noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -

noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... - noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -


226 Conferinţa internaţională. NOILE TEHNOLOGII ÎN FORMAREA ŞI UTILIZAREA LISTELOR ELECTORALE. EVOLUŢII ŞI PERSPECTIVE lists of candidates, and also for other purposes other than elections. The federal law says for example, that jurors are selected based on the information contained in the Voter Registry. The main purpose of the Voter Registry, however, is for printing out voter lists for certain elections. The Register is used as the base for compilation of voter lists (as a rule) by territorial election commissions approximately 30 days before election. The lists are then transferred to polling stations where Precinct Election Commissions (PECs) will be introducing last minute changes assisted by the bodies of civil registry mentioned above, and also by citizens themselves. Citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to come to the polling station and familiarize with the lists without hindrance, correcting entries when necessary. I would underline here, that voter lists data is considered personal data and therefore is confidential, so each voter is entitled to familiarize with data/correct data regarding his/ her person only. This way the voter lists are verified and revised to the maximum degree by election day. However, should by any reason any inaccuracy or mistake be found in the voter lists, a citizen entitled to vote can petition the election commission on election day to be included in the voter list; the election commission should verify information in the petition and either include the person in the voter list or decline to do so, detailing on the reason. The refusal can be appealed in court. However, in most cases this is not needed. Recently the number of voters included in the voter lists on election day has been under a 0.4% of the total number of voters on the lists; usually those are voters who came to live in the constituency shortly before the voting day. After elections are over, the lists of voters with all the corrections can be used for verification of the Voter Registry. We have not stopped in our development and we can see further ways of improving our operation. First of all, it’s including as many voters as possible in the process of verification of their personal information in the Voter Register and in voter lists. A special Internet-based service is under development, that will allow any voter to log in on the CEC RF web site and get information whether his/her name is included in the voter lists and at which polling station; and also to check personal information contained in the Voter Registry.

Conferinţa internaţională. NOILE TEHNOLOGII ÎN FORMAREA ŞI UTILIZAREA LISTELOR ELECTORALE. EVOLUŢII ŞI PERSPECTIVE 227 The state policies of the Russian Federation in information technologies are directed among other things at providing document exchange between state bodies and the bodies of the local self-government in e-form. We are dedicating a lot of attention in this respect to data exchange in our Voter Registry in electronic format. This will considerably reduce workflow in election commissions and also in bodies of civil registry and the local self-government. The CEC RF in general is doing its best to automate different stages of election operation; however, this presentation does not allow me to go into details because of limited time. Summing up, I would like to underline that currently we have in the Russian Federation a system of voter registry and of compilation of voter lists that provides for voting rights of all our citizens regardless of ethnic, cultural or economic conditions, which does not require participation of voter in voter list compilation and verification. At the same time, participation or non participation in elections is voluntary and only depends of the wish of the voter to use his/her right. Thank you.

Conferinţa internaţională.<br />


The state policies of the Russian Federation in information technologies are directed<br />

among other things at providing document exchange between state bodies<br />

and the bodies of the local self-government in e-form. We are dedicating a lot<br />

of attention in this respect to data exchange in our Voter Registry in electronic<br />

format. This will considerably reduce workflow in election commissions and also<br />

in bodies of civil registry and the local self-government.<br />

The CEC RF in general is doing its best to automate different stages of election operation;<br />

however, this presentation does not allow me to go into details because<br />

of limited time.<br />

Summing up, I would like to underline that currently we have in the Russian Federation<br />

a system of voter registry and of compilation of voter lists that provides<br />

for voting rights of all our citizens regardless of ethnic, cultural or economic conditions,<br />

which does not require participation of voter in voter list compilation and<br />

verification. At the same time, participation or non participation in elections is<br />

voluntary and only depends of the wish of the voter to use his/her right.<br />

Thank you.

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