Open Printable/Searchable Copy - Global Mapper

Open Printable/Searchable Copy - Global Mapper

Open Printable/Searchable Copy - Global Mapper


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<strong>Global</strong> <strong>Mapper</strong> User's Manual<br />

specified sample spacing for the export, the sample spacing will be adjusted to be slightly smaller<br />

rather than the default of adjusting the export bounds up to the next sample spacing boundary.<br />

• Automatically Anti-Alias Raster Layers When Loaded - if checked, this option specifies that raster<br />

imagery/scanned map layers will have bilinear resampling enabled automatically when loaded to<br />

smooth appearance. If not checked then the default nearest neighbor (i.e. no resampling) option will<br />

be used.<br />

• Don't Automatically Interpolate Terrain Layers on Load - if checked, this option specifies that<br />

gridded elevation layers will not have the default bilinear resampling enabled automatically when<br />

loaded to smooth appearance but instead will use the nearest neighbor (i.e. no resampling) option.<br />

• Use Current Screen Bounds by Default when Exporting - if checked, this option specifies that the<br />

default choice on the Export Bounds tab when exporting should be to use the current screen bounds<br />

rather than exporting all loaded data.<br />

• Default Contrast Adjustment to Linear Min/Max Stretch - if checked, this option specified that<br />

layers that come in with automatic contrast adjustment enabled by default (primarily imagery with<br />

more than 8 bits per color channel) will defualt to using the linear min/max strecth contrast<br />

adjustment mode rather than the standard deviation adjustment.<br />

• Never Automatically Contrast Adjust Images on Load - if checked, this option disables the<br />

automatic contrast adjustment of imagery with more than 8 bits per color channel on import.<br />

• Minimize Main Window During Exports - if checked, this option causes the main map window to<br />

automatically be minimized during most export operations.<br />

• Terrain Export: Specify Bounds as Pixel is Area - if checked, this option specifies the the bounding<br />

box that you provide when exporting to new terrain/ gridded elevation formats will be specifed as<br />

"pixel is area" (i.e. via coordinates of the edges of the grid cells) rather than the default of "pixel is<br />

point" (i.e. coordinates refer to center of outer grid cells rather than outer edges of cells).<br />

• BIL Format: Ask if 16-bit Files are Imagery - if checked, this option will cause the user to be<br />

prompted to choose whether 16-bit BIL files that are encountered are elevation or imagery files. If not<br />

checked, any 16-bit BIL files will be assumed to be elevation files.<br />

• DGN: Import Cells as Point Features - if checked, this option causes cell features in DGN v8 and<br />

later files that have an associated point location to just be loaded as a single point feature rather than<br />

the collection of features specified by the cell.<br />

• DGN: Add DGN Color Number to Feature Description - if checked, this option causes the DGN<br />

color number for each feature to be appended to the feature description/level number.<br />

• DXF/DWG: Import INSERT entities as point features - if checked, this option specifies that the<br />

content of INSERT entities (i.e. blocks) in DXF and DWG files should be loaded as a single point<br />

feature at the location of the INSERT.<br />

• DXF/DWG: Create New Types from Layers - if checked, this option will cause new <strong>Global</strong><br />

<strong>Mapper</strong> types to automatically be created for every DXF/DWG layer name encountered for which a<br />

<strong>Global</strong> <strong>Mapper</strong> type does not already exist.<br />

• Show Pixel Location in Status Bar - if checked, this option causes the native pixel location of the<br />

topmost raster or gridded elevation file to be displayed in the status bar as you move the cursor around<br />

in addition to the color and/or elevation data.<br />

• Use DOS Character Set for Default Label Fonts - if checked, this option specifies that default<br />

display label fonts should use the OEM character set (code page 437) rather than the ANSI character<br />

set (code page 1252). This option can be helpful if you are having problem with accented characters<br />

not displaying correctly from some data sets (those data sets encoded in code page 437 rather than<br />

1252).<br />

• Use Path to First Loaded File as Default Export Path - if checked, this option specifies that when<br />

exporting a new file, the default export path will be the path of the first loaded file during this session<br />

rather than the path to the last exported file in any session.<br />

• Use CR/LF in World Files (TFW) Instead of LF - if checked, this specifies that lines in generated<br />

world files will be terminated using a carriage return (CR) and linefeed (LF) character as is customary<br />

Table of Contents 124

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