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IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (S) - IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior JSS015 Oral Presentation 2329 Single-Station Passive Seismic Stratigraphy to 2km depth in sedimentary basins Prof. Francesco Mulargia Fisica, settore Geofisica Universit di Bologna Silvia Castellaro Passive seismic 3D stratigraphy is commonly effected by reconstructing the noise wavefield that crosses an array of seismometers. The range of wavelengths that can be analysed is tied to the size and layout of the array, with bandwidth and resolving power generally proportional to the degree of complicacy of the measuring network. At the other extreme, maximum simplicity is achieved by the Single-Station Passive Seismic Stratigraphy (S-SPSS) approach, which has been so far essentially based on the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR). The latter, in spite of its hazy theoretical bases, has been successful in 1-D subsoil mapping up to depths of some tens of meters. In light of tremor composition, both a theoretical analysis as well as numerical simulations suggests that the Airy phases are a fingerprint more reliable and effective than HVSR for stratigraphic applications. In a series of tests on a variety of sites on large sedimentary basins of the Italian territory, where direct deep well data are available from oil exploration, we positively identified the bedrock interface down to depths of 1700 m. Tremor illumination was found to be sufficient under all weather conditions, although the reflections from interfaces deeper than 500 m were more evident under stormy weather and became very clear in concomitance with sea storms. Under good weather conditions in the whole Mediterranean basin we failed to identify the bedrock interface when sited at 2000 m or deeper. A tremor acquisition for passive stratigraphy requires typically 30 minutes, with only marginal improvement brought in by longer recording times. Several strata at different depths can be usually resolved at each site. We find that inverting tremor data for depth by using a fixed general parametrization leads to an accuracy on depth estimates around 20%. This suggests the use of S-SPSS as a fast and inexpensive tool to build starting models for accurate stratigraphic analysis. Alternatively, by tuning the parameters at a site where stratigraphy is known by direct exploration, S-SPSS can accurately extend subsurface mapping to all the regions where a similar structural pattern applies and where the depth of the interfaces may vary. In this case, the velocity profiles can also be extracted rapidly and at low cost. Keywords: passive seismic stratigraphy, sedimentary basin

IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (S) - IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior JSS015 Oral Presentation 2330 Seismic imaging of the lithosphere beneath southeast Australia using data from multiple array deployments Dr. Nick Rawlinson Research School of Earth Sciences Australian National University Brian L. N. Kennett Over the past five years, the Research School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National University has pursued a vigorous campaign of passive seismic array deployments to substantially increase the high density data coverage of the lithosphere beneath southeast Australia. To date, a total of eight separate seismic arrays have been deployed for periods ranging between 5-8 months in Tasmania, Victoria, eastern South Australia and southern New South Wales. When combined, this cluster of adjacent arrays comprises nearly 350 recorders (mostly short period), with station spacings ranging between 15-50 km. With the long term goal of covering much of eastern Australia at high density for the purposes of passive seismic imaging, including teleseismic and ambient noise tomography, this ambitious project has the potential to make a significant contribution to seismology and the understanding of the Australian continent.In this presentation, we will focus on results from several recent studies that have been undertaken using data from the multiple seismic arrays in southeast Australia. The SEAL (2004-2005) and EVA (2005-2006) experiments, which involved two adjacent deployments in eastern Victoria and southern New South Wales, yielded high quality teleseismic data that have been mapped as 3-D variations in P-wavespeed. This was done using a new iterative non-linear tomography scheme which makes use of a robust grid based wavefront tracking technique to solve the forward problem of data prediction, and a subspace inversion method to reconcile the predictions with observations by adjusting the model parameters. Analysis of the tomographic images reveals a distinctly faster upper mantle beneath the Delamerian Orogen compared to the western Lachlan Orogen which lies to the east. This suggests that the former is underlain by Proterozoic lithosphere, and the latter by Palaeozoic lithosphere. One advantage of having high density passive seismic data spanning a large region is that it has the potential to be combined with more focused active source experiments. For example, the island of Tasmania, which lies at the southern tip of southeast Australia, hosted a large 3-D crustal refraction and wide-angle reflection experiment in 1995, which comprised some 44 land-based stations and 36,000 marine airgun shots. Recently, this dataset was combined with teleseismic arrival time data from the 2002 TIGGER experiment of Tasmania in a simultaneous inversion for 3-D lithospheric P-wavespeed and Moho geometry. In contrast to previous results from separate inversions of the active and passive source datasets, the new images reveal a zone of elevated wavespeed beneath the Cambrian Mt. Read Volcanics, and indicate that both crustal thinning and elevated wavespeeds occur beneath northeast Tasmania, which supports the case for the existence of a prior passive margin. Keywords: seismic tomography, australia, lithosphere

IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy<br />

(S) - <strong>IASPEI</strong> - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's<br />

Interior<br />

JSS015 Oral Presentation 2330<br />

Seismic imaging of the lithosphere beneath southeast Australia using data<br />

from multiple array deployments<br />

Dr. Nick Rawlinson<br />

Research School of Earth Sciences Australian National University<br />

Brian L. N. Kennett<br />

Over the past five years, the Research School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National University has<br />

pursued a vigorous campaign of passive seismic array deployments to substantially increase the high<br />

density data coverage of the lithosphere beneath southeast Australia. To date, a total of eight separate<br />

seismic arrays have been deployed for periods ranging between 5-8 months in Tasmania, Victoria,<br />

eastern South Australia and southern New South Wales. When combined, this cluster of adjacent arrays<br />

comprises nearly 350 recorders (mostly short period), with station spacings ranging between 15-50 km.<br />

With the long term goal of covering much of eastern Australia at high density for the purposes of<br />

passive seismic imaging, including teleseismic and ambient noise tomography, this ambitious project has<br />

the potential to make a significant contribution to seismology and the understanding of the Australian<br />

continent.In this presentation, we will focus on results from several recent studies that have been<br />

undertaken using data from the multiple seismic arrays in southeast Australia. The SEAL (2004-2005)<br />

and EVA (2005-2006) experiments, which involved two adjacent deployments in eastern Victoria and<br />

southern New South Wales, yielded high quality teleseismic data that have been mapped as 3-D<br />

variations in P-wavespeed. This was done using a new iterative non-linear tomography scheme which<br />

makes use of a robust grid based wavefront tracking technique to solve the forward problem of data<br />

prediction, and a subspace inversion method to reconcile the predictions with observations by adjusting<br />

the model parameters. Analysis of the tomographic images reveals a distinctly faster upper mantle<br />

beneath the Delamerian Orogen compared to the western Lachlan Orogen which lies to the east. This<br />

suggests that the former is underlain by Proterozoic lithosphere, and the latter by Palaeozoic<br />

lithosphere. One advantage of having high density passive seismic data spanning a large region is that it<br />

has the potential to be combined with more focused active source experiments. For example, the island<br />

of Tasmania, which lies at the southern tip of southeast Australia, hosted a large 3-D crustal refraction<br />

and wide-angle reflection experiment in 1995, which comprised some 44 land-based stations and<br />

36,000 marine airgun shots. Recently, this dataset was combined with teleseismic arrival time data from<br />

the 2002 TIGGER experiment of Tasmania in a simultaneous inversion for 3-D lithospheric P-wavespeed<br />

and Moho geometry. In contrast to previous results from separate inversions of the active and passive<br />

source datasets, the new images reveal a zone of elevated wavespeed beneath the Cambrian Mt. Read<br />

Volcanics, and indicate that both crustal thinning and elevated wavespeeds occur beneath northeast<br />

Tasmania, which supports the case for the existence of a prior passive margin.<br />

Keywords: seismic tomography, australia, lithosphere

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