Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

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M.B. Horta & E. Keizer 2010. Assessment of human <strong>and</strong> physical factors influencing distribution of vegetation degradation<br />

574<br />

In the savannah <strong>and</strong> rocky shrubl<strong>and</strong>s formations the human factor distance to tourist sites<br />

presented a significant negative correlation with vegetation degradation. The tourist visitation is<br />

higher in the southern part of the EPA, where Ouro Preto county <strong>and</strong> the Andorinhas waterfall<br />

are located. In protected areas in Costa Rica <strong>and</strong> Belize, Farrell <strong>and</strong> Marion (2001) also found<br />

that intense tourist visitation can degrade natural resources <strong>and</strong> contribute to vegetation damage<br />

<strong>and</strong> loss. The authors argued that successful ecotourism <strong>and</strong> protected area management needs<br />

effective management of natural areas for visitor enjoyment <strong>and</strong> resource protection.<br />

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