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AAR SECRETARY’S REPORT 2010 AGM ANNEX C There are two components to my report, one dealing with membership and the other addresses the AAR business issues that have arisen since the last AGM. Membership Since its incorporation the AAR has had 773 names listed on the register, although a few of these are members that have been assigned two numbers, being issued a new number on rejoining after a lapse in membership. I am slowly filtering these out. The current membership level is 370 full members and two Honorary Members, with 250 having renewed their membership when I prepared this report on 1 April. While there are still many to renew for 2010, statistics from last year support those of previous years showing renewals usually peak after the issue of the Autumn magazine and taper off towards June, with about 10% from the previous year not renewing. This is usually balanced by a similar increase in new members throughout the year. The Autumn Edition of the Horse’s Mouth magazine will have a final reminder for those yet to renew, and those not renewing before 1 July will not be on the mailing list for the Winter Edition of the magazine. The demographics for the AAR membership base leading to this meeting were: ACT - 9 NSW - 100 NT - 1 QLD - 72 SA – 37 TAS - 16 VIC - 110 WA - 22 Overseas 5 (includes 2 Honorary) For those members still to renew, please take the time to complete details on the Ariel bikes owned so I can continue to purify the Register. For information, we have 230 members with e-mail contacts. AAR Business Last year saw the development and reinstatement of the AAR web site, which I coordinated. Thanks to Peter Holdcroft from the ACT who developed the templates and set up the initial home page on the host site. I welcome input from members on how the AAR web site might be made better for members’ benefit. This year the AAR affiliated with Motorcycling Australia and now has the ability to draw on the liability insurances MA provides to its affiliated Clubs, which has a significant reduction in annual costs for running the AAR. Last year the cost for running the office of the Secretary was $1266.47, comprising: Membership Badges $ 255.20 Laminate envelopes $ 15.95 Postage & Stamps $ 322.60 Ariel posters $ 466.15 Poster tubes $ 62.00 Envelopes $ 20.84 Receipt Books $ 13.00 Printer Ink $ 48.73 Total $ 1266.47 The major expenses have been for membership badges, purchase posters and postage (membership renewals and notices to members without e-mail). The outlay for posters and poster tubes has been offset by the income from the poster sales to members, which returned a profit of $245.33. ColinJHill AAR Secretary (Member No. 689)

AAR TREASURER’S REPORT – 2010 AGM ANNEX D TREASURER’S REPORT & STATEMENT OF INCOME & EXPENSES 2010 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Treasurer's Report for the period 2nd January, 2009 to 31st December, 2009. As I stated at the 2009 AGM in Evan's Head for the 2008 year, we paid ; (a) Two lots of Insurance instead of the usual one. (b) Six publications of "The Horses Mouth" instead of the usual four. (c) Two Rally Floats instead of the usual one. Therefore the 2009 year started with a somewhat reduced amount of $17,260.75. For 2009, income was $10,891.64 whilst expenditure was $8,963.94. The principal income came from annual subscriptions, however, Colin Hill an Allan and Chris Boyd were successful in the sale of posters from Germany and club regalia to supplement our income. Later in the year, the threesome sold advertising space in "The Horses Mouth". Please support these advertisers. The successful Summerland Rally at Evans Head in 2009, run by Alan & Lyn Stratton & Family & helplers, produced a surplus of $1,545.28 even after the repayment of the rally float. The main expenditure was for "The Horses Mouth" but we also made a donation of $1,000.00 to the Red Cross Bushfire appeal and a letter of appreciation is here if anyone should want to peruse it. We also incurred a cost of $292.20 for the setting up of the website. Colin Hill has managed to reduce the cost of our rally insurance and we should thank him for that. Therefore, we have ended the year with a healthier amount of $19,528.45 minus one un-presented cheque for $340. Barry Deeth. Treasurer


ANNEX D<br />


2010 <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>GENERAL</strong> <strong>MEETING</strong>.<br />

Treasurer's Report for the period 2nd January, 2009 to 31st December, 2009.<br />

As I stated at the 2009 AGM in Evan's Head for the 2008 year, we paid ;<br />

(a) Two lots of Insurance instead of the usual one.<br />

(b) Six publications of "The Horses Mouth" instead of the usual four.<br />

(c) Two Rally Floats instead of the usual one.<br />

Therefore the 2009 year started with a somewhat reduced amount of $17,260.75.<br />

For 2009, income was $10,891.64 whilst expenditure was $8,963.94. The principal income came from annual<br />

subscriptions, however, Colin Hill an Allan and Chris Boyd were successful in the sale of posters from Germany<br />

and club regalia to supplement our income.<br />

Later in the year, the threesome sold advertising space in "The Horses Mouth". Please support these<br />

advertisers.<br />

The successful Summerland Rally at Evans Head in 2009, run by Alan & Lyn Stratton & Family & helplers,<br />

produced a surplus of $1,545.28 even after the repayment of the rally float.<br />

The main expenditure was for "The Horses Mouth" but we also made a donation of $1,000.00 to the Red Cross<br />

Bushfire appeal and a letter of appreciation is here if anyone should want to peruse it.<br />

We also incurred a cost of $292.20 for the setting up of the website.<br />

Colin Hill has managed to reduce the cost of our rally insurance and we should thank him for that.<br />

Therefore, we have ended the year with a healthier amount of $19,528.45 minus one un-presented cheque for<br />

$340.<br />

Barry Deeth.<br />


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