Consolidated Financial Statements - L. Possehl & Co. mbH

Consolidated Financial Statements - L. Possehl & Co. mbH Consolidated Financial Statements - L. Possehl & Co. mbH


18 Slumps in the dental segment were especially sharp. The effects of the health reform adopted by the federal government at the end of 2004 played a role in this development. Since 2005, social statutory health insurance companies have been providing fi xed subsidies related to fi ndings instead of percentage of cost subsidies for dental services. Together with the start-up diffi culties of the health reform, this resulted in a signifi cant decline in sales in 2005. Added to this is the fact that the tendency to use base metal alloys and total ceramics for tooth replacement continues in practice. Although volume sales of jewelry alloys declined along with weak economic development, gross income in jewelry semi-fi nished products was maintained. Increased customer acquisition, an expansion of the value added level and an increase in precious metals prices contributed to this success. A strong demand for industrial semi-fi nished products – mainly for contact making materials in the wire and belt sector – as well as the increased sales of chemicals and baths for electroplating technology partially compensated for the slowing down of business activities in the dental sector. The adoption of the new product line “Colorit” in the jewelry segment also compensated for the declines, as did the increases in tubing and bars. The ring blanks sector continues to be one of the support pillars of the business. Expansion of the silver alloy and platinum ring areas is anticipated for this sector. Heimerle + Meule confronted the overall declining market development by implementing restructuring measures and cost reduction programs. The company also undertook some organizational restructuring as part of this effort, which also entailed a reduction in the number of employees. By restructuring the company into business divisions with responsibility for results, Heimerle + Meule is anticipating positive incentives for further business development. Based on the considerable improvement in business at the beginning of the year 2006 and initial success in the cost saving measures that have been implemented, the company is already anticipating a noticeable sales and earnings recovery for the current year. Intensifying sales activities both at home and abroad is expected to further expand market share in all product divisions. Net assets, earnings, fi nancial position Group Management Report Electronics: Business in Asia developing well The Electronics business division is reporting a very successful fi scal year. The effi ciency improvement measures introduced in the previous year, the objectives of which were to achieve greater utilization of machinery, improved product quality and lower production costs, brought about a signifi cant improvement in performance in 2005. At the same time, new products were introduced to the market, while customer relations were intensifi ed and new markets in previously unsupported regions were serviced. The market environment continues to be strained, however. Price competition on the sales markets remains strong and the purchase prices for copper again increased by about 50 % during the course of the year. This resulted in a slight decline in the gross profi t margin compared to the previous year. Possehl Electronics was able to follow the growth of the market in the case of semiconductor products. Sales increased from € 168.4 million to € 177.2 million. All of the Asian sites therefore developed positively. The Malaysian site was able to develop a series of “best practice approaches”, which are now being transferred to other production sites. Successful product transfers also took place. Connector components, which we previously produced only in the US, are meanwhile being manufactured in Malaysia as well. Together with the very successful site for etching technology in Singapore, we service mainly customers in Southeast Asia from this site. Taiwan was revamped as an important market region for the semiconductor sector. In northern Asia we are continuing with the transfer strategy from Hong Kong to other regions in China which was started the previous year. For the current fi scal year, we are also planning to expand production capacities by creating a new Chinese site. Based on the reorientation, we were able to achieve a positive statement of income at the Hong Kong site for 2005. This should also be assured for the coming year due to increases from, among other things, the successful smart card business. The most diffi cult position on the market can be seen in the Electronics business division in Europe. At the two operating sites in the Netherlands and in France we will have to exert a great deal of effort in the future as well to safeguard our competitive position.

Elastomer-Processing: Pleasing business development The Elastomer-Processing business division (Harburg-Freudenberger Group) demonstrated very positive business development during the reporting period. Continued investment activity within the tire industry resulted in an increase in both incoming orders and sales. The market recovery stretched across regional producers as well as to globally operating tire manufacturers. By working the market successfully, this business division was able to further cement existing customer relationships and successfully expand the base of customers during the past year. Signifi cant sales growth was achieved in the natural rubber technology division due to increased demand, particularly for heating presses. But demand in the rubber compound technology area was also satisfactory. The Harburg-Freudenberger Group achieved sales that were not quite as strong in the tire lay-up machines and in the extrusion division. The edible oil division also achieved very positive development in order backlog. Production expansion in the fi eld of bio-diesel, among other things, reaped profi ts for this division. Sales from services also increased signifi cantly, parallel to the increased sales from mechanical systems. In addition to Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH and its two domestic production sites, the subsidiary in Croatia also achieved a noticeable increase in sales. Due to the strong business expansion in the fi eld of heating presses, the number of people employed was able to be increased. The production and sales company in the USA also achieved positive results during the period under review. A higher degree of independent operation together with an increase in trading activities for the German parent company was a decisive factor in this case. Two new sales companies were established in France and Russia during the period under review. Business is expected to expand over the next several years. The positive development of this business division will presumably continue in 2006. The backorders, which continue to be at a high level, indicate that sales will be at the previous years‘ level. However the market opportunities arising from new and existing business relations are seen alongside intense quality and pricing competition in all relevant product areas. The research and development measures taken hold of in the past as well as the excellent market positioning of products and service of the Harburg-Freudenberger Group lead us to expect a positive, but overall slowly evolving corporate development in the future. Special-Purpose Construction: Revenue from truck tolls will lend further impetus to the successful business development The long-standing building crisis that started in the mid-1990s continued again into 2005. It has likely to have bottomed out during this year, however. The truck toll introduced in 2005 will have a positive effect on the business of the current year. The fi rst public funds for expanding traffi c routes have already begun to fl ow in. During the next several years, a total of 51 % of the toll income is expected to fl ow into this division, thus for example into a plan for countering traffi c jams as well as into an expansion program for various sections of the autobahn. Our Spezialbau Group focuses its activities on the fi elds of jointing technology and coating work both for the new construction of streets and for the preservation, repair and safeguarding of traffi c routes. Based on the positive framework conditions, there is a promising market volume for these business activities in the future. Possehl Spezialbau was able to become successfully established on the market in 2005. Sales increased by almost 6 % compared to the previous year. The major reasons for this success were a broad range of offerings, internal product development, good machinery and a broad presence throughout Germany and Europe. In addition to the management company in Wiesbaden, the success within the subsidiaries also contributed to the good performance – even though the diffi cult situation with the Spanish company burdened the fi nancial statements of 2005 once again. All of the other subsidiaries clearly exceeded their planned objectives. A number of different large projects for the coating of runways, which help increase fl ight safety in airports at home and abroad, were able to be successfully completed. Another important factor for the business success of the business division is the fact that the parent companies and subsidiaries utilize combined synergies in their collaboration. 19

18<br />

Slumps in the dental segment were especially sharp. The effects of the<br />

health reform adopted by the federal government at the end of 2004<br />

played a role in this development. Since 2005, social statutory health<br />

insurance companies have been providing fi xed subsidies related to<br />

fi ndings instead of percentage of cost subsidies for dental services. Together<br />

with the start-up diffi culties of the health reform, this resulted in<br />

a signifi cant decline in sales in 2005. Added to this is the fact that the<br />

tendency to use base metal alloys and total ceramics for tooth replacement<br />

continues in practice.<br />

Although volume sales of jewelry alloys declined along with weak economic<br />

development, gross income in jewelry semi-fi nished products<br />

was maintained. Increased customer acquisition, an expansion of the<br />

value added level and an increase in precious metals prices contributed<br />

to this success.<br />

A strong demand for industrial semi-fi nished products – mainly for<br />

contact making materials in the wire and belt sector – as well as the<br />

increased sales of chemicals and baths for electroplating technology<br />

partially compensated for the slowing down of business activities in<br />

the dental sector.<br />

The adoption of the new product line “<strong>Co</strong>lorit” in the jewelry segment<br />

also compensated for the declines, as did the increases in tubing and<br />

bars. The ring blanks sector continues to be one of the support pillars<br />

of the business. Expansion of the silver alloy and platinum ring areas is<br />

anticipated for this sector.<br />

Heimerle + Meule confronted the overall declining market development<br />

by implementing restructuring measures and cost reduction programs.<br />

The company also undertook some organizational restructuring as<br />

part of this effort, which also entailed a reduction in the number of<br />

employees.<br />

By restructuring the company into business divisions with responsibility<br />

for results, Heimerle + Meule is anticipating positive incentives for<br />

further business development. Based on the considerable improvement<br />

in business at the beginning of the year 2006 and initial success in<br />

the cost saving measures that have been implemented, the company<br />

is already anticipating a noticeable sales and earnings recovery for the<br />

current year. Intensifying sales activities both at home and abroad is<br />

expected to further expand market share in all product divisions.<br />

Net assets, earnings, fi nancial position<br />

Group Management Report<br />

Electronics: Business in Asia developing well<br />

The Electronics business division is reporting a very successful fi scal<br />

year. The effi ciency improvement measures introduced in the previous<br />

year, the objectives of which were to achieve greater utilization of machinery,<br />

improved product quality and lower production costs, brought<br />

about a signifi cant improvement in performance in 2005. At the same<br />

time, new products were introduced to the market, while customer<br />

relations were intensifi ed and new markets in previously unsupported<br />

regions were serviced.<br />

The market environment continues to be strained, however. Price competition<br />

on the sales markets remains strong and the purchase prices<br />

for copper again increased by about 50 % during the course of the year.<br />

This resulted in a slight decline in the gross profi t margin compared to<br />

the previous year.<br />

<strong>Possehl</strong> Electronics was able to follow the growth of the market in the<br />

case of semiconductor products. Sales increased from € 168.4 million<br />

to € 177.2 million. All of the Asian sites therefore developed positively.<br />

The Malaysian site was able to develop a series of “best practice approaches”,<br />

which are now being transferred to other production sites.<br />

Successful product transfers also took place. <strong>Co</strong>nnector components,<br />

which we previously produced only in the US, are meanwhile being<br />

manufactured in Malaysia as well. Together with the very successful<br />

site for etching technology in Singapore, we service mainly customers<br />

in Southeast Asia from this site. Taiwan was revamped as an important<br />

market region for the semiconductor sector.<br />

In northern Asia we are continuing with the transfer strategy from Hong<br />

Kong to other regions in China which was started the previous year.<br />

For the current fi scal year, we are also planning to expand production<br />

capacities by creating a new Chinese site. Based on the reorientation,<br />

we were able to achieve a positive statement of income at the Hong<br />

Kong site for 2005. This should also be assured for the coming year<br />

due to increases from, among other things, the successful smart card<br />

business.<br />

The most diffi cult position on the market can be seen in the Electronics<br />

business division in Europe. At the two operating sites in the Netherlands<br />

and in France we will have to exert a great deal of effort in the<br />

future as well to safeguard our competitive position.

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