here - City of Reedley

here - City of Reedley here - City of Reedley


2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 DEPARTMENT FUND ACCT TYPE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ADOPTED AMENDED FYE ESTIMATE ADOPTED 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4330.1010 Police Investigations F/T Salaries $ 168,353 $ 168,353 $ 187,991 $ 214,972 Police General Expenditure 2012-13: Officer 100% (3), Sergeant 100% (1) Police General Expenditure 2013-14: Officer 98% (3), Sergeant 98% (1) Police General Expenditure 001-4330.1030 Police Investigations O/T Salaries $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 34,096 $ 35,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4330.1040 Police Investigations F/T Social Security & Medicare $ 15,786 $ 15,786 $ 17,830 $ 19,423 Police General Expenditure 001-4330.1050 Police Investigations CalPERS Retirement $ 60,270 $ 60,270 $ 76,115 $ 68,471 Police General Expenditure 001-4330.1060 Police Investigations Health Insurance $ 45,891 $ 45,891 $ 45,621 $ 46,412 Police General Expenditure 001-4330.1070 Police Investigations F/T Workers Comp $ 10,851 $ 10,851 $ 12,220 $ 15,897 Police General Expenditure 001-4330.1080 Police Investigations LTD Insurance $ 456 $ 456 $ 502 $ 582 Police General Expenditure 001-4330.1090 Police Investigations Uniform Allowance $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 4,000 $ 3,920 Police General Expenditure 001-4330.1095 Police Investigations Special Compensation $ - $ - $ - $ - Personnel Cost Subtotal $ 339,607 $ 339,607 $ 378,375 $ 404,676 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4335.1010 Police COPS Federal Rehiring Grant F/T Salaries $ 43,099 $ 43,099 $ 43,173 $ - Police General Expenditure 2012-13: Officer 100% (1) Police General Expenditure 2013-14: None Police General Expenditure 001-4335.1030 Police COPS Federal Rehiring Grant O/T Salaries $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 7,952 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4335.1040 Police COPS Federal Rehiring Grant F/T Social Security & Medicare $ 3,756 $ 3,756 $ 4,013 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4335.1050 Police COPS Federal Rehiring Grant CalPERS Retirement $ 15,479 $ 15,479 $ 15,990 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4335.1060 Police COPS Federal Rehiring Grant Health Insurance $ 8,136 $ 8,136 $ 7,701 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4335.1070 Police COPS Federal Rehiring Grant F/T Workers Comp $ 2,643 $ 2,643 $ 2,735 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4335.1080 Police COPS Federal Rehiring Grant LTD Insurance $ 117 $ 117 $ 111 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4335.1090 Police COPS Federal Rehiring Grant Uniform Allowance $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4335.1095 Police COPS Federal Rehiring Grant Special Compensation $ - $ - $ - $ - Personnel Cost Subtotal $ 79,230 $ 79,230 $ 82,675 $ - 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4340.1010 Police Records F/T Salaries $ 99,204 $ 99,204 $ 96,279 $ 102,857 Police General Expenditure 2012-13: Police Records Specialist 100% (3) Police General Expenditure 2013-14: Police Records Specialist 98% (3) Police General Expenditure 001-4340.1020 Police Records P/T Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4340.1030 Police Records O/T Salaries $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 903 $ 1,500 Police General Expenditure 001-4340.1040 Police Records F/T Social Security & Medicare $ 8,002 $ 8,002 $ 7,501 $ 8,163 Police General Expenditure 001-4340.1050 Police Records CalPERS Retirement $ 18,164 $ 18,164 $ 17,592 $ 19,622 Police General Expenditure 001-4340.1060 Police Records Health Insurance $ 48,576 $ 48,576 $ 50,285 $ 51,177 Police General Expenditure 001-4340.1070 Police Records F/T Workers Comp $ 670 $ 670 $ 640 $ 698 Police General Expenditure 001-4340.1080 Police Records LTD $ 270 $ 270 $ 246 $ 280 Police General Expenditure 001-4340.1090 Police Records Uniform Allowance $ 2,400 $ 2,400 $ 2,400 $ 2,352 Police General Expenditure 001-4340.1095 Police Records Special Compensation $ - $ - $ - $ - Personnel Cost Subtotal $ 180,286 $ 180,286 $ 175,846 $ 186,650 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2010 Police Support Office Supplies $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 19,514 $ 25,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2020 Police Support Special Supplies $ - $ - $ 185 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2035 Police Support Evidence Supplies $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,561 $ 3,500 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2040 Police Support Small Tools $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,000 $ 5,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2085 Police Support Gun Range Supplies $ 15,600 $ 18,900 $ 18,900 $ 16,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2091 Police Support Rapid Deployment Team $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 2,628 $ 3,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2150 Police Support Publications $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 20 $ 500 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2185 Police Support Projects $ - $ - $ 5 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2530 Police Support Memberships $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,300 $ 1,500 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2540 Police Support Meetings & Conferences $ 2,150 $ 2,150 $ 2,150 $ 2,500 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2550 Police Support Telephone, Long Distance, Cellular Service $ 18,000 $ 18,000 $ 13,017 $ 15,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2551 Police Support Emergency Telephone Notification Service $ 1,564 $ 1,564 $ 1,564 $ 1,564 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2560 Police Support Natural Gas $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,736 $ 1,500 Page 116 CITY OF REEDLEY ADOPTED BUDGET 2013-2014

2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 DEPARTMENT FUND ACCT TYPE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ADOPTED AMENDED FYE ESTIMATE ADOPTED Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2570 Police Support Electricity $ 13,500 $ 13,500 $ 19,154 $ 15,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2580 Police Support Advertising $ 750 $ 750 $ 380 $ 400 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2630 Police Support Disaster Preparedness $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2640 Police Support POST Schools $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 29,231 $ 20,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2645 Police Support Non POST Trainings $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2650 Police Support Special Investigations $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ 500 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.3000 Police Support Professional Services $ 18,000 $ 18,000 $ 19,000 $ 18,000 Police General Expenditure Background Investigations, Polygraphs, Recruitment, Medical Exams, Etc Police General Expenditure 001-4350.3003 Police Support Justice Restoration $ - $ 29,000 $ 29,000 $ 29,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.3010 Police Support Jail Booking $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 200 $ 1,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.3075 Police Support Animal Disposal $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 3,500 $ 3,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.3140 Police Support Legal Services $ - $ - $ 6,000 $ 20,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4010 Police Support Contracts Maintenance $ 38,000 $ 34,700 $ 28,700 $ 35,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4015 Police Support Computer Support $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4019 Police Support Bicycle Patrol Maintenance $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4020 Police Support Equipment Repairs $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,000 $ 5,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4027 Police Support Computer Server Contract $ - $ - $ 275 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4033 Police Support Dog Pound Mtce $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,169 $ 3,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6023 Police Support CAD/RMS $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 5,253 $ 6,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6025 Police Support Wireless Computer Access $ 16,000 $ 16,000 $ 12,344 $ 14,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6035 Police Support T1 Lines $ 12,500 $ 12,500 $ 12,355 $ 12,500 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6807 Police Support Safety Equipment $ 17,000 $ 17,000 $ 12,463 $ 16,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6880 Police Support Patrol Vests (Partial Grant Funding) $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 6,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4350.7010 Police Support Equipment Shop Departmental Costs $ 337,254 $ 337,254 $ 325,479 $ 397,734 Maintenance & Operation Subtotal $ 612,518 $ 641,518 $ 599,083 $ 708,698 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6884 Police Support 2012-13 New JAG Grant $ 13,000 $ 13,000 $ 10,945 $ 10,000 Capital Outlay Subtotal $ 13,000 $ 13,000 $ 10,945 $ 10,000 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1010 Police Dispatch F/T Salaries $ 217,080 $ 217,080 $ 208,792 $ 193,740 Police General Expenditure 2012-13: Dispatcher I 100% (5), Dispatcher II 100% (1) Police General Expenditure 2013-14: Dispatcher I 98% (5), Dispatcher II 40% (1) Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1020 Police Dispatch P/T Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1030 Police Dispatch O/T Salaries $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,166 $ 20,000 Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1040 Police Dispatch F/T Social Security & Medicare $ 18,646 $ 18,646 $ 17,862 $ 16,815 Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1041 Police Dispatch P/T Social Security & Medicare $ - $ - $ - $ 77 Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1050 Police Dispatch CalPERS Retirement $ 40,066 $ 40,066 $ 39,987 $ 37,296 Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1060 Police Dispatch Health Insurance $ 87,754 $ 87,754 $ 67,302 $ 57,660 Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1070 Police Dispatch F/T Workers Comp $ 1,534 $ 1,534 $ 1,472 $ 1,401 Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1071 Police Dispatch P/T Workers Comp $ - $ - $ - $ 4 Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1080 Police Dispatch LTD $ 595 $ 595 $ 555 $ 531 Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1090 Police Dispatch Uniform Allowance $ 4,800 $ 4,800 $ 3,200 $ 4,240 Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1095 Police Dispatch Special Compensation $ 1,860 $ 1,860 $ 1,695 $ 1,823 Personnel Cost Subtotal $ 392,335 $ 392,335 $ 361,031 $ 334,588 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1010 Police Dispatch OC F/T Salaries $ - $ - $ 83 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1020 Police Dispatch OC P/T Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1030 Police Dispatch OC O/T Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1040 Police Dispatch OC F/T Social Security & Medicare $ - $ - $ 6 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1050 Police Dispatch OC CalPERS Retirement $ - $ - $ 15 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1060 Police Dispatch OC Health Insurance $ - $ - $ - $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1070 Police Dispatch OC F/T Workers Comp $ - $ - $ 1 $ - Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1080 Police Dispatch OC LTD $ - $ - $ - $ - Personnel Cost Subtotal $ - $ - $ 105 $ - Page 117 CITY OF REEDLEY ADOPTED BUDGET 2013-2014

2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14<br />


Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2570 Police Support Electricity $ 13,500 $ 13,500 $ 19,154 $ 15,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2580 Police Support Advertising $ 750 $ 750 $ 380 $<br />

400<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2630 Police Support Disaster Preparedness $ 500 $ 500 $ - $<br />

500<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2640 Police Support POST Schools $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 29,231 $ 20,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2645 Police Support Non POST Trainings $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.2650 Police Support Special Investigations $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - $<br />

500<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.3000 Police Support Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Services $ 18,000 $ 18,000 $ 19,000 $ 18,000<br />

Police General Expenditure Background Investigations, Polygraphs, Recruitment, Medical Exams, Etc<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.3003 Police Support Justice Restoration $ - $ 29,000 $ 29,000 $ 29,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.3010 Police Support Jail Booking $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 200 $ 1,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.3075 Police Support Animal Disposal $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 3,500 $ 3,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.3140 Police Support Legal Services $ - $ - $ 6,000 $ 20,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4010 Police Support Contracts Maintenance $ 38,000 $ 34,700 $ 28,700 $ 35,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4015 Police Support Computer Support $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4019 Police Support Bicycle Patrol Maintenance $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4020 Police Support Equipment Repairs $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,000 $ 5,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4027 Police Support Computer Server Contract $ - $ - $ 275 $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.4033 Police Support Dog Pound Mtce $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,169 $ 3,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6023 Police Support CAD/RMS $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 5,253 $ 6,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6025 Police Support Wireless Computer Access $ 16,000 $ 16,000 $ 12,344 $ 14,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6035 Police Support T1 Lines $ 12,500 $ 12,500 $ 12,355 $ 12,500<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6807 Police Support Safety Equipment $ 17,000 $ 17,000 $ 12,463 $ 16,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6880 Police Support Patrol Vests (Partial Grant Funding) $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 6,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.7010 Police Support Equipment Shop Departmental Costs $ 337,254 $ 337,254 $ 325,479 $ 397,734<br />

Maintenance & Operation Subtotal $ 612,518 $ 641,518 $ 599,083 $ 708,698<br />

0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4350.6884 Police Support 2012-13 New JAG Grant $ 13,000 $ 13,000 $ 10,945 $ 10,000<br />

Capital Outlay Subtotal $ 13,000 $ 13,000 $ 10,945 $ 10,000<br />

0 $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1010 Police Dispatch F/T Salaries $ 217,080 $ 217,080 $ 208,792 $ 193,740<br />

Police General Expenditure 2012-13: Dispatcher I 100% (5), Dispatcher II 100% (1)<br />

Police General Expenditure 2013-14: Dispatcher I 98% (5), Dispatcher II 40% (1)<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1020 Police Dispatch P/T Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1030 Police Dispatch O/T Salaries $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,166 $ 20,000<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1040 Police Dispatch F/T Social Security & Medicare $ 18,646 $ 18,646 $ 17,862 $ 16,815<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1041 Police Dispatch P/T Social Security & Medicare $ - $ - $ - $<br />

77<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1050 Police Dispatch CalPERS Retirement $ 40,066 $ 40,066 $ 39,987 $ 37,296<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1060 Police Dispatch Health Insurance $ 87,754 $ 87,754 $ 67,302 $ 57,660<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1070 Police Dispatch F/T Workers Comp $ 1,534 $ 1,534 $ 1,472 $ 1,401<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1071 Police Dispatch P/T Workers Comp $ - $ - $ - $<br />

4<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1080 Police Dispatch LTD $ 595 $ 595 $ 555 $<br />

531<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1090 Police Dispatch Uniform Allowance $ 4,800 $ 4,800 $ 3,200 $ 4,240<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4360.1095 Police Dispatch Special Compensation $ 1,860 $ 1,860 $ 1,695 $ 1,823<br />

Personnel Cost Subtotal $ 392,335 $ 392,335 $ 361,031 $ 334,588<br />

0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1010 Police Dispatch OC F/T Salaries $ - $ - $ 83 $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1020 Police Dispatch OC P/T Salaries $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1030 Police Dispatch OC O/T Salaries $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1040 Police Dispatch OC F/T Social Security & Medicare $ - $ - $ 6 $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1050 Police Dispatch OC CalPERS Retirement $ - $ - $ 15 $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1060 Police Dispatch OC Health Insurance $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1070 Police Dispatch OC F/T Workers Comp $ - $ - $ 1 $<br />

-<br />

Police General Expenditure 001-4365.1080 Police Dispatch OC LTD $ - $ - $ - $<br />

-<br />

Personnel Cost Subtotal $ - $ - $ 105 $<br />

-<br />

Page 117<br />



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