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end of the lever. For information on the rear<br />

end of the lever. For information on the rear<br />

wiper/washer, refer to “Rear Window Features”<br />

wiper/washer, end of the lever. referFor to “Rear information WindowonFeatures”<br />

in Lisainformatsiooniks “Understanding The vt. Features “Tagaakna Of funkt Your the sioonid”<br />

peatükis “Auto omadused”.<br />

rear Vehicle”.<br />

in wiper/washer, “Understanding refer The to “Rear Features Window Of Features” Your Vehicle”.<br />

in “Understanding The Features Of Your Vehicle”.<br />

desirable. At driving speeds above 10 mph<br />

desirable. At driving speeds above 10 mph<br />

(16 km/h), the delay can be regulated from a<br />

(16 desirable. km/h), the delay can be regulated from maximum km/h saab At of tsüklitevahelise approximately driving speeds18 viivituse above seconds 10 määrata mph between<br />

kuni 18 cycles sekundi (first detent), (esimene to aasend) cycle every või one ühe a<br />

maximum (16 km/h), of theapproximately delay can be regulated 18 seconds frombe-<br />

tween maximum cycles of (first approximately detent), to 18cycle seconds every one<br />

second sekundi (fourth pikkuseks detent). (neljas asend). between<br />

cycles (fourth(first detent). detent), to a cycle every one<br />

second<br />

second (fourth detent).<br />

Vajutades and operate hooba for several kui klaasipuhastid wipe cycles on after välja-<br />

the<br />

lüli endtatud of the asendis, lever istöötavad released, klaasipuhastid and then resume paar<br />

tsük the intermittent lit ning seejärel interval lülituvad previously välja.<br />

selected.<br />

Udu<br />

WARNING! (Continued)<br />

Kasutage seda funktsiooni, kui ilmastiku tingimused<br />

avoid sudden<br />

nõuavad icing<br />

klaasipuhastite of the windshield<br />

aeg-ajalist<br />

during<br />

kasu freezing tamist. weather, Ühe pühkimistsükli warm the windshield läbiviimiseks<br />

with<br />

pöö therake defroster hoova ots before alumisse and during asendisse windshield “mist” ja<br />

vabas washer tage use. seejärel.<br />

MÄRKUS:<br />

Udu Mist funktsioon ei käivita pesuri pumpa,<br />

Windshield Wiper Operation<br />

klaasipesuvedelikku Use the Mist feature when ei pihustata weather esiklaasile.<br />

conditions<br />

Windshield Wiper Operation<br />

Tuuleklaasi make occasional puhastamiseks usage of the pesuvedelikuga<br />

wipers necessary.<br />

Rotate kasutada thepesemisfunktsiooni.<br />

end of lever downward to<br />

Mist Udu Control<br />

asend<br />

Windshield<br />

Klaasipuhasti<br />

Wiper<br />

kasutamine<br />

CAUTION!<br />

Operation<br />

tuleb CAUTION!<br />

Always remove any buildup of snow that<br />

the Mist position and release for a single wiping<br />

Always CAUTION! remove any buildup of snow that<br />

Multifunction Lever<br />

cycle.<br />

Vihmaanduriga Rain Sensing Wipers klaasipuhastid — If Equipped —<br />

Multifunktsionaalne Multifunction Lever hoob<br />


prevents the windshield wiper blades from<br />

Katkendlik pühkimine<br />

This feature senses moisture on the windshield<br />

prevents Always remove the windshield any buildup wiperofblades snow from that<br />

Windshield Wiper Operation<br />

returning to the “park” position. If the windshield<br />

wiper<br />

Intermittent Wiper Operation<br />

WindshieldMultifunction Wiper Operation<br />

returning to the “park” position. If the windshield<br />

wiper<br />

Intermittent Wiper Operation<br />

Windshield Klaasipesuri Washer kasutamine Operation<br />

mõnel mudelil<br />

Lever<br />

Kogunenud lumi, mis takistab klaasipuhastitel<br />

NOTE:<br />

Funktsioon and automatically tunnetab activates esiklaasi theniiskust wipers ja forakti-<br />

vee driver. rib The klaasipuhastid feature is especially automaatselt. useful See forfunkt-<br />

road<br />

detent Keerake positions lüliti ühte for intermittent esimesest neljast settings, inter thevalli-<br />

fifth Kui blades klaasipuhastid cannot return ei saa to the sisselülitamisel “park” position, alg-<br />

the<br />

prevents the windshield wiper blades from MÄRKUS:<br />

Rotate Klaasipuhasti the end of the kasutamine<br />

lever to one of the first four algasendisse<br />

Rotate the end of the lever to one of the first four<br />

naasmist, switch switch is<br />

tuleb turned<br />

turned<br />

alati off,<br />

off,<br />

eemaldada. and the<br />

and the NOTE:<br />

Windshield Wiper Operation<br />

returning to the “park” position. If the windshield<br />

wiper switch is turned off, and the If viivitusajad the vehicle kaks<br />

Intermittent Wiper Operation<br />

If<br />

NOTE: Kui liigute aeglasemalt kui 16 km/h, on<br />

HOIATUS! the end of the lever is pushed while the wipers The mist feature does not activate the<br />

detent positions for intermittent settings, the fifth blades cannot return to the “park” position, If the vehicle is moving less than 10 mph<br />

are in the off position, the wipers will operate for washer pump; therefore, no washer fluid will sioon splashon or eriti overspray kasulik from kui tuuleklaas the windshield ujutatakse washers<br />

veelombist of the vehicle läbisõitmisel ahead. Rotate või eessõitvate the end of au-<br />

the<br />

Rotate the end of the lever to one of the first four<br />

NOTE: is moving korda pikemad. less than 10 mph<br />

Äkiline nähtavuse halvenemine võib põhjus-<br />

detent asendist, forviies low asend wiper on operation mõeldud and klaasi thepuhas-<br />

tite aeglaseks for hightöötamiseks, wiper operation. kuues asend kiireks si puhasti mootorit.<br />

sixth asen damage disse tonaasta, the wiper see motor võib kahjustada may occur. klaa-<br />

positions for low wiper for intermittent operationsettings, and the thesixth<br />

fifth<br />

damage blades cannot to the return wiper motor the may “park” occur.<br />

(16 km/h), delay times will be doubled.<br />

several wipe cycles, then turn off.<br />

be sprayed on the windshield. The wash üle<br />

position, (16 If the km/h), vehicle delay is times moving willless be doubled.<br />

tada avarii. Te ei pruugi näha teisi autosid<br />

than 10 mph<br />

detent<br />

function must be used in order to spray the<br />

Klaasipesuri kasutamine<br />

tode multifunction poolt. Aktiveerimiseks lever to one pöörake of five settings multi funktsionaalse<br />

activate this hoova feature. ots ühte viiest asendist.<br />

to<br />

detent for forhigh low wiperoperation.<br />

või muid takistusi. Vältimaks esiklaasi äkilist<br />

töötamiseks.<br />

and the sixth damage to the wiper motor may occur.<br />

(16 Windshield km/h), delay Washer times will Operation be doubled.<br />

windshield with washer fluid.<br />

Windshield Pesuri kasutamiseks Washer lükake Operation hooba rooli poole<br />

WARNING!<br />

detent for high wiper operation.<br />

Intermittent Wiper System<br />

jää tumist külma ilmaga, soojendage esiklaasi<br />

Intermittent Wiper System<br />

To use the washer, push on the end of the lever<br />

Reguleeritava To use the washer, push the end of the lever<br />

Use one of the four intervalliga intermittent klaasipuhastus<br />

Intermittent when weather süsteem conditions Wiper System make a single wiping (toward pihus tada.<br />

ja hoidke all nii kaua, kui soovite vedelikku<br />

wiper settings Windshield Washer Operation<br />

enne Sudden ja klaasipesuvedeliku loss of visibility through kasutamise the windshield<br />

could lead to a collision. You might not<br />

ajal.<br />

Süsteemi The sensitivity tundlikkust of the system saab reguleerida can be adjusted multifunktsionaalse<br />

with the multifunction hoova abil. lever. Puhasti Wiper asend delay posi-<br />

1 on<br />

Vastavalt Use cycle, one with of ilmastikutingimustele athevariable four intermittent delay between kasutage wiper settings cycles, ühte spray lüli tuvad<br />

Use one of the four intermittent wiper settings (toward the steering wheel) and hold while<br />

To use the theKui washer, steering vajutate<br />

pushwheel) hooba<br />

on theand intervallasendis,<br />

end of hold the while lever<br />

when weather conditions make single wiping spray is desired. If the lever is pushed while in<br />

(towardis desired. klaasipuhastid<br />

the steering If the wheel) lever tööle is ja<br />

and pushed töötavad<br />

holdwhile pärast<br />

while in<br />

kõi tionge 1vähem is thetundlik least sensitive, ja klaasipuhasti and wiper asend delay 4 on<br />

cycle, with variable delay between cycles, the intermittent setting, the wipers will turn on<br />

see other vehicles or other obstacles. To<br />

neljast when weather intervalliasendist. conditions make Liikudes a single kiirusel wiping üle the hoova<br />

spray intermittent vabastamist<br />

is desired. setting, mitu<br />

If the lever the tsüklit, wipers seejärel<br />

is pushed will while turn taas on tatakse<br />

eelnevalt valitud intervall.<br />

ma be saju usedtingimustes. for normal rain 1 ja conditions. 2 kasutatakse Settings kui juht 1<br />

110<br />

kõige position tundlikum. 4 is the most 3 tuleks sensitive. kasutada Setting tavalise 3 should vih-<br />

in<br />

110<br />

cycle, with a variable delay between cycles, the intermittent setting, the wipers will turn on<br />

(Continued)<br />

soovib and 2 vähem can bepühkimistundlikkust.<br />

used if the driver desires less<br />

110<br />


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