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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerapan MIPA, <strong>Universitas</strong> Negeri<br />

Yogyakarta, ISBN 978-979-9314-4-3, 15 Mei 2010, 105-111<br />




Akhmad Fauzy and R.B. Fajriya Hakim<br />

Department of Statistics, <strong>Universitas</strong> <strong>Islam</strong> <strong>Indonesia</strong>, Jogjakarta 55584, <strong>Indonesia</strong><br />

Abstract<br />

This paper describes existing methods and develops new methods for constructing confidence<br />

bands for survivor function of one parameter exponential distribution under double type-II<br />

censoring. Our results are built on extensions of previous work by Raqab (1995) and<br />

Balakrishnan (1990). They use maximum likelihood estimator to construct interval estimation<br />

under double type-II censoring. The confidence bands are developed for survivor function using<br />

the confidence region about survivor function. We will use another method, known as the<br />

bootstrap percentile from Efron (1979). This method gives shorter confidence bands compared<br />

to the traditional method.<br />

Keywords: bootstrap percentile, confidence bands, double type-II censoring<br />

Introduction<br />

The survivor function or reliability function is a property of any random variable that<br />

maps a set of events, usually associated with mortality or failure of some system, onto time. It<br />

captures the probability that the system will survive beyond a specified time. The term<br />

reliability function is common in engineering while the term survivor function is used in a<br />

broader range of applications, including human mortality.<br />

The exponential distribution is often proposed as a model in life testing and reliability<br />

because of its simplicity and the ease with which estimates can be calculated. [2] deals with<br />

inference procedures for the one-parameter exponential model. Inference for the two-parameter<br />

exponential model has been studied by [9], [10], [12] and many others, based on complete<br />

samples and type-II censored data.<br />

In reliability studies, due to time limitations and/or other restrictions on data collection,<br />

several lifetimes of units put on test may not be observed. In addition, sometimes the lowest<br />

and/or highest few observations in a sample could be due to some negligence or some other<br />

extraordinary reasons. In such cases, it is convenient to remove those outlying observations.<br />

Type-II censored samples are considered here, whereby, in an ordered sample of size n , a<br />

known number of observations is missing at either end (single censoring) or both ends (double<br />

censoring). Doubly censored samples have been considered, by authors, like [1] and [11]. They<br />

used maximum likelihood estimator to construct interval estimation for survivor function of one<br />

parameter exponential distribution under double type-II censoring. Using the intervals<br />

estimation for survivor functions at every lifetime develops confidence bands for survivor<br />

function. This band allows us to see the region in which the survivor function lies.<br />

Bootstrap method is a computer-based method for assigning measures of accuracy to<br />

statistical estimates, especially to calculate the confidence interval. The aim of using bootstrap<br />

method is to gain the best estimation from minimal data [5].<br />


[6] used bootstrap method to construct interval estimation for one parameter exponential<br />

distribution under double type-II censoring. In [7] bootstrap method was utilised to construct the<br />

interval estimation for survivor function for one parameter exponential distribution under<br />

double type-II censoring. In this paper the focus is to make comparison of the confidence bands<br />

for survivor function obtained by the conventional method and bootstrap percentile method.<br />

Methodology<br />

An example of real data is analysed to illustrate the procedure. The data is an air quality<br />

date extracted from the Malaysian Data Report 2000 obtained from the Department of<br />

Environment, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. The confidence band for the<br />

survivor function was first constructed by the traditional approach. From the bootstrap’s<br />

repeated samples, the convergence condition is determined. This will be fallowed by developing<br />

the confidence band for the survivor function. The S-Plus software was used in the development<br />

of the programme.<br />

Theory<br />

The actual survival time of an individual, t , can be regarded as the value of a variable T ,<br />

which can take any non-negative value. The survivor function, S t<br />

, is defined to be the<br />

probability that the survival time is greater than or equal to t , and so:<br />

S t P T t 1 F t . (1)<br />

<br />

The survivor function can therefore be used to represent the probability that an individual<br />

survives from the time origin to some time beyond t [3].<br />

The essential element in lifetime data analysis is the presence of a nonnegative response,<br />

t , with appreciable dispersion and often with censoring. Due to sampling methods or the<br />

occurrence of some competing risk of removal from the study, several lifetimes of individuals<br />

may be censored. By censored data we mean that, in a potential sample of size n , a known<br />

number of observations is missing at either end (single censoring) or both ends (double<br />

censoring). The type of censoring just described is often called type-II censoring [8].<br />

Suppose some initial observations are censored in addition to some final observations<br />

being censored. Out of the n components put to test, suppose the experimenter fails to observe<br />

the first r and the last s , observations are then said to be double type-II censoring.<br />

t r 1: n tr<br />

2:<br />

n ... tns:<br />

n.<br />

(2)<br />

One Parameter Exponential Distribution<br />

One parameter exponential distribution has probability density function [10]:<br />

1 t <br />

f t<br />

; =<br />

exp<br />

; 0<br />

(3)<br />

<br />

Here, is the expected lifetime. Then it is simple exercise to derive the maximum likelihood<br />

estimation of the as [1]:<br />

ns<br />

i r<br />

t i n s t n s n T<br />

ˆ 1 : : <br />

(4)<br />

n s r n s r<br />

T is sometimes referred to as the total observed lifetime or the total time on test, since it is the<br />

total of the observed lifetimes for all n individuals. Confidence intervals on are obtained<br />


from the exact sampling distribution of the following quantity related to the total time on test T<br />

:<br />

ns<br />

2n<br />

s r<br />

ir<br />

t i : n s t n<br />

s : n n<br />

s rˆ<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

<br />

~ 2n-s-r<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

(5)<br />

That is, the quantity n<br />

s r/<br />

<br />

2 n<br />

s r<br />

degree of freedom. A two-sided, equal-tail, <br />

2 is exactly distributed as a chi-squared variable with<br />

1 level confidence interval can<br />

therefore be constructed from the probability statement:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

2<br />

2 n s r ˆ<br />

2<br />

Pr <br />

<br />

<br />

1<br />

<br />

(6)<br />

2 n-s-r<br />

; / 2<br />

2 n-s-r<br />

; 1<br />

/ 2<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

2<br />

Here 2n sr;<br />

q<br />

is the q-quantile of the<br />

The 1 <br />

confidence intervals for is:<br />

2T<br />

ˆ<br />

2T<br />

min <br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

;1<br />

<br />

n-s-r -<br />

/ 2<br />

2n-s-r<br />

;<br />

2<br />

distribution, at n<br />

s r<br />

/ 2<br />

ˆ<br />

<br />

max<br />

Survivor function on one parameter exponential distribution is:<br />

S<br />

t<br />

t<br />

-1<br />

t<br />

<br />

Ft<br />

f t<br />

dt<br />

1<br />

exp<br />

t/<br />

dt<br />

exp<br />

t/<br />

<br />

2 degree of freedom.<br />

1 1 <br />

(8)<br />

0 0<br />

The 1 <br />

confidence for survivor function is:<br />

exp t / ˆ<br />

S t exp t ˆ<br />

(9)<br />

<br />

min /<br />

max<br />

(7)<br />

Bootstrap Percentile Method<br />

In setting up of the bootstrap method to find the confidence intervals and estimating<br />

significance levels, the method consists of approximating the distribution of a function of the<br />

observations and the underlying distribution, such as the pivot, denoted by Efron as the<br />

bootstrap distribution of this quantity. This distribution is obtained by replacing the unknown<br />

distribution by the empirical distribution of the data in the definition of the statistical function,<br />

and then resampling the data to obtain a Monte Carlo distribution for the resulting random<br />

variable [5].<br />

Bootstrap method is a computer-based method for assigning measures of accuracy to statistical<br />

estimates, especially to calculate the confidence interval. Bootstrap itself comes from the phrase<br />

“pull oneself up by one’s Bootstrap” which means to stand up by one’s own feet and do with<br />

minimal resources. The minimal resource is a minimum data, data which are free from certain<br />

assumption or data with no assumption at all about the population distribution. The aim of using<br />

bootstrap method is to gain the best estimation from minimal observation [4].<br />

The Bootstrap’s percentile procedures for the interval estimation for survivor function of<br />

exponential distribution under double type-II censoring are as follows:<br />

1 n s r to every observation of type-II censoring,<br />

1. give an equal opportunity <br />

2. take n<br />

s r<br />

sample with replication,<br />

3. do step 2 until B times in order to get an “independent bootstrap replications”,<br />

ˆ 1 2<br />

, ˆ B<br />

, ..., ˆ , and search for convergence condition. Calculate:<br />


S<br />

b<br />

*b *b<br />

t<br />

<br />

t / <br />

exp with<br />

ns<br />

r<br />

4. define the confidence interval at the level <br />

b<br />

b<br />

i<br />

t s t<br />

b<br />

i n n s n<br />

ˆ 1 : :<br />

<br />

, (10)<br />

n s r<br />

1 of the bootstrap percentile for<br />

survivor function of one and two parameters exponential distribution under double type<br />

II censoring as:<br />

<br />

S<br />

b<br />

<br />

/<br />

2 b<br />

<br />

1<br />

/ 2<br />

t , S t<br />

<br />

Expressions (11) refer to the ideal bootstrap situation where the bootstrap replications<br />

b<br />

are infinite. So if B = 2000 and = 0.05, <br />

/<br />

2<br />

b<br />

is the 50th and <br />

1 / 2<br />

S t<br />

1950th ordered value of the replications.<br />

S t<br />

(11)<br />

is the<br />

5. confidence bands for survivor function are developed using the intervals estimation for<br />

survivor functions at every lifetime.<br />

Results And Discussion<br />

The data presented in air pollutant (special case: carbon monoxide) data report 2000<br />

Malaysia from Department of Environment, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.<br />

The first 22 observations in a random sample of 28 lifetimes from carbon monoxide (ppm/part<br />

per million)) on 1 st December 2000 are as follow:<br />

- , - , - , 0.1100, 0.4950, 0.5338, 0.6075,<br />

0.6150, 0.7029, 0.7350, 0.7871, 0.8650, 0.8925, 0.8938,<br />

0.9429, 0.9543, 0.9629, 1.0186, 1.0500, 1.0514, 1.0625,<br />

1.2171, 2.3050, 2.8038, 2.9275, - , - , - .<br />

These data are of double type-II censoring. Using Lilliefors test, the data are exponentially<br />

distributed. As an illustration we will use these data to construct confidence bands for the<br />

survivor function.<br />

Based on the one parameter exponential distribution under double type-II, the intervals<br />

estimation for survivor functions at every lifetime, are tabulated in Table 1.<br />

Table 1.<br />

The floor (F) and ceiling (C) for survivor functions to every lifetime at the level of<br />

99% and 95 % with traditional method<br />

lifetime<br />

Traditional method<br />

99% 95%<br />

F C F C<br />

0.1100 0.884833 0.960657 0.896491 0.954154<br />

0.4950 0.576601 0.834752 0.611585 0.809624<br />

0.5338 0.552245 0.823017 0.588462 0.796332<br />

0.6075 0.508779 0.801179 0.546921 0.771682<br />

0.6150 0.504552 0.798989 0.542861 0.769217<br />

0.7029 0.457555 0.773769 0.497472 0.740904<br />


0.7350 0.441505 0.764759 0.481860 0.730827<br />

0.7871 0.416646 0.750358 0.457557 0.714761<br />

0.8650 0.382064 0.729329 0.423486 0.691396<br />

0.8925 0.370554 0.722047 0.412074 0.683332<br />

0.8938 0.370018 0.721705 0.411542 0.682953<br />

0.9429 0.350351 0.708890 0.391952 0.668795<br />

0.9543 0.345937 0.705947 0.387539 0.665550<br />

0.9629 0.342643 0.703735 0.384242 0.663113<br />

1.0186 0.322058 0.689576 0.363560 0.647541<br />

1.0500 0.311004 0.681721 0.352395 0.638924<br />

1.0514 0.310520 0.681373 0.351905 0.638542<br />

1.0625 0.306710 0.678618 0.348047 0.635526<br />

1.2171 0.258252 0.641396 0.298499 0.594960<br />

2.3050 0.077002 0.431247 0.101303 0.374037<br />

2.8038 0.044212 0.359486 0.061722 0.302338<br />

2.9275 0.038529 0.343620 0.054585 0.286796<br />

Table 2.<br />

The floor (F) and ceiling (C) for survivor functions to every lifetime at the level of<br />

99% and 95 % bootstrap percentile method<br />

lifetime<br />

Bootstrap percentile method<br />

99% 95%<br />

F C F C<br />

0.1100 0.886015 0.943217 0.894880 0.939989<br />

0.4950 0.580075 0.768692 0.606653 0.756924<br />

0.5338 0.555834 0.753004 0.583346 0.740580<br />

0.6075 0.512543 0.724081 0.541513 0.710500<br />

0.6150 0.508331 0.721200 0.537428 0.707508<br />

0.7029 0.461474 0.688285 0.491785 0.673371<br />

0.7350 0.445461 0.676643 0.476101 0.661319<br />

0.7871 0.420645 0.658165 0.451703 0.642216<br />

0.8650 0.386095 0.631473 0.417536 0.614677<br />

0.8925 0.374589 0.622312 0.406102 0.605240<br />

0.8938 0.374053 0.621882 0.405569 0.604798<br />

0.9429 0.354383 0.605864 0.385953 0.588319<br />

0.9543 0.349966 0.602205 0.381536 0.584558<br />

0.9629 0.346670 0.599459 0.378237 0.581736<br />

1.0186 0.326064 0.581974 0.357552 0.563789<br />

1.0500 0.314992 0.572343 0.346394 0.553916<br />

1.0514 0.314507 0.571917 0.345905 0.553480<br />

1.0625 0.310690 0.568554 0.342050 0.550035<br />

1.2171 0.262094 0.523708 0.292615 0.504214<br />

2.3050 0.079186 0.293764 0.097555 0.273400<br />

2.8038 0.045742 0.225358 0.058955 0.206501<br />

2.9275 0.039922 0.211020 0.052033 0.192619<br />

Connecting the intervals estimation of every lifetime develops confidence bands for survivor<br />

function with traditional method and bootstrap percentile method.<br />


Comparison of Confidence Bands<br />

Figure 1 and 2 give the confidence bands for survivor function on one parameter exponential<br />

distribution under double type-II censoring using the traditional method and the bootstrap<br />

percentile method.<br />

1.00<br />

0.90<br />

0.80<br />

0.70<br />

0.60<br />

0.50<br />

0.40<br />

0.30<br />

0.20<br />

0.10<br />

0.00<br />

t<br />

traditional t method<br />

bootstrap method<br />

0.110.4950.5340.6080.6150.7030.7350.7870.8650.8930.8940.9430.9540.9631.0191.0501.051.0631.2172.3052.8042.928<br />

Figure 1.<br />

99% Confidence bands for survivor function<br />

1.00<br />

0.90<br />

0.80<br />

0.70<br />

0.60<br />

0.50<br />

0.40<br />

0.30<br />

0.20<br />

0.10<br />

0.00<br />

0.11 0.4950.5340.6080.6150.7030.7350.7870.8650.8930.8940.9430.9540.9631.0191.0501.05 1.0631.2172.3052.8042.928<br />

traditional method<br />

bootstrap method<br />

t<br />

Figure 2.<br />

95% Confidence bands for survivor function<br />

From these figures 1 and 2 with 99% and 95% respectively, the width of the confidence regions<br />

for the survivor function with bootstrap percentile are narrower compared to the traditional<br />

method.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Using the intervals estimation for survivor functions at every lifetime develops the confidence<br />

bands for survivor function. Bootstrap percentile method proved to be more potential in<br />

constructing confidence bands for survivor function on one parameter exponential distribution<br />

under double type-II censoring than the traditional method. Therefore, bootstrap method can be<br />

used as an alternative method in constructing confidence bands.<br />


Acknowledgement<br />

The author would like to acknowledged the financial support from <strong>Indonesia</strong>n Directorate<br />

General of Higher Education under Hibah Bersaing 2009-2010.<br />

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