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Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light.<br />

• Seasonal temperature changes will affect<br />

• Hooajalised pressure tire pressure, using temperatuurimuutused andanthe accurate TPMS will tiremonitor<br />

gauge, mõjutavad<br />

even the actual if rehvirõhku under-inflation tire pressure ja rehvirõhu in hasthenot tire. kontrollsüsteem<br />

the leveljälgib to trigger tegelikku illumination rehvirõhku. of the Tire<br />

reached<br />

Tire Pressure Pressure Monitoring Monitoring TelltaleLow<br />

Light.<br />

Madala Pressure<br />

• Seasonal rehvirõhu Warnings<br />

temperature hoiatus changes will affect<br />

tire pressure,<br />

Kui<br />

and the TPMS will monitor<br />

the actual Theühe Tirevõi tire pressure Pressure mitme rehvi<br />

in Monitoring rõhk on<br />

the tire. Telltale alla<br />

luba Light tud will piiri, illuminate süttib näidikuplokis in the instrument hoiatus<br />

Tire Pressure cluster, tuli ja and kõlab<br />

Monitoring anhoiatussignaal. audibleLow<br />

chime will Li saks be<br />

kuvatakse<br />

Pressure activated, Warnings when EVIC one ekraanil or more vähe ofmalt<br />

the<br />

four active viieks roadsekundiks tire pressures “LOW areTIRE low. In PRES- addition,<br />

theteade, EVIC“Inflate will display Tire a to “LOW XXX” TIRE teade PRES- ja ma­<br />

SURE”<br />

dala The Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale<br />

SURE” rehvirõhuga message for ratas a minimum kuvatakse ofteise five seconds, vär viga.<br />

Lisateavet Light will illuminate in the instrument<br />

an "Inflate Tire leiate to XXX" osa message “Armatuurlaud” and a graphic lõigus<br />

“Sõi<br />

cluster, and an audible chime will be<br />

display duki of elektrooniline the pressure teavitusekraan value(s) with(EVIC)”<br />

the low<br />

activated, when one or more of the<br />

tire(s) displayed in a different color. Refer to<br />

four active road tire pressures are low. In addition,<br />

the EVIC will display a “LOW TIRE PRES-<br />

“Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)”<br />

in “Understanding Your Instrument Panel” for<br />

SURE” message for a minimum of five seconds,<br />

further information.<br />

an "Inflate Tire to XXX" message and a graphic<br />

display of the pressure value(s) with the low<br />

tire(s) displayed in a different color. Refer to<br />

248 “Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)”<br />

in “Understanding Your Instrument Panel” for<br />

further information.<br />


Võita Your system valida rehvirõhu can be set ühikuks to display kas pressure PSI või<br />

kPa. units in PSI or kPa.<br />

Should a low tire condition occur on any of the<br />

four active road tire(s), you should stop as soon<br />

as possible, and inflate the low tire(s) that is in<br />

a different color on the graphic display to the<br />

vehicle’s recommended cold tire pressure displayed<br />

in<br />

Madala Should arehvirõhu the "Inflate<br />

low tire condition teate<br />

Tire<br />

puhul<br />

to XXX"<br />

occur peate<br />

message.<br />

on any peatama<br />

The<br />

of the<br />

system will automatically update, the graphic<br />

auto four active niipea road kui võimalik, tire(s), you taastama should stop erineva as soon värviga<br />

as possible, kuvatud and rehvi inflate rehvirõhu the lowvastavalt tire(s) that teates is in<br />

“Inflate a different Tire color to XXX” onantud the graphic rehvirõhuni. display Süsteem to the<br />

teeb vehicle’s automaatse recommended uuenduse, cold tire ekraanil pressure taastub displayed<br />

in the "Inflate Tire to XXX" message. The<br />

system will automatically update, the graphic<br />

tire pressure(s) have been received. The vehicle<br />

may need to be driven for up to 20 minutes<br />

above 15 mph (24 km/h) to receive this information.<br />

rehvi display värvus of theja pressure teade kustub value(s) peale will return uuen datud to its<br />

rehvirõhu original color andmete thesaamist. Tire Pressure Teabe Monitoring uuen damiseks<br />


Telltale peab Light<br />

TPM sõidukiga will extinguish<br />

SYSTEM kuni once 20 Warning minutit the updated sõitma<br />

kiire<br />

The<br />

tire mini pressure(s)<br />

Tire<br />

kui<br />

Pressure<br />

24 km/h. have<br />

Monitoring<br />

been received.<br />

Telltale Light<br />

The vehicle<br />

may<br />

will<br />

flash on and<br />

need<br />

off<br />

to<br />

for<br />

be<br />

75<br />

driven<br />

seconds,<br />

for up<br />

and<br />

to 20<br />

remain<br />

minutes<br />

on<br />

solid<br />

above<br />

when<br />

15 mph<br />

a system<br />

(24 km/h)<br />

fault<br />

to receive<br />

is detected.<br />

this information.<br />

The<br />

REHVIRÕHU system fault will alsoKONTROLL­<br />

sound a chime. The EVIC<br />


will display a<br />

TPM<br />

“SERVICE rikkehoiatus<br />

SYSTEM<br />

TPM<br />

Warning<br />

SYSTEM” message<br />

for a minimum of five seconds. This message<br />

is then followed tuvastamisel by a graphic hakkab display, rehvirõhu with<br />

Süsteemitõrke<br />

The Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light will<br />

kont<br />

flash on and off for 75 seconds, and remain on<br />

“- -“ rollsüsteemi in place of the märgutuli pressure75 value(s), sekundiks indicating vilkuma<br />

solid when a system fault is detected. The<br />

which ja Tire jääb Pressure pärast seda Monitoring põlema. Sensor(s) Samuti kõlab is not<br />

hoiatus<br />

system fault will also sound a chime. The EVIC<br />

being received. signaal. Lisaks kuvatakse EVIC ekraanil<br />

will display a “SERVICE TPM SYSTEM” message<br />

NOTE: for a minimum of five seconds. This mes-<br />

vähemalt viieks sekundiks “SERVICE TPM<br />

SYS TEM” teade. Antud teade kuvatakse peale<br />

sage Your is system then followed can be by seta to graphic display display, pressure with<br />

ek raanil “- -” rehvirõhu väärtuse kuvamist.<br />

“- units -“ in in place PSIof orthe kPa. pressure value(s), indicating<br />

MÄRKUS: which Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensor(s) is not<br />

being received.<br />

Võita valida rehvirõhu ühikuks kas PSI või<br />

kPa. NOTE:<br />

Your system can be set to display pressure<br />

units in PSI or kPa.<br />

If Kui thesüüterežiimi ignition switch vahetamisel cycled, this see sequence kordub, will on<br />

repeat, tege mist providing süsteemi the veaga. system Kui fault süsteemi still exists. rike on If<br />

the kõrvaldatud, system fault siis no TPMS longer märgutuli exists, the lõpetab Tire Pressurmise,<br />

Monitoring “SERVICE Telltale TPM SYSTEM” Light will teadet no longer ei ku-<br />

vilku-<br />

flash, va ta ja the kriipsude "SERVICE asemel TPM kuvatakse SYSTEM" rehvirõhu message<br />

will väär not tus. beVeateade present, võib and ailmuda pressure järgnevates value willolu-<br />

kor dades: instead of dashes. A system fault can<br />

be<br />

displayed<br />

occur by any of the following:<br />

1. Elektrooniliste seadete häired või sõites samu<br />

Jamming sagedusi due väljastavate to electronic raadioseadmete devices or driving lähe-<br />

1.<br />

next du ses. to facilities emitting the same Radio Frequencies<br />

as the TPM sensors.<br />

2. Osad akna toonimised võivad raadiolaineid<br />

2. se ga Installing da. some form of aftermarket window<br />

tinting that affects radio wave signals.<br />

3. Rehvi Lots of ümbruses snow oron icepalju around lund. the wheels or<br />

4.<br />

wheel<br />

Rehvikettide<br />

housings.<br />

kasutamisel.<br />

5. 4. Rehvide, Using tiremillel chains puuduvad on the vehicle. andurid paigal dami<br />

5. sel. Using wheels/tires not equipped with TPM<br />

EVIC sensors. ekraanil kuvatakse ka vähemalt viieks<br />

sekundiks The EVIC will “SERVICE also display TPM a "SERVICE SYSTEM”, TPM kui<br />

süsteemi SYSTEM" tõrge message tuvastatakse for a minimum anduri ebakorrektse of five seconds<br />

when tõttu. a system Sel juhul fault kuvatakse is detected “SERVICE possibly<br />

asukoha<br />

TPM relatedSYSTEM” to an incorrect teade sensor peale location rehvirõhkude fault. In<br />

kuvamist. this case, See the "SERVICE näitab, et rehvirõhkude TPM SYSTEM" andmeid message<br />

is then aga followed need ei by pruugi a graphic kajastada display, rehvide with<br />

saadakse,<br />

õigeid pressure asukohti. valuesÕige still shown. asend. Süsteemi This indicates peab the sel<br />

juhul pressure siiski values üle vaatama. are still being received from the<br />

TPM Sensors but they may not be located in the<br />

MÄRKUS:<br />

correct vehicle position. However, the system<br />

Varurehv still needs to pole be serviced rõhuanduritega as long as varustatud. the "SER-<br />

TPMS VICE TPM ei saa SYSTEM" selle rehvi message rõhku exists. jälgida. Kui<br />

kasutate madala rõhuga tavarehvi asemel<br />

varurehvi,<br />

NOTE:<br />

kostab süüte järgmisel sisselülitamisel<br />

There is no tire heliline pressure helisignaal, monitoringnäidiku­<br />

paneelil in the spare kuvatakse tire. Theteade TPMS“TIRE will not LOW be able PRES­ to<br />

sensor<br />

SURE” monitor ja therehvirõhu tire pressure. märgutuli If yousüttib. install Kui the<br />

olete spare sõidukiga tire in place sõitnud of a road 20 minutit tire thatsuu hasre­<br />

a<br />

pressure below the low-pressure warning<br />

limit, upon the next ignition switch cycle, the<br />

Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light will<br />

remain mal kiirusel ON, a chime kui 25km/h, will sound, hakkab and the märgutuli<br />

still vilkuma display jajääb a pressure 75 sekundi valuemöödu­<br />

in the<br />

EVIC<br />

will<br />

different misel põlema. color graphic Lisaks display kuvatakse and anteade<br />

Inflate<br />

“SERVICETPM to XXX kPa SYSTEM”. message Sõiduki will be displayed. igal järgne<br />

val driving käivitusel the vehicle antakse for helisignaal, up to 20 minutes kuva­<br />

After<br />

above takse teade 15 mph “SERVICE (24 km/h), TPM the Tire SYSTEM” Pressure ja<br />

Monitoring rehvi rõhu märgutuli Telltale Light vilgub will flash 75 sekundit on and off ja<br />

for jääb 75seejärel secondspõlema. and thenKui remain olete onoriginaal­<br />

rehvi parandanud the EVIC will või display asendanud a “SERVICE ja selle<br />

solid. In<br />

addition,<br />

TPM varurehviasemele SYSTEM message paigaldanud, for five seconds uuendatakse<br />

then TPMS-i display teavet dashes automaatselt (- -) in place ja märgu­<br />

of the<br />

and<br />

pressure tuli kustub, value. kui kõigi For nelja eachrehvi subsequent rõhk on õige. ignition<br />

switch cycle, a chime will sound, the<br />

Teabe uuendamiseks peab sõidukiga kuni 20<br />

Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light will<br />

minutit sõitma kiiremini kui 24 km/h.<br />

flash on and off for 75 seconds and then<br />

remain on solid, and the EVIC will display a<br />

SERVICE TPM SYSTEM message for five<br />

seconds and then display dashes (- -) in<br />

place of the pressure value. Once you repair<br />

or replace the original road tire, and reinstall<br />

it on the vehicle in place of the spare tire, the<br />

TPMS will update automatically.<br />

In addition, the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale<br />

Light will turn OFF and the graphic in the EVIC<br />

will display a new pressure value instead of<br />

dashes (- -), as long as no tire pressure is below<br />

248<br />

249<br />

PAGE POSITION: 250<br />

JOB: @zeta.tweddle.com/InfoShareAuthoroChrysler/CLS_InfoShareAuthoroChrysler/GRP_Owners_Manual/JOB_<br />


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