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Uconnect® Phone features Bluetooth® technology(Põhimenüü<br />

- the globalseaded) standardvõi<br />

that enables different Voice Harjutamine Training<br />

the radio volume control knob or from the<br />

Uconnect® Phone Button<br />

Uconnect® Phone can be adjusted either from<br />

• “Previous Track” (eelmise pala esitamiseks) − “Delete” (salvestise kustutamiseks)<br />

• “Main menu setup”<br />

The radio or steering wheel con-WARNINGtrols<br />

(if equipped) will contain the<br />

• “Play” (esitada artist nimi, esitusloendi nimi, • “Play Memos” (eelnevalt salvestatud memode<br />

esitamiseks) — esitamise ajal saate esita-<br />

• “Switch to setup”<br />

electronic<br />

(Lülita seadetele)<br />

devices to connect to each other For Kui users teil on experiencing raskusi Uconnect® difficulty with Phone the system häälkäsklustest<br />

või numbritest arusaamisega, võite<br />

HOIATUS! steering wheel radio control, if so equipped.<br />

recognizing their voice commands or numbers • It is dangerous to ride in a cargo area,<br />

albumi nimi, pala nimi jne)<br />

without wires or a docking station, so<br />

Selles režiimis saate lausuda järgmiseid käskluseid.<br />

Phone button and Voice Com-<br />

two control buttons (Uconnect®<br />

• Pagasiruumis The radio display reisimine willon be ohtlik, used for seda visual nii prompts<br />

the Uconnect® Voice “Voice Training” feature inside or outside of a vehicle. In a collision,<br />

Bluetooth® Streaming (BT) režiim<br />

mise peatamiseks vajutada hääl käsk luste<br />

Uconnect® Phone works no matter where you kasutada Uconnect® Phone harjutusfunktsiooni. autos fromsees the kui Uconnect® autost väljas. Phone Õnnetuse such as CELL or<br />

stow your mobile phone (be it your purse, may be used.<br />

people riding in these areas are more likely<br />

Bluetooth® Streaming (BT) režiimi lülitumiseks nuppu. Jätkamiseks lausuge üks järg mistest<br />

1. Vajutage häälkäskluste mand button) nuppu, that lausuge will enable korral caller on ID selliselt on certain reisivatel radios. inimestel suurem<br />

tõenäosus viga või isegi surma saada.<br />

to be seriously injured or killed.<br />

lausuge “Bluetooth Streaming”. Selles režiimis käsklustest.<br />

• “Language English” pocket, (Inglise or briefcase), keel) as long as your phone is<br />

1. “System Press you the Setup” toVoice access ning Command thekui system. olete When button, menüüsse yousay<br />

press the<br />

“System Setup” and once you are that menu • Do not allow people to ride in any area of<br />

saate lausuda järgmiseid käskluseid:<br />

• “Repeat” (memo kordamiseks)<br />

• “Language French”<br />

turned<br />

(Prantuse<br />

on and<br />

keel)<br />

has been paired to the vehicle’s<br />

sisenenud, button lausuge you will “Voice hearTraining”. the wordNii Uconnect® harjutate<br />

süsteemi lowed byoma a BEEP. häälega The ning beepparandate<br />

is your signal to kus * The ei ole Uconnect® istmeid Phone ega turvavöösid. requires a mobile<br />

fol-<br />

• Ärge Compatible lubage inimestel Phones autos sõita kohtades,<br />

Uconnect® Phone. The Uconnect® Phone allows<br />

up to seven mobile phones to be linked to<br />

then say “Voice Training.” This will train your your vehicle that not equipped with seats<br />

• “Next Track” (järgmise pala esitamiseks) • “Next” (järgmise memo esitamiseks)<br />

• “Language Spanish” (Hispaania keel)<br />

own käsk lustest voice givetoarusaamist.<br />

athe command. system and will improve recognition.<br />

in these “Hands-Free areas areProfile”, more likely version to be1.0 seri-<br />

or higher.<br />

Õnnetuse andphone seat belts. korral equipped Inon a collision, selliselt withpeople reisivatel the riding Bluetooth®<br />

inimes<br />

tel suurem tõenäosus viga või isegi<br />

• “Previous Track” (eelmise pala esitamiseks) • “Previous” (eelmise memo esitamiseks)<br />

• “Language Dutch” the(Hollandi system. keel) Only one linked (or paired) mobile<br />

• “List” (artisti, esitusloendi, albumi, pala, jne. • “Delete” (memo kustutamiseks)<br />

• “Language Deutsch”<br />

phone<br />

(Saksa<br />

can be<br />

keel)<br />

used with the Uconnect® Phone 2. Korrake Voice sõnu Command ja lauseid, Button kui Uconnect® Phone<br />

2. Repeat the words and phrases when ously<br />

See<br />

injured<br />

Uconnect®<br />

or killed.<br />

website for supported phones.<br />

at a time. The Uconnect® Phone is available nende in esitamiseks korralduse annab. Parima surma saada.<br />

Power Elektriistmete Seat Switches lülitid<br />

loendamiseks)<br />

• “Delete” (kõigi memode kustutamiseks)<br />

• “Language Italian” English, (Itaalia Dutch, keel) French, German, Italian or prompted tulemuse by saavutamiseks Uconnect®<br />

Actual<br />

Voice.<br />

button tuleks For best<br />

location harjutamine results,<br />

may vary• • Veenduge, Be • sure www.UconnectPhone.com<br />

everyone et kõigil in autos your vehicle sõitjatel isoleks<br />

in a<br />

1 –<br />

—<br />

seljatoe<br />

Seatback<br />

lüliti<br />

Switch<br />

Diktofon<br />

• “Tutorial” (Õpik) Spanish languages (as equipped). the läbi Voice viia pargitud Training autos, session<br />

with radio. kõik should aknad The<br />

be completed<br />

individual suletud ja buttons turva seatTo vöö and find kinnitatud. using the alist seat of compatible belt properly. phones navigate<br />

2 –<br />

—<br />

istmepadja<br />

Seat Switch<br />

lüliti<br />

Diktofoni režiimi lülitumiseks lausuge “Memo”.<br />

Süsteemi seadistamine<br />

when ventilaator the vehicle välja lülitatud. is<br />

are<br />

parked,<br />

described Uue engine kasutaja in<br />

running,<br />

the puhul “Operation”<br />

all<br />

Selles režiimis saate lausuda järgmiseid käskluseid:<br />

Süsteemi seadistamiseks saate lausuda järgmiseid<br />

käskluseid:<br />

MÄRKUS:<br />

viimati kasutatud häält.<br />

Elektrilised • Select istmed model year — mõnel for the vehicle mudelil Adjusting Istme ette- The ja tahapoole Seat Forward liigutamine Or Rearward<br />

• “Voice Training” (Harjutamine)<br />

through the following menus:<br />

WARNING!<br />

windows võib protseduuri closed, korrata. and<br />

section.<br />

theSüsteem blower fan kasutab switched vaid<br />

off. This procedure may be repeated with a new Power Seats — If Equipped<br />

user. The system will adapt to the last trained Some models may be equipped with eight-way The seat can be adjusted both forward and<br />

• “New Memo” (uue memo salvestamiseks)<br />

• “Change to system setup” (Muuda süsteemiseadeidsegamist<br />

peate used vajutama only inhäälkäskluste<br />

safe driving conditions following Hands-Free Profile certified Bluetooth® mobile suunalise elektrilise istmega juhile ja kaas-<br />

Lüka ke lülitit ette või taha ning iste liigub soovi-<br />

Pidage meeles, et<br />

Any<br />

enne<br />

voice<br />

käsklustele<br />

commanded<br />

vahele­<br />

system should be The Uconnect® Phone can be used with Mõned • mudelid Selectvõivad type of olla thevarustatud vehicle ka heksa-<br />

Istet saab nii ette- kui ka tahapoole liigutada.<br />

voice only.<br />

power driver and front passenger seats. The rearward. Push the seat switch forward or rearward,<br />

the seat will move in the direction of the<br />

— salvestamise ajal saate salvestamise<br />

power seat switches are located on the outboard<br />

side of the seat. There are two switches<br />

peatamiseks vajutada häälkäskluste nuppu. • “Main menu system setup” (Põhimenüü süsteemi<br />

seaded)<br />

Istmed on reisijate turvasüsteemi osa.<br />

nuppu ja ootama piiksu. all applicable laws. Your attention should be phones. Some phones may not support all the • In the getting started tab, select compatible<br />

ISTMED<br />

reisijale. Elektriistmete lülitid paiknevad istme tud suunas. Kui olete jõudnud soovitud asendini,<br />

vabastage Releaselüliti.<br />

the switch when the desired<br />

focused on safely operating the vehicle. Failure<br />

to do so may result in a collision causing bile service provider or the phone manufacturer liigutamiseks.<br />

SEATS<br />

Uconnect® Phone features. Refer to your mo-<br />

välisküljel. phones Kaks lülitit on istmepadja ja selja toe switch.<br />

Jätkamiseks lausuge üks järgmistest<br />

that control the movement of the seat cushion position has been reached.<br />

käsklustest.<br />

• “Switch to system setup” (Lülita süsteemiseadeteletem<br />

of the vehicle.<br />

Voice commands can be used to operate the Adjusting<br />

Seats are part of the Occupant Restraint Sys-<br />

and theOperation<br />

Istme üles- või allapoole liigutamine<br />

seatback.<br />

serious injury or death.<br />

for details.<br />

– “Save” (memo salvestamiseks)<br />

Istme kõrgust<br />

The<br />

saab<br />

Seat<br />

üles<br />

Up Or<br />

ja alla<br />

Down<br />

liigutada. Tõmmake<br />

The Uconnect® Phone is fully integrated with Uconnect® Phone and to navigate through the The height<br />

lülitit ülespoole<br />

of the seats<br />

või<br />

can<br />

lükake<br />

be adjusted<br />

seda allapoole<br />

up or<br />

− “Continue” (salvestamise jätkamiseks) • “Change to setup” (Muuda seadeid)<br />

the vehicle’s audio system. The volume of the Uconnect® Phone menu structure. Voice com- down. ning iste Pull liigub upward soovitud or push suunas. downward on the<br />

seat switch, the seat will move in the direction of<br />

71<br />

90 91

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