PLC Programming

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Command File (cmdfile) Commands<br />

'Compile files')<br />

eni compile sdb on<br />

eni compile sdb off<br />

eni compile prg on<br />

eni compile prg off<br />

The option 'Create binary symbol information (.sym)' for the<br />

objects of category 'Compile files' will be activated/deactivated<br />

(Dialog 'Project' 'Options' 'Project source control' 'ENI settings' for<br />

'Compile files')<br />

The option 'Create boot project' for the objects of category<br />

'Compile files' will be activated/deactivated<br />

(Dialog 'Project' 'Options' 'Project source control' 'ENI settings' for<br />

'Compile files')<br />

Commands of the menu 'Project' 'Data Base Link' for working with the data base:<br />

eni set <br />

'eni set set<br />

:<br />

:<br />

eni getall<br />

'eni get<br />

:<br />

:<br />

eni checkoutall<br />

""<br />

eni checkout<br />

""<br />

:<br />

:<br />

eni checkinall<br />

""<br />

eni checkin<br />

""<br />

:<br />

:<br />

The object gets assigned to the named data base category<br />

('Define')<br />

The objects which are listed separated by spaces will be<br />

assigned to the named data base category. ('Multiple Define')<br />

Example:<br />

"eni set project pou:as_fub pou:st_prg"<br />

-> the objects (pou) as_fub and st_prg get assigned to category<br />

'Project objects'<br />

The latest version of all objects of the named category will be<br />

called from the data base ('Get All Latest Versions')<br />

The objects of the named category, which are listed separated<br />

by spaces will be called from the data base. ('Multiple Define').<br />

('Get latest version')<br />

Example:<br />

"eni project get pou:as_fub gvl:global_1"<br />

-> the POU as_fub.pou and the global variables list global_1.gvl will be<br />

called from the data base<br />

All objects of the named category will be checked out from the<br />

data base. The defined comment will be stored with the checkout-action<br />

in the version history.<br />

All objects (Objecttype:POUname) which are listed separated<br />

by spaces will be checked out from the data base. The defined<br />

comment will be stored with the check-out-action in the version<br />

history for each particular object.<br />

Example:<br />

"eni project checkout "for working on xy" pou:as_fub<br />

gvl:global_1"<br />

-> The POU as_fub and the global variables list global_1 will be<br />

checked out and the comment "for working on xy" will be stored with<br />

this action<br />

All objects of the project, which are under source control in the<br />

project data base, will be checked in. The defined comment will<br />

be stored with the check-in-action.<br />

All objects (Objecttype:POUname) which are listed separated<br />

by spaces will be checked in to the data base. The defined<br />

comment will be stored with the check-in-action in the version<br />

10-72 CoDeSys V2.3

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