noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -

noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... - noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -


Gavin WEISE, Deputy Director, Europe and Asia, IFES Thank you Mr. Chairman, Acting President Ghimpu, Prime Minister Filat and distinguished guests. I’m pleased to return to Moldova, having had opportunity to take part in the CEC’s post-election strategic review conference this past November. I am only sorry that some of my fellow colleagues from IFES HQ, and our senior expert on voter registration reform, were unable to join us here today due to difficulties in flights through Europe. In addition to the post-election strategic review last year, IFES collaborated with the CEC during the 2009 elections to: launch a new training paradigm based upon adult learning models and modern, state of the art training materials; develop an ambitious voter education program before both elections which involved mass media, SMS, electronic billboards, local plasma screens and other mediums; provide advice on election dispute resolution, and on the legal framework in general, with comments provided to the CEC and the parliament on the draft electoral law; and offer assistance with the ongoing efforts to reform voter registration processes in Moldova. In addition, IFES will this week be signing a memorandum of cooperation with the CEC on future initiatives, which include: comprehensive voter registration system analysis and support; development of system of training and qualifying electoral officials; and assistance in administration around key electoral events in the upcoming years. This memorandum will not only acknowledge our prior assistance and work together, but also herald in what IFES hopes will be a new era of cooperation, a new working relationship, between partner organizations. The subject matter of this conference in many ways represents the next step in last year’s strategic review, in that many of the recommendations made by

Conferinţa internaţională. NOILE TEHNOLOGII ÎN FORMAREA ŞI UTILIZAREA LISTELOR ELECTORALE. EVOLUŢII ŞI PERSPECTIVE 39 the CEC involved changes to the process and system of voter registration here in Moldova. Like many systems in this region, it is one founded upon a passive residence-based or propriska system, updated by local authorities both annually and during electoral events. However, in this, the 21st century, the system rooted in the proposika faces considerable stresses, among them the development of new institutions of governance responsible for maintenance of the country’s population records, a growth in citizens’ economic mobility and the ability to more easily change the place of residence, internal and external migration, and a new generation of citizens of voting age who are politically active and whose voting eligibility must be consistently and accurately documented. All of which have proven a strain on the existing system. IFES has recently completed a review of the system of registration in Moldova, and is now talking to the CEC about ways it can work with the local public authorities, the ministry of information technology and communications, NGOs, and other key public institutions to reform and improve the system used here in the upcoming years. Despite the challenging travel conditions in which this event is held, I am pleased to see so many countries represented here today. The experience of other countries in this region who have undertaken successful voter registration reform in recent years, will be of great interest and value to both the CEC here in Moldova, and to IFES. Again, to the CEC of Moldova and honor guests, IFES and I personally thank you for the invitation, and look forward to a future of cooperation.

Conferinţa internaţională.<br />


the CEC involved changes to the process and system of voter registration here<br />

in Moldova. Like many systems in this region, it is one founded upon a passive<br />

residence-based or propriska system, updated by local authorities both annually<br />

and during electoral events. However, in this, the 21st century, the system rooted<br />

in the proposika faces considerable stresses, among them the development of<br />

new institutions of governance responsible for maintenance of the country’s population<br />

records, a growth in citizens’ economic mobility and the ability to more<br />

easily change the place of residence, internal and external migration, and a new<br />

generation of citizens of voting age who are politically active and whose voting<br />

eligibility must be consistently and accurately documented. All of which have proven<br />

a strain on the existing system.<br />

IFES has recently completed a review of the system of registration in Moldova,<br />

and is now talking to the CEC about ways it can work with the local public authorities,<br />

the ministry of information technology and communications, NGOs, and<br />

other key public institutions to reform and improve the system used here in the<br />

upcoming years.<br />

Despite the challenging travel conditions in which this event is held, I am pleased<br />

to see so many countries represented here today. The experience of other countries<br />

in this region who have undertaken successful voter registration reform in<br />

recent years, will be of great interest and value to both the CEC here in Moldova,<br />

and to IFES.<br />

Again, to the CEC of Moldova and honor guests, IFES and I personally thank you<br />

for the invitation, and look forward to a future of cooperation.

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