Annual Report 12/13 - The English Table Tennis Association

Annual Report 12/13 - The English Table Tennis Association Annual Report 12/13 - The English Table Tennis Association


National Council National Council Explained National Councillors and Deputy National Councillors 6 Each county selects a representative to serve on the Council which decides the policy for the administration of ETTA Ltd. They meet four times a year to receive reports, minutes of committees and recommendations from the Association’s Management Committee. The county representatives, the National Councillors, listed below have the challenging task of determining policy with reference to all of the ETTA’s activities. They then have the opportunity, via their own County meetings, to explain proposed policy to the member leagues. Valuable feedback is then obtained to reflect members’ interests. National Deputy National No Table Tennis County Councillor Councillor 1 Avon MWJ Lewis DL Hockney 2 Bedfordshire Mrs VJ Murdoch J Alsop 3 Berkshire C Dyke A Bruton 4 Buckinghamshire RR Washington RJ Hedley 5 Cambridgeshire BR Freer Mrs V Parkes 6 Cheshire Mrs KM Tonge MBE R Jackson 7 Cleveland AE Ransome OBE C Davison 8 Cornwall Mrs DM Jermyn TR Vardon 9 Derbyshire LA Chatwin Mrs S Deaton 10 Devonshire CP Goulding No appointment 11 Dorset LT Whittaker T Hales 12 Durham GM Wilson D Bissett 13 Essex BR Granger N Brierley 14 Gloucestershire LJ Smith Mrs EJ Kirby 15 Hampshire DB Turner B P Lamerton 16 Herefordshire H Jutle G Stables 17 Hertfordshire DJ Edwards JM Barnes 18 Isle of Wight Mrs E Prean BR Halliday 19 Kent N Le Milliere EK Muhr 20 Lancashire S Clarke DD Goulden 21 Leicestershire MGR Smith G Sanders 22 Lincolnshire GE Tyler D Brown 23 Middlesex Mrs DM Stannard M Close 24 Norfolk RR Drew No appointment 25 Northamptonshire KJ Marchant No appointment 26 Northumberland J Donnelly A Hedley 27 Nottinghamshire M Allsop B Rimmer 28 Oxfordshire AR Hughes J Birkin 29 Shropshire Mrs J Bevan Mrs J Powis 30 Somerset JM Burtenshaw M Withyman 31 South Yorkshire R Loxley JF Galloway 32 Staffordshire D Sherratt C Bell 33 Suffolk PF Fordham No appointment 34 Surrey Miss M Fraser HA Laws 35 Sussex M Jezisek M Burman 36 Warwickshire EJ Williams M Macfarlane 37 Wiltshire AL Seward S Cutler 38 Worcestershire DA Young Mrs LA Reid 39 Yorkshire RB Hudson B Snowden

Committee Chairmen Operations Vice-Chairman John Dignum Committee Chairmen: Board of Appeal John Freeman JP Disciplinary June Watts JP Honours Alex Murdoch Rules Colin Clemett Returning & Nominations Officer Neil Le Milliere Membership John Dignum Ranking Policy Malcolm Macfarlane Finance Vice-Chairman/Treasurer Committee Chairman: Trade Competitions & Marketing Vice-Chairman Committee Chairmen: Competitions Marketing Major Event Feasibility Calendar Working Party National Umpires & Referees Tournaments British League County Championships Press & Publicity Vice-Chairman Committee Chairmen: Public Relations Archives & Museums Honorary Life Members & Vice-Presidents Honorary Life Vice-President JA Leach MBE Honorary Life Members LA Chatwin, CJ Clemett, PHM Hillier, MR Holt, LF Landry, MWJ Lewis, AE Ransome OBE, NK Reeve, RC Scruton, LJ Smith, Mrs D M Stannard, H J Webb, JM Wright, DA Young Deceased Honorary Life Members The Dowager Lady G Swaythling, AF Carris, GW Decker, LE Forrest, IGS Montagu, AK Vint OBE, PE Warden, CG Woodcock, M Goldstein, WE Stamp, IC Eyles, FGJ Mannooch, E Reay, LS Woollard,T Blunn, N Cook, G James, C Jaschke, PW Hyde, F Milligan, ME Scott, GR Harrower, CM Wyles OBE, K Watts, GR Yates, LLE Thompson, H Walker, AJH Wickens, AE Upton, EG Whilte, J Jermyn, RJ Crayden, J Holden, KTO Ponting Martin Clark Stan Clarke Mike Holt Stuart Sherlock Mike Holt Mike Holt Harvey Webb Stuart Sherlock Steve Welch Chris Dangerfield Les Smith Nick Heaps (Acting) Nick Heaps (Acting) Nick Heaps (Acting) “The last 12 months have been both exciting and challenging for table tennis with the new Whole Sport Planning process being started. This resulted in an investment commitment by Sport England of £11M over the next four years, a 20% increase from the last WSP Award.” Vice-Presidents Development Vice-Chairman Committee Chairmen: National Development Facilities Panel Equality Child Protection Disability Regional Chairmen: East East Midlands London North East North West South/South East South West West Midlands Yorkshire Coaching/Performance Vice-Chairman Regional Coaching Chairmen: East East Midlands London North East North West South South East South West West Midlands Yorkshire Committee Chairmen: Senior Selection Panel Junior Selection Panel Performance Planning Group Special Projects Vice-Chairman Miss JM Adams, M Allsop, Mrs AP Archdale, J Arnold, J Beckley, J Blackband, PR Bradley, JM Burtenshaw, Mrs EM Carrington, PA Charters, MG Clark, S Clarke, M Close, A Cooke, Mrs W Cunningham, C Davison, P Day, Mrs S Deaton, JE Dignum, D Douglas MBE, A Drapkin, K Eliot, J Freeman JP, BR Granger, G Gurney, BR Halliday, TM Honey, R B Hudson, A Hydes, CT Hyland, TF Inge, C Jacques, Mrs G Johns, Mrs A Jones MBE, BP Lamerton, Eileen Shaler Eileen Shaler Eileen Shaler Eileen Shaler Eileen Shaler Eileen Shaler Brian Davison Sandra Deaton Michael Close Colin Davison Karen Tonge MBE Brian Lamerton John Burtenshaw Neil Wheatley Andy Bray Peter Charters Maria Ingles Suzanne Airey Vacant Jane Durham Brian Kean Vacant Ken Muhr/Nick Standen Val Clack Vacant Alan Lowe Peter Charters Peter Charters Peter Charters Nick Heaps Mrs C Lewis, P Lewis MBE, J Y Liu, MC Macfarlane, KJ Marchant, AI Marshall, WV Moran, AN Murdoch, J Neslen, Mrs DM Nightingale, Mrs J Parker MBE, LC Pilditch, LH Pilfold, DD Plowes, Dr D Ryde MB, MS, FRC, A Sandford, AL Seward, D Schofield, SE Sherlock, AWC Simons, RH Sinclair, B Skinner, MGR Smith, RJ Stevens, MD Strode, GA Taylor, Mrs KM Tonge MBE, DR Tremayne, GP Trimming, GMG Twiss, DN Tyler, GE Tyler, C Villiers MBE, RR Washington, Mrs JL Watts JP, BRJ Webb, S Welch, M Wolman, R Yates, R Yule National Council 7

National Council<br />

National Council Explained<br />

National Councillors and Deputy National Councillors<br />

6<br />

Each county selects a representative to<br />

serve on the Council which decides the<br />

policy for the administration of ETTA Ltd.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y meet four times a year to receive<br />

reports, minutes of committees and<br />

recommendations from the <strong>Association</strong>’s<br />

Management Committee.<br />

<strong>The</strong> county representatives, the National<br />

Councillors, listed below have the<br />

challenging task of determining policy<br />

with reference to all of the ETTA’s<br />

activities.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y then have the opportunity, via<br />

their own County meetings, to explain<br />

proposed policy to the member leagues.<br />

Valuable feedback is then obtained to<br />

reflect members’ interests.<br />

National<br />

Deputy National<br />

No <strong>Table</strong> <strong>Tennis</strong> County Councillor Councillor<br />

1 Avon MWJ Lewis DL Hockney<br />

2 Bedfordshire Mrs VJ Murdoch J Alsop<br />

3 Berkshire C Dyke A Bruton<br />

4 Buckinghamshire RR Washington RJ Hedley<br />

5 Cambridgeshire BR Freer Mrs V Parkes<br />

6 Cheshire Mrs KM Tonge MBE R Jackson<br />

7 Cleveland AE Ransome OBE C Davison<br />

8 Cornwall Mrs DM Jermyn TR Vardon<br />

9 Derbyshire LA Chatwin Mrs S Deaton<br />

10 Devonshire CP Goulding No appointment<br />

11 Dorset LT Whittaker T Hales<br />

<strong>12</strong> Durham GM Wilson D Bissett<br />

<strong>13</strong> Essex BR Granger N Brierley<br />

14 Gloucestershire LJ Smith Mrs EJ Kirby<br />

15 Hampshire DB Turner B P Lamerton<br />

16 Herefordshire H Jutle G Stables<br />

17 Hertfordshire DJ Edwards JM Barnes<br />

18 Isle of Wight Mrs E Prean BR Halliday<br />

19 Kent N Le Milliere EK Muhr<br />

20 Lancashire S Clarke DD Goulden<br />

21 Leicestershire MGR Smith G Sanders<br />

22 Lincolnshire GE Tyler D Brown<br />

23 Middlesex Mrs DM Stannard M Close<br />

24 Norfolk RR Drew No appointment<br />

25 Northamptonshire KJ Marchant No appointment<br />

26 Northumberland J Donnelly A Hedley<br />

27 Nottinghamshire M Allsop B Rimmer<br />

28 Oxfordshire AR Hughes J Birkin<br />

29 Shropshire Mrs J Bevan Mrs J Powis<br />

30 Somerset JM Burtenshaw M Withyman<br />

31 South Yorkshire R Loxley JF Galloway<br />

32 Staffordshire D Sherratt C Bell<br />

33 Suffolk PF Fordham No appointment<br />

34 Surrey Miss M Fraser HA Laws<br />

35 Sussex M Jezisek M Burman<br />

36 Warwickshire EJ Williams M Macfarlane<br />

37 Wiltshire AL Seward S Cutler<br />

38 Worcestershire DA Young Mrs LA Reid<br />

39 Yorkshire RB Hudson B Snowden

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