noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -

noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... - noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -


130 Conferinţa internaţională. NOILE TEHNOLOGII ÎN FORMAREA ŞI UTILIZAREA LISTELOR ELECTORALE. EVOLUŢII ŞI PERSPECTIVE munication allowed us to exchange views, to discuss contentious issues that affected positively the monitoring process and led to the assessment convergence of electoral campaigns. For example, our assessment coincided with the assessment made by the OSCE Election Observation Mission about the parliamentary elections in Moldova. We appreciate this cooperation and are ready to maintain it and develop. Turning to the theme of the conference, I would like to note that the universal suffrage is one of the most important criteria for democratic elections assigned in the Convention on standards of democratic elections, electoral rights and freedoms in the CIS countries and it means that every citizen on reaching the legal age has the right to elect and be elected to public authorities. The accuracy of voter lists compilation largely determines the implementation of this right, in our opinion, it removes the possibility for manipulation of the votes and falsification of results. At the same time every citizen has to have right to obtain information for inclusion in the voters list, to clarify this information, to ensure its completeness and accuracy, to appeal against not including in the voters list. Studying this issue in the CIS countries during election campaigns experts from CIS Election Observation Missions draw attention to the following requirements: • voters lists should be open and available for inspection and verification; • availability of well-defined positions: who has the right to inspect, how it is done and in what period, and who can make changes in voters lists, how and in what period of time they may be amended; • opportunity to appeal against the improper inclusion or exclusion from the list and dates of its consideration. And today I can say that these requirements are met. Voter’s registration is based on the electoral legislation that rules out the elements of discrimination against citizens. Officials took steps to ensure the quality of voter’s lists. Mostly in all countries the notices indicating the place and time of voting were sent to voters in advance, door-to-door rounds were made. At the same there is specific character of work with voter’s lists in each State.

Conferinţa internaţională. NOILE TEHNOLOGII ÎN FORMAREA ŞI UTILIZAREA LISTELOR ELECTORALE. EVOLUŢII ŞI PERSPECTIVE 131 For example, in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, voter’s lists were posted on websites of the Central Election Commission, which gave citizens the opportunity to verify completeness and accuracy of its data. In addition, in Azerbaijan and in Georgia the “hot line” was organized for the same purpose. The voter’s certificates were given out during the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan in 2005. The action titled “Check yourself in the list” took place in Kyrgyzstan in 2009 during the election of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. And there are many such examples. There was a big attention toward voter’s lists during the last year election campaigns from Moldova. In this regard, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Moldova adopted several measures to improve their quality. It was done more effectively at the early parliamentary elections on July 29, 2009. Thus, the CEC prepared recommendations for checking the voters’ lists of in the Precinct Electoral Bureaus in order to ensure completeness and reliability of the lists, eliminating inaccuracies in the personal data of voters. Members of Precinct Electoral Bureaus improved lists according to place of residence, voters were handed election invitations indicating the date, place and time for voting. The Central Election Commission used a special computer program for verifying the voter’s lists. The CEC launched an active campaign named as “Correct filling of the voters lists is a general interest”, in which through TV and audio clips, SMS the commission stimulated voters to check their data in lists. The voters’ lists were posted at polling stations for verification of the availability and accuracy of personal data. The high degree of responsibility was ascertained to the Members of the Precinct Electoral Bureaus who worked with voters’ lists during the Election Day. It was decided to put a special stamp in voter’s documents in order to avoid double voting. Of course, all the above mentioned helped to improve quality of voters lists preparation, but did not solve the whole problem.

Conferinţa internaţională.<br />


For example, in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, voter’s lists were<br />

posted on websites of the Central Election Commission, which gave citizens the<br />

opportunity to verify completeness and accuracy of its data. In addition, in Azerbaijan<br />

and in Georgia the “hot line” was organized for the same purpose. The<br />

voter’s certificates were given out during the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan<br />

in 2005. The action titled “Check yourself in the list” took place in Kyrgyzstan<br />

in 2009 during the election of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. And there are<br />

many such examples.<br />

There was a big attention toward voter’s lists during the last year election campaigns<br />

from Moldova. In this regard, the Central Election Commission of the Republic<br />

of Moldova adopted several measures to improve their quality. It was done<br />

more effectively at the early parliamentary elections on July 29, 2009.<br />

Thus, the CEC prepared recommendations for checking the voters’ lists of in the<br />

Precinct Electoral Bureaus in order to ensure completeness and reliability of the<br />

lists, eliminating inaccuracies in the personal data of voters.<br />

Members of Precinct Electoral Bureaus improved lists according to place of residence,<br />

voters were handed election invitations indicating the date, place and<br />

time for voting.<br />

The Central Election Commission used a special computer program for verifying<br />

the voter’s lists.<br />

The CEC launched an active campaign named as “Correct filling of the voters lists<br />

is a general interest”, in which through TV and audio clips, SMS the commission<br />

stimulated voters to check their data in lists.<br />

The voters’ lists were posted at polling stations for verification of the availability<br />

and accuracy of personal data.<br />

The high degree of responsibility was ascertained to the Members of the Precinct<br />

Electoral Bureaus who worked with voters’ lists during the Election Day.<br />

It was decided to put a special stamp in voter’s documents in order to avoid double<br />

voting.<br />

Of course, all the above mentioned helped to improve quality of voters lists preparation,<br />

but did not solve the whole problem.

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