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IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (S) - IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior JSS012 Oral Presentation 2194 The influence of water on seismic wave speeds and attenuation in the mantle wedge: an exploratory experimental study Dr. Yoshitaka Aizawa Seismology, Volcanology and Disaster Mitigation Nagoya University IASPEI Auke Barnhoorn, Ulrich H. Faul, John D. Fitz Gerald Water, either as a free fluid phase or dissolved in nominally anhydrous minerals, may strongly influence seismic wave speeds and attenuation especially in subduction zones where water is released into the mantle wedge by dehydration of subducting oceanic lithosphere. As the first step in a new experimental campaign, we have performed torsional forced-oscillation experiments on a natural rock, Anita Bay (NZ) dunite, consisting mainly of the dominant upper-mantle mineral olivine along with accessory hydrous phases. These experiments were conducted at teleseismic frequencies (mHz-Hz) under conditions of high temperature to 1300C and high confining pressure (200 MPa) within internally heated gas-medium high-pressure apparatus. Both oven-dried and pre-fired specimens wrapped in Ni/Fe foil within the (poorly) vented assembly were recovered essentially dry after 50-100 h of annealing at 1300C followed by slow staged cooling. The results for three such specimens indicate broadly similar absorption-band viscoelastic behaviour, but with systematic differences in the frequency dependence of strain-energy dissipation, attributed to differences in the small volume fraction of silicate melt and its spatial distribution. It has been demonstrated that a new assembly involving a welded Pt capsule retains aqueous fluid during prolonged exposure to high temperatures - allowing the first seismic-frequency, high-temperature measurements under high water pore pressure. A marked reduction in shear modulus, without concomitant increase in dissipation, observed at temperatures >1000C is attributed to the widespread wetting of grain boundaries resulting from hydrofracturing and the maintenance of conditions of low differential pressure (confining pressure minus pore pressure). During staged cooling, accompanied by decreasing pore pressure and progressive restoration of significant differential pressure, a different microstructural regime is encountered in which the fluid is increasingly accommodated in arrays of isolated grain-boundary pores. The more pronounced viscoelastic behaviour observed within this regime for the Pt-encapsulated specimen than for the essentially dry specimens is tentatively attributed to enhanced grain-boundary sliding facilitated by the presence of interconnected pore fluid and lower grain-boundary viscosity. Such processes may help explain localized regions of low seismic wave speeds and high attenuation in the mantle wedge above subducting, dehydrating lithosphere. Keywords: seismic wavespeed, seismic attenuation, water

IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (S) - IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior JSS012 Oral Presentation 2195 Challenge to image deep mantle slab by seafloor electromagnetic survey Dr. Kiyoshi Baba Earthquake Research Institute University of Tokyo Tada-Nori Goto, Takafumi Kasaya, Takeo Ichikita, Takao Koyama, Hisayoshi Shimizu, Makoto Uyeshima, Hisashi Utada Electromagnetic survey is one of the geophysical method to image Earths interior and has a complementary nature with seismic surveys. Electrical conductivity of mantle minerals primarily depends on temperature. It also changes largely when partial melt exists and the melt is interconnected. Moreover, water dissolved in minerals strongly enhances the electrical conductivity. Constraining these parameters, electromagnetic method can contribute to mantle dynamics studies.We have run a seafloor electromagnetic survey project in Philippine Sea in order to image Pacific slab stagnated beneath the area and surrounding mantle. Observations at seafloor is necessary to resolve the geometry of the slab because existing data sets are based on the observation by land geomagnetic stations and submarine cables, which are distributed coarsely and unevenly. Although it is difficult to establish steady observation stations at seafloor, iterative maneuver observations using ocean bottom electromagnetometers (OBEMs) can acquire the data required to image the stagnant slab.The project iterates one-year-long survey tree times. Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo and Institute for Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) have resourced the project with their OBEMs. All of the OBEMs are the products of Tierra Tecnica Ltd. The OBEMs measure time variations of three components of the magnetic field, two components of the electric field and the instrumental tilts with one-minute intervals for one year. In the first phase, we deployed 11 OBEMs in October, 2005 and recovered all of them successfully in November, 2006. R/V Kairei of JAMSTEC was utilized for both cruises. In the second cruise, we deployed another 12 OBEMs so that the second phase was started. We found that all the recovered OBEMs recorded mostly good data.We have been analyzing the data sets of the first phase. The time series are cleaned, corrected for the record timing, the instrumental tilts, and the components of daily variations and tides. Then, magnetotelluric (MT) and geomagnetic depth sounding (GDS) responses are estimated. The effect for the land-ocean distribution and seafloor topography on the responses are examined and stripped by using three-dimensional numerical modeling. We will report the detail of the observation, the data quality and some results of the preliminary analysis. The current data set can constrain the upper mantle structure although we need to wait the data accumulation by the second and third observation phases to reach the desired objectives. Keywords: seafloor em survey, electrical conductivity, philippine sea

IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy<br />

(S) - <strong>IASPEI</strong> - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's<br />

Interior<br />

JSS012 Oral Presentation 2195<br />

Challenge to image deep mantle slab by seafloor electromagnetic survey<br />

Dr. Kiyoshi Baba<br />

Earthquake Research Institute University of Tokyo<br />

Tada-Nori Goto, Takafumi Kasaya, Takeo Ichikita, Takao Koyama, Hisayoshi<br />

Shimizu, Makoto Uyeshima, Hisashi Utada<br />

Electromagnetic survey is one of the geophysical method to image Earths interior and has a<br />

complementary nature with seismic surveys. Electrical conductivity of mantle minerals primarily depends<br />

on temperature. It also changes largely when partial melt exists and the melt is interconnected.<br />

Moreover, water dissolved in minerals strongly enhances the electrical conductivity. Constraining these<br />

parameters, electromagnetic method can contribute to mantle dynamics studies.We have run a seafloor<br />

electromagnetic survey project in Philippine Sea in order to image Pacific slab stagnated beneath the<br />

area and surrounding mantle. Observations at seafloor is necessary to resolve the geometry of the slab<br />

because existing data sets are based on the observation by land geomagnetic stations and submarine<br />

cables, which are distributed coarsely and unevenly. Although it is difficult to establish steady<br />

observation stations at seafloor, iterative maneuver observations using ocean bottom<br />

electromagnetometers (OBEMs) can acquire the data required to image the stagnant slab.The project<br />

iterates one-year-long survey tree times. Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo and<br />

Institute for Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and<br />

Technology (JAMSTEC) have resourced the project with their OBEMs. All of the OBEMs are the products<br />

of Tierra Tecnica Ltd. The OBEMs measure time variations of three components of the magnetic field,<br />

two components of the electric field and the instrumental tilts with one-minute intervals for one year. In<br />

the first phase, we deployed 11 OBEMs in October, 2005 and recovered all of them successfully in<br />

November, 2006. R/V Kairei of JAMSTEC was utilized for both cruises. In the second cruise, we<br />

deployed another 12 OBEMs so that the second phase was started. We found that all the recovered<br />

OBEMs recorded mostly good data.We have been analyzing the data sets of the first phase. The time<br />

series are cleaned, corrected for the record timing, the instrumental tilts, and the components of daily<br />

variations and tides. Then, magnetotelluric (MT) and geomagnetic depth sounding (GDS) responses are<br />

estimated. The effect for the land-ocean distribution and seafloor topography on the responses are<br />

examined and stripped by using three-dimensional numerical modeling. We will report the detail of the<br />

observation, the data quality and some results of the preliminary analysis. The current data set can<br />

constrain the upper mantle structure although we need to wait the data accumulation by the second<br />

and third observation phases to reach the desired objectives.<br />

Keywords: seafloor em survey, electrical conductivity, philippine sea

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