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IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (S) - IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior JSS008 Poster presentation 2007 HRT wave precursor to the Sumatra earthquake Dr. Wei Qian Dept. of Physics University of Toronto IASPEI Four PS100, which is a newly developed anti-interference high-precision geoelectric measurement system, stations in Sichuan and Yunnan, China have recorded the harmonic resonance waves of geoelectricity driven by tidal forces(HRT wave) precursor to the Mw 9.0 Sumatra earthquake. At resonance T=T0, where the wattles component of the impedance is equal to zero, the RT wave peak will be very large, sharp and an earthquake is impendent within 1-3 days. As preliminarily estimated, the phase velocity of the RT longitudinal waves was Vl≈307km/h, and the vireual wave velocity Vv=(VlVt)/(Vl-Vt) was 207 km/h. Hence, as long as the arrival time difference of the 2 RT waves at one station is known, it is possibl to calculate the epicentral distance of a coming earthquake quantitatively. For the earthquake, the free period of oscillation was T0=4~5h, from which the magnitude of the coming earthquake can be determined. Both the arrival time difference and the virtual wave velocity during and before the earthquake are almost equal to each other, the RT waves during the earthquake were emitted by the fault failure, and the RT waves appearing 2 days before the earthquake were emitted by the early failure of the fault in the hypocenter region of the earthquake. If we have a reasonably designed the PS100 network, it will be possible to quantitatively predict the three factors of a coming earthquake. Since the 1966 M 7.2 Xingtai earthquake, permanent observatories have been set up in some of the major earthquake zones in China to investigate earthquake precursor of geoelectric resistivity and current field. Precursors to the 1976 M 7.8 Tangshan earthquake has been found, e.g. decrease of geoelectric resistivity, geo-resistivity impulse related to tidal force M2 wave, and geocurrent filed changes related to tidal force MSf. A model of short-term earthquake precursor of tidal force has been established in accordance. The PS100 anti-interference high-precision geoelectric measurement system has been developed to overcome the instability of electrode polarization, the interference of the natural electromagnetic field, and especially the interference of random current due to industrialization, which will prevail on the globe. This system utilizes the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technique and the concept of black box to geoelectric measurement instrument. It applies convolution and deconvolution to the encoded input time series and the observed output time series, and identifies the true value of geo-resistivity with eliminated electromagnetic interference. Specification tests have been conducted by China National Institute of Metrology regarding the antiinterference ability of the PS100 system. A PS100 system had measured the resistivity of a 0.01% measuring resistance, on which interference voltage from a signal generator (as source of the interference) was applied. The results indicate that when the signal-to- noise ratio was between 20dB and 0dB, both the difference between the detected and true values and the standard deviation of multiple measurements were better than 0.1% (between 0.01% at 20dB and 0.1% at 0dB). Keywords: earthquake precursors, geo electricity, pore fluids movement

IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy (S) - IASPEI - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior JSS008 Poster presentation 2008 Effects of water content on the converse piezoelectric effect in granite with an Atomic Force Microscope Mrs. Yuko Esaki OSAKA UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IASPEI Piezoelectric effect of quartz and behavior of piezo-compensating electric charges are possible mechanism of various seismo-electromagnetic phenomena 1). In order to argue such electromagnetic phenomena quantitatively on this hypothesis, it is important to know the piezoelectric effects of granites in real state: real rocks show various water contents in the actual earths crust. We have adopted a converse piezoelectric measurement using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 2). By this method, we can obtain a small displacement of granite sample of a few nm ranges. Then we changed the water content of a granite sample and measured the piezoelectric coefficient using the AFM. The water content was referred as a mass difference of the sample after a few days of inundation and that after drying at 60 degrees Celsius for 2 hours. The piezoelectric coefficient of the granite sample decreased from 610-13 C/N after the inundation to 210-13 C/N after drying. The mass change was around -0.07%. The water contributed to the decrease of sample mass was supposed as adsorption water on this experiment condition. Preliminarily, the piezoelectric effect seems to be affected by water content in the rock. In our presentation, experimental results with precise control of water content will be reported. 1) M.Ikeya: Why do Animals Behave Abnormally before Earthquakes -Birth of Electromagnetic Seismology NHK Publisher, Tokyo(1998)(in Japanese) 2) T. Matsuda, C.Yamanaka and M.Ikeya : Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.44,pp.968971(2005) Keywords: granite, water content, converse piezoelectric effect

IUGG XXIV General Assembly July 2-13, 2007 Perugia, Italy<br />

(S) - <strong>IASPEI</strong> - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's<br />

Interior<br />

JSS008 Poster presentation 2007<br />

HRT wave precursor to the Sumatra earthquake<br />

Dr. Wei Qian<br />

Dept. of Physics University of Toronto <strong>IASPEI</strong><br />

Four PS100, which is a newly developed anti-interference high-precision geoelectric measurement<br />

system, stations in Sichuan and Yunnan, China have recorded the harmonic resonance waves of<br />

geoelectricity driven by tidal forces(HRT wave) precursor to the Mw 9.0 Sumatra earthquake. At<br />

resonance T=T0, where the wattles component of the impedance is equal to zero, the RT wave peak<br />

will be very large, sharp and an earthquake is impendent within 1-3 days. As preliminarily estimated,<br />

the phase velocity of the RT longitudinal waves was Vl≈307km/h, and the vireual wave velocity<br />

Vv=(VlVt)/(Vl-Vt) was 207 km/h. Hence, as long as the arrival time difference of the 2 RT waves at one<br />

station is known, it is possibl to calculate the epicentral distance of a coming earthquake quantitatively.<br />

For the earthquake, the free period of oscillation was T0=4~5h, from which the magnitude of the<br />

coming earthquake can be determined. Both the arrival time difference and the virtual wave velocity<br />

during and before the earthquake are almost equal to each other, the RT waves during the earthquake<br />

were emitted by the fault failure, and the RT waves appearing 2 days before the earthquake were<br />

emitted by the early failure of the fault in the hypocenter region of the earthquake. If we have a<br />

reasonably designed the PS100 network, it will be possible to quantitatively predict the three factors of<br />

a coming earthquake. Since the 1966 M 7.2 Xingtai earthquake, permanent observatories have been set<br />

up in some of the major earthquake zones in China to investigate earthquake precursor of geoelectric<br />

resistivity and current field. Precursors to the 1976 M 7.8 Tangshan earthquake has been found, e.g.<br />

decrease of geoelectric resistivity, geo-resistivity impulse related to tidal force M2 wave, and geocurrent<br />

filed changes related to tidal force MSf. A model of short-term earthquake precursor of tidal<br />

force has been established in accordance. The PS100 anti-interference high-precision geoelectric<br />

measurement system has been developed to overcome the instability of electrode polarization, the<br />

interference of the natural electromagnetic field, and especially the interference of random current due<br />

to industrialization, which will prevail on the globe. This system utilizes the Code Division Multiple<br />

Access (CDMA) technique and the concept of black box to geoelectric measurement instrument. It<br />

applies convolution and deconvolution to the encoded input time series and the observed output time<br />

series, and identifies the true value of geo-resistivity with eliminated electromagnetic interference.<br />

Specification tests have been conducted by China National Institute of Metrology regarding the antiinterference<br />

ability of the PS100 system. A PS100 system had measured the resistivity of a 0.01%<br />

measuring resistance, on which interference voltage from a signal generator (as source of the<br />

interference) was applied. The results indicate that when the signal-to- noise ratio was between 20dB<br />

and 0dB, both the difference between the detected and true values and the standard deviation of<br />

multiple measurements were better than 0.1% (between 0.01% at 20dB and 0.1% at 0dB).<br />

Keywords: earthquake precursors, geo electricity, pore fluids movement

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