Winter 2013 - Ignatius Press

Winter 2013 - Ignatius Press

Winter 2013 - Ignatius Press

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New <strong>Winter</strong> Films<br />

Catholics and the Culture War<br />

Catholic apologist and radio host Tim Staples demonstrates how several<br />

minor “battles” over the last 65 years have led to us to where we are<br />

now… in a full-fledged war between two very different schools of thought<br />

when it comes to what society says is right... or wrong. It’s a vivid look at<br />

what America used to be like—and how dramatically we have changed.<br />

The good news is that we can turn this situation around. We can regain<br />

lost ground. We can win the battle for our culture. After watching Catholics<br />

and the Culture War, you will have a much clearer grasp of precisely what<br />

has gone wrong in American society, how we have been betrayed by our<br />

institutions of government, and how we can draw strength from our own<br />

Christian past and Catholic faith to overcome today’s challenges.<br />

j CACW-M . . . 60 Mins, $19.95<br />

Defending Your Faith<br />

How to Counter Standard Objections to Catholicism<br />

Catholic Answers’ Director of Apologetics, Tim Staples, presents some<br />

of the most common challenges to Catholicism, and gives you solid,<br />

Biblically-based answers that you can use to refute them. Along with the<br />

scriptural evidence, Staples also explains the beautifully rational arguments<br />

which make these same teachings come alive in our hearts and<br />

minds.<br />

In offering these common objections, Staples traces his own path—<br />

intellectually and spiritually—from Protestantism to Catholicism.<br />

Answering these sorts of questions, Staples says, “was the first step, for<br />

me, on the road to Rome.” Let Tim show you where the pertinent passages<br />

are that explain the Catholic position, as well as some of the logical<br />

and rhetorical strategies you can use in any situation.<br />

j DYF-M . . . 60 min, $19.95<br />

Faith Clips<br />

Join popular Catholic teacher Fr. Robert Barron as he answers 50 frequently<br />

asked questions about the Catholic faith on a diverse range of<br />

topics—from God, Jesus and the Trinity to the sacraments, prayer and<br />

the spiritual life.<br />

Faith Clips is an interactive tool for anyone who seeks to learn or present<br />

basic theological and spiritual precepts.
 This DVD is easy to use with<br />

menus that allow you to view an entire topic, such as “Jesus,” or view<br />

each individual question separately within the topic, such as “Why did<br />

Jesus have to die the way he did”<br />

The disc also includes an informal Facilitator’s Guide and graphics for<br />

in-parish presentations.

<br />

“Faith Clips is an intelligent and effective tool for those<br />

who strive to spread the Gospel in our culture.”<br />

Cardinal Francis George<br />

j FACL-M . . . 114 mins, $19.95<br />

Romance without Regret<br />

Well-known chastity teachers Jason and Crystalina Evert speak powerfully<br />

about purity—sometimes with humor, other times bluntly, always with a<br />

reverent approach. Their wise words are coupled with their own powerful<br />

personal testimonies that have inspired thousands of teens throughout the<br />

world.<br />

They address such questions as:<br />

• How do I find real love<br />

• How far is too far<br />

• How do I deal with temptations<br />

• If I fall, how do I start over and regain purity<br />

Whether you are in a relationship, looking for love, or just trying to understand<br />

God’s plan for properly using the gift of sexuality he has given to<br />

you, Romance Without Regret will hand you the tools you need in order to<br />

know the difference between love and lust.<br />

j RWRE-M . . . 60 min, $19.95<br />

to order, call 1-800-651-1531<br />

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online at www.ignatius.com

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