Walnut varieties resistance to Xanthomonas campestris ... - Cost 873

Walnut varieties resistance to Xanthomonas campestris ... - Cost 873 Walnut varieties resistance to Xanthomonas campestris ... - Cost 873


Evaluation of resistance of cultivated walnut varieties and selections to Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis in Greece Tsiantos J. 1 , Vagelas I.K. 2 , Rumbos C.I. 3 , Chatzaki A. 1 , Rouskas D. 4 and Gravanis F.T. 2 1 NAGREF, Plant Protection Institute, 38001 Volos, Greece 2 Technological Education Institute of Larissa, Department of Plant Production, 41110 Larissa, Greece 3 Centre for Research and Technology-Thessaly (CE.RE.TE.TH.), Institute of Technology and Management of Agricultural Ecosystems (I.TE.M.A.), 38500 Volos, Greece 4 NAGREF, Vardates Agricultural Research Station, Greece COST 873, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 October 2008, Athens

Evaluation of <strong>resistance</strong> of cultivated walnut<br />

<strong>varieties</strong> and selections <strong>to</strong> <strong>Xanthomonas</strong><br />

arboricola pv. juglandis in Greece<br />

Tsian<strong>to</strong>s J. 1 , Vagelas I.K. 2 , Rumbos C.I. 3 , Chatzaki A. 1 , Rouskas D. 4 and Gravanis F.T. 2<br />

1<br />

NAGREF, Plant Protection Institute, 38001 Volos, Greece<br />

2<br />

Technological Education Institute of Larissa, Department of Plant Production, 41110<br />

Larissa, Greece<br />

3<br />

Centre for Research and Technology-Thessaly (CE.RE.TE.TH.), Institute of Technology and<br />

Management of Agricultural Ecosystems (I.TE.M.A.), 38500 Volos, Greece<br />

4<br />

NAGREF, Vardates Agricultural Research Station, Greece<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

<strong>Walnut</strong> Production in Greece<br />

Macedonia<br />

(20%)<br />

Thrace<br />

(6%)<br />

‣ 2.000.000 trees from seedling<br />

selections<br />

Epirus<br />

(14%)<br />

Thessaly<br />

(10%)<br />

Sterea Hellas<br />

(14%)<br />

Peloponnese<br />

(30%)<br />

30%<br />

‣ 70% in >500 m altitude<br />

‣ Annual production: 20.000 t *<br />

(Tendency <strong>to</strong> be increased: new orchards are<br />

planted in low altitude fields)<br />

‣Main <strong>varieties</strong>: Serr, Gustine, Amigo,<br />

Vina, Lara, Hartley, Chandler,<br />

Crete<br />

(6%)<br />

Franquette, local selections<br />

Distribution of walnut production in Greece<br />

* Rouskas D., Akrivos J. and Zakynthinos G., 2006, J. National Research Foundation, 29 (1), p. 23-40.<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

<strong>Walnut</strong> blight in Greece<br />

Symp<strong>to</strong>ms of walnut blight on nuts<br />

‣ <strong>Walnut</strong> blight was first reported in Greece in 1951.<br />

‣ It is considered one of the main bacterial, walnut diseases in Greece. However, there is no<br />

detailed research on the severity and prevalence of this disease.<br />

‣ The pathogen is endemic all over Greece and causes every year damages<br />

mainly in nuts.<br />

‣ Its severity depends considerably on the spring weather conditions.<br />

‣ Control measures are cultural and, where possible, chemical (preventive spraying with copper<br />

bactericides) but their efficacy is often inadequate.<br />

‣ Objective of the present study: Evaluation of walnut <strong>varieties</strong>, selections and crosses<br />

<strong>resistance</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Xanthomonas</strong> arboricola pv. juglandis<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Sampling<br />

‣ Sampling place: NAGREF, Vardates Agricultural<br />

Research Station<br />

‣ Sampling Date: 8 June 2008<br />

‣ Nuts (2-4 cm ø) from 33 walnut <strong>varieties</strong> (16 lateral and 17 terminal fruit fullness<br />

<strong>varieties</strong>), 12 selections and 13 crosses were collected<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Tested <strong>varieties</strong>, selections and crosses<br />

Lateral fruit fullness Terminal fruit fullness Selections Crosses<br />

Amigo Adams ΕΚ-1 S 1/1<br />

Asley Chase D9 ΕΚ-2 S 1/6<br />

Chandler Chase D12 ΕP-5 S 1/7<br />

Ferjean Franquette ΕP-6 S 2/6<br />

Fernette Geisenheim ΕΗ-28 S 3/1<br />

Fernor Grand Jean ΕΗ-29 S 3/3<br />

Gustine Grosvert ΕΜ-35 S 3/4<br />

Lara Hartley ΕΜ-36 S 3/8<br />

Mindland Lozeronne FM-5 RΖ-12<br />

Payne Marbot FM-6 RΖ-14<br />

Serr Meylannaise FM-16 H x G3<br />

Sunland Milotai FM-3 F x H5<br />

Techama Parisienne F x G7<br />

Vina<br />

Eliana<br />

Eoli<br />

Ronde de Montignac<br />

Sibisel<br />

Spurgcan<br />

Le<strong>to</strong><br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Artificial infections<br />

1. Inoculum preparation<br />

2. Inoculation<br />

A mixture of 4 Xaj strains isolated from naturally Bacterial inoculum was injected<br />

infected walnut nuts in Greece was used<br />

<strong>to</strong> nuts with a syringe (n=5)<br />

Bacterial suspension concentration: 1-2 x 10 7 cfu ml -1 As control nuts were injected with SDW<br />

3. Incubation<br />

25 0 C, high humidity, plastic chambers<br />

2 weeks<br />

4. Evaluation<br />

Frequeny (F)<br />

Severity index (S)<br />

Varietal Susceptibility Index (V.S.I.= F x S)*<br />

* Le Lezec & Paulin, 1984, Acta Horticulturae 151, p. 277-281<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Isolation of Xaj from artificially infected nuts<br />

1. <strong>Walnut</strong> blight spots were aseptically cut<br />

2. Maceration of samples<br />

3. Dilution plating of aliquots<br />

on Brilliant cresyl blue-starch (BS) medium*<br />

* Mulrean & Schroth, 1981, Phy<strong>to</strong>pathology 71(3), p. 336-339<br />

4. Xaj colonies identification<br />

Starch hydrolysis zone<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Results: Frequency of infections (0-100%) (Pooled results of 2007-2008)<br />

Lateral fruit fullness Terminal fruit fullness Selections Crosses<br />

Amigo Adams ΕΚ-1 S 1/1<br />

Asley Chase D9 ΕΚ-2 S 1/6<br />

Chandler Chase D12 ΕP-5 S 1/7<br />

Ferjean Franquette ΕP-6 S 2/6<br />

Fernette Geisenheim ΕΗ-28 S 3/1<br />

Fernor Grand Jean ΕΗ-29 S 3/3<br />

Gustine Grosvert ΕΜ-35 S 3/4<br />

Lara Hartley ΕΜ-36 S 3/8<br />

Mindland Lozeronne FM-5 RΖ-12<br />

Payne Marbot FM-6 RΖ-14<br />

Serr Meylannaise FM-16 H x G3<br />

Sunland Milotai FM-3 F x H5<br />

Techama Parisienne F x G7<br />

Vina<br />

Eliana<br />

Eoli<br />

Ronde de Montignac<br />

Sibisel<br />

Spurgcan<br />

Le<strong>to</strong><br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Results: Frequency of infections (0-100%) (Pooled results of 2007-2008)<br />

Lateral fruit fullness Terminal fruit fullness Selections Crosses<br />

Amigo 97.2 % Adams 100 % ΕΚ-1 58.3 % S 1/1 100 %<br />

Asley 86.1 % Chase D9 100 % ΕΚ-2 100 % S 1/6 90 %<br />

Chandler 91.67 % Chase D12 88.9 % ΕP-5 94.4 % S 1/7 100 %<br />

Ferjean 100 % Franquette 91.7 % ΕP-6 88.9 % S 2/6 100 %<br />

Fernette 100 % Geisenheim 100 % ΕΗ-28 90 % S 3/1 100 %<br />

Fernor 100 % Grand Jean 100 % ΕΗ-29 86.1 % S 3/3 100 %<br />

Gustine 100 % Grosvert 90 % ΕΜ-35 91.7 % S 3/4 91.7 %<br />

Lara n.e. Hartley 63.9 % ΕΜ-36 100 % S 3/8 90 %<br />

Mindland 94.4 % Lozeronne 100 % FM-5 100 % RΖ-12 100 %<br />

Payne 97.2 % Marbot 58.3 % FM-6 100 % RΖ-14 83.3 %<br />

Serr 73.9 % Meylannaise 100 % FM-16 55.6 % H x G3 76.1 %<br />

Sunland 50 % Milotai 100 % FM-3 100 % F x H5 55.6 %<br />

Techama 61.1 % Parisienne 100 % F x G7 100 %<br />

Vina 100 % Ronde de Montignac 100 %<br />

Eliana 86.1 % Sibisel 100 %<br />

Eoli 96.7 % Spurgcan 88.9 %<br />

Le<strong>to</strong> 100 %<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

ΕΚ1<br />

ΕΚ2<br />

ΕΠ5<br />

ΕΠ6<br />

ΕΗ28<br />

ΕΗ29<br />

ΕΜ35<br />

ΕΜ36<br />

FM5<br />

FM6<br />

FM16<br />

FM3<br />

S1/1<br />

S1/6<br />

S1/7<br />

S2/6<br />

S3/1<br />

S3/3<br />

S3/4<br />

S3/8<br />

RΖ-12<br />

RΖ-14<br />

HxG3<br />

FxH5<br />

FxG7<br />

Amigo<br />

Asley<br />

Chandler<br />

Ferjean<br />

Fernette<br />

Fernor<br />

Gustine<br />

Lara<br />

Mindland<br />

Payne<br />

Serr<br />

Sunland<br />

Techama<br />

Vina<br />

Eliana<br />

Eoli<br />

Le<strong>to</strong><br />

Adams<br />

ChaseD9<br />

ChaseD12<br />

Franquette<br />

Geisenheim<br />

Grand Jean<br />

Grosvert<br />

Hartley<br />

Lozeronne<br />

Marbot<br />

Meylannaise<br />

Milotai<br />

Parisienne<br />

Ronde Montig.<br />

Sibisel<br />

Spurgcan<br />

n.e.<br />

Results: Severity Index (0-100) (Pooled results of 2007-2008)<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Lateral fruit fullness <strong>varieties</strong><br />

Terminal fruit fullness <strong>varieties</strong><br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Selections<br />

Crosses<br />

n.e.: not evaluated

S1/1<br />

S1/6<br />

S1/7<br />

S2/6<br />

S3/1<br />

S3/3<br />

S3/4<br />

S3/8<br />

RΖ-12<br />

RΖ-14<br />

HxG3<br />

FxH5<br />

FxG7<br />

Amigo<br />

Asley<br />

Chandler<br />

Ferjean<br />

Fernette<br />

Fernor<br />

Gustine<br />

Lara<br />

Mindland<br />

Payne<br />

Serr<br />

Sunland<br />

Techama<br />

Vina<br />

Eliana<br />

Eoli<br />

Le<strong>to</strong><br />

Adams<br />

ChaseD9<br />

ChaseD12<br />

Franquette<br />

Geisenheim<br />

Grand Jean<br />

Grosvert<br />

Hartley<br />

Lozeronne<br />

Marbot<br />

Meylannaise<br />

Milotai<br />

Parisienne<br />

Ronde<br />

Montig.<br />

Sibisel<br />

Spurgcan<br />

n.e.<br />

Results: Varietal Susceptibility Index (V.S.I.= F x S) (Pooled results of 2007-2008)<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Lateral fruit fullness <strong>varieties</strong><br />

Terminal fruit fullness <strong>varieties</strong><br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

Selections<br />

Crosses<br />

0<br />

ΕΚ1<br />

ΕΚ2<br />

ΕΠ5<br />

n.e.: not evaluated<br />

ΕΠ6<br />

ΕΗ28<br />

ΕΗ29<br />

ΕΜ35<br />

ΕΜ36<br />

FM5<br />

FM6<br />

FM16<br />


Class of Susceptibility (A–E) (Pooled results of 2007-2008)<br />

Lateral fruit fullness Terminal fruit fullness Selections Crosses<br />

Amigo Adams ΕΚ-1 S 1/1<br />

Asley Chase D9 ΕΚ-2 S 1/6<br />

Chandler Chase D12 ΕP-5 S 1/7<br />

Ferjean Franquette ΕP-6 S 2/6<br />

Fernette Geisenheim ΕΗ-28 S 3/1<br />

Fernor Grand Jean ΕΗ-29 S 3/3<br />

Gustine Grosvert ΕΜ-35 S 3/4<br />

Lara Hartley ΕΜ-36 S 3/8<br />

Mindland Lozeronne FM-5 RΖ-12<br />

Payne Marbot FM-6 RΖ-14<br />

Serr Meylannaise FM-16 H x G3<br />

Sunland Milotai FM-3 F x H5<br />

Techama Parisienne F x G7<br />

Vina<br />

Eliana<br />

Eoli<br />

Ronde de Montignac<br />

Sibisel<br />

Spurgcan<br />

Le<strong>to</strong><br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Class of Susceptibility (A–E) (Pooled results of 2007-2008)<br />

Lateral fruit fullness Terminal fruit fullness Selections Crosses<br />

Amigo A Adams C ΕΚ-1 A S 1/1 C<br />

Asley A Chase D9 B ΕΚ-2 B S 1/6 B<br />

Chandler B Chase D12 B ΕP-5 B S 1/7 C<br />

Ferjean B Franquette A ΕP-6 B S 2/6 C<br />

Fernette B Geisenheim B ΕΗ-28 B S 3/1 D<br />

Fernor B Grand Jean B ΕΗ-29 A S 3/3 C<br />

Gustine B Grosvert C ΕΜ-35 B S 3/4 C<br />

Lara n.e. Hartley A ΕΜ-36 B S 3/8 C<br />

Mindland B Lozeronne B FM-5 B RΖ-12 B<br />

Payne B Marbot B FM-6 B RΖ-14 A<br />

Serr B Meylannaise D FM-16 A H x G3 B<br />

Sunland A Milotai D FM-3 C F x H5 A<br />

Techama A Parisienne B F x G7 C<br />

Vina B Ronde de Montignac D<br />

Eliana A Sibisel C<br />

Eoli B Spurgcan A<br />

n.e.: not evaluated<br />

Le<strong>to</strong><br />

B<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Class of Susceptibility (A–E) (Pooled results of 2007-2008)<br />

Lateral fruit fullness Terminal fruit fullness Selections Crosses<br />

Amigo A Adams C ΕΚ-1 A S 1/1 C<br />

Asley A Chase D9 B ΕΚ-2 B S 1/6 B<br />

Chandler B Chase D12 B ΕP-5 B S 1/7 C<br />

Ferjean B Franquette A ΕP-6 B S 2/6 C<br />

Fernette B Geisenheim B ΕΗ-28 B S 3/1 D<br />

Fernor B Grand Jean B ΕΗ-29 A S 3/3 C<br />

Gustine B Grosvert C ΕΜ-35 B S 3/4 C<br />

Lara n.e. Hartley B ΕΜ-36 B S 3/8 C<br />

Mindland B Lozeronne B FM-5 B RΖ-12 B<br />

Payne B Marbot B FM-6 B RΖ-14 A<br />

Serr B Meylannaise D FM-16 A H x G3 B<br />

Sunland B Milotai D FM-3 C F x H5 A<br />

Techama B Parisienne B F x G7 C<br />

Vina B Ronde de Montignac D<br />

Eliana A Sibisel C<br />

Eoli B Spurgcan A<br />

n.e.: not evaluated<br />

Le<strong>to</strong><br />

B<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Class of Susceptibility (A–E) (Pooled results of 2007-2008)<br />

Lateral fruit fullness Terminal fruit fullness Selections Crosses<br />

Amigo A Adams C ΕΚ-1 A S 1/1 C<br />

Asley A Chase D9 B ΕΚ-2 B S 1/6 B<br />

Chandler B Chase D12 B ΕP-5 B S 1/7 C<br />

Ferjean B Franquette A ΕP-6 B S 2/6 C<br />

Fernette B Geisenheim B ΕΗ-28 B S 3/1 D<br />

Fernor B Grand Jean B ΕΗ-29 A S 3/3 C<br />

Gustine B Grosvert C ΕΜ-35 B S 3/4 C<br />

Lara n.e. Hartley B ΕΜ-36 B S 3/8 C<br />

Mindland B Lozeronne B FM-5 B RΖ-12 B<br />

Payne B Marbot B FM-6 B RΖ-14 A<br />

Serr B Meylannaise D FM-16 A H x G3 B<br />

Sunland B Milotai D FM-3 C F x H5 A<br />

Techama B Parisienne B F x G7 C<br />

Vina B Ronde de Montignac D<br />

Eliana A Sibisel C<br />

Eoli B Spurgcan A<br />

n.e.: not evaluated<br />

Le<strong>to</strong><br />

B<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Conclusions<br />

Some <strong>varieties</strong> and crosses seem <strong>to</strong> be particularily susceptible<br />

under the experimental conditions tested :<br />

Meylannaise, Milotai, Ronde de Montignac, S 3/1<br />

Some <strong>varieties</strong> and crosses appear <strong>to</strong> be less susceptible<br />

under the experimental conditions tested :<br />

Amigo, Asley, Eliana, Franquette, Spurgcan, EK-1, EH-29, FM-16, RZ-14, FxH 5<br />

The selections tested seem <strong>to</strong> be less susceptible and promising<br />

Artificial inoculations of nuts is an easy and fast way <strong>to</strong> evaluate <strong>resistance</strong><br />

<strong>to</strong> walnut blight<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

Other Research<br />

‣ Selection of Xaj isolates from different geographical areas of Greece<br />

Biochemical characterization of the Xaj isolates with conventional tests<br />

Confirmation of the pathogenicity of the Xaj isolates by hypersensitivity reaction<br />

on <strong>to</strong>bacco leaves<br />

Future Research<br />

‣ The evaluation of the <strong>resistance</strong> of the <strong>varieties</strong>, selections and crosses<br />

will continue next year<br />

‣ Copper sensitivity of the collected Xaj isolates<br />

‣ The characterization of the genetic variability of the greek Xaj isolates<br />

Thank you!<br />

COST <strong>873</strong>, WG 1-4 Joint Meeting, 20-22 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2008, Athens

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