Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

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G.M. Pastur et al. 2010. Indirect estimation of l<strong>and</strong>scape uses by Lama guanicoe <strong>and</strong> domestic herbivorous<br />

155<br />

were obtained. Quantification of the species components of the diets was achieved through the<br />

frequencies of each species following Holechek <strong>and</strong> Gross (1982). Plant epidermal fragments<br />

were identified examined using 100x magnification based on their morphological characteristics.<br />

Nothofagus pumilio <strong>and</strong> N. antarctica were identified through the stoma distribution patterns in<br />

the epidermis <strong>and</strong> swellening of cuticle <strong>and</strong> trichomes (Ragonese 1981). Data were analyzed<br />

trough a comparison with a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) for the environment type<br />

or herbivorous species using plant species values obtained in the different sampling or census<br />

3. Results<br />

Plan diversity (Table 1) greatly changed among the studied vegetation types, <strong>and</strong> large diversity<br />

was shared among the environments (Fig. 2A). Beside this, open environments (mainly<br />

grassl<strong>and</strong>s) presented more exclusive species than the other environments. Harvested forests<br />

increased their diversity with time, including many exotic species (Fig. 2B) compared to the<br />

primary unmanaged forests.<br />

Table 1: Plant richness <strong>and</strong> their codes used for the vegetation type analysis.<br />

Name Code Name Code Name Code<br />

Acaena magellanica ACMA Colobanthus quitensis COQU Pernettya pumila PEPU<br />

Acaena ovalifolia ACOV Coronopus dydimus CODY Phaiophleps biflora PHBI<br />

Acaena pinnatifida ACPI Cotula scariosa COSC Phleum alpinum PHAL<br />

Achillea millefolium ACMI Cystopteris fragilis CYFR Phleum pratense PHPR<br />

Adenocaulon chilense ADCH Dactylis glomerata DAGL Plantago barbata PLBA<br />

Agoseris coronopifolium AGCO Deschampsia antarctica DEAN Poa annua POAN<br />

Agropyron pubiflorum AGPU Deschampsia flexuosa DEFL Poa nemoraris PONE<br />

Agrostis magellanica AGMA Draba magellanica DRMA Poa pratensis POPR<br />

Agrostis perennans AGPE Dysopsis glechomoides DYGL Polygonum aviculare POAV<br />

Agrostis uliginosa AGUL Elymus agropyroides ELAG Pratia longiflora PRLO<br />

Alopecurus magellanicus ALMA Empetrum rubrum EMRU Pratia repens PRRE<br />

Alopecurus pratensis ALPR Epilobium australe EPAU Primula magellanica PRMA<br />

Arenaria serpens ARSE Erigeron myosotis ERMY Ranunculus biternatus RABI<br />

Azorella lycopodioides AZLY Euphrasia antarctica EUAN Ranunculus fuegianum RAFU<br />

Azorella trifurcata AZTR Festuca gracillima FEGR Ranunculus maclovianus RAMA<br />

Berberis buxifolia BEBU Festuca magellanica FEMA Ranunculus uniflorus RAUN<br />

Berberis empetrifolia BEEM Galium antarcticum GAAN Ribes magellanicum RIMA<br />

Blechnum penna-marina BLPE Galium aparine GAAP Rubus geoides RUGE<br />

Bolax gummifera BOGU Galium fuegianum GAFU Rumex acetosella RUAC<br />

Bromus unioloides BRUN Gamochaeta spiciformis GASP Sagina procumbens SAPR<br />

Calamagrostis stricta CAST Gentiana postrata GEPO Schizeilema ranunculus SCRA<br />

Calceolaria biflora CABI Gentianella magellanica GEMG Senecio magellanicus SEMA<br />

Caltha sagitata CASA Geum magellanicum GEMA Senecio vulgaris SEVU<br />

Capsella bursa-pastoris CABU Gunnera magellanica GUMA Stellaria debilis STDE<br />

Cardamine glacialis CAGL Hieracium antarcticum HIAN Stellaria media STME<br />

Carex capitata CACA Holcus lanatus HOLA Taraxacum gillesii TAGI<br />

Carex curta CACU Hordeum comosum HOCO Taraxacum officinale TAOF<br />

Carex decidua CADE Hordeum secalinum HOSE Tetroncium magellanicum TEMA<br />

Carex fuscula CAFU Juncus scheuzerioides JUSC Thlaspi magellanicum THMA<br />

Carex gayana CAGA Leucanthemum vulgare LEVU Trifolium repens TRRE<br />

Carex macloviana CAMA Luzula alopecurus LUAL Triglochin concinna TRCO<br />

Carex magellanica CAMG Lycopodium magellanicum LYMA Triglochin palustris TRPA<br />

Carex sorianoi CASO Nanodea muscosa NAMU Trisetum spicatum TRSP<br />

Carex subantarctica CASU Nothofagus antarctica NOAN Uncinia lechleriana UNLE<br />

Cerastium arvense CEAR Nothofagus pumilio NOPU Veronica serpyllifolia VESE<br />

Cerastium fontanum CEFO Osmorhiza chilensis OSCH Vicia magellanica VIMA<br />

Chiliotrichum diffusum CHDI Osmorhiza depauperata OSDE Viola magellanica VOMA<br />

Cirsium vulgare CIVU Oxalis magellanica OXMA<br />

All the herbivorous mainly grazed in open environments all around the year, <strong>and</strong> were<br />

possible to find the same plant species in their feces analysis (e.g., Carex sp.) in all seasons<br />

(Table 2, Fig. 3). Beside this, in spring, Lama guanicoe consumed also N. pumilio saplings <strong>and</strong><br />

Misodendrum, which were found in forested environments <strong>and</strong> specially in N. pumilio forests,<br />

while domestic herbivorous eaten species of open environments <strong>and</strong> N. antarctica forests too. In<br />

example, N. antarctica saplings, Cotula scariosa or Luzula alopecurus (Fig. 3A).<br />

<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>L<strong>and</strong>scapes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Change</strong>-New Frontiers in Management, Conservation <strong>and</strong> Restoration. Proceedings of the IUFRO L<strong>and</strong>scape Ecology<br />

Working Group International Conference, September 21-27, 2010, Bragança, Portugal. J.C. Azevedo, M. Feliciano, J. Castro & M.A. Pinto (eds.)<br />

2010, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal.

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