Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

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N. Stryamets et al. 2010. Role of non-wood forest products for sustainable development of rural communities<br />

597<br />

Role of non-wood forest products for sustainable development of rural<br />

communities in countries with a transition: Ukraine as a case study<br />

N. Stryamets 1* , M. Elbakidze 2,3 , P. Angelstam 2 & R. Axelsson 2<br />

1 Ukrainian National <strong>Forest</strong>ry University, Ukraine<br />

2 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden<br />

3 Ivan Franko National University, Ukraine<br />

Abstract<br />

Sustainable use of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) is a component of sustainable forest<br />

management. NWFPs provide important use <strong>and</strong> non-use values to stakeholders in rural<br />

l<strong>and</strong>scapes. The aim of this study was to analyse the policies with relevance for NWFP in order<br />

to define the potential contribution of these forest resources to rural development in countries in<br />

transition from socialistic planned to market economy, like Ukraine. We analysed national <strong>and</strong><br />

international policy documents, national <strong>and</strong> regional management regulations concerning the<br />

use of NWFPs <strong>and</strong> reviewed relevant literature. We concluded that there were a need to<br />

investigate the role of NWFP in countries with different economic <strong>and</strong> social-cultural conditions<br />

<strong>and</strong> systems of governance of natural resources.<br />

Keywords: non-wood forest products, sustainable forest management, countries in transition,<br />

Ukraine<br />

1. Introduction<br />

<strong>Global</strong>ly forests provide wood resources <strong>and</strong> a large variety of non-wood goods as a resource<br />

base for livelihoods <strong>and</strong> development. Non-wood forest products (NWFPs) are defined as goods<br />

of biological origin other than wood, derived from forests, other wooded l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> trees outside<br />

forests (Ch<strong>and</strong>rasekharan 1995). Use of NWFPs has a long history as an important component<br />

of the livelihoods of people living in <strong>and</strong> in the vicinity of forest <strong>and</strong> woodl<strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scapes.<br />

NWFPs were, in fact, one of the first sources of food, medicine, fibre, <strong>and</strong> other substances that<br />

have sustained local communities since the first human settlements (Ryabchuk 1996, Bradley<br />

<strong>and</strong> Bennett 2002). Estimates indicate that 80% of the population in developing countries in the<br />

world use NWFPs to meet some of their nutritional needs (Janse <strong>and</strong> Ottitsch 2005). In addition<br />

to food forests also provide herbal medicine which is vital to poor people that are not a part of a<br />

national healthcare system (Ch<strong>and</strong>rasekharan 1995, Bradley <strong>and</strong> Bennett 2002; Ryabchuk 1996;<br />

Malyk 2006).<br />

NWFPs have attracted considerable interest as an important component of sustainable forest<br />

management (SFM) policies (Elbakidze et al 2007, Elbakidze <strong>and</strong> Angelstam 2007, MCPFE<br />

1993, Siry et al 2005), <strong>and</strong> in different implementation initiatives <strong>and</strong> projects towards<br />

sustainable management of forest l<strong>and</strong>scapes in many countries (Varma et al 2000). There have<br />

been many efforts to complement industrial timber production with an aim to increase the<br />

multiple values of forests for users, owners <strong>and</strong> local communities that depend on them.<br />

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +380979603016<br />

Email address: Natalie.Stryamets@smsk.slu.se<br />

<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>L<strong>and</strong>scapes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Change</strong>-New Frontiers in Management, Conservation <strong>and</strong> Restoration. Proceedings of the IUFRO L<strong>and</strong>scape Ecology<br />

Working Group International Conference, September 21-27, 2010, Bragança, Portugal. J.C. Azevedo, M. Feliciano, J. Castro & M.A. Pinto (eds.)<br />

2010, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal.

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