noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -

noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... - noile tehnologii în formarea şi utilizarea listelor electorale ... -


104 Conferinţa internaţională. NOILE TEHNOLOGII ÎN FORMAREA ŞI UTILIZAREA LISTELOR ELECTORALE. EVOLUŢII ŞI PERSPECTIVE signed by decision of the Chisinau Municipal Council), all the institutions operating with addresses having access to this resource, thus avoiding using wrong names. • Retention of registration by former owners There have been many discussions on this subject and even accusations of registration on the voter lists of persons who do not reside at those addresses. It was found, however, that some people changed their address without withdrawing the visa, according to which the voter lists are compiled. Although there were several complaints in this regard, local authorities may not exclude those voters from the lists. Only the residence owners may request the cancellation from the record of people who were once registered. It is necessary to better inform citizens to engage in solving the problem. • Inclusion in the list based on the statement of residence The recent change in legislation, allowing voting from the place of voter’s residence, with inclusion into the voter lists based on the statement of residence, also led to some misinterpretations. In many cases the person making the statement indicated an arbitrary address (only to coincide with the polling station). The law does not provide for verification of the declared data by the public authority. The respective voters were included in the list with the mentioning “statement of residence”, which was challenged by the residence owners. To avoid these situations, it is proposed to open special polling stations (in every district of Chisinau), in which to include the voters based on the statement of residence. Thus, we will not have “strangers” in citizens’ homes, and it will also be easier to verify if those voters do not appear again on the main lists in the polling stations within which they have domicile visas. • Duplication of some categories of voters The voter list, in addition to eligible citizens who have their domicile within the range of polling stations and those who have submitted the statement of residence, also contains the following categories: - Military people serving their term who reside in military units within the polling station range; - Patients who on election day are in hospitals; - Citizens who are under preliminary arrest and sentenced citizens, but who have eligible rights.

Conferinţa internaţională. NOILE TEHNOLOGII ÎN FORMAREA ŞI UTILIZAREA LISTELOR ELECTORALE. EVOLUŢII ŞI PERSPECTIVE 105 These categories include voters who are temporarily located in another place than their permanent residence and the lists are compiled by the management of those institutions, submitting them to the local authorities. In the absence of a mechanism that would provide for the exclusion of these citizens from the voter lists from the place of their permanent residence, these people appear twice in the lists. In this context, two problems need to be solved. First, exclude the double entries (by mutual exchange of data, and after the implementation of the Electronic Register of Voters, an automatic identification will be possible), and, secondly, with regard to the quality of these lists (a data revision is not provided, such as in the case of door-to-door verification by local authorities and precinct electoral bureaus). The increased interest with regard to voter lists has imposed for the need to use new tools of their verification. And here we should mention the use of „Check yourself in the voter list” software, launched in July 2009, a project implemented with the support of the Soros Foundation. That project was implemented in two stages. In the first stage, the information on PEB addresses and contact details was systemized; by typing their address, voters could find out where they should vote. In the second stage, the project provided a verification of voter lists on the website of the Chisinau Mayor’s Office. Voters could check on-line if they were in the lists, and also how many people were registered under their address. The result exceeded the expectations, the software was accessed by 4000-6000 unique visitors daily. The statistics show that over 80,000 persons (unique visitors), or about 14% of voters checked the voter lists on-line in that period. Also, voters who did not find themselves on the lists, could communicate their data, through an online form, based on which, after verification, the respective changes were operated in the lists. The software also informed the citizens about the examination stage of the request submitted online. The project was appreciated positively, especially for the fact that it guaranteed the participation of citizens in lists’ verification in the compilation stage. In the perspective of the implementation of the Electronic Voter Register, the solutions for the above-mentioned issues will guarantee the efficiency of this compartment and will improve the quality of voter lists.

Conferinţa internaţională.<br />


These categories include voters who are temporarily located in another place<br />

than their permanent residence and the lists are compiled by the management<br />

of those institutions, submitting them to the local authorities. In the absence of a<br />

mechanism that would provide for the exclusion of these citizens from the voter<br />

lists from the place of their permanent residence, these people appear twice<br />

in the lists. In this context, two problems need to be solved. First, exclude the<br />

double entries (by mutual exchange of data, and after the implementation of the<br />

Electronic Register of Voters, an automatic identification will be possible), and,<br />

secondly, with regard to the quality of these lists (a data revision is not provided,<br />

such as in the case of door-to-door verification by local authorities and precinct<br />

electoral bureaus).<br />

The increased interest with regard to voter lists has imposed for the need to use<br />

new tools of their verification. And here we should mention the use of „Check<br />

yourself in the voter list” software, launched in July 2009, a project implemented<br />

with the support of the Soros Foundation.<br />

That project was implemented in two stages. In the first stage, the information on<br />

PEB addresses and contact details was systemized; by typing their address, voters<br />

could find out where they should vote.<br />

In the second stage, the project provided a verification of voter lists on the website<br />

of the Chisinau Mayor’s Office. Voters could check on-line if they were in the<br />

lists, and also how many people were registered under their address. The result<br />

exceeded the expectations, the software was accessed by 4000-6000 unique visitors<br />

daily. The statistics show that over 80,000 persons (unique visitors), or about<br />

14% of voters checked the voter lists on-line in that period. Also, voters who did<br />

not find themselves on the lists, could communicate their data, through an online<br />

form, based on which, after verification, the respective changes were operated<br />

in the lists. The software also informed the citizens about the examination<br />

stage of the request submitted online.<br />

The project was appreciated positively, especially for the fact that it guaranteed<br />

the participation of citizens in lists’ verification in the compilation stage.<br />

In the perspective of the implementation of the Electronic Voter Register, the<br />

solutions for the above-mentioned issues will guarantee the efficiency of this<br />

compartment and will improve the quality of voter lists.

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