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IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (S) - IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior JSS014 Poster presentation 2303 Active deformation in the Zanjan region, northwest Iran Dr. Farhad Sobouti Khaled Hesami, Reza Ghods The Zanjan region in northwestern Iran is an area of intense deformation situated between two thrust belts of the Alborz to the north and the Zagros Mountains to the south. Offset geomorphic features along the major faults of the region suggest that the convergence between Arabia and Eurasia has been accommodated mainly through NW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults in this region. These strike-slip faults appear to be the southeastern continuation of the North Tabriz fault and other right-lateral faults in SE Turkey. We combine results from the relocation of over 300 earthquakes with studies on geomorphic features to constrain active structural deformation in the Zanjan region. The seismic data were recorded by the University of Tehrans local short period networks during the period 1996-2005. The relocation process resulted in a revised seismicity map of the region. According to this new map, most of the seismicity in the region is concentrated on the fault zones of Talesh, Rudbar, Manjil and Taleghan in the northwestern edge of the region. While the Soltanieh, Zanjan and Mahneshan fault zones in the central parts, appear to be much more quiescent than were previously thought to be. On the other hand, geomorphic features show clear evidence of activity of these faults. Offset stream beds indicate right-lateral strike-slip motion along the NW-trending Soltanieh, Mahneshan and Manjil fault zones. The fact that the WNW trending active left-lateral Rudbar, Ipak, North Tehran, Mosha and Taleghan faults run sub-parallel to these right-lateral strike-slip faults suggests that shortening across the northwestern part of central Iran is accommodated by eastward relative motion of several crustal wedges bounded by conjugate dextral and sinistral strike-slip fault systems. This scenario is very similar to the proposed westward motion of the west-central Alborz. The existence of several active faults implies that this region contains an important seismic potential in spite of the fact that the Zanjan region has been seismically inactive during the last millennia. Keywords: active deformation, seismicity, fault

IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (S) - IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior JSS014 Poster presentation 2304 Short term (geodetic) and long term (geological) deformation patterns in the Northern Apennines Dr. Nicola Cenni Physics - Sector of Geophysics University of Bologna Paolo Baldi, Enzo Mantovani, Maurizio Ferrini, Marcello Viti, Vittorio D'Intinosante, Daniele Babbuci, Dario Albarello The Northern Apennines are constituted by remnants of the Alpine belt and by younger accretionary units stacked along the consuming border of the Adriatic domain. Present seismotectonic activity, associated with normal faults, is mostly concentrated in the axial part of the chain, where a NW-SE alignement of troughs is located. It is widely recognized that the average long-term displacement pattern could be significantly different from the short-term one, due to transient effects of post-seismic relaxation induced by strong earthquakes at major decoupling zones. A tentative estimate of both the short and long term behaviours is tried by mean of geodetic measurements and analysis of neotectonic deformation respectively. A reliable estimate of the velocity field in a zone is strongly conditioned by the high density of the geodetic network. This is particularly true for regions, like the Apennines belt, which are characterized by a complex tectonic setting and a strongly heterogenous strain pattern. In theNorthern Apenninesregion a densification of the national geodetic network has been recently achieved by the installation of 8 GPS permanent stations, with the financial support of the Regione Toscana. The observations collected by these stations have been processed together with the ones provided by other 20 permanent stations in the surrounding regions which observed almost continuously from 2001 to 2006. Double-differenced phase measurements have been processed with the GAMIT software version 10.31 as single daily solutions. In data elaboration we have held fixed IGS final orbits, used coherent earth orientation parameters, removed outliers and cycle slips, estimated and applied tropospheric and ionospheric corrections and carried out a least square adjustment of the baseline elements. The present velocity field inferred from GPS data indicates that the central sector of the Apennines belt, the Umbro-Marchigiane-Romagnole Units, moves with a significantly higher velocity with respect to the adjacent sectors of that arc. This result is fairly consistent with the long term pattern, deduced by the time-space distribution of recent deformation (Quaternary). The reconstruction of this last pattern has also been carried out by a quantitative approach, based on finite element modelling. Both the short and long term patterns are consistent with the strain field inferred from the analysis of focal mechanisms of earthquakes. The geodynamic setting in the central Mediterranean region and the distribution of major earthquakes in the Apennines belt during the last centuries suggest that seismotectonic activity in the Northern Apennines is strongly influenced by the most intense decoupling earthquakes in the Latium-Abruzzi platform (Central Apennines). Since that platform has not been affected by strong earthquakes in the last 90 years, we suppose that this relatively long quiescence could explain the similarity between short and long term velocity and strain fields in the study area. Keywords: gps, northern apennines, geological geodetic strain

IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy<br />

(S) - <strong>IASPEI</strong> - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's<br />

Interior<br />

JSS014 Poster presentation 2304<br />

Short term (geodetic) and long term (geological) deformation patterns in<br />

the Northern Apennines<br />

Dr. Nicola Cenni<br />

Physics - Sector of Geophysics University of Bologna<br />

Paolo Baldi, Enzo Mantovani, Maurizio Ferrini, Marcello Viti, Vittorio D'Intinosante,<br />

Daniele Babbuci, Dario Albarello<br />

The Northern Apennines are constituted by remnants of the Alpine belt and by younger accretionary<br />

units stacked along the consuming border of the Adriatic domain. Present seismotectonic activity,<br />

associated with normal faults, is mostly concentrated in the axial part of the chain, where a NW-SE<br />

alignement of troughs is located. It is widely recognized that the average long-term displacement<br />

pattern could be significantly different from the short-term one, due to transient effects of post-seismic<br />

relaxation induced by strong earthquakes at major decoupling zones. A tentative estimate of both the<br />

short and long term behaviours is tried by mean of geodetic measurements and analysis of neotectonic<br />

deformation respectively. A reliable estimate of the velocity field in a zone is strongly conditioned by the<br />

high density of the geodetic network. This is particularly true for regions, like the Apennines belt, which<br />

are characterized by a complex tectonic setting and a strongly heterogenous strain pattern. In<br />

theNorthern Apenninesregion a densification of the national geodetic network has been recently<br />

achieved by the installation of 8 GPS permanent stations, with the financial support of the Regione<br />

Toscana. The observations collected by these stations have been processed together with the ones<br />

provided by other 20 permanent stations in the surrounding regions which observed almost<br />

continuously from 2001 to 2006. Double-differenced phase measurements have been processed with<br />

the GAMIT software version 10.31 as single daily solutions. In data elaboration we have held fixed IGS<br />

final orbits, used coherent earth orientation parameters, removed outliers and cycle slips, estimated and<br />

applied tropospheric and ionospheric corrections and carried out a least square adjustment of the<br />

baseline elements. The present velocity field inferred from GPS data indicates that the central sector of<br />

the Apennines belt, the Umbro-Marchigiane-Romagnole Units, moves with a significantly higher velocity<br />

with respect to the adjacent sectors of that arc. This result is fairly consistent with the long term<br />

pattern, deduced by the time-space distribution of recent deformation (Quaternary). The reconstruction<br />

of this last pattern has also been carried out by a quantitative approach, based on finite element<br />

modelling. Both the short and long term patterns are consistent with the strain field inferred from the<br />

analysis of focal mechanisms of earthquakes. The geodynamic setting in the central Mediterranean<br />

region and the distribution of major earthquakes in the Apennines belt during the last centuries suggest<br />

that seismotectonic activity in the Northern Apennines is strongly influenced by the most intense<br />

decoupling earthquakes in the Latium-Abruzzi platform (Central Apennines). Since that platform has not<br />

been affected by strong earthquakes in the last 90 years, we suppose that this relatively long<br />

quiescence could explain the similarity between short and long term velocity and strain fields in the<br />

study area.<br />

Keywords: gps, northern apennines, geological geodetic strain

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