Open Printable/Searchable Copy - Global Mapper

Open Printable/Searchable Copy - Global Mapper

Open Printable/Searchable Copy - Global Mapper


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<strong>Global</strong> <strong>Mapper</strong> User's Manual<br />

• GRID_NAMING_COLS - specifies how to name the column portion of grid cell names when using<br />


value of this field is a comma-delimited list with the following field values:<br />

♦ Naming type. Can have the following values:<br />

◊ NUM - name using numbers in ascending order<br />

◊ NUM_REVERSE - name using numbers in descending order<br />

◊ ALPHA - name using letters in ascending order<br />

◊ ALPHA_REVERSE - name using letters in descending order<br />

♦ Starting value for numbering or lettering (i.e. '1', or 'A').<br />

♦ Prefix string to use before the numeric or alphabetic value.<br />

♦ Step value for numeric naming (default is '1')<br />

You can leave values blank if they don't apply or you want to use the default. As an example, to do<br />

numeric naming starting at the number 100, increasing by 10 each time with a prefix of DEM, you<br />

would use GRID_NAMING_COLS="NUM,100,DEM,10".<br />

• GRID_NAMING_ROWS - specifies how to name the row portion of grid cell names when using the<br />

GRID_NAMING=SEPARATE parameter. See the documentation for the GRID_NAMING_COLS<br />

parameter above for details on the format.<br />

• GRID_NAMING_PREPEND_ZEROES - specifies whether or not to prepend zeroes to the start of<br />

grid column/row names. Use GRID_NAMING_PREPEND_ZEROES=NO to disable the prepending<br />

of zeroes.<br />

• GRID_NAMING_SEPARATOR - specifies the separator string to use between pieces of a grid name.<br />

The default is an underscore.<br />

• GRID_CREATE_FOLDERS - specifies that a separate folder should be generated for each row (or<br />

column if GRID_NAMING=SEPARATE_COLS_FIRST is specified) of the export rather than<br />

placing every output file in the same folder.<br />

• POLYGON_CROP_FILE - specifies the full path and filename of a vector file containing a polygon<br />

feature to which the export should be cropped. If multiple polygons are found in the specified file the<br />

polygon which has the largest intersection with the data to be exported will be used as the crop<br />

polygon (see POLYGON_CROP_USE_ALL or POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH for exceptions).<br />

• POLYGON_CROP_NAME - specifies the name of a polygon shape previously defined using the<br />

DEFINE_SHAPE command to which the export should be cropped. The coordinates in the shape<br />

need to have been provided in whatever projection the export is being done in.<br />

• POLYGON_CROP_USE_ALL - specifies that if a POLYGON_CROP_FILE is specified that<br />

contains multiple polygons, the export will be cropped to all polygons in that file rather than just the<br />

best-fit polygon.<br />

• POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH - specifies that if a POLYGON_CROP_FILE is specified that<br />

contains multiple polygons, the operation will generate a separate export for each polygons in that file<br />

rather than just the best-fit polygon. See the POLYGON_CROP_BBOX_ONLY and<br />

POLYGON_CROP_NAME_ATTR options for naming and other options when using this parameter.<br />

Use POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH=YES to enable.<br />

• POLYGON_CROP_BBOX_ONLY - specifies that if the POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameter<br />

is specified that each export should just be cropped to the bounding box of each polygon rather than<br />

the actual boundary of the polygon. Use POLYGON_CROP_BBOX_ONLY=YES to enable only<br />

cropping to the bounding box.<br />

• POLYGON_CROP_NAME_ATTR - used to control the filenames generated when cropping to<br />

multiple polygons using the POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameter. This should be the actual<br />

name of the attribute from the polygon features to use for naming, or the special values or . If no value is provided, the exported files will be sequentially<br />

numbered.<br />

• POLYGON_CROP_FOLDER_ATTR - used to control the filenames generated when cropping to<br />

multiple polygons using the POLYGON_CROP_USE_EACH parameter. This should be the actual<br />

Table of Contents 262

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