Annual Report 12/13 - The English Table Tennis Association

Annual Report 12/13 - The English Table Tennis Association Annual Report 12/13 - The English Table Tennis Association


English Table Tennis Association Limited Income and Expenditure Account For The Year Ended 31 March 2013 Notes 2013 £ 2012 £ Turnover 2 5,345,399 5,217,527 Administrative expenses (5,326,353) (5,198,870) Operating(deficit)/surplus 3 19,046 18,657 Other interest receivable and similar income 4 11,991 7,925 Surplus on ordinary activities before taxation 31,037 26,582 Taxation 5 2,398 1,585 Surplus on ordinary activities after taxation 10 28,639 24,997 3

English Table Tennis Association Limited Balance Sheet As at 31st March 2013 2013 2012 Notes £ £ £ £ Fixed Assets Tangible assets 6 48,747 73,582 Statement of Accounts Current Assets Stocks 7 23,598 20,474 Debtors 8 204,354 216,906 Cash at bank and in hand 963,351 1,044,905 1,191,303 1,282,285 Current Liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 9 646,114 818,900 Net Current Assets 545,189 463,385 Net Assets 593,936 536,967 Represented by: Reserves Income and expenditure account 10 517,865 489,226 Testimonial Funds 11 45,271 47,741 Performance Fund 30,800 0 593,936 536,967 These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006 and the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective April 2008) relating to small companies. The financial statements were approved by the board on 25th May 2013 and were signed on their behalf by: Director M. G. Clark, FCCA Director A. N. Murdoch Registration number 04268058 4

<strong>English</strong> <strong>Table</strong> <strong>Tennis</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Limited<br />

Income and Expenditure Account<br />

For <strong>The</strong> Year Ended 31 March 20<strong>13</strong><br />

Notes<br />

20<strong>13</strong><br />

£<br />

20<strong>12</strong><br />

£<br />

Turnover 2 5,345,399 5,217,527<br />

Administrative expenses (5,326,353) (5,198,870)<br />

Operating(deficit)/surplus 3 19,046 18,657<br />

Other interest receivable and similar income 4 11,991 7,925<br />

Surplus on ordinary activities before taxation 31,037 26,582<br />

Taxation 5 2,398 1,585<br />

Surplus on ordinary activities after taxation 10 28,639 24,997<br />


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