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IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (S) - IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior JSS002 Poster presentation 1792 New theoryfor tsunami propagation and estimation of tsunami parameters Dr. Ilia Mindlin Applied Mathematics State Technical University of Nizhny Novgorod, Rus IAPSO A numerable set of specific basic waves on the sea surface are found analytically. It is shown that any tsunami is a combination (not superposition: the waves are nonlinear) of the basic waves, and, consequently, the tsunami source (i.e., the initially disturbed body of water) can be described by the numerable set of the parameters involved in the combination. In this way, the problem of theoretical reconstruction of a tsunami source is reduced to the problem of estimation of the parameters. The tsunami source can be modelled approximately with the use of a finite number of the parameters. Twoparametric model is discussed thorouhly. A method is developed for estimation of the model's parameters using the arrival times of the tsunami at certain locations, the maximum wave-heights obtained from tide gauge records at the locations, and the distances between the earthquake's epicentre and each of the locations. In order to evaluate the practical use of the theory, four tsunamis occurred in Japan are considered. For each of the tsunamis, the tsunami energy, the duration of the tsunami source formation, the maximum water elevation in the wave originating area, dimensions of the area, and the average magnitude of the sea surface displacement at the margin of the wave originating area are estimated on the basis of data recorded by tide gauges. The results are compared (and, in the author's opinion, are in line) with the data known from the literature. It should be mentioned that, compared to the methods employed in the literature, there is no need to use bathymetry (and, consequently, refraction diagrams) for the estimations. The present paper follows earlier works [1, 2] very closely and extends their theoretical results. Example. The following notations are used below: E for tsunami energy (in Joules), H for the maximum water elevation in the wave originating area (in metres), R for the mean radius of the wave origin, h for the averaged magnitude of the sea surface displacement at the margin of the wave origin (in centimetres), T for the duration of the tsunami source formation (in seconds). Variant a): estimates obtained using a model of tsunami generated by initial free surface displacement; variant b): estimates obtained using a model of tsunami triggered by a sudden change in the velocity field of initially still water. The asterisk shows that the value of the parameter is known in the available literature. The Hiuganada earthquake of 1968, April, 1, 9h 42m (J. S. T.) A tsunami of moderate size arrived at the coast of the south-western part of Shikoku and the eastern part of Kyushu. a) E=1.91·1012, H=3.43, R=22, h=17.2; b) E=8.78·1012, H=1.38, R=20.4, h=9.2, T=16.4; E*=1.3·1013 ([3], attributed to Hatori), E*=(1.4 2.2)·1012 ([3], attributed to Aida), R*=21.2, h*=20 [4] (variant a) since was obtained by means of inverse refraction diagram.) 1. Mindlin I.M. Integrodifferential equations in dynamics of a heavy layered liquid. Moscow: Nauka*Fizmatlit, 1996 (Russian). 2. Mindlin I.M. Nonlinear waves in two-dimensions generated by variable pressure acting on the free surface of a heavy liquid. J. Appl. Math. Phys. (ZAMP), 2004, vol.55, pp. 781 - 799. 3. Soloviev S.L., Go Ch.N. Catalogue of tsunami in the West of Pacific Ocean. Moscow, 1974 (Russian). 4. Hatory T., A study of the wave sources of the Hiuganada tsunamis. - Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst., Tokyo Univ., 1969, vol. 47, pp. 55-63.

IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (S) - IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior JSS002 Poster presentation 1793 Modeling of the UHF Radar signature of a tsunami approaching coastal areas: application to tsunami warning Prof. Stephan Grilli Department of Ocean Engineering University of Rhode Island Marc Saillard, Sara Dubosq During the catastrophic 12/26/04 tsunami, perhaps for the first time, satellite remote sensing (radar altimetry) was able to provide transects of tsunami elevation across the Indian Ocean while the event unfolded (e.g., Jason I). Here we similarly use well established Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radar technology, to develop a method that could provide warning of an incoming tsunami to coastal populations. When a tsunami reaches the continental shelf, the mostly depth-uniform current it induces, indeed greatly increases in speed (maybe up to 10-20 cm/s) and starts causing significant Doppler shifts in ocean surface waves, particularly those of smaller wavelength (high frequency). Such shifts may be recognized as a typical signature, by a shore-based UHF radar, and thus trigger a warning, provided proper numerical simulations and sensitivity analyses have been performed ahead of time. Since tsunamis very much slow down due to decreasing water depth, from the shelf break to shore, warning times 5-15 minutes could be conceivable, depending on the shelf width. Here, we use a Higher Order Spectral (HOS) Method to model fully nonlinear sea states caused by wind, down to typical UHF wavelength of order 10 cm, as well as Doppler shifts and wave shoaling and refraction caused by a slowly varying depth uniform current. The latter current is obtained from tsunami propagation modeling, using a standard long wave model, for some selected case studies. UHF radar backscattering is modeled by a Boundary Element Method solving Maxwells equations, developed and validated in earlier work. We present initial results of this modeling study, in terms of spatio-temporal UHF radar signatures corresponding to some tsunami case studies. In particular, we apply this methodology to southern Thailand, based on earlier modeling work we performed for tsunami runup caused in Thailand for the 12/26/04 tsunami. Keywords: tsunam modeling, remote sensing, warning systems

IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy<br />

(S) - <strong>IASPEI</strong> - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's<br />

Interior<br />

JSS002 Poster presentation 1792<br />

New theoryfor tsunami propagation and estimation of tsunami parameters<br />

Dr. Ilia Mindlin<br />

Applied Mathematics State Technical University of Nizhny Novgorod, Rus IAPSO<br />

A numerable set of specific basic waves on the sea surface are found analytically. It is shown that any<br />

tsunami is a combination (not superposition: the waves are nonlinear) of the basic waves, and,<br />

consequently, the tsunami source (i.e., the initially disturbed body of water) can be described by the<br />

numerable set of the parameters involved in the combination. In this way, the problem of theoretical<br />

reconstruction of a tsunami source is reduced to the problem of estimation of the parameters. The<br />

tsunami source can be modelled approximately with the use of a finite number of the parameters. Twoparametric<br />

model is discussed thorouhly. A method is developed for estimation of the model's<br />

parameters using the arrival times of the tsunami at certain locations, the maximum wave-heights<br />

obtained from tide gauge records at the locations, and the distances between the earthquake's<br />

epicentre and each of the locations. In order to evaluate the practical use of the theory, four tsunamis<br />

occurred in Japan are considered. For each of the tsunamis, the tsunami energy, the duration of the<br />

tsunami source formation, the maximum water elevation in the wave originating area, dimensions of the<br />

area, and the average magnitude of the sea surface displacement at the margin of the wave originating<br />

area are estimated on the basis of data recorded by tide gauges. The results are compared (and, in the<br />

author's opinion, are in line) with the data known from the literature. It should be mentioned that,<br />

compared to the methods employed in the literature, there is no need to use bathymetry (and,<br />

consequently, refraction diagrams) for the estimations. The present paper follows earlier works [1, 2]<br />

very closely and extends their theoretical results. Example. The following notations are used below: E<br />

for tsunami energy (in Joules), H for the maximum water elevation in the wave originating area (in<br />

metres), R for the mean radius of the wave origin, h for the averaged magnitude of the sea surface<br />

displacement at the margin of the wave origin (in centimetres), T for the duration of the tsunami source<br />

formation (in seconds). Variant a): estimates obtained using a model of tsunami generated by initial<br />

free surface displacement; variant b): estimates obtained using a model of tsunami triggered by a<br />

sudden change in the velocity field of initially still water. The asterisk shows that the value of the<br />

parameter is known in the available literature. The Hiuganada earthquake of 1968, April, 1, 9h 42m (J.<br />

S. T.) A tsunami of moderate size arrived at the coast of the south-western part of Shikoku and the<br />

eastern part of Kyushu. a) E=1.91·1012, H=3.43, R=22, h=17.2; b) E=8.78·1012, H=1.38, R=20.4,<br />

h=9.2, T=16.4; E*=1.3·1013 ([3], attributed to Hatori), E*=(1.4 2.2)·1012 ([3], attributed to Aida),<br />

R*=21.2, h*=20 [4] (variant a) since was obtained by means of inverse refraction diagram.) 1. Mindlin<br />

I.M. Integrodifferential equations in dynamics of a heavy layered liquid. Moscow: Nauka*Fizmatlit, 1996<br />

(Russian). 2. Mindlin I.M. Nonlinear waves in two-dimensions generated by variable pressure acting on<br />

the free surface of a heavy liquid. J. Appl. Math. Phys. (ZAMP), 2004, vol.55, pp. 781 - 799. 3. Soloviev<br />

S.L., Go Ch.N. Catalogue of tsunami in the West of Pacific Ocean. Moscow, 1974 (Russian). 4. Hatory<br />

T., A study of the wave sources of the Hiuganada tsunamis. - Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst., Tokyo Univ.,<br />

1969, vol. 47, pp. 55-63.

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