BRAUN – Media Backgrounder EN - KAZ Europe

BRAUN – Media Backgrounder EN - KAZ Europe

BRAUN – Media Backgrounder EN - KAZ Europe


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Thermometers:<br />

• Thermometers are an essential item of any medical cabinet as fever is very common and<br />

frequent<br />

o Up to 7 infective diseases with fever per year (toddler)<br />

o Approx. 3 infections with fever per year (school age)<br />

o Approx. 2 infections with fever per year (adults)<br />

• Parents tend to own between one and three thermometers as they use different<br />

thermometers for different moments of the day and family members.<br />

• Less invasive technologies have shown the most growth in the thermometry market<br />

• Price is becoming less and less of a purchase barrier.<br />

• According to a recent study of almost 650 Paediatricians and General Practitioners in the UK,<br />

France and Germany by GfK Custom Research France, the Braun ThermoScan® IRT4000<br />

series ear thermometer with ExacTemp Technology was voted as the most used and<br />

recommended thermometer brand by Doctors and Paediatricians.<br />

• With over 250 million Braun lens filters for thermometers sold each year, consumers and<br />

professionals can be assured of an accurate, hygienic reading in one second.<br />

Blood Pressure Monitors:<br />

• At home, patients tend to be less anxious than at the doctors’ office (white coat effect) *<br />

• Patients are more compliant with their therapy when they participate with daily home<br />

blood pressure checks**<br />

• Blood pressure fluctuates during the day, so only repeated measurements at home can<br />

reflect a patient’s condition<br />

• Blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke<br />

o High blood pressure contributes to around half of all cases of heart disease and<br />

stroke***<br />

o In <strong>Europe</strong>, the global cost of heart diseases and stroke is above 192’000 M€ a<br />

year and in 2006, cardiac diseases of <strong>Europe</strong>ans represented a loss of 41’000<br />

M€ in productivity terms****<br />

• Treating blood pressure is a reward for the public’s health<br />

o Treating high blood pressure has been associated with about a 40% reduction in<br />

the risk of stroke and about a 15% reduction in the risk of heart attack*****<br />

* Bibliomed : Quelles indications pour la MAPA dans le diagnostic et le suivi de l’HTA ? Numéro 189 du 15<br />

juin 2000<br />

**2007 Guidelines for Management of Hypertension<br />

***WHO: Atlas of Heart disease and Stroke, 2004<br />

****http://www.fundaciondelcorazon.com/actualidad/otras-campanas/1321-en-espana-el-20-de-la-poblacionmayor-de-55-anos-tiene-mas-de-dos-factores-de-riesgo-cardiovascular.html<br />

*****Hypertension Guidelines 2003, WHO<br />


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