noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -

noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... - noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -


50 Conferinţa internaţională. NOILE TEHNOLOGII ÎN FORMAREA ŞI UTILIZAREA LISTELOR ELECTORALE. EVOLUŢII ŞI PERSPECTIVE people included on the voter lists are complete and reflect the fact that a voter who is entitled to vote is legally included in the voter list. After compilation, the lists are checked at the homes of the citizens included in them, are signed by the Mayor, transmitted to the polling offices which, subsequently, make them public no later than 20 days before election day. The persons entitled to vote, who after the last participation in elections have changed their residence, are entitled, at latest 45 days before the next election, to declare their new place of residence to the local public administration body in order to be included in the voter list of the polling stationappropriate to their new place of residence. Each year, from January 1 until March 1, the local public authorities (mayor’s offices) check the voter lists at voters’ homes and, at latest on March 1, submit the electronic voter lists to the Central Electoral Commission. The voter lists that include military people residing in military units and their families, other voters residing on the territory of military units, are compiled based on data submitted by the respective military unit commanders. The military people residing outside military units, and their family members, are included in the voter lists corresponding to their homes. For polling stations set up in sanatoriums and rest homes, hospitals and other curative stationary institutions, voter lists are compiled based on citizens’ own statements of residence or data provided by heads of those institutions. For polling stations set up outside the Republic of Moldova, voter lists are compiled based on data collected by the heads of diplomatic missions and consular offices operating in those countries. At the beginning of the election period, the diplomatic missions and consular offices shall notify the public and update the voter lists held. Seven days before Election Day, the voter lists’ updating procedure is stopped. Updated lists are sent to the Central Electoral Commission immediately. The voter may be included only in one voter list and one polling station based on the documents attesting their residence in that polling station perimeter. Voters who at that moment have both domicile and residence are included, for

Conferinţa internaţională. NOILE TEHNOLOGII ÎN FORMAREA ŞI UTILIZAREA LISTELOR ELECTORALE. EVOLUŢII ŞI PERSPECTIVE 51 the period of validity of residence, in the voter list belonging to the polling station in whose territorial area they reside. If the voter changes residence in the period between the voter lists compilation date and election day, the polling office, upon voter’s request and based on the ID card, passport or other identification document, shall issue an absentee certificate. The voter who has received the absentee certificate shall sign in the voter list against their name acknowledging its receipt. Voter lists are made public 20 days before Election Day. A copy of the list is kept at the mayor’s office, and the other copy is permanently kept in the premises of the polling station. Voters shall be notified no later than 20 days before Election Day about the location (address, building) of the polling station where they will vote. Voters are provided the opportunity to see the voter lists and verify the correctness of their contents. They have the right to make complaints against their noninclusion or exclusion from the list and against other data entry errors committed against themselves or other voters not later than 5 days before the election. The competent electoral bodies examine such complaints within 24 hours, and their decisions can be challenged in court, according to the established procedure, in case they have received a refusal to correct the data or include them in the list. In fact, these provisions guarantee the authenticity of the voter lists, as required by the Code of Good Practices in Electoral Matters adopted by the European Commission for Democracy through Law during the 52 nd plenary meeting (Venice, 18-19 October 2002, by observing the following criteria; • Voter lists must be permanent; • Voter lists must be updated at least once a year; • There should be an administrative procedure - subject to judicial control - or a judicial procedure that would allow to register a voter who was not previously registered; • There should be a similar procedure that would allow voters to correct incorrect entries; • And last but not least there should be guarantees for people entitled to vote who have changed their homes or have attained the minimum age required to be included in the voter list.

50<br />

Conferinţa internaţională.<br />


people included on the voter lists are complete and reflect the fact that a voter<br />

who is entitled to vote is legally included in the voter list.<br />

After compilation, the lists are checked at the homes of the citizens included in<br />

them, are signed by the Mayor, transmitted to the polling offices which, subsequently,<br />

make them public no later than 20 days before election day.<br />

The persons entitled to vote, who after the last participation in elections have<br />

changed their residence, are entitled, at latest 45 days before the next election,<br />

to declare their new place of residence to the local public administration body in<br />

order to be included in the voter list of the polling stationappropriate to their new<br />

place of residence.<br />

Each year, from January 1 until March 1, the local public authorities (mayor’s offices)<br />

check the voter lists at voters’ homes and, at latest on March 1, submit the<br />

electronic voter lists to the Central Electoral Commission.<br />

The voter lists that include military people residing in military units and their families,<br />

other voters residing on the territory of military units, are compiled based<br />

on data submitted by the respective military unit commanders. The military people<br />

residing outside military units, and their family members, are included in the<br />

voter lists corresponding to their homes.<br />

For polling stations set up in sanatoriums and rest homes, hospitals and other<br />

curative stationary institutions, voter lists are compiled based on citizens’ own<br />

statements of residence or data provided by heads of those institutions.<br />

For polling stations set up outside the Republic of Moldova, voter lists are compiled<br />

based on data collected by the heads of diplomatic missions and consular<br />

offices operating in those countries.<br />

At the beginning of the election period, the diplomatic missions and consular<br />

offices shall notify the public and update the voter lists held. Seven days before<br />

Election Day, the voter lists’ updating procedure is stopped. Updated lists are sent<br />

to the Central Electoral Commission immediately.<br />

The voter may be included only in one voter list and one polling station based on<br />

the documents attesting their residence in that polling station perimeter.<br />

Voters who at that moment have both domicile and residence are included, for

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