Regional Forum- Participants List.pdf - tips

Regional Forum- Participants List.pdf - tips

Regional Forum- Participants List.pdf - tips

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Event:<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Forum</strong> on “ Enhancing Competitiveness in Southern Africa: A Roadmap for Success”<br />


1. Name Designation Company City Country Email<br />

Senior Commercial US Embassy,<br />

2. Allen, Mr Craig<br />

Johannesburg South Africa craig.allen@mail.doc.gov<br />

Officer<br />

Commercial Section<br />

Groupement des<br />

3. Andriamamonjiarison, Mrs<br />

Vice President Entreprises de Antananarivo Madagascar jrakotoarijaona@yahoo.fr<br />

Josephine<br />

Madagascar<br />

4. Appadu, Mr Deodass<br />

5. Appel, Mr Eugene Trustee<br />

6. Banda, Ms Susan<br />

7. Belle, Mr Mshiyeni<br />

Principal Assistant<br />

Secretary<br />

Public Outreach<br />

Coordinator<br />

Head of International<br />

Relations Unit<br />

Ministry of Tourism,<br />

Leisure and External<br />

Communications<br />

Zambia Association<br />

of Manufacturers<br />

Millennium Challenge<br />

Account - Malawi<br />

South African<br />

Reserve Bank<br />

Port Louis Mauritius dappadu@mail.gov.mu<br />

Lusaka Zambia zam@zamnet.zm<br />

Lilongwe Malawi susan.banda@mca-m.gov.mw<br />

Pretoria South Africa mshiyeni.Belle@resbank.co.za

8. Bergstrom, Mr Tim Director<br />

9. Bhuglah, Mr Assad<br />

10. Blank, Ms Annet<br />

11. Botha, Ms Lindie<br />

Director, Trade<br />

Policy, International<br />

Trade Division<br />

Counsellor, Head<br />

LDC Unit,<br />

Development<br />

Division<br />

Manager: Economic<br />

Intelligence &<br />

Finance<br />

12. Boyd, Mr Malcolm Managing Director<br />

13. Boyle, Mr Neil<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Trade<br />

Advisor<br />

14. Brandt, Mr Manfred SADC Cooperation<br />

15. Bukula, Mr Thembani<br />

16. Capôco, Mr George Liwoio<br />

(Jonas)<br />

17. Chaitezvi, Mr Charles<br />

18. Chauke, Mr Thabo Director<br />

19. Chiappetta, Miss Ann Marie<br />

20. Chiganga, Mr Biseko<br />

21. Chikura, Ms Cynthia<br />

Regulator Member<br />

(Commissioner)<br />

Managing Director,<br />

Asca, and <strong>Regional</strong><br />

Secretariat of SAEN<br />

SADC Customs<br />

Project Team Leader<br />

Trade and<br />

Investment Officer<br />

Senior Air Transport<br />

Officer<br />

Intern; Trade Policy<br />

and Economic Policy<br />

22. Chilala, Ms Bridget Trade Advisor<br />

SAIBL, Corporate<br />

Council on Africa<br />

Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs and<br />

International Trade<br />

Washington<br />

DC<br />

USA<br />

tbergstrom@africacncl.org<br />

Port Louis Mauritius directortrade@yahoo.com<br />

WTO Geneva Switzerland annet.blank@wto.org<br />

Agricultural Business<br />

Chamber (ABC)<br />

Imani Development<br />

(South Africa) Pty Ltd<br />

USAID, U. S.<br />

Embassy<br />

European<br />

Commission,<br />

Delegation Botswana<br />

NERSA (National<br />

Energy Regulator of<br />

South Africa)<br />

Asca Investment (Pty)<br />

Ltd, and Southern<br />

African Enterprise<br />

Network (SAEN)<br />

Pretoria South Africa lindie@agbiz.co.za<br />

Pretoria South Africa malcolm@imanidevelopment.com<br />

Gaborone Botswana BoyleNE@state.gov<br />

Gaborone Botswana manfred.brandt@ec.europa.eu<br />

Pretoria South Africa thembani.bukula@nersa.org.za<br />

Windhoek Namibia asca@mweb.com.na<br />

SADC Secretariat Gaborone Botswana cchaitezvi@sadc.int<br />

Department of Trade<br />

and Industry<br />

United States<br />

Embassy<br />

Ministry of<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Development<br />

Business Unity South<br />

Africa (BUSA)<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Pretoria South Africa Thaboc@thedti.gov.za<br />

Pretoria South Africa ChiappettaAM@state.gov<br />

Dar-es-<br />

Salaam<br />

Tanzania<br />

chigs06@yahoo.com<br />

Johannesburg South Africa cynch@hotmail.com<br />

Gaborone Botswana bchilala@satradehub.org<br />


23. Chisembwere, Mr Tim Customs Consultant<br />

24. Cloete, Mr Brent<br />

25. Cossa, Mr David<br />

Associate - Business<br />

in Development<br />

Practice<br />

International<br />

Cooperation<br />

Technician<br />

Policy Coordinator<br />

General<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Gaborone Botswana tchisembwere@yahoo.co.uk<br />

Genesis Analytics Johannesburg South Africa brentc@genesis-analytics.com<br />

Ministry of Transport<br />

and Communications<br />

Maputo<br />

Mozambique<br />

dacossa@yahoo.com.br<br />

davidjuniorcossa@gmail.com<br />

26. Cross, Mr Eddie<br />

Movement for<br />

Democratic Change<br />

Harare Zimbabwe egcross@africaonline.co.zw<br />

27. Curtis, Mr Barney Executive Officer FESARTA Bryanston South Africa fesarta@iafrica.com<br />

28. Daley, Mr Daniel<br />

Economic /<br />

Commercial Officer<br />

U. S. Embassy Lilongwe Malawi daleydn@state.gov<br />

29. Davies, Ms Carrie Executive Director ACIS Beira Mozambique acis@acisofala.com<br />

30. de Sousa, Mr Roberto Official Ministry of Finance Maputo Mozambique robertohvdesousa@gmail.com<br />

31. Dooley-Jones, Dr Tina<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Economic USAID/Southern<br />

Growth Office Chief Africa<br />

Pretoria South Africa tdooley-jones@usaid.gov<br />

32. Dzawanda, Mr Bernard Executive Director<br />

Southern African<br />

Railways Association<br />

Harare Zimbabwe bdzawanda@sararail.org<br />

Southern Africa<br />

33. Elago, Ms Paulina Investments Advisor Global<br />

Gaborone Botswana pelago@satradehub.org<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

34. Fair, Ms Deidra Country Director<br />

Millennium Challenge<br />

Corporation<br />

New York U.S.A. faird@mcc.gov<br />

35. Filipe, Mrs Ernestina Technician Angola Customs Luanda Angola efilipe@alfandega.gv.ao<br />

36. Flatters, Dr Frank Consultant Bangkok Thailand ff@frankflatters.com<br />

37. Fourie, Mr Hendrik<br />

Namibian<br />

Chief Executive<br />

nma@ppnam.com<br />

Manufacturers Windhoek Namibia<br />

Officer<br />

henniefo@mweb.com.na<br />

Association (NMA)<br />

38. Franco, Dr Manuela Technician Angola Customs Luanda Angola mfranco@alfandega.gv.ao<br />

Deputy Director: Customs and Excise,<br />

39. Garoeb, Mr Hans Isak<br />

Windhoek Namibia hans.garoeb@gov.mof.na<br />

Operations<br />

Ministry of Finance<br />

Department of Trade<br />

40. Gasela, Ms Pemy Assistant Director<br />

Pretoria South Africa Pgasela@thedti.gov.za<br />

and Industry, DTI<br />

Lead/Chief<br />

Millennium Challenge<br />

41. Gomani, Mr Alex<br />

Lilongwe Malawi alex.gomani@mca-m.gov.mw<br />

Economist<br />

Account - Malawi<br />

42. Graef, Mr Lance Retired Bethesda, MD USA jlplg@aol.com<br />


43. Greenhead, Mrs Fakazile<br />

Finance and<br />

Administration<br />

Manager<br />

SEDCO Mbabane Swaziland greenheadf@sedco.co.sz<br />

44. Guilaze, Mr Nelson Senior Policy Analyst USAID/Mozambique Maputo Mozambique nguilaze@usaid.gov<br />

45. Guliwe, Mr. Thulani Justice Research Director<br />

46. Gungah, Mr Anand<br />

Director of Civil<br />

Aviation<br />

Gauteng Department<br />

of Economic<br />

Development<br />

Department of Civil<br />

Aviation<br />

47. Harding, Mr Alan Consultant Nathan Associates London<br />

48. Hargreaves, Mr John Acting President<br />

49. Harmon, Ms Lynn Managing Director<br />

50. Harris, Mr Angelo Executive Director<br />

51. Hartzenberg, Ms Trudi Executive Director<br />

52. Harvey, Mr Arthur<br />

53. Herbital, Mr Maluleke<br />

Country Executive -<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Manager:<br />

International Trade<br />

Intelligence<br />

54. Hibajene, Mr Silvester Executive Director<br />

55. Hilligas, Ms Amanda<br />

Director, Trade<br />

Competitiveness<br />

Project<br />

56. Hlatshwayo, Mrs Sibongile Commissioner<br />

57. Hlope, Mr. Anddeas<br />

58. Hoffman, Mr Jurgen<br />

Chief Commercial<br />

Officer<br />

Special Trade<br />

Advisor<br />

GEFP Export<br />

Companies<br />

Association of<br />

Madagascar<br />

Corridor Development<br />

Consultants (Pty) Ltd<br />

South African Oil and<br />

Gas Alliance<br />

Trade Law Centre for<br />

Southern Africa<br />

(TRALAC)<br />

GE Energy Global<br />

Sales<br />

Agricultural Business<br />

Chamber (ABC)<br />

Energy Regulation<br />

Board<br />

Southern African<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Customs and Excise,<br />

Ministry of Finance<br />

Ministry of Commerce<br />

and Industry<br />

Agricultural Trade<br />

forum<br />

Johannesburg South Africa thulani.guliwe@gauteng.gov.za<br />

Plaisance Mauritius civil-aviation@mail.gov.mu<br />

United<br />

Kingdom<br />

heathway@aol.com<br />

Antananarivo Madagascar zelijama@moov.mg<br />

Windhoek Namibia Lynn.harmon@gmail.com<br />

Capetown South Africa info@offshoreafrica.co.za<br />

Stellenbosch South Africa trudi@tralac.org<br />

Durban South Africa arthur.harvey@ge.com<br />

Pretoria South Africa herbital@agbiz.co.za<br />

Lusaka Zambia shibajene@erb.org.zm<br />

Gaborone Botswana ahilligas@stradehub.org<br />

Mbanane Swaziland shlatshwayo@gov.sz<br />

Mbabane Swaziland hlopean@gov.sz<br />

Windhoek Namibia jurgen@nammic.com.na<br />


59. Holler, Mr Robert<br />

60. Horne, Ms Brenda<br />

Customs and Trade<br />

Facilitation Advisor<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

61. Jefferis, Mr Keith Economic Advisor<br />

62. Joao Lourenco, Mr Manuel<br />

63. Junior, Mr Eduardo Samuel<br />

64. Kachenje, Mr Khalid<br />

Chief Department;<br />

Railways<br />

Economist /<br />

Technician<br />

Principal Surface<br />

Transport Officer<br />

65. Kaferapanjira, Mr Chancellor Chief Executive<br />

66. Kalaba, Mr Mmatlou SADRN Coordinator<br />

Worldwide Support<br />

for Trade Capacity<br />

Building Project -<br />

TCBoost<br />

Maputo Corridor<br />

Logistics Initiative<br />

(MCLI)<br />

Southern African<br />

Trade Hub<br />

Conroe TX<br />

7738<br />

USA<br />

Ministry of Transport Luanda Angola<br />

Mozambique Civil<br />

Aviation Authority<br />

Ministry of<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Development<br />

Malawi Confederation<br />

of Chambers of<br />

Commerce and<br />

Industry<br />

Trade and Industrial<br />

Policy Strategies<br />

(TIPS)<br />

robertholler@sbcglobal.net<br />

Nelspruit South Africa brenda.horne@mcli.co.za<br />

Gaborone Botswana keith@econsult.co.bw<br />

Maputo Mozambique dudu_moz@hotmail.com<br />

Dar-es-<br />

Salaam<br />

Tanzania<br />

khkachenje@yahoo.co.uk<br />

Blantyre Malawi ckaferapanjira@mcci.org<br />

Pretoria South Africa mmatlou@<strong>tips</strong>.org.za<br />

67. Kalenga, Mr Paul Senior Trade Adviser SADC Gaborone Botswana Pkalenga@sadc.int<br />

68. Kalomho, Mr Robert<br />

Deputy Director<br />

Railway<br />

Infrastructure<br />

69. Kaluwa, Mr Edward Managing Director<br />

70. Kanetsi, Mr Batalatsang Chief Executive<br />

71. Karanja, Mr Robert<br />

72. Kennett, Dr Maxine<br />

73. Kerekang, Mr Kenneth<br />

Southern Africa<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Director<br />

Directo, Trade<br />

Facilitation and<br />

Capacity Building<br />

Principal Energy<br />

Officer, Department<br />

of Energy<br />

Ministry of Works and<br />

Transport<br />

Combine Cargo<br />

Malawi Ltd<br />

Lesotho Electricity<br />

Authority<br />

Aid to Artisans South<br />

Africa Trust<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Ministry of Minerals,<br />

Energy and Water<br />

Resources<br />

Windhoek Namibia rkalomho@mwtc.gov.na<br />

Blantyre Malawi edkaluwa@combinecargo.mw<br />

Maseru Lesotho bkanetsi@lea.org.ls<br />

Johannesburg South Africa robert@atasatrust.co.za<br />

Gaborone Botswana mkennett@satradehub.org<br />

Gaborone Botswana kkerekang@gov.bw<br />


74. Khumalo, Mr Nkululeko<br />

Senior Researcher: SA Institute of<br />

Trade Policy Interntional Affairs<br />

Braamfontein South Africa khumalon@gmail.com<br />

75. Kimball, Mr Richard<br />

General<br />

Development Officer<br />

USAID/Malawi Lilongwe Malawi rkimball@usaid.gov<br />

76. Kinunda, Mr Flavian Marketing Director<br />

Tanzania Ports Dar-es-<br />

Tanzania<br />

dm@tanzaniaports.com<br />

Authority<br />

Salaam<br />

kinunda@tanzaniaports.com<br />

77. Kirk, Dr Robert<br />

Senior Vice<br />

AECOM Interntional Washington<br />

President<br />

Development<br />

DC<br />

U.S.A. Robert.Kirk@aecom.com<br />

78. Koivisto, Ms Katriina<br />

Counsellor, <strong>Regional</strong><br />

Cooperation<br />

Embassy of Finland Pretoria South Africa katriina.koivisto@formin.fi<br />

79. Kritzinger-van Niekerk, Ms <strong>Regional</strong> Trade and DFID - Southern<br />

Lolette<br />

Integration Advisor Africa<br />

Pretoria South Africa L-Van-Niekerk@dfid.gov.uk<br />

80. Kügel, Mr Leslie<br />

Kügel Legal<br />

Consulting<br />

Pretoria South Africa lesk@runbox.com<br />

81. Kurz, Dr Sonja<br />

Economic Policy and<br />

Trade Advisor<br />

GTZ/GFA Gaborone Botswana skurz@sadc.int<br />

82. Kuyonisa, Mr Munu<br />

Director of<br />

Ministry of Trade and<br />

Administration Industry<br />

Windhoek Namibia kuyonisa@mti.gov.na<br />

83. Lalui, Mr Armin Economist<br />

Imani Development<br />

(South Africa) Pty Ltd<br />

Pretoria South Africa armin@imanidevelopment.com<br />

84. Larsen, Mrs Colleen<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

Women in Finance Lonehill South Africa colleen@womeninfinance.co.za<br />

85. Le Roux, Ms Mathabo Reporter Business Day Johannesburg South Africa lerouxm@bdfm.co.za<br />

86. Legare, Mr Mahlodi<br />

Agricultural<br />

National Department<br />

Economist<br />

of Agriculture<br />

Pretoria South Africa SamLe@nda.agric.za<br />

87. Lemar, Mr Bryan Partner Ariya Capital London<br />

88. Letjama, Mr Thabo<br />

Commissioner of<br />

Customs and Excise<br />

Lesotho Revenue<br />

Authority<br />

United<br />

Kingdom<br />

bryan@ariyacaital.com<br />

Maseru Lesotho t.letjama@lra.org.ls<br />

89. Letts, Mr Alex Business Analyst Ariya Capital London<br />

United<br />

Kingdom<br />

90. Lourenco, Mr Manuel Railway Luanda Angola<br />

91. Lungu, Mr Victor Director<br />

Ministryof Transport<br />

and Public Works<br />

92. Mabaso, Mr Levers<br />

93. Mabuza, Miss Zodwa<br />

Director; Civil<br />

Aviation<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

alex@ariyacapital.com<br />

Lilongwe Malawi victorlungu@yahoo.com<br />

Ministry of Transport Pretoria South Africa mabasol@dot.gov.za<br />

Federation of<br />

Swaziland Employers<br />

and Chamber of<br />

Commerce<br />

Mbabane Swaziland zodwa@business-swaziland.com<br />


94. Mabuza, Mr. David Industrial Officer<br />

95. Macamo, Mr Sergio<br />

National Director -<br />

National Industry<br />

Directorate<br />

96. Machailo-Ellis , Miss Maria Executive Director<br />

97. Machaka, Mr Johannes Sector Specialist<br />

98. Madzivanyika, Ms Kudzai<br />

Trade Facilitation<br />

Assistant, Trade<br />

Facilitation and<br />

Capacity Building<br />

99. Magombo, Ms Gloria Energy Advisor<br />

100. Mahlalela, Mr Gideon<br />

101. Majakwara, Mr Jonathan<br />

102. Majinda, Ms Sediba<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

Senior Programme<br />

Manager, Air<br />

Transport<br />

103. Makala, Ms Maria Legal Officer<br />

104. Makatu, Mr. Makhado Assistant Director<br />

105. Makeka, Mr Thabo<br />

106. Makgamathe, Mr<br />

Leonard<br />

107. Makore, Mr George<br />

Executive Director<br />

(Advocate)<br />

SS: Capital<br />

Equipment & Allied<br />

Services<br />

Communications<br />

Coordinator<br />

Ministry of Commrce,<br />

Industry and Trade<br />

Ministry of Industry<br />

and Trade<br />

Botswana<br />

Confederation of<br />

Commerce, Industry<br />

and Manpower<br />

(BOCCIM)<br />

Gauteng Department<br />

of Economic<br />

Development<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Mbabane Swaziland davidmabuza@yahoo.com<br />

Maputo Mozambique sergio.macamo@gmail.com<br />

Gaborone<br />

Botswana<br />

mellis@boccim.co.bw<br />

lmataboge@boccim.co.bw<br />

Johannesburg South Africa johannes.machaka@gauteng.gov.za<br />

Gaborone Botswana kmadzivanyika@satradehub.org<br />

Gaborone Botswana gmagombo@satradehub.org<br />

Swaziland Railway Mbabane Swaziland gideon@swazirail.co.sz<br />

SADC Gaborone Botswana jmajakwara@sadc.int<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Tanzania Civil<br />

Aviation Authority<br />

Department of<br />

Transport ; RSA<br />

Association of<br />

Lesotho Employers<br />

and Business (ALE)<br />

Gauteng Department<br />

of Economic<br />

Development<br />

Southern African<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Gaborone Botswana smajinda@satradehub.org<br />

Dar-es-<br />

Salaam<br />

Tanzania<br />

mmakala@tcaa.go.tz<br />

Johannesburg South Africa makatum@dot.gov.za<br />

Maseru<br />

Lesotho<br />

alemp@leo.co.ls<br />

makeke@leo.co.ls<br />

Johannesburg South Africa leonard.makgamathe@gauteng.co.za<br />

Gaborone Botswana gmakore@satradehub.org<br />


108. Malatji, Miss Sylvia Assistant Economist<br />

109. Maluleka, Mr Sipho Economist<br />

110. Maluleke, Mr. Herbital<br />

111. Mamhunze, Mr Cos<br />

112. Mandiwanza, Mr<br />

Anthony<br />

113. Manly, Mrs Tongila<br />

114. Manongi, Mr Fadhili<br />

115. Maroge, Mr Elikana<br />

Manager;<br />

International Trade<br />

Trade & AGOA<br />

Specialist<br />

Group Chief<br />

Executive<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

Director; Economic<br />

Regulation<br />

Economist/Program<br />

Manager<br />

116. Mashato, Mr. Thato Executive Manager<br />

117. Mashau, Miss<br />

Fhumulani<br />

118. Masia, Mr Andrea<br />

(only attending day two)<br />

119. Matiwane, Mr.<br />

Dorrington<br />

120. Matupa, Mr Odala<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Standards<br />

Coordinator<br />

National Department<br />

of Agriculture<br />

Department of<br />

Agriculture<br />

Agriculturral Business<br />

Chamber<br />

Pretoria South Africa SylviaMal@nda.agric.za<br />

Pretoria South Africa SiphoMal@nda.agric.za<br />

Pretoria South Africa Herbital@agbiz.co.za<br />

SAIB/ECI Johannesburg South Africa cosmas.mamhunze@eciafrica.com<br />

Dairibord Holdings Harare Zimbabwe magaizaa@dairibord.co.zw<br />

TMG Solutions /<br />

Enterprise Florida<br />

Southern Africa Office<br />

Tanzania Civil<br />

Aviation Authority<br />

Johannesburg South Africa EnterFlorida@TheManlyGroup.com<br />

Dar-es-<br />

Salaam<br />

Tanzania<br />

USAID Pretoria South Africa emroge@usaid.gov<br />

Association of SADC<br />

Chambers of<br />

Commerce and<br />

Industry (ASCCI)<br />

Southern African<br />

Confederation of<br />

Agricultural Unions<br />

(SACAU)<br />

Johannesburg South Africa thato@ascci.org.za<br />

Pretoria South Africa fmashau@sacau.org<br />

Economist Morgan Stanley Johannesburg South Africa andrea.masia@morganstanley.com<br />

MD SEDCO Mbabane Swaziland matiwaned@sedco.co.sz<br />

Programme Officer -<br />

Energy<br />

SADC Secretariat Gaborone Botswana omatupa@sadc.int<br />

121. Mavila , Mr Guilherme Chairman<br />

Conselho Nacional de<br />

Electricidade<br />

Maputo Mozambique gmavila@tvcabo.co.mz<br />

122. Mbekeani, Dr Kennedy Consultant Blantyre Malawi mbekeani@iburst.co.za<br />

123. Mbewe, Mr Luke Chief Executive<br />

Zambia Export<br />

Growers Association<br />

Lusaka Zambia zega@zamnet.zm<br />

South African<br />

124. Mbili, Ms Bongi<br />

Program (SAIBL)<br />

Senior Specialist: International<br />

Trade and AGOA Business Linkages<br />

Johannesburg South Africa bongekile.mbili@eciafrica.com<br />


125. McCarthy, Mr Jim<br />

126. Merritt, Mrs Heather<br />

127. Mesquita, Dr Adelino<br />

Deputy Senior<br />

Commercial Officer<br />

Political/Economics<br />

Chief<br />

Executive Board<br />

Director<br />

128. Meyer, Mr Pieter Managing Director<br />

129. Miller, Mr Sutherland<br />

130. Minega, Mr Charles E<br />

Senior Technical<br />

Advisor, Knowledge<br />

Sharing and Analysis<br />

Project<br />

Law Lecturer and<br />

Research Analyst<br />

131. Mlimuka, Dr Aggrey Executive Director<br />

132. Mohlala, Ms Kgomotso<br />

133. Mokoena , Mr Smunda<br />

134. Mokoena, Ms Mapolao<br />

135. Molapo, Mr Peete<br />

136. Molefe, Mr Lucky<br />

137. Molosiwa, Mr<br />

Kesetsenao<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Executive<br />

Director - South<br />

Eastern Region<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

Senior Programme<br />

Manager, Transport<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

Senior Manager:<br />

International Trade<br />

and Customs Policy<br />

138. Mosmann, Mr Jeff Executive Associate<br />

139. Mpahlwa, Mr Chuma<br />

140. Mpata, Mr Stallard<br />

United States<br />

Consulate<br />

Embassy of the<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

Mozambique Ports<br />

and Railways<br />

98Degrees Strategic<br />

Management<br />

Services (Pty) Ltd<br />

United States Agency<br />

for International<br />

Development<br />

(USAID)<br />

Faculty of Law,<br />

Eduardo Mondlane<br />

University<br />

Association of<br />

Tanzanian Employers<br />

(ATE)<br />

Small Enterprise<br />

Promotion Advisory<br />

Council<br />

Johannesburg South Africa James.McCarthy@mail.doc.gov<br />

Gaborone Botswana merrittHC@stte.gov<br />

Maputo Mozambique mesquita.a@cfmnet.co.mz<br />

Bedfordview South Africa pmeyer@98degrees.co.za<br />

Washington<br />

DC<br />

Maputo<br />

Dar-es-<br />

Salaam<br />

Pretoria<br />

USA<br />

Mozambique<br />

Tanzania<br />

South Africa<br />

smiller@ip3.org<br />

Charles.minega@uem.mz<br />

interconsultgroup@yahoo.ca<br />

amlimuka@yahoo.com<br />

mlimuka@ate.or.tz<br />

kgomotsom@tshwane.gov.za<br />

nomvulao@tshwane.gov.za<br />

NERSA Pretoria South Africa Smunda.Mokoena@nersa.org.za<br />

SADC Secretariat Gaborone Botswana mmokoena@sadc.int<br />

Lesotho National<br />

Development<br />

Corporation (LNDC)<br />

South African<br />

Revenue Service<br />

Maseru<br />

Lesotho<br />

ifo@lndc.org.ls<br />

molapop@lndc.org.ls<br />

Pretoria South Africa lmolefe@sars.gov.za<br />

Director Department of Energy Gaborone Botswana kemolosiwa@gov.bw<br />

Deputy Director;<br />

Multilateral Africa<br />

Transport and<br />

Logistics Expert<br />

PATW Consulting<br />

Associates CC<br />

Department of<br />

Transport ; RSA<br />

Cramerview South Africa jeff.mosmann@discoverymail.co.za<br />

Pretoria South Africa mpahlwa@dot.gov.za<br />

c/o MCC Ltd Lilongwe Malawi sbmpata@yahoo.co.uk<br />


141. Mpye, Ms Elizabeth Deputy Director<br />

142. Mseleku, Mr Sipho<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

143. Mufukare, Mr John Executive Director<br />

144. Munyaradzi, Mr Ranga<br />

145. Mupanomunda, Mr.<br />

Stanley<br />

Senior Customs<br />

Advisor<br />

146. Muradzikwa, Mr Sam Chief Economist<br />

147. Musaba, Dr Lawrence<br />

148. Musariri, Mr Joseph<br />

Department of<br />

Transport ; RSA<br />

Association of SADC<br />

Chambers of<br />

Commerce and<br />

Industry (ASCCI)<br />

Employers'<br />

Confederation of<br />

Zimbabwe (EMCOZ)<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Pretoria South Africa mpyee@dot.go.za<br />

Sandton South Africa sipho@ascci.org.za<br />

Harare Zimbabwe director@emcoz.co.zw<br />

Associate Consultant Utho Capital Johannesburg South Africa<br />

Coordination Centre<br />

Manager<br />

President of Fiscal,<br />

Customs and<br />

International Trade<br />

Committee CTA<br />

149. Mutambo, Mr Alick Financial Controller<br />

150. Mutonya, Mr Njuguna<br />

151. Mwape, Mr John<br />

152. Mzungu, Mr Fanuel<br />

153. Nagy, Mr Jason<br />

154. Naidoo, MS Karen<br />

Colette<br />

Communication<br />

Consultant<br />

Senior Transport<br />

Economist<br />

Commisioner of<br />

Customs & Excise<br />

Africa Business<br />

Development<br />

Manager<br />

Director; Maritime<br />

Transport<br />

Development Bank of<br />

South Africa (DBSA)<br />

Southern African<br />

Power Pool (SAPP)<br />

Federation of<br />

Clearing and<br />

Forwarding<br />

Associations of<br />

Southern Africa<br />

(FCFASA)<br />

NICO Insurance (ZFE<br />

member organisation)<br />

Port Management<br />

Association of<br />

Eastern and Southern<br />

Africa (PMAESA)<br />

Ministry of<br />

Communications and<br />

Transport<br />

Malawi Revenue<br />

Authority<br />

US Trade &<br />

Development Agency<br />

Department of<br />

Transport ; RSA<br />

Gaborone Botswana rmunyaradzi@satradehub.org<br />

Midrand South Africa samsonm@dbsa.org<br />

Harare Zimbabwe musaba@sapp.co.zw<br />

Harare Zimbabwe josephmusariri@yahoo.com<br />

Lusaka Zambia aemutamo@nicozambia.com<br />

Mombasa Kenya dmutonya@pmaesa.org<br />

Lusaka Zambia jcmwape2002@yahoo.com<br />

Blantyre Malawi femzungu@mra.mw<br />

Johannesburg South Africa jnagy@ustda.gov<br />

Pretoria South Africa naidook@dot.gov.za<br />


155. Ndhlovu, Mr Rexter Consultant<br />

Rexter R Ndhlovu<br />

Consultancy Services<br />

Lusaka Zambia rexter_ndhlovu@yahoo.com<br />

156. Ndwamato, Mr. Vuwani<br />

Director; Air<br />

Department of<br />

Transport<br />

Transport ; RSA<br />

Pretoria South Africa Ndwamatov@dot.gov.za<br />

157. Ngamlagosi, Mr Felix<br />

Director of<br />

Energy and Water<br />

Dar-es-<br />

Regulatory<br />

Utilities Regulatory<br />

Salaam<br />

Economics (DRE) Authority (EWURA)<br />

Tanzania ngamlagosi@ewura.go.tz<br />

158. Nghipondoka-Robiati,<br />

Namibian Agricultural<br />

Trade Advisor<br />

Ms N<br />

Trade <strong>Forum</strong><br />

Windhoek Namibia nrobiati@nammic.com.na<br />

159. Ngubane, Mr<br />

Director Operations<br />

Stephenson<br />

& Marketing<br />

Swaziland Railway Mbabane Swaziland stephenson@swazirail.co.sz<br />

160. Nolan, Stephen J Ambassador<br />

United States<br />

Embassy<br />

Gaborone Botswana greern@state.gov<br />

161. Notshulwana, Mr Mxolisi<br />

Researcher - Development Bank of<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Integration South Africa (DBSA)<br />

Midrand South Africa mxolisin@dbsa.org<br />

162. Nyatsanza, Mr. Kevin Senior Associate Utho Capital Johannesburg South Africa kevin@utho.co.za<br />

163. Nzau, Mr Andre Director<br />

Angolan Chamber of<br />

Commerce<br />

Luanda Angola nzau@hotmail.com<br />

164. O'Brien, Mr Ian<br />

Operations Manager,<br />

Trade Facilitation<br />

and Capacity<br />

Building<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Gaborone Botswana iobrien@satradehub.org<br />

165. Pai, Mr Arun Consultant for<br />

Mozambique Ports<br />

and Railways<br />

Maputo Mozambique arun@cfmnet.co.mz<br />

166. Pamacheche, Mr Fudzai Project Coordinator<br />

United Nations<br />

Development<br />

Johannesburg South Africa fudzai.pamacheche@undp.org<br />

Programme (UNDP)<br />

167. Partow, Ms Zeinab Senior Economist The World Bank Pretoria South Africa zpartow@worldbank.org<br />

168. Passen, Mr Andrew Consul General<br />

American Consulate<br />

General<br />

Johannesburg South Africa passenaa@state.gov<br />

President of Fiscal, Confederation of<br />

169. Patel, Mr Kekobad<br />

Customs and Business<br />

kpatel@cta.org.mz<br />

Maputo Mozambique<br />

International Trade Associations of<br />

msantos@cta.org.mz<br />

Committee CTA Mozambique<br />

170. Perry, Mr Robert<br />

171. Phipps, Mr Larry Consultant RailConsult Tucson USA lphipps1@cox.net<br />

172. Phiri, Mr Gideon M<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Private Fikani <strong>Regional</strong><br />

Sector Advisor Support Services<br />

Gaborone Botswana Fikani.Consulting@yahoo.com<br />

173. Punungwe, Mr Godwin Transport Advisor<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Gaborone Botswana gpunungwe@satradehub.org<br />


174. Qobo, Dr. Mzukisi<br />

175. Ramaema , Mrs<br />

Mpatliseng<br />

Chief Director; Trade<br />

Policy<br />

Chief Director; Intern<br />

Relations<br />

176. Ranoto, Mr Tshepo Economist<br />

177. Rathebe, Ms Jennifer<br />

178. Rathumbu, Mr. Mathodzi<br />

Technical Director:<br />

RSP<br />

Senior Sector<br />

Specialist<br />

179. Ratnikov, Mr Alexander Technical Attache<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Department of Trade<br />

and Industry<br />

Department of<br />

Transport ; RSA<br />

Department of<br />

Agriculture<br />

Pretoria South Africa mzukisi.qobo@gmail.com<br />

Pretoria South Africa RamaemaM@dot.gov.za<br />

Pretoria South Africa TshepoR@nda.agric.za<br />

The ComMark Trust Pretoria South Africa jennifer@commark.org<br />

Gauteng Department<br />

of Economic<br />

Development<br />

World Customs<br />

Organization<br />

180. Ravelle, Mr Gene speaker Johannesburg South Africa<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Deputy USAID/Southern<br />

181. Reed, Ms Leslie<br />

Director<br />

Africa<br />

Johannesburg South Africa Mathodzi. Rathumbu@gauteng.gov.za<br />

Brussels Belgium alexander.ratnikov@wcoomd.org<br />

Pretoria South Africa lreed@usaid.gov<br />

182. Reuss, Mr Konrad Standard and Poor's konrad_reuss@standardandpoors.com<br />

183. Richards, Mr Chris Chairman<br />

184. Ricover, Mr Andy<br />

Air Transport<br />

Specialist<br />

185. Rojas, Mrsr Kari Agricultural Attache<br />

186. Rusike, Mr Malvern Executive Director<br />

187. Rustomjee, Dr Zavareh<br />

Independent<br />

Consultant<br />

188. Salama, Mr Robert Senior Manager<br />

189. Samuel, Mr Eduardo Economist<br />

190. Savolainen, Mr Juha<br />

First Secretary,<br />

Development and<br />

Trade<br />

South African<br />

Association of Freight<br />

Forwarders<br />

Johannesburg South Africa chrisrichards@dunkeld.co.za<br />

Nathan Associates Buenos Aires Argentina andy@ricover.net<br />

USDA/Foreign<br />

Agricultural Service<br />

Africa Corporate<br />

Advisors, a division of<br />

Trans Continental<br />

Equity Growth Fund<br />

Zavareh Rustomjee &<br />

Associates<br />

Malawi Export<br />

Promotion Council<br />

Mozambique Civil<br />

Aviation Authority<br />

Pretoria South Africa kari.rojas@fas.usda.gov<br />

Harare Zimbabwe mrusike@africacorp.co.zw<br />

Gallow Manor South Africa Zavareh@Rustomjee.co.za<br />

Blantyre Malawi robsalama@africa-online.net<br />

Maputo Mozambique dudu_moz@hotmail.com<br />

Embassy of Finland Pretoria South Africa juha.savolainen@formin.fi<br />


191. Seay, Ms Davinia<br />

192. Seloane, Ms Mputle<br />

193. Sengani, Mr. Ndivhuyo<br />

194. Shiimi, Mr Wendelinus<br />

Ipumbu<br />

Political/Economic<br />

Officer<br />

Assistant Director:<br />

Multilateral<br />

Organisations<br />

Liason Officer; Intern<br />

Relations<br />

Assistant Governor<br />

and Head of<br />

Financial Stability<br />

195. Shongwe, Mr Henry Chief Energy Officer<br />

U. S. Embassy Mbabane Swaziland seaydm@state.gov<br />

Department of Trade<br />

and Industry, DTI<br />

Department of<br />

Transport ; RSA<br />

Pretoria South Africa Mseloane@thedti.gov.za<br />

Pretoria South Africa SenganiN@dot.gov.za<br />

Bank of Namibia Windhoek Namibia ipumbu.shiimi@bon.com.na<br />

Ministry of Natural<br />

Resources and<br />

Energy<br />

Mbabane Swaziland shongweh@gov.sz<br />

196. Sichilima, Mr Mupelwa SADC Secretariat Gaborone Botswana msichilima@sadc.int<br />

197. Sichone, Mr Elijah Executive Secretary<br />

<strong>Regional</strong> Electricity<br />

Regulators<br />

Association of<br />

Southern Africa<br />

(RERA)<br />

Windhoek Namibia ecsichone@rerasadc.com<br />

198. Simana Paulo, Ms<br />

Angelina<br />

199. Simataa, Mr Bevan<br />

200. Sitoe, Mr Ambrosio<br />

201. Siwisa, Ms Simi<br />

Director Civil<br />

Aviation /<br />

Transportation Policy<br />

and Regulation<br />

Programme<br />

Coordinator<br />

Head of Investments<br />

Department<br />

Director Economic<br />

Policy<br />

202. Skarshinski, Mr Leon Trade Consultant<br />

203. Smith, Mr Michael<br />

204. Smith, Mr. Johnny<br />

Short Term ICT<br />

Consultant<br />

Business<br />

Development<br />

Executive<br />

Ministry of Works and<br />

Transport<br />

Trans-Kalahari<br />

Corridor Secretariat<br />

Ministry of Transport<br />

and Communications<br />

Business Unity South<br />

Africa (BUSA)<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

Walvis Bay Corridor<br />

Group<br />

Windhoek Namibia simpaulo@mweb.com.na<br />

Windhoek Namibia bevan@wbcg.com.na<br />

Maputo Mozambique ambrosioadolfo@yahoo.com.br<br />

Johannesburg South Africa simi-siwisa@busa.org.za<br />

Gaborone Botswana lskarshinski@satradehub.org<br />

Nairobi Kenya mwbsmith@yahoo.com<br />

Windhoek Namibia johny@wbcg.com.na<br />

205. Statham, Adv Laureen Partner JB Consult Pretoria South Africa laureen@jbconsult.co.za<br />


206. Sunga, Mr Ishmael<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

Southern African<br />

Confederation of<br />

Agricultural Unions<br />

(SACAU)<br />

Pretoria South Africa ishmael.sunga@sacau.org<br />

207. Szymanski, Mr Maciek Group Economist African Alliance Melrose Arch South Africa szymanskim@africanalliance.com<br />

Embassy of the<br />

Political/Economic<br />

208. Taylor, Mrs Adrienne<br />

United States of Gaborone Botswana TaylorAB@state.gov<br />

Officer<br />

America<br />

209. Tregurtha, Ms Norma RSP: Manager The ComMark Trust Pretoria South Africa norma@commark.org<br />

Mpumalanga<br />

210. Tshavhungwa, Mrs Azwi Trade Advisor Economic Growth<br />

Agency<br />

Johannesburg South Africa azwi@mega.gov.za<br />

211. Uddin, Miss Daleya<br />

212. Ukuassapi, Miss<br />

Alexandra<br />

213. Van den Berg, Miss<br />

Juanita<br />

214. Vosloo, Mrs Helene<br />

215. Workman, Mr Derek<br />

Transportation and<br />

Information and<br />

Communications<br />

Technology Officer<br />

United States<br />

Embassy<br />

Pretoria South Africa UddinSD@state.gov<br />

Technician Angola Customs Luanda Angola Aukuassapi@alfandega.gv.ao<br />

Office Administrator AFUR Pretoria South Africa Juanita.VandenBerg@nersa.org<br />

Manager: Economic<br />

Regulation<br />

216. Yarmoshuk, Ms Lisa Chief of Party<br />

217. Ylvisåker, Mr Hans Terje<br />

Senior <strong>Regional</strong><br />

Energy Coordinator<br />

218. Zucule, Mr Joaquim Executive Director<br />

Electricity Control<br />

Board<br />

Southern Africa<br />

Global<br />

Competitiveness Hub<br />

USAID TCBoost<br />

Project<br />

Royal Norwegian<br />

Embassy in Maputo<br />

Mozambique Ports<br />

and Railways South<br />

Region<br />

Windhoek Namibia leens@ecb.org.na<br />

Gaborone Botswana dworkman@satradehub.org<br />

Arlington VA<br />

United<br />

States<br />

lyarmoshuk@nathaninc.com<br />

Maputo Mozambique hans.ylvisaker@gmail.com<br />

Maputo Mozambique<br />


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