Winter 2013 - Ignatius Press

Winter 2013 - Ignatius Press

Winter 2013 - Ignatius Press

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The Reluctant Saint<br />

Maximilian Schell stars as<br />

the “flying friar”, St. Joseph<br />

of Cupertino. Joseph’s mother<br />

convinces the reluctant abbot<br />

to accept her son into the<br />

monastery. Yet some, including<br />

the sceptical Don Raspi<br />

(Ricardo Montalban), are<br />

convinced that it is the devil,<br />

not God, who is responsible<br />

for Joseph’s amazing powers—and<br />

it will take a miracle<br />

to change their minds. Includes a 16-page Collector’s<br />

Booklet. In English with Spanish / English subtitles.<br />

j RS-M . . . 104 min., B&W, $19.95<br />

Paul VI<br />

The Pope in the Tempest<br />

From 1963 to 1978 the papacy<br />

of Pope Paul VI helped shape<br />

how the Catholic Church<br />

would confront the complexities<br />

of the modern world.<br />

Journey into the past of both<br />

Italy and the world. Covering<br />

fifty years of history that<br />

changed the Catholic Church<br />

and the world, this is a story<br />

that draws its lessons from history<br />

itself. In Italian with English and Spanish subtitles.<br />

Includes: Collector’s Booklet by Carl Olson. Bonus features<br />

include a special documentary on Pope Paul VI with historian<br />

James Hitchcock and Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ.<br />

j P6-M . . . 200 min., $24.95 $19.95<br />

The Song of<br />

Bernadette<br />

The classic film that beautifully<br />

portrays the appearance<br />

and miracle of Our<br />

Lady of Lourdes, and the life<br />

of the girl to whom Our Lady<br />

appeared, St. Bernadette.<br />

A superb cast including<br />

Vincent Price, Lee J. Cobb,<br />

and Jennifer Jones, this film<br />

won five Academy Awards,<br />

including Best Actress for<br />

Jones as Bernadette, and Best Score.<br />

j SONG-M . . . 156 min., B & W, $19.95<br />

Also: The Song of Bernadette (Book)<br />

A novel by Franz Werfel<br />

SONG-P . . . 605 pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.95<br />

The Holy Face<br />

The Face of Christ in<br />

the Cloth of Manoppello<br />

Two intriguing new documentary<br />

films on one DVD about<br />

the discovery of the amazing<br />

relic of the Holy Face on<br />

a cloth revered in a Church<br />

in Manoppello, Italy. Paul<br />

Badde, author of The Face of<br />

God, is a featured spokesman<br />

in both films that takes us to<br />

the Church in Italy to see this<br />

amazing cloth up close.<br />

j HFA-M . . . 55 min., $19.95<br />

Also available: The Face of God book by Paul Badde<br />

FAGO-H . . . Sewn Hardcover, 350 pp, $19.95<br />

to order, call 1-800-651-1531<br />

Best Selling Films<br />

29<br />

St. Giuseppe Moscati<br />

Doctor to the Poor<br />

Giuseppe Moscati, “the holy<br />

physician of Naples,” was a<br />

medical doctor and layman<br />

in the early 20th century who<br />

came from an aristocratic family<br />

and devoted his medical<br />

career to serving the poor. In<br />

this beautifully filmed movie,<br />

learn the story of one of the<br />

great modern saints—almost<br />

unknown in America. In<br />

Italian with English and Spanish subtitles. Includes a<br />

16-page Collector’s Booklet by Tim Drake. Bonus feature:<br />

special “Making of” film documentary.<br />

j SGMO-M . . . 177 min., $24.95<br />

Joseph of Nazareth<br />

The first feature film ever on<br />

the story of St. Joseph—carpenter,<br />

husband of Mary, and<br />

the foster father of Jesus Christ.<br />

Starring Tobias Moretti in a<br />

manly, appealing performance,<br />

this lovely film presents beautiful<br />

vignettes of powerful<br />

scenes in the life of the young<br />

Christ and the Holy Family<br />

that are authentic and inspiring.<br />

Also stars Stefania Rivi<br />

(Mary), Franco Interlenghi, and Andrea Prodan.<br />

Filmed in English, includes Spanish subtitles. Special<br />

Features: excerpts from a documentary on St. Joseph, and a<br />

collector’s booklet. j JNA-M . . . 105 min., $19.95<br />

St. John Bosco:<br />

Mission to Love<br />

Flavio Insinna gives a winning<br />

performance as John<br />

(Don) Bosco, the great priest<br />

and educator of youth from<br />

the tough streets of Turin,<br />

Italy. Beautifully filmed in<br />

Italy, this epic movie dramatizes<br />

the many challenges<br />

that Don Bosco had to<br />

overcome. His deep faith,<br />

creative imagination and<br />

profound charity shine through in this wonderful<br />

film. In Italian with English or Spanish subtitles, or an<br />

English dubbed track. Includes special features, and a<br />

collector’s booklet.<br />

j SJBML-M . . . 200 min, $24.95<br />

The Shroud of Turin<br />

Three Film Collector’s Edition<br />

This is the definitive collection<br />

of three stunning films<br />

on the Shroud of Turin that<br />

spans 32 years of awardwinning<br />

filmmaking on the<br />

Shroud by acclaimed British<br />

film producer and director<br />

David Rolfe.<br />

Films include:<br />

The Silent Witness 53 minutes.<br />

English. • Shroud of<br />

Turin 59 minutes. English. • Shroud 48 minutes. In<br />

seven languages: English, Spanish, French, German,<br />

Italian, Portugese and Russian.<br />

Includes a Collector’s Booklet and many special features.<br />

j SHROUD-M . . . 160 min, $29.95<br />

Also available: The True Icon book by Paul Badde<br />

FSTVM-H . . . Hardcover, Lavishly illustrated, $22.95<br />

online at www.ignatius.com

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