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IUGG XXIV GENERAL ASSEMBLY 07 July, 2007 Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Rectorate Main Hall SX016 Geo-Sciences in Africa Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Rectorate Main Hall AS005 The role of aerosols and dust in the middle atmosphere onveners: Goldberg Richard, Luebken Franz-Josef Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of harmacy Room A 09:00 am Meteoric smoke Plane John, Russell Saunders. Speaker Plane John 09:30 am Modeling the temporal and geographical variability of the micrometeor mass input in the upper atmosphere using radar measurements Janches Diego, Jonathan T. Fentzke. Speaker Janches Diego 10:00 am Meteor smoke particles studied with rocket and radar techniques Rapp Markus. Speaker Rapp Markus 10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes) 1:00 am A New Interpretation of DROPPS Polar Summer esosphere Particle Data by the Inclusion of Off-Axis Variations Webb Phillip, Dr. Richard. A. Goldberg, Dr. W. Dean esnell, Michael N. P. Assis. Speaker Webb Phillip 1:15 am The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission Russell James, Scott M. Bailey. Speaker Russell James 11:45 am Lidar sounding of Noctilucent Clouds Baumgarten Gerd. Speaker Baumgarten Gerd 12:15 pm NLC occurrence at mid-latitudes: General properties and dependence on ambient winds and temperatures Gerding Michael, Josef Hffner, Monika Rauthe, Werner inger, Franz-Josef Lbken. Speaker Gerding Michael Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of harmacy Room A 02:00 pm What can we learn from interhemispheric differences of mesospheric ice layers Luebken Franz-Josef, Uwe Berger. Speaker Luebken Franz-Josef 02:30 pm Global observations of water vapor and ice content in the Mesosphere together with co-located measurements of temperature and ozone Llewellyn Edward, Richard L. Gattinger, Michael H. Stevens, Jorg Gumbel. Speaker Llewellyn Edward 03:00 pm Modeling of summer mesopause dynamics with LIMA Berger Uwe, F.-J. Luebken, G. Baumgarten. Speaker Berger Uwe 03:15 pm Instability of charged aerosol flow as a generation mechanism for electron density irregularities in mesosphere. Grach Veronica, Victor Yu. Trakhtengerts, Andrei G. Demekhov. Speaker Grach Veronica 03:30 pm Dynamics of an stratospheric aerosol during solar, magnetic and ionosphere activities on Kamchatka Shevtsov Boris, Vasilii Bychkov, Valerii Marichev, Andrei Perezhogin. Speaker Shevtsov Boris 03:45 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes) 04:15 pm Research results on atmospheric electric field at observatory Paratunka in Kamchatka. Kuznetsov Vladimir, Cherneva N.V., Druzhin G.I., Babahanov I.Y.. Speaker Kuznetsov Vladimir 04:30 pm Novel model of atmospheric electric field. Kuznetsov Vladimir. Speaker Kuznetsov Vladimir JAS012 Seismological, geological and tectonic interpretation of geomagnetic anomalies on continents and oceans onveners: Okuma Shigeo, Hemant Kumar Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Economics Room 2 Chairpersons: Kumar Hemant 09:00 am Interpretation of geomagnetic anomalies across 85 E ridge in the bay of Bengal, India Rajaram Mita, S.P. Anand. Speaker Rajaram Mita 09:30 am Application of magnetic method in the interpretation of structural pattern of the upper jurassic carbonate buildups in the Cracow-Czestochowa upland, South Poland Je Drys Joanna. Speaker Je Drys Joanna 09:50 am Integrated use of Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) remote sensing data and airborne magnetic data as an aid to geological and environmental applications in South Western Desert, Egypt Ali Nasser, Aboulhoda M. Elsirafy, Maged L. El Rakaiby, Salah-Eldin A. Mousa, Mehress A. Abdel Mohsen. Speaker Ali Nasser 10:10 am The features of geomagnetic induction arrows at two sides of Red river fault Truong Quang Hao Hao. Speaker Truong Quang Hao Hao 10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes) 1:00 am Magnetic data interpretation over the Deccan Volcanic ood basalts, India. Erram Vinit, S.P. Anand. Speaker Erram Vinit ASI005 Magnetic anisotropy different scales, different parameters, different stories onveners: Martin Hernandez Fatima Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Pharmacy Room B 09:00 am Guidelines for interpretation of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility in lava flows. Example from a Tiretaine lava flow (Chane des Puys, France). Loock Sébastien, Patrick Launeau, Herv Diot, Benjamin Van Wyk De Vries, Olivier Merle, Fabienne Vadeboin. Speaker Loock Sébastien 09:36 am Can the preferred orientation of paramagnetic carriers in cleaved siliciclastic metapelites be determined by means of X- Ray pole figure goniometry Debacker Timothy, Anne Hirt, Manuel Sintubin, Philippe Robion. Speaker Debacker Timothy 10:12 am Diamagnetic fabrics Hirt Ann, Volkmar Schmidt, Bjarne S.G. Almqvist. Speaker Hirt Ann 10:48 am Coffee Break (30 minutes) 1:18 am Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism study of the Shepody Fm. of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada, for an anisotropy based inclination shallowing correction. Bilardello Dario, Kenneth P. Kodama. Speaker Bilardello Dario 11:54 am A new technique for determination of initial susceptibility tensor through measurement of the AMS in the Rayleigh Law region Hrouda Frantisek. Speaker Hrouda Frantisek Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of Pharmacy Room B 02:00 pm Meandering flow of a pyroclastic density current documented by the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) of the ignimbrites of the Cimini dome complex (Central Italy) Porreca Massimiliano, Rene Laberge, Massimo Mattei, Guido Giordano, Ray Cas. Speaker Porreca Massimiliano 02:36 pm Sampling strategies and the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of dykes. Canon-Tapia Edgardo, Emilio Herrero-Bervera. Speaker Canon-Tapia Edgardo 03:12 pm The importance of the AMS analysis for reconstructing the tectonic history in weakly deformed sediments Cifelli Francesca, Massimo Mattei, Martin Chadima, Sabine Lenser, Ann Marie Hirt. Speaker Cifelli Francesca 03:48 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes) 04:18 pm Magnetic anisotropy and rock magnetic characterization of pyrrhotite and hematite single crystals: magnetic structure within the basal plane Martin Hernandez Fatima, Mark J. Dekkers, Iris, M. Bominaar-Silkens, Jan C. Maan. Speaker Martin Hernandez Fatima 04:54 pm Magnetic fabrics in saucer-shaped sills of the Karoo Large Igneous Province Polteau Stephane, Eric C. Ferre, Sverre Planke, Else- Ragnhild Neumann. Speaker Polteau Stephane Poster 7 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina - CERP CERP Effect of plastic deformation in laboratory conditions on AMS of sedimentary rocks Kapicka Ales, Frantisek Hrouda, Eduard Petrovsky, Josef Polacek. Speaker Kapicka Ales Seismic and Elastic Properties in Relation to the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of Synthetic Calcite-muscovite Aggregates Almqvist Bjarne, Volkmar Schmidt, Luigi Burlini, Ann Marie Hirt. Speaker Almqvist Bjarne Effects of magnetic interactions in anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility: models, experiments and implications for igneous rock fabrics quantification Gaillot Philippe, Michel De Saint-Blanquat, Jean-Luc Bouchez. Speaker Gaillot Philippe Asymmetric fabrics in dikes: natural examples from rift zones of Tenerife (Canary Islands) Beamud Elisabet, Carles Soriano, Miguel Garcs. Speaker Beamud Elisabet Separation of pyrrhotite magnetic fabric from magnetite/ paramagnetic fabric in granulites of the locality of Bory (Moldanubian Zone of Western Moravia) using the AMS measured in variable low fields Hrouda Frantisek, Petr Jerabek, Marta Chlupacova, Shah Wali Faryad. Speaker Hrouda Frantisek Normal and inverse magnetic fabric in dikes and sills (Eger Graben, NW Czech Republic) Chadima Martin, Vladimir Cajz, Frantisek Hrouda. Speaker Chadima Martin Thermal enhancement of AMS and ARM magnetic fabric for granitoids and volcanites (Sudetes, SW Poland) - an attempt to separate suspected composite magnetic fabric. Werner Tomasz, Dawid BiaEk, Magdalena PaCzyk. Speaker Werner Tomasz Magnetic Fabrics, Rock Magnetism, Cathodo-luminescence and Petrography of apparently undeformed Bambui Carbonates from So Francisco basin (Minas Gerais State SE-Brazil): An Integrated Study Braposo Mirene, Ian Mcreath, Manoel S. Dagrella-Filho. Speaker Braposo Mirene Contrastive strain record within the magmatic fabrics of the lands end granite (SW England): a comparative study of the AMS and feldspar preferred orientation Kratinova Zuzana, Schulmann Karel, Hrouda Frantiek, Jeek Josef. Speaker Kratinova Zuzana Fabric transpositions in highly viscous extrusive domes - AMS Analogue Modeling Study Kratinova Zuzana, Zvada Prokop, Kusbach Vladimr, Hrouda Frantiek. Speaker Kratinova Zuzana Integration of AMS and paleomagnetic data: a preliminary study in Monchique Massif (Southwest Portugal) Gomes Celeste, Helena Santovaia, Lus Gama Pereira, Armando Rocha, Daniel Rey. Speaker Gomes Celeste ASI011 Environmental studies Conveners: El-Qady Gad, Meju Maxwell, Sainato Claudia Mabel Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Mathematics Room A0 09:00 am Deep multiaquifer system: hydrogeological exploration integrated with geophysical data Rapti-Caputo Dimitra, Dimitra Rapti-Caputo, Antonio Bratus, Giovanni Santarato. Speaker Rapti-Caputo Dimitra 09:25 am Infiltration experiments at meter-scale and inversion strategies for time-lapse resistivity tomography Noell Ursula, Thomas Gnther, Christoph Grissemann, Markus Furche. Speaker Noell Ursula 09:50 am A new method of geo-electrical survey of saltwaterfreshwater interface Kontar Evgeny, Yuriy R. Ozorovich. Speaker Kontar Evgeny 10:15 am Coffee Break (30 minutes) 10:45 am Integrated Geoelectrical survey for groundwater and shallow subsurface evaluation: case study at As Sillein spring, El Fayoum, Egypt El-Qady Gad, Mohamed Metwaly, Usama Massoud, Jun Matsushima. Speaker El-Qady Gad 11:10 am Innovative applications of geosciences in support of natural resource management Lambert Ian, Ken Lawrie. Speaker Lambert Ian ASII017 Sun-Earth system: science and impacts (Divisions II, III and IV) Conveners: Kozyra Janet Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Chemistry Room B 09:00 am Estimates of NO variability in response to geomagnetic activity and its influence on the middle atmosphere as determined from SABER Mlynczak Martin, F. J. Martin-Torres, J. M. Russell Iii, J. U. Kozyra. Speaker Mlynczak Martin 09:20 am Effects of Solar Energetic Particles and Radiation Belt Precipitation on the Middle Atmosphere and the Global Electric Circuit Bering Edgar, Michael Kokorowski, Robert H. Holzworth, Mark J. Engebretson, Jennifer L. Posch, John G. Sample, David M. Smith, Akira Kadokura, Brandon D. Reddell, Hisao Yamagishi. Speaker Bering Edgar 09:40 am Intermittent plasma jets and magnetic barriers: about possible impacts on the Sun Earth connections Savin Sergey. Speaker Savin Sergey 10:00 am Ground effects of November 2004 space weather event Trichtchenko Larisa. Speaker Trichtchenko Larisa 10:20 am Great geomagnetic storms in solar cycle 23 Dal Lago Alisson, Walter D. Gonzalez. Speaker Dal Lago Alisson 10:40 am Coffee Break (30 minutes) 11:10 am Space weather forecast of radiation belt electrons during magnetic storms driven by CMEs and CIRs Kataoka Ryuho, Yoshizumi Miyoshi. Speaker Kataoka Ryuho 11:30 am Variations of Terrestrial Plasma Environment during the 23rd Solar Cycle: Geotail/EPIC Observations of Ion Composition Nose Masahito, Akimasa Ieda, Stephen P. Christon, Richard W. Mcentire. Speaker Nose Masahito 11:50 am Relationship between the IMF orientation and the F region trough Voiculescu Mirela, Tuomo Nygren. Speaker Voiculescu Mirela 12:10 pm The role of solar-modulated small scale drag in the upper atmosphere in driving the global residual circulation. Arnold Neil. Speaker Arnold Neil Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of Chemistry Room B 02:00 pm Annual and UT distribution of appearance frequency for large geomagnetic disturbances as base for prediction of space weather hazards Kuznetsova Tamara, Alex Laptukhov, Valery Petrov. Speaker Kuznetsova Tamara 02:20 pm The time varying sun in the solar wind velocity and in the inteplanetary magnetic field in near - Earth space Kuznetsova Tamara. Speaker Kuznetsova Tamara 02:40 pm Using Topside Sounder Electron-Density Profiles to Investigate Mid-latitude Variations in the Ionospheric O+/H+ Transition Height Webb Phillip, Dr. Robert. F. Benson, Dr. Joseph M. Grebowsky. Speaker Webb Phillip 03:00 pm AE geomagnetic index predictability for highly alfvenic solar wind streams. Guarnieri Fernando, Ezequiel Echer, Luis Eduardo Antunes Vieira, Cristiano Max Wrasse, Bruce T. Tsurutani. Speaker Guarnieri Fernando 03:20 pm Bashful Ballerina: The Asymmetric Sun viewed from the Heliosphere Mursula Kalevi. Speaker Mursula Kalevi 03:40 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes) 04:10 pm Toward understanding the ionosphere and thermosphere: the need for coordinated ground- and space-based measurements Paxton Larry, L.J.Paxton, J. H. Clemmons, G. Crowley, R.A.Heelis, J.U. Kozyra, A.J. Marinucci, R. F. Pfaff, J. F. Spann. Speaker Paxton Larry ASIII020 Magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions and auroral processes (Divisions III and II) Conveners: Lotko William Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Economics Room 1 09:00 am Electron acceleration along the geomagnetic field due to inertial Alfvn waves Watt Clare, Robert Rankin. Speaker Watt Clare 09:21 am The polar ionosphere-thermosphere: a system in flux Thayer Jeff, Joshua Semeter. Speaker Thayer Jeff 09:42 am Evolution of Electric Fields in the Subauroral Region of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere Goldstein Jerry. Speaker Goldstein Jerry 10:03 am Vlasov Simulations of Dispersive Field Line Resonances Rankin Robert, Clare Watt. Speaker Rankin Robert 10:24 am Cowling Channel Formation Model in the 3D- Ionosophere Yoshikawa Akimasa. Speaker Yoshikawa Akimasa 10:45 am Coffee Break (30 minutes) 11:15 am Dual structure of auroral acceleration regions at substorm onsets as derived from AKR spectra Morioka Akira. Speaker Morioka Akira 11:36 am Downward-directed field-aligned currents and electric fields and their role in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes associated with aurora Marklund Gran. Speaker Marklund Gran 11:57 am Multipoint observation of Ps6 events Agapitov Oleksiy, Reshetnik Volodymyr. Speaker Agapitov Oleksiy Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of Economics Room 1 Chairpersons: - 02:00 pm The Dynamics of Ion Outflow into the Magnetosphere Chappell Charles, Matthew M. Huddleston, Thomas E. Moore, Dominique C. Delcourt, Barbara L. Giles. Speaker Chappell Charles 02:21 pm SuperDARN Observations Of Mid-Latitude Pi-2 Pulsations Gjerloev Jesper, Raymond A. Greenwald, Colin L. Waters, Kazue Takahashi, David G. Sibeck, Maichael Ruohoniemi, Joseph Baker, Robin Barnes, Kjelmar Oksavik. Speaker Gjerloev Jesper 02:42 pm Ion and neutral polar wind pulsing Gardner Larry, Robert W. Schunk. Speaker Gardner Larry 03:03 pm Conditionally integrated incoherent scatter radar data and flickering aurora Scientific Program July 7-13, 2007


07 July, 2007<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Rectorate Main Hall<br />

SX016 Geo-Sciences in Africa<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Rectorate Main Hall<br />

AS005 The role of aerosols and dust in the middle atmosphere<br />

onveners: Goldberg Richard, Luebken Franz-Josef<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

harmacy Room A<br />

09:00 am Meteoric smoke<br />

Plane John, Russell Saunders. Speaker Plane John<br />

09:30 am Modeling the temporal and geographical variability of<br />

the micrometeor mass input in the upper atmosphere using radar<br />

measurements<br />

Janches Diego, Jonathan T. Fentzke. Speaker Janches Diego<br />

10:00 am Meteor smoke particles studied with rocket and radar<br />

techniques<br />

Rapp Markus. Speaker Rapp Markus<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am A New Interpretation of DROPPS Polar Summer<br />

esosphere Particle Data by the Inclusion of Off-Axis Variations<br />

Webb Phillip, Dr. Richard. A. Goldberg, Dr. W. Dean<br />

esnell, Michael N. P. Assis. Speaker Webb Phillip<br />

1:15 am The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission<br />

Russell James, Scott M. Bailey. Speaker Russell James<br />

11:45 am Lidar sounding of Noctilucent Clouds<br />

Baumgarten Gerd. Speaker Baumgarten Gerd<br />

12:15 pm NLC occurrence at mid-latitudes: General properties<br />

and dependence on ambient winds and temperatures<br />

Gerding Michael, Josef Hffner, Monika Rauthe, Werner<br />

inger, Franz-Josef Lbken. Speaker Gerding Michael<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

harmacy Room A<br />

02:00 pm What can we learn from interhemispheric differences<br />

of mesospheric ice layers <br />

Luebken Franz-Josef, Uwe Berger. Speaker Luebken<br />

Franz-Josef<br />

02:30 pm Global observations of water vapor and ice content<br />

in the Mesosphere together with co-located measurements of<br />

temperature and ozone<br />

Llewellyn Edward, Richard L. Gattinger, Michael H.<br />

Stevens, Jorg Gumbel. Speaker Llewellyn Edward<br />

03:00 pm Modeling of summer mesopause dynamics with LIMA<br />

Berger Uwe, F.-J. Luebken, G. Baumgarten. Speaker<br />

Berger Uwe<br />

03:15 pm Instability of charged aerosol flow as a generation<br />

mechanism for electron density irregularities in mesosphere.<br />

Grach Veronica, Victor Yu. Trakhtengerts, Andrei G.<br />

Demekhov. Speaker Grach Veronica<br />

03:30 pm Dynamics of an stratospheric aerosol during solar,<br />

magnetic and ionosphere activities on Kamchatka<br />

Shevtsov Boris, Vasilii Bychkov, Valerii Marichev, Andrei<br />

Perezhogin. Speaker Shevtsov Boris<br />

03:45 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:15 pm Research results on atmospheric electric field at<br />

observatory Paratunka in Kamchatka.<br />

Kuznetsov Vladimir, Cherneva N.V., Druzhin G.I.,<br />

Babahanov I.Y.. Speaker Kuznetsov Vladimir<br />

04:30 pm Novel model of atmospheric electric field.<br />

Kuznetsov Vladimir. Speaker Kuznetsov Vladimir<br />

JAS012 Seismological, geological and tectonic interpretation of<br />

geomagnetic anomalies on continents and oceans<br />

onveners: Okuma Shigeo, Hemant Kumar<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

Chairpersons: Kumar Hemant<br />

09:00 am Interpretation of geomagnetic anomalies across 85 E<br />

ridge in the bay of Bengal, India<br />

Rajaram Mita, S.P. Anand. Speaker Rajaram Mita<br />

09:30 am Application of magnetic method in the interpretation of<br />

structural pattern of the upper jurassic carbonate buildups in the<br />

Cracow-Czestochowa upland, South Poland<br />

Je Drys Joanna. Speaker Je Drys Joanna<br />

09:50 am Integrated use of Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus<br />

(ETM+) remote sensing data and airborne magnetic data as an aid<br />

to geological and environmental applications in South Western<br />

Desert, Egypt<br />

Ali Nasser, Aboulhoda M. Elsirafy, Maged L. El Rakaiby,<br />

Salah-Eldin A. Mousa, Mehress A. Abdel Mohsen. Speaker Ali Nasser<br />

10:10 am The features of geomagnetic induction arrows at two<br />

sides of Red river fault<br />

Truong Quang Hao Hao. Speaker Truong Quang Hao Hao<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am Magnetic data interpretation over the Deccan Volcanic<br />

ood basalts, India.<br />

Erram Vinit, S.P. Anand. Speaker Erram Vinit<br />

ASI005 Magnetic anisotropy different scales, different parameters,<br />

different stories<br />

onveners: Martin Hernandez Fatima<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room B<br />

09:00 am Guidelines for interpretation of anisotropy of magnetic<br />

susceptibility in lava flows. Example from a Tiretaine lava flow<br />

(Chane des Puys, France).<br />

Loock Sébastien, Patrick Launeau, Herv Diot, Benjamin<br />

Van Wyk De Vries, Olivier Merle, Fabienne Vadeboin. Speaker Loock<br />

Sébastien<br />

09:36 am Can the preferred orientation of paramagnetic carriers<br />

in cleaved siliciclastic metapelites be determined by means of X-<br />

Ray pole figure goniometry<br />

Debacker Timothy, Anne Hirt, Manuel Sintubin, Philippe<br />

Robion. Speaker Debacker Timothy<br />

10:12 am Diamagnetic fabrics<br />

Hirt Ann, Volkmar Schmidt, Bjarne S.G. Almqvist. Speaker<br />

Hirt Ann<br />

10:48 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:18 am Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism study of the<br />

Shepody Fm. of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada, for an<br />

anisotropy based inclination shallowing correction.<br />

Bilardello Dario, Kenneth P. Kodama. Speaker Bilardello<br />

Dario<br />

11:54 am A new technique for determination of initial<br />

susceptibility tensor through measurement of the AMS in the<br />

Rayleigh Law region<br />

Hrouda Frantisek. Speaker Hrouda Frantisek<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room B<br />

02:00 pm Meandering flow of a pyroclastic density current<br />

documented by the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) of<br />

the ignimbrites of the Cimini dome complex (Central Italy)<br />

Porreca Massimiliano, Rene Laberge, Massimo Mattei,<br />

Guido Giordano, Ray Cas. Speaker Porreca Massimiliano<br />

02:36 pm Sampling strategies and the anisotropy of magnetic<br />

susceptibility of dykes.<br />

Canon-Tapia Edgardo, Emilio Herrero-Bervera. Speaker<br />

Canon-Tapia Edgardo<br />

03:12 pm The importance of the AMS analysis for reconstructing<br />

the tectonic history in weakly deformed sediments<br />

Cifelli Francesca, Massimo Mattei, Martin Chadima, Sabine<br />

Lenser, Ann Marie Hirt. Speaker Cifelli Francesca<br />

03:48 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:18 pm Magnetic anisotropy and rock magnetic<br />

characterization of pyrrhotite and hematite single crystals:<br />

magnetic structure within the basal plane<br />

Martin Hernandez Fatima, Mark J. Dekkers, Iris, M.<br />

Bominaar-Silkens, Jan C. Maan. Speaker Martin Hernandez Fatima<br />

04:54 pm Magnetic fabrics in saucer-shaped sills of the Karoo<br />

Large Igneous Province<br />

Polteau Stephane, Eric C. Ferre, Sverre Planke, Else-<br />

Ragnhild Neumann. Speaker Polteau Stephane<br />

Poster 7 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Effect of plastic deformation in laboratory conditions on AMS of<br />

sedimentary rocks<br />

Kapicka Ales, Frantisek Hrouda, Eduard Petrovsky, Josef Polacek.<br />

Speaker Kapicka Ales<br />

Seismic and Elastic Properties in Relation to the Anisotropy of<br />

Magnetic Susceptibility of Synthetic Calcite-muscovite Aggregates<br />

Almqvist Bjarne, Volkmar Schmidt, Luigi Burlini, Ann Marie Hirt. Speaker<br />

Almqvist Bjarne<br />

Effects of magnetic interactions in anisotropy of magnetic<br />

susceptibility: models, experiments and implications for igneous<br />

rock fabrics quantification<br />

Gaillot Philippe, Michel De Saint-Blanquat, Jean-Luc Bouchez. Speaker<br />

Gaillot Philippe<br />

Asymmetric fabrics in dikes: natural examples from rift zones of<br />

Tenerife (Canary Islands)<br />

Beamud Elisabet, Carles Soriano, Miguel Garcs. Speaker Beamud<br />

Elisabet<br />

Separation of pyrrhotite magnetic fabric from magnetite/<br />

paramagnetic fabric in granulites of the locality of Bory<br />

(Moldanubian Zone of Western Moravia) using the AMS measured<br />

in variable low fields<br />

Hrouda Frantisek, Petr Jerabek, Marta Chlupacova, Shah Wali Faryad.<br />

Speaker Hrouda Frantisek<br />

Normal and inverse magnetic fabric in dikes and sills (Eger<br />

Graben, NW Czech Republic)<br />

Chadima Martin, Vladimir Cajz, Frantisek Hrouda. Speaker Chadima<br />

Martin<br />

Thermal enhancement of AMS and ARM magnetic fabric for<br />

granitoids and volcanites (Sudetes, SW Poland) - an attempt to<br />

separate suspected composite magnetic fabric.<br />

Werner Tomasz, Dawid BiaEk, Magdalena PaCzyk. Speaker Werner<br />

Tomasz<br />

Magnetic Fabrics, Rock Magnetism, Cathodo-luminescence and<br />

Petrography of apparently undeformed Bambui Carbonates from<br />

So Francisco basin (Minas Gerais State SE-Brazil): An Integrated<br />

Study<br />

Braposo Mirene, Ian Mcreath, Manoel S. Dagrella-Filho. Speaker<br />

Braposo Mirene<br />

Contrastive strain record within the magmatic fabrics of the lands<br />

end granite (SW England): a comparative study of the AMS and<br />

feldspar preferred orientation<br />

Kratinova Zuzana, Schulmann Karel, Hrouda Frantiek, Jeek Josef.<br />

Speaker Kratinova Zuzana<br />

Fabric transpositions in highly viscous extrusive domes - AMS<br />

Analogue Modeling Study<br />

Kratinova Zuzana, Zvada Prokop, Kusbach Vladimr, Hrouda Frantiek.<br />

Speaker Kratinova Zuzana<br />

Integration of AMS and paleomagnetic data: a preliminary study in<br />

Monchique Massif (Southwest Portugal)<br />

Gomes Celeste, Helena Santovaia, Lus Gama Pereira, Armando Rocha,<br />

Daniel Rey. Speaker Gomes Celeste<br />

ASI011 Environmental studies<br />

Conveners: El-Qady Gad, Meju Maxwell, Sainato Claudia Mabel<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0<br />

09:00 am Deep multiaquifer system: hydrogeological exploration<br />

integrated with geophysical data<br />

Rapti-Caputo Dimitra, Dimitra Rapti-Caputo, Antonio<br />

Bratus, Giovanni Santarato. Speaker Rapti-Caputo Dimitra<br />

09:25 am Infiltration experiments at meter-scale and inversion<br />

strategies for time-lapse resistivity tomography<br />

Noell Ursula, Thomas Gnther, Christoph Grissemann,<br />

Markus Furche. Speaker Noell Ursula<br />

09:50 am A new method of geo-electrical survey of saltwaterfreshwater<br />

interface<br />

Kontar Evgeny, Yuriy R. Ozorovich. Speaker Kontar<br />

Evgeny<br />

10:15 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10:45 am Integrated Geoelectrical survey for groundwater and<br />

shallow subsurface evaluation: case study at As Sillein spring, El<br />

Fayoum, Egypt<br />

El-Qady Gad, Mohamed Metwaly, Usama Massoud, Jun<br />

Matsushima. Speaker El-Qady Gad<br />

11:10 am Innovative applications of geosciences in support of<br />

natural resource management<br />

Lambert Ian, Ken Lawrie. Speaker Lambert Ian<br />

ASII017 Sun-Earth system: science and impacts (Divisions II, III<br />

and IV)<br />

Conveners: Kozyra Janet<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

09:00 am Estimates of NO variability in response to geomagnetic<br />

activity and its influence on the middle atmosphere as determined<br />

from SABER<br />

Mlynczak Martin, F. J. Martin-Torres, J. M. Russell Iii, J. U.<br />

Kozyra. Speaker Mlynczak Martin<br />

09:20 am Effects of Solar Energetic Particles and Radiation Belt<br />

Precipitation on the Middle Atmosphere and the Global Electric<br />

Circuit<br />

Bering Edgar, Michael Kokorowski, Robert H. Holzworth,<br />

Mark J. Engebretson, Jennifer L. Posch, John G. Sample, David M.<br />

Smith, Akira Kadokura, Brandon D. Reddell, Hisao Yamagishi. Speaker<br />

Bering Edgar<br />

09:40 am Intermittent plasma jets and magnetic barriers: about<br />

possible impacts on the Sun Earth connections<br />

Savin Sergey. Speaker Savin Sergey<br />

10:00 am Ground effects of November 2004 space weather event<br />

Trichtchenko Larisa. Speaker Trichtchenko Larisa<br />

10:20 am Great geomagnetic storms in solar cycle 23<br />

Dal Lago Alisson, Walter D. Gonzalez. Speaker Dal Lago<br />

Alisson<br />

10:40 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:10 am Space weather forecast of radiation belt electrons<br />

during magnetic storms driven by CMEs and CIRs<br />

Kataoka Ryuho, Yoshizumi Miyoshi. Speaker Kataoka<br />

Ryuho<br />

11:30 am Variations of Terrestrial Plasma Environment<br />

during the 23rd Solar Cycle: Geotail/EPIC Observations of Ion<br />

Composition<br />

Nose Masahito, Akimasa Ieda, Stephen P. Christon,<br />

Richard W. Mcentire. Speaker Nose Masahito<br />

11:50 am Relationship between the IMF orientation and the F<br />

region trough<br />

Voiculescu Mirela, Tuomo Nygren. Speaker Voiculescu<br />

Mirela<br />

12:10 pm The role of solar-modulated small scale drag in the<br />

upper atmosphere in driving the global residual circulation.<br />

Arnold Neil. Speaker Arnold Neil<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

02:00 pm Annual and UT distribution of appearance frequency<br />

for large geomagnetic disturbances as base for prediction of space<br />

weather hazards<br />

Kuznetsova Tamara, Alex Laptukhov, Valery Petrov.<br />

Speaker Kuznetsova Tamara<br />

02:20 pm The time varying sun in the solar wind velocity and in<br />

the inteplanetary magnetic field in near - Earth space<br />

Kuznetsova Tamara. Speaker Kuznetsova Tamara<br />

02:40 pm Using Topside Sounder Electron-Density Profiles<br />

to Investigate Mid-latitude Variations in the Ionospheric O+/H+<br />

Transition Height<br />

Webb Phillip, Dr. Robert. F. Benson, Dr. Joseph M.<br />

Grebowsky. Speaker Webb Phillip<br />

03:00 pm AE geomagnetic index predictability for highly alfvenic<br />

solar wind streams.<br />

Guarnieri Fernando, Ezequiel Echer, Luis Eduardo Antunes<br />

Vieira, Cristiano Max Wrasse, Bruce T. Tsurutani. Speaker Guarnieri<br />

Fernando<br />

03:20 pm Bashful Ballerina: The Asymmetric Sun viewed from<br />

the Heliosphere<br />

Mursula Kalevi. Speaker Mursula Kalevi<br />

03:40 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:10 pm Toward understanding the ionosphere and<br />

thermosphere: the need for coordinated ground- and space-based<br />

measurements<br />

Paxton Larry, L.J.Paxton, J. H. Clemmons, G. Crowley,<br />

R.A.Heelis, J.U. Kozyra, A.J. Marinucci, R. F. Pfaff, J. F. Spann. Speaker<br />

Paxton Larry<br />

ASIII020 Magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions and auroral<br />

processes (Divisions III and II)<br />

Conveners: Lotko William<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 1<br />

09:00 am Electron acceleration along the geomagnetic field due<br />

to inertial Alfvn waves<br />

Watt Clare, Robert Rankin. Speaker Watt Clare<br />

09:21 am The polar ionosphere-thermosphere: a system in flux<br />

Thayer Jeff, Joshua Semeter. Speaker Thayer Jeff<br />

09:42 am Evolution of Electric Fields in the Subauroral Region of<br />

the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere<br />

Goldstein Jerry. Speaker Goldstein Jerry<br />

10:03 am Vlasov Simulations of Dispersive Field Line<br />

Resonances<br />

Rankin Robert, Clare Watt. Speaker Rankin Robert<br />

10:24 am Cowling Channel Formation Model in the 3D-<br />

Ionosophere<br />

Yoshikawa Akimasa. Speaker Yoshikawa Akimasa<br />

10:45 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:15 am Dual structure of auroral acceleration regions at<br />

substorm onsets as derived from AKR spectra<br />

Morioka Akira. Speaker Morioka Akira<br />

11:36 am Downward-directed field-aligned currents and electric<br />

fields and their role in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling<br />

processes associated with aurora<br />

Marklund Gran. Speaker Marklund Gran<br />

11:57 am Multipoint observation of Ps6 events<br />

Agapitov Oleksiy, Reshetnik Volodymyr. Speaker Agapitov<br />

Oleksiy<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 1<br />

Chairpersons: -<br />

02:00 pm The Dynamics of Ion Outflow into the Magnetosphere<br />

Chappell Charles, Matthew M. Huddleston, Thomas E.<br />

Moore, Dominique C. Delcourt, Barbara L. Giles. Speaker Chappell<br />

Charles<br />

02:21 pm SuperDARN Observations Of Mid-Latitude Pi-2<br />

Pulsations<br />

Gjerloev Jesper, Raymond A. Greenwald, Colin L. Waters,<br />

Kazue Takahashi, David G. Sibeck, Maichael Ruohoniemi, Joseph<br />

Baker, Robin Barnes, Kjelmar Oksavik. Speaker Gjerloev Jesper<br />

02:42 pm Ion and neutral polar wind pulsing<br />

Gardner Larry, Robert W. Schunk. Speaker Gardner Larry<br />

03:03 pm Conditionally integrated incoherent scatter radar data<br />

and flickering aurora<br />

<strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Program</strong><br />

July 7-13, 2007

07 July, 2007<br />

Grydeland Tom, Bjrn Gustavsson, Lisa Baddeley, Erik M. Blixt, June<br />

Lunde. Speaker Grydeland Tom<br />

03:24 pm The Typical Auroral Substorm: A Bifurcated Oval<br />

Gjerloev Jesper, Robert A. Hoffman, John B. Sigwarth.<br />

Speaker Gjerloev Jesper<br />

03:45 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:15 pm Wave acceleration of auroral electrons in the presence<br />

of quasi-static parallel electric fields<br />

Lysak Robert, Yan Song. Speaker Lysak Robert<br />

04:36 pm Diurnal and multi-day variation in plasmaspheric He+<br />

inferred from EUV images<br />

Galvan David, Mark B. Moldwin, Bill Sandel. Speaker<br />

Galvan David<br />

04:57 pm Effects of Empirically Driven Ionospheric Outflow in<br />

Global MHD Simulations of the Magnetosphere<br />

Murr David, W. Lotko, P. Melanson, M. Wiltberger, J. Lyon.<br />

Speaker Murr David<br />

ASIII023 Causes and evolution of plasma pressure distributions<br />

onveners: Lyons Larry, Zaharia Sorin<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room C<br />

Chairpersons: Larry Lyons<br />

09:00 am The role of entropy conservation and loss in earthward<br />

plasma transport<br />

Joachim Birn<br />

09:15 Observation of two distinct cold, dense ion populations<br />

at geosynchronous orbit: local time asymmetry, solar wind<br />

dependence and origin<br />

Lavraud Benoit, Michelle F. Thomsen, Simon Wing, Masaki<br />

ujimoto, Michael H. Denton, Joseph E. Borovsky, Arne Aasnes, Kanako<br />

eki, James M. Weygand. Speaker Lavraud Benoit<br />

9:30 am Equatorial ion plasma sheet, its dawn-dusk asymmetry,<br />

and associated source locations and transport under different<br />

interplanetary conditions<br />

Wang Chih-Ping, Larry R. Lyons, James M. Weygand,<br />

Tsugunobu Nagai, Richard W. Mcentire. Speaker Wang Chih-Ping<br />

9:45am Generation of large-scale field-aligned currents by<br />

magnetospheric plasma pressure gradients and topology of high<br />

latitude magnetosphere<br />

Antonova Elizaveta. Speaker Antonova Elizaveta<br />

10’00am Pressure distribution investigations using the Rice<br />

Convection Model<br />

Toffoletto Frank, Stanislav Sazykin, Richard Wolf, Robert<br />

Spiro, Vinod Kumar. Speaker Toffoletto Frank<br />

10’15am Self-consistent Numerical Modeling Experiments of the<br />

lasma Sheet Influence on the Storm-time Ring Current<br />

Lemon Colby, Tim Guild, Margaret Chen, Paul O’Brien,<br />

Frank Toffoletto, Richard Wolf. Speaker Lemon Colby<br />

10:30 am Relationship between electromagnetic fields and plasma<br />

pressure distributions in the inner magnetosphere<br />

Zheng Yihua, Pontus C. Brandt, Mei-Ching Fok. Speaker<br />

heng Yihua<br />

10:45 Study of plasma pressure distribution in the inner<br />

magnetosphere using the low-altitude satellite data and its<br />

relevance for geomagnetic storm/substorm dynamics<br />

Stepanova Marina, Elizavieta E. Antonova, Jean Michel<br />

Bosqued. Speaker Stepanova Marina<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room C<br />

Chairpersons: Elizaveta Antonova<br />

02:00 pm Inferring the magnetospheric structure from<br />

equilibrium modeling with observed plasma pressure input<br />

Zaharia Sorin, Simon Wing, Chih-Ping Wang, C. Z. Cheng.<br />

Speaker Zaharia Sorin<br />

02:15 Evaluation of Region II magnetosphere-ionosphere<br />

electrodynamical coupling within the Harang reversal region: initial<br />

results<br />

Lyons Larry, Shasha Zou, Chih-Ping Wang, Matina<br />

Gkiolidou, Craig Heinselman, Mary Mccready, Mike Rouhoniemi.<br />

Speaker Lyons Larry<br />

02:30 pm Interchange model of plasma sheet transport<br />

Wolf Richard, Xiaoyan Xing, Gary M. Erickson, Frank R.<br />

offoletto, Stanislav Sazykin. Speaker Frank R. Toffoletto<br />

03:00 pm Magnetosphere-ionosphere responses to the large and<br />

sharp solar wind dynamic pressure changes under the different Bz<br />

IMF orientation: case studies<br />

Borodkova Natalia, Georgy Zastenker. Speaker Borodkova<br />

Natalia<br />

03:30 pm MSH ram pressure bursts - plasma jet interactions with<br />

magnetosphere<br />

Savin Sergey. Speaker Savin Sergey<br />

Poster 7 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

ULF electromagnetic waves impact on the plasma pressure<br />

distribution in the magnetosphere<br />

Guglielmi Anatol, Lundin Rickard. Speaker Guglielmi Anatol<br />

The features of the ion plasma pressure distributions in the near<br />

Earth plasma sheet<br />

Pisarenko Novomir, I.P.Kirpichev, E.E.Antonova, N.L. Borodkova,<br />

V.N.Lutsenko, E.I.Morozova, Yu. I. Yermolaev. Speaker Pisarenko<br />

Novomir<br />

Anisotropic Pressure Evolution<br />

Denton Richard, Yonggang Hu. Speaker Denton Richard<br />

harp solar wind ion flux changes as an indication of dense non-<br />

IR’s large-scale solar wind<br />

Khabarova Olga, Mary Riazantseva 1, 2, Georgy Gastenker 1. Speaker<br />

Khabarova Olga<br />

ASIII026 Wave and particle dynamics in the ring current and<br />

radiation belts<br />

Conveners: Chan Anthony<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room F<br />

09:00 am Properties of electromagnetic chorus related to waveparticle<br />

interactions<br />

Tsurutani Bruce, Satoshi Yagitani, Yoshiharu Omura,<br />

Hiroshi Matsumoto. Speaker Tsurutani Bruce<br />

09:15 am Energetic particle precipitation into the middle<br />

atmosphere triggered by a coronal mass ejection<br />

Clilverd Mark, Craig J. Rodger, Robyn M. Millan, John G.<br />

ample, Michael Kokorowski, Michael P. Mccarthy, Thomas Ulich, Tero<br />

aita, Andrew J. Kavanagh, Emma Spanswick. Speaker Clilverd Mark<br />

09:30 am Ray tracing model of ELF/VLF chorus and comparison<br />

to observations.<br />

Bortnik Jacob, Richard M. Thorne, Nigel P. Meredith.<br />

Speaker Bortnik Jacob<br />

10:00 am Modelling the Earth’s outer electron radiation belt<br />

using a 1D radial diffusion model with energy-dependent losses<br />

due to plasmaspheric hiss<br />

Lam Mai Mai, Richard B. Horne, Nigel P. Meredith, Sarah<br />

A. Glauert. Speaker Lam Mai Mai<br />

10:15 am Ground- and Satellite-based Measurements of<br />

Lightning-induced Electron Precipitation<br />

Inan Umran, William Peter, Denys Piddyachiy, Michel<br />

Parrot, Jean-Andre Sauvaud. Speaker Inan Umran<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am Multi-Station Observations of Whistler-Mode Chorus<br />

Golkowski Marek, Umran Inan. Speaker Golkowski Marek<br />

1:15 am Acceleration of relativistic electrons in the generation<br />

process of whistler-mode chorus emissions<br />

Katoh Yuto, Yoshiharu Omura. Speaker Katoh Yuto<br />

1:45 am Backward-wave oscillator model for VLF chorus<br />

emissions: analytical estimates and numerical simulations<br />

Demekhov Andrei. Speaker Demekhov Andrei<br />

12:00 pm Automatic whistler detector: operational results from<br />

New Zealand<br />

Lichtenberger Jnos, Greg Mcdowell. Speaker Lichtenberger<br />

Jnos<br />

12:15 pm First simultaneous observations of Magnetospheric<br />

Line Radiation (MLR) on the ground and onboard DEMETER<br />

satellite<br />

Manninen Jyrki, Tauno Turunen, Tero Raita, Michel Parrot,<br />

Ondrej Santolik, Frantisek Nemec. Speaker Manninen Jyrki<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room F<br />

02:00 pm Occurrence of large electric fields at the outer edge of<br />

the outer radiation belt<br />

Laakso Harri, M Taylor, F. Mozer, A. Aasnes, C.P. Escoubet,<br />

A. Masson. Speaker Laakso Harri<br />

02:15 pm Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves and particle<br />

precipitation: GOES and FAST results<br />

Fraser Brian, Christopher C Chaston, Howard J Singer.<br />

Speaker Fraser Brian<br />

02:30 pm Effects of geomagnetic pulsations on electron<br />

precipitation spectra<br />

Kavanagh Andrew, Farideh Honary, Andrew Senior.<br />

Speaker Kavanagh Andrew<br />

02:45 pm Pc 1-2 Waves and Energetic Particle Precipitation<br />

During and After Magnetic storms: Superposed Epoch Analysis<br />

and Case Studies<br />

Engebretson Mark, Marc Lessard, Jacob Bortnik, Janet<br />

Green, Richard Horne, Daniel Detrick, Allan Weatherwax, Jyrki<br />

Manninen, Noel Petit, Jennifer Posch, Mike Rose. Speaker Engebretson<br />

Mark<br />

03:00 pm Global scale magnetic pressure impulses at the lower<br />

magnetosphere-ionosphere boundary<br />

Rajaram Ramaswamy, David Gary Sibeck, Michael<br />

Purucker. Speaker Rajaram Ramaswamy<br />

03:15 pm The ring current instabilities driven by anisotropic<br />

particles during geomagnetic storms<br />

Kakad Amar, S. V. Singh, R. V. Reddy, G. S. Lakhina.<br />

Speaker Kakad Amar<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Acceleration and particle loss within the Van Allen<br />

radiation belts associated with the Halloween storms of 2003<br />

Baker Daniel, Shrikanth Kanekal. Speaker Baker Daniel<br />

04:15 pm Contribution of radial transport to the enhancement<br />

of multi-MeV electrons in the slot region during Oct-Nov magnetic<br />

storm of 2003<br />

Li Xinlin, Austin Barker, Daniel Baker, Richard Selesnick,<br />

Reiner Friedel. Speaker Li Xinlin<br />

04:30 pm Waves in the Earths Radiation Belt: The Electric and<br />

Magnetic Field Instrument Suite with Integrated Science (EMFISIS)<br />

on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes<br />

Kletzing Craig. Speaker Kletzing Craig<br />

05:00 pm The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport,<br />

Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Small<br />

Satellie Mission to the Inner Magnetosphere<br />

Mann Ian. Speaker Mann Ian<br />

ASV040 Division V Reporter Reviews<br />

Conveners: Iyemori Toshihiko<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

09:00 am Review of historical field modelling and patterns of<br />

secular variation<br />

Finlay Chris. Speaker Finlay Chris<br />

09:40 am Progresses and challenges in magnetic observatory<br />

operation<br />

Schott Jean-Jacques. Speaker Schott Jean-Jacques<br />

10:20 am Mass density remote sensing using ULF pulsations<br />

detected by magnetometers<br />

Takahashi Kazue. Speaker Takahashi Kazue<br />

11:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:30 am Recent progress in mapping and modeling the<br />

magnetic field generated in the Earth’s lithosphere<br />

Lesur Vincent. Speaker Lesur Vincent<br />

Oral 7 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

02:00 pm The role of INTERMAGNET in serving the magnetic<br />

observatory and wider scientific communities<br />

Kerridge David. Speaker Kerridge David<br />

02:40 pm Recent Progress in Exploiting Current and Future<br />

Satellite and Surface Data in Comprehensive Geomagnetic Field<br />

Modelling<br />

Sabaka Terence, Nils Olsen. Speaker Sabaka Terence<br />

03:20 pm Data collection, archive, and, delivery via the WDC<br />

system boulder, 50 years of change<br />

McLean Susan. Speaker McLean Susan<br />

04:00 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:30 pm Geomagnetic indices: advances and challenges<br />

Menvielle Michel. Speaker Menvielle Michel<br />

09 July, 2007<br />

US008 Our Changing Planet (Part 2)<br />

Conveners: Peltier Richard<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Rectorate Main Hall<br />

09:00 am Turbulent Liquid Metal Dynamo Experiments<br />

Forest Cary. Speaker Forest Cary<br />

09:25 am Discovery of deep mantle phase transition and the new<br />

views of core-mantle boundary region<br />

Hirose Kei. Speaker Hirose Kei<br />

09:50 am Dynamical implications of the post-Perovskite phase<br />

transition<br />

Tackley Paul, Takashi Nakagawa. Speaker Tackley Paul<br />

10:15 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10:45 am Global Earth Structure from Seismic Imaging<br />

Woodhouse John. Speaker Woodhouse John<br />

11:10 am Volcanism and Earth evolution<br />

Sparks Stephen. Speaker Sparks Stephen<br />

11:35 am Surface and Subsurface Hydrology in the Ice Age<br />

Sudicky Edward. Speaker Sudicky Edward<br />

USSE014 The WMO/IUGG Assessment of the Effect of Pollution<br />

on Precipitation<br />

Conveners: Levin Zev<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM - Rectorate Main Hall<br />

JGS005 Observations of the Cryosphere from Space (IAG and<br />

UCCS Symposium hosted by IAG - merged with JGS004)<br />

Conveners: Steffen Konrad, Drinkwater Mark, Velicogna Isabella<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Education Main Hall<br />

09:00 am Studies of Ice Sheets and Sea Ice by ICESat Laser<br />

Altimetry: Recent Results and Future Missions<br />

Zwally Jay, Waleed Abdalati. Speaker Zwally Jay<br />

09:15 am Melt, accumulation, and water percolation on the<br />

Greenland ice sheet from passive and active satellite microwave<br />

data<br />

Steffen Konrad, Son Nghiem, Russell Huff. Speaker Steffen<br />

Konrad<br />

09:30 am Fifteen years of suglacial water activity beneath<br />

MacAyeal Ice Stream, West Antarctica<br />

Fricker Helen Amanda, Ted A. Scambos, Robert A.<br />

Bindschadler, Mark Fahnestock. Speaker Fricker Helen Amanda<br />

09:45 am Ice-sheet mass balance from repeated altimeter<br />

surveys: an assessment<br />

Thomas Robert, Curt Davis, Earl Frederick, William Krabill,<br />

Yonghong Li, Serdar Manizade, Chreston Martin. Speaker Thomas<br />

Robert<br />

10:00 am Mass budget of the grounded ice in Lambert Glacier-<br />

Amery Ice Shelf system<br />

Wen Jiahong, Yafeng Wang, Jiying Liu, Kenneth C Jezek,<br />

Philippe Huybrechts, Beata M. Csatho, Katy L. Farness. Speaker Wen<br />

Jiahong<br />

10:15 am Significant Glacier Thinning in the Larsen B<br />

Embayment, Antarctica, 2002-2006<br />

Shuman Christopher, Ted A. Scambos, William B. Krabill,<br />

Robert A. Thomas, Chreston F. Martin, Gino Casassa, Andres Rivera,<br />

Vijay P. Suchdeo. Speaker Shuman Christopher<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Ground-based surface mass balance patterns from<br />

radar in Antarctica as reference for space-borne sensing<br />

Eisen Olaf, Frank Wilhelms, Heinrich Miller. Speaker Eisen<br />

Olaf<br />

11:15 am Validation Experiments in the Arctic supporting the<br />

CryoSat-2 mission<br />

Cullen Robert, Malcolm Davidson, Marco Fornari, Duncan<br />

Wingham. Speaker Cullen Robert<br />

11:30 am Elevation Changes in Smaller Arctic Ice Caps and<br />

Glaciers Detected by ICESat<br />

Webb Charles, Ginny A. Catania, Beata M. Csatho, Jason<br />

P. Briner, Timothy J. Urban, Robert E. Harpold, Bob E. Schutz. Speaker<br />

Webb Charles<br />

11:45 am Improving glacier surface models using laser scanning<br />

and aerial imagery<br />

Barrand Nick, Timothy D. James, Tavi Murray, Stuart L.<br />

Barr, Jon P. Mills. Speaker Barrand Nick<br />

12:00 pm Glacier Fluctuations in the Nanga Parbat Himalaya,<br />

Pakistan<br />

Bishop Michael, John F. Shroder, Umesh K. Haritashya,<br />

Henry N.N. Bulley, Jeffrey A. Olsenholler. Speaker Bishop Michael<br />

12:15 pm Spatial variability of glacier elevation changes in the<br />

Alps obtained from the SRTM DEM<br />

Paul Frank, Wilfried Haeberli. Speaker Paul Frank<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Education Main Hall<br />

02:00 pm Mapping of thin sea ice and ice production in the<br />

Southern Ocean and Okhotsk Sea<br />

Tamura Takeshi, Sohey Nihashi. Speaker Tamura Takeshi<br />

02:15 pm Sea ice effects on ocean tides<br />

Braun Alexander, Vidyavathy Renganathan, C.K. Shum.<br />

Speaker Braun Alexander<br />

02:30 pm Combining ICESat and ENVISAT Altimetry over Sea Ice<br />

Farrell Sinead Louise, Seymour W. Laxon, Andy L. Ridout,<br />

David C. Mcadoo. Speaker Farrell Sinead Louise<br />

02:45 pm Combination of Spaceborne, Airborne and Surface<br />

Gravity in Support of Arctic Ocean Sea-Ice and MDT Mapping<br />

Forsberg Rene, Henriette Skorup, Ole Andersen, Seymour<br />

Laxon, Andy Ridout, Alex Braun, Johnny Johannessen, Helge Drange, C<br />

C Tscherning, Per Knudsen. Speaker Forsberg Rene<br />

03:00 pm MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Products for Hydrologic<br />

Science with Space-Time Consistency<br />

Painter Thomas, Jeff Dozier, Peter Slaughter, Ceretha<br />

Mckenzie, Karl Rittger, James Frew. Speaker Painter Thomas<br />

03:15 pm Regional trend analysis of satellite-derived snow extent<br />

and temperature anomolies<br />

Armstrong Richard. Speaker Armstrong Richard<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Observed Ku-Band Radar Response to Snow and<br />

Terrain Properties<br />

Cline Don, Kelly Elder, Simon Yueh. Speaker Cline Don<br />

04:15 pm Mass balance of the ice sheets surveyed by space<br />

altimetry and gravimetry.<br />

Legrsy Benot, Guillaume Ramillien, Frdrique Remy, Jean-<br />

Michel Lemoine. Speaker Legrsy Benot<br />

04:30 pm A refined GIA filter for GRACE applications<br />

Peltier Richard. Speaker Peltier Richard<br />

04:45 pm GRACE and ICESAT connections over Greenland and<br />

Antarctica<br />

Urban Tim, Brian Gunter, Bob E. Schutz, Robert Harpold,<br />

Don Chambers, Jennifer Bonin. Speaker Bob Schutz<br />

05:00 pm Ice sheet mass balance in Enderby Land, East<br />

Antarctica, inferred from GRACE, ICESat and in-situ measurements<br />

Fukuda Yoichi, Keiko Yamamoto, Takashi Hasegawa,<br />

Koichiro Doi, Kazuo Shibuya, Hideaki Motoyama. Speaker Fukuda<br />

Yoichi<br />

05:15 pm Seasonal and long term ice mass variations from<br />

GRACE<br />

Velicogna Isabella, John Wahr. Speaker Velicogna Isabella<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Origin of internal radar reflectors at the EPCIA DML drill site -<br />

constraints for space-borne P-band radar<br />

Eisen Olaf, Frank Wilhelms, Ilka Hamann, Sepp Kipfstuhl, Daniel<br />

Steinhage, Heinrich Miller. Speaker Eisen Olaf<br />

Ice topography seen from space with SIRAL 2,The cryosat altimeter<br />

Rey Laurent, Rys Laurent, Calvary Philippe, Cullen Robert. Speaker<br />

Rey Laurent<br />

Comparing summer and winter sea ice concentrations obtained<br />

from visual shipborne and satellite data in the Barents and Kara<br />

Seas<br />

Alexeeva Tatiana, Anna Timofeeva, Christian Haas, Yevgeny Mironov,<br />

Sergey Frolov. Speaker Alexeeva Tatiana<br />

Glacier change detection through assessment of debris-cover and<br />

supra-glacial lakes in the Hindu Kush and Himalaya.<br />

Shroder John, Michael P. Bishop, Henry N.N. Bulley, Umesh K.<br />

Haritashya, Jackie Sartan, Jordan Mertes, Jeffrey Carritt. Speaker<br />

Shroder John<br />

SPOT5-HRS digital elevation models and their application to the<br />

monitoring of glacier elevation changes. A case study in North-<br />

West Canada and Alaska.<br />

Berthier Etienne, Toutin T., Bernard M.. Speaker Berthier Etienne<br />

NSIDC DAAC Data Sets and Proposed Services to the IPY<br />

Community<br />

Weaver Ron, Doug Fowler, Ruth Duerr, Amanda Leon. Speaker Weaver<br />

Ron<br />

The Italian Radio Echo Sounding investigation in Antarctica and<br />

last improvements of the RES system<br />

Zirizzotti Achille, Arokiasamy J.B., Bianchi C., Cafarella L., Forieri A.,<br />

Passerini A., Sciacca U., Tabacco I.E., Urbini S., Zuccheretti E.. Speaker<br />

Zirizzotti Achille<br />

Results of the investigation on the Shackleton ice shelf area<br />

(Antarctica)<br />

Urbini Stefano, Cesidio Bianchi, Lili Cafarella, Alessandro Forieri,<br />

Ignazio Ezio Tabacco, Achille Zirizzotti, Neal Young. Speaker Urbini<br />

Stefano<br />

The 2006 melt extent and intensity over the Greenland ice sheet<br />

from passive microwave observations<br />

Tedesco Marco, Konrad Steffen. Speaker Konrad Steffen<br />

Potential of dual frequency altimeter signal to survey snow<br />

accumulation over Antarctica<br />

Parouty Soazig, Legresy Benoit, Lacroix Pascal, Remy Frederique.<br />

Speaker Parouty Soazig<br />

Cryosphere Laser Altimetry from Space: An Advanced<br />

Measurement Approach Airborne Demonstration<br />

Harding David, James Abshire, Phil Dabney, Ted Scambos, Antonios<br />

Seas, Chris Shuman, Xiaoli Sun. Speaker Harding David<br />

Global automated multisensor snow and ice mapping system<br />

Romanov Peter, Dan Tarpley. Speaker Romanov Peter<br />

Space-borne detection of glacial lakes in the Russian Central<br />

Caucasus<br />

Tutubalina Olga. Speaker Tutubalina Olga<br />

Combining satellite radar interferometry and inverse numerical<br />

modeling to infer the rheology of Larsen B before its disintegration<br />

Khazendar Ala, Eric Rignot, Eric Larour. Speaker Khazendar Ala<br />

Analysis of combined passive microwave and enhanced-resolution<br />

scatterometer sea ice estimates<br />

Meier Walter, Julienne C. Stroeve. Speaker Meier Walter<br />

Operational Sea Ice Charts: A New Tool to Evaluate Passive<br />

Microwave Estimates of Arctic Sea Ice and Track Interannual<br />

Variability<br />

Meier Walter, Harry Stern, Florence Fetterer. Speaker Meier Walter<br />

Estimating the snow properties of the Antarctic ice-sheet from the<br />

dual frequency altimeter of Envisat<br />

Lacroix Pascal, Monique Dechambre, Frdrique Rmy. Speaker Lacroix<br />

Pascal<br />

Effect of firn depth and density variations on ice sheet elevation<br />

changes in Antarctica<br />

Helsen Michiel, Michiel Van Den Broeke, Roderik Van De Wal, Willem-<br />

Jan Van De Berg, Eric Van Meijgaard. Speaker Helsen Michiel<br />

Ice velocity along the transect from Zhongshan station to dome a<br />

from static GPS observation, East Antarctica<br />

Zhang Shengkai, E Dongchen, Wang Zemin, Zhou Chunxia. Speaker<br />

Zhang Shengkai

09 July, 2007<br />

Variations in mass balance and snow and firn densities along a<br />

transect in the percolation zone of the Greenland ice sheet<br />

Parry Victoria, Peter Nienow, Doug Mair, Julian Scott, Duncan Wingham.<br />

Speaker Parry Victoria<br />

Controls on spatial and temporal variability in the snowpack of a<br />

High Arctic ice cap: Devon Island Ice Cap, Nunavut, Canada.<br />

Mair Douglas, Christina Bell, David Burgess, Martin Sharp, Jemma<br />

Wadham, Fiona Cawkwell, Rob Bingham. Speaker Christina Bell<br />

Arctic sea ice freeboards and mean dynamic topography in the<br />

Arctic Ocean from satellite altimetry<br />

Skourup Henriette, Rene Forsberg, Seymour Laxon. Speaker Skourup<br />

Henriette<br />

cesat elevation change detection in Antarctica<br />

rban Tim, Ginny Catania, Bob Schutz, Robert Harpold, Charles Webb.<br />

peaker Urban Tim<br />

Change of the Greenland ice sheet from GRACE, ICESat and<br />

airborne laser<br />

Forsberg Rene, Louise Sandberg Sorensen. Speaker Forsberg Rene<br />

RACE-Based Estimates of Arctic Freshwater<br />

Syed Tajdarul, James S. Famiglietti, Victor Zlotnicki, Matthew Rodell.<br />

Speaker Syed Tajdarul<br />

GS003 Earth Rotation and Geodynamics<br />

Conveners: Dehant Veronique, Huang Cheng-Li<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Education Room 3<br />

09:00 am On the Earth’s global dynamical flattening<br />

Huang Cheng-Li, Yu Liu. Speaker Huang Cheng-Li<br />

09:15 am The impact of atmospheric pressure tides on global<br />

GPS analysis<br />

Watson Christopher, Paul Tregoning, Laurent Millet.<br />

peaker Watson Christopher<br />

09:30 am Holocene relative sea-level change, isostatic<br />

subsidence and the radial viscosity structure of the mantle of<br />

north-western Europe (Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany,<br />

southern North Sea)<br />

Steffen Holger, Annemiek Vink, Georg Kaufmann, Lutz<br />

Reinhardt. Speaker Steffen Holger<br />

09:45 am Analysis of GPS data from an Antarctic Glacier<br />

Dach Rolf, Hilmar Gudmundsson, Gerhard Beutler.<br />

Speaker Dach Rolf<br />

10:00 am Gravity change and crustal motion in Dronning Maud<br />

Land, Antarctica<br />

Makinen Jaakko, Hannu Koivula, Joel Ahola, Mirjam Bilker-<br />

Koivula, Markku Poutanen. Speaker Makinen Jaakko<br />

10:15 am Investigations of a nontidal plumb line variations<br />

observed by the long water-tube tiltmeter<br />

Kaczorowski Marek. Speaker Kaczorowski Marek<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am Observation of the low-frequency Earth free<br />

oscillations with the Kamioka laser strainmeters<br />

Hayakawa Hideaki, Akito Araya, Akiteru Takamori, Wataru<br />

orii, Masatake Ohashi, Shuzo Takemoto, Yoichi Fukuda. Speaker<br />

Hayakawa Hideaki<br />

1:15 am Report of GGP Activities to Commission 3, Completing<br />

0 years for the Worldwide Network of Superconducting<br />

Gravimeters.<br />

Crossley David, Jacques Hinderer. Speaker Crossley David<br />

11:30 am Analysis of the FCN resonance in Superconducting<br />

Gravimeters data of the European GGP sub-network using a<br />

Bayesian approach<br />

Rosat Severine, Nicolas Florsch, Bernard Ducarme,<br />

Jacques Hinderer, Muriel Llubes. Speaker Rosat Severine<br />

11:45 am European tidal gravity observations: Comparison with<br />

Earth Tides models and estimation of the Free Core Nutation (FCN)<br />

period<br />

Ducarme Bernard, Jian-Qiao Xu, Leslie Vandercoilden, He-<br />

Ping Sun. Speaker Ducarme Bernard<br />

12:00 pm Experimental Earth Tidal Models Based on Global<br />

Observations of the Superconducting Gravimeters in Considering<br />

Earth’s Nearly Diurnal Free Wobble of the Liquid Core<br />

Heping Sun, Xu Jianqiao, Ducarme Bernard. Speaker<br />

Heping Sun<br />

12:15 pm New results based on reprocessing of 13 years<br />

continuous GPS observations of the Fennoscandia GIA process<br />

from BIFROST<br />

Lidberg Martin, Glenn A. Milne, Jim L. Davis, Jan M.<br />

Johansson, Hans-Georg Scherneck. Speaker Lidberg Martin<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Education Room 3<br />

Chairpersons: -<br />

02:00 pm Initiation of a project in the International Lithosphere<br />

<strong>Program</strong> (ILP): Upper mantle dynamics and quaternary climate in<br />

cratonic areas<br />

Poutanen Markku, Soren Gregersen, Ilmo Kukkonen,<br />

Hans-Georg Scherneck. Speaker Poutanen Markku<br />

02:15 pm Using GRACE derived gravity rates to constrain<br />

postglacial rebound in North-America<br />

van der Wal Wouter, P. Wu, H. Wang, M.G. Sideris, H.H.A.<br />

Schotman. Speaker van der Wal Wouter<br />

02:30 pm Rotational feedback in global glacial isostatic<br />

adjustment<br />

Peltier Richard. Speaker Peltier Richard<br />

02:45 pm Analysis of mass variations in northern glacial<br />

rebound areas from recently processed GRACE data<br />

Mueller Juergen, Holger Steffen, Heiner Denker. Speaker<br />

Mueller Juergen<br />

03:00 pm Laurentia glacial isostatic adjustment: constraints from<br />

satellite data and modeling<br />

Lee Hyongki, C.K. Shum, Jun-Yi Guo, Yuchan Yi,<br />

lexander Braun, Patrick Wu, Chung-Yen Kuo, Michael Schmidt,<br />

ansheng Wang. Speaker Lee Hyongki<br />

03:15 pm Loading effects on the Earths crust from GPS and<br />

gravity observations compared to models<br />

Zerbini Susanna, Francesco Matonti, Bernd Richter, Tonie<br />

an Dam, Erika De Simone, Herbert Wilmes. Speaker Zerbini Susanna<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Dynamic analysis of crustal movements along the<br />

Dead Sea Rift<br />

Shahar Lior, Even-Tzur Gilad. Speaker Shahar Lior<br />

04:15 pm Understanding the Azores Triple Junction using Space-<br />

Geodetic Observations<br />

Fernandes Rui, J.M. Miranda, L. Bastos, J. Catalo.<br />

Speaker Fernandes Rui<br />

04:30 pm Present-day arabian plate motion from campaign GPS<br />

measurements: preliminary results<br />

Almuslmani Bandar, Richard Bingley, Terry Moore. Speaker<br />

Almuslmani Bandar<br />

04:45 pm Plate motion and deformation derived from 10 year<br />

GPS observations in Australia and South Pacific region<br />

Jia Minghai, Phil Cummins, John Beavan, Michael Bevis,<br />

Gary Johnston, Bary Drummond. Speaker Jia Minghai<br />

05:00 pm Geodetic modeling and geophysical interpretation<br />

of recent vertical crustal movements and gravity changes over<br />

Canada<br />

Koohzare Azadeh, Petr Vanicek, Marcelo Santos. Speaker<br />

oohzare Azadeh<br />

05:15 pm Mass distribution sensitivity study concerning GRACE,<br />

GPS and Ocean Bottom Pressures<br />

Jansen Mark-Willem, Jrgen Kusche, Brian C. Gunter.<br />

Speaker Jansen Mark-Willem<br />

JHS001 Debris Transport in Glaciers (UCCS Symposium hosted<br />

by IAHS)<br />

Conveners: Hubbard Bryn, Hambrey Michael<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

athematics Room A3<br />

09:00 am Bryophyte Colonisation on a Temperate Glacier:<br />

Falljkull, Iceland.<br />

Porter Philip, A. J. Evans, A. J. Hodson, A. T. Lowe, M. D.<br />

Crabtree. Speaker Porter<br />

Philip<br />

09:15 am Quantifying sample bias in glaciological clast fabric<br />

measurements<br />

Hubbard Bryn, David Chandler. Speaker Hubbard Bryn<br />

09:30 am Formation, evolution and failure of Himalayan moraine<br />

dams<br />

Hambrey Michael. Speaker Hambrey Michael<br />

09:45 am The state of glaciers of Tajikistan and adaptation of<br />

economic activiti es in conditions<br />

of global warming<br />

Normatov Inom, Georgy Petrov, Safarov M.T.,<br />

Mahmadaliev B.U., Bekmurod Mahmadaliev, Mahmad<br />

Safar. Speaker Normatov Inom<br />

10:00 am Deglaciation and associated changes in landscape<br />

morphology as reflected by total suspended<br />

matter concentration at Gangotri Glacierised Region<br />

Tayal Shresth, Prof. Syed I. Hasnain. Speaker Tayal<br />

Shresth<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Lift of debris across flow lines in basal shear flow in glaciers<br />

Aschwanden Andy, Alexei Lozinski, Jacques Rappaz, Heinz Blatter.<br />

Speaker Heinz Blatter<br />

Study into the englacial weathering of debris<br />

Coulson Hayley. Speaker Coulson Hayley<br />

JHS002 Natural Ice Microstructures (UCCS Symposium hosted<br />

by IAHS)<br />

Conveners: Fierz Charles, Brzoska Jean-Bruno, Adams Edward E.<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A3<br />

02:00 pm Opening<br />

02:05 pm A bonding process between grains in mechanically<br />

disaggregated snow<br />

Adams Edward E., Steven M. Jepsen, Bryan Close.<br />

Speaker Adams Edward E.<br />

02:22 pm Isothermal metamorphism of snow at different<br />

temperatures<br />

Schneebeli Martin, Thomas U Kaempfer. Speaker<br />

Schneebeli Martin<br />

02:39 pm Microstructural Modeling of Snow Metamorphism<br />

Using a Phase Field Method<br />

Kaempfer Thomas, Mathis Plapp. Speaker Kaempfer<br />

Thomas<br />

02:56 pm Sea ice brine inclusions: new insights from X-ray CT<br />

and connectivity analysis<br />

Pringle Daniel, Roland Glantz, Jeremy Miner, Hajo Eicken,<br />

Markus Hilpert. Speaker<br />

Pringle Daniel<br />

03:13 pm Coffe break<br />

04:00 pm Explicit iterative computation of diffusive vapor field in<br />

the 3D snow matrix: some preliminary<br />

results for low flux metamorphism<br />

Brzoska Jean-Bruno, Frdric Flin, Jean Barckicke. Speaker<br />

Brzoska Jean-Bruno<br />

04:17 pm Effect of microstructure on effective heat conductivity of<br />

snow<br />

Sokratov Sergey, Martin Schneebeli. Speaker Sokratov<br />

Sergey<br />

04:34 pm Observation and Simulation of an Ice Layer in Snow<br />

Subjected to a Temperature Gradient<br />

Greene Ethan, Martin Schneebeli, Thomas U. Kaempfer,<br />

Kelly Elder. Speaker Greene Ethan<br />

04:51 pm Assessment of techniques for analysing snow crystals<br />

in 2-dimensions<br />

Fierz Charles, Stuart Bartlett, Alasdair Craig, Jean-Daniel<br />

Redi, Michael Lehning. Speaker<br />

Fierz Charles<br />

05:30 pm Discussion on the Snow Classification (UCCS) may be<br />

extended till 1830<br />

HS1001 A New Focus on Groundwater-Seawater Interactions<br />

(Sponsors ICGW and IAPSO)<br />

Conveners: Polemio Maurizio, Sanford Ward, Langevin Christian<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room A<br />

09:00 am Regional assessment of groundwater discharge into<br />

seas: Present-DAG concept and methods<br />

Zektser Igor. Speaker Zektser Igor<br />

09:30 am In situ underwater gamma-ray spectrometry as a tool<br />

for submarine groundwater discharge studies<br />

Povinec Pavel. Speaker Povinec Pavel<br />

09:50 am Seasonal Distribution and Flux of Radium Isotopes on<br />

the Southeastern U.S. Continental Shelf<br />

Moore Willard. Speaker Moore Willard<br />

10:05 am Utilizing a Variable-Density Numerical Model with Flow<br />

Dependence on Temperature and Salinity to Guide the Collection of<br />

Submarine Groundwater Discharge Data<br />

Dausman Alyssa, Christian Langevin, Michael C. Sukop.<br />

Speaker Dausman Alyssa<br />

10:25 am Chemical and isotopic characteristics in stagnant<br />

water isolated at coastal area<br />

Mahara Yasunori, Eiji Nakata, Takahiro Ooyama, Kimio<br />

Miyakawa, Toshimumi Igarashi, Yoshihisa Ichihara, Hiroyuki Matsumoto.<br />

Speaker Mahara Yasunori<br />

10:40 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:10 am Groundwater-seawater interactions in tsunami affected<br />

areas, solutions and applications<br />

Kontar Evgeny. Speaker Kontar Evgeny<br />

11:40 am Investigations of the brackish karst springs on<br />

Croatian Adriatic sea coast<br />

Bonacci Ognjen, Ivana. Speaker Ivana<br />

11:55 am A Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Tidal<br />

Fluctuations on Contaminant Loads to the Ocean<br />

La Licata Ivana, Christian Langevin, Alyssa Dausman.<br />

Speaker La Licata Ivana<br />

12:10 pm Influence of Groundwater Discharge through a Coastal<br />

Sandy Barrier in Southern Brazil on Sea Water Metal Chemistry<br />

Windom Herb, Herbert L. Windom, Willard S. Moore, L.<br />

Felipe H. Niencheski. Speaker Windom Herb<br />

12:25 pm Quantifying groundwater discharge plumes along the<br />

Kona Coast of Hawaii using radon and radium isotopes<br />

Peterson Richard, Adam Johnson, Craig R. Glenn, William<br />

Burnett. Speaker Peterson Richard<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room A<br />

02:00 pm Remaining uncertainties in the use of RN-222 as a<br />

quantitative tracer of submarine groundwater discharge<br />

Burnett William, Stuart A. Weinstein, Isaac Santos, Barak<br />

Herut. Speaker Burnett William<br />

02:30 pm Evaluation of the hydraulic gradient at an island for<br />

low-level nuclear waste disposal<br />

Attanayake Prem, Micheal Gene Sholley. Speaker<br />

Attanayake Prem<br />

02:45 pm Existence of stagnant fresh groundwater in sub-sea<br />

formation and diffusion-limited chloride migration at Yatsushiro<br />

bay, Japan<br />

Tokunaga Tomochika, Yuki Kimura, Jun Shimada. Speaker<br />

Tokunaga Tomochika<br />

03:00 pm Indicators and quality classification applied to<br />

groundwater management in coastal aquifers. two case studies:<br />

Mar del Plata, Argentina and Puglia, Italy<br />

Bocanegra Emilia, E.M. Bocanegra, V. Dragone, P.P.<br />

Limoni, H.E. Massone. Speaker Hector Massone<br />

03:15 pm Nutrient dynamics with interaction of groundwater<br />

and seawater in a beach slope of steep Island, Seto Inland Sea,<br />

Western Japan.<br />

Onodera Shin-Ichi, Mitsuyo Saito, Masaki Hayashi, Misa<br />

Sawano. Speaker Onodera Shin-Ichi<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Multi-Channel resistivity investigations of the fresh<br />

water / salt water interface: a new tool to study an old problem<br />

Swarzenski Peter, Sarah Kruse, Jason Greenwood, Chris<br />

Reich. Speaker Swarzenski Peter<br />

04:20 pm Geochemical characterization of salinization process<br />

in an anthropized coastal zone<br />

Gattacceca Julie, Adriano Mayer, Christine Vallet-Coulomb,<br />

Olivier Radakovitch, Christelle Claude, Bruno Hamelin. Speaker<br />

Gattacceca Julie<br />

04:35 pm Temporal changes in submarine fluxes of groundwater,<br />

Dor Bay, Northern Israel<br />

Weinstein Yishai, Bill Burnett, Barak Herut, Peter<br />

Swarzenski, Yehuda Shalem. Speaker Weinstein Yishai<br />

04:50 pm Numerical modeling to determine freshwater/saltwater<br />

interface configuration in a low-gradient coastal wetland aquifer<br />

Swain Eric, Melinda Wolfert. Speaker Swain Eric<br />

05:05 pm Seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of Wadi Ham,<br />

UAE<br />

Sherif Mohsen, Anver Kacimov. Speaker Sherif Mohsen<br />

05:20 pm Possibilities of geophysical survey of spatial and<br />

temporal groundwater contamination variations, salt/water<br />

intrusion and subsurface pollution determination and monitoring in<br />

the coastal zone<br />

Kontar Evgeny. Speaker Kontar Evgeny<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina -<br />


Impact of Water Divertion Project on Ground Water Environment of<br />

Xiamen Island<br />

Huang Hao, Liu Zhenghua. Speaker Huang Hao<br />

Seasonal changes on horizontal and vertical distribution of<br />

groundwater in coastal zone and its relative to submarine<br />

groundwater discharge, Ise Bay, Japan<br />

Miyaoka Kunihide. Speaker Miyaoka Kunihide<br />

Effect of a sinkhole perforation in a coastal confined aquifer on<br />

submarine groundwater discharge<br />

Fratesi Sarah, H. Leonard Vacher, Ward E. Sanford. Speaker Fratesi<br />

Sarah<br />

Submarine groundwater discharge under extreme rainfall events<br />

Lee Eunhee, Byoung-Won Park, Kang-Kun Lee. Speaker Lee Eunhee<br />

Three-dimensional numerical simulation of density-dependent<br />

groundwater flow and salt transport due to groundwater pumping<br />

in a heterogeneous and true anisotropic coastal aquifer system<br />

Park Ju-Hyun, Jun-Mo Kim. Speaker Park Ju-Hyun<br />

Investigation of submarine groundwater discharge using several<br />

methods in the inter-tidal zone<br />

Ishitobi Tomotoshi, Yu Umezawa, Shin-Ichi Onodera, Masaki Hayashi,<br />

Kunihide Miyaoka. Speaker Ishitobi Tomotoshi<br />

Driving While Under The Influence: Pumping-driven Interfacial<br />

Circulation Under The Influence of Regional Groundwater Flow<br />

Cardenas Bayani, John L. Wilson. Speaker Cardenas Bayani<br />

HS1003 Hydrology in Mountain Regions: Observations,<br />

Processes and Dynamics (Sponsor ICSIH with co-sponsorship of<br />


Conveners: Marks Danny<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0<br />

09:00 am A study of the energy balance and melt water<br />

production on Juncal Norte Glacier, Central Chile Francesca<br />

Pellicciotti, Jakob Helbing, Jose Araos, Andres Rivera , Javier Corripio,<br />

Jean Emmanuel Sicart<br />

09:20 am Modeling Time-series Wind Fields over Mountainous<br />

Terrain,<br />

Winstral Adam, Danny Marks<br />

09:40 am Characterization of structures at an alpine slope for<br />

hydrological modeling on different scales,<br />

Wienhoefer Jan, . Falk Lindenmaier, Jrgen Ihringer, Erwin<br />

Zehe<br />

10:00 am Canopy and forest floor interception and transpiration<br />

measurements in a mountainous beech forest in Luxembourg<br />

Gerrits Miriam, H.H.G. Savenije, L. Pfister. Speaker Gerrits<br />

Miriam<br />

10:15 am Model estimation of stemflow contribution during rainfallrunoff<br />

process in a mountainous<br />

forested area.<br />

Ikawa Reo, Jun Shimada, Takanori Shimizu. Speaker Ikawa<br />

Reo<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11’00 am Mapping the upper soil layers saturated hydraulic<br />

conductivity in mesoscale alpine basins:<br />

a methodology and its applications<br />

Barontini Stefano, Alberto Clerici, Roberto Ranzi,<br />

Baldassare Bacchi. Speaker Barontini<br />

Stefano<br />

11:15 am Study on the distributed evaporative model under<br />

consideration the effects of topography<br />

Wang Jiahu, Baohong Lu, Zhenchun Hao. Speaker Wang<br />

Jiahu<br />

11:30 am Remote quality control of on-line measurements for<br />

hydrological investigations<br />

Stadler Hermann, Christian Kollmitzer, Paul Skritek,<br />

Dietmar Pindeus. Speaker Stadler<br />

Hermann<br />

11:45 am Analysis of Maximum Precipitations Frequency in North<br />

Karun Basin using Gumbel’s Mixed Model<br />

Ghayoor Hassanali<br />

12:00 am Hydro meteorological networking for Afghanistan-a<br />

case study<br />

Ashoor Mohammad Hanif. Speaker Ashoor Mohammad<br />

Hanif<br />

12:15 am The probleme of determine extreme discharges-the case<br />

study of Zagreb Mountain In Croatia<br />

Berakovi Boris. Speaker Berakovi Boris<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0<br />

02:00 pm An optimized grid dataset of mean monthly and annual<br />

runoff for Switzerland: coupling modeled data with robust<br />

information derived from observations,<br />

Pfaundler Martin<br />

02:20 pm Towards minimal calibration of process-based rainfall<br />

runoff models in mountainous watersheds integrating tracer data<br />

into geomorphic instantaneous unit hydrographs<br />

Tetzlaff Doerthe<br />

02:40 pm A distributed water-heat coupled (DWHC) model for<br />

mountainous watershed of an inland river basin in Northwest China<br />

(I): model structure and equations, Chen Rensheng, Er-Si Kang<br />

03:00 pm Application of a fully-coupled integrated hydrologic<br />

model to analysis of water budget<br />

in mountainous forest and agricultural rice field in<br />

Korea<br />

Kim Taehee, Young-Jin Park, Hyoun-Tae Hwang, Yongje<br />

Kim, Edward A. Sudicky. Speaker<br />

Kim Taehee<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Application of HEC-HMS Model to Improve the Operation<br />

of Yuvacik Dam Reservoir in Turkey<br />

Sensoy Aynur, A. Arda Sorman, M. Kemal Yener, A. Unal<br />

Sorman. Speaker Sensoy Aynur<br />

04:15 pm Real time simulation of the inflow discharge for regulated<br />

reservoirs using distributed<br />

hydrological model with continuous soil moisture<br />

account<br />

Ravazzani Giovanni, Chiara Corbari, Marco Mancini.<br />

Speaker Ravazzani Giovanni<br />

04:30 pm An integrated approach to characterization and numerical<br />

analysis for mountainous regions<br />

Park Young-Jin, Taehee Kim, Hyoun-Tae Hwang, Edward A.<br />

Sudicky, Yongje Kim. Speaker<br />

Park Young-Jin<br />

04:45 pm Development of integrated hydrological menu in the<br />

ARCGIS environment by using visual<br />

basic for applications and ARCOBJECTS<br />

Myronidis Dimitris, Marius-Viktor Birsan, Laura Foglia, Peter<br />

Molnar, Paolo Perona, Paolo<br />

Burlando. Speaker Myronidis Dimitris<br />

05:00 pm Mountain Villages Threatened By Flash Floods. A GIS<br />

based prediction<br />

Haidu Ionel. Speaker Haidu Ionel<br />

05:15 pm Simulating Flood Process in the Mountainous basin with<br />

Physically-based Distributed Hydrologic<br />

Model<br />

Chen Yangbo. Speaker Chen Yangbo<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina -<br />


Etude du ruissellement dans les monts de beni-chougrane :

09 July, 2007<br />

utilisation de la simulation de pluie<br />

Mohamed Meddi, Boudkhil Morsli, Mohamed Menad. Speaker<br />

Mohamed Meddi<br />

Hydrogeology of the North West Indian Himalayas: Traditional<br />

observations, natural processes, geodynamics and the changing<br />

climatic conditions.<br />

Arya Ritesh. Speaker Arya Ritesh<br />

eal-time flood forecast by a statistically-based watershed model<br />

oupled with Kalman filter<br />

Lu Bo, Zhongmin Liang. Speaker Lu Bo<br />

ater harvesting on sloping lands a hydrological need<br />

Chuni Lal Acharya. Speaker Chuni Lal Acharya<br />

Critique et homogeneisation des donnees pluviometriques<br />

annuelles sur le versant sud des Monts Bambouto (Ouest-<br />

Cameroun)<br />

Kengni Lucas, Georges Wouendeu, Paul Tematio. Speaker Kengni<br />

Lucas<br />

Long term change of water balance components in the river basins<br />

of snow and ice melted feeding<br />

Konovalov Vladimir. Speaker Konovalov Vladimir<br />

The relation between forest density and snowpack distribution in a<br />

Pyrenean site<br />

Lopez Ignacio. Speaker Lopez Ignacio<br />

The role of snow cover conditions in the hydrological regime of a<br />

mountain area<br />

ugiyama Hironobu, Andrew C. Whitaker, Kaichi Hayakawa. Speaker<br />

Sugiyama Hironobu<br />

Dynamics and mass balance of a seasonal snowpack in the winter<br />

monsoon climate of Niigata, Japan<br />

hitaker Andrew, Hironobu Sugiyama. Speaker Whitaker Andrew<br />

Modelling of glacier and snow hydrological processes in a small<br />

mountain basin on the Tibetan Plateau<br />

ianping Yang, Liu Junfeng, Ding Yongjian. Speaker Jianping Yang<br />

Hydrologic cycle in a mountainous catchment, Northern Japan<br />

Alps<br />

Suzuki Keisuke. Speaker Suzuki Keisuke<br />

ydrology and Management of Small Dams in Ethiopia and Yemen<br />

oaman Abdulla, Workaferahu Mulat. Speaker Noaman Abdulla<br />

Vegetation Influence on the Measurement and Modeling of<br />

Turbulent Fluxes Over Snow<br />

Reba Michele, Tim Link, Adam Winstral. Speaker Reba Michele<br />

A distributed water-heat coupled (DWHC) model for mountainous<br />

watershed of an inland river basin in Northwest China (II):<br />

model results using the measured data at the meteorological &<br />

hydrological stations<br />

Chen Rensheng, Shi-Hua Lu. Speaker Chen Rensheng<br />

distributed water-heat coupled (DWHC) model for mountainous<br />

watershed of an inland river basin in Northwest China (III): model<br />

results using the outputs from MM5 model<br />

Chen Rensheng, Yan-Hong Gao. Speaker Chen Rensheng<br />

Analysis of precipitation events in a mountain region (Piemonte<br />

NW Italy) through a new Raingage-Disdrometer, PLUDIX<br />

asazza Marco, Angelo Piano. Speaker Casazza Marco<br />

Two different processes of groundwater generation in soil layers<br />

observed in a granitic headwater catchment in Central Japan<br />

Katsura Shin’Ya, Kenichirou Kosugi, Suemi Okunaka, Takahisa<br />

Mizuyama, Tasuku Mizutani. Speaker Katsura Shin’Ya<br />

Distributed snowmelt and hydrologic modelling in an arid,<br />

mountainous environment: Sprague River, Upper Klamath Basin,<br />

Oregon, USA<br />

Garen David. Speaker Garen David<br />

Rainfall-runoff modelling for a large monsoon-dominated<br />

catchment<br />

Vongtanaboon Sukanya, Han She Lim, Keith Richards. Speaker<br />

Vongtanaboon Sukanya<br />

Observation of leaf-litter dynamics by using ubiquitous technology<br />

unada Susumu, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi, Hiroshi Ishidaira. Speaker<br />

Funada Susumu<br />

Seven years of daily snow depth records in a small Pyrenean basin<br />

Alvera Bernardo. Speaker Alvera Bernardo<br />

A comparison of satellite-derived and modelled snow cover extent<br />

on a regional scale in the Swiss Alps<br />

Foppa Nando, Manfred Sthli, David Gustafsson, Michael Lehning.<br />

Speaker Foppa Nando<br />

Spatial scaling of snow depth at forested and open sites<br />

eems Jeffrey, Steven R. Fassnacht, Kelly J. Elder. Speaker Deems<br />

Jeffrey<br />

Comparative study on multi-branch river runoff forecasting method<br />

ang Rui, Xia Jun. Speaker Wang Rui<br />

Application of the Xinanjiang vegetation-hydrology model to<br />

streamflow simulation over the Hanjiang River basin<br />

Fei Yuan, Ren Liliang. Speaker Fei Yuan<br />

HS2004 Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty<br />

for Sustainable Water Resources Management (Sponsors ICCLAS,<br />


and PUB)<br />

Conveners: Boegh Eva, Kunstmann Harald<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

athematics Room A2<br />

Chairpersons: Eva Boegh and Harald Kunstmann<br />

02:00 pm Reducing uncertainty in selecting climate models for<br />

hydrological impact assessments<br />

Pitman Andrew, Sarah Perkins. Speaker Pitman Andrew<br />

02:30 pm Propagation of Convection in Africa: Implications for<br />

predictability of precipitation<br />

Laing Arlene, Richard Carbone, Vincenzo Levizzani.<br />

Speaker Laing Arlene<br />

02:45 pm Linking West African monsoons onset with prominent<br />

atmospheric circulation patterns over<br />

the North Atlantic Ocean<br />

Laux Patrick, Harald Kunstmann, Andras Bardossy.<br />

Speaker Laux Patrick<br />

03:00 pm Improved scenario prediction by using coupled<br />

hydrological and atmospheric models<br />

Rosbjerg Dan, Jesper Overgaard, Michael B. Butts.<br />

Speaker Rosbjerg Dan<br />

03:15 pm Adjusting ensemble forecast probabilities to reflect<br />

climate information<br />

Kim Young-Oh, Jery Stedinger. Speaker Kim Young-Oh<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm A multi-index approach to inflow prediction for water<br />

resources management<br />

Franks Stewart, Adam Wyatt. Speaker Franks Stewart<br />

04:15 pm A recurrent neural network for monthly reservoir inflow<br />

forecasting<br />

Farias Camilo Allyson Simoes, Akihiro Kadota, Alcigeimes<br />

Batista Celeste, Koichi Suzuki.<br />

Speaker Farias Camilo Allyson Simoes<br />

04:30 pm Rain gauge reinforcement by external drift kriging for<br />

reducing predictive uncertain<br />

of rainfall intensity of extreme events<br />

Zoubeida Bargaoui Kebaili, Afef Chebbi. Speaker Zoubeida<br />

Bargaoui Kebaili<br />

04:45 pm Weather Radar- Based the Rainfall Data Assimilation<br />

Li Lu, Xia Jun, Zhang Li-Ping. Speaker Li Lu<br />

05:00 pm Poster Presentation<br />

S3006 Changes in Water Resources Systems - Methodologies<br />

o Maintain Water Security and Ensure Integrated Management<br />

(Sponsor ICWRS)<br />

onveners: van de Giesen Nick, Fukusima Yoshihiro<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I1<br />

09:00 am Changes in water resources availability for crop<br />

systems: a case study in Umbria Region<br />

Todisco Francesca, Lorenzo Vergni, Alessandra Vinci.<br />

Speaker Lorenzo Vergni<br />

09:20 am Hydrological impacts of field interventions in<br />

smallholder farming systems using geophysical observations and<br />

numerical modeling for semi-arid Northern Tanzania<br />

Makurira Hodson, Stefan Uhlenbrook, Hubert Savenije.<br />

Speaker Makurira Hodson<br />

09:35 am Groundwater and its association with sustainability<br />

of agriculture in the lower reach of the Yellow River and the North<br />

China Plain<br />

Chen Jianyao, Yoshihiro Fukushima, Makoto Taniguchi.<br />

Speaker Chen Jianyao<br />

09:50 am Coping with water scarcity in Eastern Africa. The<br />

potential role of intra-regional virtual water trade<br />

Kimwaga Richard, Simbarashe Govere, Felix Mtalo.<br />

Speaker Kimwaga Richard<br />

10:05 am Impact of agricultural water management on lake water<br />

budget: A case study of Lake Ikeda, Japan<br />

Ito Yuji, Kazuro Momii, Kei Nakagawa. Speaker Ito Yuji<br />

10:20 am Discussion<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Impact of Water Pollution and Water Impact of Water<br />

Pollution and Water Shortage on Economic Development of the<br />

Haihe River Basin<br />

Huang Hao. Speaker Huang Hao<br />

11:20 am Impacts of human activity on long-term water balance<br />

in the middle reach of the Yellow<br />

River basin<br />

Sato Yoshinobu, Xieyao Ma, Masayuki Matsuoka, Yoshihiro Fukushima.<br />

Speaker Sato Yoshinobu<br />

11:35 am The hydrologic impact zone in the lower reaches of the<br />

Yellow River<br />

Taniguchi Makoto, Jianyao Chen, Yoshihiro Fukushima. Speaker<br />

Taniguchi Makoto<br />

11:50 am Community perceptions, priorities and participation in<br />

managing water and environmental resources in the River Njoro<br />

Watershed, Kenya<br />

Gichaba, Speaker Gichaba<br />

12:05 pm Quantitative analysis of human impact on river runoff<br />

in West Liaohe basin through the conceptual Xinanjiang model<br />

Ren Liliang. Speaker Ren Liliang<br />

12:20 Discussion<br />

12:20 pm Discussion<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I1<br />

02:00 pm Water resources management in Chile: different<br />

approaches in Easter Island and the extreme northern continental<br />

areas<br />

Madaleno Isabel. Speaker Madaleno Isabel<br />

02:20 pm Groundwater evolution in no rainfall arid Turpan<br />

Baisin, West China<br />

Kaisar Speaker Kaisar<br />

02:35 pm Socio-economic Activities and Water Resource Supply<br />

and Demand Balance in the Yellow River Basin<br />

Onishi Akio, Hidefumi Imura, Ji Han, Feng Shi, Yoshihiro<br />

Fukushima. Speaker Onishi<br />

Akio<br />

02:50 pm Externalities in watershed management<br />

Lodha Pradeep, Dr. A. K. Gosain. Speaker Lodha Pradeep<br />

03:05 pm Study on water resources allocation in water-receiving<br />

area of East Route of South-to-North water transfer project<br />

Jinjun You, Hong Gan, Zhongjing Wang, Cunwen Niu, Jia<br />

Yangwen, Julien Lecollinet. Speaker<br />

Jinjun You<br />

03:20 pm Discussion<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm The Service Provision Index (SPI): A pragmatic and<br />

flexible approach to linking environmental flows, ecosystem<br />

services and economic value<br />

Korsgaard Louise, Dan Rosbjerg, Torkil Joench-Clausen,<br />

Jesper Soelver Schou. Speaker<br />

Korsgaard Louise<br />

04:20 pm Water Quality and Its Impact on Agriculture and<br />

Environment: A case of Ala River in Nigeria<br />

Olufayo Ayorinde, Philip. Gbenro. Oguntunde, A. A.<br />

Adedokun, D. O. Taiwo. Speaker<br />

Olufayo Ayorinde<br />

04:35 pm Ecological impacts of water resources utilization in the<br />

Tarim River Basin in China<br />

Chen Yaning, Hao Xinming. Speaker Chen Yaning<br />

04:50 pm Advances in water management of southern brazilian<br />

sub-tropical wetlands using Bio-indicators<br />

Tassi Rutinia, David Da Motta Marques. Speaker Tassi<br />

Rutinia<br />

05:05 pm Computation methods of the minimum and optimal<br />

instream ecological flow<br />

Xia Ziqiang, Qiongfang Li, Lidan Guo, Jie Li. Speaker Xia<br />

Ziqiang<br />

05:20 pm Discussion<br />

HW2004 Towards Improved Evaluation of Hydrological Models:<br />

The Need to Understand and Characterize Uncertainties in the<br />

Modelling Process (Sponsor ICCLAS, PUB)<br />

Conveners: Freer Jim, Zehe Erwin, Wagener Thorsten<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room B<br />

09:00 am A simulation based approach for mitigating parameter<br />

bias in hydrological models due to uncertainty in inputs<br />

Sharma Ashish, Shahadat Chowdhury. Speaker Sharma<br />

Ashish<br />

09:30 am Dual polarization radar-based rainfall uncertainties and<br />

streamflow sensitivity in a distributed hydrological model<br />

Zhu Dehua, Miguel Rico-Ramirez, Ian Cluckie. Speaker<br />

Zhu Dehua<br />

09:50 am Partitioning river flow data to better understand and<br />

characterize uncertainties in hydrological modelling<br />

Hope Allen, Anders Burvall, Daniel Hawtree, Robyn Clark,<br />

Ryan Bart. Speaker Hope Allen<br />

10:10 am Uncertainty assessment of a hydrometeorological<br />

ensemble forecasting chain coupling a precipitation downscaling<br />

model and a distributed hydrological model<br />

Mascaro Giuseppe, Enrique R. Vivoni, Roberto Deidda.<br />

Speaker Mascaro Giuseppe<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Influence of rainfall spatial variability on runoff<br />

modelling in a small Mediterranean research catchment (Vallcebre,<br />

Eastern Pyrenees)<br />

Latron Jerome. Speaker Latron Jerome<br />

11:20 am Effect of Radar-Rainfall Uncertainties on Simulation of<br />

Different Runoff Processes<br />

Habib Mohamed, Dr. Emad Habib. Speaker Habib<br />

Mohamed<br />

11:40 am Reducing Uncertainty in Streamflow Simulations using<br />

a Coupled Modeling System<br />

Gourley Jonathan, Machuan Peng. Speaker Gourley<br />

Jonathan<br />

12:00 pm USe of geostatistical methods to assess the impact of<br />

rainfall estimation uncertainties on flood hydrograph simulations<br />

with rainfall-runoff models<br />

Moulin Laetitia, Eric Gaume, Charles Obled. Speaker<br />

Moulin Laetitia<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room B<br />

02:00 pm Evaluation of Hydrologic Model Uncertainty from<br />

Diverse Perspectives: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder<br />

Hartmann Holly. Speaker Hartmann Holly<br />

02:30 pm Towards analytical assessment of model structure<br />

suitability and model comparison<br />

Herbst Marcus, Markus Casper. Speaker Herbst Marcus<br />

02:50 pm Importance of input data quality for transfer of model<br />

parameters<br />

Draxler Johannes, Christophe Ruch. Speaker Draxler<br />

Johannes<br />

03:10 pm Reducing the uncertainty of streamflow simulation<br />

by accounting explicitly for the spatial variability of rainfall in a<br />

lumped rainfall-runoff model<br />

Andréassian Vazken, Bourqui Marie, Loumagne Ccile,<br />

Mathevet Thibault. Speaker Bourqui Marie<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm MEDUSA: MEthodology for the Definition of the<br />

Uncertainty associated to event ScenArios<br />

Boni Giorgio, Franco Siccardi, Luca Ferraris, Nicola<br />

Rebora, Roberto Rudari. Speaker Roberto Rudari<br />

04:20 pm Evaluation of hydrologic models in ungauged basins<br />

using regionalized watershed response characteristics<br />

Wagener Thorsten, Hoshin V. Gupta, Koray Yilmaz,<br />

Maitreya Yadav. Speaker Wagener Thorsten<br />

04:40 pm Analyzing hydrological model performance in the<br />

wavelet spectral domain<br />

Schaefli Bettina, Erwin Zehe. Speaker Schaefli Bettina<br />

05:00 pm From sensitivity analysis to uncertainty estimation<br />

quantifying process uncertainties in a new generic error model<br />

Gtzinger Jens, Andrs Brdossy. Speaker Gtzinger Jens<br />

HW3007 The Impact of Environmental Change on Sediment<br />

Sources and Sediment Delivery (Sponsor ICCE)<br />

Conveners: Walling Desmond, Bogen Jim<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room C<br />

09:00 am SOme impacts of environmental change on the<br />

sediment loads of the worlds rivers<br />

Walling Desmond. Speaker Walling Desmond<br />

09:18 am Global Change and the generation of sediments on<br />

South America Continent<br />

Campagnoli Fernando. Speaker Campagnoli Fernando<br />

09:36 am Suspended Sediment Yield of the Amazon River : an<br />

increasing budget from 1995 to 2006, using river sampling and<br />

MODIS data<br />

Guyot Jean Loup, Jean Michel Martinez, Naziano Filizola,<br />

Francis Sondag. Speaker Guyot Jean Loup<br />

09:54 am The impact of environmental changes on the sediment<br />

load in Norwegian rivers<br />

Bogen Jim. Speaker Bogen Jim<br />

10:12 am Trends in sediment fluxes and loads in the Athi<br />

drainage basin, Kenya.<br />

Kithiia Shadrack. Speaker Kithiia Shadrack<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Steepland gully initiation, development and closure<br />

in response to land use change, East Coast Region, North Island,<br />

New Zealand.<br />

Marden Michael, Greg Arnold, Anne Seymour, Randolph<br />

Hambling. Speaker Marden Michael<br />

11:18 am Erosion, sediment transport, and reservoir siltation in<br />

drylands: experiments, modelling and scenarios<br />

Bronstert Axel, Ramon J. Batalla, Jos C. De Arajo, Till<br />

Francke, Andreas Gntner, George Mamede, Eva Mller. Speaker<br />

Bronstert Axel<br />

11:36 am The impact of the volcanic eruption on hydrological<br />

processes and sediment yield<br />

Yamakoshi Takao, Junichi Kurihara, Satoshi Tagata.<br />

Speaker Yamakoshi Takao<br />

12:16 pm Sediment Sources in the Mackenzie River Basin<br />

De Boer Dirk, Marlene S. Evans, Malcolm Conly, Ryan<br />

Froess, Doug Halliwell. Speaker De Boer Dirk<br />

12:34 pm Estimating the impact of projected change in farming<br />

by 2015 on the importance of the agricultural sector as a sediment<br />

source in England and Wales<br />

Collins Adrian, Steven Anthony, Julia Hawley, Tony Turner.<br />

Speaker Collins Adrian<br />

12:52 pm Assessing the impact of improved land management<br />

on catchment sediment yields<br />

Walling Desmond, Jean P.G. Minella, Gustavo H. Merten.<br />

Speaker Walling Desmond<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Comparing the real value of sediment load with the results of<br />

erosion models in Kor River Iran<br />

Keshtkaran Pouyan, Ali Torabi Haghighi. Speaker Keshtkaran Pouyan<br />

Watershed management and its effect on sedimentation in<br />

Doroudzan dam Iran<br />

Torabi Haghighi Ali, Pouyan Keshtkaran. Speaker Torabi Haghighi Ali<br />

River environment changes due to river bed degradation and beach<br />

changes in estuary<br />

Horie Takehito, Yugo Imazu, Naohiro Watanabe, Keita Kudo, Hideo<br />

Hiramori, Katsuyasu Hayashi, Takashi Kikuchi. Speaker Horie Takehito<br />

Vertical distribution of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) in sediment<br />

of Lake Sihwa and Soyang, Korea<br />

Kim In Seon, In Seon Kim, Jong Hyun Nam, Tae Seok Ahn, Yong Jeon<br />

Kim, Sun Ouk Jeon. Speaker Kim In Seon<br />

Considerations about bedload transport in River Paglia (umbrian<br />

reach, Central Italy)<br />

Fredduzzi Andrea, Cencetti Corrado, Marchesini Ivan, Tacconi Paolo.<br />

Speaker Fredduzzi Andrea<br />

The method for designing pipeline to transport the hyperconcentrated<br />

mud<br />

Yan Jun, Jun Wang, Hu-Cheng Li, Bing Li, Dong-Po Sun. Speaker Yan<br />

Jun<br />

Application of Remote Sensing and GIS techniques on soil erosion<br />

prevention : A case study in Santos (Brazil)<br />

Almeida-Guerra Paola, Rossella Napolitano, Enrico Feoli. Speaker<br />

Almeida-Guerra Paola<br />

Estimating suspended sediment yield in the Mellah catchment<br />

during storm events, Northeast Algeria<br />

Khanchoul Kamel. Speaker Khanchoul Kamel<br />

River bed evolution downstream a bed sill<br />

Termini Donatella. Speaker Termini Donatella<br />

A physically-based and distributed approach to analyze soil<br />

erosion and rainfall triggered landslides at a watershed scale.<br />

Noto Leonardo Valerio, Valeriy Y. Ivanov, Rafael. L. Bras, Enrique R.<br />

Vivoni. Speaker Noto Leonardo Valerio<br />

Assessing erosion using WEPP model with GIS for an experimental<br />

basin in Northeastern Brazil<br />

Santos Celso, Richarde Marques Da Silva. Speaker Santos Celso<br />

Particle morphology and size distribution of suspended solids<br />

in fire impacted and control catchments in the Rocky Mountains,<br />

southern Alberta<br />

Stone Mike, Monica Emelko, Uldis Silins, Kim Thomas. Speaker Stone<br />

Mike<br />

Geochimical composition of water and suspended river sediments:<br />

a tool for the environmental analysis of a hydrographic basin<br />

Rapti-Caputo Dimitra, Dimitra Rapti-Caputo, Carmela Vaccaro,<br />

Donatella Pavanelli. Speaker Rapti-Caputo Dimitra<br />

Suspended sediments in Himalayan streams under monsoon<br />

regime: Overwhelming contribution from glaciers<br />

Thayyen Renoj, Dr. J.T Gergan. Speaker Thayyen Renoj<br />

Comparison of the discharges and suspended sediment yields<br />

budget between one pacific and one amazonian watershed in<br />

Ecuador : the case of the Napo and the Esmeraldas Rivers.<br />

Luc Bourrel, Laraque Alain, Armijos Elisa, Pombosa Rodrigo. Speaker<br />

Luc Bourrel<br />

Estimation of soil loss and sediment yield in a basin without<br />

sediment data through empirical and physically-based models<br />

Santos Celso, Richarde Marques Da Silva, Jorge Flvio C. B. Da Costa<br />

Silva. Speaker Santos Celso<br />

Sediment delivery from a small river basin<br />

Maraga Franca, Virgilio Anselmo, Chiara Pelissero. Speaker Maraga<br />

Franca<br />

Role of sewage fed fisheries for treatment of dry weather flow of<br />

Kolkata city maintaining the eco-toxicity balance<br />

Mazumdar Asis, Malabika Biswas, Mrinmoy Mazumder, Rabindranath<br />

Barman, Arunava Majumder. Speaker Mazumdar Asis<br />

Computation of reservoir sedimentation as a consequence of soil<br />

erosion<br />

Hrissanthou Vlassios, M. Galani. Speaker Hrissanthou Vlassios<br />

Results of flooding: A study of habitation deposits along the Ajay<br />

River Basin in India<br />

Samanta Madhulika. Speaker Samanta Madhulika<br />

Sediment transport modeling on large sandbed rivers: case study<br />

of Congo River.<br />

Lukanda Mwamba. Speaker Lukanda Mwamba<br />

A flume experiment on jamming of Large Woody Debris<br />

Bocchiola Daniele, Rulli M.C, Rosso R.. Speaker Bocchiola Daniele<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room C<br />

04:00 pm Impact of forest roads on subsurface flowpaths and<br />

shallow lansliding<br />

Borga Marco, Paolo Tarolli, Giancarlo Dalla Fontana,<br />

Federico Cazorzi. Speaker Borga Marco<br />

04:18 pm The impact of hydrological extremes on uses and<br />

functions in river basins<br />

Heise Susanne, Ulrich Frstner, Ren Schwartz, Frank Krger,<br />

Peter Heininger. Speaker Heise Susanne<br />

04:36 pm Spatiotemporal downscaling of Global Climate Model

09 July, 2007<br />

output for assessing soil erosion and crop production under<br />

climate change<br />

Zhang Xunchang John. Speaker Zhang Xunchang John<br />

04:54 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

05:24 pm Hill slope erosion and climate change in Hong Kong<br />

Peart Mervyn, R.D. Hill, M. Ruse, L. Fok. Speaker Peart<br />

Mervyn<br />

05:42 pm Modelling sediment production and delivery in the<br />

Xihanshui River Basin, Gansu, China<br />

Richards Keith, Ding, J. Speaker Richards Keith<br />

MS001 Our Changing Planet<br />

Conveners: Peltier Richard<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room B<br />

JMS011 Monsoon Systems<br />

onveners: Wu Guoxiong<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Main Hall<br />

09:00 am A Proposal of AMY/IMY08 Coordination and<br />

Cooperation<br />

Wu Guoxiong. Speaker Wu Guoxiong<br />

09:30 am Does aerosol weaken or strengthen the South Asian<br />

Monsoon<br />

Lau William. Speaker Lau William<br />

10:00 am Long term deceleration of the Summer Monsoon and<br />

its Fingerprints on the Indian Rice Harvest<br />

Ramanathan Veerabhadran, Maxmillian Aufhammer,<br />

effrey Vincent. Speaker Ramanathan Veerabhadran<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am East Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosols: an<br />

nternational Regional Experiment (EAST-AIRE): a Stepstone to<br />

nderstand ing Aerosol and Monsoon Interaction<br />

Li Zhanqing. Speaker Li Zhanqing<br />

11:30 am The radiative impact of an aerosol climatology on the<br />

LASG atmospheric GCM in Asian monsoon Region<br />

Li Jiandong, Guoxiong Wu, Yuqing Wang, Yimin Liu.<br />

Speaker Li Jiandong<br />

1:45 am The good and bad aerosols: interactions during Indian<br />

Summer Monsoon<br />

Patra Prabir, Hajime Akimoto. Speaker Patra Prabir<br />

12:00 pm Tropical and extratropical influences on South America<br />

monsoon system variability in climate simulations.<br />

Cavalcanti Iracema. Speaker Cavalcanti Iracema<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Main Hall<br />

02:00 pm Major Modes of Asian-Australian Monsoon Variability<br />

and their Strengthening Relationship with ENSO<br />

Wang Bin, Jing Yang, Tianjun Zhou, Bin Wang. Speaker<br />

ang Bin<br />

02:30 pm MAHASRI the new international asian monsoon<br />

research project<br />

Satomura Takehiko, Jun Matsumoto, Peiping Wu, Shunichi<br />

ori, Junichi Hamada, Namiko Sakurai, Manabu D. Yamanka, Atsushi<br />

iguchi, Shinjiro Kanae, Satoru Yokoi, Taikan Oki. Speaker Satomura<br />

Takehiko<br />

02:45 pm Interdecadal Variability of the Early Summer Surface<br />

Heat Flux in the Kuroshio Region and Its Impact on the Baiu<br />

Frontal Activity<br />

Tomita Tomohiko. Speaker Tomita Tomohiko<br />

03:00 pm Centennial variations of the global monsoon<br />

precipitation in the past millennium: Results from ECHO-G model<br />

Liu Jian. Speaker Liu Jian<br />

03:15 pm Seasonal variation of tropical cyclone rainfall<br />

associated with ENSO<br />

Kubota Hisayuki, Bin Wang. Speaker Kubota Hisayuki<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Tropospheric biennial oscillation of indian summer<br />

monsoon independent of El NIno- Southern oscillation<br />

Pillai Prasanth, K Mohankumar. Speaker Pillai Prasanth<br />

04:15 pm Climate variability and change in the Southwest Pacific<br />

region: observations, global and regional climate simulations<br />

May Wilhelm. Speaker May Wilhelm<br />

04:30 pm Variability of the monsoon regime over tropical South<br />

America: the present climate and projections for a 2xCO2 scenario.<br />

Carvalho Leila, Rodrigo Jose Bombardi. Speaker Carvalho<br />

Leila<br />

04:45 pm Seasonal and interannual variation of gravity waves in<br />

Equatorial Africa<br />

Kafando Petronille, Fabrice Chane-Ming, Monique<br />

etitdidier. Speaker Kafando Petronille<br />

04:48 pm Simulated interannual variation in summertime<br />

atmospheric circulation<br />

Arai Miki, Masahide Kimoto. Speaker Arai Miki<br />

04:51 pm Weakening trend and interannual variability of Indian<br />

summer monsoon<br />

C A Babu, Hamza V. Speaker C A Babu<br />

04:54 pm Effect of climate change in the late 1970S on<br />

troposphereic biennial oscillation<br />

Pillai Prasanth, K Mohankumar. Speaker Pillai Prasanth<br />

04:57 pm Analysis of intraseasonal and interannual variability of<br />

Asian summer monsoon using a Hidden Markov Model<br />

Yoo Jin Ho, Andrew W. Robertson, In-Sik Kang. Speaker<br />

oo Jin Ho<br />

05:00 pm The interaction between the Meiyu precipitation and<br />

the Subtropical Anticyclone<br />

Guan Yue, Dr. Qiong Zhang. Speaker Guan Yue<br />

05:03 pm Numerical Simulation of precipitation and temperature<br />

over southeast of Iran using RegCM3 Climate Model<br />

Modirian Rahele. Speaker Modirian Rahele<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Upper tropospheric geopotential height gradient from Northern<br />

Subtropic to Southern Subtropic and the Indian summer monsoon<br />

variability<br />

Singh Nityanand. Speaker Singh Nityanand<br />

Link between trends in land precipitation and tropical SST<br />

gradient: Implications for aerosol forcing effects<br />

hung Chul, V. Ramanathan. Speaker Chung Chul<br />

Multiscale variability of the flow during the 2004 North American<br />

monsoon experiment<br />

Johnson Richard, Paul E. Ciesielski. Speaker Johnson Richard<br />

Impact of Enso and Indian ocean dipole on the australian summer<br />

monsoon<br />

yazilova Natalia. Speaker Vyazilova Natalia<br />

hinese AIPO Project and AMY08<br />

i Jianping, Guoxiong Wu. Speaker Li Jianping<br />

Monsoon variability predictability and possible modulations by<br />

anthropogenic aerosols<br />

Sikka Devraj. Speaker Sikka Devraj<br />

Impact of land cover/land use changes since 1700 on changes in<br />

asian monsoon system<br />

Yasunari Tetsuzo. Speaker Yasunari Tetsuzo<br />

Investigation of the Elevated Heat Pump Effect on the Asian<br />

Summer Monsoon Using Cloud Observations from METEOSAT-5<br />

onsick Maggie, Rachel T. Pinker. Speaker Rachel T. Pinker<br />

MS022 Solar Impact on the Mesosphere-Stratosphereroposphere<br />

System<br />

Conveners: Langematz Ulrike<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

09:00 am Effects of energetic particle precipitation on the<br />

stratosphere: Solar cycle variability<br />

Randall Cora, Scott M. Bailey, Peter F. Bernath, V. Lynn<br />

Harvey, Charles H. Jackman, Daniel R. Marsh, Chester Rubbo, James<br />

M. Russell, Iii, Annika Seppala, David E. Siskind. Speaker Randall Cora<br />

09:30 am Long-term changes in Polar Mesospheric Clouds: How<br />

the new NASA AIM satellite mission will address the underlying<br />

causes<br />

Thomas Gary, James M. Russell, Iii, Cora Randall, David<br />

Rusch, Scott M.Bailey, Matthew T, Deland, Eric P. Shettle, John J.<br />

Olivero. Speaker Thomas Gary<br />

09:50 am Year-to-year variability in mesospheric temperature, its<br />

stratospheric connection and possible solar cycle origin<br />

Shepherd Gordon, Young-Min Cho. Speaker Shepherd<br />

Gordon<br />

10:10 am Solar and QBO effects on the modes of low-frequency<br />

atmospheric variability in the Northern Hemisphere<br />

Huth Radan, Lucie Pokorn, Josef BochnEk, Pavel Hejda.<br />

Speaker Huth Radan<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am The role of the QBO in simulating the solar signal in<br />

the middle atmosphere and its transfer to the troposphere<br />

Matthes Katja, Rolando Garcia, Dan Marsh, Anne Smith.<br />

Speaker Matthes Katja<br />

11:30 am Photochemical and dynamical effects of the 11-year<br />

solar cycle signal on stratospheric ozone and temperature<br />

McCormack John. Speaker McCormack John<br />

12:00 pm The 11-year solar cycle variation of stratospheric<br />

ozone as obtained from the SBUV ozone profile measurements<br />

Soukharev Boris. Speaker Soukharev Boris<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

02:00 pm Zonally asymmetric ozone in the stratosphere and its<br />

relevance for solar impact on atmospheric dynamics<br />

Peters Dieter H.W., Axel Gabriel. Speaker Peters Dieter<br />

H.W.<br />

02:20 pm Revealing a role of solar signal in optical parameters of<br />

the atmosphere<br />

Mironova Irina, Dmitri Ponyavin. Speaker Mironova Irina<br />

02:40 pm Solar influence on the Indian Ocean through<br />

stratospheric dynamical processes<br />

Kodera Kunihiko, Kiyotaka Shibata, Katie Coughlin.<br />

Speaker Kodera Kunihiko<br />

03:10 pm Solar impact on the gas composition and structure of<br />

the atmosphere evaluated with a Chemistry-Climate Model<br />

Zimenko Polina, Smyshlyaev Sergey, Galin Vener. Speaker<br />

Zimenko Polina<br />

03:30 pm Solar variability effects on meridional winds in the<br />

mesosphere from the Imaging Doppler Interferometer at Halley,<br />

Antarctica<br />

Ford Elaina, Rob E. Hibbins, Martin J. Jarvis. Speaker Ford<br />

Elaina<br />

03:33 pm Lunar variation of precipitation<br />

Hejkrlik Libor. Speaker Hejkrlik Libor<br />

03:36 pm Eleven-Year Solar Cycle Signals in the Middle<br />

Atmosphere: Chemistry-Climate Model Simulations for the Recent<br />

Past 1980-2004<br />

Shibata Kiyotaka, Makoto Deushi. Speaker Shibata<br />

Kiyotaka<br />

03:39 pm Common oscillatory modes in geomagnetic activity,<br />

NAO index and surface air temperature records<br />

Novotna Dagmar, Milan Palus. Speaker Novotna Dagmar<br />

03:42 pm The role of dynamical variability for communicating the<br />

11-year solar signal<br />

Langematz Ulrike, Anne Kubin, Kunihiko Kodera. Speaker<br />

Langematz Ulrike<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

The Relationships of Solar Activities with Sea Surface Temperature<br />

(SST) and ENSO Over Indonesian Regions<br />

Dani Tiar, Wilson Sinambela. Speaker Dani Tiar<br />

Large scale variation and trends in Convective Available Potential<br />

Energy (CAPE) over Chennai, Kolkata, and Delhi using radiosonde<br />

Dhaka Surendra, V. Panwar, R. Sapra, R. Bhatnagar, M. Kaur. Speaker<br />

Dhaka Surendra<br />

JMS027 Glacier Fluctuations in the Asian High Mountains<br />

(UCCS Symposium hosted by IAMAS)<br />

Conveners: Smiraglia Claudio<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room A<br />

09:00 am Variability in the Extent of Glaciers in Response to<br />

Climatic Fluctuations in the Central Tien-Shan Mountains Since<br />

Late XIX century<br />

Kutuzov Stanislav. Speaker Kutuzov Stanislav<br />

09:15 am Assessment of Glacial mass balance using ASTER<br />

data and comparison with in-situ measurements: Chota Shingri<br />

Glacier, India<br />

Mishra Niti, Kiyoshi Honda, Anil V. Kulkarni. Speaker<br />

Mishra Niti<br />

09:30 am Changes of the equilibrium line altitude since the little<br />

ice age in the Nepalese Himalayas<br />

Kayastha Rijan, Sandy P. Harrison. Speaker Kayastha<br />

Rijan<br />

09:45 am Space monitoring of surging glaciers of the Pamirs<br />

Osipova Galina, Kotlyakov Vladimir, Tsvetkov Dmitrii.<br />

Speaker Vladimir Kotlyakov<br />

10:00 am Regional negative glacier mass balances since 2000 in<br />

the Himachal Pradesh of India (Western Himalaya)<br />

Berthier Etienne, Arnaud Y., Wagnon P., Chevallier P.,<br />

Kumar R.. Speaker Berthier Etienne<br />

10:15 am Effect of precipitation seasonality on glacier mass<br />

balance<br />

Fujita Koji. Speaker Fujita Koji<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Modelling the surface energy balance of debriscovered<br />

glaciers: calculation of sensible heat exchange and<br />

meltwater evaporation<br />

Brock Ben, Mark Cutler, Guglielmina Diolaiuti, Martin<br />

Kirkbride, Claudia Mihalcea, Claudio Smiraglia. Speaker Brock Ben<br />

11:15 am Significant effect of biogenic material (cryoconite) on<br />

surface albedo of Asian glaciers: geographical comparison of the<br />

amounts of cryoconite and surface albedo of glaciers<br />

Takeuchi Nozomu, Shiro Kohshima. Speaker Takeuchi<br />

Nozomu<br />

11:30 am Glacier shrinkages and attendant expansions of glacial<br />

lakes in the Bhutan Himalayas<br />

Naito Nozomu, Ryohei Suzuki, Yoshihiro Matsuda, Yutaka<br />

Ageta, Koji Fujita, Shuji Iwata, Tomomi Yamada, Takayuki Furuta,<br />

Hironori Yabuki, Karma. Speaker Naito Nozomu<br />

11:45 am Spatial distribution of surface energy balance at<br />

debris-covered Baltoro glacier, Karakoram, Pakistan<br />

Mihalcea Claudia, Diolaiuti Guglielmina, Mayer Christoph,<br />

Smiraglia Claudio, Lambrecht Astrid, Vuillermoz Elisa, Tartari Gianni.<br />

Speaker Mihalcea Claudia<br />

12:00 pm The sensitivity to climate change of Eurasian glaciers<br />

assessed with a gridded glacier-climate model<br />

Braithwaite Roger, S. C. B. Raper, S. Liu. Speaker<br />

Braithwaite Roger<br />

12:15 pm Surface variations of Sagarmatha National Park (Nepal)<br />

glaciers in the second half of the 20th century by historical maps<br />

Salerno Franco, Elisa Buraschi, Gabriele Bruccoleri, Gianni<br />

Tartari, Claudio Smiraglia. Speaker Salerno Franco<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room A<br />

02:00 pm Glacier evolution in the Sagarmantha National Park of<br />

Nepal 1956-2006<br />

Kappenberger Giovanni. Speaker Kappenberger Giovanni<br />

02:15 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

02:45 pm Baltoro Glacier, glacier evolution during the last 100<br />

years from historic data and remote sensing information<br />

Lambrecht Astrid, Christoph Mayer, Claudio Smiraglia,<br />

Marco Bel, Guglielmina Diolaiuti. Speaker Claudio Smiraglia<br />

02:48 pm Accumulation conditions in a high elevated glacier<br />

basin in the eastern Karakoram<br />

Mayer Christoph, Astrid Lambrecht, Margit Schwikowski,<br />

Claudio Smiraglia. Speaker Mayer Christoph<br />

02:51 pm The present quiescent phase of a surge-type glacier:<br />

Liligo glacier (Karakoram, Pakistan)<br />

Bel Marco, Andrea Tamburini, Christoph Mayer, Claudio<br />

Smiraglia. Speaker Bel Marco<br />

02:54 pm Analysis of glacier recession in Northern Tien Shan in<br />

the last 50 years using GIS and remote sensing<br />

Bolch Tobias. Speaker Bolch Tobias<br />

02:57 pm RS and GIS Application for Glacier Changes in the Past<br />

Decades in the Qilian Shan, Northwest China<br />

Liu Shiyin, Ding Yongjian, Liu Shiyin, Xu Junli, Zhao Tao,<br />

Wang Wenhua. Speaker Yong Jian Ding<br />

03:12 pm The evolution of the high altitude geomorphologic<br />

processes and landforms by the GIS aided monitoring and<br />

mapping: the study case of Rongbuk Glacier on the Mount Everest<br />

northern slope (Tibet, China)<br />

Pecci Massimo, S. Pignotti, C. Smiraglia, G. Mortara.<br />

Speaker Pecci Massimo<br />

03:15 pm Glacier changes in the past three decades in the<br />

Yangtze River source region, Central-northeast Part of Qinghai-<br />

Xizang (Tibet) Plateau<br />

Liu Shiyin, Liu Shiyin, Xu Junli, Ding Yongjian, Shuangguan<br />

Donghui, Yang Ping. Speaker Xu Junli<br />

03:30 pm Modeling glacier runoff and its trend in the Yangtze<br />

River source region, China<br />

Liu Shiyin, Zhang Yong, Ding Yongjian. Speaker Liu Shiyin<br />

03:45 pm A 3D Mixed Laser-Scanner and Photogrammetry Survey<br />

Approach for High-Altitude Glacier Monitoring<br />

Vassena Giorgio, M. F. Buchroithne, C. Lanzi, M. Gelmini, T.<br />

Bolch, J. Lffler, D. Wundram. Speaker Vassena Giorgio<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina -<br />


Prospective change of the central asian rivers runoff and glaciers<br />

state under different climate scenarios<br />

Konovalov Vladimir. Speaker Konovalov Vladimir<br />

Monitoring of glacial landforms in Western Tien Shan using RS GIS<br />

Sidorova Yelena. Speaker Sidorova Yelena<br />

Spatially distributed surface energy balance and ablation modelling<br />

on the on the Koxkar Baqi Glacier,Tienshan Mountains,China<br />

Li Jing, Shiyin Liu, Yong Zhang, Donghui Shangguan, Xin Wang, Junli<br />

Xu, Yinsong Zhang. Speaker Li Jing<br />

Glacier runoff modeling in the Tuotuo River Basin of the Yangtze<br />

River source region, China<br />

Yong Zhang, Zhang Yong, Liu Shiyin, Ding Yongjian, Shangguan<br />

Donghui. Speaker Yong Zhang<br />

Sensitivity of glaciers in the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau to<br />

global warming<br />

Matsuda Yoshihiro, Koji Fujita. Speaker Matsuda Yoshihiro<br />

A new benchmark glacier in the Western Himalaya: Chhota Shigri<br />

Glacier (Himachal Pradesh, India)<br />

Yves Arnaud, Patrick Wagnon, Rajesh Kumar, Anurag Linda, Parmanand<br />

Sharma, Christian Vincent, Jose Pottakal, Alaqppan Ramanathan, Syed<br />

Iqbal Hasnain, Pierre Chevallier. Speaker Yves Arnaud<br />

Recent climate change in the Tien Shan mountains as documented<br />

by Gregoriev Ice Cap ice-core records, glacier retreat, and<br />

dendrochronology<br />

Mikhalenko Vladimir, Olga N. Solomina, Mikhail G. Kunakhovich, Oleg V.<br />

Nagornov, Lonnie G. Thompson. Speaker Mikhalenko Vladimir<br />

The 3D evolution of the front of the high altitude glacier Lobuche in<br />

Everest National Park<br />

Vassena Giorgio. Speaker Vassena Giorgio<br />

MS004 Mineral Dust Cycle and its Impact on Clouds and<br />

Radiation (ICCP)<br />

Conveners: Zender Charlie, Kallos George, Di Sarra Alcide<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Rectorate Room VIII<br />

09:00 am Dust and its Role in Tropospheric Chemistry – A View<br />

from Model, Laboratory and Field Studies.<br />

Carmichael Gregory R., Vicki Grassian, Kim Prather.<br />

Speaker Carmichael Gregory R.<br />

09:30 am Long-term simulations (1958-2006) of Saharan dust<br />

over the Mediterranean and the Eastern North Atlantic with the<br />

DREAM regional dust model<br />

Perez Carlos, Pedro Jimnez-Guerrero, Oriol Jorba, Jos<br />

Mara Baldasano, Emilio Cuevas, Slobodan Nickovic, Xavier Querol.<br />

Speaker Perez Carlos<br />

09:45 am Seasonal behavior of Saharan dust events at the<br />

Mediterranean Island of Lampedusa in the period 1999-2005<br />

Meloni Daniela, Di Sarra Alcide, Biavati Gionata, Deluisi<br />

J. John, Monteleone Francesco, Pace Giandomenico, Piacentino<br />

Salvatore, Sferlazzo Damiano Massimiliano. Speaker Meloni Daniela<br />

10:00 am Observational Constraints on the Global Dust Aerosol<br />

Cycle<br />

Miller Ron, Paul Ginoux, Natalie Mahowald, Michael Schulz.<br />

Speaker Miller Ron<br />

10:15 am Discussion about<br />

Zender Charlie. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Mechanisms of Dust Production from the Bodele, Chad:<br />

past and future<br />

Washington Richard, Sebastian Engelstaedter, Martin Todd.<br />

Speaker Washington Richard<br />

11:15 am Modeled dust cycle of the largest desert dust source in<br />

the world, the Bodl depression (Chad)<br />

Bouet Christel, Guy Cautenet, Benoit Laurent, Batrice<br />

Marticorena, Gilles Bergametti, Frdric Lasserre. Speaker Bouet Christel<br />

11:30 am A new map of Saharan dust emissions based on MSG-<br />

IR dust index retrievals with high spatiotemporal resolution<br />

Schepanski Kerstin, Ina Tegen, Bernd Heinold, Andreas<br />

Macke. Speaker Schepanski Kerstin<br />

11:45 am Potential dust emissions from crusted desert soils<br />

Gillies John, William G. Nickling. Speaker Gillies John<br />

12:00 pm Mineralogy and optical properties of resuspended<br />

desert dusts<br />

Engelbrecht Johann, Hans Moosmller, Pat Arnott, John<br />

Gillies, Micha Skiba. Speaker Engelbrecht Johann<br />

12:15 pm Discussion about<br />

Zender Charlie. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Rectorate Room VIII<br />

02:00 pm Observations of Sahara desert dust glaciating clouds at<br />

-11C compared to -31C for dust-free similar clouds<br />

Rosenfeld Daniel. Speaker Rosenfeld Daniel<br />

02:15 pm Potential impacts of mineral dust aerosol on cold cloud<br />

formation<br />

Koehler Kirsten, Sonia M. Kreidenweis, Paul J. Demott,<br />

Anthony J. Prenni, Markus D. Petters. Speaker Koehler Kirsten<br />

02:30 pm Compositional trends of mineral ice nuclei: a study at<br />

the AIDA chamber<br />

Gallavardin Stephane, Karl Froyd, Daniel Cziczo, Ottmar<br />

Mhler, Ulrike Lohmann. Speaker Gallavardin Stephane<br />

02:45 pm Global Influence of Dust Mineralogical Composition on<br />

Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation<br />

Hoose Corinna, Ulrike Lohmann, Ina Tegen. Speaker<br />

Hoose Corinna<br />

03:00 pm A numerical study of the heating effect of mineral<br />

aerosols on cloud and precipitation<br />

Yin Yan, Li Chen. Speaker Yin Yan<br />

03:15 pm discussion about<br />

Zender Charlie. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Geological influences on the chemistry of inhalable<br />

desert dusts from central and southern Australia<br />

Moreno Teresa. Speaker Moreno Teresa<br />

04:02 pm Saharan dust over the Eastern Mediterranean in spring<br />

2006: Model sensitivity<br />

Kishcha Pavel, Eliezer Ganor, Levana Kordova, Pinhas<br />

Alpert. Speaker Kishcha Pavel<br />

04:04 pm Aging of mineral dust: comparative studies over desert<br />

and downwind regions in East Asia based on balloon and aircraft<br />

measurements<br />

Matsuki Atsushi, Yasunobu Iwasaka, Kazuo Osada,<br />

Guangyu Shi, Daizhou Zhang, Chiharu Nishita, Yayoi Inomata, Dmitri<br />

Trochkine, Maromu Yamada, Bin Chen, Masahiro Nagatani, Hiroshi<br />

Nakata. Speaker Matsuki Atsushi<br />

04:06 pm Extra-ordinary dust event over Beijing, China during<br />

April 2006: lidar, Sun photometric, satellite observations and model<br />

validation<br />

Papayannis Alexandros, C. Y. Fu, Z. Huaiqing, V. Amiridis,<br />

G. Chourdakis, G. Georgoussis, C. Perez, J. M. Baldasano, H. B. Chen,<br />

P. Goloub, R. E. Mamouri, G. Tsaknakis, S. Kazadzis, D. Paronis.<br />

Speaker Papayannis Alexandros<br />

04:08 pm Influence of african dust outbreaks on levels and<br />

composition of particulate matter in an urban background in<br />

Barcelona, Spain<br />

Perez Noemi, Perez Noemi, Pey Jorge, Querol Xavier,<br />

Alastuey Andres, Escudero Miguel, Castillo Sonia. Speaker Perez Noemi<br />

04:10 pm Preliminary Studies on Radiative Properties of Dust<br />

Aerosol in North China

05:16 pm Study of the saharan dust impact on PM10 levels<br />

Gosain Ashvani, Sandhya Rao. Speaker Gosain Ashvani<br />

09 July, 2007 combining punctual and LIDAR techniques<br />

03:00 pm 3-D Tsunami Coastal Hazard Mapping: The Hyperdem<br />

0<br />

Fei Liu. Speaker Fei Liu<br />

04:12 pm Forecasting of saharan dust contribution to PM10<br />

concentrations in Southern Europe<br />

Faricelli Cristina, M. Chiara Metallo, Attilio A. Poli,<br />

rancesca Raffaele. Speaker Faricelli Cristina<br />

04:14 pm Observation study of dust aerosol physical and optical<br />

properties over Helan Mountain area in Northwest of China<br />

Shengjie Niu. Speaker Shengjie Niu<br />

04:16 pm Characterization of saharan dust optical properties<br />

with a multi-wavelenght Raman Lidar<br />

Mona Lucia, Aldo Amodeo, Giuseppe D’Amico, Gelsomina<br />

Pappalardo. Speaker Aldo Amodeo<br />

04:18 pm Mineral dust in the last deglaciation<br />

Yoshioka Masaru, Paul Valdes, Sandy Harrison, Dan Lunt,<br />

Sarah Shannon. Speaker Yoshioka Masaru<br />

04:20 pm Chemical differentiation of mineral dusts with single<br />

particle aerosol mass spectrometry<br />

Gallavardin Stephane, Daniel Cziczo, Ulrike Lohmann.<br />

Speaker Gallavardin Stephane<br />

04:22 pm Impact of african dust in the air quality of an urban site<br />

in the Canary Islands (Spain)<br />

Castillo Fernndez Sonia, Sonia Castillo, Andrs Alastuey,<br />

Xavier Querol, Miguel Escudero, Omaira Garca, Pedro Miguel Romero,<br />

Emilio Cuevas, Juan Pedro Daz, Francisco J. Expsito, Anna Vila.<br />

Speaker Castillo Fernndez Sonia<br />

04:24 pm Summertime variability in the aerosol physical<br />

properties at izaa free troposphere site: column-integrated versus<br />

in-situ measurements of Saharan Dust and North Atlantic free<br />

tropospheric aerosols Rodriguez-Gonzalez Sergio, Pedro Campos,<br />

Emilio Cuevas, Philippe Goloub. Speaker Rodriguez-Gonzalez Sergio<br />

04:26 pm Dust - Climate Interactions in a Coupled Atmosphere-<br />

Ocean GCM<br />

Woodward Stephanie. Speaker Woodward Stephanie<br />

04:28 pm Beautiful seasonal cycles of atmospheric dust and<br />

tritium obtained from Mount Wrangell Ice Core, Alaska, in the North<br />

Pacific Region and comparison with statistical backward trajectory<br />

analysis<br />

Yasunari Teppei, Takayuki Shiraiwa, Syosaku Kanamori,<br />

Yoshiyuki Fujii, Makoto Igarashi, Koji Yamazaki, Carl S. Benson, Takeo<br />

Hondoh. Speaker Yasunari Teppei<br />

04:30 pm The impact of changing atmospheric conditions on<br />

the variability of summer dust concentration at Barbados: a backtrajectory<br />

analysis<br />

Engelstaedter Sebastian, Richard Washington. Speaker<br />

Engelstaedter Sebastian<br />

04:32 pm Dust mineralogy and elemental composition of red<br />

rains North-eastern Spain in (1983-2002)<br />

Avila Anna, Marta Alarcn, Miguel Escudero, Sonia Castillo,<br />

Xavier Querol. Speaker Avila Anna<br />

04:34 pm Geochemical speciation of aeolian dust particles from<br />

the Sahara-Sahel Deserts<br />

Castillo Fernndez Sonia, Sonia Castillo, Xavier Querol,<br />

Andrs Alastuey, Teresa Moreno, Emilio Cuevas, Ludger Herrmann,<br />

Mohammed Mounkalia. Speaker Castillo Fernndez Sonia<br />

04:36 pm Impacts of desert dust on photochemical processes<br />

Astitha Marina, Geogre Kallos, Petros Katsafados. Speaker<br />

Astitha Marina<br />

04:38 pm Impacts of wind velocity on sand and dust deposition<br />

during dust storm as inferred from a series of observations in the<br />

northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China<br />

Qiang Mingrui, Fahu Chen. Speaker Qiang Mingrui<br />

04:40 pm Effect of weak crust on saltation mass flux after small<br />

precipitation event during JADE IOP<br />

Ishizuka Masahide, Masao Mikami, John Leys, Yutaka<br />

amada, Stephan Heidenreich. Speaker Ishizuka Masahide<br />

04:42 pm Impact of Desert Dust Radiative Forcing on Sahel<br />

Precipitation<br />

Yoshioka Masaru, Natalie Mahowald, Andrew Conley,<br />

illiam Collins, David W. Fillmore, Charles Zender, Dani Coleman.<br />

peaker Yoshioka Masaru<br />

04:44 pm Multi-size Saltation Process from fallow-wheat-field in<br />

Australia during JADE IOP.<br />

Mikami Masao, John Leys, Masahide Ishizuka, Yutaka<br />

Yamada, Stephan Heidenreich. Speaker Mikami Masao<br />

04:46 pm Impact of african dust outbreaks on the dry and wet<br />

deposition in the eastern of Spain and the Canary Islands<br />

Castillo Fernndez Sonia, Sonia Castillo, Anna Vila, Andrs<br />

lastuey, Xavier Querol, Emilio Cuevas, Juan Pedro Daz, Francisco J.<br />

Expsito, Omaira Garca. Speaker Castillo Fernndez Sonia<br />

04:48 pm Regional modelling of Saharan dust as part of the<br />

SAMUM project: Characterisation of dust events in May 2006 using<br />

the model LM-MUSCAT<br />

Heinold Bernd, Ina Tegen, Kerstin Schepanski, Benoit<br />

Laurent. Speaker Heinold Bernd<br />

04:50 pm Operational High-resolution Dust Storm Forecasting<br />

For Southwest Asia<br />

Liu Ming, Douglas L. Westphal, Annette L. Walker. Speaker<br />

Liu Ming<br />

04:52 pm Size distribution, mineralogical and chemical<br />

composition of Saharan mineral dust at Tinfou, Morocco<br />

Kandler Konrad, Carmen Deutscher, Martin Ebert, Heiko<br />

Hofmann, Simon Jckel, Peter Knippertz, Andreas Massling, Alexander<br />

Schladitz, Lothar Schtz, Stephan Weinbruch. Speaker Kandler Konrad<br />

04:54 pm A simple method for directional and vertical<br />

distribution assessment of airborne coarse particulate matter<br />

Garcia Orza Jose Antonio, Maria Cabello, Javier Mateo.<br />

Speaker Garcia Orza Jose Antonio<br />

04:56 pm Saharan mineral dust experiment (SAMUM) 2006:<br />

vertical characterization of mineral dust from LIDAR and sun<br />

photometer observations in Morocco<br />

Mller Detlef, Matthias Tesche, Albert Ansmann, Volker<br />

Freudenthaler, Dietrich Althausen, Birgit Heese, Matthias Wiegner,<br />

Michael Esselborn, Andreas Petzold, Markus Garhammer, Ina Mattis,<br />

Gianluca Pisani, Oleg Dubovik. Speaker Mller Detlef<br />

04:58 pm Properties and Environmental Impact of Saharan Dust<br />

Layers Over Rome (Italy): Observations and Model Results<br />

Gobbi Gian Paolo. Speaker Gobbi Gian Paolo<br />

05:00 pm Changes in the flux of Saharan dust to the Eastern<br />

Mediterranean.<br />

Box Matthew, M. D. Krom, R. Cliff, M. Bar-Matthews, A.<br />

Almogi-Labin. Speaker Box Matthew<br />

05:02 pm Application of PIXE-PIGE and SEM-EDX methods to<br />

the geochemical characterization of micrometric ice dust and<br />

continental sediments.<br />

Marino Federica, Silvia Nava, Massimo Chiari, Franco<br />

Lucarelli, Marco Sala, Gilberto Artioli, Valter Maggi, Emiliano Castellano,<br />

Francesco Rugi. Speaker Marino Federica<br />

05:04 pm Seasonal evolution of the vertical profile of desert dust<br />

in the central Mediterranean<br />

Di Iorio Tatiana, Damiano Sferlazzo, Alcide Di Sarra, Marco<br />

Cacciani, Cristina Faricelli. Speaker Di Iorio Tatiana<br />

05:06 pm Influence of the air mass origin over the aerosol size<br />

distribution: a study in SE Spain<br />

Garcia Orza Jose Antonio, Maria Cabello, Vicente Galiano.<br />

Speaker Garcia Orza Jose Antonio<br />

05:08 pm Seasonality of dust emission potential at the Salton<br />

Sea in California, U.S.A.<br />

Etyemezian Vicken, Mark Sweeney, James King, Brenda<br />

Buck, George Nikolich. Speaker Etyemezian Vicken<br />

05:10 pm Characterization of saharan dust particles over<br />

Portugal during DARPO<br />

Wagner Frank, Daniele Bortoli, Srgio Pereira, Nuno Belo,<br />

Maria Joo Costa, Ana Maria Silva, Michael Esselborn, Markus Fiebig,<br />

Andreas Petzold, Kathi Rasp, Bernadett Weinzierl. Speaker Wagner<br />

Frank<br />

05:12 pm Investigation on the impact of dust aerosol on solar<br />

radiation<br />

Kaskaoutis Dimitris, Shailesh Kumar Kharol,<br />

.V.S.Badarinath, H.D. Kambezidis, D. Zevgolis. Speaker Kaskaoutis<br />

Dimitris<br />

05:14 pm Saharan dust vertical extinction over the Atlantic<br />

during 2005-2006 summer outbreaks<br />

Andrey-Andrs Javier, Manuel Gil, Oscar Serrano. Speaker<br />

Andrey-Andrs Javier<br />

Boselli Antonella, Antonella Boselli, Aldo Amodeo, Rosa<br />

Caggiano, Maria Macchiato, Lucia Mona, Gelsomina Pappalardo,<br />

Serena Sabia, Serena Trippetta. Speaker Boselli Antonella<br />

05:18 pm Physical and optical properties of dust particles during<br />

the saharan mineral dust experiment (SAMUM)<br />

Mueller Thomas, Andreas Maling, Alexander Schladitz,<br />

Nicole Kaaden, Konrad Kandler, Alfred Wiedensohler. Speaker Mueller<br />

Thomas<br />

05:20 pm Synoptic aspects of dust emission and transport<br />

during the saharan mineral dust experiment SAMUM 2006<br />

Knippertz Peter, Dietrich Althausen, Albert Ansmann,<br />

Tilman Dinter, Wolfgang Von Hoyningen-Huene, Detlef Mller, Matthias<br />

Tesche. Speaker Knippertz Peter<br />

05:22 pm Geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of<br />

selected Saharan dust events collected in aerosol sampled at<br />

Lampedusa Island.<br />

Becagli Silvia, Emiliano Castellano, Federica Marino, Mirko<br />

Severi, Rita Traversi, Francesco Rugi, Damiano Massimiliano Sferlazzo,<br />

Carlo Bommarito, Alcide Di Sarra, Franco Lucarelli, Silvia Nava,<br />

Massimo Chiari, Roberto Udisti. Speaker Becagli Silvia<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Using Digital Soil Mapping for prediction of uncertainty of wind<br />

erosion<br />

Reuter Hannes. Speaker Reuter Hannes<br />

MS012 Impacts of Biosphere-Atmosphere Interaction on<br />

Atmospheric Composition from Synoptic to Annual and Decadal<br />

Timescales<br />

Conveners: Jones Dylan, Suntharalingam Parvadha<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room B3<br />

09:00 am Biogenic Emissions in Coupled Atmospheric<br />

Chemistry/Aerosols Model to Regional Climate Model in High<br />

Resolution<br />

Halenka Tomas, Peter Huszar, Michal Belda. Speaker<br />

Halenka Tomas<br />

09:15 am Sensitivity of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation to<br />

Future Climate and Emissions Changes<br />

Heald Colette, Daven K. Henze, John H. Seinfeld, Larry W.<br />

Horowitz, Alex Guenther, Johannes J. Feddema. Speaker Heald Colette<br />

09:45 am Interannual variability of biogenic VOC emissions<br />

estimated from the MEGAN model and ECMWF analyses<br />

Muller Jean-Francois, Alex Guenther, Jenny Stavrakou,<br />

Sabine Wallens. Speaker Muller Jean-Francois<br />

10:00 am The aerosolized biosphere<br />

Andreae Meinrat O.. Speaker Andreae Meinrat O.<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Southern ocean CO2 fluxes, atmospheric CO2, and the<br />

tropical land source<br />

Gruber Nicolas, Andrew R. Jacobson, Sara E. Mikaloff-<br />

Fletcher, Manuel Gloor, Jorge L. Sarmiento. Speaker Gruber Nicolas<br />

11:30 am Is the Carbonyl Sulfide (COS) seasonal cycle controlled<br />

by terrestrial photosynthesis<br />

Angert Alon, Dan Yakir, Pieter Tans, Steve Montzka.<br />

Speaker Angert Alon<br />

11:45 am Use of atmospheric CO2 data for the assessment of<br />

carbon-climate interactions in the CSIRO global climate model<br />

simulations.<br />

Kowalczyk Eva, Rachel Law, Ying-Ping Wang And Bernard<br />

Pak. Speaker Kowalczyk Eva<br />

12:00 pm Evaluation of tropospheric chemistry in the NEW UKCA<br />

Chemistry-climate model<br />

Pike Rachel, Olaf Morgenstern, Guang Zeng, Paul Young,<br />

Fiona O’Connor, Colin Johnson, John Pyle. Speaker Pike Rachel<br />

12:15 pm Surface Ozone studies at NPL, New Delhi during 1997-<br />

2006<br />

Arya B.C., Y. Nazeer Ahammed, Arun Kumar, D.K. Shukla,<br />

P.R. Sinha, S. L. Jain. Speaker Arya B.C.<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Wavelets in the study of the secondary effects of the Antarctic<br />

ozone hole at the Southern Space Observatory: 2003 2005<br />

Bertagnolli Caroline, Germano Possani, Damaris Kirsch Pinheiro,<br />

Nelson Jesus Ferreira. Speaker Bertagnolli Caroline<br />

Integrating satellite observations of atmospheric CO2 and CO to<br />

quantify regional carbon fluxes<br />

Jones Dylan, Parvadha Suntharalingam, Paul I. Palmer, Ryan Field,<br />

Daniel J. Jacob. Speaker Jones Dylan<br />

MS015 Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Past<br />

Occurrences and Future Likelihoods (ICCL)<br />

Conveners: Alexander Lisa, Zhang Xuebin<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 1<br />

Chairpersons: Lisa Alexander<br />

09:00 am Heat waves, drought, death, and wildfire: linking<br />

climate extremes and impacts in the<br />

extratropics<br />

Nicholls Neville. Speaker Nicholls Neville (Invited)<br />

09:30 am The impact of climate change on frost occurrences in<br />

Australia<br />

Timbal Bertrand. Speaker Timbal Bertrand<br />

09:45 am Changes in the western European daily temperature<br />

PDF and its implications for heat waves and extreme temperatures<br />

Della-Marta Paul. Speaker Della-Marta Paul<br />

10:00 am Influence of temperature measurement precision on<br />

the computation of percentile based<br />

temperature indices<br />

Zhang Xuebin, Francis W Zwiers, Gabi Hegerl. Speaker<br />

Zhang Xuebin<br />

10:15 am Changes in temperature probability distribution<br />

function in Italy over the last half century<br />

Brunetti Michele, Michele Brunetti, Mara Felici, Maurizio<br />

Maugeri, Teresa Nanni, Antonio<br />

Speranza. Speaker Brunetti Michele<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Global Warming and the Tropical Cyclone Climatology<br />

as Simulated in a 20-km-mesh Global Atmospheric Model<br />

Yoshimura Jun, Kazuyoshi Oouchi, Hiromasa Yoshimura,<br />

Ryo Mizuta, Akira Noda. Speaker<br />

Yoshimura Jun<br />

11:15 am Large Scale Signatures of Extreme Weather Events in<br />

the California Central Valley<br />

Grotjahn Richard. Speaker Grotjahn Richard<br />

11:30 am Development of a daily grid precipitation dataset over<br />

the East Mediterranean: extreme<br />

events in the analysis dataset<br />

Yatagai Akiyo, Pingping Xie, Pinhas Alpert. Speaker<br />

Yatagai Akiyo<br />

11:45 am Analysis of recent changes and potential future<br />

developments of the wind, wave, and storm<br />

surge climate: the North Sea area<br />

Weisse Ralf, Hans Von Storch, Andreas Pluess, Katja<br />

Woth, Frauke Feser, Heinz Guenther,<br />

Iris Grabemann. Speaker Weisse Ralf<br />

12:00 pm Trends in Turkey climate extreme indices from 1971 to<br />

2004<br />

Sensoy Serhat, Mesut Demircan, Ilker Alan. Speaker<br />

Sensoy Serhat<br />

12:15 pm Some Aspects of an Increasing Trend of Extreme Rain<br />

Events Over India<br />

Vuruputur Venugopal, B. N. Goswami, Debasis Sengupta,<br />

M. Madhusoodanan, Prince K. Xavier.<br />

Speaker Vuruputur Venugopal<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 1<br />

Chairpersons: Francis Zwiers<br />

02:00 pm Changes in the frequency of societally relevant<br />

extreme events over North America<br />

Mearns Linda. Speaker Mearns Linda (Invited)<br />

02:30 pm Advances in subsampling methodology for analysis of<br />

nonlinear atmospheric time series Gluhovsky Alexander. Speaker<br />

Gluhovsky Alexander<br />

02:45 pm Climate change impact assessment on Indian water<br />

resources<br />

Project<br />

Sterzai Paolo. Speaker Sterzai Paolo<br />

03:15 pm Extreme wind waves worldwide from the VOS data and<br />

their changes over the last 50 years<br />

Gulev Sergey, Vika Grigorieva. Speaker Gulev Sergey<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Multi-indices analysis of Scandinavian Storminess in<br />

last two hundred years<br />

Fortuniak Krzysztof, Lars Brring. Speaker Fortuniak<br />

Krzysztof<br />

04:15 pm Weather hazards in the United States and The Madden-<br />

Julian Oscillation<br />

Jones Charles, Leila M. V. Carvalho. Speaker Jones<br />

Charles<br />

04:30 pm Temporal variability of atmospheric surface<br />

characteristics in the Eastern Canadian Arctic<br />

Nawri Nikolai, Ronald E. Stewart. Speaker Nawri Nikolai<br />

04:45 pm Trends in climate extremes and implications to<br />

agriculture over southern Africa<br />

Mdoka Marshall, Bruce Hewitson, Mark Tadross. Speaker<br />

Mdoka Marshall<br />

05:00 pm Relating hydrological extremes with area a case on<br />

extreme floods in South Central Nepal<br />

Bhusal Jagat K., Ganga Tiwari. Speaker Bhusal Jagat K.<br />

05:15 pm Extreme Years of Monsoon Rainfall With Statistical<br />

relationship Over India<br />

Singh C.. Speaker Singh C.<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Extreme Weather and Climate Changes : Integrating Human<br />

Dimensions and Coastal Zone Management During Tsunamil<br />

Disaster<br />

Chaudhari Lalit, Director, Dr.Anup S.Yewale, Dr.R.C.Bhattacharjee, Mrs.<br />

Annette P.Kimmich. Speaker uhas Yewale<br />

Recent change in frost dates, frost days and the frost-free season<br />

in Iran<br />

Rahimi Mohammad. Speaker Rahimi Mohammad<br />

Extreme temperature events in South Korea and their imapcts on<br />

human health<br />

Kim Jiyoung, Byoung-Cheol Choi, Dae-Geun Lee. Speaker Kim Jiyoung<br />

Northeast Unites States temperature and precipitation extremes<br />

Brown Paula, Raymond Bradley. Speaker Brown Paula<br />

The influence of the atmospheric circulation on twentieth century<br />

UK precipitation variability and extremes: observed and modelled<br />

relationships<br />

Blenkinsop Stephen. Speaker Blenkinsop Stephen<br />

Probability estimates of recent temperature extremes: comparison<br />

of extreme value distributions and stochastic modelling approach<br />

Kysely Jan. Speaker Kysely Jan<br />

Physical phenomena and economic impacts of an extreme event in<br />

Calabria (south Italy)<br />

Petrucci Olga, A.A. Pasqua. Speaker Petrucci Olga<br />

Meteoinformatics: Reducing the extreme weather and climate<br />

Impacts on the Citizes and infrastructures of a coastal city<br />

Okwara Michael O., Francis C. Igbokwe. Speaker Okwara Michael O.<br />

Formation Mechanism of Simulated Large-Scale Climatic Cold<br />

Region in Middle Troposphere over the East Siberia in December<br />

2005 using a Regional Climate Model<br />

Yoshikane Takao, Fujio Kimura. Speaker Yoshikane Takao<br />

Seasonal reconstruction of extreme events for central Spain from<br />

rogation ceremonies and historical floods.<br />

Mediavilla Rosa, Fernando Domnguez Castro, Mariano Barriendos,<br />

Juan I. Santisteban. Speaker Mediavilla Rosa<br />

A rainfall-runoff models sensitivity to extreme events<br />

Wetterhall Fredrik, Graham Phil, Andrasson Johan, Hellstrm Sara-Sofia,<br />

Rosberg Jrgen. Speaker Wetterhall Fredrik<br />

Scenarios of subseasonal summer heatwaves over Europe<br />

Fischer Erich Markus, Christoph Schr. Speaker Fischer Erich Markus<br />

On future heat waves in the Iberian Peninsula<br />

Asin Jesus, J. Abaurrea, A. C. Cebrian. Speaker J. Abaurrea<br />

Analysis of extreme climate indices for the Carpathian Basin using<br />

observed and simulated temperature and precipitation data<br />

Pongracz Rita, Judit Bartholy, Gyorgyi Gelybo. Speaker Pongracz Rita<br />

MS016 Downscaling to Local and Regional Scales (ICCL)<br />

Conveners: Giorgi Filippo<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

Chairpersons: -<br />

09:00 am Transferability assessment of regional climate models<br />

Gutowski William, John Roads, Burkhardt Rockel, Raymond<br />

Arritt, Beate Geyer, Colin Jones,<br />

Insa Meinke, Dominique Paquin, Eugene Takle, Ulrika Willn.<br />

Speaker Gutowski William<br />

09:30 am The transferability of Regional Climate Models through an<br />

analyses of the diurnal cycle<br />

Kothavala Zavareh, Colin Jones, Ayrton Zadra, Dominique<br />

Paquin, Burkhardt Rockel, John<br />

Roads. Speaker Kothavala Zavareh<br />

09:45 am The North American Regional Cilmate Change <strong>Program</strong><br />

(NARCCAP)<br />

Mearns Linda, The Narccap Team. Speaker Mearns Linda<br />

10:00 am A regional climate model coupled to a two-layer lake<br />

model<br />

Samuelsson Patrick, Ekatherina Kourzeneva, Dmitrii Mironov.<br />

Speaker Samuelsson Patrick<br />

10:15 am On the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in Central<br />

and Eastern Europe<br />

Halenka Tomas, Michal Belda, Jiri Miksovsky. Speaker<br />

Halenka Tomas<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Validation of very high-resolution precipitation fields as<br />

simulated by the regional climate model REMO<br />

Lorenz Philip, Holger Goettel, Sven Kotlarski, Susanne Pfeifer,<br />

Kevin Sieck, Daniela Jacob.<br />

Speaker Lorenz Philip<br />

11:15 am High resolution regional climate model simulations over<br />

Europe: Mean climate, interannual variability, and extremes<br />

Rauscher Sara, Erika Coppola, Filippo Giorgi. Speaker<br />

Rauscher Sara<br />

11:30 am The impact of lateral boundary data errors on the<br />

simulated climate of a nested regional climate model<br />

Diaconescu Emilia Paula, Ren Laprise. Speaker Diaconescu<br />

Emilia Paula<br />

11:45 am Analysis of extreme daily precipitation from observation<br />

and ERA-40 driven RCM simulations over the UK<br />

Buonomo Erasmo, Richard Jones. Speaker Buonomo Erasmo<br />

12:00 pm Sensitivity of regional climate studies over Kazakhstan to<br />

physical parameterizations<br />

Petrova Yevgeniya, Svetlana Dolgikh. Speaker Petrova<br />

Yevgeniya<br />

12:15 pm Assessing the performance of RegCM3 in simulating<br />

snow for a mountainous region<br />

Sen Omer L.. Speaker Sen Omer L.<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

02:30 pm Is there an added value for marine wind fields derived<br />

from two regional atmospheric models<br />

Winterfeldt Joerg, Ralf Weisse. Speaker Winterfeldt Joerg<br />

03:00 pm The Influences of NAO and the Hudson Bay sea-ice on the<br />

Climate of Eastern Canada<br />

Qian Minwei, Rene Laprise, Colin Jones, Daniel Caya.<br />

Speaker Qian Minwei<br />

03:15 pm Toward physically-based downscaling by a coupled<br />

landatmosphere satellite data assimilation system<br />

Boussetta Souhail, Toshio Koike, Tobias Graf, Kun Yang.<br />

Speaker Boussetta Souhail<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Evaluation of the Rossby Centre regional Atmosphere-<br />

Ocean Model (RCAO) under different coupling schemes; A study in<br />

Arctic Region<br />

Qian Minwei, Colin Jones. Speaker Qian Minwei<br />

04:15 pm The hydrologic cycle in the eastern Mediterranean: using<br />

MM5 and WRF for dynamic downscaling<br />

Hahmann Andrea, Dorita Rostkier-Edelstein, Thomas T.

9 July, 2007<br />

Warner, Francois Vandenberghe, Yubao<br />

Liu, Scott Swerdlin. Speaker Hahmann Andrea<br />

04:30 pm Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere regional simulation of<br />

Coastal Jet off Central Chile: A case study for the October 2000<br />

event<br />

Lionel Renault, Boris Dewitte, Vincent Echevin, Rene<br />

Garreaud, Mark Falvey, Yves Dupenhoat.<br />

Speaker Lionel Renault<br />

04:45 pm Seasonal Rainfall Predictions over the Southeast U.S.<br />

using the FSU Nested Regional Spectral Model<br />

Cocke Steven, Tim Larow, Dong-Wook Shin. Speaker Cocke<br />

Steven<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Sensitivity Analysis of Different Convection Schemes and Center<br />

Domains for Numerical Simulation of Seasonal Precipitation<br />

Babaeian Iman, Maryam Karimiyan. Speaker Babaeian Iman<br />

Simulation of 1376 and 1379 winter precipitations using RegCM3<br />

Regional Climate Model<br />

Karimian Maryam. Speaker Karimian Maryam<br />

Evaluation and Adaptation of a Regional Climate Model for the<br />

Horn of Africa: Rainfall Climatology and Interannual Variability<br />

Segele Zewdu, Lance M Leslie, Peter J. Lamb. Speaker Segele Zewdu<br />

An evaluation study of the MM5 solar radiation estimates in a<br />

complex-topography area in Southeastern Spain<br />

Pozo-Vazquez David, N Sanchez-Sanchez, H Al-Samamra, Ja Ruiz-<br />

Arias, A Molina, J Tovar-Pescador. Speaker Pozo-Vazquez David<br />

regional climate study of Andalusia (southern-Spain) using MM5:<br />

results and comparison to observation<br />

Pozo-Vazquez David, N Snchez-Snchez, Jp Montvez, S Jerz, H Al<br />

Samamra, Ja Ruiz-Arias, J Tovar-Pescador. Speaker Pozo-Vazquez<br />

David<br />

Model simulations of summer and winter precipitation over<br />

Bulgaria using REGCM3<br />

Peneva Elisaveta. Speaker Peneva Elisaveta<br />

Comparison between Grell and Emanuel convective scheme in<br />

RegCM3 for a European domain<br />

Douvis Kostas, Prodromos Zanis, Ioannis Kapsomenakis, Dimitrios<br />

Melas, Christos Repapis. Speaker Douvis Kostas<br />

Validation of an ensemble of regional climate model simulations for<br />

the area of Greece.<br />

Kapsomenakis John, Zanis P., Philandras K., Douvis K., Repapis C..<br />

Speaker Kapsomenakis John<br />

limate change hot-spots over East Asia<br />

ing Xu, F. Giorgi. Speaker Ying Xu<br />

Deterministic skill of ECMWF experimental seasonal forecasts:<br />

comparison between global and regional model<br />

Patarcic Mirta, Cedo Brankovic. Speaker Patarcic Mirta<br />

Development of an atmosphere-biosphere-river coupling regional<br />

climate model for dynamical downscaling<br />

airaku Koji, Adriana Beltran, Roger A. Pielke Sr.. Speaker Dairaku Koji<br />

ffects of topography and surface heat fluxes on the South Atlantic<br />

extratropical cyclones: regional climate simulations<br />

eboita Michelle, Rosmeri Porfrio Da Rocha, Trcio Ambrizzi. Speaker<br />

Tercio Ambrizzi<br />

Comparison of future climate scenarios for the Carpathian Basin<br />

using stochastical downscaling and regional climate model<br />

outputs<br />

ongracz Rita, Judit Bartholy, Gyorgyi Gelybo, Aniko Kern, Istvan<br />

atyasovszky. Speaker Judit Bartholy<br />

Climate change projection using a regional climate model and<br />

application to the evaluation of vulnerability to climate change<br />

impacts of the hydrological resources of the Nyong River.<br />

jiotang Tchotchou Lucie Angennes. Speaker Djiotang Tchotchou Lucie<br />

Angennes<br />

S020 Solar Activity and its Influences on the Earth’s Weather<br />

and Climate (IRC)<br />

Conveners: Schmutz Werner<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

04.00 pm Modelling solar total and spectral irradiance<br />

Krivova Natalie<br />

04.27 pm 3 min poster presentations<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Near-space influences on the meteorological parameters in<br />

Istanbul area<br />

zguc Atila, G. S. Pekmezci. Speaker Glsevin Pekmezci<br />

Precipitation on Greater Cairo area and its Correlations with<br />

Variations of Solar Activity during Cycle23<br />

Hady Ahmed. Speaker Hady Ahmed<br />

On the problem of connection between the solar activity and the<br />

Earths climate<br />

Makarova Ludmila. Speaker Makarova Ludmila<br />

Solar activity during Maunder Minimum and the Beveridge Wheat<br />

Price Index<br />

isheratin Konstantin. Speaker Visheratin Konstantin<br />

Strong / Weak Solar Activity and Climate Anomaly<br />

Li Chongyin. Speaker Li Chongyin<br />

ariation of the eleven-year solar cycle during the last 1200 years<br />

and its effect on terrestrial climate<br />

Miyahara Hiroko, Kimiaki Masuda, Kentaro Nagaya, Yasushi Muraki,<br />

Toshio Nakamura. Speaker Miyahara Hiroko<br />

Solar and geomagnetic forcing of aerosol optical depth<br />

Mironova Irina, Dmitri Ponyavin. Speaker Mironova Irina<br />

Seasonal variation of biologically-effective solar radiation at so<br />

Martinho da Serra (29.5 S), Kiyotake (31.9N), Brussels (50.9N),<br />

Punta Arenas (53.2 S) and Padang (0.9S).<br />

Rampelotto Pabulo, Andr Passaglia Schuch, Ana Paula Soares De<br />

Lima, Marcelo Barcellos Da Rosa, Damaris Kirsch Pinheiro, Nobuo<br />

Munakata. Speaker Rampelotto Pabulo<br />

Solar cycle signal in the seasonal moisture field over the<br />

peninsular Indian region<br />

J Rajesh, K. Mohankumar. Speaker J Rajesh<br />

On solar and geomagnetic activity signatures in climatic variations<br />

in Romania<br />

obrica Venera, Crisan Demetrescu, Georgeta Maris, Constanta<br />

Boroneant. Speaker Dobrica Venera<br />

Solar and geomagnetic activity effects on the occurrence of<br />

synoptic types in Europe<br />

Huth Radan, Jan Kysel, Josef BochnEk, Pavel Hejda. Speaker Huth<br />

Radan<br />

The effect of strong geomagnetic storms on the troposphere of the<br />

Northern Hemisphere in winter<br />

Bochnicek Josef, Pavel Hejda, Radan Huth, Hana Davidkovova.<br />

Speaker Bochnicek Josef<br />

The 11-year solar cycle affects teleconnectivity of atmospheric<br />

circulation<br />

uth Radan, Romana Beranov, Josef BochnEk, Pavel Hejda. Speaker<br />

Huth Radan<br />

Solar maximum epochs imprints in tree-ring width from Passo<br />

Fundo, Brazil (1741-2004).<br />

igozo Nivaor Rodolfo, Prestes, A, Nordemann, D.J. R., Da Silva, H. E.,<br />

ouza Echer, M. P., Echer, E.. Speaker Echer, E.<br />

Global lightning on the 11-year solar cycle<br />

Satori Gabriella, Gabriella Stori, Jzsef Br. Speaker Satori Gabriella<br />

Connection of variation of thunderstorm intensity with variation of<br />

solar wind parameters<br />

Karimov Rustam, Mullayarov Victor Arslanovich, Kozlov Vladimir Ilich.<br />

Speaker Karimov Rustam<br />

Effect of ENSO on the possible relationship between cloud cover<br />

and solar activity<br />

oiculescu Mirela, Ilya Usoskin, Kalevi Mursula. Speaker Voiculescu<br />

Mirela<br />

Climate Response to External Forcing<br />

arlyaeva Tatiana, Dmitri I. Ponyavin. Speaker Barlyaeva Tatiana<br />

Multi-resolution analysis of the global surface air temperature and<br />

solar activity relationships<br />

Souza Echer Mariza Pereira, Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann, Ezequiel.<br />

Echer, Nivaor Rodolfo Rigozo. Speaker Souza Echer Mariza Pereira<br />

he solar activity influence on the high latitude troposphere of<br />

Earth<br />

Zherebtsov Gely, Vladimir Kovalenko, Sergey Molodykh. Speaker<br />

Zherebtsov Gely<br />

Solar variation & climate: correlation & causation<br />

Ingram William. Speaker Ingram William<br />

PS001 Biogeochemical Budget and Cycles in the<br />

Mediterranean Sea<br />

Conveners: Ribera D’Alcala’ Maurizio<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 6<br />

09:00 am Nitrogen fixation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.<br />

Berman-Frank Ilana, Tali Yogev, Aharonovich Dikla, Oded<br />

Beja. Speaker Berman-Frank Ilana<br />

09:30 am Contribution of nitrogen to the Mediterranean Sea<br />

by the endosymbiotic, nitrogen-fixing, cyanobacterium, richelia<br />

intracellularis<br />

Bar Zeev Edo. Speaker Bar Zeev Edo<br />

09:45 am Do dust particles play an important role in driving<br />

biochemical processes in surface seawater of the eastern<br />

Mediterranean<br />

Herut Barak, Tali Yogev, Ilana Berman-Frank, Michael<br />

Krom. Speaker Herut Barak<br />

10:00 am Effects of Saharan dust storms on the surface waters<br />

of the ultra-oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean as determined by<br />

remote sensing and in-situ data.<br />

Krom Michael, Steve Groom, Barak Herut. Speaker Krom<br />

Michael<br />

10:15 am Nitrogen isotopic composition of wet and dry<br />

deposition over the Eastern Mediterranean Sea<br />

Mara Paraskevi, Kirstin Daehnke, Kay-Christian Emeis,<br />

Alexandra Gogou, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos. Speaker Mara Paraskevi<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am A revaluation of Gibraltar dynamics in the elemental<br />

budgets of Mediterranean Sea<br />

Sannino Gianmaria, Vincenzo Artale, Adriana Carillo, Fabio<br />

Conversano, Maurizio Ribera Dalcal. Speaker Sannino Gianmaria<br />

11:15 am Impact of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and<br />

phosphorous on the ocean productivity in the Cretan Sea: A 1-D<br />

Modelling study<br />

Christodoulaki Sylvia, Georgios Petihakis, Nikolaos<br />

Mihalopoulos, Maria Kanakidou, Georgios Triantafyllou. Speaker<br />

Christodoulaki Sylvia<br />

11:30 am Nitrogen supply and dissolved organic nitrogen<br />

transfer in the Mediterranean Basin: a box model assessment<br />

Ibello Valeria, Ric G. Williams, Giuseppe Civitarese,<br />

Maurizio Ribera D’Alcal, George A. Wolff. Speaker Ibello Valeria<br />

11:45 am The nutrient budget for the Eastern Mediterranean<br />

revisited; Implications for global controls on the Redfield ratio<br />

Krom Michael, Barak Herut. Speaker Krom Michael<br />

12:15 pm Response of the Black Sea ecosystem to nutrient loads<br />

and climate changes<br />

Staneva Joanna. Speaker Staneva Joanna<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 6<br />

02:00 pm Massive carbon burial in the Mediterranean Sea: are we<br />

still missing something<br />

Sprovieri Mario, Ribera Dalcala Maurizio. Speaker Sprovieri<br />

Mario<br />

02:15 pm The ultraviolet chromophoric dissolved absorbing<br />

compounds in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean basins<br />

Bracchini Luca, Rossana Del Vecchio, Arduino Massimo<br />

Dattilo, Franco Decembrini, Steven Arthur Loiselle, Chiara Santinelli,<br />

Claudio Rossi, Neil V. Blough. Speaker Bracchini Luca<br />

02:30 pm Relation between OUR and AOU in the dark pelagic<br />

waters of the Mediterranean Sea<br />

Azzaro Maurizio, Rosabruna La Ferla. Speaker Azzaro<br />

Maurizio<br />

02:45 pm Clues for the carbon cycle in Mediterranean Sea:<br />

patterns in dissolved organic carbon and dissolved oxygen<br />

distributions<br />

Santinelli Chiara, Luciano Nannicini, Alfredo Seritti. Speaker<br />

Santinelli Chiara<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

The Mediterranean Sea: a very high CO2 and acidified environment.<br />

Franck Touratier, Catherine Goyet. Speaker Franck Touratier<br />

Dissolved organic carbon and chromophoric dissolved organic<br />

matter in Western Mediterranean<br />

Santinelli Chiara, Luca Bracchini, Rossana Del Vecchio, Luciano<br />

Nannicini, Arduino Massimo Dattilo, Antonio Tognazzi, Alfredo Seritti.<br />

Speaker Rossana Del Vecchio<br />

PS007 Biogeochemical Fluxes Between the Shelf and Open<br />

Seas<br />

Convener: Simpson John<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Library<br />

Chairperson: Jonathan Sharpler<br />

09:00 am Dynamical Adjustment and Exchange at the Hebridean<br />

Shelf Edge<br />

Simpson John. Speaker Simpson John<br />

09:30 am Simulating the carbon cycle in a high latitude shelf sea<br />

(North Sea) - evidence for decoupled carbon and nutrient cycles<br />

Prowe Friederike, Helmuth Thomas, Johannes Ptsch, Wilfried Khn, Yann<br />

Bozec, Laure-Sophie Schiettecatte, Alberto V. Borges. Speaker Prowe<br />

Friederike<br />

09:45 am Mesoscale eddies dominate ocean surface chlorophyll<br />

distribution in the Northern gulf of Alaska<br />

Crawford Bill, Peter J. Brickley, Andrew C. Thomas.<br />

Speaker Crawford Bill<br />

10:00 am Frequency of the Kuroshio overflow on the continental<br />

shelf northeast of Taiwan as seen by along-track altimetry and HF<br />

radar data<br />

Ichikawa Kaoru, Daisuke Ambe, Ryoko Tokeshi. Speaker Ichikawa Kaoru<br />

10:15 am Numerical study of the Tsushima Current branching<br />

and flow patterns over the shelf, slope, and deep sea off the Korea<br />

Strait in the Japan/East Sea<br />

Trusenkova Olga. Speaker Trusenkova Olga<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Biogeochemical exchanges between continental<br />

margins and the ocean interior<br />

Liu Kon-Kee. Speaker Liu Kon-Kee<br />

11:30 am Offshore transport of Trace elements in the Equatorial<br />

Undercurrent from Papua New Guinea<br />

Measures Chris. Speaker Measures Chris<br />

11:45 am Eddy-driven offshore transport of organic matter in the<br />

California current system<br />

Gruber Nicolas, Takeyoshi Nagai, Hartmut Frenzel, James<br />

C. Mcwilliams, Gian-Kasper Plattner. Speaker Gruber Nicolas<br />

12:00 am Transfer of material across the shelf edge of the<br />

northern Gulf of Mexico<br />

Chapman Piers. Speaker Chapman Piers<br />

Convener: Jonathan Sharpler<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Library<br />

Chairperson: Simpson John<br />

02:00 pm Vertical nitrate fluxes and primary productivity at the<br />

shelf edge driven by an internal tide.<br />

Sharples Jonathan, Jacqueline F. Tweddle, J. A. Mattias<br />

Green, Matthew R. Palmer, Young-Nam Kim, Anna<br />

E. Hickman, Patrick M. Holligan, C. Mark Moore, Tom P. Rippeth, John<br />

H. Simpson, Vladimir Krivtsov. Speaker Sharples Jonathan<br />

02:30 pm Ocean-shelf exchanges in the North-East Atlantic<br />

Huthnance John. Speaker Huthnance John<br />

02:45 pm Nitrogen budget on the continental shelf off the west<br />

coast of Western Australia<br />

Feng Ming, Karen Wild-Allen. Speaker Feng Ming<br />

03:00 pm Linkage of ground water fluxes to near-shore greening<br />

process and mudbank formation<br />

Paimpillil Joseph, K.K. Balachandran, Thresiamma Joseph.<br />

Speaker Paimpillil Joseph<br />

03:15 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

03:45 pm The link between the seasonal and interannual scales<br />

of hypoxia variability in the Benguela upwelling system and the<br />

dynamics of Ocean Shelf coupling<br />

Monteiro Pedro, Anja Karin Van Der Plas, Jean-Luc Melice,<br />

Pierre Florenchie. Speaker Monteiro Pedro<br />

04:00 pm Intrusion of the Kuroshio Intermediate Water onto the<br />

continental shelf of the East China Sea<br />

Matsuno Takeshi, Joon-Soo Lee, Shigefumi Yanao.<br />

Speaker Matsuno Takeshi<br />

04:15 pm Shelf-Ocean Heat and Salt Exchange Caused by<br />

Cascading-Upwelling Circulation<br />

Ivanov Vladimir. Speaker Ivanov Vladimir<br />

04:30 pm Dense Shelf Water Cascading in the Gulf of Lion and its<br />

implications<br />

Xavier Durrieu De Madron, Canals M., Puig P., Heussner<br />

S., Palanques A., Calafat A., Estournel C.. Speaker Xavier Durrieu De<br />

Madron<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Impact of surface water circulation on the distributions of Cd and<br />

Ag in Baha de Todos Santos, Mxico<br />

Marinone Silvio, M. L. Lares, I. Rivera, A. Beck. Speaker Marinone Silvio<br />

Metal accumulation in the sediments of the exclusive economic<br />

zone (EEZ) of Bay of Bengal, India<br />

Nadimikeri Jayaraju. Speaker Nadimikeri Jayaraju<br />

Dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics in the Gulf of Biscay (June<br />

2006)<br />

Suykens Kim, Bruno Delille, V. Borges. Speaker Suykens Kim<br />

PS010 New Insights into the Ocean and Its Circulation from<br />

Argo and GODAE<br />

Conveners: Gould W John<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room E<br />

09:00 am Argo observes global variability in the oceans<br />

Roemmich Dean, John Gilson. Speaker Roemmich Dean<br />

09:30 am New perspective on Mode Water studies: Review<br />

Hanawa Kimio. Speaker Hanawa Kimio<br />

09:45 am Submerged trajectories and ocean velocity from Argo<br />

floats<br />

King Brian, John Prytherch, Jong Jin Park. Speaker King<br />

Brian<br />

10:00 am Comparing the steric height in the Northern Atlantic<br />

with the satellite altimetry<br />

Ivchenko Vladimir, Sergey Danilov, Dmitry Sidorenko, Jens<br />

Schroeter, Manfred Wenzel, Dmitry Aleynik. Speaker Ivchenko Vladimir<br />

10:15 am Analysis of the annual cycle of the oceanic heat budget<br />

of the mixed layer in the Atlantic using different surface flux<br />

products<br />

Schmid Claudia, Rick Lumpkin, Xiangdong Xia. Speaker<br />

Schmid Claudia<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am How well can ARGO measure heat storage and its<br />

variability in the North Atlantic Ocean <br />

Wells Neil, Rachel E Hadfield, Dr Simon Josey. Speaker<br />

Wells Neil<br />

11:15 am Preliminary observed lateral West to East changes of<br />

dry season (2004 -2006) ARGO derived SST and SSS in the Gulf of<br />

Guinea:<br />

Folorunsho Regina. Speaker Folorunsho Regina<br />

11:30 am Spreading of the Antarctic Intermediate Water in the<br />

Atlantic derived from Argo and other observations<br />

Schmid Claudia, Silvia L. Garzoli, Elizabeth Forteza.<br />

Speaker Schmid Claudia<br />

11:45 am Quantitative and dynamical analysis of EDW formation<br />

using a model-data synthesis<br />

Forget Gael, John Marshall, Guillaume Maze. Speaker<br />

Forget Gael<br />

12:00 pm Improving Indian Ocean SST simulation by assimilating<br />

Argo profiles<br />

Vinayachandran P. N., C. S. Aneesh. Speaker<br />

Vinayachandran P. N.<br />

12:15 pm Transition Region Mode Water of the North Pacific and<br />

its rapid modification<br />

Suga Toshio, Hiroko Saito, Kimio Hanawa, Nobuyuki<br />

Shikama. Speaker Suga Toshio<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room E<br />

02:00 pm Effect of Mesoscale Eddies on Subtropical Mode Water<br />

Variability from the KESS Profiling Float Measurements<br />

Qiu Bo, Peter Hacker, Shuiming Chen. Speaker Qiu Bo<br />

02:15 pm Identification of a new subsurface water mass in the<br />

Tropical Pacific Ocean from ARGO data analysis<br />

Wang Fan, Yanhui Zhang, Nan Zang, Dunxin Hu. Speaker<br />

Wang Fan<br />

02:30 pm Utilizing ARGO data to improve short-term climate<br />

prediction<br />

Li Qingquan, Tao Niu, Yimin Liu, Renhe Zhang. Speaker Li<br />

Qingquan<br />

02:45 pm Now Cast Global Current Fields: A Feasibility Study of<br />

Using Argo trajectory data to produce Monthly, 4-D, Ocean Current<br />

Maps<br />

Ji Fengying, Lin Shaohua. Speaker Ji Fengying<br />

03:00 pm A system for monitoring of mesoscale structures in the<br />

Japan Sea based on ARGO, altimetry and SST data<br />

Kaplunenko Dmitry, Timofei A. Gulenko, Svetlana Yu.<br />

Ladychenko. Speaker Kaplunenko Dmitry<br />

03:15 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

03:45 pm The seasonal cycle of salinity in the Indian Ocean from<br />

Argo and Hydrobase<br />

Phillips Helen. Speaker Phillips Helen<br />

04:00 pm Oceanic response to the Madden-Julian Oscillation as<br />

observed by Argo<br />

Singhruck Patama, Prof. Karen J. Heywood, Dr. Adrian J.<br />

Matthews. Speaker Singhruck Patama<br />

04:15 pm Heat content variations of the Indian Ocean and its<br />

relation with air-sea parameters<br />

Chikka Devasena Kalyani, K.V Ramesh. Speaker Chikka<br />

Devasena Kalyani<br />

04:30 pm Indian Ocean - Monsoon coupled interactions and<br />

impending monsoonal droughts<br />

Raghavan Krishnan, K. V. Ramesh, B. K. Samala. Speaker<br />

Raghavan Krishnan<br />

04:45 pm Estimation of sonic layer depth using remote sensing<br />

and argo observations<br />

Jain Sarika. Speaker Jain Sarika<br />

05:00 pm Validation of Argo Salinity Data from the Indian Ocean<br />

Thadathil Pankajakshan. Speaker Thadathil Pankajakshan<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Seasonal Variability of Barrier Layer in the Arabian Sea<br />

Thadathil Pankajakshan. Speaker Thadathil Pankajakshan<br />

A new climatology of the surface mixed layer in the North Pacific<br />

based on the ARGO observation<br />

Iwasaka Naoto, Yuko Ohno, Fumiaki Kobashi. Speaker Iwasaka Naoto<br />

Circulation near Ulleung Basin in the East /Japan Sea as studied<br />

from ARGO data<br />

Suk Moon-Sik, Shree Ram Prakya. Speaker Suk Moon-Sik<br />

Indian Ocean Subtropical Mode Water<br />

Tsubouchi Takamasa, Toshio Suga, Kimio Hanawa. Speaker Tsubouchi<br />

Takamasa<br />

The role of ARGO on the ECMWF operational ocean analysis<br />

system<br />

Alonso Balmaseda Magdalena, David Anderson, Arthur Vidard. Speaker<br />

David Anderson<br />

Negative bias of dissolved oxygen measurements by profiling<br />

floats<br />

Kobayashi Taiyo, Toshio Suga, Nobuyuki Shikama. Speaker Kobayashi<br />

Taiyo<br />

A method for predicting the average lifetime of modern APEX floats<br />

Kobayashi Taiyo, Brian A. King, Nobuyuki Shikama. Speaker Kobayashi<br />

Taiyo<br />

Developing ocean prediction system for the sea surface<br />

temperature around Korea<br />

Cho Yang-Ki, Yong-Hoon Youn, Byoung-Ju Choi, Sangil Kim, Young Ho<br />

Kim. Speaker Cho Yang-Ki<br />

Topographic steering of mid-depth currents obtained from Argo<br />

float trajectories with and without correction of surface drift<br />

Park Jongjin, Kuh Kim. Speaker Park Jongjin<br />

Usage of Argo floats in the marginal sea and in the Antarctic Ocean<br />

Jeon Dongchull, Moon-Sik Suk. Speaker Jeon Dongchull<br />

Structure and Modification of the South Pacific Eastern Subtropical<br />

Mode Water

09 July, 2007<br />

Sato Kanako, Toshio Suga. Speaker Sato Kanako<br />

ertical structure of various pycnostads in the North Pacific<br />

Toyama Katsuya, Toshio Suga. Speaker Toyama Katsuya<br />

The assessment of assimilated global ocean initial data on a CGCM<br />

Ahn Joong Bae, Hye-In Jeong, Soo-Bong Lee, Yong-Hoon Youn.<br />

Speaker Ahn Joong Bae<br />

Ocean data assimilation of profile data on density levels in FOAM<br />

Lea Daniel, Prof. Keith Haines. Speaker Lea Daniel<br />

iogeochemical observation by an Argo float<br />

ukigara Chiho, Toshio Suga, Toshiro Saino, Katsuya Toyama, Daigo<br />

anagimoto, Kimio Hanawa, Nobuyuki Shikama. Speaker Sukigara<br />

Chiho<br />

pplication of ensemble kalman filter to a regional ocean modeling<br />

ystem of the northwest Pacific Ocean<br />

ho Yang-Ki, Byoung-Ju Choi, Sangil Kim, Young Ho Kim, Yong-Hoon<br />

oun. Speaker Byoung-Ju Choi<br />

ceanographic Conditions in the Eastern Tropical Pacific off<br />

entral America Revealed by Argo Data<br />

Ballestero Daniel. Speaker Ballestero Daniel<br />

The circulation in the subtropical South Indian Ocean derived from<br />

Argo floats.<br />

etzlaff Klaus, Brian King, Elaine Mcdonagh, Harry Bryden. Speaker<br />

Getzlaff Klaus<br />

JSS004 Non-instrumental seismometry - Quantification of past<br />

and future earthquakes: balancing the geological, historical and<br />

contemporary strain records<br />

onveners: Valensise Gianluca<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 7<br />

9’00 am Re – evalution of Historical cataqlogues in the Indian region<br />

Srivastava Hari Narain<br />

9’15 am Modeling the tsunami-associated, magnitude≥8.5, AD365<br />

earthquake sequence in the Eastern Mediterranean<br />

Stiros Stathis<br />

9’30 am Active fault geometry and kunematics of new Anatolia, new<br />

insight from revision of active fault map of Turkey<br />

Yildrim Cengia<br />

9’45 am The Earthquake Cycle in the San Francisco Bay Area: 1600-<br />

2007<br />

Schwartz David<br />

10’15 am GPS Constraints on Seismic Hazards in Continental<br />

Intraplate Regions: Eastern Canada Example<br />

Mazzotti Stephane<br />

10’30 am The use of morphotectonic data to infer seimotectonic<br />

parameters of normal faults in Crete, Greece<br />

Caputo Riccardo<br />

10’45 am Deglacial earthquakes in Fennoscandia can be reconciled<br />

with stable-craton-core earthquake rates<br />

John Adams<br />

11’00 am Assessing the completeness of an active fault<br />

database: the Italian case history<br />

Basili Roberto<br />

11’15 am Numerical modelling of strain rates in Italy<br />

Barba Salvatore<br />

JSS005 Non-instrumental seismometry - Global and regional<br />

parameters of paleoseismology; implications for fault scaling and<br />

future earthquake hazard<br />

Conveners: De Martini Paolo Marco, Masana Eullia, Hecker<br />

Suzanne, Berryman Kelvin, Schwartz David, Valensise Gianluca,<br />

Pantosti Daniela<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 7<br />

2’00 pm Empirical relations among magnitude and rupture<br />

characteristics, through mechanical modeling of interacting faults<br />

and fault patches<br />

Olaf Zielke<br />



Mustapha Meghraoui<br />

2’30 pm Paleoearthquake surface rupture in a transition zone from<br />

strike-slip to oblique-normal faulting<br />

Vasiliki Mouslopoulou<br />

2’45 pm Scaling of paleoseismological parameters of 550<br />

behavioral segments in Japan<br />

Toshikazu Yoshioka<br />




Emre Omer<br />

3’30 pm Magnitude distribution of linear morphogenic<br />

earthquakes in the Mediterranean Region: insights from<br />

palaeoseismological and historical data<br />

Riccardo Caputo<br />

4’00 pm coffee break<br />

4’30 pm Maximum Fault Displacements in Extensional Regimes: a<br />

Geologic Perspective<br />

Suzanne Hecker<br />

5’00 pm Scaling Relations of Segmented Strike-slip Surface<br />

Ruptures<br />

Yasuo Awata<br />

5’15 pm Empirical and Theoretical Fault Scaling Relations<br />

Mark Leonard<br />

5’45 pm Seismic characterization of the Vilarica fault in NE<br />

Portugal: Comparison between a segmentation model and<br />

paleoseismology<br />

Tom Rockwell<br />




Pilar Villamor<br />

6’15 pm Derivation of New Zealand fault rupture scaling relations<br />

that reconcile seismological and geological data<br />

Kelvin Berryman<br />

JSS007 Progress in electromagnetic studies on earthquakes<br />

and volcanoes - Volcanic structure and activities ( same as JVS002<br />

)<br />

Conveners: Spichak Viacheslav, Sasai Yoichi, Jacques Zlotnicki,<br />

Del Negro Ciro, Patella Domenico<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 11<br />

hairpersons: V. Spichak and J. Zlotnicki<br />

02:00 pm Three-dimensional inversion of resistivity structure<br />

for CSEM method and its application to the ACTIVE system in Izu-<br />

Oshima Island, Japan<br />

Koyama Takao, Yuji Takahashi, Hisashi Utada, Yuichi<br />

Morita, Hidefumi Watanabe, Tsuneomi Kagiyama. Speaker Koyama<br />

akao<br />

02:15pm Imaging of Electrical and Thermal Structure of a Shallow<br />

Magmatic Intrusion Associated with the 2000 Eruption of Usu<br />

Volcano<br />

Hashimoto Takeshi, Yasuo Ogawa, Shinichi Takakura,<br />

Hiroyuki Inoue, Yusuke Yamaya, Mitsuru Utsugi, Tetsuji Koike, Hiroshi<br />

Hasegawa, Hiroshi Ichihara, Hideyuki Satoh, Toru Mogi. Speaker<br />

ashimoto Takeshi<br />

02:30 pm Three - Dimensional resistivity model of the Volcano<br />

Elbrus (Northern Caucasus) revealed from MT and satellite data<br />

Spichak Viacheslav, Borisova Valeriya, Fainberg Edward,<br />

Khalezov Alex, Goidina Aleksandra. Speaker Spichak Viacheslav<br />

02:45 pm Artificial neural network analysis of MT and geothermal<br />

data to delineate the 3-D structure of Tattapani geothermal Region,<br />

Central India<br />

Verma Saurabh. Speaker Verma Saurabh<br />

03:00 pm Multi-scale tomography of volcano-electric sources. Its<br />

use in the localization and characterization of hydrothermal fluid<br />

movement of Piton de la Fournaise volcano from 1992-2005.<br />

Saracco Ginette, Guillaume Mauri, Philippe Labazuy,<br />

Frederique Moreau. Speaker Saracco Ginette<br />

03:15 pm High Density Helicopter-Borne Aeromagnetic Survey in<br />

Aso Volcano<br />

Utsugi Mitsuru, Yoshikazu Tanaka. Speaker Utsugi Mitsuru<br />

03:30 coffee break<br />

04:00 pm Self-potential evolution associated with volcanic<br />

activity<br />

Ishido Tsuneo. Speaker Ishido Tsuneo<br />

04:15 pm Interpretation of SP anomalies on Kaimondake volcano,<br />

Japan<br />

Hase Hideaki, Tsuneo Ishido, Wataru Kanda, Shinyou Mori.<br />

Speaker Hase Hideaki<br />

04:30 pm Electromagnetic and Geochemical monitoring of the slow<br />

unrest of Taal volcano (Philippines)<br />

Jacques Zlotnicki, Zlotnicki Jacques, Sasai Y., Toutain J.P.,<br />

Villacorte E.U., Cordon Jr, Bernard A., Sabit J., Harada M., Hase H.,<br />

Sincioco J., Punongbayan Jane, Nagao T.. Speaker Jacques Zlotnicki<br />

04:45 pm Electromagnetic monitoring of La Fournaise volcano<br />

(Indian Ocean): Fuzzy pattern recognition algorithms<br />

Gvishiani Alexey, J. Zlotnicki, A. Gvishiani, J.L. Le Moul,<br />

M.Rodkin, S. Agayan, Sh. Bogoutdinov.<br />

05:15 pm Time dependent piezomagnetic changes in viscoelastic<br />

medium<br />

Currenti Gilda, Ciro Del Negro, Malcolm Johnston, Yoichi<br />

Sasai. Speaker Currenti Gilda<br />

05: 30 pm Large magnetic changes at Etna Volcano (Italy) observed<br />

before and during the 2006 eruption<br />

Napoli Rosalba, Gilda Currenti, Ciro Del Negro, Davide<br />

Giudice. Speaker Napoli Rosalba<br />

JSS013 The lithosphere<br />

Conveners: Thybo Hans, Cloetingh Sierd<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

The Ypresian Lutetian boundary in the north of Tunisia,<br />

Biostratigraphy, Climatic, Tectonic and Environmental Events<br />

Narjess Karoui- Yaakoub, Moufida Ben Mbarek-Jma, Nourdine Ben<br />

Ayed. Speaker Narjess Karoui- Yaakoub<br />

Deep lithospheric structures in geodynamical evolution of Middle<br />

Tien Shan<br />

Sidorova Irina. Speaker Sidorova Irina<br />

Camparison between fault lineaments on satellite images and<br />

Riedel model shear: a case study in Damavand Volcano, Central<br />

Alborz Mountains, Northern Iran<br />

Omidian Safieh, Jamshid Hassanzadeh, Mohsen Eliassi, Faribourz<br />

Gharib. Speaker Omidian Safieh<br />

Petrology and geochemistry of Kuhe - Dom Volcanic Rocks in<br />

Ardestan, central Iran<br />

Baranpourian Neda, Mohammad Hossain Razavi, Mohammad Hashem<br />

Emami. Speaker Baranpourian Neda<br />

Modeling of the thermal structure of continental lithosphere<br />

Kronrod Victor, Tatiana Kronrod. Speaker Kronrod Victor<br />

Evaluation of the effects by heterogeneously inserted thin/thick<br />

high/low velocity layers in the part of crust<br />

Tsuruga Kayoko, Junzo Kasahara, Yoshihiro Naito, Azusa Nishizawa,<br />

Kentaro Kaneda. Speaker Tsuruga Kayoko<br />

Evaluation of efficiencies of P-S conversion in THE oceanic crust<br />

and Vp/Vs estimation<br />

Tsuruga Kayoko, Junzo Kasahara, Eiichiro Nishiyama, Kei Murase,<br />

Ryuji Kubota, Azusa Nishizawa. Speaker Eiichiro Nishiyama<br />

A highly variable depth of the brittle/ductile transition in the<br />

lithosphere along the Andes Region<br />

Muoz Miguel. Speaker Muoz Miguel<br />

Global rotation of lithosphere and position of seismic belts<br />

Barkin Yury. Speaker Barkin Yury<br />

Crustal and uppermantle structure in the Eastern Mediterranean<br />

from the analysis of surface wave dispersion curves<br />

Di Luccio Francesca, Francesca Di Luccio, Mike E. Pasyanos. Speaker<br />

Di Luccio Francesca<br />

Rayleigh Wave Group Velocity Tomography in Greenland from<br />

Correlation of Ambient Seismic Noise<br />

Voss Peter, Peter Kyhl Knudsen, Olafur Gudmundsson, Sren<br />

Gregersen, Trine Dahl-Jensen, Winfried Hanka, Tine B. Larsen. Speaker<br />

Voss Peter<br />

Exhumation of the Dabie UHP Metamorphic Terrane, China<br />

Wang Qingchen. Speaker Wang Qingchen<br />

Temperature estimates of the lithosphere on the romanian territory<br />

constrained by seismic velocity data<br />

Tumanian Maria. Speaker Tumanian Maria<br />

Tracking SKS shear-wave splitting across Central and Eastern<br />

Europe by using permanent networks and one single event<br />

Plenefisch Thomas, Marcus Walther. Speaker Plenefisch Thomas<br />

Application of integrated geophysical modelling for determination<br />

of the continental lithospheric structure in the Carpathian-<br />

Pannonian region - lithospheric thickness map<br />

Drerov Jana, Miroslav Bielik, Hermann Zeyen, Karmah Salman.<br />

Speaker Drerov Jana<br />

Integrated lithospheric modelling in the Red Sea area<br />

Drerov Jana, Miroslav Bielik, Anwar Hassan Ahmed Radwan, El-Sayed<br />

Abdel-Azim Issawy, Igor Koht. Speaker Drerov Jana<br />

A new lithosphere model as input for the European Strength Map<br />

Tesauro Magdala, Mikhail K. Kaban, Sierd Cloetingh. Speaker Tesauro<br />

Magdala<br />

Surface wave tomography in Euro-Mediterranean region<br />

Schivardi Renata, Andrea Morelli. Speaker Schivardi Renata<br />

Finite difference seismic travel times and non-linear seismic<br />

tomography: recovery of slab-back-arc structures in the<br />

Mediterranean region<br />

Serretti Paola, Andrea Morelli. Speaker Serretti Paola<br />

Interpretation of mineralogic and geochimist results of clays from<br />

the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary in the North of Tunisia and the<br />

paleoenvironment reconstrution<br />

Moufida Ben M’Barek Jema, Narjess Karoui Yaakoub, Fouad Zargouni,<br />

Noureddine Ben Ayed. Speaker Moufida Ben M’Barek Jema<br />

SS002 Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Strong Ground Motion<br />

Conveners: Wu Zhongliang, Romanelli Fabio<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Chairpersons: -<br />

Study on causative mechanism of unusual geological incidents<br />

occurred during 2001 in Kerala, India<br />

Shanker Daya, H.N. Singh, O.P Arya, V. P. Singh, V.N. Neelakandan.<br />

Speaker Shanker Daya<br />

Precursory swarm is a real diagnostic parameter as seismic<br />

precursor before major shocks a case study<br />

Shanker Daya, H. N. Singh, R.B.S. Yadav, V.P.Singh. Speaker Shanker<br />

Daya<br />

Seismic hazard zoning of Southern Part of Khorasan Province_Iran<br />

(Gazik_Qayen_Nehbandan_Birjand) and designing a fortran<br />

program to estimate the seismicity parameters on base of numbers<br />

and magnitude of earthquakes<br />

Abbaszadeh Shahri Abbas, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei, Mohsen Goudarzi.<br />

Speaker Abbaszadeh Shahri Abbas<br />

Comparison ofearth quake response spectera of earth (soil) and<br />

concreat dams behaviour indiffferent regions of Iran with a new<br />

geotechnical analysis method<br />

Abbaszadeh Shahri Abbas, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei, Mohsen Goudarzi.<br />

Speaker Abbaszadeh Shahri Abbas<br />

Probabilistic earthquake hazard analysis in western Algeria<br />

Youcef Bouhadad. Speaker Youcef Bouhadad<br />

Geological structure of Sri Lanka and its influence on micro<br />

seismic activities<br />

Wickramasooriya Ashvin. Speaker Wickramasooriya Ashvin<br />

Identification of basement Rock Beneath Kanto Plain by normalized<br />

input-output minimization (NIOM) method and conventional<br />

receiver function using strong motion accelerograms<br />

Grutas Rhommel, Hidenori Mogi, Hideji Kawakami. Speaker Grutas<br />

Rhommel<br />

Complex analytical and monitoring the method of the long-term<br />

and short-term earthquakes forecasting<br />

Svetlana Bayda. Speaker Svetlana Bayda<br />

Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Romania considering<br />

intermediate-depth (vrancea) and shallow (crustal) seismicity<br />

Sokolov Vladimir, Rakesh Mohindra, Simon Francis, Friedemann<br />

Wenzel. Speaker Sokolov Vladimir<br />

Seismic hazard assessment of the Ilam Region in Western Iran<br />

Sepahvand Mohammad Reza, Mossomeh Eskandari. Speaker<br />

Sepahvand Mohammad Reza<br />

Short-Term M4+ Earthquake Probability Forecasts for California<br />

and Western Nevada<br />

Ebel John, Daniel W. Chambers, Alan L. Kafka, Jenny Baglivo. Speaker<br />

Ebel John<br />

Probabilistic seismic hazard evaluation of Albania<br />

Aliaj Shyqyri, Eduard Sulstarova, Betim Muo, Siasi Koiu. Speaker<br />

Eduard Sulstarova<br />

Q-models for deterministic seismic hazard assessment in Romania<br />

Luminita Angela Ardeleanu. Speaker Luminita Angela Ardeleanu<br />

Dams rating in seismic risk classes in Banat Region - Romania<br />

Iren-Adelina Moldovan, Emilia Popescu, Eugen Oros. Speaker Iren-<br />

Adelina Moldovan<br />

Determination of Ground Motion Attenuation law in Tehran Region<br />

Motaghi S. Khalil, Abdolreza Ghods, Hamid Reza Siahkoohi. Speaker<br />

Motaghi S. Khalil<br />

Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment of North-East IRAN<br />

“NEYSHABOUR Region”<br />

Kazemian Javad, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei. Speaker Kazemian Javad<br />

Is It Possible an Integrated Use of Microzonation Studies and City<br />

Disaster Plan Sisli (Istanbul) Example<br />

Ozcep Ferhat, Dilek Kepekci. Speaker Ozcep Ferhat<br />

Seismicity and seismic energy release in Central Alborz, Northern<br />

Iran<br />

Heydari Sara, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Heydari Sara<br />

Spatio-temporal changes of b-value in Alborz<br />

Ashtari Jafari Mohammad. Speaker Ashtari Jafari Mohammad<br />

The 2007 UK national seismic hazard map<br />

Musson Roger, Susanne Sargeant. Speaker Musson Roger<br />

Statistical distribution of elapsed times and distances of seismic<br />

events: the case of the Alborz in northern IRAN<br />

Heydari Sara, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi 1&2 And Hediyeh Nazi 3.<br />

Speaker Heydari Sara<br />

Aftershock activity of the 28th May 2004 (Ms=6.4) Baladeh kojour<br />

earthquake in Iran<br />

Heydari Sara. Speaker Heydari Sara<br />

Can’t groundwater level be induced by shear waves<br />

Fu-Qiong Huang, Chen Yong, Yu Sheng, Wong Teng-Fong, Wu<br />

Zhongliang. Speaker Fu-Qiong Huang<br />

Seismic hazard analysis in Kerman Region, Iran<br />

Taheri Leila, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Taheri Leila<br />

Estimation of b-value and fractal dimension in the Andaman-<br />

Sumatra Region<br />

Tripathi Jayant Nath, Ashish K. Yadav. Speaker Tripathi Jayant Nath<br />

Deaggregation of seismic hazard for selected canadian cities<br />

Adams John, Stephen Halchuk, Frank Anglin. Speaker Adams John<br />

Parallel implementation of a displacement finite difference method<br />

for computation of the seismic response of geologic models<br />

Juan Alfonso Prez Ruiz, Francisco Luzn Martinez, Antonio Garca Jerez.<br />

Speaker Juan Alfonso Prez Ruiz<br />

An advanced method to generate damage scenarios employing an<br />

index of vulnerability of buildings for seismic risk assessment in<br />

urban zones. Application to Motril city (Spain).<br />

Juan Alfonso Prez Ruiz, Antonio M. Posadas Chinchilla, Nieves Lantada<br />

Zarzosa, Lluis G. Pujades Beneit, Antonio Garca Jerez. Speaker Juan<br />

Alfonso Prez Ruiz<br />

An advanced method to generate damage scenarios using capacity<br />

spectrum of buildings for seismic risk assessment in urban zones.<br />

Application to Motril city (Spain).<br />

Juan Alfonso Prez Ruiz, Antonio M. Posadas Chinchilla, Nieves Lantada<br />

Zarzosa, Lluis G. Pujades Beneit, Antonio Garca Jerez. Speaker Juan<br />

Alfonso Prez Ruiz<br />

Analysis of strong ground motion of February 22, 2005 Zarand<br />

earthquake<br />

Babaie Mahani Alireza, Shayesteh Mehrabian. Speaker Babaie Mahani<br />

Alireza<br />

Source model of the 2005 Miyagi-Oki, Japan, earthquake from<br />

broadband strong motion simulation by the empirical Greens<br />

function method<br />

Suzuki Wataru, Tomotaka Iwata. Speaker Suzuki Wataru<br />

Simulation of peak ground acceleration<br />

Chen Kuang-Jung, Jee-Shiang Wang, Yih-Min Wu, Cheng-Horng Lin.<br />

Speaker Chen Kuang-Jung<br />

Analysis of global damage and functioning of highway systems in<br />

earthquake conditions<br />

Dojcinovski Dragi, Vladimir Mihailov, Guoxin Wang, Katayoun<br />

Behzadafshar. Speaker Dojcinovski Dragi<br />

Characterstics of destuctive earthquake in Turkey<br />

Boustan Elham, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Boustan Elham<br />

Investigation of seisimicity and seismic energy release in Middle<br />

East<br />

Tahernai Nadia, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Tahernai Nadia<br />

Charactristic of Hindu Kush Earthquakes<br />

Tahernai Nadia, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Tahernai Nadia<br />

Investigation of seismotectonic on the basis of aeromagnetic and<br />

earthquake data in East Azarbaijan Province<br />

Nazi Hediyeh, Nasrin Amirmotallebi, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi, Sara<br />

Heidari. Speaker Nazi Hediyeh<br />

Improvement of the experimental system in Turkey automatically<br />

estimating seismic source, ground motion, and damage<br />

Suzuki Sadaomi, Takuo Kagawa, Murat Beyhan, Engin Coruh, Bekir<br />

Tuzel, Mayumi Sakamoto, Yutaka Ohta. Speaker Suzuki Sadaomi<br />

Australian Earthquake Ground Motion Model Development<br />

Cummins Phil, Trevor Allen, Trevor Dhu. Speaker Cummins Phil<br />

Dynamic seismic hazard prediction and pipeline earthquake<br />

impacts<br />

Babazade Oktay, Nigyar Babazade, Lothar Griesser, Boris Romanov.<br />

Speaker Babazade Oktay<br />

ShakeMap analysis for Vrancea (Romania) intermediate-depth<br />

earthquakes and implications on disaster management strategy<br />

Radulian Mircea, Andrea Tugui, Bogdan Grecu, Mihaela Popa, Neculai<br />

Mandrescu. Speaker Radulian Mircea<br />

Time-dependent seismic hazard assessment on the basis of<br />

monitoring seismicity behaviour in Vrancea region, Romania<br />

Popa Mihaela, Maria Rogozea. Speaker Popa Mihaela<br />

Reevaluated macroseismic map of March 4, 1977 major Vrancea<br />

(Romania) earthquake.<br />

Pantea Aurelian, Angela Constantin. Speaker Pantea Aurelian<br />

Long-period ground motion simulation on the Ishikari and Yufutsu<br />

plain, Hokkaido, Japan<br />

Yoshida Kunikazu, Haruko Sekiguchi, Masayuki Yoshimi, Haruo<br />

Horikawa. Speaker Yoshida Kunikazu<br />

New generation of probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for<br />

Germany considering uncertainties as an integral part<br />

Grnthal Gottfried, Christian Bosse, Dietrich Stromeyer, Rutger Wahlstrm.<br />

Speaker Grnthal Gottfried<br />

Designing new strategic facilities: ground motion evaluation for<br />

two bridges in the Veneto-Friuli Plain (NE Italy)<br />

Santulin Marco, Pieralberto Fadalti, Dario Slejko, Alessandro Rebez.<br />

Speaker Dario Slejko<br />

New approach to the characterization of the tail of the distribution<br />

of earthquake magnitudes and instability inherent to the widely<br />

used Mmax estimates<br />

Rodkin Mikhail, Vladilen Pisarenko, Anne Sornette, Didier Sornette.<br />

Speaker Rodkin Mikhail<br />

Sensitivity Analysis in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis<br />

(PSHA): a Case of Study in Northern Tuscany (Italy)<br />

Barani Simone, Daniele Spallarossa, Claudio Eva. Speaker Barani<br />

Simone<br />

Limited constraints on probabilistic seismic hazard estimates<br />

Beauval Celine, Pierre-Yves Bard, Sebastian Hainzl, Philippe Gueguen.<br />

Speaker Beauval Celine<br />

A Study on the Recent Recorded Strong Motion in Bandar Abass<br />

region in Zagros, Southern Iran<br />

Eshaghi Attieh, Prof.Mohamadreza Gheytanchi, Dr.Mehdi Zare, Javad<br />

Kazemiyan. Speaker Eshaghi Attieh<br />

Seismic attenuation in SW Iberia: constraints from the M6.1 Feb 12,<br />

2007 Cape St Vincent Earthquake<br />

Fonseca Joao, Susana P. Vilanova, Carlos S. Oliveira. Speaker Fonseca<br />

Joao<br />

SS005 Earthquake Sources - Modelling and Prediction<br />

Conveners: Zavyalov Alexey, Matsuura Mitsuhiro<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Shock-wave model of earthquake source<br />

Kuznetsov Vladimir. Speaker Kuznetsov Vladimir<br />

Study of crust in South-Western Zagros in Iran using earthquake<br />

data inversion<br />

Abd Etedal Mahsa, Dr. Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Abd<br />

Etedal Mahsa<br />

Studying of the relation between crustal movement and strong<br />

earthquakes by GPS in mainland China

09 July, 2007<br />

Zai-Sen Jiang, Zai-Sen Jiang, Yong-Lin Li, Ying Fang, Yan-Qiang Wu.<br />

Speaker Zai-Sen Jiang<br />

Source Mechanism and Source Parameters of May 28, 1998<br />

Earthquake, Egypt<br />

bou Elenean Atiya Kamal. Speaker Ebou Elenean Atiya Kamal<br />

Focal Mechanisms of Small and Moderate Size Earthquakes<br />

Recorded by the Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN), Egypt<br />

Ebou Elenean Atiya Kamal. Speaker Ebou Elenean Atiya Kamal<br />

The account of effect the Fermipastaulam in mathematical models<br />

of seismic processes activization<br />

Svetlana Bayda. Speaker Svetlana Bayda<br />

Application of seismic noise for prediction of strong earthquakes<br />

in Kamchatka<br />

Kugaenko Yulia, Saltykov Vadim, Sinitsyn Valery. Speaker Kugaenko<br />

ulia<br />

n geodynamical processes in the region of the Northern Tien<br />

Shan: possible preparation for large earthquake<br />

Kopnichev Yuri, Mikhailova Natalya. Speaker Kopnichev Yuri<br />

Synchronization effects of microseismic background oscillations<br />

field before strong earthquakes<br />

yubushin Alexey, G.A. Sobolev. Speaker Lyubushin Alexey<br />

Probability of seismic realization of radon precursors of<br />

earthquakes (m≥3.7) in Armenia and adjacent territories<br />

Hovhannisyan Hayk, Hrachya Petrosyan. Speaker Hovhannisyan Hayk<br />

adon precursors of two strong earthquakes in Turkey, 2003<br />

Hovhannisyan Hayk. Speaker Hovhannisyan Hayk<br />

Analysis of radons levels to understand expansion and<br />

compression processes in the active faults zone in Armenia<br />

Hovhannisyan Hayk. Speaker Hovhannisyan Hayk<br />

The focal mechanism of small earthquakes in relation with the<br />

active fault systems of Vrancea Region (Romania)<br />

Luminita Angela Ardeleanu, Raileanu Victor. Speaker Luminita Angela<br />

Ardeleanu<br />

Source-site characterization for Vrancea (Romania) intermediatedepth<br />

earthquakes<br />

Anica Otilia Placinta, Radulian Mircea, Popescu Emilia, Popa Mihaela,<br />

Moldovan Iren Adelina. Speaker Anica Otilia Placinta<br />

Seismicity and seismotectonics of eastern part of the Pannonian<br />

Depression (Romania)<br />

Anica Otilia Placinta, Radulescu Florin, Malita Zina, Diaconescu Mihai.<br />

Speaker Anica Otilia Placinta<br />

Tectonophysical analysis of jointing area underground and open<br />

pit mine<br />

Fedotova Yuliya, Anatoly Kozyrev, Maxim Potokyn. Speaker Fedotova<br />

Yuliya<br />

Estimation parameters mining-induced seismicity in Khibiny<br />

massif<br />

Fedotova Yuliya. Speaker Fedotova Yuliya<br />

Modeling constraints of earthquake parameters using chaotic<br />

dynamics over Indian Regions.<br />

Srivastava Hari Narain. Speaker Srivastava Hari Narain<br />

Regularity of distribution of regional and local components of the<br />

tectonomagnetic field.<br />

Bondar Tatiana, Samvel Oganesyan. Speaker Bondar Tatiana<br />

Background seismicity and earth tides: synchronization in source<br />

zones of large earthquakes<br />

Saltykov Vadim. Speaker Saltykov Vadim<br />

Estimation of seismic fault slip distribution from marine terrace<br />

data using an earthquake cycle model<br />

ato Toshinori, Harutaka Higuchi, Noriko Tsumura, Tanio Ito, Chihiro<br />

Hashimoto, Mitsuhiro Matsu’Ura. Speaker Sato Toshinori<br />

hybrid intelligent system based on analysis of time variation in<br />

radon concentration, environmental parameters and aftershocks of<br />

bam earthquake<br />

Keshvari Forough, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei, Ali Negarestani, Navid Shad<br />

Manaman. Speaker Keshvari Forough<br />

nvestigation of crust in Yazd province, central Iran, revealed from<br />

local seismic network data<br />

Pour Beyranvand Shahrokh, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi, Majid<br />

Nemati. Speaker Pour Beyranvand Shahrokh<br />

Earthquake triggering by the combination of the static stress step<br />

and the dynamic effect<br />

Maeda Kenji. Speaker Maeda Kenji<br />

Regional stress field reconstructed from earthquake focal<br />

mechanisms and strain field from GPS data in China<br />

mirnov Vladimir, Victor Petrov, Anfu Niu, Vladimir Smirnov, Alexander<br />

ostryukov, Li Zhixiong, Alexander Ponomarev, Jiang Zaisen, Shen<br />

Xuhui. Speaker Smirnov Vladimir<br />

stimation of Slip Deficit Distribution on the Subducting Plate<br />

Interface<br />

Ochi Tadafumi, Teruyuki Kato. Speaker Ochi Tadafumi<br />

Seismotectonic Deformation of the Central Tien Shan<br />

ycheva Nailia, Bogomolov Leonid Mihaylovich, Kostuk Alexander<br />

mitrievich, Yunga Sergey Lvovich. Speaker Sycheva Nailia<br />

Quasi-static analysis of strike fault growth in layered media<br />

Kame Nobuki, Shuji Saito. Speaker Kame Nobuki<br />

Seismic quiescence before Wenan M5.1 earthquake near Beijing in<br />

2006<br />

hang Yongxian. Speaker Zhang Yongxian<br />

STudy of crust in North-Eastern Iran using earthquake data<br />

inversion<br />

Abd Etedal Mahsa, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Abd Etedal<br />

Mahsa<br />

Dynamic characteristics of geophysical time-series from the long<br />

term observations in seismically active region<br />

mirnov Vladimir, Alexander Cherepantsev, Vladimir Smirnov, Jiadong<br />

Qian. Speaker Smirnov Vladimir<br />

An examination of seismic quiescence based on the brittle-ductile<br />

interaction hypothesis<br />

Sugaya Katsunori, Yoshihiro Hiramatsu, Muneyoshi Furumoto, Hiroshi<br />

Katao. Speaker Sugaya Katsunori<br />

A tectonomagnetic method for determining the level of seismic<br />

hazard<br />

Odintsov Sergey, Samvel Oganesyan. Speaker Odintsov Sergey<br />

few new anomalies of the seismic regime revealed in the vicinity<br />

of strong earthquakes possible physical nature and the connection<br />

with the possibility of probabilistic and deterministic prognosis of<br />

strong earthquakes<br />

Rodkin Mikhail. Speaker Rodkin Mikhail<br />

Source process of the 8th October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan<br />

ahernai Nadia, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Tahernai Nadia<br />

The 2004 earthquake offshore of the Kii peninsula, Japan:<br />

hypocentral relocation, source process and tectonic implication<br />

Bai Ling, Ichiro Kawasaki. Speaker Bai Ling<br />

Long-term earthquake prediction for the Kuril-Kamchatka Arc for<br />

2006-2011 and successful prediction for the Middle Kuril Island<br />

earthquake, 15.XI.2006, s=8.2<br />

Chernyshev Sergey, Alexey Solomatin. Speaker Chernyshev Sergey<br />

round heta flux (GHF) as precursors to seismic events<br />

Rezapour Nafiseh, Dr. Morteza Fattahi, Dr. Abbasalli Aliakbari Bidokhti.<br />

Speaker Rezapour Nafiseh<br />

se of empirical mode decomposition method for identification of<br />

earthquake and explosion records<br />

ehrabian Shayesteh, Ahmad Amini. Speaker Mehrabian Shayesteh<br />

Stick-slip instability analysis and stress evaluation by using the<br />

node-to-point contact element strategy<br />

Mehrabian Shayesteh, Ahmad Amini. Speaker Mehrabian Shayesteh<br />

Anomalies of seismic regime of western Himalaya<br />

Ponomarev Alexander, Arora B., Smirnov V., Zavyalov A., Chabak S.,<br />

Kumar N.. Speaker Ponomarev Alexander<br />

Geomagnetic anomalies associated with earthquakes<br />

Pour Beyranvand Shahrokh. Speaker Pour Beyranvand Shahrokh<br />

Simultaneous Multiple Seismic Event: Koryakia Earthquake M7.6,<br />

Eastern Russia On April 20, 2006<br />

Ishihara Yasushi. Speaker Ishihara Yasushi<br />

Quantitative earthquake prediction: twenty years of real-time<br />

application and testing<br />

ossobokov Vladimir. Speaker Kossobokov Vladimir<br />

Source characteristics of the 28th May 2004 Baladeh-Kojur<br />

destructive earthquake in central Alborz, revealed from far field<br />

waveform data<br />

Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza. Speaker Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza<br />

Investigation on static stress interaction among the 1930 Irpinia<br />

Earthquake and other large events in Southern Apennines (Italy)<br />

Perniola Bruna, Umberto Fracassi, Barbara Palombo, Nicola Alessandro<br />

Pino. Speaker Perniola Bruna<br />

Analysis of Combined Triggering Factors as a Basis for Earthquake<br />

Prediction and Control<br />

Novikov Victor. Speaker Novikov Victor<br />

SW001 Earthquake data in archaeological and historical studies<br />

Conveners: Albini Paola<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Re-evaluation of historical catalogues in the Indian Region.<br />

Srivastava Hari Narain. Speaker Srivastava Hari Narain<br />

The 1740 and 1544 earthquakes in Central Greece<br />

Stiros Stathis, Sofia Papageorgiou. Speaker Stiros Stathis<br />

SW002 Geophysical studies of active faults<br />

Conveners:Barchi Massimiliano R., Pratt Thomas<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room<br />

12; Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room<br />

12<br />

9:00 am Fluids as a tool to investigate potential seismogenic<br />

structures<br />

Italiano Francesco. Speaker Italiano Francesco<br />

9’15 am HIgh-resolution imaging of active fault systems in the Agri<br />

Basin (Southern Apennines) by controlled source non-linear crustal<br />

tomography<br />

Valoroso Luisa, Luigi Improta, Luigi Ferranti, Claudio<br />

Chiarabba. Speaker Valoroso Luisa<br />

9’30 am VHR seismic imaging of displacement along an active fault<br />

system of the Adriatic Foreland<br />

Di Bucci Daniela, Ridente Domenico, Fracassi Umberto,<br />

Trincardi Fabio, Valensise Gianluca. Speaker Di Bucci Daniela<br />

9’45 am Electrical tomograhy at the eastern end Of Lago Fagnano.<br />

Tierra del Fuego. Argentina<br />

Vilas Juan Francisco, Tassone A. A, Santomauro M..<br />

Speaker Vilas Juan Francisco<br />

10’00 am San Andreas Fault Zone structure from a new guided wave<br />

and other borehole-based seismic observations at the SAFOD drill<br />

site<br />

Malin Peter, William L. Ellsworth. Speaker Malin Peter<br />

10:15 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10’45 am The extensional seismogenic faults of the Umbria-<br />

Marche Apennines (Central Italy): geometrical reconstruction and<br />

mechanical models<br />

Barchi Massimiliano R., Cristiano Collettini, Nicola De<br />

Paola, Costanzo Federico, Giorgio Minelli, Francesco Mirabella, Cristina<br />

Pauselli. Speaker Barchi Massimiliano R<br />

11’00 am Modeling of co-seismic deformation caused by<br />

seismogenic faults, case study: Bam, Iran, Dec. 2003, earthquake<br />

Noori Sina, Behzad Voosoghi, Amir Masoud Abolghasem.<br />

Speaker A.H.M.Selim Reza<br />

11:15 am Rock mechanical investigation of Doulaei_Tuyserkan<br />

Tunnel (Hamedan Province_Iran) by combination seismic method<br />

with RMR and suggestion a new method for its optimization<br />

Abbaszadeh Shahri Abbas, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei, Mohsen<br />

Goudarzi. Speaker Abbaszadeh Shahri Abbas<br />

11:30 am Telemetred multichannel system for geophysical cable<br />

Ionica Florin. Speaker Ionica Florin<br />

11:45 am Multiscale imaging of shallow fault zones by integrating<br />

seismic and resistivity tomographies, reflection profilings and<br />

drillings: the Monte Aquila normal fault, southern Apennines, Italy<br />

Improta Luigi, Bruno Pier Paolo, Piscitelli Sabatino,<br />

Rizzo Vincenzo, De Martini Paolo Marco, Daddezio Giuliana, Burrato<br />

Pierfrancesco, Ferranti Luigi. Speaker Improta Luigi<br />

12’00 am 4D Seismic reflection imaging of the deep seismogenic<br />

zone<br />

Brown Larry, Melissa Stephenson, Amy Kwiatkowski.<br />

Speaker Brown Larry<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 12<br />

2’00 pm Fault activity monitoring by PS INSAR technique<br />

Jingfa Zhang, Zhoushu Zhang, Lixia Gong. Speaker Jingfa<br />

Zhang<br />

2’15 pm Multifractal Analysis of the 1981 Kerman-Sirch and 2003<br />

Bam Earthquakes (Iran) From Aftershock Studies in Nayband Gowk<br />

Fault System<br />

Hassanpoor Sedghi Mohammad, Mohammad Mokhtari.<br />

Speaker Hassanpoor Sedghi Mohammad<br />

2’30 Seismic reflection profiling of active-seismogenic fault<br />

systems in Japan<br />

Sato Hiroshi, Susumu Abe, Naoshi Hirata, Naoko Kato,<br />

Takaya Iwasaki. Speaker Sato Hiroshi<br />

2’45 Depth variations in seismogenic layer and segmentation of<br />

active faults<br />

Ito Kiyoshi. Speaker Ito Kiyoshi<br />

3’00 Detailed Upper Crustal Structure across the Northern Part of<br />

Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, Central Japan<br />

Iwasaki Takaya, Sato Hiroshi, Imai Tomoko, Takeda<br />

Tetsuya, Kawasaki Shinji, Kawanaka Taku. Speaker Iwasaki Takaya<br />

3’15 HIgh-resolution imaging of active fault systems in the Agri<br />

Basin (Southern Apennines) by controlled source non-linear crustal<br />

tomography<br />

Valoroso Luisa, Luigi Improta, Luigi Ferranti, Claudio<br />

Chiarabba. Speaker Valoroso Luisa<br />

3’45 coffee break<br />

4’00 Active faults under the Shahreza and Dehaghan cities, Iran<br />

Nadimi Alireza, Zahra Zaghian, Akram Minaei, Maryiam<br />

Hosseini, Ali Moslehi. Speaker Nadimi Alireza<br />

4’15 Seismotectonic framework of the 2001 Pondichery<br />

Vasanthi Anthwar, Vijay Kumar Rao, Kumarendra Mallick.<br />

Speaker Kumarendra Mallick<br />

4’30 High-resolution seismic profiling across the Vallo di Diano<br />

Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy): new constraints on the<br />

pleistocene range-bound normal-faulting system<br />

Villani Fabio, Bruno Pier Paolo, Castiello Antonio, De Rosa<br />

Dario, Improta Luigi, Amicucci Laura, Montone Paola, Di Fiore Vincenzo,<br />

Rapolla Antonio. Speaker Bruno Pier Paolo<br />

4’45 Multidisciplinary analysis of two complex fault systems in<br />

Italy: the Saorge Taggia (western Liguria) and the Garfagnana-North<br />

(northern Tuscany) lines.<br />

Turino Chiara, Eva Elena, Scafidi Davide, Solarino Stefano.<br />

Speaker Turino Chiara<br />

SW003 Seismogenic zones: emergence of in situ fault zone<br />

observations to the understanding of earthquake physics<br />

Conveners: Suyehiro Kiyoshi, Ma Kuo-Fong<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 11<br />

09:00 am Multiple-scale approach to understanding the Nankai<br />

subduction earthquake physics<br />

Suyehiro Kiyoshi, Yoshiyuki Kaneda, Masataka Kinoshita,<br />

Eiichiro Araki, Katsuyoshi Kawaguchi, Shuichi Kodaira, Masanao<br />

Shinohara, Toshihiko Shimamoto, Toshihiko Kanazawa. Speaker<br />

Suyehiro Kiyoshi<br />

09:15 am Advanced ocean floor network and simulating<br />

phenomena of earthquakes and tsunamis around the Nankai<br />

Trough in southwestern Japan - Towards the understanding of<br />

mega thrust earthquakes -<br />

Kaneda Yoshiyuki, Katsuyoshi Kawaguchi, Takeshi<br />

Nakamura, Shinichiro Kamiya, Takane Hori, Toshitaka Baba. Speaker<br />

Kaneda Yoshiyuki<br />

09:30 am Low dynamic fault strength at seismic slip rates:<br />

experimental evidence<br />

Di Toro Giulio, Stefan Nielsen. Speaker Di Toro Giulio<br />

09:45 am Dynamic mechanochemistry of seismic slip -nano<br />

spherules lubrication<br />

Tanaka Hidemi, Wei-Ming Chen, Yi-Ming Chen, Yen-Feng<br />

Song, Kuo-Fong Ma. Speaker Tanaka Hidemi<br />

10:00 am Hydro-thermo-mechanical characterization of the<br />

Aigion Fault from the AIG10 well investigation<br />

Cornet Francois Henri, Mai Linh Doan, Jean Sulem.<br />

Speaker Cornet Francois Henri<br />

10:15 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10:45 am In Situ Observations of Fault Dynamics from TCDP<br />

boreholes<br />

Ma Kuo-Fong. Speaker Ma Kuo-Fong<br />

11:00 am Fault slip detected by borehole deformation<br />

Ito Hisao, Tsutomu Kiguchi. Speaker Ito Hisao<br />

11:15 am Methods for analyses of high resolution temperature<br />

logs in deep boreholes<br />

Kano Yasuyuki, Osamu Matsubayashi, Hisao Ito, Jim Mori.<br />

Speaker Kano Yasuyuki<br />

11:30 am Geophysical investigation from Taiwan Chelungpufault<br />

Drilling Project (TCDP): Stress field and Anisotropy<br />

Wu Hung-Yu. Speaker Wu Hung-Yu<br />

11:45 am Depth migrated seismic images of the crust beneath<br />

the 2001 BHUJ (M = 7.7) epicentral Region in the Western India<br />

Sain Kalachand, D. Sarkar, P.R. Reddy, R.D. Catchings,<br />

W.D. Mooney. Speaker Sain Kalachand<br />

SW006 Induced seismicity<br />

Conveners: Lasocki Stanislaw, Kuempel Hans-Joachim, Chadha<br />

Rajender, Do Nascimento Aderson<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 3<br />

09:00 am Quasi-static and dynamic deformations of the rock<br />

mass surounding deep level mining excavations<br />

Milev Alexander, Steve M. Spottiswoode. Speaker Milev<br />

Alexander<br />

9’15 am Examples of Time Distribution of Seismic Events in Mines<br />

Du Toit Cornel, Dr Alexander J Mendecki. Speaker Du Toit<br />

Cornel<br />

09:30 am Non-linear modelling of induced seismic event<br />

probability<br />

Beck David, Stephan Arndt, Fred Reusch. Speaker Beck<br />

David<br />

09:45 am A study of the origin of seismic events in Upper<br />

Silesian Coal Basin in Poland.<br />

Lasocki Stanislaw, Beata Orlecka-Sikora. Speaker Beata<br />

Orlecka-Sikora<br />

10’00 am Anisotropy effects on microseismic event location<br />

King Andrew, Shahriar Talebi. Speaker Shahriar Talebi<br />

10:15 am Inversion of a cavity surface from seismic wave arrival<br />

times<br />

Ltter Ernest, Richard Lynch. Speaker Ltter Ernest<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11’00 am Estimating thickness of soft sediments in mining area<br />

using the HVSR method<br />

Olszewska Dorota, StanisAw Lasocki. Speaker<br />

Olszewska Dorota<br />

11:15 am Acoustic emission induced by oscillating load in a<br />

laboratory experiment as a model of triggered seismicity<br />

Ponomarev Alexander, Smirnov V., Stroganova S., Lockner<br />

D., Stanchits S.. Speaker Ponomarev Alexander<br />

11:30 am Analysis of Seismicity Triggered by High-Power<br />

Electric Pulses<br />

Novikov Victor, Vladimir Zeigarnik, Arben Avagimov, Leonid<br />

Bogomolov, Nikolay Tarasov. Speaker Novikov Victor<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 3<br />

02:00 pm Source parameters estimation of reservoir-induced<br />

earthquakes in northeastern Brazil using Empirical Greens<br />

Function analysis<br />

Do Nascimento Aderson, Jelena Tomic, Rachel<br />

Abercrombie. Speaker Do Nascimento Aderson<br />

02:15 pm Cyclic annual variations in the Koyna-Warna reservoirs<br />

and triggered earthquakes<br />

Chadha Rajender. Speaker Chadha Rajender<br />

02:30 pm Study of Koyna earthquakes using principal<br />

component analysis<br />

Srivastava Hari Narain. Speaker Srivastava Hari Narain<br />

02:45 pm LAke Nasser; 25 years of monitoring advantages and<br />

disadvantages<br />

Kebesay Rashad. Speaker Kebesay Rashad<br />

03:00 pm Reservoir - induced seismicity in Georgia<br />

Devidze Marina, Tamaz Chelidze, Nino Tsereteli, Vakhtang<br />

Abashidze, Nodar Varamashvili, Teimuraz Matcharashvili. Speaker<br />

Devidze Marina<br />

03:15 pm Seismicity induced by hydrocarbon production<br />

Suckale Jenny. Speaker Suckale Jenny<br />

03:30 pm, Enhancemant of heavy oil extraction using microseismic<br />

monitoring<br />

Talebi Shahriar, Richard Smith, Colum Keith. Speaker<br />

Talebi Shahriar<br />

3’45 coffee break<br />

04:15 pm Induced earthquakes associated with geothermal energy<br />

extraction in Kamchatka (Russia)<br />

Kugaenko Yulia. Speaker Kugaenko Yulia<br />

04’30 pm Thermal signatures of groundwater flows associated<br />

with induced seismicity in Bebedouro (São Paulo)<br />

Hamza Valiya, Marcelo Assumpo, Tereza Higashi Yamabe.<br />

Speaker Hamza Valiya<br />

04’45 pm Is earthquake forecast possible at Koyna, India<br />

Gupta Harsh, Dodla Shashidhar, Metilda Pereira, Prantik<br />

Mandal, N. Purnachandra Rao, M. Kousalya, H. V. Satyanarayana,<br />

Vijaya Raghavan, Satish Saha, G. Kiran Kumar, Kantha Rao, Narendra<br />

Kumar, Amiya Maji, D. Nagesh. Speaker Gupta Harsh<br />

VS001 Sediment-laden gravity flows in volcanic settings:<br />

generation, sedimentation, prediction and hazard assessment<br />

Conveners: Pareschi Maria Teresa, Zanchetta Giovanni, Scott<br />

Kevin<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room C<br />

02:00 pm Understanding hazards induced by catastrophic mass<br />

wasting processes on New Zealand volcanoes<br />

Lecointre Jerome. Speaker Lecointre Jerome<br />

02:15 pm Difference scale migration manifestations of mud<br />

volcanic activity the dynamics in processes of main earthquakes<br />

preparation with magnitude 5.0 9.0<br />

Babazade Oktay, Nigyar Babazade, Boris Romanov.<br />

Speaker Babazade Oktay<br />

02:30 pm Debris flows in volcanic terrains and their relation to<br />

pyroclastic fall deposits: the Campania Region (southern Italy)<br />

case study<br />

Bisson Marina, Pareschi Maria Teresa, Zanchetta Giovanni,<br />

Sulpizio Roberto, Santacroce Roberto. Speaker Giovanni Zanchetta<br />

02:45 pm Burial process of Roman villa at Somma Vesuviana,<br />

northern foot of Mt. Vesuvius<br />

Niihori Kenji, Masashi Nagai, Takayuki Kaneko, Toshitsugu<br />

Fujii, Setsuya Nakada, Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto, Atsushi Yasuda, Masanori<br />

Aoyagi. Speaker Niihori Kenji<br />

03:00 pm Learning from LAHARS: characterising the predicted<br />

Ruapehu Crater Lake break-out flood<br />

Manville Vern, Shane J. Cronin, Jon N. Procter, Suzy E.<br />

Cole, Hilary K. Mcmillan. Speaker Manville Vern<br />

03:15 pm Recent lahars at Volcan de Colima (Mexico): origin and<br />

hazard evaluation.<br />

Capra Lucia, Norma Davila, Gianluca Norini, Juan Carlos<br />

Gavilanes, Nick Varley. Speaker Capra Lucia<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm The effect of Initial conditions on flow dynamics and<br />

deposition patterns<br />

Cordoba Gustavo, Heidy Mader, Steve Sparks. Speaker<br />

Cordoba Gustavo<br />

04:15 pm Post eruption dome collapses a potentially unexpected<br />

hazard source<br />

Platz Thomas, Shane Cronin, Jonathan Procter, Bob<br />

Stewart. Speaker Platz Thomas<br />

VS005 The Magma Feeding System of Persistently Active<br />

Basaltic Volcanoes: Mount<br />

Etna and Others<br />

Conveners: Puglisi Giuseppe, Cristofolini Renato, Allard Patrick<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine<br />

Arts Room 14<br />

09:00 am Geophysical observations at Mt Etna during the<br />

December 2005 January 2006 anomalous non-eruptive period<br />

Zuccarello Luciano, Daniele Carbone, Chris Bean, Gilberto<br />

Saccorotti, Domenico Patan. Speaker Zuccarello Luciano<br />

09:15 am Gravity steps at Etna and Merapi volcanoes.<br />

Instrumental effects or evidences of earthquake-triggered magma

09 July, 2007<br />

density changes<br />

Carbone Daniele, Philippe Jousset, Carla Musumeci.<br />

Speaker Carbone Daniele<br />

09:30 am Syn-eruptive style variations in basaltic volcanoes: the<br />

example of the Etna 2001 event<br />

Ferlito Carmelo, Marco Viccaro, Renato Cristofolini.<br />

Speaker Ferlito Carmelo<br />

09:45 am Integrated monitoring of magma accumulation and<br />

CO2 degassing at Izu-Oshima Volcano, Japan: towards mid-term<br />

prediction of future eruptions<br />

Watanabe Hidefumi. Speaker Watanabe Hidefumi<br />

10:00 am The impact of the plumbing-system geometry on gas<br />

segregation and passive degassing in basaltic volcanoes<br />

Menand Thierry, Jeremy C. Phillips. Speaker Menand<br />

Thierry<br />

10:15 am The dykes swarm of MT. Calanna as an example of<br />

coherent intrusion complex within the alkaline sequence of MT.<br />

Etna Volcano (Italy)<br />

Ferlito Carmelo, Eugenio Nicotra. Speaker Ferlito Carmelo<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am Infrasonic Tremor Variability from Pu’u O’o, Hawaii<br />

Garces Milton, David Fee, Robin Matoza, Michael Hedlin.<br />

Speaker Garces Milton<br />

1:15 am Extremely Long Period Oscillations Observed by<br />

Tiltmeters at Miyakejima Volcano, Japan<br />

Ueda Hideki, Motoo Ukawa, Eisuke Fujita, Eiji Yamamoto.<br />

Speaker Ueda Hideki<br />

1:30 am A fluid mechanical model of the evolution of sulphur,<br />

hlorine and fluorine ratios from passively degassing volcanoes.<br />

Witham Fred, Jeremy C. Phillips, R. Steve J. Sparks.<br />

Speaker Witham Fred<br />

1:45 am Eruptions, Deformation, Seismicity and the Magma<br />

Feeding System of the Giant Basaltic Klyuchevskoy Volcano,<br />

Kamchatka<br />

Fedotov Sergei, N.A. Zharinov. Speaker Fedotov Sergei<br />

12:00 pm Dynamics of magma in the shallow plumbing system of<br />

MT. Etna Volcano: inferences from a decade of petrologic data<br />

Corsaro Rosa Anna, Lucia Miraglia. Speaker Corsaro Rosa<br />

Anna<br />

12:15 pm Insights into the shallow magma reservoir at Etna<br />

(Italy) from the 1989, 1995-1996, 1998-1999, 2000 and 2001<br />

eruptions<br />

Vergniolle Sylvie. Speaker Vergniolle Sylvie<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine<br />

Arts Room 14<br />

02:00 pm Tracking of degassing pathways in the COHS-silicate<br />

melt helps to understand phenomena leading towards either highor<br />

low-energy eruptions at Mt. Etna<br />

Moretti Roberto, Barbara Gambardella, Luigi Marini, Nicole<br />

Mtrich, Paolo Papale, Johannes C. Hunziker. Speaker Moretti Roberto<br />

02:15 pm Ground deformation preceding and following the 2004-<br />

2005 eruption at MT. Etna, from GPS and DINSAR data<br />

Bonforte Alessandro, Alessandro Bonaccorso, Francesco<br />

Guglielmino, Mimmo Palano, Giuseppe Puglisi. Speaker Bonforte<br />

Alessandro<br />

02:30 pm From the sound of erta Ale Lava Lake (Ethiopia) to<br />

eruption dynamics into a magma reservoir<br />

Bouche Emmanuella, Sylvie Vergniolle. Speaker Bouche<br />

Emmanuella<br />

02:45 pm Why do deep magma reservoirs accommodate more<br />

magma than shallow magma chambers Accommodation of<br />

magma by ductile flow of Icelands lower crust<br />

Sigmundsson Freysteinn. Speaker Sigmundsson<br />

Freysteinn<br />

03:00 pm The magma plumbing system of Mount Etna: update<br />

from a three decade perspective.<br />

Allard Patrick. Speaker Allard Patrick<br />

03:15 pm The magma feeding system of the persistent presentday<br />

activity of Stromboli Volcano, Italy: Inferences from microanalytical<br />

Sr-Isotope and trace element data<br />

Francalanci Lorella, Isabella Nardini, Massimo Tiepolo,<br />

Riccardo Avanzinelli, Patrizia Landi, Mauro Rosi. Speaker Francalanci<br />

Lorella<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Reconciling deformation and degassing at Mt. Etna<br />

Burton Michael, Patrick Allard. Speaker Burton Michael<br />

04:15 pm Inflation of Mount Etna from 1993 to 2000: source<br />

inference based on 3D finite element modeling<br />

Giunchi Carlo, Elisa Trasatti, Spina Cianetti, Giuseppe<br />

Puglisi, Alessandro Bonaccorso. Speaker Giunchi Carlo<br />

04:30 pm The shape and extension of Stromboli magma chamber<br />

in the light of fine thermobarometry<br />

Cigolini Corrado. Speaker Cigolini Corrado<br />

04:45 pm Magma intrusion and gravitational spreading of the<br />

Hawaiian volcanoes: New constraints from 9 years of InSAR data<br />

Amelung Falk. Speaker Amelung Falk<br />

05:00 pm In search of the missing magma source<br />

Rivalta Eleonora, Paul Segall. Speaker Rivalta Eleonora<br />

05:15 pm Degassing dynamics at basaltic volcano:insights from<br />

infrasonic activity<br />

Marchetti Emanuele, Giacomo Ulivieri. Speaker Marchetti<br />

Emanuele<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Dynamics of magma mixing at MT. Etna Volcano (Italy) as indicated<br />

by textural and compositional features of phenocrysts. part 1:<br />

chemical disequilibrium conditions<br />

Viccaro Marco, Renato Cristofolini. Speaker Viccaro Marco<br />

Preliminary research of magma mixing and explosive mechanism<br />

of the millennium eruption of Tianchi Volcano,China<br />

Fan Qicheng, Jianli Sui, Ni Li, Qian Sun. Speaker Fan Qicheng<br />

Faulting on the western flank of Mt. Etna and magma intrusions in<br />

the shallow crust<br />

Mattia Mario, Domenico Patan, Marco Aloisi, Mauro Amore. Speaker<br />

Mattia Mario<br />

Dynamics of magma mixing at MT. Etna Volcano (Italy) as indicated<br />

by textural and compositional features of phenocrysts. part 2:<br />

kinetics of processes<br />

Viccaro Marco. Speaker Viccaro Marco<br />

New insights on Mt.Etna’s summit eruptive activity (2003-2007)<br />

from seismological and ground deformation data<br />

Mattia Mario, Domenico Patan, Giuseppe Di Grazia, Marco Aloisi,<br />

Valentina Bruno, Mimmo Palano. Speaker Domenico Patan<br />

round deformation, gravity and magnetic variations at MT. Etna<br />

encompassing the 2006 eruptive activity<br />

Bonforte Alessandro, Daniele Carbone, Davide Giudice, Filippo Greco,<br />

Francesco Guglielmino, Rosalba Napoli. Speaker Bonforte Alessandro<br />

Modelling of ground deformation and gravity data from Mt. Etna<br />

using different inversion approaches<br />

Bonforte Alessandro, Marco Aloisi, Antonio Camacho, Daniele Carbone,<br />

Maria Charco, Gilda Currenti, Ciro Del Negro, Jose Fernandez,<br />

Salvatore Gambino, Filippo Greco, Francesco Guglielmino, Mario<br />

Mattia, Mimmo Palano, Giuseppe Puglisi. Speaker Bonforte Alessandro<br />

The stability of lava lakes - insights into subsurface processes<br />

Llewellin Ed, Fred Witham. Speaker Llewellin Ed<br />

Ground deformations associated to the Nyiragongo 2002 and the<br />

Nyamulagira<br />

Nicolas D’Oreye, F. Kervyn, V. Cayol, C. Wauthier. Speaker Nicolas<br />

D’Oreye<br />

VS008 Volcanic hazard evaluation: methodologies and<br />

applications<br />

Conveners: Carniel Roberto, Falsaperla Susanna<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room F<br />

09:00 am Deformation models and GPS time series analysis from<br />

Deception Volcano (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)<br />

Berrocoso Manuel, Ramirez Eva, González-Fuentes María<br />

José, Fernández-Ros Alberto. Speaker Ramirez Eva<br />

09:15 am Incorporating crustal deformation results into timedependent<br />

quantification of volcanic hazards along the divergent<br />

plate boundary in north Iceland: Role of magma availability<br />

Sigmundsson Freysteinn, Pall Einarsson, Erik Sturkell,<br />

Rikke Pedersen, Thora Arnadottir, Halldor Geirsson, Kristjan<br />

Saemundsson. Speaker Sigmundsson Freysteinn<br />

09:30 am A study of Southeast Asia and Australasia’s population<br />

exposure to volcanic perils<br />

Jenkins Susanna, Russell Blong, John Mcaneney, Keping<br />

Chen. Speaker Jenkins Susanna<br />

09:45 am Geochemical monitoring of active volcanoes: organic<br />

compounds in low-to-high temperature gas exhalations at Vulcano<br />

Island (Aeolian Islands; Italy)<br />

Capaccioni Bruno, Franco Tassi, Orlando Vaselli. Speaker<br />

Capaccioni Bruno<br />

10:00 am First Results and Perspectives of Logical Modeling of<br />

Volcanic Eruptions<br />

Pshenichny Cyril, Victor P. Moukhachov, Cyril A.<br />

Pshenichny. Speaker Victor P. Moukhachov<br />

10:15 am The Event Bush as a Potential Complex Methodology<br />

of Volcanic Hazard Assessment<br />

Pshenichny Cyril, Cyril A. Pshenichny, Sergey I. Nikolenko,<br />

Roberto Carniel, Petr A. Vaganov, Zinaida V. Khrabrykh, Victor P.<br />

Moukhachov, Alexander A. Rezyapkin, Anton V. Yakovlev. Speaker<br />

Pshenichny Cyril<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Methodological proposal to realise lava flow hazard<br />

map. The application to the Southern Rift Mount Etna (Italy)<br />

Groppelli Gianluca, Barbara Aldighieri, Elisa Bertino,<br />

Federica Comoglio, Maria Luisa Damiani, Gianluca Norini, Claudio<br />

Silvestri. Speaker Groppelli Gianluca<br />

11:15 am Geostatistical estimation of volcanic hazards: from<br />

daily to millenary forecasts<br />

Jaquet Olivier, Roberto Carniel, Christian Lantujoul.<br />

Speaker Jaquet Olivier<br />

11:30 am HIgh-precision eruption records for hazard assessment<br />

at reawakening volcanoes<br />

Cronin Shane, Michael B. Turner, Mark Bebbington, Ian E.<br />

M. Smith. Speaker Cronin Shane<br />

11:45 am Generalization capabilities of support vector machine<br />

for volcanic tremor classification at MT Etna, Italy<br />

Falsaperla Susanna, Matteo Masotti, Horst Langer,<br />

Salvatore Spampinato, Renato Campanini. Speaker Matteo Masotti<br />

12:00 pm Classification of pre-eruption and non-pre-eruption<br />

epochs at Mount Etna volcano by means of artificial neural<br />

networks<br />

Castellaro Silvia, Francesco Mulargia. Speaker Castellaro<br />

Silvia<br />

12:15 pm Monitoring structural changes of volcanic tremor at<br />

Stromboli during April-May 2006<br />

Fattori Speranza Francesca, Carniel Roberto. Speaker<br />

Fattori Speranza Francesca<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room F<br />

02:00 pm Algorithm of the eruption prediction of Bezymianny<br />

Volcano (Kamchatka)<br />

Senyukov Sergey. Speaker Senyukov Sergey<br />

02:15 pm Inferences from spectral seismic energy measurement<br />

of a link between regional seismicity and volcanic activity at MT.<br />

Etna, Italy<br />

Falsaperla Susanna. Speaker Falsaperla Susanna<br />

02:30 pm Volcanotectonic architecture and history of the<br />

Rungwe Volcanic Province (SW Tanzania): Implications for hazard<br />

assessment<br />

Fontijn Karen, Damien Delvaux, Evelyne Mbede, Patric<br />

Jacobs, Gerald Ernst. Speaker Fontijn Karen<br />

02:45 pm Volcano-tectonic seismicity preceding the 1994<br />

eruption of Popocatpetl Volcano, Mexico<br />

De La Cruz-Reyna Servando, Izumi Yokoyma, Alicia<br />

Martnez-Bringas, Esteban Ramos. Speaker De La Cruz-Reyna<br />

Servando<br />

03:00 pm Ischia, an active volcanic island in the Neapolitan Area<br />

(Italy)<br />

Orsi Giovanni, De Vita Sandro, Enrica Marotta, Fabio<br />

Sansivero. Speaker Orsi Giovanni<br />

03:15 pm The 1631 Vesuvius subplinian event reviewed by<br />

iconographic analysis and mathematical approaches<br />

Morin Julie, Finizola Anthony, Ricciardi Giovanni, Tort<br />

Anthony, Lavigne Franck, Vilardo Giuseppe. Speaker Morin Julie<br />

03:30 pm Probability map of vent opening at Campi Flegrei, Italy<br />

Selva Jacopo, Mauro Di Vito, Giovanni Orsi, Michaela<br />

Quaglino, Laura Sandri. Speaker Selva Jacopo<br />

03:45 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Tremor Signals at Galeras Volcano, Colombia<br />

Jentzsch Gerhard. Speaker Jentzsch Gerhard<br />

Utilization of photographic techniques to recognize zeolitized<br />

facies in the Orvieto ignimbrite, as potential pollutant for the<br />

underneath aquifer<br />

Zanon Vittorio, Angelo Peccerillo, Pietro Conversini, Jos Pacheco,<br />

Adriano Pimentel. Speaker Zanon Vittorio<br />

Time serial analysis of volcanomagnetic data in Tenerife Island<br />

Sanchez Nieves, Alicia Garcia, Marta Tarraga. Speaker Sanchez Nieves<br />

Spatial Volcanic Hazard Assessment by the Event Bush Method<br />

Nikolenko Sergey, Pshenichny, Cyril Anatolievich, Sobissevich, Alexei<br />

Leonidovich, Yakovlev, Anton Viktorovich. Speaker Nikolenko Sergey<br />

Distal Tephra dispersion and related hazards in Chile: identification<br />

of latitudinal patterns<br />

Amigo Alvaro, Jorge Clavero, Matt Watson. Speaker Amigo Alvaro<br />

Quick Extraction of Relevant Volcanological Information by Means<br />

of Semantic and Smysl Networks<br />

Shterkhun Victoria, Pshenichny C. A. Speaker Shterkhun Victoria<br />

VS015 New Techniques using Remote Sensing Data for<br />

Volcano Monitoring and Analysis: Observations, Integration,<br />

Hazard Assessments and Modeling<br />

Conveners: Dean Ken, Rothery David<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

09:00 am Satellite monitoring of volcanoes at the global scale<br />

Wright Robert, Andrew Harris, Luke Flynn. Speaker Wright<br />

Robert<br />

09:30 am The Aster Volcano archive a global perspective<br />

Pieri David, Michael Abrams, Patrick Ko, Howard Tan.<br />

Speaker Pieri David<br />

09:45 am Comparisons of OMI and AIRS sulphur dioxide<br />

retrievals in volcanic eruption clouds<br />

Prata Fred, Simon Carn. Speaker Prata Fred<br />

10:00 am Rapid Response to Volcanic Eruptions with an<br />

Autonomous Sensor Web, as Demonstrated with EO-1 during the<br />

December 2006 Nyamulagira, DR Congo, Eruption.<br />

Davies Ashley, Robert Wright, Philip R. Kyle, Rebecca<br />

Castano, Steve Chien, Daniel Tran, Jean-Christophe Komorowski,<br />

Mahinda Kasereka Celestin, Daniel Mandl, Stuart Frye. Speaker Davies<br />

Ashley<br />

10:15 am Remote sensing of volcanic clouds in the moist tropics<br />

for aviation safety<br />

Tupper Andrew, Fred Prata, Simon Carn, Daniel Rosenfeld.<br />

Speaker Tupper Andrew<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am A Comparison of Lava Flow Measurements at Colima<br />

Volcano using a TIR Camera and AVHRR Real-Time Data<br />

Galindo Ignacio, Nick Valery. Speaker Galindo Ignacio<br />

11:30 am H2S emission from Santa Ana (El Salvador), Masaya<br />

(Nicaragua) and Pos(Costa Rica) and Sierra Negra (Galpagos)<br />

volcanoes<br />

Prez Nemesio, Pedro A. Hernndez, Jos Barrancos, Gladys<br />

Melin, Benancio Henriquez, Ral Mora, Theofilos Toulkeridis. Speaker<br />

Prez Nemesio<br />

11:45 am Rise dynamics and ash absorbance in vulcanian<br />

eruption plumes at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala, revealed using<br />

a UV-imaging camera<br />

Phillips Jeremy, Hiroko Yamamoto, Matthew Watson,<br />

Gregg Bluth. Speaker Phillips Jeremy<br />

12:00 pm Near realtime monitoring of active volcanoes in east<br />

Asia using satellite data<br />

Kaneko Takayuki, Kenji Takasaki, Atsushi Yasuda, Martin J.<br />

Wooster. Speaker Kaneko Takayuki<br />

Oral 9 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

02:00 pm Coincidental subsidence during cryptodome formation<br />

revealed by precise DEM analysis - Mt. Usu (1977-82) and Mt. St.<br />

Helens (1980)<br />

Okada Jun, Hiromu Okada. Speaker Okada Jun<br />

02:15 pm Observation of water vapor distribution in the<br />

fumaroles with a portable Raman lidar<br />

Nakamura Takuji, Naohiro Sugimoto, Takeshi Hashimoto,<br />

Akihiko Terada, Makoto Abo, Yuichi Katsube, Toshitaka Tsuda. Speaker<br />

Nakamura Takuji<br />

02:30 pm Monitoring Remote Volcanoes: Satellite Remote<br />

Sensing at the Alaska Volcano Observatory<br />

Bailey John, Kenneson Dean, Jonathan Dehn, Peter<br />

Webley, Ray Skoog, Lovro Valcic. Speaker Bailey John<br />

03:00 pm Volcanic Ash Modeling for North Pacific Volcanoes:<br />

Automated Operational Monitoring<br />

Webley Peter, Kenneson G. Dean, Rorik Peterson.<br />

Speaker Webley Peter<br />

03:15 pm Distribution and Movement of Volcanic Ash and SO2<br />

Observed in Satellite Data from the 2006 Eruption of Augustine<br />

Volcano, Alaska<br />

Dean Ken, Kristi L.Wallace, Catherine F.Cahill, Dave<br />

Schneider, Fred Prata. Speaker Dean Ken<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Characterization of Volcanic Eruptions using Remotely<br />

Sensed Data<br />

Dehn Jonathan, Ken Dean, John Bailey. Speaker Dehn<br />

Jonathan<br />

04:15 pm Monitoring of Mt. Etna 2006 eruption using AVHRR data<br />

Lombardo Valerio, Stefania Amici, Maria Fabrizia<br />

Buongiorno, Laura Colini, Stefano Corradini, Fawzi Doumaz, Massimo<br />

Musacchio, Claudia Spinetti. Speaker Lombardo Valerio<br />

04:45 pm Volcanic Processes, and Possible Precursors of<br />

Eruptions at Etna and Stromboli Volcanoes Revealed by Thermal<br />

Surveys<br />

Calvari Sonia. Speaker Calvari Sonia<br />

05:00 pm Comparison of field- and satellite-derived thermal flux<br />

during the May-July 2003 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise<br />

Coppola Diego, Mike James, Thomas Staudacher. Speaker<br />

Coppola Diego<br />

05:15 pm Detecting and discriminating volcanic terrains on<br />

Mercury: a MIXS message<br />

Rothery David, James Carpenter, George W Fraser, The<br />

Mixs Team. Speaker Rothery David<br />

Poster 9 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Study of changes in the Popocatepetl volcano geologic<br />

deformations caused by microseismicity, by applying the lineament<br />

analysis to the Aster (Terra) satellite images<br />

Arellano-Baeza Alonso, Roxana Ortega-Bustamante, Fernando<br />

Machuca Perez. Speaker Arellano-Baeza Alonso<br />

Ash plumes at MT. Etna during the 2006 eruption: observations<br />

from satellite to microscope<br />

Spinetti Claudia, Daniele Andronico, Jacopo Taddeucci, Antonio<br />

Cristaldi, Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno. Speaker Spinetti Claudia<br />

Investigation of LIDAR signal intensity on volcanic products of the<br />

Stromboli Volcano, Italy<br />

Fornaciai Alessandro, Marina Bisson, Massimiliano Favalli, Patrizia<br />

Landi, Francesco Mazzarini, Maria Teresa Pareschi. Speaker Fornaciai<br />

Alessandro<br />

On ground tir camera for volcanic plume detection: sensitivity<br />

study on sulphur dioxide and volcanic ash retrieval<br />

Pugnaghi Sergio, Corradini Stefano, Tirelli Cecilia, Gangale Gabriele,<br />

Amici Stefania, Buongiorno Maria Fabrizia, Carboni Elisa. Speaker<br />

Stefano Corradini<br />

Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring of Volcanoes<br />

Plastino Wolfango. Speaker Plastino Wolfango<br />

An Integrated Suite for Forecasting Volcanic Ash Dispersal: The<br />

MAFALDA Procedure<br />

Barsotti Sara, Augusto Neri, Luca Nannipieri. Speaker Augusto Neri<br />

Regional earthquake triggers of enhanced volcanic activity:<br />

examples from Modvolc data 2000-2006<br />

Delle Donne Dario, Andrew J.L. Harris, Maurizio Ripepe, Robert Wright.<br />

Speaker Delle Donne Dario<br />

10 July, 2007<br />

UL003 Subduction and Mantle Convection in the Mediterranean<br />

Claudio Faccenna<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 08:30 AM to 09:30 AM - Rectorate Main Hall<br />

JGS003 Earthquake and Volcano Geodesy<br />

Conveners: Freymueller Jeff<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Education Main Hall<br />

09:30 am Absolute gravity surveys in Chile: a contribution to<br />

earthquake and volcano geodesy<br />

Bonvalot Sylvain, Jacques Hinderer, Germinal Gabalda,<br />

Bernard Luck, Francis Bondoux, Diana Comte, Denis Legrand. Speaker<br />

Bonvalot Sylvain<br />

09:45 am Determining 3D displacement due to QESHM 2005<br />

earthquake using satellite radar interferometry<br />

Amighpey Masoome, Behzad Vosooghi, Maryam<br />

Dehghani. Speaker Amighpey Masoome<br />

10:00 am Blind and surface earthquakes ruptures deduced from<br />

INSAR in Algeria and Morocco: insights for the active deformation<br />

along the plate boundary in North Africa<br />

Meghraoui Mustapha. Speaker Meghraoui Mustapha<br />

10:15 am Slow slip events and interseismic coupling on the<br />

Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand<br />

Wallace Laura, John Beavan, Rob Mccaffrey, Annie<br />

Douglas. Speaker Wallace Laura<br />

10:30 am Spatiospectral localization of global geopotential fields<br />

from GRACE reveals the coseismic gravity change due to the 2004<br />

Sumatra-Andaman earthquake<br />

Simons Frederik, Shin-Chan Han. Speaker Simons<br />

Frederik<br />

10:45 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:15 am Seismicity and Crustal Deformation along Indo<br />

Myanmar Region<br />

Kumar Arun, Sunil Lashram. Speaker Kumar Arun<br />

11:30 am Postseismic deformation following the 2005 Kashmir<br />

earthquake as observed by GPS measurements<br />

Prajapati Sanjay, C D Reddy. Speaker Prajapati Sanjay<br />

11:45 am Precursors to Great Earthquakes along the Nankai<br />

Trough; Slow Earthquakes, Non-volcanic Deep Tremor and Slow<br />

Slip<br />

Linde Alan, I. Selwyn Sacks. Speaker Linde Alan<br />

12:00 pm Afterslip of the Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake<br />

Detected by Continuous GPS Observations and Their Tectonic<br />

Implications<br />

Hashimoto Manabu, Takeshi Katagi, Michio Hashizume,<br />

Nithiwatthn Choosakul, Shuzo Takemoto, Yoichi Fukuda, Kunio Fujimori,<br />

Mikio Satomura, Peiming Wu, Yuichi Otsuka, Hiroshi Takiguchi, Susumu<br />

Saito, Takashi Maruyama, Teruyki Kato. Speaker Hashimoto Manabu<br />

12:15 pm GPS-derived deformation from two years continuous<br />

and campaign observation in Sumatra<br />

Irwan Meilano, Yasaku Ohta, Fumiaki Kimata, Takeo Ito,<br />

Agustan, Takao Tabei, Hasannudin Z. Abidin, Didik Sugiyanto. Speaker<br />

Irwan Meilano<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Education Main Hall<br />

02:00 pm Looking rise and fall of magma through a volcano by<br />

decoding gravity record<br />

Okubo Shuhei, Jun’Ichi Hirabayashi, Kohei Kazahaya,<br />

Toshiya Mori, Wenke Sun, Shigeo Matsumoto, Etsuro Koyama.<br />

Speaker Okubo Shuhei<br />

02:15 pm New insights of the magma system under the Hekla<br />

volcano in Iceland, reveled by strain and other deformation data<br />

Sturkell Erik, Alan T. Linde, Selwyn I. Sacks, Freysteinn Sigmundsson,<br />

Kristjan Agustsson, Pall Einarsson, Halldor Geirsson, Rikke Pedersen,<br />

Peter Lafemina, Halldor Olafsson. Speaker Sturkell Erik<br />

02:30 pm InSAR measurements of subsidence and eruption<br />

model for the mud volcano in Sidoarjo, East Java<br />

Fukushima Yo, Jim Mori, Manabu Hashimoto, Yasuyuki<br />

Kano. Speaker Fukushima Yo<br />

02:45 pm Clues on the recent unrest episode of the Campi

10 July, 2007<br />

Flegrei Caldera (italy) from ground deformation data<br />

Amoruso Antonella, Luca Crescentini, Alan Trevor Linde,<br />

Ivor Selwyn Sacks, Roberto Scarpa, Pierdomenico Romano. Speaker<br />

Amoruso Antonella<br />

03:00 pm Inversion of deformation and gravity data in a layered<br />

medium with an application to the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy)<br />

Crescentini Luca, Antonella Amoruso, Marco Carpentieri,<br />

Giovanna Berrino. Speaker Crescentini Luca<br />

03:15 pm Integration of SAR and geodetic techniques for the<br />

analisys of volcanic deformations Crespi Mattia, Calcagni laura,<br />

Luzietti Lucia DITS Area di Geodesia e Geomatica, Sapienza<br />

Universit di Roma, v. Eudossiana, 18 - 00184 Roma<br />

Luzietti Lucia, Mattia Crespi. Speaker Luzietti Lucia<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina -<br />


Extraction of 2D Deformation Field Caused by 2005 Qeshm<br />

Earthquake By SAR interferometry<br />

Amighpey Masoome, Behzad Vosooghi, Maryam Dehghani. Speaker<br />

Amighpey Masoome<br />

CO-Seismic Deformation of the 2006 Jogyakarta earthquake<br />

Abidin Hasanuddin, H. Andreas, M. A. Kusuma, M. Gamal, M. Bilal, A.<br />

Sunatyo, I. Meilano, M. Ando, F. Kimata, D. H. Natawidjaja, Surono.<br />

Speaker Abidin Hasanuddin<br />

On the termination of the 2000 Tokai slow earthquake observed by<br />

GPS measurements<br />

himada Seiichi, Tomoe Kazakami. Speaker Shimada Seiichi<br />

The focal mechanism solutions and earthquake activities of<br />

heng Wanzheng. Speaker Cheng Wanzheng<br />

Coseismic displacements and slip distribution inferred from gps<br />

geodetic observations for the 1 April 2006 Peinan, Southeastern<br />

Taiwan, earthquake<br />

hen Horng-Yue, Ya-Lu Hsu, Long-Chen Kuo, Chi-Ching Liu, Jenheng<br />

Lee, Shui-Beih Yu. Speaker Chen Horng-Yue<br />

imulation of crustal velocity field of Chuandian by spherical<br />

numerical manifold method and GPS data<br />

Chen Ting, Xu Caijun, Yi Changrong, Liu Jingnan. Speaker Chen Ting<br />

Geodetic constraint on slip distribution of three megathrust<br />

earthquakes along the Kuril trench, northern Japan<br />

ishimura Takuya. Speaker Nishimura Takuya<br />

Relatiuonship between local and regional deformation study<br />

Prilepin Mikhail. Speaker Prilepin Mikhail<br />

Effect of Subducting Plate on Postseismic Deformation in a<br />

Viscoelastic Self-gravitating Spherical Earth<br />

anaka Yoshiyuki, Volker Klemann, Zdenek Martinec. Speaker Tanaka<br />

oshiyuki<br />

train analysis of Eastern Turkey with GPS data obtained from<br />

geodetic GPS campaigns<br />

Ozener Haluk, Kerem Halicioglu, Asli Garagon Dogru. Speaker Ozener<br />

Haluk<br />

Large Scale Deformation Monitoring Study with Network Design<br />

trategies on an Active Fault at Western Anatolia-Izmir<br />

Halicioglu Kerem, Haluk Ozener, Ahmet Unlutepe. Speaker Halicioglu<br />

Kerem<br />

Structural deformation determinations for strong motions<br />

ekdal Esra, Rahmi Nurhan Celik, Tevfik Ayan. Speaker Tekdal Esra<br />

Modeling deformation of the Colli Albani Volcanic Area by<br />

integration of different geodetic techniques<br />

Riguzzi Federica, Working Group R.U.8 Project V3_1 Colli Albani.<br />

Speaker Riguzzi Federica<br />

Studies of intraplate deformation resulting seismicity in the<br />

Northern Indian Plate<br />

Kumar Majumdar Ranjit. Speaker Kumar Majumdar Ranjit<br />

Determining displacement and rupture direction of new fault, DEC<br />

26, 2003, Bam, Iran with INSAR method<br />

eidari Ramak, Maryam Rahnemonfar, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi.<br />

Speaker Heidari Ramak<br />

Using SAR interferometry in fault ruptures observation: Izmit<br />

(Turkey) earthquake, August 17, 1999<br />

Heidari Ramak, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Heidari Ramak<br />

Detailed Ground Deformation around the Volcanoes Detected by<br />

Precise Leveling in Japan<br />

Kimata Fumikai, Masayuki Murase, Rikio Miyajima, Keita Ishikawa.<br />

Speaker Kimata Fumikai<br />

Postseismic Deformation Seven Years After the 1999 Chi-Chi,<br />

Taiwan, Earthquake<br />

Yu Shui-Beih, Ya-Ju Hsu, Horng-Yue Chen, Min-Chien Tsai, Long-Chen<br />

Kuo, Yi-Chuen Tsai, Chun-Shyong Tsai. Speaker Yu Shui-Beih<br />

mplications for the magnitude of background stress field from<br />

GPS measurements and focal mechanisms<br />

su Yaju, Jean-Philippe Avouac, Mark Simons, Shui-Beih Yu, Chien-<br />

Hsin Chang. Speaker Hsu Yaju<br />

The 2006 slow slip event in the Guerrero gap, Mexico: Insight into<br />

the time evolution of the slow slip from daily to sub-daily GPS<br />

position estimations.<br />

ergnolle Mathilde, Nathalie Cotte, Andrea Walpersdorf, Vladimir<br />

ostoglodov, J.A. Santiago. Speaker Vergnolle Mathilde<br />

Modelling of the surface displacement, stress, strain and gravity<br />

change due to the underground heat source<br />

Brimich Ladislav, Igor Kohut, Pavel Kostecky. Speaker Brimich Ladislav<br />

Ions, vapors and/or nanoparticles penetrating volcanic edifices<br />

Obenholzner Johannes. Speaker Obenholzner Johannes<br />

Study on Jiashi Strong Earthquake Swarm Region, Xinjiang of<br />

China by InSAR<br />

Qiao Xuejun. Speaker Qiao Xuejun<br />

Establishment of a permanent GPS network in Canary Islands and<br />

its initial results<br />

Sagiya Takeshi, David Calvo Etneo, Jose Barrancos Martinez, Naoyuki<br />

Fujii, Nemesio Perez, Pedro Hernandez. Speaker Sagiya Takeshi<br />

Ground ruptures and seismic faulting at depth: the case of the<br />

Kalamata, Greece, 1986 earthquakes<br />

tiros Stathis, Villy Kontogianni, Panos Psimoulis, Stella Pytharouli, Tesi<br />

Koutsouveli. Speaker Stiros Stathis<br />

Crustal deformation in Baitoushan volcano detected by SAR<br />

interferoemtry<br />

zawa Taku, Hiromitsu Taniguchi. Speaker Ozawa Taku<br />

Inflation of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii: Boundary element modeling of<br />

ALOS/PALSAR interferometric data<br />

Fukushima Yo. Speaker Fukushima Yo<br />

GPS determination of ongoing ground deformation at Santorini<br />

Caldera, Greece<br />

Stiros Stathis. Speaker Stiros Stathis<br />

iGeoPS, a Matlab tool for High Rate GPS data analysis: application<br />

to the Mt.Etna network<br />

Mattia Mario, Flavio Cannav, Massimo Rossi, Gaetano Russo. Speaker<br />

Mattia Mario<br />

New geodetic techniques and analytical tools to study ground<br />

deformation in volcanic areas: the example of sicilian volcanoes<br />

Puglisi Giuseppe. Speaker Puglisi Giuseppe<br />

low Earthquakes Triggered by Typhoons<br />

Liu Chiching, I. Selwyn Sacks. Speaker Liu Chiching<br />

Nonlinear effects during post-seismic visco-elastic deformation<br />

Postek Eligiusz, Greg A. Houseman, Peter K. Jimack. Speaker Postek<br />

Eligiusz<br />

onitoring volcanic activity in Central Andes with INSAR<br />

interferometry<br />

lbino Fabien, Jean-Luc Froger, Dominique Remy, Sylvain Bonvalot,<br />

athy Gonzales, Valrie Cayol, Thierry Souriot. Speaker Albino Fabien<br />

oward Broadband Exploration of Tectonic-Magmatic Interactions:<br />

emonstration of Self-Consistent, “All-in-One” Rapid Analysis of<br />

PS Mega-Networks using the Ambizap Algorithm<br />

lewitt Geoffrey, Corné Kreemer, William C. Hammond, Hans-Peter<br />

Plag. Speaker Blewitt Geoffrey<br />

riggering of Great Earthquakes: Seasonal Variation<br />

acks Selwyn, Alan T. Linde. Speaker Sacks Selwyn<br />

Bay Area Regional Deformation (BARD) network. Constraints on<br />

the active seismic systems in the San Francisco Bay Area<br />

Houlie Nicolas, Barbara Romanowicz. Speaker Houlie Nicolas<br />

Possible slow slip event on the plate interface induced by the<br />

largest aftershock of the 2005 Miyagi-oki earthquake<br />

Iinuma Takeshi, Akira Hasegawa, Satoshi Miura, Kenji Tachibana,<br />

Toshiya Sato. Speaker Iinuma Takeshi<br />

Coseismic and postseismic displacements from the Machaze,<br />

Mozambique, earthquake of 23 February 2006 detected by InSAR<br />

Hashimoto Manabu, Yo Fukushima, Taku Ozawa. Speaker Hashimoto<br />

Manabu<br />

The Contemporary Crustal Deformation across Active Faults and<br />

Folds of Tien from GPS<br />

Yang Shaomin. Speaker Yang Shaomin<br />

Lithospheric rheological structure constrained by eodetic survey in<br />

Altai, Xinjiang<br />

Tan Kai, Qi Wang. Speaker Tan Kai<br />

GPS-geodetic monitoring of the South West seismic zone of<br />

western Australia: progress after two observational epochs in 2002<br />

and 2006<br />

Darby Desmond, Mark Leonard, Dan Clark, John Dawson, Guorong Hu,<br />

Will Featherstone, Gary Johnston, Mike Dentith, Bob Mccarthy. Speaker<br />

Darby Desmond<br />

Remarkable strain changes associated with the activity of nonvolcanic<br />

deep low-frequency tremors in the Tokai district, Central<br />

Japan -observed with Ishii-type borehole strainmeter installed at<br />

1020M depth<br />

Asai Yasuhiro, Hiroshi Ishii, Sadaomi Suzuki, Makoto Okubo, Harumi<br />

Aoki. Speaker Asai Yasuhiro<br />

Crustal deformation sensed by GPS and reservoir earthquake<br />

potential possibility in the three gorges area after the impoundment<br />

Du Ruilin, Xuejun Qiao, Qi Wang, Canfei Xing, Wei Wang. Speaker Du<br />

Ruilin<br />

Analysis of anomaly in gravity observation before and after strong<br />

earthquakes<br />

Wang Wuxing, Li Ma, Jianping Huang. Speaker Wang Wuxing<br />

The GRACE Results and Earthquake in China<br />

Zou Zheng Bo. Speaker Zou Zheng Bo<br />

Geo-information technology and artificial intelligence for optimizing<br />

the displacements of earthquakes: a case study for syrian active<br />

fault zones<br />

Saleh Hussain, Mohamad Rukieh. Speaker Mohamad Rukieh<br />

The gravity changes caused by the coupling movement between<br />

deformation and density changes in the earths interior<br />

Shen Chongyang, Hui Li, Shaoming Liu. Speaker Shen Chongyang<br />

Absolute Datum Determination of China Earthquake Gravity<br />

Network<br />

Liu Dongzhi, Lelin Xing, Hui Li, Rugang Xu, Shaoan Sun. Speaker Liu<br />

Dongzhi<br />

Study on the Dynamic Source of the Lijiang Earthquake (Ms 7.1,<br />

Feb. 1996) Using of Repeated Gravimetric Data<br />

Li Hui, Chongyang Shen, Shaoan Sun, Dongzhi Liu. Speaker Li Hui<br />

Background gravity field before second impoundment of three<br />

gorges reservoir<br />

Sun Shaoan, Aiming Xiang, Rugang Xu, Xinlin Zhang. Speaker Sun<br />

Shaoan<br />

Conjunct geodetic and geologic analysis of the Apennines active<br />

deformation (ITALY)<br />

De Martini Paolo Marco, Mustapha Meghraoui, Daniela Pantosti,<br />

Elisabetta Danastasio. Speaker De Martini Paolo Marco<br />

The VELISAR initiative: mapping ground velocity in Italian<br />

seismogenic areas by InSAR techniques<br />

Salvi Satfano, C. Tolomei, S.Atzori, C.A. Brunori, S.Crespa, F.Doumaz,<br />

A.Ferretti, R.Lanari, A.Pepe, G.P.Ricciardi, G.Solaro, S.Stramondo.<br />

Speaker Carlo Alberto Brunori<br />

Application of polarimetric SAR Interferometry in measuring the<br />

depth of a fault<br />

Heidari Ramak, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Heidari Ramak<br />

PBO Borehole Strainmeter Network<br />

Mencin David, Michael Jackson, Michael Gladwin, Greg Anderson,<br />

Chuck Meertens, Kathleen Hodgkinson, Michael Hasting. Speaker<br />

Mencin David<br />

Geodesy and petrology agree: variation in shallow magma storage<br />

at alaskan volcanoes<br />

Freymueller Jeff, Thomas Fournier, Peter Cervelli, Jessica Larsen, Mindy<br />

M. Zimmer, Pavel Izbekov. Speaker Freymueller Jeff<br />

Active deformation of the Panarea hydrothermal system (Aeolian<br />

Island, Italy) from GPS measurements<br />

Esposito Alessandra, Marco Anzidei, Roberto Devoti, Fabiana Loddo,<br />

Arianna Pesci, Grazia Pietrantonio, Enrico Serpelloni, Nicola Cenni,<br />

Angelo Massucci. Speaker Esposito Alessandra<br />

Volcano-tectonic deformation models for Tenerife Island (Canary<br />

Islands, Spain)<br />

Berrocoso Manuel, García-García Alicia, Fernández-Ros Alberto,<br />

Sánchez-Alzola Alberto, Fernández-Prada Juan Antonio, Ramírez María<br />

Eva. Speaker Berrocoso Manuel<br />

Volcano deformation models an source location for Deception<br />

Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)<br />

Berrocoso Manuel, Fernández-Ros Alberto, Ramírez María Eva.<br />

Speaker Berrocoso Manuel<br />

JHW001 Interactions between snow, vegetation and the<br />

atmosphere (UCCS Symposium hosted by IAHS)<br />

Conveners: Yamazaki Takeshi, Essery Richard<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A3<br />

09:30 am Distributed modelling of snow processes in mountain<br />

canopies (Berchtesgaden National Park,<br />

Germany)<br />

Strasser Ulrich, Helmut Franz, Wolfram Mauser. Speaker<br />

Strasser Ulrich<br />

09:45 am A multi-sensor synergistic approach to improving<br />

fractional snow cover mapping in forested<br />

areas<br />

Nolin Anne, Thomas Painter, Yuri Knyazikhin. Speaker Nolin<br />

Anne<br />

10:00 am Parameterisation of patchy snow cover in a surface<br />

exchange model<br />

Wiltshire Andrew, Richard Harding, Richard Essery, Jon<br />

Bennie, Brian Huntley, Robert Baxter. Speaker Wiltshire Andrew<br />

10:15 am Finding the Rain/Snow Transition Elevation During<br />

Storm Events in Mountain Basins<br />

Marks Danny, Adam Winstral. Speaker Marks Danny<br />

10:30 am Snow simulation on and under canopy using a landsurface<br />

model<br />

Yamazaki Takeshi, Kazuyoshi Suzuki, Tetsuo Ohata.<br />

Speaker Yamazaki Takeshi<br />

10:45 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:15 am Modelling interaction between snow and vegetation<br />

within a coniferous forest stand<br />

Rasmus Sirpa. Speaker Rasmus Sirpa<br />

11:30 am Results from a simple parameterization of the snowvegetation<br />

interaction in energy-budget<br />

and temperature index models<br />

Koren Victor. Speaker Koren Victor<br />

11:45 am Modelling Canopy-Snow Interaction in the Canadian<br />

Boreal Forest Using CLASS<br />

Bartlett Paul, Murray D. Mackay, Natasha N. Neumann,<br />

Diana L. Verseghy. Speaker Bartlett<br />

Paul<br />

12:00 pm Comparison of forest-snow process models<br />

(SnowMIP2): uncertainty in estimates of snow<br />

water equivalent under forest canopies<br />

Essery Richard, Nick Rutter. Speaker Nick Rutter<br />

12:15 pm Discussion<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A3<br />

02:00 pm Simulations of snow process sensitivities to<br />

atmospheric conditions at forest and open<br />

sites<br />

Li Weiping, Kun Xia, Yong Luo, Shufen Sun. Speaker Li<br />

Weiping<br />

02:15 pm A modelling study of snow-vegetation interaction in a<br />

forested watershed<br />

Khaiter Peter. Speaker Khaiter Peter<br />

02:30 pm Dynamics of the radiation balance in a snow-covered<br />

sub-alpine forest and its link to<br />

snow properties<br />

Jonas Tobias, Manfred Sthli, David Gustafsson. Speaker<br />

Jonas Tobias<br />

02:45 pm Sub-canopy radiant energy during snowmelt in uniform<br />

and non-uniform forests spanning<br />

a latitudinal transect<br />

Link Timothy, Richard Essery, Danny Marks, John Pomeroy,<br />

Janet P. Hardy, Michele L. Reba,<br />

Jean Emmanuel Sicart. Speaker Link Timothy<br />

03:00 pm Hot Trees: Influence on Incoming Longwave Radiation<br />

to Snow<br />

Pomeroy John, Danny Marks, Richard Essery, Janet Hardy,<br />

Tim Link. Speaker Pomeroy<br />

John<br />

03:15 pm Changes in radiation to snow from forest-cover<br />

reduction in the rocky mountains<br />

Ellis Chad, John W. Pomeroy. Speaker Ellis Chad<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Impact of snow interception on water and energy<br />

balance of a forest stand in northern<br />

Sweden - combining measurements with impulse radar<br />

and eddy-correlation with numerical<br />

modelling<br />

Gustafsson David, Jan Magnusson, Achim Grelle, Angela<br />

Lundberg. Speaker Gustafsson<br />

David<br />

04:15 pm The effect of forest to sublimation from snow cover in<br />

Northern Eurasia<br />

Zhang Yinsheng, K. Suzuki, M. Ishikawa, T. Ohata, D.<br />

Oyunbaatar. Speaker Zhang Yinsheng<br />

04:30 pm Poster introductions<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Application Of Remote Sensing And GIS In Snow Hydrology<br />

Shahabfar Alireza. Speaker Shahabfar Alireza<br />

Modelling Studies of Snow Runoff between Snow, Vegetation<br />

Li Lan. Speaker Li Lan<br />

Climate-related vegetation characteristics derived from GIMMS<br />

NDVI in China during 1982-2003<br />

Ma Mingguo, Wang Xuemei, Song Yi. Speaker Ma Mingguo<br />

Study on Vegetation Cover Change and Its Relationship with<br />

Climate in Chinese Arid and Cold Regions by Using GIMMS AVHRR<br />

NDVI Data<br />

Song Yi, Ma Mingguo. Speaker Song Yi<br />

Topographic, meteorologic, and canopy controls on the scaling<br />

characteristics of the spatial distribution of snow depth fields<br />

Trujillo Ernesto, Ernesto Trujillo, Jorge A. Ramirez, Kelly Elder. Speaker<br />

Jorge A. Ramirez<br />

Modeling vegetation dynamics due to climate change and its<br />

hydrologic impacts in the Hanjiang River basin, China<br />

Fei Yuan, Liliang Ren. Speaker Fei Yuan<br />

Snow changes in forests with different LAI<br />

Kazama So, Hirokazu Izumi, Masaki Sawamoto. Speaker Kazama So<br />

Systematic Errors in the Daily mean Heat Flux due to the Errors of<br />

Diurnal Variation of Solar Radiation in a Canopy Model<br />

Nakata Junko, Takehiko Satomura. Speaker Nakata Junko<br />

Modeling snow accumulation and melt under parametric<br />

uncertainty - SnowMIP2 experience<br />

Gelfan Alexander, Kuragina Anna. Speaker Gelfan Alexander<br />

Snow cover-relief-climate-vegetation interaction an example from<br />

Tatra MTS. (Poland)<br />

Blazejczyk Krzysztof. Speaker Blazejczyk Krzysztof<br />

Simulation of snow accumulation and melt under needle-leaf<br />

forests using the cold regions hydrological model<br />

Ellis Chad, John W. Pomeroy, Tom Brown. Speaker Ellis Chad<br />

Can we detect snow-temperature feedbacks fom long term<br />

observations<br />

Bennie Jonathan, Andrew Wiltshire, Robert Baxter, Brian Huntley.<br />

Speaker Bennie Jonathan<br />

Impact of forest canopy on snow-to-air mercury fluxes<br />

Amyot Marc, Alexandre Poulain, Virginie Roy. Speaker Amyot Marc<br />

Snow accumulation along the Chinese ITASE traverse line from<br />

Antarctic coast to Dome A: measurements from stakes and<br />

automatic weather stations<br />

Xiao Cunde. Speaker Xiao Cunde<br />

Unexpected vegetation changes in High Mountain Environment in<br />

response to recent Climate Change<br />

Cannone Nicoletta, Guglielmin Mauro, Sgorbati Sergio. Speaker<br />

Cannone Nicoletta<br />

Impact of increased shrub density on snow accumulation and melt<br />

in the Arctic tundra.<br />

Marsh Chris, Stefan Pohl, Glen E. Liston. Speaker Marsh Chris<br />

HS1001 A New Focus on Groundwater-Seawater Interactions<br />

(Sponsors ICGW and IAPSO)<br />

Conveners: Polemio Maurizio, Sanford Ward, Langevin Christian<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room A09:30 am The importance of shallow confining<br />

units to submarine groundwater flow<br />

Bratton John. Speaker Bratton John<br />

10:00 am Comprehensive evaluations of groundwater/seawater<br />

interface and submarine groundwater discharge<br />

Taniguchi Makoto. Speaker Taniguchi Makoto<br />

10:15 am El Nio-Southern Oscillation determines the salinity of<br />

the freshwater lens under a coral atoll in the Pacific Ocean<br />

van der Velde Marijn, Mathieu Javaux, Marnik Vanclooster,<br />

Brent E. Clothier. Speaker van der Velde Marijn<br />

10:30 am Groundwater contributions to the nutrient dynamics<br />

at shallow inter- and sub- tidal areas adjacent to a mega city,<br />

Bangkok.<br />

Umezawa Yu. Speaker Umezawa Yu<br />

10:45 am Numerical modeling of saltwater freshwater interaction<br />

Ranjan Priyantha, So Kazama, Masaki Sawamoto. Speaker<br />

Ranjan Priyantha<br />

11:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:30 am A Simulation of Groundwater Discharge and Nitrate<br />

Delivery to the Chesapeake Bay from the Lowermost Delmarva<br />

Peninsula, USA<br />

Sanford Ward, Jaon P. Pope. Speaker Sanford Ward<br />

11:45 am Geoelectric and geochemical studies for hydrological<br />

characterization of Sagar Island, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal,<br />

India<br />

Das Debabrata, Debabrata Das. Speaker Das Debabrata<br />

12:00 pm Basin wide groundwater flow system study in volcanic<br />

low permeability bedrock aquifer including coastal submarine<br />

groundwater discharge<br />

Shimada Jun, Daisuke Inoue, Sou Satoh, Naohiko<br />

Takamoto, Tomoya Sueda. Speaker Shimada Jun<br />

12:15 pm Estimation of nutrient inputs through submarine<br />

groundwater discharge to Ariake Bay in Kyushu Island, Japan<br />

Yasumoto Jun, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Kenji Jinno. Speaker<br />

Yasumoto Jun<br />

12:30 pm Modelisation de lintrusion marine dans l aquifere<br />

cotiere du gabes dans le Sud Tunisien<br />

Chulli Badiaa, Badiaa Chulli, Nessim Jebnoun. Speaker<br />

Chulli Badiaa<br />

HS1003 Hydrology in Mountain Regions: Observations,<br />

Processes and Dynamics (Sponsor ICSIH with co-sponsorship of<br />


Conveners: Marks Danny<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0<br />

09:00 am Impact of glacier recession on runoff from Alpine basins<br />

since the Little Ice Age<br />

Collins David. Speaker Collins David<br />

09:15 am Melting glaciers and reducing stream flow: Himalayan<br />

paradox<br />

Thayyen Renoj, J T Gergan. Speaker Thayyen Renoj<br />

09:30 am Continuous record of seasonal snowpack by two<br />

methods in a small Pyrenean basin<br />

Alvera Bernardo, J.I. Lpez-Moreno, J. Latron. Speaker<br />

Alvera Bernardo<br />

09:45 am Influence of climate change on El Yeso reservoir in<br />

Santiago, Chile<br />

Osses Andrea, Vargas Ximena. Speaker Osses Andrea<br />

10:00 am Snow conditions in mountains and climate change a<br />

global view<br />

Verzano Kerstin, Dr. Lucas Menzel. Speaker Verzano<br />

Kerstin<br />

10:15 am The importance of snow-melt as a source of groundwater<br />

recharge - multi-parameter correlation

10 July, 2007<br />

of an exceptionally warm winter season with a<br />

subsequent severe hydrologic drought<br />

Kuells Christoph, Christian Leibundgut, Jochen Wenninger,<br />

Time Ehnes. Speaker Kuells<br />

Christoph<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am The role of groundwater in an alpine catchment: Lake<br />

Ohara, Yoho National Park, Canada<br />

Hood Jaime Lynn, Masaki Hayashi. Speaker Hood Jaime<br />

ynn<br />

11:15 am Ground Water Flow Patterns of Glacial Moraine Features<br />

in an Alpine Environment<br />

Roy James, Laurence R. Bentley. Speaker Roy James<br />

1:30 am Stable isotope tracers of shallow groundwater<br />

recharge dynamics and mixing within an Icelandic<br />

sandur, Skeiarrsandur<br />

Robinson Zoe, Ian Fairchild, Carol Arrowsmith. Speaker<br />

Robinson Zoe<br />

11:45 am Factors controlling ground-water recharge in the<br />

mountaineous hard-rock Aravalli terrain<br />

Bhuiyan Chandrashekhar, Ramesh P. Singh, Wolfgang<br />

Albert Flgel. Speaker Bhuiyan Chandrashekhar<br />

12:00 am Interrelation of surface and groundwater runoff in<br />

mountainous catchment of Studeny Brook<br />

Fendekova Miriam, Marian Fendek. Speaker Fendekova<br />

Miriam<br />

12:15 am Groundwater Flow Modeling of Perched Karstic Aquifers<br />

and Springs and its Implication<br />

for Determining Precipitation-Recharge Relationship<br />

Gvirtzman Haim, Menachem Weiss. Speaker Gvirtzman<br />

Haim<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0<br />

02:00 pm Water exchange between a stream and peat aquifer in the<br />

Canadian Rocky Mountains<br />

Westbrook Cherie J., Kimberely F. Janzen. Speaker<br />

estbrook Cherie J.<br />

02:15 pm Ecohydrology of high altitude mountain wetlands: case<br />

study of Ladakh<br />

Singh R.B., Anupam Anand. Speaker Singh R.B.<br />

02:30 pm Effect of precipition and mulching measures on soil<br />

moisture movement<br />

Zhang Qiuying, Fadong Li, Xianfang Song, Mengyu Liu.<br />

Speaker Zhang Qiuying<br />

02:45 pm Investigating the rainfall-runoff response of a small<br />

forested mountain catchment in the<br />

seasonally humid tropics using a modelling approach<br />

Lim Han She, Keith Richards. Speaker Lim Han She<br />

03:00 pm Hydrology of Native and Invaded Tropical Montane<br />

Cloud Forest in Hawaii<br />

Giambelluca Thomas, Gregory P. Asner, Roberta E. Martin,<br />

ichael A. Nullet, Maoyi Huang,<br />

John K. Delay, Ryan G. Mudd, Mami Takahashi. Speaker<br />

Giambelluca Thomas<br />

03:15 pm Sediment yield in a Brazilian Northeast semiarid<br />

experimental plot<br />

Moreira Lucio, Antonio Marozzi Righetto, Joo Abner<br />

Guimares Junior, Raniere Rodrigues<br />

Melo De Lima. Speaker Moreira Lucio<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Validation and interpretation of spatial soil-water<br />

modelling in the tropical subcatchments<br />

of Mae Chaem basin<br />

Vongtanaboon Sukanya. Speaker Vongtanaboon Sukanya<br />

04:15 pm Effects of wind on rainfall-topography relationship in<br />

mountainous regions of Northern<br />

Nigeria<br />

Onafeso Olu. Speaker Onafeso Olu<br />

04:30 pm Rainfall variability along the Southern Flank of the<br />

Bambouto Mountain (West-Cameroon)<br />

Kengni Lucas. Speaker Kengni Lucas<br />

04:45 pm The rainfall and runoff characteristics in Cherrapunji<br />

(Meghalaya, India) area.<br />

Roman Soja. Speaker Roman Soja<br />

05:00 pm Analysis of spatial variability of the regional precipitation<br />

using Kriging: the Paraiba<br />

Do Su Basin, Southeast of Brazil<br />

Simoes Silvio, Walquiria Marins Da Silva. Speaker Simoes<br />

Silvio<br />

05:15 pm Predicting runoff from mountain headwater catchments<br />

and its socio-economic implications<br />

in Jammu Province of India<br />

Sharma Vikas. Speaker Sharma Vikas<br />

HS2004 Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty<br />

for Sustainable Water Resources Management (Sponsors ICCLAS,<br />


and PUB)<br />

Conveners: Boegh Eva, Kunstmann Harald<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A2<br />

Chairpersons: Harald Kunstmann and Eva Boegh<br />

09:30 pm The effect of meteorological input resolution and<br />

uncertainty on the accuracy of hydrological<br />

models<br />

Bardossy Andras. Speaker Bardossy Andras<br />

10:00 am Space-time representativity of precipitation for rainfallrunoff<br />

modelling<br />

Haberlandt Uwe, Anna-Dorothea Ebner Von Eschenbach,<br />

Aslan Belli, Christian Gattke. Speaker<br />

Haberlandt Uwe<br />

10:15 am Assessement of rainfall-runoff model input data<br />

uncertainties on simulated runoff in Southern<br />

Africa.<br />

Sawunyama Tendai. Speaker Sawunyama Tendai<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am Ensemble Forecasting of Flash-floods in Semi-arid<br />

Regions across Spatial Scales<br />

Wagener Thorsten, Hoshin Gupta, Soni Yatheendradas,<br />

David Goodrich, Carl Unkrich, Mike<br />

Schaffner. Speaker Wagener Thorsten<br />

11:15 am Uncertainty characterization in integrated atmospheric<br />

and hydrologic modeling for short-term<br />

and basin-scale forecasts in a tropical semi-arid<br />

context<br />

Braga Ana Cludia, Carlos Galvo, Enio Souza, Enilson<br />

Cavalcanti, Renato Fernandes. Speaker<br />

Carlos Galvao<br />

11:30 am Real Time Flood Forecast and Flood Alert Map over the<br />

Huaihe River Basin in China Using<br />

a Coupled Hydro-meteorological Modeling System<br />

Wen Lei, Charles A. Lin, Guihua Lu, Zhiyong Wu, Jianyun<br />

hang, Yang Yang. Speaker<br />

Wen Lei<br />

11:45 am Downscaling and forecasting of evapotranspiration<br />

using a synthesis of wavelets and SVMS<br />

Kaheil Yasir. Speaker Kaheil Yasir<br />

12:00 am Uncertainty quantification in a combined IR/Microwave<br />

scheme for remote sensing of precipitation<br />

De Marchi Carlo, Aris P. Georgakakos, Christa Peters-<br />

Lidard. Speaker De Marchi Carlo<br />

12:15 am GPS and satellite meteorology in understanding the<br />

monsoon dynamics over Indian sub-continent<br />

Prasad Anup, Shatrughan Singh, Dip S. Nanda, Ramesh P.<br />

Singh. Speaker Prasad Anup<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A2<br />

Chairpersons: Harald Kunstmann and Eva Boegh<br />

02:00 pm GEWEX Hydrology<br />

Hall Alan. Speaker Hall Alan<br />

02:30 pm Uncertainties in estimating global energy and water<br />

balances assessed by an multi-model<br />

analysis of the global soil wetness project<br />

Oki Taikan, Yanjun Shen, Shinjiro Kanae, Naota Hanasaki,<br />

Paul A. Dirmeyer. Speaker<br />

Shinjiro Kanae<br />

02:45 pm Investigation of hydrologic predictability of global data<br />

sets for high latitude river<br />

basins<br />

Gusev Yeugeniy, Olga Nasonova, Larissa Dzhogan,<br />

Yeugeniy Kovalev. Speaker Gusev Yeugeniy<br />

03:00 pm Modelling regional climate change and the impact on<br />

surface and sub-surface hydrology<br />

in the Volta Basin (West Africa)<br />

Jung Gerlinde. Speaker Jung Gerlinde<br />

03:15 pm Coupling meteorological and hydrological models for<br />

medium range streamflow forecasts<br />

in the Parana Basin<br />

Collischonn Walter, Daniel Allasia, Carlos Tucci, Adriano<br />

Rolim Da Paz. Speaker Collischonn<br />

Walter<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

Chair: Luis Bastidas and Thorsten Wagener<br />

04:00 pm Joint high resolution climate - hydrology simulations for<br />

the upper Jordan River catchment<br />

Kunstmann Harald. Speaker Kunstmann Harald<br />

04:15 pm Seasonal Streamflow Forecast for the State of Ceara,<br />

Brazil<br />

Reis Dirceu. Speaker Reis Dirceu<br />

04:30 pm Data assimilation in a large-scale distributed<br />

hydrological model for medium range flow<br />

forecasts<br />

Paz Adriano, Walter Collischonn, Carlos Tucci, Robin<br />

Clarke, Daniel Allasia. Speaker<br />

Paz Adriano<br />

04:45 pm The Xinanjiang model towards the perspective of PUB<br />

Ren Liliang. Speaker Ren Liliang<br />

05:00 pm Poster Presentation<br />

HS3006 Changes in Water Resources Systems - Methodologies<br />

to Maintain Water Security and Ensure Integrated Management<br />

(Sponsor ICWRS)<br />

Conveners: van de Giesen Nick, Fukusima Yoshihiro<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I1<br />

09:00 am Integrated approach for assessing climate change<br />

impacts on a regional chalky aquifer<br />

in Belgium<br />

Alain Dassargues, Goderniaux Pascal, Brouyere Serge.<br />

Speaker Alain Dassargues<br />

09:20 am Future change of world water resources under SRES<br />

climate warming scenarios: a multi-model analysis<br />

Shen Yanjun, Taikan Oki, Shinjiro Kanae, Nobuyuki Utsumi.<br />

Speaker Shen Yanjun<br />

09:35 am Risk, spatial developments, subsidence and climate<br />

change: adding or multiplying<br />

Hoes Olivier. Speaker Hoes Olivier<br />

09:50 am Effects of climate change and population growth on<br />

water resources in Korea<br />

Chang Heejun, Jon Franczyk, Deg-Hyo Bae, Il-Won Jung 2,<br />

Eun-Soon Im, Won-Tae Kwon. Speaker Chang Heejun<br />

10:05 am Quantifying the uncertainty in Nile runoff response to<br />

climate change<br />

Nawaz Rizwan<br />

10:20 DISCUSSION<br />

10:30 am break (30 minutes)<br />


Xia Jun<br />



Fu Guobin, Speaker Fu Guobin<br />

11:35 am Drought prediction in the Vietnamese central highlands<br />

Rosbjerg Dan Speaker Rosbjerg Dan<br />

11:50 am Between aridity and humidity excess in Transylvanian<br />

Plain. The unique model approach<br />

Haidu Ionel, Speaker Haidu Ione<br />



Vorosmarty Charles Speaker Vorosmarty Charles<br />

12:20 DISCUSSION<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I1<br />

02:00 pm Impacts of the South-eastern Anatolia Project in Turkey<br />

on the performance of the Tabqa dam and hydropower plant in<br />

Syria<br />

Tilmant Amaury<br />



Bellezza Michele<br />



02:50 pm Historical analysis of water use in irrigation and<br />

hydrological environment in two arid regions in South America<br />

Ertsen Maurits<br />

03:05 pm The Role of Dams in Securing the Surface Water in the<br />

Northen and Eastern Parts of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)<br />

Al Nuaimi Hind<br />

03:20 DISCUSSION<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Policy learning in water resources management<br />

Hermans Leon<br />




Li Hao<br />

04:35 pm Perspectives on future flood management: Discovering<br />

underlying factors<br />

Raadgever Tom<br />




Kobiyama Masato<br />

05:05 pm Change of Water Resources System & Water Security in<br />

China<br />

Xia Jun<br />

05:20 pm DISCUSSION<br />

HS3007 Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring and<br />

Change Detection (Sponsor ICRS)<br />

Conveners: Owe Manfred<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I2<br />

Ritchie Jerry C. Speaker Ritchie Jerry C<br />

02:20 pm Application of GIS in Landuse Study in Osse-Ossiomo<br />

River Basin, Nigeria<br />

Ikhile Catherine. Speaker Ikhile Catherine<br />

02:40 pm Evaluating urbanization and its impacts on local<br />

hydrologically environmental change in<br />

Shijiazhuang, China<br />

Xiao Jieying. Speaker Xiao Jieying<br />

03:00 pm Mapping land degradation and forest resource loss from<br />

fused LANDSAT TM and NIGERIASAT-1 images in some<br />

parts of the southwest coast of Nigeria<br />

Fasona Mayowa. Speaker Fasona Mayowa<br />

Poster presentations (30 minutes)<br />

Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Towards a continuous monitoring of evapotranspiration<br />

based on MSG data.<br />

Gellens-Meulenberghs Franoise, Arboleda, Alirio, Ghilain,<br />

Nicolas. Speaker Gellens-Meulenberghs<br />

Franoise<br />

04:20 pm Estimating evapotranspiration for arid regions using<br />

remotely sensed data<br />

Abdalla Seifeldin, Christopher M. U. Neale. Speaker Abdalla<br />

Seifeldin<br />

04:40 pm Assessing crop water stress using MODIS data during<br />

winter wheat growing period along<br />

downstream of the Yellow River, China<br />

Yi Yonghong, Dawen Yang, Huimin Lei. Speaker Yi Yonghong<br />

05:00 pm Evaluating actual evapotranspiration by means of Multi-<br />

Platform remote sensing data: a<br />

case study in Sicily<br />

Ciraolo Giuseppe, Cammalleri Carmelo, Durso Guido,<br />

Minacapilli Mario. Speaker Ciraolo<br />

Giuseppe<br />

05:20 Remote sensing estimation of land surface<br />

evapotranspiration of typical river basins over<br />

China<br />

Zhan Chesheng, Chesheng Zhan, Jun Xia, Zhi Chen.<br />

Speaker Zhan Chesheng<br />

Poster Presentations<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Early warning system for landslides. The combined usage of<br />

Geoindicators and remote sensing<br />

Mavlyanov Pulat. Speaker Mavlyanov Pulat<br />

Remoted sensing monitoring of long-term regime of the Pamirs<br />

glaciation<br />

Konovalov Vladimir. Speaker Konovalov Vladimir<br />

Dynamics of water resources and land use in Mainstream of the<br />

Tarim River<br />

Dou Yan. Speaker Dou Yan<br />

Modis-Derived estimates of the regional evapotranspiration based<br />

on energy balance in Huai River Basin<br />

Tang Ronglin. Speaker Tang Ronglin<br />

HW2004 Towards Improved Evaluation of Hydrological Models:<br />

The Need to Understand and Characterize Uncertainties in the<br />

Modelling Process (Sponsor ICCLAS, PUB)Conveners: Freer<br />

Jim, Zehe Erwin, Wagener Thorsten<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room B<br />

09:30 am Analysis of data and model uncertainty in hydrological<br />

modelling using bayesian hierarchical methods<br />

Kavetski Dmitri, George Kuczera. Speaker Kavetski Dmitri<br />

09:50 am Hydrological model evaluation by extended information<br />

criteria<br />

Tada Tsuyoshi. Speaker Tada Tsuyoshi<br />

10:10 am Inclusion of Potential Vorticity uncertainties into hydrometeorological<br />

chain predictions: Application to a flash-flood event<br />

over Catalonia, Spain<br />

Amengual Arnau, Romu Romero, Mar Vich, Sergio Alonso.<br />

Speaker Amengual Arnau<br />

10:30 am Modifying NSGA-II in order to reflect multi-objective<br />

parametric uncertainty of conceptual rainfall-runoff models<br />

Nazemi Alireza, Xin Yao, Andrew H. Chan. Speaker<br />

Nazemi Alireza<br />

10:50 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:20 am Integrating alternative calibration strategies to set-up,<br />

evaluate, and compare hydrological models<br />

Fenicia Fabrizio, Hubert H.G. Savenije, Patrick Matgen,<br />

Laurent Pfister. Speaker Hubert Savenije<br />

11:40 am Hydrological model inter-comparison for<br />

understanding the predictable uncertainty<br />

Yang Dawen, Huan Ma, Mingliang Li, Jijun Xu. Speaker<br />

Yang Dawen<br />

12:00 pm On the use of comparative evaluations of competing<br />

models to investigate the uncertainties arising from model<br />

structure errors<br />

Gattke Christian. Speaker Gattke Christian<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room B<br />

02:00 pm Model Structure Identification and Correction through<br />

Data Assimilation<br />

Gupta Hoshin, Nataliya Bulygina. Speaker Gupta Hoshin<br />

02:30 pm Predictive probability assessment in hydrological<br />

modelling using empirical likelihood based Bayesian inference<br />

Martina Mario L.V., Pietro Mantovan. Speaker Martina<br />

Mario L.V.<br />

02:50 pm Dynamic Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Conceptual<br />

Hydrological Models<br />

De Vos Nico, Tom H.M. Rientjes, Hoshin V. Gupta. Speaker<br />

De Vos Nico<br />

03:10 pm The role of uncertainty in design of objective functions<br />

Croke Barry. Speaker Croke Barry<br />

03:30 pm Modelling the ungauged catchment - how far can we go<br />

with limited streamflow measurements and soft data<br />

Seibert Jan. Speaker Seibert Jan<br />

03:50 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:20 pm Regionalisation of hydrological models via flow<br />

characteristics<br />

Wyatt Adam. Speaker Wyatt Adam<br />

04:40 pm Spatial discretization and uncertainties in distributed<br />

hydrological modelling<br />

Rode Michael. Speaker Rode Michael<br />

05:00 pm Introduction of ancillary information to filter out nonphysical<br />

parameter sets under equi-finality<br />

Tachikawa Yasuto, Giha Lee, Takahiro Sayama, Kaoru<br />

Takara. Speaker Tachikawa Yasuto<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina -<br />


Identification of equifinality zones of behavioral parameter sets of<br />

hydrological models using the fuzzy c-means clustering<br />

Xiong Lihua, Kieran M. Oconnor. Speaker Xiong Lihua<br />

Recharge effects on environmental tracer concentrations in the<br />

subsurface<br />

Onnis Giorgio Amsicora, Wolfgang Kinzelbach, Harrie-Jan Hendricks<br />

Franssen, Fritz Stauffer, Rolf Althaus, Roland Purtschert, Stephan<br />

Klump, Rolf Kipfer. Speaker Onnis Giorgio Amsicora<br />

Flood Risk Prediction in a Watershed by Using Statistical Models<br />

Ramesh Azadeh. Speaker Ramesh Azadeh<br />

Estimation of saturated hydraulic conductivities in a large tank<br />

experiment by modelling of different pedotransfer functions<br />

Colombani Nicolò, Micl Mastrocicco, Torquato Nanni, Stefano Palpacelli.<br />

Speaker Colombani Nicolò<br />

Application and Parameters Sensitivity Analysis of BTOPMC Model<br />

in Small Catchment<br />

Li Xianghu, Ren Liliang. Speaker Li Xianghu<br />

Evaluation of a conceptual rainfall-runoff model with automatic<br />

calibration approach<br />

Alonso Facundo, Juan Carlos Bertoni. Speaker Alonso Facundo<br />

Evapotranspiration: Using a feedback approach to estimate the<br />

surface resistance term for vegetated surfaces.<br />

Granger Raoul, Brenda Toth. Speaker Granger Raoul<br />

Simulation error in groundwater models with rectangular and non<br />

rectangular discretization<br />

Rozos Evangelos, Demetris Koutsoyiannis. Speaker Rozos Evangelos<br />

Sensitivity analysis of rainfall uncertainties in rainfall runoff<br />

models in Weida catchment, Germany<br />

Lee Hyosang, Daniela Balin 1, Haytham Shbaita 1,, Michael Rode 1,<br />

Rajesh Raj Shrestha 1. Speaker Lee Hyosang<br />

Gravimetric 3D modelling and observation of time-dependent<br />

gravity variations to improve small-scale hydrological modelling.<br />

Naujoks Marco, Corinna Kroner, Thomas Jahr, Peter Krause, Adelheid<br />

Weise. Speaker Naujoks Marco<br />

Internal evaluation of TOPBAL, a TOPMODEL version developed<br />

for an improved simulation of the water balance of diverse<br />

vegetation types.<br />

Llorens Pilar, Jrme Latron, Rafael Poyatos, Carles Rubio, Javier Garca-<br />

Pintado, Aleksandra Muzylo. Speaker Llorens Pilar<br />

Simulation on ungauged catchments based on upstream/<br />

downstream discharges assimilation within lumped model<br />

Andréassian Vazken, Lerat Julien, Perrin Charles, Michel Claude.<br />

Speaker Lerat Julien<br />

Using Sequential Self-Calibration Method to Integrate Tracer Test<br />

Data to Refine Hydraulic Conductivity Field<br />

Jiang Xiaowei, Bill X. Hu. Speaker Jiang Xiaowei<br />

Rainfall-runoff model for flood forecasting in the catchment of The<br />

river Gambie, upstream Kedoudou: application of GR3J and GR4J<br />

Soussou Sambou, Malanda Nimy Edmond Nicaise, Mahe Gil. Speaker<br />

Soussou Sambou<br />

Comparative analysis between two automatic calibration<br />

algorithms aplied to a conceptual lumped model: Metropolis

10 July, 2007<br />

Montecarlo and SCE-UA<br />

el Prete Pablo Gustavo, Facundo Alonso. Speaker Del Prete Pablo<br />

Gustavo<br />

Online parameter update for conceptual rainfall-runoff models<br />

using data-driven systems<br />

Nazemi Alireza, Andrew H. Chan, Xin Yao. Speaker Nazemi Alireza<br />

Comparison between MOSCEM and NSGA-II for multi-objective<br />

calibration of conceptual rainfall-runoff models<br />

Nazemi Alireza, X. Yao, Andrew. H. Chan. Speaker Nazemi Alireza<br />

GIS based distributed rainfall - runoff modeling of ungauged<br />

basins<br />

alleswara Rao B. N., Dr. N.V. Umamahesh. Speaker Malleswara Rao<br />

B. N.<br />

nstantaneous rainfall stream flow models for two Welsh<br />

catchments: is the concept more widely applicable<br />

Littlewood Ian. Speaker Littlewood Ian<br />

Modeling of nitrogen dynamics in soils of glacial and post glacial<br />

origins using numerical approach: Model development, Field<br />

Calibration and Model Prediction<br />

Jolicoeur Jean. Speaker Jolicoeur Jean<br />

mproving the Assessment of the Potential for Groundwater<br />

ontamination Using an Analytical Risk Factor Model<br />

Rogers Daniel, Martin M. Kaufman, Kent S. Murray. Speaker Rogers<br />

Daniel<br />

he application of self-adaptive artificial neural network in channel<br />

ood forecasting<br />

Song Xingyuan, Xiang Zhang, Liping Zhang. Speaker Song Xingyuan<br />

Derivation of unit hydrograph model considering spatial-temporal<br />

variation of rainfall by using artificial neural network<br />

hang Xiang, Jun Xia, Wenhua Zhang, Xiaoni Wang. Speaker Zhang<br />

Xiang<br />

Inter-comparison of calibration techniques for HBV hydrological<br />

model<br />

ogacnik Nejc, Kay Suelj, Mira Kobold, Mojca Sunik, Janez Polajnar.<br />

Speaker Pogacnik Nejc<br />

The Propagation of uncertainties in input data and model structure<br />

for estimation of minimum environmental flow with the wetted<br />

perimeter method<br />

Liu Suxia. Speaker Liu Suxia<br />

Modeling the partitioning of rainfall at land surfaces and identifying<br />

the model parameters<br />

obayashi Tetsuo, Daichi Ikegami, Kenji Ebihara. Speaker Kobayashi<br />

Tetsuo<br />

Approche quantitative de calcul du deficit d’ecoulement dans le<br />

bassin hydrographique du Cotier-Cheliffzahrez en Algerie du Nord.<br />

Bnina Touaibia, Martin-Rosales Wenceslao & Gallego Juan M<br />

Gisbert . Laboratoire dHydrologie. ENSH. Blida. Algerie<br />

nina Mme Touaibia, Martin-Rosales Wenceslao, Gallego Juan M<br />

Gisbert. Speaker Bnina Mme Touaibia<br />

Improvement to optimize the parameters of hydrologic tank model<br />

Setiawan Budi I., Rudiyanto. Speaker Setiawan Budi I.<br />

Routing uncertainty of Muskingum-Cunge method and<br />

discretization on cell channel segment and time step in large river<br />

basin modeling<br />

hou Maichun, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi, Hiroshi Ishidaira, Jun Magome,<br />

Prasantha Hapuarachchi. Speaker Zhou Maichun<br />

Improvement of input data quality and reduction of parameters<br />

uncertainties in low flow modelling<br />

Lang Claire, Gille Emmanuel, Francois Didier. Speaker Lang Claire<br />

Bayesian Kriging and remote sensing applied to soil moisture<br />

mapping<br />

Rotunno Filho Otto, Eric D. Soulis, Nicholas Kouwen. Speaker Rotunno<br />

Filho Otto<br />

ncertainty in discharge data and hydraulic modelling within flood<br />

forecast chains.<br />

Boni Giorgio, Elena Bertolotto, Luca Ferraris, Lauro Rossi, Cosimo<br />

Versace. Speaker Luca Ferraris<br />

Uncertainty and Complexity in a Snow Hydrology Model<br />

Slater Andrew, Martyn Clark. Speaker Slater Andrew<br />

Uncertainties in estimating total terrestrial water storage in major<br />

river basins in the world<br />

ki Taikan, Kei Yoshimura, Hyungjun Kim, Yanjun Shen, Ngo Duc<br />

Thanh, Shinta Seto, Shinjiro Kanae. Speaker Shinjiro Kanae<br />

Verification of the combined model of a geyser (periodic bubbling<br />

spring) by underground investigation of Kibedani geyser Ⅱ<br />

Kagami Hiroyuki. Speaker Kagami Hiroyuki<br />

Characterization of water retention curves of a natural forested<br />

hillslope by using a scaling technique<br />

Hayashi Yuki, Kenichirou Kosugi, Takahisa Mizuyama. Speaker Hayashi<br />

Yuki<br />

Assessing the seasonality in the hillslope response of a<br />

Mediterranean basin by sub-surface and surface-water monitoring<br />

hirico Giovanni Battista, Ivan Portoghese, Pantaleone De Vita, Rita<br />

asciale, Nunzio Romano, Benedetto Sica, Michele Vurro. Speaker<br />

Chirico Giovanni Battista<br />

Uncertainty in soil water budget modeling at the hillslope scale<br />

when soil hydraulic parameters are estimated with indirect<br />

methods<br />

Chirico Giovanni Battista, Nunzio Romano, Hanoi Medina. Speaker<br />

Chirico Giovanni Battista<br />

A Parameter Estimation Approach for the Groundwater<br />

Representation in the NCAR CLM (Community Land Model)<br />

eh Pat, J. S. Famiglietti, M. Lo. Speaker Yeh Pat<br />

ensitivity Analysis of a Distributed Hydrologic Model for<br />

ncertainty Reduction and Identification of Dominant Model<br />

Controls<br />

an Werkhoven Kathryn, Patrick Reed, Yong Tang. Speaker van<br />

Werkhoven Kathryn<br />

Hydrograph separation method based on spatio-temporal record of<br />

stream flow by a distributed rainfall-runoff model<br />

Sayama Takahiro, Yasuto Tachikawa, Kaoru Takara. Speaker Sayama<br />

Takahiro<br />

How complex should a catchment scale phosphorus prediction<br />

model be<br />

Freer Jim, Sarah Dean, Keith Beven, Andrew Wade, Daniel Butterfield.<br />

Speaker Freer Jim<br />

Sensitivity analysis of hydrological predictions with regard to<br />

precipitation forecasting informativeness<br />

Leite Eduardo, Jos Eduardo Gonalves. Speaker Leite Eduardo<br />

A new hydrologic land surface parameterization scheme with<br />

lateral soil water redistribution<br />

Araujo Afonso, Otto Corra Rotunno Filho, Isimar De Azevedo Santos,<br />

Luciano Xavier. Speaker Araujo Afonso<br />

HW3007 The Impact of Environmental Change on Sediment<br />

Sources and Sediment Delivery (Sponsor ICCE)<br />

onveners: Walling Desmond, Bogen Jim<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room C<br />

09:30 am Combining radionuclide tracers and conventional<br />

techniques for qualitative assessment of local sediment-retantion<br />

measure effectiveness on arable slopes<br />

Belyaev Vladimir, Markelov, M.V., Kuznetsova, J.S.,<br />

olosov, V.N.. Speaker Belyaev Vladimir<br />

09:48 am Impacts of Farming Operations on Soil Erosion of<br />

Cropland in Purple Soil Hilly Region of Southwestern China<br />

He Xiubin, Zhang Xinbao, Zheng Jinjun, Hua Lizhong.<br />

Speaker He Xiubin<br />

10:06 am The effects of changing land use on soil erosion and<br />

sediment mobilisation in two small catchments in Southern Italy<br />

Porto Paolo, Des E. Walling, Giovanni Callegari, Francesco<br />

Catona. Speaker Porto Paolo<br />

10:24 am Summary Statistics for Selected Major and Trace<br />

Element Concentrations Associated with Fine-Grained Fluvial Bed<br />

Sediments Based on Land Use, Rock Type, and Population Density,<br />

for the United States<br />

Horowitz Arthur. Speaker Horowitz Arthur<br />

10:42 am Impacts of wildfire on sediment and water quality in<br />

headwater regions of the Oldman River basin, Alberta<br />

Stone Mike, Uldis Silins, Monica Emelko. Speaker Stone<br />

Mike<br />

11:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:30 am Determination of a river potential to recover (co)natural<br />

river habitats on the basis of sediment analysis<br />

Globevnik Lidija, Matja Miko, Matej Padenik. Speaker Matej<br />

Padenik<br />

11:48 am Beaver driven vertical accretion of sediment on<br />

floodplains and terraces<br />

Westbrook Cherie J., David J. Cooper, Bruce W. Baker.<br />

Speaker Westbrook Cherie J.<br />

12:06 pm Environmental change: inferences from sediments in a<br />

terminal floodplain wetland complex<br />

Cossart Rob, Martin Thoms. Speaker Cossart Rob<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room C<br />

02:00 pm Changing floodplain states: unravelling changes in the<br />

depositional history of a large dryland floodplain system<br />

Thoms Martin. Speaker Thoms Martin<br />

02:18 pm The use of sedimentation in ancient dams as<br />

environmental tool. South Zaragoza, Spain.<br />

Silva Aguilera Crisanto Antonio. Speaker Silva Aguilera<br />

Crisanto Antonio<br />

02:36 pm Use of landslides reservoir deposits and the pollen<br />

tracing technique to investigate the erosional response to land use<br />

changes of a small drainage basin during the later of the sixteen<br />

century on the Loess Plateau of China<br />

Zhang Xinbao, Yi Long, Des Walling, Xiubin He, Yangchun<br />

Wang. Speaker Zhang Xinbao<br />

02:54 pm The influences of quarrying activity on hydrology<br />

and suspended sediment load of the upper Pelarit River, Perlis,<br />

Malaysia.<br />

A. Rahaman Zullyadini, Wan Ruslan Ismail. Speaker A.<br />

Rahaman Zullyadini<br />

03:12 pm Influence of land use changes on slope processes<br />

sediment flushing and total sediment budged - a case study from a<br />

southern Taiga Catchment in Russia<br />

Ollesch Gregor, Demidov Valery, Volokitin Mitrofan,<br />

Meissner Ralph. Speaker Ollesch Gregor<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Changeability of intra-annual uneveness of runoff,<br />

erosion and suspended sediment yield in river basins of the East<br />

Europe<br />

Gusarov Artyom. Speaker Gusarov Artyom<br />

04:18 pm Degradation processes in river systems of Volyn-<br />

Podillia High Plain, Polissya lowland and Eastern Carpathians<br />

(Ukraine) as a reaction to economic activity<br />

Kovalchuk Ivan. Speaker Kovalchuk Ivan<br />

04:36 pm Effect of dam construction on streamflow and<br />

suspended sediment load of Beris River, Sik, Kedah (Malaysia)<br />

Ismail Wan Ruslan, Zullyadini A. Rahaman, Salleh Bakar.<br />

Speaker Ismail Wan Ruslan<br />

JMS011 Monsoon Systems<br />

Conveners: Wu Guoxiong<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Main Hall<br />

09:30 am Influence of Tropical Cyclone on the Estimation of<br />

Climate Variability in the Tropical Western North Pacific<br />

Hsu Huang-Hsiung, Ching-Hui Hung, An-Kai Lo, Chih-Wen<br />

Hung. Speaker Hsu Huang-Hsiung<br />

10:00 am Regionality in characteristics of intraseasonal<br />

variations over the Indochina Peninsula<br />

Yokoi Satoru, Takehiko Satomura, Jun Matsumoto.<br />

Speaker Yokoi Satoru<br />

10:15 am Analysis of Intreaseasonal Variation of Intertropical<br />

Convergence Zones Using Continous space-time wavelets.<br />

Nanjundiah Ravi, Piyush Shanker Agram. Speaker Nanjundiah Ravi<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Low-frequency variability of the Indian Monsoon-ENSO<br />

relation and the Tropical Atlantic: The ‘weakening’ of the ‘80s and<br />

‘90s<br />

Kucharski Fred, Annalisa Bracco, Franco Molteni, Jin Ho<br />

Yoo. Speaker Kucharski Fred<br />

11:15 am Observational study of low frequency variability of the<br />

East Asian Summer Monsoon<br />

Lei Yonghui, Julia Slingo, Brian Hoskins. Speaker Lei<br />

Yonghui<br />

11:30 am Diagnosis and predictors of Indian monsoon<br />

intraseasonal variability<br />

Klingaman Nicholas, Hilary Weller, Julia M. Slingo, Peter<br />

M. Inness. Speaker Klingaman Nicholas<br />

11:45 am Evaluation of summer monsoon intraseasonal<br />

variability in the DEMETER hindcasts<br />

Duvel Jean Philippe, Prince K. Xavier. Speaker Duvel Jean<br />

Philippe<br />

12:00 pm Spatio-temporal distribution of convective cloud<br />

classes during Southwest Monsoon over Indian subcontinent<br />

Devasthale Abhay, Hartmut Grassl. Speaker Devasthale<br />

Abhay<br />

12:15 pm Influence of Aerosols on Convective Cloud Water/Ice<br />

and Precipitation Simulated with McRAS upgraded with Physics of<br />

Aerosol Indirect Effect (AIE)<br />

Sud Yogesh, Gregory K Walker, Dongmin Lee, Xiaohong<br />

Liu. Speaker Sud Yogesh<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Main Hall<br />

02:00 pm Another Look at Monsoon Annual Variability and Its<br />

Application to Evaluate Monsoon Simulation in AMIP Models: Wind<br />

Vector Rotational Regimes<br />

Li Jianping, Li Zhang. Speaker Li Jianping<br />

02:30 pm Influence of Indian Ocean Dipole on poleward<br />

propagating intraseasonal oscillations<br />

Ravindran Ajayamohan, Suryachandra A Rao, Toshio<br />

Yamagata. Speaker Ravindran Ajayamohan<br />

02:45 pm The influence of Tropical Indian Ocean SST on the<br />

Indian summer monsoon<br />

Cherchi Annalisa, Silvio Gualdi, Swadhin Behera, Jing-Jia<br />

Luo, Sebastien Masson, Toshio Yamagata, Antonio Navarra. Speaker<br />

Cherchi Annalisa<br />

03:00 pm The impacts of diabatic heating on the variation of the<br />

Asian summer circulation<br />

Liang Guo, Liu Yimin, Wu Guoxiong. Speaker Liang Guo<br />

03:15 pm Roles of the seasonal marches of the SST and land-sea<br />

thermal contrast in the Asian summer monsoon<br />

Lestari R. Kartika, Toshiki Iwasaki. Speaker Lestari R.<br />

Kartika<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Relationship between Atmospheric Conditions at<br />

Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Rainfall at Cherrapunjee, India<br />

Murata Fumie, Toru Terao, Taiichi Hayashi, Jun Matsumoto.<br />

Speaker Murata Fumie<br />

04:03 pm The relationship between the Asian monsoon and the<br />

ITCZ migration over the maritime continent in the boreal summer<br />

Lestari R. Kartika, Toshiki Iwasaki. Speaker Lestari R.<br />

Kartika<br />

04:06 pm SST - Convection relationship associated with<br />

divergence over Asian Summer Monsoon Region<br />

C A Babu. Speaker C A Babu<br />

04:09 pm The combined role of ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole<br />

episodes on the onset of the South American Monsoon System<br />

Drumond Anita, Tercio Ambrizzi. Speaker Tercio Ambrizzi<br />

04:12 pm The North American monsoon in IPCC AR4 models<br />

Arritt Raymond. Speaker Arritt Raymond<br />

04:15 pm Characteristics of Monsoon Surges associated with the<br />

Indian summer monsoon<br />

C A Babu, Anish Kumar.M.Nair, Hamza.V. Speaker C A<br />

Babu<br />

04:18 pm Numerical study of the influence of the landuse change<br />

on the monsoon rainfall over Indochina using a cloud-resolving<br />

regional climate model<br />

Takahashi Hiroshi, Takao Yoshikane, Tetsuzo Yasunari.<br />

Speaker Takahashi Hiroshi<br />

04:21 pm The change of the onset and retreat of rainy season<br />

over Thailand region under global warming scenario<br />

Kiguchi Masashi, Shinjiro Kanae, Taikan Oki. Speaker<br />

Kiguchi Masashi<br />

04:24 pm Dynamic and thermodynamic effects on the Asian<br />

summer monsoon under doubled atmospheric CO2<br />

Dairaku Koji, Seita Emori. Speaker Dairaku Koji<br />

04:27 pm The impact of the global warming climate on the<br />

distributions and characteristics of cloud-systems during the<br />

Baiu/Meiyu season around the East Asia by a cloud-resolving nonhydrostatic<br />

regional model.<br />

Kanada Sachie, Yasutaka Wakazuki, Chiashi Muroi, Akihiro<br />

Hashimoto, Teruyuki Kato, Kazuo Kurihara, Akira Noda, Masanori<br />

Yoshizaki, Kazuaki Yasunaga, Masaomi Nakamura. Speaker Kanada<br />

Sachie<br />

04:30 pm Observations of Meso-Scale Features of Pre- and<br />

Mature Summer Monsoon Cloud Systems over Bangladesh<br />

Terao Toru. Speaker Terao Toru<br />

04:33 pm Southwest and northeast monsoon onsets over<br />

Malaysia and some salient monsoonal features<br />

Ooi See Hai, See Hai Ooi. Speaker Ooi See Hai<br />

04:36 pm Asymmetry of the Tripole Rainfall Pattern during East<br />

Asian Summer<br />

Hsu Huang-Hsiung, Shih-Ming Lin. Speaker Hsu Huang-<br />

Hsiung<br />

04:39 pm A statistical study on rain characteristics of tropical<br />

cyclones using TRMM satellite data<br />

Yokoyama Chie, Yukari N. Takayabu. Speaker Yokoyama<br />

Chie<br />

04:42 pm Daily precipitation-downscaling techniques in three<br />

chinese regions<br />

Wetterhall Fredrik, Brdossy Andrs, Chen Deliang, Halldin<br />

Sven, Xu Chong-Yu. Speaker Wetterhall Fredrik<br />

04:45 pm A Baiu front observation with the MU radar spatial and<br />

frequency domain interferometry techniques<br />

Kawano Noriyuki. Speaker Kawano Noriyuki<br />

04:48 pm Roles of the Brazilian Highland in the formation of<br />

SACZ Part I: Numerical experiments using RAMS<br />

Kodama Yasu-Masa, Tomoyuki Sagawa, Takao Yoshikane.<br />

Speaker Kodama Yasu-Masa<br />

04:51 pm Roles of the Brazilian Highland in the formation of<br />

SACZ Part II: A statistical study using long term observational data<br />

Sagawa Tomoyuki, Yasu-Masa Kodama. Speaker Sagawa<br />

Tomoyuki<br />

04:54 pm Formation of convection center at the Bay of Bengal:<br />

AGCM experiments<br />

Suzuki Tsuneaki, Kozo Ninomiya, Yukari Takayabu, Seita<br />

Emori. Speaker Suzuki Tsuneaki<br />

04:57 pm Simulation of Interannual Variability of Indian Summer<br />

Monsoon in AGCMs and the role of SST-Rainfall Relationship<br />

Nanjundiah Ravi. Speaker Nanjundiah Ravi<br />

05:00 pm Sensitivity of the east asian summer monsoon to the<br />

cumulus parameterization scheme in a regional climate model<br />

Kang Hyun-Suk, Jung Choi, Song-You Hong. Speaker<br />

Kang Hyun-Suk<br />

05:03 pm Intercomparison of the 22-year east asian summer<br />

monsoon circulation simulated by the RegCM3 and RSM<br />

Yhang Yoo-Bin, E-Hyung Park, Hyun-Suk Kang, Song-You<br />

Hong. Speaker Yhang Yoo-Bin<br />

05:06 pm Downscaled current climate of the asian monsoon<br />

using a regional climate model<br />

Park E-Hyung, Song-You Hong, Hyun-Suk Kang. Speaker<br />

Park E-Hyung<br />

05:09 pm A Case Study of the Influence of the Western Pacific<br />

Subtropical High on the Torrential Rainfall in Beijing Area<br />

Liu Huanzhu, Wang Wei-Guo, Shao Ming-Xuan, Wang Xiu-<br />

Rong. Speaker Liu Huanzhu<br />

05:12 pm Monsoon circulations and associated subtropical<br />

convergence zones<br />

Ninomiya Kozo. Speaker Ninomiya Kozo<br />

JMS026 Ice Cores and Climate (UCCS Symposium hosted by<br />

IAMAS)<br />

Conveners: Dahl-Jensen Dorthe<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room A<br />

02:00 pm Ice core records from mid latitudes in South America, a<br />

needed link between the Tropics and Antarctica<br />

Casassa Gino, Gino Casassa, Margit Schwikowski, Patrick<br />

Ginot. Speaker Casassa Gino<br />

02:30 pm Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger Events recorded in<br />

atmospheric oxygen isotopes<br />

Severinghaus Jeff, Ross Beaudette. Speaker Severinghaus<br />

Jeff<br />

02:45 pm The effects of climatic forcing on the binge-purge<br />

oscillation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: a conceptual modelling<br />

study<br />

Steen-Larsen Hans Christian, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen.<br />

Speaker Steen-Larsen Hans Christian<br />

03:00 pm Investigating a Dansgaard-Oeschger warming evidence<br />

for a tropical precursor<br />

Thomas Liz, Eric Wolff, Robert Mulvaney. Speaker Thomas<br />

Liz<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm A new sub-annually resolved accumulation series from<br />

Law Dome<br />

van Ommen Tas, Vin Morgan, Mark Curran. Speaker van<br />

Ommen Tas<br />

04:30 pm New measurements and modeling of oxygen and<br />

nitrogen isotopes of nitrate in Greenland, and implications for ice<br />

core interpretation<br />

Kunasek Shelley, Steig, Eric J., Hastings, Meredith G.,<br />

Alexander, Becky, Jarvis, Julia C., Yarnes, Chris T.. Speaker Kunasek<br />

Shelley<br />

04:45 pm Ice Cores and Self-organizing Maps: A Study of Recent<br />

Climate in Greenland<br />

Reusch David, Joseph R. Mcconnell, Richard B. Alley.<br />

Speaker Reusch David<br />

05:00 pm A potential high-elevation ice-core site at MT. Elbrus,<br />

Caucasus<br />

Mikhalenko Vladimir, Ivan Lavrentev, Mikhail Kunakhovich.<br />

Speaker Mikhalenko Vladimir<br />

05:15 pm At What Depth is the Eemian Layer Expected to be<br />

Found at NEEM<br />

Buchardt Susanne Lilja, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen. Speaker<br />

Dorthe Dahl-Jensen<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Algal biovolume in FIRN/ICE cores of the Chilean Lake District<br />

Casassa Gino, Pamela Santibaez, Shiro Kohshima, Rodrigo Scheihing,<br />

Jorge Jaramillo, Pedro Labarca, Gino Casassa. Speaker Casassa Gino<br />

Does part of the deuterium/hydrogen rations in Earth come from<br />

the Sun<br />

Rigozo Nivaor Rodolfo, Evangelista, H, Correia, E., Nordemann, D.J. R.,<br />

Echer, E., Souza Echer, M. P.. Speaker Echer, E.<br />

Tephra study on a 3035.22-m deep ice core from Dome Fuji,<br />

Antarctica<br />

Kohno Mika, Yoshiyuki Fujii, Koji Fujita, Shuji Fujita, Kumiko Goto-<br />

Azuma, Takeo Hondoh, Shinichiro Horikawa, Makoto Igarashi, Yoshinori<br />

Iizuka, Takao Kameda, Atsushi Miyamoto, Hideaki Motoyama, Keisuke<br />

Suzuki, Toshitaka Suzuki, Morimasa Takata, Okitsugu Watanabe.<br />

Speaker Kohno Mika<br />

Deuterium excess from a small Arctic ice cap: can we use this<br />

record in climate reconstructions of the past<br />

Divine Dmitry, Elisabeth Isaksson, Harro Meijer, Roderik .S.W. Van De<br />

Wal, Tonu Martma, Veijo Pohjola, Fred Godtliebsen. Speaker Divine<br />

Dmitry<br />

30 years of snow deposition at Talos dome (Northern Victoria Land,<br />

East Antarctica): chemical profiles and climatic implications<br />

Severi Mirko, Emiliano Castellano, Federica Marino, Andrea Morganti,<br />

Rita Traversi, Roberto Udisti. Speaker Severi Mirko<br />

800 KYR of chemical stratigraphies from ion chromatographic data<br />

on epica-dome C ice core (East Antarctica)<br />

Traversi Rita, Silvia Becagli, Emiliano Castellano, Martine De Angelis,<br />

Margareta Hansson, Andrea Morganti, Mirko Severi, J.P. Steffensen,<br />

Eric W. Wolff. Speaker Traversi Rita<br />

Modelling the Flow Induced Evolution of Fabric - A Study of Ice<br />

Cores from Central Greenland<br />

Persson Asbjrn, Anders Svensson, Gal Durand. Speaker Persson Asbjrn<br />

Major elements geochemistry of the EPICA Dome C ice core dust<br />

over the last two climatic cycles<br />

Marino Federica, Valter Maggi, Barbara Delmonte, Emiliano Castellano,

10 July, 2007<br />

Daniele Ceccato, Patrick De Deckker, Marie Revel-Rolland, Grazia<br />

Ghermandi, Jean-Robert Petit. Speaker Marino Federica<br />

Environment response to climate changes from EDC ice core<br />

chemical stratigraphies. New insights by using sulphate as<br />

accumulation proxy marker.<br />

Udisti Roberto, Silvia Becagli, Emiliano Castellano, Olivier Cattani,<br />

Margareta Hansson, Jean Jouzel, Federica Marino, Andrea Morganti,<br />

Frederic Parrenin, Hubertus Fischer, Jackob Schwander, Mirko Severi,<br />

Barbara Stenni, Rita Traversi, Eric Wolff. Speaker Udisti Roberto<br />

Two Branches of Indian Monsoon and Their Boundary Revealed by<br />

Comparison of Accumulation Rate Recorded in the Dasuopu Ice<br />

Core from the Middle Himalayas with Meteorological Data<br />

Wang Ninglian, Yao Tandong, L. G. Thompson, M. E. Davis, Pu<br />

Jianchen, Tian Lide, Xu Baiqing, Duan Keqin. Speaker Wang Ninglian<br />

abric and microstructure evolution in the upper part of the GRIP,<br />

orthGRIP and Dome C ice cores<br />

vensson Anders, Gal Durand, Asbjrn Persson, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen.<br />

peaker Svensson Anders<br />

Variability of snow accumulation at the site with elevation of 7010m<br />

a.s.l. in Muztag Ata Mountain in Pamir Plateau<br />

Duan Keqin. Speaker Duan Keqin<br />

MS028 Consequences of Large Scale Circulation Variability on<br />

now and Ice Extent (UCCS Symposia hosted by IAMAS)<br />

onveners: Fassnacht Steven<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room A<br />

09:30 am Glacier Systems in Northeastern Asia: projection of<br />

change by GSM scenarios<br />

Ananicheva Maria, Alexander Krenke. Speaker Ananicheva<br />

Maria<br />

09:48 am The Increasing of Glacial Runoff in Response to<br />

Climate Warming in Glacier No.1 at the Headwaters of the Urumqi<br />

River, Tianshan Mountains<br />

Li Jing, Shiyin Liu, Yong Zhang, Xin Wang, Junli Xu,<br />

onghui Shangguan, Yinsong Zhang. Speaker Li Jing<br />

10:06 am Snow distribution in HadCM3<br />

Putt Debbie, Keith Haines, Robert Gurney. Speaker Putt<br />

Debbie<br />

10:24 am CLimate forcing due to black carbon and dust<br />

depositions on snow surface<br />

Aoki Teruo, Taichu Tanaka, Etsuko Tanaka, Katsuyuki<br />

Kuchiki, Masahiro Hosaka. Speaker Aoki Teruo<br />

10:42 am Testing a model of heat/water exchange in the snow<br />

taking into account its metamorphism<br />

Shmakin Andrey, Dmitry Turkov, Andrey Mikhailov. Speaker<br />

Shmakin Andrey<br />

1:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:30 am Snow accumulation in four large-scale river basins<br />

of Northern Eurasia: relations to the recent climate changes and<br />

impact on runoff variations.<br />

Popova Valeria. Speaker Popova Valeria<br />

11:48 am On snow cover variability in alpine terrain<br />

Bernhardt Matthias, Ulrich Strasser, Glen E. Liston,<br />

Wolfram Mauser. Speaker Bernhardt Matthias<br />

12:06 pm Impact of disturbed desert dust on mountain<br />

snowcover duration<br />

Painter Thomas, Andrew P. Barrett, Chris Landry, Corey<br />

Lawrence, Jason C. Neff, Maureen P. Cassidy, Kathleen Thatcher, G.<br />

Lang Farmer. Speaker Painter Thomas<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Polar areas of Northern Eurasia: tendencies of extreme snow<br />

accumulation in conditions of a modern climate<br />

itaev Lev. Speaker Kitaev Lev<br />

onsequences of climate change in the steppe land of Armenia<br />

Zakaryan Narine. Speaker Zakaryan Narine<br />

Interaction between newly formed snow cover and lower PBL in the<br />

Kanto Plain<br />

Oh’Izumi Mitsuo. Speaker Oh’Izumi Mitsuo<br />

Snow cover occurrence in central European lowlands under<br />

Northern Hemisphere teleconnection patterns<br />

Bednorz Ewa. Speaker Bednorz Ewa<br />

Impacts of synoptic weather condition on the features of glacier<br />

melting in Chilean Patagonia<br />

Konya Keiko, Takane Matsumoto. Speaker Konya Keiko<br />

Snow cover depth in eastern Europe in relation to circulation<br />

patterns at the 500 hPa level<br />

Bednorz Ewa, Joanna Wibig. Speaker Bednorz Ewa<br />

Dynamics of snow formation in the Western Siberia<br />

elova Svetlana, Anatoly Goubarkov, Vera Samsonova. Speaker Belova<br />

Svetlana<br />

Regional features of microwave interaction with snow cover on an<br />

example of the North of the European part of Russia<br />

itaev Lev, Vasiliy Tikhonov, Dmitriy Boyarskii, Mikhail Raev, Elena<br />

herenkova, Tatiana Titkova. Speaker Kitaev Lev<br />

nterannual variability of the Aleutian and Icelandic Lows in<br />

an ensemble GCM simulation forced by snow cover satellite<br />

observations<br />

Orsolini Yvan, N. Kvamst. Speaker Orsolini Yvan<br />

Regional patterns of snow water equivalent in the Colorado River<br />

Basin using snowpack telemetry (SNOTEL) data<br />

Fassnacht Steven, Jeffrey E. Derry. Speaker Fassnacht Steven<br />

The relationship between physiographic variables and snow water<br />

equivalent from snow telemetry (SNOTEL) sites in the Colorado<br />

River Basin, USA<br />

Fassnacht Steven, Roger C. Bales. Speaker Fassnacht Steven<br />

MS004 Mineral Dust Cycle and its Impact on Clouds and<br />

Radiation (ICCP)<br />

onveners: Zender Charlie, Kallos George, Di Sarra Alcide<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Rectorate Room VIII<br />

09:30 am Long-term measurements of african dust deposition<br />

across the State of Florida: how well do models do<br />

Prospero Joseph, William Landing. Speaker Prospero<br />

Joseph<br />

10:00 am Trends and inter-annual variations of asian dust<br />

aerosols and their trans-pacific transports<br />

Gong Sunling, X.Y. Zhang, T.L. Zhao, L.A. Barrie, I.G.<br />

Mckendry. Speaker Gong Sunling<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am Transport, Evolution and Entrainment of Asian Dust/<br />

Pollution into the<br />

Clarke Antony. Speaker Clarke Antony<br />

11:15 am Selective removal of dust particles and its dependence<br />

on mineralogy<br />

Matsuki Atsushi, Keiichiro Hara, Sadamu Yamagata,<br />

Takashi Yamanouchi, Andreas Herber, Yasunobu Iwasaka, Makoto<br />

Wada, Masahiro Nagatani, Hiroshi Nakata, Dmitri Trochkine. Speaker<br />

Matsuki Atsushi<br />

11:30 am Saharan mineral dust experiment (SAMUM) 2006:<br />

vertical profiles of dust particle properties from airborne in situ and<br />

LIDAR observations<br />

Petzold Andreas, Bernadett Weinzierl, Michael Esselborn,<br />

Katharina Rasp, Markus Fiebig, Frank Wagner, Aki Virkkula. Speaker<br />

Petzold Andreas<br />

1:45 am Dust mobilization due to density currents in the ATLAS<br />

Region observations from the Saharan mineral dust experiment<br />

SAMUM 2006<br />

Knippertz Peter, Carmen Deutscher, Konrad Kandler,<br />

Thomas Mller, Oliver Schulz, Lothar Schtz. Speaker Knippertz Peter<br />

12:00 pm The United Arab Emirates Unified Aerosol Experiment:<br />

Investigations into the properties of heterogeneous environments<br />

Reid Jeffrey, Stuart J. Piketh, Brent N. Holben, Abdulla Al<br />

Mandoos, Roelof Bruintjes. Speaker Reid Jeffrey<br />

12:15 pm discussion about<br />

Zender Charlie. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Rectorate Room VIII<br />

02:00 pm Mineral Dust Aerosol Source Characterization and Air<br />

Mass Mapping from Space-based Multi-angle Remote Sensing<br />

Kahn Ralph. Speaker Kahn Ralph<br />

02:15 pm Characterization of mineral dust plume evolution over<br />

the Atlantic, by combining MISR dark-water aerosol retrievals and<br />

NAAPS transport model predictions<br />

Kalashnikova Olga, Ralph A. Kahn, Jeffrey S. Reid.<br />

Speaker Kalashnikova Olga<br />

02:30 pm An assessment of the aeronet aerosol size distrituions<br />

by comparisons with in-situ measurments at IZAA Global<br />

Atmospheric Watch Station: an analisys from clean-air to high<br />

saharan dust concentrations conditions<br />

Rodriguez-Gonzalez Sergio, Emilio Cuevas, Ins Toledo,<br />

Sara Basart, Philippe Goloub. Speaker Rodriguez-Gonzalez Sergio<br />

02:45 pm Global Retrieval of Aerosol Properties over Desert and<br />

Semi-Desert Regions from SeaWiFS and MODIS<br />

Hsu N. Christina, Si-Chee Tsay, Michael D. King. Speaker<br />

Hsu N. Christina<br />

03:00 pm Saharan Dust Longwave Radiative Forcing using GERB<br />

and SEVIRI<br />

Gimbert Vincent, Helen E. Brindley, Nicolas Clerbaux, John<br />

E. Harries. Speaker Gimbert Vincent<br />

03:15 pm discussion about<br />

Zender Charlie. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Dust-Snow/Ice Interactions: A Glacial Cycle Modulator<br />

or Trigger<br />

Zender Charlie, Mark G. Flanner, James T. Randerson,<br />

Natalie M. Mahowald, Philip J. Rasch, Masaru Yoshioka, Thomas H.<br />

Painter. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

04:30 pm The development of a continuous dust / loess stack<br />

(0 140 ka) for Central Europe by using the particle analysis and<br />

detection system RADIUS on ELSA sediment cores (Eifel, West<br />

Germany)<br />

Seelos Klemens, Frank Sirocko. Speaker Seelos Klemens<br />

04:45 pm Variations of atmospheric dust/aerosol and westerlies<br />

circulation over the last 2000 years documented by laminated lake<br />

sediments of Lake Sugan in the dust source areas, Arid China<br />

Chen Fahu, Aifeng Zhou, Shun Xiao. Speaker Chen Fahu<br />

05:00 pm Sub-basin scale dust emissions - geomorphology and<br />

landscape controls<br />

Bullard Joanna, Matthew Baddock, Grant Mctainsh, John<br />

Leys. Speaker Bullard Joanna<br />

05:15 pm discussion about<br />

Zender Charlie. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Using Digital Soil Mapping for prediction of uncertainty of wind<br />

erosion<br />

Reuter Hannes. Speaker Reuter Hannes<br />

MS005 Biological Ice Nucleators in the Atmosphere at the<br />

Crossroads of Physics and Biology (IAMAS/ICCP)<br />

Conveners: Vali Gabor, Morris Cindy<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room B<br />

09:30 am Diversity of bacteria producing pigmented colonies<br />

in aerosol, snow and soil samples from remote glaciated areas<br />

(Antarctica, Alps, Andes)<br />

Gonzalez-Toril Elena, R. J. Delmas, J.-R. Petit, J. Komarek,<br />

R. Amils, J. Elster. Speaker Gonzalez-Toril Elena<br />

09:48 am Laboratory studies of the ice nucleating ability of<br />

pollen and model simulations of the effects of biological aerosol<br />

particles on cloud microphysics<br />

Diehl Karoline, Martin Simmel, Sabine Wurzler, Nadine Von<br />

Blohn, Subir Kumar Mitra. Speaker Diehl Karoline<br />

10:06 am High-resolution ice nucleation spectra of sea-ice<br />

bacteria: Implications for cloud formation and life in frozen<br />

environments<br />

Swanson Brian, Karen Junge. Speaker Swanson Brian<br />

10:24 am Supercooling In Over-wintering Pine Beetle Larvae<br />

Schnell Ryan. Speaker Schnell Ryan<br />

10:42 am Detecting ice nucleating bacteria in environmental<br />

samples using PCR of the gene conferring ice nucleation activity<br />

Morris Cindy, Caroline Guilbaud, Helen Ahern, Hlne<br />

Dominguez, Catherine Glaux, Bruce Moffett, Tom Hill. Speaker Morris<br />

Cindy<br />

11:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:30 am Genetic analysis and diversity of primary biogenic<br />

aerosol particles<br />

Despres Viviane, Janine Nowoisky, Melanie Klose, Ralf<br />

Conrad, Meinrat O. Andreae, Ulrich Poeschl. Speaker Despres Viviane<br />

11:48 am Evidence for biological ice nucleating particles in<br />

snowfall<br />

Christner Brent, Cindy Morris, Rongman Cai, Mark<br />

Skidmore, Scott Montross, Christine Foreman, David Sands. Speaker<br />

Christner Brent<br />

12:06 pm Cloud Modeling with an Empirical Parametrisation of<br />

Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation for Multiple Aerosol Species: Role of<br />

Biogenic Particles<br />

Phillips Vaughan, Constantin Andronache, Paul Demott,<br />

Cindy E. Morris, David C. Sands. Speaker Phillips Vaughan<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room B<br />

02:00 pm Characterization of snowborne taxa and bioaerosols in<br />

several Arctic and sub-Arctic sites<br />

Amyot Marc, Parisa A. Ariya, Gregor Kos, Roya Mortazavi.<br />

Speaker Parisa Ariya<br />

02:18 pm Isolation of ice-nucleation acive microrganisms from<br />

cloud water<br />

Delort Anne-Marie, Pierre Amato, Martine Sancelme, Cindy<br />

Morris, Paolo Laj. Speaker Delort Anne-Marie<br />

02:36 pm New cloud chamber studies on the ice nucleation<br />

efficiency of airborne bacteria<br />

Mhler Ottmar, Dimitrios G. Georgakopoulos, Cindy Morris.<br />

Speaker Mhler Ottmar<br />

02:54 pm Biogenic Ice Nuclei Studies Proposed for the<br />

BEACHON Project<br />

Rasmussen Roy, Alex Guenther. Speaker Rasmussen Roy<br />

03:12 pm The ability of leaf litter debris to initiate ice phase<br />

formation in the atmosphere<br />

Koehler Kirsten, Sonia M. Kreidenweis, Paul J. Demott,<br />

Alex Guenther, Ray Fall. Speaker Koehler Kirsten<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm The discovery of biological ice nuclei: early successes,<br />

missteps and some remaining questions<br />

Schnell Russ. Speaker Schnell Russ<br />

04:18 pm Fluorescent pseudomonads in Scottish cloud and<br />

rain water: diversity, ice nucleation activity and biosurfactant<br />

production<br />

Hill Tom, Helen Ahern, Kerry Walsh, Bruce Moffett. Speaker<br />

Hill Tom<br />

04:36 pm Atmospheric ice nuclei concentrations and<br />

characteristics: constraining the role of biological ice nuclei<br />

Demott Paul, Mathews Richardson, Daniel Cziczo, Anthony<br />

Prenni, Sonia Kreidenweis. Speaker Demott Paul<br />

04:54 pm How to enumerate airborne microorganisms<br />

Thyrhaug Runar, Jrn Einen, Ruth-Anne Sandaa, Mikal<br />

Heldal, Gunnar Brtabak. Speaker Thyrhaug Runar<br />

05:12 pm Is there a role for ice nucleation activity in bacterial<br />

dissemination<br />

Sands David, C.E. Morris, D. G. Georgakopoulos. Speaker<br />

Sands David<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Modeling studying the role of bacteria on ice nucleation processes<br />

Sun Jiming, Parisa A. Ariya, Henry G. Leighton, M. K. Yua. Speaker Sun<br />

Jiming<br />

Contribution of fungi to primary biogenic aerosols in the<br />

atmosphere: active discharge of spores, carbohydrates, and<br />

inorganic ions by Asco and Basidiomycota<br />

Elbert Wolfgang, Philip E. Taylor, Ulrich Poeschl. Speaker Elbert<br />

Wolfgang<br />

Biological characterization of atmospheric aerosol particles<br />

Nowoisky Janine, Cimbal Julia, Klose Melanie, Conrad Ralf, Andreae<br />

Meinrat O., Pschl Ulrich. Speaker Nowoisky Janine<br />

Snowborne taxa characterization and Impact on Ice nucleation<br />

Amyot Marc, Roya Mortazavi, Parisa Ariya. Speaker Parisa Ariya<br />

MS015<br />

Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Past<br />

Occurrences and Future Likelihoods (ICCL)<br />

Conveners: Alexander Lisa, Zhang Xuebin<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 1<br />

Chairpersons: Xuebin Zhang<br />

09:30 am What can models tell us about future changes in<br />

extremes<br />

Zwiers Francis, Slava Kharin, Xuebin Zhang, Gabi Hegerl.<br />

Speaker Zwiers Francis<br />

10:00 am Human contribution to rapidly increasing frequency of<br />

very warm Northern Hemisphere summers<br />

Jones Gareth S.. Speaker Jones Gareth S.<br />

10:15 am Detection of trends in occurrence of rare events:<br />

Theory and application to extremely high temperature in the<br />

stratosphere<br />

Nishizawa Seiya. Speaker Nishizawa Seiya<br />

10:30 am Future Changes in Dry Days Associated with Global<br />

Warming<br />

Kanzawa Hiroshi, Keita Hina, Seita Emori. Speaker<br />

Kanzawa Hiroshi<br />

10:45 am Global projections of extremes in river discharge in a<br />

changing climate by MIROC high-resolution simulation<br />

Hirabayashi Yukiko, Shinjiro Kanae, Taikan Oki, Seita<br />

Emori, Masahide Kimoto. Speaker Hirabayashi Yukiko<br />

11:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:30 am Climate extremes indices - comparison of RCM<br />

downscaled ERA40 and GCM scenarios<br />

Barring Lars, Erik Kjellstrm, Gunn Persson, Gustav<br />

Strandberg. Speaker Barring Lars<br />

11:45 am Assessing IPCC AR4 model simulations of present and<br />

future changes in extreme daily precipitation<br />

Chen Cheng-Ta, Thomas Knutson. Speaker Chen Cheng-<br />

Ta<br />

12:00 pm Indices for Extreme Events in Projections for<br />

Anthropogenic Climate Change<br />

Sillmann Jana. Speaker Sillmann Jana<br />

12:15 pm Quantifying the change in extreme seasonal<br />

precipitation events under global warming using a grand ensemble<br />

experiment<br />

Fowler Hayley, Claudia Tebaldi, Myles Allen, Carl<br />

Christensen. Speaker Fowler Hayley<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 1<br />

Chairpersons: Tom Knutson<br />

02:00 pm Future changes in extreme precipitation projected by<br />

20-km-grid AGCM with L-moment method<br />

Kamiguchi Kenji. Speaker Kamiguchi Kenji<br />

02:15 pm Interannual variability of summertime extreme<br />

significant wave heights in the western<br />

North Pacific<br />

Sasaki Wataru, Toshiyuki Hibiya. Speaker Sasaki Wataru<br />

02:30 pm Using probablistic representation of RCM rainfall to<br />

quantify uncertainty in future UK<br />

regional rainfall<br />

Ekstrom Marie, Hayley Fowler, Stephen Blenkinsop,<br />

Andrew Smith. Speaker Ekstrom Marie<br />

02:45 pm Cold and warm spells in Poland frequency, trends and<br />

relations to atmospheric circulation<br />

Wibig Joanna. Speaker Wibig Joanna<br />

03:00 pm The influence of the atmospheric circulation on longterm<br />

temperature trends and extremes: observed and modelled<br />

relationships<br />

Blenkinsop Stephen. Speaker Blenkinsop Stephen<br />

03:15 pm Wave climate of the Southern Australian Margin: A<br />

response to variable atmospheric forcing over the Southern Ocean.<br />

Hemer Mark. Speaker Hemer Mark<br />

03:30 pm Land-atmosphere coupling, extreme events, and<br />

climate change<br />

Seneviratne Sonia, Daniel Lthi, Michael Litschi, Christoph<br />

Schr, Bart J.J.M. Van Den Hurk.<br />

Speaker Seneviratne Sonia<br />

MS016 Downscaling to Local and Regional Scales (ICCL)<br />

Conveners: Giorgi Filippo<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

09:30 am Do we still need statistical downscaling Answers from<br />

STARDEX, ENSEMBLES and other European work<br />

Goodess Clare. Speaker Goodess Clare<br />

10:00 am Stochastic Rainfall Downscaling for Hydrometeorological<br />

Purposes<br />

Rebora Nicola, Nicola Rebora, Luca Ferraris, Jost Von<br />

Hardenberg, Antonello Provenzale.<br />

Speaker Rebora Nicola<br />

10:15 am A Spatial Downscaling Model for Monsoon Rainfall over<br />

India<br />

Vuruputur Venugopal, G. Viswanathan. Speaker Vuruputur<br />

Venugopal<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic Precipitation Forecast with<br />

Dynamical Bayesian Networks<br />

San-Martin Segura Daniel, Jose Manuel Gutierrez. Speaker<br />

Jose Manuel Gutierrez<br />

11:15 am Downscaling of precipitation in isolated islands<br />

Miranda Pedro, Ricardo Tom, Antnio Tom, Miguel Teixeira,<br />

Eduardo Azevedo, Maria Antonia<br />

Valente. Speaker Miranda Pedro<br />

11:30 am Preliminary study and assessment of Weather Generator<br />

models with emphasis on LARS-WG model over Khorasan<br />

province<br />

Najafi Nik Zahra. Speaker Najafi Nik Zahra<br />

11:45 am A statistical-dynamical downscaling method based on<br />

weather type classification and mesoscale modelling to assess<br />

wind resources in France<br />

Najac Julien, Christine Lac, Laurent Terray. Speaker Najac<br />

Julien<br />

12:00 pm Soil-moisture temperature feedbacks in dynamical and<br />

statistical downscaling<br />

Jacob Daniela, Holger Goettel, Frank Kreienkamp, Philip<br />

Lorenz, Susanne Pfeifer. Speaker<br />

Jacob Daniela<br />

12:15 pm Effect of High Resolution Subscale Land Surface Scheme<br />

on the Simulation of Snow Cover and Surface Water Fluxes over<br />

the Alpine Region<br />

Nadeem Imran, Herbert Formayer. Speaker Nadeem Imran<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

02:00 pm Climate change scenarios for temperature and<br />

precipitation in Emilia Romagna (Italy) obtained using statistical<br />

downscaling models<br />

Tomozeiu Rodica, Carlo Cacciamani, Valentina Pavan,<br />

Antonella Morgillo, Aristita Busuioc.<br />

Speaker Tomozeiu Rodica<br />

02:15 pm Statistical downscaling techniques for modelling<br />

projected changes in regional precipitation.<br />

Hanafin Jennifer, R. Mcgrath, P. Lynch, T. Semmler, S. Wang,<br />

S. Dunne, P. Nolan. Speaker<br />

Hanafin Jennifer<br />

02:30 pm Isolating the effects of climate on air pollutants<br />

concentrations during summertime in<br />

the Mediterranean<br />

Jimenez-Guerrero Pedro, Oriol Jorba, Carlos Prez, Jos M.<br />

Baldasano. Speaker Jimenez-Guerrero<br />

Pedro<br />

02:45 pm Winter rainfall in Southern Australia: past and future<br />

trends<br />

Timbal Bertrand. Speaker Timbal Bertrand<br />

03:00 pm Construction of past and future climate change<br />

scenarios: a downscaling approach<br />

Das Lalu. Speaker Das Lalu<br />

03:15 pm Comparison of Statistical and Dynamical Downscaling<br />

Results for Climate-Change Scenario<br />

Development in Southern Qubec<br />

Dibike Yonas, Philippe Gachon. Speaker Dibike Yonas

10 July, 2007<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Short-range downscaling hindcasts in South-East Asia<br />

with a Meso-scale model<br />

Yoden Shigeo, Shigenori Otsuka, Tri W. Hadi, Palikone<br />

Thalongsengchanh. Speaker Yoden<br />

Shigeo<br />

04:15 pm Impacts of land-use on monsoon climate: comparing<br />

results from a pair of regional and global model simulations<br />

Zhang Huqiang, Xuejie Gao. Speaker Zhang Huqiang<br />

04:30 A regional climate modeling study of the effect of desert dust<br />

on the West African monsoon<br />

Konare Abdourahamane, A.S. Zakey, F. Giorgi, F. Solmon, S.<br />

Ibrah, X. Bi. Speaker Konare<br />

Abdourahamane<br />

04:45 Generating probabilistic estimates of climate change impacts<br />

on a hydrological system<br />

Fowler Hayley, Claudia Tebaldi, Stephen Blenkinsop. Speaker<br />

Fowler Hayley<br />

MS017 Climate Sensitivity and Climate Feedbacks: Progress<br />

and Remaining Questions (ICCL)<br />

onveners: Andronova Natalia<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy (E Room) Room E<br />

09:30 am Inferring climate sensitivity from volcanic events<br />

Boer George, M. Stowasser. Speaker Boer George<br />

09:50 am Some considerations of the concept of climate<br />

feedback<br />

Bates J. Ray. Speaker Bates J. Ray<br />

10:10 am Clear-sky radiative feedbacks in NCAR’S community<br />

atmospheric model<br />

Shell Karen, Jeffrey T. Kiehl, Christine A. Shields. Speaker<br />

Shell Karen<br />

10:30 am Climate feedback processes and their role in climate<br />

sensitivity: what progress since the TAR <br />

Bony Sandrine, Robert Colman, Vladimir Kattsov. Speaker<br />

Bony Sandrine<br />

10:50 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:20 am Limits on climate sensitivity derived from satellite and<br />

surface observation<br />

Chylek Petr, Ulrike Lohmann, Manvendra Dubey, Ralph<br />

Kahn, Michael Mishchenko. Speaker Chylek Petr<br />

11:40 am Is water vapor and its feedback sensitive to cloud<br />

microphysics<br />

Sherwood Steven. Speaker Sherwood Steven<br />

12:00 pm Climate Sensitivity and Radiative Feedbacks in<br />

Simulations with Anthropogenic and Natural Forcings<br />

Broccoli Anthony, Masakazu Yoshimori. Speaker Broccoli<br />

Anthony<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy (E Room) Room E<br />

02:00 pm Probabilistic estimates of climate sensitivity: where do<br />

we stand and where are we going<br />

Knutti Reto. Speaker Knutti Reto<br />

02:20 pm A climate sensitivity test using a global cloud resolving<br />

model NICAM.<br />

Tsushima Yoko, Yoko Tsushima, Hirofumi Tomita, Tomoe<br />

asuno, Hiroaki Miura, Akira Noda, Masaki Satoh. Speaker Tsushima<br />

oko<br />

02:40 pm Distinguishing forcing from feedback<br />

Forster Piers, Tim Andrews. Speaker Forster Piers<br />

03:00 pm Estimating climate system properties from historical<br />

climate observations: progress and challenges<br />

Forest Chris, Bruno Sanso, Andrei P. Sokolov, Peter H.<br />

Stone, Daniel Zantedeschi. Speaker Forest Chris<br />

03:20 pm Detection and Assessment of the Dehydration-<br />

Greenhouse Feedback in the Arctic: A Status Review for the IPY<br />

Blanchet Jean-Pierre, Ric Girard, Colin Jones, Rodrigo<br />

unoz-Alpizar, Patrick Grenier. Speaker Patrick Grenier<br />

03:40 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:10 pm An Assessment of Climate Feedbacks in IPCC AR4<br />

Models<br />

Soden Brian. Speaker Soden Brian<br />

04:30 pm A novel physically-based model for the water vapour<br />

feedback on climate change, with application to GCM diagnosis<br />

Ingram William. Speaker Ingram William<br />

04:50 pm Distinguishing data from opinions on climate<br />

sensitivity<br />

Allen Myles, David Frame, David Stainfort. Speaker David<br />

Frame<br />

05:10 pm Cloud feedbacks and climate sensitivity in Hadley<br />

Centre climate models<br />

Ringer Mark. Speaker Ringer Mark<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

A new current warming trend estimation using wavelets<br />

Nina Datsenko. Speaker Nina Datsenko<br />

Constraining the range of climate sensitivity through the diagnosis<br />

of cloud regimes<br />

Ringer Mark, Keith Williams, George Tselioudis. Speaker Ringer Mark<br />

Responses of the Atmosphere to Ozone Changes<br />

Fei Xie. Speaker Fei Xie<br />

study of the factors affecting air pollution and the Impacts on the<br />

nvironment: Case study of Tehran<br />

stelaji Alireza, Mohammad Soleimani, Mina Gelim Forosh. Speaker<br />

Estelaji Alireza<br />

Global Warming Diagnosis based on the Atmospheric Energy<br />

Conversion Diagram<br />

Iwasaki Toshiki, Yasushi Mochizuki, Chihiro Kodama. Speaker Iwasaki<br />

Toshiki<br />

Observational Constraints on Climate Sensitivity from<br /><br />

anderson Ben, Reto Knutti, William Ingram, Daithi Stone, Myles Allen,<br />

Claudio Piani. Speaker Sanderson Ben<br />

limate change in temperature anomaly fields<br />

akai Daisaku, Hisanori Itoh, Seiji Yukimoto. Speaker Sakai Daisaku<br />

Significance of the Arctic and Northern Hemisphere Air Surface<br />

Temperature Trends<br />

Bekryaev Roman. Speaker Bekryaev Roman<br />

limate and hydrological sensitivity of specific economic sectors<br />

eichter Johann, Silvia Kloster. Speaker Feichter Johann<br />

S020 Solar Activity and its Influences on the Earth’s Weather<br />

and Climate (IRC)<br />

onveners: Schmutz Werner<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

09.30 am Solar Irradiance Variations and Modeling<br />

Pap Judit. Speaker Pap Judit<br />



Woods Tom<br />

10:10 am Reconstructing Historical Total Solar Irradiance from<br />

Lunar Borehole Temperatures<br />

Wen Guoyong, Hiroko Miyahara, Robert F. Cahalan,<br />

Atsumu Ohmura. Speaker Wen Guoyong<br />

0:30-11:00 break<br />

uly 10, 2007 11:00-12:30<br />

S020 Solar Activity and its Influences on the Earth’s Weather<br />

and Climate (IRC)<br />

Chairperson: Tom Woods<br />

11:00 am Particle electrification on cloud and aerosol boundaries<br />

Harrison Giles, Maarten H. P. Ambaum. Speaker Harrison<br />

Giles<br />

11:20 am Atmospheric measurements of the infra-red absorption<br />

caused by cosmic ray ionisation<br />

Aplin Karen, Keri Nicholl, R Giles Harrison, Robert<br />

Mcpheat. Speaker Aplin Karen<br />

11:40 am On the Analysis of Spectral Composition of Solar<br />

Irradiation and Changes with Solar Activity, Connections to<br />

Circulation Patterns<br />

Halenka Tomas. Speaker Halenka Tomas<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

02:00 pm The atmospheric response to solar cycle variability in<br />

northern hemispheric winter<br />

Schmidt Hauke<br />

02:20 pm Solar irradiance influence on ozone and climate during the<br />

first half of the 20th century<br />

Rozanov Eugene<br />

02:40 pm Solar cycle impacts on the stratosphere deduced from<br />

chemistryclimate model simulations and implications for the<br />

troposphere<br />

Austin John<br />

03:00 pm The 11-year solar signal in tropospheric variability- a<br />

model study<br />

Kubin Anne<br />

03:30 coffe break (30 minutes)<br />

July 10, 2007 16:00-17:30<br />

MS020 Solar Activity and its Influences on the Earth’s Weather<br />

and Climate (IRC)<br />

Chairperson: John Austin<br />

04:00 pm Influences of ozone depletion, solar variability and the<br />

QBO on the Southern Annular Mode<br />

Roscoe Howard<br />

04:20 pm The Response in the Troposphere over the Pacific Ocean<br />

and in the Equatorial Stratosphere to the Peaks in the Sun’s<br />

Decadal Oscillation<br />

Van Loon Harry<br />

04:40 pm Atmospheric Temperature Responses to Solar Irradiance<br />

and Geomagnetic Activity<br />

Lu Hua<br />



Jevrejeva Svetlana<br />

Pap Judit. Speaker Pap Judit<br />

PS003 Mediterranean Circulation and Climate: Their Variability<br />

and Sensitivity to Future Emission Scenarios<br />

Conveners: Lionello Piero, Planton Serge<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine<br />

Arts Library<br />

09:30 am Hydrographic Variations in the deep and shallow areas<br />

of the Egyptian Mediterranean Coast<br />

Sharaf El Din Said, Fahmy Mohamed Eid, Omneya<br />

Mahmoud Ibrahim, Kareem Mahmoud Tonbol. Speaker Sharaf El Din<br />

Said<br />

09:52 am Mediterranean Climate Variability and Predictability<br />

(MedCLIVAR): an ESF Networking <strong>Program</strong>me<br />

Boscolo Roberta, Piero Lionello, Members Of The <strong>Scientific</strong><br />

Committee,. Speaker Boscolo Roberta<br />

10:14 am Temperature, salinity and associated sea level changes<br />

in the Mediterranean Sea under global warming scenarios<br />

Marcos Marta, Michael N. Tsimplis. Speaker Marcos Marta<br />

10:36 am Influence on Mediterranean Sea deep water formation<br />

of air-sea exchanges at small spatial scales<br />

Josey Simon, Simn Ruiz, Mikis N. Tsimplis, Marta Marcos,<br />

Damia Gomis. Speaker Josey Simon<br />

10:58 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:28 am A Regional System for climate change assessment in<br />

the Mediterranean region: preliminary results.<br />

Artale Vincenzo. Speaker Artale Vincenzo<br />

11:50 am Variability in the Mediterranean Sea as the result of<br />

combined causes.<br />

Artale Vincenzo, Adriana Carillo, Giovanna Pisacane,<br />

Gianmaria Sannino, Bruno Manca, Simona Masina. Speaker Artale<br />

Vincenzo<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine<br />

Arts Library<br />

02:00 pm Simulation of tides and surges in the Adriatic Sea and<br />

the Lagoon of Venice through a coupled oceanic/atmospheric<br />

model<br />

Lovato Tomas, Alexei Androssov, Giovanni Ficca, Roberto<br />

Pastres, Angelo Rubino. Speaker Lovato Tomas<br />

02:22 pm The Ligurian Sea Observing System: a laboratory<br />

for climatic and air-sea interaction studies in the northwestern<br />

Mediterranean<br />

Sparnocchia Stefania, Sara Pensieri, Roberto Bozzano,<br />

Paola Picco, Maria Elisabetta Schiano. Speaker Sparnocchia Stefania<br />

02:44 pm Climate change scenario for the Mediterranean Sea<br />

using an<br />

Planton Serge, Samuel Somot, Florence Sevault, Michel<br />

Deque, Marc Lucas. Speaker Planton Serge<br />

03:06 pm Dynamical downscaling of the Simple Ocean Data<br />

Assimilation (SODA) for the Mediterranean sea with a regional<br />

ocean model<br />

Cabos William, Eliseo Garcia Garcia, Jose Antonio De<br />

Frutos. Speaker Eliseo Garcia Garcia<br />

03:28 pm Mediterranean wave climate in scenario simulations<br />

Lionello Piero, Maria Barbara Galati, Stefano Cogo.<br />

Speaker Lionello Piero<br />

03:50 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:20 pm Future storm surge climate in the Northern Adriatic Sea<br />

Lionello Piero, De Zolt Simona, Elvini Elena. Speaker<br />

Lionello Piero<br />

04:42 pm An evaluation of energy and mass balance for the<br />

Mediterranean Sea in future scenarios<br />

Lionello Piero, Letizia Congedi, Giulia Vicentini. Speaker<br />

Lionello Piero<br />

05:04 pm Climatic variability of the subsurface sea temperatures<br />

in the Aegean-Black Sea system and relation to meteorologic<br />

forcing (preliminary results)<br />

Kontoyiannis Harilaos, Elina Tragou, Vassilios Zervakis,<br />

Dimitrios Georgopoulos, Alexander Theocharis. Speaker Kontoyiannis<br />

Harilaos<br />

PS010 New Insights into the Ocean and Its Circulation from<br />

Argo and GODAE<br />

Conveners: Gould W John<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room E<br />

09:30 am The Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment<br />

(GODAE)<br />

Le Traon Pierre-Yves. Speaker Le Traon Pierre-Yves<br />

10:00 am Assimilating altimeter sea surface height data into the<br />

FOAM operational ocean forecasting system<br />

Martin Matthew, Adrian Hines. Speaker Martin Matthew<br />

10:15 am The GODAE/Mercator-Ocean global ocean forecast<br />

and analysis system, assimilating ARGO temperature and salinity<br />

profiles.<br />

Drvillon Marie, M. Benkiran, R. Bourdall-Badie, L. Crosnier,<br />

E. Dombrowsky,, Y. Drillet, E. Durand, N. Ferry, G. Garric, S. Guinehut,<br />

E. Greiner,, O. Le Galloudec,, F. Hernandez,, J.-M. Lellouche, L. Nouel,,<br />

L. Parent,, C.-E. Testut,, B. Tranchant, N. Verbrugge. Speaker Drvillon<br />

Marie<br />

10:30 am Dynamical ocean state estimation using recent Argo<br />

profiling data<br />

Masuda Shuhei, Toshiyuki Awaji, Nozomi Sugiura, Takahiro<br />

Toyoda, Yoshihisa Hiyoshi, Hiromichi Igarashi. Speaker Masuda Shuhei<br />

10:45 am Improving Ocean Climatological Fields using Argo and<br />

Altimetry<br />

Ridgway Ken, Jeff Dunn. Speaker Ridgway Ken<br />

11:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:30 am Combining in situ and altimetry observations in a low<br />

resolution global ocean reanalysis<br />

Remy Elisabeth, Anthony Weaver, Marie-Helene Rio.<br />

Speaker Remy Elisabeth<br />

11:45 am Reconstructing global ocean variability using a<br />

physically-based data assimilation method<br />

Smith Gregory, Keith Haines, Dan Lea, Ben Macdonald.<br />

Speaker Smith Gregory<br />

12:00 pm The impact of assimilating Argo data into the UK Met<br />

Office FOAM system<br />

Acreman David, Matt Martin. Speaker Acreman David<br />

12:15 pm Interannual variabilities of eastern subtropical mode<br />

waters in the North and the South Pacific identified from reanalysis<br />

datasets obtained by 4DVAR data assimilation<br />

Toyoda Takahiro, Hiromichi Igarashi, Yuji Sasaki, Yoshihisa<br />

Hiyoshi, Yoichi Ishikawa, Toshiyuki Awaji. Speaker Toyoda Takahiro<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room E<br />

02:00 pm The regional Mercator-Ocean high resolution analysis<br />

and forecasting system : a benchmark for the future global high<br />

resolution forecasting system.<br />

Lellouche Jean-Michel, The Mercator Team. Speaker<br />

Lellouche Jean-Michel<br />

02:15 pm A global 4D-Var data assimilation experiment with a<br />

fully coupled GCM<br />

Sugiura Nozomi, Toshiyuki Awaji, Shuhei Masuda, Takashi<br />

Mochizuki, Takahiro Toyoda, Toru Miyama, Hiromichi Igarashi, Yoichi<br />

Ishikawa. Speaker Sugiura Nozomi<br />

02:30 pm Improved CGCM Simulations for Process Studies of<br />

the Indian Ocean Climate and the Asian Summer Monsoon<br />

Mochizuki Takashi, Nozomi Sugiura, Toshiyuki Awaji, Toru<br />

Miyama, Takahiro Toyoda, Shuhei Masuda, Hiromichi Igarashi. Speaker<br />

Mochizuki Takashi<br />

02:45 pm Comparing and combining Argo data with Altimeter<br />

data<br />

Guinehut Stephanie, Anne-Lise Dhomps, Gilles Larnicol.<br />

Speaker Guinehut Stephanie<br />

03:00 pm Global Sea Surface Salinity and Temperature database<br />

from ARGO<br />

Gourrion Jerome. Speaker Gourrion Jerome<br />

03:15 pm Sea surface salinity variation detected by the Argo float<br />

array in the World Ocean: Evidence of an enhanced hydrological<br />

cycle<br />

Hosoda Shigeki, Toshio Suga, Nobuyuki Shikama, Keisuke<br />

Mizuno. Speaker Hosoda Shigeki<br />

03:30 pm Impact of the Incremental Analysis Updates on a Real<br />

Time System of the North Atlantic Ocean<br />

Benkiran Mounir, Eric Greiner And Charles-Emmanuel<br />

Testut. Speaker Benkiran Mounir<br />

03:45 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:15 pm Estimate of Mediterranean Sea circulation by<br />

assimilation of in situ and satellite data<br />

Dobricic Srdjan, Nadia Pinardi, Claudia Fratianni, Vicente<br />

Fernandez, Marina Tonani. Speaker Dobricic Srdjan<br />

04:30 pm Development of a new ocean prediction system<br />

‘FRA-JCOPE’ using hydrographical data monitored by Japanese<br />

fisheries research institutions<br />

Komatsu Kosei, Takashi Setou, Yasumasa Miyazawa,<br />

Kazuyuki Uehara, Shin-Ichi Ito, Akira Kusaka, Shigeho Kakehi, Manabu<br />

Shimizu, Akira Okuno, Hiroshi Kuroda, Lee Jun-Su, Yugo Shimizu,<br />

Tomonori Azumaya, Hiroshi Yoshinari, Takahiko Kameda, Hideki<br />

Akiyama, Mitsuyuki Hirai. Speaker Komatsu Kosei<br />

04:45 pm Combination of altimetry and ARGO data for estimating<br />

the 3D ocean velocity field<br />

Rio Marie-Helene. Speaker Rio Marie-Helene<br />

05:00 pm Optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) for Argo Data<br />

Analysis<br />

Chu Peter, Charles Sun. Speaker Chu Peter<br />

05:15 pm Thermohaline properties of the southeastern<br />

Mediterranean Sea as measured by profiling floats between 2000<br />

and 2006<br />

Barbanti Riccardo, Pierre-Marie Poulain, Isabelle Taupier-<br />

Letage. Speaker Barbanti Riccardo<br />

JSS002 Tsunami: generation and hazard<br />

Conveners: Satake Kenji, Pelinovsky Efim, Dunbar Paula,<br />

Papadopoulos Gerassimos, Imamura Fumihiko<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

The Southeast Asia Tsunami Disaster Aftermath: Development of<br />

New Approaches to Coastal Zone Hazard Observation and Warning<br />

Systems<br />

Kontar Evgeny. Speaker Kontar Evgeny<br />

The simple model of Tsunami propagation simulator by using<br />

SITPROS Model<br />

Kanbua Wattana, Somporn Chuai-Aree. Speaker Somporn Chuai-Aree<br />

Application of RS and GIS in Tsunami hazards assessment and<br />

Rehabilitation in Car Nicobar Islands<br />

Kumar Arun, Th. Dolendro. Speaker Kumar Arun<br />

Restoration of Tsunami Incident by Remote Measurements of the<br />

Surface Water Oscillations<br />

Voronina Tatiana. Speaker Voronina Tatiana<br />

Processes affecting tsunamis propagating towards wide<br />

continental shelves, and their role in coastal impacts<br />

Wilson Chris, K. J. Horsburgh, B. J. Baptie, A. Cooper, D. Cresswell, R.<br />

M. W. Musson, L. Ottemoller, S. Richardson, S. L. Sargeant. Speaker<br />

Wilson Chris<br />

The potential use of coastal tide gauge data in the Australian<br />

Tsunami Warning System<br />

Allen Stewart, Diana Greenslade. Speaker Allen Stewart<br />

Tsunami sources of November 2006 and January 2007 Kuril<br />

earthquakes<br />

Fujii Yushiro, Kenji Satake. Speaker Kenji Satake<br />

Simulation of tsunami propagation in Arabian Sea due to<br />

earthquakes in Makaran: a possible scenario<br />

Dimri Vijay Prasad, Kirti Srivastava, D.Srinagesh. Speaker Dimri Vijay<br />

Prasad<br />

Tsunami deposits in the western Mediterranean: the remains of the<br />

1522 Almera earthquake<br />

Reicherter Klaus, Peter Becker-Heidmann. Speaker Reicherter Klaus<br />

New theoryfor tsunami propagation and estimation of tsunami<br />

parameters<br />

Mindlin Ilia. Speaker Mindlin Ilia<br />

Modeling of the UHF Radar signature of a tsunami approaching<br />

coastal areas: application to tsunami warning<br />

Grilli Stephan, Marc Saillard, Sara Dubosq. Speaker Sara Dubosq<br />

Numerical modeling of tsunami waves in the French West Indies<br />

Zahibo Narcisse, Narcisse Zahibo, Efim Pelinovsky, Ahmet Yalciner,<br />

Andrey Zaitsev, Irina Nikolkina. Speaker Zahibo Narcisse<br />

Mechanism of damage to road embankment caused by tsunamis<br />

Fujii Hiroyuki, Nobuo Shuto. Speaker Fujii Hiroyuki<br />

Walking Tours by Use of Tsunami Digital Library (TDL)<br />

Imai Sayaka, Yoshinari Kanamori, Nobuo Shuto. Speaker Imai Sayaka<br />

Manifestations of the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 in satellite<br />

nadir-viewing radar backscatter variations<br />

Troitskaya Yuliya, Stanislav Ermakov. Speaker Troitskaya Yuliya<br />

An Integrated Numerical Simulation for Tsunami and Seismic Wave<br />

Propagation Generated by Subduction-Zone Large Earthquakes<br />

Saito Tatsuhiko, Takashi Furumura. Speaker Saito Tatsuhiko<br />

Tsunami waveform analysis for historical large tsunamis generated<br />

by the large earthquakes along the Kurile trench<br />

Tanioka Yuichiro, Kenji Satake, Paula Dunbar. Speaker Tanioka Yuichiro<br />

Evaluation of real-time simulation at 2006 and 2007 Kuril Islands<br />

Tsunami<br />

Abe Ikuo, Fumihiko Imamura. Speaker Abe Ikuo<br />

Vulnerability of the Argentina coasts to tsunami effects<br />

Violante Roberto Antonio, Walter Dragani. Speaker Violante Roberto<br />

Antonio<br />

South Java tsunami reconnaissance<br />

Power William, Stefan Reese, Jim Cousins, Neville Palmer, Iwan<br />

Tejakusuma, Saleh Nugrahadi. Speaker Power William<br />

Revision and update of the tsunami database for New Zealand<br />

Downes Gaye, Willem P. De Lange. Speaker Downes Gaye<br />

Applicability of high-precision topographic model for tsunami<br />

simulation<br />

Murashima Yoichi, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura. Speaker<br />

Murashima Yoichi<br />

Application of Ocean Bottom Tsunami Gauge Data for Real-Time<br />

Tsunami Forecasting<br />

Tsushima Hiroaki, Ryota Hino, Hiromi Fujimoto, Yuichiro Tanioka.<br />

Speaker Tsushima Hiroaki<br />

Study on behavior of drifting bodies due to tsunami and its<br />

numerical simulation using EDEM<br />

Fujii Naoki, Ken Yanagisawa, Fumihiko Imamura. Speaker Fujii Naoki<br />

Precise algorithm for tsunami wave rays and travel-time<br />

computations<br />

Marchuk Andrey. Speaker Marchuk Andrey

10 July, 2007<br />

Comprehensive analysis of the bathymetric data for the North<br />

Pacific<br />

Marchuk Andrey, Anatoly Bezhaev. Speaker Marchuk Andrey<br />

Historical and holocene paleotsunami deposits on Minor Kurile Arc<br />

adya Razzhigaeva, Larissa Ganzey, Tatiana Grebennikova, Andrey<br />

harlamov, Alexander Ya. Ilev. Speaker Nadya Razzhigaeva<br />

Pointwise and distributed reflection of long waves from a beach<br />

Didenkulova Ira, Soomere Tarmo, Zahibo Narcisse. Speaker<br />

Didenkulova Ira<br />

Tsunamigenic potential of recently mapped submarine mass<br />

movements offshore eastern Sicily (Italy): numerical simulations<br />

and implications for the 1693 tsunami<br />

Armigliato Alberto, Stefano Tinti, Andrea Argnani, Filippo Zaniboni,<br />

Gianluca Pagnoni. Speaker Filippo Zaniboni<br />

Assessing vulnerability to tsunami: a pilot study in Seaside,<br />

Oregon<br />

unbar Paula, Dale Dominey-Howes, Jesse Varner, Maria Papathoma-<br />

Khle. Speaker Dunbar Paula<br />

sunami modelling along Morocco atlantic coast preliminary<br />

results<br />

Baptista Maria Ana, R . Omira 1,2, J. M. Miranda,1, P.M.M. Soares1,3,<br />

J.Luis, 4, E. A.Toto,2. Speaker Rachid Omira<br />

Numerical modelling of the 2006 Java tsunami<br />

anifa N. Rahma, Fumiaki Kimata, Takeshi Sagiya, Hasanuddin Z.<br />

Abidin, Parluhutan Manurung. Speaker Hanifa N. Rahma<br />

Micropaleontological analysis of 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami<br />

sediments<br />

Minoura Koji, Daisuke Sugawara, Naoki Nemoto, Shinji Tsukawaki,<br />

Tetsuya Shinozaki, Fumihiko Imamura, Kazuhisa Goto. Speaker<br />

Minoura Koji<br />

Tsunami detection by wavelet analysis of DART records<br />

Morozov Victor. Speaker Morozov Victor<br />

Numerical experiment of the oil spread caused by the 1964 Niigata<br />

Earthquake Tsunami<br />

wabuchi Yoko, Shun-Ichi Koshimura, Fumihiko Imamura. Speaker<br />

Iwabuchi Yoko<br />

The implications of non-linearity and dispersion in a tsunami<br />

scenario database<br />

imanjuntak Arthur, Diana J.M. Greenslade. Speaker Simanjuntak<br />

Arthur<br />

Development of numerical tsunami simulation technique in near<br />

field<br />

noue Shusaku, Gota Kubo, Tatsuo Ohmachi. Speaker Inoue Shusaku<br />

inite Fault Modelling for Tsunamigenic Earthquakes in Australasia<br />

using Seismic and Sea Level Data<br />

ummins Phil, Toshitaka Baba, Hong Kie Thio, Ming-Hai Jia. Speaker<br />

Cummins Phil<br />

sunami Risk in the Northern Bay of Bengal<br />

Cummins Phil. Speaker Cummins Phil<br />

Constraints on the source of the 20th February 1743 tsunamigenic<br />

earthquake in Apulia, Italy, from numerical tsunami modelling and<br />

geological evidences<br />

rmigliato Alberto, Stefano Tinti, Giuseppe Mastronuzzi, Paolo Sans,<br />

Gianluca Pagnoni. Speaker Armigliato Alberto<br />

hysical Simulation of Drain Mechanism of Tsunami Generation<br />

Korolev Pavel, Boris Levin. Speaker Korolev Pavel<br />

How very-high resolution 3D DEM contribute to quantitative<br />

tsunami damage forecast: the study case of Sri Lanka<br />

Armigliato Alberto, Stefano Tinti, Fabrizio Ferrucci, Roberto Tonini, Sara<br />

Gallazzi, Gianluca Calabretta. Speaker Fabrizio Ferrucci<br />

Numerical simulation of tsunamis around Shanghai on the East<br />

China Sea Coast Due To Great Nankai, Japan, earthquakes<br />

arada Tomoya, Katsuhiko Ishibashi. Speaker Harada Tomoya<br />

Modelling Tsunami Inundation in the Gulf of Cadiz - Preliminary<br />

Results<br />

Lima Vnia, J M Miranda, M.A. Baptista, M. Olabrieta, L.Otero, P M M<br />

Soares, M Gonzalez, E Carreno. Speaker Lima Vnia<br />

sunami hazard estimation for the southern Kuril Island coast<br />

Kaystrenko Victor. Speaker Kaystrenko Victor<br />

Numerical analysis of tsunami caused by seabed deformation<br />

gasawara Toshinori, Shigeki Sakai, Akifumi Wakamatsu. Speaker<br />

gasawara Toshinori<br />

upture Process of the California Earthquake of 18 April 1906 from<br />

near-field) Tsunami Waveform Inversion<br />

Lorito Stefano, Alessio Piatanesi, Anthony Lomax. Speaker Lorito<br />

Stefano<br />

Seismic and Tsunami Monitoring in the Puerto Rico and Caribbean<br />

Region<br />

ercado-Irizarry Aurelio, Christa Von Hillebrandt-Andrade, Victor<br />

Huerfano. Speaker Mercado-Irizarry Aurelio<br />

Global Tsunami Deposits Dtabase<br />

Brocko Vinita Ruth, Paula K. Dunbar. Speaker Paula K. Dunbar<br />

Analytical solution for long wave directivity<br />

Kanoglu Utku, Vasily Titov, Baran AydıN, Costas Synolakis. Speaker<br />

Baran AydıN<br />

Study on the effect of coastal forest against tsunami, Case study<br />

on 2006 JAVA Tsunami around Pnagandaran, Indonesia<br />

arada Kenji, Aditya Riadi Gusman, Hamzah Latief, Yuichi Nishimura,<br />

oshiaki Kawata. Speaker Harada Kenji<br />

sunami modeling; trends, needs, achievements and benefits<br />

Yalciner Ahmet Cevdet. Speaker Yalciner Ahmet Cevdet<br />

The tsunami of Djidjelli (Eastern Algeria) of August 22 th, 1856: the<br />

seismotectonic context and its modelling<br />

bdelkarim Yelles-Chaouche, J. Dverchre, A. Domzig, B. Mercier De<br />

pinay, N. Babonneau, H. Hbert, J.Roger, A. Kherroubi, D. Graindorge,<br />

. Bracne, A. Cattaneo, V.Gaullier, B. Savoye, P. Leroy, R. Ait Ouali.<br />

peaker Abdelkarim Yelles-Chaouche<br />

Distribution of run-up heights of the tsunami of the South off<br />

Central Java earthquake of July 17th, 2006<br />

suji Yoshinobu, Seh-Sub Han, Fachrizal, Indra Gunawan, Teruyuki<br />

Kato. Speaker Tsuji Yoshinobu<br />

Mechanism of the Totomi-Oki earthquake of the November 7, 1855<br />

Tsuji Yoshinobu, Yuichi Namegaya, Yoshikane Murakami. Speaker Tsuji<br />

Yoshinobu<br />

Miocene conglomerates formed by Huge tsunami<br />

achibana Toru, Yoshinobu Tsuji, Yuichi Namegaya. Speaker Tachibana<br />

oru<br />

Large Scale Landslide Tsunami Experiments<br />

Fritz Hermann, Fahad Mohammed, Jeseon Yoo. Speaker Fahad<br />

Mohammed<br />

Field survey reveals extreme runup of the 17 July 2006 Java<br />

tsunami<br />

ritz Hermann, W. Kongko, A. Moore, B. Mcadoo, J. Goff, C. Harbitz, B.<br />

slu, N. Kalligeris, V. Titov, C. Synolakis. Speaker C. Synolakis<br />

Development of high-resolution coastal digital elevation models for<br />

the U.S.: seamlessly integrating bathymetric and topographic data<br />

to support tsunami forecasting and modeling efforts<br />

Taylor Lisa, Barry W. Eakins. Speaker Taylor Lisa<br />

Ocean data and information network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) sea<br />

level data facility<br />

Odido Mika. Speaker Odido Mika<br />

Tsunami disaster prevention Management in Iwate Prefecture,<br />

Japan<br />

Yoshida Kenichi, Shigeki Sakai, Toshinori Ogasawara, Koshiya Shin,<br />

Tomoko Yamazaki, Nobuo Shuto, Takashi Furukawa, Tsutomu Mikami.<br />

Speaker Yoshida Kenichi<br />

istribution of asperities of the 1854 Ansei Nankai earthquake<br />

amegaya Yuichi, Yoshinobu Tsuji. Speaker Namegaya Yuichi<br />

JSS005 Non-instrumental seismometry - Global and regional<br />

parameters of paleoseismology; implications for fault scaling and<br />

future earthquake hazard<br />

Conveners: De Martini Paolo Marco, Masana Eullia, Hecker<br />

Suzanne, Berryman Kelvin, Schwartz David, Valensise Gianluca,<br />

Pantosti Daniela<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 11:00 AM - Law School Room 7<br />

09:30 am Derivation of New Zealand fault rupture scaling<br />

relations that reconcile seismological and geological data<br />

Berryman Kelvin, Terry Webb, Kelvin Berryman, Pilar Villamor, Mark<br />

Stirling, David Rhoades. Speaker Berryman Kelvin<br />

10:00 am A 15,000-Year-long synthetic earthquake catalogue<br />

for the Central Taupo Rift, New Zealand, derived from earthquake<br />

geology and historic data<br />

Villamor Pilar, Pilar Villamor, Kelvin Berryman, Terry Webb,<br />

Mark Stirling, Nicola Litchfield. Speaker Villamor Pilar<br />

10:15 am Empirical relations among magnitude and rupture<br />

characteristics, through mechanical modeling of interacting faults<br />

and fault patches<br />

Zielke Olaf, Ramon J Arrowsmith. Speaker Zielke Olaf<br />

10:30 am Empirical and Theoretical Fault Scaling Relations<br />

Leonard Mark. Speaker Leonard Mark<br />

JSS006 Non-instrumental seismometry - New Approaches to<br />

Paleoseismology and Earthquake Recurrence in the 21st Century<br />

Conveners: Masana Eullia, Schwartz David, Valensise Gianluca,<br />

Gutirrez Francisco, Pantosti Daniela<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room<br />

7Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room A<br />

11’00 am Paleoliqufaction features as a tool for paleoseismic<br />

studies of blind and offshore located faults: preliminary field<br />

search in Algeria<br />


11’15 am Beyond marine terraces: investigating Holocene<br />

coastal uplift using transgressive marine sediments and fluviotectonic<br />

terraces at the Pakarae River mouth, North Island, NZ.<br />

Wilson Kate<br />




Meghraoui Mustapha<br />

12’00 am Archeoseismic and paleoseismic records of Baelo<br />

Claudia (Gibraltar Arc area, southern Spain)<br />

Reicherter Klaus<br />




Gracia Eulalia<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room A<br />

2’00 pm Estimation of an upper limit on prehistoric peak<br />

ground acceleration using the parameters of intact speleothems in<br />

Hungarian caves<br />

Gribovszki Katalin<br />

2’15 pm Magnetic fabric of earthquake-triggered structures<br />

Marco Shmuel<br />




Toda Shinji<br />

3’00 pm Record of Surface Ruptures on the San Jacinto<br />

Fault at Hog Lake, Southern California, Implications for Patterns of<br />

Recurrence From a 16 Event 3800 Year Record<br />

Rockwell Thomas<br />

3’30 pm coffee break<br />

4’00 pm A New Approach to Paleoseismic Event Correlation<br />

Biasi Glenn<br />

4’30 pm The seismic potential of a silent and slow moving fault:<br />

the Carboneras fault (Eastern Betic Shear Zone, southern Spain)<br />

Masana Eullia<br />

4’45 pm Statistical approaches to earthquake recurrence in novel<br />

off-fault paleoseismic archives<br />

Agnon Amotz<br />

JSS013 The lithosphere<br />

Conveners: Thybo Hans, Cloetingh Sierd<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room<br />

11<br />

09:30 am High-Resolution 3D Anisotropic Structure of the<br />

North American Upper Mantle from Inversion of Body and Surface<br />

Waveform Data<br />

Romanowicz Barbara, Federica Marone. Speaker<br />

Romanowicz Barbara<br />

09:50 am Variations in mechanical anisotropy of the continental<br />

lithosphere<br />

Kirby Jon, Chris Swain, Steve Reddy. Speaker Kirby Jon<br />

10:10 am Crust and upper mantle anisotropy in the Central<br />

Alborz Region<br />

Sadidkhouy Ahmad, Gholam Javan Doloei. Speaker<br />

Gholam Javan Doloei<br />

10:30 am Layering of seismic anisotropy and the past and<br />

present deformation of the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath<br />

Germany.<br />

Lebedev Sergei, Brigitte Endrun, Monika Bischoff, Thomas<br />

Meier. Speaker Lebedev Sergei<br />

10:50 am European mantle lithosphere as a mosaic of plates<br />

with their own pre-assembly anisotropy signature<br />

Babuska Vladislav, Jaroslava Plomerova. Speaker<br />

Babuska Vladislav<br />

11:10 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:40 am A 3D shear wave velocity model of the Eastern Alpine<br />

crust from active source data<br />

Behm Michael, Ewald Brckl, Celebration 2000 Working<br />

Group, Alp 2002 Working Group, Sudetes 2003<br />

Working Group. Speaker Behm Michael<br />

12:00 pm A new gravity model of the lithosphere of Northern<br />

Eurasia based on joint inversion of the gravity and seismic data.<br />

Kaban Mikhail. Speaker Kaban Mikhail<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 11<br />

02:00 pm Lithospheric structure and its relationship to diamond<br />

fertility of Dharwar and Bastar cratons of the indian shield - a<br />

gravity perspective<br />

Singh Bijendra, V. M. Tiwari, S. K. Verma. Speaker Singh<br />

Bijendra<br />

02:20 pm High resolution mapping of the lithospheric thickness<br />

with S receiver functions<br />

Kind Rainer, X. Yuan, F. Sodoudi, B. Heuer, W. Geissler, P.<br />

Kumar. Speaker Kind Rainer<br />

02:40 pm Nature of the South Indian precambrian crust<br />

Rai Shyam, Sandeep Gupta, S. Jagdeesh, Vinod Gaur.<br />

Speaker Vinod Gaur<br />

03:00 pm Beam Formed Receiver Functions from the<br />

Levandowski Will. Speaker Levandowski Will<br />

03:20 pm Feedback between Andean mountain belt growth and<br />

plate convergence: a climate-driven process<br />

Iaffaldano Giampiero, Hans-Peter Bunge, Timothy H.<br />

Dixon, Martin Bcker. Speaker Iaffaldano Giampiero<br />

03:40 pm Inversion of viscous properties of crust and mantle<br />

from the GPS temporal series measurements<br />

Zhu Shoubiao, Yongen Cai. Speaker Zhu Shoubiao<br />

04:00 pm Magmatic underplating of crust beneath the Laccadive<br />

Island, NW Indian Ocean<br />

Gupta Sandeep, Shyam Rai, Santosh Mishra. Speaker<br />

Gupta Sandeep<br />

04:20 pm Deep density structure and EET of lithosphere in the<br />

NW Himalaya and Laddakh from analyses of gravity anomalies<br />

Tiwari Virendra Mani, V.M. Tiwari, P. Banerjee, B. Singh.<br />

Speaker Tiwari Virendra Mani<br />

04:40 pm Secular variations in the structure of the continental<br />

lithosphere over 3.5 Ga: A global analysis constrained by thermal<br />

data<br />

Artemieva Irina. Speaker Artemieva Irina<br />

05:00 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

Poster July 10, 2007 from 06:00 pm to 08:00 pm - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

SS001 Azimuth-dependent attenuation relations for the<br />

intermediate depth Vrancea (Romania) earthquakes based on<br />

Fourier amplitude spectra<br />

Sokolov Vladimir, Klaus-Peter Bonjer, Friedemann Wenzel, Mircea<br />

Radulian, Bogdan Grecu. Speaker Sokolov Vladimir<br />

Analysis of two methods for instrumental intensity estimations<br />

using the database accumulated in Japan<br />

Sokolov Vladimir, Takashi Furumura. Speaker Sokolov Vladimir<br />

Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Romania: application<br />

for crustal seismic active zones<br />

Iren-Adelina Moldovan, Emilia Popescu, Angela Constantin. Speaker<br />

Iren-Adelina Moldovan<br />

Assessment of Strong ground Motions Using the Empirical Greens<br />

Function for the 31 March 2006 Silakhor, SW Iran, Earthquake<br />

Vasheghani Farahani Jamileh, Mehdi Zare. Speaker Vasheghani<br />

Farahani Jamileh<br />

Investigation of frequency content and Stress drop based<br />

Accelerometric records in Zagros Belt of Iran<br />

Vasheghani Farahani Jamileh, Mehdi Zare. Speaker Vasheghani<br />

Farahani Jamileh<br />

Estimation of Ground Motion and Early Warning in Straight of<br />

Hormoz (Southern Iran)<br />

Eshaghi Attieh, Prof.Mohamadreza Gheytanchi, Javad Kazemiyan.<br />

Speaker Eshaghi Attieh<br />

Attenuation relations for maximum acceleration produced by<br />

vrancea intermediate, moderate earthquakes<br />

Popescu Emilia, Carmen O. Cioflan, Mircea Radulian. Speaker Popescu<br />

Emilia<br />

Models of Nonlinear Soil Behavior during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan,<br />

Earthquake Based on Stochastic Finite-Fault Simulations<br />

Pavlenko Olga, Kuo-Liang Wen. Speaker Pavlenko Olga<br />

Stochastic strong ground motion simulation of the 28 December<br />

1908 M7.0 Messina (Sicily) earthquake: investigating different<br />

source scenarios<br />

Tafaro Francesco, Zafeiria Roumelioti, Christoforos Benetatos,<br />

Anastasia Kiratzi, Antonio Bottari, Giancarlo Neri. Speaker Tafaro<br />

Francesco<br />

Examination of source model construction methodologies for<br />

multi-segment-coupling ruptures in long active fault zone<br />

Kuriyama Masayuki, Tomotaka Iwata, Takashi Kumamoto. Speaker<br />

Kuriyama Masayuki<br />

Estimation on the peak ground acceleration<br />

Chen Kuang-Jung, Jee-Shiang Wang. Speaker Jee-Shiang Wang<br />

Properties of response spectra<br />

Aptikaev Feliks, Olga Erteleva, Maria Sacks. Speaker Aptikaev Feliks<br />

Soil Amplification by Using Strong Ground Motions Recorded by<br />

Different Geological Conditions in Marmara Region in Turkey<br />

Ulutas Ergin, Mithat Firat Ozer. Speaker Ulutas Ergin<br />

Seismic activity in Khorasan province, north east Iran, obtained by<br />

the locally recorded earthquakes<br />

Abd Etedal Mahsa, Dr. Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Abd<br />

Etedal Mahsa<br />

Study on the time-varying aharacter of kinematic parameters about<br />

small earthquake sequence in seismic window<br />

Yuwei Chen. Speaker Yuwei Chen<br />

The abnormal tremor detected by gravimeteratiltmeter and<br />

broadband seismometer<br />

Zhang Yan-Bin, Jun Jiang. Speaker Zhang Yan-Bin<br />

Analyses of astronomical background of largest earthquakes in the<br />

world<br />

Hui Hu, Han Yanben. Speaker Hui Hu<br />

Investigation of precursory seismicity in Iran with special attention<br />

to background gaps and preparation gaps<br />

Arbabi Mahin. Speaker Arbabi Mahin<br />

Seismicity of Bosnia&Herzegovina in the period 19962005<br />

Brlek Ivan. Speaker Brlek Ivan<br />

Hypocenter relocation in south of Jiangsu Province and adjacent<br />

area, China, by using DD and GA jointly<br />

Li Qinghe, Zhang Yuansheng, Mei Weiping, Jin Shumei. Speaker Li<br />

Qinghe<br />

Focal Mechanisms of Small and Moderate Size Earthquakes<br />

Recorded by the Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN), Egypt<br />

Ebou Elenean Atiya Kamal. Speaker Ebou Elenean Atiya Kamal<br />

Control Experience of Tavshut Dam on Dynamic Influences<br />

Mkrtchyan Gohar. Speaker Mkrtchyan Gohar<br />

Source Parameters of Small Earthquakes in the South of Sakhalin<br />

(Russia)<br />

Konovalov Alexey. Speaker Konovalov Alexey<br />

Seismic activity in Khorasan province, north east Iran, obtained by<br />

the locally recorded earthquakes<br />

Abd Etedal Mahsa. Speaker Abd Etedal Mahsa<br />

The crustal structure beneath the Iranian plateau from joint<br />

inversion of receiver functions and surface waves dispersion<br />

Nasrabadi Afsaneh, Mohammad Tatar, Keith Priestley, Rham D.,<br />

Mohammad Reza Sepahvand. Speaker Nasrabadi Afsaneh<br />

Differentiated tomography in comparision with standard LSQR<br />

technique and double-difference tomography<br />

Smaglichenko Tatyana, Shigeki Horiuchi, Kaori Takai. Speaker<br />

Smaglichenko Tatyana<br />

Statistical evaluation of the parameter of repetition of the<br />

earthquakes and its change in space and time<br />

Sargsyan Heghine, Nahapetyan Hasmik. Speaker Sargsyan Heghine<br />

Tuning Antelope configuration for best earthquake location<br />

Gentili Stefania, Damiano Pesaresi, Adriano Snidarcig. Speaker<br />

Damiano Pesaresi<br />

Seismotectonics along the northeastern margin of Amurian plate<br />

in Sakhalin, Far Eastern Russia, and Hokkaido, northern Japan,<br />

inferred from the 2004 Rumoi Earthquake (M6.1) and the 2006<br />

Gomozavodskoe Earthquake (M5.9)<br />

Ichiyanagi Masayoshi, Masayoshi Ichiyanagi, Hiroaki Takahashi,<br />

Takahiro Maeda, Sen Rak Se, Mikhaylov Valentin, Kim Chun Ohun,<br />

Hiroki Miyamachi, Tsutomu Sasatani, Minoru Kasahara. Speaker<br />

Ichiyanagi Masayoshi<br />

Detailed investigation of the intermediate depth seismicity of the<br />

Vrancea region (Romania) during the last decade<br />

Borleanu Felix, Olivia Bazacliu. Speaker Borleanu Felix<br />

International Seismological Centre<br />

Shapira Avi, Maureen Aspinwall, Peter Dawson, James Harris,<br />

Przemislaw Kowalski, Baukun Li, Oriol Gasp Rebull. Speaker Shapira<br />

Avi<br />

Seismological analysis of Zarand earthquake, February 22, 2005<br />

and its aftershocks based on a dense local seismic network.<br />

Hosseini Zahra, Gholam Javan Doloei. Speaker Hosseini Zahra<br />

Linear seismic tomography without ray-tracing: constructing the<br />

velocity models of an earth crust by the times of the first arrivals of<br />

seismic waves.<br />

Saltykov Petr. Speaker Saltykov Petr<br />

The dynamic strain derives the impotant seismological information,<br />

in the case of the 2004 off the Kii peninsula earthquakes<br />

Okubo Makoto, Yasuhiro Asai, Hiroshi Ishii, Harumi Aoki. Speaker<br />

Okubo Makoto<br />

Seismic activity features of Vietnam territory<br />

Trieu Cao Dinh. Speaker Trieu Cao Dinh<br />

A waveform inversion method in the frequency domain for<br />

simultaneous determinations of focal mechanism and source-time<br />

function and its application to broadband seismic data in Indonesia<br />

Nakano Masaru, Tadashi Yamashina, Koji Miyakawa, Hiroshi Inoue.<br />

Speaker Nakano Masaru<br />

Theoretical amplitude response of Tehran seismic network<br />

Ashtari Jafari Mohammad. Speaker Ashtari Jafari Mohammad<br />

A proposal for an early warning system around Tehran, Iran<br />

Ashtari Jafari Mohammad. Speaker Ashtari Jafari Mohammad<br />

Crustal Model and Seismotectonics of Tehran Region, Iran<br />

Qorbani Chegeni Ehsan, Abdolreza Ghods, Farhad Sobouti. Speaker<br />

Qorbani Chegeni Ehsan<br />

Stress triggering by March 31, 2006 Silakhour, Iran earthquake (Mw<br />

6.1) from aftershock observation<br />

Ghods Abdolreza, Mehdi Rezapour. Speaker Ghods Abdolreza<br />

General space-time characterization of the source of Mw=7.6,<br />

20 April 2006, Olutorskoe earthquake (NE Russia): polynomial<br />

moments from teleseismic P-waves using emirical Greens function<br />

technique<br />

Abubakirov Iskander. Speaker Abubakirov Iskander<br />

Spatio-temporal change in Coulomb stress in the subducted<br />

Pacific slab in the Hokkaido region, northern Japan revealed from<br />

the inversion of seismicity rate change<br />

Ghimire Subesh, Kei Katsumata, Minoru Kasahara. Speaker Ghimire<br />

Subesh<br />

Interplate slip distribution in the northeastern Japan subduction<br />

zone inferred from small repeating earthquakes, GPS, and<br />

combined data<br />

Igarashi Toshihiro, Shinichi Miyazaki. Speaker Igarashi Toshihiro<br />

The Foreshock Sequence of the 2002 Eastern Tottori Earthquake<br />

and Its Effect on Mainshock<br />

Hiura Hajime, James Mori. Speaker Hiura Hajime<br />

Radiated energy, static stress drop, seismic moment and radiation<br />

efficiency of intermediate-depth earthquakes in the Pacific slab

10 July, 2007<br />

beneath Japan<br />

Nishitsuji Yohei, James Mori. Speaker Nishitsuji Yohei<br />

Crustal structure in the northwestern Iran as derived from Pn and<br />

Pg phases<br />

Karamzadeh Nasim, Farhad Sobouti, Gholam Javan Doloei. Speaker<br />

Karamzadeh Nasim<br />

The crustal velocity structure in North-East Iran<br />

Taheri Leila, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Taheri Leila<br />

Aftershock distribution of the 2005 off Miyagi Earthquake (M7.2) by<br />

ocean bottom seismographic data<br />

Suzuki Kensuke, Ryota Hino, Yojiro Yamamoto, Toshihiko Kanazawa,<br />

Tomoaki Yamada, Masanao Shinohara, Kenji Uehira, Masayuki Tanaka,<br />

Yoshiyuki Kaneda. Speaker Suzuki Kensuke<br />

Advantage of moment tensor inversion to small local earthquakes<br />

in the Indochina Peninsula<br />

Kim Van Phan Thi. Speaker Kim Van Phan Thi<br />

Aftershock observation of the intra-plate earthquakes under the<br />

NANKAI trough axis in Japan using ocean bottom seismometers<br />

Sakai Shinichi, Tomoaki Yamada, Masanao Shinohara, Toshihiko<br />

Kanazawa, Koichiro Obana, Shuichi Kodaira, Yoshiyuki Kaneda.<br />

Speaker Sakai Shinichi<br />

Correlations of magnitude and felt-area for earthquakes in the<br />

Fennoscandian Shield/East European Platform<br />

Gregersen Soren, Eystein Husebye, Paivi Mantyniemi. Speaker<br />

Gregersen Soren<br />

Seismic observations at Russian Platform<br />

Sanina Irina, Chernykh, Oleg, Nesterkina, Margarita, Malovichko,<br />

Alexey, Gabsatarova Irina, Chepkunas Lubov, Riznichenko Oksana,<br />

Nevsky Mikhail. Speaker Sanina Irina<br />

Recent developments of the seismological station network and<br />

seismic mapping of earthquake activities in Turkey<br />

Kekoval K Van, Kivan Kekovali, DoAn Kalafat. Speaker Kivan Kekovali<br />

Characteristics of double bottom simulating reflectors by<br />

amplitude verses offset modeling<br />

Pasupuleti Prasada Rao, Sanjeev Rajput, Mrinal K. Sen, N.K Thakur.<br />

Speaker Pasupuleti Prasada Rao<br />

Aftershock distribution of the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake derived<br />

from temporal network of ocean bottom seismographs<br />

Yamada Tomoaki, Tomoaki Yamada, Masanao Shinohara, Toshihiko<br />

Kanazawa, Naoshi Hirata, Yoshiyuki Kaneda, Tetsuo Takanami, Hitoshi<br />

Mikada, Kiyoshi Suyehiro, Shinichi Sakai, Tomoki Watanabe, Kenji<br />

Uehira, Yoshio Murai, Narumi Takahashi, Kimihiro Mochizuki, Takeshi<br />

Sato, Eiichiro Araki, Ryota Hino, Kouichi Uhira, Hajime Shiobara, Hiroshi<br />

Shimizu. Speaker Yamada Tomoaki<br />

Update of the European-Mediterranean Regional Centroid Moment<br />

Tensor (RCMT) Catalog<br />

Pondrelli Silvia, Salimbeni Simone, Morelli Andrea, Goran Ekstrom.<br />

Speaker Pondrelli Silvia<br />

The fault zone of Mw=7.6 Olyutorskoe earthquake (Apr. 20, 2006,<br />

Koryakia, NE Russia) reconstructed from GPS, geological and<br />

seismological data: the first emerged segment of North-American<br />

- Beringia plate boundary<br />

Pavlov Victor, Vilor Bakhtyarov, Alexander Gusev, Vasily Levin, Valeria<br />

Levina, Tatyana Pinegina, Nikolay Titkov. Speaker Pavlov Victor<br />

Constraints to source properties of the October 9, 2006<br />

underground nuclear explosion in North Korea from regional<br />

observation<br />

Hong Tae-Kyung, Chang-Eob Baag, Hoseon Choi, Dong-Hoon Sheen.<br />

Speaker Hong Tae-Kyung<br />

Free oscillations of the Earth observed by closed borehole wells<br />

Yanagidani Takashi. Speaker Yanagidani Takashi<br />

Poroelastic observations of seismic phenomena using closed<br />

borehole wells<br />

Kano Yasuyuki, Takashi Yanagidani. Speaker Kano Yasuyuki<br />

Nature and characteristics of seismic noise at periods near 1.6<br />

second according to data of stations located in northern Tien Shan<br />

Sokolova Inna, Mikhailova Natalia. Speaker Sokolova Inna<br />

Development of Multiscale Slip Inversion Method and Its<br />

Application to the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake<br />

Uchide Takahiko. Speaker Uchide Takahiko<br />

Geometry and seismogenic layers of the young Philippine Sea<br />

slab beneath Southwest Japan as estimated from hypocenter<br />

distribution and seismogram interpretation<br />

Miyoshi Takayuki, Katsuhiko Ishibashi. Speaker Miyoshi Takayuki<br />

30 years ongoing development of the German Regional<br />

Seismological Network and the GRF-array<br />

Klinge Klaus, Stammler, Klaus, Plenefisch, Thomas. Speaker Klinge<br />

Klaus<br />

Modernization of the Slovenian National Seismic Network<br />

Tasic Izidor, Renato Vidrih, Peter Sincic, Mladen Zivcic, Andrej Gosar,<br />

Matjaz Godec. Speaker Mladen Zivcic<br />

An efficient method to locate the micro-earthquakes generated by<br />

small geophysical objects<br />

Roux Pierre-Franois, David Marsan, Jean-Luc Got. Speaker Roux<br />

Pierre-Franois<br />

Determination of local magnitude for large earthquakes by using<br />

recorded accelerograms.<br />

Bayramnejad Esmaeil, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi, Alireza<br />

Taghizadeh. Speaker Bayramnejad Esmaeil<br />

Source Dynamics of the 2006 Silakhor (Lorestan), western Iran,<br />

earthquake sequence<br />

Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza. Speaker Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza<br />

Source process of the 26th December 2003 Bam destructive<br />

earthquake in southeast Iran, revealed from field observation and<br />

inversion of far field dat<br />

Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza. Speaker Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza<br />

ource parameters of the significant earthquakes in Iranian<br />

Plateau, during 2005-2006, revealed by Local Seismic Networks<br />

Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza. Speaker Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza<br />

he June 22nd 2002 Changoureh-Avaj Earthquake<br />

Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza. Speaker Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza<br />

reevaluation of the North Panama deformed belt seismicity<br />

through the use of historical seismograms<br />

Batllo Josep. Speaker Batllo Josep<br />

Maximum intensity map for northeastern Brazil<br />

erreira Joaquim, Carlos Da Silva Vilar, Jose Antonio De Morais<br />

oreira, Francisco Hilario Rego Bezerra, Marcelo Assumpcao. Speaker<br />

Ferreira Joaquim<br />

Network of Research Institutes for European Seismology (NERIES):<br />

An EC Research Infrastructure project. [ ]<br />

van Eck Torild, Domenico Giardini, Remy Bossu, Stefan Wiemer, Neries<br />

Consortium. Speaker van Eck Torild<br />

Investigating the effective parameters on designing seismograph<br />

using Laplace transform simulink<br />

Abrehdary Seyyed Hosein. Speaker Abrehdary Seyyed Hosein<br />

Application of the dynamic calibration’s method of IMS stations for<br />

the Central Asian Region<br />

Kedrov Ernest, Oleg Kedrov, Natalia Sergeeva, Ludmila Zabarinskaya,<br />

Vyacheslav Gordon. Speaker Kedrov Ernest<br />

S002 Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Strong Ground Motion<br />

onveners: Wu Zhongliang, Romanelli Fabio<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 3<br />

09:30 am Three decades of seismic hazard and risk analyses: a<br />

review on probabilistic seismic hazard analysis<br />

Wang Zhenming. Speaker Wang Zhenming<br />

10:00 am Integrated Neodeterministic Scenarios for Reliable<br />

Earthquake Hazard Assessment<br />

Romanelli Fabio, Antonella Peresan, Franco Vaccari.<br />

Speaker Romanelli Fabio<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am A new probabilistic seismic hazard map for Portugal<br />

Fonseca Joao, Susana P. Vilanova. Speaker Fonseca Joao<br />

11:15 am Seismic Hazard Disaggregation Maps for the Italian<br />

Peninsula<br />

Barani Simone, Daniele Spallarossa, Paolo Bazzurro.<br />

Speaker Barani Simone<br />

1:30 am Seismic hazard definition for performance-based<br />

design<br />

Mezzi Marco, Fabrizio Comodini. Speaker Fabrizio<br />

Comodini<br />

11:45 am Can Apparent Stress Be Used to the Estimation of<br />

Time-Dependent Seismic Hazard<br />

Wu Zhongliang. Speaker Wu Zhongliang<br />

12:00 pm Unified Scaling Law for Earthquakes: Implications for<br />

seismic hazard and risk assessment<br />

Kossobokov Vladimir, Anastasia Nekrasova. Speaker<br />

Kossobokov Vladimir<br />

12:15 pm Application of the intermediate-term earthquake<br />

prediction algorithm CN to the Adriatic region<br />

Rosso Michela, A. Peresan, G.F. Panza, I. Rotwain.<br />

Speaker Rosso Michela<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 3<br />

02:00 pm Characteristics of Spectral Intensity Revealed from<br />

Strong Motion Data in Southwestern Taiwan<br />

Yeh Yeong Tein, Jen-Kuang Chung. Speaker Yeh Yeong<br />

Tein<br />

02:15 pm Site specific seismic hazard assessment for<br />

construction sites in Israel<br />

Shapira Avi, Yuli Zaslavsky. Speaker Shapira Avi<br />

02:30 pm Critical aspects of ground motion simulations for<br />

seismic hazard assessment<br />

Sørensen Mathilde, Kuvvet Atakan, Nelson Pulido. Speaker<br />

Sørensen Mathilde<br />

02:45 pm Ground Motion at bedrock Level in Delhi City from<br />

Himalayan earthquake scenarios<br />

Parvez Imtiyaz, Fabio Romanelli, Giuliano F. Panza.<br />

Speaker Parvez Imtiyaz<br />

03:00 pm Neo-deterministic definition of seismic input and its<br />

application to seismic isolation of residential building<br />

Zuccolo Elisa, Franco Vaccari, Antonella Peresan, Giuliano<br />

Francesco Panza. Speaker Zuccolo Elisa<br />

03:15 pm Strong ground motion simulation based on a dynamic<br />

fault rupture model and empirical Greens tensor derivatives<br />

Pulido Nelson, Luis Dalguer, Hiroyuki Fujiwara. Speaker<br />

Pulido Nelson<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Sustainable Geophysical Observatory Networks<br />

Willemann Raymond, Arthur Lerner-Lam, Rick Aster, Susan<br />

Beck, Gran Ekstrm, Andrew Nyblade, Eric Sandvol. Speaker Willemann<br />

Raymond<br />

04:15 pm Development of shakemap methodology based on<br />

Fourier amplitude spectra and its application for the case of<br />

Vrancea (Romania) earthquakes<br />

Sokolov Vladimir, Friedemann Wenzel, Maren Boese.<br />

Speaker Sokolov Vladimir<br />

04:30 pm Remote sensing satellite and GPS data for seismic<br />

hazard assessment in Vrancea area<br />

Zoran Maria, Doru Mateciuc. Speaker Zoran Maria<br />

04:45 pm Geoinformation analysis of earthquake hazard in North<br />

India<br />

Gitis Valeri, Evgeny Yurkov, B. Arora, S. Chabak, N. Kumar,<br />

P. Baidya. Speaker Gitis Valeri<br />

05:00 pm Microzonation Studies of some Indian Cities<br />

Bansal Brijesh Kumar, Manoranjan Mohanty. Speaker<br />

Bansal Brijesh Kumar<br />

05:15 pm First Order Seismic Microzonation of Haldia, Bengal<br />

Basin (India) using GIS<br />

Mohanty William, M Yanger Walling. Speaker Mohanty<br />

William<br />

SS005 Earthquake Sources - Modelling and Prediction<br />

Conveners: Zavyalov Alexey, Matsuura Mitsuhiro<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 7<br />

02:00 pm Investigation Of Parameters Governing Aftershock<br />

Productivity From A Worldwide Analysis Of Earthquake Doublets<br />

Daniel Guillaume<br />

02:15 pm Extraction Of Seismicity Pattern Prior To Large<br />

Earthquakes: Implications For Fluctuation Of Multiple Seismicity<br />

Parameters In Central Honshu, Japan<br />

Noguchi Shin-ichi<br />

02:30 pm Foreshocks And The Prediction Of Strong Earthquakes<br />

Papadopoulos Gerassimos<br />

02:45 pm Long-Range Earthquake Forecasting Allowing For<br />

Aftershocks<br />

Rhoades David<br />

03:00 pm The Regularities Of The Transient Mode Of Seismicity:<br />

Field Data And Laboratory Modeling<br />

Smirnov Vladimir<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Mega-Thrust And Intra-Slab Earthquakes Beneath<br />

Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Japan<br />

Hirata Naoshi<br />

04:15 pm The Fore-Arc Earthquake Study Around Taiwan<br />

Lee Chao-Shing<br />

04:30 pm Seismic Hazard Evaluation In Western Turkey As<br />

Revealed By Stress Interaction<br />

Paradisopoulou Parthena<br />

04:45 pm Deep-Focus Precursors Of Sumatra Earthquake 2004<br />

Zakharova Alexandra<br />

05:00 pm Where Will Be A Future Strong Earthquake On<br />

Kamchatka<br />

Zavyalov Alexey<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Shock-wave model of earthquake source<br />

Kuznetsov Vladimir. Speaker Kuznetsov Vladimir<br />

Study of crust in South-Western Zagros in Iran using earthquake<br />

data inversion<br />

Abd Etedal Mahsa, Dr. Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Abd<br />

Etedal Mahsa<br />

Studying of the relation between crustal movement and strong<br />

earthquakes by GPS in mainland China<br />

Zai-Sen Jiang, Zai-Sen Jiang, Yong-Lin Li, Ying Fang, Yan-Qiang Wu.<br />

Speaker Zai-Sen Jiang<br />

Source Mechanism and Source Parameters of May 28, 1998<br />

Earthquake, Egypt<br />

Ebou Elenean Atiya Kamal. Speaker Ebou Elenean Atiya Kamal<br />

Focal Mechanisms of Small and Moderate Size Earthquakes<br />

Recorded by the Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN), Egypt<br />

Ebou Elenean Atiya Kamal. Speaker Ebou Elenean Atiya Kamal<br />

The account of effect the Fermipastaulam in mathematical models<br />

of seismic processes activization<br />

Svetlana Bayda. Speaker Svetlana Bayda<br />

Application of seismic noise for prediction of strong earthquakes in<br />

Kamchatka<br />

Kugaenko Yulia, Saltykov Vadim, Sinitsyn Valery. Speaker Kugaenko<br />

Yulia<br />

On geodynamical processes in the region of the Northern Tien<br />

Shan: possible preparation for large earthquake<br />

Kopnichev Yuri, Mikhailova Natalya. Speaker Kopnichev Yuri<br />

Synchronization effects of microseismic background oscillations<br />

field before strong earthquakes<br />

Lyubushin Alexey, G.A. Sobolev. Speaker Lyubushin Alexey<br />

Probability of seismic realization of radon precursors of<br />

earthquakes (m≥3.7) in Armenia and adjacent territories<br />

Hovhannisyan Hayk, Hrachya Petrosyan. Speaker Hovhannisyan Hayk<br />

Radon precursors of two strong earthquakes in Turkey, 2003<br />

Hovhannisyan Hayk. Speaker Hovhannisyan Hayk<br />

Analysis of radons levels to understand expansion and<br />

compression processes in the active faults zone in Armenia<br />

Hovhannisyan Hayk. Speaker Hovhannisyan Hayk<br />

The focal mechanism of small earthquakes in relation with the<br />

active fault systems of Vrancea Region (Romania)<br />

Luminita Angela Ardeleanu, Raileanu Victor. Speaker Luminita Angela<br />

Ardeleanu<br />

Source-site characterization for Vrancea (Romania) intermediatedepth<br />

earthquakes<br />

Anica Otilia Placinta, Radulian Mircea, Popescu Emilia, Popa Mihaela,<br />

Moldovan Iren Adelina. Speaker Anica Otilia Placinta<br />

Seismicity and seismotectonics of eastern part of the Pannonian<br />

Depression (Romania)<br />

Anica Otilia Placinta, Radulescu Florin, Malita Zina, Diaconescu Mihai.<br />

Speaker Anica Otilia Placinta<br />

Tectonophysical analysis of jointing area underground and open pit<br />

mine<br />

Fedotova Yuliya, Anatoly Kozyrev, Maxim Potokyn. Speaker Fedotova<br />

Yuliya<br />

Estimation parameters mining-induced seismicity in Khibiny massif<br />

Fedotova Yuliya. Speaker Fedotova Yuliya<br />

Modeling constraints of earthquake parameters using chaotic<br />

dynamics over Indian Regions.<br />

Srivastava Hari Narain. Speaker Srivastava Hari Narain<br />

Regularity of distribution of regional and local components of the<br />

tectonomagnetic field.<br />

Bondar Tatiana, Samvel Oganesyan. Speaker Bondar Tatiana<br />

Background seismicity and earth tides: synchronization in source<br />

zones of large earthquakes<br />

Saltykov Vadim. Speaker Saltykov Vadim<br />

Estimation of seismic fault slip distribution from marine terrace<br />

data using an earthquake cycle model<br />

Sato Toshinori, Harutaka Higuchi, Noriko Tsumura, Tanio Ito, Chihiro<br />

Hashimoto, Mitsuhiro Matsu’Ura. Speaker Sato Toshinori<br />

A hybrid intelligent system based on analysis of time variation in<br />

radon concentration, environmental parameters and aftershocks of<br />

bam earthquake<br />

Keshvari Forough, Noorbakhsh Mirzaei, Ali Negarestani, Navid Shad<br />

Manaman. Speaker Keshvari Forough<br />

Investigation of crust in Yazd province, central Iran, revealed from<br />

local seismic network data<br />

Pour Beyranvand Shahrokh, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi, Majid<br />

Nemati. Speaker Pour Beyranvand Shahrokh<br />

Earthquake triggering by the combination of the static stress step<br />

and the dynamic effect<br />

Maeda Kenji. Speaker Maeda Kenji<br />

Regional stress field reconstructed from earthquake focal<br />

mechanisms and strain field from GPS data in China<br />

Smirnov Vladimir, Victor Petrov, Anfu Niu, Vladimir Smirnov, Alexander<br />

Mostryukov, Li Zhixiong, Alexander Ponomarev, Jiang Zaisen, Shen<br />

Xuhui. Speaker Smirnov Vladimir<br />

Estimation of Slip Deficit Distribution on the Subducting Plate<br />

Interface<br />

Ochi Tadafumi, Teruyuki Kato. Speaker Ochi Tadafumi<br />

Seismotectonic Deformation of the Central Tien Shan<br />

Sycheva Nailia, Bogomolov Leonid Mihaylovich, Kostuk Alexander<br />

Dmitrievich, Yunga Sergey Lvovich. Speaker Sycheva Nailia<br />

Quasi-static analysis of strike fault growth in layered media<br />

Kame Nobuki, Shuji Saito. Speaker Kame Nobuki<br />

Seismic quiescence before Wenan M5.1 earthquake near Beijing in<br />

2006<br />

Zhang Yongxian. Speaker Zhang Yongxian<br />

STudy of crust in North-Eastern Iran using earthquake data<br />

inversion<br />

Abd Etedal Mahsa, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Abd Etedal<br />

Mahsa<br />

Dynamic characteristics of geophysical time-series from the long<br />

term observations in seismically active region<br />

Smirnov Vladimir, Alexander Cherepantsev, Vladimir Smirnov, Jiadong<br />

Qian. Speaker Smirnov Vladimir<br />

An examination of seismic quiescence based on the brittle-ductile<br />

interaction hypothesis<br />

Sugaya Katsunori, Yoshihiro Hiramatsu, Muneyoshi Furumoto, Hiroshi<br />

Katao. Speaker Sugaya Katsunori<br />

A tectonomagnetic method for determining the level of seismic<br />

hazard<br />

Odintsov Sergey, Samvel Oganesyan. Speaker Odintsov Sergey<br />

A few new anomalies of the seismic regime revealed in the vicinity<br />

of strong earthquakes possible physical nature and the connection<br />

with the possibility of probabilistic and deterministic prognosis of<br />

strong earthquakes<br />

Rodkin Mikhail. Speaker Rodkin Mikhail<br />

Source process of the 8th October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan<br />

Tahernai Nadia, Mohammad Reza Gheitanchi. Speaker Tahernai Nadia<br />

The 2004 earthquake offshore of the Kii peninsula, Japan:<br />

hypocentral relocation, source process and tectonic implication<br />

Bai Ling, Ichiro Kawasaki. Speaker Bai Ling<br />

Long-term earthquake prediction for the Kuril-Kamchatka Arc for<br />

2006-2011 and successful prediction for the Middle Kuril Island<br />

earthquake, 15.XI.2006, s=8.2<br />

Chernyshev Sergey, Alexey Solomatin. Speaker Chernyshev Sergey<br />

Ground heta flux (GHF) as precursors to seismic events<br />

Rezapour Nafiseh, Dr. Morteza Fattahi, Dr. Abbasalli Aliakbari Bidokhti.<br />

Speaker Rezapour Nafiseh<br />

Use of empirical mode decomposition method for identification of<br />

earthquake and explosion records<br />

Mehrabian Shayesteh, Ahmad Amini. Speaker Mehrabian Shayesteh<br />

Stick-slip instability analysis and stress evaluation by using the<br />

node-to-point contact element strategy<br />

Mehrabian Shayesteh, Ahmad Amini. Speaker Mehrabian Shayesteh<br />

Anomalies of seismic regime of western Himalaya<br />

Ponomarev Alexander, Arora B., Smirnov V., Zavyalov A., Chabak S.,<br />

Kumar N.. Speaker Ponomarev Alexander<br />

Geomagnetic anomalies associated with earthquakes<br />

Pour Beyranvand Shahrokh. Speaker Pour Beyranvand Shahrokh<br />

Simultaneous Multiple Seismic Event: Koryakia Earthquake M7.6,<br />

Eastern Russia On April 20, 2006<br />

Ishihara Yasushi. Speaker Ishihara Yasushi<br />

Quantitative earthquake prediction: twenty years of real-time<br />

application and testing<br />

Kossobokov Vladimir. Speaker Kossobokov Vladimir<br />

Source characteristics of the 28th May 2004 Baladeh-Kojur<br />

destructive earthquake in central Alborz, revealed from far field<br />

waveform data<br />

Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza. Speaker Gheitanchi Mohammad-Reza<br />

Investigation on static stress interaction among the 1930 Irpinia<br />

Earthquake and other large events in Southern Apennines (Italy)<br />

Perniola Bruna, Umberto Fracassi, Barbara Palombo, Nicola Alessandro<br />

Pino. Speaker Perniola Bruna<br />

Analysis of Combined Triggering Factors as a Basis for Earthquake<br />

Prediction and Control<br />

Novikov Victor. Speaker Novikov Victor<br />

SW001 Earthquake data in archaeological and historical<br />

studies<br />

Conveners: Albini Paola<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room<br />

12<br />

09:30 am Historical earthquake studies in an open-access<br />

archive<br />

Albini Paola, Katsuhiko Ishibashi, Mario Locati, Paola<br />

Migliavacca. Speaker Albini Paola<br />

09:45 am National geophysical data center historical significant<br />

earthquake database<br />

Dunbar Paula, Kelly Stroker. Speaker Dunbar Paula<br />

10:00 am A european archive of historical earthquake data<br />

Stucchi Massimiliano, Neries Na4 Working Group 2.<br />

Speaker Stucchi Massimiliano<br />

10:15 am Emending and databasing all historical earthquake<br />

documents in the Japanese ancient and medieval ages through<br />

interdisciplinary collaboration<br />

Ishibashi Katsuhiko, Research Group On Databasing<br />

Japanese Ancient And Medieval Historical Earthquake Documents.<br />

Speaker Ishibashi Katsuhiko<br />

10:30 am The state-of-play of New Zealands historical<br />

earthquake studies<br />

Downes Gaye. Speaker Downes Gaye<br />

10:45 am Development of a Macroseismic Database for<br />

Earthquakes in Mexico: 1469 to 1912<br />

Suarez Gerardo, Paola Albini. Speaker Suarez Gerardo<br />

11:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:30 am An archaeoseismological model to study the scene<br />

building of the great theatre of Larissa (Thessaly, Greece)<br />

Caputo Riccardo, Hinzen K.-G., Schreiber S., Liberatore<br />

D., Helly B., Tziafalias A.. Speaker Caputo Riccardo<br />

11:45 am Estimating location and size of historical earthquakes<br />

on the Dead Sea using mechanical analyses of damage in<br />

archaeological sites<br />

Marco Shmuel. Speaker Marco Shmuel<br />

12:00 am A little historical information changes the tectonic<br />

interpretation: the mystery of the Western Makran<br />

Musson Roger. Speaker Musson Roger<br />

12:15 am A new method to amend the parameters of historical<br />

earthquakes in Bohai Sea, China.<br />

Wang Jian. Speaker Wang Jian<br />

12:30 am The SISMOS facility at INGV<br />

Michelini Alberto, Anna Nardi, Antonio Rossi, Silvia Filosa,<br />

Andrea Bono, Valentino Lauciani, Stefano Pintore. Speaker Michelini

10 July, 2007<br />

Alberto<br />

12:45 am Geoarchaeology of the GIant Rapa Nui megalitic Ahu<br />

Moai monuments: collapsed and earthquake activity evidences in<br />

Easter Island, Chile<br />

Gonzalez-Ferran Oscar, R Marchetti, E.Zarate, S.Haoa.<br />

Speaker Gonzalez-Ferran Oscar<br />

13:00 pm An Archeoseismology along the Dead Sea fault:<br />

evidence for earthquake clustering<br />

Meghraoui Mustapha, Meghraoui Mustapha, Apame<br />

Working Group. Speaker Meghraoui Mustapha<br />

SW002 Geophysical studies of active faults<br />

Conveners: Barchi Massimiliano R., Pratt Thomas<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

itle: An East-West Profile of Crustal Thickness and (Vp/Vs) ratios<br />

Alayon Sheyla. Speaker Alayon Sheyla<br />

Complex model of tectonic evolution of the earth crust structural<br />

blocks and radioactive waste disposals locations<br />

ictor Tatarinov, Belov. S.V., Gvishiani A.D., Kamnev E.N., Morozov<br />

.N., Kolesnikov I.Y.. Speaker Gvishiani A.D.<br />

Interesting results found by continuous observation of strain and<br />

in-situ stress measurements in the vicinity of an active fault<br />

Ishii Hiroshi, Tsuneo Yamauchi, Yasuhiro Asai, Shigeo Matsumoto,<br />

Atsushi Mukai. Speaker Ishii Hiroshi<br />

eismic anisotropy and its relation with faults and stress field in<br />

he Val d’ Agri (Southern Italy).<br />

Pastori Marina, Lucia Margheriti, Davide Piccinini, Lauro Chiaraluce,<br />

Luisa Valoroso, Luigi Improta, Claudio Chiarabba. Speaker Pastori<br />

Marina<br />

fine structure of P-wave velocity along the Atotsugawa fault,<br />

central Japan<br />

Iidaka Takashi, Aitaro Kato, Eiji Kurashimo, Takaya Iwasaki, Naoshi<br />

Hirata, Hiroshi Katao, Issei Hirose, Hiroki Miyamachi. Speaker Iidaka<br />

Takashi<br />

Particularities of mechanic-electrical transformation in tectonically<br />

active non-contact faults containing ores.<br />

aibuk Yuriy. Speaker Maibuk Yuriy<br />

Gravity anomaly in and around the focal area of 2004 Rumoi-Nanbu<br />

earthquake: relationship between high Bouguer anomalies and the<br />

shallow earthquake<br />

onda Ryo, Hiroyuki Kamiyama, Takahiro Maeda, Masayoshi<br />

chiyanagi, Hiroshi Ichihara, Teruhiro Yamaguchi, Toru Mogi. Speaker<br />

Honda Ryo<br />

3-D velocity structure of the 2003 Bam earthquake area (SE Iran):<br />

Existence of a low-Poisson’s ratio layer and its relation to heavy<br />

damage<br />

Sadeghi Hossein, S.M. Fatemi Aghda, Takeshi Nakamura. Speaker<br />

Sadeghi Hossein<br />

hallow crustal seismicity, magnitudes and focal mechanisms in<br />

he giudicarie belt (eastern Alps, Italy)<br />

iganò Alfio, Giorgio Ranalli, Silvana Martin. Speaker Viganò Alfio<br />

Magnetotelluric studies over the Andaman Islands, India<br />

Gupta Gautam, S.G. Gokarn. Speaker Gupta Gautam<br />

Aftershock activities of the recent moderate earthquakes in<br />

southern Marmara REgion<br />

ekler Feyza Nur. Speaker Bekler Feyza Nur<br />

A microseismic study in the NE Alps: the Alpago-Cansiglio<br />

experiment<br />

Govoni Aladino, Mario Anselmi, Claudio Chiarabba, Pasquale De Gori.<br />

Speaker Mario Anselmi<br />

Integrated Research Project for Active Fault System along<br />

Itoigawa-Shizioka Tectonic Line<br />

Iwasaki Takaya, Research Group For Active Fault System Along Itoi.<br />

Speaker Research Group For Active Fault System Along Itoi<br />

n active fault as imaged by ground penetrating radar investigation<br />

auselli Cristina, Costanzo Federico, Alessandro Frigeri, Roberto<br />

Orosei, Gabriele Basile, Massimiliano R.Barchi. Speaker Pauselli<br />

Cristina<br />

eismic reflection constraints on the seismogenic layer thickness<br />

f the Umbria-Marche Apennines of Italy<br />

Mirabella Francesco, Massimiliano Barchi, Eusebio Stucchi, Maria<br />

Grazia Ciaccio. Speaker Mirabella Francesco<br />

Background seismicity in the Lucanian Apennines (Southern Italy)<br />

recorded by a dense temporary seismic network installed in the Val<br />

d’Agri area<br />

Valoroso Luisa, Lauro Chiaraluce, Pasquale De Gori, Paolo Di<br />

Bartolomeo, Raffaele Di Stefano, Luigi Ferranti, Aladino Govoni, Luigi<br />

Improta, Milena Moretti, Marco Romanelli, Claudio Chiarabba. Speaker<br />

Valoroso Luisa<br />

Imaging active faults in slow deformation zones by<br />

geoelectromagnetic methods<br />

Queralt Pilar, Beatriz Benjumea, Juanjo Ledo, Mireia Garreta, Miquel<br />

Coll, Anna Marti, Anna Gabs, Ester Falgs, Alex Marcuello, Eullia<br />

Masana, Ximena Moreno, Hector Perea, Maria Ortuo, Pere Santanch.<br />

Speaker Queralt Pilar<br />

Geodynamics of North Europe and North Atlantic Region<br />

Vidyakina Svetlana. Speaker Vidyakina Svetlana<br />

SW003 Seismogenic zones: emergence of in situ fault zone<br />

observations to the understanding of earthquake physics<br />

onveners: Suyehiro Kiyoshi, Ma Kuo-Fong<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Comparison of profiles of volumetric water content in three fault<br />

zones retrieved from the Hole-B of TCDP and its implication<br />

in Weiren, Osamu Matsubayashi, En-Chao Yeh, Tetsuro Hirono, Wonn<br />

Soh, Sheng-Rong Song. Speaker Lin Weiren<br />

Multi-component observations in deep boreholes (Deeper than 1<br />

KM) operated by Tono Research Institute of Earthquake Science<br />

(TRIES) - It’s outstanding observation power and some interesting<br />

results -<br />

Ishii Hiroshi, Yasuhiro Asai, Makoto Ohkubo, Tsuneo Yamauchi, Harumi<br />

Aoki. Speaker Ishii Hiroshi<br />

Log Data and Borehole Image Analysis of Hole-B, Taiwan<br />

Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project<br />

Yeh En-Chao, Philippe Gaillot, Kyaw Thu Moe, Weiren Lin, Yun-Hao<br />

Wu, Hisao Ito, Sheng-Rong Song. Speaker Yeh En-Chao<br />

SW004 Modernizing ISC procedures: model evaluation and<br />

magnitudes<br />

onveners: Schweitzer Johannes, Storchak Dmitry, Dewey James<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Comparison of seismic events location by using JB and AK135<br />

velocity model in China Earthquake Networks Center(CENC)<br />

Liu Ruifeng, Qifu Chen, Zhiguo Xu, Kexin Ren And Li Sun. Speaker Liu<br />

Ruifeng<br />

Earthquake relocation of China Continent and vicinity during the<br />

period of January to October 2004<br />

un Ruomei, Ruifeng Liu, Zongliang Wu. Speaker Sun Ruomei<br />

Comparison of ISC seismic event locations with data of Polish<br />

mining industry.<br />

owalski Przemyslaw, Pawel Wiejacz Phd. Speaker Kowalski<br />

Przemyslaw<br />

omparisons between location features of ISC(using JB & AK135<br />

models) and IRSC for seismic events in Iran<br />

Mottaghi Ali Asghar, Mehdi Rezapour. Speaker Mottaghi Ali Asghar<br />

Comparison of the regional earthquake parameters in Russia for<br />

estimate modernizing ISC procedures.<br />

Gabsatarova Irina. Speaker Gabsatarova Irina<br />

valuation of ISC JB and ISC AK135 bulletNS for Turkey<br />

Meral Ozel Nurcan, Dogan Kalafat, KıVanc Kekovalı. Speaker Meral<br />

Ozel Nurcan<br />

esting the AK135 model for locating seismic events in the wider<br />

ennoscandia-European Arctic Region<br />

Schweitzer Johannes, Berit Paulsen. Speaker Schweitzer Johannes<br />

Analysis of station travel times residuals based on the AK135<br />

velocity model and phase weighting scheme in location procedures<br />

era Beatriz, James Harris. Speaker Vera Beatriz<br />

Assessment of the ISC JB and AK135 locations in the NW of South<br />

America<br />

enjumea Cadavid Juan Manuel, Hanjurgen Meyer. Speaker Benjumea<br />

Cadavid Juan Manuel<br />

Seismicity Along the Alaska-Aleutian Arc: Case studies for Model<br />

Evaluation<br />

Hansen Roger, Natalia A. Ruppert. Speaker Hansen Roger<br />

ISC bulletin with AK-135 velocity model for earthquakes in the<br />

Levant and East Mediterranean region with application to advanced<br />

location techniques<br />

Pinsky Vladimir. Speaker Pinsky Vladimir<br />

Assessing ISC locations using the data of Iranian National<br />

Broadband Seismic Network (INSN)<br />

Dezvareh Mohsen. Speaker Dezvareh Mohsen<br />

The Comparison between the ISC Bulletin and the CWB Catalog for<br />

Earthquakes Occurred in the Taiwan Region<br />

Liang Wen-Tzong, Mei-Yi Ho. Speaker Liang Wen-Tzong<br />

Comparing the AK135 model with the ISC J-B model for central<br />

american earthquakes locations<br />

Camacho Eduardo, Carlos Redondo. Speaker Camacho Eduardo<br />

Modernizing the ISC Procedures: Model Evaluation for the Italian<br />

region<br />

Piromallo Claudia, Claudio Chiarabba. Speaker Piromallo Claudia<br />

Evaluation of the AK135 velocity model performance in earthquake<br />

location in the broader area of Greece<br />

Pirli Myrto, Dr. Nikolaos S. Melis. Speaker Pirli Myrto<br />

Relocating ISC bulletin events with AK135<br />

Storchak Dmitry, J.Harris. Speaker Storchak Dmitry<br />

Comparison of hypocenters determined using Jeffreys-Bullen and<br />

AK135 velocity models for earthquakes in Japan<br />

Hoshiba Mitsuyuki, Satoshi Takahama, Yuzo Ishikawa, Shigeo Mori,<br />

H.M. Ito. Speaker Shigeo Mori<br />

ISC localization using JB and AK135 velocity models: A<br />

comparison in the Andean Region between latitudes from 19°S to<br />

45°S<br />

Furlani Renzo. Speaker Furlani Renzo<br />

Relocation of earthquakes off the west coast of British<br />

Columbia, Canada using processing routines at the International<br />

Seismological Centre and various travel time tables<br />

Bird Alison. Speaker Bird Alison<br />

SW006 Induced seismicity<br />

Conveners: Lasocki Stanislaw, Kuempel Hans-Joachim, Chadha<br />

Rajender, Do Nascimento Aderson<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Parameters of ground motion model induced with mining<br />

exploitation<br />

Marcak Henryk. Speaker Marcak Henryk<br />

Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis of the source tomography for<br />

mining-induced seismic events<br />

Kwiatek Grzegorz, Wojciech DBski. Speaker Kwiatek Grzegorz<br />

The ways of decreasing the mining-induced seismicity in deep<br />

open pits<br />

Fedotova Yuliya, Serguei Reshetnyak, Stepan Savchenko. Speaker<br />

Fedotova Yuliya<br />

Low energy microseismological emission as source of information<br />

about rock mass condition in tremor occurrence time estimation.<br />

Cianciara Aleksander. Speaker Cianciara Aleksander<br />

Specifics of the mining-induced seismicity in the Khibiny massif<br />

Fedotova Yuliya, Serguei Reshetnyak. Speaker Fedotova Yuliya<br />

Induced seismicity monitoring of an underground salt cavity under<br />

a controlled pressure excitation<br />

Mercerat Diego, Lynda Driad-Lebeau, Pascal Bernard, Mountaka<br />

Souley. Speaker Mercerat Diego<br />

Studying of earthquakes source migration, caused by reservoir<br />

impoundment<br />

Gholami Vahid, Nasrollah Kamalian, Ali Safepour. Speaker Gholami<br />

Vahid<br />

Can’t groundwater level be induced by shear waves<br />

Fu-Qiong Huang, Chen Yong, Yu Sheng, Wong Teng-Fong. Speaker Fu-<br />

Qiong Huang<br />

Relocation of mining induced seismic events occurred in upper<br />

Silesian coal mine district (Poland)<br />

Rudzinski Lukasz. Speaker Rudzinski Lukasz<br />

Focal mechanism determination of micro earthquakes induced in<br />

reservoir<br />

Godano Maxime, Marc Regnier, Anne Deschamps, Thomas Bardainne.<br />

Speaker Godano Maxime<br />

Monitoring and modeling induced seismicity in the Netherlands<br />

Dost Bernard, Torild Van Eck, Femke Goutbeek. Speaker Dost Bernard<br />

JVS003 Ice Volcano Interactions<br />

Conveners: Rivera Andres, Brock Ben<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine<br />

Arts Room 6<br />

09:30 am Late Cenozoic glacier-volcano interaction on James<br />

Ross Island and adjacent areas, Antarctic Peninsula region<br />

Hambrey Michael, Prof. John Smellie, Dr. Anna Nelson, Dr.<br />

Jo Johnson. Speaker Hambrey Michael<br />

09:55 am Relative Age dating of the Wahianoa moraines, Mt<br />

Ruapehu, New Zealand<br />

Nolan Erin, Martin Brook. Speaker Nolan Erin<br />

10:20 am Monitoring ice capped active Volcan Villarrica in<br />

Southern Chile by means of terrestrial photography combined with<br />

Automatic weather stations and GPS<br />

Rivera Andres, Ben Brock, Javier Corripio, Francisca<br />

Bown, Robert Koschitzki, Jens Wendt, Jorge Clavero. Speaker Rivera<br />

Andres<br />

10:45 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:15 am Modeling of the dynamics and heat transfer inside a<br />

crater glacier<br />

Greve Ralf, Thomas Zwinger, Evgeny Isenko, Erik<br />

Edelmann, Hakime Seddik, Olivier Gagliardini. Speaker Greve Ralf<br />

11:40 am Critical debris thickness, topography and ice ablation<br />

on active ice-covered volcanoes: a comparison of Chilean and<br />

Icelandic glaciers<br />

Brock Ben, Andrs Rivera, Martin Kirkbride. Speaker Brock<br />

Ben<br />

12:05 pm Effect of fine layers of dust on ice ablation: field<br />

experiments on BREIAmerkurjkull, Iceland, and laboratory<br />

simulations<br />

Menard Cecile B.. Speaker Menard Cecile B.<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine<br />

Arts Room 602:00 pm Glacier mass balance determination in<br />

Volcn Mocho, Southern Chile, using ground penetrating radar<br />

Casassa Gino, Gino Casassa, Rodrigo Zamora, Guisela<br />

Gacita, Fernando Ordenes, Francisca Bown, Ronald Mella, Andres<br />

Rivera, David Ulloa. Speaker Casassa Gino<br />

02:25 pm Proximal tephra stratigraphy of the 2004 eruption<br />

of Grmsvtn volcano, Iceland Evidence of oscillating eruptive<br />

conditions<br />

Shavalia Tanya, Thorvaldur Thordarson, Magns Tumi<br />

Gudmundsson. Speaker Shavalia Tanya<br />

02:50 pm Cooling of the hyaloclastite ridge at Gjalp, Iceland,<br />

1996 - 2006<br />

Jarosch Alexander, Magnus T. Gudmundsson, Thordis<br />

Hgnadottir. Speaker Jarosch Alexander<br />

03:15 pm Time scales and processes in subglacial eruptions,<br />

implications for Tuya formation<br />

Gudmundsson Magnus. Speaker Gudmundsson Magnus<br />

03:40 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:10 pm Sulphur release from subglacial basalt eruptions in<br />

Iceland<br />

Thordarson Thor. Speaker Thordarson Thor<br />

04:35 pm Temperature and circulation in a subglacial volcanic<br />

lake beneath Vatnajkull, Iceland<br />

Thorsteinsson Thorsteinn, Tmas Jhannesson, Andri<br />

Stefnsson, Eric Gaidos, Bergur Einarsson. Speaker Thorsteinsson<br />

Thorsteinn<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Reconstructing debris transport pathways on constructional<br />

ridges: Wahianoa Glacier, Mt Ruapehu<br />

Mandolla Stephanie, Dr Martin Brook. Speaker Mandolla Stephanie<br />

1996-1998 Glacier surge at Northeastern active crater of Mutnovsky<br />

Volcano, Kamchatka: possible trigger factor of 17 March 2000<br />

eruption<br />

Gavrilenko Georgy, Polina Gavrilenko. Speaker Gavrilenko Georgy<br />

Historical analysis and stratigraphy of the post-XII Century<br />

pyroclastic activity at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador: implications for<br />

Lahar hazard assessment.<br />

Pistolesi Marco, Mauro Rosi, Raffaello Cioni, Katharine V. Cashman,<br />

Eduardo Aguilera. Speaker Pistolesi Marco<br />

Past modulations of global volcanic activity inferred from the<br />

EPICA Dome C (Antarctica) ice core sulfate record.<br />

Castellano Emiliano, Mirko Severi, Silvia Becagli, Rita Traversi, Federica<br />

Marino, Ryan Bay, Mathias Bigler, Fabrice Lambert, Jorge-Peder<br />

Steffensen. Speaker Castellano Emiliano<br />

Can Persistent sustained Short Period Seismic Excitation<br />

Suppress the Eruptive Activity of a Strombolian Volcano<br />

MacAyeal Douglas, Richard C. Aster, Philip Kyle, Kyle R. Jones.<br />

Speaker MacAyeal Douglas<br />

VS002 Submarine volcanism: eruption processes, transport<br />

mechanisms and links with hydrothermal systems<br />

Conveners: Allen Sharon<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room A<br />

09:30 am Submarine Volcanic Landforms of the Marsili<br />

Seamount, Tyrrhenian Sea<br />

Marani Michael, Fabiano Gamberi. Speaker Marani<br />

Michael<br />

09:46 am A multiparticle mass conservation based Box Model<br />

Cordoba Gustavo, Heidy Mader, Steve Sparks. Speaker<br />

Cordoba Gustavo<br />

10:02 am Submarine equivalents of spatter in the early to middle<br />

Miocene Josoji formation, Shimane peninsula, SW Japan<br />

Kano Kazuhiko, Shun Nakano, Yoshihiro Ishizuka. Speaker<br />

Kano Kazuhiko<br />

10:18 am Multiple reversely graded beds of submarine pumice<br />

breccia on Milos, Greece: implications for submarine explosive<br />

eruptions<br />

Gordee Sarah, Sharon Allen, Jocelyn Mcphie. Speaker Gordee<br />

Sarah<br />

10:34 am Transport and deposition of submarine pyroclastic flows;<br />

Soufrire Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies<br />

Trofimovs Jess, R.S.J. Sparks, P.J. Talling. Speaker Trofimovs<br />

Jess<br />

10:50 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:20 am The Volcanic History of a Recent Effusive Sea Floor<br />

Eruption: Timing, Distribution and Composition of Lavas from the 2005-<br />

2006 Eruption of the East Pacific Rise, 9 46-56N<br />

Rubin Ken, S. Adam Soule, Mike Perfit, Daniel Fornari, W. Ian<br />

Ridley. Speaker Rubin Ken<br />

11:36 am Interdisciplinary survey on Petitspot - a new type intraplate<br />

volcanism in the NW Pacific-<br />

Abe Natsue, Naoto Hirano, Kiyoshi Baba, Toshiya Fujiwara,<br />

Hiroko Sugioka, Kr03-07, Kr04-08, Yk05-06 And Kr05-10 Onboard Scientists.<br />

Speaker Abe Natsue<br />

11:52 am Off-axis volcanic ridges on the flanks of the Pacific-<br />

Antarctic Ridge<br />

Briais Anne, Hlne Ondras, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Laure Dosso,<br />

Cdric Hamelin, Herv Guillou. Speaker Briais Anne<br />

12:08 pm Summit Construction, Caldera Formation, Cone Growth,<br />

Hydrothermal Processes, and Sulfide Deposition on Submarine<br />

Volcanoes of the Southern Kermadec Arc<br />

Malahoff Alexander. Speaker Malahoff Alexander<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

A report on findings of pumices from the Central Indian Ocean basin<br />

Kalangutkar Niyati, Dr Sridhar D. Iyer, Dr V.M. Matta. Speaker Kalangutkar<br />

Niyati<br />

Giant pumice: unique highly vesicular coarse clasts erupted from<br />

submerged silicic domes<br />

Allen Sharon, Richard Fiske, Yoshiko Tamura. Speaker Allen Sharon<br />

VS003 Volcanic Flows: Observation, Experiment, and Theory<br />

Conveners: Druitt Tim, Takarada Shinji<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

09:30 am Flow and deposition of pyroclastic granular flows a<br />

combined field and experimental study<br />

Lube Gert, Armin Freundt, Shane J. Cronin, Thomas Platz, R.<br />

Stephen J. Sparks, Herbert E. Huppert. Speaker Lube Gert<br />

09:45 am Surface wave instabilities and pyroclastic flow<br />

emplacement<br />

Calder Eliza, Nigel Cassidy. Speaker Calder Eliza<br />

10:00 am Comparison between the emplacement mechanism of the<br />

1991-1995 block-and-ash flows and 1792 Mayuyama debris avalanche at<br />

Unzen Volcano, Japan<br />

Takarada Shinji, Christyanne Melendez. Speaker Takarada<br />

Shinji<br />

10:15 am The 2006 block-and-ash flow deposits of Merapi Volcano,<br />

Java, Indonesia: comparison of field observations and TITAN2D flow<br />

simulations<br />

Charbonnier Sylvain, Ralf Gertisser. Speaker Charbonnier<br />

Sylvain<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Effects of channel morphology on the behavior of<br />

simulated pyrocalstic flows using the TITAN THIN-layer code<br />

Stinton Adam, Michael Sheridan. Speaker Stinton Adam<br />

11:15 am Gas retention in pyroclastic flow materials at high<br />

temperature<br />

Druitt Tim, Geoffroy Avard, G. Bruni, P. Lettieri. Speaker Druitt<br />

Tim<br />

11:30 am Dynamics of Laboratory Ash Flows<br />

Laurence Girolami, Tim Druitt, Olivier Roche. Speaker<br />

Laurence Girolami<br />

11:45 am A comparison between water and initially gas-fluidised<br />

granular flows: implications for the dynamics of ash-rich pyroclastic<br />

flows<br />

Roche Olivier, Santiago Montserrat, Yarko Nino, Aldo<br />

Tamburrino. Speaker Roche Olivier<br />

12:00 pm En-masse versus aggrading deposition in small-scale<br />

pyroclastic and volcaniclastic flows: field evidences for a reconciliation<br />

Sulpizio Roberto, Pierfrancesco Dellino, Daniela Mele,<br />

Giovanni Zanchetta. Speaker Sulpizio Roberto<br />

12:15 pm Double compositional zonation of an ignimbrite: case<br />

study from Los Humeros caldera<br />

Carrasco Gerardo. Speaker Carrasco Gerardo<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

02:00 pm Littoral Blasts: Pumice-Water Heat Transfer and the<br />

Conditions for Steam Explosions When Pyroclastic Flows Enter the<br />

Ocean<br />

Dufek Josef, Michael Manga, Marcel Staedter. Speaker Dufek<br />

Josef<br />

02:15 pm Large-scale density currents of Avellino eruption (Somma-<br />

Vesuvius, 3.8 KA): lateral facies variations, transport mechanisms and<br />

impact parameters<br />

Bonasia Rosanna, Dellino Pierfrancesco, La Volpe Luigi,<br />

Sulpizio Roberto. Speaker Bonasia Rosanna<br />

02:30 pm Deep water gravity core from the Marsili Basin (Tyrrhenian<br />

Sea) records pleistocenic-holocenic explosive events and instability of<br />

Aeolian Archipelago (Italy).<br />

Di Roberto Alessio, Mauro Rosi, Antonella Bertagnini, Alessia<br />

Del Principe, Michael Marani, Fabiano Gamberi. Speaker Di Roberto Alessio<br />

02:45 pm Compaction and gas loss in welded pyroclastic deposits:<br />

porosity, permeability, and electrical conductivity measurements of the<br />

Shevlin Park Tuff<br />

Wright Heather, Katharine V Cashman, Jeffery J Roberts.<br />

Speaker Wright Heather<br />

03:00 pm Submarine transformation processes of the 30/12/2002<br />

Stromboli tsunamigenic landslide<br />

Marani Michael, Antonella Bertagnini, Alessio Di Roberto,<br />

Fabiano Gamberi, Mauro Rosi. Speaker Marani Michael<br />

03:15 pm Transport and deposition processes of volcaniclastic<br />

deposits inferred by multivariate statistic analyses and GIS<br />

applications. The case of Nevado de Toluca volcano (Mexico).<br />

Bellotti Fernando, Lucia Capra, Gianluca Groppelli, Fabio<br />

Galgano. Speaker Bellotti Fernando<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Rockfalls from lava domes<br />

Calder Eliza. Speaker Calder Eliza<br />

04:15 pm Modelling the growth of a volcanic talus<br />

Hale Alina, Laurent Bourgouin. Speaker Hale Alina<br />

04:30 pm A Lagrangian model for ballistics<br />

De Michieli Vitturi Mattia, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro, Augusto<br />

Neri. Speaker De Michieli Vitturi Mattia<br />

04:45 pm A quantitative shape analysis for predicting the settling<br />

velocity of pyroclastic particles<br />

Mele Daniela, Dellino Pierfrancesco, Braia Giuseppe, La Volpe<br />

Luigi, Sulpizio Roberto. Speaker Mele Daniela

10 July, 2007<br />

05:00 pm Rheology of crystal bearing magmas<br />

Caricchi Luca, Manuele Faccenda, Peter Ulmer, Luigi Burlini,<br />

Daniele Giordano, Claudia Romano. Speaker Caricchi Luca<br />

05:15 pm Thermal effects on magma flow dynamics<br />

Costa Antonio, Oleg Melnik, Steve Sparks, Elena Vedeneeva.<br />

Speaker Costa Antonio<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

yroclastic deposits of January 11, 2005 eruption of Bezymianny<br />

olcano, Kamchatka, Russia<br />

Girina Olga. Speaker Girina Olga<br />

The Nyiragongo Volcano eruptions in the Virunga Region, Western Rift<br />

Valley, D.R. Congo<br />

ifundu Dieudonne Wafula, Celestin Mahinda Kasereka, Andr Ndontoni<br />

Zana, Hiroyuki Hamaguchi. Speaker Mifundu Dieudonne Wafula<br />

odelling of laboratory ash flows<br />

Druitt Tim, Zina Khrabrykh, Laurence Girolami, Olivier Roche. Speaker Zina<br />

Khrabrykh<br />

igh-Speed Video Analysis of Laboratory Ash Flows<br />

aurence Girolami, Thomas Corpetti, Olivier Roche, Tim Druitt. Speaker<br />

Laurence Girolami<br />

Petrogenetic Significance of the Igneous Intrusives from the Gondwana<br />

Coal fields of Damodar Basin, Eastern India.<br />

ag Kaustav. Speaker Nag Kaustav<br />

Tracks of the middle triassic Pietra Verde calderas southern Alps/N<br />

Dinarides<br />

Obenholzner Johannes. Speaker Obenholzner Johannes<br />

inematic Features of Isolated Volcanic Clouds Revealed by Videorecords<br />

Terada Akihiko, Yoshiaki Ida. Speaker Terada Akihiko<br />

Fluidization of granular mixtures in a rotatory drum with implication on<br />

pyroclastic flows<br />

etrosino Paola, Bareschino Piero, Lirer Lucio, Marzocchella Antonio,<br />

Salatino Piero. Speaker Petrosino Paola<br />

Compositional variations and groundmass crystallization of Miocene<br />

Lovejoy Basalts, Northern California.<br />

easdale Rachel. Speaker Teasdale Rachel<br />

Vesicle growth during vulcanian explosions of Soufrire Hills Volcano,<br />

Montserrat, 1997.<br />

homas Giachetti, Timothy H. Druitt, Laurent Arbaret. Speaker Thomas<br />

Giachetti<br />

P-T Dependance of viscosity of hydrous rhyolitic melt<br />

rdia Paola, Daniele Giordano, Max W. Schmidt. Speaker Ardia Paola<br />

The evolution and geochemical aspects of megaporphyritic basicintermediate<br />

lava in Azerbaijan, Iran<br />

Monsef Reza, Mohammad Hashem Emami. Speaker Monsef Reza<br />

Archaeological, volcanological and rock-magnetic investigation on<br />

the impact of pyroclastic density currents on Bronze age settlements<br />

around Somma-Vesuvius, Italy<br />

Di Vito Mauro Antonio, Zanella Elena, Gurioli Lucia, Lanza Roberto, Sulpizio<br />

Roberto, Tema Evdokia, Amato Lucio, Bishop Jim, Boenzi Giuliana, De<br />

Filippis Angela, Isaia Roberto, Laforgia Elena. Speaker Di Vito Mauro Antonio<br />

mplacement dynamics of felsic lava flows from Terceira Island,<br />

Azores: a morphological analysis<br />

imentel Adriano, Steve Sparks, Jos Pacheco. Speaker Pimentel Adriano<br />

The july 17th 1999 block and ash flow and July 18th Lahar at Colima<br />

Volcano: a reological model.<br />

Sarocchi Damiano, Macas Jos Lus. Speaker Sarocchi Damiano<br />

VS006 Calderas I - Calderas and resurgent calderas<br />

Conveners: Orsi Giovanni, De Vita Sandro<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 14<br />

09:30 am Evolution and volcanic hazards of the Pantelleria<br />

resurgent caldera<br />

Orsi Giovanni, Dellerba Francesco. Speaker Orsi Giovanni<br />

09:45 am Evolution of the Fantale volcano (Ethiopia) and hazards<br />

implicationsEvolution of the Fantale volcano (Ethiopia) and hazards<br />

implications<br />

Di Vito Mauro Antonio, Ayalew Dereje, Civetta Lucia, Dantonio<br />

Massimno, Dellerba Francesco, Giordano Felice, Orsi Giovanni, Yirgu<br />

Gezahegn. Speaker Di Vito Mauro Antonio<br />

10:00 am The enigmatic giant tuff cone and ignimbrites of Ambrym,<br />

Vanuatu: a more conventional story of mafic caldera formation<br />

Nemeth Karoly, Shane J. Cronin. Speaker Nemeth Karoly<br />

10:15 am Discriminating the long distance dispersal of fine ash<br />

from sustained columns or near ground ash clouds: the example of the<br />

Avellino eruption (Somma-Vesuvius, Italy).<br />

Sulpizio Roberto, Rosanna Bonasia, Pierfrancesco Dellino,<br />

auro Antonio Di Vito, Luigi La Volpe, Daniela Mele, Giovanni Zanchetta,<br />

Laura Sadori. Speaker Sulpizio Roberto<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am From steep-slope volcano to flat caldera floor<br />

Barde-Cabusson Stéphanie, Olivier Merle. Speaker Barde-<br />

Cabusson Stéphanie<br />

1:15 am The interplay between volcanism and volcano-tectonism in<br />

resurgent calderas, and its implications on slope instability: the Ischia<br />

island (Italy) case history<br />

De Vita Sandro, Giovanni Orsi, Enrica Marotta, Fabio<br />

Sansivero, Marta Della Seta, Paola Fredi. Speaker De Vita Sandro<br />

11:30 am The magmatic system of Ischia island (Phlegrean Volcanic<br />

District, South Italy) in the past 10 ka: mineralogical, geochemical and<br />

isotopic constraints for the hazard evaluation.<br />

D’Antonio Massimo, Maria Chiara Andria, Ilenia Arienzo, Luigi<br />

Dallai, Sandro De Vita, Giovanni Orsi, Enrica Marotta, Fabio Sansivero,<br />

Sonia Tonarini, Alberto Trecalli. Speaker D’Antonio Massimo<br />

1:45 am Volcanic structures at Ischia Island (Italy) by seismic<br />

tomography and gravity inversion<br />

Capuano Paolo, Raffaella De Matteis, Guido Russo. Speaker<br />

Capuano Paolo<br />

12:00 pm Las Caadas Caldera (Tenerife): multiple vertical caldera<br />

collapses and structural control<br />

Coppo Nicolas, Pierre-Andr Schnegg, Wiebke Heise, Roberto<br />

Costa, Pierik Falco. Speaker Coppo Nicolas<br />

12:15 pm Monitoring and modeling of high rate crustal deformation<br />

of Iwo-jima caldera, Japan<br />

Ukawa Motoo, Eisuke Fujita, Hideki Ueda, Taku Ozawa, Tetsuo<br />

Kobayashi. Speaker Ukawa Motoo<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 14<br />

02:00 pm The Campi Flegrei resurgent caldera: volcanism,<br />

deformation and hazards<br />

Di Vito Mauro Antonio, Orsi Giovanni, Dellerba Francesco,<br />

Selva Jacopo, Sandri Laura, Marzocchi Warner, Quaglino Michaela. Speaker<br />

i Vito Mauro Antonio<br />

02:15 pm History of the magmatic feeding system of the Campi<br />

Flegrei caldera.<br />

Civetta Lucia, Ilenia Arienzo, Massimo D’Antonio, Valeria Di<br />

Renzo, Mauro Antonio Di Vito, Giovanni Orsi. Speaker Civetta Lucia<br />

02:30 pm A thermal conductive and convective model of the Campi<br />

Flegrei Magmatic system.<br />

Di Renzo Valeria, Salvatore De Lorenzo, Ken Wohletz, Lucia<br />

Civetta, Marilena Filippucci, Paolo Gasparini, Giovanni Orsi. Speaker Di<br />

enzo Valeria<br />

02:45 pm Magmatic processes and their timescale in the resurgent<br />

Campi Flegrei caldera: the Campanian Ignimbrite case history<br />

Arienzo Ilenia, Arnd Heumann, Lucia Civetta, Gerhard Wrner,<br />

Giovanni Orsi. Speaker Arienzo Ilenia<br />

03:00 pm Water and carbon dioxide content in the Minopoli2<br />

shoshonitic magma from melt inclusions and experimental studies<br />

Mangiacapra Annarita, Malcom Rutherford, Lucia Civetta.<br />

Speaker Mangiacapra Annarita<br />

03:15 pm Source multiplicity during unrest at the Campi Flegrei<br />

Caldera (Italy) insights from spatio-temporal variations in vertical<br />

gravity gradients<br />

Gottsmann Joachim, Antonio G. Camacho, Kristy F. Tiampo,<br />

Jose Fernandez. Speaker Gottsmann Joachim<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Dacitic and silicic magma transport process - Twin<br />

pressure source model for Mt. Usu (1910 and 2000), Japan and Campi<br />

Flegrei (1982-85), Italy<br />

Okada Jun. Speaker Okada Jun<br />

04:15 pm Long-term ground deformation analysis of active calderas<br />

with the SBAS DInSAR approach: the Campi Flegrei (Italy) and Long<br />

Valley (east California) case studies<br />

Tizzani Pietro. Speaker Tizzani Pietro<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

The submerged border of the Phlegrean fields caldera (Naples Bay,<br />

Southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy): constraints from high resolution<br />

magnetic data and Multibeam bathymetry<br />

Aiello Gemma, Marsella Ennio, Ruggieri Stefano. Speaker Aiello Gemma<br />

Three dimensional magneto-seismic reconstruction of the Torre<br />

del Greco submerged volcanic structure: evidences of the seaward<br />

elongment of the Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex<br />

Aiello Gemma, Di Fiore Vincenzo, Marsella Ennio, Ruggieri Stefano. Speaker<br />

Aiello Gemma<br />

A quantitative study for the reconstruction of the Mercato eruption<br />

(8.000 yr B.P.) of somma-Vesuvius.<br />

Mele Daniela. Speaker Mele Daniela<br />

A new giant caldera of Kamchatka, Russia: boundary, structure and<br />

pyroclastic volume<br />

Vladimir Leonov. Speaker Vladimir Leonov<br />

Ground deformation at Crater Rim of Vulcano (Aeolian Archipelago,<br />

Italy): gravity sliding or thermal expansion<br />

Bonforte Alessandro, Alessandro Bonaccorso, Salvatore Gambino, Carlo<br />

Giunchi, Francesco Guglielmino. Speaker Bonforte Alessandro<br />

Seismic images and rock properties of the very shallow structure of<br />

Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy)<br />

Dario Dello Iacono, Aldo Zollo, Maurizio Vassallo, Tiziana Vanorio, Sebastien<br />

Judenherc. Speaker Aldo Zollo<br />

Analysis of PS-TO-PP amplitude ratios for seismic reflector<br />

characterisation in a volcanic region<br />

Maercklin Nils, Aldo Zollo. Speaker Maercklin Nils<br />

VS011 Modeling and simulation of volcanic related phenomena for<br />

hazard mitigation<br />

Conveners: Di Gregorio Salvatore<br />

Oral 10 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of Chemistry<br />

Room C<br />

02:00 pm Magma flow instabilities: implications for long-period<br />

seismicity<br />

Hale Alina. Speaker Hale Alina<br />

02:20 pm The volcanic ash cloud risk to aviation: modelling the<br />

sensitivity of eruption height and fine ash fallout to tropospheric<br />

instability.<br />

Tupper Andrew, Christiane Textor, Michael Herzog, Hans Graf.<br />

Speaker Tupper Andrew<br />

02:40 pm Lava flow simulations using effusion rates from thermal<br />

infrared satellite imagery during the 2006 Etna eruption<br />

Vicari Annamaria, Alessia Ciraudo, Alexis Herault, Ciro Del<br />

Negro. Speaker Vicari Annamaria<br />

03:00 pm Three dimensional numerical simulations of viscous debris<br />

flows and comparison with laboratory experiments A hybrid modeling<br />

approach for complex phenomena<br />

Walder Dipl.-Ing. Stefan, Dipl.-Ing. Christian Volgger, Univ.-Prof.<br />

Di Dr.Techn. Peter Rutschmann. Speaker Walder Dipl.-Ing. Stefan<br />

03:20 pm Large landslides at Mt.Etna and related tsunami impact<br />

Favalli Massimiliano, Maria Teresa Pareschi, Enzo Boschi,<br />

Francesco Mazzarini. Speaker Maria Teresa Pareschi<br />

03:40 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:10 pm Thin-layer simulation of Lahars at VOLCN IRAZ, Costa<br />

Rica: hazard considerations for CARTAGO<br />

Stinton Adam, Michael Sheridan, Elicar Duarte, Erick Fernndez,<br />

Tomas Marino. Speaker Stinton Adam<br />

04:30 pm Using Titan2D to model lahars for the southern drainage of<br />

Volcan Cotopaxi: Production of a probabilistic hazard map for the city of<br />

Latacunga, Ecuador.<br />

Williams Rebecca, Michael F. Sheridan. Speaker Williams<br />

Rebecca<br />

04:50 pm Ashfall and tephra problems on volcanic islands<br />

Gaudru Henry, Leng Leng Lim. Speaker Gaudru Henry<br />

05:10 pm Lava flows invasion susceptibility: a method with<br />

application to the eastern flank of Mt Etna<br />

Spataro William, Avolio Maria Vittoria, Crisci Gino Mirocle,<br />

D’ambrosio Donato, Di Gregorio Salvatore, Iovine Giulio, Lupiano Valeria,<br />

Neri Marco, Niceforo Giancarlo, Rongo Rocco. Speaker Crisci Gino Mirocle<br />

Poster 10 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace Main<br />

Hall<br />

Unified view of numerical simulation method for debris/bed-load laden<br />

flow and landslide movement<br />

Itoh Takahiro, Kuniaki Miyamoto. Speaker Kuniaki Miyamoto<br />

Tephra hazard analyses incorporating potential multi-stage volcanic<br />

events<br />

Jenkins Susanna, Christina Magill, John Mcaneney, Tony Hurst. Speaker<br />

Jenkins Susanna<br />

11 July, 2007<br />

US010 Earth System Interactions<br />

Conveners: Brasseur Guy<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Rectorate Main Hall<br />

09:00 am Earth system dynamics in the Anthropocene<br />

Steffen Will. Speaker Steffen Will<br />

09:30 am Large scale connectivities and transformation in the<br />

global water system.<br />

Alcamo Joseph. Speaker Alcamo Joseph<br />

10:00 am Forcing and feedbacks: A continuing tale of a chicken<br />

and its egg.<br />

Andronova Natalia. Speaker Andronova Natalia<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Chemistry-climate interactions<br />

Shindell Drew. Speaker Shindell Drew<br />

11:30 am Sun-Earth connections on time scales from hours to<br />

decades<br />

Schmidt Hauke, G. P. Brasseur,, M. A. Giorgetta, A.<br />

Gruzdev, J. Kieser. Speaker Schmidt Hauke<br />

JHW002 Climate-Permafrost-Hydrology Interactions: The<br />

Impact of Changing Climate on Cold Regions Hydrology (UCCS<br />

Symposium hosted by IAHS)<br />

Conveners: Marsh Philip, Frauenfeld Oliver W.<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room C<br />

09:00 am Hydrologic changes in large siberian watersheds<br />

Yang Daqing. Speaker Yang Daqing<br />

09:15 am Degrading permafrost and its possible effect for<br />

draught in the source region of Yellow River, China.<br />

Sueyoshi Tetsuo, Atsushi Ikeda, Norikazu Matsuoka,<br />

Takemasa Ishii. Speaker Sueyoshi Tetsuo<br />

09:30 am Hydrological consequences of recent and future<br />

climate warming in permafrost regions of eastern Siberia (Lena<br />

River Basin)<br />

Georgiadi Alexander, Milyukova Irina, Kashutina Ekaterina.<br />

Speaker Georgiadi Alexander<br />

09:45 am Plausible impact of climate change on water resources<br />

in cold headwater catchment of the Yellow River Basin<br />

Xu Zongxue, Fangfang Zhao, Jingyu Li. Speaker Xu<br />

Zongxue<br />

10:00 am Recent Changes In Hydrologic Response Observed In<br />

Permafrost Regions Of Northwestern North America<br />

Janowicz Richard. Speaker Janowicz Richard<br />

10:15 am Hydrological Response to Changes in Active Layer and<br />

Permafrost<br />

Zhang Tingjun, Larry Hinzman, Andrew J. Etringer, James<br />

Mccreight, David Gilichinsky, Roger G. Barry. Speaker Zhang Tingjun<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Changes in snow cover characteristics over the<br />

Russian territory in recent decades<br />

Razuvaev Vyacheslav, Olga N. Bulygina. Speaker<br />

Razuvaev Vyacheslav<br />

11:15 am How well do the IPCC AR4 models represent<br />

permafrost regions A comparison between the observed and<br />

modeled freezing/thawing index for the 20th century<br />

Frauenfeld Oliver W., Tingjun Zhang, Andrew J. Etringer,<br />

Haiyan Teng. Speaker Frauenfeld Oliver W.<br />

11:30 am Towards improved modeling of permafrost in a GCM:<br />

The influence of a deeper soil column and organic soil<br />

Lawrence David, Andrew Slater. Speaker Lawrence David<br />

11:45 am Arctic subsurface hydroclimate simulated by a highresolution<br />

global climate<br />

Saito Kazuyuki, Masahide Kimoto, Tingjun Zhang, Kumiko<br />

Takata, Seita Emori. Speaker Saito Kazuyuki<br />

12:00 pm Modeling impact of changing climate on runoff<br />

generation in the permafrost regions<br />

Kuchment Lev, Demidov Victor. Speaker Kuchment Lev<br />

12:15 pm Process hydrology modelling in cold regions - the Cold<br />

Regions Hydrological Model<br />

Pomeroy John, Tom Brown, Bill Quinton, Newell Hedstrom,<br />

Raoul Granger. Speaker Pomeroy John<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room C<br />

02:00 pm Development of a simplified frozen soil model<br />

Sun Shufen, Chu Yao. Speaker Sun Shufen<br />

02:15 pm A Distributed Hydrologic Model for Simulating Snowcover<br />

Variation in the Head Region of Yellow River, China<br />

Li Li, Xi Chen. Speaker Li Li<br />

02:30 pm Importance of point and spatial processes to runoff<br />

generation in northern latitudes.<br />

Blyth Eleanor, Richard Harding. Speaker Blyth Eleanor<br />

02:45 pm Long-term trends in snow and hydro-climatic<br />

parameters over a mountainous catchment in the western United<br />

States<br />

Marks Danny, Anurak Nayak, David Chandler, Adam<br />

Winstral. Speaker Marks Danny<br />

03:00 pm Interaction between subsurface water flow and heat<br />

transfer in a subarctic permafrost peatland<br />

Hayashi Masaki, Nicole Wright. Speaker Hayashi Masaki<br />

03:15 pm Relating hillslope runoff to basin discharge in a<br />

wetland dominated zone of discontinuous permafrost<br />

Quinton William, M. Hayashi, N. Wright, E.D. Soulis.<br />

Speaker Quinton William<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Climate, Permafrost, and Hydrological interactions:<br />

Implications to Rapid lake drainage in the Western Canadian Arctic<br />

Marsh Philip, M. Russell, C. Onclin, S. Pohl, H. Haywood.<br />

Speaker Marsh Philip<br />

04:15 pm Hydrology of a Small Upland Tundra Lake: Implications<br />

for Rapid Lake Drainage<br />

Pohl Stefan, Philip Marsh. Speaker Pohl Stefan<br />

04:30 pm Pan-boreal inundation dynamics from monthly satellite<br />

observations, 1993-2000<br />

Matthews Elaine, C. Prigent, K. Mcdonald, F. Papa.<br />

Speaker Matthews Elaine<br />

04:45 pm Thermal regime of the crust near hydrotechnical<br />

objects: permafrost-hydrology interactions (Western Yakutia)<br />

Milanovskiy Svyatoslav, Vyatcheslav Aleksandrovich<br />

Istratov, Sergei Aleksandrovich Velikin. Speaker Milanovskiy Svyatoslav<br />

05:00 pm Some findings from the observation network of IORGC<br />

in Northern Eurasia<br />

Ohata Tetsuo. Speaker Ohata Tetsuo<br />

05:15 pm Growth of A High-elevation Large Inland Lake, Climate<br />

Warming and Permafrost Degradation in Tibet<br />

Jingshi Liu, Shichang Kang, Tongliang Gong, Anxin Lu.<br />

Speaker Jingshi Liu<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

The integrated impacts of vegetation and temperature change on<br />

the distribute of soil moisture in permafrost region<br />

Wang Genxu. Speaker Wang Genxu<br />

Assessment, simulation and mitigation for glacier lake outburst<br />

flood (GLOF) of Longbasaba and PIda Lakes in Pengqu, Himalaya,<br />

China<br />

Xin Wang, Liu Shiyin, Xu Junli, Li Jin, Zhang Yong. Speaker Xin Wang<br />

Variablity of snow cover in verge region of Northern Eurasian<br />

cryosphere (Mongolia) and it impact to soil moisture and<br />

vegetation<br />

Zhang Yinsheng, G. Davaa, T. Ohata. Speaker Zhang Yinsheng<br />

Variability of meteorological elements and permafrost on Island<br />

King George (Antarctic Peninsula)NIkolay Osokin, Aleksander<br />

Sosnovsky Institute of geography of the Russian Academy of<br />

Sciences,<br />

Osokin Nikolay, Aleksander Sosnovsky. Speaker Osokin Nikolay<br />

Changes in Monthly Mean Surface Air Temperature over the<br />

Tibeten Plateau<br />

Kang Shichang, Qinggong Zhang. Speaker Kang Shichang<br />

Recent climate variations in Northern Eurasia as a factor of<br />

permafrost regime changes<br />

Popova Valeria, Andrey Shmakin, Alexander Vasiliev. Speaker Popova<br />

Valeria<br />

Recent proglacial sediment redistribution in the High-Arctic: a<br />

process perspective using airborne lidar<br />

Barrand Nick, Tris D. L. Irvine-Fynn, Phillip R. Porter, Andy J. Hodson,<br />

Tavi Murray. Speaker Barrand Nick<br />

The Permafrost Young Researchers Network(PYRN): education and<br />

outreach for the international polar year (2007-2008) and beyond<br />

Menard Cecile B., Hugues Lantuit, Oliver W. Frauenfeld. Speaker<br />

Menard Cecile B.<br />

Hydrological response of Lhasa River to climate change and<br />

permafrost degradation in Tibet<br />

Tongliang Gong, Guangqian Wang. Speaker Tongliang Gong<br />

Determining solid precipitation on Alaska’s arctic slope<br />

Berezovskaya Sveta, Glen E. Liston, Douglas L. Kane. Speaker<br />

Berezovskaya Sveta<br />

Rockwall thermal regime characterization in high mountain areas<br />

and related permafrost degradation: preliminary data from the<br />

Western Alps<br />

Pogliotti Paolo, Umberto Morra Di Cella, Marco Giardino, Stephan<br />

Gruber. Speaker Pogliotti Paolo<br />

The relation of permafrost degradation and slope instabilities in<br />

high alpine steep rockwalls (Mont Blanc massif and Matterhorn):<br />

the research project PERMADATAROC<br />

Pogliotti Paolo, Philip Deline, Edoardo Cremonese, Umberto Morra Di<br />

Cella, Permadataroc Team. Speaker Pogliotti Paolo<br />

Variability of the northern rivers water inflow into the Arctic Ocean<br />

Simonov Yuri, Khristoforov A.V. Speaker Simonov Yuri<br />

HS1002 A New Focus on Integrated Analysis of<br />

Groundwater/Surface-Water Systems: Process Understanding,<br />

Conceptualisation and Modelling. (Sponsors ICGW, ICSW and<br />

ICCLAS)<br />

Conveners: Abesser Corinna, Wagener Thorsten, Nuetzmann<br />

Gunnar<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0<br />

09:00 am Groundwater and surface water interactions: past<br />

achievements and future challenges<br />

Love Andrew J, Craig T Simmons, Paul Shand, Gudrun<br />

Massmann. Speaker Love Andrew J<br />

09:30 am Towards integrated assessment of groundwatersurface<br />

water exchange in mountain headwater streams: physical,<br />

chemical and ecological interactions at different spatial and<br />

temporal scales<br />

Soulsby Chris, Iain A. Malcolm, Doerthe Tetzlaff, Alan F.<br />

Youngson. Speaker Soulsby Chris<br />

09:50 am Towards a better conceptual understanding of<br />

groundwater surface water interactions in<br />

fractured rock catchments<br />

Love Andrew J, Paul Shand, Craig T Simmons, Edward W<br />

Banks, Tania C Wilson. Speaker<br />

Love Andrew J<br />

10:10 am Groundwater flow systems in South Pare Mountains,<br />

Tanzania<br />

Mul Marloes, Robert Kirya Mutiibwa, Jan Willem Foppen,<br />

Stefan Uhlenbrook, Hubert Savenije.<br />

Speaker Mul Marloes<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am The role of alluvial valley deposits in groundwater<br />

surface water exchange in a Chalk<br />

River, Southern England, UK<br />

Abesser Corinna, Paul Shand, Daren Gooddy, Denis<br />

Peach. Speaker Abesser Corinna<br />

11:20 am Interaction between near-surface groundwater and<br />

water in drain ditches in lowland areas<br />

Schmalz Britta. Speaker Schmalz Britta<br />

11:40 am Small-scale water- and nutrient-exchange between<br />

lowland River Spree (Germany) and neighbouring groundwater<br />

Lewandowski Joerg, Gunnar Ntzmann. Speaker<br />

Lewandowski Joerg<br />

12:00 am Groundwater-river interaction in the context of interbasin<br />

transfer<br />

Cluckie Ian, Surin Worakijthamrong. Speaker Surin<br />

Worakijthamrong<br />

12:20 – 12:30 Discussion<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0

11 July, 2007<br />

02:00 pm Hyporheic sediments as refugial zone for benthic<br />

invertebrates.<br />

Dole-Olivier Marie Jose Keynote Speaker<br />

02:30 pm Determination of groundwater fluxes via sensing<br />

and simulation of hydraulic head and streambed temperatures in<br />

lowland rivers<br />

Anibas Christian, Kris Bal, Robert Banasiak, Okke<br />

Batelaan, Kerst Buis, Liesbet De Doncker,<br />

Nele De Smet, Marian Gerard, Patrick Meire, Peter Troch,<br />

ofie Van Belleghem, Ronny Verhoeven. Speaker Anibas Christian<br />

02:50 pm Investigating the role of groundwater surface water<br />

exchange flows and streambed characteristics for natural<br />

attenuation of nitrogen species within the hyporheic zone of two<br />

UK streams<br />

Krause Stefan, Daniel Kaeser, Louise Heathwaite, Andrew<br />

Binley. Speaker Krause Stefan<br />

03:10 pm Effect of surface and groundwater interaction on<br />

nitrate reduction process in a small<br />

alluvial fan catchment, Western Japan<br />

Saito Mitsuyo, Shin-Ichi Onodera, Misa Sawano. Speaker<br />

Saito Mitsuyo<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Quantify groundwater’s role in sustaining Groenvlei, a shallow<br />

lake in the Southern Cape region<br />

Parson, Roger<br />

04:20 pm Effect of forest stand succession from conifer trees to<br />

broad-leaved evergreen trees on<br />

infiltration/percolation and groundwater recharge<br />

processes<br />

Tanaka Tadashi. Speaker Tanaka Tadashi<br />

04:40 pm Transient peat properties and peatland pond<br />

interactions in the sub-humid western boreal<br />

plains, Canada<br />

Petrone Richard, Kevin J. Devito, Stephen Kaufman,<br />

Jonathan S. Price, Uldis Silins, Carl<br />

Mendoza. Speaker Petrone Richard<br />




Ruf, Wolfgang<br />

05:20 pm Discussion<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Effect of surface water infiltration on groundwater fluoride<br />

concentration close to an irrigation tank in Polonnaruwa District in<br />

Sri Lanka<br />

ickramasooriya Ashvin. Speaker Wickramasooriya Ashvin<br />

fficiency of post-harvest, autumn irrigation in the upper reaches<br />

f the Yellow River, China<br />

Kobayashi Tetsuo. Speaker Kobayashi Tetsuo<br />

Optimization of land use for sustainable groundwater quality<br />

epuder Peter, Nolz Reinhard, Aus Der Schmitten Volker. Speaker<br />

Reinhard Nolz<br />

Variabilite spatiale des flux internes dune nappe libre surexploitee<br />

par mesure de gradients thermiques et geochimiques (Kairouan,<br />

Tunisie)<br />

Chulli Badiaa, Badiaa Chulli, Favreau Guillaume, Nessim Jebnoun, O<br />

Monique. Speaker Chulli Badiaa<br />

Assessment of Interaction between Groundwater and the<br />

Teganuma Lake, Chiba, Japan<br />

Tang Changyuan, Yasuo Sakura, Akihiko Kondo. Speaker Tang<br />

Changyuan<br />

The method to estimate the root-zone soil moisture from<br />

gravelsand mulch in the semiarid loess region of northwest China<br />

Lv Haishen. Speaker Lv Haishen<br />

Hysteresis in the Soil Hydraulic Properties under Field Scale<br />

Lv Haishen. Speaker Lv Haishen<br />

umerical analysis of one-dimensional unsaturated flow in layered<br />

soils<br />

Lv Haishen. Speaker Lv Haishen<br />

Characteristics of geochemistry and stable isotopes in<br />

groundwater and Surface-Water in the Pearl River Delta, China<br />

Lu Yintao, Tang Changyuan, Chen Jianyao, Sakura Yasuo. Speaker Lu<br />

Yintao<br />

Investigation of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity and<br />

Groundwater Recharge by a Soil Moisture Model<br />

Chen Xi. Speaker Chen Xi<br />

Using neural networks for simulating groundwater/surface water<br />

interaction in hydrological yield modelling<br />

Veltman Sonia, Rainier Dennis. Speaker Rainier Dennis<br />

Investigation of the applicability of various groundwater/ surface<br />

water interaction methodologies in South African fractured rock<br />

environment<br />

Dennis Ingrid, Chris Moseki. Speaker Dennis Ingrid<br />

Surface-ground water relationships and integrated numerical<br />

modelling of runoff formation on a small basin scale<br />

Herrmann Andreas, Matthias Schniger, Raphael Thies, Sybille<br />

Schumann, Willibald Stichler. Speaker Herrmann Andreas<br />

Murzuq Basin in Libya: towards a more sustainable groundwater<br />

management<br />

Adeloye Adebayo, Ali A. Shaki. Speaker Ali A. Shaki<br />

nvestigating of infiltration losses for an arid basin<br />

Al-Wagdani Abdullah. Speaker Al-Wagdani Abdullah<br />

Understanding an ungauged river-lagoons system under<br />

degradation processes<br />

Luz Lafayette. Speaker Luz Lafayette<br />

Analysis of contaminant and thermal stream loadings in a fullyintegrated<br />

surface/subsurface modeling framework<br />

Brookfield Andrea, Edward Sudicky, Young-Jin Park. Speaker Brookfield<br />

Andrea<br />

Project management to ensure sustainability of multivillage<br />

surface source based water supply system- a case study for Bidar<br />

district of Karnataka state, Sourh India<br />

Ramaraju Hanumana Hally Kambada Rangappa. Speaker Ramaraju<br />

Hanumana Hally Kambada Rangappa<br />

Human impact on groundwater flow and quality in the Seoul City,<br />

deduced by multiple isotopes (dD, T, d18O, d34S, and 87Sr/86Sr)<br />

osono Takahiro, Alain Laraque, Jean Loup Guyot, Francis Sondag,<br />

Cristelle Lagane. Speaker Hosono Takahiro<br />

Optimal design for sustainable groundwater supply based on<br />

intrinsic vulnerability<br />

Park Dong Kyu, Joung-Won Lim, Yunjung Hyun, Kang-Kun Lee.<br />

Speaker Park Dong Kyu<br />

Prediction of water table variation due to intermittently applied<br />

transient recharge to a sloping aquifer<br />

Rai S.N., A. Manglik, P. Banerjee. Speaker Rai S.N.<br />

Modelling as an investigation tool in water resources integrated<br />

analysis<br />

Roberta Bellini, Bonomi Tullia. Speaker Roberta Bellini<br />

Integrated analysis of water resources for the ground water<br />

management in the Province of Cremona (Northern Italy)<br />

Giudici Mauro, Massimo Cremonini Bianchi, Cinzia Durante, Claudio<br />

Gandolfi, Bianca Ortuani, Mara Pesaro, Giansilvio Ponzini, Chiara<br />

Vassena. Speaker Cinzia Durante<br />

Mathematical modelling of the surface and ground water system as<br />

a tool in a land consolidation project in Zondereigen (Belgium)<br />

dams Roeland, Eric Degand, Filip Debrabandere, Perry De Louw,<br />

oeland Adams, Ype Van Der Velde. Speaker Eric Degand<br />

Effects of agricultural activities on groundwater nitrate<br />

contamination in a yellow river irrigated region<br />

Shen Yanjun, Shin Miyazaki, Dawen Yang, Huimin Lei, Shinjiro Kanae,<br />

Taikan Oki. Speaker Shen Yanjun<br />

A DEM-Based Residual Kriging Model for Estimating Groundwater<br />

Levels within a Large-Scale Domain - A Study for the Fuyang River<br />

Basin<br />

Zhu Kui, Bing Chen, Xiangwei Zhang. Speaker Zhu Kui<br />

Quantifying surface water/groundwater interaction along regional<br />

rivers in Flanders (Belgium).<br />

Michielsen Stef, Johan Baetens, Patrik Peeters, Katrien Van<br />

Eerdenbrugh, Florimond Desmedt. Speaker Michielsen Stef<br />

prediction of groundwater discharge in groundwater dependent<br />

wetlands<br />

yun Yunjung, Kang-Kun Lee. Speaker Hyun Yunjung<br />

Monitoring for the mitigation of rural diffuse pollution<br />

Ballantine Deborah. Speaker Ballantine Deborah<br />

Comparative study on multi-branch river runoff forecasting method<br />

Wang Rui, Xia Jun. Speaker Wang Rui<br />

Features of formation of a slope flow caused by interaction of nonuniform<br />

surface stream and seepage<br />

Bziava Konstantine, Profesor Teimuraz Katsarava, Professor Tamaz<br />

Odilavadze. Speaker Bziava Konstantine<br />

Intrusion of surface water with contaminant into deep groundwater<br />

on intensive urbanization area, Bangkok, Thailand<br />

Onodera Shin-Ichi, Makoto Taniguchi, Mitsuyo Saito, Jun Shimada,<br />

Somkid Buapeng. Speaker Onodera Shin-Ichi<br />

Long term and spatial variations in nutrient discharge with<br />

considering the interaction of river and groundwater in watersheds<br />

of 1km2 to 1000km2, western Japan<br />

Sawano Misa, Hidehiro Takahashi, Mitsuyo Saito, Hiromi Shibasaki.<br />

Speaker Sawano Misa<br />

The effect of irrigation channel network on surface and<br />

groundwater connections in the lower valley of the Cachapoal<br />

River in Chile<br />

Arumi Jose Luis, Diego Rivera, Eduardo Holzapfel. Speaker Diego<br />

Rivera<br />

A conceptual approximation to model the coupled groundwatersurface<br />

water system in the lower valley of the Cachapoal River IN<br />

Chile<br />

Arumi Jose Luis, Diego Rivera. Speaker Diego Rivera<br />

Analysis of potential impacts of water resources developments on<br />

the hydrology of Okavango delta, Botswana.<br />

Moalafhi Ditiro Benson, Kalaote Kalaote. Speaker Moalafhi Ditiro<br />

Benson<br />

Development of a hyporheic zone typology for water framework<br />

directive water bodies within England and Wales<br />

Goodwin Tracey. Speaker Goodwin Tracey<br />

Estimate of balance elements for an exploited aquifer by methods<br />

of mathematical modelling (an example of Privolgski Artesian<br />

Basin)<br />

Polshkova Irina, Tatjana N. Saevets, Tatjana I. Vechkanova. Speaker<br />

Polshkova Irina<br />

The hyporheic network: a new knowledge transfer network on<br />

groundwater-surface water interactions and hyporheic zone<br />

processes<br />

Smith Jonathan. Speaker Smith Jonathan<br />

Study on the potential water resource change under climate<br />

change in source of Yalong River watershed, China<br />

Zhang Shiqiang, Ye Baisheng. Speaker Ye Baisheng<br />

HS2004 Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty<br />

for Sustainable Water Resources Management (Sponsors ICCLAS,<br />


and PUB)<br />

Conveners: Boegh Eva, Kunstmann Harald<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A2<br />

Chairpersons: Thorsten Wagener and Luis Bastidas<br />

09:00 am Accounting for uncertainty in hydrological forecasts<br />

Schaake John, Roberto Buizza. Speaker Schaake John<br />

09:30 am Predictive uncertainty: new approaches and perspectives<br />

in flood forecasting<br />

Todini Ezio. Speaker Todini Ezio<br />

09:45 pm Multi-model climate change scenarios for Southwest<br />

Western Australia and potential impacts<br />

on streamflow<br />

Fu Guobin, Stephen P. Charles. Speaker Fu Guobin<br />

10:00 am Outlier catchments: for a realistic assessment of<br />

predictive uncertainty in rainfall-runoff<br />

modelling<br />

Andréassian Vazken, Le Moine Nicolas. Speaker Le Moine<br />

Nicolas<br />

10:15 am Efficient Numerical Methods for Assessing Uncertainty<br />

for Computationally Expensive Simulation<br />

Models of Environmental and Water Resource Systems<br />

Shoemaker Christine, Pradeep Mugunthan, Pradeep<br />

Mugunthan, Nikolai Blizniouk, David Ruppert,<br />

Rommel Regis, Stefan Wild. Speaker Shoemaker Christine<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

Chair: Hoshin Gupta and Luis Bastidas<br />

11:00 am Experimental hydrometeorological and hydrologic<br />

ensemble forecasts in the U.S. National<br />

Weather Service and their verification<br />

Demargne Julie, Limin Wu, Dong-Jun Seo. Speaker<br />

Demargne Julie<br />

11:15 am Predictive uncertainty in climate change impacts on<br />

floods<br />

Booij Martijn, Martijn Huisjes, Arjen Y. Hoekstra. Speaker<br />

Booij Martijn<br />

11’30 am Testing similarity indices to reduce predictive uncertainty<br />

on ungaged basins<br />

Oudin Ludovic, Ludovic Oudin, Vazken Andrassian, Claudia<br />

Rojas-Serna, Nicolas Lemoine,<br />

Claude Michel. Speaker Oudin Ludovic<br />

11:45 am Estimation of extreme flow quantiles and quantile<br />

uncertainty for ungauged catchments<br />

Burn Donald, Taha Bmj Ouarda, Chang Shu, Yves<br />

Tramblay. Speaker Yves Tramblay<br />

12:00 am Reducing the uncertainty of flood forecasts using multiobjective<br />

optimization algorithms<br />

for parameter estimation<br />

Wang Yan, Christian Gattke, Andreas Schumann. Speaker<br />

Wang Yan<br />

12:15 am Regionalisation of parameters of hydrological models:<br />

Inclusion of uncertainty in regional<br />

and local model in modeling ungauged basins<br />

Bastola Satish, Dr. Hiroshi Ishidaira, Prof. Kuniyoshi<br />

Takeuchi. Speaker Bastola Satish<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Water Consumption of Populus euphratica Woodlands in an Arid<br />

Region of China<br />

Zhu Yonghua. Speaker Zhu Yonghua<br />

Long-Term Prediction for the Annual Highest Tide Stage at<br />

Huangpu in Shanghai<br />

Chen Yuanfang. Speaker Chen Yuanfang<br />

regionalization of river yields by cluster analysis in the Sakarya<br />

River Basin<br />

Isik Sabahattin, Vijay P. Singh. Speaker Isik Sabahattin<br />

Multilevel River Classification as the Methodological Basis for<br />

Analysis of Maximum Runoff Values in Different Geographical<br />

Regions<br />

Asabina Elena. Speaker Asabina Elena<br />

Uncertainties in water balance estimations due to scarce<br />

meteorological information: A case study for the White Volta<br />

catchment in West Africa<br />

Wagner Sven, Harald Kunstmann, Andrs Brdossy. Speaker Wagner<br />

Sven<br />

Using GIS to evaluate the impact of selected landuse types<br />

on surface water quality downstream of Asa dam, Ilorin,<br />

Southwestern, Nigeria<br />

Amidu Owolabi Ayeni, Dr. I. I. Balogunn, Dr. A. S. O Soneye, Mr. M. J.<br />

Fasona. Speaker Amidu Owolabi Ayeni<br />

Estimation of the water consumption over the irrigated area along<br />

downstream of the Yellow River<br />

Lei Huimin, Dawen Yang; Xinbing Liu; Shinjino Kanae. Speaker Lei<br />

Huimin<br />

Slug test interpretation along contact zones in crystalline rocks: A<br />

case study from Andhra Pradesh, India<br />

Zaidi Faisal Kamal, Benoit Dewandel, Damien Guillon, Shakeel Ahmed.<br />

Speaker Zaidi Faisal Kamal<br />

Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation for a Coupled Model of<br />

Surface and Subsurface Flow<br />

Camporese Matteo, Claudio Paniconi, Mario Putti, Paolo Salandin.<br />

Speaker Camporese Matteo<br />

Reduction of predictive uncertainty in flows at ungauged basins<br />

Booij Martijn, Dave L.E.H. Deckers, Tom H.M. Rientjes, Maarten S. Krol.<br />

Speaker Booij Martijn<br />

Integration of a hydrological model within a geographical<br />

information system<br />

Fotakis Dimitrios, Sidiropoulos Epaminondas, Loukas Athanasios.<br />

Speaker Fotakis Dimitrios<br />

Assessing prediction uncertainty in the BIGMOD model: Shuffled<br />

complex evolution metropolis algorithm approach<br />

Fernando Gayani, H.R. Maier, G.C. Dandy, B.F.W. Croke. Speaker<br />

Fernando Gayani<br />

Prediction of rainfall - runoff model parameters in ungauged<br />

catchments<br />

Kohnova Silvia, Kamila Hlavcova, Marcel Zvolensky, Jan Szolgay.<br />

Speaker Kohnova Silvia<br />

Modelling the Effects of Afforestation on Streamflow: Efficiency<br />

and Robustness: Mechanistic vs Transfer Function Modelling<br />

Blight Jennifer, Kyle Tomlinson, Graham Jewitt, David Le Maitre, Mark<br />

Gush. Speaker Blight Jennifer<br />

Estimation of the Maximum Runoff for Very Deep Charcoal<br />

Quarries<br />

Haidu Ionel. Speaker Haidu Ionel<br />

Empirically-Based Generator of Synthetic Radar-Rainfall Data<br />

Villarini Gabriele, Witold F. Krajewski, Grzegorz J. Ciach. Speaker<br />

Villarini Gabriele<br />

Hydrological Simulation and Prediction in Environment Change<br />

Zhu Chuanbao, Zhang Jianyun. Speaker Zhang Jianyun<br />

Analyse des priodes sches pour la gestion dun barrage au Nord de<br />

la Tunisie<br />

Mathlouthi Majid, Lebdi Fethi. Speaker Mathlouthi Majid<br />

Water Resource Research of Distributed Hydrologic Model in<br />

Ningmeng Irrigation Area<br />

Wang Xin. Speaker Wang Xin<br />

Analysis of the uncertainty generated by coincidence and<br />

superposition of floods in a braided river system<br />

Balint Gabor, Csik, Andras, Szilagyi, Jozsef, Gauzer, Balazs. Speaker<br />

Balint Gabor<br />

HS2005 Water Quality and Sediment Behaviour of the Future:<br />

Predictions for the 21st Century<br />

(Sponsor ICWQ, ICCE, ICGW, PUB and ICT)<br />

Conveners: Webb Bruce<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room B<br />

02.00 pm Suspended sediment yields in the Amazon basin of Peru:<br />

a first estimation Jean Loup Guyot, Hector Bazan, Pascal Fraizy, &<br />

Juan Julio Ordonez<br />

02:20 pm Impacts of human activities on the sediment regime of<br />

the Yangtze River<br />

Qiongfang Li, Zhenhua Zou, Ziqiang Xia, Jin Guo & Ying Ma<br />

02 :40 pm Yves Modelling extreme suspended sediment<br />

concentrations in North America: frequency analysis and<br />

correlations with watershed characteristics<br />

Tramblay, André Saint-Hilaire, Taha B.M.J. Ouarda<br />

03:00 pm Predicting the impact of projected change in<br />

agriculture by 2015 on annual mean fluvial suspended sediment<br />

concentrations across England and Wales<br />

Adrian Collins, Steven Anthony, Tony Turner & Julia Hawley<br />

03:20 coffe break 30 minutes<br />

03:50 pm Modelling discharge, water chemistry and sediment load<br />

from a subarctic river basin: the Tanana River, Alaska<br />

04:10 pm Measuring the fluxes of suspended sediment, trace<br />

elements, and nutrients for the City of Atlanta, U.S.A.: Insights<br />

on the global water quality impacts of increasing urbanization<br />

Kazuhisa A. Chikita, Tomoyuki Wada, Isao Kudo, Daisaku Kido, Yu-ichi<br />

Narita & Yongwon Kim<br />

04:30 pm Assessing the effects of design and climate change on<br />

sediment removal in urban stormwater ponds Arthur J. Horowitz,<br />

Kent A. Elrick, and James J. Smith<br />

Catherine T. Morgan, Kate V. Heal, Steve G. Wallis & Rebecca J. Lunn<br />

04:50 pm Scale-related sediment and phosphorus transfers in small<br />

agricultural catchments<br />

Clare Deasy, Richard E. Brazier, A. Louise Heathwaite & Robin<br />

Hodgkinson<br />

05:10 Discussion<br />

HS3006 Changes in Water Resources Systems - Methodologies<br />

to Maintain Water Security and Ensure Integrated Management<br />

(Sponsor ICWRS)<br />

Conveners: van de Giesen Nick, Fukusima Yoshihiro<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I1<br />





Ying Li<br />



RIVER Zuo Qiting<br />



Jiang Dejuan<br />




Xianfeng Huang<br />

10:05 am Between aridity and humidity excess in Transylvanian<br />

Plain. The unique model approach<br />

Haidu Ionel<br />

10:20 am DISCUSSION<br />

10:30 BREAK<br />

11:00 am Integrated assessment for a more robust Murray-Darling<br />

Basin water resources system<br />

Van dijk Albert<br />



Yan Dong<br />

11:35 am Dynamique démographique, évolution des états de<br />

surface et modélisation hydrologique au Sahel: Cas du Nakambé à<br />

Wayen (Burkina Faso)<br />

DIELLO Pierre<br />

11:50 am Challenges Facing the Kruger National Park, South Africa,<br />

in Water Resources Management<br />

Gyedu-Ababio Thomas<br />




Wanke Heike<br />

12:20 pm DISCUSSION<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I1<br />



Fu Guobin<br />

02:20 pm Development of Integrated Models and Modeling<br />

Environment for a Typical Inland River Basin in China<br />

Li Xin<br />

02:35 Change of Water Resources System & Water Security in<br />

China<br />

Xia Jun<br />



Vorosmarty Charles<br />

05:05 DISCUSSION<br />

HS3007 Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring and<br />

Change Detection (Sponsor ICRS)<br />

Conveners: Owe Manfred<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I2<br />

09:00 am Spatial distribution and structure of remotely sensed<br />

surface water content estimated by a thermal inertia approach<br />

Antonio Coppola, Angelo Basile, Massimo Menenti,<br />

Maurizio Buonanno, Jerome Colin, Roberto De Mascellis,<br />

Marco Esposito, Ugo Lazzaro, Vincenzo Magliulo & Piero<br />

Manna<br />

09:20 am Satellite Observations of the Land Surface Emissivity in<br />

the 8 - 12 Micrometer Window:<br />

Effect of Soil Moisture<br />

Schmugge Thomas, Kenta Ogawa, Patricia De Rosnay.<br />

Speaker Schmugge Thomas

11 July, 2007<br />

09:40 am Infrared measurements to evaluate groundwater<br />

discharge in the coastal zone<br />

Taniguchi Makoto, Tomotoshi Ishitobi, Shigeru Kasahara.<br />

Speaker Taniguchi Makoto<br />

10:00 am Vegetation change detection using thermal band<br />

emissivities over Jornada, New Mexico USA.<br />

French Andrew, Tom Schmugge, Kenta Ogawa, Jerry<br />

Ritchie, Frederic Jacob, Ann Hsu. Speaker<br />

French Andrew<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Validating Gravimetry Measurements in Canada with a<br />

Continental Scale Hydrological Database<br />

Valeo Caterina, Alex Braun, Georgia Fotopoulos. Speaker<br />

aleo Caterina<br />

1:20 am Calibration/validation of satellite derived snow products<br />

with in situ data over the mountainous eastern part of Turkey<br />

Akyurek Zuhal, ensoy Aynur, Sorman Arda & Sorman<br />

A.Unal<br />

11:40 am Detecting bright band using AI techniques in radar<br />

hydrology<br />

Daniel R. Mcculloch, Jonathan Lawry, Miguel A. Rico-<br />

Ramirez & Ian D. Cluckie<br />

12:00 am Spatial and seasonal patterns of diurnal differences in<br />

ERS Scatterometer soil moisture<br />

data in the Volta Basin, West Africa<br />

Friesen Jan, H.C. Winsemius, R. Beck, K. Scipal, W.<br />

agner, N.C. Van De Giesen. Speaker<br />

Friesen Jan<br />

12:20 pm Contribution of earth observation data supplied by the<br />

new satellite sensors to flood<br />

risk mapping<br />

Stancalie Gheorghe, Vasile Craciunescu, Anisoara<br />

Iordache. Speaker Stancalie Gheorghe<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I2<br />

02:00 pm Soil moisture retrieval over the Mackenzie River Basin<br />

using AMSR-E 6.9 GHZ brightness<br />

temperature<br />

Chaouch Naira, Marouane Temimi, Ramata Magagi, Robert<br />

Leconte. Speaker Chaouch Naira<br />

02:20 pm Probabilistic estimation of precipitation combining<br />

geostationary and TRMM satellite data<br />

De Marchi Carlo, Aris P. Georgakakos, Christa Peters-<br />

Lidard. Speaker De Marchi Carlo<br />

02:40 pm Sequential assimilation of microwave remote sensing<br />

information in flood inundation models<br />

Matgen Patrick, Florian Pappenberger, Guy Schumann,<br />

Renaud Hostache. Speaker Matgen<br />

Patrick<br />

03:00 pm Change Detection and Hydrological Implication in<br />

Lower Ogun Floodplain, SW Nigeria<br />

Odunuga Shakirudeen. Speaker Odunuga Shakirudeen<br />

03:20 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Mapping and monitoring wetlands using airborne<br />

multispectral imagery<br />

Neale Christopher, Dennis Wenger. Speaker Neale<br />

Christopher<br />

04:20 pm Effects of climate and land cover on the relationship of<br />

satellite derived vegetation water content and greenness<br />

Seungbum Hong, Venkat Lakshmi & Eric Small<br />

04:40 pm Study of vegetation evolution in Sicily by means of time<br />

series analysis of remote sensing<br />

and climatic data<br />

Ciraolo Giuseppe, Capodici Fulvio, La Loggia Goffredo,<br />

altese Antonino, Noto Leonardo<br />

V., Bono Enrico. Speaker Ciraolo Giuseppe<br />

05:00 pm A comparative approach for the retrieval of leaf area index<br />

from earth observation data<br />

D’Urso Guido, Francesco Vuolo, Luigi Dini. Speaker D’Urso<br />

Guido<br />

HW1002 Patterns, thresholds and non-linearities: Towards a<br />

new theory of catchment hydrology (Sponsor PUB)<br />

onveners: Troch Peter<br />

ral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

athematics Room A3<br />

9:00 am Behavioral Modeling: A New Theoretical Framework for<br />

Hydrological Predictions<br />

Sivapalan Murugesu, Bettina Schaefli, Ciaran Harman.<br />

Speaker Sivapalan Murugesu<br />

09:25 am Hydrologic Cycle in a Changing World: A Complex System<br />

Perspective<br />

Kumar Praveen. Speaker Kumar Praveen<br />

09:40 am On catchment classification, hydrologic similarity and<br />

predictions in ungauged basins<br />

Wagener Thorsten, Peter Troch, Murugesu Sivapalan,<br />

Ross Woods. Speaker Wagener Thorsten<br />

09:55 am Global Application of Similarity Indices for Hydrology<br />

Woods Ross. Speaker Woods Ross<br />

10:10 am Application of a non-metric and non-parametric<br />

classification scheme to catchment hydrology<br />

He Yi, Andras Bardossy. Speaker He Yi<br />

10:25 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10:55 am Patterns, thresholds and non-linearities at the hillslope<br />

scale: testing the fill and<br />

spill hypothesis<br />

McDonnell Jeffrey J., April L. James. Speaker McDonnell<br />

Jeffrey J.<br />

11:25 am Advances to Catchment Theory from Ecohydrological<br />

Patterns and Feedbacks in Complex Terrain<br />

Vivoni Enrique, Hugo A. Gutierrez-Jurado. Speaker Vivoni<br />

Enrique<br />

11:40 am Patterns of predictability in hydrological threshold systems<br />

Zehe Erwin. Speaker Zehe Erwin<br />

11:55 am Effects of Topography on Vegetation-Hydrology Interactions<br />

in a Semiarid Grass Ecosystem<br />

Ivanov Valeriy, Rafael L. Bras. Speaker Ivanov Valeriy<br />

12:10 pm The feasibility of the models of everywhere concept<br />

Buytaert Wouter, Keith Beven. Speaker Buytaert Wouter<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM - Department of<br />

athematics Room A3<br />

2:00 pm Inference of runoff-generation spatial distribution using<br />

time-series data<br />

Entekhabi Dara, Mario L.V. Martina. Speaker Entekhabi<br />

Dara<br />

02:30 pm Understanding the water balance pattern using a waterenergy<br />

coupled model<br />

Yang Dawen, Fubao Sun, Amithirigala W Jayawardena.<br />

Speaker Yang Dawen<br />

02:45 pm Automatic evaluation of dominant runoff processes - a tool<br />

to estimate flood runoff for<br />

gauged and ungauged catchments<br />

Margreth Michael, Felix Naef. Speaker Margreth Michael<br />

03:00 pm Predicting the daily streamflow of ungauged catchments by<br />

regionalising rainfall-runoff<br />

model parameters Post David.<br />

Speaker Post David<br />

03:15 pm Model lumping preserving the processes non-linearities<br />

and retaining the physically meaningfull parameters<br />

Martina Mario L.V., Ezio Todini, Zhiyu Liu. Speaker Martina<br />

Mario L.V.<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Extraction of basin characteristics based on Dem and RS image<br />

Li Li, Jian Luo, Xi Chen, Zhenchun Hao. Speaker Li Li<br />

Catchment-based the genetic hydrology application<br />

Chebanov Oleksandr, Eugen Gopchenko. Speaker Chebanov<br />

Oleksandr<br />

Simulating hydrologic responses with Representative Elementary<br />

Watershed approach in a mountainous basin<br />

Xu Qin, Liliang Ren. Speaker Xu Qin<br />

Effects of explicit landscape representation in land surface<br />

hydrological models<br />

Dornes Pablo F., John W. Pomeroy, Alain Pietroniro. Speaker Dornes<br />

Pablo F.<br />

The maximum low flow parameters depending on assumed<br />

threshold level<br />

Jakubowski Wojciech, Tamara Tokarczyk. Speaker Jakubowski Wojciech<br />

A journey through the hydrological cycle from a white to a brown<br />

noise<br />

Markovic Danijela, Manfred Koch. Speaker Markovic Danijela<br />

Analysis of hysteretic behaviour of a hillslope-storage kinematic<br />

wave model for subsurface flow<br />

Borga Marco, Daniele Norbiato. Speaker Borga Marco<br />

Do shrinkage and swelling of soils govern runoff generation in temperate<br />

regions<br />

Lindenmaier Falk, Erwin Zehe, Jan Wienhfer, Jrgen Ihringer. Speaker<br />

Lindenmaier Falk<br />

Towards a coalgebraic theory of catchment hydrology<br />

Hauhs Michael. Speaker Hauhs Michael<br />

Classification of hydrological behaviour with complexity measures<br />

Lange Holger, Michael Hauhs. Speaker Lange Holger<br />

Limiatations of Darcys Law in exploration and development of<br />

groundwater resources in Hindu Kush Himalayan mountain regions<br />

Arya Ritesh. Speaker Arya Ritesh<br />

On the Relation Between Dynamic Storage and Runoff<br />

Spence Christopher. Speaker Spence Christopher<br />

A New Focus on Integrated Analysis of Groundwater/Surface-Water<br />

Systems: Process Understanding, Conceptualisation and Modelling.<br />

Seemanapalli Sarma. Speaker Seemanapalli Sarma<br />

Using Groundwater Flow Model for the potentiality of the Sustainable<br />

Aquifer Management<br />

Gaaloul Noureddine, Adel Zghibi, Jamila Tarhouni. Speaker Gaaloul<br />

Noureddine<br />

Dynamics of soil water storage and Hurst effect<br />

Kozhevnikova Irina, Valentina I. Shveikina. Speaker Kozhevnikova Irina<br />

Nonlinear dynamics of a river runoff<br />

Shveykina Olga, Valentina I. Shveikina, Irina A. Kozhevnikova. Speaker<br />

Shveykina Olga<br />

A runoff generation process transfer tool developed for a tropical<br />

headwater catchment with scarce data<br />

Birkel Christian, Denis Salas Gonzalez. Speaker Birkel Christian<br />

Self-organized simulation of overland flow generation in small catchment<br />

by cellular automata<br />

Zhang Xiang, Xingyuan Song, Liping Zhang. Speaker Zhang Xiang<br />

Evaluating an ambivalent effect of slope length on runoff generation<br />

using a water storage index<br />

Tani Makoto. Speaker Tani Makoto<br />

On LMBP-ANN algorithm network model and application to hydrological<br />

forecasting<br />

Dedong Liu, Zhongbo Yu, Zhenchun Hao, Changjun Zhu, Qin Ju, Lei<br />

Zhu. Speaker Dedong Liu<br />

Thresholds and non-linearities in hillslope-scale subsurface stormflow:<br />

Describing lateral preferential flow networks experimentally<br />

Graham Christopher, Jeff Mcdonnell. Speaker Graham Christopher<br />

To a question on nonlinear dependence of evapotranspiration on the<br />

climatic factors<br />

Rysbekov Yusup. Speaker Rysbekov Yusup<br />

From the micro- to the meso-scale, the MAGS tile approach.<br />

Soulis Ric, Frank Seglenieks. Speaker Soulis Ric<br />

Observations of soil water dynamics around a tree on a hillslope<br />

Liang Wei-Li, Kenichirou Kosugi, Takahisa Mizuyama. Speaker Liang<br />

Wei-Li<br />

Buffer function of soil layer controlling flood and baseflow discharges<br />

from headwater catchment underlain by permeable bedrock<br />

Kosugi Ken’Ichirou, Shinya Katsura, Makoto Tani. Speaker Kosugi<br />

Ken’Ichirou<br />

Surface temperature from remote sensing observations and energy<br />

budget hydrological model for soil moisture retrieving<br />

Martinelli Jacopo, Marco Mancini, Nicola Montaldo. Speaker Martinelli<br />

Jacopo<br />

The effects of introducing non-native vegetation on hydrological<br />

partitioning in a tropical catchment<br />

Guardiola-Claramonte Maite, Peter A. Troch. Speaker Guardiola-<br />

Claramonte Maite<br />

Soil moisture variability along a hillslope transect on the Fiumarella of<br />

Corleto experimental Basin (South of Italy)<br />

Carriero Domenico, Mauro Fiorentino, Nunzio Romano. Speaker<br />

Carriero Domenico<br />

Identification of characteristic basin descriptors for flood frequency<br />

curves behaviour<br />

Gioia Andrea, Vito Iacobellis, Salvatore Manfreda, Mauro Fiorentino.<br />

Speaker Gioia Andrea<br />

HW2004 Towards Improved Evaluation of Hydrological Models:<br />

The Need to Understand and Characterize Uncertainties in the<br />

Modelling Process (Sponsor ICCLAS, PUB)<br />

Conveners: Freer Jim, Zehe Erwin, Wagener Thorsten<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room B<br />

09:00 am Understanding uncertainties in hydrologic models:<br />

relationships between parameter uncertainty and model structure<br />

Clark Martyn. Speaker Clark Martyn<br />

09:20 am Regional Hydrologic Analyses Using GLS Regression<br />

Griffis Veronica, Jery R. Stedinger. Speaker Griffis Veronica<br />

09:40 am A stochastical Approach to assess the Reliability of<br />

Parameter Calibration in a complex, heavily stressed multi-Aquifer<br />

System<br />

Koch Manfred, Phatsaratsak Arlai. Speaker Koch Manfred<br />

10:00 am Model transferability within an uncertainty framework:<br />

how to deal with parameter drift<br />

Buytaert Wouter, Keith Beven. Speaker Buytaert Wouter<br />

10:20 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10:50 am Uncertainty propagation in a hydrological conceptual<br />

model for water quality asessment<br />

Candela Angela. Speaker Candela Angela<br />

11:10 am A multi-scale hydrological experiment: insights into<br />

processes, data errors and model uncertainty<br />

McIntyre Neil, Howard Wheater, Brian Reynolds, Bethanna<br />

Jackson, Miles Marshall, Zoe Frogbrook. Speaker McIntyre Neil<br />

11:30 am Uncertainty reduction in multi-variable hydrological<br />

modelling<br />

Vlieghe Pascal, Jiri Nossent, Willy Bauwens. Speaker<br />

Vlieghe Pascal<br />

11:50 am Uncertainty analisys in water quality modelling<br />

parameters<br />

Larentis Dante, Carlos Eduardo Morelli Tucci, Walter<br />

Collischonn. Speaker Larentis Dante<br />

JMS002 Earth System Interactions<br />

Conveners: Brasseur Guy<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room A<br />

02:00 pm Earth System Interactions : Natural Disasters<br />

Mitigation-Issues On Ecological And Social Risk<br />

Bhole Anand, Prof.Narendra Kumar C., Mrs.Annette<br />

P.Kimmich. Speaker Bhole Anand<br />

02:15 pm Landslide Damming Induced Hazards in Garhwal<br />

Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India<br />

Sati Sarswati. Speaker Sati Sarswati<br />

02:30 pm Groundwater discharge to inland and semi-enclosed<br />

seas and its influence on global change<br />

Kontar Aleksey. Speaker Kontar Aleksey<br />

02:45 pm Soil moisture feedbacks over southern Africa using<br />

RegCM3 model<br />

Mdoka Marshall, Bruce C. Hewitson, Mark A. Tadross.<br />

Speaker Mdoka Marshall<br />

03:00 pm Interannual predictability of the<br />

precipitation and water table level<br />

Garca Norberto O.. Speaker Garca Norberto O.<br />

03:15 pm Megacity Radiative Forcing: A Mexico City Case Study<br />

Dubey Manvendra, Seth Olsen, Claudio Mazzoleni, Petr<br />

Chylek, Yongxin Zhang, Jim Randerson, Larry Horowitz. Speaker Dubey<br />

Manvendra<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Detecting human impacts on surface and subsurface<br />

thermal environment in several metropolitan areas in Asia<br />

Huang Shaopeng, Makoto Taniguchi, Makoto Yamano,<br />

Chung-Ho Wang. Speaker Huang Shaopeng<br />

04:15 pm CLOUD DUSTING<br />

Saydam Cemal Ahmet. Speaker Saydam Cemal Ahmet<br />

04:30 pm Present, Past, and Future Climate Effects and Efficacy<br />

of Dirty Snow<br />

Zender Charlie, Mark G. Flanner, James T. Randerson,<br />

Natalie M. Mahowald, Philip J. Rasch, Masaru Yoshioka, Thomas H.<br />

Painter, Joseph R. Mcconnell, Ross Edwards. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

04:45 pm Amazon drought and the future of the rainforest<br />

Zeng Ning, Jin-Ho Yoon, Jose Marengo, Ajit Subramaniam,<br />

Carlos A. Nobre, Annarita Mariott, J. David Neelin. Speaker Zeng Ning<br />

05:00 pm Analysis of seasonal cycles in 50-year records of<br />

atmospheric CO2 using an AGCM based transport model<br />

Patra Prabir, Ralph F. Keeling, Stephen C. Piper, Masayuki<br />

Takigawa, Takakiyo Nakazawa. Speaker Patra Prabir<br />

05:15 pm Impact of increased CO2 levels on tropical and extratropical<br />

mean climate: A CGCM study<br />

Cherchi Annalisa, Simona Masina, Antonio Navarra.<br />

Speaker Cherchi Annalisa<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Long-periodic variations of the pole motion and tension state of<br />

the Earth<br />

Barkin Yury. Speaker Barkin Yury<br />

A seasonal, coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model of<br />

intermediate complexity with an abiotic ocean carbon cycle<br />

component: model deion<br />

Antico Andres, Lawrence A Mysak. Speaker Antico Andres<br />

A new coupled model for land-atmosphere interaction study<br />

Hongling Zeng, Jinjun Ji, Zaizhi Wang, Guoxiong Wu. Speaker Hongling<br />

Zeng<br />

Knowledge management of the Earth system<br />

Chavez_campos Teodosio, Israel Chavez Sumarriva, Nadia Chavez<br />

Sumarriva, Liliana Sumarriva Bustinza. Speaker Chavez_campos<br />

Teodosio<br />

Morphometric analysis of the western Crete watersheds, Greece,<br />

using geographic information systems<br />

Soupios Pantelis, Nasos Argyriou, Maria Kouli, Pantelis Soupios,<br />

Filippos Vallianatos, Derek Rust. Speaker Filippos Vallianatos<br />

Comparison of water budgets Simulations using Weather Research<br />

& Forecasting (WRF) model forecasts over Iran<br />

Khodamorad Poor Mehran. Speaker Khodamorad Poor Mehran<br />

ENSO modulation of the upper level cyclonic vortex over the<br />

Northeast of Brazil and tropical Atlantic Ocean<br />

Da Silva Ligia, Mara Valverde Ramrez1. Speaker Da Silva Ligia<br />

JMS005 Aerosols, Biomass Burning and Precipitation<br />

Conveners: Lohmann Ulrike, Levin Zev<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

09:00 am Interactions between pyrogenic aerosols, clouds and<br />

precipitation<br />

Andreae Meinrat O.. Speaker Andreae Meinrat O.<br />

09:30 am The aerosol pollution-precipitation connection<br />

List Roland. Speaker List Roland<br />

09:45 am The opposite effects of pollution aerosols on<br />

convective and orographic precipitation<br />

Rosenfeld Daniel. Speaker Rosenfeld Daniel<br />

10:00 am Does air pollution suppress orographic precipitation in<br />

Israel<br />

Levin Zev, Pinhas Alpert, Noam Halfon. Speaker Levin Zev<br />

10:15 am Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interplay: an observational<br />

study<br />

Devara Panuganti, P. Ernest Raj, K.K. Dani, R.L. Bhawar,<br />

S.K. Saha, G. Pandithurai, S.M. Sonbawne. Speaker Devara Panuganti<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Ice formation by different aerosol types and<br />

implications for aerosol effects on mixed-phase clouds<br />

Demott Paul, Anthony Prenni, Markus Petters, Mathews<br />

Richardson, Sonia Kreidenweis, Daniel Cziczo, Cynthia Twohy, Olga<br />

Popovicheva. Speaker Demott Paul<br />

11:30 am In-cloud Measurements of Absorbing Aerosols during<br />

the Marine Stratus Experiment, CA 2005 : What is their Mixing state<br />

and Climate Impact<br />

Dubey Manvendra, Claudio Mazzoleni, Pat Arnott, Petr<br />

Chylek, John Seinfeld, Shane Murphy, Armin Sorooshian. Speaker<br />

Dubey Manvendra<br />

11:45 am Impacts of Inter-annual Variability of aerosols Index on<br />

Precipitation over Sudano-Sahel Region of Nigeria<br />

Okpara Juddy, Dr. A.C. Anuforom. Speaker Okpara Juddy<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

02:00 pm Analysis of aerosol features over the Indian Region<br />

during ICARB period using satellite data<br />

Mohan Mannil, Marina Aloysius, K. Parameswaran,<br />

Vijayakumar S Nair, K. Krishnamoorthy. Speaker Mohan Mannil<br />

02:15 pm Case studies of precipitation over Tehran area on<br />

impact particle pollutants<br />

Sadeghi Hosseini Syed Alireza, S. Azojy. Speaker Sadeghi<br />

Hosseini Syed Alireza<br />

02:30 pm The influence of biomass burning aerosol on deep<br />

tropical convection; results from the active campaign<br />

Choularton Thomas, P. Connolly, K. Bower, G.Vaughan, P.<br />

May, P. Williams, J. Crosier, G. Allen, J.Allan, H.Coe, M.Flynn. Speaker<br />

Choularton Thomas<br />

03:00 pm Numerical simulations of microphysical processes in<br />

pyro-convective clouds<br />

Reutter Philipp, Jrg Trentmann, Gunnar Luderer, Martin<br />

Simmel, Christiane Textor, Michael Herzog, Heini Wernli, Ulrich Pschl,<br />

Meinrat O. Andreae. Speaker Reutter Philipp<br />

03:15 pm Effects from multiple species of insoluble aerosol<br />

particles on the glaciation and precipitation production of deep<br />

convective clouds in a tropical Atlantic hurricane<br />

Phillips Vaughan, Constantin Andronache. Speaker Phillips<br />

Vaughan<br />

03:30 pm Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions in orographic<br />

precipitation events<br />

Mhlbauer Andreas, Ulrike Lohmann. Speaker Mhlbauer<br />

Andreas<br />

03:45 pm Aerosol impact on extreme weather and climate<br />

events,<br />

Viacheslav Minashkin, Andronova Aleksandra, Ginzburg<br />

Aleksandr. Speaker Viacheslav Minashkin<br />

04:00 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:30 pm Classification of aerosol effects on precipitation<br />

Khain Alexander. Speaker Khain Alexander<br />

04:45 pm Global impacts of anthropogenic aerosols on<br />

convective clouds and precipitation<br />

Lohmann Ulrike. Speaker Lohmann Ulrike<br />

05:00 pm Potential Indirect Aerosol Effects in Cirrus Clouds: A<br />

New Perspective<br />

Mitchell David, Steven Chai, Brad Baker, R. Paul Lawson,<br />

Bryan Pilson, Qixu Mo. Speaker Mitchell David<br />

05:15 pm Evaluation of International policies for climate<br />

changes in mega cities to reduce GHG emissions through Clean<br />

Development Mechanism.<br />

Bhole Anand, Dr.R.C.Bhattacharjee. Speaker Bhole Anand<br />

05:18 pm Direct observations of daytime atmospheric boundary<br />

layer depth<br />

Sabetghadam Samaneh, Masoud Khoshsima, A. Ali<br />

Bidokhti. Speaker Sabetghadam Samaneh<br />

05:21 pm Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the<br />

atmosphere of Yinchuan city in Northwest China<br />

Shuxian Fan. Speaker Shuxian Fan<br />

05:24 pm Variation of Submicron Aerosol with Air Mass Pathway<br />

Observed at National Park Area of Gyeongju, Korea<br />

Kim Kyungwon. Speaker Kim Kyungwon<br />

05:27 pm The role of small aerosols in the formation of large hail<br />

in convective clouds<br />

Khain Alexander, Andrei Pokrovsky. Speaker Khain<br />

Alexander<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Dissolved organic nitrogen deposition on agricultural and urban<br />

environments in the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil<br />

Rocha Da Silva Andrea, William Zamboni De Mello. Speaker Rocha Da<br />

Silva Andrea<br />

Black Carbon Mass Concentration in Rain and Snow During

11 July, 2007<br />

SUPRECIP 2: Northern California, Winter 2006<br />

Hadley Odelle, Craig Corrigan, Thomas Kirchstetter, Jeff Aguiar, V.<br />

Ramanathan. Speaker Hadley Odelle<br />

Effect of Aerosols on Precipitation and Climate over the Indo-<br />

Gangetic Plains<br />

Singh Ramesh, Anup K. Prasad. Speaker Singh Ramesh<br />

MS011 Monsoon Systems<br />

onveners: Wu Guoxiong<br />

ral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Main Hall<br />

09:00 am How robust is the ENSO-monsoon teleconnection<br />

Kitoh Akio. Speaker Kitoh Akio<br />

09:30 am Dynamics and thermodynamics of monsoon boundary<br />

layer<br />

C A Babu. Speaker C A Babu<br />

09:45 am Change of East Asia monsoon in global warming<br />

projection by a global atmospheric model with a 20-km grid size<br />

Kusunoki Shoji. Speaker Kusunoki Shoji<br />

10:00 am Diagnosing Australia-Asia monsoon activities with<br />

large-scale atmospheric moisture and wind fields<br />

Zhang Huqiang, Guowu Sun, Xu Tang, Aurel Moise.<br />

Speaker Zhang Huqiang<br />

10:15 am Role of Sea Surface Temperature in influencing the<br />

intraseasonal variability of the South China Sea summer monsoon<br />

Mathew Roxy, Youichi Tanimoto. Speaker Mathew Roxy<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am Active-break cycles of the indian summer monsoon in<br />

a coupled GCM: response of the ocean surface fields<br />

Mohanty Pratap Kumar, Andrew G. Turner, Peter M.<br />

Inness, Julia M. Slingo. Speaker Mohanty Pratap Kumar<br />

1:15 am Structure and Dynamics of a Summertime<br />

Teleconnection Pattern Associated with Anomalous Convective<br />

Activity over the Tropical Northwestern Pacific<br />

Kosaka Yosuke, Hisashi Nakamura. Speaker Kosaka<br />

osuke<br />

11:30 am Convection over West Africa as a remote response to<br />

intraseasonal sea surface temperature anomalies in a GCM<br />

Matthews Adrian, Sally Lavender. Speaker Sally Lavender<br />

11:45 am How much do the Pacific and Indian Oceans affect<br />

onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon<br />

Hu Dunxin, Lejiang Yu. Speaker Hu Dunxin<br />

12:00 pm Monsoons as regime transitions of a Hadley cell: Moist<br />

dynamics in an aquaplanet GCM<br />

Bordoni Simona, Tapio Schneider. Speaker Bordoni<br />

Simona<br />

12:15 pm The effect of doubled CO2 and model basic state<br />

biases on the monsoon-ENSO system<br />

Turner Andrew, Peter M. Inness, Julia M. Slingo. Speaker<br />

Turner Andrew<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Main Hall<br />

02:00 pm Impact of Tibetan Orography and Heating on the<br />

Summer Flow over Asia<br />

Liu Yimin, Brian Hoskins, Michael Blackburn. Speaker Liu<br />

imin<br />

02:30 pm The progress on the study of atmosphere-land<br />

interaction over heterogeneous landscape of the Tibetan Plateau<br />

Ma Yaoming, Massimo Menenti, Zhongbo Su, Hirohiko<br />

shikawa, R.A. Feddes, Lei Zhong, Maoshan Li, Weiqiang Ma. Speaker<br />

a Yaoming<br />

02:45 pm Regional Modeling Over Complex Terrains:<br />

Hydroclimate Challenges Over South Asia<br />

Leung L. Ruby, Yun Qian. Speaker Leung L. Ruby<br />

03:00 pm Diurnal convective activity over Tibetan Plateau in the<br />

global cloud-resolving model, NICAM<br />

Sato Tomonori, Hiroaki Miura, Masaki Satoh. Speaker Sato<br />

Tomonori<br />

03:15 pm Soil Moisture Monitoring at the Mongol CEOP<br />

Reference Site for the Last Five Years<br />

Kaihotsu Ichirow, Tsutomu Yamanaka, Toshio Koike, Tetsu<br />

Ohta, Katsunori Tamagawa, Gombo Davaa, Dambaravjaa Oyunbaatar,<br />

Dolgorsuren Azzaya. Speaker Kaihotsu Ichirow<br />

03:30 pm Evolution of the summer monsoon rainfall in<br />

South America: role of soil moisture, surface temperature, and<br />

topography<br />

Grimm Alice, Jeremy Pal, Filippo Giorgi. Speaker Grimm<br />

Alice<br />

03:45 pm Feedback between soil moisture and precipitation<br />

during the early stages of the South American Monsoon<br />

Collini Estela, Ernesto H. Berbery. Speaker Collini Estela<br />

04:00 pm A multivariate analysis of the summer northern African<br />

circulation in the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis.<br />

Dell’Aquila Alessandro, Paolo M Ruti, Olga Cavalieri.<br />

Speaker Dell’Aquila Alessandro<br />

04:15 pm Analysing australian-asian monsoon simulations in<br />

current and future climates by some IPCC AR4 models<br />

Moise Aurel, Huqiang Zhang. Speaker Moise Aurel<br />

04:30 pm Air-sea interaction of a summertime teleconnection<br />

pattern associated with anomalous convective activity over the<br />

tropical northwestern Pacific<br />

Nakamura Hisashi, Yosuke Kosaka. Speaker Yosuke<br />

Kosaka<br />

04:45 pm Seasonal variation of latent-heating profile over<br />

tropical monsoon areas described by TRMM-PR observations<br />

Kodama Yasu-Masa, Masaki Katsumata. Speaker Kodama<br />

asu-Masa<br />

MS025 3D Radiative Transfer in Complex Geophysical Media<br />

ncluding Clouds, Vegetation, Ice and Snow<br />

Conveners: Cahalan Robert<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room F<br />

09:00 am Simulation of stochastic fields of broken clouds using<br />

satellite and ground-based observations<br />

Prigarin Sergey, Marshak, Alexander. Speaker Prigarin<br />

Sergey<br />

09:18 am Cloud vertical and horizontal structure from ICESat/<br />

GLAS and MODIS<br />

Marshak Alexander, Alexander Marshak, Christine Chiu,<br />

Anthony Davis, Warren Wiscombe. Speaker Marshak Alexander<br />

09:36 am How can 3D radiative transfer help correctly interpret<br />

satellite data on aerosol-cloud interactions<br />

Cahalan Robert, Alexander Marshak, Guoyong Wen,<br />

amas Varnai. Speaker Cahalan Robert<br />

09:54 am Diurnal variation of three-dimensional radiative effects<br />

in cloudy atmospheres<br />

Iwabuchi Hironobu. Speaker Iwabuchi Hironobu<br />

10:12 am Monte Carlo simulation of 3D radiation transfer in<br />

water-drop and crystal clouds with allowance for polarization and<br />

optical anisotropy<br />

Prigarin Sergey, Borovoi, Anatoli, Bruscaglioni, Piero,<br />

Oppel, Ulrich, Czerwinski, Guenter, Cohen, Ariel. Speaker Prigarin<br />

Sergey<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am A study of the probability of clear line of sight (PCLoS)<br />

through cumulus clouds in the tropical western Pacific<br />

Ellingson Robert, Patrick C. Taylor. Speaker Ellingson<br />

Robert<br />

11:18 am 3D radiative transfer effects as observed by groundbased<br />

passive microwave radiometers<br />

Battaglia Alessandro, Clemens Simmer, Francesco Lucci.<br />

Speaker Battaglia Alessandro<br />

1:36 am Retrieval of Inhomogeneous Cloud Parameter From<br />

Multispectral and Multiscale Radiance Data using Neural Networks<br />

in the Framework of the I3RC-Case 6<br />

Cornet Cline, Szczap Frdric. Speaker Cornet Cline<br />

11:54 am About sensitivity of mean solar radiative fluxes to 3D<br />

effects in two-layer broken clouds<br />

Zhuravleva Tatiana. Speaker Zhuravleva Tatiana<br />

12:12 pm Simulation of solar radiation during a total solar<br />

eclipse: a challenge for radiative transfer<br />

Emde Claudia, Bernhard Mayer. Speaker Emde Claudia<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room F<br />

02:00 pm Multiangle radiances measured by MISR for a deep<br />

convective cloud compared to those from a 3D radiation model<br />

Davies Roger, Celine Cornet. Speaker Davies Roger<br />

02:18 pm Is there a resolution limit to trace gas retrieval from<br />

space<br />

Spada Francesco, Maarten Krol, Jochen Landgraf, Piet<br />

Stammes. Speaker Spada Francesco<br />

02:36 pm Cloud microphysics retrieval in highly threedimensional<br />

situations<br />

Zinner Tobias, Alexander Marshak, Vanderlei Martins.<br />

Speaker Zinner Tobias<br />

02:54 pm Remote sensing of a fully 3D cloud from measurements<br />

of zenith radiance<br />

Chiu Jui-Yuan Christine, Alexander Marshak, Yuri<br />

Knyazikhin, Warren Wiscombe. Speaker Chiu Jui-Yuan Christine<br />

03:12 pm Climatology of 3D radiative effects in Collection 5<br />

MODIS data<br />

Varnai Tamas, Alexander Marshak. Speaker Varnai Tamas<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Phase 3 of the Intercomparison of 3D Radiative Codes<br />

(I3RC) project<br />

Varnai Tamas, Alexander Marshak, Robert F. Cahalan.<br />

Speaker Varnai Tamas<br />

04:18 pm Potential for airborne offbeam lidar measurements of<br />

snow and sea ice thickness<br />

Varnai Tamas, Robert F. Cahalan. Speaker Varnai Tamas<br />

04:36 pm Unresolved Multi-Scale Optical Variability of Clouds:<br />

Impact on Photon Path Length Statistics from Oxygen A-Band<br />

Spectroscopy<br />

Davis Anthony. Speaker Davis Anthony<br />

04:54 pm The impact of horizontal fluxes on in-situ and spaceborne<br />

measurements of forest properties.<br />

Widlowski Jean-Luc, Bernard Pinty, Thomas Lavergne,<br />

Michel M. Verstraete, Nadine Gobron. Speaker Widlowski Jean-Luc<br />

05:12 pm Measurements of Cloud Side Radiances and the<br />

Retrieval of the Vertical Profile of Cloud Droplet Size and<br />

Thermodynamic Phase.<br />

Martins J. Vanderlei, Alexander Marshak, Tobias Zinner,<br />

Lorraine A. Remer, Roberto Fernandez-Borda. Speaker Martins J.<br />

Vanderlei<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Chairpersons: -<br />

The Meteor Crater during METCRAX - a case for 3D radiative<br />

transfer modeling<br />

Hoch Sebastian W., C. David Whiteman. Speaker Hoch Sebastian W.<br />

Determination of carbon dioxide concentration from spectroscopic<br />

measurements for cloud contaminated pixels<br />

Rublev Alexei, Alexander Uspensky. Speaker Rublev Alexei<br />

Ambiguities in using zenith radiances and downward fluxes for<br />

assessing cloud properties above green vegetation<br />

Los Alexander, Alexander Marshak, Tobias Zinner. Speaker Los<br />

Alexander<br />

Aerosol-cloud radiative interaction in cumulus cloud fields in Brazil<br />

Wen Guoyong, Alexander Marshak, Robert F. Cahalan, Lorraine A.<br />

Remer, Richard Kleidman. Speaker Wen Guoyong<br />

Solutions for global warming control and experimental laboratory<br />

validation<br />

Rossi Federico, Cotana. Speaker Rossi Federico<br />

JMS026 Ice Cores and Climate (UCCS Symposium hosted by<br />

IAMAS)<br />

Conveners: Dahl-Jensen Dorthe<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room A<br />

09:00 am A 720 kyr ice-core chemistry record from Dome Fuji,<br />

Antarctica<br />

Goto-Azuma Kumiko, Members Of The Dome Fuji Ice Core<br />

Research Group. Speaker Goto-Azuma Kumiko<br />

09:30 am Impact of accumulation hiatus in the firn at a<br />

megadunes site<br />

Courville Zoe, Mary Albert. Speaker Courville Zoe<br />

09:45 am Link between climate shifts and geomagnetic field<br />

excursions<br />

Kuznetsova Natalia. Speaker Kuznetsova Natalia<br />

10:00 am Dome A:a potential site for obtaining ice-core older<br />

than 1.0 Ma<br />

Xiao Cunde, Qin Dahe, Sun Bo, Hou Shugui, Jerome<br />

Chappellaz, Ian Allison, Li Yuansheng. Speaker Xiao Cunde<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Talos Dome Ice Core Project. A new deep drilling in<br />

East Antarctica peripheral dome<br />

Maggi Valter. Speaker Maggi Valter<br />

11:30 am Inter-annual variability of d-T relation at Dome Fuji, east<br />

Antarctica<br />

Fujita Koji. Speaker Fujita Koji<br />

12:00 pm Magnetic properties of some glacial and interglacial<br />

samples from the EPICA-Dome C ice core<br />

Lanci Luca, Barbara Delmonte, Valter Maggi, Jean Robert<br />

Petit. Speaker Lanci Luca<br />

12:15 pm Dome Argus (Antarctica): prospect for 1.5 million year<br />

old ice<br />

Hou Shugui, J. Chappellaz, J.-M. Barnola, L. Loulergue, G.<br />

Dreyfus, V. Masson-Delmotte, J. Jouzel, Y. Li, B. Sun, C. Xiao, D. Qin.<br />

Speaker Hou Shugui<br />

JMS030 Extraterrestrial Ice (UCCS Symposium hosted by<br />

IAMAS)<br />

Conveners: Lange Manfred, Greve Ralf<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room A<br />

02:00 pm Laboratory study of chemical processes on interstellar<br />

ice grains<br />

Watanabe Naoki. Speaker Watanabe Naoki<br />

02:30 pm Radiation-induced defects and radical reactions in<br />

extraterrestrial ice<br />

Yamanaka Chihiro, Kimihiro Norizawa, Atsushi Tani,<br />

Makoto Katsura. Speaker Yamanaka Chihiro<br />

02:45 pm Impact experiments on snow: the effect of sintering on<br />

the formation of crater<br />

Arakawa Masahiko. Speaker Arakawa Masahiko<br />

03:15 pm Effects of Silica Particles on the Flow Law of H2O Ice:<br />

Implication for Lobate Debris Aprons on Mars<br />

Yasui Minami, Masahiko Arakawa. Speaker Yasui Minami<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Mars Express’ MARSIS observations over the polar<br />

deposits of Mars<br />

Frigeri Alessandro, D. Biccari, M. Cartacci, P. Edenhofer,<br />

C. Federico, E. Flamini, A. Frigeri, S. Giuppi, E. Heggy, A. B. Ivanov, W.<br />

Kofman, L. Marinangeli, E. Nielsen, R. Noschese, G. G. Ori, R. Orosei,<br />

D. Pettinelli, G. Picardi, J. J. Plaut, D. Plettemeier, A. Safaeinili, R. Seu,<br />

G. Vannaroni, T. R. Watters, Z. Zhenfei. Speaker Frigeri Alessandro<br />

04:15 pm Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter SHARAD observations<br />

over the polar deposits of Mars<br />

Frigeri Alessandro, G. Alberti, D. Biccari, C. Catallo, A.<br />

Croce, M. Cutigni, M. C. De Sanctis, C. Federico, E. Flamini, F. Fois, A.<br />

Frigeri, O. Fuga, E. Giacomoni, E. Heggy, A. B. Ivanov, W. Kofman, L.<br />

Marinangeli, A. Masdea, S. Mattei, R. Mecozzi, E. Nielsen, G. G. Ori,<br />

R. Orosei, C. Papa, E. Pettinelli, R. J. Phillips, G. Picardi, J. J. Plaut,<br />

D. Plettemeier, M. Provenziani, A. Safaeinili, R. Seu, G. Vannaroni, I. P.<br />

Williams, Z. Zhenfei. Speaker Frigeri Alessandro<br />

04:30 pm North polar ice cap of Mars at varying obliquities,<br />

simulated with coupled ice and atmosphere models<br />

Stenzel Oliver, Bjrn Grieger, Horst Uwe Keller, Klaus<br />

Fraedrich, Edilbert Kirk, Frank Lunkeit. Speaker Stenzel Oliver<br />

04:45 pm Numerical Modelling of Cratering Processes and the<br />

Crust of Europa<br />

Lange Manfred, Enzio Schneider, Kai Wnnemann. Speaker<br />

Lange Manfred<br />

05:00 pm Numerical simulation of the conductive ice deformation<br />

effects on the europan ICY crust<br />

Mansutti Daniela, Edoardo Bucchignani, Maria Mercede<br />

Cerimele. Speaker Mansutti Daniela<br />

05:15 pm Chemical differentiation of Europa and Callisto:<br />

evidence for subsurface oceans<br />

Kuskov Oleg, Victor Kronrod. Speaker Kuskov Oleg<br />

MS004 Mineral Dust Cycle and its Impact on Clouds and<br />

Radiation (ICCP)<br />

Conveners: Zender Charlie, Kallos George, Di Sarra Alcide<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Rectorate Room VIII<br />

09:00 am Saharan dust transport and its impact on air quality,<br />

ecosystems and regional climate<br />

Kallos George, Marina Astitha, Petros Katsafados, Chris<br />

Spyrou, Elias Mavromatidis. Speaker Kallos George<br />

09:30 am First systematic observations of Saharan dust over<br />

europe during earlinet (2000-2002): statistical analysis and results<br />

Papayannis Alexandros, V. Amiridis, G. Tsaknakis, D. Balis,<br />

J. Bsenberg, A. Chaikovski, F. De Tomasi, I. Grigorov, I. Mattis, V. Mitev,<br />

D. Mller, L. Mona, S. Nickovic, C. Prez, A. Pietruczuk, G. Pisani, F.<br />

Ravetta, V. Rizi, M. Sicard, T. Trickl, M. Wiegner. Speaker Papayannis<br />

Alexandros<br />

09:45 am Iron solubility and redox speciation during dust<br />

transport<br />

Journet Emilie, Karine Desboeufs, Sylvain Triquet, Jean-<br />

Louis Colin. Speaker Journet Emilie<br />

10:00 am Transport of anthropogenic elements on coarse and<br />

fine natural mineral particles along the East Mediterranean.<br />

Mamane Yaacov, Cinzia Perrino, Osnat Yossef, Maria<br />

Catrambone. Speaker Mamane Yaacov<br />

10:15 am discussion about<br />

Zender Charlie. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Interannual evolution of North African dust transport<br />

over the last decades: an impact of human-induced desertification<br />

Chiapello Isabelle, Cyril Moulin, Anne Vermeulen. Speaker<br />

Chiapello Isabelle<br />

11:30 am Increasing trend in dust cloud intrusions from the<br />

Sahara over Israel<br />

Ganor Eliezer, Amnon Stupp, Pinhas Alpert. Speaker<br />

Amnon Stupp<br />

11:45 am Don’t breathe the air! long-distance atmospheric<br />

transport of chemical contaminants with african dust<br />

Garrison Virginia, William Foreman, Susan Genualdi,<br />

Michael Majewski, Azad Mohammed, Staci Simonich. Speaker Garrison<br />

Virginia<br />

12:00 pm Discussion about<br />

Zender Charlie. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

12:15 pm discussion about<br />

Zender Charlie. Speaker Zender Charlie<br />

MS010 Dynamics of Convectively-Coupled Equatorial Waves<br />

and the Madden-Julian Oscillation (ICDM)<br />

Conveners: Kiladis George<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

04:00 pm Madden-Julian Oscillation: oscillating or balanced<br />

Yano Jun-Ichi. Speaker Yano Jun-Ichi<br />

04:13 pm MJO Sensitivity to Wind-Induced Surface Flux and Rain<br />

Re-evaporation<br />

Maloney Eric, Nilesh Araligidad. Speaker Maloney Eric<br />

04:26 pm Multicloud models for convectively coupled tropical<br />

waves: Effect of congestus heating<br />

Khouider Boualem, Andrew J. Majda. Speaker Khouider<br />

Boualem<br />

04:39 pm Intraseasonal variations of the Yangtze rainfall and its<br />

related atmospheric circulation features during the 1991 summer<br />

Mao Jiangyu, Guoxiong Wu. Speaker Mao Jiangyu<br />

04:52 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

05:22 pm A Multiscale Model of the Madden-Julian Oscillation<br />

with Active Convection<br />

Biello Joseph, Andrew J. Majda. Speaker Biello Joseph<br />

05:35 pm The Madden-Julian Oscillation and nonlinear moisture<br />

modes<br />

Sugiyama Masahiro. Speaker Sugiyama Masahiro<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Tropics-extratropics relationship: the role of tropical convection in<br />

the cold air outbreaks into subtropical South America<br />

Mller Gabriela, Tercio Ambrizzi. Speaker Mller Gabriela<br />

A comparison of tropical climate in the CAM and the Super-<br />

Paramertized CAM<br />

Thayer-Calder Katherine, Dr David Randall. Speaker Thayer-Calder<br />

Katherine<br />

Characteristics of the MJO in a CSU Multi-scale Modeling<br />

Framework simulation<br />

Benedict Jim, David A. Randall. Speaker Benedict Jim<br />

Hot Event And Diurnal SST Variation In The Equatorial Indo-Pacific<br />

Warm Pool<br />

Qin Huiling, Hiroshi Kawamura, Yoshimi Kawai, Kentaro Ando. Speaker<br />

Qin Huiling<br />

Primary and successive events in the Madden-Julian Oscillation<br />

Matthews Adrian. Speaker Matthews Adrian<br />

Study on Features of Individual Cloud Clusters within the<br />

Organized Convection Observed over the Indian Ocean During<br />

MISMO<br />

Miyakawa Tomoki, Yukari N. Takayabu, Kunio Yoneyama, Masaki<br />

Katsumata, Ryuichi Shirooka, Mikiko Fujita, Masanori Yoshizaki.<br />

Speaker Miyakawa Tomoki<br />

Lower atmosphere observations over the eastern Indian ocean<br />

with a ship-borne L-band lower troposphere radar during MISMO<br />

campaign<br />

Kawano Noriyuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Kunio Yoneyama, Shoichiro<br />

Fukao. Speaker Kawano Noriyuki<br />

The role of the deep chlorophyll maximum in mixed layer heat<br />

budget<br />

Duteil Olaf, Yves Dandonneau, Jrme Vialard, Alban Lazar, Ilana Wainer.<br />

Speaker Duteil Olaf<br />

MS015 Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Past<br />

Occurrences and Future Likelihoods (ICCL)<br />

Conveners: Alexander Lisa, Zhang Xuebin<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 1<br />

Chairpersons: Neville Nicholls and Linda Mearns<br />

09:00 am Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Change<br />

Knutson Tom. Speaker Knutson Tom<br />

09:30 am Evaluating hurricane maximum potential intensity<br />

under enhanced greenhouse conditions<br />

McGuffie Kendal. Speaker McGuffie Kendal<br />

09:45 am Extreme events in Asian Monsoon region under the<br />

Global Warming<br />

Dairaku Koji, Seita Emori. Speaker Dairaku Koji<br />

10:15 am Analysing the present, past and future Tropical<br />

Cyclone activity, as simulated by a suite<br />

of IPCC Coupled Global Climate Models<br />

Caron Louis-Philippe, Colin Jones. Speaker Caron Louis-<br />

Philippe<br />

10.30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11.00 am The climatic importance of South Atlantic hurricane<br />

Catarina (2004)<br />

Pezza Alexandre Bernardes, Ian Simmonds. Speaker<br />

Pezza Alexandre Bernardes<br />

11:15 am Relation of heavy snowfall and cloud-top heights<br />

observed around the Japan Islands in<br />

Dec. 2005, estimated from objective analyses and<br />

forecasts of cloud-resolving model<br />

Kato Teruyuki, Syugo Hayashi. Speaker Kato Teruyuki<br />

11:30 am What do we really understand about natural disasters<br />

Shapovalova Nina. Speaker Shapovalova Nina<br />

11:45 am Detecting meteorological extreme events in sediment<br />

data from Eifel Maar Lakes<br />

Pfahl Stephan, Prof. Frank Sirocko, Dr. Andreas Walter,<br />

Prof. Heini Wernli. Speaker<br />

Pfahl Stephan<br />

12:00 am Crossing scales and crossing swords: Climate<br />

extremes, proactive decision-making and adaptive

11 July, 2007<br />

management in practice<br />

Pulwarty Roger. Speaker Pulwarty Roger<br />

S016 Downscaling to Local and Regional Scales (ICCL)<br />

Conveners: Giorgi Filippo<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

09:00 am Variable horizontal resolution: the other numerical<br />

downscaling technique<br />

Dqu Michel. Speaker Dqu Michel<br />

09:30 am Climate change predictability and uncertainty involved in<br />

regionalization of GCM data<br />

using regional climate modeling<br />

Islam Siraj Ul, Nadia Rehman, Dr Wilfran Moufouma-Okia.<br />

Speaker Islam Siraj Ul<br />

09:45 am Projected climate change over China from a high<br />

resolution regional climate change simulation<br />

Gao Xuejie, Ying Shi. Speaker Gao Xuejie<br />

10:00 am Projected change in mean and extreme climate over<br />

Korea from a double-nested regional climate model simulation<br />

Im Eun-Soon, Won-Tae Kwon, Filippo Giorgi. Speaker Im<br />

Eun-Soon<br />

10:15 am Climate change in Estonia during the second half of the<br />

20th century as simulated by the high-resolution regional climate<br />

model<br />

Tomingas Oliver. Speaker Tomingas Oliver<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Regional climate change over the Northern Mediterranean<br />

and South Europe<br />

Srnec Lidija, Edo Brankovi, Mirta PatarI. Speaker<br />

Srnec Lidija<br />

11:15 am Changes in European drought characteristics projected<br />

by the PRUDENCE regional climate models<br />

Blenkinsop Stephen, Hayley J Fowler. Speaker Blenkinsop<br />

Stephen<br />

1:30 am Robustness in projected changes of the hydrological<br />

cycle over large European catchments as simulated by the MPI-M<br />

global and regional climate models<br />

Hagemann Stefan, Holger Gttel, Daniela Jacob, Philip<br />

Lorenz, Erich Roeckner. Speaker<br />

Hagemann Stefan<br />

11:45 am Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in North<br />

America<br />

Pal Jeremy, Sara A. Rauscher, Noah S. Diffenbaugh.<br />

Speaker Pal Jeremy<br />

12:00 pm Impact of Climate Change in the Po valley: downscaling<br />

high resolution RegCM output by coupling with ChYM hydrological<br />

model<br />

Coppola Erika, Xuejie Gao, Filippo Giorgi. Speaker<br />

Coppola Erika<br />

12:15 pm Bias correction of the meteorological variables from RCM<br />

for hydrological application<br />

Tanaka Kenji, Toshiharu Kojiri, Shuichi Ikebuchi. Speaker<br />

anaka Kenji<br />

S018 The Role of the Stratosphere in the Climate System<br />

(ICMA, IRC, ICCL)<br />

onveners: Geller Marvin<br />

ral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room B<br />

02:00 pm Introduction to the session<br />

Geller Marvin. Speaker Geller Marvin<br />

02:10 pm Wintervariability in the Stratosphere: Coupling between<br />

the Arctic and the Tropics<br />

Gladys Karin. Speaker Gladys Karin<br />

02:40 pm PArameter sweep experiments on remote influences of<br />

QBO and solar cycle in a stratosphere-troposphere coupled model<br />

Yoden Shigeo, Kosuke Ito, Yoko Naito. Speaker Yoden<br />

Shigeo<br />

03:10 pm Predictability of the Polar-night Jet Oscillation/Arctic<br />

Oscillation Numerical experiment in winter 2003/04-<br />

Kuroda Yuhji. Speaker Kuroda Yuhji<br />

03:14 pm The interannual eastward motion of the Southern<br />

Hemisphere total ozone column horshoe: an indicator of<br />

tropospheric-stratospheric coupled dynamics<br />

Canziani Pablo, Eduardo A. Agosta, Elizabeth Castaeda.<br />

Speaker Eduardo A. Agosta<br />

03:18 pm Ozone and UT/LS interdecadal variability at southern<br />

midlatitudes 1980-2000<br />

Canziani Pablo, Eduardo A. Agosta, Fabio E. Malanca.<br />

Speaker Canziani Pablo<br />

03:22 pm Variations of the ozone trend<br />

Borkowski Janusz. Speaker Borkowski Janusz<br />

03:26 pm Quasi-decadal oscillations in the total ozone, lower<br />

stratosphere temperature, wind and solar activity<br />

Visheratin Konstantin. Speaker Visheratin Konstantin<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Can an improved stratosphere significantly change<br />

IPCC 2007 type simulations<br />

Dall’Amico Mauro, Prof Lesley J Gray, Prof Keith Shine, Dr<br />

Peter Stott, Dr Adam Scaife. Speaker Dall’Amico Mauro<br />

04:30 pm Influence of the stratosphere on surface winter climate<br />

Scaife Adam A., Jeff R. Knight, Chris K. Folland. Speaker<br />

Scaife Adam A.<br />

05:00 pm The impact of lower stratospheric heating on zonal<br />

mean flow regimes in the troposphere.<br />

Sparrow Sarah, Michael Blackburn, Joanna Haigh, Andrew<br />

Williams. Speaker Sparrow Sarah<br />

05:04 pm A plausible precursor of a stratospheric sudden<br />

warming event as inferred from hindcast AGCM experiments<br />

Hirooka Toshihiko, Hitoshi Mukougawa, Tomoko Ichimaru,<br />

Yuhji Kuroda. Speaker Hirooka Toshihiko<br />

05:08 pm Changes in the stratospheric mean meridional<br />

circulation due to the increased CO2 - Radiation and SST induced<br />

effects<br />

Kodama Chihiro, Toshiki Iwasaki, Kiyotaka Shibata, Seiji<br />

ukimoto. Speaker Kodama Chihiro<br />

05:12 pm Tropospheric Quasi-Stationnary Wave Response to<br />

Anomalous Stratospheric Circulation<br />

Nikulin Grigory. Speaker Nikulin Grigory<br />

05:16 pm QBO modulation of tropical deep convection<br />

Geller Marvin, Stefan Liess, Ryan O’Neil. Speaker Geller<br />

Marvin<br />

05:20 pm Dependence of ozone depression in Antarctica on<br />

zonal circulation in the equatorial stratosphere<br />

Troshichev Oleg, Irina Gabis. Speaker Troshichev Oleg<br />

SS002 Tsunami: generation and hazard<br />

onveners: Satake Kenji, Pelinovsky Efim, Dunbar Paula,<br />

Papadopoulos Gerassimos, Imamura Fumihiko<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 08:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room<br />

1<br />

08:30 am The 26 December 2004 Sumatra Tsunami in the Atlantic<br />

Ocean: Observations and Analysis<br />

Rabinovich Alexander, Philip Woodworth, Richard<br />

Thomson. Speaker Rabinovich Alexander<br />

8’45 am Supplementary Post-Tsunami Survey of 2004 Indian Ocean<br />

Tsunami in Sumatra Island and the database<br />

Fujima Koji. Speaker Fujima Koji<br />

9’00 am Numerical Simulations of the 2004 Indian Ocean<br />

sunamis: Coastal Effects<br />

Liu Philip, Xiaoming Wang. Speaker Liu Philip<br />

9’15 am Deposits of the tsunami of December 26, 2004, In<br />

Northern Indonesia: Simelue Island and the medan coast of<br />

Sumatra Island<br />

Nadya Razzhigaeva, Larissa Ganzey, Tatiana<br />

Grebennikova, Elena Ivanova. Speaker Nadya Razzhigaeva<br />

9’30 Planning For Tsunami And Natural Disaster Mitigation - Issues<br />

On Ecological And Social Risk: Lessons from South Asian Tsunami<br />

Chaudhari Lalit, Dr.A.G.Bhole, Dr.R.C.Bhattachajee, Prof.<br />

N.K.Gupta, Mr.Vijay Singhal. Speaker Mr.Vijay Singhal<br />

09:45 am Lessons from Tsunami evacuation in the recent<br />

tsunamis including the 2004 Indian ocean<br />

Imamura Fumihiko. Speaker Imamura Fumihiko<br />

10’00 am Tsunami vulnerability assessment for the city of Banda<br />

Aceh using the tsunami numerical model and the post-tsunami<br />

survey data<br />

Koshimura Shunichi, Takayuki Oie, Hideaki Yanagisawa,<br />

Fumihiko Imamura. Speaker Koshimura Shunichi<br />

10’15 am Overview of the restoration program from the giant<br />

earthquakes and tsunamis project<br />

Kato Teruyuki, Kenji Satake, Koshun Yamaoka, Fumihiko<br />

Imamura, Hirokazu Iemura. Speaker Kato Teruyuki<br />

10’30 am Coffee Break<br />

11’00 am The Kuril Island Tsunamis of 15 November 2006 and 13<br />

January 2007: A comparative analysis<br />

Thomson Richard, I.V. Fine, A.B. Rabinovich, E.A. Kulikov.<br />

Speaker Thomson Richard<br />

11’15 am Analysis of tsunamis generated by two great Kurile<br />

earthquakes of 15 November 2006 and 13 January 2007<br />

Tanioka Yuichiro, Yohei Hasegawa, Tatsuo Kuwayama. Speaker Tanioka<br />

Yuichiro<br />

11’30 am Central Kuril Earthquake and Tsunami of 15 November<br />

2006: Pre-event geophysical field survey and post-event seismicity<br />

Kulikov Evgueni, L.I. Lobkovsky, V.B. Baranov, A.I.<br />

Ivaschenko, E.A. Kulikov. Speaker Kulikov Evgueni<br />

11’45 am Tsunami damage in Crescent City, California from the<br />

November 15, 2006 Kuril event<br />

Dengler Lori, Annabel Kelly, Burak Uslu, Aggeliki<br />

Barberopoulou, Solomon Yim. Speaker Dengler Lori<br />

12’00 am Kuril Islands Tsunami of november 15, 2006.<br />

(Examination of Tsunami enhancement at crescent city, California)<br />

Horrillo Juan, Zygmunt Kowalik, Williams Knight. Speaker<br />

Horrillo Juan<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room<br />

11<br />

2’00 pm The July 17, 2006 Central Java Tsunamis<br />

Kongko Widjo, Gegar Prasetya, Rahman Hidayat, Dinar C.<br />

Istiyanto, Sungsang U. Sujoko. Speaker Kongko Widjo<br />

2’15 pm Tsunami associated with the Mw 7.1 earthquake over<br />

Luzon Strait on 26 December 2006<br />

Wong Wing Tak, Kin-Wai Li, Mr Wang-Chun Woo. Speaker<br />

Mr Wang-Chun Woo<br />

2’30 pm Tsunamis Recorded on the Pacific Coast of Canada: 1994-<br />

2007<br />

Stephenson Fred, Alexander B. Rabinovich. Speaker<br />

Stephenson Fred<br />

2’45pm U.S. states and territories national tsunami hazard<br />

assessment, historic record and sources for waves<br />

Dunbar Paula, Craig Weaver. Speaker Dunbar Paula<br />

3’00 pm National ocean service operation of tide stations in<br />

support of tsunami detection<br />

Gill Stephen, Allison Allen, Natalia Donoho, Stephen Gill,<br />

Tom Mero, Rolin Meyer, Manoj Samant, Robert Aspinall. Speaker Gill<br />

Stephen<br />

3’15 pm coffee break<br />

4’ 00 pm A Tsunami Detection and Warning-focused Tide Station<br />

Metadata Web Service<br />

Marra John, Uday S. Kari, Stuart A. Weinstein. Speaker<br />

Marra John<br />

4’15 pm Archive and Access of Global Water-Level Data: from the<br />

Coast to the Deep-ocean<br />

Stroker Kelly, Paula Dunbar. Speaker Stroker Kelly<br />

4’30 pm Archiving of tsunami event data<br />

Kong Laura, Charles S. Mccreery. Speaker Kong Laura<br />

4’45 pm Tsunami terminology - do we all talk the same language<br />

Downes Gaye, William L Power. Speaker Downes Gaye<br />

5’00 pm Solving the Semantics Problem<br />

Bermudez Luis. Speaker Bermudez Luis<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

The Southeast Asia Tsunami Disaster Aftermath: Development of<br />

New Approaches to Coastal Zone Hazard Observation and Warning<br />

Systems<br />

Kontar Evgeny. Speaker Kontar Evgeny<br />

The simple model of Tsunami propagation simulator by using<br />

SITPROS Model<br />

Kanbua Wattana, Somporn Chuai-Aree. Speaker Somporn Chuai-Aree<br />

Application of RS and GIS in Tsunami hazards assessment and<br />

Rehabilitation in Car Nicobar Islands<br />

Kumar Arun, Th. Dolendro. Speaker Kumar Arun<br />

Restoration of Tsunami Incident by Remote Measurements of the<br />

Surface Water Oscillations<br />

Voronina Tatiana. Speaker Voronina Tatiana<br />

Processes affecting tsunamis propagating towards wide<br />

continental shelves, and their role in coastal impacts<br />

Wilson Chris, K. J. Horsburgh, B. J. Baptie, A. Cooper, D. Cresswell, R.<br />

M. W. Musson, L. Ottemoller, S. Richardson, S. L. Sargeant. Speaker<br />

Wilson Chris<br />

The potential use of coastal tide gauge data in the Australian<br />

Tsunami Warning System<br />

Allen Stewart, Diana Greenslade. Speaker Allen Stewart<br />

Tsunami sources of November 2006 and January 2007 Kuril<br />

earthquakes<br />

Fujii Yushiro, Kenji Satake. Speaker Kenji Satake<br />

Simulation of tsunami propagation in Arabian Sea due to<br />

earthquakes in Makaran: a possible scenario<br />

Dimri Vijay Prasad, Kirti Srivastava, D.Srinagesh. Speaker Dimri Vijay<br />

Prasad<br />

Tsunami deposits in the western Mediterranean: the remains of the<br />

1522 Almera earthquake<br />

Reicherter Klaus, Peter Becker-Heidmann. Speaker Reicherter Klaus<br />

New theoryfor tsunami propagation and estimation of tsunami<br />

parameters<br />

Mindlin Ilia. Speaker Mindlin Ilia<br />

Modeling of the UHF Radar signature of a tsunami approaching<br />

coastal areas: application to tsunami warning<br />

Grilli Stephan, Marc Saillard, Sara Dubosq. Speaker Sara Dubosq<br />

Numerical modeling of tsunami waves in the French West Indies<br />

Zahibo Narcisse, Narcisse Zahibo, Efim Pelinovsky, Ahmet Yalciner,<br />

Andrey Zaitsev, Irina Nikolkina. Speaker Zahibo Narcisse<br />

Mechanism of damage to road embankment caused by tsunamis<br />

Fujii Hiroyuki, Nobuo Shuto. Speaker Fujii Hiroyuki<br />

Walking Tours by Use of Tsunami Digital Library (TDL)<br />

Imai Sayaka, Yoshinari Kanamori, Nobuo Shuto. Speaker Imai Sayaka<br />

Manifestations of the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 in satellite<br />

nadir-viewing radar backscatter variations<br />

Troitskaya Yuliya, Stanislav Ermakov. Speaker Troitskaya Yuliya<br />

An Integrated Numerical Simulation for Tsunami and Seismic Wave<br />

Propagation Generated by Subduction-Zone Large Earthquakes<br />

Saito Tatsuhiko, Takashi Furumura. Speaker Saito Tatsuhiko<br />

Tsunami waveform analysis for historical large tsunamis generated<br />

by the large earthquakes along the Kurile trench<br />

Tanioka Yuichiro, Kenji Satake, Paula Dunbar. Speaker Tanioka Yuichiro<br />

Evaluation of real-time simulation at 2006 and 2007 Kuril Islands<br />

Tsunami<br />

Abe Ikuo, Fumihiko Imamura. Speaker Abe Ikuo<br />

Vulnerability of the Argentina coasts to tsunami effects<br />

Violante Roberto Antonio, Walter Dragani. Speaker Violante Roberto<br />

Antonio<br />

South Java tsunami reconnaissance<br />

Power William, Stefan Reese, Jim Cousins, Neville Palmer, Iwan<br />

Tejakusuma, Saleh Nugrahadi. Speaker Power William<br />

Revision and update of the tsunami database for New Zealand<br />

Downes Gaye, Willem P. De Lange. Speaker Downes Gaye<br />

Applicability of high-precision topographic model for tsunami<br />

simulation<br />

Murashima Yoichi, Fumihiko Imamura, Shunichi Koshimura. Speaker<br />

Murashima Yoichi<br />

Application of Ocean Bottom Tsunami Gauge Data for Real-Time<br />

Tsunami Forecasting<br />

Tsushima Hiroaki, Ryota Hino, Hiromi Fujimoto, Yuichiro Tanioka.<br />

Speaker Tsushima Hiroaki<br />

Study on behavior of drifting bodies due to tsunami and its<br />

numerical simulation using EDEM<br />

Fujii Naoki, Ken Yanagisawa, Fumihiko Imamura. Speaker Fujii Naoki<br />

Precise algorithm for tsunami wave rays and travel-time<br />

computations<br />

Marchuk Andrey. Speaker Marchuk Andrey<br />

Comprehensive analysis of the bathymetric data for the North<br />

Pacific<br />

Marchuk Andrey, Anatoly Bezhaev. Speaker Marchuk Andrey<br />

Historical and holocene paleotsunami deposits on Minor Kurile Arc<br />

Nadya Razzhigaeva, Larissa Ganzey, Tatiana Grebennikova, Andrey<br />

Kharlamov, Alexander Ya. Ilev. Speaker Nadya Razzhigaeva<br />

Pointwise and distributed reflection of long waves from a beach<br />

Didenkulova Ira, Soomere Tarmo, Zahibo Narcisse. Speaker<br />

Didenkulova Ira<br />

Tsunamigenic potential of recently mapped submarine mass<br />

movements offshore eastern Sicily (Italy): numerical simulations<br />

and implications for the 1693 tsunami<br />

Armigliato Alberto, Stefano Tinti, Andrea Argnani, Filippo Zaniboni,<br />

Gianluca Pagnoni. Speaker Filippo Zaniboni<br />

Assessing vulnerability to tsunami: a pilot study in Seaside,<br />

Oregon<br />

Dunbar Paula, Dale Dominey-Howes, Jesse Varner, Maria Papathoma-<br />

Khle. Speaker Dunbar Paula<br />

Tsunami modelling along Morocco atlantic coast preliminary<br />

results<br />

Baptista Maria Ana, R . Omira 1,2, J. M. Miranda,1, P.M.M. Soares1,3,<br />

J.Luis, 4, E. A.Toto,2. Speaker Rachid Omira<br />

Numerical modelling of the 2006 Java tsunami<br />

Hanifa N. Rahma, Fumiaki Kimata, Takeshi Sagiya, Hasanuddin Z.<br />

Abidin, Parluhutan Manurung. Speaker Hanifa N. Rahma<br />

Micropaleontological analysis of 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami<br />

sediments<br />

Minoura Koji, Daisuke Sugawara, Naoki Nemoto, Shinji Tsukawaki,<br />

Tetsuya Shinozaki, Fumihiko Imamura, Kazuhisa Goto. Speaker Minoura<br />

Koji<br />

Tsunami detection by wavelet analysis of DART records<br />

Morozov Victor. Speaker Morozov Victor<br />

Numerical experiment of the oil spread caused by the 1964 Niigata<br />

Earthquake Tsunami<br />

Iwabuchi Yoko, Shun-Ichi Koshimura, Fumihiko Imamura. Speaker<br />

Iwabuchi Yoko<br />

The implications of non-linearity and dispersion in a tsunami<br />

scenario database<br />

Simanjuntak Arthur, Diana J.M. Greenslade. Speaker Simanjuntak Arthur<br />

Development of numerical tsunami simulation technique in near<br />

field<br />

Inoue Shusaku, Gota Kubo, Tatsuo Ohmachi. Speaker Inoue Shusaku<br />

Finite Fault Modelling for Tsunamigenic Earthquakes in Australasia<br />

using Seismic and Sea Level Data<br />

Cummins Phil, Toshitaka Baba, Hong Kie Thio, Ming-Hai Jia. Speaker<br />

Cummins Phil<br />

Tsunami Risk in the Northern Bay of Bengal<br />

Cummins Phil. Speaker Cummins Phil<br />

Constraints on the source of the 20th February 1743 tsunamigenic<br />

earthquake in Apulia, Italy, from numerical tsunami modelling and<br />

geological evidences<br />

Armigliato Alberto, Stefano Tinti, Giuseppe Mastronuzzi, Paolo Sans,<br />

Gianluca Pagnoni. Speaker Armigliato Alberto<br />

Physical Simulation of Drain Mechanism of Tsunami Generation<br />

Korolev Pavel, Boris Levin. Speaker Korolev Pavel<br />

How very-high resolution 3D DEM contribute to quantitative<br />

tsunami damage forecast: the study case of Sri Lanka<br />

Armigliato Alberto, Stefano Tinti, Fabrizio Ferrucci, Roberto Tonini, Sara<br />

Gallazzi, Gianluca Calabretta. Speaker Fabrizio Ferrucci<br />

Numerical simulation of tsunamis around Shanghai on the East<br />

China Sea Coast Due To Great Nankai, Japan, earthquakes<br />

Harada Tomoya, Katsuhiko Ishibashi. Speaker Harada Tomoya<br />

Modelling Tsunami Inundation in the Gulf of Cadiz - Preliminary<br />

Results<br />

Lima Vnia, J M Miranda, M.A. Baptista, M. Olabrieta, L.Otero, P M M<br />

Soares, M Gonzalez, E Carreno. Speaker Lima Vnia<br />

Tsunami hazard estimation for the southern Kuril Island coast<br />

Kaystrenko Victor. Speaker Kaystrenko Victor<br />

Numerical analysis of tsunami caused by seabed deformation<br />

Ogasawara Toshinori, Shigeki Sakai, Akifumi Wakamatsu. Speaker<br />

Ogasawara Toshinori<br />

Rupture Process of the California Earthquake of 18 April 1906 from<br />

(near-field) Tsunami Waveform Inversion<br />

Lorito Stefano, Alessio Piatanesi, Anthony Lomax. Speaker Lorito<br />

Stefano<br />

Seismic and Tsunami Monitoring in the Puerto Rico and Caribbean<br />

Region<br />

Mercado-Irizarry Aurelio, Christa Von Hillebrandt-Andrade, Victor<br />

Huerfano. Speaker Mercado-Irizarry Aurelio<br />

Global Tsunami Deposits Dtabase<br />

Brocko Vinita Ruth, Paula K. Dunbar. Speaker Paula K. Dunbar<br />

Analytical solution for long wave directivity<br />

Kanoglu Utku, Vasily Titov, Baran AydıN, Costas Synolakis. Speaker<br />

Baran AydıN<br />

Study on the effect of coastal forest against tsunami, Case study on<br />

2006 JAVA Tsunami around Pnagandaran, Indonesia<br />

Harada Kenji, Aditya Riadi Gusman, Hamzah Latief, Yuichi Nishimura,<br />

Yoshiaki Kawata. Speaker Harada Kenji<br />

Tsunami modeling; trends, needs, achievements and benefits<br />

Yalciner Ahmet Cevdet. Speaker Yalciner Ahmet Cevdet<br />

The tsunami of Djidjelli (Eastern Algeria) of August 22 th, 1856: the<br />

seismotectonic context and its modelling<br />

Abdelkarim Yelles-Chaouche, J. Dverchre, A. Domzig, B. Mercier De<br />

Lpinay, N. Babonneau, H. Hbert, J.Roger, A. Kherroubi, D. Graindorge,<br />

R. Bracne, A. Cattaneo, V.Gaullier, B. Savoye, P. Leroy, R. Ait Ouali.<br />

Speaker Abdelkarim Yelles-Chaouche<br />

Distribution of run-up heights of the tsunami of the South off<br />

Central Java earthquake of July 17th, 2006<br />

Tsuji Yoshinobu, Seh-Sub Han, Fachrizal, Indra Gunawan, Teruyuki<br />

Kato. Speaker Tsuji Yoshinobu<br />

Mechanism of the Totomi-Oki earthquake of the November 7, 1855<br />

Tsuji Yoshinobu, Yuichi Namegaya, Yoshikane Murakami. Speaker Tsuji<br />

Yoshinobu<br />

Miocene conglomerates formed by Huge tsunami<br />

Tachibana Toru, Yoshinobu Tsuji, Yuichi Namegaya. Speaker Tachibana<br />

Toru<br />

Large Scale Landslide Tsunami Experiments<br />

Fritz Hermann, Fahad Mohammed, Jeseon Yoo. Speaker Fahad<br />

Mohammed<br />

Field survey reveals extreme runup of the 17 July 2006 Java<br />

tsunami<br />

Fritz Hermann, W. Kongko, A. Moore, B. Mcadoo, J. Goff, C. Harbitz, B.<br />

Uslu, N. Kalligeris, V. Titov, C. Synolakis. Speaker C. Synolakis<br />

Development of high-resolution coastal digital elevation models for<br />

the U.S.: seamlessly integrating bathymetric and topographic data<br />

to support tsunami forecasting and modeling efforts<br />

Taylor Lisa, Barry W. Eakins. Speaker Taylor Lisa<br />

Ocean data and information network for Africa (ODINAFRICA) sea<br />

level data facility<br />

Odido Mika. Speaker Odido Mika<br />

Tsunami disaster prevention Management in Iwate Prefecture,<br />

Japan<br />

Yoshida Kenichi, Shigeki Sakai, Toshinori Ogasawara, Koshiya Shin,<br />

Tomoko Yamazaki, Nobuo Shuto, Takashi Furukawa, Tsutomu Mikami.<br />

Speaker Yoshida Kenichi<br />

Distribution of asperities of the 1854 Ansei Nankai earthquake<br />

Namegaya Yuichi, Yoshinobu Tsuji. Speaker Namegaya Yuichi<br />

JSS003 Early-Warning Systems<br />

Conveners: Zschau Jochen<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 3<br />

09:00 am Real-time, probabilistic and evolutionary earthquake<br />

location for seismic early warning<br />

Satriano Claudio, Anthony Lomax, Aldo Zollo. Speaker<br />

Satriano Claudio<br />

09:15 am Earthquake Detection and Rapid Magnitude<br />

Determination by the Fast Wavelet Transform<br />

Simons Frederik, Ben D. E. Dando, Richard M. Allen.<br />

Speaker Simons Frederik<br />

09:30 am An evolutionary approach for real-time magnitude<br />

estimation for earthquake early warning<br />

Lancieri Maria, Aldo Zollo. Speaker Lancieri Maria<br />

09:45 am The potential for Earthquake Early Warning using<br />

ElarmS in Italy

11 July, 2007<br />

Olivieri Marco, Richard M. Allen, Gilead Wurman. Speaker<br />

Olivieri Marco<br />

10:00 am Rapid ground-shaking map computation for earlywarning<br />

applications<br />

Convertito Vincenzo, De Matteis Raffaella, Zollo Aldo,<br />

Cantore Luciana, Iannaccone Giovanni. Speaker Convertito Vincenzo<br />

10:15 am Can an Early Warning System in Northern Italy be<br />

Useful <br />

Traversa Paola, Lai Carlo, Strobbia Claudio. Speaker<br />

Traversa Paola<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am Web Based Global System for loss assessment due to<br />

strong earthquakes<br />

Frolova Nina, Valery Larionov, Jean Bonnin. Speaker<br />

Frolova Nina<br />

1:15 am Real-time monitoring of earthquake activity in<br />

Australasia<br />

Cummins Phil, Spiro Spiliopoulos, Jonathan Bathgate,<br />

Marco Maldoni. Speaker Cummins Phil<br />

11:30 am Tsunami Early Warning: the approach of NEAREST EU<br />

Project.<br />

Zitellini Nevio, Maria Ana Baptista, Juanjo Danobeitia,<br />

ilfried Jokat, Paolo Favali, Hans Gerber, Jose Morales, Fernando<br />

arrilho, Azelarab El Mouraouah, Herculano Caetano. Speaker Zitellini<br />

Nevio<br />

1:45 am Post-Tsunami Survey and the Development of a<br />

sunami Warning System for Kenyan Coastal Region<br />

Maggero Balla, Ali Mafimbo, Antony Kibue. Speaker<br />

Maggero Balla<br />

12:00 pm A Possible Method of Tsunami Early Warning<br />

Korolev Yury. Speaker Korolev Yury<br />

12:15 pm Status of the GITEWS project The German-Indonesian<br />

contribution to the Indian Ocean tsunami early warning system<br />

Rudloff Alexander, Joern Lauterjung, Gitews Project Team.<br />

peaker Rudloff Alexander<br />

oster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

New Approaches to Coastal Zone Hazard Early Warning Systems<br />

ontar Evgeny. Speaker Kontar Evgeny<br />

Early-Warning Mapping for cavities in abandoned subsurface<br />

mines<br />

Palchik Vyacheslav. Speaker Palchik Vyacheslav<br />

Millimetric ground movements from space radars: European Space<br />


Browitt Chris, Alice Walker. Speaker Browitt Chris<br />

An experimental model of data receiver for gravitational<br />

disturbance research and earthquake prediction with 3 to 16 days<br />

forestalling<br />

gorov Nikolay, Valeriy Smirnov, Boris Bogdanovich. Speaker Valeriy<br />

Smirnov<br />

Anisotropy of high-frequency geoacoustic emission at different<br />

stages of seismic event preparation<br />

Marapulets Yury, Anatoly Kuptsov, Igor Larionov, Mihail Mischenko,<br />

Albert Sherbina, Valery Gordienko. Speaker Marapulets Yury<br />

Development of structural features for earthquake early warning<br />

systems<br />

ntonyan Alvaro. Speaker Antonyan Alvaro<br />

Can the offshore pressure sensors contribute to early tsunami<br />

warning system<br />

atsumoto Hiroyuki, Hitoshi Mikada, Kenichi Asakawa, Katsuyoshi<br />

Kawaguchi. Speaker Matsumoto Hiroyuki<br />

Storm surges/Wave Operational Ocean Model in KMA<br />

ou Sung Hyup, Sangwook Park, Jang-Won Seo. Speaker You Sung<br />

Hyup<br />

Earlywarning system for risk mitigation due to the landslides<br />

triggered by seismic activity<br />

Stanica Dumitru, Maria Stanica, Constantin Diacopolos. Speaker<br />

Stanica Dumitru<br />

New seismic system for acquisition and analysis in Israel<br />

Pinsky Vladimir, Andrei Polozov, David Kadush, Veronic Avirav, Abraham<br />

Hofstetter,. Speaker Pinsky Vladimir<br />

Real time sea level data transmission from tide gauges for tsunami<br />

monitoring<br />

Holgate Simon, Peter Foden, Jeff Pugh, Philip Woodworth. Speaker<br />

Holgate Simon<br />

CUSCO base meridian for the study of geophysical data<br />

Chavez_campos Teodosio, Israel Chavez Sumarriva, Nadia Chavez<br />

Sumarriva, Liliana Sumarriva Bustinza. Speaker Chavez_campos<br />

eodosio<br />

oward an integrated early-warning system in Serbia<br />

abak Peter, Slavica Radovanovic, Erik Bystricky, Andrej Cipciar.<br />

Speaker Labak Peter<br />

Reliability of automatic location procedures in north - western Italy<br />

urino Chiara, Scafidi Davide, Morasca Paola, Ferretti Gabriele,<br />

Spallarossa Daniele. Speaker Turino Chiara<br />

4D geoelectrical tomography as a tool for real-time landslide<br />

monitoring: a test-bed in southern Italy<br />

Gerardo Colangelo, Aniello Vietro, Giuseppe Basile, Vincenzo Lapenna,<br />

Antonio Loperte, Angela Perrone, Antonio Satriani, Luciano Telesca,<br />

Giovanni Calice, Nicola Pergola, Valerio Tramutoli. Speaker Gerardo<br />

Colangelo<br />

Robust Satellites Techniques for oil spill detection and monitoring<br />

asciello Daniele, Pergola Nicola, Tramutoli Valerio, Lacava Teodosio.<br />

Speaker Casciello Daniele<br />

JSS004 Non-instrumental seismometry - Quantification of past<br />

and future earthquakes: balancing the geological, historical and<br />

contemporary strain records<br />

onveners: Valensise Gianluca<br />

oster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Where are all the young faults scarps in eastern Canada<br />

Adams John. Speaker Adams John<br />

Variation of slip velocity of repeating earthquakes and its<br />

dependence on focal depths<br />

riyoshi Keisuke, Toru Matsuzawa, Ryota Hino, Akira Hasegawa,<br />

oshiyuki Kaneda. Speaker Ariyoshi Keisuke<br />

PS-geodetic monitoring of the South West Seismic Zone (SWSZ)<br />

f western Australia: progress after two observation epochs in<br />

2002 and 2006<br />

Leonard Mark. Speaker Leonard Mark<br />

SS005 Non-instrumental seismometry - Global and regional<br />

parameters of paleoseismology; implications for fault scaling and<br />

future earthquake hazard<br />

Conveners: De Martini Paolo Marco, Masana Eullia, Hecker<br />

Suzanne, Berryman Kelvin, Schwartz David, Valensise Gianluca,<br />

Pantosti Daniela<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Paleoseismic features as indicators of earthquake hazards in Iran<br />

Abd Etedal Mahsa, Giuseppe Delfino. Speaker Abd Etedal Mahsa<br />

Seismicity investigation of Shiraz Region with remote sensing and<br />

GIS<br />

emati Azam. Speaker Nemati Azam<br />

Magnitude versus faults surface parameters: quantitative<br />

relationships from the Aegean Region.<br />

Caputo Riccardo, Pavlides S.. Speaker Pavlides S.<br />

Reconciling neotectonic and seismic recurrence rates in SW<br />

Australia<br />

Leonard Mark, Dan Clark. Speaker Leonard Mark<br />

Scaling source dimension of the Mw 6.7 JUNE 5, 1688 Sannio<br />

southern-Apennines earthquake, using geophysical, geological<br />

and morphometrical data<br />

appi Rosa, Alessio Giuliana, Bellucci Sessa Eliana, Vilardo Giuseppe,<br />

Pierfrancesco Burrato. Speaker Nappi Rosa<br />

SS006 Non-instrumental seismometry - New Approaches to<br />

Paleoseismology and Earthquake Recurrence in the 21st Century<br />

Conveners: Masana Eullia, Schwartz David, Valensise Gianluca,<br />

Gutirrez Francisco, Pantosti Daniela<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Complex holocene deformation in the Lower Tagus Valley,<br />

Portugal, with probable tectonic origin<br />

Fonseca Joao, Susana Pires Vilanova, Pedro Costa, Sandra Heleno,<br />

Vittorio Bosi. Speaker Fonseca Joao<br />

Identifying active faults and obtaining their seismic parameters in<br />

low strain zones: The northwester margin or the Valencia trough<br />

Perea Hector, Eullia Masana, Pere Santanach. Speaker Perea Hector<br />

Liquefaction induced deformation in sediment column and their<br />

significance in paleoseismic studies: Examples from India<br />

Pandey Prabha, Anand Kumar Pandey. Speaker Pandey Prabha<br />

Ground penetrating radar for archeoseismological investigations<br />

- a case study from Baelo Claudia, Southern Spain<br />

Gruetzner Christoph, Klaus Reicherter, Pablo G. Silva. Speaker<br />

Gruetzner Christoph<br />

Paleoseismology in Iran; aims,previous record and future<br />

panorama<br />

Babaie Mahani Alireza, Shayesteh Mehrabian, Majid Bagheri. Speaker<br />

Babaie Mahani Alireza<br />

Applying Different Techniques in Studying an Active Strike-slip<br />

Fault; Example of a Seismotectonic Study in the Southern Alps,<br />

NW Slovenia<br />

Kastelic Vanja, Jure Bajc, Mladen IvI. Speaker Kastelic Vanja<br />

Sedimentological imprint of past earthquakes in the Algerian<br />

margin from slump and turbidite record (Maradja Project)<br />

Babonneau Nathalie, Nathalie Babonneau, Antonio Cattaneo, Jacques<br />

Dverchre, Bruno Savoye, Karim Yelles, Gabriela Dan, Anne Domzig,<br />

Pierre Giresse, Rachid Matougui, Bernard Merci De Lpinay, Henri Pauc,<br />

Virginie Gaullier, Faouzi Djadid. Speaker Babonneau Nathalie<br />

A fresh fault scarp identified in an urban district by LiDAR survey:<br />

A case study on the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, central Japan<br />

Kondo Hisao, Shinji Toda, Koji Okumura, Keita Takada, Tatsuro Chiba.<br />

Speaker Kondo Hisao<br />

NEotectonic derived models for crustal deformation in a stable<br />

continental region setting: insight from the Southwest Of western<br />

Australia.<br />

Leonard Mark, Dan Clark. Speaker Leonard Mark<br />

Rupture characteristics and deformation partitioning in the<br />

Himalayan front of NW Himalaya: evidence from a post 1335 AD<br />

earthquake<br />

Pandey Anand, Prabha Pandey, G.D. Singh, G.V. Ravi Prasad, K. Dutta,<br />

D. K. Ray, Madhukar Milki. Speaker Pandey Anand<br />

Evidence of recent activity along the offshore Carboneras fault<br />

(SE Iberian margin) based on high-resolution acoustic and seismic<br />

imaging<br />

Moreno Ximena, Eullia Grcia, Eullia Masana, Rafael Bartolom, Graziella<br />

Bozzano, Eduardo Rubio, David Casas, Claudio Lo Iacono, Alessandra<br />

Asioli, Klaus Reicherter, Juan Jos Daobeitia, Pere Santanach. Speaker<br />

Moreno Ximena<br />

In search of tsunami deposits along the eastern coast of Sicily<br />

(Italy)<br />

Smedile Alessandra, Maria Serafina Barbano, Paolo Marco De Martini,<br />

Daniela Pantosti, Paola Del Carlo, Flavia Gerardi, Pierpaolo Guarnieri,<br />

Claudia Pirrotta, Mario Cosentino. Speaker Smedile Alessandra<br />

Tbilisi fault, its forming and seismic activity of Tbilisi environs<br />

Tsamalashvili Tamari. Speaker Tsamalashvili Tamari<br />

First paleoseismological evidence at the Plio-Quaternary Munbrega<br />

Half-graben (Iberian Chain, NE Spain)<br />

Gutirrez Francisco, Eullia Masana, Lvaro Gonzlez, Jess Guerrero,<br />

Pedro Lucha. Speaker Eullia Masana<br />

Earthquake recurrence of the DZCE fault (North Anatolian Fault<br />

Zone): integrating geomorphological and paleoseismological<br />

analyses<br />

Pucci Stefano, Daniela Pantosti, Paolo Marco De Martini, Giuliana<br />

D’Addezio, Nikolaos Palyvos, Phil E.F. Collins, Cengiz Zabci. Speaker<br />

Pucci Stefano<br />

Ground Based Imaging Spectroscopy and Supervised<br />

Classification algorithms. New tools for the 21st century<br />

earthquake geologist.<br />

Ragona Daniel, Tom Rockwell, Bernard Minster. Speaker Ragona Daniel<br />

SS001 Seismic Observations And Interpretation<br />

Conveners: Storchak Dmitry, Sato Haruo, Dewey James, Musson<br />

Roger, Hanka Winfried<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 3<br />

02:00 pm Acoustic and Elastic Radiative Transfer Theory and its<br />

Application to Earthquake Data<br />

Przybilla Jens. Speaker Przybilla Jens<br />

02:15 pm Three-component envelope synthesis in randomly<br />

heterogeneous media based on the Monte Carlo Simulation<br />

Maeda Takuto. Speaker Maeda Takuto<br />

02:30 pm Super-wide angle one-way wave propagator for<br />

seismic modeling and imaging<br />

Wu Ru-Shan, Xiaofeng Jia. Speaker Wu Ru-Shan<br />

02:45 pm Synthesis of wave envelopes in 3-D random media<br />

characterized by a non-isotropic Gaussian ACF based on the<br />

Markov approximation<br />

Sato Haruo. Speaker Sato Haruo<br />

03:00 pm Calculation of effective seismic properties of<br />

untextured crystal aggregates and application to inner core<br />

crystallisation<br />

Margerin Ludovic, Marie Calvet. Speaker Margerin Ludovic<br />

03:15 pm New methods to estimate the contribution of intrinsic<br />

absorption and scattering to total S-wave coda attenuation<br />

Ugalde Arantza, Eduard Carcol. Speaker Ugalde Arantza<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Attenuation Structure of P Wave in the Aftershock Area<br />

of the 2005 West-off Fukuoka Prefecture Earthquake (M7.0)<br />

Matsumoto Satoshi, Kenji Uehira, Atsushi Watanabe,<br />

Kazuhiko Goto, Yoshihisa Iio, Naoshi Hirata, Tomomi Okada, Hiroaki<br />

Takahashi, Masanao Shinohara, Toshihiko Kanazawa. Speaker<br />

Matsumoto Satoshi<br />

04:15 pm Spatial Distribution of Random Inhomogeneities in the<br />

Southwestern Japan - Relation to the Quaternary Volcanoes and<br />

S-wave Reflector -<br />

Takahashi Tsutomu. Speaker Takahashi Tsutomu<br />

04:30 pm 3-D scattering image of Mt. Vesuvius<br />

Tramelli Anna, Del Pezzo Edoardo, Fehler Michael C..<br />

Speaker Tramelli Anna<br />

04:45 pm Crustal heterogeneity and deep structure of active<br />

faults in the Kinki region, southwest Japan: Inversion analysis of<br />

coda envelopes<br />

Nishigami Kinya. Speaker Nishigami Kinya<br />

04:56 pm Monitoring temporal variations of seismic velocity<br />

associated with the Mw = 6.6 Mid-Niigata earthquake, Japan, using<br />

Passive Image Interferometry and Hi-Net data<br />

Wegler Ulrich, H. Nakahara, C. Sens-Schoenfelder, M.<br />

Korn, K. Shiomi. Speaker Wegler Ulrich<br />

05:07 pm Particle motion of coda waves in terms of energy<br />

partitioning<br />

Nakahara Hisashi. Speaker Nakahara Hisashi<br />

05:18 pm Imaging of seismic sources by Time-Reversal and<br />

application to recent large Earthquakes<br />

Montagner Jean-Paul, Jean-Paul Montagner, Carene<br />

Larmat, Mathias Fink, Yann Capdeville, Arnaud Tourin. Speaker<br />

Montagner Jean-Paul<br />

Poster July 11, 2007 from 06:00 pm to 08:00 pm - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Seismicity investigation of Iran (2004/07/01 to 2006/12/30) by using<br />

Iranian National Broadband Seismic Network (INSN)<br />

Dezvareh Mohsen, Gholam Javan Doloei. Speaker Dezvareh Mohsen<br />

Three-dimensional spatial distribution of scatterers in the Canary<br />

Islands<br />

Carcole Eduard. Speaker Carcole Eduard<br />

Observation of coda signals from regional and local earthquakes<br />

recorded from a downhole-uphole couple of broad-band sensors at<br />

Mt Etna.<br />

Del Pezzo Edoardo, Francesca Bianco, Domenico Patan, Ferruccio<br />

Ferrari. Speaker Del Pezzo Edoardo<br />

T-Wave excitation: multiple anisotropic scattering on and below the<br />

seafloor with examples from Bransfield Strait, Antartica<br />

Lee Won Sang, Minkyu Park, Robert P. Dziak, Hyun Jae Yoo, Sukyoung<br />

Yun. Speaker Lee Won Sang<br />

Correlation study of ambient seismic noise using broad-band<br />

network recordings in Israel<br />

Kraeva Nadezda, Vladimir Pinsky. Speaker Kraeva Nadezda<br />

Coda Q estimates in the Andaman Region using Local Earthquakes<br />

Parvez Imtiyaz, Mridula M, S S Rai. Speaker Parvez Imtiyaz<br />

The frequency dependent attenuation of P and S waves in<br />

Northeast of Iran<br />

Nowrouzi Gholamreza, Mohsen Ghafoury Ashtiany, Gholam Javan<br />

Doloe, Keith F. Priestley, Mohammad Mokhtari. Speaker Nowrouzi<br />

Gholamreza<br />

Estimation of small-scale inhomogeneity from travel-time residuals<br />

of cross-well tomography<br />

Saito Tatsuhiko, Osamu Nishizawa, Toshiyuki Yokota. Speaker Saito<br />

Tatsuhiko<br />

Temporal changes in site responses at borehole sites before and<br />

after strong motions as revealed from coda wave analyses<br />

Sawazaki Kaoru, Haruo Sato, Hisashi Nakahara, Takeshi Nishimura.<br />

Speaker Sawazaki Kaoru<br />

High Seismic Attenuation in the Reflective Layers of the Philippine<br />

Sea Subduction Zone, Japan<br />

Petukhin Anatoly, Takao Kagawa. Speaker Takao Kagawa<br />

An envelope inversion method for improved location of deep low<br />

frequency tremor<br />

Maeda Takuto, Kazushige Obara. Speaker Maeda Takuto<br />

Equipartition of seismic waves in the long and short period seismic<br />

coda: observation and theory<br />

Margerin Ludovic, Emmanuel Chaljub, Michel Campillo, Nicolai Shapiro.<br />

Speaker Margerin Ludovic<br />

Testing coda methods in high resolution seismic imaging of active<br />

volcanoes: application to Campi Flegrei and Mt. Vesuvius.<br />

De Siena Luca, Edoardo Del Pezzo, Francesca Bianco, Anna Tramelli,<br />

Salvatore De Lorenzo. Speaker De Siena Luca<br />

Anomalies of shear wave attenuation field in the regions of<br />

Semipalatinsk, Nevada and Lop Nor test sites<br />

Kopnichev Yuri. Speaker Kopnichev Yuri<br />

New data to assess seismic hazard of Kazakhstan<br />

Sokolova Inna, Mikhailova Natalia. Speaker Sokolova Inna<br />

Very Low Frequency Earthquake: Seismicity And Its Interpretation<br />

Ishihara Yasushi. Speaker Ishihara Yasushi<br />

Hypocenter determination in complicated cases using network<br />

beamfroming technique<br />

Pinsky Vladimir, Shigeki Horiuchi, Abraham Hofstetter. Speaker Pinsky<br />

Vladimir<br />

Can the standard broadband body-wave magnitude mB substitute<br />

Mwp, which is commonly used in tsunami early warning systems<br />

Bormann Peter. Speaker Bormann Peter<br />

Application of array-based waveform correlation techniques to<br />

event detection and relocation for the 2003 Lefkada Island, Greece,<br />

aftershock sequence focusing on the very small aperture trisar<br />

array<br />

Pirli Myrto, Steven J. Gibbons, Johannes Schweitzer. Speaker Pirli<br />

Myrto<br />

Relocation of Earthquakes in Northwest Region of Iran using HDC<br />

Method<br />

Tabatabai Shadi, M.R. Gheitanchi, Eric Bergman. Speaker Tabatabai<br />

Shadi<br />

GEOFON and the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System<br />

Hanka Winfried, Winfried Hanka, Toni Kraft, Joachim Saul, Bernd<br />

Weber, Gitews Group. Speaker Hanka Winfried<br />

Summary of the ISC bulletin of events of 2004<br />

Storchak Dmitry, M.K.Bolton, B.E.Vera, P.T.Kowalski, B.K.Li. Speaker<br />

Storchak Dmitry<br />

THE GEOSCOPE <strong>Program</strong>: state of the art in 2007<br />

Roult Genevieve. Speaker Roult Genevieve<br />

The Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Seismic Network<br />

Mencin David, Michael Hasting, Jennifer Eakins, Greg Anderson,<br />

Kathleen Hodgkinson, Wade Johnson, Mike Jackson. Speaker Mencin<br />

David<br />

Recent developments within ORFEUS and EMSC<br />

van Eck Torild, Remy Bossu, Stephanie Godey, Orfeus Participants,<br />

Emsc Members. Speaker van Eck Torild<br />

Observational seismology in the Scotia Sea region. Fifteen<br />

years(1992-2007) of continued operation and growth of the ASAIN<br />

network.<br />

Russi Marino, Milton Percy Plasencia Linares. Speaker Russi Marino<br />

Regional and teleseismic event detection capability of the smallaperture<br />

Tripoli seismic array, Greece<br />

Pirli Myrto, Johannes Schweitzer. Speaker Pirli Myrto<br />

Assessng the capabltes of turksh statons to montor the<br />

sesmcty n the aegean<br />

Meral Ozel Nurcan, James Harris. Speaker Meral Ozel Nurcan<br />

Seismo-acoustic study of the dynamic processes in the system<br />

“Solid Earth – Atmosphere” at Mikhnevo array.<br />

Sanina Irina, Adushkin Vitali, Rybnov, Yuri, Harlamov, Vladimir,<br />

Gorbunova, Ella, Nesterkina, Margarita, Chernykh, Oleg, Pylaeva,<br />

Tatiana. Speaker Sanina Irina<br />

Seismic monitoring of the northern Caucasuss central part in<br />

Russia.<br />

Gabsatarova Irina, Starovoit Oleg. Speaker Gabsatarova Irina<br />

Aftershock sequence and main shock investigations of 2005<br />

Dahuieh (Zarand) eartquake in kerman province, South-East Iran<br />

Nemati Majid, Mohammad Reza Geitanchi. Speaker Nemati Majid<br />

Aftershock sequence and main shock investigations of 2005<br />

Dahuieh (Zarand) eartquake in kerman province, South-East Iran<br />

Nemati Majid, Mohammad Reza Geitanchi. Speaker Nemati Majid<br />

The aftershocks of the 1970 Tonghai and the 1976 Tangshan Great<br />

Earthquakes: Difference and Interpretation<br />

Li Baokun, Gui-Ling Diao. Speaker Li Baokun<br />

Small array observation just on the active region of the deep nonvolcanic<br />

tremor in the Tokai subduction zone<br />

Suzuki Sadaomi, Makoto Okubo, Iwao Fujii. Speaker Suzuki Sadaomi<br />

Relocation of the 31 March 2006 Lorestan (Iran) earthquake<br />

sequence using the double-difference technique<br />

Mottaghi Ali Asghar, Mehdi Rezapour. Speaker Mottaghi Ali Asghar<br />

Microtremor Observations in Taipei Basin<br />

Huang Win Gee, Bor-Shouh Huang, Kou-Chen Cheng. Speaker Huang<br />

Win Gee<br />

An updated unified catalogue of earthquakes in Central, Northern<br />

and Northwestern Europe<br />

Grnthal Gottfried, Rutger Wahlstrm. Speaker Grnthal Gottfried<br />

Shallow seismic fault zone beneath the Taipei Basin in Northern<br />

Taiwan<br />

Chen Kou-Cheng. Speaker Chen Kou-Cheng<br />

SS003 Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Strong Ground Motion<br />

- Site effects (and their dependence on source and propagationpath)<br />

Conveners: Furumura Takashi, Bard Pierre-Yves, Fh Donat<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room<br />

12<br />

09:00 am Site effect evaluation in Mt.Vesuvius area: comparison<br />

of results obtained by classical empirical techniques and wavelet<br />

transform method.<br />

Galluzzo Danilo, Mario La Rocca, Edoardo Del Pezzo,<br />

Rosalba Maresca, Mario Castellano. Speaker Galluzzo Danilo<br />

09:15 am Robust estimation of site response in the Kachchh<br />

seismic zone, Gujarat, India, from strong motion data using<br />

generalized inversion technique (reference site)<br />

Mandal Prantik, Dr. Utpal Dutta, Dr. R.K. Chadha. Speaker<br />

Mandal Prantik<br />

09:30 am S-Wave spectral analysis for estimation of source, site<br />

and path effects.<br />

Rahimi Habib, Hossien Hamzehloo. Speaker Rahimi Habib<br />

09:45 am Investigations of geological and topographical site<br />

effects using two felt earthquakes recorded at Israel seismic<br />

network<br />

Hofstetter Rami, Yuli Zaslavsky, Rami Hofstetter, Nahum<br />

Perelman. Speaker Rami Hofstetter<br />

10:00 am Conjoint use of H/V spectral ratio, f-k and SPAC<br />

methods to assess 2D effects over the Tamar Valley, Tasmania,<br />

Australia<br />

Claprood Maxime, Pr. Michael W. Asten. Speaker Claprood<br />

Maxime<br />

10:15 am Experimets on the stability of SPAC, 2sSPAC and lienar<br />

array methods<br />

Margaryan Sos, Toshiaki Yokoi, Koichi Hayashi. Speaker<br />

Margaryan Sos<br />

10:30 am Different approaches to evaluate site effects:<br />

application to Gemona del Friuli (NE Italy) alluvial fan area.<br />

Furlanetto Eleonora, Giovanni Costa, Peter Suhadolc.<br />

Speaker Furlanetto Eleonora<br />

10:45 am Toward bedrock elevation mapping of Istanbul:

11 July, 2007<br />

Comparison of analytical and experimental analyses<br />

Birgoren Gulum, Oguz Ozel, Bilge Siyahi. Speaker<br />

Birgoren Gulum<br />

1:08 pm Soil amplification in Ottawa, Canada, from Urban<br />

Strong Ground Motion records<br />

Adams John. Speaker Adams John<br />

11:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:45 am Single-station microtremor estimates of Vs30<br />

Mulargia Francesco, Silvia Castellaro. Speaker Mulargia<br />

Francesco<br />

11:00 am Seismic microzonation and subsurface modeling<br />

across urban areas in Israel using H/V specttral ratios from<br />

ambient noise and seismic events<br />

Zaslavsky Yuli, Yuli Zaslavsky, Galina Ataev, Marina<br />

orstein, Tatiana Aksinenko, Michael Kalmanovich, Rami Hofstetter,<br />

ahum Perelman, Helena Dan, Vadim Giller, Dagmara Giller, Ion<br />

ivshits, Alexander Shvartsburg. Speaker Zaslavsky Yuli<br />

1:15 am Characteristics of Soil Response in Near-Fault Zones<br />

during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake<br />

Pavlenko Olga. Speaker Pavlenko Olga<br />

1:30 am Numerical predictions of ground motion in 3D basins:<br />

learnings from the Grenoble (France) comparison<br />

Bard Pierre-Yves, Emmanuel Chaljub, Seiji Tsuno, Ccile<br />

Cornou. Speaker Bard Pierre-Yves<br />

ral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room<br />

12<br />

02:00 pm<br />

02:16 pm 02:32 pm Soil seismic hazard estimates for the Friuli<br />

enezia Giulia region (N.E. Italy)<br />

Santulin Marco, Dario Slejko, Alessandro Rebez. Speaker<br />

Dario Slejko<br />

03:04 pm 03:20 pm 03:36 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:06 pm Effects of love waves on microtremor H/V ratio<br />

amplitude<br />

Bonnefoy-Claudet Sylvette, Khler Andreas, Cornou Ccile,<br />

Wathelet Marc, Cotton Fabrice, Bard Pierre-Yves. Speaker Bonnefoy-<br />

Claudet Sylvette<br />

04:22 pm<br />

04:38 pm Geophysical Studies for Seismic Hazard Assessment<br />

at Jabalpur, India. T. Seshunarayana<br />

T Seshunarayana. Speaker T Seshunarayana<br />

04:54 pm Seismic microzonation of Damascus City using H/V<br />

spectral ration for ground_shaking site effects<br />

Ahamd Raed. Speaker Ahamd Raed<br />

05:10 pm The Umbria-Marche sequence: digital recordings at ENEA<br />

stations.<br />

Rinaldis Dario, Guido Martini, Roberto Dimperio, Fabrizio<br />

Poggi. Speaker Rinaldis Dario<br />

SS004 Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Strong Ground Motion -<br />

Estimation of strong ground motion<br />

onveners: Douglas John<br />

oster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Azimuth-dependent attenuation relations for the intermediate depth<br />

Vrancea (Romania) earthquakes based on Fourier amplitude spectra<br />

okolov Vladimir, Klaus-Peter Bonjer, Friedemann Wenzel, Mircea Radulian,<br />

Bogdan Grecu. Speaker Sokolov Vladimir<br />

Analysis of two methods for instrumental intensity estimations using<br />

the database accumulated in Japan<br />

okolov Vladimir, Takashi Furumura. Speaker Sokolov Vladimir<br />

Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Romania: application for<br />

crustal seismic active zones<br />

ren-Adelina Moldovan, Emilia Popescu, Angela Constantin. Speaker Iren-<br />

Adelina Moldovan<br />

Assessment of Strong ground Motions Using the Empirical Greens<br />

Function for the 31 March 2006 Silakhor, SW Iran, Earthquake<br />

Vasheghani Farahani Jamileh, Mehdi Zare. Speaker Vasheghani Farahani<br />

Jamileh<br />

Investigation of frequency content and Stress drop based<br />

Accelerometric records in Zagros Belt of Iran<br />

Vasheghani Farahani Jamileh, Mehdi Zare. Speaker Vasheghani Farahani<br />

Jamileh<br />

stimation of Ground Motion and Early Warning in Straight of Hormoz<br />

(Southern Iran)<br />

Eshaghi Attieh, Prof.Mohamadreza Gheytanchi, Javad Kazemiyan. Speaker<br />

shaghi Attieh<br />

Attenuation relations for maximum acceleration produced by vrancea<br />

intermediate, moderate earthquakes<br />

opescu Emilia, Carmen O. Cioflan, Mircea Radulian. Speaker Popescu<br />

Emilia<br />

odels of Nonlinear Soil Behavior during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan,<br />

Earthquake Based on Stochastic Finite-Fault Simulations<br />

Pavlenko Olga, Kuo-Liang Wen. Speaker Pavlenko Olga<br />

Stochastic strong ground motion simulation of the 28 December<br />

1908 M7.0 Messina (Sicily) earthquake: investigating different source<br />

scenarios<br />

Tafaro Francesco, Zafeiria Roumelioti, Christoforos Benetatos, Anastasia<br />

Kiratzi, Antonio Bottari, Giancarlo Neri. Speaker Tafaro Francesco<br />

Examination of source model construction methodologies for multisegment-coupling<br />

ruptures in long active fault zone<br />

uriyama Masayuki, Tomotaka Iwata, Takashi Kumamoto. Speaker Kuriyama<br />

Masayuki<br />

Estimation on the peak ground acceleration<br />

hen Kuang-Jung, Jee-Shiang Wang. Speaker Jee-Shiang Wang<br />

Properties of response spectra<br />

Aptikaev Feliks, Olga Erteleva, Maria Sacks. Speaker Aptikaev Feliks<br />

oil Amplification by Using Strong Ground Motions Recorded by<br />

ifferent Geological Conditions in Marmara Region in Turkey<br />

lutas Ergin, Mithat Firat Ozer. Speaker Ulutas Ergin<br />

S005 Earthquake Sources - Modelling and Prediction<br />

onveners: Zavyalov Alexey, Matsuura Mitsuhiro<br />

ral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 7<br />

09:00 am Seismic Monitoring Of Strong Earthquakes Source Areas<br />

Lutikov Alexandre<br />

09:15 am Seismicity Patterns Of Two Predicted Large Earthquakes<br />

Sobolev Gennady<br />

09:15 am Spectral Ratio Analysis Of The Two Recent Japanese<br />

Earthquake Sequences (Mw6.6) In Japan: Effects Of Different Tectonic<br />

Conditions To The Seismic Scaling Law<br />

Tajima Reiko<br />

09:30 am Correlation Of Earth Tides And Seismic Noise Before Large<br />

Earthquakes: Observation And Modeling<br />

Saltykov Vadim<br />

09:45 am Earthquakes Caused By Unbending Subducted Slab Off<br />

outhwest Taiwan<br />

Hsu Shu-Kun<br />

10:00 am Cmt Data Inversion Using A Bayesian Information Criterion<br />

To Estimate Seismogenic Stress Fields<br />

Terakawa Toshiko<br />

10:15 am Use Of High Resolution Satellite Images For Tracking<br />

Of Accumulation And Displacement Of Faults In The Earth’s Crust,<br />

Previous To Earthquakes, By Applying The Lineament Extraction<br />

Technique<br />

Arellano-Baeza Alonso. Speaker Arellano-Baeza Alonso<br />

10:30 am coffee break<br />

11:00 am Apparent Stress Scaling: Regional And Global Trends<br />

Senatorski Piotr<br />


Ide Satoshi<br />

11:30 am Afterslip, Aftershocks And Rate-And-State Friction<br />

Helmstetter Agnes<br />

11:45 am Wave Attenuation Due To Shear-Induced Heterogeneity In<br />

Granular Media For Fault Slip Prediction<br />

Sakaguchi Hide<br />

12:00 am Monitoring Internal State Of Fault With Acoustic Wave<br />

Transmission<br />

Nagata Kohei<br />

12:15 am Extensional Branching Of The Arg-E-Bam Fault Generated<br />

By The 2003 Bam, Iran, Earthquake: Adapting Theory For Fault<br />

Branching<br />

Sadeghi Hossein<br />

12:30 am Fault Interaction By Elastic Stress Changes In Vertically<br />

Inhomogeneous Media: An Application To The June 2000 South Iceland<br />

Seismic Sequence<br />

Belardinelli Maria Elina<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 7<br />

02:00 pm Modeling And Monitoring The Entire Processes Of<br />

Earthquake Generation In And Around Japan<br />

Matsuura Mitsuhiro<br />

02:15 pm Traction-At-Split-Node Method For Dynamic Rupture<br />

Propagation: Numerical<br />

Galis Martin<br />

02:30 pm On The “Recurrence” Of Large Earthquakes: Some<br />

Insights From A Model Based On A Realistic Interacting Fault System.<br />

Marzocchi Warner<br />

02:45 pm Joint Simulation Of Quasi-Static Stress Accumulation And<br />

Earthquake Dynamic Rupture<br />

Hashimoto Chihiro<br />

03:00 pm Anomalously Large Intensity Associated By Subduction<br />

Zone Earthquakes: A Scattering Waveguide In The Heterogeneous<br />

Subducting Plate<br />

Furumura Takashi<br />

03:00 pm Coffee break<br />

03:15 pm Crustal Deformation Associated With The Earthquake<br />

Cycle Along The Eastern Nankai Trough , Central Japan<br />

Sagiya Takeshi<br />

03:30 pm Studying Of Dynamic Changes Of Large-Scale Crustal<br />

Movement By Continuous Gps Observation Data In Mainland<br />

Zai-Sen Jiang<br />

03:45 pm Earthquake Mechanisms And Collision Geodynamics:<br />

Theoretical Aspect<br />

Goldin Sergey. Speaker Goldin Sergey<br />

04:00 pm Active Tectonics In The Golpayegan Region, Iran<br />

Nadimi Alireza<br />

04:15 pm Seismotectonic Model And Precursor Studies In Northeast<br />

India Region<br />

Kayal Jnana<br />

SW004 Modernizing ISC procedures: model evaluation and<br />

magnitudes<br />

Conveners: Schweitzer Johannes, Storchak Dmitry, Dewey James<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 8<br />

02:00 pm Introduction<br />

Storchak, D.A.<br />

02:07 pm Relocating Isc Bulletin Events With Ak135<br />

Storchak, D.A., Harris, J. . Speaker Schweitzer Johannes<br />

02:10 pm Comparison of hypocenters determined using Jeffreys-<br />

Bullen and Ak135 velocity models for earthquakes in Japan<br />

Hoshiba, M. Takahama, S Ishikawa, Y Mori, S.Ito, H.M.<br />

02:13 pm The Comparison Between The Isc Bulletin And The Cwb<br />

Catalog For Earthquakes Occurred In The Taiwan Region<br />

Liang, Wen-Tzong Ho, Mei-Yi Huang, Bor-Shouh<br />

02:16 pm Comparison of seismic events location by using jb and<br />

ak135 velocity model in china earthquake networks center(cenc)<br />

Liu, Ruifeng, Chen, Qifu Xu, Zhiguo Ren, Kexin Sun, Li<br />

02:18 pm Earthquake relocation of china continent and vicinity<br />

during the period of january to october 2004<br />

Sun, Ruomei Lui, Ruifeng Wu, Zongliang<br />

02:21 pm Comparison of the regional earthquake parameters in<br />

russia for estimate modernizing isc procedures<br />

Gabsatarova, I.<br />

02:24 pm Assessing isc locations using the data of iranian national<br />

broadband seismic network (insn)<br />

Dezvareh, M.<br />

02:27 pm Comparisons between location features of isc(using jb &<br />

ak135 models) and irsc for seismic events in iran<br />

Mottaghi, A. Rezapour, M.<br />

02:30 pm Evaluation of isc jb and isc ak135 bulletins for turkey<br />

Ozel, N.O. Kalafat, D. Kikovali, K.<br />

02:33 pm Isc bulletin with ak-135 velocity model for earthquakes in<br />

the levant and east mediterranean region with application to advanced<br />

location techniques<br />

Pinsky, V. Shapira, A.<br />

02:37 pm Evaluation of the ak135 velocity model performance in<br />

earthquake location in the broader area of Greece<br />

Pirli, M. Melis, N.S.<br />

02:40 pm Modernizing the isc procedures: model evaluation for the<br />

italian region<br />

Piromallo, C. Chiarabba, C<br />

02:43 pm Comparison of isc seismic event locations with data of<br />

polish mining industry<br />

Kowalski, P. Wiejacz, P.<br />

02:46 pm Testing the ak135 model for locating seismic events in the<br />

wider fennoscandia-european arctic region<br />

Schweitzer, J. Paulsen, B.<br />

02:49 pm Seismicity along the alaska-aleutian arc: case studies for<br />

model evaluation<br />

Hansen, R. Ruppert, N.A.<br />

02:52 pm Relocation of earthquakes off the west coast of british<br />

columbia, canada using processing routines at the international<br />

seismological centre and various travel time tables<br />

Bird, A. Storchak, D.A.<br />

02:55 pm Comparing the ak135 model with the isc j-b model for<br />

central american earthquakes locations<br />

Camacho, E. Redondo, C.<br />

02:58 pm Assessment of the isc jb and ak135 locations in the nw of<br />

south america<br />

Benjumea Cadavid, J.M. Vera, B. Meyer, H.<br />

03:01 pm Isc location using jb and ak135 velocity models: a<br />

comparison in the andean region between latitudes from 19° to 45°s<br />

Furlani, R.<br />

03:04 pm Analysis of station travel times residuals based on<br />

the ak135 velocity model and phase weighting scheme in location<br />

procedures<br />

Vera, B. Shapira, A. Harris, J. Storchak, D.A.<br />

03:07 pm Discussion On The Results Of The Location Experiment<br />

Schweitzer, J.<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break<br />

04:00 pm Introduction<br />

04:05 pm Why there is an urgent need for magnitude measurement<br />

standards<br />

Bormann Peter. Speaker Bormann Peter<br />

04:20 pm Automatic computation of IASPEI standard magnitudes<br />

at the U.S. geological Survey/National earthquake information center<br />

(USGS/NEIC)<br />

Dewey James, Carol Bryan, Ray Buland, Harley Benz. Speaker<br />

Dewey James<br />

04:35 pm Regression problems for magnitudes<br />

Castellaro Silvia, Peter Bormann, Francesco Mulargia, Yan Y.<br />

Kagan. Speaker Castellaro Silvia<br />

04:50 pm Implementation of standards for making magnitude<br />

measurements from digital data<br />

Dewey James. Speaker Dewey James<br />

05:05 pm First results of application of the new IASPEI standards for<br />

teleseismic magnitude measurements to data of the Chinese and the<br />

German Regional Seismic Broadband networks<br />

Bormann Peter, Liu Ruifeng, Ren Xiao, Siegfried Wendt.<br />

Speaker Bormann Peter<br />

05:20 pm Discussion 2<br />

Schweitzer Johannes. Speaker Schweitzer Johannes<br />

SW005 Reference Events for Improved Locations<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Advances in earthquake location and seismogenic fault detection in<br />

critical network conditions<br />

Presti Debora, Barbara Orecchio, Giuseppe Falcone, Giancarlo Neri.<br />

Speaker Barbara Orecchio<br />

JVS004 Volcano seismology<br />

Conveners: Ripepe Maurizio, Neuberg Jurgen<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room E<br />

09:00 am Geology and geophysics study in revealing subsurface<br />

condition of Banjarpanji mud extrusion, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia<br />

Sumintadireja Prihadi, I. Purwaman, B. Istadi, A.B. Darmoyo.<br />

Speaker Sumintadireja Prihadi<br />

09:22 am Quantification of volcanic explosions at Volcn de Colima,<br />

Mxico, from the broadband seismic records and tilts<br />

Zobin Vyacheslav, Carlos Navarro, Gabriel Reyes-Dvila, Justo<br />

Orozco, Hydyn Santiago, Juan Jos Ramrez, Mauricio Bretn, Armando Tellez.<br />

Speaker Zobin Vyacheslav<br />

09:44 am The impact of the regional seismicity on the volcanic<br />

activities of Nyiragongo, Virunga volcanic region, Western Rift Valley,<br />

D.R. Congo<br />

Mifundu Dieudonne Wafula, Franois Nyombo Lukaya, Hiroyuki<br />

Hamaguchi. Speaker Mifundu Dieudonne Wafula<br />

10:06 am Spectral characteristics with respect to earthquake size;<br />

An analysis from Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies.<br />

Jolly Arthur, Philippe Jousset, Emma Doyle, Venus Bass,<br />

Raquel Syers. Speaker Jolly Arthur<br />

10:28 am Non-linear dynamics of singular long-period volcanic<br />

tremors observed at Mt. Asama<br />

Takeo Minoru. Speaker Takeo Minoru<br />

10:50 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:20 am Systematic analysis of dike intrusions off the East Coast<br />

of Izu peninsula, Central Japan - geophysical evidence that tip cavity<br />

controls the size of dikes<br />

Morita Yuichi, Shin-Ichi Sakai. Speaker Morita Yuichi<br />

11:42 am Exploring the evolution of volcanic seismic swarms<br />

Selva Jacopo, Warner Marzocchi, Anna Maria Lombardi.<br />

Speaker Selva Jacopo<br />

12:04 pm The Explosion of March 2004 at Montserrat: Constraints<br />

From Borehole Strain Data<br />

Linde Alan, I. Selwyn Sacks, Dannie Hidayat, Barry Voight,<br />

Peter Malin, Eylon Shalev, Glen Mattioli, Simon Young, Derek Elsworth.<br />

Speaker Linde Alan<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of Chemistry<br />

Room E<br />

02:00 pm Monitoring volcanoes in noisy urban areas: The Auckland<br />

Downhole Seismograph Experiment<br />

Lindsay Jan, Steve Sherburn, Peter Malin. Speaker Lindsay<br />

Jan<br />

02:22 pm A geophysical study of the explosive eruptions of<br />

Augustine Volcano, Alaska, January 11-28, 200<br />

McNutt Steve, Steve Estes, Scott Stihler, Silvio De Angelis,<br />

Tanja Petersen, Guy Tytgat. Speaker McNutt Steve<br />

02:44 pm Seismicity associated with renewed ground uplift at Campi<br />

Flegrei Caldera, Italy.<br />

Saccorotti Gilberto, Francesca Bianco, Mario Castellano,<br />

Maurizio Ciampi, Paola Cusano, Edoardo Del Pezzo, Danilo Galluzzo, Mario<br />

La Rocca, Simona Petrosino, Lucia Zaccarelli. Speaker Saccorotti Gilberto<br />

03:06 pm Numerical Modeling of the Cyclic Pressure Change in the<br />

Magma Chamber of the Soufriere Hills during the Dome Collapse, July<br />

2003<br />

Taira Taka’Aki, I. Selwyn Sacks, Alan T. Linde, Dannie Hidayat.<br />

Speaker Taira Taka’Aki<br />

03:28 pm An amplitude battle: attenuation in bubbly magma versus<br />

conduit resonance<br />

Smith Patrick, Jurgen Neuberg. Speaker Smith Patrick<br />

03:50 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:20 pm Volcanic Activity Triggering due to Induced Pressure<br />

Changes in Magma Chambers<br />

Sacks Selwyn, Dannie Hidayat, Alan T. Linde. Speaker Sacks<br />

Selwyn<br />

04:42 pm Wave amplification in supersaturated bubbly magma<br />

Kurzon Ittai, Vladimir Lyakhovsky, Nadav Lensky, Oded Navon.<br />

Speaker Kurzon Ittai<br />

05:04 pm Numerical investigations of the seismic-acoustic coupling<br />

mechanism for long period events.<br />

Matoza Robin, Milton Garces, Bernard Chouet, Luca D’Auria,<br />

Michael Hedlin. Speaker Matoza Robin<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace Main<br />

Hall<br />

Chairpersons: -<br />

Seismic activity prior to the recents eruptions of volcano Nyamuragira,<br />

Western Rift Valley of Africa<br />

Tuluka Mavonga, Sadaka K. Kavotha, Mifundu Wafula, Osodundu Etoy,<br />

Bizimana K. Rusangiza, Jacques Durieux, Ndontoni Zana. Speaker Tuluka<br />

Mavonga<br />

Volcanogenic deformations and related seismicity --- Pozzuoli, Rabaul<br />

and Usu ---<br />

Yokoyama Izumi, Dr. Giovanna Berrino. Speaker Yokoyama Izumi<br />

Seismic activity of Ontake volcano, central Japan since December 2006<br />

Nakamichi Haruhisa, Fumiaki Kimata, Fumihito Yamazaki, Makoto Okubo,<br />

Mamoru Yamada, Toshiki Watanabe, Keiichi Tadokoro, Isao Yamada.<br />

Speaker Nakamichi Haruhisa<br />

Seismic and acoustic signals associated with the 2004 volcanic activity<br />

at Mt. Asama, central Japan<br />

Ohminato Takao. Speaker Ohminato Takao<br />

Short time scale relationship between SO2 flux and volcanic earthquake<br />

spectra: An example from Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West<br />

Indies<br />

Jolly Arthur, Steve Sherburn, Gillian Jolly, Philippe. Jousset, Venus Bass,<br />

Raquel Syers. Speaker Jolly Arthur<br />

Precise hypocenter determination of earthquakes beneath the summit<br />

caldera of Miyakejima Volcano, Japan<br />

Ueda Hideki, Eisuke Fujita, Motoo Ukawa, Eiji Yamamoto, Tetsuya Jitsufuchi.<br />

Speaker Ueda Hideki<br />

Long-period earthquakes in Bouillante hydrothermal system<br />

(Guadeloupe, French Antilles)<br />

Jousset Philippe, Bernard Chouet. Speaker Jousset Philippe<br />

Quantitative analysis of lp signals associated with recent activity of MT.<br />

Etna.<br />

Di Lieto Bellina, Saccorotti Gilberto, Lokmer Ivan, Bean Chris, Scarpa<br />

Roberto. Speaker Di Lieto Bellina<br />

Long Period Seismic Signals Observed before the Caldera Formation<br />

during the 2000 Miyake-jima Volcanic Activity<br />

Kobayashi Tomokazu, Takao Ohminato, Yoshiaki Ida, Eisuke Fujita. Speaker<br />

Kobayashi Tomokazu<br />

b-Value spatial mapping at Mount Etna Volcano (Italy)<br />

Murru Maura, Rodolfo Console, Giuseppe Falcone, Caterina Montuori,<br />

Tiziana Sgroi. Speaker Murru Maura<br />

Noise wavefield analysis in the Vesuvius area from array measurements<br />

Maresca Rosalba, Lucia Nardone, Danilo Galluzzo, Mario La Rocca, Edoardo<br />

Del Pezzo. Speaker Maresca Rosalba<br />

Analysis of Erebus Volcano and its comparison with Stromboli<br />

Falanga Mariarosaria, De Lauro Enza, De Martino Salvatore, Palo Mauro.<br />

Speaker Falanga Mariarosaria<br />

Hidden Dykes detected on Ultra Long Period seismic signals<br />

Houlie Nicolas, Jean-Paul Montagner. Speaker Houlie Nicolas<br />

Submarine volcanic activity in French Polynesia detected by the BBOBS<br />

array<br />

Ito Aki, Hiroko Sugioka, Daisuke Suetsugu, Hajime Shiobara, Toshihiko<br />

Kanazawa, Yoshio Fukao. Speaker Ito Aki<br />

Nature of low frequency earthquakes observed at Asama volcano: Time<br />

variation of wave parameters and hypocenter distribution<br />

Oikawa Jun, Yoshiaki Ida. Speaker Oikawa Jun<br />

The Krakatau volcano monitoring system (Indonesia)<br />

Ibs-von Seht Malte, Rudolf Kniess, Claudia Khler, Arne Hoffmann-Rothe,<br />

Klaus Klinge, Eckhard Faber, Christian Reichert, Mas Atje Purbawinata,<br />

Hendra Gunawan. Speaker Ibs-von Seht Malte<br />

P- and S-wave velocity structure on Sao Miguel Island, Azores<br />

Silveira Dina, Carsten Riedel, Ari Tryggvason, Nicolau Wallenstein, Jess Ibez.<br />

Speaker Silveira Dina<br />

Relations between volcanoseismicity and geoelectric signal variations<br />

in the Timanfaya Volcanic Zone (Lanzarote Island, Canary Islands,<br />

Spain) and the island hydrological system<br />

Carmona Javier, Ramn Ortiz. Speaker Carmona Javier<br />

Changes in seismic activity at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat and<br />

the increasing importance of rockfall seismicity for eruption monitoring<br />

De Angelis Silvio, Richard Luckett, Vicky Hards. Speaker De Angelis Silvio<br />

Seismic characterization of pyroclastic flow activity at Soufriere Hills<br />

Volcano, Montserrat on January 08, 2007<br />

De Angelis Silvio, Vicky Hards. Speaker De Angelis Silvio<br />

Wavelet analysis related to eruptions of Colima Volcano, Mexico<br />

Vargas-Bracamontes Dulce, F. Alejandro Nava, Gabriel A. Reyes-Davila.<br />

Speaker Vargas-Bracamontes Dulce<br />

Assessing the factors that impact on the generation of volcano-tectonic<br />

earthquakes<br />

Vargas-Bracamontes Dulce, Jurgen Neuberg. Speaker Vargas-Bracamontes<br />

Dulce<br />

VS004 Intraplate monogenetic basaltic and kimberlite volcanic<br />

provinces and processes<br />

Conveners: Giordano Guido, Cas Ray<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Chemistry<br />

Room B<br />

09:00 am Interpreting original textures in strongly altered<br />

kimberlites: examples from the Ekati Diamond Mine, NWT, Canada<br />

Porritt Lucy, Ray Cas. Speaker Porritt Lucy<br />

09:30 am Experimental constraints on the role of fluidisation in<br />

kimberlite emplacement<br />

Gernon Thomas, Steve Sparks, Mark A. Gilbertson, Matthew<br />

Field. Speaker Gernon Thomas<br />

10:00 am Characteristics of a tectonically controlled basaltic<br />

volcanic field<br />

Valentine Greg, F.V. Perry. Speaker Valentine Greg<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am The major problems with existing volcanological models<br />

and terminology associated with kimberlite pipes<br />

Cas Ray, P. Hayman, A. Pittari, L. Porritt. Speaker Cas Ray<br />

11:30 am Geometry, facies architecture and emplacement processes<br />

of kimberlite megaturbidite packages, Fort la Corne kimberlite field,<br />

Saskatchewan, Canada.<br />

Pittari Adrian, Ray A. F. Cas, Stephan Kurszlaukis, Nathalie<br />

Lefebvre, Kimberley Webb. Speaker Pittari Adrian

11 July, 2007<br />

12:00 pm The volcanological implications for Kimberlite<br />

emplacement based on the study of contrasting pipe margin contacts:<br />

a case study of the Muskox and Jericho pipes, Northern slave province,<br />

Nunavut, Canada<br />

Hayman Patrick, Raymond Af Cas. Speaker Hayman Patrick<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

02:00 pm Welded/agglutinated intra-crater deposits: an example<br />

from the Victor Northwest kimberlite pipe, Northern Ontario, Canada<br />

van Straaten Bram, Maya G. Kopylova, J.K. Russell, Kimberley<br />

J. Webb, Barbara H. Scott Smith. Speaker van Straaten Bram<br />

02:30 pm Transition from monogenetic to polygenetic volcanism<br />

at Mt. Melbourne volcanic province, McMurdo Volcanic Group, North<br />

Victoria Land (Antarctica)<br />

Giordano Guido, Fabrizio Balsamo, Federico Rossetti,<br />

Francesco Salvini, Fabrizio Storti. Speaker Giordano Guido<br />

03:00 pm The volcano-tectonic setting of the intraplate, Plioceneolocene,<br />

Newer Volcanic Province (SE Australia): factors influencing<br />

volcanism<br />

Giordano Guido, Chiara Lesti, Francesco Salvini, Raymond<br />

.F. Cas. Speaker Chiara Lesti<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Structurally disrupted and chemically weakened zones in<br />

segmented kimberlite dyke systems cause vent localization<br />

Kavanagh Janine, Dr Richy J. Brown, Prof R. Stephen J.<br />

Sparks. Speaker Kavanagh Janine<br />

04:30 pm Clastogenic kimberlite rocks<br />

Brown Richard, Ben Buse, Mark Tait, Steve Sparks, Matthew<br />

Field. Speaker Brown Richard<br />

05:00 pm Potrok Aike Maar soft-substrate maar volcano<br />

Implications for vent geometry and the palaeo-environmental setting<br />

Martin Ulrike, Helga De Wall. Speaker Martin Ulrike<br />

oster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Dynamics of kimberlite pipe formation: insights from wall-rock<br />

structures and lithic distributions in volcaniclastic kimberlite<br />

Buse Ben, Prof. Stephen Sparks (Rsj Sparks), Mr Matthew Field. Speaker<br />

Buse Ben<br />

Auckland volcanic field, New Zealand: geophysical characteristics and<br />

regional structure<br />

ocke Corinne, John Cassidy, K. Bernhard Sporli, Jennifer D. Eccles, Helen<br />

A. Williams. Speaker Locke Corinne<br />

ecent Basaltic Vulcanism in the Sierra Chichinautzin near Mexico City<br />

Mexico.<br />

artin Del Pozzo Ana Lillian, Ramon Espinaza Perea, Susanne Straub.<br />

peaker Martin Del Pozzo Ana Lillian<br />

Crater-infill at Diavik: facies architecture, textures, volcanic processes<br />

and implications<br />

Moss Stephen. Speaker Moss Stephen<br />

VS007 Calderas II: Calderas and caldera forming eruptions<br />

Conveners: Scandone Roberto, Ventura Guido, De Astis Gianfilippo<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Library<br />

09:00 am Caldera types: how end-members relate to evolutionary<br />

stages of collapse<br />

Acocella Valerio. Speaker Acocella Valerio<br />

09:30 am The interplay between eruption dynamics and the<br />

mechanics of caldera formation<br />

Scandone Roberto, Valerio Acocella. Speaker Scandone<br />

Roberto<br />

09:50 am Active vs Passive collapse calderas<br />

Marti Joan, Aguirre-Daz Gerardo, Geyer Adelina. Speaker Marti<br />

Joan<br />

10:10 am CCDB: the worldwide collapse caldera database<br />

Geyer Adelina, Joan Marti. Speaker Geyer Adelina<br />

10:30 am Distribution of large silicic calderas in arc settings<br />

Hughes Gwyneth, Gail Mahood. Speaker Hughes Gwyneth<br />

10:50 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:20 am Volcanic evolution of the back-arc complex of Payun<br />

Matru (Argentina) and its geodynamic implications for caldera-forming<br />

eruption in a complex slab geometry setting.<br />

Germa Aurelie, Quidelleur Xavier, Gillot Pierre-Yves,<br />

Tchilinguirian Pablo. Speaker Germa Aurelie<br />

1:40 am Syntectonic multiple-vent eruption of a laterally extensive,<br />

pumice-free and crystal-rich ignimbrite (the Cretaceous Kusandong<br />

Tuff, Korea)<br />

Sohn Young Kwan, Jong Ok Jeong, Yong Moon Jeon. Speaker<br />

ohn Young Kwan<br />

12:00 pm Implications for contemporaneous generation of proximal<br />

spatter and lithic-rich breccias in caldera forming eruptions as inferred<br />

from proximal breccias assoicated with the tufo rosso a scorie nere;<br />

the 151 Ka Sutri eruption, Vico Caldera, Italy<br />

Bear Adele, Raymond A. F. Cas, Guido Giordano. Speaker<br />

Bear Adele<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Library<br />

02:00 pm The onset of decompression recorded in phenocrysts of<br />

he Bishop Tuff<br />

Gualda Guilherme, Ayla Pamukcu, Alfred T. Anderson Jr.,<br />

Stephen R. Sutton. Speaker Gualda Guilherme<br />

02:20 pm Magmatic control of the adjacent collapses resulting in the<br />

as Caadas caldera of Tenerife<br />

Tentler Tatiana, Carles Soriano. Speaker Tentler Tatiana<br />

02:40 pm The vent area of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (Campi Flegrei,<br />

ITaly): new insight from directional fabric through image analysis<br />

Valentini Laura, Bruno Capaccioni, Piermaria Luigi Rossi,<br />

Roberto Scandone, Damiano Sarocchi. Speaker Valentini Laura<br />

03:00 pm Hydro-magmatic caldera-forming eruptions in the Aeolian<br />

Volcanic District (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) through multi-cyclic<br />

deposition of turbulent Pyroclastic Density Currents<br />

De Astis Gianfilippo, Rosanna De Rosa, Federico Lucchi,<br />

laudia Romagnoli, Claudio Antonio Tranne, Guido Ventura. Speaker<br />

Rosanna Derosa<br />

03:20 pm 15.4 MA Felsic ignimbrites caldera in Gutai MTS., eastern<br />

Carpathians, Romania<br />

Fulop Alexandrina. Speaker Fulop Alexandrina<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Trachytic magmatic evolution of Talagapa Chico Caldera, Somun Cura<br />

Plateau, Patagonia, Argentina<br />

Nullo Francisco, Corina Risso, Tomas Ganduglia. Speaker Corina Risso<br />

ariations in eruption styles, transportation and depositional processes<br />

nd deposit characteristics of the phonolitic, 151 ka Sutri member,<br />

aldera-forming eruption, VIco Caldera, Central Italy.<br />

ear Adele, Raymond A. F Cas, Guido Giordano. Speaker Bear Adele<br />

volution of a marine caldera-forming eruption, generating a low-aspect<br />

atio pyroclastic flow, 7.3 ka, Kikai caldera, Japan: implication from<br />

near-vent eruptive deposits<br />

Maeno Fukashi, Hiromitsu Taniguchi. Speaker Maeno Fukashi<br />

Gravity changes and ground deformation on the Island of Nisyros<br />

Volcano (Greece) for the period 2001-2006.<br />

i Nezza Maria, Michele Di Filippo, Beniamino Toro. Speaker Di Nezza Maria<br />

S017 Pedagogical and didactical methods in earth science<br />

education and geopark concepts in demonstrating volcanic processes<br />

onveners: Martin Ulrike<br />

ral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room C<br />

09:00 am Geodiversity in the East Carpathian Arc; the use of<br />

geological sites in education<br />

Papp Delia Cristina, Eugenia Nitoi. Speaker Papp Delia<br />

Cristina<br />

09:30 am Volcanoes from Malarge (Mendoza-Argentina), proposed to<br />

promote geotourism.<br />

Risso Corina, Kroly Nmeth, Ulrike Martin. Speaker Risso<br />

Corina<br />

10:00 am Russian scientific-educational center<br />

Gusev Alexander. Speaker Gusev Alexander<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am Using tailored problem-based learning and volcanoes to<br />

teach undergraduate geoscience<br />

Dadd Kelsie, Theresa Winchester-Seeto, Richard Flood.<br />

Speaker Dadd Kelsie<br />

1:30 am The Campi Flegrei geopark as a tool to awaken population<br />

to volcanic risk<br />

Petrosino Paola, Armiero Valentina, Lirer Lucio. Speaker<br />

Petrosino Paola<br />

12:00 pm Iron and sulphur flows in Central Andes, northern Chile<br />

Naranjo Jose Antonio, Henrquez Fernando, Andrade Belisario.<br />

Speaker Naranjo Jose Antonio<br />

Poster 11 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Training to teach: how to plan a didactic unit about volcanic hazard. An<br />

experience in the Neapolitan region, Italy.<br />

De Lucia Maddalena, Maria Rosaria Strollo. Speaker De Lucia Maddalena<br />

VS021 Eruptions of Stromboli Volcano, Italy, March 2007<br />

Conveners: Scandone Roberto<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 14<br />

02:00 pm The chronology of the 2007 Stromboli eruption and the<br />

activity of the scientific synthesis group<br />

Barberi Franco, Rosi M. Speaker Barberi Franco<br />

02:15 pm Volcanological and thermal monitoring of the 2007<br />

Stromboli eruption<br />

Calvari Sonia, Bertagnini A, Cristaldi A., Landi P., Lodato L.,<br />

Marotta E.. Speaker Calvari Sonia<br />

02:30 pm Stromboli 2007: Shallow Dyke propagation, fracturing and<br />

conduit collapse<br />

Neri Marco, Tibaldi A.. Speaker Neri Marco<br />

02:45 pm Petrochemical composition of the products erupted during<br />

the February-April 2007 eruption at Stromboli volcano<br />

Corsaro Rosa Anna, Bertagnini A., Boari E, Freda C., Landi<br />

P., Metrich N., Miraglia L., Petrone C.M., Polacci M., Pompilio M., Tesoro R.,<br />

Tommasini S.. Speaker Corsaro Rosa Anna<br />

03:00 pm VLP sources and vulcanian explosions from broadband<br />

seismic and volumetric strain records on Stromboli volcano<br />

Martini Marcello, L. D’Auria, F. Giudicepietro, W. De Cesare, M.<br />

Orazi, R. Peluso, G. Scarpato, M.A. Esposito, A. Caputo, B.A. Chouet, P.B.<br />

Dawson, R. Scarpa. Speaker Martini Marcello<br />

03:15 pm Monitoring the eruption by an integrated Geophysical<br />

network<br />

Ripepe Maurizio, G. Ulivieri, R. Genco, G. Lacanna. Speaker<br />

Ripepe Maurizio<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Ground deformation monitoring at Stromboli : insights on<br />

recent eruptions<br />

Bonaccorso Alessandro, Aloisi M, Bonforte A, Gambino<br />

S., Guglielmino F, Mattia M, Palano M, Puglisi G. Speaker Bonaccorso<br />

Alessandro<br />

04:15 pm Insar monitoring of deformation on the Stromboli volcano<br />

during the 2007 eruption<br />

Casagli Nicola, Antonello Giuseppe, Catani Filippo, Fortuny-<br />

Guasch Joaquim, Guerri Letizia, Leva Davide, Rivolta Carlo, Tarchi Dario.<br />

Speaker Casagli Nicola<br />

04:30 pm Evolution of the Sciara Del Fuoco slope after the instability<br />

phenomena triggered by the february 2007 eruption<br />

Marsella Maria, Sonnessa A., Bernardo E, Proietti C., Tommasi<br />

P., Coltelli M, Chiocci F, Romagnoli C, Bosman A.. Speaker Marsella Maria<br />

04:45 pm Measurements of plume CO2 and SO2 flux during the 2007<br />

Stromboli eruption<br />

Aiuppa Alessandro, Burton M., Caltabiano T., Federico C.,<br />

Giudice G., Guida R., Gurrieri S., Murè F., Liuzzo M., Randazzo D., Salerno<br />

G.. Speaker Aiuppa Alessandro<br />

05:00 pm The Stromboli 2007 eruption: discrete and continuous<br />

Geochemical monitoring of thermal waters and soil degassing.<br />

Inguaggiato Salvatore, S. Bellomo, N. Bobrowski, L. Brusca,<br />

L. Calderone, G. Papasso, S. De Gregorio, C. Federico, S. Francofonte, V.<br />

Francofonte, F. Grassa, M. Lotta, M. Longo, P. Madonna, A. Mastrolia, S.<br />

Morici, M. Ranaldi, T. Ricci, G. Riccobono, A. Rizzo, F. Salerno, A. Sollami,<br />

M. Tantillo, F. Vita, G. Volpicelli. Speaker Inguaggiato Salvatore<br />

05:15 pm Civil protection organization and emergency cycle<br />

management<br />

Cardaci Chiara, Bernardo De Bernardinis, Pierluigi Soddu,<br />

Riccardo Colozza, Antonella Scalzo, Stefano Ciolli, Vittorio Bosi, Chiara<br />

Cristiani, Luciano Cavarra, Domenico Mangione, Antonio Ricciardi. Speaker<br />

Cardaci Chiara<br />

VS022 Mt Ruapehu (NZ) breakout lahar, 18 March 2007<br />

Conveners: Nemeth Karoly<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room A<br />

Chairpersons: Karoly Nemeth<br />

09:00 am Mt. Ruapehu Lahar HAzards - an historical context<br />

Cronin Shane, V.E. Neall, J.A. Lecointre, V. Manville. Speaker<br />

Cronin Shane<br />

09:20 am Characterising the initiation of the 18th March 2007<br />

Ruapehu crater lake Lahar: reconstructing the dam failure mechanism<br />

Manville Vern, Massey C., Hancox G.T., Keys H.J.R.. Speaker<br />

Manville Vern<br />

09:40 am Dynamics of the 18 March 2007 Ruapehu Lahar from<br />

geophysical and geochemical observations<br />

Cronin Shane, S.E. Cole, H.K. Mcmillan, V. Manville. Speaker<br />

Cronin Shane<br />

10:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10:30 am Flow observations and their relationship to the<br />

depositional record of the 18 Mar 2007 Ruapehu Lahar<br />

Lube Gert, S.J. Cronin, J-C. Thoret, A.V. Zernack, P. Kellman,<br />

K. Holt, V.E. Neall, J.N. Procter, M. Irwin, S.E. Cole, A. Moebis, I. Chapman,<br />

M. Turner, H.K. Mcmillan, C. Robertson, K.M. Martelli, K. Nemeth, J.A.<br />

Lecointre. Speaker Lube Gert<br />

10:50 am Evaluation of TITAN2D modelling forecasts of the<br />

anticipated “Breakout Flood” at Ruapehu<br />

Sheridan Michael, J.N. Procter, S.J. Cronin, A. Patra, B.<br />

Pitman, V. Manville, H.J.R. Keys. Speaker Sheridan Michael<br />

11:10 am Modelling hydrodynamics of the March 2007 crater lake<br />

outburst, Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand<br />

Manville Vern, J. L. Carrivick, S.J. Cronin. Speaker Manville Vern<br />

VW002 Non-localised volcanic hazards - Inter-agency and<br />

international communications<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 6<br />

Conveners: Andrew Tupper, Warner Marzocchi<br />

10.00 am Welcome & Introduction- Andrew Tupper (WOVO)<br />

10.10 am The International Airways Volcano Watch – Raul Romero<br />

(International Civil Aviation Organisation)<br />

10.55 am Emergency Environmental Response operations of the UK<br />

Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre - Stewart Wortley, UK Met<br />

Office<br />

11.20 am Operations of the Toulouse Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre, and<br />

experiences liaising within Europe and Africa – Philippe Husson, Meteo<br />

France<br />

45.45 National and international collaboration on Volcano Hazard<br />

Mitigation– Surono, Director Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard<br />

Mitigation (Indonesia)<br />

12.10 The IGOS Geohazards Initative – Warner Marzocchi (INGV)<br />

(including GLOBVOLCANO)<br />

VW002 Non-localised volcanic hazards - Inter-agency and international<br />

communications<br />

Conveners: Andrew Tupper, Warner Marzocchi<br />

Oral 11 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 6<br />

2:00 pm partnerships in the Asia/Pacific – experiences of the Darwin<br />

VAAC – Andrew Tupper 2.15 pm USGS perspective (include discussion of<br />

VDAP and also NOAA/USGS relationship with Augustine & tsunami) – Gari<br />

Mayberry (20 min)<br />

1. The eruption source parameters group – Peter Webley (10<br />

minutes)<br />

2. Focus on Italy (90 min):<br />

a. Introduction to inter-agency co-ordination in Italy -<br />

Mauro Coltelli (INGV)<br />

b. ENAC – regulation of air traffic and airport operation<br />

during a volcanic crisis – G. Semenzato<br />

c. Civil Protection - management of a volcanic crises<br />

threatening the aviation – S. Ciolli<br />

d. INGV(Coltelli) – Ash cloud monitoring<br />

e. INGV (Neri) - Problems and solutions for forecasting<br />

the ash clouds before and during a crisis<br />

f. INGV (Macedonio) – ‘porting’ the Etna experience to<br />

a future Vesuvious crisis, and the October 2006 largescale<br />

Mesimex<br />

3. Discussion groups: (suggest one hour of discussion, with an all-<br />

Italian group focussing on Italian issues and an international group<br />

discussing more general ideas) - 60 min<br />

4. Reporting back from discussion groups - 15 min<br />

12 July, 2007<br />

US011 Modelling and simulation of geophysical flows: present<br />

and future<br />

Convener: Augusto Neri<br />

Co-conveners: George Bergantz, Einat Aharonov, Oleg Melnik<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Rectorate Main Hall<br />

Chairperson: Augusto Neri<br />

09:00 am Numerical modeling and visualization of subduction<br />

processes<br />

Gerya Taras, Weronika Gorczyk, Manuele Faccenda,<br />

Ksenia Nikolaeva, James Connolly, David Yuen. Speaker<br />

Gerya Taras<br />

09:20 am Modeling of hydrothermal fluid circulation in active<br />

volcanic areas<br />

Todesco Micol. Speaker Todesco Micol<br />

09:40 am Cyclic behaviour in lava dome building eruptions<br />

Barmin Alexei, Oleg Melnik, Antonio Costa, Stephen<br />

Sparks. Speaker Oleg Melnik<br />

10:00 am Modeling the fluid dynamics of multicomponent<br />

compressible magma in sub-surface<br />

volcanic environment<br />

Papale Paolo, Antonella Longo, David Barbato, Melissa<br />

Vassalli, Michele Barsanti. Speaker Papale Paolo<br />

10:20 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

Chairpersons: Einat Aharonov and Oleg Melnik<br />

10.50 am Laboratory analogue investigation of the dynamics of<br />

vulcanian eruptions: insights into fundamental<br />

dynamics and constraints for numerical investigations<br />

Phillips Jeremy, Amanda B. Clarke, Kirsten N. Chojnicki.<br />

Speaker Phillips Jeremy<br />

11.10 am Large-scale experiments on the mechanics of<br />

pyroclastic flows: first results and implication for<br />

density currents modelling<br />

Dellino Pierfrancesco, Zimanowski Bernd, Bttner Ralf, La<br />

Volpe Luigi, Mele Daniela, Sulpizio Roberto.<br />

Speaker Dellino Pierfrancesco<br />

11:30 am Integrating multi-scale observations with macroscopic<br />

models of explosive volcanic eruptions:<br />

The role of subgrid models in coupling laboratory and<br />

numerical experiments with field observations<br />

Dufek Josef, Michael Manga. Speaker Michael Manga<br />

11:50 am Numerical Plume Modeling with ATHAM: Volcanic<br />

Eruptions Columns and beyond<br />

Herzog Michael, Christiane Textor, Joerg Trentmann,<br />

Gunnar Luderer, Hans-F. Graf.<br />

Speaker Herzog Michael<br />

12:10 am Modeling the dynamics of turbulent multiphase gravity<br />

currents: the importance of<br />

geologically diverse boundary conditions<br />

Dufek Josef, G.W. Bergantz. Speaker Dufek Josef<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 03:20 PM - Rectorate Main Hall<br />

Chairperson: George Bergantz<br />

02:00 pm Long runout landslides: the role of frictional heating<br />

and hydraulic diffusivity<br />

Aharonov Einat, Liran Goren. Speaker Aharonov Einat<br />

02:20 pm 12:04 pm Bulk rheology of dense granular flows<br />

Ertas Deniz. Speaker Ertas Deniz<br />

02:40 pm On In Situ Dissolution of Evaporites<br />

Woods Andy. Speaker Woods Andy<br />

03:00 pm Channelization driven by subsurface flow: models,<br />

observations, and experiments<br />

Rothman Daniel, Daniel Abrams, Christopher Follett,<br />

Douglas Jerolmack, Arshad Kudrolli,<br />

Alexander E. Lobkovsky, Brandon Mcelroy, David Mohrig,<br />

Holly Owens, Alexander Petroff, Kyle Straub.<br />

Speaker Rothman Daniel<br />

03:20 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

HS1002 A New Focus on Integrated Analysis of<br />

Groundwater/Surface-Water Systems: Process Understanding,<br />

Conceptualisation and Modelling. (Sponsors ICGW, ICSW and<br />

ICCLAS)<br />

Conveners: Abesser Corinna, Wagener Thorsten, Nuetzmann<br />

Gunnar<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0<br />

09:00 am Prospecting for freshwater: hydro-meteo-bio-geophysical<br />

controls of surface water-groundwater<br />

interactions<br />

Barros Ana P.. Speaker Barros Ana P.<br />

09:30 am Hydrological droughts: role of aquifer-stream interaction<br />

van Lanen Henny A.J., Lena M. Tallaksen. Speaker van<br />

Lanen Henny A.J.<br />

09:50 am Why would a subsurface drained catchment export less<br />

or more water above a threshold flow<br />

rate<br />

Augeard Bndicte, Nedelec Yves, Kao Cyril, Birgand<br />

Franois. Speaker Augeard Bndicte<br />

10:10 am Comprehensive physics-based hydrologic-response<br />

modeling: examining the impact of a forest<br />

road<br />

Mirus Benjamin, Brian Ebel, Keith Loague. Speaker Mirus<br />

Benjamin<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Mechanisms of saline groundwater discharge into the<br />

River Murray Australia<br />

Love Andrew J, Gundrun Massmann, Craig T Simmons,<br />

Paul Shand, Julianne James-Smith, Volmer<br />

Berens, James Ward. Speaker Love Andrew J<br />

11:20 am Groundwater/Surface Water Interaction methodologies in<br />

South African fractured rock environment<br />

Dennis, Ingrid/ presenter: Moseki, Chris<br />

11:40 am Modelling the hydrological balance of an amazonian<br />

floodplain lake: indirect quantification<br />

of groundwater/surface-water exchange<br />

Seyler Patrick, Marie-Paule Bonnet, Gwenael Barroux.<br />

Speaker Seyler Patrick<br />

12:00 am A DEM-Based Residual Kriging Model for Estimating<br />

Groundwater Levels within a Large-Scale Domain - A Study for the<br />

Fuyang River Basin<br />

Zhu, Kui<br />

12:20 Discussion<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0<br />

2:00 pm Integrated Hydrologic Modeling: A Semi-Discrete<br />

Strategy<br />

Duffy Christopher. Speaker Duffy Christopher<br />

2:30 pm Towards A Common Conceptual Framework for<br />

Integrated Modeling of Surface-water/Groundwater<br />

Systems in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions<br />

Liu Yuqiong, Hoshin V. Gupta, Matej Durcik, Thorsten<br />

Wagener, Everett Springer. Speaker<br />

Liu Yuqiong<br />

02:50 pm The role and the particularities of groundwater<br />

recharge and baseflow in integrated regional<br />

models<br />

Barthel Roland, Andras Bardossy, Johanna Jagelke.<br />

Speaker Barthel Roland<br />

03:10 pm A simplified model for estimating surface runoff<br />

hydrographs at watershed scale<br />

Corradini Corrado, Renato Morbidelli, Carla Saltalippi,<br />

Alessia Flamini, Rao S. Govindaraju.<br />

Speaker Alessia Flammini<br />

03:30 Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm A new subsurface flow formulation incorporating<br />

subgrid spatial variability of topography<br />

and groundwater recharge<br />

Liang Xu, Maoyi Huang, L. Ruby Leung. Speaker Liang Xu<br />

04:20 pm Analysis of nutrient losses and associated data and<br />

parameter uncertainties in soil and

12 July, 2007<br />

surface water systems on catchment scale<br />

Groenendijk Piet, Christian Siderius, Dennis J.J. Walvoort,<br />

Leo V. Renaud. Speaker<br />

Groenendijk Piet<br />

04:40 pm Modelling water exchanges between channel networks<br />

and soil domains<br />

Sulis Mauro, Giovanni Moretti, Stefano Orlandini, Claudio<br />

Paniconi. Speaker Stefano<br />

Orlandini<br />

05:00 pm Closing the catchment-scale water balance: a case<br />

study<br />

Andréassian Vazken, Le Moine Nicolas. Speaker Le Moine<br />

Nicolas<br />

5:20 pm Discussion<br />

HS2004 Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty<br />

for Sustainable Water Resources Management (Sponsors ICCLAS,<br />


and PUB)<br />

Conveners: Boegh Eva, Kunstmann Harald<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A2<br />

Chairpersons: Luis Bastidas and Hoshin Gupta<br />

9:00 am AMMA multi-scale resolution forcing data for a better<br />

understanding of the West-African<br />

Monsoon surface-atmosphere-hydrology interactions<br />

Boone Aaron, Patricia Derosnay. Speaker Boone Aaron<br />

09:30 am Quantifying the availability and reliability of water<br />

resources in a large agricultural<br />

watershed using a coupled atmospheric-hydrological<br />

model<br />

Pietroniro Alain, Vincent Fortin, Stphane Blair, Diana<br />

Verseghy, Pierre Pellerin. Speaker<br />

Pietroniro Alain<br />

09:45 pm Earth system science perspectives for improved water<br />

management: a prototype system-of-systems<br />

Vorosmarty Charles. Speaker Vorosmarty Charles<br />

10:00 am Representativeness of point soil moisture<br />

observations, upscaling and assimilation<br />

De Lannoy Gabriëlle, Valentijn R. N. Pauwels, Paul R.<br />

Houser, Niko E. C. Verhoest, Timothy<br />

Gish. Speaker De Lannoy Gabriëlle<br />

10:15 am Effects of soil moisture parameterization on a real time<br />

flood forecasting system based<br />

on rainfall thresholds<br />

Ravazzani Giovanni, Marco Mancini, Paolo Amadio, Ilaria<br />

Giudici. Speaker Ravazzani<br />

Giovanni<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Comparing model performance of the HBV and VIC<br />

models in the Rhine Basin<br />

Te Linde Aline, Ruud Hurkmans, Jeroen Aerts, Han<br />

Dolman. Speaker Te Linde Aline<br />

11:15 am May a land surface model simulate runoff with the<br />

same accuracy as a hydrological model<br />

Nasonova Olga, Yeugeniy Gusev. Speaker Nasonova Olga<br />

1:30 am Water balance evaluation using remote sensing driven<br />

land surface modeling and spatially<br />

distributed hydrological modeling<br />

Boegh Eva, Lars Troldborg. Speaker Boegh Eva<br />

1:45 am The use of physical basin properties and runoff<br />

generation concepts as an aid to parameter<br />

quantification in conceptual rainfall-runoff models.<br />

Hughes Denis, Evison Kapangaziwiri. Speaker Hughes<br />

Denis<br />

12:00 am Rainfall-runoff modeling for ungauged catchments in arid<br />

and semi-arid regions-towards<br />

a decision support system<br />

Jarrar Ammar, Dr. Iranjali Jayasuriya, Dr. Maazuza<br />

thman, Dr. Anan Jayyousi. Speaker<br />

Nira Jayasuriya<br />

12:15 pm Approche quantitative de calcul du deficit d’écoulement<br />

dans le bassin hydrographique<br />

du Cheliff Zahrez en Algerie du Nord.<br />

Bnina Mme Touaibia. Speaker Bnina Mme Touaibia<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A2<br />

Chairpersons: Hoshin Gupta and Luis Bastidas<br />

2.00 pm Integrating meteorological and uncertainty information in<br />

flood forecasting: The FLOODRELIEF Decision Support System<br />

Michael B. Butts, Anne Katrine V. Falk, Yunqing Xuan, Ian D. Cluckie<br />

2:30 pm Appropriated use of ensemble forecasts in operational<br />

flood management<br />

Dietrich Joerg, Sebastian Trepte, Andreas Schumann, Yan<br />

Wang, Frank Vo. Speaker Dietrich<br />

Joerg<br />

02:45 pm Long-term probabilistic forecasting of spring flood<br />

characteristics and investigation<br />

of forecast uncertainty.<br />

Kuchment Lev. Speaker Kuchment Lev<br />

03:00 pm Peak flow estimation under parameter uncertainty in a<br />

real time flood warning system for ungauged basins,<br />

Daniela Biondi & Pasquale Versace<br />

03:15 pm Reducing the uncertainty of flood forecasts through<br />

single-step calibration strategies<br />

Andréassian Vazken, Tangara Mamoutou, Perrin Charles.<br />

Speaker Perrin Charles<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Predictive models of reservoir storage-yield-reliability<br />

functions: inter-comparisons<br />

of regression and multi-layer perceptron artificial<br />

neural network paradigms<br />

Adeloye Adebayo. Speaker Adeloye Adebayo<br />

04:30 pm Effect of uncertainties on the real time operation of a<br />

lowland water system in the Netherlands<br />

Weijs Steven, Peter-Jules Van Overloop, Elgard Van<br />

Leeuwen, Nick Van De Giesen. Speaker<br />

Weijs Steven<br />

04:45 pm Predictive Uncertainties in Optimization of Sustainable<br />

Water Resources<br />

Mok Chin Man, Nisai Wanakule, Armen Der Kiureghian,<br />

Steven Gorelick. Speaker Mok Chin<br />

Man<br />

05:00 pm Flood prediction and sustainable water resources<br />

management in part of Lagos N.E.<br />

Adeaga Olusegun. Speaker Adeaga Olusegun<br />

HS2005 Water Quality and Sediment Behaviour of the Future:<br />

Predictions for the 21st Century<br />

(Sponsor ICWQ, ICCE, ICGW, PUB and ICT)<br />

Conveners: Webb Bruce<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room B<br />

09:00 am Modelling climate change impact on phosphorus load in<br />

Swedish rivers<br />

Jörgen Rosberg and Berit Arheimer<br />

09:20 am Groundwater – surface water exchange fluxes in a<br />

Pleistocene lowland and the impacts on riparian zone water<br />

balance and nitrate conditions<br />

Stefan Krause, Axel Bronstert, Erwin Zehe<br />

09:40 am Effect of frequent storms on nutrient discharge in a<br />

mountainous coastal catchment, western Japan<br />

Shin-ichi Onodera, Misa Sawano, Mitsuyo Saito & Hidehiro Takahashi<br />

10:00 am Evaluation des méthodes d’estimation de flux<br />

événementiels des nitrates et d’atrazine sur un bassin agricole<br />

Adilson Pinheiro, Flavie Cernesson, Jean François Dubernet<br />

0:20 coffe break<br />

10:40 am Modelling catchment-scale nitrate transport using a<br />

combined process based and data-driven approach<br />

Rajesh Raj Shrestha & Michael Rode<br />

11:00 am Long-term trend of uranium concentrations in<br />

Beaverlodge Lake, Saskatchewan of Canada, under mine<br />

decommissioning<br />

Huaxia Yao, Robert Kidd & Michio Hashino<br />

11:20 am The distribution of heavy metals in a highly regulated<br />

river: the River Murray, Australia<br />

Martin C. Thoms<br />

11:40 am Assessing water-sediment processes for metals in rivers<br />

polluted by mining to predict environmental impacts in developing<br />

countries<br />

M. Aurora Armienta, Azucena Dóttor, Flor E. Arcega-cabrera, Oscar<br />

Talavera, Alejandra Aguayo, Nora Ceniceros, Olivia Cruz<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room B<br />

02:00 pm Assessing the relative influence of climatic variability and<br />

land use change on upland water quality using long-term data sets<br />

Doerthe Tetzlaff, Iain Malcolm2, Chris Soulsby<br />

02:20 pm Quantifying sediment deposition and the spatial variability<br />

of sediment-associated metals in ponds treating urban diffuse<br />

pollution<br />

Alan J. Jones, Kate V. Heal, Neil Stuart, Steve G. Wallis, Rebecca J.<br />

Lunn & Barbara Barbarito<br />

02:40 pm Kohonen self-organising map (KSOM) extracted features<br />

for enhancing MLP-ANN prediction models of BOD 5<br />

Rabee Rustum &<br />

Adebayo Adeloye, Aurore Simala<br />

03:00 pm Simulation by the IPTM-CS model of pesticides found in<br />

surface water and groundwater of the Fucino Plain, Italy<br />

Eva Pacioni, Marco Petitta, Miguel A. Mariño<br />

03:20 coffe break<br />

03:40 pm Some reflections on the future of the water quality of the<br />

Corumbataí River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil<br />

Daniel Marcos Bonotto & Jorge Luis Nepomuceno de Lima<br />

04:00 pm An assessment of water quality changes within the Athi<br />

and Nairobi river basins during the last decade<br />

Shadrack Mulei Kithiia<br />

04:20 Flood flow water quality analysis using low-cost samplers in<br />

small rivers<br />

Janaína Bezerra Mesquita Lima & Sérgio Koide<br />

04:40 pm Community based monitoring and the science of water<br />

quality<br />

C. Conrad<br />

HW1002 Patterns, thresholds and non-linearities: Towards a new<br />

theory of catchment hydrology (Sponsor PUB)<br />

Conveners: Troch Peter<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A3<br />

09:00 am Soil Moisture Spatial-Temporal Patterns, Threshold<br />

Behaviors, and Their Relations to Subsurface Flow Network at the<br />

Shale Hills Catchment<br />

Lin Henry, Xiaobo Zhou. Speaker Lin Henry<br />

HW2003 Analysis of Variability in Hydrological Data Series<br />

Conveners: Salvatore Grimaldi, John Rodda, Demetris<br />

Koutsoyiannis, Domenico Piccolo,<br />

Lucio Ubertini,<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I1<br />

Chairperson: Salvatore Grimaldi<br />

09:00 am Changes in hydrological processes detection and<br />

attribution<br />

Kundzewicz Zbigniew. Invited Speaker<br />

09:30 am The omnipresence of scaling behaviour in<br />

hydrometeorological time series and its implications<br />

in climatic change assessments<br />

Montanari Alberto, D. Koutsoyiannis. Speaker Montanari<br />

Alberto<br />

09:45 am Temporal scaling of hydrological and climate time<br />

series and the low frequency variability<br />

Markovic Danijela, Manfred Koch, Holger Lange. Speaker<br />

Markovic Danijela<br />

10:00 am Fitting parametric distributions to roughly rounded off<br />

records<br />

Deidda Roberto. Speaker Deidda Roberto<br />

10:15 am Probability weighted moments techniques applied to<br />

heavy-tailed distributed samples deprived<br />

of largest element<br />

Kochanek Krzysztof. Speaker Kochanek Krzysztof<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Initial study of two-shape-parameter flood frequency<br />

distributions<br />

Markiewicz Iwona. Speaker Markiewicz Iwona<br />

11:15 am Space-Time Analysis of the Variability of Flood<br />

Magnitude and Occurrence in Germany<br />

Merz Bruno, Jochen Stuck. Speaker Merz Bruno<br />

11:30 am Threshold Uncertainty in Modelling Extreme Values by<br />

the Generalised Pareto Distribution<br />

Polettini Silvia, Andrea Tancredi. Speaker Polettini Silvia<br />

11:45 am Empirical validation of a Bayesian combination method<br />

of local and regional information<br />

in flood frequency analyses<br />

Ousmane Seidou, Dr. Taha B.M.J. Ouarda. Speaker<br />

Ousmane Seidou<br />

12:00 pm Statistical Experiment Study of Design Annual Runoff<br />

Estimated by Curve-Fitting Method<br />

for Pearson Type- III Distribution<br />

Chen Yuanfang. Speaker Chen Yuanfang<br />

12:15 pm A daily to hourly rainfall disaggregation method based<br />

on the K-nearest neighbors method<br />

Pelczer Ildik, Leonardo Cisneros Iturbe. Speaker Leonardo<br />

Cisneros Iturbe<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I1<br />

Chairperson: Demetris Koutsoyiannis<br />

02:00 pm An unorthodox physically-based stochastic treatment<br />

of tree rings<br />

Klemes Vit. Invited Speaker<br />

02:15 pm Long time series segmentation with regression-byconstant<br />

Aksoy Hafzullah, Invited Speaker<br />

02:45 pm Advanced tool for statistical testing and its application<br />

for detecting impacts of climate<br />

change on evaporation<br />

Novicky Oldrich, Ladislav Kasparek, Magdalena<br />

Mrkvickova, Mayako Stemberk. Speaker<br />

Novicky Oldrich<br />

03:00 pm Frequency analysis of extremes in a large river basin<br />

Impact of climate and/or land use<br />

change<br />

Uhlenbrook Stefan, Tu Min, Pieter De Laat, Marcel De Witt.<br />

Speaker Uhlenbrook Stefan<br />

03:15 pm Climate impacts on runoff and evaporation in the<br />

Mackenzie River Basin<br />

Burn Donald, Queenie Yip, Frank Seglenieks, Eric D.<br />

Soulis. Speaker Burn Donald<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Generation of synthetic rainfall time series under<br />

instationary climate conditions<br />

Beck Ferdinand, Brdossy, Andrs. Speaker Beck Ferdinand<br />

04:15 pm Statistical modeling of the discharge level in the<br />

Danube lower basin<br />

Mares Constantin, Antoaneta Stanciu. Speaker Mares<br />

Constantin<br />

04:30 pm A multisite stochastic daily rainfall generator for<br />

representation of low-frequency variability<br />

Sharma Ashish, Raj Mehrotra. Speaker Sharma Ashish<br />

04:45 pm The extreme peak flow series of the Tiber River in Rome<br />

Volpi Elena, Guido Calenda, Corrado Paolo Mancini.<br />

Speaker Volpi Elena<br />

05:00 pm Report of Poster Session Coordinator<br />

Napolitano Francesco.<br />

HW2005 From Measurements and Calibration to Understanding<br />

and Predictions (Sponsor PUB with the support of ICWRS and<br />

ICGW)<br />

Conveners: Savenije Hubert<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room A<br />

02:00 pm Inferring the spectral properties of river flows for<br />

hydrological model calibration in ungauged catchments<br />

Schaefli Bettina, Alberto Montanari. Speaker Schaefli<br />

Bettina<br />

02:15 pm Combining of Radar and laser altimetry, MODIS<br />

and GPS for the monitoring of flood events: application to the<br />

Diamantina river.<br />

Cretaux Jean-Francois, Marc Leblanc, Sarah Tweed,<br />

Stephane Calmant, Guillaume Ramillien, Anny Cazenave. Speaker<br />

Cretaux Jean-Francois<br />

02:30 pm River Flow Simulation within Ungauged Catchments in<br />

Lebanon using Remote Sensing techniques<br />

Hreiche Antoine, Claude Bocquillon, Wajdi Najem. Speaker<br />

Hreiche Antoine<br />

02:45 pm Development of a timestep-based performance<br />

measure for hydrological models<br />

Freer Jim, Phillip Younger, Keith Beven. Speaker Freer Jim<br />

03:00 pm Calibration of a Numerical Ground-Water Flow Model<br />

Using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Elevations<br />

Becker Matthew, Kyle Fredrick, L. Shawn Matott, Karl<br />

Bandilla, Gregory Babonis. Speaker Becker Matthew<br />

03:15 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

03:45 pm Constraining Hydrologic Simulations with Remote<br />

Sensing in a Large-Scale Semiarid Basin with Monsoonal Climate<br />

Vivoni Enrique, Luis A. Mendez-Barroso. Speaker Vivoni<br />

Enrique<br />

04:00 pm Deducing reservoir operations from remote sensing in<br />

the absence of in-situ data<br />

Asante Kwabena. Speaker Asante Kwabena<br />

04:15 pm The importance of independent data to constrain<br />

ground water model calibration in a complex aquifer<br />

Giudici Mauro, Chiara Vassena, Cinzia Durante, Giansilvio<br />

Ponzini. Speaker Chiara Vassena<br />

04:30 pm Use of soil moisture observations to reduce the<br />

calibration uncertainty of a rainfall-runoff model<br />

Koren Victor. Speaker Koren Victor<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Estimation of regional parameter settings for ungauged regions of<br />

the Three Gorges Area (PR China) and application for operational<br />

flood forecasting<br />

Zappa Massimiliano, Thomas Bosshard, Johannes Werhahn, Yan<br />

Huang. Speaker Zappa Massimiliano<br />

Application of a fractal method in TOPMODEL based on<br />

downscaling<br />

Xu Jing, Liliang Ren, Xiaofan Liu. Speaker Xu Jing<br />

Prediction of saturated areas in a mediterranean catchment<br />

finalized to flash-flood forecasting: ground observation vs. remote<br />

sensing techinques<br />

Ciraolo Giuseppe, Brigand Giuseppina, Capodici Fulvio, La Loggia<br />

Goffredo, Maltese Antonino. Speaker Ciraolo Giuseppe<br />

Efficient multiple sub-catchment calibration and validation of a<br />

distributed hydrological model<br />

Shrestha Rajesh Raj, Hyosang Lee, Michael Rode. Speaker Shrestha<br />

Rajesh Raj<br />

Investigation of the spatio-temporal patterns of soil-moisture in a<br />

headwater cachment with the spatial TDR-technology<br />

Thomas Graeff, Bronstert, Axel, Bauer, Andreas, Morgner, Markus,<br />

Reusser, Dominik. Speaker Thomas Graeff<br />

Comparing three hydrologic real-time correction methods<br />

Yi Zhou. Speaker Yi Zhou<br />

Towards more Efficient Calibration Schema for HBV Model<br />

Hammouda Dakhlaoui. Speaker Hammouda Dakhlaoui<br />

Modelling the recession limb of the hydrograph development of the<br />

low flow forecasting models<br />

Brilly Mitja. Speaker Brilly Mitja<br />

Results of the Mackenzie Basin runoff assessment project<br />

Seglenieks Frank, Al Pietroniro, Eric Soulis. Speaker Seglenieks Frank<br />

Development of an observation strategy to mitigate flash flood<br />

forecasting uncertainty<br />

Borga Marco, Daniele Norbiato. Speaker Borga Marco<br />

Choice of an appropriate objective function for optimisation and of<br />

performance evaluation criteria in hydrological modelling<br />

Goswami Monomoy, Kieran Michael Oconnor. Speaker Goswami<br />

Monomoy<br />

Conceptual hydrological models calibration on pub conditions:<br />

regional characterization of extreme events in Argentina<br />

Catalini Carlos Gastn, Juan Carlos Bertoni, Facundo Ganancias.<br />

Speaker Catalini Carlos Gastn<br />

Effect of temporal resolution of NDVI on potential<br />

evapotranspiration estimation and hydrological model performance<br />

Li Xianghu, Liliang Ren. Speaker Li Xianghu<br />

Research of the features of formation of soils hydrological regime<br />

on the urban territory using experimental data<br />

Bolgov Mikhail. Speaker Bolgov Mikhail<br />

Critical Analysis of Water Quality Modelling Calibration using<br />

Genetic Algorithm Case Study of Iguau River at Metropolitan Area<br />

of Curitiba<br />

Fernandes Cristovo, Jonas Heitor Kondageski, Heloise Garcia Knapik,<br />

Marianne Schaeffer Frana, Letcia Masini, Monica Ferreira Do Amaral<br />

Porto. Speaker Fernandes Cristovo<br />

Application and Comparison of YHyM Model and Xinanjiang Model<br />

in a Mountainous Watershed<br />

Xu Qin, Liliang Ren. Speaker Xu Qin<br />

Parameter optimization in flood routing mathematical models<br />

Mascarenhas Flavio, Marcelo Miguez, Luiz Paulo Canedo Magalhaes,<br />

Paulo Canedo Magalhaes. Speaker Mascarenhas Flavio<br />

Reduction of uncertainty in urban catchment by physically based<br />

distributed flood runoff model using geographical feature data<br />

Kawamura Akira, Hideo Amaguchi, Tadakatsu Takasaki. Speaker<br />

Kawamura Akira<br />

From the micro-topography organisation, via runoff modelling, to<br />

water reservoir management: the Male Basin in Mauritania as a<br />

case study<br />

Duchesne Jean, Gassani Jean, Moguedet Gerard, Ozer Pierre, Kim<br />

Sang Wang, Wdowinski Shimon. Speaker Duchesne Jean<br />

Data error and highly parameterized models<br />

Hill Mary. Speaker Hill Mary<br />

Hydrological modelling of an andean watershed in South-Central<br />

Chile: partial validation using the MODIS snow product<br />

Stehr Alejandra, Patrick Debels, Francisco Romero, Hernn Alcayaga.<br />

Speaker Stehr Alejandra<br />

Identification of model structure stability through comparison of<br />

hydrologic models<br />

Tachikawa Yasuto, Giha Lee, Kaoru Takara. Speaker Tachikawa Yasuto<br />

HW3008 Changes to Hydrological Extremes and Water Quality<br />

(Sponsors ICWQ and ICSW)<br />

Conveners: Bolgov Mikhail, Heininger Peter, Hisdal Hege, Ternes<br />

Thomas, Demuth Siegfried, Gustard Alan<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I2<br />

09:00 am Opening remarks by Peter Heininger – IAHS/ICWQ &<br />

Siegfried Demuth – IAHS/ICSW<br />

09:30 am Changes associated to hydrological extremes: the<br />

catastrophic flood of Santa Fe State,<br />

2003, Argentina<br />

Bertoni Juan Carlos, Carlos Catalini, Jorge Maza, Daniel<br />

Bacchiega. Speaker Bertoni<br />

Juan Carlos<br />

09:50 am On nonstationary flood frequency analysis<br />

Strupczewski Witold, Wojciech Feluch. Speaker<br />

Strupczewski Witold<br />

10:10 am Water retention in river headstream areas as an<br />

instrument of integrated flood protection<br />

and drought problem solving<br />

Kocum Jan, Jansky Bohumir. Speaker Kocum Jan<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

Chair: Peter Heininger<br />

11:00 am Temporal patterns in hydrochemical export from<br />

drainage tiles in a first-order agricultural<br />

catchment in Southern Ontario, Canada<br />

Macrae Merrin, Michael C. English, Michael Stone, Sherry<br />

L. Schiff. Speaker Macrae<br />

Merrin<br />

11:20 am Spatial and temporal variations of water quality along a<br />

Mediterranean intermittent river:

12 July, 2007<br />

dry period and flash floods.<br />

Tournoud Marie-George, Jean-Louis Perrin, Christian<br />

Salles, Bernadette Picot, Claire Rodier.<br />

Speaker Tournoud Marie-George<br />

11:40 am Impacts of hydrological extremes on water quality case<br />

Elbe River<br />

Claus Evelyn, Guido Fink, Thomas Krmer, Jrgen Pelzer,<br />

Thomas Ternes, Peter Heininger.<br />

Speaker Claus Evelyn<br />

12:00 am A quasi-2D modelling approach in simulating the<br />

hydrodynamics and substance transport<br />

in polder systems<br />

Lindenschmidt Karl-Erich. Speaker Lindenschmidt Karl-<br />

Erich<br />

12:20 am The use of watershed macrophytes and storm water in<br />

river water quality management in<br />

a tropical river basin with reference to the Nairobi River<br />

Basin, Kenya.<br />

Kithiia Shadrack, Francis M. Mutua, Kenneth M. Mavuti.<br />

Speaker Kithiia Shadrack<br />

12:40 pm Coupling all water related historical data to predict<br />

possible future ecological conditions<br />

of the river corridor<br />

Globevnik Lidija. Speaker Globevnik Lidija<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I2<br />

02:00 pm Comparison of three methods for detecting change in<br />

the drought frequency<br />

Krysanova Valentina, Tobias Vetter, Fred Hattermann.<br />

Speaker Krysanova Valentina<br />

02:20 pm Influence of dry years on the baseflow formation in the<br />

upper part of the Nitra River<br />

catchment, Slovakia<br />

Machlica Andrej, Michaela Stojkovova, Marta Bara.<br />

Speaker Machlica Andrej<br />

02:40 pm Hydrological extremes in Bulgaria current and coming<br />

Dakova Snejana. Speaker Dakova Snejana<br />

03:00 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

03:30 pm Development of an Analytical Risk Model to Assess the<br />

Potential for Groundwater Contamination<br />

Rogers Daniel, Martin M. Kaufman, Kent S. Murray.<br />

Speaker Rogers Daniel<br />

03:50 pm Diffuse source of high fluoride and the role of waterrock<br />

interaction on water quality in parts of India<br />

Sharma S.K.. Speaker Sharma S.K.<br />

04:10 pm Effect of Floodwaters of hurricane Katrina and Rita<br />

from New Orleans on the Pontchartrain Water Quality<br />

Patil Abhijit, Dr. Z. Q. Deng. Speaker Patil Abhijit<br />

04:30 pm The evaluation of water quality achievement on TMDL<br />

regulation using SWAT and LDC modeling in South Korea<br />

Shin Hyun Suk, Du Kee Kang, Ph.D Candidate, Sangdan<br />

Kim. Speaker Du Kee Kang,<br />

W1011 Cryosphere: Observations, processes, and future<br />

volution (UCCS and IGS Workshop hosted by IAHS) (Merges<br />

JPSCCS004 and JPSCCS005)<br />

Conveners: Kaser Georg, Holland David, Gudmundsson G Hilmar<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room C<br />

09:00 am Sea ice extent extremes on intraseasonal time-scale in<br />

the Amundsen-Bellingshausen oceans and associations with largescale<br />

circulation<br />

Ullmann Furtado De Lima Fabio, Leila Maria Vspoli De<br />

Carvalho. Speaker Ullmann Furtado De Lima Fabio<br />

09:15 am Arctic Sea Ice Variability Revised<br />

Stroeve Julienne, Allan Frei, James Mccreight, Debjani<br />

Ghatak. Speaker Stroeve Julienne<br />

09:30 am An analysis of 200 glacier length records<br />

Oerlemans Johannes. Speaker Oerlemans Johannes<br />

09:45 am Mass-balance modeling of Keqicar Glacier in the Tarim<br />

River Basin, Northwestern China<br />

Yong Zhang, Yong Zhang, Shiyin Liu, Yongjian Ding.<br />

Speaker Yong Zhang<br />

10:00 am Surface mass balance and area change of the northern<br />

Prince of Wales Ice-field, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada<br />

Mair Douglas, David Burgess, Martin Sharp, Shawn<br />

Marshall, Fiona Cawkwell. Speaker Mair Douglas<br />

10:15 am Glacier retreat on Nuussuaq Peninsula and Disko<br />

Island, West Greenland<br />

Ahlstrm Andreas, Frank Paul, Hans Jepsen. Speaker<br />

hlstrm Andreas<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Tree-ring based, Little Ice Age mass balance estimates<br />

along a subarctic to arctic transect in Alaska<br />

Malcomb Nathan, Greg C. Wiles, Rosanne D’Arrigo, Dan<br />

E. Lawson. Speaker Malcomb Nathan<br />

1:15 am Mass balance of Austfonna Ice cap, Svalbard<br />

Hagen Jon Ove, Trond Eiken, Even Loe, Geir Moholdt,<br />

Thomas V. Sculer. Speaker Hagen Jon Ove<br />

11:30 am Global glacier mass losses and mass balance<br />

sensitivities assessed from observations and gridded climate data<br />

Hock Regine, Mattias De Woul, Valentina Radic. Speaker<br />

Hock Regine<br />

11:45 am Glacier changes in the Polar Urals during XX century<br />

from historical data, ASTER and Landsat<br />

Nosenko Gennady, Glazovsky Andrey, Tsvetkov Dmitri,<br />

Osipova Galina. Speaker Nosenko Gennady<br />

12:00 pm Variations of the Grosser Aletschgletscher<br />

Bauder Andreas, Matthias Huss. Speaker Bauder Andreas<br />

12:15 pm An alternative reconstruction of ice history on Kibo,<br />

Kilimanjaro<br />

Kaser Georg, Nicolas Cullen, Thomas Mlg. Speaker Kaser<br />

Georg<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Physics Room C<br />

02:00 pm Mass changes derived from satellite altimetry and firncompaction<br />

modeling over the accumulation zone of Greenland ice<br />

sheet<br />

Li Jun, H. Jay Zwally. Speaker Li Jun<br />

02:15 pm New aerogeophysical survey targets boundary<br />

conditions for the stability of the East Antarctic ice sheet during<br />

warm palaeoclimates<br />

Ferraccioli Fausto, Hugh Corr, Tom Jordan, Egidio<br />

rmadillo, Richard Hindmarsh, Dan Hill, Alan Haywood, John Smellie,<br />

Emanuele Bozzo, Carl Robinson. Speaker Ferraccioli Fausto<br />

02:30 pm Radio-echo sounding and ice volume changes of<br />

Ariebreen, Hornsund, Spitsbergen<br />

Lapazaran Javier, Michal Petlicki, Francisco Navarro,<br />

Francisco Macho, Piotr Glowacki. Speaker Francisco Navarro<br />

02:45 pm Modelling Ice Cap Evolution and Mass Balance in the<br />

Canadian Arctic Islands<br />

Marshall Shawn. Speaker Marshall Shawn<br />

03:00 pm On the influence of topographic and geometric<br />

changes on modelled glacier mass balance<br />

Paul Frank, Theresa Tribaldos, Horst Machguth, Martin<br />

Hoelzle, Wilfried Haeberli. Speaker Paul Frank<br />

03:15 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

03:45 pm The effect of anisotropy in flow near an ice divide:<br />

bumps, dips and shoulders in radar layers and in near-divide<br />

surface topography<br />

Martin Garcia Carlos, G. Hilmar Gudmundsson, Hamish<br />

Pritchard. Speaker Martin Garcia Carlos<br />

04:00 pm Simulating the evolution of the ice surface depression<br />

formed during the subglacial GJLP eruption, Iceland, 1996, using<br />

full stokes ice models<br />

Jarosch Alexander, Magnus T. Gundmundsson. Speaker<br />

Jarosch Alexander<br />

04:15 pm Analytical companions of bed-to-surface transfer<br />

characteristics of various approximations to the Stokes equation<br />

used in glaciology<br />

Gudmundsson G Hilmar, Carlos Martin, Melanie Raymond.<br />

Speaker Gudmundsson G Hilmar<br />

04:30 pm Estimating basal properties of Rutford ice stream from<br />

surface measurement: a non-linear Bayesian inversion approach<br />

Raymond Melanie, G. Hilmar Gudmundsson. Speaker<br />

Raymond Melanie<br />

04:45 pm Melt water retention across the southern Greenland ice<br />

sheet<br />

Bggild Carl Egede, Joe Mcconnell, Ola Brandt. Speaker<br />

Bggild Carl Egede<br />

05:00 pm Increased dynamic thinning due to the enhanced basal<br />

flow induced by surface meltwater in the Greenland ice sheet<br />

Weili Wang, Jun Li, Jay Zwally. Speaker Weili Wang<br />

05:15 pm On the effects of divide migration, along-ridge flow and<br />

basal sliding on isochrones near an ice divide<br />

Martin Garcia Carlos, Richard C. A. Hindmarsh, Francisco<br />

J. Navarro. Speaker Francisco Navarro<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Dynamics and mass budget of Amundsenisen, Svalbard:<br />

interpretation of surface elevation and radar data<br />

Glazovsky Andrey, Piotr Glowacki, Yury Ya. Macheret, Evgeny V.<br />

Vasilenko, Jon Ove Hagen, John C. Moore, Dariusz Puczko, Mariusz<br />

Grabiec, Jacek Jania, Francisco Navarro. Speaker Francisco Navarro<br />

New Stable Isotope Studies of Key Sections of Perennially Frozen<br />

Rocks in the Lower Reaches of the Kolyma River<br />

Nikolaev Vladinir, Mauro Brilli, Paola Iacumin, Dmitry Mikhalev, Fedor<br />

Romanenko, Enricomaria Selmo. Speaker Nikolaev Vladinir<br />

Results of ASTER and LANDSAT imagery application to the<br />

glaciated regions of Russia in the frame of GLIMS project<br />

Khromova Tatiana, Kotlyakov Vladimir, Nosenko Gennady. Speaker<br />

Khromova Tatiana<br />

Seasonal mass balance of Alpine glaciers since 1865<br />

Bauder Andreas, Matthias Huss, Martin Funk. Speaker Bauder Andreas<br />

Surface elevation change and velocities on the tongue of a highaltitude,<br />

debris-covered Tropical glacier: Chacra Glacier, Peru.<br />

Hubbard Bryn, Samuel Clemmens. Speaker Hubbard Bryn<br />

A distinctive snow algal community on a glacier in the Tienshan<br />

Mountains, China<br />

Takeuchi Nozomu, Segawa Takahiro, Li Zhongqin. Speaker Takeuchi<br />

Nozomu<br />

Cryosphere-atmosphere interaction and implication for surface<br />

mass balance in East Antarctica<br />

Frezzotti Massimo, Urbini Stefano, Proposito Marco, Scarchilli Claudio,<br />

Gandolfi Stefano. Speaker Frezzotti Massimo<br />

Percolation of surface melt at the equilibrium line of the Greenland<br />

Ice Sheet<br />

Catania Ginny, Thomas Neumann. Speaker Catania Ginny<br />

Climate sensitivity of Gran Campo Nevado Ice Cap, Patagonia, and<br />

mass balance variations in past and future<br />

Moeller Marco, Christoph Schneider. Speaker Moeller Marco<br />

West Antarctic ice shelf sidewall attrition processes<br />

Leonard Katherine, Stanley S. Jacobs. Speaker Leonard Katherine<br />

A volume inventory of austrian glaciers: test of methods<br />

Fischer Andrea, Norbert Span, Michael Kuhn. Speaker Fischer Andrea<br />

Ablation on the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica<br />

Bliss Andrew, Kurt Cuffey. Speaker Bliss Andrew<br />

Estimating glacier changes in the Cordillera Blanca, Peruvian<br />

Andes at decadal scales using remote sensing, GIS methods and<br />

field-based measurements<br />

Racoviteanu Adina, Yves Arnaud, Mark W.Williams. Speaker<br />

Racoviteanu Adina<br />

Algal biovolume in FIRN/ICE cores of the Chilean Lake District<br />

Casassa Gino, Pamela Santibaez, Shiro Kohshima, Rodrigo Scheihing,<br />

Jorge Jaramillo, Pedro Labarca, Gino Casassa. Speaker Casassa Gino<br />

Identification of culturable yeasts isolated from subglacial<br />

sediments, ice and melt waters of two italian alpine glaciers<br />

Buzzini Pietro, B. Turchetti, M. Goretti, E. Branda, C. Dagata, G.<br />

Diolaiuti, C. Smiraglia. Speaker Buzzini Pietro<br />

Near-surface density profiles in the firn of Hintereisferner 1964-<br />

2002<br />

Kuhn Michael, Elisabeth Matzi. Speaker Kuhn Michael<br />

Dangerous lakes in Kyrgyzstan - case study Petrov Lake (Tien-<br />

Shan)<br />

Jansky Bohumir, Engel Zbynek, Sobr Miroslav, Kocum Jan, Yerokhin<br />

Serguei. Speaker Jansky Bohumir<br />

The evolution of Lys Glacier (Mount Rosa Group, Italy) over the<br />

past 30 years through indirect analysis and field measurements<br />

Diolaiuti Guglielmina, Carlo D’Agata, Claudia Mihalcea, Christoph<br />

Mayer, Michele Citterio, Claudio Smiraglia, Antonio Zanutta. Speaker<br />

Diolaiuti Guglielmina<br />

Analysis of micro-meteorological records (2001-2006) from<br />

Storbreen and Midtdalsbreen, two glaciers in southern Norway<br />

Andreassen Liss, Rianne H. Giesen, Michiel R. Van Den Broeke.<br />

Speaker Andreassen Liss<br />

The glims glacier database: successes and challenges<br />

Raup Bruce, Khalsa, S.J.S., Helm, Christopher, Armstrong, R.. Speaker<br />

Raup Bruce<br />

GLIMS application: glacier hazards, evolution, and satellite<br />

monitoring<br />

Kargel Jeffrey, Roberto Furfaro. Speaker Kargel Jeffrey<br />

Snow-Ice-Soil radiative transfer MODel (SISMOD) for optical<br />

simulation of complex snow/ice/soil mixtures of glaciers<br />

Furfaro Roberto, Paolo Picca, Jeffrey S. Kargel, Barry D. Ganapol.<br />

Speaker Furfaro Roberto<br />

Modelling historical and recent mass loss of a polythermal Arctic<br />

glacier (McCall Glacier, Alaska)<br />

Pattyn Frank, Charlotte Delcourt, Matt Nolan. Speaker Pattyn Frank<br />

DEgradation processes of glaciation in caves of Lake Baikal<br />

Trofimova Elena. Speaker Trofimova Elena<br />

Updated inventory and recent variations of glaciers at the<br />

Aconcagua basin, Central Chile<br />

Bown Francisca, Andres Rivera, Cesar Acua, Gino Casassa, Jorge<br />

Carrasco, Francesca Pelliciotti. Speaker Bown Francisca<br />

JMS002 Earth System Interactions<br />

Conveners: Brasseur Guy<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Physics Room A<br />

09:00 am Exploring the impact of Sulphur cycle and Carbon<br />

cycle interactions on the transient response of the wider climate<br />

system.<br />

Booth Ben. Speaker Booth Ben<br />

09:15 am Nonstationary teleconnection patterns associated with<br />

ENSO and the potential influence of interannual variability on the<br />

millenial-scale dynamics of ice sheets<br />

Bush Andrew, Michael Pritchard. Speaker Bush Andrew<br />

09:30 am Land/sea warming ratio in response to climate change:<br />

IPCC AR4 model results and comparison with observations<br />

Sutton Rowan, Buwen Dong, Jonathan Gregory. Speaker<br />

Sutton Rowan<br />

09:45 am Chemistry-climate interactions<br />

Shindell Drew. Speaker Shindell Drew<br />

10:00 am Reconciling measurements and modeling of the<br />

atmospheric chemistry and budget of ethanol<br />

Naik Vaishali, Arlene M. Fiore, Larry W. Horowitz, Hiram<br />

Levy, Michael Oppenheimer, Joost De Gouw, Hanwant B. Singh.<br />

Speaker Naik Vaishali<br />

10:15 am Global features of the multiple tropopauses<br />

Antuna Juan Carlos, Juan Antonio Ael, Laura De La Torre,<br />

Raquel Nieto, Luis Gimeno. Speaker Antuna Juan Carlos<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Climate variability at Milankovitch frequencies in an<br />

atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model of intermediate complexity with<br />

an abiotic ocean carbon cycle component<br />

Antico Andres, Lawrence A Mysak. Speaker Antico Andres<br />

11:15 am Autonomous millennial oscillations of glacial climates<br />

Colin De Verdiere Alain, Lianke Te Raa. Speaker Colin De<br />

Verdiere Alain<br />

11:30 am Coupled climate-society modeling of a realistic<br />

scenario towards sustainable earth<br />

Ikeda Motoyoshi. Speaker Ikeda Motoyoshi<br />

11:45 am Perturbations of the Earth system by external celestial<br />

bodies and catastrophic cataclysms<br />

Barkin Yury. Speaker Barkin Yury<br />

12:00 pm Modelling the trajectories of satellite tracked drifters in<br />

the Adriatic during summertime Bora event<br />

Beg Paklar Gordana, Vlado Dadi, Darko KoraIn, Mirko<br />

Orli, Pierre-Marie Poulain, Ramesh Vellore, Ivica Vilibi, Mark Agar,<br />

Nedjeljka Agar. Speaker Beg Paklar Gordana<br />

JMS005 Aerosols, Biomass Burning and Precipitation<br />

Conveners: Lohmann Ulrike, Levin Zev<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

09:00 am A shift of precipitation from sea to the land caused by<br />

small aerosol particles<br />

Khain Alexander, Andrei Pokrovsky. Speaker Khain<br />

Alexander<br />

09:03 am Drizzle formation in stratocumulus clouds<br />

Khain Alexander, Leehi Magaritz, Mark Pinsky. Speaker<br />

Leehi Magaritz<br />

09:06 am Retrieval of LWC in stratocumulus clouds using two<br />

mode representation of drop size distribution<br />

Khain Alexander, Mark Pinsky. Speaker Mark Pinsky<br />

09:09 am Effect of air pollution on the precipitation in Eastern<br />

Georgia<br />

Amiranashvili Avtandil. Speaker Amiranashvili Avtandil<br />

09:12 am Saharan dusts suppress deep convection and<br />

precipitation<br />

Min Qilong, Rui Li, Bing Lin, Shuyu Wang, Yongxiaong Hu,<br />

Evertte Joseph, Vernon Morris. Speaker Min Qilong<br />

09:15 am The estimation of the impact of biomass burining<br />

over China by using a one-way nested global/regional chemical<br />

transport model system<br />

Takigawa Masayuki, Masanori Niwano, Yu Liu, Pakpong<br />

Pochanart, Yugo Kanaya, Zifa Wang, Masaaki Takahashi. Speaker<br />

Takigawa Masayuki<br />

09:18 am Numerical study of the impact of aerosols on<br />

microphysics and dynamics of mixed-phase convective clouds<br />

Mitzeva Rumjana, Boryana Tsenova. Speaker Mitzeva<br />

Rumjana<br />

09:21 am Semi-direct and -indirect effects of marine<br />

stratocumulus clouds<br />

Dobbie Steven, Adrian Hill, Martyn Chipperfield, Yan Yin.<br />

Speaker Dobbie Steven<br />

09:24 am High-altitude aerosol optical, microphysical and<br />

radiative characteristics at Sinhgad, India<br />

Devara Panuganti, S. Kumar, M.G. Manoj, G. Pandithurai,<br />

P.D. Safai, S. Kewat. Speaker Devara Panuganti<br />

09:27 am Impact of carbon activation on a Stratus Deck: Does<br />

aerosol number matter more than type<br />

Dubey Manvendra, Mirek Andrejczuk, Jon M Reisner,<br />

Bryan F. Henson, Chris A. Jeffery. Speaker Dubey Manvendra<br />

09:30 am Properties of biomass burning aerosols in Brazil<br />

Lara Luciene, Paulo Artaxo, Plnio B. Camargo, Theotonio<br />

Pauliquevis, Luiz A. Martinelli. Speaker Lara Luciene<br />

JMS008 Clouds and Radiation and Air-Sea-Ice Interactions<br />

Conveners: Lachlan-Cope Tom<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room A<br />

09:00 am Air-Ice Interaction Observations in the Arctic seas<br />

Repina Irina. Speaker Repina Irina<br />

09:15 am High quality measurements and parameterization of<br />

short wave radiation fluxes at sea: MORE results.<br />

Sinitsyn Alexey, Sergey K. Gulev, Marina Aleksandrova.<br />

Speaker Sinitsyn Alexey<br />

09:30 am Reconstruction of surface turbulent fluxes in the North<br />

Atlantic: 1880-2004<br />

Gulev Sergey. Speaker Gulev Sergey<br />

09:45 am Flux measurements over a polynya in the Weddell Sea.<br />

Lachlan-Cope Tom, Alexandra Weiss, Emma Feidler.<br />

Speaker Lachlan-Cope Tom<br />

10:00 am The role of radiation and boundary layer<br />

parameterization schemes in simulating the atmospheric flow over<br />

the ocean and land surfaces<br />

Ivanov Sergiy, Julia Palamarchuk. Speaker Ivanov Sergiy<br />

10:15 am A Diagnostic Study of Antarctic Fog<br />

Lazzara Matthew. Speaker Lazzara Matthew<br />

10:30 am Antarctic clouds from above and below<br />

Kirchgaessner Amélie. Speaker Kirchgaessner Amélie<br />

10:45 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:15 am Ice forming processes in Antarctic mixed-phase clouds<br />

Krakovska Svitlana. Speaker Krakovska Svitlana<br />

11:30 am Aerosol Elemental Mass Size Distributions at Baia<br />

Terra Nova (Antarctica): Properties and Interactions of Three Major<br />

Components of Natural Aerosol<br />

Mittner Paolo, Daniele Ceccato, Vito Trov, Francesco<br />

Chiminello. Speaker Mittner Paolo<br />

11:45 am Global albedo anomalies measured by MISR from 2000-<br />

2006: recent darkening at high northern latitudes<br />

Davies Roger. Speaker Davies Roger<br />

12:00 pm Visibility parameterizations for precipitation rate and<br />

relative humidity during the Fram Fog field project<br />

Gultepe Ismail, S. G. Cober, G. A. Isaac, F. Boudala.<br />

Speaker Gultepe Ismail<br />

12:15 pm Observational and Model-Simulated Analysis of Severe<br />

Wind Storm event in the Ross Ice Shelf<br />

Chenoli Sheeba Nettukandy, Azizan Abu Samah. Speaker<br />

Azizan Abu Samah<br />

12:30 pm Investigation of the atmospheric boundary layer over<br />

Antarctic sea ice by eddy correlation measurements<br />

Weiss Alexandra, Tom Lachlan-Cope, Russ Ladkin, John<br />

King. Speaker Weiss Alexandra<br />

12:33 pm A variational cloud retrieval scheme combining radar,<br />

lidar and radiometer observations<br />

Delanoe Julien, Robin J. Hogan. Speaker Delanoe Julien<br />

JMS011 Monsoon Systems<br />

Conveners: Wu Guoxiong<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Main Hall<br />

09:00 am Monsoon Simulations with a High Resolution Global<br />

Model<br />

Kang In Sik. Speaker Kang In Sik<br />

09:30 am A hydrological onset and withdrawal index for the West<br />

Africa<br />

Baldi Marina, Gaetani Marco, Dalu Giovanni. Speaker<br />

Gaetani Marco<br />

09:45 am South American climatological Monsoon Index<br />

Da Silva Ana Elizabethe. Speaker Da Silva Ana Elizabethe<br />

09:48 am The East Asia Winter Monsoon Activity and Impact in<br />

Vietnam<br />

Nguyen Phuong. Speaker Nguyen Phuong<br />

10:03 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10:33 am The northern Australian rainy season - onset and<br />

retreat indices<br />

Smith Ian, Lousie Wilson, Ramasamy Suppiah. Speaker<br />

Smith Ian<br />

10:48 am An Objective method for assessing regional scale<br />

Active and Weak Monsoon situation<br />

M Nair Anish Kumar, C.A.Babu. Speaker M Nair Anish<br />

Kumar<br />

11:03 am Broad scale Australian monsoon index and its<br />

variability<br />

Kajikawa Yoshiyuki, Bin Wang, Jing Yang. Speaker<br />

Kajikawa Yoshiyuki<br />

11:18 am Role of NAO and MJO in predicting the dry/wet spells<br />

in indian summer monsoon<br />

Dugam Surendra. Speaker Dugam Surendra<br />

11:33 am Impact of COSMIC GPS radio occultation data on<br />

analyses and forecasts of water vapor, clouds, and rainfall over<br />

tropical oceans<br />

Liu Hui, Jefferey Anderson, Ying-Hwa Kuo, Chris Snyder,<br />

Yongsheng Chen. Speaker Liu Hui<br />

11:48 am Performance of climate prediction models on annual<br />

modes of precipitation and its relation with seasonal prediction<br />

Lee June-Yi, Bin Wang. Speaker Lee June-Yi<br />

JMS014 Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling<br />

Conveners: Woolf David, Sun De-Zheng<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of

12 July, 2007<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

11:00 am Mechanisms of a rapid global climate shift across the<br />

late 1960s<br />

Folland Chris, Peter G. Baines. Speaker Folland Chris<br />

11:15 am Ocean-atmosphere coupling in a high resolution<br />

climate model<br />

Stevens David, James Harle, Adrian New, Warwick Norton,<br />

en Shaffrey, Julia Slingo, Ian Stevens. Speaker Stevens David<br />

1:30 am More high latitude rains, more North Atlantic<br />

overturning<br />

De Boer Agatha, J. Robert Toggweiler, Daniel M. Sigman.<br />

Speaker De Boer Agatha<br />

11:45 am A wind-induced thermohaline circulation hysteresis<br />

and millennial variability regimes<br />

Ashkenazy Yosef, Eli Tziperman. Speaker Ashkenazy<br />

Yosef<br />

12:00 pm Heat Transport and Clinate Variability in the Coupled<br />

Ocean-Atmosphere System<br />

Vallis Geoff, Riccardo Farneti. Speaker Vallis Geoff<br />

12:15 pm The tropical atlantic variability in an intermediate<br />

coupled model: the 1996 equatorial warm event<br />

Illig Serena, Dasha Gushchina, Boris Dewitte, Nadia<br />

Ayoub, Yves Du Penhoat. Speaker Illig Serena<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

02:00 pm The importance of the wind stress and wind stress curl<br />

for the upwelling along the California Coast in June 1999<br />

Beg Paklar Gordana, Darko KoraIn, Clive Dorman, Travis<br />

Mccord. Speaker Beg Paklar Gordana<br />

02:15 pm Ocean-atmosphere coupling generating large-scale<br />

convection polarity across Atlantic Ocean<br />

Yeshanew Abebe. Speaker Yeshanew Abebe<br />

02:30 pm The Effect of the Galapagos Islands on the Equatorial<br />

Pacific Cold Tongue and El Nino<br />

Karnauskas Kristopher, Antonio J. Busalacchi, Raghu<br />

Murtugudde. Speaker Karnauskas Kristopher<br />

02:45 pm A Regulatory Effect of ENSO on the Time-Mean<br />

Thermal Stratification of the Equatorial Upper Ocean<br />

Sun De-Zheng, Tao Zhang. Speaker Sun De-Zheng<br />

03:00 pm Study of spring predictability barrier problem for El<br />

Nino-Southern Oscillation events<br />

Mu Mu, Hui Xu. Speaker Mu Mu<br />

03:15 pm Investigating Decadal Variability of ENSO Asymmetry<br />

by Conditional Nonlinear Optimal perturbation<br />

Duan Wansuo, Mu Mu. Speaker Duan Wansuo<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Mechanism of biannual cyclicity of ocean and<br />

atmosphere processes and phenomenon<br />

Barkin Yury. Speaker Barkin Yury<br />

04:15 pm Evolution and structures of tropical instability waves in<br />

the Pacific Ocean<br />

Shinoda Toshiaki, George N. Kiladis, Paul E. Roundy.<br />

peaker Shinoda Toshiaki<br />

04:30 pm The influence of ocean dynamics and orography on<br />

northern hemisphere storm tracks<br />

Wilson Chris, Dr Bablu Sinha, Prof Ric Williams. Speaker<br />

ilson Chris<br />

04:45 pm Responses of extratropical cyclone activity to the Gulf<br />

Stream SST gradient<br />

Kuwano-Yoshida Akira, Nobumasa Komori, Shoshiro<br />

Minobe, Shang-Ping Xie. Speaker Kuwano-Yoshida Akira<br />

05:00 pm Atmospheric circulation influenced by the oceanic<br />

subtropical front in the North Pacific<br />

Kobashi Fumiaki, Shang-Ping Xie, Naoto Iwasaka, Takashi<br />

T. Sakamoto. Speaker Kobashi Fumiaki<br />

05:15 pm Mechanistic studies of the role of Wind-Evaporation-<br />

SST feedback in ocean-atmosphere interaction<br />

Chang Ping, S. Mahajan, R. Saravanan. Speaker Chang<br />

Ping<br />

05:18 pm Tropical SST role on the anomalous 2002 SH polar<br />

vortex<br />

Grassi Barbara, Gianluca Redaelli, Guido Visconti. Speaker<br />

Grassi Barbara<br />

JMS016 Cryospheric Change and Sea Level<br />

Conveners: Harangozo Steve, Holland David, Steffen Konrad<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room A<br />

02:00 pm Ice-sheet contributions to sea-level change<br />

Thomas Robert. Speaker Thomas Robert<br />

02:25 pm Recent ice sheet and glacier elevation changes in<br />

Greenland from aircraft laser altimetry<br />

Krabill William, Robert H. Thomas. Speaker Krabill William<br />

02:40 pm Mass balance of Greenland and Antarctica from<br />

spaceborne observations of ice flow<br />

Rignot Eric. Speaker Rignot Eric<br />

02:55 pm Melt assessment and moulins along the western slope<br />

of the Greenland ice sheet<br />

Steffen Konrad. Speaker Steffen Konrad<br />

03:10 pm Surface Climate Impacts on Greenland Ice Sheet<br />

Horizontal and Vertical Velocities<br />

Yang Lei, Jason E Box. Speaker Yang Lei<br />

03:25 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

03:55 pm The role of ice-ocean interaction in the mass budget of<br />

the Amery Ice Shelf system<br />

Allison Ian, Michael Craven, Helen Amanda Fricker, Neal<br />

pung. Speaker Allison Ian<br />

04:20 pm Recent Observations of Greenland and Antarctic Mass<br />

Balance from ICESat and GRACE<br />

Zwally Jay, Waleed Abdalati, Anita Brenner, Matthew<br />

Beckley, Helen Cornejo, Mario Giovinetto, Jun Li, Scott Luthcke, Jack<br />

Saba, Donghui Yi. Speaker Zwally Jay<br />

04:35 pm Change of Greenland Ice Sheet due to Global Warming<br />

Simulated by SICOPOLIS<br />

Hosaka Masahiro, Ralf Greve. Speaker Hosaka Masahiro<br />

04:50 pm The nonlinear response of ice-shelf basal melting to<br />

variation in ocean temperature<br />

Holland David, Paul R Holland, Adrian Jenkins. Speaker<br />

Holland David<br />

05:05 pm Melting ice sheets, Earth’s gravity field and global sea<br />

level<br />

Kuhn Michael, William E. Featherstone, Oleg Makarynskyy,<br />

Wolfgang Keller. Speaker Kuhn Michael<br />

JMS024 Data Assimilation for the Atmosphere, Ocean and Land<br />

Surface<br />

Conveners: Swinbank Richard, Mu Mu<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Rectorate Room VIII<br />

Chairpersons: Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli<br />

09:00 am An Overview of Theoretical Aspects of Data<br />

Assimilation<br />

Talagrand Olivier, Laurent Descamps. Speaker Talagrand<br />

Olivier<br />

09:30 am Recent Developments of the Maximum Likelihood<br />

Ensemble Filter (MLEF): Non-differentiable Framework and Other<br />

Applications<br />

Zupanski Milija, Dusanka Zupanski. Speaker Zupanski<br />

Milija<br />

09:55 am An Ensemble Kalman Filtering Approach for Regional<br />

Ocean Data Assimilation<br />

Hoffman Ross, Eric Kostelich, Alan Blumberg, Istvan<br />

zunyogh, Sergey Vinogradov, John M. Henderson. Speaker Hoffman<br />

Ross<br />

10:20 am Dressing Ensemble Kalman Filter using Hybrid<br />

Coordinate Ocean Model in Pacific<br />

Wan Liying, Jiang Zhu. Speaker Wan Liying<br />

10:45 am Hybrid method for data assimilation in oceanography<br />

Krysta Monika, Eric Blayo, Emmanuel Cosme, Cline<br />

Robert, Jacques Verron. Speaker Krysta Monika<br />

10:48 am Hybrid SEIK-3DVar algorithm<br />

Janji Tijana, S. Skachko, S. Danilov, J. Schrter. Speaker<br />

Janji Tijana<br />

10:51 am Identification of the Rossby Waves at the Mid-Depth<br />

Tropical<br />

Chu Peter. Speaker Chu Peter<br />

10:57 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11.00 Changes in the Atlantic MOC estimated through the<br />

ECCO Synthesis Effort<br />

Detlef STAMMER<br />

1130 Extensions and Applications of the ECCO Near Real-<br />

Time Ocean Data Assimilation System<br />

Ichiro Fukumori<br />

1145 Dynamically consistent decadal ocean/sea-ice<br />

estimates from a new-generation adjoint-based ECCO-GODAE<br />

global state estimation system<br />

Patrick Heimbach<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Rectorate Room VIII<br />

Chair: Detlef Stammer<br />

14.00 Interest of assimilating future Sea Surface Salinity<br />

measurements from SMOS and Aquarius missions in the Mercator<br />

Ocean operational systems<br />

Benoit Tranchant<br />

14.15 Sensitivity to local and remote forcing mechanisms in<br />

the California coastal region using an adjoint model approach<br />

Milena Veneziani<br />

14.30 Ocean Instabilities Captured By Breeding on a Global<br />

Ocean Model<br />

Matthew Hoffman<br />

14.45 Model and Observation bias correction in altimeter ocean<br />

data assimilation in FOAM<br />

Daniel Lea<br />

15.00 Combining synthetic Argo hydrology and sea surface height<br />

with an eddy-permitting primitive equation model using a 4Dvariational<br />

method - Preliminary results<br />

Bruno FERRON<br />

15.03 Simulated Eddy Energy sources from a model of the<br />

Northeast Pacific Ocean<br />

Jennifer Shore<br />





Ruiwen Wang<br />




Changxiang Yan<br />

15.15 Can sea surface salinity data constrain rainfall<br />

estimates over the ocean<br />

Max Yaremchuk<br />

15.18 South China Sea throughflow retrieved from<br />

atmospheric and oceanic climatologies<br />

Max Yaremchuk<br />

15.21 Estimation of eddies in the Antarctic Circumpolar<br />

Current circulation via sequential data assimilation<br />

Sergey Skachko<br />

15.24 Disaggregating GRACE in a data assimilation system<br />

Ben Zaitchik<br />

15.27 Sensitivity test to Ensemble Kalman Filter implemented<br />

to Regional Ocean Modeling System<br />

Young Ho Kim<br />

03:20 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1600-1730 Session 4 Chair: Mu Mu<br />

16.00 INVITED Pierre Gauthier OBJECTIVES<br />




16.30 Takemasa Miyoshi Recent developments of the<br />

local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF) at JMA<br />

16.45 Martin Ehrendorfer Data Assimilation of Vertical<br />

Normal Modes with AMIC<br />

17.00 Jiang Zhu Balanced Multivariate Model Error in the<br />

Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation<br />

17.15 Simona Ecaterina Stefanescu Background error<br />

statistics for a limited area model analysis: ensemble estimation<br />

and comparison with other simulation methods<br />

18.00-20.00 Posters Venue: Rocca Paolina - CERP<br />

JMS029 Snow Avalanches Field Observations and Modelling (UCCS<br />

Symposium hosted by IAMAS)<br />

Conveners: Schaffhauser Andreas, Betty Sovilla, Kleemayr Karl<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room A<br />

09:00 am Estimation of snow accumulation and melt based on<br />

Runoff Model and MODIS-TERRA DATA<br />

Eslmai Hamid Reza, Samira Moradi Rasooli, Mahin Jamali.<br />

Speaker Eslmai Hamid Reza<br />

09:25 am A coupled stress and energy criterion for natural and<br />

artificial triggering of dry snow slab avalanches<br />

Barbara Frigo, Chiaia Bernardino, Cornetti Pietro, Cardu<br />

Marilena, Chiaravallotti Lorenzo. Speaker Barbara Frigo<br />

09:50 am CFD Simulation of Snow Drift in Alpine Environments<br />

for Operational Avalanche Warning<br />

Schneiderbauer Simon, Thomas Tschachler, Walter<br />

Hinterberger, Peter Fischer, Arnold Studeregger, Alexander Podesser.<br />

Speaker Schneiderbauer Simon<br />

10:15 am Remote sensing based retrieval of snow cover<br />

properties - the GALAHAD project<br />

Schaffhauser Andreas, Reinhard Fromm, Philipp Joerg,<br />

Guido Liuzi, Giovanni Macaluso, Daniele Mecatti, Linshia Noferini,<br />

Massimiliano Pieraccini, Andrea Tamburini, Rudolf Sailer. Speaker<br />

Schaffhauser Andreas<br />

10:40 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:10 am Two-phase avalanche simulation in a water tank based<br />

on a turbulent dense flow physical and numerical investigation<br />

Kapeller Gerhard, Peter Rutschmann, Wolfgang Fellin, Karl<br />

Kleemayr. Speaker Kapeller Gerhard<br />

11:35 am Avalanche friction parameters and deposit<br />

characteristics from laser-scanner measurements performed at the<br />

Valle de La Sionne test site<br />

Betty Sovilla, Vallet Julian, Bartelt Perry. Speaker Betty<br />

Sovilla<br />

12:00 pm Experiments at the Valle de La sionne test site: new<br />

advances in the field of avalanche dynamics<br />

Betty Sovilla, Kern Martin, Bartelt Perry, Dufour Francois,<br />

Schaer Mark, Hiller Martin, Christen Marc. Speaker Betty Sovilla<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

RAMMS a modeling system for snow avalanches, debris flows and<br />

rockfalls<br />

Christen Marc, Perry Bartelt, Betty Sovilla. Speaker Christen Marc<br />

Reviving operational numerical avalanche prediction in Canada<br />

using hourly electronic weather sensor data<br />

Cordy Paul, Paul Cordy, John Tweedy, Cj Hawkins, David M. Mcclung.<br />

Speaker Cordy Paul<br />

Contribution of GIS technology to the avalanche zonation:the<br />

study case of Prati di Tivo (Gran Sasso dItalia, central Apennine)<br />

Pecci Massimo, Pinuccio D’Aquila, With The Collaboration Of Leandro<br />

D’Alessandro. Speaker Pecci Massimo<br />

JMS030 Extraterrestrial Ice (UCCS Symposium hosted by<br />

IAMAS)<br />

Conveners: Lange Manfred, Greve Ralf<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Unfrozen water, frost, and ice at and in the upper surface of Mars<br />

Mhlmann Diedrich. Speaker Mhlmann Diedrich<br />

The early distribution of water in the pre-planetary disk of the solar<br />

system<br />

Mhlmann Diedrich. Speaker Mhlmann Diedrich<br />

Scenarios for the formation of Chasma Borealis, Mars<br />

Greve Ralf. Speaker Greve Ralf<br />

Thermoelastic effects in the icy shell during cryovolcanic eruptions<br />

on Enceladus<br />

Greve Ralf, Swantje Bargmann, Paul Steinmann. Speaker Greve Ralf<br />

MS007 Theoretical advances in atmospheric dynamics (ICDM)<br />

Conveners: Heifetz Eyal, Harnik Nili<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy (E Room) Room E<br />

02:00 pm Energy Spectra from Entropy Principles<br />

Lynch Peter, Dr Wim Verkley. Speaker Lynch Peter<br />

02:30 pm Dynamics of Forecast Errors<br />

Davies Huw, M.Didone, M. Sprenger. Speaker Davies Huw<br />

02:45 pm Dynamics of coupled initial condition and modelrelated<br />

errors<br />

P. Perdigao Rui A., Catherine Nicolis. Speaker P. Perdigao<br />

Rui A.<br />

03:00 pm Conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation and its<br />

applications<br />

Mu Mu, Hui Xu, Guodong Sun. Speaker Mu Mu<br />

03:15 pm Turbulent parameterization influence on high<br />

resolution numerical modeling of deep moist convective processes<br />

Parodi Antonio, Elisabetta Fiori, Franco Siccardi, Luca<br />

Molini. Speaker Elisabetta Fiori<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Unstable periodic orbits of barotropic atmospheric<br />

system<br />

Grirsun Andrey. Speaker Grirsun Andrey<br />

04:15 pm Regions of barotropic regeneration of synoptic-scale<br />

eddies in various zonal-like jets.<br />

Rivire Gwendal. Speaker Rivire Gwendal<br />

04:30 pm Spontaneous inertial gravity wave radiation from a jet<br />

stream in a shallow water system on a rotating sphere<br />

Sugimoto Norihiko, Katsuya Ishii. Speaker Sugimoto<br />

Norihiko<br />

04:45 pm Trapped waves of the Shallow Water Equations in Midlatitudes<br />

Paldor Nathan, Andrey Sigalov. Speaker Paldor Nathan<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina<br />

- CERP CERP<br />

Time scale, power spectra, and bimodality of zonal mean flow<br />

variability<br />

Lee Sukyoung, John Ten Hoeve, Steven Feldstein, Seok-Woo Son.<br />

Speaker Lee Sukyoung<br />

Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Regimes, Subtropical Jet, and ENSO<br />

Dell’Aquila Alessandro, Valerio Lucarini, Paolo M Ruti, Sandro Calmanti,<br />

Antonio Speranza. Speaker Dell’Aquila Alessandro<br />

The dynamics of the North Atlantic oscillation during the summer<br />

Feldstein Steven. Speaker Feldstein Steven<br />

The contribution of the instabilies to vortex disturbances along<br />

Convergent Cloud Band<br />

Maejima Yasumitsu, Keita Iga. Speaker Maejima Yasumitsu<br />

Influence of the increased SST on baroclinic instability wave<br />

activities under the aqua planet condition<br />

Kodama Chihiro, Toshiki Iwasaki. Speaker Kodama Chihiro<br />

Moisture Effects on Midlatitude Static Stability in a Hierarchy of<br />

Models<br />

Frierson Dargan M. W.. Speaker Frierson Dargan M. W.<br />

Counter-propagating Rossby waves, PV-building blocks, and their<br />

interaction<br />

De Vries Hylke. Speaker De Vries Hylke<br />

Some aspects of theory the acoustic-gravity waves propagation in<br />

the non isothermal atmosphere.<br />

Savina Olga, Olga Savina. Speaker Savina Olga<br />

MS010 Dynamics of Convectively-Coupled Equatorial Waves<br />

and the Madden-Julian Oscillation (ICDM)<br />

Conveners: Kiladis George<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

09:00 am Coupled Model Simulations of Boreal Summer<br />

Intraseasonal (30-50 day) Variability: Validation and Caution on Use<br />

of Metrics<br />

Sperber Kenneth, Hariharasubramanian Annamalai.<br />

Speaker Sperber Kenneth<br />

09:13 am Predictability of Tropical Cyclogenesis over the<br />

western Pacific in 2004<br />

Nakazawa Tetsuo, Masayuki Kyouda, Munehiko<br />

Yamaguchi. Speaker Nakazawa Tetsuo<br />

09:26 am Convectively coupled equatorial waves simulated by a<br />

global nonhydrostatic experiment on an aquaplanet<br />

Nasuno Tomoe, Hirofumi Tomita, Shinichi Iga, Hiroaki<br />

Miura, Akira Noda, Masaki Satoh. Speaker Nasuno Tomoe<br />

09:39 am The MJO Numerical Simulation: Impacts of Convection<br />

Heating Profile and Model Resolution<br />

Li Chongyin, Xiaolong Jia, Junsheng Gao. Speaker Li<br />

Chongyin<br />

09:52 am Large-scale waves in cloud populations as seen by<br />

Cloudsat<br />

Mapes Brian, Emily Riley. Speaker Mapes Brian<br />

10:05 am Tropical vs. Extratropical Generations of the Madden-<br />

Julian Oscillation<br />

Zhang Chidong, Pallav Ray. Speaker Zhang Chidong<br />

10:18 am Rapid Transitions in Zonal Wind Around the Tropical<br />

Tropopause and their Relation to the Amplified Equatorial Kelvin<br />

Waves<br />

Nishi Noriyuki, Junko Suzuki, Atsushi Hamada, Masato<br />

Shiotani. Speaker Nishi Noriyuki<br />

10:31 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:01 am Satellite Data Analysis of the Madden-Julian<br />

Oscillation, Kelvin wave, and the Equatorial Rossby Wave<br />

Masunaga Hirohiko. Speaker Masunaga Hirohiko<br />

11:14 am Atmospheric conditions during the MISMO field<br />

experiment in the Equatorial Indian Ocean<br />

Yoneyama Kunio, Kazuaki Yasunaga, Masaki Katsumata,<br />

Ryuichi Shirooka, Hiroyuki Yamada, Naoki Sato, Ayako Seiki, Mikiko<br />

Fujita, Tomoki Ushiyama, Qoosaku Moteki, Yukari Takayabu, Masanori<br />

Yoshizaki. Speaker Yoneyama Kunio<br />

11:27 am Characteristiscs of the surface and subsurface layers<br />

in the equatorial Indian Ocean observed in a positive IOD year<br />

Sato Naoki, Kunio Yoneyama, Ryuichi Shirooka, Yukari<br />

Takayabu, Masanori Yoshizaki, Mizue Hirano, Nobuyuki Shikama,<br />

Hiroyuki Nakajima. Speaker Sato Naoki<br />

11:40 am Air-sea energy fluxes with on-board eddy-covariance<br />

system during MISMO<br />

Tsukamoto Osamu, Yoshihito Suwa, Fumiyoshi Kondo,<br />

Kunio Yoneyama. Speaker Tsukamoto Osamu<br />

11:53 am Convective Inhibition and Dynamics in Convectively<br />

Coupled Kelvin Waves<br />

Fuchs Zeljka, David J. Raymond. Speaker Fuchs Zeljka<br />

12:06 pm Using stable water isotopes to understand the<br />

dynamics of tropical disturbance through the MISMO observation<br />

Kurita Naoyuki, Kunio Yoneyama, Mayumi Horikawa.<br />

Speaker Kurita Naoyuki<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

02:00 pm Observation of oceanic response to the Madden-Julian<br />

Oscillation<br />

Singhruck Patama, Prof. Karen J. Heywood, Dr. Adrian J.<br />

Matthews. Speaker Singhruck Patama<br />

02:13 pm Intraseasonal Oscillations and the Sensitivity of<br />

Precipitation to Tropospheric Humidity<br />

Raymond David, Zeljka Fuchs, Hongyan Zhu. Speaker<br />

Raymond David<br />

02:26 pm Intraseasonal Variations over the Indian Ocean during<br />

September-December 2006<br />

Seiki Ayako, Yukari N. Takayabu, Kunio Yoneyama, Masaki<br />

Katsumata, Ryuichi Shirooka, Masanori Yoshizaki. Speaker Seiki Ayako<br />

02:39 pm Roles of intraseasonal variability in the development of<br />

the 1982-1983 and 1987 El Nino Events<br />

Roundy Paul. Speaker Roundy Paul<br />

02:52 pm Microphysical structures of stratiform clouds observed<br />

over the equatorial Indian Ocean<br />

Suzuki Kenji, Shunsuke Shigeto, Takumi Koga, Kazue<br />

Morinaga, Tetsuya Kawano. Speaker Suzuki Kenji<br />

03:05 pm Diurnal variations in tropical oceanic cumulus<br />

convection during the MISMO<br />

Yasunaga Kazuaki, Tomoki Ushiyama, Kunio Yoneyama,<br />

Yukari Takayabu, Masanori Yoshizaki. Speaker Yasunaga Kazuaki<br />

03:18 pm Abrupt Seasonal Variation of the ITCZ and the Hadley<br />

Circulation<br />

Hu Yongyun. Speaker Hu Yongyun<br />

03:31 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)

12 July, 2007<br />

04:01 pm Real-time Extraction of the Madden--Julian Oscillation<br />

Using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Forecasting with a<br />

VARMA Model<br />

Matthews Adrian, Barnaby Love, Gareth Janacek. Speaker<br />

Barnaby Love<br />

04:14 pm Changes in the lifetime and amplitude of the Madden-<br />

Julian oscillation associated with ENSO<br />

Matthews Adrian, Benjamin Pohl. Speaker Matthews Adrian<br />

04:27 pm Barotropic and super-rotating jet formation in the<br />

evolution of very short mixed Rossby-gravity waves<br />

Fruman Mark, Bach Lien Hua, Richard Schopp. Speaker<br />

Fruman Mark<br />

04:40 pm QBO related variation of equatorial gravity wave<br />

activity compared to planetary equatorial wave modes in SABER<br />

temperature data<br />

Ern Manfred, P. Preusse, M. Krebsbach, R. H. Picard, M.<br />

G. Mlynczak, J. M. Russell Iii. Speaker Ern Manfred<br />

04:53 pm Variability of the Madden-Julian Oscillation during<br />

boreal spring and summer<br />

Jones Charles, Leila M. V. Carvalho. Speaker Jones<br />

Charles<br />

05:06 pm Convective Mometum Transport and the MJO<br />

Moncrieff Mitchell. Speaker Moncrieff Mitchell<br />

MS013 Topographic Effects on Weather and Climate (ICDM)<br />

onveners: Gage Kenneth<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room F<br />

Chairpersons: Prof. Ken Gage<br />

02:00 pm The isotopic composition of water vapor and the<br />

concurrent meteorological conditions around the northeast part of<br />

the Tibetan Plateau<br />

Yatagai Akiyo, Atsuko Sugimoto, Masayoshi Nakawo.<br />

Speaker Yatagai Akiyo<br />

02:30 pm Orographic precipitation and isotope fractionation<br />

Smith Ronald, A.Anders, A.Didlake, B.Tipple. Speaker Smith<br />

Ronald<br />

02:52 pm Numerical simulation of orographic precipitation in<br />

Madeira Island<br />

Tom Ricardo, Pedro M.A. Miranda, Emanuel Dutra, Rui<br />

Caldeira. Speaker Tom Ricardo<br />

03:14 pm Investigating the effects of topography on the Nigerian<br />

eather systems: the rainstorm that wreaked havoc on the Abuja<br />

tadium Velodrome<br />

Opara-Anuforom Festus, Mr. Bennard Orji. Speaker Opara-<br />

Anuforom Festus<br />

03:36 pm Numerical simulations of precipitation and temperature<br />

over Zagros mountain ranges using RegCM3<br />

Ahmadi-Givi Farhang, P. Irannejad, I. Soltanzadeh. Speaker<br />

Ahmadi-Givi Farhang<br />

03:58 pm Orogenic Traveling Precipitating Systems in Prediction<br />

Models<br />

Moncrieff Mitchell. Speaker Moncrieff Mitchell<br />

04:28 pm Numerical simulation of the moist stratified flow over an<br />

idealized three-dimensional mountain: conditional unstable flow<br />

Tan Zhe-Min, Jili Dong. Speaker Tan Zhe-Min<br />

04:58 pm Influence of topographical features and orientation of<br />

watershed to dynamics of snow accumulation in mountains<br />

Rysbekov Yusup. Speaker Rysbekov Yusup<br />

05:20 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

05:50 pm Studying the characteristics of the rainstorm that wreaked<br />

avoc on the Abuja Stadium Velodrome using In-situ and Remote<br />

Sensing Observation and socio-economic Implications<br />

Opara-Anuforom Festus, Mr. Bennrad Orji. Speaker Opara-<br />

Anuforom Festus<br />

05:53 pm Mountain lee waves and their sensivity to the orographic<br />

shape<br />

Argan Jose Luis, Pedro M. A. Miranda, Miguel A. C. Teixeira.<br />

Speaker Argan Jose Luis<br />

05:56 pm Troposphere as a wave-guide for buoyancy waves<br />

Zirk Marko, Rein Rm. Speaker Zirk Marko<br />

05:59 pm Topographic gravity waves in heterogeneous flows<br />

Miranda Pedro, Miguel Teixeira, Joo Martins. Speaker Miranda<br />

Pedro<br />

06:02 pm Internal boundary layer structure at the Alcantara Space<br />

Center Facilities<br />

Bassi Marinho Pires Luciana, Leandro Franco Souza, Gilberto<br />

isch, Ralf Gielow. Speaker Bassi Marinho Pires Luciana<br />

06:05 pm The effect of vertical wind shear on the gravity wave<br />

torque and its impact on the planetary angular momentum budget<br />

Martins Joao, Pedro M. A. Miranda, Miguel A. C. Teixeira.<br />

Speaker Martins Joao<br />

06:27 pm An influence of mountain gravity waves breaking on lee<br />

cyclogenesis<br />

Martin Armel. Speaker Martin Armel<br />

06:49 pm Stratified shear flow over elliptical mountains: the surface<br />

gravity wave drag<br />

Teixeira Miguel, Pedro M. A. Miranda. Speaker Teixeira Miguel<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina - CERP<br />

CERP<br />

Climatology of the low-level wind over the La Plata River Estuary of<br />

South America obtained with a mesoscale boundary layer model forced<br />

with local weather observations<br />

Berri Guillermo. Speaker Berri Guillermo<br />

Promoting Sustainable Human Settlements and Eco-City Planning<br />

Approach: Southeastern Anatolia Region and Southeastern Anatolia<br />

Project (GAP)<br />

Acma Bulent. Speaker Acma Bulent<br />

MS018 The Role of the Stratosphere in the Climate System (ICMA,<br />

IRC, ICCL)<br />

onveners: Geller Marvin<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room B<br />

09:00 am Solar Influence on Stratosphere-Troposphere Dynamical<br />

Coupling.<br />

Simpson Isla, Mike Blackburn, Joanna D. Haigh. Speaker<br />

Simpson Isla<br />

09:30 am Role of the stratospheric process in the NH winter<br />

circulation trends<br />

Kodera Kunihiko, Masatake Hori, Seiji Yukimoto, Michael<br />

Sigmond. Speaker Kodera Kunihiko<br />

10:00 am Measurements Of Humidity in the Atmosphere: Validation<br />

Experiments (MOHAVE): Results overview and implications for the<br />

long-term lidar monitoring of water vapor in the UT/LS<br />

Leblanc Thierry, I. Stuart Mcdermid, Holger Voemel, Thomas G.<br />

Mcgee, David Whiteman, Belay Demoz, Larry Miloshevich. Speaker Leblanc<br />

Thierry<br />

10:04 am Changing atmospheric composition: Fact or Fiction<br />

Burrows John. Speaker Burrows John<br />

10:08 am Assessing ozone along the subtropical tropopause: A<br />

model sensitivity study<br />

Braesicke Peter, N.R.P. Harries, M.M. Hurwitz, O. Morgenstern,<br />

J.A. Pyle, M. Streibel, J.G. Levine. Speaker Braesicke Peter<br />

10:12 am Stratospheric chemistry in the UKCA model<br />

Morgenstern Olaf, Peter Braesicke, John A. Pyle, Fiona M.<br />

’Connor, Colin E. Johnson. Speaker Morgenstern Olaf<br />

10:16 am Total ozone data base (1950-2004) for the UV radiation<br />

reconstruction over Europe<br />

KrzyCin Janusz. Speaker KrzyCin Janusz<br />

10:20 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10:50 am Modeling the Response of the Middle Atmosphere to<br />

Natural and Anthropogenic Forcing<br />

Garcia Rolando. Speaker Garcia Rolando<br />

11:20 am Causes of stratospheric temperature change - revisited<br />

Forster Piers. Speaker Forster Piers<br />

11:50 am Anthropogenic and natural influences in the evolution of<br />

the stratospheric temperatures<br />

Ramaswamy Venkatachalam, M. D. Schwarzkopf. Speaker<br />

amaswamy Venkatachalam<br />

SS002 Tsunami: generation and hazard<br />

onveners: Satake Kenji, Pelinovsky Efim, Dunbar Paula,<br />

Papadopoulos Gerassimos, Imamura Fumihiko<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 08:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 11<br />

08:30 am A comparison of tsunamis in Caribbean and Mediteranean;<br />

history, possibility, reality<br />

Yalciner Ahmet Cevdet, Efim Pelinovsky, Tania Talipova,<br />

Narcisse Zahibo, Andrey Zaitsev, Rina Didenkulova, Ceren Ozer, Isil Insel,<br />

Hulya Karakus, Andrey Kurkin, Irina Nikolkina. Speaker Yalciner Ahmet<br />

Cevdet<br />

08’45 am Tsunami intensity as a quantification tool: the example of<br />

Mediterranean and Connected Seas<br />

Fokaefs Anna, Eleni Daskalaki, Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos.<br />

Speaker Fokaefs Anna<br />

09’00 am Destructive tsunami-like waves (meteotsunamis) at the<br />

Balearic Islands: observations and numerical modelling<br />

Vilibic Ivica, Sebastian Monserrat, Alexander B. Rabinovich,<br />

Hrvoje Mihanovic. Speaker Vilibic Ivica<br />

09’15 am Geological recognition of tsunami and storm deposits in two<br />

coastal areas of Portugal<br />

Costa Pedro J M, Suzanne A. G. Leroy. Speaker Costa Pedro J<br />

M<br />

09’30 am Tsunamigenic risk for North Atlantic shorelines<br />

Coppo Nicolas, Pierre-Andr Schnegg, Pierik Falco, Roberto<br />

Costa. Speaker Coppo Nicolas<br />

09’45 am Reconsideration of the tsunami source model of the 1755<br />

Lisbon Tsunami<br />

Santos Angela, Shunichi Koshimura, Fumihiko Imamura.<br />

Speaker Santos Angela<br />

10’00 am Stromboli Island (Italy): tsunamis generated by submarine<br />

landslides<br />

Armigliato Alberto, Stefano Tinti, Filippo Zaniboni, Gianluca<br />

Pagnoni. Speaker Stefano Tinti<br />

10’15 am Potential landslide tsunami waves offshore Ischia island,<br />

(Italy)<br />

Biscarini Chiara, Silvia Di Francesco, Crescenzo Violante.<br />

Speaker Crescenzo Violante<br />

10’30 coffee break<br />

11’00 am Observations of Seiche at japanese coast in the Japan Sea<br />

and the significance to tsunami amplification<br />

Abe Kuniaki. Speaker Abe Kuniaki<br />

11’15 am Numerical studies of multiple submarine slope failures and<br />

tsunamis near Seward, Alaska, during the M9.2 1964 earthquake.<br />

Suleimani Elena, Peter Haeussler, Keith Labay, Roger Hansen.<br />

Speaker Suleimani Elena<br />

11’30 am Tsunami moment magnitudes (Mwt) of the 1 April 1946 Unimak<br />

and the 28 March 1964 Alaska tsunamis<br />

Tang Liujuan, Vasily V. Titov, Christopher Chamberlin, Yong<br />

Wei, Michael Spillane. Speaker Tang Liujuan<br />

11’45 am Tsunami wave characteristics in Alberni Inlet, British<br />

Columbia, Canada<br />

Cherniawsky Josef, Isaac Fine, Alexander Rabinovich, Fred<br />

Stephenson. Speaker Cherniawsky Josef<br />

12’00 am Geology and archaeology evidence of megatsunami impact in<br />

Easter Island from tsunamigenic tectonic event in Southern Chile: May<br />

22, 1960 (M 9.5) and December 16, 1575 (M 8.5) Earthquakes<br />

Gonzalez-Ferran Oscar, Cortez Carolina, E .Lorca, E .Zarate,<br />

R Mazzuoli, S .Rapu. Speaker Gonzalez-Ferran Oscar<br />

12’15 am Mega-tsunami of the world ocean: did they occur in the recent<br />

past<br />

Gusiakov Viacheslav, Abbott Dallas, Bryant Edward, Masse<br />

Willliam. Speaker Gusiakov Viacheslav<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 11<br />

2’00 pm Progress in Tsunami Forecasting<br />

Bernard Eddie, Vasily Titov. Speaker Bernard Eddie<br />

2’15 pm A Comparison Study of Two Numerical Tsunami Forecasting<br />

Systems<br />

Greenslade Diana, Vasily Titov. Speaker Greenslade Diana<br />

2’30 pm Possibility of tsunami source detection by using ocean radar<br />

Takahashi Tomoyuki, Shinpei Takahashi, Shoichiro Kojima.<br />

Speaker Takahashi Tomoyuki<br />

2’45 pm Short-term Inundation Forecasting for Tsunamis in the<br />

Caribbean Sea Region<br />

Mercado-Irizarry Aurelio, Wilford Schmidt. Speaker Mercado-<br />

Irizarry Aurelio<br />

3’00 pm Development of a Decision Matrix for Early Tsunami Warning in<br />

the Mediterranean and Connected Seas<br />

Papadopoulos Gerassimos, Eleni Daskalaki, Katerina<br />

Orfanogiannaki. Speaker Papadopoulos Gerassimos<br />

3’15 pm Earthquake-generated tsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea:<br />

scenarios of potential threats to the coast of Italy<br />

Lorito Stefano, Mara Monica Tiberti, Roberto Basili, Alessio<br />

Piatanesi, Gianluca Valensise. Speaker Lorito Stefano<br />

3’30 pm Probabilistic SMF Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the upper<br />

East Coast of the United States<br />

Grilli Stephan, Stefan Maretzki, Christopher Baxter. Speaker<br />

Grilli Stephan<br />

3’45 pm A tsunami hazard model for New Zealand<br />

Power William, Gaye Downes, Mark Stirling, Kelvin Berryman,<br />

Warwick Smith. Speaker Power William<br />

4’00 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

4’30 pm Standards and benchmarks for tsunami modeling<br />

Kanoglu Utku, Costas Synolakis, Eddie Bernard, Vasily Titov,<br />

Frank Gonzlez. Speaker Kanoglu Utku<br />

4’45 pm Long wave runup on the plane beach<br />

Pelinovsky Efim, Didenkulova Irina, Soomere<br />

Tarmo, Zahibo Narcisse. Speaker Pelinovsky Efim<br />

5’00 pm Experiments and an improvement of model on the inundated<br />

flow with floating bodies<br />

Matsutomi Hideo, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Midori Fujii. Speaker<br />

Matsutomi Hideo<br />

5’15 pm Forces on the structures in urban area due to tsunamis<br />

Shigihara Yoshinori, Koji Fujima, Charles Simamora. Speaker<br />

Shigihara Yoshinori<br />

JSS003 Early-Warning Systems<br />

Conveners: Zschau Jochen<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 7<br />

09:00 am Tsunami early warning system in Thailand<br />

Prachuab Sumalee. Speaker Prachuab Sumalee<br />

09:15 am Recent Progress in Infrasonic Early Warning Systems<br />

Garces Milton, David Fee, Michael Hedlin, Robin Matoza, Hugo<br />

Yepes, David Mccormack, Rene Servranckx, Henry Bass. Speaker Garces<br />

Milton<br />

09:30 am Detection of precursory changes in source parameters: A<br />

probable short-term forecasting model for the small- to moderate- size<br />

intraplate earthquakes in the Kachchh seismic zone, Gujarat, India<br />

Mandal Prantik, R.K.Chadha, Mr. C. Styamurty, Mr. I.P. Raju,<br />

Mr. N. Kumar. Speaker Mandal Prantik<br />

09:45 am Use of high-frequency geoacoustic effect for a location of<br />

earthquakes preparation areas<br />

Shevtsov Boris, Anatolii Kuptsov, Igor Larionov, Yurii<br />

Marapulets, Andrei Perezhogin, Raya Sagitova, Gleb Vodinchar. Speaker<br />

Shevtsov Boris<br />

10:00 am Monitoring geophysical precursors to natural hazards<br />

Jakobsdttir Steinunn S.. Speaker Jakobsdttir Steinunn S.<br />

10:15 am Natural Hazard Monitoring: a early warning method to<br />

delineate potentially affected areas by Hurricane using a GIS model<br />

Taramelli Andrea, Laura Melelli, Massimiliano Pasqui,<br />

Alessandro Sorichetta, Bernardo Gozzini. Speaker Taramelli Andrea<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Spatial forecasting of tropical cyclone wind hazard and<br />

impact for emergency services: example utilising tropical cyclone<br />

Larry.<br />

Cechet Bob, Craig Arthur, Mark Edwards, Krishna Nadimpalli,<br />

Babu Divi. Speaker Cechet Bob<br />

11:15 am Weather and constant plane crashes: a case study of<br />

Nigeria<br />

Olorode Deborah, Dr Catherine Ikhile. Speaker Olorode<br />

Deborah<br />

11:30 am The operational forecasting of the tide and surge over Irish<br />

waters<br />

Wang Shiyu, Ray Mcgrath, J. A. Hanafin, Tido Semmler.<br />

Speaker Wang Shiyu<br />

11:45 am Monitoring soil wetness variations by a multi-temporal<br />

microwave satellite records analysis<br />

Lacava Teodosio, Elena Vita Di Leo, Nicola Pergola, Valerio<br />

Tramutoli. Speaker Lacava Teodosio<br />

12:00 pm Flood warning system for Bangladesh<br />

Akhtar Mohammad Khaled. Speaker Akhtar Mohammad<br />

Khaled<br />

12:15 pm On the potential of multi-temporal satellite records<br />

analysis for extreme flooding events monitoring<br />

Lacava Teodosio, Filomena Sannazzaro, Nicola Pergola,<br />

Valerio Tramutoli. Speaker Lacava Teodosio<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 7<br />

02:00 pm FLASH: A new EU project for the early warning of<br />

Mediterranean flash floods<br />

Price Colin, Yoav Yair, Alberto Mugnai, Kostas Lagouvardos,<br />

Maria-Carmen Llasat, Silas Michaelides. Speaker Price Colin<br />

02:15 pm Early warnings of forest fires with MSG-SEVIRI data<br />

Mazzeo Giuseppe, Carolina Filizzola, Francesco Marchese,<br />

Rossana Paciello, Nicola Pergola, Valerio Tramutoli. Speaker Mazzeo<br />

Giuseppe<br />

02:30 pm Remote sensing/GIS application for early warning systems<br />

of natural hazard: case study of Victoria Island, Lagos Nigeria.<br />

Sonuga Olumuyiwa. Speaker Sonuga Olumuyiwa<br />

02:45 pm Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) for early warnings in<br />

security applications<br />

Filizzola Carolina, Rosita Corrado, Antonio De La Cruz,<br />

Rossana Paciello, Nicola Pergola, Valerio Tramutoli. Speaker Filizzola<br />

Carolina<br />

03:00 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

03:30 pm Win: a new SOA for risk management<br />

Pi Figueroa Araceli, Christian Alegre, Marina Martinez-Garcia.<br />

Speaker Marina Martinez-Garcia<br />

03:45 pm MarCoast Network: a provision of EO-Based services for<br />

marine and coastal applications<br />

Pi Figueroa Araceli, Jrme Bruniquel, Marina Martinez-Garcia.<br />

Speaker Marina Martinez-Garcia<br />

04:00 pm Early warning decision support system based geoinformation<br />

technology and spatial planning for earthquakes reduction<br />

and assessment in Syria<br />

Saleh Hussain, Georges Allaert. Speaker Saleh Hussain<br />

04:15 pm Ground Effects of Space Weather: climatology and<br />

forecast of extreme events<br />

Trichtchenko Larisa. Speaker Trichtchenko Larisa<br />

JSS015 Crustal structure and Tectonophysics - Large-scale multidisciplinary<br />

programs for continental imaging<br />

Conveners: Thybo Hans<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 12<br />

02:00 pm 3-D crustal velocity tomography in south of Jiangsu<br />

Province and adjacent area, China<br />

Li Qinghe, Zhang Yuiansheng, Jin Shumei. Speaker Li Qinghe<br />

02:20 pm Single-Station Passive Seismic Stratigraphy to 2km depth<br />

in sedimentary basins<br />

Mulargia Francesco, Silvia Castellaro. Speaker Mulargia<br />

Francesco<br />

02:40 pm Seismic imaging of the lithosphere beneath southeast<br />

Australia using data from multiple array deployments<br />

Rawlinson Nick, Brian L. N. Kennett. Speaker Rawlinson Nick<br />

03:00 pm Deep seismic reflection image and sesimic refraction study<br />

across the achan kovil shear zone (aksz) suggest a major panafrican<br />

tectonic event<br />

Rajendra Prasad<br />

03:20 pm Implications of transitional structure across Central Taiwan<br />

from studies of wide-aperture seismic, receiver functions, stress field<br />

and earthquake data<br />

Chen How-Wei. Speaker Chen How-Wei<br />

03:40 pm Possibility of the Earths global tomography with the use of<br />

vibrating sources<br />

Kovalevsky Valery, Anatoly Alekseev, Boris Glinsky. Speaker<br />

Kovalevsky Valery<br />

04:00 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:30 pm Vibroseismic Earths crust structure research in Siberia.<br />

Kovalevsky Valery, Boris Glinsky, Marat Khairetdinov, Victor<br />

Seleznev, Alexander Emanov, Victor Soloviev. Speaker Kovalevsky Valery<br />

4:45 pm Project INDEPTH and the Deep Structure of the Tibetan Plateau<br />

Brown Larry, Wenjin Zhao. Speaker Brown Larry<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Geophysical investigations of the Eastern Alpine crust and upper<br />

mantle<br />

Behm Michael, Ewald Brckl, Franz Kohlbeck, Ulrike Mitterbauer, Laszlo<br />

Szarka, Alpass Working Group, Hungarian Mt Team. Speaker Behm Michael<br />

P-Wave velocity structures, reflectors and seismic activity from seismic<br />

surveys in Kinki district, Southwest Japan<br />

Ito Kiyoshi, Issei Hirose, Yasuhiro Umeda, Hiroshi Sato, Naoshi Hirata, Tanio<br />

Ito, Susumu Abe, Taku Kawanaka, Takeshi Ikawa. Speaker Ito Kiyoshi<br />

Crustal structure and stress field for southern Apennines region from<br />

local earthquakes<br />

Romeo Annalisa, Giuseppe Pasquale, Raffaella De Matteis, Giovanni<br />

Iannaccone, Aldo Zollo. Speaker Romeo Annalisa<br />

SS001 Seismic Observations And Interpretation<br />

Conveners: Storchak Dmitry, Sato Haruo, Dewey James, Musson Roger,<br />

Hanka Winfried<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 3<br />

02:00 pm Calibration of the IRIS global seismographic network<br />

Davis Peter, Jonathan Berger. Speaker Davis Peter<br />

02:15 pm A new perspective for MEDNET<br />

Olivieri Marco, Laura Scognamiglio, Alfonso Mandiello,<br />

Salvatore Mazza. Speaker Olivieri Marco<br />

02:30 pm The western mediterranean seismic network: a joint effort<br />

at Ibero-Maghrebian Region.<br />

Pazos Garca Antonio, Jose Martin Davila, Elisa Buforn, Agustn<br />

Udas, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Mimou Harnafi, Abdelkrim Rimi, Bento Caldeira,<br />

Winfried Hanka, Hamidi Mansour, Abdelmansour Nadji. Speaker Pazos<br />

Garca Antonio<br />

02:45 pm The INGV integrated seismic monitoring system in Italy<br />

Amato Alessandro, Marco Cattaneo, Marco Anzidei, Lucio<br />

Badiali, Giuseppe D’Anna, Alberto Delladio, Salvatore Mazza, Francesco<br />

Mele, Carlo Salvaterra, Giulio Selvaggi, Alberto Basili, Andrea Bono, Fawzi<br />

Doumaz. Speaker Amato Alessandro<br />

03:00 pm Instrumental noise of the STS-2 using 3-channel<br />

correlation analysis<br />

Sleeman Reinoud. Speaker Sleeman Reinoud<br />

03:15 pm On the use of background noise to calibrate seismographs<br />

Vila Josep, Ramon Ortiz. Speaker Vila Josep<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Implementation of the Sabana’s broadband seismic array<br />

in Colombia<br />

Caneva Alexander, Vargas Carlos, Montes Luis. Speaker<br />

Caneva Alexander<br />

04:15 pm A relation between Japanese local magnitude Mjma and<br />

seismic moment determined from dense broad band seismograph<br />

network for shallow crustal events<br />

Kawasaki Shinji, Akihiro Asano, Taishi Oouchi, Toshimasa<br />

Takahashi, Yoshimitsu Fukushima. Speaker Kawasaki Shinji<br />

04:30 pm Determination of broadband body-wave magnitudes mB<br />

and mBc using an automatic near real-time procedure and comparison<br />

with interactive measurements and Mw data<br />

Bormann Peter. Speaker Bormann Peter<br />

04:45 pm Source phenomenology explosion experiments in Israel<br />

Gitterman Yefim. Speaker Gitterman Yefim<br />

05:00 pm Seismic networks in Iran<br />

Rezapour Mehdi. Speaker Rezapour Mehdi<br />

05:15 pm Sudan seismicty and the Sudan seismic network<br />

Ahmed Nada. Speaker Ahmed Nada<br />

SS003 Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Strong Ground Motion - Site<br />

effects (and their dependence on source and propagation-path)<br />

Conveners: Furumura Takashi, Bard Pierre-Yves, Fh Donat<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Sedimentary basin depth estimated by receiver function and VSP<br />

methods in the Chiba Area, Japan<br />

Hao Ken, Ken Xian-Sheng Hao, Hiroyuki Fujiwara. Speaker Ken Xian-Sheng<br />

Hao<br />

Basement rock in Metro Manila, Philippines inferred using receiver<br />

function analyses of strong motion accelerograms<br />

Grutas Rhommel, Hidenori Mogi, Hideji Kawakami. Speaker Grutas<br />

Rhommel<br />

Basin and crustal velocity structure model for strong ground motion<br />

prediction in Kinki area, SW of Japan<br />

Iwata Tomotaka, Kagawa Takao, Petukhin Anatoly, Onishi Yoshihiro. Speaker<br />

Iwata Tomotaka<br />

Ground motion characteristics using ambient noise in Bangalore, India<br />

Davuluri Srinagesh, D V Ramana, Rajender Kumar Chadha, M Sekhar.<br />

Speaker Davuluri Srinagesh<br />

Site effect in central Iran, Yazd city.<br />

Eskandari Masume. Speaker Eskandari Masume<br />

Determination of predominant periods of Meridas City soils, from<br />

ambient vibrations measurements<br />

Mazuera Fernando, Leonardo Enrique Gonzlez. Speaker Mazuera Fernando<br />

Numerical simulation of long-period strong ground motions in<br />

Tomakomai, Hokkaido during the 2003 TokachI-Oki, Japan, earthquake<br />

Hatayama Ken. Speaker Hatayama Ken<br />

Estimation of site resonance frequency using microtremor records<br />

Gholami Vahid, Nasrollah Kamalian, Mehdi Zare. Speaker Gholami Vahid<br />

Influence of soil conditions on building seismic response application to<br />

Angra do Herosmo<br />

Teves-Costa Paula, Idalina Veludo, Pierre-Yves Bard. Speaker Teves-Costa<br />

Paula<br />

Seismic vertical array analysis: Phase decomposition for S and surface<br />


12 July, 2007<br />

Yoshida Kunikazu, Tsutomu Sasatani. Speaker Yoshida Kunikazu<br />

Confirmations of 3D basin structure models by long-period ground<br />

motion simulation - in case of Osaka basin, western Japan -<br />

Iwaki Asako, Tomotaka Iwata. Speaker Iwaki Asako<br />

ite Response Analysis During the Dec. 26, 2006 Hengchun, Taiwan<br />

Earthquake<br />

Wen Kuo-Liang, Che-Min Lin, Hsien-Jen Chiang. Speaker Wen Kuo-Liang<br />

Seismic Microzonation for a Test Area at Mt Etna : The Use of Seismic<br />

Noise as a Measure of Ground Truth<br />

ondarelli Daria, Salvatore Grasso, Horst Langer, Michele Maugeri,<br />

Domenico Patan. Speaker Condarelli Daria<br />

Working with seismic microzonation: improving methods for<br />

subsurface modelling<br />

Quadrio Bruno, Claudia Meisina, Giuseppe Naso. Speaker Quadrio Bruno<br />

Estimations of the S-Wave Velocity Structures at the Tainan Basin,<br />

Taiwan, Using the Array Records of Microtremors<br />

Huang Huey-Chu, Jung-Huang Chen. Speaker Huang Huey-Chu<br />

evelopment of a GIS-based geological-geotechnical model of the Vega<br />

Baja (SE Spain) for site effects and microzoning applications<br />

Jimenez Maria-Jose, Alexandre Ribo, Mariano Garcia-Fernandez, Fabizio<br />

Meroni, Atilla Ansal. Speaker Jimenez Maria-Jose<br />

A Detailed Geophysical Study for Disaster Risk Management and<br />

Mitigation in a Highly Seismicity Area<br />

oupios Pantelis, Filippos Vallianatos, John P. Makris, Pantelis Soupios,<br />

asilios Saltas, Ilias Papadopoulos. Speaker Filippos Vallianatos<br />

Hearthquake risk mitigation on mediterranean monumental heritage<br />

subjected to local site amplification<br />

bertini Filippo, Casciati Sara, Marcellini Alberto. Speaker Ubertini Filippo<br />

SS004 Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Strong Ground Motion -<br />

Estimation of strong ground motion<br />

onveners: Douglas John<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 3<br />

09:00 am Scaling relation of mega-fault systems considering fault<br />

segmentation<br />

Kagawa Takao, Kojiro Irikura, Yasuo Awata, Hiroe Miyake, Ken<br />

iyakoshi, Toshiaki Sato, Kazuo Dan, Shinichi Matsushima. Speaker Kojiro<br />

Irikura<br />

09:11 am Features of seismic waves propagation near fault<br />

Aptikaev Feliks, Olga Erteleva. Speaker Aptikaev Feliks<br />

09:22 am Attenuation of macroseismic intensities a tool for<br />

estimation of ground motion<br />

Sørensen Mathilde, Dietrich Stromeyer, Gottfried Grnthal.<br />

Speaker Sørensen Mathilde<br />

09:33 am On the applicability of one-dimensional crustal structures<br />

for ground-motion simulation<br />

Suhadolc Peter, John Douglas, Hideo Aochi, Giovanni Costa.<br />

Speaker Suhadolc Peter<br />

09:44 am Estimation of Parameters of Ground Motion during Future<br />

trong Earthquakes in Sochi Coastal Area (Russia)<br />

Pavlenko Olga. Speaker Pavlenko Olga<br />

09:55 am Long-period earthquake ground displacements recorded<br />

n Guadeloupe (French Antilles)<br />

Jousset Philippe, John Douglas. Speaker Jousset Philippe<br />

10:06 am Real-time shake maps in Southern Alps area: calibration<br />

and validation<br />

Moratto Luca, Costa Giovanni, Delise Andrea, Sandron Denis,<br />

Suhadolc Peter. Speaker Moratto Luca<br />

10:17 am Empirical PGA prediction equation for the Chi-Chi seismic<br />

zone<br />

Chiu Hung-Chie, Fang-Ru Wu. Speaker Chiu Hung-Chie<br />

10:28 am On the scattering in log-normal distribution of the peak<br />

round acceleration residuals in Alborz region, Iran<br />

Ghasemi Hadi, Mehdi Zare. Speaker Ghasemi Hadi<br />

10:39 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:09 am Investigating the relative importance of site and source<br />

effects to strong ground motion variability by using analysis of<br />

variance<br />

Douglas John, Pierre Gehl. Speaker Douglas John<br />

1:20 am On the regional dependence of earthquake strong ground<br />

motion<br />

Douglas John. Speaker Douglas John<br />

11:31 am Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) and other recent<br />

ground motion models applied to the UK<br />

Musson Roger. Speaker Musson Roger<br />

11:42 am Estimation of ground motion at damaged area during 1992<br />

airo earthquake using empirical Green’s function<br />

Fergany Elsayed, Elsayed A. Fergany, Sumio Sawada.<br />

Speaker Fergany Elsayed<br />

11:53 am Use of Empirical Green’s Function For Estimation of<br />

Ground Motion In Urban Regions<br />

Famili Mercedeh. Speaker Famili Mercedeh<br />

12:04 pm An estimate of the attenuation relationship for strong<br />

round motion in the Kivu Province, Western Rift Valley of Africa.<br />

Tuluka Mavonga. Speaker Tuluka Mavonga<br />

12:15 pm Variability of the ground motion generated by a stochastic<br />

summation of empirical Green’’s functions : Study of the « Saintes<br />

crisis »<br />

Courboulex Francoise, Kohrs-Sansorny Carine, Converset<br />

Julien. Speaker Courboulex Francoise<br />

SS006 Education and Outreach<br />

onveners: Taber John, Suyehiro Kiyoshi<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Middle School Seismology; A Study on Authentic Learning and the Use<br />

of an AS-1 Seismometer, Google Earth, and Integrated Ocean Drilling<br />

<strong>Program</strong> Data<br />

ook Jerry, Tavia Prouhet. Speaker Cook Jerry<br />

Geophysics in russian scientific-educational project<br />

usev Alexander. Speaker Gusev Alexander<br />

School Seismology in the UK<br />

Denton Paul. Speaker Denton Paul<br />

W005 Reference Events for Improved Locations<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 12<br />

08:30 am Introduction to workshop on reference events<br />

Richards Paul. Speaker Richards Paul<br />

08’45 am Effective seismological and non-seismological methods for<br />

obtaining reference events in different regions<br />

Engdahl Eric, Paul G. Richards. Speaker Engdahl Eric<br />

09’00 am Establishing Reference Events by Combining Seismic and<br />

Near-Surface Information: Examples from China<br />

Waldhauser Felix, Paul G. Richards, David P. Schaff. Speaker<br />

Waldhauser Felix<br />

09’15 am Tectonic activities of the big Beijing metropolitan area from<br />

relocated earthquakes based on reference events<br />

Chen Qi-Fu, Qi-Fu Chen, Ruifeng Liu, Le Li. Speaker Chen Qi-<br />

Fu<br />

09’30 am Reference Events in sub-Saharan Africa and expected<br />

improvements from AfricaArray<br />

Nyblade Andrew, Paul Dirks, Ray Durrhiem, Lindsay Linzer,<br />

Gerhard Graham. Speaker Nyblade Andrew 09’45 am Aftershock<br />

seismicity of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake<br />

determined by an OBS network above the epicentral area<br />

Araki Eiichiro, Masanao Shinohara, Koichiro Obana, Tomoaki<br />

amada, Yoshiyuki Kaneda, Toshihiko<br />

10’00 am InSAR reference event locations<br />

Lohman Rowena. Speaker Lohman Rowena<br />

0’15 coffee break<br />

10’45 Use of a Multiple Event Relocation Method to Validate and<br />

Generate Seismic Reference Events<br />

Bergman Eric, E. R. Engdahl. Speaker Bergman Eric<br />

11’00 am Generating reference events by RCA method<br />

Bondar Istvan, Eric Bergman, E. Robert Engdahl, Ben Kohl,<br />

Yu-Long Kung, Keith Mclaughlin. Speaker Bondar Istvan<br />

11:15 am Contribution of the U.S. Geological Survey/National<br />

arthquake Information Center (USGS/NEIC) to the identification and<br />

cataloging of seismic reference events<br />

Dewey James, Harley Benz, Ray Buland, Bruce Presgrave,<br />

Stuart Sipkin. Speaker Dewey James<br />

11’30 am Searching for reference events in the Euro-Med bulletin<br />

Godey Stephanie, Anne Loevenbruck, Rmy Bossu. Speaker<br />

Godey Stephanie<br />

11’45 am Reference events to improve earthquake locations - a new ISC<br />

service<br />

Shapira Avi, Oriol Gaspa Rebull, E. Robert Engdahl, Paul G.<br />

Richards. Speaker Shapira Avi<br />

12’00 am Validating 3-D tomography models using reference events<br />

Amaru Maisha, Wim Spakman. Speaker Amaru Maisha<br />

Poster presentation<br />

Precise hypocenter determination of aftershock of large interplate<br />

earthquakes near Japan arc using ocean bottom seismometers<br />

Shinohara Masanao, Tomoaki Yamada, Toshihiko Kanazawa,<br />

Kiyoshi Suyehiro, Tetsuo Takanami, Ryota Hino, Kenji Uehira. Speaker<br />

Shinohara Masanao<br />

JVS004 Volcano seismology<br />

Conveners: Ripepe Maurizio, Neuberg Jurgen<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room E<br />

09:00 am Very-long-period signals observed immediately before a<br />

Vulcanian eruption accompanying pyroclastic flows at Tungurahua,<br />

Ecuador<br />

Kumagai Hiroyuki, Hugo Yepes, Masaru Nakano, Indira Molina.<br />

Speaker Kumagai Hiroyuki<br />

09:22 am Habits of a glacier covered volcano: Seismicity of the Katla<br />

volcano, South Iceland<br />

Jonsdottir Kristin, Bjrn Lund, Roland Roberts. Speaker<br />

Jonsdottir Kristin<br />

09:44 am Volcano seismology: shear-wave velocity models and<br />

complete earthquake source tensor in campanian volcanic areas<br />

(Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei)<br />

Guidarelli Mariangela, Gerardo De Nisco, Concettina Nunziata,<br />

Giuliano Francesco Panza. Speaker Guidarelli Mariangela<br />

10:06 am Mechanics of dyke injection as resolved by seismicity<br />

(Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island)<br />

Traversa Paola, Jean Robert Grasso, Valrie Ferrazzini, Jari<br />

Rosti, Mikko Alava. Speaker Traversa Paola<br />

10:28 am Time lapse seismic imaging of magma beneath Montserrata<br />

feasibility study<br />

Brown Larry, Melissa Stephenson, Rajat Maheshwari. Speaker<br />

Brown Larry<br />

10:50 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:20 am Towards a quantitative, seismic magma flow metre<br />

Neuberg Jurgen, Patrick Smith, Alix Poxon, Janet Key, Jess<br />

Johnson. Speaker Neuberg Jurgen<br />

11:42 am Fault plane orientations at Mt. Etna: inferences from the<br />

inversion of P polarities and rise times of small magnitude earthquakes<br />

De Lorenzo Salvatore, Domenico Patan, Marilena Filippucci,<br />

Elisabetta Giampiccolo, Carmen Martinez-Arevalo. Speaker De Lorenzo<br />

Salvatore<br />

12:04 pm Premonitory seismicity patterns for moderate size<br />

earthquakes at Mt. Vesuvius<br />

Peresan Antonella, Michela Rosso, Irina Rotwain, Igor<br />

Kuznetsov, Giuliano F. Panza. Speaker Peresan Antonella<br />

JVS005 The 25 Anniversary of the El Chichn Eruption<br />

Conveners: Rouwet Dmitri<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 6<br />

02:00 pm Geochemical monitoring of the Solfatara of Pozzuoli<br />

hydrothermal system (Campi Flegrei, Naples, Italy): what it is<br />

happening<br />

Chiodini Giovanni, Avino Rosario, Caliro Stefano, Cardellini<br />

Carlo, Frondini Francesco, Granieri Domenico. Speaker Chiodini Giovanni<br />

02:15 pm Geochemistry of the El Chichn Volcano-Hydrothermal<br />

system<br />

Rouwet Dmitri, Salvatore Inguaggiato, Yuri Taran. Speaker<br />

Rouwet Dmitri<br />

02:30 pm El Chichn, the hinge between two large volcanic arcs:<br />

constraints from He-C-N Isotopic systematics<br />

Rouwet Dmitri, Salvatore Inguaggiato, Giorgio Capasso,<br />

Fausto Grassa, Yuri Taran. Speaker Rouwet Dmitri<br />

VS009 Models and products of mafic explosive activity<br />

Conveners: Valentine Greg, Taddeucci Jacopo<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

09:00 am Influence of decompression rate on the expansion velocity<br />

and expansion style of bubbly fluids<br />

Namiki Atsuko, Michael Manga. Speaker Namiki Atsuko<br />

09:15 am 2006 summit eruptions of Mount Etna (Italy): hazardous<br />

mass-flow phenomena caused by interaction of basaltic magma with<br />

external water<br />

Behncke Boris, Sonia Calvari, Marco Neri, Salvatore<br />

Giammanco. Speaker Behncke Boris<br />

09:30 am The 24 November 2006 Paroxysm at South-east crater, MT.<br />

Etna<br />

Andronico Daniele, Simona Scollo. Speaker Andronico Daniele<br />

09:45 am Correlating vesiculation, degassing and style of eruptive<br />

activity at basaltic volcanoes: the case of the August-December 2006<br />

Etna eruption (Italy)<br />

Polacci Margherita, Michael R. Burton, Alessandro La Spina,<br />

Filippo Mur, Stefano Favretto, Franco Zanini. Speaker Polacci Margherita<br />

10:00 am Influence of conduit geometry and wall texture on<br />

Strombolian activity<br />

Lane Stephen, Mike James, Jack Wilcock. Speaker Mike<br />

James<br />

10:15 am Crystal content and the fracture behaviour of basaltic<br />

melts: an experimental investigation.<br />

Taddeucci Jacopo, Daniele Andronico, Ralph Bttner, Bernd<br />

Zimanowski, Piergiorgio Scarlato. Speaker Taddeucci Jacopo<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Transient multiphase processes during the explosive<br />

eruption of basalt through a geothermal borehole (Namafjall, Iceland,<br />

1977)<br />

Dartevelle Sebastien, Gregory A. Valentine. Speaker Gregory<br />

A. Valentine<br />

11:15 am A new classification system for basaltic eruptions<br />

Cashman Katharine, Danielle Mckay, Laura Pioli, Mauro Rosi,<br />

Alison Rust, Paul Wallace. Speaker Cashman Katharine<br />

11:30 am Relative effects of H2O and CO2 in initial interaction of K-<br />

foiditic magma with a geothermal system: a study case from the Colli<br />

Albani volcanic district, central Italy.<br />

Taddeucci Jacopo, Danilo M. Palladino, Greg A. Valentine,<br />

Guido Ventura. Speaker Taddeucci Jacopo<br />

11:45 am Magma fragmentation in the conduit: numerical simulation<br />

code VERA<br />

Fujita Eisuke, Mie Ichihara, Takeshi Nishimura, Atsushi<br />

Toramaru. Speaker Fujita Eisuke<br />

12:00 pm Foam disruption as the origin of the subplinian basaltic<br />

plume at Shishaldin Volcano (Alaska)<br />

Vergniolle Sylvie, J. Caplan-Auerbach. Speaker Vergniolle<br />

Sylvie<br />

12:15 pm Geometry of Shallow Plumbing Systems for Small-Volume<br />

Basaltic Volcanoes and Implications for Conduit Formation<br />

Keating Gordon, Greg A. Valentine, Don J. Krier, Frank V.<br />

Perry, Sebastien Dartevelle. Speaker Keating Gordon<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

02:00 pm Modeling of volcanic conduit pressurization due to gas<br />

bubbles in basaltic magma<br />

Nishimura Takeshi. Speaker Nishimura Takeshi<br />

02:15 pm The relationship between the sector-collapse of the South<br />

East Crater (Etna, Italy) and the paroxysmal event of November 16 2006<br />

Ferlito Carmelo, Marco Viccaro, Eugenio Nicotra, Renato<br />

Cristofolini. Speaker Ferlito Carmelo<br />

02:30 pm Sampling and analyzing ash from individual Strombolian<br />

explosions at Stromboli: towards an integrated volcanologicalgeophysical<br />

approach to shallow conduit processes.<br />

Scarlato Piergiorgio, Daniele Andronico. Speaker Scarlato<br />

Piergiorgio<br />

02:45 pm The Parcutin eruption: a new look into violent strombolian<br />

activity<br />

Pioli Laura, Katharine Cashman, Hugo Delgado-Granados,<br />

Elisabeth Erlund, Mauro Rosi, Paul Wallace. Speaker Pioli Laura<br />

03:00 pm Development of anisotropy of permeability in expanding<br />

vesicular magma with implications for eruption explosivity<br />

Llewellin Ed. Speaker Llewellin Ed<br />

03:15 pm Dynamics of the Fontana Lapilli basaltic Plinian eruption<br />

(Nicaragua): deposit characterization and microtextural studies.<br />

Costantini Licia, Costanza Bonadonna, Bruce F. Houghton.<br />

Speaker Costantini Licia<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Changing in eruptive styles in basaltic explosive<br />

volcanism: examples from Croscat Volcano, Garrotxa Volcanic District<br />

(NE Catalunya).<br />

Di Traglia Federico, Corrado Cimarelli, Donatella De Rita,<br />

Domingo Gimeno Torrente. Speaker Di Traglia Federico<br />

04:15 pm Modelling magma flow in narrow conduits: the case of<br />

Villarrica volcano<br />

Palma Lizana Jose Luis, Steve Blake, Dave Rothery, Eliza<br />

Calder. Speaker Palma Lizana Jose Luis<br />

04:30 pm The GRMSVTN 2004 eruption: volcanic plume transport<br />

and tephra dispersal in a basaltic phreatomagmatic eruption<br />

Oddsson Bjrn, Magns Tumi Gumundsson, Gurn Larsen, Sigrn<br />

Karlsdttir. Speaker Oddsson Bjrn<br />

04:45 pm Dynamics of ash emission activity at Vesuvius<br />

D’Oriano Claudia, Raffaello Cioni, A. Bertagnini, P.D. Cole.<br />

Speaker D’Oriano Claudia<br />

05:00 pm Deep-sea pyroclastic deposits on Loihi Seamount<br />

White James, C. Ian Schipper, Bruce F. Houghton. Speaker<br />

White James<br />

05:15 pm Effusive, explosive, phreatomagmatic, and edifice<br />

collapsing events of Jorullo Volcano (Mexico)<br />

Delgado Granados Hugo, Julie Roberge, Isaac A. Farraz<br />

Montes, Alfredo Victoria Morales, Julio Csar Prez Bustamante, Juan Carlos<br />

Correa Olan, Aarn Gutirrez Jimnez, Nayeli Adn Gonzlez, Edras F. Bravo<br />

Cardona. Speaker Delgado Granados Hugo<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace Main<br />

Hall<br />

Dynamics of low energy explosive activity at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian<br />

Islands, Italy).<br />

Zanon Vittorio, Marco Neri, Emilio Pecora. Speaker Zanon Vittorio<br />

The turbulent shedding mechanism of hydromagmatic fragmentation:<br />

physical evidence from Klauea volcano, Hawaii<br />

Mastin Larry, Oliver Spieler. Speaker Mastin Larry<br />

Morphoscopy of pyroclasts (optical and SEM approach) as a tool in<br />

magma-water interaction understanding: a case study from Puig de La<br />

Garrinada Volcano, Olot (NE Spain)<br />

Gisbert Guillem, Domingo Gimeno. Speaker Gisbert Guillem<br />

Interactions between rising bubbles and a crystal network: insights<br />

from analog experiments<br />

Belien Isolde, Katharine Cashman, Alan Rempel. Speaker Belien Isolde<br />

VS010+VW003 (JOINED SESSIONS) Modeling the plumbing system<br />

of active volcanoes by integrated petrological, geophysical and fluid<br />

inclusion studies<br />

Conveners: Peccerillo Angelo, De Vivo Benedetto, Bodnar B, Frezzotti<br />

M.L.<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Chemistry<br />

Room C<br />

9.00 Studying of the possibility of recovery of thermal energy of the<br />

magmatic chamber of the Avachinsky volcano by means of deep wells<br />

Sobissevitch A., Russia<br />

9.15-Magma plumbing system in Asama volcano (Japan) during these<br />

50 years<br />

Nakada S., Japan<br />

9.30 Linking the petrology of magmas with surface monitoring data at<br />

active volcanoes. A perspective from Volcan de Colima, Mexico.<br />

Reubi O., UK<br />

9.45 Magmatic processes that triggered the 10.5 ka Upper Toluca<br />

pumice eruption from Nevado de<br />

Toluca, Mexico<br />

Smith V., USA<br />

10.00 A simplified eos for the density of silicate hydrous magmas: an<br />

application to a Popocatpetl buoyancy-driven dome-growth process<br />

model<br />

Gonzales-Mellado A.O.<br />

10.15 A hybrid magma feeding a pre-Minoan scoria-fall eruption of<br />

Santorini volcano, Aegean Arc,<br />

Greece: inferences from primitive tholeiitic melt inclusions in olivine<br />

Vaggelli G., Italy<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11.00 The evolution of the Campi Flegrei magma: thermodynamic<br />

modeling of the Fondo Riccio and Minopoli 1 eruptions using<br />

melt inclusion data.<br />

Cannatelli C., Italy<br />

11.15 Toward a common plumbing system of recent eruptions of Lipari<br />

and Vulcano (Aeolian islands, Italy)<br />

Dav M., Italy<br />

11.30 The plumbing system of Vulcano Island (Italy): an integrated<br />

petrological, fluid inclusion, and geophysical approach<br />

Peccerillo A., Italy<br />

11.45 The 1739 AD - Pietre Cotte lava flow (Vulcano Island, Italy):<br />

constraints to the volcanic structure through the integration of<br />

textural, geochemical and fractal analysis<br />

De Astis G., Italy<br />

12.00 D/H Isotope Ratios of Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions in Mount<br />

Etna primitive basalt<br />

Allard P., France<br />

12.15 A re-assessment of Central-Italian kamafugite compositions from<br />

melt inclusions and mineral chemistry<br />

Nikogossian I.. Netherlands<br />

Conveners: Peccerillo Angelo, Frezzotti M.L., Allard P.+ De Astis<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of Chemistry<br />

Room C<br />

14.00 Migh Mg-mineral relicts in the Ciomadul dacite: evidence for the<br />

influence of primitive mantle-derived melt on the magma evolution<br />

Vinkler A., Italy<br />

14.15 In-situ determination of H2O content of melt inclusions using<br />

reflectance-µ-FT-IR<br />

Fraser W.<br />

30.30 Solubility of sulfur and chlorine in hydrous phonolitic melt at<br />

200 MPa and 890-990C<br />

Sintoni M.F., Italy<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace Main<br />

Hall<br />

Melt and fluid inclusion investigation in the ad 472 magma chamber of<br />

Vesuvius: inferences on fluid exsolution and magmatic degassing,<br />

Marianelli P., Italy<br />

Silicate inclusions into restitic xenoliths from lavas and pyroclasts of<br />

Aeolian Islands (southern Italy): properties of alkaline anatectic melts,<br />

Zanon V., Portugal<br />

Plumbing system evolution in the final activity of Nisyros volcano,<br />

Greece, as inferred by mineralogical, petrochemical and isotopic data,<br />

Braschi E., Italy<br />

The Plumbing System at the Initial Period of the Young Cone Formation,<br />

Avachinsky Volcano (Kamchatka), Maximov A., Russia<br />

The magma chamberwall rock interface of an active volcano through<br />

melt and fluid inclusion investigations: the Vesuvius example,<br />

Marianelli P., Italy<br />

Crustal and mantle magmatic processes during Kilauea prolonged Puu<br />

Oo eruption, Hawai’I, Marske J., USA<br />

The feeding system of the 1944 eruption (Vesuvius) from petrological<br />

and melt inclusion studies,<br />

Marianelli P., Italy<br />

Deep input at the origin of the historic violent strombolian eruptions at<br />

Vesuvius, Marianelli P., Italy<br />

The Campi flegrei feeding system at the time of the Campanian<br />

Ignimbrite eruption, Marianelli P., Italy<br />

Evolution of dome-forming peralkaline silicic magmas at Santa Brbara<br />

and Pico Alto volcanoes<br />

(Terceira Island, Azores), Pimentel A., Portugal<br />

Structural controls on the magma movements and eruption locations:<br />

Observational evidence in Usu volcano, Japan, Onizawa S., Japan<br />

Multiple magma feeding systems for radial fissure eruption inferred<br />

from dike intrusion direction, Geshi N., Japan<br />

VS013 Quantifying and expressing volcanic risk: a challenge for<br />

the Millennium<br />

Conveners: Neri Augusto, Baxter Peter<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of Chemistry<br />

Room A<br />

02:00 pm Volcanological Support for Evacuation Decision-Making<br />

Woo Gordon. Speaker Woo Gordon<br />

02:15 pm A decison model for evacuation planning at Nyiragongo<br />

volcano, DR Congo<br />

Baxter Peter, William Aspinall, Jean-Christophe Komorowski,<br />

Wally Gilks. Speaker Baxter Peter<br />

02:30 pm Real time volcanic hazard evaluation during a volcanic<br />

crisis: BET_EF and MESIMEX Experiment<br />

Marzocchi Warner, Laura Sandri, Jacopo Selva, Gordon Woo.<br />

Speaker Marzocchi Warner<br />

02:45 pm The 1530 A.D. sub-Plinian eruption of La Soufrire<br />

(Guadeloupe): Eruption scenario and modelling of tephra dispersal with<br />

implications for hazards assessment<br />

Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Yoann Legendre, Benoit Caron,<br />

Georges Boudon. Speaker Komorowski Jean-Christophe<br />

03:00 pm Probabilistic digital hazard maps for avalanches and<br />

pyroclastic flows using TITAN2D: application to Pico de Orizaba, Mexico<br />

Sheridan Michael, Abani K. Patra, Keith Dalbey, Bernard<br />

Hubbard. Speaker Sheridan Michael<br />

03:15 pm A comprehensive hazard and risk map for the areas<br />

exposed to active volcanoes in Campania Region (southern Italy)<br />

Alberico Ines, Lirer Lucio, Petrosino Paola. Speaker Alberico<br />

Ines<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Short-term oscillations on hydrothermal systems as a

12 July, 2007<br />

source of prolongated unrest at caldera volcanoes: multi-parameter<br />

insights from Nisyros, Greece<br />

Coppo Nicolas, Joachim Gottsmann, Roberto Carniel, Luke<br />

Wooller, Stefanie Hautmann. Speaker Coppo Nicolas<br />

04:15 pm Quantifying the risk to scientists monitoring active<br />

volcanoes<br />

Jolly Gill, Brad J Scott. Speaker Jolly Gill<br />

VS018 New advances in understanding phreatomagmatism: from<br />

experiments to volcanic facies analyses<br />

Conveners: Nemeth Karoly<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Library<br />

Chairpersons: Karoly Nemeth<br />

09:00 am The relation between volatile-rich magma and<br />

phreatomagmatism: an example from Birket Ram, the Northern Golan<br />

Shaanan Uri, Ram Weinberger, Oded Navon. Speaker<br />

Shaanan Uri<br />

09:15 am Investigation into the mechanics and dynamics of<br />

phreatomagmatic eruptions and their resulting deposits: comparison of<br />

sinker Butte Tuff Cone (Idaho), Narbona Pass Maar (New Mexico), and<br />

Table Rock Complex (Oregon) USA<br />

Brand Brittany, Amanda B Clarke, Steven Semken, Craig M<br />

White. Speaker Brand Brittany<br />

09:30 am Phreatomagmatism in the Garrotxa Volcanic District:<br />

spatial distribution of the vents, volcanoes architectures and<br />

characterizations of the deposits.<br />

Di Traglia Federico, Corrado Cimarelli, Domingo Gimeno<br />

Torrente, Donatella De Rita. Speaker Di Traglia Federico<br />

09:45 am Phreatomagmatic dynamics during the Astroni eruptions<br />

(Campi Flegrei, Italy): implications for the expected eruptive scenario<br />

Isaia Roberto, Pierfrancesco Dellino. Speaker Isaia Roberto<br />

10:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10:30 am Nonisothermal water and vapor filtration flows in<br />

superheated porous media<br />

Afanasiev Andrej, Oleg Melnik. Speaker Afanasiev Andrej<br />

10:45 am Hawaiian-type lumps as distal indicators for hydroclastic<br />

ruptions of andesitic magma associated with shallow level voluminous<br />

ill emplacement into wet sediments in the Ferrar LIP, Antarctica<br />

Viereck-Goette Lothar, Robert Schoener, Benjamin Bomfleur,<br />

oerg Schneider, Michael Abratis, Martin Elsner, Hans Kerp, Reinhard<br />

Gaupp. Speaker Viereck-Goette Lothar<br />

11:00 am Experimental injection of particles and gas into nonuidized<br />

granular material: implications for debris jets in Maar-Diatreme<br />

olcanoes<br />

Ross Pierre-Simon, James D.L. White, Bernd Zimanowski, Ralf<br />

ttner. Speaker James D.L. White<br />

1:15 am Phreatomagmatic volcanoes at the rift edge of Ambae<br />

sland (Vanuatu, New Hebrides) and their potential role for volcanic<br />

hazard on ocean islands<br />

Nemeth Karoly, Shane J. Cronin. Speaker Nemeth Karoly<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Library<br />

Chairpersons: Karoly Nemeth<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Los Loros trachytic tuff ring in northwestern Patagonia-Argentina<br />

Risso Corina, Francisco Nullo, Kroly Nmeth, Pablo Leal. Speaker Risso<br />

Corina<br />

Primary versus secondary and subaerial versus submarine<br />

hydrovolcanic deposits in the subsurface of Jeju Island, Korea<br />

Sohn Young Kwan, Ki Hwa Park, Seok-Hoon Yoon. Speaker Sohn Young<br />

Kwan<br />

The relative role of magmatic and phreatomagmatic explosions in the<br />

Averno eruption<br />

ourmentraux Cline, Prof. Mauro Rosi, Dr N. Metrich, Dr A. Bertagnini, Dr K.<br />

Cashman. Speaker Fourmentraux Cline<br />

Study new pregress on volcanic phreatomagmatic eruption<br />

Sun Qian. Speaker Sun Qian<br />

Growth and evolution of So Roque offshore tuff cone, So Miguel Island<br />

(Azores): geomorphological evidences and facies analysis<br />

anon Vittorio, Jos Pacheco, Adriano Pimentel. Speaker Zanon Vittorio<br />

S019 Large Igneous Provinces<br />

Conveners: Ernst Richard<br />

Oral 12 July, 2007 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 14<br />

09:00 am A mantle-plume trigger for delamination beneath the<br />

source region of the Columbia River Flood Basalts<br />

Camp Victor, Barry B. Hanan. Speaker Camp Victor<br />

09:30 am Volatile contents of lip magmas from Deccan and<br />

Columbia River: implications for atmospheric gas release from flood<br />

basalt eruptions<br />

Self Stephen, Kirti Sharma, Stephen Blake, Mike Widdowson,<br />

hor Thordarson. Speaker Kirti Sharma<br />

10:00 am Intra-lava flow geochemical heterogeneity: constraining<br />

magmatic processes generating continental flood basalts<br />

Vye Charlotte, Abdelmouhcine Gannoun, Stephen Self, Tiffany<br />

Barry, Kevin Burton. Speaker Vye Charlotte<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:00 am Assessing the evidence for pre- and syn-eruptive uplift:<br />

he Deccan CFBP, India<br />

Widdowson Mike. Speaker Widdowson Mike<br />

11:30 am Highly alkaline magmatism associated with the Emeishan<br />

mantle plume: Evidence for an open system evolution of plume-derived<br />

magmas<br />

Xu Yigang, Sun-Lin Chung, Jin-Long Ma, Xiao-Long Huang,<br />

i-Feng Xu, M. F. Thirlwall. Speaker Xu Yigang<br />

Poster 12 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Field characteristics of dikes in the Allan Hills & their implications for<br />

magma emplacement, Ferrar large igneous province, Antarctica<br />

Airoldi Giulia, Jdl White, J Rowland, J Muirhead. Speaker Airoldi Giulia<br />

agnetostratigraphy of the lower part of the Karoo continental flood<br />

basalt Province: attempting to constrain eruptive pulses.<br />

ay Anne. Speaker Jay Anne<br />

13 July, 2007<br />

UL004 Lessons from the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and the<br />

Asian tsunami,<br />

Kenji Satake<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 08:30 AM to 09:30 AM - Rectorate Main Hall<br />

US012 Early Warning of Natural Hazards<br />

Conveners: Henri P. Josserand; Dan L. Tang; Tom Beer; R. Singh<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:15 AM to 13:00 PM - Rectorate Main Hall<br />

09:15 am GeoHazards in the International Year of Planet Earth<br />

Beer Tom. Speaker Beer Tom<br />

09:30 am An integrated approach to natural hazards research<br />

McBean Gordon. Speaker McBean Gordon<br />

09:45 am UNEP and Early Warning of Natural Hazards<br />

Singh Ashbindu. Speaker Singh Ashbindu<br />

10:00 am Short- and long-term earthquake forecasting<br />

Kagan Yan, David D. Jackson. Speaker Kagan Yan<br />

10:15 am Complementary behavior of Multi Sensor Data For Early<br />

arning of Earthquakes<br />

Singh Ramesh, Senthil Kumar, Guido Cervone, Horie Takumi,<br />

A. K. Prasad, M. Hayakawa, M. Kafatos. Speaker Singh Ramesh<br />

10:30 am Early warning in case of potential tsunami<br />

Zschau Jochen, Gitews-Project Team. Speaker Zschau Jochen<br />

10:45 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:15 am Dust Storm Aerosols and Atlantic Tropical Storms<br />

Kafatos Menas, Zafer Boybeyi, Donglian Sun. Speaker Kafatos<br />

Menas<br />

11:30 am CUACE/Dust – An Integrated System of Observation and<br />

Modeling Systems for Operational Dust Forecasting in Asia<br />

Zhang Xiao Ye, S. L. Gong, C. H. Zhou, H. L. Liu, Y.Q. Wang, T.<br />

Niu, Y Q Yang, Q Hou. Speaker Zhang Xiao Ye<br />

1:45 am Responses of marine phytoplankton blooms to natural<br />

hadzards - tsunami, typhoons, and dust storms<br />

Tang Danling, Guangming Zheng, Hui Zhao, Jinhai Lv,<br />

Zhongzheng Yan. Speaker Tang Danling<br />

12:00 pm Application of Satellite Data for Early Drought Detections<br />

nd Impact Assessment on the Environment and Society<br />

Kogan Felix. Speaker Kogan Felix<br />

12:15 pm Assessing Severe National Assessment Methodology for<br />

Australian Wind Risk wind Hazard from Tropical Cyclones<br />

Cechet Bob, Mark Edwards and Krishna Nadimpalli<br />

12:30 pm Use of Real Time Lightning Observations for Early Warning<br />

of Meteorological Hazards<br />

Price Colin. Speaker Price Colin<br />

12:45 am Early warnings of forest fires with MSG-SEVIRI data<br />

Filizzola Carolina, Francesco Marchese, Rossana Paciello,<br />

Nicola Pergola, Valerio Tramutoli. Speaker Filizzola Carolina<br />

HS1002 A New Focus on Integrated Analysis of Groundwater/<br />

Surface-Water Systems: Process Understanding, Conceptualisation and<br />

Modelling. (Sponsors ICGW, ICSW and ICCLAS)<br />

Conveners: Abesser Corinna, Wagener Thorsten, Nuetzmann Gunnar<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0<br />

09:15 am Sudheer, K P (Keynote) The particular problems of<br />

hydrologic forecasting for water resources purposes in less developed<br />

countries<br />

09:45 am Natural Attenuation Potential of Downwelling Streams for<br />

perfluorochemicals and other<br />

Emerging Contaminants<br />

Hoehn Eduard. Speaker Hoehn Eduard<br />

10:05 am Watershed analysis of spatially and temporally varying<br />

nitrate transport as a result of<br />

agricultural inputs<br />

Sykes Jon, Margaret E.A. Scott. Speaker Sykes Jon<br />

10’30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 pm A conceptual framework for modelling surface water<br />

groundwater interactions in Australian<br />

catchments<br />

Rassam David, Glen Walker, Mark Reid, Ian Jolly, Craig<br />

Beverly, Jeffery Turner, Ray Evans,<br />

Adrian Werner, Mark Silbern. Speaker Rassam David<br />

11:20 pm An Integrated Systems Model for Conjunctive Water Use,<br />

Angas-Bremer Prescribed Wells Area,<br />

South Australia<br />

Cresswell Richard, Tony Thomson, Eloise Nation, Andrew<br />

Fitzpatrick, Matthew Stenson. Speaker<br />

Cresswell Richard<br />




Brookfield, Andrea<br />

12:00 am Coupling of surface water management and groundwater<br />

dynamics for mining pit lakes<br />

Koch Hagen, Uwe Grnewald, Kai Mazur. Speaker Koch Hagen<br />

12:20 Discussion<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A0<br />

02:00 pm Weathering and geochemical processes controlling the<br />

geochemistry of surface, sub-surface<br />

and mine water in the upper catchment of Damodar River<br />

Basin, India<br />

Singh Abhay Kumar, G. C. Mondal, B. K. Tewary, Amlendu Sinha.<br />

Speaker Singh Abhay<br />

Kumar<br />




Rivera, Diego / presenter: Arumi, Jose Luis<br />

2:40 am Optimisation of nature development scenarios for the<br />

integrated nature reserve of the<br />

Hemmepolder (Belgium)<br />

Adams Roeland, Eric Degand, Roeland Adams, Maurice<br />

Hoffmann, Florimond De Smedt, Hannah<br />

Van Nieuwenhuyze, Jean-Louis Herrier. Speaker Eric Degand<br />



De Clercq, Bob<br />

03:20 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

4:00 pm Coupled modeling of groundwater and surface water for<br />

renaturation planning in the National<br />

Park Lower Odra<br />

Kaden Stefan. Speaker Kaden Stefan<br />

4:20 pm Strategies in water resource management to protect<br />

coastal forests from saltwater intrusion: a case study, the san vitale<br />

pine forest ravenna (italy)<br />

Giambastiani, Beatrice<br />

4:40 pm Interaction between groundwater and surface water transferred<br />

from Yellow River<br />

Li Fadong, Fadong Li, Xianfang Song, Akihiko Kondoh,<br />

Guoying Pan, Yintao Lu. Speaker<br />

Li Fadong<br />

HS2005 Water Quality and Sediment Behaviour of the Future:<br />

Predictions for the 21st Century<br />

(Sponsor ICWQ, ICCE, ICGW, PUB and ICT)<br />

Conveners: Webb Bruce<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Physics<br />

Room B<br />

09:00 am Charles J. Vörösmarty, Jason P. Ericson, S. Lawrence<br />

Dingman, Larry G. Ward & Michel Meybeck<br />

Future impacts of fresh water resource management: sensitivity of coastal<br />

deltas<br />

09:30 am Bradford S. Sherman, Jon Brodie, Lex Cogle & Chris Carroll<br />

The appropriate use of catchment models for water quality target setting and<br />

land use management.<br />

10:00 am Conceicao de Maria Albuquerque Alves & Daniel Pete Loucks<br />

Development and application of a Watershed Information System (WIS) for<br />

water quality analyses<br />

10:30 coffe break<br />

11:00 Pierre Serrat<br />

Groundwater of the future in the Roussillon floodplain: present-day situation<br />

and solutions for the 21 st Century<br />

11:30 am Mitsuyo Saito, Shin-ichi Onodera, Kunihide Miyaoka, Jianyao<br />

Chen, Makoto Taniguchi, Guanqun Liu & Yoshihiro Fukushima<br />

Nitrate contamination in groundwater of the Yellow River Delta and its effect<br />

on the marine environment<br />

12:00 pm Tang Lihua, Zhang Sicong & Yao Wenfeng<br />

The assessment of groundwater vulnerability in China<br />

12:30 L.P. Chourasia<br />

Hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in a part of the hard rock terrain of central<br />

India<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM - Department of Physics<br />

Room B<br />

02:00 pm Issoufou Abdoulkader<br />

Runoff erosion control for a sustainable water supply in Niamey, Niger<br />

Republic<br />

02:30 pm Sadat Feiznia & Kazem Nosrati<br />

The effect of parent material and land use on soil erosion, a case study of the<br />

Taleghan Drainage Basin, Iran<br />

03:00 pm Zakikhani Sepideh, Mohammadi Abdolhossein & Feiznia<br />

Sadat<br />

Sediment yield in the Daryacheh - Namak drainage basin, Iran and its<br />

relation to land-use changes<br />

03:30 pm U. C. Sharma & Vikas Sharma<br />

Implications of changes in river sediments during the twenty-first century for<br />

freshwater ecosystems in northeast India<br />

Poster 13 July, 2007 from 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Rocca Paolina - CERP<br />

CERP<br />

Modelling Nutrients Contributed by Diffuse sources in the Krishna River<br />

Basin<br />

Chandrasekhar Matli. Speaker Chandrasekhar Matli<br />

Estimation of river sediment concentrations during hydrologic event<br />

Wang Guojiang, Hong Jiang, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi. Speaker Wang Guojiang<br />

Estimation of river sediment concentrations during hydrologic event<br />

Wang Guojiang, Hong Jiang, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi. Speaker Wang Guojiang<br />

Estimation of sediment-associated fecal indicator bacteria export in a<br />

mountain watershed<br />

Jing Ao, Kei Nishida, Yasushi Sakamoto. Speaker Jing Ao<br />

The Aquatic Ecological Attribute in Huaihe River Basin,China<br />

Zhao Changsen, Jun Xia, Weijin Yan. Speaker Zhao Changsen<br />

A Preliminary Study on Natural Erosion Rates in A Small Watershed of<br />

the Sichuan Hilly Basin<br />

Zhang Xinbao. Speaker Zhang Xinbao<br />

Advances in spatially distributed sediment budgets for managing water<br />

quality and habitat<br />

Wilkinson Scott, Paul Rustomji, Jon Olley, Arthur Read. Speaker Wilkinson<br />

Scott<br />

Investigating the Role of Landuse changes and Erodibility of formations<br />

to sediment yield, case study: Daryacheh Namak Drainage Basin,Iran<br />

Feiznia Sadat, Sepideh Zakikhani, Abdolhossein Mohammadi. Speaker<br />

Feiznia Sadat<br />

Research on the Phosphorus and Nitrogen Transport in an Agricultural<br />

Watershed<br />

Xing Chen, Yu Zhongbo, Cui Guangbai. Speaker Xing Chen<br />

State-of-the-Art Technology in Suspended Sediment Monitoring<br />

Summer Wolfgang, Harald Fugger. Speaker Summer Wolfgang<br />

Assessment of stratification effects on hydrodynamics and water<br />

quality in lakes<br />

Elci Sebnem. Speaker Elci Sebnem<br />

Design, construction and performance of a low-cost automatic water<br />

sampler<br />

Moreira Lucio, Jefferson Doolan Fernandes, Pablo Javier Alsina. Speaker<br />

Moreira Lucio<br />

Denitrification zone in volcanic confined aquifer of the Miyakonojo<br />

Basin, Japan, based on the regional groundwater flow system<br />

Mikami Kumiko, Jun Shimada. Speaker Mikami Kumiko<br />

Influence de l’activité volcanique dans la chimie du NAPO: affluent de l’<br />

Amazone venant des Andes èquatoriennes<br />

Bernal-Carrera Isabel-Carolina, Alain Laraque, Jean Loup Guyot, Francis<br />

Sondag, Cristelle Lagane. Speaker Bernal-Carrera Isabel-Carolina<br />

Sensitivity of nutrient export by rivers to anthropogenic perturbation:<br />

dependence on modelling approach a study on the Rhine River Basin<br />

Loos Sibren, H. Middelkoop, L.P.H. Van Beek. Speaker Loos Sibren<br />

Changes in hydrological connectivity patterns under predicted future<br />

climate change induced rainfall time series<br />

Reaney Sim, Stuart Lane, Louise Heathwaite. Speaker Reaney Sim<br />

Estimating suspended sediment load of rivers using different ANN<br />

techniques<br />

Kisi Ozgur, Ibrahim Yuksel, Emrah Dogan. Speaker Kisi Ozgur<br />

Sediment yield response to changes in occurrence of synoptic winter<br />

weather situations a model study from a low mountain catchment in<br />

Germany<br />

Ollesch Gregor, Meissner Ralph, Bischoff Hans. Speaker Ollesch Gregor<br />

Effects of climate variability on nitrate loads estimation in a rural basin<br />

Gelmi Mnica, Rafael Seoane. Speaker Gelmi Mnica<br />

Bed load sampling techniques for gravel-bed channels<br />

Summer Wolfgang, Robert Timo Esmann, James Bathurst. Speaker Summer<br />

Wolfgang<br />

Developing a distributed model for production, transport and<br />

deposition of sediments. application to an experimental catchment.<br />

Montoya Juan Jos, Juan Jos Montoya, Felix Frances, Pierre Julien. Speaker<br />

Montoya Juan Jos<br />

Climate, discharge and water quality in an Alpine glacierised basin<br />

Collins David, John Harrison. Speaker Collins David<br />

Evaluation des exportations de matieres<br />

Pandi Albert, A. Laraque, J.P. Bricquet, F. Sondag, G. Adele, J. L. Guyot.<br />

Speaker Pandi Albert<br />

An assessment of trace metal contamination in intertidal sediment<br />

cores of a tropical macrotidal estuary for evaluating sediment quality<br />

guidelines<br />

Sarkar Santosh, Serena Massollo, Mousumi Chatterjee, Asokkumar<br />

Bhattacharya, Bhaskar Dev Bhattacharya, Kamala Kanta Satpathy. Speaker<br />

Sarkar Santosh<br />

Mathematical modelling of nitrate and salinity<br />

Radwan Mona, Patrick Willems, Alaa El-Sadek, Shaden Abdel-Gawad.<br />

Speaker Radwan Mona<br />

Proposing a new regional sediment discharge predictor for unguaged<br />

river basins<br />

Badira Varigini, Prof. Kazuo Nadaoka. Speaker Badira Varigini<br />

Urbanization effects on groundwater quantity and quality in the<br />

Zahedan aquifer, in southeast Iran<br />

Mahjoub Alireza. Speaker Mahjoub Alireza<br />

HW1001 Isotope Tracing of Water Balance, Hydrodynamics and<br />

Hydrological Processes (Sponsor ICT)<br />

Conveners: Gibson John<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A3<br />

09:30 am Isotope Ratios of Rainfall and Water Vapor observed in<br />

Typhoon Shanshan<br />

Fudeyasu Hironori, Kimpei Ichiyanagi, Atsuko Sugimoto, Akihiro<br />

Ueta, Kei Yoshimura, Manabu<br />

D. Yamanaka. Speaker Fudeyasu Hironori<br />

09:45 am Use of 18 O in the interpretation of hydrological dynamics<br />

in alpine lakes<br />

Perini Matteo, Camin Federica, Corradini Flavio, Flaim<br />

Giovanna. Speaker Perini Matteo<br />

10:00 am The Application of Stable Isotopes for the detailed<br />

Assessment of Meromictic Lakes - New<br />

Advances in Isotope Water Balance Models<br />

Seebach Anne, Kay Knller. Speaker Seebach Anne<br />

10:15 am Sensitivity of lake Mar Chiquita (Argentina) to climate<br />

change: a modeling and isotopic<br />

approach.<br />

Vallet-Coulomb Christine, Florence Sylvestre, Eduardo<br />

Piovano, Corinne Sonzogni. Speaker<br />

Vallet-Coulomb Christine<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Fluctuations in lake and wetland water budgets in 50 lakes on<br />

the Boreal Plain: evidence<br />

from five years of isotope measurements<br />

Gibson John, S.J. Birks, Kevin Tattrie. Speaker Gibson John<br />

11:15 am Stable water isotope peak of temporal variations is a good<br />

indicator to split wet and<br />

dry season at site<br />

Lu Baohong, Jiyang Wang. Speaker Lu Baohong<br />

11:30 am High frequent isotope monitoring of precipitation and river<br />

water in Siberia<br />

Kurita Naoyuki, Eleonora A. Chayanova, Tetsuo Ohata.<br />

Speaker Kurita Naoyuki<br />

11:45 am Combining isotopes and hydrometric observations to<br />

inform process based modelling of afforested<br />

catchments in eastern headwaters of South Africa<br />

Lorentz Simon. Speaker Lorentz Simon<br />

12:00 am Mathematical modeling of environmental deuterium<br />

transport through the unsaturated zone<br />

and the estimation of the soil heterogeneity<br />

Maloszewski Piotr, Christine Stumpp, Willibald Stichler.<br />

Speaker Maloszewski Piotr<br />

12:15 am Identifying groundwater contribution to the Darling River<br />

(SE-Australia) during drought<br />

conditions using stable water isotopes and geochemical<br />

tracers.<br />

Hollins Suzanne, Karina Meredith, Dioni Cendon, John Gibson.<br />

Speaker Hollins Suzanne<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room A3<br />

2:00 pm Implementing residence times of environmental isotopes<br />

into a rainfallrunoff model to<br />

document catchment scale drought effects<br />

Lange Jens, Rene Capell, Christoph Klls, Jan Seibert. Speaker<br />

Lange Jens<br />

02:15 pm Isotope hydrological and hydro chemical characterization<br />

of base flow at the Mica Creek<br />

experimental watershed, Northern Idaho<br />

Koeniger Paul, John Gravelle, Timothy Link, John D. Marshall.<br />

Speaker Koeniger Paul<br />

02:30 pm Sulphate stable isotopes - a reliable tracer for hydrograph<br />

separation at catchment scale<br />

<br />

Osenbrueck Karsten, Kay Knller, Stephan M. Weise. Speaker<br />

Osenbrueck Karsten<br />

02:45 pm Tracking stream nitrate sources and flow paths using<br />

isotopes on a basin with mixed land-uses<br />

and karst terrain<br />

Dewalle David, Anthony Buda. Speaker Dewalle David<br />

03:00 pm Poster presentation<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Application of isotope data to evaluate catchment rainfallrunoff<br />

models<br />

Fenicia Fabrizio, Fabrizio Fenicia, Jeffrey J. Mcdonnell, Hubert<br />

H. G. Savenije, Laurent

13 July, 2007<br />

Pfister. Speaker Fenicia Fabrizio<br />

04:15 pm Combined use of environmental isotopes and artificial<br />

tracers for numerical process modelling<br />

in a small central european basin of fractured paleozoic<br />

bedrock<br />

Herrmann Andreas, Willibald Stichler, Matthias Schniger,<br />

ybille Schumann, Raphael Thies.<br />

Speaker Herrmann Andreas<br />

04:30 pm Radon as natural tracer to separate event and pre-event<br />

water<br />

Kienzler Peter, Felix Naef. Speaker Kienzler Peter<br />

04:45 pm Radon in the Gran Sasso spring waters (central<br />

Apennines) to investigate karst aquifer<br />

Tallini Marco, Vanessa Di Sabatino, Donato Sciannamblo,<br />

Michele Spizzico. Speaker<br />

Tallini Marco<br />

05:00 pm Identifying dominant processes of groundwater recharge<br />

using characteristical patterns<br />

of CFCs and SF6 in conjunction with analyses of stable<br />

isotopes 180 and 2H<br />

Kuells Christoph, Marc Haering. Speaker Kuells Christoph<br />

05:15 pm Modelling the Isotopic composition of precipitation<br />

Gherardi Fabrizio, Roberto Gonfiantini. Speaker Gherardi<br />

Fabrizio<br />

05:30 pm Late holocene changes in european climate revealed by<br />

records of noble gas temperature,<br />

excess air and deuterium excess in groundwater from the<br />

ontainebleau sands aquifer, South<br />

of Paris (France)<br />

Corcho Alvarado Jose Antonio, Florent Barbecot, Roland<br />

Purtschert. Speaker Corcho<br />

Alvarado Jose Antonio<br />

05:45 pm Isotope tracing of groundwater salinization process in a<br />

semi-arid region of Brazilian<br />

Northeast (Lagoa Real, Bahia State)<br />

Lamego Simes Filho Fernando, Ramon Aravena, Aguinaldo<br />

Marques Junior, Robson Rodger Santos.<br />

Speaker Lamego Simes Filho Fernando<br />

06:00 pm Identifying groundwater contribution to the Darling River<br />

(SE-Australia) during drought<br />

conditions using stable water isotopes and geochemical<br />

tracers.<br />

Hughes Cath, Karina Meredith, Dioni Cendon. Speaker Hughes<br />

Cath<br />

Poster 13 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina - CERP<br />

CERP<br />

Observation of groundwater in arid Turpan Basin, Central Asia<br />

ji Keyiseer, Tang Changyuan, Akihiko Kondoh, Sakura Yasuo. Speaker Aji<br />

Keyiseer<br />

Isotope studies for groundwater characterization of Bakreswar and<br />

Tantloi geothermal area, Easren India<br />

umar Majumdar Ranjit, Nabendu Majumdar, Ajoylal Mukherjee. Speaker<br />

Kumar Majumdar Ranjit<br />

Estimation of Groundwater Recharge dependency in granitic terrain of<br />

Southern India.<br />

tal Surendra, Dr. Dewashish Kumar, Dr. Shakeel Ahmed. Speaker Atal<br />

Surendra<br />

Groundwater recharge mechanism in the hyper-arid Gobi desert,<br />

Northwestern China<br />

kiyama Tomohiro, Masayoshi Nakawo, Jumpei Kubota. Speaker Akiyama<br />

omohiro<br />

adio-isotopes for tracing, mixing and transport studies in Australia<br />

Cresswell Richard. Speaker Cresswell Richard<br />

Determination of groundwater - surface water relation by using<br />

environmental isotopes at Sultansazligi wetland-Turkey<br />

Gurer Ibrahim, Ebru Yildiz, Nail Unsal. Speaker F.Ebru Yildiz<br />

Study of the water recharge problematic in a semi-arid zone (climatic<br />

and anthropic impacts): The case of the Essouira aquifers system<br />

(Mogador, Morocco)<br />

Mohammed Bahir, M.A. Misdaq, M.O. Silva, P.Carreira, M. Benbiba. Speaker<br />

Mohammed Bahir<br />

Can radon tracer technique improve karst groundwater vulnerability<br />

assessment<br />

allini Marco, Vanessa Di Sabatino, Donato Sciannamblo, Michele Spizzico.<br />

peaker Tallini Marco<br />

The Cl--RICH groundwater in the Kanto Plain, Central Japan: its<br />

isotopic characteristics and dating<br />

Yasuhara Masaya. Speaker Yasuhara Masaya<br />

ariations of stable isotopes in rainfall over Indonesia related to the<br />

MJO<br />

chiyanagi Kimpei, Kei Yoshimura, Manabu D. Yamanaka. Speaker<br />

Ichiyanagi Kimpei<br />

Isotope tracing of hydrological processes in the upper Motueka River<br />

Valley, New Zealand<br />

Stewart Mike, Tim Davie, Joseph Thomas, Timothy Hong. Speaker Stewart<br />

Mike<br />

Comparing event-based observed and estimated mean response times<br />

at the catchment scale<br />

yon Steve, Patrick D. Broxton, Sharon L. E. Desilets, Peter A. Troch.<br />

peaker Peter Troch<br />

Study on runoff mechanism of baseflow in a small forested catchment<br />

with a thick weathered layer<br />

abeya Naoki, Akira Shimizu, Tsuboyama Yoshio, Tayoko Kubota, Tatsuhiko<br />

obuhiro, Toshio Abe. Speaker Kabeya Naoki<br />

Stable isotopes as a tool to estimate the evaporation under an arid to<br />

semi-arid climate: Case of the Euphrates and Orontes Rivers, Syria<br />

Kattan Zuhair. Speaker Kattan Zuhair<br />

anaging Aquifer Recharge (MAR): assessment of groundwater<br />

esources in the sand dune coastal area of Binh Thuan, Southeast Viet<br />

Nam<br />

Kim Thoa Nguyen Thi, Giuseppe Arduino, Paolo Bono, Nguyen Van Giang,<br />

Phan Thi Kim Van, Bui Tran Vuong, Dinh Thi Bich Lieu, Brun Clarissa, Chiara<br />

Fiori, Fabrizio Gherardi, Francesca Zucco. Speaker Giuseppe Arduino<br />

nfluence of irrigation canals on groundwater discharge into a coastal<br />

lagoon from southern Brazil: Evidence from geochemical tracers<br />

(radon, methane, and radium isotopes)<br />

antos Isaac, Richard Peterson, William Burnett, Jeffrey Chanton, Luis<br />

elipe Niencheski, Idel Milani, Carlos Andrade. Speaker Santos Isaac<br />

The stable isotope composition of nitrate in the soil water at<br />

Ljubljansko Polje aquifer natural background<br />

BraI Zeleznik Branka. Speaker BraI Zeleznik Branka<br />

efining flowpaths and connections between lakes and wetlands:<br />

evidence from physical and isotope hydrology<br />

attrie Kevin, John Gibson. Speaker Tattrie Kevin<br />

Seasonal and spatial variations of water stable isotopes along the main<br />

stem of Yangtze River, China<br />

Qi Changjun, Baohong Lu, Chunyan Wang, Tingting Sun, Jiyang Wang.<br />

Speaker Qi Changjun<br />

Application of 222RN for the assessment of groundwater / surface<br />

water interactions of Meromictic lakes<br />

Schmidt Axel, Michael Schubert. Speaker Schmidt Axel<br />

HW2003 Analysis of Variability in Hydrological Data Series<br />

Conveners: Salvatore Grimaldi, John Rodda, Demetris Koutsoyiannis,<br />

Domenico Piccolo,<br />

Lucio Ubertini,<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Mathematics<br />

Room I1<br />

Chairperson: John Rodda<br />

09:30 am The AR metric for short and long memory time series: an<br />

application to hydrological data<br />

Domenico Piccolo, Corduas Marcella, Invited speaker<br />

10:00 am Predictability of univariate daily streamflow processes<br />

Wang Wen, Xi Chen. Speaker Wang Wen<br />

10:15 am What drives high flow events in the Swiss Alps On the<br />

use of wavelet spectral analysis<br />

for the analysis of hydrological time series<br />

Schaefli Bettina, Douglas Maraun. Speaker Schaefli Bettina<br />

10:30 am Stochastic forecasting of drought using exhogenous<br />

variables<br />

Bonaccorso Brunella, Antonino Cancelliere, Brunella<br />

Bonaccorso, Giuseppe Di Mauro, Giuseppe<br />

Rossi. Speaker Antonino Cancelliere<br />

10:45 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:15 am Regional dry spell frequency analysis of Isfahan Province,<br />

Iran, using L-Moments<br />

Modarres Reza. Speaker Modarres Reza<br />

11:30 am The key role of intermittency in rainfall disaggregation<br />

schemes<br />

Molini Annalisa, Luca G. Lanza, Paolo La Barbera. Speaker<br />

Molini Annalisa<br />

11:45 am Classification-based Flood Forecasting Model by Artificial<br />

Neural Networks<br />

Yin Xiongrui, Xia Jun, Zhang Xiang. Speaker Yin Xiongrui<br />

12:00 pm Use of Aggregated Rainfall Radar Measurements in<br />

Rainfall-Runoff Modeling by Artificial<br />

Neural Networks<br />

Salvetti Andrea. Speaker Salvetti Andrea<br />

12:15 pm Managing critic condition for small power station using<br />

artificial neural networks and<br />

support vector machines as powerful tools<br />

Carcano Elena, Barry Croke, Marco Muselli, Paolo Bartolini.<br />

Speaker Carcano Elena<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I1<br />

Chairperson: Domenico Piccolo<br />

02:00 pm Extremes in hydrology: an approach using copulas<br />

De Michele Carlo, Gianfausto Salvadori. Invited Speaker<br />

02:30 pm Copulas: A Novel Method for Describing Spatial<br />

Dependence Structures and for Spatial Interpolation<br />

Haslauer Claus, Andrs Bardossy. Speaker Haslauer Claus<br />

02:45 pm Depth Duration Frequency curves with copulas<br />

Gargouri Emna, Assia Chebchoub. Speaker Gargouri Emna<br />

03:00 pm Application of bivariate and multivariate data analysis to<br />

runoff prediction depending<br />

on the antecedent soil moisture in a small catchment in<br />

Germany<br />

Chifflard Peter, Harald Zepp. Speaker Chifflard Peter<br />

03:15 pm Application of multivariate logistic model to estimate<br />

effective rainfall for an event<br />

and comparison with SCS method<br />

Patil Sachin, Andrs Bardossy. Speaker Patil Sachin<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm A probabilistic model for flood frequency analysis based<br />

on a large space scale approach<br />

Galimberti Giacomo, Majone Ugo, Tomirotti Massimo. Speaker<br />

Galimberti Giacomo<br />

04:15 pm Seasonal Flood Frequency Analysis Based on Bivariate<br />

Joint Distribution<br />

Bin Fang, Guo Shenglian, Liu Pan, Xiao Yi. Speaker Bin Fang<br />

04:30 pm Modeling episode peak and duration for eco-hydro-climatic<br />

applications<br />

Biondi Franco, Anna K. Panorska, Tomasz J. Kozubowski.<br />

Speaker Biondi Franco<br />

04:45 pm A simple method of evaluating variogram through crossvalidation<br />

test for sparse data<br />

Bhat Aadil, Pagadala D. Sreedevi, Kshatriya Devi, Shazrah<br />

Owais, Shakeel Ahmed. Speaker<br />

Bhat Aadil<br />

05:00 pm Homogeneity testing for pooling-groups of crosscorrelated<br />

sites<br />

Castellarin Attilio, Donald H. Burn. Speaker Castellarin Attilio<br />

05:15 pm Regionalization of the russian river runoff based on<br />

statistical analysis of long time<br />

series<br />

Sentsova Nadezda. Speaker Sentsova Nadezda<br />

Poster 13 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina - CERP<br />

CERP<br />

Application of a New Flood Stochastic Simulation Model Developed by<br />

a Russian Hydrologist in China<br />

Chen Yuanfang. Speaker Chen Yuanfang<br />

The Proportion of Water Usable Distribution for Sustainable<br />

Development in Haihe River Basins<br />

Zhu Yonghua. Speaker Zhu Yonghua<br />

Originating extreme volumes of glaciers runoff in Amudarya River<br />

Basin<br />

Konovalov Vladimir. Speaker Konovalov Vladimir<br />

Impact of large-scale reservoir operation on flow regime in the Chao<br />

Phraya River Basin, Thailand<br />

Tebakari Taichi, Junichi Yoshitani, Chanchai Suvanpimol, Fimiaki Hirano.<br />

Speaker Tebakari Taichi<br />

Using neural network models to forecast the inflow of Doroudzan dam<br />

Iran<br />

Keshtkaran Pouyan, Ali Torabi Haghighi. Speaker Keshtkaran Pouyan<br />

Statistical study of extreme monsoon rainfall events over South India<br />

Bhanu Kumar Odury, S.Ramalingeswara Rao, V.Lakshmana Rao. Speaker<br />

Bhanu Kumar Odury<br />

Flow regime variability: capturing the extent of the natural fluctuations<br />

around the mean seasonal runoff distribution. A suggested statistic,<br />

results from a regime-type specific analysis for Switzerland and<br />

possible fields of applications<br />

Pfaundler Martin, Prof. Rolf Weingartner, Robert Diezig. Speaker Pfaundler<br />

Martin<br />

Analysis of streamflow trends and hydrological response to climatic<br />

change in Tarim headwater Basin<br />

Yan Jiang. Speaker Yan Jiang<br />

Modelisation des debits maximaux annuels de crue par la loi Burr XII<br />

tendue trois paramètres<br />

Chebchoub Assia, Bargaoui Zoubeida. Speaker Chebchoub Assia<br />

Variability in Paraguay River flow associated with Southern Hemisphere<br />

Circulation<br />

Allasia Piccilli Daniel Gustavo, Carlos E. M. Tucci, Cintia Bertacchi Uvo,<br />

Pedro L. S Dias, Robin Thomas Clarke, Walter Collischonn. Speaker Walter<br />

Collischonn<br />

Reconstructing an hyperconcentrated flash flood event using historical<br />

data and sediment TRAPP information<br />

Balasch J. Carles, Jordi Tuset, Ramon J. Batalla. Speaker Balasch J. Carles<br />

Inflow Forecasting by ARIMA Models on Karaj River<br />

Moradi Rasouli Samira, Hamid Reza Eslami, Mahin Jamali. Speaker Moradi<br />

Rasouli Samira<br />

Study of the rainfall spatial distribution as base to weather forecast<br />

models the case of a hydrological distributed model<br />

Das Neves Almeida Cristiano, Alain Marie Bernard Passerat De Silans.<br />

Speaker Das Neves Almeida Cristiano<br />

Use of historical information to estimate flood quantiles and the return<br />

period of Salado River Flood 2003, Santa F - Argentine<br />

Martins Eduardo, Eduardo Svio Passos Rodrigues Martins, Juan Carlos<br />

Bertoni, Carlos G. Catalini. Speaker Martins Eduardo<br />

Analysis of Rainfall Variability and its Extremes over India<br />

Rakhecha Pukhraj. Speaker Rakhecha Pukhraj<br />

Statistical analysis of hydrogeological data series (Stiffe cave, central<br />

Italy) to fine-tune the conceptual model of mixed karst system<br />

Tallini Marco, Maurizio Maravalle, Wissam Darawsha, Barbara Parisse.<br />

Speaker Tallini Marco<br />

Nonidentical Model for Seasonal Flood Frequency Analysis<br />

Bin Fang, Guo Shenglian, Wang Shanxu, Liu Pan, Xiao Yi. Speaker Bin Fang<br />

Exploring Patterns of Hydrological Drought from Proxy Data in Wabi<br />

Shebele river basin, East Africa<br />

Awass Adane Abebe, Gerd Foerch, Ute Sass-Klaassen. Speaker Awass<br />

Adane Abebe<br />

Analysis of Long-term Trends in Groundwater Levels in Connecticut,<br />

USA<br />

Chau Jessica, Dr. Gary Robbins. Speaker Chau Jessica<br />

Paired Watershed Analysis with a Continuous Water Quality Model as a<br />

Pseudo Control Site<br />

Dillon Cowan, Jery R. Stedinger, Christine A. Shoemaker. Speaker Dillon<br />

Cowan<br />

Nonlinear analysis of hydrodynamic time series based on minimal<br />

attractor embedding estimation with usage of matrix decomposition<br />

Minervina Helena. Speaker Minervina Helena<br />

Study on the hydrologic simulation with artificial neural networks<br />

Qin Ju, Zhongbo Yu, Zhenchun Hao, Changjun Zhu. Speaker Qin Ju<br />

Spatiotemporal drought assessment in the lower rio bravo/grande basin<br />

using the drought frequency index<br />

Canon Julio, Javier Gonzalez Perez, Juan Valdes. Speaker Canon Julio<br />

Recent shrinkage of water resources in Lake Chad Basin: A normal<br />

Hydrologic Noise or Climate Change Impacts<br />

Opara-Anuforom Festus, Mr. Michael O. Okwara. Speaker Opara-Anuforom<br />

Festus<br />

Trend analysis of climatic indexes in Sicily<br />

Noto Leonardo Valerio, Bono Enrico, La Loggia Goffredo, Liuzzo Lorena.<br />

Speaker Noto Leonardo Valerio<br />

Hourly long-term runoff analysis for snowy mountainous basins in<br />

Japan<br />

Fujimura Kazumasa. Speaker Fujimura Kazumasa<br />

Analyse de la variabilité temporelle des données hydro-pluviomtriques<br />

de la Medjerda Ghardimaou, influence de l’oscillation Nord Atlantique<br />

et l’oscillation Mediterranenne de l’Ouest: approche par ondelettes<br />

croises<br />

Ouachani Rim, Bargaoui, Zoubeida, Ouarda, Taha B.M.J.. Speaker Ouachani<br />

Rim<br />

Analytical Derivation of steady state soil water probability density<br />

function using cumulant expansion theory<br />

Kim Sangdan, Mijin Ahn. Speaker Kim Sangdan<br />

Rainfall index interpolation with objective analysis of the interactions<br />

between climate and morphology<br />

Boni Giorgio, Antonio Parodi, Debora Piazza. Speaker Boni Giorgio<br />

Analysis of rainfall data of long series<br />

Kishii Tokuo. Speaker Kishii Tokuo<br />

Trend and correlation analysis of groundwater levels in Konya closed<br />

Basin<br />

Ustun Aydin, R. Alpay Abbak, C. Ozer Yigit, Ekrem Tusat. Speaker Ustun<br />

Aydin<br />

Testing the consistency hypothesis of the ensemble members<br />

forecasted by a statistical model for precipitation downscaling by<br />

means of the verification rank histogram.<br />

Mascaro Giuseppe, Roberto Deidda, Enrique R. Vivoni. Speaker Mascaro<br />

Giuseppe<br />

A predictive multidimensional model for remote sensing of vegetation<br />

Forzieri Giovanni, Fabio Castelli. Speaker Forzieri Giovanni<br />

Controlling meteorological factor for inter-annual variability of NDVI<br />

Yorozu Kazuaki, Kenji Tanaka, Eiichi Nakakita, Shuichi Ikebuchi. Speaker<br />

Yorozu Kazuaki<br />

Stochastic modeling of skewed data exhibiting long-range dependence<br />

Papalexiou Simon-Michael. Speaker Papalexiou Simon-Michael<br />

Analysis of miscible displacement experiments in the frequency<br />

domain<br />

Sommella Angelo, Alessandro Santini, Gerardo Severino, Alessandro<br />

Comegna. Speaker Sommella Angelo<br />

Scaling properties of rainfall time series<br />

Lombardo Federico, Francesco Napolitano, Fabio Russo, Elena Volpi.<br />

Speaker Lombardo Federico<br />

A comparison of models in return levels calculating<br />

Di Giuseppe Edmondo, Stanislao Esposito, Domenico Vento. Speaker Di<br />

Giuseppe Edmondo<br />

Drougt identification using a stochastic approach: a comparison<br />

between hydrometeorogical and hydrological indexes<br />

Aronica Giuseppe T., Bonaccorso Brunella, Cancelliere Antonino. Speaker<br />

Cancelliere Antonino<br />

On multi-variate flood scenario simulations<br />

Ghizzoni Tatiana, Bee Marco, Benedetti Roberto, Espa Giuseppe, Roth<br />

Giorgio, Rudari Roberto, Taramasso Angela Celeste, Terpessi Cristina.<br />

Speaker Ghizzoni Tatiana<br />

Long rainfall time series trend analysis in Campania Region, Southern<br />

Italy<br />

Longobardi Antonia, Domenico Pellegrino, Paolo Villani. Speaker Longobardi<br />

Antonia<br />

A 2300-year hydro-climatic reconstruction for the Walker River Basin,<br />

California and Nevada, USA<br />

Biondi Franco, Jos D. Salas. Speaker Biondi Franco<br />

On the development and testing of a soil moisture-based drought index<br />

Laguardia Giovanni, Stefan Niemeyer. Speaker Laguardia Giovanni<br />

Copula based regression methods applied to hydrological data<br />

Serinaldi Francesco, Salvatore Grimaldi. Speaker Serinaldi Francesco<br />

State-space approach to spatial variability of soil water status<br />

Coppola Antonio, Vincenzo Comegna, Cosimo Vitale. Speaker Coppola<br />

Antonio<br />

HW2005 From Measurements and Calibration to Understanding and<br />

Predictions (Sponsor PUB with the support of ICWRS and ICGW)<br />

Conveners: Savenije Hubert<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Physics<br />

Room A<br />

09:30 am Using discrete internal catchment observations for<br />

obtaining TOPMODEL parameter description in a small mediterranean<br />

mountain catchment.<br />

Gallart Francesc, Jrme Latron, Pilar Llorens, Keith Beven.<br />

Speaker Gallart Francesc<br />

09:45 am Coupling of a regional atmospheric model with an<br />

Ensemble Kalman Filter based Land Data Assimilation System and its<br />

application to North-East Asia during the 2003 Monsoon Season<br />

Boussetta Souhail, Tobias Graf, Toshio Koike, Xin Li, Kun Yang,<br />

Masayuki Hirai. Speaker Boussetta Souhail<br />

10:00 am Potentiality to use ground geodesy data to constrain<br />

calibration of hydrological model<br />

Longuevergne Laurent, Ludovic Oudin, Frdric Boudin, Nicolas<br />

Florsch. Speaker Longuevergne Laurent<br />

10:15 am Combining atmospheric model information, remote<br />

sensing and hydrological models to enhance knowledge in PUBs<br />

Winsemius Hessel, Hubert Savenije, Nick Van De Giesen, Wim<br />

Bastiaanssen. Speaker Hubert Savenije<br />

10:30 am Application of the surface energy balance methodology<br />

for estimating total evaporation using scintillation and remote sensing<br />

techniques in the Thukela River basin-S.Africa<br />

Kongo Victor. Speaker Kongo Victor<br />

10:45 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:15 am Flood forecasting for ungauged locations: what approach<br />

is best<br />

Moore Robert, V.A Bell, S.J. Cole. Speaker Moore Robert<br />

11:30 am An alternative approach to estimating heat fluxes over land<br />

surface<br />

Liu Yuanbo, Tetsuya Hiyama, Yasushi Yamaguchi. Speaker Liu<br />

Yuanbo<br />

11:45 am Validation of large scale hydrological model with data<br />

fields retrieved from reflective and thermal optical remote sensing data<br />

a case study for the Upper Rhine Valley<br />

Casper Markus. Speaker Casper Markus<br />

12:00 pm On the use and misuse of semi-distributed rainfall-runoff<br />

models<br />

Koutsoyiannis Demetris, Andreas Efstratiadis, Ioannis<br />

Nalbantis, Demetris Koutsoyiannis. Speaker Ioannis Nalbantis<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of Physics<br />

Room A<br />

02:00 pm Calibration of a Land-surface Hydrology Scheme in an<br />

Arctic Environment<br />

Dornes Pablo F., Bruce Davison, Alain Pietroniro, Bryan A.<br />

Tolson, Eric D. Soulis, Philip Marsh. Speaker Dornes Pablo F.<br />

02:15 pm Enhancing flood forecasting with the help of transient<br />

model parameters.<br />

Cullmann Johannes. Speaker Cullmann Johannes<br />

02:30 pm Diagnostic Evaluation of a Distributed Watershed Model: A<br />

Process-based Approach<br />

Yilmaz Koray K., Hoshin V. Gupta, Thorsten Wagener. Speaker<br />

Yilmaz Koray K.<br />

02:45 pm Multifractal approach for rain simulation and forecasting in<br />

ungauged basins<br />

Macor Jose Luis, Daniel Schertzer, Shaun Lovejoy. Speaker<br />

Macor Jose Luis<br />

03:00 pm Calibration strategy for hydrological distributed<br />

conceptual models<br />

Velez Upegui Jorge Julian, Felix Frances, Fermin Lopez.<br />

Speaker Velez Upegui Jorge Julian<br />

03:15 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

03:45 pm A call for the development of inexpensive extreme rainfall<br />

automatic gauge station<br />

Braga Sergio Michelotto, Cristvo Vicente Scapulatempo<br />

Fernandes. Speaker Braga Sergio Michelotto<br />

04:00 pm A hydrological model system for flood estimation in<br />

ungauged basins of Switzerland<br />

Viviroli Daniel, Rolf Weingartner, Joachim Gurtz. Speaker<br />

Viviroli Daniel<br />

HW2006 New Avenues for Contemporary Water Resources<br />

Management (Sponsor ICWRS)<br />

Conveners: Dietrich Joerg, Makropoulos Christos<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 11:00 AM - Department of Physics<br />

Room C<br />

09:30 am Three strategies for contemporary water resources<br />

management<br />

Simonovic Slobodan. Speaker Simonovic Slobodan<br />

09:45 am Participatory modelling for effective management of water<br />

resources<br />

Arheimer Berit, Lotta Andersson, Johanna Alkan-Olsson, Anna<br />

Jonsson. Speaker Arheimer

13 July, 2007<br />

Berit<br />

10:00 am The NMPI network: a global platform for improving the<br />

development of numerical models<br />

through better end-user uptake for adaptive water<br />

resources use management and policy<br />

Manful Desmond, Andrew Hughes, Giselher Kaule, John Rees,<br />

Herman Karl, Paul Kirshen, Hans-Georg<br />

Schwarz-von Raumer, Goerild Heggelund, Yahua Wang, Nick<br />

Van De Giesen, Hong Yang. Speaker<br />

Manful Desmond<br />

10:15 am A Nonparametric Stochastic Downscaling framework for<br />

Catchment Scale Climate Change Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

Sharma Ashish, Raj Mehrotra. Speaker Sharma Ashish<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)11’00 am Good Water<br />

overnance For Water Security and Integrated Water Management:<br />

Bangladesh Case<br />

Quassem M. A.. Speaker Quassem M. A.<br />

1:15 am Water resource management through partnership between<br />

public, private and civil society<br />

-case of Uttaranchal Himalaya, India<br />

Anu Anu. Speaker Anu Anu<br />

1:30 am Hierarchical optimization of a multireservoir system using the<br />

drought frequency index<br />

Canon Julio, Juan Valdes, Javier Gonzalez Perez. Speaker<br />

uan Valdes<br />

Poster 13 July, 2007 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Rocca Paolina - CERP<br />

CERP<br />

General Principle for the Short-term Optimal Regulation of the<br />

Hydropower System-(1) Basic Concepts and Mathematic Models<br />

Chen Senlin. Speaker Chen Senlin<br />

General Principle for the Short-term Optimal Regulation of the<br />

Hydropower System-(2) The optimal solution of the model and its<br />

application<br />

Chen Senlin. Speaker Chen Senlin<br />

egradation of cellulose film submerged into artificial wetland made for<br />

reatment of slightly polluted stream water.<br />

Nam Jong Hyun, Yong Jeon Kim, In Seon Kim, Tae Seok Ahn, Jong Hyun<br />

Nam. Speaker Nam Jong Hyun<br />

Water resources management and policy in closing river basin: a<br />

literature review<br />

Li Hao, Jun Xia. Speaker Li Hao<br />

A water quantity-quality model for basin scale water management<br />

modelling<br />

Wanshun Zhang, Yan Wang, Hong Peng, Yiting Li, Qiyan Zhu. Speaker<br />

anshun Zhang<br />

etwork flow allocation model with hydrologic routing<br />

Chou Frederick, Chia-Wen Wu, Hao-Chih Li. Speaker Chia-Wen Wu<br />

Accelerating human impacts on water resource in the Heihe River<br />

basin, Northwestern China<br />

Akiyama Tomohiro. Speaker Akiyama Tomohiro<br />

Distributed Hydrological and Dynamic Coordinated Models of the<br />

Balsas River Basin<br />

relles Jasso Armando, Jorge Salgado-Rabadn. Speaker Trelles Jasso<br />

Armando<br />

Assessment of groundwater resources and aquifer recharge- a case<br />

study in low Barind area, Bangladesh<br />

aman Mohammad Azizur, Dr.Jackson Roehrig. Speaker Raman<br />

Mohammad Azizur<br />

Method of planning structural countermeasures against water<br />

disasters: a case of check dams against debris flows<br />

Osti Rabindra, Shinji Egashira. Speaker Osti Rabindra<br />

System hydrology tools for the upper catchments of the Jordan River<br />

and Lake Kinneret, Israel<br />

immer Alon. Speaker Rimmer Alon<br />

Identification of wet and dry stremflow seasons based on peak over<br />

thrshold method<br />

Sarhadi Ali. Speaker Sarhadi Ali<br />

ater Market Transaction Game Model Study in Water Resources<br />

ptimal Allocation<br />

enqi Feng. Speaker Wenqi Feng<br />

Current Problems of Water Energy Resources of the Mountain<br />

Tajikistan<br />

Normatov Inom. Speaker Normatov Inom<br />

pplication of effective rainfall on flood and water resources estimation<br />

Mohseni Saravi Mohsen. Speaker Mohseni Saravi Mohsen<br />

Environmental water demand in water resources management<br />

Smakhtin Vladimir, Markandu Anputhas, Nishadi Eriyagama. Speaker<br />

Smakhtin Vladimir<br />

Coupling Approach of Distributed Hydrological Model and Lumped<br />

Water Allocation Model in Modern Water Resources Planning and<br />

Management<br />

Jia Yangwen, Chunmiao Han, Cunwen Niu. Speaker Jia Yangwen<br />

Role of dykes in the occurence and movement of groundwater in the<br />

Nandurbar District Maharashtra, India by using ground magnetic survey<br />

and VES methods<br />

Erram Vinit, Suyash Kumar, J.B. Pawar, N.J. Pawar. Speaker Erram Vinit<br />

inite-volume 2d model of stormwater infiltration and focused recharge<br />

in a rain garden<br />

Dussaillant Alejandro, Jazmin Aravena. Speaker Dussaillant Alejandro<br />

Lecturer, dr. eng. Andreea Galie<br />

alie Andreea, Director, Dr. Eng. Petru Serban. Speaker Galie Andreea<br />

roundwater assessment in Al Ain aquifer using remote sensing and<br />

GIS<br />

Al Hammadi Muna. Speaker Al Hammadi Muna<br />

Challenges in water management under extreme hydrological<br />

conditions in a humid tropical region<br />

Nair Shadananan. Speaker Nair Shadananan<br />

The risk assessment and the geotechnologies as means to identifying<br />

sources of non point pollution without specific water quality data. the<br />

case of Descoberto Lake, Federal District, Brazil.<br />

De Vito Marco, Nabil J. Eid, Jorge Enoch Furquim Werneck Lima. Speaker<br />

De Vito Marco<br />

Establishing a New Approach for Recovering Water Quality in Critical<br />

Watersheds in South America The Case Study of Iguau River at The<br />

Metropolitan Area of Curitiba<br />

Fernandes Cristovo, Maria Cristina Frisch Carvalho Marin, Monica Ferreira<br />

Do Amaral Porto. Speaker Fernandes Cristovo<br />

Methodologies for catchment behaviour analysis: shared experiences<br />

between Brazil and France<br />

id Nabil, Flavie Cernesson, Marie-George Tournoud, Julien Burte, Pascal<br />

Kosuth. Speaker Eid Nabil<br />

A bilevel model to assess the performance of a water system<br />

Gale Carmen, H.I. Calvete. Speaker Gale Carmen<br />

The challenge in managing water resources in the Cerrado Biome,<br />

Brazil<br />

Lima Jorge, Euzebio Medrado Da Silva, Sergio Koide. Speaker Lima Jorge<br />

alculation of phreatic water reserves from MOSTISTEA plain using GIS<br />

echnology<br />

Mirela Pancescu. Speaker Mirela Pancescu<br />

The role of computing and information system in intergrated water<br />

resources management: examples from Africa.<br />

Adeaga Olusegun. Speaker Adeaga Olusegu<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of Physics<br />

Room C<br />

02:00 pm Use of artificial neural networks to simulate urban<br />

wastewater systems: with an objective to integration with broad scale<br />

catchment models<br />

Fu Guangtao, Christos Makropoulos, David Butler. Speaker<br />

Christos Makropoulos<br />

02:15 pm Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Operation of a Multi<br />

Purpose Reservoir<br />

Nanduri Umamahesh, Jan Hoogendoorn, Y. Zhou And Jan<br />

onner. Speaker Nanduri Umamahesh<br />

02:30 pm System dynamics simulation tool to evaluate and predict<br />

lake salinization process<br />

Rimmer Alon, Michael Boger, Yasuaki Aota, Michio Kumagai.<br />

peaker Rimmer Alon<br />

02:45 pm Impact of Water Pollution and Water Shortage on<br />

Economic Development of the Haihe River<br />

BasinDevelopment of the Haihe River Basin<br />

Huang Hao. Speaker Huang Hao<br />

03:00 pm A new approach to simulate runoff conditions under<br />

climate change constraints<br />

Roy Ren. Speaker Roy Ren<br />

03:15 pm Coffee Break (10 minutes)<br />

03:25 pm The UNH earth systems observatory and the white water-toblue<br />

water analysis of regional<br />

ecosystem state<br />

Vorosmarty Charles, Bobby Braswell, Balasz Fekete, Alison<br />

Magill, Stanley Glidden, Holly<br />

C. Hartmann. Speaker Vorosmarty Charles<br />

03:40 pm Information Technology enhancing a Global Monitoring of<br />

Groundwater Resources<br />

Kukuric Neno, Wim Belien, Sophie Vermooten. Speaker Kukuric<br />

Neno<br />

03:55 pm Influence of the decision makers importance weights on the<br />

final solution in group decision<br />

making<br />

Srdjevic Zorica, Bojan Srdjevic. Speaker Bojan Srdjevic<br />

04:10 pm Integrated Water Quality Management System INWAQ<br />

(Ialomita river basin Romania)<br />

Drobot Radu, Maria-Ilinca Alexandrescu, Laurentiu Ichim, Bogdan<br />

Cheveresan, Maria Marinescu,<br />

Aurora Vasiu, Elena Tuchiu, Collin Schenck, Marc Soutter.<br />

Speaker Drobot Radu<br />

04:25 pm The Complexity and Variability of Artificial Water Regulation<br />

on Modeling Hydrological<br />

System for Korean TMDL Management<br />

Shin Hyun Suk, Du Kee Kang, Sangdan Kim. Speaker Shin Hyun<br />

Suk<br />

HW3008 Changes to Hydrological Extremes and Water Quality<br />

(Sponsors ICWQ and ICSW)<br />

Conveners: Bolgov Mikhail, Heininger Peter, Hisdal Hege, Ternes<br />

Thomas, Demuth Siegfried, Gustard Alan<br />

Poster 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM - Rocca Paolina - CERP<br />

CERP<br />

Climate Change Impacts: A Case Study of Flooding in Benin River<br />

Basin, Nigeria<br />

Ikhile Catherine. Speaker Ikhile Catherine<br />

Analysis of long time series of discharges as tool for hydrological<br />

management of wide basins: the case of the Po River<br />

Zanchettin Davide, Mario Tomasino, Pietro Traverso. Speaker Zanchettin<br />

Davide<br />

Solubility of carbonate system in groundwater of Granitic terrain, India.<br />

Atal Surendra, Dr. J.M. Gandolfi, Dr. Shakeel Ahmed. Speaker Atal Surendra<br />

Evaluation of relationship between climate change and monthly rainfall,<br />

temperature in the city of Fukuoka Japan, using self-organizing map<br />

Yoshihiko Iseri, Daiki Satomura, Kenji Jinno, Akira Kawamura. Speaker<br />

Yoshihiko Iseri<br />

Frequency analysis of Nyanyadzi River flow floods<br />

Mujere Never. Speaker Mujere Never<br />

The fate and transport of radionuclides in aquatic ecosystems within<br />

the Chernobyl accident exclusion zone<br />

Gudkov Dmitri. Speaker Gudkov Dmitri<br />

The Tuo Jiang River Cloud Seeding <strong>Program</strong>me for Waters Pollution<br />

Mitigation<br />

Wang Weijia. Speaker Wang Weijia<br />

Hydroclimatic variability in the andean region of the Amazon Basin<br />

Espinoza Villar Jhan Carlo, Jean Loup Guyot, Josyane Ronchail, Eduardo<br />

Chavarri, Pascal Fraizy, Luis Noriega, Juan Julio Ordez, Philippe Vauchel.<br />

Speaker Espinoza Villar Jhan Carlo<br />

Analysis of first flash load from urban watershed in Isfahan, Iran<br />

Shahbazi Afsaneh. Speaker Shahbazi Afsaneh<br />

Evaluation of Groundwater Potential Zones and Zones of groundwater<br />

quality Using Remote Sensing and GIS in the Hilly Terrains around<br />

(Devak-Rui) Watersheds, Jammu District, J&K State, India<br />

Jasrotia Avtar Singh, Rajinder Singh. Speaker Jasrotia Avtar Singh<br />

Climatic and anthropogenic impact on underground water quality: an<br />

example from Agrigento province (Sicily, Italy)<br />

Rapti-Caputo Dimitra, Dimitra Rapti-Caputo. Speaker Rapti-Caputo Dimitra<br />

Coupling water related historical data to predict possible future<br />

ecological conditions of the Mura River corridor, Slovenia<br />

Globevnik Lidija, Meta Pov, Mitja Kaligari. Speaker Globevnik Lidija<br />

Managing models for Tevere River water quality related to on stream<br />

lakes restoration (Italy)<br />

Martinelli Angiolo, Alessandra Cingolani, Giacomo Rapi, Alessandra<br />

Santucci, Giuseppe Patrizi. Speaker Martinelli Angiolo<br />

Impact of diffuse pollution from agriculture on quality of the great<br />

Backa Canal Dunav-Tisa-Dunav<br />

Belic Andelka, Sima Belic. Speaker Belic Andelka<br />

Excess precipitation influence in 2005 upon the phreatique aquifer from<br />

Banat Region (Romania)<br />

Dragusin Doina, Mihai Radescu. Speaker Dragusin Doina<br />

HW3009 Loss of Knowledge (with support of WMO and UNITAR)<br />

Conveners: Askew Arthur<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room B3<br />

09:30 am Improving Knowledge for water resource management for<br />

sustainable hill agriculture in foothills of Shivaliks, India<br />

Arora Sanjay. Speaker Arora Sanjay<br />

10:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

10:30 am Streamflow monitoring in Australia - Typical of worlwide<br />

neglect<br />

Cordery Ian. Speaker Cordery Ian<br />

11:00 am Hydrological service in Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />

Kupusovic Esena. Speaker Kupusovic Esena<br />

11:30 am Combiniing modern and traditional knowledge bases for<br />

integrated water resources development in Africa<br />

Andah Kodwo, Christine Young. Speaker Christine Young<br />

12:00 pm The deterioration in hydrometric data collection in Africa;<br />

what can be done about it <br />

Farquharson Frank. Speaker Farquharson Frank<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room B3<br />

02:00 pm Constraints and prospects of hydrological science<br />

practices in Sub-Saharan Africa<br />

Adeaga Olusegun. Speaker Adeaga Olusegun<br />

02:30 pm<br />

Francis Chidi. Speaker Francis Chidi<br />

JMS006 Glacial-Interglacial Cycles: New Records, Analyses, and<br />

Modelling<br />

Conveners: Masson-Delmotte Valrie, Stenni Barbara<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room B<br />

02:00 pm Energy transfer processes affecting isotopic fractionation<br />

in the near-surface snow pack on the Antarctic Plateau<br />

Town Michael, Von P. Walden, Stephen G. Warren. Speaker<br />

Town Michael<br />

02:15 pm Stable water isotope post-depositional evolution in snow<br />

of Central Antarctic and its possible influence on paleo-climate ice core<br />

interpretation<br />

Ekaykin Alexey, Vladimir Lipenkov, Sergey Sokratov. Speaker<br />

Ekaykin Alexey<br />

02:30 pm Holocene Antarctic climate variability from ice and marine<br />

sediment cores: insights to ocean-atmosphere interaction<br />

Divine Dmitry, Nalan Koc, Elisabeth Isaksson, Fred<br />

Godtliebsen, Xavier Crosta. Speaker Divine Dmitry<br />

02:45 pm Consistent paleo-temperature reconstructions from<br />

isotopic method and borehole thermometry at Antarctic Vostok Station<br />

Ekaykin Alexey, Andrey Salamatin, Vladimir Lipenkov, Irina<br />

Sokratova, Valerie Masson-Delmotte. Speaker Ekaykin Alexey<br />

03:00 pm EPICA Dome C glacial-interglacial variability<br />

Masson-Delmotte Valrie. Speaker Masson-Delmotte Valrie<br />

03:15 pm A 800 KY deuterium excess record from the epica dome C<br />

Ice core<br />

Stenni Barbara, Enricomaria Selmo, Valerie Masson-Delmotte,<br />

Jean Jouzel, Martina Braida, Olivier Cattani, Sonia Falourd, Paola Iacumin,<br />

Sigfus J. Johnsen. Speaker Stenni Barbara<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Simulation of glacial cycles with a climate-ice sheet model<br />

of intermediate complexity<br />

Ganopolski Andrey, Reinhard Calov, Andrey Ganopolski.<br />

Speaker Ganopolski Andrey<br />

04:15 pm Investigating the climate-cryosphere interactions with<br />

the CLIMBER model coupled to northern and southern hemisphere ice<br />

sheet models<br />

Bonelli Stefano, Sylvie Charbit, Christophe Dumas, Gilles<br />

Ramstein. Speaker Bonelli Stefano<br />

04:30 pm Quasi-100ky glacial-interglacial cycles triggered by<br />

subglacial burial carbon release<br />

Zeng Ning. Speaker Zeng Ning<br />

04:45 pm Polyphony of the multiscale climatic variations during the<br />

Pliocene/Pleistocene<br />

Dmitry Sonechkin. Speaker Dmitry Sonechkin<br />

JMS014 Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling<br />

Conveners: Woolf David, Sun De-Zheng<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

09:30 am In situ observations of diurnal warming in the oceanic skin<br />

layer<br />

Gentemann Chelle, Peter J. Minnett. Speaker Gentemann<br />

Chelle<br />

09:45 am Impact of different Bulk Parameterization schemes of<br />

air-sea fluxes on the simulation of Oceanic Heat Content in the Indian<br />

Ocean: Comparison with ARGO observations<br />

Agarwal Neeraj, Rashmi Sharma, Sujit Basu, Abhijit Sarkar,<br />

Vijay K Agarwal. Speaker Rashmi Sharma<br />

10:00 am Air-sea interaction monitoring by remote and contact<br />

measurements: the results of the CAPMOS’05 experiment on an<br />

oceanographic platform in the Black Sea<br />

Pospelov Michael N., Goryachkin Yury N., Komarova Natalia<br />

Y., Kuzmin Alexey V., Pampaloni Paolo, Repina Irina A., Zecchetto Stefano.<br />

Speaker Pospelov Michael N.<br />

10:15 am Dynamics of short waves spectrum measured by remote<br />

and contact sensors from an oceanographic platform<br />

Kuzmin Alexey, Bolshakov Alexander N., Pospelov Michael N.,<br />

Sadovsky Ilya N.. Speaker Kuzmin Alexey<br />

10:30 am Atmosphere-sea interaction and pronounced diurnal<br />

variability in the Adriatic shelf-break area<br />

Orlic Mirko, Zvjezdana Bencetic Klaic, Vlado Dadic, Branka<br />

Grbec, Nenad Leder, Frano Matic, Hrvoje Mihanovic, Mira Morovic, Mira<br />

Pasaric, Zoran Pasaric. Speaker Orlic Mirko<br />

10:45 am Variability of temperature and currents during an upwelling<br />

event off the Western Iberian Coast<br />

Alves Jose, Pedro Manuel De Alberto Miranda, Nuno Filipe<br />

Rosa Grincho Serra. Speaker Alves Jose<br />

11:00 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:30 am Different types of oscillations in and above the surface<br />

layer over East Equatorial Indian Ocean during monsoon season<br />

Varikoden Hamza. Speaker Varikoden Hamza<br />

11:45 am Upper ocean warming and tropical cyclones<br />

Pasquero Claudia, Kerry Emanuel. Speaker Pasquero Claudia<br />

12:00 pm Large scale interaction of ocean-atmospheric coupling<br />

during contrasting Indian summer monsoons<br />

Sabin T.P., Babu Ca. Speaker Sabin T.P.<br />

12:15 pm Impact of explicit atmosphere-ocean coupling on tropical<br />

intraseasonal oscillations<br />

Grabowski Wojciech. Speaker Grabowski Wojciech<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room G<br />

02:00 pm Interbasin coupling and a birth of the equatorial warm pool<br />

Watanabe Masahiro. Speaker Watanabe Masahiro<br />

02:15 pm A Regional Atlantic Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Climate<br />

Model<br />

Seidel Howard, Ping Chang, R. Saravanan. Speaker Seidel<br />

Howard<br />

JMS016 Cryospheric Change and Sea Level<br />

Conveners: Harangozo Steve, Holland David, Steffen Konrad<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy Room A<br />

09:30 am Arctic Change on the Autobahn<br />

Francis Jennifer, Mark Serreze. Speaker Francis Jennifer<br />

09:55 am Investigations of Sea Ice Conditions in the Arctic Using<br />

Lagrangian Tracking and Time History from Multisensor Data<br />

Heinrichs John, James Maslanik, Julienne Stroeve, Charles<br />

Fowler, David Long, Matthew Sturm, Thorsten Markus, Sheldon Drobot.<br />

Speaker Heinrichs John<br />

10:07 am Model Estimations of Present and Future Ice Conditions in<br />

the Arctic Basin<br />

Makshtas Alexander, Sergey Shutilin. Speaker Makshtas<br />

Alexander<br />

10:19 am The contribution of the atmospheric circulation to the<br />

record summer sea ice extent in the Ross Sea in 2002-2003<br />

Harangozo Steve. Speaker Harangozo Steve<br />

10:34 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:04 am Evidence for enhanced ablation Vs. enhanced<br />

accumulation in southern South America: assessing the net balance<br />

Casassa Gino, Gino Casassa, Andrs Rivera, Robert Thomas,<br />

Eric Rignot. Speaker Casassa Gino<br />

11:29 am Accelerated Chilean glacier contribution to sea-level rise<br />

Rivera Andres, Francisca Bown, Gino Casassa, Cesar Acua,<br />

Fernando Ordenes. Speaker Rivera Andres<br />

11:41 am Future volume changes for six glaciers forced by<br />

hypothetical warming scenarios: flowline modelling vs volume-area<br />

scaling<br />

Radic Valentina, Regine Hock, Johannes Oerlemans. Speaker<br />

Radic Valentina<br />

11:53 am Real time monitoring of snowcover and snowmelt in the<br />

Himalaya<br />

Jambulingam Senthilkumar, Ramesh P. Singh. Speaker<br />

Jambulingam Senthilkumar<br />

12:05 pm Snow cover changes over Northern Eurasia during the last<br />

century<br />

Heino Raino. Speaker Heino Raino<br />

12:17 pm Secular trend of the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) along<br />

the Southern Andes Mountains derived from radiosonde observations<br />

Carrasco Jorge, Roberto Osorio, Gino Casassa. Speaker<br />

Carrasco Jorge<br />

JMS024 Data Assimilation for the Atmosphere, Ocean and Land<br />

Surface<br />

Conveners: Swinbank Richard, Mu Mu<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Rectorate Room VIII<br />

0930-1030 Session 5 Chair: Pierre Gauthier<br />

for data Assimilation in Coastal natomy of a Hydrological Model: A case<br />

0930 Satellite data impact experiments in the Joint Center for<br />

Satellite Data Assimilation<br />

Lars Peter Riishojgaard<br />



Ralph Petersen<br />

1015 Data Assimilation: end-to-end application to research<br />

satellite data<br />

William Lahoz<br />

1100-1230 Session 6 Chair: Ivanka Stajner<br />

1100 Land Surface Data Assimilation<br />

Paul Houser<br />






Marina Erechtchoukova<br />




Cyrus Raza Mirza<br />



Ralph Petersen<br />

1206 A modified Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF)<br />

study of the Athi and Tana River Basins<br />

Balla Maggero<br />




Raoul Granger<br />

1212 Mapping of soil moisture with the assimilation of remotely<br />

sensed LST: an application to Central Italy Giorgio Boni<br />

1215 The AFES-LETKF Experimental Ensemble Reanalysis:<br />

ALERA Takemasa Miyoshi<br />

1218 Impact of using a non-local quasi-phase operator in<br />

Assimilations of GPS Radio Occultation refractivity Hui Liu<br />

1221 On the representation of vortical flow and gravity waves in<br />

numerical algorithms for regional barotropic primitive equations<br />

Rabab Mashayekhi<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Rectorate Room VIII

13 July, 2007<br />

Session 7 Chair: Lars Peter Riishojgaard<br />

1400 Late 20th-century global warming: Lessons from a ‘poor<br />

an’s assimilation’ of radiosonde temperature data since 1959<br />

Steven Sherwood<br />

1415 A four-dimensional data-assimilation system<br />

for the community WRF model for mesoscale data assimilation and<br />

forecasting<br />

Yubao Liu<br />

1430 Assimilation of precipitation in NASA GEOS5-DAS using<br />

model as a weak constraint<br />

Sara Zhang<br />

1445 Efficient ways of introducing moist processes into the 4D-<br />

Var linear model<br />

Olaf Stiller<br />

1500 Development and validation of a chemical<br />

weather system at Environment Canada<br />

Jean de Grandpre<br />

1515 Model bias estimation in carbon data assimilation<br />

Dusanka Zupanski<br />




Kazuhiko Sakamoto<br />

1521 An evaluation of satellite-derived total column<br />

measurements using a data assimilation system: application to the<br />

Ozone Monitoring Instrument<br />

Stefano Migliorini<br />

1600-1730 Session 8 Chair: William Lahoz<br />

1600 Assimilation of ozone data from satellite instruments into<br />

global models<br />

Ivanka Stajner<br />



ndrea Kaiser-Weiss<br />

645 Assessment of the quality of the ozone<br />

measurements using data assimilation<br />

Sebastien Massart (presenter Andrea Piacentini)<br />

1700 Reconstruction of sulphur dioxide emissions using<br />

nsemble filter and smoother Alina Lavinia Barbu<br />

MS007 Theoretical advances in atmospheric dynamics (ICDM)<br />

onveners: Heifetz Eyal, Harnik Nili<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy (E Room) Room E<br />

09:30 am The counter-propagating Rossby wave perspective on<br />

baroclinic instability and its relevance to the atmosphere<br />

Methven John, Paul Berrisford. Speaker Methven John<br />

10:10 am Relating Over-Reflection and Wave Geometry to the<br />

Counter Propagating Rossby Wave Perspective: Toward a Deeper<br />

Mechanistic Understanding of Shear Instability<br />

Harnik Nili, Eyal Heifetz. Speaker Harnik Nili<br />

10:25 am A generalized wave kernel approach to plane parallel<br />

stratified shear flow.<br />

Heifetz Eyal, Nili Harnik, Orkan Umurhan. Speaker Heifetz Eyal<br />

10:40 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:10 am A Diabatically-Dominated Avenue to Moist Baroclinic<br />

Cyclogenesis<br />

Moore Richard, Michael T. Montgomery, Huw C. Davies.<br />

Speaker Moore Richard<br />

1:25 am Effects of surface drag on fronts within baroclinic waves<br />

Zhang Yi. Speaker Zhang Yi<br />

11:40 am Balance and Imbalance in Heat Lows<br />

Spengler Thomas, Roger K. Smith. Speaker Spengler Thomas<br />

1:55 am Circumglobal teleconnections and wave packets<br />

associated with eastern mediterranean precipitation<br />

Feldstein Steven, Uri Dayan. Speaker Feldstein Steven<br />

12:10 pm Empirical master equations for stratospheric climate<br />

variables<br />

Dall’Amico Mauro, Prof Joseph Egger, Prof Martin Dameris,<br />

Prof Lesley Gray. Speaker Dall’Amico Mauro<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Pharmacy (E Room) Room E<br />

02:00 pm Dynamics of the NAO and Annular Patterns of Variability<br />

Vallis Geoff, Edwin P Gerber. Speaker Vallis Geoff<br />

02:15 pm Effects of the baroclinic adjustment on the tropopause in<br />

the NCEPNCAR reanalysis<br />

Dell’Aquila Alessandro, Paolo M Ruti, Alfonso Sutera. Speaker<br />

ell’Aquila Alessandro<br />

02:30 pm The Behavior of Single and Double ITCZ Regimes for<br />

cean Temperature Distributions with Poleward Shifted Maxima<br />

Borth Hartmut. Speaker Borth Hartmut<br />

02:45 pm A first-principles theory for axisymmetric circulation in dry<br />

radiative-convective atmospheres<br />

Caballero Rodrigo. Speaker Caballero Rodrigo<br />

03:00 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

03:30 pm Time scale and feedback of zonal mean flow variability<br />

Lee Sukyoung, Seok-Woo Son, Steven Feldstein, John Ten<br />

Hoeve. Speaker Lee Sukyoung<br />

03:45 pm A Cascade Type of Global Atmospheric Energy Conversion<br />

Diagram Based on Wave-Mean-Flow Interactions<br />

Iwasaki Toshiki. Speaker Iwasaki Toshiki<br />

04:00 pm Multiple jets, beta turbulence, hyperbalance, the Taylor<br />

identity and the Phillips effect<br />

McIntyre Michael. Speaker McIntyre Michael<br />

04:15 pm Wave-Activity Conservation Laws for the Three-<br />

Dimensional Anelastic and Boussinesq Equations with a Plane-Parallel<br />

Background Flow<br />

Shaw Tiffany, Dr. Theodore G. Shepherd. Speaker Shaw<br />

Tiffany<br />

MS009 Dynamics and Predictability of Severe Weather Events<br />

(ICDM)<br />

Conveners: Szunyogh Istvan<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I2<br />

09:30 am A Non-hydrostatic Global Model and the Multi-scale<br />

Simulation of Sever Storms<br />

Peng Xindong, Keiko Takahashi. Speaker Peng Xindong<br />

09:46 am Assessing Predictability with a Local Ensemble Kalman<br />

Filter<br />

Szunyogh Istvan, David Kuhl, Elizabeth Satterfield. Speaker<br />

Szunyogh Istvan<br />

10:02 am The rationale for why climate models should adequately<br />

resolve the mesoscale<br />

Orlanski Isidoro. Speaker Orlanski Isidoro<br />

10:18 am Predicting high-impact weather using medium-range<br />

ensemble forecasts<br />

Swinbank Richard, Helen Watkin. Speaker Swinbank Richard<br />

10:34 am Predictability of a large-scale flow conducive to extreme<br />

precipitation over western Alps<br />

Grazzini Federico. Speaker Grazzini Federico<br />

10:50 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:20 am Dynamics of Possible Precursors of Severe Events<br />

Davies Huw. Speaker Davies Huw<br />

1:36 am Helicity index of intense atmospheric vortices<br />

Kurgansky Michael, Michael T. Montgomery. Speaker<br />

Kurgansky Michael<br />

11:52 am A severe precipitation event over West Africa and the<br />

influence of upstream latent heating - sensitivity experiments with the<br />

cosmo-model<br />

Meier Florian, Peter Knippertz. Speaker Meier Florian<br />

12:08 pm Data Assimilation for Extreme Weather Events<br />

Zupanski Milija, Steven J. Fletcher. Speaker Zupanski Milija<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Mathematics Room I2<br />

02:00 pm A high-impact dry-season rainfall event in tropical<br />

west Africa and its dynamical relation to a low-latitude extratropical<br />

disturbance<br />

Knippertz Peter, Andreas H. Fink. Speaker Knippertz Peter<br />

02:16 pm The NCEPs WRF NMM and hazardous weather prediction<br />

Janjic Zavisa, Tom Black, Matthew Pyle, Geoff Manikin, Eric<br />

Rogers, Hui-Ya Chuang, Geoff Dimego. Speaker Janjic Zavisa<br />

02:32 pm Objective determination of coherent structures, application<br />

to Ensemble Forecasting<br />

Plu Matthieu, Philippe Arbogast, Alain Joly. Speaker Plu<br />

Matthieu<br />

02:48 pm High-resolution numerical forecast of convective<br />

precipitation systems: sensitivity analysis to microphysical<br />

parameterization using COSMO-MODEL and MM5<br />

Parodi Antonio, K. De Sanctis, L.Molini, A. Parodi, R. Ferretti,<br />

M. Montopoli, F. S. Marzano. Speaker K. De Sanctis<br />

03:04 pm Observation of Mediterranean severe weather events using<br />

the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU)<br />

Funatsu Beatriz, Chantal Claud, Jean-Pierre Chaboureau.<br />

Speaker Funatsu Beatriz<br />

03:20 pm A simple model to estimate the forecast value of the<br />

Madden-Julian Oscillation<br />

Jones Charles. Speaker Jones Charles<br />

03:36 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:06 pm Modeling pyro-cumulonimbi and tornadoes spawned by<br />

wildfires<br />

Reeder Michael. Speaker Reeder Michael<br />

04:22 pm Numerical simulations of the European wind storms of<br />

December 1999 and December 2004: sensitivity to diabatic effects and<br />

preexisting upper-level anomalies.<br />

Rivire Gwendal, Fabien Crpin, Alain Joly. Speaker Rivire<br />

Gwendal<br />

04:38 pm The <strong>Scientific</strong> and Societal Motivation for the THORPEX<br />

Pacific Asian Regional Campaign (T-PARC)<br />

Parsons David, Dr. Pat Harr, Istvan Szunyogh. Speaker<br />

Parsons David<br />

04:54 pm Connection between PV coherent structures and<br />

convection<br />

Arbogast Philippe. Speaker Arbogast Philippe<br />

Poster 13 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Rocca Paolina - CERP<br />

CERP<br />

Direct observations of daytime atmospheric boundary layer depth and a<br />

numerical Mesoscale Model<br />

Sabetghadam Samaneh, Masoud Khoshsima, Abasali Aliakbari Bidokhti.<br />

Speaker Sabetghadam Samaneh<br />

The dynamics of cyclonic systems over Iran using potential vorticity<br />

diagnostics: a case study for NOV-DEC 2003<br />

Gharaylou Maryam, Ahmadi-Givi Farhang 1, Mohebalhojeh Ali-Reza 1.<br />

Speaker Gharaylou Maryam<br />

Local orography influence on dynamics and predictability of severe<br />

convective storm<br />

Curic Mladjen, Dejan Janc, Vladan VuKovi. Speaker Curic Mladjen<br />

Variation of GEM and RUC short-range forecasts accuracy with the<br />

urban location: Maniwaki and Buffalo cases<br />

Vukovic Zlatko. Speaker Vukovic Zlatko<br />

Stability indices and thermodynamic parameters associated with<br />

thunderstorms over Kerala during premonsoon SEASON<br />

P.R Jayakrishnan, C.A.Babu. Speaker P.R Jayakrishnan<br />

Characterization of rainfall C-band radar response and dual-polarized<br />

measurement<br />

Parodi Antonio, L.Molini, R. Ferretti, K. De Sanctis, M. Montopoli, F. S.<br />

Marzano. Speaker L.Molini<br />

The severe weather phenomena related to cyclonic activity in Romania<br />

Popa Florinela. Speaker Popa Florinela<br />

A simple model of the singular vector spectrum of the Eady basic state<br />

Frame Thomas, Prof. Alan J. Thorpe, Prof. Nancy K. Nichols. Speaker Frame<br />

Thomas<br />

MS010 Dynamics of Convectively-Coupled Equatorial Waves and<br />

the Madden-Julian Oscillation (ICDM)<br />

Conveners: Kiladis George<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

09:30 am Observation of near sea surface temperature variation<br />

during the MISMO intensive observation period<br />

Ando Kentaro, Yoshimi Kawai, Kunio Yoneyama, Hiroshi<br />

Kawamura. Speaker Ando Kentaro<br />

09:43 am Structure of the Convective Activity Captured by the<br />

MISMO-IOP Observation Network<br />

Katsumata Masaki, Kunio Yoneyama, Ali Shareef, Yasushi<br />

Fujiyoshi, Souichiro Sueyoshi, Ryuichi Shirooka, Yukari Takayabu, Masanori<br />

Yoshizaki. Speaker Katsumata Masaki<br />

09:56 am Mesoscale structure of eastward-moving precipitation<br />

systems during the MISMO field experiment<br />

Yamada Hiroyuki, Ryuichi Shirooka, Kunio Yoneyama, Masaki<br />

Katsumata, Qoosaku Moteki, Tomoki Ushiyama, Masanori Yoshizaki.<br />

Speaker Yamada Hiroyuki<br />

10:09 am Upper Ocean Condition in the Central and Eastern Tropical<br />

Indian Ocean during 2006 Indian Ocean Dipole<br />

Horii Takanori, Yukio Masumoto, Hideaki Hase, Iwao Ueki,<br />

Keisuke Mizuno. Speaker Horii Takanori<br />

10:22 am Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves in a Simplified Moist<br />

General Circulation Model<br />

Frierson Dargan M. W.. Speaker Frierson Dargan M. W.<br />

10:35 am Equatorial waves including the Madden-Julian oscillation<br />

in TRMM and GPCP rainfall data<br />

Cho Hye-Kyung, Hye-Yeong Chun. Speaker Cho Hye-Kyung<br />

10:48 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:18 am Interactive relationships among synoptic-scale<br />

disturbances, MJO, and large-scale SST variations over the equatorial<br />

tropics<br />

Takayabu Yukari, Ayako Seiki, Kunio Yoneyama, Masaki<br />

Katsumata, Ryuichi Shirooka, Mikiko Fujita, Masanori Yoshizaki. Speaker<br />

Takayabu Yukari<br />

11:31 am Subseasonal Rainfall Variability during Boreal Spring in<br />

the Tropical East Atlantic<br />

Gu Guojun, Robert F. Adler. Speaker Gu Guojun<br />

11:44 am The importance of high-frequency SSTs to the<br />

intraseasonal variability of Indian monsoon rainfall<br />

Klingaman Nicholas, Peter M. Inness, Julia M. Slingo, Hilary<br />

Weller. Speaker Klingaman Nicholas<br />

11:57 am <strong>Scientific</strong> objectives and preliminary results of the Vasco-<br />

Cirene experiment<br />

Duvel Jean Philippe, Jrme Vialard, Claude Basdevant. Speaker<br />

Duvel Jean Philippe<br />

12:10 pm Organization of Mesoscale Convection within Equatorial<br />

Waves<br />

Kiladis George. Speaker Kiladis George<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Economics Room 2<br />

02:00 pm Analysis of convectively coupled Kelvin waves in 15<br />

WCRP CMIP3 models<br />

Straub Katherine, Patrick Haertel, George Kiladis. Speaker<br />

Straub Katherine<br />

02:13 pm The Air-Sea Interface during CIRENE: a study of the marine<br />

boundary layer during the MJO<br />

Key Erica, Peter J Minnett, Jerome Vialard. Speaker Key Erica<br />

02:26 pm Intraseasonal oceanic atlantic Kelvin waves and the<br />

atmospheric connection<br />

Polo Irene, Beln Rodrguez-Fonseca, Alban Lazar, Sabine<br />

Arnault. Speaker Polo Irene<br />

02:39 pm About the MJO, tropical cyclones, the Indian ocean dipole<br />

and more: first results from the Cirene cruise.<br />

Vialard Jerome, Jean-Philippe Duvel. Speaker Vialard Jerome<br />

02:52 pm Large vertically propagating Kelvin waves and tropical<br />

tropopause variability<br />

Lee Sukyoung, Jung-Hee Ryu, Seok-Woo Son. Speaker Lee<br />

Sukyoung<br />

03:05 pm Oceanic warm-layers and their link with tropical<br />

intraseasonal variability<br />

Duvel Jean Philippe, Hugo Bellenger. Speaker Duvel Jean<br />

Philippe<br />

03:18 pm Inertia-gravity waves and stratified turbulence in the upper<br />

ocean during Cirne experiment<br />

Bouruet-Aubertot Pascale, Yannis Cuypers. Speaker Bouruet-<br />

Aubertot Pascale<br />

03:31 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:01 pm Diurnal Variations in Convective Features and their Role in<br />

Atmospheric Moistening during the MISMO<br />

Ushiyama Tomoki, Kazuaki Yasunaga, Kunio Yoneyama, Yukari<br />

N. Takayabu, Masanori Yoshizaki. Speaker Ushiyama Tomoki<br />

04:14 pm Overview of the HARIMAU2006 intensive observation for<br />

diurnal to intraseasonal convective variability study over Sumatera<br />

Island, Indonesia<br />

Mori Shuichi, Hamada Jun-Ichi, Namiko Sakurai, Hironori<br />

Fudeyasu, Masayuki Kawashima, Yasushi Fujiyoshi, Fadli Syamsudin, Jun<br />

Matsumoto, Manabu D. Yamanaka. Speaker Mori Shuichi<br />

04:27 pm Ocean-atmosphere daily coupling estimated from<br />

atmospheric radio soundings, surface flux and ocean measurements<br />

during the CIRENE campaign<br />

Cassou Christophe, Laurence Eymard, Jerome Vialard, Joel<br />

Barrie, Jean-Paul Vinson. Speaker Cassou Christophe<br />

04:40 pm On the mechanism of eastward propagation of MJO and<br />

super cloud clusters in the Equatorial Region: NICAM analysis and<br />

model study<br />

Yoshizaki Masanori. Speaker Yoshizaki Masanori<br />

04:53 pm First analysis of the surface energy budget during VASCO-<br />

CIRENE<br />

Eymard Laurence, D. Bourras, A. Weill, J. Vialard, J-P. Duvel.<br />

Speaker Eymard Laurence<br />

MS013 Topographic Effects on Weather and Climate (ICDM)<br />

Conveners: Gage Kenneth<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room F<br />

Chairpersons: Prof. Ron Smith<br />

09:30 am Extreme wind event over Canary Islands related to the<br />

extratropical storm Delta: sensitivity study with a limited area model<br />

Marrero Carlos, Oriol Jorba, Emilio Cuevas, Jos Mara<br />

Baldasano. Speaker Marrero Carlos<br />

09:33 am Mountain waves entering the stratosphere<br />

Smith Ronald, Bryan K. Woods, Jorgen Jensen, William A.<br />

Cooper, James D. Doyle, Qingfang Jiang, Vanda Grubii. Speaker Smith<br />

Ronald<br />

10:03 am Influence of a Viscous Boundary Layer on Trapped Lee<br />

Waves<br />

Lott Francois. Speaker Lott Francois<br />

10:25 am Channelling of high-latitude boundary-layer flow<br />

Nawri Nikolai, Ronald E. Stewart. Speaker Nawri Nikolai<br />

10:47 am First Results from the 2006 Meteor Crater Experiment<br />

(METCRAX)<br />

Hoch Sebastian W., C. David Whiteman, Maura Hahnenberger,<br />

Sharon Zhong. Speaker Hoch Sebastian W.<br />

11:09 am Topographically forced flows in central California revealed<br />

by a network of 25 wind-profiling radars.<br />

Wilczak James, Jian-Wen Bao, Sara Michelson, Laura Bianco,<br />

Irina Djalalova. Speaker Wilczak James<br />

Tsunematsu Nobumitsu, Hironori Iwai, Shoken Ishii, Yasuhiro<br />

Murayama, Motoaki Yasui, Kohei Mizutani, Seiji Kawamura, Yuichi Ohno.<br />

Speaker Tsunematsu Nobumitsu<br />

11:51 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

12:21 pm Coherent Doppler lidar measurements of the sea breeze at<br />

Sendai Airport<br />

Iwai Hironori, Shoken Ishii, Kohei Mizutani, Yasuhiro<br />

Murayama, Toshiki Iwasaki, Sha Weiming, Takeshi Yamazaki, Nobuyuki<br />

Kaku. Speaker Iwai Hironori<br />

12:43 pm On Weakly Dissipated Tropical Cyclones over Indochina<br />

Satomura Takehiko, Mio Sugino. Speaker Satomura Takehiko<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room F<br />

Chairpersons: Prof. Zhe-Min Tan<br />

02:00 pm Upstream topography effects on the South China Sea<br />

Summer Monsoon<br />

Shi Xueli, Johnny C. L. Chan, Yihui Ding, Keith K.C. Chow.<br />

Speaker Shi Xueli<br />

02:30 pm The Influence of Mountains on the Vorticity Sources of the<br />

Southwest Vortex<br />

Wang Qi-Wei, Zhe-Min Tan. Speaker Wang Qi-Wei<br />

02:52 pm The effects of the Tibetan Plateau and Iranian Plateau on<br />

the Formation of the South Asia High bimodality<br />

Zhang Qiong, Guoxiong Wu. Speaker Zhang Qiong<br />

03:14 pm Resonant response of deep convection to surface hot<br />

spots and elevated topography<br />

Sherwood Steven, Francis Robinson, Yanping Li. Speaker<br />

Sherwood Steven<br />

03:36 pm Regional effects of an elevated heat source: the Zagros<br />

Plateau of Iran<br />

Zaitchik Ben. Speaker Zaitchik Ben<br />

04:06 pm A study on urban heat island over greater Tehran area<br />

Jahangiri Zohreh, Ahmad Asgari, Abdolah Sedaghatkerdar.<br />

Speaker Jahangiri Zohreh<br />

04:28 pm Reflection of global climatic changes on teritory of Bosnia<br />

and Herzegovina<br />

Majstorovic Zeljko, Ismira Ahmovic, Ibrahim Hadzismajlovic.<br />

Speaker Majstorovic Zeljko<br />

04:50 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

05:20 pm The relationship between topography and some climate<br />

parameters<br />

Apaydin Halit, Alper Anli, Fazli Ozturk. Speaker Apaydin Halit<br />

05:42 pm The Influence of Mesoscale Terrain on Region Climate<br />

Change<br />

Mass Cliff, Eric Salathe. Speaker Mass Cliff<br />

06:04 pm Barrier winds and the Ross Ice Shelf air stream across the<br />

Ross Ice Shelf Antarctica<br />

Seefeldt Mark, John J. Cassano. Speaker Seefeldt Mark<br />

JSS015 Crustal structure and Tectonophysics - Large-scale multidisciplinary<br />

programs for continental imaging<br />

Conveners: Thybo Hans<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 12<br />

SS001 Seismic Observations And Interpretation<br />

Conveners: Storchak Dmitry, Sato Haruo, Dewey James, Musson<br />

Roger, Hanka Winfried<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 3<br />

09:30 am A new model that forms both strong and weak coupling<br />

asperity in a shallow inter-plate region<br />

Matsubayashi Hirotoshi, Tatsuo Matsuda, Takumi Matsumoto.<br />

Speaker Matsubayashi Hirotoshi<br />

09:45 am Seismicity and tectonics of China Continent and<br />

surrounding regions<br />

Sun Ruomei, E. R. Engdahl, You Tian, E. A. Bergman, Jiwen<br />

Teng. Speaker Sun Ruomei<br />

10:00 am Preliminary study of seismically active structures in the<br />

Drake Passage and Bransfield Strait, Antarctica<br />

Yoo Hyun Jae, Minkyu Park, Robert P. Dziak, Delwayne<br />

Bohnenstiehl, Haruyoshi Matsumoto, Won Sang Lee, Sukyoung Yun.<br />

Speaker Yoo Hyun Jae<br />

10:15 am Some characteristics of aftershocks sequences of major<br />

earthquakes from 1994 to 2002 in the Kivu Province, Western Rift Valley<br />

of Africa<br />

Tuluka Mavonga. Speaker Tuluka Mavonga<br />

10:30 am Study of 1999 Xiuyan, NE China, earthquake sequence<br />

from near-source seismic observation data<br />

Yang Zhixian, Yuntai Chen, Brian W. Stump, Rong-Mao Zhou,<br />

Chris T. Hayward. Speaker Yang Zhixian<br />

10:45 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:15 am The 2006 Kythira, Southern Greece, aftershock sequence<br />

Nikolintaga Irini, Karakostas Vassilis, Papadimitriou Elefteria,<br />

Vallianatos Filippos. Speaker Nikolintaga Irini<br />

11:30 am Analysis of 4+ Years of Aftershock Data of the 2002 M7.9<br />

Denali Fault, Alaska, Earthquake<br />

Ruppert Natalia, Roger Hansen. Speaker Ruppert Natalia<br />

11:45 am The Capability for Seismic Monitoring of the North Korean<br />

Test Site<br />

Kvrna Tormod, Frode Ringdal. Speaker Kvrna Tormod<br />

12:00 pm Tracking the North Korea nuclear explosion on October 9,<br />

2006 using the Hi-Net array and FORMOSAT-2 observation satellite<br />

Huang Bor-Shouh. Speaker Huang Bor-Shouh<br />

12:15 pm Focal Depth Determination of Local and Regional<br />

Earthquakes from P and S Coda Waves: A Time-Reversed Acoustics<br />

Approach<br />

Toksoz M.Nafi, R. Lu, M. E. Willis. Speaker Toksoz M.Nafi<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Law School Room 3<br />

02:00 pm S-wave Tomography of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle in<br />

China<br />

Sun Youshun, M. Nafi Toksoz, Shunping Pei, Dapeng Zhao.<br />

Speaker Sun Youshun<br />

02:15 pm Deep very low-frequency earthquakes coincident with nonvolcanic<br />

deep low-frequency tremors and slow slip events<br />

Ito Yoshihiro, Takuto Maeda, Kazushige Obara. Speaker Ito<br />

Yoshihiro<br />

02:30 pm The Rayleigh-Wave ZH ratio Inversion<br />

Tanimoto Toshiro, Tomoko Yano, Luis Rivera. Speaker<br />

Tanimoto Toshiro<br />

02:45 pm Seismic Wave Gradiometry: Quantification of Dynamic<br />

Strain and Rotation<br />

Langston Charles, Chuntao Liang. Speaker Langston Charles<br />

SS006 Education and Outreach<br />

Conveners: Taber John, Suyehiro Kiyoshi

13 July, 2007<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Law School Room 7<br />

09:30 am European seismological commission: past, present, and<br />

future<br />

Garcia-Fernandez Mariano, Ina Cecic, Alicewalker. Speaker<br />

Garcia-Fernandez Mariano<br />

09:45am<br />

WEBSISMO: interactive web site for education and public<br />

awareness on earthquakes<br />

Jimenez Maria-Jose, Mariano Garcia-Fernandez, Eduard Rubio,<br />

Manuel Gomez. Speaker Jimenez Maria-Jose<br />

10’00 am Outreach activities of solid earth science using various kinds<br />

of maps<br />

Tsuji Hiromichi, Hiroshi Tsuruoka. Speaker Tsuji Hiromich<br />

10’15 Earthquake awareness through school education programme in<br />

India<br />

Bansal Brijesh Kumar. Speaker Bansal Brijesh Kumar<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11’00 am School Seismology in the UK,<br />

Denton Paul<br />

11:15 am IRIS Seismographs in Schools <strong>Program</strong><br />

Taber John, Lawrence Braile, John Lahr, Lora Bleacher.<br />

Speaker Taber John<br />

1:30 pm Tsunami: a movie for the tsunami risk reduction in Italy<br />

Nostro Concetta, Maramai Alessandra, Graziani Laura, Baroux<br />

Emmanuel, Burrato Pierfrancesco, Castellano Corrado, Arcoraci<br />

Luca. Speaker Maramai Alessandra<br />

11:45 pm How Science Bulletins at AMNH Educated the Public<br />

Concerning the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Islands Tsunami<br />

Duba Al, R. Kinzler, E.A. Mathez, V. Trakinski, T. Van Bergen,<br />

N. Gardner. Speaker Duba Al<br />

12’00 pm Global Forum For Natural Disasters Mitigation Education And<br />

Outreach: Case Study<br />

Choudhary Narendra Kumar, Dr.R.C.Bhattachajee,<br />

Dr.N.K.Gupta, Mr.N.E.Khadse, Prof.S.P.Yavalkar, Mr.Vijay Kumar Singhal.<br />

Speaker Mr.Vijay Kumar Singhal<br />

12’15 pm Education of Community Based Earthquake Risk<br />

anagement: A Case Study in IRAN<br />

Djalali Ahmadreza, Vahid Hosseinijenab, Farshid Tofiqi,<br />

ahmoud Fatemi Aqda, Alireza Estelaji, Bahram Abdi Farkoush. Speaker<br />

jalali Ahmadreza<br />

12’30 pm Education in Environmental Issues<br />

Sugi Noriko. Speaker Sugi Noriko<br />

VS001 Large-volume eruptions, including environmental effects<br />

onveners: Self Stephen, Graf Hans-F., Isaia Roberto<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

09:30 am Super-eruptions: present understanding of size, style, and<br />

gas release<br />

Self Stephen. Speaker Self Stephen<br />

09:50 am New insights into magma fragmentation during silicic<br />

explosive eruptions from X-ray computed microtomography<br />

Fontijn Karen, Bert Masschaele, Patric Jacobs, Luc Van<br />

Hoorebeke, Gerald Ernst. Speaker Fontijn Karen<br />

10:10 am 2D Lattice Boltzmann conduction/advection model with<br />

hase-change: A new tool to assess melting/crystallization dynamics in<br />

magma chamber<br />

Parmigiani Andrea, Christian Huber, Olivier Bachmann, Bastien<br />

Chopard, Jonas Latt. Speaker Parmigiani Andrea<br />

10:30 am Three-dimensional textural analysis of juvenile pyroclasts<br />

rom the Kos plateau Tuff, South Aegean Arc, Greece<br />

Degruyter Wim, Olivier Bachmann, Alain Burgisser, Veerle<br />

Cnudde, Bert Masschaele. Speaker Degruyter Wim<br />

10:50 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

1:20 am Modeling Co-ignimbrite Plumes: or why a one dimensional<br />

plume model is not enough<br />

Herzog Michael, Hans-F. Graf. Speaker Herzog Michael<br />

1:50 am Solving the particle transport equations for elevationependent<br />

atmospheric flows<br />

McKibbin Robert. Speaker McKibbin Robert<br />

Millard Genevieve, Dr David M. Pyle, Dr Tamsin A. Mather.<br />

Speaker Millard Genevieve<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room B<br />

02:00 pm Estimating the SO2 degassing history of the Deccan Traps<br />

Widdowson Mike, Stephen Self. Speaker Widdowson Mike<br />

02:20 pm The role of fine ash in explosive eruptions<br />

Dellino Pierfrancesco. Speaker Dellino Pierfrancesco<br />

02:50 pm The variation with latitude of ash clouds from large<br />

magnitude explosive eruptions<br />

Baines Peter, Morgan T. Jones, Stephen J. Sparks. Speaker<br />

Baines Peter<br />

03:10 pm Radiative forcing of fine ash and volcanic sulphate aerosol<br />

after a very large Northern hemisphere mid-latitude eruption<br />

Niemeier Ulrike, Claudia Timmreck, Sebastian Rast, Marco<br />

Giorgetta, Hans-F Graf, Sephen Self. Speaker Niemeier Ulrike<br />

03:30 pm Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

04:00 pm Climate response to a very large volcanic eruption: an<br />

Earth system model approach<br />

Timmreck Claudia, Monika Esch, Marco Giorgetta, Hans-F.<br />

Graf, Helmuth Haak, Johann Jungclaus, Erich Roeckner, Reiner Schnur, Man<br />

Anna Thomas. Speaker Timmreck Claudia<br />

04:30 pm Mechanism of Climate Warming after Supervolcano<br />

Eruptions<br />

Stenchikov Georgiy, Luke Oman, Alan Robock. Speaker<br />

Stenchikov Georgiy<br />

04:50 pm Environmental/cultural modifications at 40 ka BP in<br />

western Eurasia in the light of the potential impact of the Campanian<br />

Ignimbrite eruption (southern Italy)<br />

Fedele Francesco, Biagio Giaccio, Roberto Isaia. Speaker<br />

Fedele Francesco<br />

05:10 pm Can volcanic eruptions produce ice ages or mass<br />

extinctions<br />

Robock Alan, Caspar Ammann, Luke Oman, Drew Shindell,<br />

Georgiy Stenchikov. Speaker Robock Alan<br />

VS012 Cities on Volcanoes: looking at the links between<br />

volcanology and communities issues around volcanoes<br />

(merged with VS020)<br />

Conveners: Baxter Peter, Lindsay Jan, Orsi Giovanni, Horwell Claire<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 6<br />

09:30 am Planning for a future eruption from the Auckland Volcanic<br />

Field, New Zealand<br />

Lindsay Jan, David Johnston, Jane Olsen, Michelle Daly.<br />

Speaker Lindsay Jan<br />

09:45 am Naples, a large city within an active volcanic area<br />

Orsi Giovanni, De Vita Sandro, Di Vito Mauro Antonio, Heiken<br />

Grant. Speaker Orsi Giovanni<br />

10:00 am BET at Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius<br />

Marzocchi Warner, Laura Sandri. Speaker Marzocchi Warner<br />

10:15 am Volcanic Risk perception in the Phlegraean area (southern<br />

Italy)<br />

Isaia Roberto, Franco Barberi, Mattew Davis, Rosella Nave,<br />

Tullio Ricci. Speaker Rosella Nave<br />

10:30 am Coffee Break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Superstition and mythology an undervalued component of<br />

community resilience<br />

Cashman Katharine, Shane Cronin. Speaker Cashman<br />

Katharine<br />

11:15 am Volcanic risk mitigation and eruption responses by the<br />

office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance: case studies in Africa, Asia,<br />

and Latin America<br />

Mayberry Gari, Marion Pratt. Speaker Mayberry Gari<br />

11:30 am Can the Fantale area in Ethiopia, be counted among the<br />

Cities On Volcanoes<br />

Orsi Giovanni, Ayalew Dereje, Dellerba Francesco, Di Vito<br />

Mauro Antonio, Yirgu Gezahen. Speaker Orsi Giovanni<br />

11:45 am What counts most Extreme volcanic hazards versus<br />

everyday hardship in Southeast Asia<br />

Gaillard Jc, Pauline Texier. Speaker Texier Pauline<br />

12:00 pm Increasing population and tourism attractions around<br />

Copahue volcano, North Patagonia, Andes of Argentina. Volcanic<br />

growing hazard.<br />

Rovere Elizabeth Ivonne. Speaker Rovere Elizabeth Ivonne<br />

12:15 pm International warnings for volcanic clouds - experiences in<br />

the Asia/Pacific region<br />

Tupper Andrew. Speaker Tupper Andrew<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Room 6<br />

02:00 pm Contribution to volcanic risk mitigation in Southern Peru<br />

through an original approach of public education and awareness.<br />

Levieux Guillaume, J. Arnaud, G. Avard, S. Barde-Cabusson,<br />

M. Benbakkar, L. Bennati, J.A. Chvez, N. Cluzel, V. Cruz, A. Finizola, N.<br />

Fournier, K. Gonzales, M. Lacarin, R. Lebti, C. Lefaure, F. Lefaure, F. Legros,<br />

P. Llerena, O. Macedo, J. Machar, J. Marino, M. Moreau, G. Mauri, A. Nave,<br />

R. Nave, P. Paquereau, P.G. Scholl, A. Siu J. Taco, E. Taipe, J.-C. Thouret,<br />

W. Zezenarro. Speaker Levieux Guillaume<br />

02:15 pm Tuffaceous deposits in the Lake Biwa, central Honshu,<br />

Japan<br />

Chen Chang-Hwa, Kuei-Chih Fang, Keiji Takemura, Sheng-<br />

Rong Song. Speaker Chen Chang-Hwa<br />

02:30 pm Spore chemistry as a proxy for volcanically-induced<br />

atmospheric perturbations<br />

Fraser Wesley, Mark Sephton, Steve Self, Jon Watson.<br />

Speaker Fraser Wesley<br />

02:45 pm Hazard from endogenous gas release in the Alban Hills<br />

near Rome<br />

Carapezza Maria Luisa, Franco Barberi, Tullio Ricci. Speaker<br />

Carapezza Maria Luisa<br />

03:00 pm Raman-SEM: A new technique for identification of toxic<br />

minerals in volcanic samples<br />

Horwell Claire, Ben Williamson. Speaker Horwell Claire<br />

Poster 13 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Preparing for the 40 anniversary of Arenal volcano reawakening:<br />

Bringing memories from the past to shine the future of new<br />

generations.<br />

Duarte Eliecer. Speaker Duarte Eliecer<br />

Rapid growth of tourist infrastructure around Arenal Volcano.<br />

Implications for hazard reduction.<br />

Duarte Eliecer. Speaker Duarte Eliecer<br />

Sulphur dioxide (SO2) measurements at Pos volcano using MINIDOAS.<br />

Pre, during and post phreatic activity.<br />

Duarte Eliecer, Erick Fernandez, Bo Galle, Rodolfo Olmos, Mattias<br />

Johansson, Wendy Saenz, Maria Martinez. Speaker Duarte Eliecer<br />

Do standard air filter systems protect from volcanic aerosols<br />

Obenholzner Johannes, M. Edwards, J. Parks. Speaker Obenholzner<br />

Johannes<br />

Emissions of Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde - first results of SO2, CO2 and<br />

temperature measurements<br />

Pfeiffer Kerstin. Speaker Pfeiffer Kerstin<br />

A further analysis of causes of excess mortality in Central England at<br />

the time of the Laki eruption<br />

Self Stephen, Linda Mcardell. Speaker Self Stephen<br />

Public awareness - a preliminary element of risk reduction for cities<br />

Gaudru Henry. Speaker Gaudru Henry<br />

VS016 Volcanic-plutonic provinces: a tool to understand magma<br />

genesis and geodynamics<br />

Conveners: Poli Giampiero, Bernard Bonin<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM - Department of Chemistry<br />

Room C<br />

09:30 am The Miocene volcano-plutonic suite of the northern<br />

Colorado River Corridor, Nevada-Arizona, USA<br />

Miller C.F., J.E. Faulds, J.S. Miller, J.L. Wooden, R.V. Metcalf,<br />

D.J. Furbish, L.L. Claiborne, B.A. Walker, D.S. Perrault, K.F.<br />

Hodge. Speaker Miller C.F.<br />

10:00 am Growth, eruption, solidification, fractionation, and<br />

rejuvenation of a large felsic magmatic system, Eldorado-<br />

Newberry Mountains, Nevada (USA)<br />

Miller Jonathan, James Faulds, Calvin Miller,<br />

Joe Wooden, Michele Dodge, Deborah Bazar, Shannon Leslie,<br />

Jugdeep Aggarwal. Speaker Miller Jonathan<br />

10:15 am The formation of sills controlled by rigidity contrasts and<br />

its implications for the growth of laccoliths and plutons<br />

Menand Thierry. Speaker Menand Thierry<br />

10:30 am coffe break (30 minutes)<br />

11:00 am Investigating the evolution of the Mount St. Helens<br />

plumbing system using SHRIMP-RG U-Pb, U-series, and<br />

trace element analysis of zircon<br />

Claiborne Lily, Michael A. Clynne, John S.<br />

Pallister, Calvin F. Miller, Joseph L. Wooden, Frank K. Mazdab,<br />

Jacob B. Lowenstern. Speaker Claiborne Lily<br />

11:15 am Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia: volcanic unrest due to midcrustal<br />

magma intrusion and pluton growth<br />

Sparks Stephen, Folkes, C.B, Humphreys, M.C.S, Barford, D,<br />

Clavero, J., Mayel S, McNutt, S, Pritchard, M. Speaker Sparks Stephen<br />

11:30 am Porphyritic lava domes generated by remobilization of<br />

igneous protoliths from arc crust<br />

Zellmer Georg. Speaker Zellmer Georg<br />

11:45 am Magma underplating formed new crust-mantle transition<br />

zone--evidence from Xenoliths in Hannuoba basalt<br />

Sui Jianli, Qicheng Fan. Speaker Sui Jianli<br />

12:00 am Reappraisal of the ‘Late Caledonian’ magmatic episode in<br />

SW Scotland: inter-relations of tectonism, volcanism and<br />

assembly of a batholith<br />

Kokelaar Peter, Joanne Neilson, Quentin<br />

Crowley. Speaker Kokelaar Peter<br />

12:15 pm Genesis of Miocene-Pliocene intrusive and effusive rocks<br />

from the Tuscan Magmatic Province (Italy): implications for<br />

the structure of Apenninic lithosphere<br />

Poli Giampiero, Diego Perugini. Speaker Poli Giampiero<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room C<br />

02:00 pm A-type granites of the cretaceous Damaraland intrusive<br />

Complexes, Namibia: salient members of the Paran-Etendeka large<br />

igneous Province<br />

Haapala Ilmari, Stephen Frindt, Robert B. Trumbull. Speaker<br />

Haapala Ilmari<br />

02:15 pm Magmatism and tectonics in the Easternmost sector of a<br />

transversal fault system in Central Andes: a contribution for Miocene<br />

geodynamical evolution of the Andean margin at 24S<br />

Mazzuoli Roberto, Luigina Vezzoli, Ricardo Omarini, Valerio<br />

Acocella, Anna Gioncada, Massimo Matteini, Herv Guillou, Hauser Natalia.<br />

Speaker Mazzuoli Roberto<br />

02:30 pm Miocene extensional and arc-type calc-alkaline volcanism<br />

in Guti Volcanic Zone (Eastern Carpathians)<br />

Kovacs Marinel. Speaker Kovacs Marinel<br />

02:45 pm Generation of late cretaceous strongly peraluminous and<br />

peralkaline to mildly peraluminous silicic rocks in SE China coastal<br />

areas: age, geochemical, SR and ND isotopic and numerical constraints<br />

C-H Chen<br />

03:00 pm Petrology and geochemistry of Mafic and Ultramafic rocks<br />

of Masule, Western Alborz, Northern Iran<br />

Kosari Abdullah, Emami, Mohammad Hashem, Haghnazar,<br />

Mastaneh, Moharami, Farhad. Speaker Kosari Abdullah<br />

Poster 13 July, 2007 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM - Baldeschi Palace<br />

Main Hall<br />

Magma/Enclave interaction in the Neogene Calc-Alkaline Magmatism<br />

from the subvolcanic zone of the East Carpathians: a mineralogical and<br />

isotopic integrated study<br />

Nitoi Eugenia. Speaker Nitoi Eugenia<br />

The applicability of using apatite geochemistry for differentiating<br />

Mesozoic I- and S-type and intermediary granitoids in S China<br />

Hsieh Pei-Shan, Cheng-Hong Chen, Huai-Jen Yang, Chi-Yu Lee, Han-Wen<br />

Zhou. Speaker Hsieh Pei-Shan<br />

VW001 Guidelines for the preparation of volcanic hazards maps<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Department of<br />

Chemistry Room A<br />

VW003 Magmatic (fluid and melt) inclusion studies in active<br />

volcanoes magmatic systems<br />

Conveners: Peccerillo Angelo, De Vivo Benedetto<br />

Oral 13 July, 2007 from 02:00 PM to 05:30 PM - Academy of Fine Arts<br />

Library<br />


HELD AT:<br />



<strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>Program</strong><br />

July 7-13, 2007

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