MODULI SPACES EDUARDO ESTEVES These are draft notes for a course on moduli spaces. They are not in final form: they may contain many misprints or even more fundamental errors. They are in no way suitable for publication, not even to the standard of the author! 1

<strong>MODULI</strong> <strong>SPACES</strong><br />


These are draft notes for a course on moduli spaces. They are not in final form: they may contain<br />

many misprints or even more fundamental errors. They are in no way suitable for publication, not<br />

even to the standard of the author!<br />



1. The moduli space of curves and stacks<br />

We will construct two parameter spaces in the next chapters, that of subvarieties<br />

of a given variety and that of smooth curves. The first will represent a functor,<br />

while the second will only corepresent it.<br />

Consider a closed subvariety X of P n . It corresponds to a homogeneous saturated<br />

ideal I ⊆ K[x 0 , . . . , x n ], the ideal generated by the forms that vanish on X.<br />

For each integer d ≥ 0, let I d be the space of forms of degree d that belong to I;<br />

it is a finite-dimensional space. As we will see, since I is finitely generated, the<br />

function d ↦→ dim K I d is polynomial in d, for large values of d. Denote by P I (t)<br />

this polynomial. So P I (t) is the unique polynomial of degree at most n such that<br />

P I (t) = dim K I d for all d larger than a certain integer. Of course, the difference<br />

( ) t + n<br />

P X (t) := − P I (t)<br />

n<br />

is also polynomial, and<br />

P X (d) = dim K<br />

K[X 0 , . . . , X n ] d<br />

I d<br />

for large values of d. We call P X (d) the Hilbert polynomial of X.<br />

Important numerical invariants of X can be read from its Hilbert polynomial.<br />

For instance, the dimension dim X, the maximum dimension of one of its irreducible<br />

components, is the degree of P X (t). Also, the degree of X, the number of points<br />

X intersects a sufficiently general linear subspace of P n of codimension dim X, is<br />

(dim X)! the leading coefficient of P (t).<br />

We will see that there is a projective parameter space for subvarieties of a fixed<br />

Hilbert polynomial. It represents a functor, but to define it now we would need to<br />

introduce a few concepts that we prefer to leave out. To at least have a statement,<br />

let us just consider the open subspace parameterizing smooth subvarieties.<br />

Fix now the Hilbert polynomial P (t) of a smooth subvariety of P n . Consider<br />

the functor Hilb P (t) that associates to each variety S the set of closed subvarieties<br />

X ⊆ P n × S for which the second projection p 2 : X → S is smooth, and its fibers<br />

p −1<br />

2 (s) have Hilbert polynomial P (t). Given any morphism t: T → S, define the<br />

function Hilb P (t) (S) → Hilb P (t) by letting the image of a subvariety X ⊆ P n × S be<br />

Y := (1, t) −1 (X) ⊆ P n × T.<br />

Of course, the fibers of the second projection q 2 : Y → T are also fibers of X over<br />

S, and thus are smooth and have the same Hilbert polynomial P (t). We can also<br />

show that the map q 2 is smooth.<br />

We have thus a contravariant functor from (Varieties) to (Sets). We will show<br />

in the following chapters that it is representable by a quasiprojective variety.

<strong>MODULI</strong> <strong>SPACES</strong> 3<br />

Another parameter space we will be interested in is that of smooth curves.<br />

Given a smooth projective curve C there is a natural line bundle associated to it,<br />

called the canonical or cotangent bundle ω C := Ω 1 C . Its degree is 2g − 2, where g<br />

is the genus of C. It follows from Riemann–Roch that, if g ≥ 2, then the global<br />

sections of the tricanonical bundle ω ⊗3<br />

C<br />

embed C in PN , where N := 5g − 6. The<br />

embedding is almost canonical: we need to choose a basis of the global sections.<br />

Hence, the image of C in P N is defined up to linear transformations. The image has<br />

dimension 1 and degree 6g − 6. It turns out that its Hilbert polynomial is<br />

(1) P (t) := (6g − 6)t + 1 − g.<br />

Conversely, consider the variety H representing the functor Hilb P (t) defined<br />

above, with P (t) given in (1). Consider the subset K of H of points h ∈ H such<br />

that the corresponding curve C h ⊆ P N spans P N and its hyperplane section is tricanonical.<br />

Then K is a closed subvariety of H. Furthermore, every tri-canonical<br />

image of every smooth curve of genus g is C h for some h ∈ K, and vice-versa. We<br />

would then like to construct the quotient of K by the action of PGL(N + 1), the<br />

group of linear transformations of P N or, what amounts to the same, the induced<br />

action σ : SL(N + 1) × K → K.<br />

The categorical quotient exists: it is the so-called moduli space of genus-g<br />

smooth curves, M g . Does it represent a natural functor<br />

We call a map f : C → S a family of curves of genus g if f is projective,<br />

smooth and the all the fibers f −1 (s) have genus g. We say that f is parameterized<br />

by S or over S. (A map f : C → S is projective if there is a closed embedding<br />

h: C → P r × S for some r such that f = p 2 h, where p 2 is the second projection.)<br />

The natural functor to consider would be the functor F defined for every<br />

variety S as the set of families of curves of genus g parameterized by S modulo<br />

isomorphisms. More precisely, we identify two families of curves f 1 : C 1 → S and<br />

f 2 : C 2 → S over the given S if there is an isomorphism ι: C 1 → C 2 such that<br />

f 2 ι = f 1 . This establishes an equivalence relation; the set of equivalence classes is<br />

F (S) by definition.<br />

If t: T → S is any map, we consider the fibered product:<br />

C × S T −−−→ C<br />

⏐ f ⏐↓ ⏐<br />

T f↓<br />

t<br />

T −−−→ S.<br />

The second projection C × S T → T , denoted f T above, is also a family of curves, of<br />

the same genus as the original f. Isomorphic families over S are taken to isomorphic<br />

families over T under this construction. In other words, there is a corresponding<br />

function F (S) → F (T ) taking the class of f to that of f T . It is not difficult to show<br />

that this function is compatible with taking compositions. (Essentially, if u: U → T


is another map, you need only observe that there is a natural isomorphism<br />

(C × S T ) × T U ∼ = C × S U.)<br />

Does M g represent this functor The answer is no: M g only corepresents F .<br />

The reason is the curves with automorphisms: they prevent M g , the categorical<br />

quotient of K by SL(N + 1), from representing F . There are two ways we can make<br />

the last statement more meaningful. We can argue that the functor paramaterizing<br />

families of curves as above but whose fibers have no automorphism but the identity<br />

is representable. And we can argue that M g cannot represent F by using a family<br />

of curves with nontrivial automorphisms.<br />

Let us consider the following example: Pick a curve C of genus g ≥ 2 with a<br />

nontrivial automorphism σ. Let n be its order. Pick any elliptic curve E, in other<br />

words, a nonsingular cubic curve. Choosing a point O ∈ E we have a natural group<br />

structure on E for which O is the neutral element. There is a point P ∈ E of order<br />

n. (Think of the torus; otherwise see Mumford, Abelian varieties.) Consider the<br />

translation-by-P map τ, sending each Q ∈ E to Q + P . Then τ is an element of<br />

order n of the group Aut(E). Identify the subgroup of Aut(C) generated by σ and<br />

the subgroup of Aut(E) generated by τ with G := Z/nZ, by taking τ and σ to<br />

ξ := 1. Then G acts on the product C × E, by letting<br />

ξ(Q, R) := (σ(Q), τ(R)).<br />

Of course, G acts also on E and on C, and the projections p 1 : C × E → C and<br />

p 2 : C × E → E are G-invariant. The action of G on E and thus on C × E is free,<br />

that is the stabilizers are trivial. This means the quotient X := C × E//G is a<br />

smooth connected projective surface. Since p 2 is G-invariant, it induces a morphism<br />

f : X → S, where S is the quotient of E by the subgroup generated by P , thus<br />

another elliptic surface. This map is smooth and all of its fibers are isomorphic to<br />

C: in fact, the diagram<br />

C × E −−−→ X<br />

⏐ p 2<br />

⏐↓ ⏐<br />

f↓<br />

E −−−→ S<br />

is a fiber product, where the horizontal maps are the quotient maps. Another such<br />

family is simply the second projection q 2 : C × S → S. If M g corepresented the<br />

functor F , then these families would correspond to maps to M g , but these two maps<br />

would be the same map t: S → M g . Moreover, if M g represented F then there would<br />

be a family of curves over M g inducing families isomorphic to f and q 2 by means of<br />

t. More directly, f and q 2 would be isomorphic, but there is no such isomorphism.<br />

This is usually the example presented to argue that M g does not represent<br />

F . However, we see from the above diagram that the family f is trivial after an<br />

étale base change. So we may still ask whether F ét is representable. Elements of<br />

F ét (S) are not anymore families over S but noneffective patching data of families

<strong>MODULI</strong> <strong>SPACES</strong> 5<br />

over S. But this kind of situation happens for other functors, for example, the one<br />

associated with relative Jacobians, and is not a big issue.<br />

In fact, the étale associated sheaf Gét of the quotient functor G for the action<br />

σ is isomorphic to F ét as we will argue soon. (This shows in particular that M g<br />

corepresents F .) So, in principle, it could be that M g represents F ét . But this fails<br />

as well.<br />

In fact, F ét is not even an algebraic space. The argument given in the last<br />

chapter to show that Gét is an algebraic space requires that the stabilizers of the<br />

action be trivial. This is not the case: a nontrivial automorphism of C induces<br />

an isomorphism of the space of sections of ω ⊗3<br />

C , and thus an automorphism of PN ,<br />

where C is tri-canonically embedded. This automorphism of P N induces that of C<br />

by restriction, so is nontrivial. Since it sends C to itself, it fixes the point in H<br />

corresponding to C.<br />

Let us argue that Gét is isomorphic to F ét . Since H represents Hilb P (t) , there<br />

is a “universal” subscheme X ⊆ P N × K, whose projection µ: X → K is a family<br />

of curves of genus g. Given an element of G(S), thus the equivalence class of a map<br />

f : S → K, consider the fibered product<br />

X × K S −−−→ X<br />

⏐ µ S<br />

⏐↓ ⏐<br />

µ ↓<br />

S<br />

f<br />

−−−→ K.<br />

Then µ S is a family of curves of genus g over S, thus defining an element of F (S).<br />

Another representative of the equivalence class of f would yield an isomorphic family.<br />

Also, it is clear by the above construction that this construction is compatible with<br />

the functions associated to maps of varieties by F and G, thus defining a natural<br />

transformation G → F . Buy their very definitions, it is clear that this defines a<br />

natural transformation Gét → F ét .<br />

Conversely, let S be a variety, S ′ → S an étale surjection and f : C ′ → S ′ a<br />

family of curves of genus g yielding an element of F ét (S). Up to changing S ′ by a<br />

Zariski covering, we may assume that the bundle f ∗ (ω ⊗3<br />

C ′ /S<br />

) of sections of the relative<br />

′<br />

tri-canonical bundle is trivial, that is, isomorphic to the trivial bundle of rank 5g−5.<br />

Choosing a trivialization, we obtain a closed embedding ι: C ′ → P N × S ′ such that<br />

p 2 ι = f, where p 2 : P N × S ′ → S ′ is the second projection. We thus have a map<br />

S ′ → K, giving rise to an element of G(S ′ ). However, the fact that f yields an<br />

element of F ét (S), and not simply F (S ′ ), means that there is an étale surjection<br />

S ′′ → S ′ × S S ′ such that the images of f in F (S ′′ ) under the two projections<br />

q 1 : S ′′ → S ′ and q 2 : S ′′ → S ′ are the same. Call f 1 : C 1 × S ′′ and f 2 : C 2 × S ′′ the


induced families. In other words, we have fibered products:<br />

C 1 −−−→ C ′<br />

⏐ f ⏐↓ ⏐<br />

1 f↓<br />

S ′′ q 1<br />

−−−→ S<br />

′<br />

and<br />

C 2 −−−→ C ′<br />

⏐ f ⏐↓ ⏐<br />

2 f↓<br />

S ′′ q 2<br />

−−−→ S ′ .<br />

The fact that they are equal in F (S ′′ ) means there is an isomorphism between<br />

them. This isomorphism induces isomorphisms between the bundles of sections of<br />

the tricanonical relative bundles of the two families, which are trivial, thus giving<br />

rise to a map S ′′ → PGL(N + 1) establishing an automorphism of P N × S ′′ that<br />

restricts to an isomorphism between the embedded C ! and C 2 . This means that the<br />

element of G(S ′ ) constructed above induces tyhe same element (equivalence class)<br />

in G(S ′′ ), whether we take the element induced by q 1 or by q 2 . Thus the element of<br />

G(S ′ ) gives rise to an element of Gét (S).<br />

It remains to see that this element of Gét (S) is independent of the choices<br />

made. So, we would have to consider another étale surjection T → S and another<br />

family of curves h: Y → T of genus g yielding the same element of F ét (S). This<br />

means there would be an étale surjection U → T × S S ′ such that the induced families<br />

of curves over U through the first and second projections are isomorphic. We would<br />

have to replace T by a Zariski covering to get a map T → K. In the end we will get<br />

that this map and S ′ → K constructed above give the same element of Gét (S).<br />

Finally, we would have to see that the natural transformations constructed,<br />

Gét → F ét and F ét → Gét are inverse to each other. This takes some work but is<br />

rather simple.<br />

If our functor F parameterizes only curves without nontrivial automorphisms,<br />

we can show that F ét is an algebraic space. (As a matter of fact, F ét is indeed a<br />

scheme.) In fact, we need a little more, as the triviality of the stabilizers shows only<br />

that the natural map<br />

(σ, p 2 ): G × K −→ K × K<br />

is injective. We need to observe as well that the automorphisms of a smooth curve<br />

do not deform, not even infinitesimally. This is simply the fact that C has no global<br />

vector field for g ≥ 2.<br />

Finally, a word about stacks. We want the diagram<br />

G × K<br />

⏐<br />

p 2<br />

⏐↓<br />

K<br />

σ<br />

−−−→ K<br />

⏐ ⏐↓<br />

−−−→ F ét<br />

to be Cartesian. This would allow us to study F ét by means of K and its action, as<br />

if K were an atlas of F ét . The idea is to replace F ét by something else. We would<br />

enlarge the category of schemes by another category, a category in which we can

<strong>MODULI</strong> <strong>SPACES</strong> 7<br />

in a similar way construct a quotient object and in which the diagram would be<br />

Cartesian. This is the category of stacks. A stack is not a functor but a pseudofunctor,<br />

or a 2-functor, taking objects in a category, in our case (Varieties), to the<br />

category of grupoids, where grupoids are categories themselves.


References<br />

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[10] P. E. Newstead. Introduction to moduli problems and orbit spaces. Tata Lectures on Math.<br />

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[11] G. Salmon. Higher plane curves. W. Metcalfe and Son, Cambridge, 1879.<br />

[12] T. Shioda. On the graded ring of invariants of binary octavics. Amer. J. Math. 89 (1967)<br />

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[13] B. Sturmfels. Algorithms in invariant theory. Springer, Wien, 2nd ed., 2008.<br />

[14] E. Weisstein. Cubic Curve. From MathWorld – A Wolfram Web Resource. Available at<br /><br />

[15] H. Weyl. The classical groups. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1939.

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