Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

Landscapes Forest and Global Change - ESA - Escola Superior ...

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G. Zhelezov 2010. Evaluation of the ecosystem service in the forest formations of Biosphere Reserve “Srebarna”<br />

108<br />

The problems of evaluation of the ecosystem services in the wetl<strong>and</strong> nature system are<br />

presented in the investigations of Br<strong>and</strong>er et al. (2006), Hoehn J et al. (2003), Heong K.L.<br />

(2008) etc.<br />

Object<br />

The lake Srebarna is one of the biggest wetl<strong>and</strong>s along the Bulgarian sector of river Danuve<br />

(Table 1). It is situated in northeastern Bulgaria, near the village of the same name, 18 km west<br />

of Silistra <strong>and</strong> 2 km south of the Danube. The reserve embraces 6 km² of protected area <strong>and</strong> a<br />

buffer zone of 5.4 km². Diversity of the reserve <strong>and</strong> surrounding territories is determined in<br />

Corine Biotope Project in 13 habitate types. The importance of the wetl<strong>and</strong> system is determine<br />

from diversity of the rare <strong>and</strong> protected bird species as Dalmatian Pelican (Pelicanus crispus),<br />

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor), six heron species (Ardea alba, Ardea cinerea, Ardea purpurea,<br />

Ardeola raloides, Egretta garzetta etc), cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo <strong>and</strong> Halietor<br />

pygmaeus) etc.<br />

Table 1: Limnological characteristics (Management plan, 2001)<br />

Indicator<br />

Value<br />

Elevation (m) 10,0 - 13,2<br />

Water catchments (km 2 ) 402<br />

Length of shore line (km) 18,5<br />

Reserve area (ha) 902,1<br />

Open water body (ha) 120<br />

Capacity (km 3 ) – low water levels 2,81<br />

Capacity (km 3 ) – high water levels 14,35<br />

Maximal depth (m) 3,3<br />

Years flow (m 3 ) 12,48<br />

Time of stay (months) 2,67<br />

Diversity of biogeographical provinces is determined from three provinces based on Udvardy<br />

(1975):<br />

- Middle European forest formations;<br />

- Pontiac steps formations;<br />

- Mountain territories.<br />

Ecosystem diversity in the reserve “Srebarna” is determined from different wetl<strong>and</strong> types based<br />

on the Ramsar convention (1971):<br />

M Permanente rivers – river Danube between right bank <strong>and</strong> isl<strong>and</strong> Devnia;<br />

O Permanente fresh water lake – open water body;<br />

R Seasonal marshes <strong>and</strong> water bodies – area between left bank of river Danube<br />

<strong>and</strong> river dike from Silistra to village Vetren;<br />

X f Fresh water bodies with domination of forest formations; seasonal flooded<br />

forests – whole territory of isl<strong>and</strong> Devnia <strong>and</strong> part of the river bank between Silistra <strong>and</strong> village<br />

Vetren <strong>and</strong> right bank of river Danube.<br />

X k Underground karst <strong>and</strong> cave hydrological systems – natural spring<br />

“Kanarichkata” in the south part of the reserve.<br />

<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>L<strong>and</strong>scapes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Change</strong>-New Frontiers in Management, Conservation <strong>and</strong> Restoration. Proceedings of the IUFRO L<strong>and</strong>scape Ecology<br />

Working Group International Conference, September 21-27, 2010, Bragança, Portugal. J.C. Azevedo, M. Feliciano, J. Castro & M.A. Pinto (eds.)<br />

2010, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal.

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