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<strong>EPPING</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>MINUTES</strong><br />

<strong>EPPING</strong> TOWN HALL<br />

JANUARY 17, 2013<br />

7:00 PM<br />



Chairman David Mylott called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.<br />

In attendance were David Mylott (Chair), Jeffrey Harris (Vice Chair), Gregory Dodge (Member), Brian Reed<br />

(Member), Shannon Boelter (Member), and Barbara Munsey (Superintendent).<br />

In the audience were Larry Averill (Athletic Director) and Robin O’Day (community member).<br />

II.<br />



This will be rescheduled at a later date.<br />


Board members had received e-mails from several parents who were unhappy that the new basketball<br />

uniforms are black and white, rather than blue and white. Superintendent Munsey distributed copies<br />

of School Board minutes from the April 24, 2008 meeting (SEE ATTACHED) where the following<br />

motion was passed:<br />

Shawn Patton’s final motion was that the official mascot of the Epping Middle School and Epping<br />

High School shall be the “Epping Blue Devils” and that the official school colors of the Epping<br />

Middle School be blue and white with red trim and the Epping High School be blue and white with<br />

black trim. Further, that no variations shall be made to either the school mascot or the school colors<br />

of the Epping Middle School and Epping High School without the expressed written consent of the<br />

Epping School Board, and that the Epping School District administrators and staff shall encourage,<br />

not discourage, the students from proudly wearing the official mascot and/or colors of the Epping<br />

Middle School and Epping High School. Susan Kimball seconded the motion. Motion passed<br />

unanimously 5-0.<br />

Athletic Director Averill explained that the basketball uniforms were due to be replaced this year and<br />

his vendor made him aware of an exceptional value where he could purchase $99 uniforms for $48,<br />

which brought the total cost of 34 uniforms (17 each for boys and girls) to $812. When the order was<br />

placed, the uniforms were available in blue and white; however, the vendor ran short of those colors<br />

so, having no awareness of the April 24, 2008 School Board directive, Athletic Director Averill made<br />

the decision to replace blue and white with black and white. He admitted his mistake and apologized<br />

for it. He stated that he still has the old uniforms, but they are showing signs of wear and tear.<br />

Member Harris was concerned with an e-mail from a parent of one of the boys on the varsity team<br />

who requested that the boys be allowed to keep their black away jerseys after the season ends.<br />

Athletic Director Averill said he had no knowledge of the e-mail, but seniors often request to buy<br />

their uniform jersey which is allowed for full replacement cost.<br />

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Member Dodge asked if there are other teams wearing uniforms that are not blue and white, to which<br />

Athletic Director Averill confirmed that middle school cheerleaders are wearing red tee shirts with<br />

blue Soffe® shorts because the size of the group is quite large (32) and there were not enough<br />

uniforms for everyone. The tee shirts and shorts were again chosen for economic reasons. Member<br />

Dodge questioned why red was chosen for the tee shirts rather than blue, to which Athletic Director<br />

Averill replied, again, that he missed the directive and admitted that the tee shirts should have been<br />

blue. Member Dodge felt that too many mistakes had been made and suspected that there was<br />

something more behind this. He said that school identity is very important and a school’s colors and<br />

mascot are what gives it an identity.<br />

Superintendent Munsey confirmed that the April 24, 2008 directive was never put into policy and got<br />

buried over the years.<br />

Member Boelter commended the Athletic Director for saving money in replacing the uniforms. In his<br />

opinion, it is not the position of the School Board to dictate colors of uniforms and the Athletic<br />

Director should be able to poll coaches and decide what the uniforms should look like. Member Reed<br />

disagreed and said that in order to insure consistency, the official school mascot and colors must be<br />

governed by the School Board.<br />

Robin O’Day came to the podium and said that this issue was all about honoring tradition, history,<br />

and identity. Epping’s colors have always been blue and white, and the addition of red for the middle<br />

school and black for the high school was done without proper permission. She said that coaches,<br />

teachers, and administrators all come and go so they should not be the ones to decide school/uniform<br />

colors, and the present inconsistency in uniform colors is proof of that. The school district is run by<br />

the School Board which should be upholding Epping’s history.<br />

Member Dodge motioned to take the vote of the Epping School Board on April 24, 2008 and<br />

incorporate it into the athletic policy and handbook; seconded by Member Reed.<br />

Athletic Director Averill restated that this happened because he missed the directive…it was not done<br />

in a “fishy” or underhanded way. It was based solely on economics.<br />

Chairman Mylott called for the vote. Motion carried 4:1:0 with Member Boelter voting nay.<br />

Athletic Director Averill asked if this policy extends to warm-up gear, sweatshirts, sweatpants, etc.<br />

that are purchased by the student-athletes, to which consensus was these purchases must be kept in<br />

the spirit of the directive.<br />

Member Reed asked the fate of the current uniforms, to which Chairman Mylott thought it would be<br />

best to continue using the black uniforms this year, then replace them next year. It was confirmed<br />

that there is no plan in place for the athletes to keep the black uniforms. If someone wishes to keep<br />

their uniform, they may do so by paying the full replacement cost.<br />

Athletic Director Averill asked if he should report athletic accomplishments to the Board at the end of<br />

each season, in a similar fashion as other extra-curricular activities such as band, chorus, etc. The<br />

Board replied in the affirmative. Member Boelter suggested that Athletic Director Averill ask the<br />

student-athletes who receive awards and recognition to come to Board meetings to be recognized<br />

publicly for their accomplishments.<br />

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At the Board’s request, he read the recipients of the sports awards for the fall season. He also<br />

reported another notable milestone in that senior Frank Stanley scored his 1000 th point during a home<br />

basketball game on January 4, 2013.<br />

III.<br />

IV.<br />




Principal Vallone was excused from tonight’s meeting in order to participate in the Harlem Wizards<br />

basketball game sponsored by the elementary school PTO. The Board reviewed his written report but<br />

did not have any questions or comments.<br />


Principal Repucci was also excused from tonight’s meeting so he, too, could participate in the Harlem<br />

Wizards game. The Board reviewed his written report but did not have any questions or comments.<br />


Covered under Section V. – Sections A-D<br />


A. 2013-20<strong>14</strong> WARRANT – SIGNATURE<br />

Superintendent Munsey reported that the 2013 warrant has been revised to reflect the actions taken by<br />

the Budget Committee and School Board at the Public Hearing last Saturday (January 12, 2013). The<br />

school district budget (Article 4) was reduced by $135,324 to a total of $17,307,303. Several copies<br />

of the warrant were ready for Board approval and signatures.<br />

Member Dodge motioned for the Board to sign the final draft of the school warrant; seconded by<br />

Chairman Mylott. Motion carried 5:0:0.<br />

B. 2013-20<strong>14</strong> DELIBERATIVE SESSION MATERIALS – APPROVAL<br />

Superintendent Munsey reported that the 2013 warrant explanations were also revised to reflect the<br />

actions taken by the Budget Committee and School Board at the Public Hearing. She reviewed the<br />

updated material and noted that the tax impact has been reduced from $1.69 to $1.48.<br />

Member Boelter motioned to approve the Deliberative Session materials; seconded by Member<br />

Reed. Motion carried 5:0:0.<br />


As reported by Superintendent Munsey at the last meeting, several school districts were notified by<br />

the Department of Education that their 2012-2013 state adequacy funding would be reduced. This<br />

was due to a misunderstanding of how the hold harmless provision was to be applied in the funding<br />

calculation. The revenue loss to the Epping School District is $46,991; however, she was under the<br />

impression that the legislature is looking to fix the deficiency.<br />

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Member Harris, who is also a State Representative, confirmed that there is money available and the<br />

problem will be remedied with the affected districts receiving the correct funding.<br />

D. 2012-2013 FINANCIAL FORECAST<br />

Superintendent Munsey reported that, due to many variables, the expenditure side of the forecast has<br />

improved from a projected surplus of ($10,921) in November to $82,310 in January. It is important<br />

to note that Special Education costs continue to fluctuate and the forecast has been negatively<br />

impacted by increases in homeless transportation costs.<br />

VI.<br />



Superintendent Munsey stated that Athletic Director Averill is recommending the nominations of<br />

EMS teacher Gabe Mosca for varsity softball coach and EHS teacher Tyler Nekton for varsity<br />

baseball coach.<br />

Member Dodge asked if these positions were advertised, to which Athletic Director Averill replied in<br />

the affirmative. At Member Dodge’s request, Athletic Director Averill also explained the selection<br />

process, which includes asking a teacher, a parent, and a student athlete who plays on the specific<br />

team, to sit on the interview/selection committee.<br />

Mrs. O’Day asked if the open positions were posted in-house prior to being posted outside, to which<br />

Superintendent Munsey replied that they are posted in both places simultaneously. The District uses<br />

the free EDjobsNH website for posting purposes rather than paying for newspaper advertising.<br />

Athletic Director Averill also posts his openings on the NHIAA website, although he stated that he<br />

only posts in-house for middle school openings.<br />

Member Reed motioned to approve Gabe Mosca as the varsity softball coach and Tyler Nekton as<br />

the varsity baseball coach; seconded by Member Harris. Motion carried 5:0:0.<br />

VII. APPROVAL OF <strong>MINUTES</strong><br />

A. PUBLIC <strong>MINUTES</strong> FOR JANUARY 3, 2013<br />

Member Boelter motioned to approve the public minutes of January 3, 2013; seconded by Member<br />

Dodge. Motion carried 5:0:0.<br />



Member Dodge motioned to approve the public minutes of January 12, 2013 budget public hearing<br />

and meeting; seconded by Member Reed. Motion carried 4:0:1 with Member Boelter abstaining.<br />

A. PAYROLL<br />

Member Dodge motioned to approve Payroll Manifest #P-15 dated January 18, 2013 in the amount<br />

of $409,159.83; seconded by Member Reed. Motion carried 5:0:0.<br />

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Member Boelter motioned to approve Accounts Payable Manifest #<strong>14</strong> dated January 17, 2013 in<br />

the amount of $216,810.91; seconded by Member Harris.<br />

Member Harris questioned an invoice that included 20 lbs. of chocolate chips for the Integrated<br />

Studies program. Superintendent Munsey explained that Integrated Studies has a food component<br />

where the students prepare baked goods, but she will check into it further and get back to the Board.<br />

Member Harris also questioned whether facilities work that resulted in a $8,700 invoice went through<br />

the proper approval process or if a decision was made based on only one bid. Chairman Mylott said it<br />

would be necessary to go back to the minutes of the specific meeting to confirm what transpired, but<br />

he remembered that exceptions were made to accept only one bid in some cases in order to retain a<br />

consistent vendor.<br />

Superintendent Munsey confirmed that some exceptions were made to the three bid process. One was<br />

specific to a specially designed roof at the elementary school which was a safety issue.<br />

Chairman Mylott called for the vote. Motion carried 5:0:0.<br />

IX.<br />


A. <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong><br />

Jeff Harris – None<br />

Shannon Boelter – None<br />

Greg Dodge<br />

Member Dodge commented that recently a rumor had been spread regarding some overtime that was<br />

paid to one employee, to which there was a perfectly reasonable explanation. When people have<br />

questions regarding the payroll of school staff, he requested they should get the facts from the <strong>SAU</strong><br />

office (salaries are public record) rather than gossiping about it.<br />

Brian Reed – None<br />

Dave Mylott<br />

Chairman Mylott stated that the filing period for folks interested in running for public office is<br />

Wednesday, January 23 through Friday, February 1 at 5:00 p.m. Sign up at the Town Clerk’s office.<br />


Barbara Munsey<br />

Superintendent Munsey stated that she’s been cancelling school due to inclement weather for ten<br />

years, but she wished she could retract the decision she made yesterday. She apologized for not<br />

making the call to cancel school, but it was a tough decision based on the timing of the snow. Any<br />

time a snow event occurs between the hours of 6:00-8:00 a.m., it makes the decision difficult because<br />

busses are already rolling and staff are already en route. Chairman Mylott confirmed that absences<br />

will be excused for all students who couldn’t make it in and the day will count as a school day.<br />

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Superintendent Munsey also reviewed and explained the NH Growth Reports section of her written<br />

report. Included was information on the federal waiver submitted by the NH Department of<br />

Education (NHDOE) regarding the No Child Left Behind legislation, reforms in leader and teacher<br />

preparation, mentoring, professional development, and teacher evaluation. Also included was an<br />

analysis of reading and mathematics for grades 3-8. The data provided indicates the need for a<br />

discussion regarding the assessments that are being used for students with disabilities. The New<br />

England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) may not be the appropriate measure for these<br />

students. More information will be forthcoming as Cathy Zylinski, Director of Special Services, is<br />

participating on a state committee regarding the growth model as it pertains to students with<br />

disabilities.<br />

On another note…Member Harris asked if employees had been notified that the amount on line 22-D<br />

(part of the Affordable Care Act) of their W-2 form must be on their return. Superintendent Munsey<br />

replied that the District typically doesn’t give tax advice to employees, but she will look into it further<br />

to see if it is prudent in this case.<br />

C. PUBLIC<br />

Mrs. O’Day (School District Clerk) informed the Board that she has asked Susan Kimball (School<br />

Board Secretary) to take the minutes at the Deliberative Session on February 7, 2013. Mrs. O’Day<br />

explained that her son is in the National Guard and is being deployed on February 8 th so it’s important<br />

that she be with her family. She thanked Secretary Kimball for filling in for her. Chairman Mylott<br />

requested that Mrs. O’Day inform Bob Goodrich (School District Moderator) of the substitution,<br />

which she agreed to do. Superintendent Munsey will provide Secretary Kimball with all of the<br />

warrant article information prior to the Deliberative Session.<br />


▪ February 7, 2013 – Deliberative Session at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Gymnasium<br />

▪ February 21, 2013 – Regular School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall<br />

It was determined that February 7 th will be posted so business can be transacted if necessary. Member Harris<br />

was concerned about the manifests because of the three week interval between meetings. He thought a<br />

special meeting should be held to sign the manifests, however Chairman Mylott said that the Board does not<br />

typically do that. Superintendent Munsey will check with Business Administrator Williamson to see if there<br />

is a need for a special meeting, but School Board policy does give permission to pay certain bills if they<br />

come due.<br />

Superintendent Munsey asked if the Board wanted to provide a PowerPoint presentation at the Deliberative<br />

Session, to which Chairman Mylott replied in the affirmative. It was also decided that Member Harris will<br />

present the warrant article on the paraprofessional contract. Chairman Mylott and Superintendent Munsey<br />

will work together to decide the format and presenters for the remainder of the warrant articles.<br />

XI.<br />


Chairman Mylott made a motion to go into non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II<br />

(a) Personnel and to adjourn immediately thereafter; seconded by Member Dodge. Motion carried 5:0:0.<br />

Roll call vote: Reed, Dodge, Mylott, Boelter, and Harris all voted Aye.<br />

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Respectfully submitted,<br />

Susan H. Kimball<br />

Secretary<br />

Epping School Board<br />

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<strong>EPPING</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong> NONPUBLIC <strong>MINUTES</strong><br />

JANUARY 17, 2013<br />

The Epping School Board met immediately after the regular meeting for a nonpublic session held in the Epping<br />

Town Hall. Please reference the regular public meeting minutes for January 17, 2013. In attendance were School<br />

Board Members Dave Mylott, Jeff Harris, Gregory Dodge, Shannon Boelter and Brian Reed. The meeting was<br />

called to order at 8:22 pm.<br />

The Board discussed the Superintendent’s evaluation. No action was taken.<br />

Gregory Dodge made a motion to exit nonpublic session, seconded by Shannon Boelter. The motion passed 5-0 at<br />

8:50 pm the Board exited nonpublic session.<br />

Gregory Dodge made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Shannon Boelter. The motion passed 5-0 and the meeting<br />

was adjourned at 8:50 pm.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

David Mylott<br />

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