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Greeks to Quantum Mechanics <br />

<strong>HISTORY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>DEVELOPMENT</strong> <br />

<strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>ATOMIC</strong> <strong>MODEL</strong> <br />


The Greeks <br />

History of the Atom <br />

§ Not the history of atom, but <br />

the idea of the atom <br />

§ In 400 B.C the Greeks tried to <br />

understand matter (chemicals) <br />

and broke them down into <br />

earth, wind, fire, and air. <br />

<br />

Fire Water Earth Air

Fire Water Earth Air

Greek Model <br />

Democritus <br />

§ Greek philosopher <br />

§ Idea of atomos <br />

ú Atomos = indivisible <br />

ú Atom is derived <br />

To understand the very large, <br />

we must understand the very small. <br />

§ No experiments to support idea <br />

Democritus 400 B.C. <br />

Democrituss model of atom <br />

No protons, electrons, or neutrons <br />


Alchemy <br />

§ After that chemistry was <br />

ruled by alchemy. <br />

§ They believed that they <br />

could take any cheap metals <br />

and turn them into gold. <br />

§ Alchemists were almost like <br />

magicians. <br />

ú elixirs, physical immortality

Alchemy <br />

Alchemical symbols for substances… <br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

<br />

<br />

.<br />

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<br />

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. .<br />

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transmutation: changing one substance into another <br />

Δ <br />

In ordinary chemistry, we cannot transmute elements.

Contributions <br />

of alchemists: <br />

Information about elements <br />

-­‐ the elements mercury, sulfur, and antimony were discovered <br />

-­‐ properties of some elements <br />

Develop lab apparatus / procedures / experimental techniques <br />

-­‐ alchemists learned how to prepare acids. <br />

-­‐ developed several alloys <br />

-­‐ new glassware

Early Ideas on Elements <br />

Robert Boyle stated... <br />

ú A substance was an <br />

element unless it could be <br />

broken down to two or <br />

more simpler substances. <br />

ú Air therefore could not be <br />

an element because it <br />

could be broken down in <br />

to many pure substances. <br />

Robert Boyle

Modern Chemistry <br />

• Beginnings of modern chemistry were seen in the sixteenth <br />

and seventeenth centuries, where great advances were made <br />

in metallurgy, the extraction of metals from ores. <br />

• In the seventeenth century, Boyle described the relationship <br />

between the pressure and volume of air and defined an <br />

element as a substance that cannot be broken down into two <br />

or more simpler substances by chemical means. <br />

Copyright © 2007 Pearson Benjamin Cummings. All rights reserved.

Modern Chemistry <br />

• During the eighteenth century, Joseph Priestley <br />

discovered oxygen gas and the process of <br />

combustion where carbon-­‐containing materials <br />

burn vigorously in an oxygen atmosphere. <br />

• In the late eighteenth century, Lavoisier discovered <br />

respiration and wrote the first modern chemistry <br />

text. His most important contribution was the <br />

law of conservation of mass, which states <br />

that in any chemical reaction, the mass of <br />

the substances that react equals the mass <br />

of the products that are formed. He is known <br />

as the father of modern chemistry. <br />

Lavoisier <br />

Priestley <br />

Copyright © 2007 Pearson Benjamin Cummings. All rights reserved.

• The transformation of a substance <br />

or substances into one or more new <br />

substances is known as a chemical <br />

reaction. <br />

• Law of conservation of mass: <br />

mass is neither created nor <br />

destroyed during ordinary chemical <br />

reactions or physical changes <br />

total mass of the products = total mass of the reactants

LAW <strong>OF</strong> CONSERVATION <strong>OF</strong> MASS

• Law of definite proportions: a <br />

chemical compound contains the <br />

same elements in exactly the same <br />

proportions by mass regardless of <br />

the size of the sample or source of <br />

the compound-­‐ Joseph Proust 1799

Law of Definite Proportions con’t <br />

Example: <br />

• all samples of water (H 2 O) contain a ratio <br />

of 8 g oxygen to 1 g hydrogen <br />

• all samples of iron sulfide (FeS) contain a <br />

ratio of 7 g iron to 4 g sulfur <br />

• If 4 g of element A combine with 20 g of <br />

element B, how many grams of element A <br />

would react with 50 g of element B

• Law of multiple proportions: if two <br />

or more different compounds are <br />

composed of the same two elements, <br />

then the ratio of the masses of the <br />

second element combined with a <br />

certain mass of the first element is <br />

always a ratio of small whole <br />

numbers-­‐ John Dalton1803

Law of Multiple Proportions-­‐ con’t <br />

Example: <br />

2 compounds of hydrogen and oxygen: <br />

H 2 O and H 2 O 2 <br />

H 2 O 8 g oxygen : 1 g hydrogen <br />

H 2 O 2 16 g oxygen : 1 g hydrogen

DALTON’S <strong>ATOMIC</strong> <strong>THE</strong>ORY <br />

• All matter is composed of extremely <br />

small particles called atoms. <br />

• Atoms of a given element are identical <br />

in size, mass, and other properties; <br />

atoms of different elements differ <br />

in size, mass, and other properties. <br />

• Atoms cannot be divided, created, <br />

or destroyed

DALTON’S <strong>ATOMIC</strong> <strong>THE</strong>ORY, <br />


• Atoms of different elements <br />

combine in simple whole-­‐number <br />

ratios to form chemical <br />

compounds. <br />

• In chemical reactions, atoms are <br />

combined, separated, or <br />


John Dalton(1766-­‐1844)

MODERN <strong>ATOMIC</strong> <strong>THE</strong>ORY <br />

• Not all aspects of Daltons atomic theory have proven to be correct. <br />

We now know that: <br />

• Atoms are divisible into even smaller particles.<br />

• A given element can have atoms with different<br />

masses.<br />

• Some important concepts remain unchanged.<br />

• All matter is composed of atoms.<br />

• Atoms of any one element differ in properties from atoms<br />

of another element.

1 st Model of the Atom<br />

Billiard Ball Model

Benjamin Franklin <br />

§ American scientist, politician, inventor <br />

§ 1706-­‐1790 <br />

§ Flew kite -­‐ 2 kinds of electrical charge <br />

§ Named + positive, -­‐ negative

Michael Faraday <br />

§ English chemist <br />

§ 1791-­‐1867 <br />

§ 1839 suggested atom structure related to <br />


DISCOVERY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> ELECTRON <br />

• Experiments in the late <br />

1800s showed that cathode <br />

rays were composed of <br />

negatively charged particles. <br />

J.J.Thomson(1856-­‐1940)<br />

These particles were named<br />


** William Crookes <br />

(1870s): <br />

Rays causing <br />

shadow were <br />

emi>ed from <br />

cathode. <br />

Maltese cross CRT <br />

radar screen <br />

television <br />

computer <br />


q The Thomsons (~1900) <br />

J.J. Thomson discovered <br />

that cathode rays are… <br />

…deflected by electric <br />

and magneJc fields <br />

electric field lines <br />

cathode rays <br />

+ + + + + + <br />

J.J. Thomson <br />

Crookes tube <br />

… (–) parJcles <br />

– – – – – – <br />

electrons <br />

phosphorescent <br />


2 nd Model of the Atom <br />

§ Thomson <br />

introduced his <br />

model in 1904 <br />

§ a sphere of <br />

positive charge <br />

with e-­‐ embedded <br />

in it called <br />

Plum Pudding <br />


• Robert A. Millikans oil drop <br />

experiment measured the <br />

charge of an electron.

Henri Becquerel <br />

§ French physicist <br />

§ 1852-­‐1908 <br />

§ 1896 discovered radioactivity

DISCOVERY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <br />

<strong>ATOMIC</strong> NUCLEUS <br />

Ernest Rutherford <br />

• More detail of the atoms structure was provided in <br />

1911 by Ernest Rutherford and his associates Hans <br />

Geiger and Ernest Marsden. <br />

• The results of their gold foil experiment led to the <br />

discovery of a very densely packed bundle of matter <br />

with a positive electric charge. <br />

• Rutherford called this positive bundle of matter the <br />


Gold Foil Experiment<br />

gold foil<br />

beam of alpha particles<br />

radioactive<br />

substance<br />

fluorescent screen<br />

circular - ZnS coated

q Ernest Rutherford (1909) <br />

q Gold Leaf Experiment <br />

Beam of α-­‐parJcles (+) directed at <br />

gold leaf surrounded by <br />

phosphorescent (ZnS) screen. <br />

α-­‐source <br />

parJcle <br />

beam <br />

gold <br />

leaf <br />

lead <br />

block <br />

ZnS <br />


History of Atomic Theory <br />

§ Rutherford with his assistant W.H. Geiger

History of Atomic Theory <br />

§ Rutherford theorized that if the <br />

Plum Pudding model was correct. <br />

The number of positive and <br />

negative particles in an atom <br />

would be the same with the <br />

particles evenly spread within the <br />


History of Atomic Theory <br />

QuickTime and a<br />

Graphics decompressor<br />

are needed to see this picture.

History of Atomic Theory <br />

§ the result was completely <br />

unexpected by Rutherford and his <br />

assistant Geiger <br />

§ Rutherford was forced to rethink <br />

the model realizing that the only <br />

explanation was that all the <br />

positive particles must have been <br />

together in a nucleus

3 rd Model of the Atom <br />

The Rutherford Model <br />

-­‐ <br />

-­‐ <br />

-­‐ <br />

-­‐ <br />

-­‐ <br />

-­‐ <br />

-­‐ <br />


3 rd Model of the Atom <br />

§ Ernest Rutherford <br />

§ Rutherford Model <br />

§ Developed 1908 with the <br />

discovery of the proton <br />

§ Positive nucleus surrounded <br />

by negative electrons

History of Atomic Theory <br />

§ A few years later, experiments <br />

were conducted indicating that <br />

Rutherford's model had some <br />

problems, namely that it did not <br />

explain why the electrons would <br />

not crash into the nucleus when it <br />

inevitably lost energy

Henry Moseley <br />

§ British chemist and physicist <br />

§ 1887-­‐1915 <br />

§ Thru table each more positive than last <br />

§ Individual positive charge -­‐ “proton” <br />

§ The number of protons -­‐ atomic number

Niels Bohr <br />

§ Danish Physicist, <br />

Niels Bohr(1913), <br />

solved the problem <br />

by adding to the <br />

Rutherford Model <br />

his idea of relatively <br />

fixed orbits-­‐<br />

Planetary Model

The Bohr Model <br />

§ electrons traveled in orbits around <br />

the nucleus <br />

§ each e-­‐ has a minimum amount of <br />

energy that will keep it in its <br />

lowest orbit and not allow it to <br />

crash into the nucleus(Ground <br />


4 th Model of the Atom <br />

Bohr’s Model (Planetary Model)

4 th Model of the Atom <br />

§ Developed by Niels Bohr <br />

§ Called the Planetary Model or <br />

Bohr Model <br />

§ Introduced in 1913 <br />

§ Positive nucleus with electrons <br />

traveling in orbits

James Chadwick <br />

§ British physicist -­‐ 1935 Nobel Physics <br />

§ 1891-­‐1974 <br />

§ 1932 discovered existence of “neutrons” <br />

§ uncharged -­‐ slightly heavier than protons <br />

§ found in nucleus

Quantum Mechanics Model

5th Model of the Atom <br />

§ Developed by many scientists (Schroedinger & <br />

Heisenburg) <br />

§ Quantum Mechanics Model <br />

§ Introduced in the 1930s and 1940s <br />

§ Mathematical model – positive nucleus with a <br />

fuzzy cloud of electrons

q Thomsons Daltons q Rutherfords (also Plum Pudding Greek) Model Model <br />

–<br />

<br />

– <br />

– <br />

– <br />

–<br />

<br />

–<br />

<br />

–<br />

<br />

+ <br />

– <br />

+ <br />

+ + <br />

– <br />

– <br />

– <br />

+ + <br />

– <br />

+<br />

N<br />

<br />

+ <br />

– – <br />

+ + – <br />

–<br />

<br />

+ <br />

Bohr Model

Quantum Mechanics Model

To Be Continued… <br />

§<br />


Review of the Atomic Models <br />

Draw all the Atomic Models <br />

through history and name the <br />

scientist who is responsible for <br />

that model. <br />

http://www.teachersdomain.org/asset/<br />


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