Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

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E.S. Meier et al. 2010. Projections of shifts in species distributions<br />

71<br />

abiotic factors such as climate, topography <strong>and</strong> soil may primarily constrain species ranges<br />

under unfavourable growing conditions <strong>and</strong> here competition is generally low (Bertness <strong>and</strong><br />

Callaway 1994). Where abiotic conditions are more favourable, biotic interactions increase, <strong>and</strong><br />

competition may then, additionally to abiotic constraints, further determine species range limits<br />

(MacArthur 1972). The constraining effect of interlinked abiotic <strong>and</strong> biotic processes may not<br />

only be important when predicting current species distributions (Meier, 2010), but may be even<br />

more important when estimating species range shifts due to changing environmental conditions.<br />

Range shifts are mainly determined by the rate of plant establishment, growth <strong>and</strong> survival at a<br />

new location <strong>and</strong> dispersal abilities (Higgins et al. 2003), <strong>and</strong> are hence strongly linked to<br />

abiotic <strong>and</strong> biotic conditions. Moreover, because most modern l<strong>and</strong>scapes are highly fragmented,<br />

the density of individuals producing propagules is reduced <strong>and</strong> fewer <strong>and</strong> more distant sites for<br />

those propagules to colonize are available. This may further slow down migration rates (Iverson<br />

et al. 2004). Studying the interlinked effects of macroclimate, inter-specific competition <strong>and</strong><br />

l<strong>and</strong>scape-fragmentation may help to better estimate colonisable suitable habitats of species.<br />

2. Methodology<br />

2.1 Variation partitioning approach<br />

We examined the extent to which the variance in spatial patterns of species explained by species<br />

distribution models (SDMs) can be partitioned among abiotic <strong>and</strong> biotic predictors, <strong>and</strong> how<br />

these partitions depend on species characteristics. We fitted generalized linear models (GLMs)<br />

for 11 common tree species in Switzerl<strong>and</strong> using three different sets of predictor variables:<br />

biotic, abiotic, <strong>and</strong> the combination of both sets. We estimated by variance partitioning the<br />

proportion of the variance explained by biotic <strong>and</strong> abiotic predictors, jointly or independently.<br />

We then analyzed the linkage of these partitions with species traits using non-parametric tests<br />

(Mann–Whitney U-test <strong>and</strong> the Kruskal–Wallis test, depending on the number of classes<br />

differentiated).<br />

2.2 Co-occurrence patterns<br />

Further, we analysed correlations between the relative abundance of European beech<br />

(Fagus sylvatica) <strong>and</strong> three major competitor species (Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris <strong>and</strong><br />

Quercus robur) in environmental space, analyzing the variation in correlation along two major<br />

environmental gradients, namely summer rainfall <strong>and</strong> annual degree-day sum. In a next step, we<br />

projected these co-occurence patterns to geographic space. In a following spatial analysis, we<br />

used generalized additive models (GAM) to predict the spatial patterns of species abundances,<br />

<strong>and</strong> we evaluated from these models where <strong>and</strong> how much the simulated F. sylvatica<br />

distribution varied under current <strong>and</strong> future climates if potential competitor species were in- or<br />

excluded. For the analysis of co-occurrence we used ICP <strong>Forest</strong> level I data as well as climatic,<br />

topographic <strong>and</strong> edaphic variables as predictors for modelling the spatial distribution of species<br />

using SDMs.<br />

2.3 Implementing migration rates in SDMs<br />

In a final step, we calibrated SDMs using generalized linear models (GLMs) with ICP forest<br />

level I data <strong>and</strong> climatic, topographic, edaphic <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>-use variables to predict current <strong>and</strong><br />

future tree distributions, assuming either no or full migration when projecting to scenarios of<br />

future climate. Additionally, we combined our SDMs with an explicit simulation of dynamic<br />

tree migration rates (i.e., depending on interlinked effects of climate, inter-specific competition<br />

<strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scape connectivity). Dynamic migration rates were estimated from a process model<br />

(TreeMig; Lischke et al. 2004) using an intense sensitivity analysis of migration rates along<br />

gradients of climate, species competition <strong>and</strong> distance between suitable habitats in fragmented<br />

l<strong>and</strong>scapes. We combined the derived migration response with a GIS path cost analysis, to<br />

estimate climatically suitable <strong>and</strong> colonisable habitats <strong>and</strong> the rate of expected migration of<br />

<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>L<strong>and</strong>scapes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Change</strong>-New Frontiers in Management, Conservation <strong>and</strong> Restoration. Proceedings of the IUFRO L<strong>and</strong>scape Ecology<br />

Working Group International Conference, September 21-27, 2010, Bragança, Portugal. J.C. Azevedo, M. Feliciano, J. Castro & M.A. Pinto (eds.)<br />

2010, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal.

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