium. but the fuel itself, in the for'm<br />

of a gas. is the working medium. The<br />

advantages of this type of engine are<br />

high efficiency and with the be.t kine\.<br />

of fuel, brge power with Iman weight<br />

and small size. It is perhap. super­<br />

Huous to say that this is the engine<br />

used in automobiles •• mall boats and<br />

aeroplane!f. but on account of its<br />

j:trea,t efticienc),. there is a tendency to<br />

develop it for stationary power purposes.<br />

While ga.olene is the most<br />

suitable fuel, alcohol, coal &,U, crude<br />

oil and other kinds may he used with<br />

Ilight modification of construction.<br />

..... side from its special fitness for<br />

propelling .mall ,'ehicles on land, in<br />

water and air. the internal combustion<br />

engine is destined t'o. be of g reat im·<br />

portance in days to come for other<br />

reasons. The world's supply of coal<br />

and natural fuel oils is limited and<br />

will at some time approach exhaustion.<br />

The large demands for power<br />

will then probably be supplied by<br />

water power, but the internal combustion<br />

engine will still hold its preient<br />

field, using alcohol for fuel. The rUson<br />

th:at it is not used at present is<br />

because the o nly kind suitable for use<br />

in enginn i. classed by the government<br />

with liquors and there is such .l<br />

high tax on its manubcture that the<br />

COlt is prohibitive. As soon as it be·<br />

cornu imperative to abolish this rel'­<br />

enue tax, alcohol will come into wide<br />

use and continue 10 indefinitely as it<br />

can be distilled from almost any vegetable<br />

matter and from many of the<br />

products of industry which' now go<br />

to waste,<br />

•<br />

Youne Socialiab': You Will Be the<br />

Party of To-morrow<br />


Twenty-two lea.on. on Sodal Hi.­<br />

tory and Economics, by Algernon<br />

Lee.<br />

Tweh'e lenon. on the Elements of<br />

Social;snl, by Anna A. Maley.<br />

For full particulars. address '<br />

Bertha M. MaUly,<br />

Ex. Scc. Rand School of Social Science<br />

140 E. 19th St .. N. Y. C.<br />

Parents and children :ue invited t(1<br />

inspect the method! of the Ferter<br />

Modern Sunday School, Yorkville. a<br />

school conducted on strictly Soc:ialisl<br />

principles. Look what we offer yOIl:<br />

Object Lessons (AnlchauunR'sunterricht)<br />

rendered by four Sociali5t<br />

tcachcrs. All objects concerning the<br />

life and struggle of the working<br />

class.<br />

Sineine of Engli!h and German<br />

songs with Socialist tendency.<br />

Eaperanto, Violin School Stenoeraph,.<br />

Kindetlarten (Sundays only).<br />

An excellent Gtrman School OR·<br />

Iprings of eight different nationalities<br />

visit this departmeCnt with the<br />

most brilliant results.<br />

}>'ees are so minimal that e\'err<br />

worker can afford to send his chil~<br />

dren to this school.<br />

Rf:giltration. Sundays. betwf:en 9<br />

A. M. and t P. M. Saturdays, from<br />

Z to 4 P. M .• at Sackl'. Union Hall.<br />

'59' St.'cond :\"c.• lietween 82nd and<br />

SJrd Su.<br />

(Advl.)<br />

Ich bin der Krieg! - Ieh fliege<br />

durch die: Lande,<br />

\'011 Gier und Hunger zehr' ieh<br />

euer Gut ....<br />

~fit harter Faust greif' ieh nach<br />

jedem Leben,<br />

Vnd sauge diirstend jeden Tropicn<br />

B1ut .....<br />

Ich bin der Krieg I -<br />

Leid die Fr.eude,<br />

Ich kehr· in<br />

Des GlUckes Becher schutt' ieh<br />

jedcm aus<br />

Vnd geb' ihn leer zuriick -<br />

dann<br />

ohne Miihc,<br />

Mach' ieh geschwind ei; Tranenkriiglein<br />

draus.<br />

Ich bin der Krieg! - Ich mach'<br />

aus F reien Knechte,<br />

Die mir geduldig folgen in den<br />

Sumpf --<br />

Die auf Kommando ihre Bruder<br />

morden,<br />

Bald ziigellos gemein, bald ticriseh<br />

stumpf.<br />

Ich reiss' die Kraft, die beste, aus<br />

dem Volke,<br />

Vom Knabenalter bi s ZlIlll Greis<br />

hinan -<br />

Aus den Fabriken, aus dem<br />

Schacht der Erde,<br />

Hal' ich sie mir, ve rschone keinen<br />

Mann.<br />

Die Schwachen und die Gr.eise,<br />

Frau 'n und Kinder,<br />

Die iiberlass' ieh meiner Schwester<br />

traut -<br />

Die gierig hangt an meines Man·<br />

tels Falten,<br />

Vnd auf den Krieg als ihren HeIfer<br />

baut , .•.<br />


Si.e weiss den ''''eg zu jeder kleinsten<br />

Hutte,<br />

Hohlwangig schleicht sic hin -<br />

ihr<br />

folgl der Tod.<br />

Die .M ikh muss in der Mutterbmst<br />

versiegen<br />

l,;nd Kinder jammern urn ein<br />

Stuckchcn Bra t.<br />

\\·0 sic sich zeigt, da welken Rosenwangell,<br />

Oa stirbt das HoA'.t:n schon beim<br />

~Iorgenrot -<br />

Die diirren Ha'nde greifen nach<br />

dem Herzen,<br />

Cnd sliercn Auges blickt · eueh an<br />

- die Not. -<br />

~ flieg' ich hin! Und wo mcin<br />

Atcm wehet,<br />

\ . crbrennt, v.erdorrt, vcrblutet<br />

rings 11l1lher,<br />

\\'as Icbensfahig, was in ~c h o nheit<br />

strahhe -<br />

\\'as ihr crschuft in Jahren sorgenschwer.<br />

-<br />

kh bin die Ge issel, die die MJrhte<br />

schwingen<br />

~obald das "olk l Ur Freiheit wiJl<br />

erst.ehn,<br />

end Ulll so fester stehn des Thrones<br />

Stiitlen.<br />

Je mehr der Freiheitskampfer<br />

untergehn.<br />

Greif aus, mein Rappel Gut stehn<br />

unsere Felder,<br />

Zerstampf - zertritt - und was<br />

nicht bricht, das bieg'. -<br />

Ich schwinge driibcr hin des Brandes<br />

Facleell<br />

Weh, wer mir nahtl Hopheil Jell<br />

bin der Krieg I - -<br />

I~<br />



Von Maxim Gorki<br />

H oeh hinauf in die Berge krorh<br />

die Schlange und legle sich dort,<br />

zum Knauel gerollt und aufs<br />

11cer blickend, in dner Fe1skluft<br />

nieder.<br />

Hoch am H illlmel glanztc die<br />

Sonne, lind heisse Glut at11lcten<br />

rings die Berge. und unten am·<br />

Gesttin brachen sich die Wogen.<br />

Und durch die Felskluft im<br />

Dunkel Ross rausehend lind<br />

hiipfend yon Stei n Z lI Stein ein<br />

Bacb dem Meere entgegen.<br />

Weiss war er ganz \'on Sch:ll1t1l,<br />

und rarnte hurtig dahin ZUIl1<br />

Meer. mit zomigem Gcheul dell<br />

Berg durchschneidend.<br />

Da plolzlich fiel in die Kluft.<br />

in der die Schlange geringelt lag,<br />

vom Himmel ein Falke mit zerschmettcrter<br />

Brust, .Slut.am Gefiedcr<br />

. .<br />

l\'lit kurzem Aufschrei ftcl cr Zli<br />

Boden lind schill&, in machtlo"clIl<br />

Zorn seine Drust gegcn dell harten<br />

Felsen<br />

Die Schlange ersduak lind<br />

kroch Rink da\'on, oegriff aber<br />


\1<br />

krochcl1 oc.ler gf'AO(rcn'- das<br />

Epdc h~t doch glt"k h! Zur llrd..:.<br />

kehn aile .. zuruck, lUm Stluix.<br />

Aber der kuhoe Falke btpl1n<br />

mit den Fittichen piotllic.h 7.U<br />

schlagen und rh::htete cin wenig<br />

~kh auf Ilnd schaut r ich lun in<br />

der Felsklu!l,<br />

t: cher das gralle Gt;.,stcin quoli<br />

das '''asser, lind dump£ war's in<br />

dem chlOklen Gekliift und rcx:h<br />

uueh Faulnis.<br />

L' nd Sebnsucht .packte t.ien<br />

(,aiken und Schmerz. lind aile<br />

:;C'illc Kraft zusammenfassend,<br />

schrie cr:<br />

.• 0, k(inn!' ich \loch einmal<br />

zum Himmd cmpor mich schwingen<br />

und in der Freude lies Kalllpfe~<br />

den Feind an die wunde<br />

Brust driicken. (tass er in mdnem<br />

Hlut erstickte! • . :;<br />

Die Schl a'nge aber dachte bei<br />

~idl: .,Schon muss es wohl scin<br />

dllft oben am tIimmel, wenn er<br />

also danach skh schnd."<br />

l;nd sic sprac h t um (rden Falke<br />

n : .. So heb' di eh e.mpor doch<br />

:tum Rande der Kluh, und stiirz'<br />

llich hinab dann I .<br />

" ie.l leicht. dass deine Flugel<br />

,'on selbsl dieh tragen und du ein<br />

\\'eilchen nuch glucklich kannst<br />

sein in deincnt Reiche !"<br />

,'1'HII YO,,"O aoc;IAUITI' MAOAZlNE<br />

Weh.klagend achlu,en die \\' 0-<br />

gen des Meern ans Gestein;<br />

doch (ler Falke, der ' tote, war<br />

rfimmer .zu .. ~chauen : ..<br />

z",.i 'I;rliber.<br />

In eirr Musenrrab," da's eben geschIO~4jen<br />

werden soll~, \\urde<br />

ganl l.uletzt noch ein sc.hmales<br />

Sirgltin gesenlct-·, .und Leute. die<br />

der Arbeit' lusahen, fragten : "Wer<br />

war da!, • det' so wenig Platz beaD­<br />

:,prucht in der Mutter Erde"<br />

,.ja,'· antwortete ein Handlan·<br />

ger,.,.das, war d~r Zeisi. Taglohner<br />

seines Zeichens, haben ihn aber<br />

nirgends behaltcn. 1st dann herumgezogen<br />

mit der' Gharre und hat in<br />

den Ha fen der Hauser gesul\gen<br />

11111 ein Stuck 'Drot, urn tin Paar<br />

~t ie£el. sellr p ft Ulllsonst.'l<br />

\Vie der Mann so e·rz.ahlte, tral<br />

eine verhiiUtc Gestalt heralJ; warf<br />

Blumen auf den Sarg und blickte<br />

lange wchmutig lU .ihm nieder.<br />

-. In ehrfurcht!volter Scheu wichen<br />

die aodern luruck; ein iiberirdisches<br />

W.esen er.5Chien sie ihnen.<br />

niemand wagte sie antureden. Sic<br />

se:lbst aber sprach : "Hier ward cin<br />

POOl !Jegrabeo,"<br />

•<br />

. Eine Stb,Jide ' spater kam: ' VO~l<br />

C nd ein Zitte~ be6el den Fat. '10ft' ~nabsth~ren M.eng~ ~gtel-<br />

. . . tet, em prachtvol1er Lelchcnt:ug<br />

ken, lind leiS auf~chr.elend krallt - luf de: Friedhof an. Der koster<br />

eml>or am schlupfngen Felsen. bare - Sa~~~ PaI. bedeckLA;it Lor­<br />

. L.:nd er err~ichte den ~and ~,er beerkrii.~ien ;- -barg cinen berUhm­<br />

"Iuft. un~ . bhtzenden :"-ugc,s. tl~f IcO $chrihstcllcr. Er wurde in die<br />

.~t~m lichopfend. s~re u:!e er du: .Gruft-.. gesenkt. , ~I\d der beriihm­<br />

"Iugel a:us, um nlederlttschwe- (c5te Redner der Stadt weihte d ~m<br />

ben. Dahingeschiedene~ einen Nachruf<br />

Doeh wie ein Stein. \'011 F cis voll dithyrambischem Schwung.<br />

Ztl Fels $pringcnd, stiirzte er Plotdic:h hielt er ione . ... Er<br />

jahlings den Abgrund hinuntcr hatte" die Hmliche erblickt,' die<br />

- zcrschmettert, zer&aU:!5t, mit nodr liii~" an 'der, Ruhestitte des<br />

gebrochtnem Fittich . . . Anne..--stand. ' ..<br />

Die " reHe dee: Bachs griff ihn ,.Gebt Raum: ' rid ' er ins Geanf,<br />

wU5Ch du Blut ihm ab ;- ~'iillt' drin~ . .. Die hOhe GOttin. deren<br />

in ~chaum 1h11 ein und ttng ihn (unSf unser!.n~jposse n TO$en' berun,<br />

~Ieer.<br />

ilUc"-tc, 'ttali[ -lier"b ;" niit un.: ' UI11<br />

°ihn 7.U trauern.<br />

hohen GoUin I"<br />

Die AnwtM!nde t<br />

und sofort offnek<br />

nachste, die edclste Leidtra~04e<br />

ein Wcg z.ur Gruft.<br />

Sit betrat- ihn<br />

s.chuttelte das H~ul>t; uber ilir<br />

schimmerndes' Ainlit%. flog ein u.~<br />

cheln beimlicher Verachtung. und<br />

sie sprach: "n c r :rote. war rnir<br />

frtmd i ihr habt cinco TagtOhner<br />

begral>en."<br />

. ,M. Ebner-Esc.henbach.<br />

"Mary," said the sick ma n to hie<br />

",!ifc. when the doctor had pro~<br />

nounced it a case of smallpox, "'if<br />

any o{ my creditors caU, tell them<br />

that I am at last in a position to<br />

give them something."<br />

Die im frciheitlkhen Sinnr: ge,<br />

leitcten<br />

Vereini(ten Freien Deutschen<br />

Schulen<br />

yon ' New York und Umc .. end<br />

erteilen Unterricht im Anschauunll'­<br />

untC'rri c.ht in Vubindung mit Vorlri­<br />

,Cn sowie Gcsang, und bei gcnu,ender<br />

Bcteiligung auch TurneD. Zeid,·<br />

nt-n lind Hlndarbtitsunterricht fflr<br />

Mi dchcn. Die Adresscn der einnlncJI<br />

Schulen si nd, in :<br />

Manhattan: Rand School. 140 Ost<br />

19. St.. Sam'tag varm.; Labor<br />

Temple. 2 .. 7 Ost 84. Str" Samstat<br />

und Sonntag vorm.; No. 2329 2,<br />

A,!t ., Samstag nachm.; No. 884<br />

. Columbus A,'e., SanlStags vorm,.<br />

' · 12 Uhr.<br />

Bronx : Eckt 158. Str. und FQrc§t<br />

A\!t . Wm. Stellwagen'. Hall.<br />

S.mstag und Sonntag yonn.<br />

Brooklyn: Labor Lyceum, 949 Will·<br />

oughby -A,·c., Sanutag vor· .und<br />

nachmittags.<br />

Long hland City: Hettinger's Halle,<br />

Broadway und 7 .• ",·e., Samstaa<br />

~ormittags, .<br />

Eliubeth. N. J.: 605 Elizabeth A,'e ..<br />

Sonntag ,"orminag •.<br />

G~:,~~~~.: ~,:", L':~U;h~:. Lin-<br />

Union Hill: Frommcbens Halle, New<br />

York Ave. und Union Sir., Sonnta,<br />

vonnittalt. .<br />

Die VereiDia'uDg hit auch cia<br />

hiibsch aIIgutattdes Liedtrbuch im<br />

, -crtafl'. Niherc Auskunft erteilt 'der<br />

Sekretir Reinhard Meyer, JOI .Eul<br />

83, Street, New V(lriL (AdvL)<br />

A.PR!L. No. ~ '<br />

,<br />

0==::1<br />

WHY<br />


1915-<strong>1916</strong>'<br />


Whl' does America sit SO still.<br />

. Wa.fchin~ ..:aIl1Europe die<br />

Doing nothing, ot good, or ill,<br />

To·· sto·p-· lied . D eath am::l [diot<br />

Waste, .<br />

While the fiHle nations, closer<br />

plac~d . .<br />

'Berior aiecu latin~ in Death Fre1erred;<br />

Refusing to let her voice be heafd<br />

1n tht; Council of Nations which<br />

may avail<br />

To end the Horror And. though<br />

itJa11,<br />

\Vhy should we fail to try<br />

Answer, Americal-Why<br />


f ' !<br />

• THK YOUNG 1000000ln' llAo.uID<br />

-I worst fUe (or maiden and wife courage them in the 1~<br />

flU'll liD "III DaY' at the hands of the all-powerful are too well aCCl1stol'ned to get-<br />

_ "enemy." Then COOltS -the call ting 'what they wa.nt. Their<br />

By WM. F. KRUSE to arms-the call to murder. Tn business plans require the exis-<br />

• the (ace of such a propaganda tenee of an "enemy," so they set<br />

there can be but little wonder to work quite rndhodic.ally to<br />

These .are dangerous time, for that young,hearts he~d tht call of manufacture one. On the one<br />

young folks. If collective mur- "preparcdncu"-preparednes5 to hand they arc punuing a meddleder<br />

were as clearly recognized a murder their fel1ow-beings, the some and trouble-making world<br />

crime u is individual murder, a "enemy." , policy, on the other they arc try·<br />

c:onliderable number of our lead. \Vho is the "enemy" ing to build up a military machine<br />

l<br />

i .. citizens would now 6e-..,doing This is a pertinent question at to carr)' out their de..;igns. The<br />

time behind the ban. From this time, "Who is the enemy r' jingoes themselves declare that<br />

c:ountleu newspapers, 'I'fIagazines, _ To look at the mo\tie terrors in Uncle Same is going throu gl~ \he<br />

lecture and school rostrums the- the "Battle Cry of Peace" - it is world with a chip 0 ,0 each shoul­<br />

Itrea, pulpits, and every po~sible ~ i m~s~ible. to .recognize the.m, der and bot'h arms. tn a sling. The<br />

method of formulating public their Identity 1.5 concealed wlth • armamem manufaqurers want<br />

opinion there is being pre~hed a rt:eat care. .\V ho .a r~ our ene- him to hide a CQUple o( million<br />

solitary, ugly, devilish doctrine- mles On thiS continent we ha\'e soldiers and baUteships in. the<br />

murder. two next-door neighbors. yet our folds of those slings and then<br />

It i~ not called that-of course three thou~and-m~I.~ frontier t~ ~unt ~r.p someone to'jcnock off the<br />

ftot-our intelle~tual' prO&titutes the north IS prachcally un font- chips. That "will mean more armand<br />

arm-chair jingoes ate far too fl~d . while our sOllthern neigh- ament order:s and more profits for<br />

clever to commit such ,. blunder. ~rs ask on.lY to be left alone. 1t the patriots. Let us rather strive<br />

The time is long put when mer/. IS hardlr I~kely ~hlt our Arneri- to get rid of -the· ChlPS, then the<br />

without the slightest compunction can . captt~hsts wlll.grant the re- hands ~on't nee1 any slings. it<br />

CO- out and kill one another. Bu~ quests ; 011 _wells and ranch lands was playing -wi~h. ) ~lIn-po wder<br />

the day when one great mass of are cheap for the masters when that put them there in the first<br />

people will pennit itself to be used they . ~~n be purchased at so s~al ! place, Let \IS quit looking for<br />

to slaughter off another is still with a pnce ~s t'.!..e worker-soldier! fight and attend t~ the work at<br />

tiS. blood. VVlth sllch stakes, we need home.<br />

For this reason our appeal is not wonder that a handful of bandits<br />

oblige ,us with the de$i.red<br />

addressed to the youth of this provocation'. -<br />

country. In the fact o( all the Over the seas thc countries are<br />

jingo papers, sp~ lI-binders, ilnd sufficiently concerned with their<br />

movies we urge you-Sleer clear<br />

of murder.<br />

own affairs; if we do not meddle<br />

with them they will never molest<br />

There are most insidious infhlences<br />

now at work to plunge this<br />

country into the same unthinking<br />

hrutish conditions that now in­<br />

us. The only thing that 'Could<br />

fest the :rest of the world. Militarism<br />

and its propaganda is<br />

rampant - everywhere. Go into<br />

the movi(, houses and you will<br />

see the hirelings o( Mammon cunningly<br />

playing upon the nobl.est<br />

emotions of man. love of home<br />

and veneration of womankind.<br />

First is shown the destruction of<br />

little cottages, the murder of innocent.<br />

beautiful children, and a<br />

possibly involve tbis country in<br />

war is our interierence in the economic<br />

development of for~ign<br />

countries. Unlcs$ we do this and<br />

provocate trouble tiy building ~p<br />

a murdcr machin'e with which' to<br />

fulfil such nefariolls srhemes, the<br />

"Cnited States. can reminn at peace<br />

with the rest o( the world until<br />

the end of time.<br />

Our mas~r s are thus deprived<br />

of the prime necessary e~cuse for<br />

armament: a likely looking<br />

enemy. Yet .that docs not dis-<br />

Our Tuk<br />

,"Ve have here a continent of<br />

unparalleled bounty and fertilit y.<br />

Our Fourth of July orators tell<br />

ns that we can (eed the entire<br />

world, allowing for the source.<br />

we may still be 'proud of ollr abil ­<br />

ity to harbor and feed a con:,iderably<br />

larger population than at<br />

present dwells \\ljthin our h Olll\·<br />

daries.<br />

This continent is· inhabited by a<br />

capable and intelligent people..<br />

capable enough to supply all their<br />

needs with a minimum of effort.<br />

intelligent en~ugh to be the ma!'­<br />

ter~ of their own destiny. \\" hy<br />

do not these conditions prevail ';<br />

\\' e know th~ not even the<br />

wants of the people are met out<br />

(Continued on Page 7)<br />

I THE-<br />

________ ~----~~~~--__ ~----YO--VY ___• __ ~' ~~<br />

. -<br />

I<br />


By John D. Barry<br />

A quaint" old cha'1cter diec1 a \'iews. And vet some or the wonder wh~ ther in hi s mind there<br />

few years ago. "His"'h'>:rme \\'a·s 'n o vie\V5 of these- !'coffers may also lurked other r~ se n .tOlents of<br />

\"1. Stockwell. He li,'ed in Au- be. cxploded and old-fashion.ed. changc.<br />

rora, Ill. For mahy rears he was Then, too, there is something Did he look with an 'alien and<br />

(amous a!J "the man that stood to be said for those who look a hostile eyc on the new civili zastitt"<br />

At th,t time of" the ci\'il with ~uspicion on what is new. ton ' that had gv>wn up about<br />

war he conducted a general mer· They create a consen 'arism that him Were the people that he<br />

chandise store in Aurora. There is not by any r'cans so deplor- met a~ fa ntastic and as unreal to<br />

he sold the hoop skirts worn at able as we are usually led to be- him as he was ro us<br />

the time_ He never !iucceeded in lieve. They are like ball3st ; they I.<br />

getting out of the hOOIJ.....skirt keep the tornadoes and the sud· 1'1 - . I<br />

period·. To the end o( his 1ife he d~n meaningless gpsts from over- . ,Iere t~ adceroftalO h<br />

pa.t JOSh" toboo,<br />

' . a . . . ~ , I 10 t 1(' attltu e t ose t at -<br />

co~tmlled tQ,. Oller fQ~ ~a l~ hQop turnlllg the shtp. From expen- 'ect to chan e. It resultl'l from<br />

!k~rts and ~ther I re!l~ s. :rhese ~nce they knoW th~t some of .thc !hei r lack of com tete harmon<br />

fhl ~gs he dld not recgnlz t;. ~. a s Ideas calledl new will be l a~ghed with life. - P 'I<br />

rehcs, however. _ He ~ Imply re- ~t to-morrow, and that befo,r e an Ru ski n was a notable exam Ie.<br />

fused to accept-- what was new.<br />

~atural1v. he saw his business<br />

Idea can be tested there IS requited<br />

a long ti me fori reflection.<br />

I . T · h<br />

n t he CIVI ltatlO:1 . t alat<br />

P<br />

was so<br />

. .' .''h . - rapil.ily an d sensation Iy de\1eldecline.<br />

. . He . . became a9 object Qf<br />

.<br />

1 e people<br />

' who - . resist change . oping . - un (ej " ' 15 . s., tU d V , ' Ie saw a<br />

rldtcul~. Vls lt~rs wou.ld go ~o !l1S are often ~aspera tlng . Bu\ they menace to eace and' to welfare.<br />

store to-gratlfy. t,h-eu - CUriosity h~\' e ~he l r work to perfo~ , . The introdl~ ti o n of steam as mOand<br />

to laugh. II hl~ "rrested de· hlghil' Important work, too. Their. . ' " .<br />

",:Iopment had n ~t inhibited en- nry·-opposition. be~irles hdpin'J; tl:e, power,' Insted·ddol.fi,lhn g hld m<br />

. . . . ' Wit 1 won( er an eilg H. 1\1a e<br />

terpnse he nllg~t ha ye turned It to weed O~lt the weak Ideas. gIves himi~ \' c. ~ow men that once<br />

-to profit.<br />

. .<br />

And If some adventur- the<br />

.<br />

true<br />

'd'<br />

Ideas greater strength.<br />

made<br />

gr..<br />

leisure Journeys<br />

.<br />

111 good<br />

ous SPlt1t had come along and " or an I en IS 1I0t worth much d fl· .. I<br />

succeeded In controlling h1m he _ unless it can sturdily make its o ~ - a~ Il on~d coaches Wit I<br />

might ha.ve been- exproited. He way through opposition and dis- p enty of ll,me to observe the<br />

. , countrv wou d be tempted to go<br />

went hiS way peacefully to the play toug mess of fiber. . . bo h .<br />

end. however, believing th;h the t~anng aut, t e ea r~h h,ke luna-<br />

• tics. Anc1 Wi th the iIItrodtlction<br />

wor Id was wrong·an d t<br />

right.<br />

h at he was.<br />

At thiS momen t I am reminded<br />

"<br />

of ma c~l1Ie there was sur~ to be<br />

of an aged man that 1 used to wee a. decline In these handlc.rafts<br />

.,.<br />

in the stretts of New Ycrk, a where men cou lct ~ake pleasure<br />

A good many of us are like "the weJl--known figure.. living out his ~nd pride. throu~h the expression<br />

man tnat stood s\ill" in at least last years in v.iealth and honor. of initiati ve anU personal skill.<br />

one' particul;r. Very few of us ' surrounded by grandchildren and Only a few years ago rome of uS<br />

keep up to the times in all ways. great-grandchildren. As a young were tempted to :;mile at Ru skin<br />

lr we could study the mind of<br />

man he ha~ become enamored o( (or these \'cry ideas. Now we ,are<br />

the mo~t advanced philosopher<br />

the neck stock, th(, kind that we wondering if he was not at least<br />

we should find that l in thi~ way now see in old portraits. He wore partl'y righl.<br />

or in that, perhaps in many ways,<br />

(0<br />

he w}t; reactionary.<br />

•<br />

my ow n acquaintance<br />

Often we hear the ad\'anc.ed<br />

know several people who grie,'e<br />

people scoffing at others fo r holdinC"<br />

old-fashioned or exploded<br />

o\'er the. invention of the -auto-<br />

4 mobile. One keeps the resOlve<br />

it to the day 4f his death. People<br />

used to tum and look after him<br />

as. straight and tall, he pas~esl<br />

down Fifth Avenue ... "a strange<br />

figure (rom the past.· 1 used to<br />

....<br />


.., I , " ~ . •<br />

:\<br />

TH& YOUNG S~C!ALllTa' II~GAZlIB,.<br />

"<br />

in~de several · }' t:~T5,n.~o. lltvl!r,:to ~.,.------'~, .. , - , -~ ", ':'- ~ ~ :.-- . :'" ;<br />

::~~~I>~':i'~:I;;f~h:.;=% / I - TBE INTE~N, A::T~O

Eatter (boy)-My voor. little rab·<br />

bit I ar~ '0 tired. All niaht they have<br />

bttn running Crom hoult to house.<br />

hidinr Ehter tliS Cor all the rood<br />

childrtn. Still, yrau "0 they had tu<br />

. 'ork much harder, ~ow peoplt want<br />

only chocolate: and candy eggl. That<br />

savu thtnl tht troubl(' of layin,-!htnl.<br />

at any ratt, I'll take th rm a ftw nice<br />

juicy letlus Ita\'es as a reward.<br />


-----<br />

~ .• --,- - THE YOUNG SOCIALISTS'<br />

•.-<br />

'-TI<br />

.ntt T<br />

.... 11111' .IIIZ~I<br />

.: ' roR BOYS AND OIRLS<br />

Qt,. ., .... A •• ri .. lIoeiaIiec Suacl.,<br />

.............. Youa~ ,.. Ii', P ....,.t.lO.<br />

Enfered u 'Second.Oau Maii Matter<br />

It1n~"'2, 1911, at the POlt office at New<br />

York. N, Y., under the Act of" March<br />

, 3,1819.<br />

~ublIihid Monthly "a'<br />

:=- IS apnc. Street. New York.<br />

- by the ...<br />

~"'odaliIde Co-operad ...' Publ AII'I\.<br />

Jou NaceL "'Ptft..... 0: Knoll, Sec'y"<br />

It Ramm. Tre... •<br />

_ SUBSCRIPTI0&-sc. a C0fl'1. SOc.<br />

• year" For N. V: City and Canada.<br />

6Ot., 011 account of the hi8'her poltale.<br />

Nexico and other foreilil\ couatri.ea.<br />

'5 ~eat .. '<br />

BUNDLE RATES=JC: Def cop,.<br />

ADVERTISING JOe: a il'n~ $(00<br />

an inch. For one: year one inch $10.00.<br />

4iif:<br />


' ,: 1 do nOt envy, my neighbpr the<br />

:o.w,\ership of any material thing.<br />

Bat'if my neighbor f~ces in for<br />

himself the mountain from which<br />

:the rarest sunset may be seen<br />

that ,pe may enjoy . alone what<br />

"was given to all ; if my neighbor<br />

takes the waterfall with the trees<br />

that shadow it and tries to keep<br />

for himself alone the wonders of<br />

the sunlight o n the (ailing waters;<br />

if my neighbor le"aves me no<br />

rocks along the ocean over which<br />

·1 ma.y climb, smell the sea, . look<br />

out upon the waters and feel the<br />

Infinite about me; if no pl;ce be<br />

left me where r may go in the<br />

mght hours and look up to .the<br />

stars; if there be no place ",here<br />

~r milgalhe r ~with thM{..Who live<br />

about me and sliare with them-the<br />

:music pf tl\i::.wol'ta., ~aha;e with<br />

I • th~m the. ~ ~uihts l!\o t~.<br />

world and feel myself 1:an~ with<br />

;them,-then I fed thar-l '~ha~e<br />

: suffered grie'«Uls;:JQSs, for in so<br />

~(ar - a.s my neighbor !IIht.lt~ me o ut<br />

! from the beauty of the world, he<br />

~ ktepi!l from me in Par.t a knowl·<br />

! tdge of the ftllness of God and<br />

-:fea.x,e$-my life b3rren. •<br />

i A" to U R A G E 0 US t£ T T E<br />

" . ' --.... .<br />

8";'1<br />

In the year 1896 a young Illan come ,(egctarian be

Ie · tit teiA ~ "Jb1:Ifto I •<br />

n. - 0 1'-'" ! · •. i<br />

Stafe Secretary'. fe-port continued<br />

conte.\, It i. hoped "that the Itapel York ,nd vieinity, but tblt was oilet<br />

.t follows: p.rticipa'tin& In the other two partl<br />

All l'i'lues wcrc circul,rin.d in or the contclt will ):ndtavor to send<br />

by thlt,. fau that an equal number of<br />

dele ... t" would have to come from<br />

up-St.te, tOme from II far wut as<br />

part Jamuto ..... n. The fact Ihl,t New York<br />

on. cont~$t i, nOI over, we here ..... ith out· City hu had one convention wat al iO<br />

Nincty·"y"o Spcialilt _P~rty loub line briefly what tfic third part will taken "into c.on.ideration. Ii well a.<br />

<strong>Jan</strong>uary and M.~h ftlllthoe to the<br />

~t'lc.widc conte.t that hal bun ro.<br />

In,<br />

in fttl0rU accurately and' promptly.<br />

Ahhouah the Ifc:Clnd of the<br />

in the State' wert lenr- a ,pecial dr- be. The object is to induce y, p, the letter received from he New<br />

.:ular urgi-n« t"(m to form y, p . s. S , L. members to join the ParJY, thit Vorl. Dittrict Committee. .,<br />

h·aguu. In February a genent re· be,lnni"" April 15th .,d endin" fday This lea,'e. Syncu'e as th~ o nly<br />

port., the new aharter and the coml 15th. It is planned to lecur' aid available convention city. ,There are<br />

pu:a lj.;·e, reports ... ere unt to al from the National tU1d Local Social· sevCIal jdvanuges which m!ke S,.ra·<br />

luru .. s In thl' Stale. ilt Party to make this pUt of the cUle the b u t possible 10c\hon ; fint.<br />

Ten thoun.rid Y.P, S .. r... lea'ftets contest a IUCCUI. The State Secre- because it is a rai1ro~d center and<br />

wen ordered and all \vere sold. tary was instructed to correspond very well .... situated with reference . t o<br />

Jamestown ukin, •. 000. R.ochester with the. America~ ~ialist and e~ · other leagues; ncpnd: it, haa a " I~ _vt'<br />

1.000. \\'atertown 1,000. Syraeuse dea\'or to "cure special ratel n. t.h ls an

11 1fif t~uifa iSC!ALiiil' .IIAOA%I~<br />

I( there is ,nythin; t~.i Out~n. can durina 1M. iime ~ey f6~ lht many Moved ind curied that a co,,!miibo~.t<br />

of it .is the ,fi ne c~rnr .. ctely spirit ballies bp\I(ecn theb: pwn. fc.aru'e · i t.,.e;e, 0." tw.o be c:lecte. - tQ' 'deci4t # ~n<br />

.KI.tin~ amdnr It, member... Rel.- members. And .then the loc:at wu books to be riven for tint, .ec~)Rd<br />

Cion. ber6un the \' ~ P. Sa- I:,~ a~d the kicking all the while till we said. ind third prizd in the elM.)' cOnfUt.<br />

Party are abo most !;'or la . Vhen "Telch \I~ 10 bf riaht and ~ ult'ful to Comrade- Ebi~ Knepper ' and ' Coui,<br />

tb! P,rty Orriniur has Il lar8'c batch the mOiemtnt," whidl they havt done. (:0!!.iwelected. _•. _ .. _.~ _ _<br />

'or a.w..uling and folding o( drculo.ra • ~ow our oraranizatioll ii bobnling. Moved and carr ied that i h,i"fo1fow-<br />

,to ~tdone h ~ .find. Ihe Yip.H~ a Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah I There inl' purpoU' of the InCe{-Cirde tom-<br />

Jnl~l\.. , Of ,.~iJb.nr... thQ.\I~h. _.,1101;", ....... o m~fhinr _dded to the Sociali.t miuee b~ reeommendtd .t.o OIU Slate<br />

>"Wor,kera. \. mO\'ementr On Februlry 27th then Committee for ill aect'ptanu:<br />

. The a~ud, c1~1S ~nder th.e i~slruc- ~ .. a Social .Scie.~ce ~chool ~rlran.. . To .provide for a men ~a.lf nd phX ~I­<br />

"lion of hed Brlchl.15 al.w:,ys ",:ell- at- Iz~d. It had ~ n.ly ' IX chlld~en 10 . tart cal development for our ~in'embershlp<br />

' tcnded. Every third rfld~y In the \Yuh, but -now .. lh ~un~bu I' o"tr .the by. arraa,rirlr ,and e,onduct1iQI' Stayt<br />

m o.th Is devoted to a so~ 111. Hhe .., 100 mark. Tlh. ",,.n. In a sHo" tlmt and inter-circle debatin .. , ulaY Wflt;<br />

the memb~rt a nd the fnend. they strenelhen Ihe SoclllfSt' movem'tnt.' ina, o~a torical and athlefic cantuts,<br />

'Witt, make Ihe attendance 100 p.u Georle Slieler, O rganiur. indudi,rir -:other activit,t u wh~~h 'han<br />

tent. flu.. Last mont,h. we held a lend to .embli, h a clonr. unuy and ,<br />

Va)uhne Party, at which all mem- . harm'onious relalionship h monar Ihe<br />

ben received "aitnline caricature I. Syncuse, No, Y .. is working hard to C'irHe. ....<br />

On Friday, ~arc h 171h, we all upt'ct rt'gain iu ~ ne -timt' prestige . . 11 -1'1 i.n ltiov'td 'and C' rrit'd that a'n y<br />

memo<br />

"to b~ "wearm' Ihe grt'cn," and 10 be on the National Ltcture Tbur. and I' b " d' .a .. ,. I ' n any \..<br />

' doin~ I~e Irish jig. The 1i~rary i.. ~t'lti.ng in ~tw lIlt'mbers and re,·;,,- inet~r~;irc~: ::t'~~ !~:~, c~~a i: ~e or-<br />

.. rO,,!ln,. Members Me dona~mr and lOR Its ,:, 'd.tlmcrs. The)' hope to do aniZalio at It'ast two rri\.ntJ\l. :<br />

.Ioarune,aoed books to make It better, grt'llt things. g fl . I<br />

"by h'avinr.a larger number o'f ,'olumt'S The comrade. of New York City ~. t.t oved and camet. t~atcthe ~:c-<br />

~o IClect from,. , and northern New Jt'rsey have, ~tt'll ~are~o~O ' ;~:I~:t:;' i~~~r:l1t'do~~n~~!~~<br />

I ~ou~ : la ~t bUSiness meehne- tht granted Ihe. ~se of ~ ne c~!umn In, lhe in ~ c!'rerence to decide ",(ay ... nd<br />

""embers dec.lded 10 eng:lge Comradt Sun~~y edn,o,,:, o f I~e Ne ... t \ ode m ea~s 10 euablish a rreater inter-<br />

"Kruse for a lecturl The da'l has Call. A!I ~ Iplels In thc. easter.n irde u ilY _<br />

already been applied for, but.w ha\'e sUtts arc 1ft\'lttd 10 scnd tbelr contrl-

o<br />

' 16<br />

na npw. ~ ......... .t:mn.<br />

,-(T~U~!:.!d!~W~;!~~ ·P,;~~!}..!1~'~ '!hdld!i~ I: ,!<br />

was written by Co mrade Sa;'" Seidman. of Circle No. I. Newark. N. ),)<br />

•<br />

.. ... .<br />

. " .<br />

From the mOJl primitive times guise of "prepared nus," , The only Wh~th~r the youth of th~ future shall<br />

d()wn to our own day. throulh all the :vital oPPoling fo'ce in the civilized be the blind but enthusiastic reae·<br />

blood·sa.ked l!enturies o( human world to-day is the Socialist move- tio.nary instead of the conscious<br />

pro(T'eu:youth has pla,..d ,a most int· mcnt. This is the situation confront- champion of prolrelS d~pend, largely<br />

portltu part in the world' •• trulrle.. . in. the yeeth of tg.day. on how thoroughly wc. the younger<br />

E"ery "Cause" draw. much of it. Th~ problem thus ruolvu it,df men and women of the movement, do<br />

carll' .trength. if not its very' ~irth. into a hurc task of educational propa· our work'.<br />

from the enthu.iasm of youth. j"anda. It i. the educ:ational ~50e<br />

\Vhcthcr we .puk: of the modern that mu st be faccd by every Sociali,t. Oakland, Ca l .. has finally decided<br />

woman .uffral~ movement or in the yOllng or old, ",ho seeks a solution 11"1 10 join Ihf Y. P. S. L. of the United<br />

more strenuous terms of Russian re· t'he question of militari.m. and the Stales. And plcdgu ils hurty support<br />

to all its work.<br />

'·olt. we find invariably tbat it is "the youth. Tht philosophy of Sociali,m<br />

youth knockin, It the door. "can· must he widely spread among\, the<br />

Lanling, ~Iich ., has pro"idrd for<br />

sciou.lf or unconsciously struggling YOIlngcr elem~nl. E,,~ry young man<br />

for a bctter race. It is but natural and woman that we ca n reach must<br />

that newer and nobler ideals Ihould br made to realize that the titanic<br />

find their but support in the. younier strulll~ between militarism and So·<br />

heartl of humanity, heart. b\loyant cialism is be o"er~me ~h.ment the 50ciali~t Sunday •• chools<br />

only ~y the most tire leu O~poSltlon. and thc <strong>Young</strong> Pcople's Socialist<br />

~he history of youth. the blind rue- Leagues arc of great potential value.<br />

uonary. may I')ot he as pleasant as the 1 n thue two t)'pes of organizations<br />

other side of youth's activities. yet it we ha\'(~ in an undeyeloped .tage our<br />

is fully as important. To place youth most powerful wcapons for the un.<br />

upon a pedest."'1 and shut our e)'es ttl dermining of the militaristic spirit<br />

t.he. put. to plctur~ yout" as the con- ~mongst the youth. E,'en now. as<br />

s~ncc.'re ~t~dy of the. problc~1\ ('If thet~ organintions ad.,pL rhemsclyu<br />

11.mcs and In all placet I' fatal ~n any to different localitiu and peoples.<br />

Slnce.rre ttudy of. the problcm of they arc producing wO'nderful re.ults<br />

youth and militarism. throughout the world. As they de·<br />

If we once recognize thc two·fold -;. velop both can be brought to do much<br />

rolc of youth in the world" historic man intensiY~ and extcnsivc work.<br />

"strugglcs. the future is- not without The <strong>Young</strong> Moyement is fut be·<br />

its doubu. Thc forces- of reactionary coming reorganized u an active force<br />

militarism are strong. \Vr find e\'i- in international Socialism. It is rapdenec<br />

of it in e\-t:ry ,ditedio'n~ The idly producing its own leaders who<br />

se:hool.housc. the ncwspap'cr. the arc bmWar with iu problem. through<br />

• ta,e and the churc.b. all are con,id· personal contact. prOblem. inherent<br />

ered ill le,itimatc abiding ~ placu . in the <strong>Young</strong> Moyement and for<br />

With few exceptions. the radical·rt. which the exprriences of the ,older<br />

fprm'crs of the Roosevclt and Hearst comrades furnish little prec~dent.<br />

type in e\-uy country of the world This dissemination of proletarian<br />

&I:e in f\lll accord with the ructiooary hopei and idull amonr the: younger'<br />

elcment on thi. issue. They arc a generation is th e only solution to the<br />

.olid unit for militari.m under the problem of n~lita.ri5nl «I'd the youth.<br />

wrckly merlin gil in a per.mancnl<br />

headquaricri. They C'xpC'ct bener<br />

progrc,s frqm now on.<br />

New league orlanized al Nampa,<br />

Idaho, with 20 charter members. This<br />

i. the first league in the state, but<br />

Malta and u 'vera! other localities will<br />

loon be in line. SUIII' Secretary Sttw~<br />

lin 01 the Party ,~ in acttve co-oper.'<br />

tlon with the Y. P. S. L. work.<br />


(Continued from Page 8)<br />

workers who, I am convinced. are<br />

absolutely within their rights <br />

Surely YOli cannot be so blind.<br />

' Vhy say more 1 certainly shall<br />

not consent to be made into the<br />

obedient 1\"ational Guard mall<br />

,thM you want and need.<br />

for these reasons r refuse to<br />

serve in the Nitional Guard and<br />

request you to excuse me from<br />

service, for I am firmly reso lved<br />

not to comply. Yours respeedully,<br />

) . K. van der Weer.<br />

The Sojial Democracy does not<br />

fig-fit militarism with the "pas·<br />

5.ive ruistance" employed by the<br />

writer ;f the above letter. The<br />

effect produced by the use: of this<br />

wupon 'is in no degree com men·<br />

surate to the sacrificf'! it entails .<br />

]\levertbeless w~ publish this ,-e.t·<br />

let for the tremendous courage<br />

a'nd the: high ideali!llm it portrays.<br />

The Socialist must needs admire<br />

the: idealism shown in these lines.<br />

. (<br />


By F. J. Gould<br />

'~'T is a hand wa\'ing Ol ~t oi<br />

th$ p&rj-hole." said some.<br />

"Surely not;' said others. "A II<br />

the/ nlen must b-e dead."<br />

"There ir i! again!" sh~lI t(:d<br />

\·oices. "It waves again !"<br />

It was, however. nOl at all ea~~<br />

to sec the hand. for the wavc!; ~i<br />

the Korth Sea tumbled round thc<br />

vessel, and splashed in foam.<br />

white and cloudy. on the little<br />

TO YOl1WG BOO'U.LUTa' )UGAZtln<br />

II{' was :ohm in fast. and the hull<br />

window.<br />

IIi the "ihip ""ao;. of .steel.<br />

The. ship was a sah·:t~e .5teamer<br />

~cience<br />

which was on its way from Belfast<br />

l':ame to tlH' rescllt.<br />

in ,the north oi Ireland. t l)<br />

l~lIt n(), nn. no! :'\ot scie:lce.<br />

Hull on the east coa:;;t of Eng·<br />

land.<br />

A howling galr. bl')\\';I\~ frotH<br />

\ nohle human heart. using sci·<br />

... nfe for the purpo.!O~ of reli .... mp·<br />

tlnn. came to the pri.!Ooncr·" aid.<br />

the sonthe ..:;;t • .5pr:ln~ lip on 3 :-'elence i .. careful. rxact. orderly<br />

Friday night. in February. 1915 . I.;n o \\'lcdgc I>f the earth and its<br />

In the blackness of darkness. and forces and it~ product.s. Rut this<br />

in the mad tempc:;t. "hip:-; large ..:: 1I",·cr •.5cience mav be lI.sed, and,<br />

and s mall made for thr nearest<br />

(l ! :t ~ ! i!'o "7,~ed ftlr' profit-making.<br />

harbors, whose tw;nkl illg- red and<br />

green lights im'ited to :,aiety.<br />

i" r l'xploiting'. fur ki-l1in!:.<br />

The ilran I\· a .. the he:ut of a<br />

The Hull ship. k nown a~ 5ialvor I'lnng boilermaker, Franci~ ~ I c­<br />

·Rohbie. In ~collalld, and also in<br />

:'\0. I, had :-even ;;0111;; on hotlrci.<br />

Glad they WqfC when tile b()at<br />

rode unhanned into the Harbor<br />

of Rdugr at Peterhead. the ~ran.<br />

ite city of Aberdeen:-hire. Per·<br />

haps the boat mo\'rct I1neasily,<br />

a.nd the:' anchor dra~C:::ed. Thr<br />

master judged that he had hctter<br />

\'enture again into the open<br />

water. and he stea111~d out.<br />

A vast breaker rol1 ed up and<br />

carried the Salvor O\'er the harbor·bar.<br />

A second breaker .5hook<br />

it 50 terribly that ;t al\ but c'ap.<br />

sized. A third breaker swept it<br />

upside dowt).-and the helples~<br />

steamer, unable to right itself.<br />

was flung upon

"<br />

.~SOLD 'N:t


o<br />


By Jim" Howard Kehler<br />

.... ~l- ~assed a .store.-,wher~a window:'dresser<br />

was working, pathetically<br />

it teemed to me, with cheap'<br />

goods and cheap accessories. to<br />

"" malie a wi!ldo'w "thilt 'would ap­<br />

~arto the pa~crs-by. H~ crept<br />

ih; ioiltd slnda1s:; o~er a cheap<br />

cn;.pe.:'ti55ue:tovercd ftoOf to lay<br />

,carefufly," tenderly, against a simnar<br />

crepe-tissue-co\'cred box in<br />

front, a limp imitation-leather<br />

handbag:<br />

- The scene was typical of what<br />

-i~ the ~_tten w1th our limited.<br />

........ " 1<br />

unsocIal and ,unciviliz.ed point of<br />

view as to what business is or<br />

.. ~.~ou.ld be . . That is why it was<br />

P'th~tic.<br />

I did not blame the: windowdr~sser.<br />

,. I did not blame his' employer.<br />

t did not blame the: poor shopgirl<br />

who was going to labor path~tically<br />

to sell this imitation<br />

handbac to some other sbopgirl<br />

who eould not 3ffold to buy il,<br />

hut who must have it to make an<br />

j mitation imp,ession upon imita·<br />

tip!,~ ~lc.<br />

, , I .did 'not blame the Imitation<br />

manufacturer who' made the<br />

.5hoddy handbag and who pro,<br />

posed get.ling rich through supp'lying<br />

tbe art.i6~i

he<br />


TIlt 'SUl:hrl/st ·",o;••",.nt is the<br />

gre.test peace movement ever instituted<br />

among men. '


-------... ., alignment we await the call to<br />

the ~am'p~rt' 01 privilege;<br />

..... ~e shall drIve mIsery and oppresluon<br />

from the happy face of<br />

Spring-visited earth forever.<br />

May Signifies the return of<br />

THE ,..BIRTHDAY OF YOUTH I storm<br />

In the. ranks of those workers<br />

who art: conscious of their historic<br />

mission the 5int of May<br />

.... 'has come tathe an adual division<br />

.... -point in ~ -the calendar. The day<br />

i~ rife with historical sjgnificance,<br />

and scartely 'a year goes by but<br />

is ma.rked with a renewal of. some<br />

ttruri'e. on the part of the workers<br />

for freedom.<br />

The hisfory of this day is<br />

bound up in ',ate 'years with the<br />

battle for the universal eight­<br />

By \Vm. F. Kruse<br />

Spring and the promise of approaching<br />

Summer. May is the<br />

month symbolizing Youth-the<br />

time when the sap in the trees<br />

flows freely. and blood courses<br />

wild and hot. It is the mating<br />

season, and any student of animal<br />

life knows that at no timb is<br />

strength and courage at a higher<br />

point than at this, the time of<br />

love and mating.<br />

Beauty, strength, courage,<br />

hope. love-these are the words<br />

conjured up by association with<br />

the thought of May Day. What<br />

can be more proper than that the<br />

<strong>Young</strong> Sodalist Movement claim<br />

it for its own bes,t day It has<br />

all of these things - beauty,<br />

strength, cO\irage, hope, and<br />

love-all these belong by Na­<br />

hour day. T~ America belongs<br />

the hoo'or of initiating the modern<br />

obserVance of the day, at the<br />

St. Louis Convention of the A. F.<br />

of L. in' 1888 the date ' was set<br />

• aside ·.J.~rone on which two years<br />

- 'later-to begin a general battlC\. for<br />

the eight-hour day, and the Intematibnal<br />

Socialist Congress of<br />

Fari. in 1889 adopted it as the ture's mandate to May. Youth<br />

International Labor Day. from<br />

1900 on, every year has been<br />

belongs to May and Springtime<br />

-U1d these twain are the certain<br />

1'ftl.rked by great demonstrations heritage of Youtf. Every new<br />

In all parts of the world; parades.<br />

'meetings,' and strikes' for the<br />

".horter workday being the general<br />

fQrms taken.<br />

rebirth of the earth'5 gladness<br />

has brought with it a rebirth in<br />

the spirit of revolt so long dormant<br />

in the breast of the proletariat.<br />

Yet, we must not imagine that<br />

And now, in these most<br />

this modern significance tells the<br />

·whole 8tory of May Day. or that<br />

troublous times. it is again the<br />

youth. the organized youth, the<br />

it ihterpre~ the wh~le of its wonderlul<br />

messa~ to the youth of all over the world. that are in the<br />

<strong>Young</strong> People's Socia li ~t Leagues<br />

"I'" the world. Long before mankind "anguard of the fighters for freedom.<br />

.. ever thought of Socialist or trade<br />

,<br />

union conventions there was ob·<br />

--euv&4ce-of May Day. In almost<br />

Th~ spirit of the <strong>Young</strong> . Socialist<br />

Int~ma.tional is the hope<br />

all the.religions of the world May of the future; it must be, for,<br />

"'is' a ~cred ' month-it represents mothered by immortal Revolution<br />

the mOther principle iri life-the<br />

rebirth of all the beauty and herself, and fathered by the<br />

grim Experience of by-gone generati<br />

ons, theirs is th.e heritage of<br />

. .• ~~.ngt.h tJ).t Ii":~~' ire earth a<br />

;' "",,~b ,wni!.~ P@ffi. ,too live in. all the ages, the earth and al1<br />

1:hi .... ppli~. ,of C;~~. only to upon it. ~iay Day-the day of<br />

the northern hemisphere wttere Youth-is with us. In solid<br />



Like practically all college<br />

boys and girls and also many<br />

high school students the boys<br />

and girls of many Y. P. S: L.<br />

Leagues have a special "Yell"<br />

invented for themselves.<br />

The Greater New York leagues<br />

as represented in the District<br />

Committee adopted the following,<br />

originally introduced by the<br />

I Comrade Club of Hudson County,N.].:<br />

Org'aniz.ation lEd u ca t i on!<br />

Solidariiy. COM R A D E!­<br />

' arc we in it Well, I gue5s! Socialism<br />

I Socialism I Socialism!<br />

Yes--Ves-Yel!!<br />

The Bronx Yell<br />

The Bronx League still yells<br />

its own yell, which yells:<br />

Rah! Rah! Rah I Sis! Boom!<br />

Bah I Who in the world do VOli<br />

think we are Well! \\;ell !<br />

Well! Yell! Yell! VeIl! We are<br />

the hoys of the Y. P. S. L.<br />

<strong>Young</strong> People's Socialist Leaguf!!<br />

Bronx! Bronx I Bronx I<br />

It is a generally accepted fact<br />

to-day that worry kills thousands<br />

and shortens the lives of thousands<br />

more. Ninety per c;.ent. of<br />

all worry is due to some economic<br />

cause-worry about making a li\'­<br />

ing, worry about paying interest<br />

on the mortgage, worry about not<br />

being able to give wife and children<br />

the things they need and to<br />

which they arc justly entitled.<br />

Socialism will remove the cause of<br />

this worry. Under Socialism we<br />

will not only live better but<br />

longer. Do·you object<br />

"*<br />

~ Why should a chattel slave<br />

"prepare" his master for defending<br />

anything monopolized by his<br />

master<br />

Capitalism rests on ignorance<br />

and bayonets.<br />

Capitalistic "preparedness" is<br />

in the ignorance of the workers<br />

and in the bayonets for the<br />

workers.<br />

The present cunning shout of<br />

the ruling class for "preparedness"<br />

is intended to perpetuate<br />

the ignorance and guarantee the<br />

bayonets. "PreparedQess," as now<br />

defined and planned by the cap i ~<br />

utist class, deepens and solidifies<br />

the workers' ignorance and equips<br />

the capitalist state for operating<br />

capitalism - always, everywhere<br />

and under all circumstances<br />

against the fundamental int~re.st'<br />

of the working class.<br />



Vice- President<br />

\<br />

By Geo~e R. Kirkpatrick, Socialist Candidate for<br />

"Thou shalt not k:II." EJc.cept<br />

by blocked exits, subway explosions,<br />

adulterated food, slums,<br />

fire-damp, fast trains, sweat­<br />

;hops. In .hort, i~ the regular<br />

cOUrse of trade-."Lift:."<br />

that is, shout "preparedness" and<br />

call it "patriotism"-and the old,<br />

old trick will be turned once more<br />

against another generation of the<br />

horny-handed, gullible six·footers<br />

of tbe working--class.<br />

The recent and present swift<br />

growth of the working class<br />


movement of the world, con·<br />

vi need and now convinces the<br />

ruling class that it must either<br />

confuse the iS5ue or be destroyed<br />

by the working class; that it mllst<br />

As long as the working class<br />

can bf! confused and tricked into<br />

the pitiful attiturle "nn condition<br />

of political infant and intellectual<br />

either confuse the issue or he !'IlIckJing, it will be flattered,<br />

driven from the industries and crushed and robbed in times of<br />

legislatures of the world by the peate, and flattered. bled and<br />

Increasingly conscious and selfrespecting<br />

working-class.<br />

Therefore, confuse the issue:<br />

robbed again in times of war. In<br />

the present war. and in the "next<br />

war," and in the class war the<br />

The bookkeeper who had worked<br />

twelve hours a day for thirty<br />

years paused to Ic>ok at the<br />

captivity of a<br />

canary. " How<br />

pathetic 1" he exclaimed.-"LHe."<br />

•<br />

only thing the capitabt class<br />

sincerely fears, is a working class<br />

too cunning to fight for a civiliution<br />

which the workers are<br />

shrf!wdly kept too ignorant and<br />

busy to keenly, deeply and comfortably<br />

enjoy i-a working class<br />

too cunning to bleed itself into<br />

pale-faced stupidity, licking the<br />

boot that kicks it while it yawps<br />

patriotism and wallows in its own<br />

ignorance and poverty from<br />

which ignorance and J>9verty the<br />

working class can never escape<br />

whil~ the ruling alass is "pre.<br />

pared."<br />

A decision for "preparedness"<br />

now will throw the working clast<br />

under the boot and fist of the god<br />

of war and of the capitali5t cla5s<br />

-to cringe and groan, helples. as<br />

sheep before wolves.<br />

I refuse to be confused.<br />

Look at Europe and learn what<br />

"prf!paredness" prepare!! for.<br />

Look at Colorado and Ca1u~<br />

and West Virginia and learn what<br />

"preparedne51''' preparu for.­<br />

Look also, with very special care.<br />

at the unholy brutality and cunning<br />

of the assassins of the sacred<br />

right ); of freedom of discussions,<br />

nnd ),ou must surely realize that<br />

the "preparedness" of militarism<br />

leads straight on to the lynching<br />

of liherty.<br />

Marx's favorite quotation:<br />

"Follow your course and let the<br />

people talk."<br />

It is the history of our kindness<br />

that alone make! this world tolerable.-RobCrt<br />

Louis ·Stevco5Of1.


-------... ., alignment we await the call to<br />

the ~am'p~rt' 01 privilege;<br />

..... ~e shall drIve mIsery and oppresluon<br />

from the happy face of<br />

Spring-visited earth forever.<br />

May Signifies the return of<br />

THE ,..BIRTHDAY OF YOUTH I storm<br />

In the. ranks of those workers<br />

who art: conscious of their historic<br />

mission the 5int of May<br />

.... 'has come tathe an adual division<br />

.... -point in ~ -the calendar. The day<br />

i~ rife with historical sjgnificance,<br />

and scartely 'a year goes by but<br />

is ma.rked with a renewal of. some<br />

ttruri'e. on the part of the workers<br />

for freedom.<br />

The hisfory of this day is<br />

bound up in ',ate 'years with the<br />

battle for the universal eight­<br />

By \Vm. F. Kruse<br />

Spring and the promise of approaching<br />

Summer. May is the<br />

month symbolizing Youth-the<br />

time when the sap in the trees<br />

flows freely. and blood courses<br />

wild and hot. It is the mating<br />

season, and any student of animal<br />

life knows that at no timb is<br />

strength and courage at a higher<br />

point than at this, the time of<br />

love and mating.<br />

Beauty, strength, courage,<br />

hope. love-these are the words<br />

conjured up by association with<br />

the thought of May Day. What<br />

can be more proper than that the<br />

<strong>Young</strong> Sodalist Movement claim<br />

it for its own bes,t day It has<br />

all of these things - beauty,<br />

strength, cO\irage, hope, and<br />

love-all these belong by Na­<br />

hour day. T~ America belongs<br />

the hoo'or of initiating the modern<br />

obserVance of the day, at the<br />

St. Louis Convention of the A. F.<br />

of L. in' 1888 the date ' was set<br />

• aside ·.J.~rone on which two years<br />

- 'later-to begin a general battlC\. for<br />

the eight-hour day, and the Intematibnal<br />

Socialist Congress of<br />

Fari. in 1889 adopted it as the ture's mandate to May. Youth<br />

International Labor Day. from<br />

1900 on, every year has been<br />

belongs to May and Springtime<br />

-U1d these twain are the certain<br />

1'ftl.rked by great demonstrations heritage of Youtf. Every new<br />

In all parts of the world; parades.<br />

'meetings,' and strikes' for the<br />

".horter workday being the general<br />

fQrms taken.<br />

rebirth of the earth'5 gladness<br />

has brought with it a rebirth in<br />

the spirit of revolt so long dormant<br />

in the breast of the proletariat.<br />

Yet, we must not imagine that<br />

And now, in these most<br />

this modern significance tells the<br />

·whole 8tory of May Day. or that<br />

troublous times. it is again the<br />

youth. the organized youth, the<br />

it ihterpre~ the wh~le of its wonderlul<br />

messa~ to the youth of all over the world. that are in the<br />

<strong>Young</strong> People's Socia li ~t Leagues<br />

"I'" the world. Long before mankind "anguard of the fighters for freedom.<br />

.. ever thought of Socialist or trade<br />

,<br />

union conventions there was ob·<br />

--euv&4ce-of May Day. In almost<br />

Th~ spirit of the <strong>Young</strong> . Socialist<br />

Int~ma.tional is the hope<br />

all the.religions of the world May of the future; it must be, for,<br />

"'is' a ~cred ' month-it represents mothered by immortal Revolution<br />

the mOther principle iri life-the<br />

rebirth of all the beauty and herself, and fathered by the<br />

grim Experience of by-gone generati<br />

ons, theirs is th.e heritage of<br />

. .• ~~.ngt.h tJ).t Ii":~~' ire earth a<br />

;' "",,~b ,wni!.~ P@ffi. ,too live in. all the ages, the earth and al1<br />

1:hi .... ppli~. ,of C;~~. only to upon it. ~iay Day-the day of<br />

the northern hemisphere wttere Youth-is with us. In solid<br />



Like practically all college<br />

boys and girls and also many<br />

high school students the boys<br />

and girls of many Y. P. S: L.<br />

Leagues have a special "Yell"<br />

invented for themselves.<br />

The Greater New York leagues<br />

as represented in the District<br />

Committee adopted the following,<br />

originally introduced by the<br />

I Comrade Club of Hudson County,N.].:<br />

Org'aniz.ation lEd u ca t i on!<br />

Solidariiy. COM R A D E!­<br />

' arc we in it Well, I gue5s! Socialism<br />

I Socialism I Socialism!<br />

Yes--Ves-Yel!!<br />

The Bronx Yell<br />

The Bronx League still yells<br />

its own yell, which yells:<br />

Rah! Rah! Rah I Sis! Boom!<br />

Bah I Who in the world do VOli<br />

think we are Well! \\;ell !<br />

Well! Yell! Yell! VeIl! We are<br />

the hoys of the Y. P. S. L.<br />

<strong>Young</strong> People's Socialist Leaguf!!<br />

Bronx! Bronx I Bronx I<br />

It is a generally accepted fact<br />

to-day that worry kills thousands<br />

and shortens the lives of thousands<br />

more. Ninety per c;.ent. of<br />

all worry is due to some economic<br />

cause-worry about making a li\'­<br />

ing, worry about paying interest<br />

on the mortgage, worry about not<br />

being able to give wife and children<br />

the things they need and to<br />

which they arc justly entitled.<br />

Socialism will remove the cause of<br />

this worry. Under Socialism we<br />

will not only live better but<br />

longer. Do·you object<br />

"*<br />

~ Why should a chattel slave<br />

"prepare" his master for defending<br />

anything monopolized by his<br />

master<br />

Capitalism rests on ignorance<br />

and bayonets.<br />

Capitalistic "preparedness" is<br />

in the ignorance of the workers<br />

and in the bayonets for the<br />

workers.<br />

The present cunning shout of<br />

the ruling class for "preparedness"<br />

is intended to perpetuate<br />

the ignorance and guarantee the<br />

bayonets. "PreparedQess," as now<br />

defined and planned by the cap i ~<br />

utist class, deepens and solidifies<br />

the workers' ignorance and equips<br />

the capitalist state for operating<br />

capitalism - always, everywhere<br />

and under all circumstances<br />

against the fundamental int~re.st'<br />

of the working class.<br />



Vice- President<br />

\<br />

By Geo~e R. Kirkpatrick, Socialist Candidate for<br />

"Thou shalt not k:II." EJc.cept<br />

by blocked exits, subway explosions,<br />

adulterated food, slums,<br />

fire-damp, fast trains, sweat­<br />

;hops. In .hort, i~ the regular<br />

cOUrse of trade-."Lift:."<br />

that is, shout "preparedness" and<br />

call it "patriotism"-and the old,<br />

old trick will be turned once more<br />

against another generation of the<br />

horny-handed, gullible six·footers<br />

of tbe working--class.<br />

The recent and present swift<br />

growth of the working class<br />


movement of the world, con·<br />

vi need and now convinces the<br />

ruling class that it must either<br />

confuse the iS5ue or be destroyed<br />

by the working class; that it mllst<br />

As long as the working class<br />

can bf! confused and tricked into<br />

the pitiful attiturle "nn condition<br />

of political infant and intellectual<br />

either confuse the issue or he !'IlIckJing, it will be flattered,<br />

driven from the industries and crushed and robbed in times of<br />

legislatures of the world by the peate, and flattered. bled and<br />

Increasingly conscious and selfrespecting<br />

working-class.<br />

Therefore, confuse the issue:<br />

robbed again in times of war. In<br />

the present war. and in the "next<br />

war," and in the class war the<br />

The bookkeeper who had worked<br />

twelve hours a day for thirty<br />

years paused to Ic>ok at the<br />

captivity of a<br />

canary. " How<br />

pathetic 1" he exclaimed.-"LHe."<br />

•<br />

only thing the capitabt class<br />

sincerely fears, is a working class<br />

too cunning to fight for a civiliution<br />

which the workers are<br />

shrf!wdly kept too ignorant and<br />

busy to keenly, deeply and comfortably<br />

enjoy i-a working class<br />

too cunning to bleed itself into<br />

pale-faced stupidity, licking the<br />

boot that kicks it while it yawps<br />

patriotism and wallows in its own<br />

ignorance and poverty from<br />

which ignorance and J>9verty the<br />

working class can never escape<br />

whil~ the ruling alass is "pre.<br />

pared."<br />

A decision for "preparedness"<br />

now will throw the working clast<br />

under the boot and fist of the god<br />

of war and of the capitali5t cla5s<br />

-to cringe and groan, helples. as<br />

sheep before wolves.<br />

I refuse to be confused.<br />

Look at Europe and learn what<br />

"prf!paredness" prepare!! for.<br />

Look at Colorado and Ca1u~<br />

and West Virginia and learn what<br />

"preparedne51''' preparu for.­<br />

Look also, with very special care.<br />

at the unholy brutality and cunning<br />

of the assassins of the sacred<br />

right ); of freedom of discussions,<br />

nnd ),ou must surely realize that<br />

the "preparedness" of militarism<br />

leads straight on to the lynching<br />

of liherty.<br />

Marx's favorite quotation:<br />

"Follow your course and let the<br />

people talk."<br />

It is the history of our kindness<br />

that alone make! this world tolerable.-RobCrt<br />

Louis ·Stevco5Of1.

: ~~ANz}1~RING<br />

, }HE YO~~C SOPALlSTS' __ ~_{_,~_G_A_'L_l_N_E~~~.~_-,-_-, __ ~_<br />

~ .<br />

.<br />

i r ADVISEio YOUNG' MEN i<br />

I • . .. •<br />

.. .<br />

II one can<br />

. h ' \ , ' II<br />

thlM~ of umaOity than enr. f II( you WI<br />

b<br />

e<br />

J ohn Peter<br />

b"<br />

Altgeld.<br />

h<br />

jurist.<br />

.<br />

in times like this, it is when we weaker, more ifllpotcnt than bc~ ~ tate s man, p~ .hClst, umanltar·<br />

think of men -like Franz l\Jeh- fore." To write as Mehring Ian ; foe of ~rl\.' ll ege and defender<br />

ring', t11e great Gennan Socialist wrote, to spJ3k as he spoke in f hlu~lan ~Ights; of whose sted·<br />

philosopher , and historian who those days was not only heroic, 109 kmd t~c:: ,~od~ ~as too few,<br />

r~ce!lt1y celebrated his 70th but it was the act of a man whos~ and the c haractenstl~s of w hose<br />

bir;J:h~y, that we feel pride and mind is finn and strong, whose make·tlp we shoul.d aim to emuhappiness,<br />

that we; too, are part principles are so deeply rooted late, died jU!}Lfour.tcen years ago.<br />

'Of the movement that cau pro- ~at 110 chaos of events, no voice<br />

\Vhat could be more beautiful<br />

duce men like he. In a time of a deluded people can confuse than the following sentiment ~x·<br />

when. so , many " l ea~din.g- sp"irits..{)f ,th(,lll. _ -T"': -::: _ proised-by hi'in to the youn~<br />

the Sociali&t International ha\'e \\' hat helped Franz }.lehring to generation:<br />

fallen, when so many failed to hold l~) his head ~n this terrible "Let me say to the young men:<br />

adopt their Socialist philosophy tTisis He .knew, as pe~haps no This age is weary of the polit~<br />

to existing facts, when a great other man in the whole Socialist and weak camp followers, weary<br />

historic moment found 50 many mo\'ement, the historical devel- of servility, weary of cringing'<br />

unprepared, Fral1z ~ J eh r ing re· npmcllt uf the working·class. necks and knees bent to corrup-­<br />

f!1ai~ed true 10 his ~in~iple~, a~'.d His ,ideals were firmly founded tion. This .age is calling for com.<br />

earned out the .!Ipmt of hIS hIe upo.n ...... knowledge, u~on fact: age, calling for strong character,<br />

\V.ork, 1 h~ne~v "!1ter,natl~"al }Y.11I use ca!ling fo~ _ f!ien of high purpose,<br />

. Many of us have heard .of !he the spTenilal ,gIftS. fJraf-r'ranz calling~r men..:who have com'ic.<br />

$u1.g l e Ifop,v of the publicatIOn ".\Ielfdng has, III IllS twenty·fh'e liO~S or their ot\,n and who have<br />

"The Int~rni\tional," that was years of untirinl; work, u one of ~ the courage to act on them.<br />

published by ~ l ehring and Rosa ' the few things that are left out <strong>Young</strong> men, rife i; befor~ you.<br />

Lux~mbt1rg in April, 1915, as a of the wreck of the splendid Two \'oices are catling you-one<br />

rall.YlOg ' cry to .all who ,had rc· hui~ding of our movement, upon comin from the swamps of<br />

mamed International, wilich was wll1ch a newer and a better In~ ..... fi h g d I h<br />

~ . . .' . SCI S ness an orce, W ose' suc·<br />

coufi~cated by the (.enn~n mll.l - ternatlonal ~l,ay ~)e l>tult. cess means death' and the otht:r<br />

tary powe:s and was reprln~ted 111 ~ I ay he hvc for many ye~rs to frQm the hillto s' of 'ustice and<br />

~ern, Switzerland. Hut ~ewf work an.d. teach among us 10 the ro ress whe~e e';en failure<br />

us know that Franz :\1e'hrll1g, In ~all1e Spirit. p g ,<br />

the "ery first days of the \\'ar,<br />

~rings glory: Two lig~t s are seen<br />

called to the comrade!1i. who \\'crc FOR THE BOGIE MAN WILL III your honzon-one IS the fast·<br />

almost all carried away in a ttl- GET YOU IF YOU DON'T fadi~g marsh light of ~er, and<br />

mult of pat1;!otic fever, hack to WATCH OUT the oth~r the slowlY·TlslI1g sun<br />

tHeir duty as Socialist:,. of human brotherhood. Two<br />

]'n an ar<br />

yt;\r. I am .; u'r"e l hat if tht: war<br />

t"!P"'t· .. hefore that dOtl :: thl' Y. P.<br />

S. L of this country t:(,llld find<br />

:J way tv han' a reprt·!'ot·ntati\·e<br />

theft'. I alll al ::>o (t,nfilit'llt that<br />

[,ar! Lid,kl1echt will 11\: there,<br />

I"". \\hat ki nd III a :-lIowing<br />

\\ill \" . make when J"(·p,rt ... arc<br />

!"l·ad· Lt'l II:. kCI'P tl.i,.. ill mind<br />

and ~trJ. ill e\'ery ctl .... rt to make<br />

'JIlI" _"1J..!·:l1Ii1.:Jti'JII I'Cllt·r and<br />

plained and IIQc\C'r:-t(lud by a "Ir"n ~e r t, ) ~hj)\\, il\lr appTt'ciachild<br />

of tweh'r'. And he con· li" n :uHI Ilnl!er-it;tnding- i the<br />

tended that if n chilt! had '(Hlce ... ... pktHhd IIlc ....;ag-t: I,arl Lie])·<br />

grasped thcse two g-rC'al thong-ht:, klll· ,-ht lJrflll/.!ht 1I ....<br />

()(X), France £3,600,000. '.\",mtil'r<br />

what it costs the devil to run hell<br />

"The workers arc roLiled and<br />

"tar\i·d ti' death in Pl·;t'·l- (intl'"<br />

In \1 ;11" Illl'y ;H ~' gill'!l ;1 ' 11I1 1'k<br />

Ill''' P:ltdt il';;I,l tlll'ir · !;I\cr: . ...

1<br />


=l<br />

(For Our <strong>Young</strong>er Ruders)<br />

-THE-'-BUGLE CALL Hot" the German Lad A...w"ed [t<br />

." By Russell Everett<br />

I(ji'l and his mother were walk·<br />

ioj alOll( one of the broad .treets<br />

of the city of Berlin. when suddenly<br />

... there came the .brill caU of the<br />

inc men. That 'was just the first<br />

fedmc, for Karl, though he was<br />

only twelvc years old, knew what<br />

IOldien and martial. music really<br />

meant-~r. War--yes, his father<br />

h.d t~d him what war was. He<br />

bad d...,ribod th •• battl.s to him.<br />

The fathers and brothers of the<br />

French boys and girls on one side,<br />

aud their own German fathers and<br />

brothers'o~ the other side. 11le-y<br />

had never seen udf other before,<br />

10 they had nev-er quarrelled; but<br />

tbdr rulers had told them to fight,<br />

and so they marched away from<br />

their homes, following their banners.<br />

Ahl fighting was awful. As<br />

Karl heard tho b

..<br />


- 0£ Socialisfs will have to do their<br />

y;d~lc : 'they. come int\') the field<br />

at,t'he irfat3.n~.hen a tremendous<br />

ecQnbmic c.ataclysm is conv\11sing<br />

,d ~ s.Ociety. 1 h unr)" be that in<br />

thi ~ \Vestem Hemisphere we So·<br />

da1i'sts ~'iI1 be !Spared the necessity<br />

of actually rr3~'ping new<br />

weaPons with which to fight ollt<br />

the' class stn~kgle, but there is no<br />

such pr~~bi!.i!YJ!la.t · the <strong>Socialists</strong>'·<br />

of •.f¥]!,.Q\}e:f!!' cOl!ntries will<br />

eS~"~~lt~~ .• tn~p~!a:tive necessity<br />

of. fJ.k~\II - ul>

"<br />


fiHi<br />

. · THESE<br />


:'HE B~ER ,:~R!.2~. !~E CHILDREN I B1 J. ~. Sy nond.<br />

.-.- Y I -+ These things shall be I A loftier<br />

Mflt is gOOd when' it happens,' tion among the "kiddies',' h'as.tv.:o Tha~ac~er the world<br />

say the children. 'That. we die be~ very grave aspects. First, It 15 known shall rise<br />

hath<br />

fore 'our time}" the brutal and inhuman phase vVith flame of freedom in their<br />

.. This subject was the topic un- that arrests the attention of the \ souls J<br />

der discuss-ion in the Church thinking person, to sec the suffer- And ' ligh~ of science in their<br />

House, at the Church ~f. the, Mes- ing of the child ren from cold and eyes.<br />

,iah.. on Sunday Evening, April hunger in a world of plenty. Secthe<br />

9th: . ond, it is the p~r business.~f so- They shall be gentle, brave, and<br />

Mr. -Edward F. Brown, Secre· ciety to allow It s future cltlzens strong<br />

tary of the .. New York School to grow lip amid the squalor and To spill no drop of blood, but<br />

lunc.h Committee, was one of the filth and misery, that is the inevi- dare<br />

speak"erS', and he made some state~ table result of poverty. All that may plant man's lordmen~<br />

tha~ are worth.Y of aeriou& Eight hundred million dlIars ship fir,!!<br />

cpnsrderatlon by all people 'who pu year to support the .. nefti- On earth and fire, and sea, an.l<br />

have the interlsts of society at dents in 'the U nited Stafes, and air. '<br />

heart. where do they cOllle from<br />

There are kown to ' be ..o~(X)() Mostly from the poverty-stricken<br />

children in the City of New York homes of the poorly-paid workers.<br />

who are suffering from malnutri- The children are hel pless; they<br />

tion j malnutrition means. to are born into families that, in<br />

.peak plainly. that the child so mi'iiY=iasK, do not care-~<br />

luffering does not have enough and cannot adequately care for<br />

to eat.<br />

them, but that is beyond them to<br />

John Spargo in his very valua· avoid. If they are to live and beble.<br />

book on the 8ubject tells us come worthy citizens instead of<br />

that tliere are ten_ million .in the inmatecntone of the·jnnnrneraJ>le·<br />

United States who live below the custodial Instltutions when it 'be·<br />

poverty line. hooves society in the U nited<br />

Thil situation al$umes very States, in the twentieth century.<br />

grave proportions, when we real •.' to think of sQ{"ething other than<br />

ize that it strikes at the most vital its lIhecoic mood" and open- its<br />

part Of societ.y when it reeks such eyesJo the (act th ~t its future cithavOC<br />

among the children. izens need attentinn.<br />

Last year $8CXl,()(X),OOO were One of the first steps toward a<br />

spent in the United States in sup- remcdy for this very harmful<br />

porting custodial institutions, state of affairs /will he laws reguwhile<br />

die public schoofs spent lating the wages, to the extent<br />

only $750,()(X),()(X). Society in the that fathers may obtain a living<br />

United States needs fifty million that will ensure the children<br />

doliars more to support its vic- against suffering from hunger:<br />

tim, than it uses to support its Then to make conditions that<br />

-school system. • will ensure the children a decent<br />

If we could add to that amount childhood and an education, sothe<br />

vast' su~s used ' by the chari- ciety must take cont rol of industable'<br />

orgariizatiims we could form try and use it to make child life<br />

sorne., Idea of what is becoming of and adult life "a thing of beauty<br />

the :werldng-clas~ qf Ar.nerica. and a joy forever," not a black broke out in 1914.<br />

This conditioJl .of sJW starva- night f mi sery and de!"pair. called spats."<br />

Nation with nation, bnd with<br />

land<br />

Unarmed shall live as com·<br />

rades free;<br />

In every ~eart' and brain shall<br />

throb<br />

'Jhe pulse of one fraternity.<br />

New arts shall bloom of loftit! r<br />

moultl;--... ·<br />

And mightier music thrill the<br />

skies,<br />

.,.nd every li fe shall be a song<br />

When all the earth is paradise.<br />

These things - they are no<br />

drean{-shall be<br />

For happier men when we are<br />

gone:<br />

Those golden days for them shall<br />

dawn,<br />

Transcending aught we gaze<br />

upon.<br />

Not. Dangerous..<br />

"You c. iticil.e us," said the Chinese<br />

visitor, "yet I see all your<br />

women have their feet bandaged."<br />

"That is .an epicfemic." it was<br />

explained to him. gently, "Which<br />

Those are<br />


IS<br />

"'--_ ... .J.~ .<br />

_*<br />

!<br />

KEEP THE RED Fi;AG FlYIN 'G ~ - ;-~ i~~r<br />

By Wl1liam Morris Feigenbaum ,<br />

• I __ u ~<br />

May Day, <strong>1916</strong>, find. a world Prussianization of the country<br />

do not like: we must not fo llow<br />

that is sore distracted. ~e"er in such as Germany and France together<br />

never dreamed of.<br />

them be(ausc they aded in a certain<br />

way. ' ''Ie must view their<br />

the history of the modern labor<br />

movement has there been such a The President of the Cnited<br />

a~t:.: and judge if il aided or<br />

year, excepting on ly 1915. The States, in his race for re-election,<br />

barred the onward ma r-ch of the<br />

w ()r k('r~. al1(\<br />

terrible slaughter of the past two makes an agitation t(lur for mili ­<br />

we llluSt profit by<br />

years continues with un\tbated tarism around the ('ountry. arouS·<br />

the1r mistakes. Thev are in the<br />

iury. The hideous carnage' oi ing terrible fears by \'eiled utterance!',<br />

backed up b~' lying- "n("w!\"<br />

b;lttleiinc, slaughteri;lg for king.<br />

k;ti~l'r<br />

"erdun has been, at this writing.<br />

and c~ar and banker. mi!lled<br />

h,\' the cry of " patriotism,"<br />

going on for fiity days . .and twu from the rumor fa\.'t o r~' at \\'ashington.<br />

until Ihe nation i~ ready<br />

Thl."refort'. we must learn how not<br />

hundred thoCtsand human being ...<br />

have paid the price of the mad ­ tn break into war fo r no disccnlable<br />

reason whak"r-r.<br />

to hf mis\ the spark oi<br />

sity. At noted priest. the "50- this awful welter of hatreds, ffars.<br />

intemalional solidarity. We ha\'e<br />

6e(, 11 the sham and tht' fraud and<br />

(ialist ki ller," Vaugh:m. ShOllts at lies. betrayals. slaughter. The<br />

the aime of narrow, bigottt'd mya<br />

l.pndon throng. "Our busines!' workers a rc forbiddell to think of<br />

COUllt ry_rigbt_or_wfong "patriolism."<br />

Uut upon it!' nown with<br />

IS killing Ge rmans." Germans ill themsel \'e!\. They are told that<br />

a "charity" bazaar in ' ~ew York nothing come~ hefore the welfare<br />

show the sweet feclings engendered<br />

by war by tiring at wooden<br />

of "the country:' and they · are it !<br />

Om ('nem)' is the capitalist<br />

made to ac(:ept whaten'r the master<br />

class says is "th(' country."<br />

class of the world, Our comrade!l<br />

figu res of F rench and British soldiers<br />

in the shooting galleries. 1t is "America first." povert,'"<br />

are the militant workers of the<br />

world, Our task is to o"c:rth row<br />

French musicians say that they<br />

staryation. uncmploymellt. prostitution,<br />

hungoer, factory fires and<br />

never couid endure Wagnt'_r.<br />

capitalism. ~othing less.<br />

They tly the bla~k Rag of inhi<br />

People is{ set against people. Race lil1.<br />

f '<br />

is made to hate race. The bot<br />

passions of the human race are<br />

atriotism i!l; the<br />

last refuge of the scoundrel."<br />

Now is not the time to speak or<br />

our European comrades with<br />

either commendation or condem­<br />

trough of I!lilitarist ties. The<br />

whole or public opinion i!! worked<br />

until It would, seem that shamelessness<br />

had reached its limit. tn<br />

nation. 'vVe must not condemn<br />

make the people acquiesce in them he(;l.\l!"e they di ll what we<br />

:!<br />

national piracy. They ule methods<br />

that would have made (aptain<br />

Kidd and Nero and. Tamburlaine<br />

green ..... ith envy. T~c:y han'<br />

deballched and poisoned IUld<br />

warped and infected the ""holt!<br />

human race. And the\' call liS to<br />

do tht'ir foul and rott;n WOfk. a~<br />

our comrades were fooled into tioing<br />

in Europe.<br />

Now. in this war-torn ti me. in<br />

this hatred-ridden time. ill this<br />

crimson time of death and destrudiOn.<br />

we have the holie't<br />

mis:.ion that cvtr man had.<br />

Comrades. keep the red Rag Rying!<br />

Keep the fight going! The<br />

battle is with an enemy within.<br />

not ",ith an enemv over the water.<br />

LOIl~ li\'r- the i~ternntional solidarity<br />

nj the wurkers!

memowa..<br />

or hold.<br />

OM ~~ ctnL or more 01 the total'<br />

'~Dt of .toek, 'Pruidnt, John<br />

NICel. ~l61 Hancock Sc:.., Brooklyn.<br />

, N:- ,y~ - SCtfttar)', ' Olto l\noll, i3Z:<br />

Luincton An .. New ' York -City.<br />

N~ *Y., Tf"f:Uurer, Ernlt Ramrn, 214<br />

..... tIl St.. New York Cit,., N. Y.<br />

'.!t-=:'!:.t~':.;~~-;rt,~~~<br />

.1 ;. .... t: __ re ot toc .. l UIO\UIt of Itoad ..<br />

~~ 'tt. ~ .-ri~ "'';';:~bo.,.<br />

. c\~-.t. ._. Of: 0_" .\Ockbo.td..u.<br />

zt.ii7~tJ.~~.:n·=~ ":'1:~!<br />

~t..t -.=.. !'~ e:=. ~~ of u. ṯN .::,'i::<br />

WMc. Of ~ lMolder. awe .... opoo , die<br />

...... 'of'. ·_,.ar-....... 1M" i. ,.,<br />

«lilt ~"I.I_;dw ~ of tlM ~r_<br />

..._~ "".",.. -.II. tnIItu I.<br />

~a:-P ih.tiII;~tbat *..u two put._<br />

:.~~n:..:..~ta~~ ~<br />

.... ~ .tI' ..-..4IrioM' ~r .. hich<br />

~ .... -'*, boWen .who do lIot<br />

....., -~~~.r ~o::~.", a:<br />

il----.... ~ =-~ -:'.. -:..~u.., ~~<br />

~ i:J~':::ti~·ra~·,~<br />

i .. ,lbl .. id ';!,!l./ ktI ... .,. otbtr ...:witiu<br />

........... ~7h1_ -·· ;#<br />

.: '. - ,..<br />

+-- ---<br />

I A ' DARK MAY DAY ' !<br />

! - This Will Not Be a Joyous May nay !i<br />

.- -- /<br />

When the International classconsciom<br />

movement of the prolelariat<br />

first mel in au intemation~1<br />

~ongress in Paris, in tl889 it was<br />

dl!C':. for our wo~rktrs are, in<br />

the trenches. ha\'e forgotten rhat<br />

the earth holds anything but murder<br />

and _bloodshed, horror and<br />

disease. Our ,\130)' Day will 1I1)t<br />

he a proof of our ROwer, for w('<br />

know now that mimbers , alone'<br />

C;\Illlot conquer the earth.<br />

It wilfbe a ~a rk May Day. The<br />

h\'dra-headed' m •. nster of militari~1ll<br />

is raisi~g its headS on e\~c~<br />

side_ Schools an~ col1iges are~ ­<br />

("oming breeding pla~es for \\'arlike<br />

spirits. The grea\ ,press. or"<br />

our nation, with its unb9unded ;\1-<br />

fluence and power, is ' practical1~<br />

unanimous in i1s err for preparedliess<br />

.. Enn al our own rank~<br />

tqere are those who have forgotten<br />

tht; significance of international<br />

folidarity. Xo, it will Tl ut<br />

be a joyo~s ~Iay Day .<br />

But our ~Iay Day to-day will<br />

have a higher significance. It<br />

will be:: a day of protest, a day oj<br />

firm resolve to fight abov.e all. and<br />

at all costs, fhe horrors of .warfare<br />

and international s;trife'. Ott<br />

this .May Day of. 19J6 we" will cry<br />

to the world of labot "Be true t(1<br />

your cause. Love vour comrades,<br />

I,,(herever t~ey rna; ' bt;" b~1t fight<br />

with inexora.ble ~ zeal your only<br />

enemy, the . capitalist class" The<br />

worker has no ~o untry, ,His home<br />

is the world j hi ~ sortow~, his joys.<br />

his problems, ~hi~ ideall :tbo~~ Of<br />

a suffering strugrling . p'rolt;.-<br />

tariat. ~<br />

'"'<br />


• VV~~ ,'t. .:>v,........ ..... :.:>· ... ~ .... _ ....... ...<br />

Quution-What would yo", do if • , ~<br />

• molber Cum.n or w~' .lIler1 to try .nd violate your ! MY ' BOY By Morria RoeeaIeld - 1<br />

~n.w~r-That i. a .",ppo.itio",' • ...:========-_..1<br />

quution, and, ba. no reiennee to •• - •<br />

'atts; but<br />

military r,epruentativc<br />

please aUow<br />

~hat<br />

me to<br />

he<br />

a.k<br />

could<br />

the<br />

1 have a little boy at home,<br />

.'<br />

1 hear<br />

,<br />

her words--I hasten outdo<br />

if hi. superior officer .hould order A pretty little son' This moment mJst it be!-<br />

him Tribunal-That to .hoot hi. mother i. not or a .uter relevant 1 thmk . somettmes .' 'the world 15 . th e f at h er-1ft'<br />

ove ames m my<br />

que.tiOn. mine, breast:<br />

100t:;,lion-What chu"h do you In him, my only one, My child must look.at me I<br />

.~nlWer-None.<br />

I stand beside the tiny cot<br />

q",estion-I.ndud. How , can. you But seldom, seldom do I see And look, al\d list, an'd-ah!<br />

chum, then, to have a con'Clcnc::e My child in heaven's light; A dream-thought moves the<br />

~:~: :r:~n~: ;:!tttend the church I find h.im alway~ ~as~ asleep baby-tips<br />

AlUwer-l was traiMd in the Ful. 1 see hIm but at OIght. "0, where is my papa 1"<br />

harD S. S. s. t Loud eric. of "Oh 1<br />

ohl" f~m Ibt bulk of the. Trib~nal. Ere dawn m labor drives m~ 1 k~ss and kiss t~e sh~t blue eyes,<br />

one oC Its mem~erJ remarklng- Oh! y I kts'i them not to valn.<br />

they .bellcvt; in nothlng.l · . . f~rth; They open-O they see me then !<br />

VOice of mother of ,lad from back TIS OIght when I am free: '. .<br />

~f ba~l ...... "Oh, yu, they do,\ they be. A strang n am I to nlY child, And straightway close agalll.<br />

heve In love aDd brotherhood." . " .<br />

O",,,;on-'Oo ,00 .hink Enal.nd i, ,~nd strange my

l6<br />


~ - - A "<br />

---_._-,<br />

I t ... ....., y ~ u T H ' A Y~i il-n,~ I'; A R I ' S'U-' . ; i<br />

I<br />

.<br />

~The UI~y printed be!ow was tied for first prize in the New J~rsey Y. p, S. L. Essay Contut o n "Youth and ;<br />

, " ., Militarism:' It was writteh bYIComrade-Louis Conan of Circle Paterlon. N, ].) t<br />

...' - .<br />

Whit!' the i.tn~orlant quution of maniled and shattred human wrc a_cause. Moden.1 h","l1l- ~n.d public nuittary cxh,blllOIH. Many<br />

(ban.n,t1s oJ naiionalltilre4 ""'raee prej- 1~les a~ cOII


wi.e hi.. fed are lufferin, pa~. Mr. exclaim. Skinner, with a glitter in his<br />

Skinnu, bis bou. approaches him and eytl. _<br />

taU, bim:. .<br />

Podolkin, a.toni,bed at the' b.r~<br />

"Podolklnl" , baric ijcmandt of hi, bo" lo.t his<br />

"Hey'" •• In podolkin. 1 tense. for a moment, but '~D found<br />

"Do you know, llYo' Skinner, "the lufficient cbuUIt.. and retorted:<br />

Ituon will .oon be over It i. let,.. "Now, on the level, M .. r. Skinner."<br />

tine Ilow,"<br />

"On what Itvtl"<br />

Poc101k.in WII dumbfounded at the "It i, unju.t,"<br />

drudf~ ntw.. He dou not know "URjnat, what"<br />

what to aOlwer, and sad\y nodi hi. ..It i, .trodou....<br />

head.<br />

" What i. atrocious"<br />

"Sut, don't fur, I'll He: to it that "To demand ont of my limbs," rt -<br />

you .hall have work."<br />

plies Podol"in.<br />

"'in" inquires Podolkin. hardly Skinner burat out in a villainous<br />

'Delieving what be ~as just heard. laughter, but, Podolkin, growing more<br />

" WQrk .. a-plent,.. YOII'U work over- courageou., continued:<br />

time every day '" .peaks SkinMr "It i. simply outrageou.. My body<br />

mildly and ,000 nat~l;edly, And Po- il. my laic po •• ession, and you are<br />

. dolkin ·feel. that ddi,htful cue ovu- Wicked enouah to demand the .eparatakin&,<br />

hi. 10ul. He wantl to utter tion of my limb.. Npl 1 will not per­<br />

.omethin., but he doe. not ju.t know<br />

whit. But l , loon hOo ntaina hit: voice<br />

mit iL"<br />

"Very well, then," responded Skinand<br />

lIy':<br />

ner, "America i. a free country. You<br />

" Mr, Skinner, r hope ' that ·you will can do aJ you choost· You can reo<br />

be lati,fied with me" - tain your body, but ~'ou mUlt leave<br />

But Skinner', face arow. dark at<br />

thoua h it -Nue covered wich heavy<br />

my factory."<br />

"So, 1 will leave I" retorted Podoldouch,<br />

and the boss umarks in an kin, with tvident .. tilfaction. But,<br />

entirely Itrance voice.<br />

after a moment'. rdlection he rel;ol-<br />

"Do you know, Podolkin, 1 want to Icc ted to hil memory the fa ct that<br />

let paid for thatr'<br />

there arc a wife a child at home, He<br />

" Paid ~ atka podolk'n, lookiQI in ncalled to his memory that on Tuuamazement<br />

It hil master.<br />

day next he must pay rent-an Sat-<br />

"Yu, paid, A load, .ttady posi. urday .'he arocer's WI. He recalled,<br />

tion luch as this, i. not obtained with- that hiS countryman, Ziftin, also an'<br />

out payment." oper-ator on kneepant., is already<br />

"But where ,hall 1 aet the monty idlina for two month', and looks ve.ry<br />

to payr" re-tOrted Podolkin. " You arc much grieved.<br />

well Iware, Mr. Skinner, that 1 blrely These thoughts and re(,ollections<br />

urn my meller liviDK bere." thrilled the poor laborer, The very<br />

"1 do not a.k for All)' of your blood chilled in hi, vein!.<br />

money," replied Skinner. '·Well." u k. Skinner, are you loing<br />

The worker feell much relieved and to It-ave my plueT' '<br />

anx.;oo,ly -sk,: '''Mr. Skinot-r,"<br />

"If you don't want any mond what "What is it"<br />

then do you want" ' "Do you still want<br />

" What do you possu." u k. limb."<br />

\ Skinner. :: Mo.st asl u~~dly 1 dO ."<br />

Podolkin dotl not comprehend his .,What .for , "<br />

of my<br />

malter'. quution, Ind, lookinl at bim "That 11 my bUSlnus,<br />

naively, uk.: .<br />

What part of my body do you<br />

" Hey "<br />

"What do you pOdell repeat!<br />

want'"<br />

':r want .to have your feet," replied<br />

Skinner. "What have ),ou that you Skinner ~numphan.tl y. .<br />

can ull your own"<br />

Podolkm was dismayed and ter,l-<br />

" N.o'hinc." Mr, Skinner, c.onfellel fie,~' ..<br />

Podolkin, "1 am a very poor man." ~r feet, he .tammered. "my<br />

"Bilt ~ou own your own bo~Y!" fe~,tBut I will, not be able to work<br />

lay., Skinner. a~d a contemptible without my f«t.'·<br />

In:,lle pread on hll countenance. "Well, then, aive me your hud,"<br />

Truly, no more than my own said Skinner,<br />

body,", an,wered Podolkin. ~ee~onin a A cold shower of perspiration. enthat<br />

lu. muter was merely Jolcinc, wrapped Podolkin,<br />

"Then I want part of your body," " My head " he impatientiy a.ked,<br />

JaYI Skinner. itarinc hi, eye. upon hi ~ ma. ter,<br />

"What do you mean I don't quite "Your head, your entire head, up to<br />

uDderstand," say. Podol;kin..<br />

your very neck," commanded Skinner,<br />

"A limb, a fraction of you.r body," with a devili.h Imilo.<br />

" What are you talkin, abou.t, ..Mr.<br />

Skinner'" , .- j<br />

"I know what I am talking about."<br />

"Take ,orne difterent timb, for pitfl .<br />

like."<br />

"There'L no pity about it. I want<br />

your head; the entire bead, with a part<br />

of the neck," _ ,\<br />

"Oh, 1 can't. I caq't'remain without<br />

a head," in.ilted Podol kin. with tuu<br />

choking hi. throat. .<br />

"Welt, then, rive me your feet,"<br />

broke in Skinner.<br />

"What are you talking about, Mr,<br />

Skinner; of what u.e il an opuator<br />

without hi li feet "<br />

"Weil, then, let it be your head."<br />

Podolkin cuntemplatel a while, and<br />

Skinner .peak, in a mHder tone.<br />

"You bloom ina jackall, What the<br />

devil'do you want your head for"<br />

"To be without a head-why, I<br />

would not be able to even thinlr: of<br />

anythinlt replied Podolkin.<br />

"What do you want to think for<br />

Surtiy, you can make kneepants without<br />

your brains<br />

"But 1 will not evtn b~.ablt to tat."<br />

"You should worry. That will en·<br />

able you to redu ~ e the hiab cost of<br />

livinS' and aav~ a little mon money,"<br />

"Nor will I be a'ble to h~ar ,"<br />

"What do you wan~ to hear You<br />

can be deaf and still mak~ knee pants,<br />

It docs IIOt matter."<br />

"But 1 will nOt be able to Ite:'<br />

"That'. not a creat lOll. Believe<br />

nte , Plodkin, you are 10 well trained<br />

into your work that you will be able<br />

, to make knetpants without you'r un.e<br />

of siaht.'1<br />

"So, J , haU rorfeit my hud" ask,<br />

Podolkin, and he feels the anat difficulty<br />

he will be obliged to encounter<br />

in parting with hi, head,<br />

" "Certainly, you chump, It is for<br />

your own benefit. You will rid..yourlelf<br />

of the huvy burdtn on your<br />

,houldu.,"<br />

Thu., Skinner tries to persuade hi,<br />

emp loy e~ ,<br />

" It'. a lOll," grumbled Podolkin,<br />

"Why do you fUll 50 much over the<br />

lOll"<br />

"1 only aot a hair cut la.t weekhad<br />

1 known it_to -<br />

a~~~I~re\OvSlr:i~~~r ,I~~o:J<br />

~5at~~:~~~:<br />

petting the workman on hi, 5houlder.<br />

"Will 1 be certain of work-" inquir~d<br />

Podolkin.<br />

;'Study work, till YODr very irave,<br />

You'll work Sunday,. Sahlrday" and<br />

overtime every sincle niabt," 5poke<br />

Skinner, in a kind and alsuring<br />

maDnu.<br />

I<br />

"Take itl Cutl" -conaented Po ..<br />

dolkin.<br />

I<br />

Skinner called hi. fo{eman. who<br />


was also a cutter. Ifhe cutter held a .<br />

lon" sharp knife in his hand.<br />

When Podolkin obser ved the in­<br />

,{rument a chill ran 'through his body, i<br />

~<br />


Skinner whi.pered something in to ...<br />

I<br />

the cutter's ear. The latter smiled,<br />

IDd, swinaing his knife like a baton,<br />


Ippro,ched the operator,<br />

The radical wing of the German<br />

The poor .fellow was .cared to death !'arty. wi th 18 Re ichstag rep resentatl\cS<br />

and was unable to utter a syllable out<br />

h,,\le hrokcn away irom the u­<br />

of fear and anj:'Uish .<br />

tabli"hed Social Dt-mocnuic Party of<br />

"How fa r .hall I cut " asked the Gl' rmallY, so that the long-t-xpected<br />

foreman with his knif ~ raised and<br />

rudy for action, 1<br />

"Cut down to the very shoulder."<br />

"No, only up to it s neck, " are the<br />

word. that Podolkin duires to say.<br />

'Bot he cannot speajc:, A terrific fear<br />

comprcssed his heart :lRd rendered<br />

him unable to speak.<br />

Tht- fo reman grabbed Podolkin's<br />

head.<br />

"Wait!" shrieked Podolkin.<br />

"What's the matter " ye lled Skinner.<br />

'<br />

"Wait just one minute," pleads Podolkin,<br />

"Did you change your mind" asks<br />

Skinner. "But, you can't. It's settl~d<br />

. You have l}1ade a contract."<br />

T-hr cutttr prusrd Podolkin's head<br />

with "Teater fu ry,<br />

"Xo, I didn't change my mind,"<br />

apologizts Podolkin, "J only w311t to<br />

run over home fa,. one minute."<br />

"What will you do home" asks<br />

Skin ner, and in the meantime winks<br />

hi! cutter, who touches the knife close<br />

to Podol kin'. shoulder,<br />

~pli t in tnc German movement has<br />

nol\' become 3 f3ct.<br />

ITALY<br />

During tnc Christmas' holidays<br />

large lIuO\uers of Italian sold iers reftiveu<br />

le3\'e to spt-nd the holiday.<br />

with th eir families, In spite of the<br />

fart that the soldiers were fo rbidden,<br />

under the mO$t stringt-nt pt-naitiu,<br />

tu impart any informati on of condi·<br />

tions at the fronl. t-nollgh talk of<br />

brutalities and insurrt-ction percobtcd<br />

ntvCrthelrss to set tht- wh ole<br />

('onntry into a fcver of t-xdtemrnt,<br />

Ev(' rywhne thne were clashCl betl\Cen<br />

police alld "oldins who refused<br />

to return to the fr ont.<br />

From the traills that ce rritd the<br />

~oldicrs to the frollt cam ~' the cry<br />

irum a thousand vo i ce~ "Down with<br />

\Iar: In Lao!c 1,000 returning soldiers<br />

{,verturncu whole trains to<br />

lIlilk.· their return to the front illlp",~ibk<br />

Tht-n they went si nging<br />

Ihr ough the tuwn destroying everythHllo:<br />

that came into their path.<br />

"WO/it-stop! 1 only want to ('as t<br />

RUSSIA<br />

OIlC ilance at my child. I wil l never<br />

Russia has bt-en the scene of numbcr~<br />

uf political striku in which hun­<br />

he able to sec her again-." And<br />

from beneath Podolkin'~ breast is· dred" of thousands of workers parti.:ipaled.<br />

manifesting the prott-st of<br />

,ued for th a deep convulsive sobbing.<br />

"Podolkin! what are you crying the Rus~ian worklllg-clas.s against<br />

about" heard the laborer the question<br />

of his wife and he awoke. But diliming an unceasing slrugj{le<br />

the )(overn mClllal policy, and pro­<br />

he was I IHI under the inRuence of his against Czarism.<br />

dreadful dream, and commenced to<br />

ferl his body with his hands. .<br />

SPA1N<br />

"What are you searching after " On ~Iar c h 25th, 1906, a central<br />

asked Sophie.<br />

national organiz3tion of younK p ~o·<br />

"My limbs," anSW ered Podol kin, ple'9 c1ub~. (:omprising 20 Sections<br />

bali 311eep,<br />

and 1.109 mtmbers, was founded in<br />

l)oor Sophie felt a chill run throuKh Bilboa. In 1910 this wai moved to<br />

her veins upon hearing the brief reply Ma


• • -I... .j .<br />

~ ..<br />

t,·:: -@ ,·.c-OUR QWN ~FFAIRS· @ .>1<br />

• I ~II' I I ~- .~.... '. ~ - .. ,<br />

· YOUNG' SOCIALI6TS . ~UNITEI NEW YORK shall explain what tht Patty "itaodl<br />

GENERAL NOTICE OF Y. P. S. L. for .n~ ,why each lca~u~ mcm~tr<br />

;,J Aft. appul i, lent 'out tb ali young<br />

Sociali'ts"to take. stand apinn the<br />

oom1nc dupolism, that is called in<br />

tt6ned I.ilga.ge .. Preparednep." The<br />

idlin, ~liu hal':l.lrta'dy takell-iu<br />

.rand. No ....., let the' ..... orking clas~<br />

ihow itself. • For years this great<br />

ac:ht-lrie Has been planned by a c1us of<br />

tJptJ'rf!SWtrs for their persbnal and Idfrtb'ihte1-ei1i:-<br />

THe,-' ha\'c .pent thoua.nds<br />

' bpdn ' thoul5iIl\ds of- d ~ na N to<br />

blind the youth. Thty ha,'e financtd<br />

thJ l:n e"fpip~ers so u 'to 'have thelll<br />

fa\Oor'thi~ ; dishtrou s 'm oveme nt to th e<br />


Z6<br />

enlighlenmentin tnt midst of an fn·<br />

"ironment of • Y. 14. C. A., a Church<br />

Houle. and a Y. M. H. A. it has been<br />

, .,aminll' the daol'c't-.il1'al"'l I beacon<br />

li.ht upon the dark: fauah wateu.<br />

h thtre • par.llel in this great coun·<br />

try to this active young ,~ple's<br />

leapt<br />

, Y. P. S. L.'8 N~IC1t<br />

E • ..-y LMpe in O,.t New York<br />

~I!.d New. J ...,. lb. ~d. thr. of.<br />

. ' ffic~ , dalep.tea 19 npreI t them at<br />

• th,_ M"ulpe Commf meeting to<br />

~ h.ld od Satur'dq • oon. <strong>June</strong><br />

3. ,.t . th~ R.a:ad. School, to dlacu .. and<br />

:~!::ttl~~o~~:e: :: ::: ~~~<br />

various c.ommlttees and oflicen to<br />

• , •• up~. -:ne.<br />

... " In, ... tM 1;DcantiP\e ltJ1lCO_ ~ou1d dis-<br />

.·"Htu .... tti • . roOd and welfare Of the ma,-<br />

&do.' ana $Qltnlct thelr ... deleptel U<br />

to tbej.J;, vi..... -.. to it that the most<br />

~. cS81apteS are. .tec.ted al14 that<br />

th';~~ ...... 11 ~t< ·

28 i<br />


~,!\.<br />

, .<br />

be Ml~JJv:,lth .. .\ r~ 'M'~ ,t J2 • . Mar.<br />

ket k at thc"Newark Soeialist- Party •<br />

be~uUt.,.; ., .<br />

1<br />

• . 1 • , ________...<br />

T 0 ~ 1T B/ B E A DEB • .r<br />

dress ... U 1 .. C. C. c.om.mltnjc::ations<br />

. to IKrd;!ry • •<br />

is CqUa. JO TwetJth ./lve..<br />

Tto the epitor. Fair and honest<br />

t;atc;~o ~,: N. J.<br />

criticism "Will h~lp a gr'ear,tieal' tb'<br />

'i "' ~ . t<br />

~.~~~.cpUlj:rY ....<br />

Taetd,y; )(a)' - 2'nd,~ Bili Kruse, the<br />

.. "' ..... \--nian r,r the rirht pl.ce." will<br />

1«~, on "'The EirTtting Cliance;" at<br />

256~<br />

: reNt .....:1[1· ,C.l "'ide< tb.<br />

.au. ,' ~ Whbe '¢ddinldtDbb, Y. P.<br />

S, T1\i"YitHll. 'btfltrMon. Go\lnty<br />

are laODia, a blg',public mectinl' on<br />

"M t.r)' ~- Ttainiflg in the Public:<br />

ScJipol"' Tueld,y. May 116.. at County .<br />

He~~t\·.r~r~~:.t PI'~f'~a.rc: un4er way<br />

ror.~~!.!..W.L! _Co'!.~ty_ St:!!dy ... OUb.<br />


JI)<br />


\Vir Kinder haben'a Recht zum<br />

Spiel-<br />

Das macht gesund ;.. .• .." .....<br />

,Zu schwach sindwi.r zu' schaffen<br />

.viet<br />

O~n' jeden Grund.<br />

Aber's Kapital braucht Gold.<br />

• Zwip(t ~t\S ' i" ,!eir'sotd.<br />

G.~\ ~~\~ dai w:.ng~ rot UDS<br />

macht<br />

, .Un.t' frisehF Luft;<br />

"' Fre';ld'" bei Tag unll Ruh' bei<br />

. .. ~acb t<br />

Und, Blumend~ft.<br />

Aber's Kapital brauc.ht Gold.<br />

Zyviqgt un" in ~ei{len $old.<br />

Wir h~be.R ' Re ~h!...~ u! gute Kost,<br />

Ve! u'.1~ und r~in, .,.'<br />

Gcschiitzt zu sein vor Hitz' und<br />

~. F(05t<br />

t:r,d .aller Jein. .<br />

Aber's "apital braucht Gold.<br />

Zwingt uns in sei~en Sold.<br />

pas Kind hat's Recht auf frohcn<br />

La,uf<br />

In \YaId tlnd Feld,<br />

Raid hugelab, bald hiigelauf,<br />

'Y~e'JJ iitm gefal1t. I<br />

Aber's .Kapita\ ~ra~eht Gold,<br />

~'\in~ US i,!, seinen\-Sld, !<br />

(X ~ch Prof. Shedd von J. JiB; ch.) 1),,....,-==<br />

•<br />

'0.<br />

.l;nd ddiut def<br />

---:--<br />

Wipter noch so<br />


• J<br />

a~==============-<br />

i. t:LO F F NUN C §l §l<br />

sehr<br />

~Iit trolzigen Gebirden,<br />

~ L:nd streut cr -Eil' und, Schnee<br />

umher, ~.: ~l<br />

•. £S muss ·doch Fruhling werden.<br />

Und drangen die Nebel noch so<br />

dieht -<br />

51th vor den Blick, aer Sonne,<br />

.. i SSiZwecket doch IMt mfetfi Licht<br />

Einmal die \Velt zur \VorlOe.<br />

I<br />

'-<br />

Blast nur, ihr Stiirme, blast mit<br />

Macht!<br />

Mir soli darob nicht bangen;<br />

Auf teisen Soh len fiber Nacht<br />

Kommt doth der Lenz gegangen.<br />

Da wacht die Erde griinend auf,<br />

\-Veiss nicht, wie ihr geschehen,<br />

Uod lacht in den sonnigen Himmel<br />

hinauf<br />

l,;nd IllOchte "or Lust vergchen.<br />

' 11<br />

i<br />

.----1}<br />

Sie Richt sich bluhcnde Kranze<br />

ins Haar<br />

Gnd schmuckt sich mit Rosen<br />

und Aehr~n<br />

Vnd l a~s t die Brunnlein rieseln<br />

klar,<br />

Als wijren es Freudenzahren.<br />

Drum still! 'C'nd- wie es fr!,eren<br />

mag. -' . ..<br />

o Her

32 rflE YOUNG SOClkLlSTS' M_'GAZINE<br />

die bishe"r erreichten praktischep<br />

"Erlol~ der Achtstundenbew'eguoi,<br />

wie 'sic auf def cinen Seite<br />

durc,h die Beeioflussung der Gesettgcbung<br />

und auf der andc.tett<br />

~ite durs:h die selt dem Jahre<br />

t189 iib'erall ~ie!ig erstarkten 'fwerkschdtlichen<br />

Organisa:tion<br />

der Arbeiter erzielt wurden.<br />

''' 'NUt- bet Einem mOc:hten ~ wir<br />

gem k\,rz verweilen, 2el del' gtwaltigen<br />

inneren Ausgestaltung,<br />

die der Gedankc der proletarischen<br />

Maifei'er aelbst im 'i erlaufe<br />

d,cscr fiinfpndzwanzig Jahre er­<br />

Eahren hat.<br />

_:Wir .h2Jt~,!1-' twie die- ~laifeier<br />

ins Leben tnt als Demonstration<br />

fur Arbeiterschutz nnd Achtstundentag.<br />

...Aber indem ' dicst Demonstration<br />

an einem Tage die<br />

Arbeiter alltr Linder vereinigte.<br />

wuchs sic gam: von selbst- weit<br />

hinl.u:s-fiber ihretl! urspriinglichen<br />

Zweck: sie wurde dad\1rch zu<br />

~i~r gewaltigen Kundtebung fiir<br />

die . Interessen- und Gedankenge­<br />

'- mdnschaft _. des intemationalcn<br />

Profetanats: ru ei ner praktischen<br />

Betitigung des machtigen M'ahnrufes.-"den<br />

Karl Mar.< und Fri4tdrich<br />

Engej"s ' einst iiber die Eingang:si>forte<br />

det Arbe iterbew e~<br />

vi!ng ges~hneben . hatten, def<br />

"'lahniufes: Prolet\rier aller Land~,<br />

~:ereinigt euch I Vnd gerade<br />

(i1es~ t;eda·n.k.~ der intemationaren:SOlid~ntafi!11n<br />

· 9.F MItfeier<br />

von"·Jihr '1u'lanr 1U imnie; star­<br />

~~!e'm' ..Au~dr;l~k ~ta!lgt. 1 Je mehr<br />

die=tnteressenkonAik\e und Konkllrren:tkampfe<br />

der herrschend~n<br />

K'lassen die internationaten Gegensatu<br />

inndhalb der kapitalisti­<br />

Schen ·'\Viitsci,afts«ordn';lng" zugesph.~rhatrenJ<br />

~e (urchtb'arer die<br />

Rushingen zu Lande, 2:U Wasser<br />

und in der Luft werden, 'qUt de-<br />

. mn-1 die;-"Ch'mtlichen"- -Staaten<br />

einander fortgeset7.t bedr:ohen, je<br />


i WHAT WAR H~S<br />



.. .-- . .<br />

Its Blights<br />

\\'ar ha:- brought low our con·<br />

ccption of the preciuusness of<br />

human liie :to; :-Iavcry brought<br />

low our cllncl'pti~m \)f human<br />

li berty.<br />

I t has hClIlllnbc

they t\'en told applicants that tribunals<br />

had n9 pOWtr to grant ab.olute<br />

uemption, .tating they could exempt<br />

from comhatant sen 'ice only. No<br />

later than yeuerday (28th) t saw reported<br />

in the "Glasgow Herald" th20t<br />

Deacon-Convener _-'Iexander in- a<br />

Glasgow Tribun2.1 said to a cDnlcientious<br />

objector:<br />

"You are only entitled to claim u­<br />

emption from combatant service. and<br />

a •• 00n as you. young men reali&e that<br />

fact the .ooner will matten be made<br />

t'a.ier for the court.:<br />

Now. tbat is contrary to the in­<br />

. fructions issued by Mr. T. Mcinno n<br />

Wood to the TributYls.. Applic:anl.<br />

do not ~t fair play, and ca DDOf: pt<br />

fair pl.y when pllt before men so<br />

prejudiced. .<br />

The teaching and preCl.';pb of this<br />

SChOoI 'are: based on the highett I.';thia,1<br />

ideu of the ""orld', ITeatc:Jt<br />

mind .. and have consistently taught<br />

the ,oung under our charge the evils<br />

of WM". is uempli6ed in tbe follo ...·ing<br />

pr.ecepts: '<br />

"Do not think that those who love<br />

their own eountry mast hate and despi,e<br />

other nation., or wi.h for war,<br />

which i. a remnant of barbarism."<br />

And- .<br />

"'Look forward to the day when ... 11<br />

men and wom~n will be free citizen,<br />

01 one Fatherland, and li"e together<br />

as brothers and ~i~~r~ in pea« and<br />

righteousnesa."<br />

II """'D'tIld teem ~ tr:lnlf t' that young<br />

men tuined in Ihis School could have<br />

any other than a geQuine "con.dentioua<br />

objection" ro taking any ~rt in<br />

war, a proceedin .. which ""Ould viobit;"<br />

tbe "eepe.t and mun profound<br />

convic-rions of their be-ing. Olnd to be-·<br />

tray the relia"ioa~ ideal. of tMir life.<br />

Thu'School has also pasRd a resolution.<br />

'A' h.i~h dtmlands the rcpul of<br />

the Military Scrvice An<br />

J cloS'e .nIh an eame!lt appt"al that<br />

you si~ the above particulars your<br />

,"cry ,b,it consideration. I am,<br />

'YOIll"I respectfully.<br />

W. Morri. Dutr, Secy,<br />

Comrade Corrick, of Deptford,<br />

w~ o has ma.de a splendid stand<br />

against submitting h is. soul into<br />

the hands of the military, writes<br />

of his appeal heard at the H oust<br />

of Commons. :'\.pril 12th:<br />

M, Appeal Result<br />

• Non-combatant suvi('e ordered.<br />

Therefore, 1 endeavor to appeal 10<br />

('I.'; ntral Trihunal and await a",elt, I<br />

had nery opportunity to JaY aJI 1<br />

wisbed. But seeinl' that from the<br />


casn I h('lIrd hcfort' llIin~ came on,<br />

IhC' Trihunal w,'re not going 10 cxt'Tllpt<br />

anyune, howe\'er mu ch. Ihcy<br />

prol\'ed thC'ir co~wictions. I dId not<br />

U10lh a len~thy 'i)et'l:h. 1 I)ni llttd out<br />

Ih:al w:ar rC'suh~ fror", fur, FeOlr WlU<br />

Ih .. ruult of na tions arming 3gain~t<br />

t'aeh other. all\l the only way to ensure<br />

a 1.lting peace was to remove<br />

kar, and therdore di!arm. I I)ointed<br />

('lilt that one of the tl.';ntt! in the 50-<br />

ci ... l;s! Sunday School teaching wu<br />

that we WeTe again.t all ..... ar and the<br />

takina of Iifl.';, and that Comrade Goslip.<br />

President of tht' London Union,<br />

...'as in the room. and could "erify<br />

th.u, a"d also te:Hify to my working<br />

in tht schooh for ~ome )'ears. The<br />

military repre,centat;\"t asked me<br />

~ome quell tionc abollt S:a"ag~ of<br />

I ndia murdering pncdul people. I<br />

rtplied tbat the que.sllon WIS irrelevant.<br />

hut also that I did nol know<br />

that tht sa\'age,~ of I ndia did murder<br />

pt'oplt'. tte. How did I arri"e at my<br />

con"icli.lns My rt'ading and leaming-.<br />

and then uid. when people are<br />

htllt'r C'Clueattd ..... ar will ceale..<br />

A ~fr , Srok~s wail on the Tribunal.<br />

and ht c r o~-s-exllTll l1led lilt as to my<br />

memher'ihlp of politl~al partiu.<br />

(' halfln3n' ~ !;ut words were: "You<br />

...·ill h;l\'t to sen t a~ a soldier in nonl'll<br />

mhatanl ~en'ict,"<br />

~ty private ttpl)' 10) this is, "I tlon't<br />

thmk!"<br />

fmm Ih~<br />

('\cr loval and bra\'c<br />

I-\alek. who \-n ntl l1~e .. his trojan<br />

.. ef\' i c e~ for ~)ur sehoul:: at the<br />

Tribunals :-<br />

Dnr omrad('~ : ~ l again attended at<br />

the Honse of ommon! "'\PI>ul<br />

picnic. It is his only chance to<br />

breathe fresh air during the elltire<br />

year. Discipl!n~e is a joke. He<br />

drills two Or .three hour!> a day at<br />

most.' He is fed perfe("tiy g""d<br />

food and lives in a comfortablt'<br />

slldtcr tent. He wears goOd<br />

dCJll~es. plays much at cards. and<br />

s~nds ' hi s dollar a day (or drink.<br />

_ Refu'rning to ~ his· home. the<br />

member of the militia force finds<br />

that !thor, state furnishes him with<br />

a very good club house in the<br />

ior'm of an armory •. The means<br />

of social diversion are paid for Ollt<br />

oi the public treasury. If he remains<br />

in the militia for a COIIs<br />

id.erable length of time h e almost a blank wall.<br />

~-ut~atically becomes a non.<br />

com.inissioned oflicer. Puffed up<br />

with a Jitde. brief authority his<br />

patnOc:ism waxes as 'Cvery prolt>-<br />

.<br />

.._---- .....-----------.<br />

tari111 hCl~ nor yet perlllt'at~d the<br />

ruind oli \rncri(

army of ten millions of men in<br />

America, go and study th.e women<br />

at a West Point dress parade or<br />

at an Army'-Navy football game.<br />


cal and legal freedom. \Vith-"the<br />

call to the colors" all political and<br />

legal freedom comes to an end.<br />

T he next step in our sodal evolution<br />

in America is municipal<br />

state capitalism. We shall presently<br />

have municipal and national<br />

ownership of enormous industries<br />

employing millions of persons.<br />

Bills have already been introduced<br />

at 'Washington looking to<br />

Following th~ 'Vomen's Peace<br />

Conference at The Hague .Iast<br />

year one of the most luxuriouslygowned<br />

American delegates, on<br />

her return to New York expressed<br />

the opinion that wars<br />

would never cease until male citi.<br />

zens in civil life begarbed themselves<br />

in more beautiful and more<br />

interesting clothes.<br />

the preferment of ex- so~d i ers and<br />

ex-sailors in t he public service.<br />

The whole matter is si mplicity itself.<br />

Of all the horrible paradoxes of<br />

W e have two millions of<br />

militarism none is more i"defen­<br />

$ible to a thinking mind than the<br />

pageantry of the army in times of<br />

peace. Three da)'s after YOUT soldier<br />

goes into his first fight no<br />

beast of the wilderness ' presents<br />

SO horrible a picture. Hi~ yellowgreen<br />

clothes 3re smeared with<br />

rai lway workers alone. Nationalize<br />

and municipalize industries<br />

employing five millions of men,<br />

select the railway employees and<br />

others with reference to their services<br />

in the citizen army, and<br />

slavery will be entrenched with<br />

militarism, as it is in Germany.<br />

mud and grime. His filthy and<br />

verminous pers,on reeks beyond<br />

the imagination of his friends at<br />

Responsible<br />

home. Pictures of heaps of men<br />

,frightfully mutilated by shell-fire U ncle Luke was going on a<br />

are now quite familiar to the ra il way journey on the accommodation.<br />

Presently, as he was<br />

newspaper-reading public. As a<br />

blind to this inevitable result of waiting at the station, the agent<br />

war. the showiness of militarism came out anI chalked a familiar (<br />

in time of peace is the cheapest sign on the bulletin board: "20<br />

swindle which our ruling classes<br />

employ in the process of misleading<br />

min. late." Luke appealed to a<br />

bystander.<br />

the ignorant. Yet . it has al­<br />

"\Vhut's It say. boss"<br />

ways work'ed and still does work<br />

"Train's twenty minutes late."<br />

successfully.<br />

The agent came again and<br />

A Cit:izen Army and Strikes<br />

We have seen in France and<br />

Italy the result of universal military<br />

service as employed in times<br />

wrote with his chalk.<br />

" He's made the train fifty minutes<br />

late now" the bystander infor<br />

med Luke.<br />

of large strikes. Practically A third -and a fourth time the<br />

every worker between the ages agent chalked a message against<br />

of twenty and forty-five is ;]. member<br />

the accommodation's number.<br />

of the re~e r ve. A call to the Then Luke became exasperated.<br />

colors puts an end to the strikes<br />

in twenty-four hours. The primary<br />

purpose of the political action<br />

on the part of the working-class<br />

is to preserve ,,:nd increase politi-<br />

"If some one ain' take dat chalk<br />

away f'um dat man," he said indignantly,<br />

"we folks ain' never<br />

gwine to get away f'um -dis yer<br />

place I"<br />

WHO IS WHO<br />

The masters will never take<br />

you into a fight for real freedoni.<br />

They always lead you in the<br />

other direction.<br />

Who is the best known hero in<br />

the present world war - Whose<br />

name has become most famous<br />

during this war Is it Von Hinden<br />

burg, Kitchener, Von Mackensen,<br />

Russky, French, Joffre <br />

No, none of them I The name of<br />

the real hero, whose name has<br />

become most generaHy kr\own<br />

throughout the ci\·ilized world, is<br />

Karl Liebknecht I<br />

The capitalist press states that<br />

some tribes of aborigines are<br />

anxious to go to war. If so, we<br />

can guess who put the notion<br />

into their heads.<br />

Lord Derby, the head recruiter<br />

in Britain, ha's nearly 2(» slum<br />

dwellings in Liverpool (England)l<br />

which the insurance companies<br />

positively refuse to have<br />

anything to do with. For all that,<br />

however, he is a patriot, and can<br />

flap a flag with the best of them.<br />

From the confiscation of the<br />

worker's labor power to the conscription<br />

of his body is but a step,<br />

The Universal Service Legion<br />

has published another manifesto,<br />

1t says a little more plainly:<br />

,"~ Iak e the workers go somewhere<br />

else to fight for freedom."<br />

The capitalists of the world<br />

are solid for the war. They are<br />

determined to fight to the last<br />

workingman.<br />

Plutes enjoy grand opera. The<br />

workers are given bras's bands<br />

and battles.<br />

If the workers spent more time<br />

in seeking knowledge, they would<br />

spend less time in see~i ng glory.<br />

-Brisbane Worker (Australia),<br />


. i PIONEERS i<br />

' " .<br />

Turn the page that tells ('oi<br />

triumphs won by saint and<br />

pioneer:<br />

Re~d the message of the ages<br />

penned by prophet, poet,<br />

seer:<br />

They, the truly great, Who suffe<br />

red in their struggle<br />

'gainst the wrong-<br />

They, the martyr souls, \Vh"<br />

perished by the clamor of<br />

,the throng.<br />

Shall we count as naught their<br />

sufferings, and the glory<br />

they have Wall<br />

As a fad in g wreath, that," ither!l<br />

'neath the splendor of the<br />

sun'<br />

Shall we count as naught the<br />

spirit born of every noble<br />

soul,<br />

Leading to the land of promise.<br />

pointing to the social gual<br />

\-\ie have reaped the frui ts of<br />

labor. sown in hitler, barren<br />

years;<br />

l;Ve have reaped in joy and lal1J..('hter<br />

what was sown ill bluod<br />

and tears.<br />

Ye heroic si res who. battling-.<br />

smote the tyrant iii bi~<br />

might,<br />

Still inspire thy soilS of labor ttl<br />

'defend their sacred right.<br />

Time but teaches one great \(>:;­<br />

son-'tis the noble who are<br />

great ;<br />

From their labors and their ~tl f­<br />

ferings, Nature molds the<br />

perfect state.<br />

W~, partakers in thei r labor:;;.<br />

still must sha re their sufferings.<br />

too ;<br />

There are cruel chains to sever,<br />

there are shackles to undo.<br />

~-.~<br />


TflE<br />

~<br />

..<br />

~ '''' IIIIIn811' .1111111<br />


z.. .,.:- :.:.~-:-..,.sw:;-...!:t: ·<br />

Eat.red .. Second-Clu. Mail Matter<br />

Joe 2. 1911, at the post office at New<br />

York. N. Y., under the Act of Marcb<br />

l.I819.<br />

"'blitbtd .Monthl, at<br />

15 IpnICe Street. New YOI'k.<br />

b, the'<br />

IodaIIatlc Co-opu.d.... PabL Au"n.<br />

Joba Nactl. Pru. • O. Knoll. Sec',.<br />

&. Ramm. Treu.<br />

~<br />


By T. H. Potter.<br />

:rhe monopoli\ ts said : "If we<br />

:ne:n they saki : "We won\pay<br />

~.t one woman. Ap.Pt-al to tbe<br />

public-'tis so-charitablb"<br />

.A.nd they ~.d~~.<br />

; Then the JOX)! ODe Ja.v a wake<br />

nights to t£iok of somt thing the<br />

- babies could worb t~~t _ be<br />

Jl!igbt coin a felY ~nies. off the<br />

IUds. - - ,<br />

• ),Iak-. the X~~';~elf."upport .<br />

iar. You know, it would be so<br />




It was at a r~cruiting meeting<br />

that I first met. the h\lmble hero<br />

of this story. Bill Sharpies. Curiosity<br />

mol"e than _sympathy had<br />

t&ken me there; aDd 1 was not<br />

very much interested in the proiogs<br />

till a tall sergeant in the<br />

crowd clapped his hand .on Bill's<br />

shoulder, and said:<br />

·'Now. my lad, won't you make<br />

number six Shall we put your<br />

name down alongside those other<br />

five brave chaps who are stand·<br />

iog 'up there on the platform<br />

Come on. be a ·man, and step up!"<br />

Bill would han turned away.<br />

but the sergeant detained him<br />

with a tightening grip on his<br />

shoulder:<br />

t'Come on," he shouted, Udon't<br />

say a big fellow like you is<br />

ytfraid 1"<br />

" It's not that," said Bill. '; J<br />

iotend to take no part in this<br />

cruel war. I promised my mother<br />

so on her deathbed, and I mun<br />

to ke~p my word."<br />

",Father told us what war 'was.<br />

lie made me promise, too."<br />

J followed the young feUow<br />

for some fifty yards, and when at<br />

last I overtook him, I found him<br />

wi th his head bowed,<br />

"Cheer ~;p , my son," said I :<br />

'.'you tid a plucky thing just<br />

now,"<br />

"Plucky," he cried, with pale<br />

quivering li ps, "they all call me a<br />

coward dpwn Pearson's Rents,<br />

where 1 live, si r. And Tom .Bai·<br />

ley turned me out of hi s house<br />

last night, and now [ haven't a<br />

shelter to go to in all the world.<br />

r don't blame Tom a bit. You see,<br />

he is an old soldier who lost an<br />

arm in South Afri ca. He was my<br />

dead father's comrade, and hc<br />

wanted me to enlist. But to me<br />

war is wrong j b(sides, J can't<br />

br~ak my promis~ . "<br />

"You would be a coward, in·<br />

d~ed, if you did," I replied, and<br />

after offering him 3 small sum of<br />

mt;mey , which he ref\l sed~ to ,accept,<br />

I shook, -the lad's hand with<br />

kindly sympathy and left him.<br />

That night Bill Sharples was<br />

homeless. But he' c r Cj~ into the<br />

poor s h~lter of Pearso'n's Rents a<br />

The h~artle!\s crowd of "patri.<br />

ots" who heard the lad's answer<br />

Toared with mocking. derisive<br />

laughter; and the speaker on the<br />

platform, pointing to Bill, asked:<br />

"Have you no father; or if you<br />

have, is he, too, a coward like lilt'le before midnight, for the<br />

yourself"<br />

".My, father was a soldier:<br />

Octaves wind was piercing and<br />

the Iad's clothes were thin.<br />

that's why mother made me Seated on a door"y.ray, despite<br />

promise." ,<br />

his wretchedness, he fell as.l_eep,<br />

"Now, what are you giving U~.<br />

me lad. 'Vhat nonsense is this"<br />

"My father di~d for hi s coun·<br />

and it may have been two hours<br />

later he was awakened by the<br />

shrill sound of a woman's terri·<br />

try." went on Bill. fl He laid fi ed scream.<br />

down his' life (or the ,ountry that "What is the matter" cried<br />

teft mother and me to starve." Bill, shaking himself into wakefulness.<br />

"The degenerate son of a brave<br />

,<br />

father I" yelled the sergea'nt; "let<br />

the coward go."<br />

"Tbe room's a-fire, 'Bill I 1\'e<br />

just upset the lamp I" the woman<br />

By Tom Robinson<br />

shrieked, "an' my little Hetty's<br />

up there--asleep in her cradle 1"<br />

I' Why did you leave her" the<br />

lad demanded. "Why didn't you<br />

bring her wi th you " And the<br />

frantic mother, wringing ber<br />

hands despairingly, replied, . " [<br />

dunno why I did it-[ was mad<br />

. wi' fear."<br />

A great crowd had by this time<br />

gathered together, and the dingy<br />

court was dimly illuminated by<br />

the faint glow of Jight that<br />

flickered through the grimy win·<br />

dow·panes of the burning room.<br />

"If I'd ~oth my arms I 'd 'ave a<br />

try'" said Sergeant Tom Bailey ,<br />

"but a onc·anned cripple like me<br />

'd be worse 'n useless. Ain't there<br />

a' man among yer wot'll try ter<br />

save a pore little kid"<br />

"I will,!" cried Sharples. And<br />

the next mOlllent he had disap·<br />

peared inside the bunling house.<br />

Tw~three-four minutes the<br />

crowd stood there in a silent<br />

agony of sllspense, and then Bill<br />

reo·appeared with the -rescued<br />

child tied up in his ragged coat,<br />

the rest of his poor rags all<br />

aglow.<br />

"Where are you. Mag" he<br />

asked, oh, so faintly, lit he kid's<br />

all right, lass, but-l'm about<br />

done! Take her afore I drops."<br />

"J've fiat her, Bill! Oh 1- my<br />

blessed babby! alive 'n safe! And<br />

its mammy never thought to see<br />

'er precious mi,e again 1 W hy<br />

don't yer look arter the pore lad<br />

Can't yer see as 'ow 'e's faintin'"<br />

At that moment Bill Sharples<br />

fell in a huddled heap at Tom<br />

Bailey's feet; and the one·armed<br />

sergeant knelt by "the youn g<br />

hero's side, and raised the lad's<br />

scorched head on to his knee,<br />

'And big tears streamed fast down<br />

the old soldier's rugged cheeks<br />

as he asked pitifutly-<br />

"How are yer a-feetin', Bill-<br />

It's me a·axin'~ld Tom Baitey."<br />

"I know your voice, sergeant."<br />

said the lad, feebly. "The kid's<br />

a ll right, ain't it "<br />

"Ves ; 1 wi sh T could say as<br />

much for you, laddie, Shall r<br />

carry yer to t~e 'os pita I -wot :-"<br />

';No, let me lie still: it ain't any<br />

use takin' me anywhere-I'm goin'<br />

to die. P'raps it's as wellcowards<br />

ain't wanted tht'se<br />

times."<br />

"Cowards ! there ain 't man y<br />

wot's gone to the front ,as'd do<br />

\...·ot you've done down 'erc in<br />

Pearson's Rents. this night I"<br />

"Why, I cOllldn't stay 'ere, an'<br />

see a pore little kid like that burn.<br />

could J I ain't such a coward<br />

as that."<br />

"There's many as would, lad·<br />

die; aye, that there are. But,<br />

look 'ere, I want ler take them<br />

word s back I spoke to yef yester·<br />

day, I called you a cowardbut<br />

oh, 'ow I 'opes my lit lie Jack<br />

'II grow up to be jest sich another.<br />

Soldierin' ain't eV'rythink<br />

in the world. I'ye done my bit.<br />

but-why don't you people stant!<br />

off Carnt yer liee 'es faintin'­<br />

Bill ! Bill!"<br />

"I'm going, sergeant - don't<br />

call me back-I'm tired! You're<br />

abQut the only friend J've had<br />

since father died-you were good<br />

to mother too-an' it 'urt me.<br />

sergeant. when YOll said that<br />

cowards like me weren't no use<br />

in the world-it 'urt me '"<br />

"Forgive me, Bill, I didn't know<br />

wot I was a·sayin',"<br />

, 'IThat's al1 right. Keep 'old 0'<br />

me, I seem to be slippin' fwayyou<br />

can kiss me ii you like-good<br />

bye."<br />

"Good bye, my 'ero!"<br />


And with the bearded li ps of<br />

the old soldier presseU close to<br />

his che.ek, Bill Sharples passed<br />

out of Pearson's nents, and out<br />

of the world. And so died a reat<br />

hero,<br />


By O lga jorgenson<br />

Note-This poem was written by a 17·<br />

year-old Socialist girl of Omaha, Neb.<br />

T o smil e on battlefields and war,<br />

To lovc yourself and no one more;<br />

To live Oll toil of other men.<br />

T o spoil their lins and ho pe, a nd then<br />

To rob and plunda in your gre:t'd.<br />

To lake the bread from those who<br />

need,<br />

~it~u i!~ ~:~:nj;;~t~~dtl~ig~~!~' but" ~<br />

heart that's cold;<br />

A god Ihat says, "is right that Ihon<br />

Live by the sweat of your brother's<br />

brow:<br />

That' s Capitali sm!<br />

T o build a world wh('rt' a\l men ·ctributed " throw<br />

aways" adveTli sing their picnic with<br />

tht' iollowing song printed on re"trle<br />

siue : Y.I.P.S.E.L<br />

ITo th e tune of "Mothet'·)<br />

Y is of the young we're alwa)'s telh.<br />

ing,<br />

I ~t:lnds for ideals high and true.<br />

P is for tht' principles wc're teaching,<br />

S is Socialism-that's for you;<br />

E Ilio fo r our tmhlem - crimson colored.<br />

L Illeans that we'll .always loyal be;<br />

PUt thelll all logtther,<br />

Tht'}" !opel l "Yipsel,"<br />

:\ word lhat muns Iht' world to<br />

me.<br />

The tune being a popuiar air.<br />

makt', it easi('r for the Yipse!s (mosl<br />

o f them knowing it), Everybody<br />

th ou~h l it was good and 1 thuefore<br />

ask YVll to 1)lIhlish it in your next<br />

~SzYrl\: :yf s~h~h~' tV ~u:'~l1 S~cc;~ ~i S ~~; ~ .a~~<br />

Yip!>d s.<br />

l'ratt"rnal1y.<br />

G. A. Knepper.<br />

Die im frc ihtitl ichell Sinne ge·<br />

leite-t en<br />

Vereinigtcn Freien Deutschen<br />

Schulen<br />

von New York und Um&e,er.d<br />

erlei!"n Unterricht im Anschauungs·<br />

unlt"rridu ill \'erbindung mit Vortra·<br />

gell "Il wie Gesang, unu bei gtniigen·<br />

der llt'lt'iligung auch Turnen. Zeich·<br />

nen und Handarb~it s ulllur; ch t fu r<br />

Maddu:I\. Die Auresstn der d nzc ln en<br />

Schulen lIoi nd. in:<br />

Manhattan: Rand School. 140 OS!<br />

19. 51., Satn!lag vorm.; Ll\bor<br />

Temple. 247 OSt 84. Sir., SamllaR<br />

und Sonntag \·orlll.: No. 2329 2.<br />

Ave .. Sa rli_lag nachm.: No. 884<br />

Colull1bu ~ Ave., Salllitags \'orm..<br />

9-12 Uhr.<br />

BrOllle Ecke ISS. Sir. lind Fort st<br />

Ave. Will, Stel1wagen's Hall.<br />

Salllstag lind Sonntag vorm.<br />

Brooklyn : Labor Lycelllli, 949 \Vill·<br />

ouglrby Ave., Sat'llstag \'or· und<br />

nachmittags.<br />

Long Island City: Hettingu's Hallt.<br />

Broadway und 7. Ave., Samslag<br />

vormittags.<br />

Elizabtth. N. j.: 60S Elixabeth Ave.,<br />

Sonntag vormiHags.<br />

Green \'il1~: Lahor Lyceum. 11'9 Lin·<br />

den Str .. Sam5tag nachmitt:ags,<br />

Union Hill : Fronunchtns Halt ..., New<br />

York A\·t . und U nion SH., Sonntag<br />

vormittags.<br />

Die Ve-rei nigung hal auch ein<br />

hilb,ch augnlatiett'J Liederbuch im<br />

Verlag. ~liihere AU .'lkunft trtt ilt der<br />

Sekretar Reinhard Meyer, JOI East<br />

83. Street, ~ew York. (Advt.)


•<br />

Iot4.GAZINE<br />

1 @ dUR' ·-OWN AFFAIRS @ _. ;:1<br />

.----.... "I "<br />

NEW YORK in lome dilHrictl Ihe ' w~rk or the Y. P. Place order (j{ 41 copies f9 r uch<br />

-- - S. 1... conBltts " 'llh that' of die S. P. month herealu~r. Vote as follo,wl:<br />

Lt" of Brooklyn Centra1 ~ Com. D(cidrd that Nmpaign cOllln\iuee be Zeitl':", 0: Roftlllan, 0: MuUer,ZO.tNc.w<br />

I, ' mitt Y P S L)I 7 <strong>1916</strong> given full power to arrange all circle director failed '0 .how up' at 'a,t<br />

H. • • • , ., • meeli"is. and lhal no circle be al· mCC'ting. MaHer rdt'rrcd to ars:au-<br />

'Ncctine called to order at 2:30 P. lowc.d to arrange muting. without iut. . _ ~<br />

~; , NOlkin in chair. Minutes- 01 pre- Ihe cO{llent,of th"i, COmmi1I.et'. so that_ Old BUlinc,'" Vote-OD UI!II.~t or-<br />

YIQUI meeting adopted .s rud. Cre, 'the cOllllniUec can work in harmony ~niztr RpOtted at follow .. . . Z~It(an,<br />

deatial from Circle 2, placine LapidUS witb the S. P. aa'd arrangt; meetings 26; Rohmalr: l.Zl; Muller, 47. " Muller<br />

ia place of Shapiro. re.ignt-d, •• delt:- that will not c:,onflct. , Decided that of Circle 9 declarrd elected to take<br />

late; 'to cenlr.1 committee, A('ccpted circle. bc uked what nigbt. are con- office at once and to remain in office<br />

all'd delegate Hated. Bills of officcrs vcnient for tbem for Open air nu:et_ until Ja.nuary, 1917.<br />

an:d .. committeemen all ordered p.id, iug.!! to he arranged in their districL 'New Business. Committees in­<br />

Oreaniur reportCdl Sent leutor' to e irel"s .. ked 10 elrcl campaign man- strueted to gin Iheir repoi'tS in writ.<br />

Briebt. received no reply, Recei"ed ager. to hep in touch with campai&'n in" hereafter, Circle 2 orducL to fol.<br />

comDlIlQication froUl Kruu, again committee, <strong>Young</strong> Sodalist Day com· low out th.e , pro\·i.ions of Article, 5,<br />

ukin-, for n&~1 of officers of cin::lu nlttee re~rtl that the org.nizer hal Section I, of ,constitution, Meetlnl<br />

aDd, their addteSlel, Gave him at called I~ O IIlceting o f this committeee. adjourncd at 5,50 p, M .<br />

mueh Of Ihe info r'mation a.l he could. .'\,S" for some a~· tlQfl . Comp,juce in. Fraicrnal1y .ubmitted. .<br />

Orranizcr alkl for ~na ntial and mcm- lIructed to mt'et and prepare a report Louis E. "'Wei( Rec. Sec'y: '<br />

~tlbip reports of clfcl~s 10 be handed 10 be ru4,. by nut me~ting. Y. p, S. L, Brooklyn,<br />

jUt at n


the circle .euetary .hould order the<br />

ticket •. Reqoeats for complimcDtariel<br />

""ill not be con.idered dtcr date of<br />

JUM 25. .<br />

We make this Nberal offer. comradu.<br />

a •• mea. ure: of inter .. citcle cooperation.<br />

Witl the nurby circles<br />

like advantage<br />

Show your interut. Get together.<br />

Come down in a body! Se nd in your<br />

order fot free tickets,<br />

The picnic and games will be held<br />

Saturday afternoon and evening, July<br />

ht, at W illard Park. Dancing by<br />

Professor Cockdt's full union belt orchestra<br />

will .tart at 2 P. M. , harp.<br />

Comrade •• conlC 10 our .ffair. It<br />

lurely will be a day of social enjoy·<br />

ment for you.<br />

'<br />

for complimentaries and further information,<br />

league sccret~riu should<br />

address all corrclpondenct' to the<br />

following: Louis Cohan, 10 12th Ave.,<br />

Paterson, N. J.<br />

----<br />


--'<br />

Second Annual Y. P. S. lr. State<br />

Convention<br />

The succt'ss of the convention was<br />

due in a great meuure: to the splendid<br />

spirit of co-operation that manifeitcll<br />

itself on every hand. The Soc:ialist<br />

Party of Reading donated the use of<br />

the Labor Lyceum and the Woman',<br />

Educational League prepared an elab­<br />

_orate menu for the banquet that followed<br />

the four busy sessions of the<br />

convention.<br />

The Reading comrades extended a<br />

hurty welcome to the ,·i.iting delegates<br />

through their ipokcsman. Claire<br />

Spohn. which was responded to in a<br />

neet little speech by Theodore Swartz.<br />

in which he outlined the work for<br />

which the I!on\'ention was mct.<br />

The ca"\'ention promptly elected<br />

the cornmilees to prepare a constitution.<br />

and reports and plans 0"<br />

strengthening the organization, and a<br />

resolution committee was alao cholu.<br />

The Sute Secretary', report showed<br />

that the , tate organization consisted<br />

of 17 Circles. TwO Circle., di,banded<br />

and six new one, organized during the<br />

yur. The total membership of the<br />

organization is 147 in good standing.<br />

The reports of tht: ofncers .howed<br />

that the Penn.ylvania "Yipsds" are<br />

alive to their relponaibilities and th ::u<br />

the), wert: wilting to co-opera.te with<br />

the Socialist party to the. (lIl1eat u­<br />

tent was .hown when they madt: arrangemelllii<br />

to confer with the Stale<br />

Executive Committee p f the S~ialist<br />

Party. Comrade Ringler, State Sec relI.ry<br />

of the Socialist Party and a fraternal<br />

delegate to the convention, immediately<br />

arranged for the mce.ting.<br />

The ou tcome of that meet ina w .. that<br />

the party will give the league their<br />

active co-operation, and that .peaken<br />

routed fronl the sute of nee will be<br />

given in.tructions 'to bring before<br />

audienc.es for which they apeak, the<br />

neceslily and the advi.ability of organizing<br />

<strong>Young</strong> People'l Socialist<br />

Leaaue5. The matter of puhlicity was<br />

also discus.ed and the director of public<br />

ity, a new department provided by<br />

the new constitution, was in.tructed<br />

to furnilh Socialist and labor papen<br />

with news and propaganda matter<br />

regularly.<br />

The revenue derived from the sale<br />

of dues stamps was not considered<br />

sufncient to carry on the work and<br />

pay the convcntion expenlu., 10 the<br />

new constitution provide. that the<br />

price of due stamps Ihalt be 5 cents<br />

to the leaguel, and that one-third of<br />

all the money derived from the sale of<br />

stamps shan be used to defray con­<br />

"ention expenses.<br />

The next convention will be held at<br />

Pitt~burgh in 1918. unlus the referendum<br />

decidel otherwise, but the provision<br />

for biennial conventions seems<br />

to be a move in the right direction,<br />

,ince the resources of the organization<br />

are not large enough to stand the<br />

strain of yearly conventions.<br />

The reports of ofncers and com mittees,<br />

And particularly the report of the<br />

Ways and Means Committee will be<br />

compiled and published in booklet<br />

fo rm. The sua:gutionl contained in<br />

the!e reports were considered to be of<br />

so much val uC! to· the Circles and to<br />

ind i'4' idual members of the Y. P. S. L.<br />

that the convention electC'd a committee<br />

to compile these reports and to<br />

issue a ma nual, the cost of the booklets<br />

to be just enough to cover the<br />

COlt of publication. it was pointed out<br />

that a great need of our movement<br />

was some lort of a text-book to in-<br />

~~~~ o~~~~de s in various phases of<br />

ThC' following officers were elected<br />

to sC'rve until the next convention :<br />

State Secretary. Theodore Swartz,<br />

McKeesport; Financial Secretary­<br />

Treasurer, Irvin F. Weber, Reading:<br />

Organil:er, Joseph A. Ploeger, Pittsburgh:<br />

Education,al Director, Natha'n<br />

Marks, Philadelphia; DirC'ctor of Entertainment,<br />

A. Levinson, Philadelphia;<br />

Director of Publicity, ChadeK<br />

Coo\'er, York; Ways and Means Director.<br />

H . Shneiwi", Pbiladelphia.<br />

The following were elected as the<br />

Grievnnce Committee : A. LeviMon,<br />

Ii. Dirtwhistle. Nat han Markl, Harry<br />

Perelman, and Theodore Hamberg.<br />

Irvin F. Weber was chosen as the<br />

fraternal delegate to the New Jersey<br />

State Convention. which ""ill convene<br />

May 14, at Elizabeth, N. J.<br />

,<br />

Harry Perelman of Philadelphia<br />

was choseo as the ConvC'ntion Secretary.<br />

William" F. Kruse was present at<br />

the last two &en ions of the convention<br />

and was seated as a fraternal delegate.<br />

He deli't'ered an inlpiring ad·<br />

dreas at Red Man'l Hall. His lecture,<br />

"The Fighting Chance'! was well received.<br />

Milton P. Neuman, State Organinr<br />

of New ]eraey Y. P. S. 1... and Chas.<br />

F. Sands, of Reading, were fraternal<br />

delegates. .<br />

.<br />

Bor n to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Fred<br />

Webe r of Reading a daughter on May<br />

lrd. Mother and child are reported<br />

as doing nne. .<br />

"­<br />


... new cir e.le of the Y. P. S, L. has<br />

bC'en organized at Scranton, Pa., with<br />

leven members, and at the next meeting<br />

it is expected tbat they will<br />

ifouble their nlembership, as each<br />

comrade knew of one more tbat<br />

would join the orgalJ i.ution. They<br />

ha"e planned to take part in the May<br />

Party hcid under the auspices of th ~<br />

rarty, which will be held in one of<br />

Sc ranton"s parks. The Yipsel. and<br />

the children's dubs will enjoy an automobile<br />

ride to and from the park.<br />

York Circle<br />

A new cirde organized with 40<br />

charter members and doing work like<br />

a bu nch of well-seasoned ve teran s. A<br />

dance and musicale was given last<br />

week and a debate has been arranged<br />

fOr this week.<br />

Philadelphia<br />

A novel membership campaign is<br />

being ca rried on by the Philly Yipsels.<br />

The Central Committee asked each<br />

cirde to select a numb/r, and the<br />

number selected by the circle means<br />

that the circle will make a special<br />

campaign to secure that many new<br />

members in a given time. Cirde No.<br />

6 .was not a bit backward, and they<br />

selected number 100. We wish them<br />

,ucce$l, and if they accomplish their<br />

aim we think that the Central Committee<br />

should banquet them.<br />

A.. new plan for encouraging comrades<br />

to speak before audiencel i. being<br />

tried out by Circles 1 and 2. Tho:<br />

education31 director of each circl e<br />

has prepared a lilt of SUbjects. and<br />

each comrade is allow«\d to select the<br />

.aubjed that suits him best, and they<br />

are given two weeks to prepare a<br />

short 100minute talk, which will be<br />

deHvered at an educational meeting.<br />

Twenty-two new comrades have<br />

joined the circle during the montb of<br />

April.<br />


'Vir sind Genossen,<br />

Fest angeschlossen,<br />

Z usammenhal tende<br />

Fur aUe Zeit.<br />

Glied einer Klasse,<br />

""-ir hatten zur Masse<br />

In jeder Lage<br />

Und bis Zl1m Tod.<br />

\ Venn Sturme sausen<br />

Und Wetter brausen,<br />

\Vir kampfen immer<br />

In Einigkeit;<br />

'Venn Gefahre n drauen,<br />

'Vir Muh' nicht scheuen;<br />

In treuem Bunde<br />

Sind Bruder wir.<br />

Gleic h Sonnenstrahlen<br />

I nallen Taten<br />

Die Lieb' 5011 schein en<br />

Auf unsern Pfad.<br />

Das Rechte tuen<br />

Und nimmt:r ruhen,<br />

Fur \~f ahrht:it streiten<br />

Zu jeder Zeit.<br />

Drum, g leich uns Kindern,<br />

Die Not Ztl Iindern,<br />

Sollt kampfen stets Thr<br />

M it starke r Faust,<br />

Bis dass die Freiheit<br />

U ns aile segnet<br />

Als ihre Kinder<br />

Fur ane Ztit. (Josef Julich.)<br />

Das Nilpferd.<br />

Von Sven Hedin.<br />

In den Seen und Fliissen Mittelafrikas<br />

lebt das grosse. plumpe.<br />

hassliche Nilpferd, der Behemoth<br />

der Bibel. In alten Zeiten kam es<br />

atlch in Unteragypten vor lind<br />

wurde hier Flussschwein genannt.<br />

Hente aber muSs man schon cine<br />

gan 7:C Strecke siic1warts iiber Nubien<br />

hinausgehen. Unt cs an7:utrerfen.<br />

In vielen fliissen unterl1immt<br />

es \Vanderungen. und es<br />

richtet sich dabei nach def Regenzeit:<br />

sinkt der Spiegel des Flu s-<br />


scs, dann begibt cs s ich bergabwart<br />

s, ltnd wenn der R egen das<br />

F lussbett wieder' fiillt, aufwarts.<br />

\Vahrend andere Tiere seit<br />

ihrem ersten Auftreten in froheren<br />

Zeitabschn itten der Erde<br />

grosse Formanderungen durchgemacht<br />

haben, hat da~ Nilpferd<br />

seilt friihe res Aussehen im wescntlichen<br />

bewahrt. Es macht darum<br />

auch heute noch einen urweltlichen<br />

Eindruck. Der rundli<br />

che plumpe Korper des Nilpfer ­<br />

(Ies ruht auf vier kurzen, unformig-en<br />

Beinen mit vier Hufen an jedem<br />

Fuss. Der Kopf 1st beinahe<br />

\'icreckig, Augen lind O hren sind<br />

klein, das Maul entsetzlich breit<br />

man an ruhigstro menden Fliissen<br />

\'orsichtig entlang, so kann man<br />

das T ier oft iiberraschen ; wenn es<br />

auftaucht, urn Luft zu schnappen.<br />

spritzt es unter starkem 'Pusten<br />

und Schnaube n StrahJen von<br />

\\·asser aus semen N'asenlikhern.<br />

Dann taucht es wieder unter und<br />

blcibt wohl drei bis vier Minuten<br />

unter 'Vasser. 1st es unmittelbar<br />

unter der OberAache, so sieht man<br />

iiber dem 'Vasser nUr sechs kleine<br />

Erhohungen : die Ohren, die<br />

Augen nnd die Na1'\cntikher. Fiihlt<br />

C1'\ !iO ich nlcht sicher, so steckt es<br />

nm die Nasenlocher ,,"us dem<br />

'Vasser und atmet '50 leise, wie<br />

ihm nur moglich ist.<br />

Oft liegen die Nilpferde in<br />

seichtem 'Vasser und platschern<br />

darin heruOl, oder sie klettern<br />

auch auf das U ier hinauf, urn sich<br />

zu sonnen Ulid sichs behaglich<br />

und bequ'Cm zu machen. Dann<br />

hort man si.e alle Augenblicke vor<br />

W ohlbehagen grunzende T one<br />

ausstossen. Gegcn Abend aber<br />

suchen sie die tieferen Stellen de5<br />

Flusses 'auf, wo sie umherschwimmen,<br />

einander jagen und sic h mit<br />

gros,!:ter Gewandtheit und Gelenkigkeit<br />

im \ Vasset\ t llm meln.<br />

Sie sdnvimmen ausserordentlich<br />

schnell lind s tosswcise und erfiitlen<br />

dabei die Lull mit hriillenden,<br />

gurgelndcn T onen. Gleichwohl<br />

konnen sie aber atlch so leise<br />

schwimmen. dass man cias \Va5-<br />

ser gar nicht ratlschcn hOrt. Ein<br />

verwu ndctes Nil~ferd bringt den<br />

\Vas~c r s piegel in so heftige Bewegung.<br />

rlass kleine Boote in den<br />

Schlagwellen kentctn ko nnen.<br />

'Venn mchrcre alte }.1annc hen zu­<br />

lind die Xasenlocher gro~S . Die<br />

zwci Zentimeter dicke Haut ist<br />

unbehaart und schitlert je !lach·<br />

dem sic nass oder trocken is t grau,<br />

dunkelbraun oder schmutzlgrot.<br />

Den kleinen kurzen Sch wanz ab·<br />

gleich hriillen, durchdringt der<br />

gcrechnet wird das Tier "ier Meter<br />

lang; cs wiegt so viel wie<br />

Larm dl"n L'rwald meilenwcit,<br />

und es ro11t wie Donner tiber das<br />

dreissig ansgewachsene Manner.<br />

\Va'!:~er hin. Kein anderes Tier<br />

Die Xilpferde verleben die meiste<br />

Zeit im 'Vasser; nachts gehen<br />

kan.n !Oo1chen Larm mach en : 50-<br />

gar dC'r Lo we bleiht dann ho r­<br />

sic aufs Land, besonders in Gegcnden,<br />

wo die F liisse selbst nicht<br />

chend stehen.<br />

Am obcren ~i l , oberhalb der<br />

,·iel Nahrung bieten. Schleicht<br />

Stadt Chartum, \VO der uppige<br />

Pflanzenwuchs die Cfer e robert<br />

und der Fluss sich oft in Secn und<br />

Siimpfen vcrliert, geht das NiI ­<br />

pferd gleich dem Krokodil nur selten<br />

ans Land. Es lebt hier von<br />

den B1.ittern cler L otospflanze<br />

und Papyrusstauden, den weichen<br />

Schilfsprossen und .den uhrigen<br />

saftigen Pflanzen, die- in Sumpfgegenden<br />

gedeihen. Es taueht<br />

unter, wllhlt minutenlang auf dern<br />

Boden des flusst'!\ und trubt das<br />

Was~t'r weit umher. llat es sein<br />

gewaltiKeo; ~ lalll mit B1attern lind<br />

Stengeln ~efllllt. dan n erhebt es<br />

s ic h wieder tiber lIie Oberfl ache,<br />

und das ' Vasser stromt in Bachen<br />

von seinem gewolbten L cib herab.<br />

Jetzt setzt es die Kiefer in Bewe-

••<br />

I'HlI und die Zahne nrmalmen<br />

.;:;, FUller; Speichel und l>J!.n­<br />

"""t Lr,ufe1n jhm wit eine<br />

.,un~ Suppe von den dic1:cen Lip­<br />

~. und die michtigen . E~uhne<br />

zei~ sicb in ih~er It~nzen Kraft.<br />

Der .Appetit des Nilpferdcs ~st un·<br />

nrwusUich. .<br />

In Gcgcnden. wo eli zur' 'Veide<br />

auf. Land ('(ht, veriibt et in den<br />

Getreide~ ~nd Gcrnjisefelflcm<br />


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