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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Fibonacci Number Munjal Patel January 30, 2010 Fibonacci numbers are sequence of numbers developed in ancient India and later introduced to the western European mathematicians by Leonardo of Pisa also known as Fibonacci in 1202. This paper serves as an introduction to the Fibonacci numbers, their properties, applications and relation to the mother nature.


Fibonacci Number<br />

Munjal Patel<br />

January 30, 2010<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> are sequence of <strong>numbers</strong> developed in ancient India and later introduced to<br />

the western European mathematicians by Leonardo of Pisa also known as Fibonacci in 1202.<br />

This paper serves as an introduction to the Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong>, their properties, applications<br />

and relation to the mother nature.

Leonardo Pisano Bogollo, (c. 1170 – c. 1250) known as Leonardo of Pisa, or simply<br />

Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician (Anderson, Frazier, & Popendorf, 1999). He is<br />

considered as the most talented mathematician of the middle ages (Eves, 1990). Fibonacci was<br />

first introduced to the number system we currently use with symbols from 0 to 9 along with the<br />

Fibonacci sequence by Indian merchants when he was in northern Africa (Anderson, Frazier, &<br />

Popendorf, 1999). He then introduced the Fibonacci sequence and the number system we<br />

currently use to the western Europe In his book Liber Abaci in 1202 (Singh, Acharya<br />

Hemachandra and the (so called) Fibonacci Numbers, 1986) (Singh, The So‐called Fibonacci<br />

<strong>numbers</strong> in ancient and medieval India, 1985).<br />

Fibonacci sequence was well known in India and was applied to the metrical sciences<br />

(prosody). Pingala (200 BC), Virahanka (6 th century AD), Gopāla (c.1135 AD), and Hemachandra<br />

(c.1150 AD) are given credits for the development of this sequence (Goonatilake, 1999). In<br />

Sanskrit prosody, long syllables have duration of 2 and short syllables have duration of 1. For<br />

this reason, it is possible to form a pattern of duration by adding a short syllable to the<br />

pattern of duration 1 or a long syllable to the pattern of duration 2. Sanskrit prosodists<br />

proved that the number of patterns of duration is the same as the sum of the previous two<br />

<strong>numbers</strong> in the sequence. It is believed that this is where the motivation for the Fibonacci<br />

sequence came from. Later, algorithms for finding pattern of duration were developed<br />

and the higher‐order Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> were discovered. This work has been reviewed by<br />

Donald Knuth in The Art of Computer Programming (Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming,<br />

2006) (Hall, 2007).<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> Page 2

In order to study Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong>, Fibonacci investigated a problem about growth<br />

rate of rabbit population in a biologically unrealistic situation. The puzzle Fibonacci posed was:<br />

assume that a newly born pair of rabbit, a male and a female is to be mate at the age of one<br />

month to produce another pair of rabbit with a male and a female on the second month.<br />

Assume that rabbits never die and the same cycle repeats every month so that all pairs give<br />

birth to a new pair every month and a newly born pair can start mating from the second month.<br />

How many pairs of rabbit will there be at the end of the year The solution of the problem<br />

looks like the following:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

At the end of the first month, they mate, but there is still one only 1 pair.<br />

At the end of the second month the female produces a new pair making 2 pairs of rabbits.<br />

At the end of the third month, the original female produces a second pair, making 3 pairs.<br />

At the end of the fourth month, the original female has produced another new pair, the<br />

female born two months ago produces her first pair as well, making 5 pairs.<br />

If this cycle continues, at the end of n month, number of pairs will be the sum of number of<br />

pairs in the month 2 and 1. This is same as the Fibonacci number (Knott, Fibonacci<br />

Numbers and Nature, 2008).<br />

The Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> are represented by the <strong>numbers</strong> in the following sequence. By<br />

definition, the first two <strong>numbers</strong> in the Fibonacci series are 0 and 1, and the rest are the sum of<br />

the previous two <strong>numbers</strong>.<br />

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, …<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> Page 3

The first 18 Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> denoted by for 0,1,2, … ,17 are the following (Knott, The<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong>, 2005):<br />

<br />

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597<br />

The Fibonacci sequence can be represented by a recurrence relation ,<br />

where seeds 0 and 1. The same sequence can also be extended to negative index .<br />

The sequence with negative index …,8,5,3,2,1,1,0,1,1,2,3,5,8,… can be satisfied by<br />

1 .<br />

One of the interesting properties of Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> is that every third number in the<br />

sequence is even and every element of the sequence is always a multiple of . for this<br />

reason, Fibonacci sequence satisfies a stronger divisibility property described by (Su)<br />

(Ribenboim, 2000) (Renault, 1996):<br />

gcd , ,<br />

This unremarkable recursive sequence has yet another interesting pattern. The sides of<br />

the squares in the figure 1 correspond to the <strong>numbers</strong> in the Fibonacci sequence and squares<br />

are arranged in the outwardly spiraling pattern. Each rectangle in the image has roughly the<br />

same shape and ratio for their length and width. It is also very interesting to note that as the<br />

sequence of rectangles develops outwards, the ratio of length to width on every step is the<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> Page 4

atio of two successive terms (Platonic Realms). The ratios of these consecutive Fibonacci<br />

<strong>numbers</strong> form another sequence:<br />

1<br />

1 , 2 1 , 3 2 , 5 3 , 8 5 , 13<br />

8 , 21<br />

13 ,…<br />

In 1753, a Scottish mathematician Robert Simson proved that the ratios of successive Fibonacci<br />

<strong>numbers</strong> ⁄ converges to a real number known as the golden ratio () as approaches to<br />

infinity (Wells, 1987).<br />

1<br />

lim<br />

<br />

→ <br />

<br />

√<br />

⁄ <br />

√<br />

, where is the golden ratio.<br />

√<br />

<br />

1.6180339887 … (Sloane)<br />

Figure 1 A tiling with squares whose sides are successive<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> in length<br />

Figure 2 Approximate and true golden spirals. The green<br />

spiral is made from quarter‐circles tangent to the interior of<br />

each square, while the red spiral is a Golden Spiral, a special<br />

type of logarithmic spiral. Overlapping portions appear<br />

yellow. The length of the side of one square divided by that<br />

of the next smaller square is the golden ratio.<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> Page 5

Because |1 | ⁄ √5 1⁄ 2for all 0, the closest integer to ⁄ √5 can be obtained<br />

by the rounding as following:<br />

<br />

, 0 (Tattersall, 2005)<br />

√ <br />

It is possible to test any number whether it belongs to the Fibonacci series of not. As we<br />

know, that the closest integer to is ⁄ √5, the most straightforward and brute‐force test<br />

would be the following identity with is valid if and only if is a Fibonacci number (Posamentier<br />

& Lehmann, 2007).<br />

log √5 1 <br />

2<br />

Alternatively, if and only if either 5 4 or 5 4 is a perfect square, where is a positive<br />

integer, than is also a Fibonacci number (Posamentier & Lehmann, 2007). It is possible to<br />

conduct a more sophisticated test by considering the fact that the convergent of the continued<br />

fraction representation of are ratios of successive Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong>. The following<br />

inequality is true if and only if ( and are coprime) and and are successive Fibonacci<br />

<strong>numbers</strong> (Posamentier & Lehmann, 2007).<br />

1 <br />

From this, it is possible to derive that is a Fibonacci number if and only if the interval<br />

, contains a positive integer (Möbius, 1998).<br />

<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> Page 6

There are many other properties and identities related to Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> and people<br />

have written books about it. Due to the nature of this paper and a limited scope, it is hard to<br />

cover everything there is about for the Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong>. For this reason, in this final section<br />

of the paper, I will introduce some real world applications related to Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> and<br />

their relationship with nature.<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> are important to perform a run‐time analysis of Euclid’s algorithm to<br />

find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers. A pair of two consecutive Fibonacci<br />

<strong>numbers</strong> makes a worst case input for this algorithm (Knuth, Art of Computer Programming,<br />

Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms, 1997). Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> have their application in the<br />

polyphase version of the Merge Sort algorithm. This algorithm divides an unsorted list in two<br />

lists such that the length of lists corresponds to two sequential Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong>. The ratio of<br />

the lengths of the lists is an approximately same as (Knuth, Art of Computer Programming,<br />

Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms, 1997). Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> are essential in the analysis of<br />

the Fibonacci heap data structures. A network topology for parallel computing uses a Fibonacci<br />

cube which is an undirected graph with Fibonacci number of nodes. The Fibonacci search<br />

technique is a one‐dimensional optimization method and is developed on the basis of Fibonacci<br />

<strong>numbers</strong> and their properties (Avriel & Wilde, 1966). IFF 8SVX audio file format in Amiga<br />

computers uses Fibonacci sequence to compand the original audio wave for optional lossy<br />

compression (Addison‐Wesley, 1991). The conversion factor from miles to kilometers<br />

1.609344 . When Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> are replaced by their successors, the sum of the<br />

decomposition of distance in miles into a sum of Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> is approximately same as<br />

kilometer sum. This can be achieved by shifting a radix 2 number register in golden ratio base<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> Page 7

. Shifting the register down the Fibonacci number results into the conversion from kilometers<br />

to miles (Hazewinkel, 2002) (Knott, Using the Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> to represent whole <strong>numbers</strong>,<br />

2009).<br />

A close observation of our nature revels that Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> are often found in two<br />

consecutive Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> in biological setting (Douady & Couder, 1995), branching in<br />

trees, and arrangement of leaves on a stem, and the fruitlets of a pineapple (Jones & Wilson,<br />

2006) for example. The flowering of artichoke and arrangements of a pine cone is yet another<br />

example (Brousseau, 1969). The Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> have also been observed in the family tree<br />

of honeybees (Thimbleby). H. Vogel in<br />

1979 proposed a model for the pattern of<br />

florets found in the head of a sunflower<br />

(Vogel, 1979) as below:<br />

2 , √<br />

∅ Here, is the index number of the floret<br />

while is a constant scaling factor.<br />

Figure 3 Sunflower head displaying florets in spirals of 34 and 55<br />

around the outside<br />

Therefore, florets lie on Fermat's spiral. The divergence angle is approximately 137.51 ° which is<br />

known as the golden angle because this angle divides a circle in the golden ratio. The reason<br />

sunflower florets pack so efficiently is since this ratio is an irrational number; no floret has a<br />

neighbor at exactly the same angle from the center. The rational approximations to the golden<br />

ratio are of form : 1. For this reason, the nearest possible neighbor of floret number<br />

are those at for some index which is dependent of , the distance from the center.<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> Page 8

It is often observed that sunflowers and similar natural arrangements have 55 spirals in one<br />

direction while 89 in the other (Prusinkiewicz & Lindenmayer, 1991).<br />

Once again I would like to stress that this paper shall only be considered as the<br />

introduction to the Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> and there is still much more to Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> not<br />

covered in this paper.<br />

Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> Page 9

References<br />

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Fibonacci <strong>numbers</strong> Page 12

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