The Scarlet Cord - Moriel Ministries

The Scarlet Cord - Moriel Ministries

The Scarlet Cord - Moriel Ministries

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<strong>Moriel</strong> South Africa – Continued<br />

to reveal and glorify the Son, as well as to<br />

convict of sin.<br />

Secondly, we have fellowship with the<br />

Son. 1 Corinthians 1:9. “God is faithful,<br />

through whom ye were called into the fellowship<br />

of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”<br />

We have to have Koinonia with the Son<br />

for the following reasons. As the passage<br />

says, ‘Jesus is Lord.’ Why is He Lord Because<br />

the Father has made Him so. Turn to<br />

1 Corinthians 15:20-28 it says for “But now<br />

hath Christ been raised from the dead, the<br />

firstfruits of them that are asleep. For since<br />

by man came death, by man came also the<br />

resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam<br />

all die, so also in Christ shall all be made<br />

alive. But each in his own order: Christ the<br />

firstfruits; then they that are Christ’s, at<br />

his coming. <strong>The</strong>n cometh the end, when he<br />

shall deliver up the kingdom to God, even<br />

the Father; when he shall have abolished<br />

all rule and all authority and power. For he<br />

must reign, till he hath put all his enemies<br />

under his feet. <strong>The</strong> last enemy that shall be<br />

abolished is death. For, He put all things<br />

in subjection under his feet. But when he<br />

saith, All things are put in subjection, it is<br />

evident that he is excepted who did subject<br />

all things unto him. And when all things<br />

have been subjected unto him, then shall<br />

the Son also himself be subjected to him<br />

that did subject all things unto him, that<br />

God may be all in all.”<br />

He shall put down all rule and authority.<br />

He shall deliver the Kingdom to God.<br />

He must reign till all enemies are under<br />

His feet.<br />

He shall have all things subject to Him.<br />

And Acts 4:12 says, “And in none other<br />

is there salvation: for neither is there any<br />

other name under heaven, that is given<br />

among men, wherein we must be saved.”<br />

Jesus is Lord! He is salvation. If we do not<br />

have fellowship with the Son, in the very<br />

real sense of the Word, we are in danger<br />

of coming to Him in these last hours and<br />

saying “Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in<br />

your name, cast out demons in your name,<br />

perform miracles in you name” – And because<br />

we had not ‘koinonia’, no fellowship,<br />

nothing in common with Him, He will say<br />

“I never knew you, depart from Me you<br />

who practice lawlessness.” Think of the<br />

horror of that situation. “I never know you.”<br />

Notice He didn’t say, “You never did works<br />

for me, you never evangelized for me, you<br />

never tithed to me.” “I never knew You”!<br />

You see it’s about fellowship, it’s about relationship,<br />

it’s about communion with Jesus<br />

as your Saviour, ‘koinonia’ with our Lord.<br />

Thirdly, because we have fellowship<br />

with the Spirit, because we have fellowship<br />

with Jesus, we can have fellowship with the<br />

Father. 1 John 1:1-3: That which was from<br />

the beginning, that which we have heard,<br />

David Royle<br />

that which we have seen with our eyes, that<br />

which we beheld, and our hands handled,<br />

concerning the Word of life (and the life<br />

was manifested, and we have seen, and<br />

bear witness, and declare unto you the life,<br />

the eternal life, which was with the Father,<br />

and was manifested unto us); that which we<br />

have seen and heard declare we unto you<br />

also, that ye also may have fellowship with<br />

us: yea, and our fellowship is with the Father,<br />

and with his Son Jesus Christ:<br />

Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father,<br />

interceding as our advocate, so we can<br />

come before the Father and be reconciled<br />

through His precious blood and have fellowship.<br />

Why do we need to be reconciled<br />

Because we as human beings were lost in<br />

our Sin and the Father is a Holy God; and<br />

not just Holy… But as Isaiah says in chapter<br />

6 ‘Holy, Holy, Holy.’ <strong>The</strong> Father is Holy,<br />

the Son is Holy, the Spirit is Holy. Holiness<br />

is the very nature of His being.<br />

And a Holy God required the payment<br />

of our Sin and He knew works could not<br />

cover the debt or the sacrifice of animals.<br />

He needed a perfect sacrifice that no human<br />

being could pay. And so in His love, in His<br />

mercy, in His justice, He sent Him who was<br />

most precious to Him, His only begotten<br />

Son, Yehsua. You see Genesis 1:26 says,<br />

“And God said, Let us make man in our image,<br />

after our likeness: and let them have<br />

dominion over the fish of the sea, and over<br />

the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle,<br />

and over all the earth, and over every creeping<br />

thing that creepeth upon the earth.”<br />

When we see the tri-unity of the Godhead,<br />

we see all that is balanced, wholesome and<br />

lovely in perfect harmony and perfect fellowship.<br />

And He created us for fellowship<br />

too so that we may have fellowship with<br />

Him. From the beginning, that was the way<br />

it was meant to be and now through Jesus,<br />

God sees us as restored, reconciled with<br />

Him if we are in Christ today. And what<br />

fellowship we can have and will have with<br />

Him because He is holy, because He is the<br />

creator, because He is omniscient, omnipresent,<br />

He holds the universe together and<br />

yet, as Psalm 8 says, He is mindful of us’.<br />

And as John 3:16 says, He loves us so much.<br />

Fellowship, Koinonia, with the Father,<br />

the Son, and the Holy Spirit and yes, even<br />

us too. That we should have communion, a<br />

sharing together with them that we may grow<br />

to be more and more like Jesus everyday.<br />

Are we really in fellowship Are we ready<br />

for fellowship Do you now understand<br />

the depth of fellowship God called us too<br />

Let me conclude. In Genesis where it all<br />

began, God spoke forth His creation and on<br />

every level He said “it is good,” the earth,<br />

the trees, the seas, the sun, the moon. But<br />

when He looked at Adam, He said, “it is<br />

not good that the man should be alone, I<br />

will make a helper for him,” in the Hebrew<br />

a counter balance. Marriage was the second<br />

fellowship created, the first was with<br />

God Himself. <strong>The</strong> next was with families<br />

as the man and woman had children. You<br />

see koinonia rings us balance, koinonia<br />

keeps us stable, koinonia draws us closer<br />

to each other and to God. Do you deserve<br />

Koinonia Isn’t it funny that since the fall,<br />

and particularly within these days, our relationship<br />

with God, within marriages and<br />

with families, the first three created are<br />

ever more being attacked, ruined, decimated<br />

by the father of lies. Why Because<br />

Satan understands more than us the effect<br />

koinonia has. So He wants to your this assembly.<br />

He wants to ruin our marriages. He<br />

wants to ruin the relationship between father,<br />

son, mother daughter, brother, sister. I<br />

have recently been investigating the attack<br />

on marriage by homosexuals and Liberals<br />

with their insistence on the normality of<br />

same sex union. Our cowardly backslidden<br />

government allowing children as young as<br />

five to be groomed for sex changes when<br />

they are older. Satan is at work world wide<br />

and it seems at this time he is winning the<br />

battle for our families.<br />

Next time we will look at who we should<br />

not fellowship with and the barriers to fellowship<br />

along with the issues of marriage<br />

and families. But maybe right now you are<br />

beginning to recognize the importance of<br />

deep fellowship with the triune God. And<br />

maybe you are recognizing that there are<br />

obstacles in its way. And if that’s the case,<br />

are we going to do something about it<br />

May it never be that some of us may one<br />

day hear these words “I never knew you.”<br />

But also, you may recognize right now, that<br />

old Cloven Hooves, has been pitter pattering<br />

around your assembly. Even worse that<br />

through his lies and half truths he has been<br />

waging war on your marriage, on your family.<br />

In that case, again, what are you going<br />

to do about it Are you just going to give<br />

in Are you going to ignore it Or are you<br />

going to fight for your son or daughter<br />

Fight for you husband or wife Fight for<br />

that person in the assembly<br />

How do you fight Well those who have<br />

been around the block once or twice know<br />

how he works. First of all he uses our pride.<br />

“I won’t say sorry.” “I won’t make the first<br />

move.” “I’m right, they’re wrong” Sound<br />

familiar <strong>The</strong>n he uses our rebellious nature<br />

- even when we know what the word<br />

says, we say “Why should I humble myself”<br />

“Why should I have to go that extent”<br />

Sound familiar Isn’t it funny that<br />

pride and rebellion are the best things that<br />

Satan does next to lying.<br />

Fellowship with God.<br />

Do you have fellowship with the Spirit today<br />

Do you have fellowship with the Son today<br />

16 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2012

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