noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -

noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... - noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -


dr. Iurie CIOCAN, Central Electoral Commission Secretary, Republic of Moldova Implementation of the State electronic register of voters Dear colleagues, good afternoon! I will speak about the use of information systems in the preparation and conduct of elections and referenda, and particularly on the compilation, verification, and use of voter lists. Our experience and the experience of our colleagues from other states brought us to the conclusion that the accuracy of voter lists is the basic element that creates or destroys public confidence in election results in general. One of the main issues that was raised in public debates after the parliamentary elections of April 5, 2009, was related to the quality of voter lists. The Central Electoral Commission, as the supreme body for organizing and holding elections, has made continuous efforts this year to verify all information that was submitted to the Central Electoral Commission with regard to the quality of the lists of April 5. Many facts were true, in particular those related to the quality of the lists. It was found that in many listed localities, the mayors, who are directly responsible for compiling the voter lists, did not include the citizens’ identity document numbers in these lists, which raised some confusion, already after the election. It is normal to learn from this kind of lessons, which the CEC has been doing this year. We redirected our activity from a classic system of compilation to an electronic one. According to the system applied in the past 15 to 18 years in Moldova, the lists are drawn up by local public administration bodies. Later, 20 days before election day, they are submitted to precinct electoral bureaus, but the electoral period in Moldova lasts 60 days. In the first 40 days, when being compiled, these

Conferinţa internaţională. NOILE TEHNOLOGII ÎN FORMAREA ŞI UTILIZAREA LISTELOR ELECTORALE. EVOLUŢII ŞI PERSPECTIVE 71 lists are screened by the LPA. Later, when the lists are submitted to PEBs, they become public. Who, when, where and under what conditions can check the voter lists The Central Electoral Commission, in cooperation with the Parliamentary Commission on amending the electoral legislation, has prepared a draft set of amendments to the electoral legislation. First, a basic principle must be observed, and namely that citizens must individually and personally verify their data, and in this respect the voters must be more responsible. It is to be established by law all the subjects who have the right to verify the voter lists. In the draft amendments to the Electoral Code a significant number of articles are proposed to be amended, including with regard to who and under what conditions can verify the voter lists. In 2008, the Parliament of the XVI-th legislature enacted Law no. 101, which has already been mentioned by the CEC Chairman, which, in detail, outlines the steps for implementing these information systems: from the creation of an electronic database that would contain all Moldovan voters. As a final result, it is desired to use the information systems through an electronic network, which would allow Moldovan Diaspora to easily participate in voting. Between these two big pillars, as are the electronic register and voting through information networks, the law gave us a period equal to one electoral cycle, which is normally four years. Unfortunately, for various reasons, in 2008, from May 8, when this law was adopted and until the end of 2008, which was a pre-election year, the CEC failed to start the practical work on the electronic register. The main reason was total lack of funds for this project. The first lot of money for this project came only after eight months from the adoption of this law. Today we can state with some satisfaction that the project is financed within the requirements, including from the Government, money being transferred by the Government, Council of Europe, and UNDP. Also, currently we can present, and we have already made some presentations to the media at their request, the equipment which was purchased by the Central Electoral Commission for the launch of the Electronic Register of Voters. We arranged a special room for the server in the CEC building. Today we are already completing the installation of the necessary equipment, of high performance, which will maintain this database and will create the technical conditions for using the database to its full capacity. Here I would like to note that this electronic register of voters is nothing but data

dr. Iurie CIOCAN,<br />

Central Electoral Commission Secretary, Republic of Moldova<br />

Implementation of the State electronic register of voters<br />

Dear colleagues, good afternoon!<br />

I will speak about the use of information systems in the preparation and conduct<br />

of elections and referenda, and particularly on the compilation, verification, and<br />

use of voter lists. Our experience and the experience of our colleagues from other<br />

states brought us to the conclusion that the accuracy of voter lists is the basic element<br />

that creates or destroys public confidence in election results in general. One<br />

of the main issues that was raised in public debates after the parliamentary elections<br />

of April 5, 2009, was related to the quality of voter lists. The Central Electoral<br />

Commission, as the supreme body for organizing and holding elections, has<br />

made continuous efforts this year to verify all information that was submitted to<br />

the Central Electoral Commission with regard to the quality of the lists of April 5.<br />

Many facts were true, in particular those related to the quality of the lists. It was<br />

found that in many listed localities, the mayors, who are directly responsible for<br />

compiling the voter lists, did not include the citizens’ identity document numbers<br />

in these lists, which raised some confusion, already after the election. It is normal<br />

to learn from this kind of lessons, which the CEC has been doing this year.<br />

We redirected our activity from a classic system of compilation to an electronic<br />

one. According to the system applied in the past 15 to 18 years in Moldova, the<br />

lists are drawn up by local public administration bodies. Later, 20 days before<br />

election day, they are submitted to precinct electoral bureaus, but the electoral<br />

period in Moldova lasts 60 days. In the first 40 days, when being compiled, these

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