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orange TM<br />

<strong>NON</strong>-<strong>DISCLOSURE</strong> <strong>AGREEMENT</strong><br />

This Non-Disclosure Agreement (hereafter “Agreement”), made as of _____________, 200_<br />

by and between<br />

<strong>Orange</strong> Communications SA<br />

Rue du Caudray 4<br />

CH-1020 Renens 1<br />

Switzerland<br />

and<br />

(“ORANGE”)<br />

(“PARTNER”)<br />

sets forth the terms and conditions governing the disclosure of Confidential Information (cf.<br />

section 2).<br />

1. PURPOSE<br />

ORANGE and the PARTNER wish to explore business opportunities of mutual interest<br />

concerning each Party’s business, operations, proprietary technology and products. In<br />

connection with this opportunity certain Confidential Information (cf. section 2) proprietary to<br />

each Party may be disclosed between the Parties.<br />


The party from time to time disclosing Confidential Information, as herein defined, shall be<br />

referred to as the ”Disclosing Party”.<br />

The party from time to time receiving such Confidential Information shall be referred to as the<br />

”Recipient”.<br />

The term “Confidential Information” shall refer to the confidential information disclosed by<br />

ORANGE or PARTNER, as the case may be. Confidential Information means any of the<br />

Disclosing Party’s proprietary information, not excluded by section 3 below, relating to:<br />

(a) the Disclosing Party’s proprietary technology and products, including without<br />

limitation technical data, trade secrets, know-how, research, product plans, ideas or<br />

concepts, products, services, software, inventions, patent applications, techniques,<br />

processes, developments, algorithms, formulas, technology, designs, schematics,<br />

drawings, engineering, and hardware configuration information (collectively “technical<br />

information”); and<br />

(b) proprietary information relating to the Disclosing Party’s operations and business of<br />

financial plans or strategies, including but not limited to customers, customer lists,<br />

markets, financial statements and projections, product pricing and marketing,<br />

financial or other strategic business, plans or information (collectively “business<br />

information”);<br />

January 2009<br />

Non-Disclosure Agreement

<strong>Orange</strong> Communications SA<br />

disclosed to the Recipient by the Disclosing Party either directly or indirectly, in writing<br />

(whether printed or in electronic form), copies (whether hard or soft copies), orally or by<br />

drawings or inspection of samples, equipment, facilities or otherwise.<br />

Confidential Information may be marked by the Disclosing Party as "Confidential,"<br />

"Proprietary" or the substantial equivalent thereof and Confidential Information that is<br />

disclosed orally or visually may be identified by the Disclosing Party as confidential at the<br />

time of disclosure. However, Confidential Information not marked or identified as such must<br />

be treated in the same manner.<br />

“Effective Date” means the date as stated above, the date of signature or the date of first<br />

disclosure of Confidential Information whichever is earlier.<br />


Confidential Information shall not include any information that the Recipient can demonstrate:<br />

a) was in the Recipient's possession without confidentiality restriction prior to<br />

disclosure by the Disclosing Party hereunder;<br />

b) was generally known in the trade or business in which it is practiced by the<br />

Disclosing Party at the time of disclosure to Recipient hereunder, or becomes so<br />

generally known after such disclosure, through no act of Recipient;<br />

c) had come into the possession of Recipient without confidentiality restriction from a<br />

third party and such third party is under no obligation to the Disclosing Party to<br />

maintain the confidentiality of such information;<br />

d) was developed by Recipient independently of and without reference to Confidential<br />

Information;<br />

e) was approved for release by express written consent by the Disclosing Party; or<br />

f) was required to be disclosed in order to comply with a judicial order or decree,<br />

provided that the Recipient shall use its best efforts to maintain the confidentiality<br />

of the Confidential Information, e.g. asserting in such action any applicable<br />

privileges, and shall, immediately after gaining knowledge or receiving notice of<br />

such action, notify the Disclosing Party thereof and give both Parties the<br />

opportunity to seek any other legal remedies so as to maintain such Confidential<br />

Information in confidentiality.<br />

If the Recipient discloses and/or uses information which the Disclosing Party considers to be<br />

Confidential Information, the onus of providing evidence for the existence of one of the above<br />

limitations shall be with the Recipient.<br />

If a particular portion or aspect of Confidential Information becomes subject to any of the<br />

foregoing limitations, all other portions or aspects of such information shall remain subject to<br />

all of the provisions of this Agreement.<br />

4. <strong>NON</strong>-<strong>DISCLOSURE</strong><br />

The Recipient shall use Confidential Information only for the purpose for which such<br />

information has been disclosed and shall in general not disclose such information to third<br />

parties without prior written consent by the Disclosing Party.<br />

Other than as expressly permitted, the Recipient shall only disclose any Confidential<br />

Information to employee(s) and/or third party/parties on a need-to-know basis (permitted<br />

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<strong>Orange</strong> Communications SA<br />

purpose). The Recipient shall be responsible in case that any such employee(s) and/or third<br />

party/parties do not adhere to the non-disclosure provisions as set out in this Agreement.<br />

Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Party may disclose Confidential Information to its<br />

affiliates, to its parent company/companies and/or any of the latter’s affiliates (directly or<br />

indirectly controlled), provided that the Party shall cause such companies to be bound to the<br />

comparable obligations on non-disclosure as those set out under this Agreement.<br />


This Agreement enters into effect from the Effective Date for an unlimited period of time. Any<br />

party can terminate it at any time by registered letter. However, for each piece of Confidential<br />

Information, which has already been disclosed at the time of the termination, the obligations<br />

hereunder shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the Non-Disclosure Period<br />

(cf. hereafter), whereupon they shall expire.<br />

Except as expressly permitted herein, for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of<br />

disclosure (the "Non-Disclosure Period"), the Recipient shall not disclose to third parties<br />

Confidential Information.<br />

In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be for any<br />

reason held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or<br />

unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Agreement, but such Agreement<br />

shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been set<br />

forth herein and the Agreement shall be carried out as nearly as possible according to its<br />

original terms and intent. The same shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to any situation<br />

not contemplated by the Parties in this Agreement.<br />


Any Confidential Information including copies and any derivatives thereof that has been<br />

disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the Recipient shall remain the property of the Disclosing<br />

Party and shall be promptly returned to the Disclosing Party, at any time and upon the<br />

Disclosing Party’s request. Each Party shall carry its costs with respect to the return.<br />

The Recipient shall not make any copies in any form or otherwise disseminate any<br />

Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party, except as<br />

reasonably required to accomplish Disclosing Party’s permitted purpose.<br />

7. BREACH OF <strong>AGREEMENT</strong><br />

The Recipient agrees to compensate the Disclosing Party for any damages resulting from<br />

any breach of any of obligations under this Agreement. Any payment made under this<br />

section 7 shall not relieve the Parties of their further obligations under this Agreement, and<br />

the Disclosing Party shall have the right to seek immediate injunctive relief to enforce the<br />

obligations under this Agreement and shall not affect any other rights and remedies the<br />

Disclosing Party may have.<br />


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<strong>Orange</strong> Communications SA<br />

Other than as expressly specified herein, the Disclosing Party grants no right to Recipient<br />

under any copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other proprietary rights to use or<br />

reproduce Confidential Information. All Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights on the<br />

Confidential Information remain in any case under the Disclosing Party’s property.<br />

This Agreement supersedes all prior oral or written agreements, commitments and<br />

understandings pertaining to the subject matter hereof. Any modifications must be agreed in<br />

writing.<br />

Any right granted under this Agreement may not be assigned or otherwise transferred<br />

without prior written consent of the other Party.<br />

Subject to applicable law, any public announcement relating to the existence of this<br />

Agreement and/or discussions between the Parties must be previously agreed between the<br />

Parties in writing.<br />

Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to oblige the Parties to enter into further<br />

contracts with respect to the subject matter thereof or any other subject matter.<br />

This Agreement and all actions related hereto shall be governed by the laws of<br />

Switzerland. Place of jurisdiction shall either be Lausanne or Zurich. The right to<br />

choose one of the mentioned places of jurisdiction lies with the plaintiff.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be<br />

executed by its duly authorized representatives.<br />

For the PARTNER:<br />

For ORANGE:<br />

Signature:<br />

Name:<br />

Signature:<br />

Name:<br />

Signature:<br />

Name:<br />

Signature:<br />

Name:<br />

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