Package 'limma' - Bioconductor

Package 'limma' - Bioconductor

Package 'limma' - Bioconductor


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12 08.Tests<br />

07.SingleChannel<br />

Topic: Individual Channel Analysis of Two-Color Microarrays<br />

Description<br />

This page gives an overview of the LIMMA functions fit linear models to two-color microarray data<br />

in terms of the log-intensities rather than log-ratios.<br />

The function intraspotCorrelation estimates the intra-spot correlation between the two channels.<br />

The regression function lmscFit takes the correlation as an argument and fits linear models to<br />

the two-color data in terms of the individual log-intensities. The output of lmscFit is an MArrayLM<br />

object just the same as from lmFit, so inference proceeds in the same way as for log-ratios once<br />

the linear model is fitted. See 06.LinearModels.<br />

The function targetsA2C converts two-color format target data frames to single channel format, i.e,<br />

converts from array-per-line to channel-per-line, to facilitate the formulation of the design matrix.<br />

Author(s)<br />

Gordon Smyth<br />

08.Tests<br />

Topic: Hypothesis Testing for Linear Models<br />

Description<br />

LIMMA provides a number of functions for multiple testing across both contrasts and genes. The<br />

starting point is an MArrayLM object, called fit say, resulting from fitting a linear model and running<br />

eBayes and, optionally, contrasts.fit. See 06.LinearModels or 07.SingleChannel for details.<br />

Multiple testing across genes and contrasts<br />

The key function is decideTests. This function writes an object of class TestResults, which is<br />

basically a matrix of -1, 0 or 1 elements, of the same dimension as fit$coefficients, indicating<br />

whether each coefficient is significantly different from zero. A number of different multiple testing<br />

strategies are provided. The function calls other functions classifyTestsF, classifyTestsP and<br />

classifyTestsT which implement particular strategies. The function FStat provides an alternative<br />

interface to classifyTestsF to extract only the overall moderated F-statistic.<br />

selectModel chooses between linear models for each probe using AIC or BIC criteria. This is an<br />

alternative to hypothesis testing and can choose between non-nested models.<br />

A number of other functions are provided to display the results of decideTests. The functions<br />

heatDiagram (or the older version heatdiagram displays the results in a heat-map style display.<br />

This allows visual comparison of the results across many different conditions in the linear model.<br />

The functions vennCounts and vennDiagram provide Venn diagram style summaries of the results.<br />

Summary and show method exists for objects of class TestResults.<br />

The results from decideTests can also be included when the results of a linear model fit are written<br />

to a file using write.fit.

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