Consolidated Financial Statements - L. Possehl & Co. mbH

Consolidated Financial Statements - L. Possehl & Co. mbH Consolidated Financial Statements - L. Possehl & Co. mbH


30 Statement of cash fl ows | Balance sheet Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated statement of cash fl ows in €T from January 1 to December 31, 2005 2005 2004 Consolidated net profi t 26,496 16,878 Write-ups/write-downs on fi xed assets 19,194 18,680 Changes in accruals and provisions -668 7,214 Other non-cash expenses and income -1,220 -578 Gains and losses from the disposal of fi xed assets -1,152 -1,572 Changes in working capital -18,612 -24,022 (1) Cash fl ow from operating activities 24,038 16,600 Proceeds from the disposal of intangible and tangible fi xed assets Proceeds from the disposal of fi nancial investments and from the disposal 2,408 2,967 of consolidated companies and business units 10,102 28,697 Payments for investments in intangible and tangible fi xed assets Payments for fi nancial investments and the acquisition -17,036 -17,169 of consolidated companies and business units -22,710 -14,640 2) Cash fl ow from investing activities -27,236 -145 Payments to shareholders (including minority interests) -5,000 -3,868 Changes in bank debt 6,908 -12,667 Changes in other fi nancial claims/debt 12,365 35,250 3) Cash fl ow from fi nancing activities 14,273 18,715 Cash-relevant changes from (1) to (3) 11,075 35,170 Exchange rate, scope of consolidation and valuation related changes in fi nancial resources 1,043 -469 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 44,558 9,857 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 56,676 44,558

Consolidated balance sheet in €T as of December 31, 2005 ASSETS Notes 12/31/2005 12/31/2004 A. Fixed assets I. Intangible assets 13 1,761 1,132 II. Property, plant and equipment 14 90,213 77,901 III. Financial assets 15 58,199 67,649 150,173 146,682 B. Current assets I. Inventories 16 148,307 100,281 II. Receivables and other assets 17 1. Trade receivables 150,559 123,484 2. Other receivables and other assets 20,788 25,248 171,347 148,732 III. Marketable securities IV. Cash and cash equivalents, Bundesbank balances, 18 4,561 169 balances at banks and checks 56,676 44,558 380,891 293,740 C. Prepaid expenses and deferred taxes 2,395 1,666 Total assets 533,459 442,088 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Notes 12/31/2005 12/31/2004 A. Shareholders’ equity I. Subscribed capital 19 30,678 30,678 II. Retained earnings 108,486 107,009 III. Consolidated net profi t 41,801 29,435 IV. Minority interests 21,402 14,485 202,367 181,607 B. Provisions 1. Provisions for pensions 20 47,637 36,300 2. Other provisions 21 57,512 42,506 105,149 78,806 C. Liabilities 1. Liabilities due to banks 22 92,205 85,011 2. Trade payables 52,613 29,903 3. Other liabilities 80,807 66,539 225,625 181,453 D. Deferred income 318 222 Total shareholders’ equity and liabilities 533,459 442,088 31

<strong><strong>Co</strong>nsolidated</strong> balance sheet in €T<br />

as of December 31, 2005<br />

ASSETS Notes 12/31/2005 12/31/2004<br />

A. Fixed assets<br />

I. Intangible assets 13 1,761 1,132<br />

II. Property, plant and equipment 14 90,213 77,901<br />

III. <strong>Financial</strong> assets 15 58,199 67,649<br />

150,173 146,682<br />

B. Current assets<br />

I. Inventories 16 148,307 100,281<br />

II. Receivables and other assets 17<br />

1. Trade receivables 150,559 123,484<br />

2. Other receivables and other assets 20,788 25,248<br />

171,347 148,732<br />

III. Marketable securities<br />

IV. Cash and cash equivalents, Bundesbank balances,<br />

18 4,561 169<br />

balances at banks and checks 56,676 44,558<br />

380,891 293,740<br />

C. Prepaid expenses and deferred taxes 2,395 1,666<br />

Total assets 533,459 442,088<br />

SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Notes 12/31/2005 12/31/2004<br />

A. Shareholders’ equity<br />

I. Subscribed capital 19 30,678 30,678<br />

II. Retained earnings 108,486 107,009<br />

III. <strong><strong>Co</strong>nsolidated</strong> net profi t 41,801 29,435<br />

IV. Minority interests 21,402 14,485<br />

202,367 181,607<br />

B. Provisions<br />

1. Provisions for pensions 20 47,637 36,300<br />

2. Other provisions 21 57,512 42,506<br />

105,149 78,806<br />

C. Liabilities<br />

1. Liabilities due to banks 22 92,205 85,011<br />

2. Trade payables 52,613 29,903<br />

3. Other liabilities 80,807 66,539<br />

225,625 181,453<br />

D. Deferred income 318 222<br />

Total shareholders’ equity and liabilities 533,459 442,088<br />


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