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A R K A N S A S G A Z E T T E I N D E X<br />

An<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Index<br />

BY<br />

Shannon J. Henderson<br />

Copyright 1987<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Library</strong><br />

Russellville, <strong>Arkansas</strong>


LNDflX<br />

The ~rkansas Gazette Index consksts of brief su<strong>mm</strong>arizing statements<br />

of the news of <strong>Arkansas</strong> as it was published in the final edition of the<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette. Only those articles dealing with <strong>Arkansas</strong> people, places<br />

and events are considered for inclusion. Material not considered useful<br />

for future reference is omitted. Routine articles reporting on sports,<br />

social events and business activities are omitted.<br />

Subject headlngs (entries) are the main type 01 entry and are used when<br />

possible. Names of prominent persons and of firms and organizations are used<br />

as cntrfes, but mast names are cross-referenced to subjects.<br />

A11 subject heiidings (entries) arc arranged aJphabetically , word-by-word .<br />

Example: Old Washington<br />

Oldham -<br />

Use of co<strong>mm</strong>as in subject headings result in an unusual filing system since<br />

the computer considers them when arranging entries that are identical up to<br />

the co<strong>mm</strong>a.<br />

Example: Henderson Farms<br />

Henderspn State<br />

Henderson, Arthur<br />

. * Henderson, Shannon Elizabeth<br />

Abbreviations used as subject headings Eire arranged alphabetically as if<br />

they were words,<br />

Example : Payne<br />

I'CRs<br />

Pea Ridge<br />

Cross references are arranged in alphabetical order and are listed before<br />

su<strong>mm</strong>aries of articles under that same heading.<br />

Each su<strong>mm</strong>ary is followed by the month, day, year, page, and column number<br />

where the article appeared in the Final Edition of the <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette.<br />

Reference from a person's name to a subject does not indicate if the<br />

named person is directly involved or is merely co<strong>mm</strong>enting on the topic.<br />

In all cases, the article should be read for clarification of this point.

ABrnrnNEX) CHILmEN<br />

see Children and Youth<br />

ABBrn, CRYSTIL m N<br />

see aLso Art<br />

z43IlJcrIDN<br />

see Kihapping<br />

AB<strong>mm</strong>T, LES<br />

see also Gourts - Local<br />

ABNEY, ~~ A<br />

see also Religion<br />


see Birth Control and Abrtion<br />


see alm<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

Ee also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alsr,<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alm<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see a1 so<br />

see also<br />

Agricx, Chenical Co<br />

Aviation and Ai rcr a€ t<br />

Barquet Foods Gorp<br />

Bats<br />

-P<br />

Chmical s<br />

Disease and Ilness<br />

Drowninqs<br />

Explosives and Explosions<br />

Mls (Ac~dents)<br />

mt-d Motor Co<br />

Fraternities and Sororities<br />

Gases<br />

Hunting<br />

Ebllution<br />

Rail roads<br />

Recreation V&ides<br />

Toys and Playthings<br />

Traar M3A<br />

Traffic Accidents and SaEety<br />

Vought Corp<br />

Wood and Wood Products<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Safety Qundl formed<br />


List UE candihtes who pssed CW exams<br />

State Rep Dave Roberts wants CPA students screened<br />

PuUic Acmuntancy Bd hdget psses legis<br />

Aau<br />

see herimn Civil Likr ti es Union<br />

AaoRN (OEN<br />

see also Housing<br />


see Disease and Illness<br />

see Frisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Rdqion<br />


see Nwspprs<br />


see also Jdnqs, Brent<br />

Brent Jennincp succeeding as an actor<br />

Mary Steehr gen, Lwon Hdm in "End of the Line "<br />

Willian Rag&ile has role in Neil Simon giky<br />

mry Steehr gen interv iwed<br />


see also lbrton and Co<br />

AmE, <strong>mm</strong> M<br />

see a1 so Books and Writing<br />


see a1 m Books and Writing<br />


see Birth Gorrtrol and Abortion<br />

A<strong>mm</strong> DNS<br />

See Children and Yo&h<br />

AUJLT EmrnTrnN<br />

see E&cztion - AChlts<br />


see Defenses and Armed Fbres<br />


see also Birth Gorftral<br />

see a1 rso Cbngr ess - House - Ark Di st 01<br />

see a1 EO<br />

Cbntwacts and Purdmxing, State<br />

see also Eaonomic Dwdopnent<br />

see also Eblitics<br />

Creative a&ertising awards an<strong>mm</strong>oed ky AEA<br />

LR agencies &mte talents for <strong>Arkansas</strong> A rts Center ads<br />

Seven advertising firms in LR win awards<br />

TWO <strong>Arkansas</strong> agencies win advertising awards<br />

Living billboard used at Little Rock<br />

Atty Gen Steve Clark cracking down on deoeptive ads<br />

Maybelline wins &aegtive ad suit against Cbver Girl<br />

Billboar& near Brcalkay Bridge at LR being taken W n<br />


Legislators piqued that agenq has no sane<br />

Gazette says now rmt time to be wing aimanes<br />

AFL-CIO<br />

see Labor<br />

PGm<br />

see aim Assaults<br />

see also Nursing Hmes<br />

see alsr, Bpulation and Vital Statistics<br />

see a1 so Robberies and Thefts<br />

Ark may drop in r ankings of older ppil ati on<br />

Study uf centenarians in Ark seeks secret of longeviiy<br />

Art Scbnippx. 82. mt rac& to retire as horse handler<br />

Silver Haired Legislative Session held<br />

Legislators sugport @an for state to pwi& hane care<br />

PLm for hane care is alternative to nursing hanes<br />

Phjar mnoern of elderly is health, AARP group tad<br />

EEPJCY FOR IN<strong>mm</strong>mNAL DEVELOFPENT. US<br />

see also Heifer R oje Intexmtioml<br />

02/25/86 C02<br />

04/13/86 Dm<br />

04/17/86 A0 5<br />

05/23/86 Cffl<br />

07/01/86 C01<br />

07/30/86 C01<br />

08/25/86 C01<br />

09/19/86 COl

DATE W E<br />

Cbnferene hears Dr Berj amin Spck and J&n T Bnning<br />

a3<br />

J3xplosion at @.ant mar Blytheville inures ten<br />

IY;RI03 QImQIL<br />

10/01/86 BD1<br />

OY 19/86 A01<br />

see a1 so Soil Qnservation Service. US<br />

see also Weaver and Associates<br />

Editoriiits crr<strong>mm</strong>ent on farm pohlans in Ark<br />

Ol/OV86 C04<br />

GCN Qhton seeks ways state can as&& troubled farmers 01/16/86 A12<br />

Gcw Clinton stuities Linkaepsit Ilan for farm loans 01/16/86 A1 2<br />

Atout 3,000 Ark farmers to be warned on delirquent lmns 01/18/86 808<br />

Rirallment in allege agri &@s&w dedine<br />

01/19/86 A01<br />

Steve Qark sets up hotline for 1-1. financial a&ice 01/21/86 COl<br />

GovBill QintonurgesUSgavttokeepmortgagemoratoriun 01/22/86A01<br />

~rlinJackson~ays&urches. agenciesskouldhdpfarrners 02/03/86A07<br />

Farmers making use oE advice hotline in office a€ Steve Qark 02/04/86 A09<br />

The &urchl s role in the farm crisis (editoria)<br />

02/04/86 A10<br />

Cow of FmHA 'Natice of Interrt to Take Adverse Action' form 02/09/86 A01<br />

EhEA officids say mt many fanners to be driven •’ran farms 02/09/86 A01<br />

201 Ark farmers financed by FtnHa let farrning last yar 02/09/86 A07<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> farmers among those trying to cope with stress 02/09/86 DO1<br />

RR7 CDn Ehnks outlines effort to hdp farm f milies OW 09/86 Dl4<br />

Wif ication on m A loans to cp to 2,828 Ark farmers 02/14186 A03<br />

Map shms Ark RnWA luans and delirquencies, & <strong>mm</strong>ty 02/14/86 A03<br />

Pliat of farmers ascussed in crisis meeting at Shmood 03/02/86 A01<br />

Mental health services hotline offered to farmers in East Ark 0q03/% A08<br />

Steve Qark has recd 275 calls for advice to farmers 04/03/86 A08<br />

Sdlout uf dairy herds is emotiord for wners<br />

04/06/86 A01<br />

Stu* &cws 3 pct a€ Ark farmers mzy quit this year 04/10/86 C02<br />

Crop lien rnfasure fails as House votes b n mputer fmds OY01/86 A08<br />

Crop in Ark harmed by excessive rains<br />

06/14/86 A01<br />

Ark Cord of Churches and Syrxiypges to aid farm fzmilies 06/18/86 C03<br />

Rapseed may be lbew alter~tive to hdp Ark farmers<br />

06/22/86 DOl<br />

Smflwers gram on Greenwalt Q farm at Hazen<br />

06/2$/86 A01<br />

Univ af Ark researchers work to expand kilackberry pwihction 06/29/86 DO1<br />

Farmers in Chapter 11 filing get extra potection<br />

07/03/86 A09<br />

Farm Bureau spkenan says agri sales tax emexption in danger 07/09/86 A01<br />

Dry, hcrt weather having serious adverse effecks on crop 07/30/66 All<br />

Drouth may aost Ark farmers $200 million<br />

08/07/86 C08<br />

Hay dbmted bj Ark farmers on way to drouth-stricken area 08/17/86 B06<br />

State rice farmers seek end to embarcg on Wes to Cub 08/20/84 COl<br />

Taiwain bys 2 rnillion Ixlshds of Ark soybeans<br />

08/29/86 C02<br />

Farmers in 3 counties overmid $3.6 million in subidies 08/3l/86 A01<br />

Farmers set up axpations to evade crop s&i@ limits 08/3~86 ~ 0 1<br />

PSCS holds up 700 a&ance deficiency pyments for audit 08/3y86 A01<br />

I5#1t East Ark cornties hardest hit ky rim disease<br />

08/31/86 E04<br />

Bmdredsof Arkfmersi~oreEHA&lirque~loanmtiaes 08/3y86 B07<br />

Nicky Hargrwe applauds sukidized grain sales to Russia 09/04/86 A15<br />

State farm p-ohcts sales teal ed $3.5 billion in 1985 09/05/86 C10<br />

Editarid on avoi&nce OE crop sukidy limits 09/14/86 C04<br />

GavBill aintonseeks disaster &sigationfor 8 aounties 09/23/86C03<br />

aeet ptato bettle causes two gardens to be qmrantined 09/23/86 C08<br />

Saybean gravers give $450.000 to Univ a€ Ark for research 09/25/86 COl

Value aE state farmland down 33 pct. re@ says<br />

W e d cotton yields reprted close to large power lines<br />

Farm Burcau wants sales tax em@ions keg<br />

R d igious groups urged to call attention to farm crisis<br />

Rdiqious group an•’ on ministry to Ark Tamers in crisis<br />

Surf acle water is viable alternative for agri irrigation<br />

Iraq hys Arkansa-grwn rice<br />

Farm Burau am hears talk @ &an Kleckrter. Bill Newnder<br />

Farm Bureau elects Andrew Flhiserhunt as pesident<br />

Nicky Hargrwe served as J%~rm Bureau president for 10 years<br />

Jahn C Adms family is <strong>Arkansas</strong> Farm Family o•’ the Year<br />

Fl ood-victim farmers obj ect: to di sa ster r ecpl ati ons<br />

Review c& farm nws in Ark during 1986<br />


see aim Agriculture<br />

CiviL ri*ts praeiaes of Depl: agencies in Ark criticized<br />

Ku KLux Klan links to USLA agencies in Ark alleged<br />

Racism. extranist arganizations invdvenent in Ark alleged<br />

Soil Conservation Service accused of racid slurs<br />

Walter White's <strong>mm</strong>flaints hdped spur ~obe CZ agencies<br />

Officials in Ark dismayed at reprt alleging bias<br />

Disturbing report •’run USA (ed on civil ri@ts re-@)<br />

Irquiry in Ark paints stark picture a€ bias<br />

Walter White J r glad he made waves on Mas poblens<br />

An> TO EA<strong>mm</strong> w m CErnrnT ~ILBIEN (Am)<br />

see Ebor<br />

A m<br />

see Indstrial DevrSlopent Q<strong>mm</strong>issLon<br />


see Disease and Illness<br />

AIKEN. J CBlU<br />

see als~ Books andwriting<br />

AIR mRa. US<br />

see<br />

AIR HILLUrrnN<br />

see<br />

Defenses and Armed Fbroes<br />

Ebllution<br />


see Fyranid Sales<br />


see Miation and AircxaEt<br />


S~ingdale aonstructs new terminal<br />


Nick Amthein seeks to renwe his children f ran group<br />

Nick Amrh ein' s children ar e stepchi1 dr en of Tow Alma<br />

Mrs EXizabeth Alamo arrested in New Orle~lns in mst*<br />

Alanos lose custody af Mrs Almors hildren<br />

Judge says six f inns at Nm mt exan@ f ran taxes<br />

Custady dispute wer Zmheirn children goes on in West Va<br />

b b Miller. a JXh maker hot 61 resi&nt cf nearly farm<br />

case<br />

Child conoealment c h against ~ Mrs Almo disnissed<br />

Alamols arrival. for ase crabs interest in Huntington- W V<br />

Tory Illmo's 6th wife. Birgetta. claims divorce mt f hl<br />

Tory Klmo sues 2nd wife on &arge aE ckfaning him<br />

02/04/& A05 1<br />

OYOB/86 A05 1<br />

02/26/86 A06 1<br />

02/28/86 A07 3<br />

03/05/86 C03 5<br />

03/08/% A06 5<br />

03/17/86 A07 4<br />

03/2l/86 Alo 3<br />

03/24!% A09 1<br />

03/24/86 A09 1<br />

Os/U/86 A07 1

flames accused of delaying start d cfiild cust* case 07/26/86 A06 2<br />

Alanos lose custody a€ Mr s Alano' s children t mpor arily 09/03/86 A10 5<br />

Mrs Alano seeks return of her two children 09/2/86 A13 4<br />

Fomcktion appeals decision that it mes lack pay to workers 12/0Y86 A08 1<br />

IUmo to<br />


see 6193<br />

PND<br />

see alsa<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see a1 ao<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

AGCDHQ<br />

pst appd bond of $182.996 in labor case 12/1l/86 A05 4<br />

Cbngr ess - House - Ark Dist 01<br />


Athletics - Hi* S&obl<br />

BasketMl - College Wn<br />

Eckcation - Curriculun<br />

Murders - Rmns. Angela Diane<br />

Nurses and Nursing<br />

Ehysicians<br />

Dr John S ergs son t o take drug conviction t o US Suprme Ck<br />

Underaver operation nets 12 drug arrests in Eastern Ark<br />

Major mdne ring cracked, US Atty says<br />

Nine indicted, poperty seized in drug case<br />

Bail set for Richard W Wrgan and Richard Wayne Mills<br />

Mobile drug lab seized in Hot Sgrinq wok<br />

Richard W Wrgan rdeased on bond<br />

OEficers find $1 million in 'got1 when truck stopped a t Hop<br />

Remvered addicts to serve as foster plrents in ~ogran<br />

Drug arrests in Sarq inclu* 2 Wding Univ athletes<br />

Harding Univ students. faailty surpised at drug arrests<br />

Roger Clinton f red f ran federal wison<br />

Four arrested at Ebr t Smith on drugs. weapons charges<br />

Bill Clinton co<strong>mm</strong>ents on pohlans of Roger Clinton<br />

Intercept Rogran desicped for rdativdy few almholics<br />

Interme poqm at Yellville hospital spurs mntratrersy<br />

State Atty Gen gets <strong>mm</strong>@aints abut Irrtercegt Progran<br />

Search ruled impoper. evidenoe imdnissikile<br />

Survey &WS mary Maski LD teen-agers try alaohd<br />

Sandra mrj iaka says drug test of federal enaqees ill-1<br />

GET House in 14th yr OE f ic$ting drug, aloohol alxlse<br />

mo accused of aonspiracy to snugge rnarijuara irrto amtry<br />

Just Say No pogran is aimed at per p essw e among st u&nt s<br />

@•’idas seize 3.300 lb of marijuara at LR airpxt<br />

Kenneth Jorhn charged with imprting 3.300 ll=s of mat-ijjuaxra<br />

Kenneth Jor&n identified as Jose@ Rancis Valverde I11<br />

Aversion thera~ droppd f ran Inkere* at Yellville hosp<br />

Pilat arrested at LR airport known m&r dias to 1m firm<br />

Clandestine drug lab near Hope raided<br />

Crossett plioe cff icer arrested on drug charge<br />

Rwiw orikred of tapes. plygcafi. used in Sam Anderson case<br />

Kltermtive to suspending students begins in Centrd Ark<br />

Louis C Bryatk I11 pleads gilty to drug, tax charge<br />

Seven arrested, g,uls and drug seized at NLR hane<br />

Floridian accused of bringing 289 lb of ' pot' to Ark<br />

Nineteen arrested at Blytheville on drug charges<br />

Higlen resident enters qilty in mdne ring case<br />

Roger CL inton pro1 ed f ran hllas ha fway ho~e<br />

Officers arrest 23 on drug charges in Janson Cbmty<br />

Annml effort begins for marij<strong>mm</strong> eradication

Four indicted, fa= aocaine harps 05/20/86 A09 1<br />

Over 2.900 narij<strong>mm</strong> ghnts destrqed near Pine BlMf OYU/86 Al9 4<br />

Five sentencsed to p-ism in amiine ring OY3V86 A12 1<br />

Ebur sentenced in mcaine ring case 06/05/86 A01 3<br />

Rid-iardW Morgan gets 25-yr ten. $740.000 fine in drug case O6/0Y86 A01 3<br />

The judge sends a message (ed on heavy sentenaes) C6/07/86 A16 1<br />

Authorities seize 1.700 marijuam @ants near Star City 06/10686 A08 4<br />

Bentowille flanler garden contained 3.019 opiun pop& es 06/11/86 A18 5<br />

George W Frockor mntends bnks hanger drug probes 06/2!Y% A01 5<br />

Officers destroy 891 marijtam plants in Orachita Qmty 06/25/86 Al.3 6<br />

Custans pilot saysVdverde tried to run him W n<br />

at LR 06/28/% B01 2<br />

Businesshlanedky GeorgeW Roctor for smedrugproblens 06/29/86 C09 1<br />

Marijuana and hahi& seized when sane lan&d at Qunrod 07/16/86 A08 5<br />

Drug smuggling triaf. cf Joe Vdver& I11 begins at LR 07/17/86 ED1 2<br />

Jose@ Valverck I11 a~rwicted in snuggling opration 07/18/86 A07 1<br />

Four asad cpilty to imprting marij uam 07/3l/86 A09 5<br />

Suspected 'crack1 hoses at NLR raided 08/06/86 A03 1<br />

Theatrical gestures can't stopdrug flw, Gene Lyonswrites 08/06/86 A15 5<br />

Harding Univ bsketkill flayex sentened in drug conviction 08/13/86 A09 5<br />

Tcrn Stay a€ hrhiill accused of poinkinq gm at hdimeer 08/1Y&6 A12 1<br />

Police arrest 28 in poke a€ moine in Pbmtain Hane area 08/20/86 A09 4<br />

Drug testing for me workers has kcking of mle Bunpers 08/22/86 A14 6<br />

Tip for engilqters in handling drug ahse among workers 08/29/86 Al9 1<br />

Marijuana eradication rising, State Blicse my 08/3[5/86 A09 5<br />

G•’f icials destrcy 1.400 marijuana pants in Yell Cbmty 09/03/86 B08 3<br />

Lee Curtis Berry arrested on drug chg;. hdd without bil 09/l3/86 E08 1<br />

ACLV s Sandra Kurj iaka opposes man&tory &ug testing 09/14/% A13 1<br />

Manhtory drug testing of skate enaqees is pssikile 09/14/86 A13 1<br />

Joe Valverck gets 50-yr term on drug importing charge 09/17/86 A01 6<br />

Pulaski Co school sclpts say thq arealroa* tau* on drug 09/17/% B01 2<br />

Fade en@loyee of BnLasater Cb testifies beforeGrandJury 09/19/86 A03 4<br />

Lee Curtis Berry is former &au€feur for Bn Lasater 09/19/b/86 A03 4<br />

Roger Q inton testifies before Grand Jury 09/13/86 A03 4<br />

Grand Jury involved in drug investigation. Gw Clinton says 09/19/86 A04 1<br />

Jom Anderson testifies More Grand Jury 09/19/86 A04 1<br />

Lee Curtis Berry indicted on dqs of selling cocaine 09/19/86 AlO 5<br />

US Atty Proctor paises Ark off idals on cnntrd &forts 09/19/86 Al.3 1<br />

FBI mrdims omgoing cocaine trdf icing probe under way 09/20/86 A03 3<br />

Grand Jury indcts three on PB charges 09/23/86 A09 1<br />

GWPlcockor criticizesspeculativerep~rtingondrugprobe 09/25/86A13 3<br />

Urine test valid orily ifl witness pesent. &&or ~;avs 1Q/01/86 A15 1<br />

Drug ahse not rising in LR a=. lxlt tsers areyomger 10/0E/86AOl 4<br />

Drugconvictionof SmAnderson@dd~US~aLs~urt 10/09/86A13 1<br />

Sting operation at Fbrt Smith lea& to indictment of 137 10/18/86 A01 3<br />

&plosive &vie irrjures 2 hunters near mxijuara pt& 1W21/86 A01 4<br />

Federa Grand Jury at LR may be orrn&&ing drug probe 1w2gs6 A01 6<br />

Former Razorbck player. &ith Rterson d~gd in Lasater case 10/25/86 A01 2<br />

Total a€ 11 persons indicted in Latiater axaine ase 1w25/86 A01 2<br />

US &ty George Roctar called pr ess cord on Lasater case 1q25/&F; A01 3<br />

Gm Qinton. Rank White &saxis Lasa.ter case relevance 10/25686 A01 4<br />

Wiew of careers of pincipls in Din Lasater case 10/25'86 A06 1<br />

Roger Qinton given i<strong>mm</strong>mity in Dm Lasater acaine case 19/25/86 A06 1<br />

Socid use a€ adne irrvolved in Lasater case 10/2Y86 A06 1<br />

Rmor of Bill Clirkon involv<strong>mm</strong>t untrue. Gearge Roeor says 10/25/% A06 2

lZln Lasater. mv id Collins. George E Lock to fl e ~~d yilty<br />

Nine gersons arrested on drug counts at Ebrt Smith<br />

Sam P Spikes indicted on oacaine &rges<br />

Sari P Spikes is wdl-knawn amateur ~plfer<br />

State Trooper fike mom king imesti~ted in &ug probe<br />

Frank White says Lasater case is issut in gvamrls race<br />

Drugs, weapons bsis of 4 arrests in alunbia. Nevah Cbmty<br />

Ssnml P Spikes @ads gilty to mcaine distxikution<br />

Dan Lasater. George Locke. @Lead qilty to cocaine dmrges<br />

Three arrested on aocaine charges<br />

Corwq Log Cabin discusses mn Lasater maim case<br />

New Wxim may rwoke liqmr l iense for Lasater ski resort<br />

Principls in Dm Lasater case surrender securities licenses<br />

State to receive fmds for wax on drug<br />

Roger Qinton warns students of &ngers of axaim<br />

Dan Lasater. George E Lock. Bvid Collins fa- &ug charges<br />

Rimn term ordered for Sm Spikes<br />

Stu* suggests ways to aomkat drugs in Uack co<strong>mm</strong>mity<br />

Mike mane says he sold house to Laater aff icer<br />

Raid on howe in BEW Cbmty bring 17 drug arrests<br />

ko Arkansans among those &c$ in raids on drug ring<br />

Consgracy ckgs filed aginst 8 in myettevfile drug case<br />

45 lks of marij uam seized. bo in mr hd d at Presatt<br />

George Jeferies gets 1-yr pison term in Lasater case<br />

David Collins asks iirormation on of imrs in Lasater cats<br />

Sentendny pstpned in Lasater drug case<br />

DavidA Cbllins' atty files barme& mncerning Mike EZiholle<br />

Misum&& iy state trooper MLke &hone alleged<br />

David A Qllins undecided on glea in Lasater drug case<br />

Dan Lasater. mn Bradlq. George Locke sentenaed in drug case<br />

fike Mom hies he made inquiry at Dm Lasatervs rquest<br />

9hree NLR resiiknts &cd on &uu counts<br />

David Collins gets 2-y; term ind&ug case<br />

Recteatiod crime and pmihent (ed on Lasater case)<br />

Judge Eisele hopes Lasater case not last in crackdown<br />

Bert Qayton Jr, Mitchell Wood sentenmd in Lasater mse<br />

Keith Bterson put on pokation in Lasater drug case<br />

George M Irvine mys Igvid Collins imtrodzmd him to drugs<br />

David A Cbllins denies allegations ly George M Irvine<br />

Officers seize 300 lb of rrrarijuara at Pblvern<br />

Lee Curtis Berry enters yilQ plei in Lasater case<br />

Alaohd pohlgn okranks drugs in Ark sdmols<br />


see also Alcohdic Bwerages<br />

Janes Holmes suit anten& he was fired b~ MC<br />

ALmHQfC BBJEtllY;ES<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Brewing Co<br />

see aim Bars and Niat Qub<br />

see also Cblleges<br />

see Insurance<br />

see also TraEfic Accidents and Safely<br />

bnhtory classes begin for liqmr lioense ap@icants<br />

Mnihtory aurse avers Ark 1ms and ABC reg-llations<br />

Rmsell vill e d ub owner Rober t For d, 2 an@l oy ees ar r est ed<br />

lW2Y86 A06 5<br />

10/2V% Alo 3<br />

10/26/86 E04 4<br />

lWX/86 E04 4<br />

lO/27/86 A12 1<br />

1Q/29/86 A01 3<br />

lW29/86 A03 1<br />

10/29/86 A14 1<br />

10/3l,/86 A01 2<br />

10/3l/86 A16 6<br />

1L/02/% C04 I<br />

11/08/86 A08 1<br />

ll/lV86 A10 5<br />

11/19/86 A13 1<br />

l.L/20/% A16 1<br />

11/298f5 A01 2<br />

11/27/86 A07 3<br />

11/27/86 ED1 1<br />

12'0y86 All 5<br />

12/03/86 Al.7 I<br />

12/OY86 A12 2<br />

12/07/86 All 4<br />

12/09/86 A14 1<br />

12/12/86 A01 4<br />

1vl3/86 m2 1<br />

12/16/86 A01 4<br />

12/17/86 A01 2<br />

12/17/86 A01 2<br />

12/18/86 A01 2<br />

12/19/86 A01 2

Citizensfor F<strong>mm</strong>icProgresshasgml cf salesonSm&y OY13/€KA03 3<br />

Mary ~ivate dub at FkyetteviLle cb rnt &eck memberhip 03/16/86 A01 2<br />

I%p shms pivate dub in 9 Northwest Ark cornties 03/16/86 A01 2<br />

Coors Uitz bomb o& in <strong>Arkansas</strong> 04/13/83 DO1 3<br />

Qder hdts sale a€ <strong>Arkansas</strong> Sequioentennid. beer 07/03/86 E01 4<br />

Qmpcmise allws Sequic~ntermid beer to return to haves 07/04/86 C01 4<br />

Lw a l l ~ club ~ g in dry areas Wdd & murt 07/2Y€S Al.3 5<br />

Fayettevfile a bp 1w on minors attemeing to hy daohd 09/04/86 A01 5<br />

Rohlen a€ erforcing Fayettevillels new lw assessed 09/05/% A1 0 1<br />

Whitewater Tavern wins bttle fox ao<strong>mm</strong>exid. zoning 1W08/% B01 1<br />

Judge Alan Dishon* acquits24 on d-iq of selling tombrs 10/09/86 A10 1<br />

Artide explores differing pries of mcktails in LR area la/U/8fi ED1 4<br />

Richard Swearington artide on old m a d &an&rds 10/26/86 C(X3 5<br />

Qrway Cbmty votes dry ty aim margin 11/06/86 BO1 2<br />

Wet forms in Qrway Comty seek t o overturn election resdts 1l,/06/86 B01 2<br />

Corway Cbmty wet faces ask remtnt cf v&e 11/07/% A05 1<br />

Rewmt in Qway Bmty laves 'dryt victory hkack 11/08/86 A01 2<br />

Wet forms in Qrway Qmty all- election irreylarities 11/08/86 A01 2<br />

Webdry struggle to continue in Qrwq Cbmty 11/09/86 A12 5<br />

Teas A & M prty can Eserve liqllor on state poperty 11/1$/% All 1<br />

Texas A & M to b allwed to serve liquor at prty ll/lY86 El0 1<br />

Morrilton plpr decries vote to dry up <strong>mm</strong>ty 11/23/86 C04 3<br />

Corway 83mty deckion &allenged & liqmr dealers 12/02/8r; A01 2<br />

WetfcmcesinQrway Cbwillinqtotake crts tofederal ct 12/03/86Al6 1<br />

Pulaski Bmty&aresmaybenefitfra'~' Cbrww Cbmty 12/U7/86 E07 1<br />

Bill W Sen Allen Gorhn wodd aid rwcrsal aE Cbrway - Cb vote 12/20/86 E01 2<br />

AL<strong>mm</strong>-<br />

P;lderman Gerald Baker wdks out d council meeting<br />

Alderman Gerdd Baker charged with tattery<br />

Tam Cbundl remlution asks Mayor Jackie Dillard to resicg<br />

myor Dillard has no aims to resicp<br />

Sf iciziLils meet on sidwalk bemuse &or locked<br />

myor Ellard acpin locks Bty Hall<br />

Prosecuting Atty ordxs officials to pwide reoorik<br />

KL&rmen akin find tam hell locked<br />

Damage award in altercation between al&rmen reE~sed<br />

Rosecut or f hds no widen-<br />

hyor Dillard miss~erh f mds<br />

Pldermen locked out of citq M1 again<br />

Myor Jackie Ellard f otnd gilty o•’ misEfasanae<br />

AGEIANm, B U<br />

see also Bngress- <strong>Arkansas</strong> Jklwtion<br />

see also Qngress - House - Ark D ist 01<br />

ALms<br />

see Ebr eiqers in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see RecreationVehides<br />

ALLEN. BEN<br />

see al EO<br />


Ailaski i.mty<br />

see also Murders - Verser. Brl<br />

mEN, JIMMY<br />

see also BaskeWl - College Wn<br />


Radiologistrs ptierhs billed by US in tax protest ose

Asst US Atty Ibn Curdie wants Allen held in mntmgk of ck 07/12/% C08 2<br />

Gazette corrects statanent on govt sanctions 07/20/86 C06 5<br />

~LSCN, m N W<br />

Mamed to board of First Cb<strong>mm</strong>ercial Qrp 01/15/86 Ca3 4<br />


e TeleEfiones<br />

ALm<br />

Alma &dared Spinid OlpLtal CI€ the World 12/07/86 All 3<br />

am s<strong>mm</strong> msTR1a<br />

see Disease and Illness<br />

see Elcation - Fimncz and Budgets<br />

ALSMEm. MWIE<br />

Brie article on surviving visit ky granfiildren 09/09/86 All 1<br />


Benton f inn is worldf s largest maker aE ceranic punp seals 01/09/86 C01 2<br />

A L m M a m Y OF AMERICA<br />

Union menbers at @ant near: Benton out on strike 06/02/86 A01 3<br />

ALcna. lo& mionagree toavoidinu&rksatBenton @ant 06/03/86 C01 6<br />

Pickets allegeday thrsaten 3 truck drivers 06/0Y% C02 4<br />

Imp& aE strike fat in Saline CbLaty 06/07/&6 A08 1<br />

Strike at Benton aant rdativdy quiet 06/08/86 A09 1<br />

Alma pesiderrk pys sur~ise visit to B-on @ant 06/10/&6 C02 6<br />

Salaried workers set new stanhriis Em gro&ctivity at Benton 06/10/86 C02 6<br />

Workers return to wark at Benton Nant<br />

AbUt 100 workers to be laid off at Benton aant<br />

Incineration pqject auld rwitalize Benton gark<br />

a 2 HEIWR' S HS EPS E<br />

see asease and Illness<br />


see Rnergenq Medical Servicres<br />

AMENrnENT 59 m m CJC)MMrsSIIDN<br />

see also Tamtion<br />

A M B I ~ CENTER RIR <strong>mm</strong><strong>mm</strong>K L ~ I P<br />

see Irkerm ti onal Rd ati ons<br />


see also Alaohol and Drug Ahse<br />

see also Birth Cbrlcrd and Abortion<br />

see als RanosexualiQ<br />

see also Prisms - Arkansls<br />

see alsn Suits and Claims Against Gwermerh<br />

Fred K Darraa Jr honored as Civil Libertarian of the Year<br />

El Asner addresses Ark Chaeer menbers at LR<br />

Sandra Kurjiaka resiqs as executive dire&=<br />

Ranarks of Red K mrragh at mar& dinner<br />


see E&cation - Grades and Tests<br />

A m I m rnCWIYfD3N OF LBCW<br />

see Labr<br />

AMERICAN FErnrnrn OF TE2mERS<br />

see also Cbngress - Arkansls &legation<br />


Artide on J&n R Silver. director af Midankine& Region<br />

Finn closing reoral dfie at Little Rock<br />


see alm Cblleges<br />

Gbntrwessial radio tmer at LR to be dimartled<br />


Chi& f k n d al df ier Romld W Barnett amits suicide<br />

CEf iciiil a€ f inn co<strong>mm</strong>its sdd&<br />

MnaldW Barnett had ken &qd in thdt frcm RnTran<br />

Rorald W Barnett had keen ch@ with th&t bj reueiving<br />

CEficials say RomldW Barnett took $1 million frm Rn-an<br />

0fficiZI.s .cav RonaldW Barnett took $1 million frcm firm<br />

Sues for itms allegedly boucj~t bj Barnett with m f mds<br />

&Dan and UFW settle suits grcwing out of strike in 1983<br />

m m D N<br />

see Wildlife<br />

MESTY INmATma<br />

Chapter formed at Little Rock<br />


God's findcpm Outdoors headed by Michad Bala of KR<br />

God's Kin-rn Outtbors hys mgic Spin- thene prk<br />

mqic Sp-in* bondoldxs to get 32 certs on allar<br />

Michad Bala fails to meet &te for pying for &gic S~ingi<br />

Sale af mgic Spinqs r mains at a standstill<br />

'Ihwee groups shw interest in bb@c Spin9<br />

Silver Dollar City my lzly Mgic Spin9<br />

Silver Collar Cify witMiram interest in Mgic Spinqs<br />

kgic Spzincy boucj~t ky Little Rock f inn<br />

Investors in bgic Spin9 to get 25 cents on dollar<br />

Magic SpAncjs sold to Nygern Q3<br />

Opening day at hgic Spin- attracts abxk 2 2500 visitors<br />

Fun bmtain is new anwan& prk at Fbmtain Hane<br />

Wad River amtry ad& attractions<br />

White Win& prk and resort may be hilt at Eureka Spin9<br />

~roblkns would be asated by thtme gark at Eureka S m<br />

Thane prk at Eureka Spin- mad bring big change in area<br />

<strong>mm</strong>sm JAMB D<br />

see also Auditor<br />

ANrnScN. m1<br />

see alm Alcohal and Drug Ahse<br />

<strong>mm</strong>sm. WlHA<br />

Stu& es poHens of hearing impi me.&<br />

01/18/86 A03<br />

01/18/86 A03<br />

01/18/86 A03<br />

01/18/86 A03<br />

Ol/20/% A03<br />

01/20/€6 A03<br />

03/30/86 All<br />

02/08/% C08<br />

mLEEC30l. SAM JR<br />

see a1 BO Mmhcil and Drug Ahse<br />

IYGELCTJ. mw<br />

see also Books andwriting<br />

ANINGS<br />

Froposal ma& to Ian keeptng wild a<strong>mm</strong>as, regtiles in LR 01/1l/86 A01 2<br />

Ehotogra@ d lion keg in hck yard at Little Rock resi&nae 01/13/86 A01 5<br />

Lion awller D J Garrimn to tattle propoed hn by LR 01/13/86 EU1 2<br />

OpljosLtion vdaed to ~opsed bn of wild pets in LR 01/l6/86 Ell1 5<br />

Rolilen UE bnning wild anirncils as pets discussed 01/19/86 F06 4<br />

Charles Nickerson offers gropsal to alter kn on animals 01/30686 EUl 4<br />

LR sty Bd votes kn on innately wild anias 02/05/86 AlO 1<br />

Lion cwner at LitU e Rock plans to petition acpinst bn 02/10/86 B01 2<br />

Mmkr aE -tic pet wners grcwing in Little Rock 02/10/86 E01 5<br />

Dan Ebrter to give up 10 vemno~s snakes. ht mt his ~thon 02/18/% B01 2

Child at bcahorkas attacked ky two pit b.U&gs<br />

@mr af pit hlltbg that hit &ad among men arrested<br />

Ten men arrested in Rinsett Gounty at pit Ullbg ring<br />

DogEi@ts are termed exlusive. ly invitation only<br />

LRBoatd rejects poposed hn on keepinq of regtiles<br />

Lion owner challenges vaidily a€ LR ordimnoe<br />

Wner aE lion at LR loses bid to &lay erdorcement of kan<br />

Lion hck at LR resi&ne o•’ Donald J Garrison<br />

Lion owner in LR amflies with kan on inmtely wild anirndls<br />

Ban a d d against wild animals in Little Rock<br />

Dog ordered renmed fra LR residential neicjdmhood<br />

Pit hllcbg attack. injure 2 N.,R residwts<br />

Cat fran Berkon to audtion in New York for advertising rde<br />

Stronger Ordimnce mu*t<br />

in NLR to mntral pit Uldbgs<br />

LR Cbmdl to mnsider pet mntsd mdiranae<br />

Qmex CIE @t hll at NLR fined<br />

PZopm~d ordimnce at NLR still has m e kite<br />

KR CSty Qmcil apppwes ordinane on i b ~<br />

Maundle wmr ranwes pit Ml. will challenge ordimne<br />

!three pit blls attack papr mrrier mvid Via in MLR<br />

Animal Shdter workers take 48 cats. 3 do9 fran N;R hae<br />

Owner cd pit lulls at NLR fined $310<br />

Pit Ml&g bites Gazette enflqee<br />

N;R increases pralties mder vidom dDg ordinanae<br />

Suit antests Fhundle lm knnirzg pit Ml&gs<br />

rnMAT113N OF MUNIam ~~<br />

see Area Planning<br />


see alm Qngress- <strong>Arkansas</strong> Delwtion<br />

see also Cbngress- House - ArkDist 04<br />

IW'IHRFX<br />

see Livestock and PbUtry<br />

mT<strong>mm</strong><br />

see also Newspl~ers<br />

A m<br />

see <strong>Arkansas</strong> Ebwer and Li*t Cb<br />

AWR'Mrn<br />

see South A•’rica<br />

AFrnITDDNS<br />

Story a€ the @anton of Lor a m Ct eek in SW Little Rock<br />


see Bunan Services Deprhent<br />


FieldArchedogist pogran sponsored ky Sadety. Survq<br />

Patsy R White is first Certified Rdd Ar&eologist in state<br />

Pi rqe awaits f mds for potedtion and disflay<br />

-em o•’ Sd e m and History hal ck ' Ider3A.f im ti on Dayt<br />

ArrhedLoqists supervise digging in Qlaplw hial site at LR<br />

Skull in Indian mllection for sale & as weest<br />

Auction of PPnaican Indian artifacts &ws silek potest<br />


Finn specidizes in itms needed for restaration wmk<br />

ZRCHrrrnRE AND ARCHrnrnS<br />

Wittenberg, Momy and mvidson t o &&qz<br />

emkassy<br />

DATE<br />

EGE COL<br />

02/27/86 A08 5<br />

m/m/w A12 1<br />

03/03/86 A12 1<br />

03/0!j/% A01 3<br />

03/06/86 A05 I<br />

03/07/86 A15 4<br />

03/11/86 A05 4<br />

03/12/% All 1<br />

03/1$/86 A18 4<br />

os/Ola/% Ea1 2<br />

07/16/86 E01 2<br />

08/10/86 A02 1<br />

08/14/86 801 2<br />

08/17/86 CIT7 4<br />

08/19/86 A07 1<br />

08/22/86 A15 5<br />

08/24/86 E07 1<br />

08/26/86 A03 1<br />

09/17/86 EOl 1<br />

10/03/86 A01 6<br />

1Q/09/86 A09 2<br />

la/17/86 A08 6<br />

10/23/86 A09 6<br />

10/28/86 A09 1<br />

10/29/% m2 1

ARrn EL<strong>mm</strong><br />

see alm Arkadelfiia<br />

see also Benton<br />

see also Hot S~ings<br />

see al so Littl e Rock<br />

see also North Little Rock<br />

see alsr, Raads andTraWic<br />

see also RmsdlvilLe<br />

Three Ark cities join min Street <strong>Arkansas</strong> prograan<br />


see Stadiuns and Ar eras<br />

ARrnrnHIIA<br />

Joins kin Street <strong>Arkansas</strong> pogran<br />

ARrnrnrnIA s<strong>mm</strong> msTR1Cr<br />

see Quiz Bcwl<br />

ARrnSANS FOR NrnRE<br />

see Gane and fi& Cbrranission<br />


see als~ Aerom&ics Deprtment. Ark<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> School for the Deaf<br />

see a l ~ ~<br />

see aim<br />

see alzr,<br />

see aim<br />

see alm<br />

see also<br />

see &ED<br />

see a1 ED<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see ~ E Z )<br />

see also<br />

see a3.m<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alm<br />

see aim<br />

see also<br />

see al ED<br />

see a1 ED<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

Alaoholic Beverage Cbrrtrd Bcard, Ark<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Edazcatioral Tdwisian Network<br />

Attorney Gemral. Ark<br />

Auditor. Ark<br />

Audits and Marragment Revianls<br />

Banking Bcard, Ark<br />

Boards and Co<strong>mm</strong>issions, Ark<br />

Child Care &cili+y Review Board, Ark<br />

Child Care Wermr's Task Fbrue on<br />

Claims Cb<strong>mm</strong>ission. Ark<br />

Qll eges<br />

Cbnsti tution, Ark<br />

Qntracks and Purcfiasing, mte<br />

Cbrrection Board, Ark<br />

Qur ts<br />

Crime Labor atary. Ark<br />

E<strong>mm</strong> ic Co n& ti ons<br />

E<strong>mm</strong>ic Expansion Stu* Cb<strong>mm</strong>ission. Ark<br />

Eaca ti on<br />

Eaca tion Board, Ark<br />

Earation Deparhak. Ark<br />

Fimnce and Adhistration Dep3ment. Ark<br />

Fimnoe and Budgets, Ark<br />

Gane and Fi& Cb<strong>mm</strong>ission. Ark<br />

Gw~rmerit &@lcyees<br />

Gwerr<strong>mm</strong>t Officials<br />

Gwernor. Ark<br />

Hfalth Cbordimting Comcil (Ark)<br />

Health De~arbnerrt. Ark<br />

Health Eldng and kvdopnak Agenq<br />

Hi*= Flhcation Deprtmak. Ark<br />

Himay and Transprtation Deprtment, Ark<br />

Historic Buildin9 and Sites<br />

Histmy Q<strong>mm</strong>ission. Ark

I I l I ~ GAZ S ~ E!ITE INDEX 1986<br />

DATE<br />

AGE C13L<br />

see also<br />

see alm<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

see dm<br />

see alsa<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see a1 EO<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see al zr,<br />

see aim<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see als,<br />

see alm<br />

see aim<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see aim<br />

see also<br />

see a190<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see also<br />

see als3<br />

Histay. Ark<br />

Hunan Services Deprhent. Ark<br />

Indigent H d . Olxe ~ Afbisory Cbmcil (Ark)<br />

Incbstrizil Devdopnent O<strong>mm</strong>ission. Ark<br />

Insurance Deplratmerk. Ark<br />

Land Co<strong>mm</strong>issionerl Ark<br />

Lihsrary Bcard, Ark<br />

Lieuterant Gwernor, k k<br />

Medical Board, Ark<br />

Natural and Culturiil Heritage Deplrtment. Ark<br />

Naturd and Scemc Rivers Umnission. Ark<br />

Nursing Board, & k<br />

Oil and Gas Onmnission. Ark<br />

mrks<br />

arks and Tourim CeprtmenL Ark<br />

Eharmacy Board, Ark<br />

Plant Board, Mk<br />

Bl ioe<br />

Bl ice Cb<strong>mm</strong>ission, State<br />

Bl itics and Reions<br />

Ebllution Qntral and Emlogy Umnfssion. Ark<br />

JBllution Cbrrtral. and Emlogy kprbnent. Ark<br />

Fornation and Vital Statisti-<br />

Riscrns - Arkams<br />

~hlic Buildlin~ and Off ioes<br />

Fuhlic Proprty. Ark<br />

Rzhlic Semioe Orrmnission, Ark<br />

Real Estate O<strong>mm</strong>ission. &k<br />

Science and<strong>Tech</strong>nolqy Authority. Ark<br />

Secretary & State. Ark<br />

Sarities &prtmerrt. Ark<br />

Sequiaentennial (Ark)<br />

Soil and Water Cbmrvation Qanmission. &k<br />

State Eblice Or<strong>mm</strong>ission. Ark<br />

Suits and Claims Acpinst Gwerment<br />

Teader Retirenent SysLem, Ark<br />

Teacher Salaries Study Qr<strong>mm</strong>ission. Ark<br />

Tra& Schools<br />

Transpr ta ti on Cb<strong>mm</strong>issi on, Ar k<br />

Treasurer. Ark<br />

Workers Qmrensation Or<strong>mm</strong>ission. Ark<br />

Witt Steaens tells wb he likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Jane Wn&l tells why &e likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Carwall Qoar tells wly he liks <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

C B Hall tells wly he likes living in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

George ell tells why he likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Judge George Hward Jr tells wly he likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Gene Smith tells wl-y he likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Walter Smilq tells why Re 1ikes<strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Betty Bunpers tdls why &e likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

H L Henbree tells wky he likes Arlanms<br />

Grainger Willians tells why he likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Jan Woalfolk tells wly Ehe likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Ed LighEle tells why he likes Arkan~s<br />

06/0l/86 CtB<br />

06/01/86 Cm<br />

06/02/86 All<br />

06/03/86 All<br />

06/04/86 A15<br />

06/0$/€!6 A15<br />

06/06/% A27<br />

06/07/86 A17<br />

06/08/86 CO3<br />

06/08/86 C03<br />

06/09/% All<br />

06/10/86 All<br />

06/12/% A23

DATE<br />

mGE Q3L<br />

mrrie WilmwJones tells why &e likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Dee Brwn tells W@ he likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Robert E Lee Wilson 111 tells wly he likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Daisy Bates tells why &e likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Don 3mn tdls wiy he likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Life in Ozark foothills in 1920s and 193 0s described<br />


Jk Harold Hedges elected president<br />


see Disease and Illness<br />


see<br />

~kiLicOpinionandSurvqs<br />


see aim Archealogy and Anthropology<br />


see alsa Archeciiogy and Anthropology<br />

<strong>mm</strong>SAS <strong>mm</strong> mTm<br />

see<br />

CXllture<br />


see dm Arts and Crafts<br />

ARMSAS WIATIDN m L OF <strong>mm</strong><br />

see PN iation and Ai r a af t<br />


e Banks<br />


see BasketMl - College<br />


see also Legal Frcfession<br />


Willian Lyon doses his LR txewery after 3 years<br />


see Qi sea= and Illness<br />


see Medical ~cilities<br />


see Cblleges<br />

see Festivals<br />


Cities and indivihls honored far work<br />

ARmsPS <strong>mm</strong>mY OH;rnEZrn113NS EDR RrnRM NW<br />

see Auxn (Org.1)<br />


see Ibor<br />


see <strong>Arkansas</strong> Entertainers Hall af Ftme<br />

MrnSAS <strong>mm</strong><strong>mm</strong><br />

see E<strong>mm</strong>ic Dwdopnent<br />

see Newsgaprs<br />


Batemfile plant to be expandled<br />


e E<strong>mm</strong>ics<br />


see als Eckcation - Teachers<br />

09/lI/% All 1

see alrwl FuUic Opinion and Survqs<br />

Endxes Semtcx Ihle Bunpers for redection to US Sate 02/12/86 A13 1<br />

Lobbyist evasive abut stand in case Bill Clinton &allenged 03/13/86 A03 4<br />

AEA waks funding plan inclu&d in spdal legis session 0$/1l/86 A08 1<br />

Fhdbrses ELankWhite for Republican ybernatorieil r<strong>mm</strong>htion 0$/20/86 A03 1<br />

List cf other candihtes entbrsed ky AEA 04/20/86 A03 I<br />

En&r ses r edecti on of Bngr essnan Tcmny RoEnson OU2Y86 A03 3<br />

Ehkrsement in GOP pimary &cws animosity for Qinton O422/8Fi A03 4<br />

Ihe AEA and -- Frank White (ed)<br />

0$/22/86 NO I<br />

AEA needs to take civics test. Janes Ibwdl writes 04/25/86 A23 1<br />

Seeks special Legis ~ssion to deal with s~~ fmding 05/09/86 A09 1<br />

Jim Lmis speaks on teacher evaluation at Leaderaip Cbnf 07/31/86 ~02 3<br />

List a€ mndi&tes endxsed for general &&ion 10605/86 CN 4<br />

Neiaer Bill Clinton nor Frank White wins encbrsemat 10/05/86 CE 4<br />

Qnvention attracts abut 3 -000 teachess 10/1Q'86 N.4 6<br />

Convenkion hears Lerq Hq talk on school r&m 10/19/86 Ell1 2<br />

Res Ed Bullington defends himself frtm talk among <strong>mm</strong>bers 10/12/% B07 1<br />

Priorities for arming session of Legislature listed 12/19/86 A05 4<br />


see <strong>Arkansas</strong> Educational Television Network<br />


Director Raymnd K Ho &sasses Nanned &annentaries 01/07/86 B01 3<br />

Four dbcumenkaries to look at state issues Ol/at/€E EOl 3<br />

Perceived activism1 at IWIN dram mefits 03/07/85 A03 4<br />

Festival I86 raises $560,793 far AE'IN kudget 03/17/86 A0 9 6<br />

I&y<strong>mm</strong>d Ho and LlqdGetxge exchange words on schocil services 03/21/86 A12 1<br />

Steve Qark perslacks legis gand to stuqt mrtsuner progas 03/26/86 A03 5<br />

Proposes use cf satellites tome& edxation stan&r& in Ark 0407/86 A12 5<br />

Raymond Ho. Uoyd Gearge trade words over AE'IM &fort OYl6/86 All 1<br />

M'IN gets 3 contracts appwed ky Legislative u<strong>mm</strong><br />

Legis pnel holds up my for CLarenoe Q&'s work<br />

Sen Ihox N d s m leEt meeting before Beham made Q& motion<br />

State Sen EBul Bhan says C&h pogran insdts Legidatme<br />

Discussion of grison pohlens Mind ire of legidators<br />

J&n Brmett mys EQlox Nd.son had axe to grind with AEIN<br />

heyv re reviewing and a&ising acpin (ed)<br />

Can offer course in German. Splni& and physics<br />

Baton Oourier rap Legis pnel treatment o•’ Q& arttract<br />

Legis pnel apgrclves Cash contract after jab at pogran<br />

J&n Brurrmett discusses Legis and 'lkkansas Week1 pogram<br />

Legis will give AeN tudget a hassle. J&n Brmett predicts<br />

Raymond Ho says politim will not be exlufkd •’ran pogran<br />

Raymond Ho reZuts aontention on we OE pivate &nations<br />

Wcutive Director Raymond Ho r esigs<br />

Jdm Brunmett alum discusses r esigaticm a€ Raymond Ho<br />

Flqmond Ho had problens with Tbnny Venters and Steve Qark<br />

Rqmond Ho mwes on (ed)<br />

Coolness of Steve Qark tcwasd Raymond Ho explained<br />

Raymond Ho sees hi@t feure for AEtN<br />

Frank White says Gw Clinkon should hme supported Ho<br />

Rqmd Ho had his supprt. Gm Bill Q inton says<br />

Station emacyee laids ckive to hme Wttler med director<br />

J3Xtorid.s on Raymond Ho resigiation<br />

Hi* s&odl drop- cbmentary to be &mn on WS

Legislators ask <strong>Arkansas</strong> Earntion Tel wimn FUn to open ks 1Yl$r86 A07 1<br />

ALC refers hdget to subca<strong>mm</strong>ittee for further stu& 12/0#% A03 1<br />

Auditing A m FCh fmds gets l@s suboo<strong>mm</strong>ittee support 12/17/86 Al2 1<br />


see Hunanities, Pxkansas Endbwment for the<br />


see Hmdicappd<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cbmtry Music H a l aE hme changes me<br />


see Disease and Illness<br />


see Disease and Illness<br />


see Rriodicals<br />


see Agridture<br />


Jonesbro selected as site for NE Ark trailling fadlie 02/lY8f5 A18 1<br />

Wlnut Ridcje ansi&rs suit a~inst SW wer site seJection 02/15/86 a 8 1<br />

Pad Benkonasks ct toorder hisreinstatment: as director 02/2!5& A08 3<br />


see Arts and CraEts<br />


see<br />

Ebor<br />

ARmsPS G<strong>mm</strong>E<br />

see Nwspgers<br />


Zkard winners in histmica1 writing annomed Olq/ZY86 All 4<br />


anvention and Trade Shm hdd at Little Rock ll/29/86 COl 3<br />


Kraft to hire workers to refla- 300 striking workers 01/01/86 C03 5<br />

Violene reported in strike at Morrilton @ant 01/01/86 C03 5<br />

Faperworkers union rejects amtract aEfer at Mort-ilton Ol/03/% CO1 2<br />

UnitedPaprworkrswerridesloarl to endMorriltonstrike Ol/04&6 B31 2<br />

Plant lost per when vmWs &at transformer Ol/05/8fi A06 1<br />

Workers return to ppr mill job at Fbrrilton OyO8/8 C08 4<br />


see Vigil ant es and Radi cal im<br />


see also Gensor&ip<br />


see Arkla Inc<br />

ARmSPG <strong>mm</strong>QV( SOCIElTY<br />

Fhysidans urged to work to fi*t 'image slidet 04/18/& C08 1<br />

Fhysicians. spouses &rate blood while at aonverhim 04/18/85 C08 1<br />

Society affirms oppositim to lq michives 11/24/86 All 1<br />

States stand on inswane issues 1 1<br />

Will seek r estrickims on we of PWs 11/24/86 All 1<br />


see Cblleges<br />


see also Legiaature


see Natioml Gmrd<br />


see Mcrseuns<br />

<strong>mm</strong>sps PEACE <strong>mm</strong><br />

see aim International Rdations<br />

see also National Gmrd<br />


I2 Jan S Jackson I11 addresses goup<br />

AR<strong>mm</strong> IOST<br />

see also History, Ark<br />

ARrnSAS H>ST coum MUSEUM<br />

see Wems<br />


see aim Cbngress- House - ArkDist 02<br />

see also Electric Power<br />

see a190 Gwernor<br />

see ala, Legidature<br />

Offers mntract to Rqnoldb in hop @ants can be reopened<br />

Political Action CBmn makes dmatians to 115 candi&tes<br />

Artide rwims issue cf APE& in rant decticms<br />

New tax la may lawr tax breaks on Cbpitd. Tanler<br />

Organizational changes in f inn ouklined in house organ<br />

Nuclsar training facility namedl for Reeves E Ritchie<br />

Stockholikrs to give $10,000 for film reoe@ions at LA<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Tea a€•’ ers &gee for nudear pant fm@oyees<br />

Jack L Ring, Jerry DJackson join Middle South in New Orleans<br />

<strong>mm</strong>SAS REMmrnRY THEFYPEW<br />

Agreenent reached with Actors Quity Assodation<br />


ART seeks $2.5 million to hy mwer t hldg as theater<br />


see noods<br />

see Harbrs and Pbr ts<br />

see Bllutim<br />

see Rivers<br />

see Ship and Shipping<br />

see Water<br />


see Rivers<br />


see Accidellts and Sa€@<br />


Spdal smes p-ogrm for vismlly mired offered<br />

Mamge~nent Stu* Q<strong>mm</strong> suggest m e im~wenents<br />

MPIANSFS ScHoa, FOR mE Ern<br />

Leaatwe asks study Q€ infirmary needs<br />

Phmgmenk Stu* Q<strong>mm</strong> sug~es me needed impmanents<br />

<strong>mm</strong>SPS SKlRS H m OF EAME<br />

Artide on 1986 indxtee Bill Vining<br />

Bill Vining has coached at Ouad-dta sine 1954<br />

Biograaical sketch of Bill Bergey<br />

Bioqa@xkial sketch cf Bill Bergey<br />

Five rnanbers ad&d to Sprts Ha1 a€ Ehne


see also Gwermenk Eln@qrees. State<br />

m~~ STrnE FAIR<br />

see Expositions and mi rs<br />


see kdical mdlities<br />


see Wlice<br />

<strong>mm</strong>m STrnE HZESS<br />

see Newspqers<br />

ARrnSPS STrnE ERISm<br />

see Rfmns- <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see (311 eges<br />


see Athletics - College<br />

e Cblleges<br />

see Engineering<br />

see FbotMl - College<br />

see Stadiuns and Aras<br />

see Ten16 s - Coll ege Wn<br />


see Cblleges<br />


see Art<br />

see BasketbEill - College Wunen<br />

see Qlleges<br />

see Tennis - College Men<br />

ARrnSAS TrnNQIOGIm, mc<br />

Reoeives first SCtPlrnn •’ran Sciene and <strong>Tech</strong>nology<br />


Noland Horse I:m e d Brcwnl. eeNdland Home<br />

Prod &%red that Robert 3 rwrdee hilt Noland Home<br />


see alm Taxation<br />


Natives of Hardy area king <strong>Arkansas</strong> Trwder to lEe<br />


F'eckr ation to el &ate 50th year<br />

Group hears Sen mvid Pryor attack needless da~cutting<br />

Ebl itid mndi&tes spak at emirormental issms f arm<br />


see Wmen<br />


e Railrcak<br />


see also Great Lakes Chenical Cbrp<br />

see a1 Oil and Gas<br />

Reports incar erne in inme &ring 1985<br />

Walter A IkRoeck and Ibanld H Flanders Sr med to board<br />

Arkla seeks to make takewtlr mare difficult<br />

Net iname &wn<br />

Firm training stu&nts to weatherize hmes<br />

lhanas F M&arty is focus of flattering natl atterkion<br />

08/17/86 C06 3<br />

0~24% A ~ O 4<br />

08/24/86 All 1

Progran offers inEo to the poor. d&rly. disaibaritaged 10/20/86 EOl 2<br />

AR<strong>mm</strong> RCBXICPrnN a3<br />

see a1 so Oil and Gas<br />


see als3 Fkdse Arrests<br />


New Jersey pi.11~ ao to mwe to Leachville<br />


see Ehcation - Firance andBudgets<br />


see al s Floor%<br />

see a1 rn Harbrs and Parts<br />

see a1 ED Lakes<br />

see alm Swanp andwetlan&<br />

ma& my KELLEY<br />

see a1m Naturd andcultural Heritage Deplrtrnent<br />

ARNCLD, rnRRE3 S<br />

see also Cburts - US - District o•’ Western <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Judge to be honored by Museun uf Science and History 05/11/€% A03 2<br />

Judge ~nder mnsiikration for appt to f ederd. ap~eals ct 07/25/86 A12 1<br />


Says key role d ck is to pot& freedoms f ran majarity 08/0s/86 A15 1<br />

Judge lists &ties of citizens and wurts 08/13/86 A15 1<br />

MSCN<br />

see Fires<br />

ART<br />

see also Bridges<br />

see also Culture<br />

Roger Qrl isle &sig.led stamp honoring Ark Sequiaerkedal Ol/Ol/86 A01 5<br />

~ftit at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center &cws work of Ark prafessors 01/24&6 HL2 1<br />

State has 72 •’dl-time pufesmrs of studio art Ol/2$/% EIL2 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> native mud. bmdl makes iml;a& on art warld 01/31/86 E06 4<br />

Elsie Mistie Sterling Collection &nated to SMC, Pine Bluff 02/07/86 E06 1<br />

Sterl ing Call ecti on plr ch ased E ran Ark <strong>Tech</strong> Univ 02/07/86 ED6 1<br />

Sterl ing Coll e&i on was b uc$ t fy F Hams an Rcry<br />

02/07/86 E06 1<br />

Direor work to make <strong>Arkansas</strong> Artists Registry valLat5t.e OYlI,/8c; E02 4<br />

Mihition &ws pwerf U work of U&R f adty<br />

02/14/86 B06 1<br />

State's cultural heritage evi&rt in pottery dihit 02/21/86 B01 4<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Art armgetition had at &kadel@ia is &m

DATE<br />

JXE Q3L<br />

Larry Batman to pint 1987 <strong>Arkansas</strong> ckk stamp 12/U7/86 F06 1<br />

Diodcio Rodrigez scul*ures a&d to Natioral Register 12/14/86 A23 1<br />

Andrew Kilcpre fiatograghs of Arkansans g on display 12/19/86 EOl 2<br />

Draving by Crystil mwn Abbtt graces aristmas mr* 12/2$/86 E!l1 1<br />

Review aE art activities in Ark during 1986 12/26/86 El2 1<br />

ART CmTFXS<br />

see Mture<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Gomdl fmds app-erticre~hip pogran 01/02/86 ED1 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Fblk Arts Apperrticseship Progran explained 01/02/% $)1 1<br />

Arts Cbmdl aar& more Wan $1 million in gra&s 05/26/86 A15 1<br />


see mic<br />


see Vigilantes and Radicalisn<br />


see Vigilankes and Radical im<br />

ASBmOS<br />

Ei$t federal asbe&os lamuits settled<br />

Nine cases settled before trid date<br />

Conkamination f =red in StaUer Hall at UKR<br />


see Handicappd<br />


see Medical mu1 ities<br />


Tells LR group reackionary trends thrsaten US 02/22/€% Al6 1<br />

ASNER.<br />

Addresses AQlU meeting at LR 10/26/86 H)2 5<br />

Sqs ri*t-tewmk lws rnarrageahle poMm for mions 10/26/% E03 1<br />


seealm @may Qmty<br />

see also Rimns- <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see a1 so Robberi es and Th d ts<br />

Woodrm Little says Gale F Weeks assaulted him in Ydl Qrnty 0$/03/86 All 1<br />

Rev andMrs Jmes CLmton arrested after displte with &my OY02/86 A09 1<br />

Former mental gatient holds LR plie at kay far 6 hours 07/08/86 A01 3<br />

W e F Weeks gads imoent in altercation 07/08/86 A06 6<br />

&IEK oE Swridge Reti renent Hane with assadt 10/2w36 A10 3<br />

Corngilaints by rdatives ld to arrest at Sqridge Hane 1w25/% E01 5<br />

Cbmaairk alleges state Sen Jon Fitch aswdted father-&la 11/12/86 A07 4<br />

Charges aqiinst Rw and Mrs Janes Clanton to be dropped 12/04/% Al.9 1<br />

Banker Larry T Wilson as~ulted at prty 12/16/86 A03 3<br />


see Taxation<br />


see Local Gwermerb:<br />

ASrnCNWTI(S<br />

see Spxe Elic&t<br />

rnERCs~ERCGIS<br />

see Disease and Illness<br />

A'MLrnIG<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> SprtsHdll cb Fbne<br />


see al m<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see a1 so<br />

see a193<br />

see aim<br />

Basekall<br />

Baskethll - College Wanen<br />

Basketbll - College Men<br />

ansor &I ip<br />

I+botMl - College<br />

Tennis<br />

Track and Hdd - College Men<br />

see alsc, V o l l ~ - ~ College l<br />

Eligibility h&d on test s&res opposed ky W rep at NU44 Ol,/lY86 DO2 3<br />

Frank Brqrles ~ersmdedl Al Witte to oppose test r qui rment Ol/lEi/86 DO2 3<br />

Frank Brqles says adission tests Mair to minorities OJ/17/86 A15 1<br />

UAF pr a€ esaor Will ian E Jackson J r critical elf Brqles stand 01/17/86 Al5 1<br />

FrustratedUAfans in Hmkurg area seek to oust Frank Brcyles 02/OY% A05 4<br />

Willian E Jchnson accxlses Broyles of ming Ed& e Sutton aff 02/05/86 A0 5 4<br />

Willian E Jchnson 1mdS drive for reti ran& af Rank Brqles 02/05/86 A05 4<br />

&nest mas notes irony a€ drive to oust Rank Brqtles 02/09/86 CO1 1<br />

Poll &cws residents favor athletic contests btweenUAF-NU 02/15/% All 1<br />

Fayetteville ptpx merks on petition for vote on Brqles 02/16/S CO4 6<br />

Serat~Boolcoutwillat~@tofar~ASU-maptition 02/28/%A03 4<br />

UGi wins All-mrts tromy 05/09/86 Da3 2<br />

Etitim to renwe UA Athletic Director Broyles fails 07/05/86 A03 4<br />

&ark Spectator urges amptition betweenUAF, ASU andU&R 08/10/86 C04 6<br />

UA Cba& Hatfidd not inkerested in awing Arkirnsas State 08/19/86 DO1 2<br />

ASU footkall c~a& plshes for we with F&orbcks 08/20/86 DO1 2<br />

Bob Qtalls suggests UCA Bears be indutkd in UA-ASU sans 08/3Y% C04 2<br />

Razorhck prograns fa= prohlans, Frank Broyles says 09/18/86 DO1 6<br />

Frank Brcyles takes seriomly W k of farced ASU games 09/21/86 A03 3<br />

Gcal aE Jerry BookoLit is to force UkASU footbll gme 10/03/86 A03 4<br />

Fordyce News A&ocate supports UPrPSU amptition lO/OY86 C04 6<br />

Largest deficits are at XU. m. U&R and Am lO/lY86 A07 1<br />

Reprt &as deficits at each state all or d v in Ark 10/1Y86 A07 1<br />

UAhas ody mll athletic proqran in Arknot running deficits 10/15/86 A07 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Q311 mes four to its Athletic H a 1 of Fhme 10/17/86 DO5 1<br />

Guess which one needs fixing (ed on hdget ckficits) 10/19/% C02 1<br />

Atkansas State Ulliv mits to new lmpe 12/23/06 F05 4<br />

TWO ei5tmiaI.s call for UA-PSU football game 11/3v86 C04 5<br />

BU uffers to fill vacancies on UA footkll schdle 12/04/86 DO1 4<br />

State Sen Jerry Boobut calls UA selfi& 12/0$/86 DO1 6<br />

UA Resident Ftay Thornton has no ment on footkall s&&e 12/04/86 DC6 3<br />

Jerry Boobut may be renenbered for legislative footkall 12/05/86 A03 1<br />

UA Res Ray Thornton says keep footbll in pxsped5ve 12/10/% A21 1<br />

UA to trans€= mntrikutions to Athletic Dept ac<strong>mm</strong>ts 1V12/86 A05 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> may s&-e Mimi in spot Wichita left vamnt 12/13/86 COl 1<br />

State Sen Jerry Bookout leads drive for UPrNU fookbll game 1v19/% A24 5<br />

Harry Herget ar~es<br />

for UA-ASU footlcall game 12/26/86 A17 5<br />

MEW @w fails in U&W dehte 12/3l/86 A07 1<br />

<strong>mm</strong>1Cj - HIGH SQIOCL<br />

see aI.m BasketM.1<br />

see aim Ebotbll - Hi* Schoal<br />

Di&rid=s spend avg of 2 pct of lcudgets on athletics 03/06/86 A15 1<br />

Malvern athletes to gay fee to prticipte 05/09/86 A21 3<br />

Sports fee p-oped ky Maski Ilisk Su* Bob@ Lester 06/07/86 A01 3<br />

PuLaski. Die SL@ gets no axn@aints abut poposed fee 06/10/86 E08 5<br />

Suit against Hdem =st alleges raua Mas in hiring coach 07/1l/€% A15 2

Athletes cannot be tested for drug use mder US & ruling<br />

Sports fee rae in Maski Rist pm&s little p-otest<br />


see also Bllution<br />


see drso Gpital hni&rnerrt<br />

Stwe Clark sets up hotline for advie to troubled fanners<br />

Cffices mwe to bldg at PBrkhan and Saott<br />

Warren D Carpenter annbmces indepen&rd= canclihq for PG<br />

Steve Qark expands state pogran for missing children<br />

Stwe Qark assails mst to state uf LR &segregation @an<br />

Steve Clark files fur reelection<br />

Warren D Carpenter f jles for GOP n~nination<br />

Warren D Carpnter is not a layer<br />

Warren D CarpWer rot hmn to GOP off iciiils<br />

GOP candi&te Cnrpnter en&rsed ky Ral@ Fbrbes<br />

Warren Qrpenter sur~ised at views of Ral& Ebrbes<br />

Warren Carpnter -11s J&n Norman Roclwdl pitriotic<br />

GOP gad m q be asked to allw writein vote in p i m q<br />

Steve Clark warns hestic violence gets little notice<br />

Clark asks ct to ar&r talks in LR schodl desegregation<br />

AEA endxses Steve Qark for Dm nuninaiion<br />

Steve Qark reives campign mntrihtion f ran AP&<br />

QEf ice instrunerrtal in finding missing child<br />

Campig wntrikutions listed<br />

%rat ty Warren D Carpenter bin9 security check in murt<br />

mrmt was made to mnfrorB Judgs Henry Woods in open wurt<br />

Steve Qark says py-to-@lay Mng~ is illegal<br />

Steve Clark enhrsed for redectian ky <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<br />

Steve Qark has manding lead in election returns<br />

Stwe Qark carmnenks on his lopided election victory<br />

Impnding staff hanges listed ky Steve Clark<br />

Steve Clark seeks 15 p& =lay raise for his attorneys<br />

W F Fbster makes strong criticim a€ salary raise rrquest<br />

El -ion r esu ts cer ti•’ id<br />

HJrnTOR<br />

Chi& Dewy State Auttitcm aIhtMeenReynolds resips<br />

Kathleen Rqnolds disptes ac& given kg Jul ia Jones<br />

Janes D Andercsm to seek Democratic nanimtion<br />

DATE<br />

EECDL<br />

01/21/86 COI 2<br />

Ol/26/% C06 5<br />

Ov29/% A10 5<br />

02/15/86 E01 2<br />

03/18/86 A01 3<br />

03/22/86 A20 1<br />

O$/OJ/% B01 6<br />

O$/OL/86 E01 6<br />

olk/o2/86 a2 2<br />

04'03/86 A08 4<br />

04/03/86 A08 4<br />

OUO8/86 H32 1<br />

0#12/86 I32 5<br />

04J14"86 A10 1<br />

04/15/86 E01 4<br />

O$r20/86 A03 1<br />

04/26/86 B08 1<br />

OV27/% A05 1<br />

05/06/% DM 3<br />

06/17/86 A07 1<br />

06/17/86 A07 1<br />

lo/08/% A03 1<br />

10/18/86 A16 1<br />

11/05/86 BO1 2<br />

11/06/86 A07 5<br />

lI/a7/86 AL5 4<br />

12/12/86 A09 4<br />

12/12/86 A09 4<br />

1V27/86 M3 1<br />

oualyss A O ~ 1<br />

01/04b/86 A05 1<br />

02/0Y% A09 4<br />

Julia Huaes Jones respondE; to first &arse of JanesAn&rmn 02/05/86 A09 4<br />

Julia ~u&es Jones says she will seek re&.ection<br />

Julia Hu*es Jmes trims $80,000 f ran hex a€•’ ioe txldget<br />

Julia HuFfies Jones speaks at aord on wmen in politics<br />

Julia Hu*es Jones a<strong>mm</strong>a3s race far 4th term<br />

Testing ap@Limnts for psitions to be campig issue<br />

Julia Jones mn•’ronts Jmes D Anderson as he ear&es files<br />

Ran* Jones a<strong>mm</strong>cres ram fa- mocratic nmiration<br />

Janes DAnderson rwds his @an for state fm& handling<br />

Janes D Anckrson dls for 'war on waste' ir~ Auditor uEf ice<br />

Julia Hu#~es Jones amers An&rson &g on waste in aff ioe<br />

Campig materials of Jaia Hu*es Jones stolen in auto<br />

Janes D Anikrson continues criticism cB spending by Auditor<br />

Campig materials of Julia Jones fomd in recovered auto<br />

AFLrCIO enbrses Julia HucJ~es Jones for re-dection

Julia Huc$ies Jones leads in pll with 44 06/23/86 A03 4<br />

Jchn Brmett diswses &doperks in Dm amtest OYlY86 A03 4<br />

Julia Huc#es Jones makes r&md to state after a year 05/13/86 A05 5<br />

R&nd delq was wersiat. JUia Jones says 05/13/86 A05 5<br />

Janes D Anderson on= cited for not &positing $260,000 05/1$/86 A07 1<br />

Jmes D h&rson ahits his nefiew worked in offie OY16/S A07 1<br />

Pro!ilens cited in audit solved, Janes D Anderson says OEdE/86 A07 1<br />

Democratic primary mpiq has keen mwmlly heated 05/23/86 AlO 1<br />

Anderrson critical aE hotd Mlls of Julia Huc&es Jones 05/24/8f; A07 4<br />

Campig.1 rnrkrihticazs listed 05/24/86 A15 1<br />

Jaia Hu&es Jones ~ ays her spnding no &ffererk f run others 05625/% PO1 5<br />

JuL ia Hu* es Jones easily wins Ikmocr ati c nan irra ti an 05/28/86 A01 2<br />

Julia Jorses says negtive mptign. of Anderson aided h~l: OY29/86 A08 1<br />

Cornaete. maEfidal returns in Dem pimary (by aomty) OV29/% A08 5<br />

Julia Bu@es Jones may rmw be top f ande in Ark politics 06/08/€6 A03 4<br />

JUia Huaes Jones enmurages voter registration 10/13/86 A13 1<br />

JuLiaHu@es Jones pedicks luu voter turnout in gen election 11/06/86 A04 4<br />


see alm<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

see aim<br />

see alm<br />

see aim<br />

see alm<br />

see als<br />

see alm<br />

see a1 m<br />

Repor ts,<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Ehcational Tdwision Nebork<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> School for the Blind<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> School for ~e<br />

(3311 eges<br />

Eibation - Finanoe<br />

Gane and Fib Q<strong>mm</strong>ission<br />

HicJway and Translpr tation Bs<br />

Hunan Serviaes kprtment<br />

Rimns - Ark<br />

Maski Cbmtv<br />

pprs of sta& auditors subject to EOI reziw 02/27/86 A15 3<br />

F O ruling ~ on audit pprs may be appded 02/28/66 A02 1<br />

Constitutional B& and Co<strong>mm</strong>s M gnt Au&t Qrranission r epr ts 09/13/86 A01 3<br />

George Frazier led pad making mgnt rwiew sku& 09/13/86 A01 3<br />

George kll -st fi senking vote on f iral au& t r epr t 09/13/86 A01 3<br />

Stu* Q<strong>mm</strong> was created iy Les. menber s named by Clinton 0 9/J3/86 A0 4 4<br />

Sunmary a€ generd. re<strong>mm</strong>en&tions of Mgnt Stu* O<strong>mm</strong> 09/33/86 A04 4<br />

What' s a litue pl iti cs in auditing (ed) 09/21/86 C02 1<br />

Legidatas to aonsider findings when stuaing budgets 10/05/86 C04 1<br />

Legis audit pnel wants la pkting teeth in its directives 12/l.3/86 A10 1<br />


see also Ehcatian - Administrators<br />


see Autanobiles and Autcmobile Drivers 07/02/86 A16 1<br />

WrnmBrm AND <strong>mm</strong><strong>mm</strong> mvms<br />

see also Q edit<br />

see allso Robberies and Thefts<br />

Roger bbl der f jned $50 for tinting w indms of truck 02/12/86 A05 4<br />

Roger P901ikr will appeal aonuiction of having tintedwindxvs 0vlV86 A05 4<br />

EM Grm amtests driving fine. says he is a trwder OVOV86 E08 1<br />

Huc& B Chzilmas Sr seeks rwersal aE odnneter case amvictim 06/12/86 BD8 1<br />

Planners want all drivers retested for license reraewals 07/02/86 A16 1<br />

Driver's liaense rued a pivUq. not a riat 07/08/% A10 3<br />

Auto repossession hsiness is pmf iM5l e. ht dmgerous 07/20/86 I331 2<br />

Retesting all drivers opposed by Spingdale News 07/20/86 C04 6<br />

Wmeter amvidzims sf admers firm. 4 prsons umdd 08/30/86 A17 2

Ikiving skills bolstered by 55 Alive mture Qiving Course<br />

WAIN FLU<br />

see Livestock and E6U try<br />

R.7IATlDN WD AIR-<br />

Smdl @- lm& on bsy frearay at LR without incident<br />

Collision of two flanes near Des Arc kills three persons<br />

Occupnts of @.as that oolli&d were waving to pose<br />

Wo killed in crab at Des Arc are identified<br />

Four Texans killed in sane crash Ear HartEard<br />

Cra& of hdiaopter at lalomt I& kills 3 lwm<br />

Heliaogter was carrying off iaers on marijuam f idd raid<br />

Hdimper ma& at Pbmt I& irrvestigted ky NEB<br />

Fli@~t station dogng at Pine Bluff potested by pilots<br />

Tho die in ma& a€ aarg garre at Telarkam<br />

&re med to <strong>Arkansas</strong> Aviation Ha11 of Fhme<br />

No die in ma& oE pivate sane at Siloam S~ing<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Aviation Hal1 OE EZlrne in&cts three<br />

Wo injured in Grroll Qmty pane ma&<br />

Artbur B Halhan Jr flies hanmade opn cockpit Rane<br />

mARDE;<br />

see Cbntest s and Prizes<br />

AWM, DONNA<br />

see Whitwarth. Donna (Am)<br />


see IWlic Opinion and Survqs<br />

BAILEY, FRrnKA<br />

Nmed to <strong>Arkansas</strong> Aviatim Hdl cf Fbme<br />


see also Murders- Wlq. Jercme<br />


see aL so Murders - Baker. Cblunlxls<br />

BAKER, JmEs A<br />

WLA.<br />

Trsasury Seaetary visits LR for Asa Hutchinson campig<br />

mcHm<br />

see a1m Amusme& Rrks<br />

B&D KNCB<br />

see also W1 ice<br />

BALLWIN-WED cow<br />

see a1m Sm LifeGuaranty mrp<br />

Terms reached in hnkru@cy mse<br />

Liquiihtion of Bal&in f inns in Ark sou@t ky finks<br />

Rquest on liqukhting 3 sukidaries granted<br />

L-1 kattle on Bddvin annuities begins next month<br />

Battle ma policies now Aifts to <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

ElatEle begins in Ark far &are cd Bal&in annuities<br />

Sm Life tells aurt af ecxlrity<br />

Fktropolitan says size makes it b est for Balhin annuities<br />

Metropolitan por trays rival as &a&<br />

ktroplitan gets junp in effort to obtain Bal&in annuities<br />

Group of pol icyholCkrs supprts Metropol itan<br />

Metropol itan enarsed ly state insmane <strong>mm</strong>issioner<br />

Sm Life ogtimistic over case<br />

Judge mar& Baldvin bsiness to Fktropolian Life<br />

Strong stand of Robert M Euhnks XI1 irdlwnoed judge<br />

OU24/86 A01 3<br />

06/02/& A09 6<br />

06/03/% Al2 1<br />

06/08/86 ILL6 4<br />

07/03/86 A13 3<br />

07/2Y86 A01 3<br />

03/25/86 A01 3<br />

07/26/86 ED1 2<br />

08/P/06 All 3<br />

08/29/86 A01 2<br />

10/27/86 E02 1<br />

11/OV86 Ell8 4<br />

11J15/86 All 2<br />

1l/3Q/86 $14 5<br />

12/15/86 ED1 4

B&LE!r ~ ~ S P S<br />

see mncing<br />

B<strong>mm</strong>S<br />

Spoe ramera drop; in on wary at Eudxa 10/17/86 A01 2<br />


Pi Jackson discusses lw bnning out-of-state bank purdmsers 11/16/86 A09 1<br />

W K<br />

OF rnYETI'EvILL,E rnWZTrIs7E<br />

see Banks<br />


see Banks<br />

Brnrnrn, ANMIE ME<br />

Rcad in Gbllege Station named for civic leader<br />

BmKTNG BrnD ARK<br />

see also Banks<br />

B<strong>mm</strong>maES<br />

see aim Bal&iwUnited Corp<br />

see also Bwen. Joe Sp Inc<br />

see also Brittenun and Assdates<br />

see &ED IZlvid Hodges Ftmns<br />

see also Eaomic Opportunity Agenq d maski Cbmty<br />

see also Iver J&mn Arms. Inc<br />

see also Lloyd Arms. Inc<br />

see &sf,<br />

WFX, Inc<br />

see also Sunma TGroup<br />

see alsc, Vestal (Jose* W) and Sms Cb<br />

Jbmy MBaugh tramEer a€ fun& to father had fraudxlent 02/2l/86 C08 5<br />

Wali Muharrmd files Chap 13 petition in Bankruficy Cburt 03/11/= ED2 1<br />

Bankr@xies in Ark climtsed by 64 pct in last 5 years 03/12/86 C01 2<br />

Carl R BrertLs is new hnkrwptcy judq for Ark 07/l3/86 C06 1<br />

m m<br />

see also Almhd and Drug Akuse<br />

see dl so Robberies and Th Ef ts<br />

Rrst rPnerican Banmhares r digs mgnt at two bnks Ol/OY86 DO1 1<br />

Citizens Natl Bank of Wdnut Ridge sues Worthen Bank OI/08/86 C02 1<br />

GhB Qntractors of lhoerix SLE Worthen Bank over Ian OI/08/86 C02 1<br />

Worthen Banking Corp names hvid Solanon. George Kell to Id 0l,/09/86 COl 2<br />

Worthen mys Ghl3 Cbntractors suit is without merit Ol/10/86 C02 1<br />

First Q<strong>mm</strong>erud. Qrp names three executives to bard 01/15/86 CCB 1<br />

Sharon H McKinney &g3 with th&t fran Indepndene Ekd Ou18/86 A02 1<br />

Savers Fe&ral S&L of <strong>Arkansas</strong> mes F W Qbb Jr as CEO 01/2;5/86 COl 2<br />

Fi rstSoubh trims staff, will dose same lxanches Ol/23/86COl 2<br />

msked wen rob Ist Ck<strong>mm</strong>ercid. Bank branch in LR 02/01/86 A03 4<br />

Superior Federal. Bank at Lonoke robbed ky g~nman 02/08/86 A03 3<br />

CitizensBankof~xionCbm~&mpsnametoFirstOzark 02/1Y%C08 3<br />

UnionNatl Bankordexedto ply 1-1 feesinrae bas case 02/16/86 E02 6<br />

Frank Lyon Q may k q First Anerican Bancshares 02/21/86 C01 5<br />

mion granted fa Rank Lyon Cb to by mrst Anerican 02/22/86 C08 3<br />

Wort21 en Banking Cor p marks loss of $49.8 mill ion on year 02/26/86 COl 2<br />

W H Kennedy Jr retires as Worthen Banking Corp chmn 02/27/86 CO1 3<br />

Worthen Banking Corp names W illian L Ckmens dmn 02/27/86 COI 3<br />

Sucessof crdt cardoprationmzesUnionNatiod Bank 03/02/86 DO1 4<br />

Bank of myettevfile Inrwxrative seeks charter to open 03/W/&3 C02 4<br />

Hamrd J Widern Jr resiys as 0 at FixstSouth 03/21/86 CO1 2<br />

Gearge G Worthen resiqs f ran Worthen Bank 03/21/86 C01 4

First Federal Savinghas seentwomajm changesthisyear 0$/06/86D01<br />

Ixxv overhead, 1-dl custaners ph 3 small knks in top ranks OLk/13/86 DO1<br />

First Cb<strong>mm</strong>erdd Cbrp earning rise 9 pct in qmrter<br />

0$/16/86 CO1<br />

Wo sur;pe&s in Qmay bnk robbery arrested<br />

04/20/86 A16<br />

Union Nafl not liable in th&t fra Harrdl Pbtors- jury says 0 $/2Y86 A09<br />

First Natl at Qrossett &gd usuriotls rate. judge rules 06622/86 H31<br />

Wo serrtenaed for anhzzlgnent at Russellville hnk<br />

01$/25/86 A16<br />

James T Ria* rncrving to Worthen Banking Corp pst 04/25/86 COl<br />

Worthen Banking Corp criticized ky Qmptrdler oE Currenq 0$/29/86 C01<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> hnks offer lcwest rates on credit or&<br />

05/09/86 C01<br />

Controlling interest in E'i rst Anerican Bankshares sold 05613/86 CO1<br />

First Rnerican Bankshares mnrtrd. mld to 3 B Hmt, D Hmd1 05/13/86 C01<br />

Fi rstSouth dosing 11 units<br />

05/1ly86 COl<br />

Worthen stochbtders told of mgnt response to pohlms 0s/ly% ~ 0 1<br />

Bank bran& at Batewille robked<br />

05/20/86 E01<br />

Robker leaves money and gm in Thin City Bank driveway 05/20/86 ED1<br />

Worth en ban& robbed 06/04'86 A09<br />

Wor~enBankwins$1.05~lionju~e~frmRectorfim 06/0$J86A09<br />

S L L and Haden Trust Md SIE WorthenBank for $8.35 million 06/0V86 C03<br />

First Cb<strong>mm</strong>ercid at LR ress securities ilve&ig!ition 06/07/86 A03<br />

Doanneri-k details ~oblans at Worthen last year<br />

06/07/86 A01<br />

Dedine in first Fe&ral Savings of Ark stock is puzzling 06/08/86 D 01<br />

3nal hnks hme Eggest return on average equity<br />

06/08/86 DO1<br />

FBI investigating tradingof securities at first Q<strong>mm</strong>ercid 06/10/86 A07<br />

First Cbrmnacid suEfers etax loss of $3 million 06/10/M A07<br />

Robe a€ securities trading at First Cb<strong>mm</strong>ercial nears end 06/11/86 C01<br />

Tamnie Lou Qvaness settles suits against Worthen<br />

06/1Y86 A18<br />

Dean Witter f inn a-operating in first Gxnmerdd hquiry 06/12/86 COl<br />

Behind-saenes details of stock exchange seen in Worthen re@ 06/1Y86 DO1<br />

Jack Steaens. Josegh Gird r, Rank Lyon f inns in Worthen rep 06/1Y86 DO1<br />

Josefi Girair Jr sells half CZ his Worthen stock<br />

06/18/% C01<br />

Mgnt at First Q<strong>mm</strong>ercid gets M swrt in loss of fmds 06/18/86 C01<br />

Froposed Bank of Fayettwille gets appwal to p-oaeed E/18/86 COl<br />

Wcman wins $200,000 jullgnenk f ran fi rst B<strong>mm</strong>erciziL Bank 07/03/% A12<br />

FirstSouth stock dedines as troubled times hit f inn 07/10/86 C01<br />

Howell and Hunt Baneshares is new rmlti-bank hd&ng oo 07/l3/86 DO1<br />

Hmd1 and Hunt formed I;y mvid Hmdl Jr and J B J3mt 07/13/86 DO1<br />

List af 6 largest kinking organizations in Ark<br />

07/13/86 DO1<br />

Net worth a€ FirstSouth less than rquired leva<br />

07/16/86 A01<br />

SEC investigating trading in FS rstSouth stock<br />

07/16/86 A01<br />

First Q<strong>mm</strong>ercid. Qrp rqks earnins drop<br />

07/16/86 C02<br />

Stxte takes $43.2 mjllion f ran EX rstSoukh ac<strong>mm</strong>t<br />

07/17/86 A01<br />

Savers of Little Rock net worth is belw rquired lwel 07/18/86 AD1<br />

Savers of LittleRock posts $22.5 million loss<br />

07/18/% A01<br />

State Rasurer pts hck $100,000 deposit in firstsoah 07/18/86 C01<br />

Slate agenci es msw e ab& keeping Fi rstSoukh &psi ts 07/18/& C01<br />

FirstSouth and Savers of Little Rock have psitive m s 07/19/86 A01<br />

Lester McInty re sues Union Natioml for $1.1 mill ion 07/19/86 A03<br />

History &cws lad times for S& inhstry in Ark before 07/20/&6 DO1<br />

Worthen Banking Corp regs loss of $9 mUlion<br />

07/22/86 COI<br />

Wor~en loses rdated to losses ky other institutions 07/22/86 CO1<br />

First Federal. c•’ Ark reprts $3.3 million qmrterly earning; 07/23/86 COL<br />

Em Rinae joins Worthen Banking Corp 07/23/86 C 01<br />

C JOE* Girdr Jr files suit a@.& Worthen 07/26/86 C08

Worthn allqs Giroir made "short-wing profit" on stock sale 07/26/86 C08 1<br />

Worthen entifled to wafit Girclir ma& on sales. suit daims 07/33/€!6 C02 4<br />

Savers Federal sues vice pes 0 B Chandler wer loans 07/3l/86 CQ3 4<br />

Wo stocldml&r s sue top officers of F5 rstSouth 08/0L/86 COl 2<br />

Central <strong>Arkansas</strong> S&fi slles 2 firms. salemen in f mds loss 08/07/86 A07 1<br />

FirstSouth to limit lmns at rquest of EI3LB 08/09/86 A01 6<br />

Top officidLs of FirstSouth resig.1 pxitions 08/09/86 A01 6<br />

Judgnent motions for institutions x &used in Fi rstSouth case 08/09/86 E08 1<br />

First Umunercial Cbrp ken& itted with stay-abhme pl icy 08/10/86 DO1 6<br />

WorthenBank and Stemens. Inc hold over hdf a€ Savers stack 08/12&6 A01 6<br />

FEA restrictions owing Fi rstSo&h no m&e haxdshiw 08/1v86 A08 1<br />

FirstSouth trated loan for Mi•’ an& pqject routinely 08/13/86 C03 1<br />

Legis pml discusses sirnaer hat check lm 08/14/86 Al6 1<br />

Larry W Hale indicted in Bank of Locksturg prohlms 08/20/86 A03 1<br />

Savers. Inc annorncles resicpation of FW Cbbb Jr as (230 08/20/86 C01 5<br />

arisBlycfiron&a~-gedwi*illegalknkingtransa&ians 08/22/MAO5 1<br />

Mber t Ehill ip MNeil1 gets 348 yrs for hnk robbey 08/28/86 All 1<br />

Phillip Lynn Lloyd resiqs advisory pbst at Savers, Inc 08/29/86 C01 5<br />

Four utilities in LR seek el&r~c paymerh of Mlls 08/3l/86 DO1 6<br />

Gmen rob branch uf First C;txrrm~dal Bank at LR 09/12/86 A07 1<br />

FJcg.then Bank closes its off ices at MY and Los Angeles 09/13/86 ClO 2<br />

EoyileimportzmttoCecil CuppJrat<strong>Arkansas</strong>Bank&Trust: 09/16186D01 I<br />

Madison Guaranty S&L has rnamgeinent &akeup 09/16/86 COl 3<br />

State Banking Bd puts limits on trading acmlnt me 09/17/86 C08 5<br />

Willian P G d l q Jr retakes helm OE Wers Federal in 'storm' 09/18/86 COl 2<br />

Group h ~ded ky Mvyn Bd1 negotiates to kuy Savers S&L 09/20/86 A01 2<br />

Suit ly FT rstSokh against 6 firms occupi ed 21 days 09/23/86 C02 1<br />

Janes and Mochlar negotiate to sell their Wor~en stock 09/25/86 A01 3<br />

Worth en has seen huge losses since Ria@- Jackson takewer 09/25/86 A01 3<br />

FirstSouth regks subtantial mgitive net worth 09/27/86 A01 3<br />

Fraud chgs reEiled against Grwer C Richardson 09/27/86 A05 1<br />

Fi rstSouth f in& most cxlstaner s under stanang 09/3[V86 C01 2<br />

NXD drops qmtations of FirstSouth stock 09/30/84 CO1 2<br />

Wortha Bank, Rose La firm stled wer failed IC hotel pq ect 09/30/86 C01 2<br />

Negotiations for sale a€ midy stock inworthen end akugtly 10/0l,/86 A01 6<br />

Judge deem 3 bankers of mpnsatory claims Iy FirstSouth 10/0l/86 C02 3<br />

Ca<strong>mm</strong>r main D Jackson says severd hnks on edge a€ trouhle 10/OI,/% C03 4<br />

Tho masked men rob JE'K bran& c& Fi rsk herican 10/0~86 A18 4<br />

Hmt and Hwdl get apgrwal to hy first Pmerican Bancshares 10/02/86 C02 4<br />

Grwen: Richardson enters innooent to federeil &arges 10/0q86 All 1<br />

HeaLthy SGs harassed ty FHLB regulations. S& League daims 10/08/86 A01 5<br />

Sen mvkd Pryor writes to FHLB aEter S&L League visit 10/08/86 A01 5<br />

City Natianal at Ebr t Smith lost $1 million on money orders 10/08/86 COI 3<br />

City MtI. at FbrtSmith recsoveredprt ct money order fmds 10/10/86 C01 2<br />

First &net-ican tanks at LR K R to k m e First Natioral. 14/12/86 DO1 1<br />

Wor#en kandz robbed, mey droppd when pck exploded 10/15/86 A09 1<br />

Planned use a€ me. First NaU, at LRKR drws opposition 1v16/86 COl 2<br />

Savers Ek%ral lays off 15 p& d sta•’f in a&-cuttinqrnwe 10/17/86 C01 4<br />

Branch hnks robted at LR FLR within hour 10/21/86 A05 1<br />

Suit filed to pa& use af First Mal me at LR NLR 10/24/86 C02 4<br />

!Three arreed in robbery aE First NaU ban& at Blythwille 10/25/86 ED2 1<br />

Blythevjlle robbery tied to LRFLR kank hal&ps 10/26/86 804 5<br />

&ark Bankshares c~rrtrds four hnks 10/26/86 Dl2 5<br />

Qrl and Roxanne Hanilton. Garen Barker chgd in fraud schene 10/28/86 A01 2


&an Witter Rqrnoldb koker &gd in First (3merdal case 10/28/86 A01 2<br />

First Cb<strong>mm</strong>a-dal poprty used as allatera in sbme 10/20/86 A01 2<br />

Fraud chg; flatred against three in First Q<strong>mm</strong>erd&l. Bank case 10/28/% A01 2<br />

miltons andBarker @sad gilty to Hrst Cb<strong>mm</strong>wdal schene 10/28/86 A01 2<br />

Swpecks in robbery at Bly#wille arraiqed 10/28/% B01 6<br />

Fi rstSouth estimates 1 osses at $120 million 10/29/86 COl 5<br />

Southern DeYdopnent Bankcorp formed tomeet Ark rurd. nee& 10/30/# C01 2<br />

FirstSouth revives popilar rollwer CD proqran 11/04J86 COl 2<br />

SSs in Ark rated lcwest in raet worth 11/0$/86 CO1 5<br />

List d EU aski Cbmty lank. ranked ly assets 1l/13/86 COl 3<br />

Tunnel found near First Natioral at myettev jlle 11/16/86 A17 3<br />

Legiaation far interstate ~ ~ drafted n g<br />

ll/lV86 COl 3<br />

FirstSouth agrees to FTlLB @.an to rwitaljze f inn ll/lY% A01 2<br />

Union of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cbrg bys dosed knk in Temp. Okla 11/15/86 C10 3<br />

Marlin Jackson discusses Union plr&ase QE Oldahma bank 1l/16/86 A09 1<br />

First Ek&rd. Sirvincp of Ark posts inme drop 11/18/% CO1 5<br />

Union of <strong>Arkansas</strong> mq m e credit cards to OkLahuna bank 1l/19/86 A01 4<br />

Grwer Richardson Jr g,lilty to money laundxing 11/19/86 A05 1<br />

Clarence Hwer cimrqed with robhing three hnks ll/19/% All 1<br />

WorlAen Cbrp &ws qmrterly loss on pohllen loans 13/20/86 C01 4<br />

Regional Recip-ocal Banking A& popsal filed 1l/21/86 C02 3<br />

Melvyn L Bd1 still wants to pxchase Savess, Inc 1l/22/86 A01 2<br />

Negative net worth d Savers, Inc is $115 million 11/22/86 A01 2<br />

Savers. Inc adds $120 mfilion to laan loss reserve ll/22/86 A01 2<br />

bsked guman rok First kiteriaan ban& at NLR 11/22/86 A05 1<br />

Interstate tanking opposed b~ in&yzndent kankers 1Y26/86 CO1 2<br />

htropolitan bJorthen kanches robbed at LR 11/29/86 A21 4<br />

Sand1 bnker s are enhnger ed speci es (ed) 12/01/86 AlO 1<br />

Court rd es El. rstSoeh gilty I& mnstrudive fraud 12/03/% A01 2<br />

Fraud allegations imcilve Mi•’ mndbminiun pqjed: 12/03/86 A01 2<br />

Six lenders smd FirstSouth wer Uif mndD poj ect f inanues 12/03/86 A01 2<br />

Ball in EHLB's awt. firstSouth aEficiziL says 12/03/86 A04 5<br />

First herimn errjained f ran use a€ me 'First National' 12/OLa/86 C01 2<br />

Fi rstSouth dosred ly Federa Hane Loan Bank Bard 12/05/86 A01 2<br />

Nw insti tttion to take wer assets of E5 rstSouth 12/05686 A01 2<br />

Superior Federdl. d Ebrt Smith hys Guaranty Fedxdl 12/05686 A20 1<br />

Pine Blu•’f residents saddened ly loss of FirstSouth 12/06/86 A01 2<br />

Rise, fall aE FirstSouth ouklined 12/06/86 A01 2<br />

Outlook for FirstSouth depositors with wa $100.000 acaomts 12/E/86 A01 3<br />

Fi rstSouth succesmr to be called River side S & L 12/06/86 A01 6<br />

Force of 500 workers retuilding Fi rstSouth into new •’inn 12/06/86 A01 6<br />

Takwer: of FirstSouth is Mggest ever for EHLB 12/06/86 A01 6<br />

Fi rstSouth c3-I ronol ocg sinoe 1982 12/06/86 A08 1<br />

Judge& against FirstSouth stopd ky ELIC action 12/06/86 A08 3<br />

FirstSouth custcmers assued their fm& safe 12/06/86 A10 1<br />

FirstSouth was mder El31 pobe pior to its dosing 12/07/86 A01 2<br />

F!iversi& ahead of schedile for opmng 12/07/86 A10 1<br />

Regional kanking will aid <strong>Arkansas</strong>. Joe Giroir ws 12/07/86 CCG 4<br />

F!iversi& opens at old Fi rstSouth sites 12/08/86 A03 5<br />

Riversid enaxmters no poUens on opmng day 12/0W86 A01 2<br />

Hdlf FirstSouth deposits are junb CRs, EHLB says 1V10/86 A13 3<br />

Fsgiml bnking foes pint to troubled S & Ls as waning 12/10/8Fi C02 4<br />

Chancellor, lwyers anEer in suit filed ly firstSouth 12/1l/86 C08 1<br />

$612 million lent to 13 cantrdLing FirstSouth stock 12/12/86 A01 5

Size of FirstSouth &ar&ol&r brrcwing shocks EHLEl offiaer 12/12/86 A01 5<br />

Insuranoe acre* Bnid Rill conten& FirstSoLlth defrau&dhim 12/13/86 A24 1<br />

Regional &king a lad idea. Janes Street says<br />

Ff rstSouth f ol& (ed in Pine BluEf Gwnmercial)<br />

Jerry L Grigsbj is one OE largest FirstSouth &ar&dders<br />

Bank robbery fciled at Arkadel@ia<br />

Wo suits against FirstSouth transEerred to f era1 aurt<br />

Roxanne and Carl mvid Hmilton serkened in scheme<br />

Dallas mayor says he and prtrrers defaulted to FirstSouth<br />

Stocld.ldders in FirstSouth say thq gt no special trcntmerk<br />

La firm urged crimiml pobe o•’ FirstSouth<br />

m m PRo<strong>mm</strong>s<br />

see Rock& Recalls and Bans<br />

B<strong>mm</strong>, A C<br />

see al so B ixth Bntr al and Abortion<br />


Blast. fire &age pttltry @ant at Qwon<br />

BAPflST CIiURX<br />

Janes Bwd1 says Bagists sell heritage for f mt$mentalisn<br />

First Bagist at Springkle kuilding state's large& @lark<br />

Dr W L Bennett re&* as pastor of First Bag at Ebrt Smith<br />

Jinmy Xlen says factions talking to ea& other<br />

BaRist State Qnv holding annml session<br />

Declh in annml kqtisns noted ky So&hern Bags in Ark<br />

3agi st State Qnv $a s.ge s r esol uti ms<br />


see !@dial mcil ities<br />


see als Murders - Vau&n. Jerral<br />

BARKER, GARRm n3E<br />

see aim Banks<br />

BARrn. JCMN F<br />

see also Hi-w and Transprtation Dee<br />


see also Tel w ision<br />

B<strong>mm</strong>, m&DW<br />

see alm Amerimn Transprbtion Qrp<br />

see d. ;90 Qime and Crimiral s<br />


Whitewater Tavern at LR reopens<br />

Rivate club <strong>mm</strong>t dose fran.2 a.m. to 7 a.m., PBCrdes<br />

Closing la angers p-ivate dub owners<br />

Private dub at hyettevville thrive despite dosing rue<br />

BARSm, WRENrnA<br />

Wreneta Barstw disappears f ran Little Bock hane<br />


see also Art<br />


Harfing Univ cafiures NAIA Dist 17 changionrhip<br />

Hatding defeated by Huntington in first romd<br />


U&R asks LR to spend $243.000 for im~wed fadl iti es<br />

Shorter Cbll @aye- pills gm at gune with <strong>Arkansas</strong> Bagist<br />

Lwremo Wason arresked in gm inci@nt at scri<strong>mm</strong>age game

Gms dbnf t kill flayem, etc (ed) 10/30/86 A18 1<br />


U&R Rojans win TAAC &anpionship 02/16/& FO1 1<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Cenkrd <strong>Arkansas</strong> wins AIC chanpion&ip 02/21/86 DO1 4<br />

UCA's Don qfer named NAIA Rist 17 Coach-a€-theyear 02/27/86 DO5 1<br />

Bruce Terry reai~fls as mach at allege cIf the barks 03/01/84 COS 1<br />

!Mae Sutton says he wotild return to Ark if F Brqles let 03/02/86 F01 1<br />

Sutton woad have crmled to get away Ercm Brqles. wife says 03/02/86 Fnl 1<br />

Suttons admit Braq~les delivered on every pcmise<br />

03/02/86 F01 1<br />

Univ of Ark at I'bnticello def sats Urn for trip to NAIA tourn 03/O!YPb D(U fi<br />

ko suspen&d UA gayers ahit me aE drugs<br />

Westark wins <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Jmior Qllege &anpionhip<br />

U&R Trujans win TAAC tourment to advanae to NCAA tourn<br />

UKR Trojans win TAAC tourment to advance to N m tourn<br />

TXR Trojans to flay Notre &me in NCAA regiorals<br />

Westark sweeps Region I1 plqoff far krth in mu tourn<br />

UAM Meats Briar Cliff in NAIA tourn<br />

U&R Woj ans defeat Nutre M e in NCRA tourn<br />

UAM ralies to Meat Wayland Ba@isk in NAIA town<br />

UAM &•’eats Cbllege uE Charleston to a&me to NAIA semis<br />

WLR Trojans fall to North Cardim State in NC4A totan<br />

UAM dmns South eastern Oklahana to advance to NAIA f iml s<br />

UALR Trqans wdormed hcme to Little Rock<br />

UAM def-tedi ty mvid Lipsamb in finals of MAIA<br />

Westark falls to H&&inson in first round of mfl tourn<br />

Westark falls to Allega~ in amsolation kacket<br />

UKR1s Mike Newdl md TFAC Goah-&-the Year<br />

Nolan Ri&ardson <strong>mm</strong>ments on n w 3-pint rule<br />

Jirtny alen med coach at Bllege o•’ the Ozarks<br />

UALR's Mike Nwd.1 may get post at mrqlaette<br />

Mike Newdl w&c&ing off= •’ran Mxquette Univ<br />

Mike Nwdl turns down Phrquette job in favor d UALR<br />

Mike Newdl hopes new arera. ktter pogran to me<br />

=forts to keep Mike Nwdl began before Eirquette aff er<br />

Eke Newdl acclees 5-yr aontraa at U&R<br />

Dr James Bung explains fmding rise af 41 pct for pqan<br />

Preview oE 19%-87 season<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Razorhcks return to Top 20 in rankings<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> Tea wins AIC title<br />

AIC &anpi ons <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> ranked kt in Ukel ratings<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Te& topseeded in NAIA aist 17 tourmenk<br />

A W s Jim Dickerson named NAIA Dist 17 Coa&-o•’-theyear<br />

Otaaita Bag defeats Urn for NAR4 Est 17 title<br />

Ouad-~ita dbmimtes Univ a€ Mismuri at Qrms City, 74-56<br />

Omchikt w ill rmw advance to national tourney in Ehnsas City<br />

UA's Lady Razorkicks are qing to NCBA tourney<br />

Missouri d iminates UA Lady IBzorbcks f ran NGlA tourn<br />

OLlacfrita falls to Georgia Southwestern in NAIA tourn<br />


Qrway St Josem nip Alpena for state dass B title<br />

Hope defeats Brinkley fa AAA state title<br />

Demott trap Goinell for state AA awn<br />

Blytheville Wns El Dora& for state AAAA title<br />

03/&/86 DO1 1<br />

03/06/86 Do6 1<br />

03/09/86 F01 6<br />

03/09/86 F01 6<br />

03/10/86 COl 4<br />

03/10/86 CO3 4<br />

03/14/86 DO1 4<br />

03/1$/% COl 3<br />

03/15/86 COl 6<br />

03/16/86 FOl 2<br />

03/17/86 C01 4<br />

03/18/86 DO1 2<br />

03/18/86 DO1 3<br />

03/19/86 DO1 1<br />

03/20/86 DO2 3<br />

03/2l/86 DO6 5<br />

03/25/% DO1 2<br />

04403/86 DO1 5<br />

0la/l7/& DO1 6<br />

07/03/86 C01 5<br />

07/01%/86 DO1 4<br />

07/OY86 C01 1<br />

07/09/86 DO1 3<br />

07/10/86 A01 2<br />

07/18/86 DO1 5<br />

09/25/% B01 2<br />

11/23/86 JQ1 1<br />

12/09/86 DO1 5

DATE<br />

au;E ax<br />

Wabbeska-Tucker tops Vallq View for state dass A title 03/16/86 F08 4<br />

Hop el birtates Blyawille f rcm State Ova-Ill1 Tourn 03/21/86 DO1 2<br />

Demott rolls bj St Josqh in Sbte Over-All town 03/22/86 CO1 5<br />

Dematt whip Hop for We+iLl title 03/23/86 F01 6<br />


Fbrt Smith Southside dbwm Bryant for state AAAA title 03/16/86 F09 1<br />

Momtain Bcme hal ts Hambeg for state AAA ti tl e 03/16/86 F09 1<br />

Union top Ebrkdale for state dass B crwn 03/16/86 F09 1<br />

Mansfield hdes Star City fur AA state &ampionship 03/16/86 F09 3<br />

Momt I& nudges Ehrkin for state Class A title 03/16/86 F09 6<br />

Fort Smith Southside Meats muntain Hcme in Over-dl Tourn 03/20/86 DO1 5<br />

lhmfidd over<strong>mm</strong>es bmt I& in Sbte Over-All Tourn 03/21/86 DO1 4<br />

Fort Smith Southside slip plst Union in Over-a1 Tourn 03/22/86 C01 2<br />

Fort Smith Southsifk defeats mns•’idd far Over-ZU1 titLe 03/23/86 F01 2<br />

BPII'Esr rnEY<br />

Mrs Bates tells wly she likes <strong>Arkansas</strong> 06/15/86 C03 1<br />

Hornred by NAACP for civil riats work in Ark 10/20/86 A10 3<br />

BWGH. JmM<br />

see alm Bankruptcies<br />

BWMTE<br />

see DII%rge Cb<br />

B<strong>mm</strong> OWm<br />

see also Jbl ie<br />

Ibn &llettVs suit daims GOP denied him ri@t to seek office 09/24/86 A09 3<br />


see Bllution<br />

BBWER. LEE F<br />

see also Crime Laboratory . Ark<br />

BMDr WJ<br />

&&wed s&olar&ip at PSU honors Beard Oz/ls/86 A12 5<br />


President po tenpore a€ state Semte &es 02/lV86 A03 5<br />

BEARS<br />

see Wildlife<br />


Ibnates $25,000 to UA1s Old Main pcrj ect 11/02/86 A09 2<br />


see a1 rso<br />

Maski Qmty<br />

BEPUTY 03NTES2;S<br />

see MissArkansm<br />

Brn. m<br />

see also Books and Writing<br />


see alm Gwerment Eon&<br />

see also Ebor<br />

see also Taxation<br />

see a1 so Traoor M3A<br />

Beckgr urges support for ex r &orm @an nck~ before Cbngrss 05/1l/86 B01 2<br />

BEl(:rnrn am<br />

see al m Di sea= and Illness<br />


see Edzmtion - Teachers<br />

BmE, MIKE<br />

see a3.m Iblitics

BEER<br />

see Almhdic Beverages<br />

BEK, HARRY<br />

Dmates $52.000 in stock for X U s&dar&ip fund<br />


Estate enlbws s&olar&ip at Urriv of Ark at byettwfile<br />


see also Eckotion- Finance andBuets<br />

BELL, RED<br />

see d,so Gane and Fish Q<strong>mm</strong>ission<br />


see 61m Banks<br />

see alm Erwirom~ &stems Cb<br />

see alm Hot S~ings<br />

see als Radio<br />

List QE recrational gropA.ies aquired & Bd1<br />

Millioraire invests heavjly in remation poperties<br />

Gift o•’ $4 million to UA will yidd $7 million in 10 yrs<br />

May m n make Fbrbes list of wealthiest Pmericans<br />

Sgs state lacks mon purpse for eclon grcwth<br />


Pine BluEf firm finds key to success once again<br />


B&an served as acting gw cf Ark far two &ys<br />


see also Cburts - Local<br />

BENTON<br />

Joins Main Street <strong>Arkansas</strong> pogran<br />

Mayor-dect Rothey Larsen discxlsses gals for m n grwth<br />

BENTON <strong>mm</strong><br />

see also Ebor<br />

Circuit CLesk Joseghine Hqland and two aides arrested<br />

Cbmputerizing files hought hint (d pohlen in derkws office 0V14/86 E01 3<br />

Circuit Clerk Heyland cites hdth, resigs OV29/86 A18 3<br />

Inoent flea entered ly Sosphine Hqrland 05J30/86 A22 5<br />


see Nwsp~ers<br />

B<strong>mm</strong>N SmIm mTER<br />

see Hunan Servioes Deplrtrne<br />

see Nursing Hanes<br />

B<strong>mm</strong>. M L<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fire Training Amdmy<br />

BE, MIHE<br />

see also Crwford, bud<br />

BEE, m E<br />

see also Qmfard, mud<br />


see als, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Sports Hall a€ m e<br />


see alm I&ucp and mug Trade<br />


Ir Berry reti ring f rcm UALR Gbllege a€ Educatim<br />

Rose and Robert Berry pavide Ilial-+Story smim<br />


see al ED Jknti stry and Dental H d t h<br />

see also Ebll&ion<br />

B<strong>mm</strong>Y CHRISTIAN SrnICFS<br />

see a190 Birth Cbntrd and Abortion<br />

see alm Children and Youth<br />

BrnEL,. mn<br />

Artist dies of applrantly self-inflicted gn&ot womd<br />

Bethd was artist who did portrait o•’ Pres Reagan<br />


see a1 so Replbl ican Rrty<br />

Gills GrmRudnan act to talarte hdget '@ory1<br />

FERC rejects rquesk for fraud probe in A m mse<br />

B&me reportedly gt $111.240 for campig throu* loo@~de<br />

Bethme ofly jokes abo& seeking puhlic offie this year<br />

Says leaving politics allows him to see 'bigger @&me'<br />


see also AlmhalicBwerages<br />

see also Fimnce andBudgets, Ark<br />

B ~ ~ m<br />

see RcadContracts<br />

BIGAMY<br />

see hrriage and Rivoroe<br />

BEEYE CH<strong>mm</strong> B m Warm<br />

see Pine Bluff &send.<br />


see Wealth, Rrmxd.<br />


see dm Irhernatiod Mations<br />

BrnO<br />

see GanMing<br />


see alm Murders - Gibks. Bnrah Claire<br />

BIRD, 'lH@M'<br />

see dm Children and yo^<br />

B IRE<br />

see Wildlife<br />


see al a> Cbngr ess - Semte<br />

see also Risons - Ark<br />

Fefkraf. ct strikes dbwn prts of Ark liw on mntraceptives<br />

State la on aontraoe@ive sales was cfidlenged ky AaU<br />

Court limits antialpreon potesters at LR<br />

Vcking r ear d of Ark Congr essiod del eqttion noted<br />

Ad lists supprters of wanenls ri&t to have an atortion<br />

J&n F Ebrster Jr says his name in abortion rights ad 'error'<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Ri&t to Ljfe @asmarch to patest 1973 ruling<br />

State Rep Travis Miles meets with abortion foes<br />

Abrtion-ri&t en& with mncefiion, spaker tells LR group<br />

Abut 2.000 march at LR to patest legalized abortion<br />

Unbrn Child Am& Cb<strong>mm</strong> has abut llO,OOO mes on ptitions<br />

Propsed am& on fmds for akortions drau ACLU opposition<br />

Six pickets outsia clinic at Fayettwille arrested<br />

Dr Willian F Harrison says harassnent beaning more violent<br />

Halt to ambalmtion picketing at Markhan Square souc&t


Antiabortion activist Jchn P Ryan speaks at Little Rock 03/08/% All 1<br />

Seven arrested in patest at LR Regzanq Cbmselinq Service OWlY86 A09 3<br />

'Itto gifts amvicted in tresplss at Fayettwille clinic Og/25/86 Al5 1<br />

N(W to f i*t Unborn Child Amendnent 04/%/% A09 1<br />

Akortion foes use 'terrorisn. hig lie.' Em& tells N(W in LR O$JZ7/86 BOX 5<br />

Planned Parenthood chager formed in Ark, dimic planned 05/0$/% El6 4<br />

Ark law on sterilization of inmy;etents is slspect, E says 05/11/86 A03 3<br />

A C Banning enters cpilly @ms in two abortion attenpts OY30/86 A19 5<br />

Atmrtion stand of church mnsidxed in atbeion deni&Ls 06/22/86 C05 4<br />

Bethary adbsion agency considers abortion stand of hurcfies 06/22/% C06 4<br />

AIZVs Sandra Kurjiaka dlisagreeswith Bethary Christian Saw 06/29/86 C02 3<br />

Co<strong>mm</strong>ittee has su€f icier& siglatta es f CE Unborn Child Amdt 07/01/86 E01 3<br />

Proposed am& would tar state fmding for dnrtions 07/01/86 EOl 3<br />

Unbrn potected frat mnaesion ky ~opsed am& 07/01/86 BDl 3<br />

Five anki-ahortion potestors arrested at LR clinic 07/04/86 A07 1<br />

Ahortion am& stua b~ Planned Parathood asked ky Rev Miles 07/09/86 A07 4<br />

Kevin Wr ay calls Kles oo<strong>mm</strong>-s a snokescr een 07/09/86 A07 4<br />

F!Lanned Parcsthood seek phlic diiilqe on abxtion am& 07/17/86 E01 5<br />

Rev Norman Carter takes isstle with stand of Rw J&n Miles 07/23/86 A1 2 3<br />

Propsed am& will be nunbewed Am& 65 on kllot 07/25/86 A12 6<br />

Prutesters of abortion f h d $500 in LR cast 08/20/86 E08 1<br />

-1 esoent Fr qanq Child Watch pcogr an explained 08/28/86 A17 1<br />

manned Parenthood hmrs Mrs E&ard Cornist.1. pioneer leader 09/01J86 EOl 4<br />

Jmes Larson and Lane E Brouthtxs issue reg on Am& 65 09/03/86 A03 3<br />

Abrtion &u& is no hdp (ed on LarsorrBrouthers r-1 09/08/86 A08 1<br />

Suit against A C Banning seeks $400,000 in death uf Halfacre 09\1/86 A13 3<br />

State Repk favor anendnerrt on abortion 09/1U86 A15 2<br />

Natioml Organization for Wanen seeks &fat of an& 09/14/86 ED1 2<br />

IRamiEimtions of Ao& 65 pssage explared 09/16/86 A03 1<br />

Janes S Larson. Lane E Brouthers r e@y to edi tori zil 09/16/86 A12 3<br />

U%R la pcfesmr ELlen B Bxantlq respnds to re* 09/17/86 A14 3<br />

Planmd Parenthood to O ~ E am& E on fmding abortions 09/23/86 El1 5<br />

Ropsed am& wodd curtail me Qpes of birth mntrcil 09/23/86 E01 5<br />

AZC told abortion am& mdd force state to spend malions 09/24/% A03 1<br />

At last m e li@t on Am& 65 (ed) 09/24/86 A14 1<br />

Bill Clinton supports amaegt uf state not f mding abortion 09/2!5&6 A03 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong>Wanenvs~litical Qucusexplainsamck opsition 09/28/86 I32 1<br />

EKkh sides reilly on Am& 65 09/29/86 A03 3<br />

Morning a•’ ter fill wodd be illegal mder am&. ACLU says 10/10/86 Al9 1<br />

An& 65 will deny hi rth mntrd to po@e most in need of it 10/1Y86 CCM 1<br />

Her Bdletin ed discx~sses gcoposed Am& 65 10/12/86 C04 1<br />

Vote on mdt to rwd attitu& tward abrtion 10/14486 E01 2<br />

Foes. opporents dekate Z%I& 65 10/16/86 A03 1<br />

Opprrents say gxoposed am& wodd a•’•’ ect mare than Emding 10/19/86 A15 2<br />

More indigent care seen if Rndr 65 is awaved 10/23/86 A0 5 1<br />

Dr Faye && is active oppnent a€ abrtion 1v23/86 A17 1<br />

Planned Parenthood displtes reg on sowoe of anti-am& Emds 10/26/86 EO5 2<br />

Effects of ~oposed Fan& 65 could hold same surpises 10/26/86 C(31 1<br />

Editorials on ~oposed am& on abortion fmding 10/25/& C04 5<br />

Dr Willian F Harrison discusses L;ad side a€ An& 65 10/28/86 All 4<br />

An& 65 backer calls TV ad of oppo~nts a 'lie1 10/29/86 A01 2<br />

Attormy Rex Terry urges Fasage af pcoposed am& l0/29/% A17 4<br />

Drug for rape victims cl~uld ke hrred. an& opne&s daim 10/3Q436 A01 2<br />

Gw Bill Qinton not sure wopsed mdt meded 1063l/86 A14 1

Ri#t to Life pes oampjligs for An& 65 ll/01/86 A08 1<br />

Ramifications of abortion fwding am& vage 11/02/86 BD5 1<br />

Birth clontrcl challenge seen if mi& psses 1l,/03/% AlO 2<br />

Ropnents of mdt dew bi rth mntral chdlenged 1l/03/86 AI.0 2<br />

Elation returns &w vote on popsed am& dose ll/OYa6 A01 2<br />

Fate cd An& 65 still m&cided 1l/06/86 A01 2<br />

Ropd on ahortion fmding trails in returns 13/06/86 A01 2<br />

Brwnie Ledbetter led f i&t again& An& 65 11/06/% A1 2 3.<br />

&p sham counties favoring Am& 65 11/06/86 A12 2<br />

Votes, ky amty, on popsed am& 1&/06/&6 A12 5<br />

Supporters of Rn& 65 cling to slim hope for apgrwal ll/(n/86 A01 2<br />

Advertising played rcile in vote on AT& 65 11/07/86 A03 4<br />

Analyzing vote on Am& 65 is difficult 11/07/86 A03 4<br />

Ficpres fran AP shw An& 65 down by 595 votes 11/07/86 A16 6<br />

Mlot reoount in Baxter Qmty adds 19 'rml votes ll/08/% A01 5<br />

Bble of dection returns. ly <strong>mm</strong>ty on abortion fmding am& 11/08/86 A07 2<br />

Corrected comt gives 160 more votes to 65 11/1l/86 A01 5<br />

Baldter Cbmty reoomt cust Prmdt 65 backers $1,000, sixvotes 1l/L2/86 A15 1<br />

Propsed am& appars defeated & 431 votes 11/13/86 A03 5<br />

Appal. hmd on picket bn in FayettwUe residential arm 11/13/86 All 6<br />

Margin o•’ defeat csE &I& 65 widens ll/l$l% A03 1<br />

Proposed Am& 65 apprently failed 1l/lV86 I31 5<br />

Certified vote &ws And= 65 fail d ky 519 votes 1l/20/86 E02 4<br />

Fropsed am& lost ky 519 votes 1l&/86 ED1 1<br />

Channel 11 withdras gramic antiahortion ad after <strong>mm</strong>@aints 12/07/86 An7 5<br />

Four antiabortion putesters oonvicted of trespssinq 12/18/86 A16 1<br />

B<strong>mm</strong>S<br />

Lay miduifery case declared a mistrid. at Batesville 01/01/86 AJ.4 2<br />

Test tube twin boys born to Janes and Sandra Moody 01/18/86 A01 5<br />

MrWity rates for Uack &hies SO pct hi*= than whites 0L/19/86 E01 4<br />

Remtal ore iradeqmte for Hacks in <strong>Arkansas</strong> Ol/19/86 BDl 4<br />

License for rni&Ee Qrdyn Vogler blocked b~ rules, bd tdd 01/24/84 A08 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> infant rnartality lam than naU average 07/28/86 A03 I<br />

Legislators ask Urn devise @an to train nurse rni&ives 10/23/% A05 1<br />

Hillary Clintun says more certified mi&ives neeckd 11/1Ej/86 A15 2<br />

End of pogress on irdant ckaths (ed) 13/19/86 A20 1<br />

Blacks miticiz e Japlnese and AIDC 1l/21/86 A22 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Wdical Society oppses lay mid~ivery 11/2$/86 A11 1<br />


see aLao Osngress - House - ArkDist 04<br />


see &;so Murders- Black, EbsiePhe<br />


see Restaurants<br />

BLACKS<br />

see also Agriculture Deprtment, US<br />

see a1 sr> Almhd and mug Ahse<br />

see alm Athletics - Hi* S&od<br />

see also Banks<br />

see alm Births<br />

see al.m Bcaxds and Co<strong>mm</strong>issions. Ark<br />

see al~o Bond, Julian<br />

see aim QpiW Anidxnent<br />

see alEo &il&en and Youth

see aln,<br />

see alm<br />

see a1 sn<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

see aim<br />

see also<br />

see alm<br />

see al m<br />

see alm<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

see also<br />

see &so<br />

see aim<br />

see alm<br />

see aim<br />

see &ED<br />

see alm<br />

see aim<br />

see aim<br />

avn ~i@ts<br />

(bngr ess - Reappr ti onemnt<br />

Earntion - EL -ions<br />

Ehcation - Exkracurricular Activities<br />

E&o tion - Grades and Tests<br />

E&cation - Segregation<br />

E&aition - Student Cbnact and DisciN ine<br />

E&cation - Ransprtation<br />

Gwanor<br />

History. Ark<br />

Keaxney (T J) Famfly<br />

Lee Cbmty<br />

&dial Facilities<br />

Mississippi Cbmty<br />

National Guard<br />

Riillips Ctomty<br />

Blitics and Elections<br />

maski <strong>mm</strong>ty<br />

Rail raads<br />

Restaurarhs<br />

Soil Qnservation Service, US<br />

Vigilantes and FWimlim<br />

Blacks at make arm@A.nbs a ~inst US Justie De 01/16/86 A05 1<br />

Sybil Jaran Stevenmn med Ionat s Wman of Achiwerient 04/13/86 E07 1<br />

*hi1 Stevenmn was one o•’ Mack who integrated Centrd Hi* 0 $/13/86 B07 1<br />

Racim still divisive in Ark, report says 05/1Y% EOl 2<br />

Urkn Leaye le an to aid edmtianal ahiwenent 05/2l/% All 1<br />

EhhibitionatQpital mvers300yrsof NackhistinArk . 06/08/% A14 1<br />

Dr Michael Qoke speaks on history a€ ~e black fanily 06/29/86 B01 5<br />

Goran bbrgan says Southern maches hanstring black stars 09/05/86 A17 3<br />

Dr Hmo Chrter ~ y Hacks s face crisis in effort for qlality 09/22/86 A04 2<br />

Four Church Fellaxhip raises funds for leukemia victim 09/22/86 A04 5<br />

Gov Bill Clinton attends Fbun: Qlurch Mlcw&ip servioe 09/2q% A04 5<br />

Fe&rd aqi agencies note oorrcxkions need in radd matters 1YOY86 COl 4<br />

BLAIR. JIM<br />

lbmtes $25.000 to r &or e UA' s Old Main 10/25/86 B02 3<br />

BmDr BtB<br />

see also<br />

Electric Elbwa-<br />

Ekature axtide on leader aE <strong>Arkansas</strong> Race Oenter 04/27/86 C06 3<br />


see Eoomic kvdopnent<br />


Redves CS tiz en uf the Year award f ran hr& of Emes 03/0v86 EDI 5<br />

Bmsm mPIRma Q3<br />

Firm at FLR Wdop;. markets wescri@ion druq 07/2U86 C01 2<br />

BLA'OCK, LEN<br />

see dso Cbngress - House - Ark Dist 01<br />

see ReplUican Brty<br />

BrnD<br />

see J&wahB s Witnesses<br />


see al rn Insuranoe<br />


Nine seek mayor's seat


Ikeping base open is supported )cy Genera Acaounting Off ice<br />

Air k a mptes ~ with LRAF3 for Navay pacogran<br />

Ease loses bid for qmdron of new Navy aircrrdt<br />


Gw Clinton makes 14 appnts<br />

Sweral appnts made to hoar& and conmissions<br />

Gcw BU1 Clinton says he is sensitive to appointee issm<br />

Bjll ahton appointees alrsady aontrd mst bds and cxxmns<br />

.List &avs nunber cf appnts made by BiJ.1 Qinton on each bd<br />

Werner Clinton names sweral to bd and oo<strong>mm</strong> posts<br />

List cf rent appnts ma* ty Gw Bill Qinton<br />

Sweral appnts made ly Gov Bill airkon<br />

Bsk Ebr c~e on Rape appointed ly Gov Bill Q inton<br />

Appintmerrts ma& ky C

BOOrnT. JERRY<br />

see aim Athletics - College<br />

BOOfCj rnDWrnING<br />

Tam ing of bunt Rushmor err by Rex Alan Smith (r w iw) 01/05/86 C08 1<br />

"<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cunberland Preskyteriamn by T H Chmpbell (rw) 01/12/86 C08 1<br />

R33ert.a Etter m-authors Wdlqls Qmet. Fhnories of 1SLO's" OY12/86 C08 1<br />

David Newkern aukhars "<strong>Arkansas</strong> Civil. Fractia and Pr~cre&ire~~ 01/12/86 C08 2<br />

Fkview aE Ruth P Ehttermnls 'Seedl of Sally Good'n" 01/19/86 C08 1<br />

"Your Regmncy MDnth By bnthn by Clark Gillespie, in 3rd ed 0l/19/% C08 3<br />

"Thurs&y - It's I Lwe Ybu myn details life in Ark prison 02/02/€% HI1 5<br />

(harles shaky wdtes 'ThursCBy - ltts L Lwe Ybu my'' 02/OVs6 HI1 5<br />

Directory aE <strong>Arkansas</strong> Associations pdi&ed ky UA Lilxary 02/09/86 Al2 4<br />

Reviw a Cresaent Draprwagmf s nwd. 'The Year It Rained" 02/16/86 C08 1<br />

Dr agoma9n1 s "Dairy Hollw House Cbokbook" is dub sel ectim 02/16/86 C08 5<br />

Gorbn Osingts bok of poems is titled Tawn Ibwn River' 02/23/86 C08 3<br />

"Tulip Evennore" written ky Elizabeth HuckaIcy, Ethd Simpon 03/09/% C08 5<br />

JcanHessof ~yettwilleispdificrmanoemd writer 03/16/86C08 1<br />

"Survq of Histaric Maskers in <strong>Arkansas</strong>" publiAed 03/16/86 C08 4<br />

Lamy IBn Fkost. 3 Rtrick Adcock write 'Notorious Mr Pbsley'' 03/16/86 C08 4<br />

Rabo Rod-rs nminated for 3 iwards fop 'Mag.lun mult" 03/16/06 C08 4<br />

Ken Beck i s m-author d 'Th e Grif f ith Shw Book' 03/24/86 B01 2<br />

Larry lbrrison. Brue Eppinette to pH.i& Om&ita Cb @&os 03/3q/86 C08 5<br />

"<strong>Arkansas</strong>, a Eoae and Their Repkation" by Dslvid M Tucker 06/13/86 C08 1<br />

Auqst House plans to pubLi& at least ei&t kooks this ysar 06/13/86 C08 1<br />

Dr Gregory J W Unvin is successEd author cd military books 01%/13/86 C08 1<br />

"En&anRelics of Northeast <strong>Arkansas</strong>..." by Jmes MIkthrcw 06/13/86 C08 5<br />

Fbchey A Smolla writes "Suing the Ress" OYM/86 ED2 4<br />

"<strong>Arkansas</strong> Historim1 Cblor Book" written Icy J Qrl &ken 05/11/86 C09 1<br />

Maya Angeloul s new kook is "All God's Children . . . 05/18/86 C08 1<br />

Cartoon book deacts state history 06/07/86 HI1 2<br />

Review a€ 'kkansas in Short fiction1' 06/08/% C08 4<br />

Walter MAdmswrites "NorthLittleRock, theUniqueC5w1' 06/22/86 lLl 4<br />

"Stitches inTimel' is Michael Luster's book onOzarkquilts 06/28/86 C08 3<br />

Review a€ Jack Butler's 3uj itsu for Christ" 07/06/86 C10 1<br />

New bok indlu&s best o•’ the Arkamas Travder cnlunn 07/13/86 E01 4<br />

Swerral Ark puMicatims recently released 07/13/86 C08 2<br />

Doad Harington marries heroine CE his bok 07/1$/86 A01 4<br />

Latest navel ky Gilbert Mrris is "Pilgrim With a Sword" 07/20/86 C08 3<br />

Maya Angdouls 'U God's Children Need Trading Shoes" (rw 07/20/% C08 5<br />

Dr ClLiver C Raney discusses BaRist rift in 'Not in the Windn 07/27/86 C08 1<br />

Patricia A Etter writes "An Arndcan O@ssey" 08/03/86 C08 1<br />

Sar& Ebselq Fomtainfs bok is "Autha&ic Voiest' 08/03/86 C08 5<br />

Jerry Rindm writes 'Call the Roll1' a histcry OE Ark LqLs 08/14/86 AlO 4<br />

Legls pnel urges me af tax funds to bq Hirsha~ book 08/14/86 A10 4<br />

Jerry Hinshw to make rn p&it •’run purdmses ly state 08/1Ei/86 A08 1<br />

Legislative Cbmcil appwes purchase & Jerry fin&iw book 08/16/86 A13 5<br />

Harold Jinks writes "Rorald Reagan: Smile. Style. Guilen 08/17/86 C08 1<br />

Artide trams career a€ author. Ibuglas C Jones 08/18/86 rO1 4<br />

Douglas C Jones spices up history with adventur e. ranance 08/18/86 E01 4<br />

Sally Mdluskey writes ramnoes for Harlquin 08/24/86 C08 3<br />

Autotiogramy aE Robert BrwriLee ad& to history a€ state 08/3U86 C09 1<br />

Jcknry gens nwd. 'Man in White" 09/16/86 C09 1<br />

Rwiew o•’ Rq Reed1 s "Looking for Hwen 09/21/86 C08 1<br />

G l m Garner <strong>mm</strong>piles "One Roan Schools of Sharp Oounty " 09/21/86 C08 6

Writer Steghen Roos visits elm s&od at Jacksonville<br />

Rwiw of George Fersbts "Bessie bore, a Biogra@yl'<br />

"God in Our Gwermntn written b Willian J aith<br />

Rt Qrr puU.i&es 'hli&t of the hnhriesf'<br />

Pri sdlla McArthur amaetes "Arkamas and the Gdd Rush 'I<br />

Artide on Sarah M kmtain's "Aukhmtic Voices"<br />

First voilune a€ series ky Dr Harihs T Muzunhr puhlihed<br />

Fr ed C Will ians' "Ar kansl s : Land of Oppr tmi ty " puH i& ed<br />

Reviav OE Lancasterts 'Going Down for Gun Wrappersv<br />

Rwiew d Rnie Dear& s '<strong>Arkansas</strong> Elace Nmes"<br />

FWiw of bmld Haringtonls '!Let Us Build Us a City''<br />

Review a€ RiscLZla Mc&thurl s "Axkansas in the Gold Rllsh"<br />

buglas A Janes. Jose& C Neal write "<strong>Arkansas</strong> Birds"<br />

Publication o•’ '74rkansas Birdsn f fils void<br />

Several. <strong>Arkansas</strong> authors gain national attentian<br />


Rally Line Bookshop opns at LR<br />


Trucking f inn at Spingjhl e files Chap 11 petition<br />

WWENS, mELA<br />

see a1 ED m&rs - EWens, Angela<br />

BQJ~N. man L<br />

see also White Rives %&mlogies<br />

BWM. m K<br />

see a190 FUaski Qrnty<br />

BOY S03U'IS<br />

Remion hdd ly mbers of 1937 Scouts<br />

BO<strong>mm</strong><br />

see a1 so E&ca ti on - Segr egation<br />


see also Prisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


seealao F'imnoe andBudgets<br />

BRNLEY CnUm<br />

see a1 s~ Rmr<br />

see aim St<strong>mm</strong>s and Torrabes<br />


see al rn Al mhol and mug Ahse<br />


see also Txa€f fc Acddents and Safety<br />


see also Hunan Sewices k~artment<br />

BRGG, &LEN ms<br />

see alm Sex Crimes<br />

BmCHmM3, CHmE<br />

Branchcomk hawe &mated $206.000 enbment to Hendrix Coll<br />


see also Stadiuns and Arenas<br />


see also alleges<br />


see also Qurts- Ark -Chanaery<br />


DATE<br />

BGE 03L<br />


see also (burts- Local<br />

see also Lee Cbmty<br />

see also Little Rock<br />

see alsr, Rirsons - <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Csrnfcxd, Mud<br />


see also aime and Criminals<br />


Footlaridge hilt & Dionido Rodr eguiz at NLR is ikstrcy ed 07/13/86 E06<br />

BRINKL Ex<br />

Former plie chi& files age discrimiratiort suit<br />

09/16/86 A07<br />

BRHT, Bum<br />

see also Lopn Cbmty<br />

BRITT. ELArnE<br />

see at m Shackel ford, Lotti e<br />

Brn. MRIa<br />

seealso Gwernor<br />

Britt is America's mo& &mrated war hero<br />

04/02/06 A03<br />


see aim first Investment Securities<br />

Lwsuit alleges •’inn Mrau&d Fred E Halstead<br />

01/03/86 C02<br />

Securities dealer at LR to hut bn. lhuihte mder Chap 13 01/28/86 C01<br />

JonBritbnunmisappopiated $3.28million, statealleges 01/29/% C01<br />

Mimp~opiation &arges invalve fm& of Red E Halstead 01/29/86 CO1<br />

Seaxities Investor Protection to liquihte firm<br />

Ol,/3&/86 C03<br />

Jack S Lwis Jr sentened for failure to file -x returns 03/12/86 AlO<br />

Financia rqts filed with hnkruptcy murt<br />

04/20/86 C06<br />

Order tars JonRBrittenun •’ran mntrd cb securitiesfims<br />

BRrnENUM, Jrn R<br />

see a1 a, Brittenun and Asmci ates<br />


see aim Murders - Brobena. Jchn Steghm<br />

BrnENA, HoM!s<br />

see also Murders - Brobena, Jchn Stefien<br />

BrnIaNS. H <strong>mm</strong>RD<br />

Biaop Brookins to marry in Little Rock<br />

Jesse Jackson in LR f m marraige of Bishop B rookins<br />

Biaop Brookins marries Bonita Qlenan at Little Rock<br />

BmvER, mvrD<br />

see alm Envirorment<br />

BmN. rnARLES<br />

see a193 Murders - Brwn, &ales<br />

BrnN. LEE<br />

Brmn tdls wl-y he likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see dm Murders - Bram. Michdle<br />

BR(WN. !NWNCE E<br />

see dm Firs<br />


see alm <strong>Arkansas</strong> Territarial Restoration<br />

BIEOYLE. r n K<br />

see alslo Athletics - College<br />

10/07/86 C01<br />

03/22/86 A03<br />

03/2Y86 A03<br />

03/23/86 E01<br />

06/1$/86 Al9

see also Baskethll - College kn<br />

see alm Stadiusm and Arms<br />

Brcyles contract ckopped ky hexican Brcadlcasking Co<br />


see also Edmtion - Teachas<br />

see also FoI ie<br />

see also Rdigion<br />

BKWNT S a m MS'IRICC<br />

see Eduoa tion Handicapped<br />

see Eacation - Stu&nt Qndzct<br />


see also Liwtemrh Gwermr<br />


WOMU<br />

see alim kdicine and Health<br />


Bucklq to speak at U&R<br />

Buckley speaks in Little Rock<br />

Raises American support for strike against Lilcya<br />


see Brks<br />


see a1 so Athletics<br />

see also Hot Sgrings<br />

see alrr, LitiAe Rock<br />

see also R~bl ic Buildiny and Off ices<br />

Union Life suit dg; 5 LR layers wit-;h breach o•’ amtract 10/2l/86 ClO 1<br />


see Lakes and Reservoirs<br />


see also Ed~cation - Finance and Budgets<br />

B u m . BlJCE T<br />

see alm Qurts - Ark -Chancery<br />


Appal s for f mding for i<strong>mm</strong>iz ati on 03/13/86 A09 1<br />

Co<strong>mm</strong>ents on US bnnhing of Likya 06/26/86 All 3<br />

Addresses health issues in talk at Eureka Swings; 05/08/86 E02 4<br />

TaL k covered iq Tass. D. C mnservative tahlai d 05/25/86 K11 1<br />

Mrs Bunprs tdls why she likes <strong>Arkansas</strong> 06/08/86 C03 1<br />


see also mod<br />


see also Cbngress - Senate<br />

Urges hi* schocil jourmlisks to be honest and u~iffit 04/26/86 A13 1<br />

BrnrnK, Fuss<br />

see also Hman Services Deprhent<br />


e Ehnetdls<br />

Brn, WLDB<br />

see also alleges<br />

B ~ ELLIOTT ~ GENE .<br />

see as3 Murders - Brans. Angela Diane<br />

B<strong>mm</strong>- JIM<br />

ee also US - National Transportation Sa€ety Bard<br />

B<strong>mm</strong>, KBERT


see alm Murders - Dobon. month<br />


Will visit Ark in MdLf aE state GOP<br />

&/13/86 A13 3<br />

Vie Resick& to attend GOP fund-raiser in L itEl e Rock E/29/86 A09 1<br />

Most re&&ntswill not seevie Et&&mt while inArk 07/0l/86 A09 5<br />

Visit to LR described as strictly pol itical 07/02/86 A01 3<br />

Security ti@t for 7-hr visit to <strong>Arkansas</strong> 07/02/86 A06 1<br />

Vice Reside& joy at PlTLR Cle &in High Schod 07/02/86 A06 2<br />

F'und-raiser takes Ark GOP out UE red 07/02/86 A06 4<br />

GOP ondi&tes in Ark share sptli&t with Bush 07/02/86 A06 5<br />

Gmette ments on speech at $30-per QLate Exelsior dinner 07/03/86 A16 1<br />


see Bankruptcies<br />


see E<strong>mm</strong>ic Dwdopnent<br />

BUSMD, IW;R<br />

see aim Murders - Garner. Arthur F<br />


Secures desiqer clothes to be given to needy at LR 10/17/86 Al4 1<br />


see also Vigilantes and Radical isn<br />

BIMNI; OF GW<strong>mm</strong>T G00C6 PeJD SEEWICES<br />

seealm UmtractsandPurct3asing<br />


see nelwision<br />

mOT<br />

Twn has reawered f ran disastrous tarnab of 1976 03/3l/86 ED1 2<br />


see Wildlife<br />


see alm Kidapfing<br />


see Ebrt Chaff ee<br />


see Wildlife<br />

CAMWELL sap 03<br />

see also Wllutian<br />


see aim Sm Life Guaranty Cbrp<br />

H<br />

see alm Books and Writing<br />


Vendingmachinefalls, killsboy at mpKeid inFUltonCo OV10J86A12 6<br />

CANCER<br />

(94MEBJ&L, m m<br />

see<br />

Diseae and Illness<br />


see Boats and Boating<br />


see a1 so Mmdier s - Baker. Cblunkus<br />

see als3 Wars- Klein. FbbertW<br />

see also Murders- &son. PhrjarieL<br />

see a2m Murders - OvRourke. Rancis<br />

see also Murders - Ritchie. Mrvin<br />

see also Murders - Staton. Kenneth

see al so<br />

Mur dxs - Sull ins. Sherman<br />

see alsr, Murders - Townsend Family<br />

see a1m Murders - York, mry Lou<br />

SteveQarktodefendArkjq grstmbeforeUSSu~cmeCt O&/03/86AO5 2<br />

Steve Clark t o discuss death-qcali•’ied juries on NBC shcw 01/03/86 A05 2<br />

Ardia V McCree' s attys arqe death-qmlified jury is mfair Ol/OY86 HI1 2<br />

US Suprme Ct decision in Ark case will df ect other states 01/05/86 BOl 3<br />

Steve Qark to arge case before US Suprme Ct O1/06/$6 A08 1<br />

End to &ath-qmlifid jury woad endanger wstm. Qark says Ol/09/86 A07 1<br />

S m a y aE issue Ark has taken to US Suprene U 0l/12/86 A01 4<br />

Steve CLark argues &ath-qmlified jury before Suprene Cburt 01J1%6 A01 2<br />

VanBuren Ress Args-Courier discusses death-qmlified jury 0l/l9/86 C04 5<br />

Legal action on death rcw is a long pr mess 02/02/86 A01 3<br />

Appzllate ~ ocetkr e criticized as too t4.w 03/02/86 A01 2<br />

Long process for appdl. s smariz ed 03/02/86 A01 6<br />

Death-wlifiedjul-iesufidd&USSupaneCtinArkca~ 0!3/06/86A01 4<br />

Death-qualified ruling came in awal uf &die McCree case 05/06/86 A01 4<br />

McCree was not mder death sentence. ht challenged jury OYOf5/86 A01 4<br />

Stwe Qark calls death-qtalified jury rain9 a '%me runw 05/06/86 A01 4<br />

Suprme Ct &&&on on juries may man execution this year 05/%/86 A01 5<br />

Gcu Qinton says death-qmlified jury ding is riat 05/07/86 A08 4<br />

Artide disczlsses US Swme Ck ruling in death jury case OYlY86 C07 1<br />

Legal poceedincp e v e execution of death ruv hates 05/16/86 A17 1<br />

List a€ perwns on death rw in <strong>Arkansas</strong> 05/16/86 A17 1<br />

Vicki Fewell discusses &a*- jury &cision OY18/% C03 1<br />

Editoridls discuss kkath-qmlified juries rding OY18/% C04 1<br />

Retrials vdded for 4 convicted ly death-qualified juries 05/21/86 A09 1<br />

ExcerRs f ran decision and dissent in death-qmli•’ied case 06/02/86 E08 5<br />

Blacks more often executed thanwhites under same amditicms 07/0l/86 All 1<br />

Poor rnorefrquently execlltedinArkthanthemore&fluent 07/0l/86Al1 1<br />


Eisplrte ktween Gw and Semte wer spe ges to pml. 02/20/86 A03 3<br />

J&n Brunmett disrxlsses aontrwersy wer use UE roans 02/20/86 A03 4<br />

Serators ask Gw to give up two roans his staff mes 02/21/86 A08 5<br />

Gazette urges Bill Qinton not to rdhquib spce to Semte 02/25/86 A10 1<br />

Real Ilaotive for mwing gov's staff mq be to get Bqaxt mwed a3/0$/86 A03 4<br />

Senator Nick Wilson rnq be behind effcx t to mwe qv staff 03/04J86 A03 4<br />

W J MoCuenls pop& to @lace train on gromds falters Os/Os/86 CU7 4<br />

Pbnunents abmd on gromds of state ChpLtol 0y27/86 A09 1<br />

Renovation of QpLtol. otha hlds in maex continues 08/19/86 A03 4<br />

Renodel ing gives new look to House section 11/30/&5 E01 4<br />

Nativily scene c+ar&d ly skate anflcyees 12/13/86 EOI 2<br />


see PuM ic Building3<br />


see al so Nati oral Aut anobil e Ceal er s Asmu ati on OW2Y86 C01 2<br />

C&F&ISLE Ida;EFt<br />

see also Art<br />


see alsr, Fbothl.1 - College<br />


see aL so Attorney General<br />

mRR, InT<br />

see aim Books andwriting

<strong>mm</strong>, FRED M<br />

Adjutant Gen of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Natid Glard dies<br />

CAR=, HAZO<br />

E;ee alsn Blacks<br />

<strong>mm</strong>, H(3DIICNG III<br />

Foma aide to Ares arter to speak at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cbllege<br />

Raid on Liba rn-ns more terrarim. Batesville group told<br />


Ebmes Resi&nt speaks at Univ uf Centrd <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

US bombing of Liba &saussed by PIC Qrter at Qrway<br />

Former pesiderh to speak at Omchita Ba*i& Univ<br />

Criticizes Reagan' s pl ides king visit to Omhie<br />

CARm, R P (PHIL)<br />

see also CCX Network. Inc<br />

CARms<br />

Gemge fisher: cartoons on 1985 m s events<br />


see alm Books and Writing<br />


Ehcutives to sell 36 pct of their stock in (brway firm<br />


see alm Willians, &win<br />

rnTHQ1C (Hum<br />

Over 12.500 Ca~alics attend hding cr made at Little Rock<br />

Bi&op An& ew J McIbmld &sasses Vatican cracMaJn<br />

CAB<br />

see<br />

AnimdLs<br />

QIVM<br />

see Ebod<br />

CAYCIE, X) SIN<br />

see alm lbor<br />


R P (Fhil) Carter ramed president of Qmq firm<br />

CCX purchases BSR Inc. a NEW Jersey finn<br />

Firm prchases SotBhwark, a BritiA f inn<br />

Remrd ernings reported<br />

CELEBrnY SIrn&ECS<br />

ee Little Rock<br />


Gwt negligent in 1976 blast at @ant, murt rdes<br />

CEMETERrn<br />

see dl XI Vandal ism<br />

mily hrial got f omd at site cf nw Dillard center at LR<br />

Court order granted to mwe oemetery at Rillard site<br />

Archdogist: map hridl pot fomd at Ellard store site<br />

Burial @ot r d ocated f ran nillard site to Mrtin Clsnetery<br />

Drive for fmds to expand nafl cemeteries falling far Aort<br />

Jim and Au&q St;aflqr beauti@ grave aE mvid 0 Ibdd<br />


see also Eaaation- FuUications<br />

see alm Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Wal-hrt ordxs all rock music titles off &ciLves<br />

Wd-Mart or&rs certain r ea3rding; of rock music off d~ aves<br />

Little Rock Wal-Etrt stores still carries hmned itens

Last rock magazines picked up in Ark Wd-Phrt stores 07/lYS A0 9 2<br />

W evangelist Jirrny Swaggart had criticized sale of magazines 07/18/86 IU3 1<br />

B7al-Phrt says action on macp ins. rear ding normal bsiness 07/18/86 A13 1<br />

Wd-&rt not censoring materials. Van Bur en ppr says 07/27/86 C04 6<br />

Eaxker Bdletin sees mnsor*ip in magazine. <strong>mm</strong>ic renwal 08/03/86 C04 6<br />

Eazorkacks will not be re~eserked in "Plwby" prwiew 08/10/86 A03 3<br />

Wal-Part ackion cited by ratl anti-cenmxhip group 08/18/% A0 5 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Assn pnel gmtests UA policy cm Bayby 08/19/86 All 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Likary Asm pnel writes to Soaland Corp<br />

08/19/86 All I<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Likrary Asn prael potests Wal-Eirt action 08/19/86 All 1<br />

Lilxarians &C~J their mettle (ed)<br />

08/20/86 A1 4 I<br />

LA psition on acoess to &ta darifed ky l[s Ferritor 08/21/86 ED1 5<br />

Wal-Mxt responlb to potest ly lilxary group 08/21/86 ED1 5<br />

Athletic Dqartmerrt needs supemision (ed on I1ayboy issm) 08/22/86 A22 1<br />

<strong>Library</strong> Asm pneL r m s rapest far UA fhta policy 08/26/86 EOl 5<br />

PWic in Ackim to @ckt Wal-mrt 08/28/% A05 1<br />

Sports thdoqy (ed on UA and Playby) 08/31/86 C04 1<br />

Brdyn McCoy &sasses amaerns of 1 ibrarians 09/07/86 C03 5<br />

UA Res Ray Zhorrhon says wrong reason given Playboy 09/16\86 E01 5<br />

UA Res stan& behind reEusal to pwide &fa to Plqdxy 09/16/86 B01 5<br />

Migion at Uo•’A (ed on Playby orrntrwersy) 09/21/86 C04 2<br />

Downtam Church a€ Christ at Searcy men& UA stand 09/27/86 Al.2 5<br />

Rw H D McCarty defends UA response to E!kyboy 10/0S/€!6 A37 1<br />


see History, Mk<br />


see a1 so Emnm ic Condi ti om<br />

<strong>mm</strong> AmRICA<br />

see ds3 Interrational Relations<br />


see Health Systans Agency. Grrtral <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Fuhlic Libraries<br />


see Banks<br />

<strong>mm</strong> <strong>mm</strong>sps msm<br />

see Transit Syaens<br />


see Gwermr<br />


see Ndical Ehdl iti es<br />

(3N'IURY TUBE C33RP<br />

Expansion at Pine Bluff to add 92 joke<br />


,see also AutanoEles<br />

aJ43ERS OF coma<br />

see aim ~ ~ Ognion i and c Survqrs<br />

CHmCE, m m<br />

see alm CkirneandCriminals<br />


see Rivers<br />

CWEFS<br />

National Check Cash-s<br />

CH E3S E<br />

has off ice in Little Rock

see Fbod<br />


see I&llution<br />

CHmQIL SrnLS<br />

see RUution<br />

(HEtECAL WmNS<br />

e Pine BluEf &send<br />

CHmQILs<br />

lVo Hi*land you&h inj wed when &enids exploded in hme 02/09/86 A08 1<br />


see Liveskock and Potiltry<br />


see also Ganbl. ing<br />


see also Frisons- <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Children and Yoah<br />

'see Eacation Handicapped<br />

see Education - Stuck* an&& and Disddine<br />

see Sex Crimes<br />


see also my -re Centers for aildren<br />


see my Qre Centers for Children<br />


see Children and YoLlth<br />

CHED LIE aRP<br />

Shoe factory at Bris reopens 02/12/86 C01 2<br />

Finn doses @larksat RrisandClarksville. may not reopen 09/2$186 C01 4<br />

Workers f il e sui t seeking pay and be& its 10/03/86 C02 3<br />

Firm cordxed to hdt shipnents of &oes priding hearing 10/10/86 C02 6<br />

Shoe @ants reopened ty Mmro and Co of Hot Spin9 10/18/% H)1 5<br />


see Births<br />

CHILIREN BJD mum<br />

see also Births<br />

see aLrjr, Qime and Criminals<br />

see alm By Olre Centers for Gildren<br />

see also Ri sease<br />

see also Ehcation<br />

see alm U•’ill A m€am<br />

see a1m Handicapped<br />

see also Hmti nq<br />

see alsr, nl ecjitmacy<br />

see also Mdicine and Health<br />

see also Murders Booker, Elizabeth<br />

see a1m W&rs IMbnald. Janes<br />

see aim Murders - Midgett. Ronnie Jr<br />

see 61~0<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

see zil so<br />

see a193<br />

see aim<br />

Murders - Ihillip, mvid<br />

Murders - Roberson<br />

Murders - !Ihanpon. Barbra<br />

Ivlurders - Yearwood, T ~ r y<br />

Brnograghy and Okxsaenity<br />

Ereqanw and Maternal Wdfare

DATE<br />

WGE CDL<br />

see also Save the Children Federation<br />

see also Suicide<br />

Fay ackqtion seen for Joy Noel. who was abnbned at LR Ol/OI,/86 A07 1<br />

Tria ends on mst@ a€ &ildren of Rw %mas Bird 03/0V86 A17 1<br />

Aknnaned in•’ant found on hood of truck at North Little Rock Ol/OY86 A01 2<br />

Cust* of hbj foutd at NLR plaoedwith Hunan Serviues De@ 0l/03/86 A03 4<br />

Joe and Lisa Giwanni charged with enfhngering thdr children OI./Oq% A13 2<br />

Gusto* d 'Ihanas Bird children ges to Sandra Bird's brother 01/04/86 B01 2<br />

Foster ~arerks get Holly Ibnidle, an ahn&ned baky OVOs/aS E08 5<br />

Suit chdlenges jurisdictionof crrunw judge wer juveniles 011/17/86 A14 5<br />

Child ahse inve&icption pw&res to be reviewd by state 0l/18/86 AL5 3<br />

Victims of Child Aluse Lws (VPC14L) soucj~t policy rwiew Ol/18/86 A15 3<br />

Critics of &ate jwdle murtsargue systen erratic 01/22/86 A07 1<br />

Gazette oLlsArk jwenile justice systen 'least dvlized' 01/28/%A08 1<br />

Bran* and Mi sty Bray identi•’ ied as missing chila en 03,/30/86 A01 2<br />

Rnry children were abducted in Kansas in 1983 Ol/30/86 A01 2<br />

Rrrcy sisters were attending schoal in SW Little Rock OI./3(a/86 A01 2<br />

Richard Eugene and Diane LynnHansenarrestedin &my case Ol/30/86 A01 2<br />

Sikh grader hgela Thorntcn rwqized Perry sisters Ol/30/86 A01 2<br />

Lucetta Brl seeks custody of her son. Charles Ol,/30/86 A03 5<br />

BtriciaHester ramitedwith her children. Bran* mdMisty OI,/3l/€% A03 1<br />

PatridaHester thanks Angela Ihornkon for finding children 02/01/86 A01 2<br />

Cust- a€ Charles Earl denied mothex 02/01/86 A03 3<br />

Custe d Brandy and Mi sty Etmy g anted to mother 02'04436 A01 3<br />

Angela Thanton honored for work in locating missing gids OY0!7/86 AlO 2<br />

Ridmrd and lxiarra Hansen r &d to Ihnsas to face charges OY06/86 A16 1<br />

Steve Qark expndb state &fort for missing children 02/15/86 E01 2<br />

Step taken to @a- akandoned bky, Jq Noel 02/19/86 Ell1 2<br />

Judge rules Cbmty Judge mt hound ky rdaee ruling 03/0l/86 A03 5<br />

Attan to atduct 1 eyr-old gi 4 re@d at Little Rock 03/18/86 E02 4<br />

Wsk Fbr oe an Child Ahlse seeks fmd for Fograns 03/28/&6 A09 2<br />

Lisa Giwanni gets 3-yr term on &ad-enhngerinq conviction 04409/86 A09 2<br />

Lisa Giwanni left childrenfor weekwith tee~agedsitters 04/09/86 A09 2<br />

SitterdleaybeatGiwd's&ild. resultinginma 04/09/86A09 2<br />

Friends of Children, Inc seeks ream% f ran Hunan Servies 08/24/86 A14 4<br />

Adbgion of Jcy Noel appwed 04%/24/86 A15 1<br />

Glerhmen Youth Ran& mtlst be liensed. Wcilities Ed says O4/25/8f5 AO9 1<br />

Jerry Skinner says he will mt seek license for Mouit Zion 04/25/86 A09 1<br />

MorntZionYbuthSht2lter needsliense. RcilitiesBdsays 04/25/%AO9 1<br />

State Suprane Ct rules jwaile ct systen is adquate 06/26/86 A05 3<br />

Renee Jd-inson, 5. cf bmtain Pine located in Nwa& 04/n/% AOS 1<br />

Child missing 6 ms is hapry to be lack in <strong>Arkansas</strong> OV29/% A01 2<br />

Ri&ardHansnsentenaedinraseaEmis&ngPeray children 04/3Q/86A10 4<br />

Suit seeks opmng of attorneys1 files on abeion agency 05/03/86 All 1<br />

Stateasksthatlicensenot b grantedFLiendsof ChilCbren 05/09/86A21 1<br />

-&ion pactices of Fkiends of Children is disprted 05/12/86 A03 1<br />

Friends of Children charges $14,000 to find, a&@ child 0V12/86 A03 4<br />

File &ta on Frienh of Children in othes states not ~ e d 05/18/86 A03 3<br />

Efedts of divorce on &il.dren discussed 06/0l/86 ED1 1<br />

Methodists seek delay in dosing 2 group hanes at Arkadelghia 06/0$/86 A07 I<br />

Methodists decide to keep Ar kadelmia hme fa gi fls opn 06/07/86 A18 1<br />

Stu& flannedof effedzsof LRcircusacdtkjnt on children 06/12/86 HI1 2<br />

Curfew in Stuttgart cxlrk t eewage van&l im 06/14/86 A07 3<br />

Bethany Christian Services ansiders church stand in ahpion 06/22/% C06 4

DATE<br />

FPGE (DL<br />

Bethany cites pstorrs stand on abrticm in adqtion &ma 06/22/86 C06 4<br />

Bethany rd~es a&@ion to St James hkthcdist menbers 06/22/86 C% 4<br />

Baby-sitter fotnd gilty aE striking &morrth-old by 06/24/86 A05 1<br />

Touwwe &a@er farms at Little Rock 06/2q/& ED1 I<br />

Juds orders state to rdeasse reax& to Rim of Q1ildren 07/03/86 E08 5<br />

Federal hdget cuts cawe 38 pct drop in SCAN aaselcand 07/19/86 ED8 1<br />

All known abduction cases in Ark imolve fanily, S Qxk says 08/05/86 A05 4<br />

Cbtton Flank hmes being repired ly 300 you&hs in puject 08/06/86 All 1<br />

Needs of cbildfen and working mothers not met in Ark 08/10/86 CQ3 1<br />

Jwenile j lsticre changes advomted ky IPny Mssi 08/12/06 A11 1<br />

Children of Atallah Ebssees @aced in arstdy UE state agency C8/1Y86 A14 1<br />

Dial-+Story avai1aM.e to children in Littfle Rock 08/20/86 B01 1<br />

Hot S~ing Co pilot prqan pks juveniles in hanes. mt jail 09/02/86 All 5<br />

Shater for cbildr en and youth opens a t Lomk 09/15/86 A03 4<br />

SteMng Stone works to get youths on ri*t pth 09/1y% Ego1 2<br />

Neil Sheehan, 9 . r d ted with mother at W ot Sgrin~ 10608/86 I31 1<br />

IX couple opns pivate a&@ion agenq under rn lm 1V12/86 Ell 2<br />

Teewager enters open in LR to wide gathering place 10/12/86 B01 2<br />

Loblyists for children attend training sessions 10/20/86 E01 5<br />

Acbpion of Tkaq GiLes o ped ky foster garerhs 12/05/85 A01 2<br />

Ward manq family cared far Pacy Giles since age 4 days 1vOy86 A01 2<br />

Foster pr-s get Tracy Giles for weekend 12/07/85 A08 1<br />

Progran finds aagtive hme for Mack children lz/lY86 BD1 2<br />

CHILE<br />

see al m Nati oml Guard<br />

CHISM, w m m#;m<br />

see also Ecbcation - Teachers<br />

CHLaRWNE<br />

see Ebod Contamiration and Poisoning<br />


see Disease and Illness<br />


Dr Wfilian Chris Hobgood is nw regional minister for Ark 05/05/86 A05 1<br />


see a1 so Ebl iti cs<br />


see aim Eblitics and Elections<br />

a<strong>mm</strong><br />

see also Gpi td. Buildng and Grornds<br />

LR KR aglw with twming li*ts 12/24/86 BD1 1<br />

Tea&= at Oil Trou* spr ea& &ex to nee* 12/24/86 ED1 5<br />

Rwiw a€ Christmas obemanae in Ark 12/26/86 A01 2<br />


CLwdand County farmers grm Ch&tmas trees 12/34/86 A22 1<br />

CHULIY, mIL<br />

see also<br />

Rysicians and Surgeons<br />


ArkSuprane Ck sen& Sixth andIzardChurch case hck to ct 04/Ol/86 A12 1<br />

Settlenent aE suit wer Sixth and Izard rerx>r& urged 08/ 20/86 A12 5<br />

marine allms elders to keep Eirandal data secret- ct told 1V2V86 E08 1<br />

Bob Smtt lr to k&or J&n Gibon introdrced at hearing 1l/26/86 Aa6 1<br />

Court hears r eaording of Jchn Gibson on role o•’ dders ll,/28/86 A13 1<br />

Testimory aontinuesin& wen: Sixtb andIzardoontrwersy 12/16/86 HI2 1<br />

Church aE Christ ministers testify salaries. fbnms known 12/17/86 All 1

DATE<br />

EPGE CDL<br />

Sixth and Izard <strong>mm</strong>bers hare rirfit to seek rear&.<br />

CHUm OF GOD<br />

Bo8y &med at Sharp Cbmty farm o•’ &ur& group<br />

Eot& i&ntified as Diane Ehri&<br />

Toxemia swpected as cause cf %rich1 s dieath<br />

Diane &rich died of mturd muses<br />


see alm Vigilantes and Radicalim<br />


see Rdigion<br />

CXRaJS<br />

Wo injured in circus accident at LitUe Rock<br />

Performer hospi tal jz ed a€ ter fall<br />

Hi* wire prfc<strong>mm</strong>ers reunited after accidert at LR<br />


see Banks<br />


see <strong>mm</strong>ers Boperative a€ <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Oklahana<br />


see a1 s=, Cbngr ess - House - Ark Di st 01<br />

rules<br />


see Alaholic Beverages<br />


see Banks<br />


Ellis Island naturzilization ceranory induiks 2 •’ran Ark<br />

mo frcm Ark lping to Ellis Island naturalization cermony<br />


see Banks<br />

CIVIL IErnSE<br />

Ark ranks as havingmodxate civil defense for nuclear war<br />


see also A&anobiles and AutcmoHle Ikivers<br />

see aim Bates, misy<br />

see alao Cbnsenratisn. Iblitical<br />

see aim IXsaimiratian<br />

see also fimne and Adninistration Deplrhent<br />

see alm Blice<br />


see Maski Qmty<br />


Bst-Civil War tal es r emll ed lg Earl Hanil ton. a€ Sherihn<br />

Rare notos of Civil War ;soldiers added to UALR mllection<br />

JeEferson Cbulty to get flag f ran Illinois museun<br />

Dr Gre~pry J W Umin recruiting Union regiment<br />

Flag coming hate to Pine BluEf after 120 yers<br />


see also Suits and Claims Against Gwernnerk<br />

Rwanped Claims Cbnrm quietly df edtive<br />

aAIRvma<br />

see Psychic Ehenanena<br />

QIrn'IDN. JAMES<br />

see alm Assaults and Disordlerly Cbnduct<br />


Remgzinization of amty govt ruled invalid<br />

Ming on aomty govt reargnizatian appealed<br />

amK STEVE<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> E&catiortal T&evision Network<br />

see altr, Attorney Genera<br />

see also Qpital R;uri&ment<br />

see alsxr<br />

Risons- Wkansas<br />

Attracts mti onal attention on death-qml if id jury issue<br />

amK, WILLIAM F<br />

Clark fined, given jail term for antem* a€ murt<br />

awsIc ~IAWORICS, JNC<br />

Little Rock f inn makes specialty v&ides<br />


see alm Ibliaa<br />


see also Almhd. and Drug Alxrse<br />

u<strong>mm</strong><br />

Van Buren Cbmty town is state's fastest grwing<br />

CLJNm. BlLL<br />

see alm Governor<br />


Le& effort for HIPPY progran for pe-s&od chil&en<br />

Chairs a<strong>mm</strong> on mrracjh Challenge Grarrts to libraries<br />

Article on hsy life a€ lks Clinton<br />

Praised for role in bringing progress to <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Urges Bmg Demoaats to supprt re-dection of Bill Clinton<br />

Gives bcking to group seeking to mrb teemge peg1anci.e~<br />

Favors more authority for schoal ~inciplls and teachers<br />

Featured spaker at mtioml PTA amention<br />

Spaks to Job Corp trainees on teewaged preglancies<br />

Inter- in teewapd pr egancy Wogr an explained<br />

Spaker at &il&enls &&ta opening at Lonoke<br />

Tells stu&nts s&ool standxdr;, tea&= tests arevital<br />

Spaks on teemaged mothers<br />

Speaks at cord on wanen' s perspectives on the 1980s<br />

Speaks at ckdication of mily kdi cal Cerker at U M<br />

Expects severdl 8th graders to fail first mpetenq tests<br />

Nand to Wal-Bbrt bard<br />

Says milkives needed to bttle irbank mortality rate<br />

CLINm. ROGER<br />

see a193 Alaohd and Drug Akuse<br />

am. amaL<br />

Qoar tells why he likes <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see al SD Sex Crimes<br />

03FIFEE<br />

see Ebod Contamination<br />


'rhe honest politidan fomd (ed)<br />


see aim Rdigim<br />


Fbrmer 03s chief in Msam olls Ihnidsm arrest a fare<br />

Wfilim Cble was expelled f ran Fbssia in 140, llro~ at AE'IN<br />

06/02/86 All


see aim Retail Stores<br />


see Basketkall - College Men<br />

see Qlleges<br />

(XXILEIs<br />

see also Almhcil and DrugAhse<br />

see also Asbestos<br />

see also Athletics - College<br />

see also RLsease and Illness<br />

see also Fkaternities and Sorarities<br />

see aim Geogr a*y<br />

see aim Hanosexuality<br />

see aim Stadiuns and Arenas<br />

Cbllqe cb Ehgheering at UAF receives $28.000 grant<br />

Swerky apflim tions made for UAE3 chanaellar<br />

UKR has a nunher CE new pajects in the work<br />

Propsd student housing at U&R being studied by pnel<br />

Pfiilander Smith Coll gets $225,000 donation frun Vjllage Sq<br />

Ten Centrd herica stucknts begin stuqt at U&R under US3A<br />

Stu&nt housing crone&' for U&R gets UA Trustee apgrwal<br />

Funds to be mu#~t for Ckgrees in nursing at UAF<br />

Gradaate am ses in e&c apg wed for UAM<br />

Ehrollment drop recorded bj mlLs in Ark<br />

Serator Stanley IZuss upset @ pin for U&R student housing<br />

Student housing at UALR draws oppsition vote f ran &C<br />

Ark Legis Cbmcil appwes radio station far UKR<br />

Hen&ix College r eceives $10,000 •’ran I2 & Mr s Joe RobMns<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> S-bte Tedmical Institute is at XU-Be&<br />

Donald A Cain is director OE Ark State Tecfinid Institute<br />

mollmerit in agriculture at UAF and ASU &cw &Cline<br />

Clin Fbmlation makes $50,000 grant to Hendrix College<br />

Bob Delau*ter cbmtes SM.000 in stock to Omchita Banist<br />

Mining and Minerd Remuroes Resear& Institute is at ATl<br />

Dr Hemy L Barwoodl named director by Ark Mining Institute<br />

Fiating change in hi@= &c (ed on ALC action on housing)<br />

Jmes Rwdl discusses effart to block U&R student hotsing<br />

Motives of Jim Blai r and Starilq RLW qwstioned on UKR<br />

Pardid. politics called risb pme for aolleges<br />

Sturgi s Trust gives Ouacfiib Bafiist Univ $750,000<br />

List of pospcts for Henderson State peside* dbwn to five<br />

Trade At3j ustment Assiskanae enter at UALR to k dosed<br />

mntinued shmtf all in f mdng could king UA tuition rise<br />

Htxsd-~d H &i&y saw ALC mieunderstoad U&R housing plan<br />

UA Res Ray Thornton supports 'oonc~gt' ct ho~inq at UALR<br />

U&R to take ad cuntrd d Grabte Institute a€ <strong>Tech</strong>nology<br />

T t q Burris med to Ark Ted.1 bard of trustees<br />

Bendxix rqts inveslnent ties to South Africa hsirnss<br />

College gi&s offer sober- frivdots viws on U W<br />

Sunmaries of gi& statEPnents on UAF acahics. life qua1 ity<br />

SoutNand Coll history recorded in pprs at UAF Lihrary<br />

Walter Jones, 90. recalls dqm at Southland Coll<br />

Carrall W d l s &nates funds for van for UAF Coll of Agri<br />

Emallmerit far Sping sm at PSU sets record 5th yex<br />

Ol/04/86 C06 3<br />

OI,/lV86 A03 4<br />

Ol/12+% Ccl3 1<br />

OVlV86 All 1<br />

01/16/86 801 2<br />

01/16/86 E01 5<br />

Ol/l7/% A16 5<br />

OJ,/17/86 Al.6 6<br />

OY17/86 AI.6 6<br />

03/18/86 A10 5<br />

01/18/86 Ell1 4<br />

OI,/18/86 E01 4<br />

01/18/% B01 5<br />

Ol/18/86 E02 3<br />

01/18/86 B08 3<br />

03/18/86 E08 3<br />

01/19/86 A01 2<br />

01/2l/86 H)2 1<br />

01/21/86 Ea2 2<br />

01/2l/86 CO1 2<br />

01/21/86 C02 1<br />

01/22/% A12 1<br />

01/22/% Al.3 1<br />

Ol/22/86 A13 1<br />

Ol/22/M A13 1<br />

01/22/% m1 2<br />

Ol/22/86 E08 1<br />

01/22/85 COl 5<br />

01/23/86 A08 1<br />

OI,/23/86 A08 1<br />

01/23/% A08 1<br />

01/23/86 A08 1<br />

01/2!i/86 A08 1<br />

Ol/25/86 A15 1<br />

01/27/86 A01 2<br />

OI/27/86 A01 2<br />

ol/n/a m1 2<br />

Own/% EOI 6<br />

01/28/86 E02 5<br />

01/28/86 E02 5

DATE<br />

EWE 03L<br />

Smer Arts En<strong>mm</strong>ter Rogran grant recd ly <strong>Arkansas</strong> Te& 01/28/86 C03 5<br />

Trade Aftj~lnent Center atUALRranainsopnthroua Apil 02/Ol./%AIO 5<br />

W&ter Univ aE St Louis appwed to offer work in LR 02/01/86 PI31 2<br />

Ehgineering progran at PSU fails to receive accreditation 02/03/86 EXl2 3<br />

Chdes Mitt Ibn is new pddent af Henderson State Univ 02/02/86 E02 1<br />

Harold Engstran antends no panises ever made on U&R &rms 02/02/86 CQ3 1<br />

Wding Univ gets grant for talented, gifted progrm 02/0~€Ei A09 1<br />

Mid-herim Trade Center at UKR greplring to dose 02/04/86 C03 1<br />

Herb Branam Jr named to UniversiQ uf @ntral Ark board 02/06/86 A05 4<br />

Emollmerk in UA Systeri kcws increase over last Spring 02/07/86 AlO 3<br />

Judge askedtoreopnUm sexbias casefiledky tead-iers 02/07/86C03 1<br />

State tudget cuts hit hi@= &cation bdget 02/08/86 A09 1<br />

J&n Bram Univ begins pogrm in Chinese studies OVO8/86 B02 1<br />

DK Itinid EEhard Ferritor med &anaellar at UAF 02/09/86 A03 1<br />

Bnplqree laydfs, tuition increase ps&;ihle in UA Systen 02/09/% A03 1<br />

UA Systen <strong>mm</strong>t slice $5J. million fran hdget OY09/%6 A03 1<br />

Choice of Dr Erritor far UAF chancellor amended 02/1l/86 N O 1<br />

Bl1 &am state residmts Miwe one la school sdfiderk 02/1l/86 A12 5<br />

List &ws hdget cuts f az each institution 02/12/86 A03 5<br />

Harding Umv library receives gift a€ rare books OY13/86 A13 3<br />

Four tuition scholarhips at MW honor Cbra M c H q 02/1Y86 A09 6<br />

EhWd s&olar&ip at ASU homrs W J Beard 02/1$/86 A12 5<br />

PSU bd votes tuition increase at Jonesboro and Beebe ramplses OYlY86 N 3 1<br />

ATU bd apprwes tuition and board increases 02/15/86 A13 1<br />

Capital impwanerks requests appwed iy PSU board 02/lY86 A13 1<br />

Mapshwslocationof <strong>Arkansas</strong>~slOp~icao<strong>mm</strong>rnity alls 0v16/86A15 1<br />

Almut $300,000 alrsady aollected to reskcrre UA' s Old Plain 02,/16/86 A18 1<br />

Stanl q Russ says uALK brms wodd only &@l icate services 0 Y16/% C03 1<br />

50 pct c6 students in class at UCA camt i&ntify Ark on map 02/16/86 C03 6<br />

~e~cjlerson State a<strong>mm</strong>ces pilans for h@et arts - -<br />

02/16/86 DO6 6<br />

UCA ruled inrmoaent aE bias against: Jmes andNanette Rdlins 02/19/86 EQ2 5<br />

mans for Sumner Session conern U&R Assmkily 02/21/86 A07 4<br />

Benderson State receives 2 grants f ran W A 02/21/86 C03 2<br />

U&R mpxicp raises $3.25 million for engineering equipnerk 02/22/86 A05 4<br />

Dr Shidq A Gilmre recreives $800,000 to db researd-r at UAFE 02/22J86 A08 5<br />

Atten& to r esci.nd U&R homing vote fails in ALC 0 ~ 2 ~ ~ o s l 5<br />

BroLh&a wer UPLR arms &cws fear aE himtion ly LR 02/23/86 A03 4<br />

Rare gtmtos of Civil War 60-ldiers given to UPLRarchives 02/23/86 E01 2<br />

Omcbita Bagtist Ulziv gets $100,000 fran Rt Heerson 02/25/86 A12 5<br />

UA Engineering schalarhilr; endbwed by Ray Bdknap estate 02/25/86 C03 I<br />

Adel1aDGr~~~endsUAfiredhen:be~~eit~antedman OU27/86AOl 6<br />

Ekaollm in UA system rises slightly 02/28/86 A07 4<br />

Hendrix College gets $750.000 in Murghy Oil &ock 02/28/% A18 5<br />

UAF to examine piorities, &dop strategic mgnt @an 03/0L/86 A08 1<br />

Gw QWon responds to question on qdiw d &cation 03/05/86 A0 9 1<br />

Gcw Bill Qinton leaning tavard ibrms for UALR stu&rks 03/06/86 H31 2<br />

San& Ledketter appointed <strong>University</strong> a€ wkansas trustee 03/07/86 A05 3<br />

Tuition rise at UA systen camguses amwed 03/08/% A01 5<br />

Dormitory at U&R f war ed by The Voie at Sherwood 03/09/86 C04 5<br />

Cbll eges seek $2.2 5 million to estab hsiness incubtors 03/09/86 C06 4<br />

Drive for fun& for UAfs Old Main being stepped up 03/09/86C06 4<br />

UALR aEf icial s defend dormitories polpsal 03/11/86 A05 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Univ gets $20,000 premed sddar&ip gift 03/12/86 A08 3<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cbllege gets bequest oE $1 million frm G G J&nston 03/1$/% A05 5

JNTE<br />

AGE CDL<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cbll has prog~an in historic preservation 03/16/86 E01 4<br />

&C r emluticm on U&R housing stands in seamd vote 03/22/86 ED1 3<br />

Resolutions ky AZIC to allw W%R to prsm brm pcrj ects 03/22/86 I331 3<br />

Sping emallment r eprted at state' s alleges 03/24/86 A08 1<br />

Pufjlications on Indians sorted by UAtR ~ d for s ar&ives 03/25/% ED1 5<br />

Swen on UA, UALR boards gt free tourney triw 03/27/86 A17 1<br />

Pay Taornton ~ aised for footwork' on &rms fa UALR 03/28/86 A02 1<br />

Ray 'lhornton &cws political mastery in getting don sugport 03/30/86 A03 4<br />

ALCurgesstatefrnCk not be usedto py hi@lecturefees OB/O2@5lU4 1<br />

UCA plying $41.000 for Qrter and Kirkptrick lectures 01%/02/86 A14 1<br />

Harry B&k dorates $52,000 in stock for EU scholarship 04/03/86 A13 4<br />

Rrcerkage a€ schocil graihates going to all incrmses 0U05/86 E01 2<br />

UA trustee Sari* Ledbetter seeks to avaid parochial atti tu&s 0 $J06/% ED1 2<br />

College c6 Wcation at UaR on cutting edge cf r&m 04/06/86 C10 2<br />

WLR to gant semnduy &c degree only when masterf s earned O#O6/% C10 2<br />

Fauoette dbarments on Nort3-1 Little Rock ibnated to UCA 04/08/86 E02 2<br />

Maticmal Eaerit S&olar&fp g~ to eiat Arkanms students 04/10/&6 A1 2 1<br />

End to spnding for master @an contracts asked Iq lamakers 0611l/% A30 3<br />

&tide on pprs on North Little Rock in Urn archives 04/13/86 E02 4<br />

Students accused of theEt a€ telemone servicres 04/14/86 HI1 2<br />

Four stu&rrts receive $1,000 journalim schdard-iip 04/1!y86 E02 4<br />

Hendrix College trustees elect m cdf ioers 04/18/% A14 1<br />

UAE gets long-mu&t chaplain 04/21/86 BO1 2<br />

Wustees app-me $49.8 million hdget far ASU oamplzses 04/22/% A12 4<br />

meun at <strong>Arkansas</strong> State <strong>University</strong> acoredited 0$/22/86 ED2 5<br />

&rit S&olar&ip won ky 18 hi@ s&oal seniors 0$/24/86 A07 1<br />

BPI &rates 15 campters to Qllege o•’ the Ozarks 04/28/86 C01 2<br />

Geology Dqt at UAF reaeives $65,000 in gifts 04425/86 A12 1<br />

BEhwior cd UAF students at restaurant criticized fy Travder 0#27/86 C04 5<br />

Groupseeks tostopSW razingof ddEl IbraCbauditoriun 0$/28/86A03 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Te& hoard votes 1986-87 budget of $19.347,374 OYOY86 All 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong>Te& &lays salary raises because aE tudget limits 05/02/86 All 1<br />

Henderson State homrs Dr bkrtin B Garrison as alunnts OYOy86 A19 1<br />

Students votest cuts in federd. aid to e&ation 0!5'02/86A22 4<br />

Arkansls CbZl to honor Jmes W Headstram and Frank Lyon 05'03/86 B08 4<br />

List a€ gahtim mndid8tes at UAFE OS/O4/86 E04 5<br />

UAF sorority gids make amen* for -age at restaurant 05/01$/86 C04 5<br />

Ehilander Smith s&erUes grahtion 05/05/% A12 3<br />

mihit &cws history aE <strong>University</strong> c& <strong>Arkansas</strong> 05/05/86 ~3~1 2<br />

F'und-raising mpiq for UA1 s Old Main begins 05/06/86 E01 2<br />

Merit ScholarAis go to 51 Jkk hi* sd-ioal studmts Os/O9/86 A08 5<br />

A!IU receives $5.000 Chambers S&darrst.lip Fbnd 05/09/86 A09 1<br />

UA systen seeks $478 million in 1987-89 budget 05/09/86 A13 1<br />

Trusteesof UA system vote to impwe teaher &c progrms 05/10/86 A01 6<br />

UA outlims &an&rds to be used in tea&er trailring progrm O5/10/86 A01 6<br />

Dr rZivid Burks named president uf Harding <strong>University</strong> 05/10/86 B01 2<br />

Corprate gifts to wit, ~ ivate mlls ranks Ark 39 and 43 OylY86 CIJ7 6<br />

RiXtorial on UA systan pan for impwed teacher e&c progran 05/18/86 A12 1<br />

Urn gets app-wal to we lank lcan to fhnce Mdgaddition 05/15/86 A07 1<br />

Jan Brwn Univ gets hbee J33n challenge grant 05/15/86 A07 3<br />

Six at UAMj are recipierrts of Gold Key war& 05/18/86 E06 2<br />

Abut 65 stucknts in Ark to reive M3A degrees 05/18/86 DO1 5<br />

Little Rock gives $300,000 to aampuses in diy 05/20/86 A07 I<br />

List cB 100 hi* schoal winners of Gwermrf s Schdar wards OEd20/86 A09 4

E'rank White mys Clinton divsted shoal fun& to mlls 05/21/86 AlO 5<br />

RR7 Mrian W Miller sets up $10,000 Hendrix sdnolarship Os/U/86 ED1 1<br />

Hen4ix College r emives $300.000 gr ant f ran KT age I331 OEi/Zl/86 E02 2<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> seeks to off- master o•’ libera arts degc ee 05/22/86 A07 5<br />

Qllege c& the &arks renamed Universily a€ the Ozarks 0$/2V€!6 A18 3<br />

Paul Mrion calls all degree a liamse, not a ticket 05/23/% A23 1<br />

Poor omnand of written Engl i& at UAF disatssed ky &fl ilng 05'30686 A21 1<br />

UAIB receives $500,000 in mat& ing en&rnmt grant 06/1l,/86 A14 5<br />

Fbre bdget cuts faced by thiversie of Irk systen 06/13/86 A09 3<br />

W R authorized to ~p on with housing neptiations 06/14/86 A07 4<br />

Federa judge upset thatUAl3 hasnot paidawar&towanen 06/ldd86Al3 1<br />

Colls ~odudng failing teachers &odd be sued, ed says 06/1Y% C04 1<br />

ad Main at UA worth saving, J&n Etdridge says 06/16/86 A17 1<br />

see dm Musical Instrunents 06/16/86 ED1 5<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Qllege gets $!50,000 for s&dlar&ip fund 06/17/86 Al 0 3<br />

Ark ranks 42nd on spdng for hi&= dcaticm 06/18/86 A13 3<br />

U&Rr~aes4-yrmdergra&~&cpr~anwi~masters 06/20/86Al4 1<br />

UA gra-tes find job, hic&er py wait then 06/20/% C08 2<br />

Survq shms 61 pct in Ark think all &c is very *runt 06/2V86 El1 1<br />

UALR receives $250,000 fran Sturgis Trust 06/25/86 A0 9 1<br />

Dr CIimie h &ew K&&P mq tz med d1ane3.l~~ at 'u'W 06/27/86 Xi2 3<br />

Crowly's Ridge (311 at Egragotld closing after 21 years 06/27/86 A13 5<br />

Rnyilqees at U&R wet wer 3 pct limit on py haeases 06/27/86 C08 4<br />

Data given on gay raises for UALR adnim str ator s 06/28/86 EOI 2<br />

R oj e%i ons made on em dl en& i ncr ease or ded ine 06/30/86 A05 1<br />

Dr Charles A WaLker med chancellor aE UAl3 07/01/86 A07 1<br />

GOi7 Bill Clinton asks UABd to rethink pay raises over 3 pct 07/03/86 A09 1.<br />

Irate U&R enflcyees ask Dr bmg to explain py raises 07/0l/Pb A0 9 1<br />

Fund at Hxding Univ will honor Dr Clifton Ganm 07/01/86 E02 4<br />

Funds being raied to keep Ckcwley's Ridge Cbll open 07/03/86 A18 1<br />

W Acahtic DaTdopnent Offioe advice on ~eplring Em a11 07/06/86 BD6 6<br />

UAF begins gr ogrm on subtan= abse elc 07/06/8g B06 6<br />

Nw engineering center at UAF nears am@. etion 07/09/% C01 5<br />

Interview w i new ~ UAIB Chanoellm Char1 es Andrew Walker 07/13/86 A01 2<br />

Robert HcCard discusses Tharrrton @an for UA in Little Rock 07/13/86 CM 1<br />

W Bd.1 gives $25,000 to U W for engineering lab equiptent 07/14/86 EO8 5<br />

Stu* pnel finds matb gmgrans pod at state wlleses 07/16/86 NO 5<br />

Cbllege of the Ozarks gets $300,000 Sturgis grant 07/17/86 E08 6<br />

Confusion dwdops i n transfer a€ GE' to UIltR a& 07/19/86 A09 1<br />

UAF gets $290,000 f ran ~~ far engineering lab 07/22/86 CO1 5<br />

UCA wins accreditation for therapist mriculwn 08/Ol/E!6 C02 3<br />

WR1s Untversity (311 desiyed to help f redmen aqjust 08/03/86 C07 1<br />

Mender son State Umv bd votes r er ised hdget 08/06/86 EOl 2<br />

Budget increase aE 28 pct soucj~t for bienniun 08/08/85 A03 1<br />

Legis pnel holds up2 contractsfor U&R mnstructionwork 08/09/86 A05 4<br />

Hi*= &cBd ap~rwes fkeep-thedoor~opent hdget 08/09/86 A08 1<br />

Hendrix has recd $206.000 enCbwment frm Charles Bran&aomb 08/09/86 A13 1<br />

Stu&nks face stricter rquirenents for financial aid 08/13/86 A05 1<br />

Rrqhithater on creek bank at U&R wed for teaching purposes 08/12/86 BD1 2<br />

Univasity cb Ark gets &nation of 15.000 insect di&s 08/U/86 A05 5<br />

State Rep Ibug Wood favors closing 2 m 3 state miles 08/1$/86 A08 4<br />

Hardinq Univ mes speakers in American Studies Lectures 08/1Y86 A07 1<br />

UAB Chancellar Charles A Wdker urges drive for pivate fmd 08/19/86 A07 5<br />

Midad O'Quinn &sd@lined ky Ha in work funds mse 08/20/86 A09 5

Resent and farmer trustees seek to raise $500,000<br />

State Ebliae to pobe OrQuinn inu&nt at Henderson State<br />

UAM gets grants totaling $450,000<br />

P6U gets $125,000 grant for transportation studies pogrm<br />

Former President Jbmy Qrter to speak at Ouachita BaRist<br />

North <strong>Arkansas</strong> CC given ~ oprty valwd at $615.000<br />

Ex-R &dent Jhy Qrter spke at Ouacfiita Bagist Univ<br />

mcation Bd to vote on popmils for teacher &c progrms<br />

Eblstering teach= pqan stan&r& appwed ky EXbc Bd<br />

Sunmry CI€ m stanhrdr; for teacher training program<br />

Paerit Sd-darship semSimlists indu* 160 •’ran Ark<br />

Regr LlcydGeorge wants names of mlls of failed teachers<br />

W R housing project gets wnditional appwal<br />

UCB to honor Jhy lkiftwood and SheEf ield Ndson<br />

Mamgement Stu* Um-un finds need for m-ordimtion, @arming<br />

Univ cB Ark Bd appwes next step in U&R a* poject<br />

<strong>University</strong> cb Ark Bd acts on =era itens at meeking<br />

IWJ names Robert Harms, Jmes B Ljle distincpibed alunni<br />

Dorothy Landis Gray retiring f ran <strong>Arkansas</strong> Qllege<br />

UAF art de* hurt bdly ky fnds shortage<br />

UAF lacks fm& for library prchases, course dferings<br />

UALR sets new enrallment record with lor453<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong>, n4rcfanelle Sd~ocils set up reading cerker<br />

Mississippi Cbmty has r eoord enrollment a€ 1,364<br />

Dr Allen M Hennann med chmn of Ehysics Dep at UAF<br />

Ehrollment up at SW. UcdO and NACC<br />

Ehrollment up at UA system campmes<br />

Hard times in hyetteville (ed on tilfit hldgets)<br />

Irma Rt& Gufds &nates $350,000 to Old Main pqj ect<br />

Lillian Wssie Red pledges $90,000 trust to <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong><br />

Bri& history oE Universily o•’ <strong>Arkansas</strong> Museun<br />

<strong>University</strong> aE Arkamas Museun mwes to new site<br />

Dr Charles lhm sets qals far imp-wment o•’ Henderson State<br />

Jmes Ebwdl finds UAF 1ivd.y. lwdy and winning<br />

Ehroillment rises by 5 -5 pct at UAB3<br />

Carolyn Bllan urges cfrange in training rading tea&ss<br />

Co-operation ketween alleges and with pltd ic scfioals urged<br />

Stakwide ao-ordimting board sug~sted ky lawmaker<br />

Cualhita Baptist Univ has errrollment &cline<br />

-bean grcwcxs give $450,000 to UA for research<br />

Ef~dlment up at <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Univ and at Beebe ban&<br />

Reaord enrollmet& of 74.5•÷ regd in Ark colleges<br />

UCA Residznt JeEferson mrris candic%te for NAIA job<br />

Dr JeEf Rrris resigs as gresident o•’ Univ cb Central Ark<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Q11 gets $10,000 gift •’ran Sturcjis F&<br />

SW gets Winthrop Rockf dler Eth qant for mall farm center<br />

Melvyn Bdl &nates $4 million to UA Engineering College<br />

Prelvyn Bd1 gift to UA will yidd $7 million in 10 ysars<br />

mark Spectator supports hi*= stanhrds for &c proqrans<br />

klvyn Ed1 gift to UA totals $8 million<br />

Fund drive for CbLlege uf @arks hits $12.4 million<br />

Hendrix Coll hi tiates drive for $16.8 mjll icm w er 3 years<br />

Student interest in UA yearbooks amtinues &dine<br />

HSJ Athletic Director Miaael OIQuinn faoes theft &args<br />

08/21/86 AlO 6<br />

08/21/86 A16 1<br />

08/27/86 C02 1<br />

08/28/86 A12 2<br />

09/03/86 A09 4<br />

09/0q86 A12 6<br />

09/07/86 EOI 2<br />

09/08/86 A01 2<br />

09/09/86 B01 4<br />

09/09/86 BOI 4<br />

09/15/86 A17 1<br />

09/12/86 A03 1<br />

09/12/86 A10 1<br />

09/12/86 A21 1<br />

09/13/86 A08 1<br />

09/13/86 E01 2<br />

09/13/86 I31 2<br />

09/14/86 E04 6<br />

09/15/&6 H11 4<br />

09/17/% A01 2<br />

09/17/86 A01 2<br />

09/17/&6 A08 4<br />

09/18/86 A09 6<br />

09/18/86 HI8 4<br />

09/20/&6 A08 5<br />

09/20/&6 E08 2<br />

09/21/% A08 4<br />

09/21/86 C02 1<br />

09/21/86 CU7 4<br />

09/22/86 A03 3<br />

09/22/86 H31 2<br />

09/22/86 Ell1 2<br />

09/22/86 EW1 5<br />

09/23/86 All 1<br />

09/23/86 C02 2<br />

09/24/84 A10 1<br />

09/24/86 AJ.0 1<br />

09/2$/86 IUO 1<br />

09/25/86 A02 2<br />

09/25/& C01 2<br />

09/26/86 A20 4<br />

09/28/86 A17 1<br />

09/30/86 E01 2<br />

10/ Ol,/86 A0 9 1<br />

10/03/86 A08 6<br />

10/03/86 A08 6<br />

10/Ov86 A03 3<br />

lCVOV86 A03 3<br />

lO/OY% C04 2<br />

10/07/86 A03 1<br />

10/10/86 A04 5<br />

10/1l/86 A17 6<br />

10J13/86 m1 1<br />

lO/l4486 A04 1

List OE aolls where failed teaches attended rded legal 10/1Y86 A01 2<br />

Budget increase rquest o•’ 14.7 pct meets stiff ALCobjection - 10/15/86 A08 1<br />

~09-1 ist s spakers-for Honors ahlenge Week<br />

HSU suspends athletic director: Michael OIQuim with Fay<br />

IUaohol delivered to Razorkack skyboxes. ppr reprts<br />

Criticim a•’ hiaer &c bets mntinues at AtC hearing<br />

PSU to honor Qarenae Bd1 and 3 L Shwer<br />

UA camps plice ~obe regs of &coho1 delivery at stadiun<br />

bking the teacher test meaningful (ed)<br />

UA student journalists interviewed in alcohd pobe<br />

Univ cf Central Ark names Bill R Bte interim pesient<br />

U&R hdgets case conflict between aahics. athletics<br />

Budget cuts at U&R hwe a•’f ected most academic areas<br />

ULR's Enginnering <strong>Tech</strong>nology dlesiws sewing madine lift<br />

UA cannot verify &livery o•’ dlcohol to Razorkick S'cadiun<br />

Passing rate of grab repr ting NTE smr es (by mllege)<br />

SU to homr four &stincpi&ed alunni<br />

UAI3 gets $1 million grant for hicmedical research<br />

UALR bdget emlained iy Dr Jmes H Yomg in talk to faculty<br />

Jim Blair &nates $25.000 to restare UA1s Old Main Udg<br />

Harrisern hily Ti.mes ments on legis reaction to hzdgets<br />

UA student vandLLim at IWmtain Inn discussed<br />

UCR benefits f run SIX research ly DE Wu&on B adridge<br />

UALR faail& &htes hicydes in df ices. mt hdget cuts<br />

U&R faculty urges library exemsion f ran hdget cuts<br />

U&R gets mllection c3 herican Indian netYsppers<br />

UniversiQ aE Qaks raises $12.8 million in fmd drive<br />

P~ssissim Qmty a11 gets $10,000 shdarship gift<br />

Harding Univ to honor six alunnj.<br />

UAB Chancellor Charles Walker wants Mack 0011s ke@<br />

Fby Thornton asks effort to hat cuts in ftnding<br />

UAF Lav S&od am@. ex named far Dr Robert A Ldlar<br />

Four more gifts of $25,000 ea&<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gbllege to honor Chree almni<br />

Sh&f id.d Nelson mentioned for p esiderk cf UCA<br />

Harding Univ honors Jack McMutt<br />

Hendrix College receives fmds for &iffdl garden<br />

UA Old Main f rnd receives $100,000<br />

Donors daimed $290,457 in tax crdts for 1986<br />

Needs vary with prspxtive, Van Tyson says<br />

IJAE Dean Dodd Wilson seeks e~ellene<br />

used for UA1s Old Main work<br />

W R annu fmd drive to aid academics<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> needs over-all state plan. Jchn E Miller says<br />

Jchn E Miller wants strong, active Hi*= WC Bd<br />

Faculty shortage seen as possible at UXR<br />

Henderson State Univ honors 3 with H' ward<br />

Charles Kittrdl siys UA' s Old Main restaation worthwhile<br />

Gra& of 3 black mlls lead failure rate on skills ems<br />

Teadvx skills test failure rates. ky allege<br />

ATtD bmtes $1.1 millionworth CTE raew quipnent toUA<br />

Ehrollmrk o•’ Uacks is static<br />

Reti red adnirzil teaches mure at <strong>Arkansas</strong> allege<br />

Grabte edx progran at OBU &fended ky &mid Grant<br />

&I-Fr eez e, Inc and UA to f m bi otechnol oqy mi t<br />

10/1!j/% A12 5<br />

10615/86 A16 I<br />

10/16/86 A01 2<br />

10/16/&6 AlO 1<br />

10/16/86 B01 1<br />

10/17/% A01 4<br />

10/17/86 A2 4 3<br />

10/18/86 A03 1<br />

1q18/% A07 1<br />

10/19/86 a01 I<br />

10/19/86 m1 5<br />

lo/19/86 DO1 1<br />

10/21/86 A03 1<br />

10/22/86 All 1<br />

10/28/86 A15 3<br />

10/28/86 A15 6<br />

10/24'%/86 A21 1<br />

10/25/% I32 3<br />

10/26/86 C04 I<br />

10/26/86 C04 2<br />

10/26/86 C06 1<br />

10/26/% cai, 5<br />

10/a6/86 CU7 5<br />

lO/X/86 C08 4<br />

10/27/86 A09 4<br />

10/28/& A05 2<br />

10/29/86 A14 5<br />

11/Ol/86 A07 1<br />

11/01/86 E08 4<br />

11/01/86 E08 4<br />

ayovss ~os 2<br />

11/07/86 Al2 1<br />

11/09/% A03 4<br />

11/13/86 A08 1<br />

11/14/% A21 2<br />

ll/16/86 A0 5 4<br />

13/16/86 A12 2<br />

1V16/86 C 03 1<br />

1l/17/86 DO8 5<br />

111/18/86 A07 1<br />

1y18/@ E08 6<br />

11/18/86 E08 6<br />

11/20/86 M.2 4<br />

11/20/86 A14 5<br />

11/20/86 A23 1<br />

12/08/86 A01 2<br />

1YOU86 A01 5<br />

12/014/%/86 A05 1<br />

12/07/86 C06 1<br />

12/08/86 A13 1<br />

12/11/86 X6 5<br />

12/12/86 COl 5

Ibnations to UA1 s Old Main rest oration total $3 mill ion<br />

Three alleges say tea&= skills test not accurate gauge<br />

Gclv Clinton popses only 0.01 pct increase far llext year<br />

Governor's tudpt hocks cnllege leaders<br />

MDre miversify funding to be rea<strong>mm</strong>ended ly Gw Clinton<br />

Hendrix r eaeives challenge grant f ran Hunanities End<strong>mm</strong>ent<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> to &fer degree for nuclear @ant workers<br />

Being man to the miversities (ed on lw bdget piority)<br />

Hen&ix receives $50.000 grant frcm NoWe Fbunc3iti.m<br />

Ehrallmerb: in Ark sets new hi* d 74.049<br />

Feature artidle on joint war k ky Univ of Ark and Pel-Fr eaz e<br />

&C subco<strong>mm</strong>ittee endbrses f mding r quest of DIE<br />

rnLLEY, CHAD<br />

see also Handicappd<br />


see also Alahol and mug Atuse<br />

see al SD Lamter and Co<br />


see alm Art<br />

CDLrnIA <strong>mm</strong><br />

Wayne lhanpkins &sp&es hllot <strong>mm</strong>t in tax assessor race<br />

corns. IELIA<br />

Former Ark resident a-~dimting naturdization aermory<br />

aMEX INC<br />

Worthen Bank wins suit against seven in Qmex case<br />


see Southern Grcwth IbLides Bard<br />


see Gwerrmerrt Bonds and Investments<br />


see Area PLanrring<br />

Co<strong>mm</strong> rnD FAmRLES<br />

see also Agrim Chenical Go<br />

see alm Almh Geranics Inc<br />

see alm Alminun aYmpny a Anerica<br />

see alm American Wdical Intermtioral<br />

see also American Transprtatian mrp<br />

see aim <strong>Arkansas</strong> Brewing Co<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> KraEt Qrp<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fmer and Lirfit Cb<br />

see also &lee Hane &&ions<br />

see also BaldvhWted Corp<br />

see also Barquet Ebads Cbrp<br />

see aLso Ben Fearmn Ar&q<br />

see aim CQT Network, I~c<br />

see also Qstle Indstries<br />

see aim Cel esco Infistr i es, Inc<br />

see alss Century Tube Go<br />

see als, Child Craft 8rp<br />

see also Classic Coachwtlrks. Inc<br />

see dsw, Dl Mi rge Cb<br />

see also hisy WnuEacturing Co<br />

see aim nillard Ceprtment Storesl Inc<br />

see aim IX esser Indstri es

see also<br />

see alscr<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see a1 so<br />

see als3<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see also<br />

see &sf,<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see dm<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see al~o<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alm<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

see a1 93<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alm<br />

see als,<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alsc,<br />

see illso<br />

see alm<br />

see aim<br />

see also<br />

see a1.m<br />

see alsr,<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

Emnrrmic Devdopnerk<br />

Elastaa Cbrp<br />

Qectromc Elnders, Inc<br />

Electronic Imaging Serviaes<br />

Enviromental Systens Q<br />

Fa•’ ni r I3~aring Divisim of Textr on Cbr p<br />

Farris FW-iions. Inc<br />

First Brand Corp<br />

FS rst Irrvest<strong>mm</strong>t Securities<br />

E;br most Bif ry , Inc<br />

Franklin Electric Co<br />

Hit& Cb, USA<br />

Banes. Xnc<br />

Hudson Fbods. Inc<br />

Independene Cbrp<br />

International Shoe 8<br />

Lsuzu Motors of Anaica, Inc<br />

Ives Trucking Co<br />

J EW. Inc<br />

J M R&&s Cb<br />

J andG Pe Cb<br />

Kilqre Wdopnmt Cb. Inc<br />

Kl ip& and Associates, Inc<br />

Wik-Edge Mmufa&uring, Ltd<br />

LW Peroqacre and Defense Cb<br />

Lanier, Inc<br />

Etp Gas R&cts, Inc<br />

bsterson of <strong>Arkansas</strong>. Inc<br />

kKessm Qrp<br />

bll Tbol and Plastics Qrp<br />

Fbr ton and Co<br />

m*y Oil a3<br />

Nakholz Cbnstruction (brp<br />

Natiorral Tub Cb<br />

hecp Cbntainers, Inc<br />

Bl-Freeze, Inc<br />

Ihase I11<br />

Plr eci si on Ch assi s and Engineer f ng, Inc<br />

Radiation <strong>Tech</strong>no1 ogy<br />

Rqnoltk Metals a3<br />

Riversid Elxrniture Cb<br />

Saryo Cbrp<br />

Steirmetz, Inc<br />

Stone Cbntainer Cbrp<br />

Stroud Senrice Q. Inc<br />

Sunma T Group<br />

Superior Inastries Interrational. Inc<br />

Systmatics. Inc<br />

TCBY Enterpises. Inc<br />

Today's a&<br />

Tramr M3A<br />

Tyson Fbods. Inc<br />

U. S. EJ.&rical btors<br />

Union Girbide Cbrp

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see dm<br />

see &so<br />

see alsa<br />

see al.83<br />

see aim<br />

see ~3.m<br />

see alm<br />

see alsb<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see a19o<br />

Union Life Inuranoe Q<br />

United Capital Qrp<br />

Universal flating Compnies<br />

Vertac Chenical Cbrp<br />

Virm P@nu•’a&uring Corp<br />

Vouc&t Cbrp<br />

Weaver and Associates<br />

White Riv er <strong>Tech</strong>no1 ogi es<br />

Willanette Inthstri es, Inc<br />

Wfilianson and Son Jmitarizil Services<br />

Windsor mor Cb<br />

Wise a. Inc<br />

Worldsbest Indmtries<br />

Wye lvbmtain Wjldlife Rodrcts. Inc<br />

Harrdl bruthers started wind cbimes factory as teenagers 03/21/86 C01 2<br />

Electric motor incbstry wing some oprations out o•’ US 07/27/86 DO1 1<br />

Prdiles and plans of ear: makers in Ark 07/27/86 Do1 1<br />

Bract af kanklin El-ric closinu at Jacksonville discussed 07/27/86 DO1 3<br />

&id Harrington &lys cordidentif ity key in recruiting<br />

mwTW B<strong>mm</strong>w BOARCG<br />

see also Cbnservati-ian. Eblitioal<br />

~ ~ T GAMES E R<br />

see Ganes<br />

a&Gms - ARmNsPS DELErnIDN<br />

Wegation ranked ky American Federatian of Teachers<br />

Votes on abrtion noted ky National Ri@t to Life Cb<strong>mm</strong><br />

Congr essioral Quarterly study af 1 iberd-conservative votes<br />

Delegation <strong>mm</strong>ments on loss of spce huttle and crew<br />

Artide &tails trip to Ark by Meqtion in 1985<br />

Respnse to R es Ragan' s State cf th e Uni on addr ess<br />

Reaeion to ct rding on GrmRudan kudgebbalan~ng liw<br />

Votes on txldget cuts, sale of Qnrail<br />

Votes on nud sar test hn, kcadcast a€ Senate sessions<br />

Vote on r eterkion of Mock grant fmding of hsalth ~ograns<br />

Vote on subj ecting dai<br />

Vote on Reagan groped hdget<br />

Vote on fm&.ng Ca<strong>mm</strong>oftLty Csedit Cbrp<br />

Vote on restrickion of use cf polyga*s<br />

indrstry to alltanatic hdget cuts<br />

Vote to set ad& Hse am& for additional RnHA flnding<br />

hthory and Alexa&r vate against Nicaraga rebel aid<br />

Barrmenrsdmi& and RoEmn vote for aid to Nicaracga r W s<br />

House vote on aid to Nioaracya rekds<br />

Delegation expresses anern on Honaras and Nicaragua<br />

All 6 manbers urge rdease d RnHA lam fmds to Ark farmers<br />

Bunprs and Pryor vote against aid for Nicaragua rebels<br />

P y x votes for mck rquiring balaned Ixtdget. Bunprs 'm'<br />

Delegstion salts 3-1 in favor a€ NRA-backed gm msasure<br />

m y Anthow stands tall (ed on firsarms vote)<br />

ALl 4 Qngressnen vote to ease gm antrd reskrictions<br />

Alexander only om in &legation to apse hMnq of Likya<br />

Votes on contra aid bill<br />

Delqation rated as South1 s most liberal<br />

OY16/86 A13 1<br />

OI,/19/86 EeO 5<br />

Ol/29/86 A05 5<br />

oz/oz/ss m3 1<br />

02/oyf36 A10 4<br />

02/08/86 All 4<br />

02/09/86 CU7 5<br />

03/02/86 CCi7 3<br />

03/09/86 C05 1<br />

03/09/% C05 1<br />

03/16/86 C05 3<br />

03/16/86 C05 3<br />

03/16/86 C05 3<br />

03/16/86 C05 3<br />

03/21/86 A01 4<br />

03/21/86 A01 4<br />

03/23/86 C05 4<br />

03/26/86 A06 4<br />

03/28/86 A20 6<br />

03/30/86 C05 1<br />

03/30/86 C05 I<br />

OW10/86 A05 1<br />

04/12/% ZU8 I<br />

Ow13/86 C05 I<br />

0$/16/86 A12 1<br />

0$/20/86 C05 1<br />

05/23/& A21 1<br />

05t2U86 A19 1<br />

~ouse &legation ulit<strong>mm</strong>ous in v&e for trade policy hill<br />

Reoent votes ky Mqtion 06/08/86 C08 1

Key v&es on issues<br />

House vote on aid to amtras. other recent votes listed<br />

Attendme records of delegation listed<br />

Votes on key issues in rent weeks<br />

Ddecption saits on rhiring fired air txdf ic oontrdllers<br />

All 4 Oxxjressnen vote to werrick veto of textile hi11<br />

Delegate saits on nudear arms testing f r ~ e<br />

Votes on imports. Bigeye bomb<br />

Liberty Rder ation (Mor Eij oriiy) rates menber s<br />

Key vutes on naj or issues<br />

Anerioan Cbnservative Union rates Ark delegation<br />

fi*t to LZe Q<strong>mm</strong>. Zero libpilation Grwth rates delegation<br />

No menber firmly cnrranitted to aomgranise tax r dorm bill<br />

Home menkrst votes on $200 million for Ihilippilaes<br />

Rent roll call votes<br />

Bill Alarander, Beryl Anthony vote for tax r &om bill<br />

J P Hamners&ni&. T Robinson vote against tax reform Ell<br />

Serator Dtl e Bunpers votes for tax r &am bill<br />

House members s@ it on veto werride aE S Pb rica sanctions<br />

Merican &&ration of Teachers rates delegation<br />

Delegation's reaxd on supprt of Reaganmeasures<br />

Study of votes on plrty issues<br />


Bill Alexmikr seen as in last gilaoe far hocratic Whip<br />

Smtt Hmter will not seek Democratic nmination far seat<br />

Terry Wood says he will not seek GOP namiration for seat<br />

Stuttgrt hily Leasr Moans lack of Alexander o p si tion<br />

State Senator Jim Wood Jr to seek Democratic ncrnimtion<br />

Bill Nexan&r sees Reagan victory on hdget<br />

Darrd Glasmck to ke mid oonsdtark to Jim Wood mpiq<br />

Fditorids amnent on Jim Wood ertry in Dm p-inary<br />

Bill Alexan&r says farm bill an& will help Ark farmers<br />

Qmgai~ mntriIxltions to Bill Alexander listed w i FEC ~<br />

Reagan ad hdget mts as~iled ky Bill Alexander<br />

Jim Wood Jr &f icieilly <strong>mm</strong>ces for Dm mination<br />

Wood opns campiq critician a€ Bill PJ mn&r<br />

Jim Wood says Bill Alemnder has made a lot oE mistakes<br />

Bill Alexa&r defends his vote a ~inst 1985 fm bill<br />

Wood-Alexanikr mntest puts splrk in Dm pimary<br />

KCRlC ads discuss Alexander. Cb<strong>mm</strong>unisn in Centrd Werica 02/19/% A05 1<br />

Natioral Gbnservative Eblitical &ion Q3<strong>mm</strong> opposes Alewnder 02/19/86 A05 1<br />

Bill A.letclndr not wmried ah& ads ky NCR~C--<br />

Bill Kl-nder ~ays NCWC is a pc&it-making organizatim<br />

Reprt on Brazil trip suhitted ly Bill Alexander<br />

ASCS has retraced rules on supports. Bill Alexank says<br />

Most TV stations in Ark deCl h to brcahst NCIRC ads<br />

KIAC called ' riat-wing kooks' ty Bill Klexander<br />

Jim Wood seen as opportunist ky Jmes Ebwdl<br />

Paot inkerested in rspxkabilily. N€P-iC leader mys<br />

KPAC efforts against Bill Alexander kacldire<br />

Jim Wood's FinHA lam at 1 pct is groper mdm pesent la<br />

Bill to hdp in&&ed f amas intraced by Bill Mexander<br />

Edi tori Q s di scuss AT sander-Wood contest<br />

Bill PJerander hopes Swane @dds GrmRudnan ruling

Jim Wood at Wahington seeking h&p f rcm conservative groups 03/05/86 A07 5<br />

m11 &ws Alera&r and Wood werily matched, Wood says 03/05/€!6 A07 5<br />

Cbntra aid scare used by Reagan ad. Bill IUaanckr: says 03/06/86 A12 4<br />

Hunan impact a€ federal M e t cuts studied ty B IVexander 03/08/86 A07 7.<br />

Klemnder and Wood aides exchange kerb abut candihtes 03/09/% A09 1<br />

Paragould mily R ess obj ects to NCHhC intrusion' 03/09/86 C04 4<br />

Bill Alexander can support installations in Honhras 03/13/86 A14 1<br />

Cuts in farm hdget criticized & Bill Hexan&r 03/16/86 A17 1<br />

herianworkerstratedunfddyIcygovt. Nexander says 03/16/86AlO 1<br />

Bill Alexander aontinms attack on Reaqan poliw in Nicaracua - 03/20/86 A08 4<br />

Jim Wood says Bjll Nexanfkr deffatingkhklf -h race<br />

Co<strong>mm</strong>erci&s far Woods were podxed by lhrxdl Glasmck<br />

Jim Wood mercids use character similar to "Ernest" ads<br />

West &m@is Evening Times hits Alexandx ea3n~nic talk<br />

Alexander hangs NCEAC ad against him on off ice wall<br />

KAW <strong>mm</strong>@Lains abut Wood ad r esemhl hg Jim Varney<br />

KAWts Jim Pitack worked far ZUewnder. Glasack says<br />

Bill Alerandel: quiay files for re-dection at Q@td<br />

Nmnder epr esses reservations abut US adAon near Libya<br />

Stir wer TV ads shws Glasaxkgs whlic rdatims savvy<br />

Jim Wood ~~)<strong>mm</strong>is&ons ~I1o1-y polls8 James -dl writes<br />

Rick AlUn to seek GOP nanhtion for race for seat<br />

Zllexander warns that US getting into war in Cekral herim<br />

Attorney for Jim Varney agency sees irfringmcmt in Wood a&<br />

Hazel Guyd questions 'bid taster label for NmC ads<br />

flexander seeks rdease of EtnHa aid for Ark farmers<br />

Wood asked abut Lse a€ his &ur& as political tase<br />

Jim Wood dedines interview with AEErCIO screening pariel<br />

Reards shw mrrdl Glasmck fli&ts aost taxpayas $11,000<br />

Glasaock spent 170 days in Ark during 11-ms period<br />

F;Lamnder mq be vd.neraI5l.e on four poirdx<br />

Reprt on campiip fund-raising lq7 candtichtes<br />

Jim Wood oondemns Al-nder for mt suppr tinq Lilyan raid<br />

Contrihtion r eprt filed ky KLemnder and Wood<br />

Wood says attack on Likya j ustif id, gives views on e&c<br />

West Wmghis Evening Times attacks Alemn&r m job r eaord<br />

IVbin mnckmns stand by Alaander on attack on Libya<br />

Paleskinian arrest may wwe Alexander ri@t on Li&a<br />

Nexander has 65-30 lead wer Wood in WTV Ibl1<br />

Darrdl Glasmck says his poll &ars race is dose<br />

Jim Wood receives ompig mntrihtf ons f ran AP&L<br />

Jim Wood hits streets in campi9 to unseat Alexander<br />

Glasmck polling method discussed ly Janes Ibwdl<br />

Pecqtion in Wabington raises $80.000 far Alexander<br />

Bill Alexander opposes dosing of EiZursnoth Sping hathery<br />

Nemnder recalls his roots in Oseda &ring campig talk<br />

Large crwd atten& Almder rally at Osceda<br />

Trip; to Cub pcmoted sales of Ark rice, N.exan&r ays<br />

Paragad Ihily Ress <strong>mm</strong>ments on Alexander statmerks<br />

wood-to use t6ucj1 raew ads in campig.1 against Alexander<br />

Citizens fcr herim Ft3n raising fmds fa Jim Wood<br />

Citizens for Pmcxica Fdsl ties to Reagm ad mentimed<br />

Editorid on Citizens for Rndca effort in khdf aE Wood<br />

Robinson's debts grcw by $350,000, report ACWS

Fimndal r e &ants Bill Alaender had large investment gain OY17/86 A03 4<br />

Editorid critical aE ZUtsanCkr i&a on bounty for terrorists OEi/18/86 C08 4<br />

Eblls &cw same mwm& in ~ocratic prime contest<br />

Alexandx, Wood and Alhin focus on emnq at meeting<br />

Bill Al exander. Jim Wood f jl e aunpicp mntrikutions r<br />

Tamy ~bimn. Wth Hanaker list campig.1 mntritutims<br />

Natimal GOP assails Al exmder in amtest offering trip<br />

Wood camgaig says it knew nothing abut GOP trip contesk<br />

F;Lexander says GOP is getting a Dm to & their work<br />

Bill Alexander says his mitiurns have riled GOP<br />

Full-pge GOP mntest ad against Bill Alexander<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette endxses Bill IVaander<br />

IUertan&r's honesty wins him respect and saxn<br />

National Rifle Assn encbrses Bill EUexander<br />

Bill Alexander: has kcking of National Rifle Assn<br />

Bill IUexamkr honored ky trade group for q r t efforts<br />

Alexander calls GOP ad a 'Elatant intrusion1 in Em pimary<br />

Clever adof national GOP mad hckfire. Brunmett writes<br />

Darrdl Glasmck denies Alexander &g that he is Repukilican<br />

Ri&t to Life EhC endbrses Jim Wood<br />

Alexander response to GOP ad criticized ky Jim Wood<br />

Wood co<strong>mm</strong>ents on endbrment of foe & black Congressnen<br />

GOP fotnd new way to meddle, Ermst Ilrmas writes<br />

Jomsboro Sm endbrses Bill Alexander<br />

Sunmary of contest ktween Al emnder and Wood<br />

Bill &Lemnder &feats Jim Wood for km mhtion<br />

Jim Wood calls Bill ALexandier a ' bL ithering idiot'<br />

Ormgilete, moff icial dection r&mns in Dm prty grim-<br />

Jim Wood prUy iilames media polls for his def~t<br />

Wood says he will pohkily vote for Alexander in Nw<br />

Al emnder called no longer mtouhabl e<br />

Bill KLemndert s ~imary victory (editorid)<br />

GOP can&&&+ Rick Albin ays voters now have dear &doe<br />

Bill Alexander &cws style as voters chasten him<br />

GOP ad ate acts attention in Washington<br />

GOP offer & free trip may have violated Ark lav<br />

Elditorid CLsazsses Alexander &sire to sell rie to Cub<br />

Bill Al exander to keep honor ari m Era United Coal Cb<br />

GOP candichte Rick Albin hears hie€ ~p talk by Reagan<br />

NCBC chmn responds to Ernest Emas mlunn on group's rmrd<br />

Coal mine trip (ed)<br />

Bill Al emnderl s ace@anoe of honoraria discussed Icy eds<br />

Rick AlMn cried af foreign trm& ty l<strong>mm</strong>akers<br />

Bill IUerander alzind3ns race f m majority whip in House<br />

Bill Alexander described as <strong>mm</strong>fortahZe with md.1 talk<br />

Bill Alexanllerr s decision on whip job undnaracteristic<br />

Bill Alexander looks tclward hane (ed)<br />

ALeranckr tells veterans his stand on aontra aid<br />

Voterst message (ed)<br />

Wo trips by Bjll Aleran&r listed in Qngresdonal Record<br />

Natioml Repub Co<strong>mm</strong> sch-es &wing for free trip<br />

Rick Albin la&es Alexander for vote against spending cuts<br />

Granmhdan A& rnq rdce farm iname, IUewnder says<br />

ClTnpliq mntrikutions to Bill Nerander listed


INDEX 1986<br />

Rick Albin repr ts crungaiq mntritutions 07/23/86 AlO 5<br />

Bill Alexander favors in&pndenk stat= for Social Securiw 07/27/86 BD5 5<br />

Cberride oE Reagan veto aE trade hill urged by Alexander 07/28/86 AlO 6<br />

Rick AlMn t o tour fist t o talk to farmers 07/29/86 A07 4<br />

Len Blaylock speaks Spni& to ateck Al.aanderl s Brazil trip 08/08/86 A20 2<br />

StateGOPasksBill Alexandx toregay mst ofBrazil trip 08/08/86A20 2<br />

Blaylock questioned abut Ha<strong>mm</strong>erschmidt trip costing $66,400 08/09/86 A20 2<br />

Blqlock spke Spni &I, kt Brazilians speak Portuyese 08/10/86 A03 5<br />

Whatpyaff forGOPlottery (edon&wingforfreetripl 08/16/86Al6 1<br />

Farm export policy called failure I;K Bill IUaanCkr 08/21/86 C03 5<br />

Alexanckr foes (ed) 08/3l/86 C04 6<br />

Bill ill erander ~ y US s trade plicy exports j ob 09/02/86 a0 5<br />

Bill Alesender addreses state AIGCIO wnv 09/07/86 A12 1<br />

Rick Albin to talk with Agriculture Secy on fam pokdens 09/09/86 E08 1<br />

Rick Albin tells of meeting with Ridard Lyng 09/31/86 CM 4<br />

&n Ndziger mes to Jo~sboro to aiticize Alexander txmd 09/13/86 A12 2<br />

Nofziger called 'pridrno&hpiead ky meander ai& 09/13/86 A12 2<br />

Bailq Ibll &wsBSl Alerander lsadk; RickAlhin 61-30pct 09/20/86A03 1<br />

XI. exander and Allin f oms on farm, fiscal issues 09/22/86 A03 4<br />

Fee to fmd aiqrt security poposed ly Bill Alexander 10/02/86 A15 1<br />

Policy for ecronrmvery in Rist outlined & Bill EUewnder 10/0V% BOl 4<br />

Baily Rdl &ws Bill Alexander lead of 64 pct 10/07/86 A03 6<br />

Rick Allin says Bill Alexander missed 1,024 votes 10/10/86 A0 5 1<br />

fick Alhin says Al-nfkr hdp m&rmine IPnsirzln f re- 10/1V86 ED9 1<br />

Bill Alexander hits Repkdican policies in camgaig.1 wing 10/13/86 A01 2<br />

Rick Albin says he cffas mnservatian to voters of disk 10/13/86 A01 5<br />

Bill Alexander defends reoord, tells hcw to f i*t a<strong>mm</strong>misn 10/22/86 A04 1<br />

Bill IU emndsr took lmn of $100,000 for raoe lo/2V86 A04 1<br />

Rick Alhin says he recd fUl leg3L snt af GOP aid 10/ 23/86 A01 4<br />

Cbntrihtors to Rick Albin. Bill Alexander listed 10/23/86 All 1<br />

Rick ALMn asmils trmds ly Bill Alexander to Cda 10/23/86 Al.4 2<br />

Gazette edrses Bill Alesmder 10/29/86 A16 1<br />

Reagan plicies p-wide 'thirdman' inAlbirrBltmnder race 11/02/86 H11 2<br />

Jonesbro Sm ~ y Alexander s kattles for increased ria sales 1l/02/$6 C04 6<br />

Election returns $-IW Bill Xlexander hsa&d for win ll/OY86 A01 5<br />

Bill ALexander calls race a rderendm 11/06/86 A15 1<br />

Election returns, ly aomty, &ms Alexander weep 1Y06/86 A15 2<br />

B Alexander wants outside poke af Natimal Searrily (bmdl 11/26/86 A06 1<br />

IUetander urges sale CZE rice to Cub, cites grain toRmsia 1Y11/86 A03 4<br />

B IUesnnder warned far yrs that Reagan aonihcts secret war 12/15/86 A01 5<br />

Iran arms smnW pwes B Alexander riat as Reagan critic 1Y15d86 A03 5<br />

Vindication far Bill Alexantkr: (ed) 12/19/86 A18 1<br />

El e&f on r esd ts oer tif ied 1~27/86 ~ 1 31<br />

CONGRESS - HaJSE - M K DIST 0 2<br />

Tcanmy RoEnmnls first yr in 8ng marked ky wntraltictions Ol/OV% A01 2<br />

Fres Reacpn's mneions against Likya kacked ky T Robinson 01/09/86 A04 5<br />

T Robinson vws to groteck veterans hemfits frun cuts OI./09/86 A05 1<br />

GrmFbhan act gassage paised by R m q Rkdnson OI/10/86 Al2 6<br />

Cs<strong>mm</strong>ents of Tarrmy Robinson onUS handling of Likya sitmticm 01/10/86 A18 3<br />

lbmy Rohi.l'~~on wants Ensco to rdease didn k n resats OI/22/86 Ell1 5<br />

%my Rohinson tells Em about autom finding on idart 03,/24&6 A15 4<br />

Keith Hmakr denornoes ' liberal. intdlectml ditel 01/28/86 B01 2<br />

Keith Hmaker is owlher OE hnfare, Inc at Little Rock Ol/28/86 E01 2<br />

Keith Hanaker, 27. annornoes f m GOP nmimtion for seat OI,/28/% I31 2

DATE<br />

WEE (DL<br />

Keith Himaker &its he nwes @.wed a down fa Razorbacks<br />

Keith Banaker advertising emfiasizes Razorbck role<br />

Tarmy Robinson seek meet with EEa on Jacksonville &oxins<br />

Tbmy Robinson says hearing on his F'ERC bill ' kilocked'<br />

Wmy Robinsm discusses dioxin @an with EA off id&<br />

Has raised $256,000 for campip dek. Tcrrony Fbbinson says<br />

Rmy Robinson still cwes $300,000 far 1984 mpig<br />

Ttmy Robinson finds fault with RnHA opr ations in Ark<br />

!kmy Robinson made 28 trips kack to Ark during 1985<br />

Higb shoal. &udlents elicit sut~ising anwers fran Fbbinson<br />

Keith Hanaker fears his age may be okstaCle<br />

CrarrEord J&nson agency to handle Robinsan a&ertising<br />

Tanrry Rohinsm says he inkendis to pobe FmHa in Ark<br />

Fedxal El edti on Cb<strong>mm</strong> to rd e soon on Robinsm f inanam<br />

FEC general <strong>mm</strong>sel advises d earing 2 banks on 1984 loans<br />

Reservations on Reagan hidget @an expressed ky T RoEnson<br />

LR harbor f mding snag disamsed ky Tamy Robinson<br />

Air mrce aEficids assailed by Tamy Robinson wer LFWB<br />

Tbmy Robinsun lays hlane on Wahington for port fmd mess<br />

Campigr fmds report filed ky Ttxmy Rohinsonwith E'EC<br />

Robert mulkner files his camplig.1 gifts report with EC<br />

Keith Hanaker files his campiiy fun& re* with FEC<br />

Tcmy RoMnson wants ma tbcunerrts f olr hearing<br />

Cuts nee&d in Mense hdget. Tarmry Izobinson says<br />

Will the FEC mug Tcmy (ed)<br />

Keith Hmaker finds ~ohlen with m e r eaoqition<br />

US has alternative @an to Ehilippine hses. T Rohinson says<br />

T Robinson meets with Amy officials on LR slaclwater harkor<br />

Grarrm-Rudnan hdgst-balancing lm has supprt c6 T Robinson<br />

PAC& gave Tbuy Rohinmn mo& among f rehen<br />

%my Mbinmn sees medl victory in meeting on LR harbor<br />

Robert FXLkner ~oud of his ju&ci.dL service<br />

Robert Eulkner opens hsaCiyarters, introduces new staff<br />

Keith Hmaker discusses use CIE title Jude' Etiulkner<br />

01/28/86 B02 6<br />

OI/28/% B02 6<br />

OI,/29/86 B01 5<br />

OlJ31/86 A08 1<br />

03/3l/% A10 3<br />

02/0I./86 A07 3<br />

OYOJJ86 A07 3<br />

OYOY86 Alo 5<br />

02J02/% m3 1<br />

02/0y86 C E 4<br />

02/03/86 AlO 3<br />

02/04/86 EO1 5<br />

02/0q86 C02 4<br />

02/05/86 A01 2<br />

02/06/86 A01 2<br />

02/06/86 m1 2<br />

OYW/% A01 2<br />

02/07/86 A01 6<br />

02/08/86 A01 4<br />

02/08/86 El8 3<br />

OY08/& E08 5<br />

02/08/86 EO8 6<br />

02/09/86 A07 3<br />

02/09/%6 A12 1<br />

02/09/86 C02 1<br />

0 2/13/86 A0 9 5<br />

02/13/86 AlO 1<br />

OW13/86 E03 2<br />

02/14/86 All 1<br />

02/15/86 A18 5<br />

02/16/86 CO6 1<br />

02/17/86 A0 8 1<br />

02l18/% A0 9 1<br />

02/18/86 A09 3<br />

T Robnson trying to stop pvt retj.rm&-benefits rdctions 02/21/86 Ca3 1<br />

T~TUTY Bbimn warns liwyers that Cbng rnq curb ins panims 02/22/% ED2 3<br />

Robinson mntzrned ky 1m erborment stand on qn aontrcil 02/23/86 A09 4<br />

Re~a: lbry R Oakar co<strong>mm</strong>ends Tcmy Robinson 02/23/86 B01 6<br />

Janes Ibwdl says Dems m q war& to vute fnr: Robert Fhulkner 02/26/86 A13 1<br />

Keith Hamaker mes aides in campig.1 for GOP nanination 02/27/86 A03 3<br />

Shouting match on CNN involved T Robinson' s gm aontrd stand 02/27/86 A07 5<br />

Home Judiciary pnel qmstions T Robinson on gm mntrd 02/28/86 A01 3<br />

Wmy Robinson speaks at agri crisis meeting at Sherwood 03/02/86 A01 3<br />

T RoEnsm says Ark emn woad be killed ky gun restriction 03/02/86 C02 1<br />

Tarrrmy Robinson support of gm bi.11 kings $4.950 NRA gift 03/02/86 C02 1.<br />

lbmy Robinson <strong>mm</strong>&s on @am for LRAEB 03/05/86 PO1 1<br />

Tkmy Robinson nrrw 1-n~ tward aid for Nicaraguan amtr as 03/06/86 Al 2 4<br />

Keith Hanaker paises R es Reagan in talk to dub 03/06/86 A18 5<br />

Ttmy IWinson supprts Reagan request= for aid to mntras 03/07/86 A01 5<br />

Vote to give aid to Nicaracp rebels expalined ky Robimn 03/08/86 A16 4<br />

Keith Hanaker is fir& to file for czunpiig.1 03/10/86 ED1 4<br />

Tbmy Robinson reuses to meet with <strong>Arkansas</strong> Ikaoe Center 03/13/86 BO1 2<br />

Rmy Robimn says <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fkam Gnter acting like dcwns 03/1l/% B01 2<br />

Send out the dams. Tbmy says (ed) 03/12/86 A14 1

Robert W hulkner critical a•’ FbbinmYs 'dwns' renark<br />

Measme to restrict ERC donations m-sponsored lq T Robinson<br />

Bob EWiIkner says Robnson is issue in election<br />

Fad her states position on cyn lam and abr tion<br />

B9C reports are a reElection of Robinson1 s voting xwrd<br />

Robinson gets credit for saying one thing. doing another<br />

RoEnson hill would regulate wage US f inns py werseas<br />

E'aulkner Miberatdy &wed up to file with Robinson<br />

Robinson ends speculation as he files for redectim<br />

ltmy Robinson and Bob EkiLkner file far d-im<br />

Robiwn expresses reservations about US actims near Libya<br />

Jmes Rwdl sees Bob Fadher as reqonsiUe altermtive<br />

Jerry Ihrsselllsactnunt OE endtowmkfor !bmy Robinson<br />

Rokinson favors aid to Nicaraya rekels<br />

ZUan Lin&ay opposes Tmry Robinson fa hri mination<br />

Robinson says mntra arms aid in best inkere& of US policy<br />

I•’ LiQa behing blast, air strikes warranked, ~ ~ n s says o n<br />

US pol iq af intervention alled f ri9tening by aan Lindbey<br />

EL ton White will be wri tein candihte<br />

Robinrson foresees US mvd. Nocads a€ Nicaracga<br />

Maker ~ays he is ' m e Republican' than Ektdkner<br />

Robinson says LFWB mad k~ affected ky bwke resigatian<br />

Candidate Lindsay says tou* talk aids Likya's Hhahfy<br />

Char1 es L Sted, used Robinson off ice to ml iut funds<br />

Steel solicited utilities to support Robinson fund-raiser<br />

Tbmy Rotinson merits on Sted use cd dfioe tele@mes<br />

Will deal with Gazette dter E'EC clears him, Robinson says<br />

Jerry muden q s his permission not needed for Sted calls<br />

Rokimon mys he wirl supprt US stikes aginst LiLya<br />

Just dropping in at Robinson' s off ice (ed on Steel olls)<br />

Robinson •’la to imuguration in Larry Wallae' s @lane<br />

Rabinson sponmr ed am& to hi11 that be& itted Wdlae<br />

Alan Linby &ages Robinson ' sold1 seat to util iti es<br />

US bomhinq of Liba supprted bj 'Itmy Ibbinson<br />

Big talk, divwsionary plays aid Robinson over kility ties<br />

P;Lm R Lindsay swd fa alleged nowpy<strong>mm</strong>k af @one tills<br />

Fadher urqs House a€ Rq. E5C to review Steel case<br />

Faulkner cwns plrt of mgi.td 'lbwer as &es APSdr<br />

Faulkner &odd worry abut his Al& ties, Wbimn says<br />

Robinson r acts angrily to move aE WZ-135 tankers at LRAFB<br />

Rolinan &nies he oar Steel violated any lws for rdes<br />

Suit agidnst <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette king considered ky Robinson<br />

Candihtes report on fmd-raising<br />

Candi&tes f fie cnntrilxrtions reprts<br />

B0b F&ulkner antends Robinson is utilie an&&@<br />

Fadkner critical cf Robinson rdusal to talk toGazette<br />

State EC or&rs poke CT•’ mlls made ky Chades Steel<br />

Robinson dbes not suppr t mlleaqes on Qrada trade hi11<br />

Robinson's atty mns share in Olpitol Tbwer Udg wil5 Al&<br />

Robinson says raid on Lilya sent Russia a meszage<br />

US needs to get tou* with dlies, RoMnson says<br />

A look at Robinson's fmd-raising (ed)<br />

Labor endbrment af Robinmn is turmrould f ran 1984<br />

Keith Hmaker aitical d Rulkner interest in GpLtol Zbwa<br />

03/12/86 A16 1<br />

03/19/86 E01 1<br />

03/22/86 A12 2<br />

03/22/86 A12 4<br />

03/23/86 CO1 1<br />

03/23/86 COl 1<br />

03/24/86 A12 4<br />

03/25/86 A09 1<br />

03/25/86 A09 1<br />

03/25/86 A09 1<br />

03/26/86 A05 2<br />

03/28/06 A19 3<br />

03/3~% A03 4<br />

04/Ol/86 A06 5<br />

04/OY06 A01 2<br />

04/02/86 A03 1<br />

o$/oqR6 A15 1<br />

0/04/86Al5 3<br />

O$/OV86 Al.0 1<br />

04/04/86 KL2 4<br />

0$/08/% B02 2<br />

04409/86 H11 6<br />

O~lO/% E08 5<br />

O$/lI/86A01 2<br />

04/11/86 A01 2<br />

oIY11/86 A17 3<br />

04/11/% A17 3<br />

OV12/86 A03 1<br />

04'Iys6 All 1<br />

04/13/86 C02 1<br />

OV13/86 CU7 2<br />

04/13/86 C07 2<br />

04/1#86 A07 1<br />

0$/15/06 A07 1<br />

04/16/86 A03 4<br />

0$/16/86 A13 5<br />

0$/17/86 A03 5<br />

04/18/86 A01 3<br />

OU18/86 A01 3<br />

0$/18/86 A01 6<br />

04/18/86 A08 1<br />

04/18/86 A08 2<br />

04'18/06 A17 1<br />

0$/19/% A10 4<br />

04/19/86 AL3 1<br />

0$/19/86 A13 1<br />

04/19/86 A13 1<br />

04/19/86 A13 4<br />

0$/20/86 A03 4<br />

04/20/86 A05 3<br />

04/20/86 A05 3<br />

oq20/86 c02 1<br />

04/20/86 C06 3<br />

OV21/&6 A03 5

Rmy Robinson says FEC officials are '=re losers' OY22/86 A01 6<br />

Tbmy Robinsun to ask House to dean out FEC nest 05/22/86 A01 6<br />

Bill Nexandex assails trip p-anoters as lcarpt~ggers' 05/22/86 A03 1<br />

Eaoknson to ;seek bill for Army to mwe Vertac dioxin. bxn it 0 V22/86 A08 3<br />

Robinson diskcnts tax rcform bill, lUan Linhy ckarges 05/22/86 A08 4<br />

The national GOP v. IUexander (ed) 05/22/86 A16 1<br />

National GOP targets seat for aid, Bob Ehulkner says OY23/86 A09 3<br />

liokdnson cannot stop transfer of IC-135s. IUan Linhy says 05/23/86 A09 4<br />

Keith Hanaker critical QE tax partllerd-dp 05/24l&6 A03 1<br />

Clmning ouh the nest at FEC (ed) OY24/86 A18 1<br />

Illan Lindsay resorts to namecalling in Levy my speech Os/2s/% E07 2<br />

Tanmy Robinson ~~~ys<strong>Arkansas</strong> &ace Center pk Lin&ay in race 0V25/86 E107 2<br />

Sumnary af race between Tcmy Robinson. Alan Linlbay 05/25/86 C06 1<br />

Sk<strong>mm</strong>ary o•’ aampig.1 for RepuUican noanimtim Os/25/% C06 4<br />

Keith Hanaker defeats Rohext FWl her for Rewb riamiretian 05/28/% A01 3<br />

Tbnmy Bhinson easily tki~ts Alan Lindsay for Dem miration 0V28/86 A01 3<br />

~epub returns shw maker and Eadkrter in close ram 05/28/86 A10 1<br />

Complete &l &ion returns fran prty ~imaries<br />

05/29/86 A01 2<br />

Tbrmy RoMnson says he had not expected su& a wide margin 05-'29/86 A01 2<br />

Eip shws voting str engkh cf Al mnder and Wood, by <strong>mm</strong>ty 05/29/86 A01 5<br />

Keith Hamaker says he will dcate world on Tu<strong>mm</strong>y bHnson OV30/86 A05 4<br />

Qm@ ete r etmns (by <strong>mm</strong>ty) in Dm and Repb primari es 05/3Y86 Al2 5<br />

The GOP hms what it likes (ed)<br />

06/01/86 C02 1<br />

DomesLts describe FEC pcobe of Robinson finances<br />

06/03/86 A01 4<br />

%my Robinson &scribes FEC inquiry on f hndng<br />

06/05/% A01 5<br />

'Jhmy 12obinson says utilities have n~aclr;balledl him<br />

06/0v86 AlO 1<br />

Rohinsonl s mpiq ~ece&nt (ed)<br />

06/05/86 Al.4 1<br />

FEC begins darif ioltion of 1ws on loans to candihtes 06/06/86 A03 1<br />

Editorid. on Robinson daim of utilities 'Uackballing' 06/09/86 AlO 1<br />

Wmy Rotinson says his mdt will halt mwe o•’ E-135s 06/1l/86 All 1<br />

Tarmy Robinson to discuss Nicaraga strategy with Reagm 06/1l,/& All 2<br />

Bill Alerran&r cpt $2.000 for tour of Virginia ma1 mines 06/12/86 A01 2<br />

Eibve a€ IC-135s at LRAEB not hrred by Fbbinson amd<br />

06/12/86 A01 2<br />

ltmy Rdinson warns Reaqn contra aid mq be r &wed 06/12/86 A20 6<br />

Keith Hanaker to meet with R es Reagan<br />

06/13/86 A08 3<br />

Aid for Nioararagta rebeLs supported by 'Itmy IWinson 06/1q86 F;LO 3<br />

Tanmy Robinson got WC mntriIcutions a•’ter go-utility vote 06/ly86 C06 3<br />

Biggest Fhrt•’are &eers went to Tcmy Robinson<br />

06/18/86 A03 4<br />

Robinson co<strong>mm</strong>ents on ct rding in Xlaski shoal dists case 06/18/86 C03 1<br />

Keith Hamaker hears hi& pep talk by Fr es Reagan<br />

06/20/86 A03 5<br />

Robinson assails Ark peace group for apology to Liba 06/21/86 A15 1<br />

Supporting KC-135s (ed on T a q Ibbinsonls work)<br />

06/22/86 C04 1<br />

%my Robinson says Em a<strong>mm</strong>itted to Cleanup at Vertac 06/25/86 A09 1<br />

Sndll group attends fund-raiser for Keith Hanaker<br />

06/25/86 EO8 1<br />

Tanmy RoI=d.mn smlds opponents of aid to mntras<br />

06/29/86 E02 5<br />

Eats at tax reEm flwd, Robinson says<br />

07/0Y86 CO1 5<br />

Tamy Robinson jest abut Hha&•’y upsets Keith Hanaker 07/03/86 A18 1<br />

Ark PSC will not poke rse of Robinmn office bj C L Steel 07/06/% A14 1<br />

Navy pmj ect mu*t ky LRAFB cping to OUahana, re@ says 07/09/86 A13 2<br />

'b<strong>mm</strong>y Robinson says LRAEB still my get Navy Fogran<br />

07/09/86 A13 2<br />

Nmy mntradi&s statments of bhinson on site for pogram 07/10/86 A05 4<br />

Emy bin son discusses mntra aid in talk to veterans 07/12/86 A16 1<br />

Tb<strong>mm</strong>y Robinson urges Dm f8rQ to cfiange leaders. image 07/13/86 HI4 3<br />

Hamaker critical a€ R~hinson failure to &liver on LRAFB 07/13/86 B37 1

RepUiaan Rrty grwing in Centra Ark. K e i fimaker ~ says 07/13/86 E07<br />

'Ibmony RoMnsonB s folk image is a fdlacy, &ith Hemaker ~ y 07/1$/86 s E08<br />

~~nson~mesdel~tionm~berfrrrWhiteHouseattitude 07/1!j436A01<br />

Robinson says he has ar<strong>mm</strong>itment to re@aae wing at LRAFB 07/15/86 A01<br />

!Rxnny Robinson fails to hat mwe a€ IQZ-135s f ran L M 07/15686 A03<br />

%my Robinson mys he cpt little hap in I@-135 effort 07/16/86 A03<br />

Rohins~n style fadted ky Hamaker in loss of Navy p-wan 07/16/86 A10<br />

Robinsont s appeasement a€ Rntagn not waking, Gaz ekte .cays 07/16/86 A12<br />

Co<strong>mm</strong>ent on Robinson as dePnagqe on issws 07/16/86 A1 3<br />

'Ibnuy Robinson and Keii3-i Hanaker 1 ist mpiq mntrihtions 07/18/86 A16<br />

!bmy Bkimn hidles at chq by Keith Hamaker 07/20/86 C06<br />

R<strong>mm</strong>y Robinson critical CE Senate versim of tax bill 07/2v86 A03<br />

Smte version of tax rdm will hurt Ark, Ibbhon says 07/25/86 A03<br />

Wants stronger sanckions against S Psrica, T RoEnson mys 07/26/€6 A03<br />

Keith Hamaker waxlts S Erica sanctions apaied to all rations 07/29/86 A03<br />

SatisEied with @am for & a i d weapons. T Robinson says 07/30/86 A13<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Feaae Center thanks Robinson for hap 08/ Ol/ 86 A0 9<br />

For eig.1 trade, hpr t restrictions discussed ky T Robinson O8/ OW% C01<br />

T<strong>mm</strong>y RoMnson reduces mplig.1 &kt to $270,000<br />

08/07/86 A03<br />

Robinson was liw to force rnflitary to hy liqllor locally 08/G7/86 A03<br />

Working on the Cbngressional mrtgage (ed on RobinsonB s &kt) 08/09/R6 A18<br />

Roast and tcast o•’ Len Blaylock raises fmds for Hanaker 08/09/86 I338<br />

Libere feikration ranks Tcamny Robinson in Hocse top 10 08/10/86 C06<br />

Gmette asks why GOP attacks Alexander. b-zt not Wamnerschidt OWlY86 A08<br />

Gmette asks why state GOP rationalizes Hmerschnidt trip 08/11/86 A08<br />

lhree senior Reagan a& <strong>mm</strong>hrs went to Brazil with IUexmder 08/13/86 A08<br />

Robinson hi11 calls fur Ee cf Gmrd, Reserve in drug war 08/13/86 A03<br />

T Rolrimn favors giving Pres oontrd o•’ National Gmrd<br />

Newprt cbuple wins free trip frcrn Natl ReyxlkiLican Co<strong>mm</strong><br />

Winners of GOP drawing for trip plan to vote for aewnder<br />

Tarmy Robinson makes the top 30 (ed on Liberty Fdn rating)<br />

Keith Hanaker cri tiaal cf RoEnmn1 s mnE xontatianal style<br />

Ttnuny Fobinson not given honored west &atus at plrty<br />

Pending tax r &om hill discussed ky %my Robinson<br />

Rmy Robinson insists tax incrase, mt cut. nxning<br />

Keith Hamaker wanks curb on franking privileges<br />

Latest poll &am Robinson 1 eading Hamaker 68 to 19<br />

Tbmy Rohinson criticizes tax r dorm hi11<br />

Keith Hanaker mys Robinson paid supporters at rallq<br />

Tamny Robimn &ries allegation rally auZlience was mid<br />

Fblitical lwe for sale (ed on ply far cheering section)<br />

Keith Hanaker challenges Tcmy Robinson to dekate<br />

Keith Hmaker accuses AFkCIO a€ dirty politics<br />

W<strong>mm</strong>y Robinson psses hill for use aE troop in &ug war<br />

Rmy RoMnson sax es mup on drug war bill<br />

Keith Hanaker ~ y Robinson s f hnoes not on ' upand-upl<br />

T Robinson says Hariakerfs r -ation hinders brrcwing money<br />

he red TQnmy *an& up (ed on drug war speed.1 in Qngress)<br />

Tawny fEobinson votes $200 million far: fhil.i@nes<br />

Ientagm objections to drug war &led 'b.111' & T RoEnson<br />

Incnme tax r &urn r deased ky TcrrmIy EEobinson<br />

J3ailq Ibll &as Tomny Rokinson lea& Hmaker ly 6&16 pct<br />

'IX' s success (ed on plssage a€ &ug war bill)<br />

'Rmny Rdxinson m&cided on tax rdm bill vote

%atmy Robinson meets with mntra leader in WaAington 09/2$/S A12 5<br />

EIX return Ekcws Keith Hanaker got tax r&md 09/25/86 A09 5<br />

mar Keels sees no cmfl ict in his &do2 aE GOP 09/25/86 A15 1<br />

Keith Hanaker s&&les Filipino. S Hrican. Chi1-n to speak 10/02/86 A08 6<br />

Kei~Hmaker saysTRobinsontalksonewzy, votesamther 10/03/86A14 1<br />

Keith Hanaker aEfers to settle RoEntmn camplig debt 10/06/86 A08 1<br />

United S tedwor ker s dbm tes $2.000 to Tormrry Rohi nson 10/06/86 A09 1<br />

'Enmy Mbinson seeks pledge on tax rate cimnges 10/(n/86 A02 2<br />

Keith Hanaker -11s for Robinson to take drug, polygragh test 10/08/86 A07 5<br />

Superfund hill draw 'no1 vote fran lbmy Robd.nson 10/09/% A01 3<br />

Robinson joins 16 in @edge to oppose ex bill hanges 10/09/86 A03 3<br />

Has cut a &al with Fentagpn on LRAFB, Tbmny Robinmn ws 10/10/& A03 1<br />

Keith Hanaker qpnsors Americans for Democracy Abrcad talks 10/1l,/86 A17 4<br />

RohLnson and Hanaker speak to Peace Ihrou* Str mgth group 10/12/86 B0 9 1<br />

'Itmy RoMnson <strong>mm</strong>mends Reaqn on sunmit talks action 19/l!Yf6 A09 4<br />

KC-135 @am fmds aamd on hold at rquest OE T Robinson 10/16/86 A01 5<br />

Businessexecutiveairwitedto Oerkrd. Arkby Keith Hmaker 10/16/86 All 1<br />

Keith Hamaker f adts Rokd.nson on tax r dorm vote 10/16/86 All 1<br />

~rEJa~Grarddis~esRobinsonclaimonK-35@arremwe 10/17/%A01 3<br />

R<strong>mm</strong>y Robinson &nand$ E-135s return to LRAEB 10/18/86 BCD 2<br />

Tarmy Robinson iqores Keith Hanaker in camptig.1 10/19/86 EOl 2<br />

Old-fahionedplcy rdiedupon @ Keith Hanaker for victory 10/19/86 E01 5<br />

List of aorrtrihtors to Tcrrrmy RaMnson- Keith Hamaker 19/19/86 CM 1<br />

Plan to cut rates of AP&I; ky 10 pct rwealed ky Keith Hanaker lC]b20/86 A07 1<br />

Keith Hamaker states his stand on abr tion 10/22/86 A04 5<br />

!kmny XohLnson supprts US expulsion of Rwsians 10/22/86 A04 5<br />

RobinsonwantsArny Cbrp to study erosionat Judkins home 10/2$/% A07 1<br />

Keith Hanaker critidzes Tanmy Fbbinson effort an job 10/24/86 A10 1<br />

%my Robinson lost effort for Jacksonville dean water an& 10/24/86 A10 4<br />

Keith Hanaker hack Jok for Arkarms' hrquet 10/25/86 A14 5<br />

Keith Hanaker ~ays Tarrany Robinson r &used to appar with him lQ&7/86 A05 2<br />

Waining of Ni

-pig f mds report filed ky Jchn Bul H<strong>mm</strong>erschmidt<br />

Jdm Rail Hamnersduni& speaks to Ark GOP El~eartive Gbrrrm<br />

Jchn Rul Hamnersdunitk f Lies r e on trip alaroad<br />

Limits paed on VA lcans are ill-, EhmterschrniCk says<br />

United States Chanber aE Cbrranerce likes HmerschtiCk record<br />

J P Hanmerschmi& hcks Donald R Mdton for US EirEhal<br />

Ha<strong>mm</strong>erscimiik seeks aid far he@a&lor-damaged dairy ha&<br />

J&n EEiul H<strong>mm</strong>~s~idt to seek 11th term as GOP mngressnan<br />

Ha<strong>mm</strong>cxschmhk files for redection<br />

Su Sargerh files for Democratic nmktion far (bngress<br />

J&n Ha<strong>mm</strong>ersdmids honored by hvets<br />

HmerscfimicZ 1 ist s mpiq mrrtrikut or s<br />

Hmersdmi& aitidzes aviation fmd practices of govt<br />

Hamerschmidt to gmh for fe&ral aidfor hirymen<br />

Hmn~schmi& bid to aid &irymen is rwivd<br />

Hanmersmi& files financial ctisdosme form<br />

Sw Sargent fadts Hmet-shidr: on Arknkls Nudear One<br />

E<strong>mm</strong>~sd7miit mys veter am ken& its assur ed<br />

lhnmershidt gaises om&& of Jmes Burmtt as N m &ieE<br />

Su Sargerrt lists &rations far campi9<br />

J&n P Ha<strong>mm</strong>enrschmi& given Ram 'Ihrou* Strength ward<br />

Na<strong>mm</strong>ersdunidt trip to Rcif ic a& $66,400 per Ferson<br />

Su Sargent assails Harmnersckirnick vote on Natioml Guard<br />

l3ailq Fbll &ws Ha<strong>mm</strong>erschmi& lsads Sargent ky 84 ptk<br />

Superfund bill dram 'nov vote f ran Jchn Bul Hamersd.lmi&<br />

Golden Bulltbg Award ges to Jahn aul Ek<strong>mm</strong>enrshidt<br />

Jchn RIA Harrmerschmidt r eceivs WC aontrihtions<br />

J P Hmerschmi& lets his record db the talking<br />

Sue Saxgent &sasses her campig.1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette makes no enCbrsement in race<br />

Election returns &cw Hmers&mi& headed for win<br />

Reion returns. @ aounty, in Ha<strong>mm</strong>erschmidt lanrblide win<br />

J&n Bd. Hmnersduniat has $167.753 leEt in aampicg fund<br />

Election results certified<br />


Beryl Mary made 19 trip hxk to hme &st last yeax<br />

Beryl Anthony @.am t o lead hsarinq on insmane costs<br />

Chpicp f mds r eprt f fied ky Beryl Anthony with FEC<br />

03/20/86 A07 1<br />

03/2Y86 A03 4<br />

03/26/86 A05 1<br />

03/27/86 All 1<br />

04/02/86 Al.3 1<br />

O$/l!y% E02 4<br />

0$/20/86 A07 1<br />

0$/27/86 A09 1<br />

05/07/86 cm 1<br />

05/08/86 A15 3<br />

05/24/06 E02 6<br />

05/31/86 M.3 4<br />

06/22/86 FD7 1<br />

07/16/86 A06 2<br />

07/18/86 Al2 6<br />

07/2q86 A02 1<br />

08/08/86 A20 5<br />

08/19/86 A14 3<br />

09/20/86 A03 1<br />

1$/09/86 A01 3<br />

10/16/86 A02 2<br />

10/22/86 A0 4 4<br />

10/27/86 AOI 2<br />

10/27/86 A01 6<br />

10/29/86 A16 1<br />

ll/OFJ86 A01 5<br />

ll/M/86 A13 5<br />

12/10/86 All 3<br />

12/27/86 A13 1<br />

Bay1 hthory supports law to assist Tirnex Corp<br />

US fmcXng of c~vert wars in Gerrtral herica hit ly B hthory 02/12/86 A08 2<br />

Besyl Anthony ranks hi* on list of EAC recipients 02/1$/86 A18 5<br />

BerylAnthony fin&fi&r&delltswa&•’ensebdptaTt OY17/86AO9 1<br />

Files r eprt on taxpayep-f inaned trip ahcad 02/21/86 A03 1<br />

Rev Lanar Keels m q seek Dm mination for seat 02/23/86 A03 6<br />

Bill ky Beryl hthony mud abli& one tax break 02/28/86 C03 1<br />

Berylhthory hitsReayn~antoredLzoeEkensionServioe 03/07/86A08 1<br />

Hearingonaffordability of liability inshd.d&B Anthory 03/1Y86 E08 4<br />

Beryl mory files for r e-dections 03/2v86 A20 1<br />

Beryl Anthony theatens to use tax club on insuranae indzstry 03/23/86 C06 5<br />

Rev Lmar Keels to seek GOP nmhtim far House seat 03/25/86 A09 6<br />

Lanar Bels is GOP candii$te. Ste&enA Bitely is Indepndent 0q02/86 A13 1<br />

hthony usmlly •’Lies first-class on trip hane 04/l3/86 C07 1<br />

Arrthory lauds measure on tr& 06/14/% AlO 4<br />

Beryl hthq lists ompliq mntrihtors 04/20/86 A07 1

Beryl Anthory irked by tone of artide on Tramr mnunents 05/13/86 C07 4<br />

Honoraria ptsAnthory we llimit, &nationmade to charity O5/16/& A09 4<br />

-1 Anthony lists campig ankrihtions 05/20/86 C08 2<br />

Beryl Anthony satisEied Lake Oua&ita potected 06/W/86 All 3<br />

Beryl Mary supports Bigeye &enid bomb prqect 06/ly% A03 4<br />

B q l hthory got FAC wntrihtions after pwutility vote 06/1Y86 CE 3<br />

B q l Anthony seeks &lay in prmit to Ensa on KE3 hrn rate 06/26/86 A08 4<br />

F W Lanar Keels critidzes Anthory vote m oontra aid 06/27/86 A19 4<br />

Rev Lanar Keels calls for war: on dru~ 07/0$/86 A21 1<br />

Tax inaease on alcohol and tobacm urged ty Lmar Keels 07/09/86 A21 1<br />

Rev Lanx Keels trying to arrange talks in LW strike 07/10/%6 A03 4<br />

Anthony defends @an to brn &enid weqons at Ar~~ral 07/26/86 All 1<br />

Lamar Keels ~ y Anthony s &es not mnsdt with aonstituerks 07/27/86 H3 4 1<br />

Satis€ied with &miail weapons @amr Beryl Bnthony says 07/30/86 A13 1<br />

Nave weapns may still be hilt, Beryl hthmy says 08/15/86 Al.3 1<br />

Beryl Anthony has reservations abtk prts of tax rdm bill 08/28/86 C02 4<br />

Wlq Ibll &ws Beryl Anthony leads Lmar Keels 77-8 pct 09/20/$6 A03 1<br />

Lanar Keels <strong>mm</strong>@&ns he pts 30 respCf: in sampliq 09/za,/% A04 3<br />

Tax bere•’ its for 4 &k f inns secured by Beryl Arrthory 09/23/86 A01 6<br />

Beryl Anthony may seekto be chmnof Dim CbngCampaiw Cbrmn 03/25/86 A09 2<br />

Beryl hthory &dims to &bite Lamar Keels 09/25/86 A15 2<br />

Lamar ICeels dzarcp Beryl Ilnthory with king mug' 09/28/86 A08 2<br />

Democratic lexkr&ip xde far Rohimon seas to be faaing 09/28/86 CM 5<br />

Election returns shw PPlthory headed fcx victory 10/OY86 A01 5<br />

mar Keels q s Anthony talks abut not liking blacks 10/12/86 El9 1<br />

Lanar Keels cm@ains of lack of state GOF suppr t 10/19/86 CO7 5<br />

RepElican Rrly Chmn Len Blaylock cormnenks on Keels race l0/19/86 C07 5<br />

GOP 'mequivocaLlyl back Keels, Len Blaylock says 10/22/86 A08 4<br />

Breaking up is hard to ib (ed on Lmar Keels and the GOP) 10/2$/86 A22 1<br />

kkansas Gazette embrses Bay1 hthony 10/29/86 A16 1<br />

Election returns, ty <strong>mm</strong>ty, in Anthony weep 11/06/86 Ill3 5<br />

Anthony gets co<strong>mm</strong>itment •’ran AIEt s mvid Harrington ll/21/86 A12 1<br />

Besyl Anthony aplogizes for call for aboli&ing AIDC 1l/21/86 A12 1<br />

Rsagan policies create job losses, Beryl Anthorry .cays 11/2l/% A13 1<br />

Beryl Anthony attack on AIIX: dram editorid response 12/07/86 C04 1<br />

Beryl Anthony ends mpig.l with $350,000 sm@us 12/09/% A06 4<br />

Anthony says hewill use campig.1 chest to defeatW J MclCuen 1Y09/% A06 5<br />

Jchn Brmett co<strong>mm</strong>ents on Arrthory and Maen sprring 12112/86 A03 1<br />

W J McCuen sees Anthony bask on fmd as a challenge 12/12/86 A03 4<br />

Beryl hthory named chmnof Cem Bngressional Campigl Cb<strong>mm</strong> 1v19/% A21 1<br />

Hats off to B q l kthory ! (ed) 12/22/86 A10 1<br />

EL ection results ax ti•’ ied 12/27/86 A13 1<br />


Ben Wee @an woad make 1st Dist 50 pct Nack 1u13/86 f08 2<br />

Ben MGee sans suit to alter 1st Dist bm&ries 1V13/% I38 2<br />

ELF shcw p ent. ~opsed amties in 1st Ri.st 1l/l3/86 B38 2<br />

M x e pwer. 121t rot emu* (ed on McGee @+an) 11/16/86 C02 1<br />

Efects of Ben Wee @an discussed Icy J&n Brmett 1l/18/% A03 4<br />

Harold Flwers Law Society endbrses @an of Ben McGee lL/23/86 A17 1<br />

Stuttcprt mily Leader discusses MGee @an 1l/23/86 C04 5<br />

Ben MGee imcar ate on m e sta tgnerrt s. aolunnist writes 11/26/86 A03 4<br />

Redistricking could give blacks &an= 11/30/86 C03 1<br />

ReaapLng the votes (ed on Ben McGee flan) 1l/30/86 C04 5<br />

Baxter T3dldn amrments on plans for Dist rdigrment 12/U7/86 C04 2

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Ress ao<strong>mm</strong>ents on Ben MGee @.an<br />

12/14/86 C04<br />


Milibry aid for Nimraga rebels not wise. Bunpers says<br />

midpryor asks endtoThailandeffart onUSeqortedrioe 01/0$/86 A09<br />

Dale Bunprs urges action against terrorim<br />

OI/05/86 El05<br />

David Pryor urges action against intermtianal terrcxian 01/05/86 E05<br />

DaleBunpers to a-spmr El1 to aurbabse of the dderly 01/08/86 A09<br />

Dale Bunpers bcks Reaganv s san&ions against Litya 01/09/86 A04<br />

Dale Bunpers wants blder US action aqinst Litya's %&fy 01/18/86 A18<br />

David Pryor merits on Liba terraria<br />

01/10/86 A18<br />

Asa Hutchinson annomaes bid for GOP nomiration<br />

01/1$/86 A01<br />

Hutchinmn attacks Sen m e Bmpers as a likral<br />

03/11$/86 A01<br />

Dale Bunpers tells studmts to be wary of lakeling<br />

Ol/ly% a01<br />

Dale Bunprs to seek fmding far US 71 prcjeck<br />

Ol/lE@6 B08<br />

Bunprs says Hutckinson &odd give his solutions to pokdgns 01/16/86 A13<br />

David Pryor terms GrmRudan lw 'Veganatid<br />

OI./17/86 A01<br />

Asa Hutchinson says mitidm frm Bmprs mazing' 01/18/% A16<br />

Dale Bunpers asks US24 delay pogran that oould harm Ark agri 01/18/86 ED8<br />

Dale Bunpxs tells AEA he opposes f &ral cuts in e&c f rnCk 01/19/86 A03<br />

Edtcation vouchen: @an of Reagan a& opposed ky mle Bunprs 01/19/86 A03<br />

Lean. mean mtl, defense favored by IhleBunprs<br />

OI/19/% A03<br />

David Pryor voting r eaor d sham mare liberal trend<br />

Ol/19/% a0<br />

David Bunper s voting more aonservative 1 ine<br />

01/19/86 Ell0<br />

Artide explains hm GOP attmgs to link Bunwrs to &nrteC& 01/19/86 C01<br />

DaleBunprsandJZlvidPrymvatealik95 pct of thetime 01/19/%COl<br />

BentonQmty milymoaatedonBunper~Hutchinsonrae 03/19/%C04<br />

Asa Hutchinson discusses his attendme at Bob Jones U ~ V 01/19/% CE<br />

Children o•’ Asa Hadinson attend private Christian school 01/19/86 C06<br />

DaleBunprswearslilxral label, H&&insonfmi8mentalist OY19/86 C06<br />

Dale Bunprs 1 ealis rival. ky 66 pct, pll &WS<br />

Ol,/Zl/86 A07<br />

Dale Bunprs urges US to stu* Russia arms proposal<br />

Ol/21/86 A12<br />

DavidPryor rnnernedover Defense Des stu* on hanicals 01/23/&A14<br />

David Pryas seeks advane on lcans for 1986 crops<br />

01/23/86 C08<br />

Jackson T (Jack1 Stegh ens may seek RepB<br />

ican mina ti on OV24A36 A01<br />

Janes Bwdl artide on Jack Stemens interest in seat 01/2V86 A17<br />

Jack S ternens v isi ts GOP strategist in Los Angel es<br />

Ol/2S/86 A01<br />

Statgnak ~ y Jack s SteBens mnsidming Semte raae 01/23/86 A05<br />

Asa Hutchkn says he is in race for GOP nanimtion to stay 0l/26/86 A05<br />

Artiae explains poor relations between Bunprs, Steghens Inc 01/26/86 CO3<br />

Bunpers votes on qs matters hme not @leased Stemens f inn Ol/26/86 CCG<br />

Colmnist says WeBunprs is the king not ma& by Stelhens Ol/26/86 Ca3<br />

Dale Bunprs once r etd political cnntriimtion of W Stemerr; 01/26/86 C03<br />

Gw Bmprs refused to intercede with R3C for Stefiens, Inc 05/26/86 C03<br />

Witt Ste@ens supported F!auhs in race with W e Bunprs 01/26/86 C03<br />

Jack Stefiens entry in ram woud strain f rienr%hip OV%/% CU7<br />

ArkGOPofficials, aide toJackSte@ens&sclslss can&dxy 0I/28/%A07<br />

List of persons who hme given $1,000 to Bunprs anpig OI./29/86 A12<br />

Report &ws mle Bunprs campig frnd has $735,752 OI/29/% A12<br />

Jack Ste@ens holds talks with GOP pnel in Wa&ington 03/3v86 A09<br />

Jchn IBul Hsmnerschmi& discxsses pssihle raoe kg Ste&ens 0u3l,/86 Al0<br />

M e Bunpers, David Pryor lead in correcting of farm hi11 01/31/86 C02<br />

Asa Hutchinson lists fmds of $40,360 for Semte race 02/01/86 A07<br />

Ehd-cE-year campig.1 re@ filed by lkvid Pryor<br />

02/0l/86 A07<br />

%ai rice mld in '<strong>mm</strong>terf eit' pckages, Dvid Prya says OYOl/86 A07

Ihle Bunpers has reoord of frquent trip tack to Ark Oz/Oy86 B03 1<br />

David Pryor made 17 trips hck to Ark during 1985 02/02/86 B03 1<br />

Jack Stefiens candi&q woad make his wealth a pxbJ.ic rmrd 02/02/% C06 1<br />

CrarfordJchnsonagenq to handle MeBunprs campig ads 02/01%/86 E01 5<br />

Dale Bunmrs will hire Bob Squier as media amsdtanh 02/0B/86 E01 5<br />

Dale Bunprs, mvid Pry= objeck to transEer of LRAE3 gams 02/0!j&36 A08 5<br />

Pitfdls await Jack Stefiens. plitical amlyst ~ y s 02/Oy86 A13 1<br />

Asa H&cfiinson calls himself a conservative alternative Oz/O5/% A14 1<br />

David Pryor objects to tax bill on Blue Qoss-Blw Shidd OY05/&6 C01 2<br />

Proposed change in tax status of TIMKREF hit bf mvid Pryor - 02/05/86 COl 2<br />

~eGlations dielay on farm bill hit ky lZtvid pry&<br />

Dale Bunprs expresses reservations on Reaqin hldget @an<br />

David Prycg to 9 on three-1.lat3.cn tour idter reoess<br />

Senators Bunprs and Pryor patest USIN @an on plyments ak<br />

Dale Bunprs wants Semte on TV, changes in f ilihrster rues<br />

Editorials discuss Jack Ste&ens interest: in S a t e raa<br />

Rev Eirtin Luther Eng extol14 ty IZile Bunpers<br />

Bill Terry discusses ormMration nee&d to defeat Bunpets<br />

Asa Hukchinson rdeases anwers to questions f ran MA, NEA<br />

Hutchinson &allenges Bungers to rdease amers to NER AEA<br />

Dale Bunpers anwas questions on radio call-in &w<br />

Dale Bunprs oppses s&oal hsing to adniwe integration<br />

Dale Bun~ers states his views on El bamber, Star Wars<br />

AEA endbrses me Bunprs, rdeases his allEwers on issues<br />

Asa Hut chinson says he did not expect AEA enar ment<br />

Fsa Hutchinson urges e•’f idency to cushion bdget cuts<br />

SM (Star Wars) s w r ted ky Asa Hut& inson<br />

Dale Bunprs meets with Army dfidds on LR harbor fm&ng<br />

Dale Bumpers criticizes IRS rqui ranek on &ily travd 1-<br />

Jack Stemens to reveal @.ans very =on<br />

Jackson T Sterhens decides not to seek Semte seat<br />

US kcking of-lhilippine pes &rms ogposed ly m e Bunpers<br />

J&n Brmett discusses Jack Stemens decision not to run<br />

U r n policy for ECS attacked ky M e Bunpxs, mvid Pryor<br />

Jackson T Sten ens will support GOP Sera te ncminee<br />

Gazette says Jackson T Stemens made ri@t deusim<br />

Thai ufficials patest mvid Pryor pwidm on rice<br />

State campig hea3mrters opemd ky Asa Hutchinson<br />

Bunpers and Pryar sy hdget cut hurts pultry inastry<br />

David Pryar fisausses EhiliHnes situation and Maroos<br />

Favors feral limit on appals ky aomricted fdms<br />

Lineup with dtr i+conservatives described ty Janes Rw&l<br />

Democratic Party m t mwe kck to center. mvid Pryor fays<br />

US actims in Ehilippines hdps radicals, mvid Pryor mys<br />

Smpension of IRS rules on trwd records lacked ky D Pryor<br />

Dale Bunpxs, mvid Pryor potest: imprt of Qnadian lunber<br />

Farm lcan Ell to hwe suppart of IBle Bunprs<br />

Dale Bunpers a-sponsors bill on IRS rmrdkeeang rdes<br />

DaleBunpers supprts Ell to halt export aid to Angla<br />

Asa Hutchinson m@msizes supprt far Mense qending<br />

torials discuss Jackson Stemens &cision<br />

Dale Bunprs annomcres campigz for reaedion<br />

DaleBunpers calls we CE labels Ibnkrupk1<br />

Fsa Hutchinson hits Bunpers &and on Angola aid<br />

oyoy84 C01 5<br />

02/06/86 E01 2<br />

02/U7/86 A05 1<br />

oym/86 c02 1<br />

02/09/86 A08 1<br />

OV09/86 C04 1<br />

02/10/86 A07 2<br />

02/10/86 A09 1<br />

OYll/86 A03 1<br />

02/11/86 A03 1<br />

02/11/86 A09 5<br />

02/11/86 A09 5<br />

02/ll,/86 A09 5<br />

02/12/86 A13 1<br />

oy1y86Al3 1<br />

02/12/% A13 5<br />

OY12/% A13 5<br />

02/13/86 EOl 2<br />

OV13/€6 C03 5<br />

OZ/lqJ% A01 4<br />

02/1Y86 A01 2<br />

02/ly86 A05 4<br />

02/16/86 A03 4<br />

02/16/86 A05 4<br />

02/16/86 Al 4 5<br />

02/18/86 AlO 1<br />

02/18/86 C08 1<br />

02/21/86 A03 3<br />

Oz/2l/86 C02 6<br />

02/23/86 A09 1<br />

02/23/86 A09 3<br />

02/23/86 CO1 3<br />

Oy24/86 ED8 5<br />

02/25/86 All 1<br />

02/25/86 C08 4<br />

02/27/86 A03 1<br />

02/28/86 C02 3<br />

03/0Y% All 5<br />

03/02/fX A13 1<br />

03/02/86 m1 3<br />

03/02/86 C04 1<br />

03/04/86 A01 3<br />

03/06/86 A01 3<br />

03/0qJ86 ED1 3

IZlvid Pryor urges ad to seek EEC compensation to US<br />

Jackson T Stefiens mys he will support GOP nmime<br />

Dale Bunpers mys Brp gwe insuEficierrt notie m harbor<br />

David Pryor, M e Bunpxs say farm bill being sabtaged<br />

Reagan ad reneged on rioe subidis agrerment, serators say<br />

Dale Bunprs wants medl firms ansidered in tax lm changes<br />

Asa Hutd7inson notes Bunprs thene in 15n4 race<br />

Hutchinson says Bunpers votes with eastern liberals<br />

David Prym says Mense I&@ hdcpt has 'pd&ngt<br />

Setlator M e Bmprs seek hdop of Hot Spiqs Natl EBrk<br />

D Pryor says US potects Thai rice at expnse a€ US farmers<br />

Serator Bunpers assails tinker policies<br />

Bmpr s suppr ts 1 hit on 1 obky ing by ex-govt df id a1 s<br />

Line iten vets per for Res famred bj' Asa Hukcfiimn<br />

EEB faulted by Lhle Bunprs for milk contamimtim crisis<br />

Reagm aid plan far Nicaraugua rebls trodes mvid Pryor<br />

Redectfm oamplig of IhleBungers begins statewide<br />

Asa Rutchinson says m e Bunprs in off ia too long<br />

Dale Bunpers f 3es for reelection as f iling period opens<br />

George P Scfiatz angered ky questidng ky M e Bunpers<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Jqmes name Asa Hechinson 'bkstandhg Young Mann<br />

Bunpers lau& American wcy a€ life, cpvt in speech<br />

David Prym r d fmdr; frm EAC groups interesed in tax law<br />

David Pryor lacks legis to benefit working disabled persons<br />

Asa Hutchinson files for GOP naniraticm for Smte<br />

Bmpers assails Reagan ad am to art Extension Service<br />

Dale Bunpers sees gridlock frm an&<br />

on kudget<br />

Bunprs urges a& seek allies1 aid in Liba &twdbwn<br />

Bunprs and Prycs seek indmnity for airyrnen<br />

Pryor m-iticizes Army Cbrp of Ehgineers on LR harbr ftnds<br />

Federa aid for farmers bcked ky candihte Asa Huthimon<br />

Bmprs urges caution on hasty legislatian, const amendnerks<br />

R-yor discusses popxed federal tax refarms<br />

DaleBunpers, Asa Hut&inson unopposed for prty ncmimtiun<br />

No oppbnent far Bunpers in pcimary alled bad for H&&inson<br />

Serator Robert ble ampigs Ear Hut&inson at fmd-raiser<br />

Bunpers mnerned that ma&& may get nudear arms<br />

James Ebwdl mlunn on Robert Ible campig trip to LR<br />

Bunprs praises antipoverty workers<br />

Bunprs calls for farebeararm, not faedosure. for farmers<br />

Hutchinson says hi* filing fee & rid Bunpers ary opponent<br />

Dale Bunpers, Fsa Hutd-iinson to &hte on TV in October<br />

Dale Bunprs fears effect of strike against Likya<br />

Frym and Bmpr s tie resolving dispte to talks with Cam&<br />

Bunpers seeks halt to tax aid fa mn-domestic aqi wners<br />

Bill to pot- satellite dti& ~ E L S spmr ed & Bunpers<br />

Asa Hutchinson supports Reagan in US bmbing of Libya<br />

Bunpers reports $582,907 campig.1 f md, Hukcfiinson $38,204<br />

Dale Bunpers ur-s mntrd aE ill& Mgrarhs into US<br />

Qrkribtion reports filed in Senate race<br />

Cache River Wildlife Rducp &siqatim @eases senators<br />

David Pryor vws to fiat Qmdian trade accord<br />

Dale Bunprs lauds Res Reapn on SPLT treafy action<br />

Asa Hutchinson redves campig funds f ran AP&<br />

03/0Y86 A07 6<br />

03/05/86 M.2 4<br />

03/05/86 m1 4<br />

03/06/86 A03 1<br />

03/06/86 A03 1<br />

03/09/86 A14 4<br />

03/10/86<br />

03/10/86<br />

H)8 5<br />

B08 5<br />

03/lv86 A05 4<br />

03/12/86 A09 1<br />

03/1u86 C02 1<br />

03/13/%6 A08 5<br />

03/13/86 A08 6<br />

03/lY% A18 3<br />

03/16/86 A01 2<br />

03/17/86 A01 6<br />

03/18/86 A03 3<br />

03/19/86 HI1 1<br />

03/19/% ED1 4<br />

03/20/86 A01 2<br />

03/21/86 A03 6<br />

03/23/86 A03 3<br />

03/23/86 C06 6<br />

03/24186 ZU2 6<br />

03/25/86 A09 1<br />

03/26/86 A09 4<br />

03/21/86 A13 2<br />

03/27/86 A16 2<br />

03/28/83 A14 2<br />

03/29/86 A01 2<br />

03/31/86 A05 4<br />

0q01/86 A07 4<br />

OB/Ol/% C02 3<br />

08/02/86 A01 2<br />

OqOY86 A03 4<br />

04/02/86 A07<br />

OllJ03/86 A16<br />

3<br />

1<br />

04/0V86 a 7 1<br />

04/0Fi/€% A12 1<br />

0 +'OY% C12 4<br />

OV07/86 A05 6<br />

0$/1l/86 A03 3<br />

Oq13/€!6 All 2<br />

Og/l3/86 ms 2<br />

04/l3/86 EL3 3<br />

01%/14/86 A10 I<br />

OV16/86 AlO 5<br />

04/18/86 A17 3<br />

04/19/% A06 5<br />

04/19/86 Alo 1<br />

OV23/&6 All 1<br />

OV23/86 All 1<br />

04/23/86 A12 3<br />

04/26/% B08 1

entagon re€- bill m-sponsored by Sen Ihle Bunprs OsJ2WaS A02 1<br />

Pryor urges 5-yr kan on ex-dfiudls lobwing for oth~<br />

qvts 0$13Q/86 A18 1<br />

DaleBunprswanks ~obe a€ Pkxicr, me cf drug contra fmds 05/02/86 A21 5<br />

Study QE nuclear @ant safety urged ly Sen Cale Bunpers Oy03/%6 A09 5<br />

Fancy mwers ky Bvid Pryor hap rie irrterests OVOV86 DO1 3<br />

Poll &ows twethirlfs of voters @an to vote f a Bunpers 0560V86 A12 1<br />

Huthinson assails Bunpxs for voting for tax increase 05/07/86 Al.5 1<br />

%x increase had encbrment of GOP, Reaqtn. Bunprs says OyU7/86 A15 1<br />

David Pryor sponsors teach= intern p+ogram 05/07/86 A15 4<br />

David Pryar ap@au& tax bill m be•’ or e Qngr ess OsbOW86 A01 5<br />

Hutainson attacks Bunpers reply on tax supprt 05/08/86 A17 1<br />

Dale Bunpers hap ~aise rn tax werkad plan OY09/86 A03 1<br />

Syndicated mlunnists discuss Bunpers as pes mndihte OYlY86 A03 6<br />

Dale Bunprs wants hearin* on saf* af US nuclear @ants 05/ll/86 A07 1<br />

Activism on key issues gets mvid Prym &are a€ atterkion 0 Fj/ll/86 C07 1<br />

Bun~ers urges keeping law giving SEC power to curb utilities OVlEb/86 A01 3<br />

David Pryor wants tax break for ste& indrs renwsd •’ran bill 05/lY86 A03 3<br />

Dale Bunpers ~ y pending s tax bill aids small hsiness 05/16/86 A05 1<br />

Bunpers El1 to r qui re lids on most oil. 9s leases 05/18/86 A12 3<br />

Dale Blmprs lists mpiq aontrikutors OV20/86 C08 1<br />

David Pryor warns Reagan itans in tax bill an 'Achilles hed' 05/2l/86 A17 1<br />

Dale Bunpers and Dwid Pryor exeed $100,000 in inme OY21/86 AJ.8 4<br />

David Pryor urges action afainst deficient nursing hanes 0q22/86 A01 3<br />

Bunprs and Pryor &nand Ebr est Service potect Omchita Lake 0v24/86 A19 1<br />

Mbert Ible speaks at fund-raiser for Hutchinsunat myettwl 0v24/86 E01 2<br />

Sen Bmprs seeks f mding for dderly n&riti.cn pogram 05/25/86 KLO 3<br />

Hut &inson seeks servioes of ansd tant IZlrrdl Glasaxk O$r31/86 A18 1<br />

Bmprs and Pryor seek curb of pawas of Fl%tC OY31J86 C08 5<br />

Asa Hutdinson says mle Bunprs waffling on dlehte 06/01/86 A03 1<br />

Hutchinson mys Bunpxs has missed 538 Semte votes 06/0lJ86 A03 1<br />

Spkesnan says Bunprs has voting reaxd of wer 90 pct 06/01/86 A03 1<br />

David Pryor p edicts easy pssacje d tax r dorm bill 06/01/86 All 1<br />

Dale Bunprs named best orator in US Semte 06/02/86 A08 3<br />

David Pryor mdt to tax bill woud aid Murfiy Oil Cb 06/03/86 A01 6<br />

Farmer &allengesBosd-iwitz on his vote an Ark farm pohlgns 06/03/86 Ell1 2<br />

Serator Bosdwitz campigm in state far Zka Hutchinson 06/03/86 ED1 2<br />

Hutainson asks Bunpers to set rmrd straiat on emkarp 06/05/86 A12 1<br />

DaleBunprsaslcs Reacjantoreamsickr &cisicunonS&T 11 06/06/86A10 1<br />

Dale Bunprs. Ihvid Pryor open on amcks to bx bill 06/07/86 A10 5<br />

Edtitorial dismsses Bosdwitz ' s campiqing for Hutchinson 06/07/86 A16 1<br />

Bmpers and Hutchinson differ on rejected Reagan r<strong>mm</strong>inees 06/08/86 A13 1<br />

Rudy Bosdwitz called odd pick to hdp A s Hutchinson 06/08/86 CO1 1<br />

Dale Bunprs honored bj lkkansas Eharmaci st s Assn 06/09/€% A09 3<br />

Asa Hutd-hson decides not to use TBrrdl Glasmck serviazs 06/10/86 A09 6<br />

Sen Pryor criticizes weapn to be ma& at Pine Bluff Arsellal 06/11/86 A03 1<br />

Dale Bunprs votes to hep IRA &lction, Pryor votes 'no1 06/12/86 A01 6<br />

Bwnpers and Pryor differ on tax r d m bill 06/l3/86 A23 1<br />

Pentagon off id& reversal on Bigeye guzzles mvid Pryor 06/1Y86 A05 1<br />

Serators' behmior reElespessureon ~andtaxrdorm 06/1Y86C06 1<br />

David Pryor loses effort to end tax break for sted ind~stry 06/18/86 A01 2<br />

SenBunpers seeks capttal gains heak for takers of true risk 06/18/86 A10 4<br />

DaleBunprs <strong>mm</strong>rnent on ct order on Waski schod disks 06/18/86 C03 1<br />

Dale Bunpers urges B es Reagm to keep SALT I1 06/19/86 A03 3<br />

Senator Bunper s seeks stu* cb nuclear aant safety in US 06/20/86 C08 1

DATE<br />

WI;E CDL<br />

Bunprs wins fiat to dew annesty fa tax cheats 06/21/86 A05 1<br />

Bunprs saysveterans sliated infavar cf sold-aatedweapon 06/22/86 C06 1<br />

~q6r ters hve di•’ficulty-getting acess to-me-~unpers -<br />

Serators Bunpers and mar: vote for b x rdm bill<br />

BunpersandPryca hop tax refom El1 to be rwisedin a<strong>mm</strong><br />

David Pryor asks for explaration o•’ defense mntracts hi&<br />

Dale Bunprs seeks end to hi&ways at mtl prks<br />

Dale Bunprs votes against am•’irmation o•’ d FQrrion<br />

Indzpndent Social Security Mn fmored & mvid Pryor<br />

Lains for 85 Ark farmers mucj~t ly me Bun~rs<br />

Asa Hutchinson agrees with W e Bunpers on Grand Gdf<br />

David Pryor discusses Swiet-Rnerican EZnerging Leadxs Cbnf<br />

Tax reEorm aids <strong>Arkansas</strong>. Bvid Pryor siys<br />

George Bush visits LR to aid Asa Hutchinson campig<br />

Dale Bunpers questions effect a€ Gearge B& visit to Ark<br />

Response to Iberging Leaders Cbnf pleases Etvid Pryor<br />

Carroll Qmty 'lkilxme discusses BunpereHutchinson matchup<br />

David Pryor answers questions on tax r &m Mll<br />

Asa Hutcbinson mitical uE Bunprs votes on ptral eun<br />

David Pryor f id& questions on radio call-in shw<br />

Fsa Hukchinson attacks Bunprs rmrd in speed.1 to veterans<br />

Sen FBvid Pryor addresses American Leon in Ark<br />

Asa Nutchinson Lses pl1 resa ts for f md-raiser awal<br />

Hutcbinson failed to sy hm he fared in pll<br />

Dale Bunprs discusses imyprtant pending legislation<br />

Bsa Hutchinson to ask Sernte to amend Grand Gulf brill<br />

Dale Bunprs and Asa Hutchinson list mpticp aontrihtions<br />

David Fryor says Fentagon has amassed slush fmd<br />

Hut&inson asserts his propa would aid Bunprs FWC plan<br />

Asa Hukcfiinsan lr on issues on energy @ides<br />

D Bunprs takes iss~<br />

with Hutchinson on ai r@me prts vote<br />

I\sa Hukad'linson. IBle Bunprs qar wer Grand Gulf 2 @an<br />

Asa Hutchinson gan would allw EERC to rule on Grand Gdf 2<br />

Is GOP r enomung states1 ri*ts (ed)<br />

Asa Hutcfiinson travds to wdl. calls for gas decontrd<br />

David Pryor says Reagan circumvents Bng on &en weapons<br />

Pryar wants tax donations for hq anated to drouth areas<br />

PACb have &nated $291.949 to m e Bunprs ompig<br />

Semte defeatsBunpxs proposal to pot& SS fran cuts<br />

DaleBunprs not d-rm a€ Robert ~ yrd because uf 1974 incident 08/03/86 COl 5<br />

Asa Hutchinson hits Bunprs' reaord on Smdl Business pnel 08/07/86 AlO 1<br />

Pryor's amd: on Bigeye bmb narrcwly defeated in Semte 08/08/66 AOI 2<br />

Hutchinson plrsues d19 on Bunpers attendance at SBAmeetings 08/08/86 A02 2<br />

Hutchinson aonsLilt;a~sh~erepttationforviuous rhetoric 08/08/86A03 4<br />

Bunprs enpges in politics of mnfusion, Hutchinson charges 08/13/86 A07 1<br />

Legislation toaddress 'crackv p-olden sponsored ky DPryor 08/1v86 A03 1<br />

DaleBunprs shucks niae-guy image to respnd to Hutchinson 08/15/86 A03 4<br />

Pryor seeks loan p~ment deferral. for dro&h-stricken farmas 08/1Y86 C02 3<br />

Bunpexs ~13ments on spoe pogrm- trade. Nicara~pla rebels 08/17/86 All 1<br />

Bunprs wants dean race. Wt will avlrwer remrd distortion 08/17/86 All 1<br />

Helping local. eooncmy is priurity. Asa Huttfiimn says 08/17/86 All 5<br />

I<strong>mm</strong>mization f mding souat ly Serator Bunpers 08/17/86 A11 5<br />

Bmpers fails in try for more Ril.kri@~t sdmlarhip fmding 08/18/86 A07 1<br />

Pending tax r &om bill discussed ly Bile Bunprs 08/20/86 Al2 1

lhadCo&ranmgesHa&insonelectionfarReagansupport 08/21/86AO5 1<br />

Bunpers spaks on emn issuesat Ckossett hidqe &dicatim 08/24/86 A02 1<br />

Pavia Pryor attacks needless clear-cutting of forests 08/24/86 A10 4<br />

Gnfickte Asa Hutchinson adaesses AWF on emirme 08/24/86 All 1<br />

Dale Bunpers speak on emirormental issms at PWF meeking 08/24/86 All 1<br />

Dale Bunpers ~ays his preabrtian votes are on rap. incest 08/27/86 A02 4<br />

Serator Bunpers addresses Assa of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cbrnties 08/27/86 A03 3<br />

Hutainmn abortion lr inr3cates he is oneissu2 czlndiate 08/27/86 A03 4<br />

Latest pll &ws Bunprs lea& Hdchinson. 63 lm 23 08/28/86 A03 4<br />

Asa Hut&imn says Bunpers hcks aagencies with rn Ark imp& 08/28/86 A14 1<br />

Asa Hutchinsonwarns of 'pyay m&yl m grwingde•’icit 08/28/86 A14 1<br />

Co<strong>mm</strong>issims on HuL&in;son 1 ist explain their role 08/28/86 1u4 1<br />

David Pryca: hdds hearing in LR on health-care f rnding 08/29/86 A01 2<br />

W@I P mrks to seek Serate seat as writein candihte 08/29/86 A07 3<br />

RuulingatBunprsl strength (edonBungersandnatldlebt) 08/29/86A24 1<br />

Bunprs and HutcPiinson exhange vollqs on Bunprs reaord 08/31/86 EOl 2<br />

Rays in s&oal issue is ptrt of Bunpers-Hutchinson mntest 08/31/86 BOl 2<br />

Hutchinson seeks a sprk (ed on aborii.cn letter) 09/01/86 A14 1<br />

Bdlq pll &cws 65 pet favor IbleBunpersfor Serate seat 09/03/86 A07 4<br />

P Ibrbes endxsed ky KLan Isa&r Bn Black 09/03/86 A08 4<br />

Janes A Baker 1x1 mpxigs in LR for Asa Hutchinson 09/0V86 A01 2<br />

Nim goups urge Bunprs and Prym to f i&t Rehquist hid 09/0V86 A0 9 5<br />

~Hut&insonco~dbe~itfrmtlel;atewi~lZlleBunpers 09/05/86A03 4<br />

Bmpers and Pryor kegt break for Qsun Fbods in tax code 09/07/86 A01 2<br />

Senators M e Bunprs and David Prym hd d Tyson stock 09/07/86 A09 2<br />

Dale Bunprs gets standing ovation at state AFGCIO cunv 09/07/86 Al.2 1<br />

StateAFL-CIOhearsAsa.H&chinson. thenencbrsesBunpers 09/07/86A12 1<br />

Wanmy Robinson endbr sed ly state AEL-CIO 09/07/% A32 1<br />

Dale Bunprs favors end to bm on rim sales to Cuh 09/08/86 AlO 1<br />

Dale Bunprs un&ci&d on vote m Rehrquist 09/08/86 A10 1<br />

Gecxge Bush lr urges gnergenq $1,000 donations to Huthinson 09\08/86 A10 4<br />

Hutchinson critical aE Bunpers rdle in Tyson tax break 09/08/86 AlO 4<br />

IBlfi Forbes sues to hdt Bunprs-Hutchinson &kte 09/09/86 E08 3<br />

Serators Ihle Bunprs. IZlvid Pryor hck farm law changes 09/09/86 C02 1<br />

Bunpers, Hutchinson treadwd.1-warn plth in &kite 09/10/86 A01 2<br />

Asa Hutcfiinson &ws irritation when questianed & reporters 09/1l/86 A03 4<br />

Dehte with Bunpers called morale lifter for Hutchinson 09/1l/% A03 4<br />

Debteinclu&dquestionof abortioninrap. incest: cases 09/1l/86A07 1<br />

DaleBunpers. Asa Hukchincpon clarify pints frcm dekte 09/11/86 Q07 1<br />

SeratorBmprswinsendbrsem~~Emdsfor~axlt enter 09/12/86CCB 3<br />

Hutchinson attacks Bunprs votes on Reagan appintees 09/13/86 A09 1<br />

Hutchinson used only roll call votes in critidsn cf Bunprs 0 9/13/86 A0 9 1<br />

Pare far f rim& of Ble Bunprs raises $164.000 09/13/86 A13 1<br />

Asa Hutchinson issu2s &bte challenge 09/14/86 A05 1<br />

David Pryor cn pnel to h e widen= against Judp Claibrrre 09/1Y86 E01 2<br />

&ark Spctatat says Hechinson mired in ri*ewing muck 09/lla/86 C04 6<br />

ClariQhg views on abrtion (ed) 09/16/86 A12 1<br />

Bunpers and Pryor vote to aordim Mrquist and Scalia 09/18/86 A01 6<br />

Dale Bunpers intrchces bill on satdlite stramhling 09/18/86 A14 1<br />

Dale Bunprs woposes AID kar for cxrmpteting a gi dwdop 09/18/% C08 1<br />

Asa Hutch inson &•’en& Reaqn A& in talk to fiwanians 09/19/86 A19 5<br />

Dale Bunprs. IZIvid Pryor seek aid for soybean farmers 09/19/€!6 C03 2<br />

SEE officiaJ. &sptes mle Bmprs statanent on spending 09/20/86 A03 4<br />

Asa Hutchinson gets Repub f mds. kt mt Regm visit 09/Zl/86 CO1 1

EiXt0rid.s anmnent on Bunpers-Hukcfiinson &hte 09/21/86 C04 1<br />

Dale Bunpers resgondb to Hukchinson on m attenhnae 09/2Y% AlO 3<br />

David Pryor, Beryl hthony get tax benefits far Ark f inns 09/23/86 A01 6<br />

Asa Hutchinson wodd offer bill on job and etqorts 09/23/86Al2 4<br />

Rsa Hutchinson f was amending US consti t&im 09/24/86 A05 1<br />

David mar: seeks to expnd export s&i@ pogram 09/24/86 A12 5<br />

National RepllAimn Seratoria Cbarrm gives Hutchinson $94.000 09/2q86 E08 1<br />

Asa Hutchinson advocates 1 hits on inswane awards 09/25/86 A18 1<br />

'ax r eEm bill hd& drama for Bunpers and Pryor 09/28/86 AOI 5<br />

M.1 &ws Bunprs leading Hutchinson ly 53 to 30 09/30/86 A03 4<br />

Dale Bmprs asks rwocation of Pindall lansill ~ermit 09/30/86 A08 6<br />

J&n Brunmett colunn on m e Bunprs drop in Bail y Ibll 10/OY86 A03 4<br />

Dale Bunpers hops to hr Grand G d f I1 charges 10/01/86 A14 5<br />

Asa Hutchinson can defeat Bunpers. Sen J&n Heinz says 10/02/86 A03 3<br />

Asa Hutchinson aitical d Bunprs' timing of SS forms 10/02/86 A13 1<br />

Bmper*~olrmd:onGrandGuLfUdt2blockd~Serate 10/03/86A01 2<br />

2kaHut&insonstressesdefense, =ysBunperssoftonUSGR 10/03/86A14 3<br />

Senate bocks Bunpers am& on satellite sigml sclramhling 10/03/86 A16 4<br />

AM3 Bishop Brookins paises Bunprs. Ftyar werride vote lO/OLL/86 Ell1 2<br />

Dale Bunprs critical CIE fmding Natl lWbv& for mocracy 10/05/86 A13 4<br />

Lhi ted Stedwor kers Union bna tes $2.000 to IM. e Bunpers lo/&/& A0 9 1<br />

Bailey Ebll &ws Bunprs leading with 5S29 10/07/86 A03 6<br />

David Pryor writes ~~ about alleged harassnent of S&Ls 10/08/86 A01 5<br />

Bunprs vute criticizd ky Htltchinson was asked & Reaqn 10/08/% A07 1<br />

David Pryor votes 'no1 on rmwd. a€ Judge Claiborne 10/10/86 Al9 1<br />

Taxpyer M11 c6 ric$ts needed. mvid Pryolr mys 10/1l/86 A14 5<br />

Dale Bunpers bck probe a€ Nicaragm Wmng of Hane 10/12/86 Bll 1<br />

Sen Branprs warns of gwt 'disirrfmation' mpiq &ngers 10/12/86 KL1 1<br />

Asa Butchinson attacks Bunprs vote f w Reagan measw e 10/12/86 C01 1<br />

Ass Hutchinson sides with Jesse Hdms against Fres Reagan 10/1Y86 COl 1<br />

Army Ehgineers' polides need stu*. IbleBunpers says 10/13/86 A05 5<br />

SoLkhwest Times Rard entbrses Ible Bunpers for red ecticn 10/13/86 A08 5<br />

Dale Bunprs notes anxiety we failed sumnit talks 10/14/86 A03 3<br />

Asa Hutchinson, mle Bunprs r egt gifts to camgaiqs 10/16/86 A07 1<br />

Asa Hutchinson lr on Bungets vote m IMF fm& 10/16/86 A14 3<br />

Bunpers hill Mocking land sales at BUll Shoals appwed 10/16/86 GO8 1<br />

Tk uth- in-a& er ti sing i s i ssue in Bunper e He & inson race 10/17/86 A03 1<br />

Reform uf kdget poc~ss ~ucj-~t ky mvid Pryor 10/17/86 A10 4<br />

@ntribtions of $500 or more to Bunprs, Hutdinson 1 isted 10/17/86 C08 1<br />

Asa Hut&inson mlls amtest a horse race 10/18/86 A02 1<br />

Asa Hutchinson oppses tax break for Tysm mods 10/18/% ~ 0 5<br />

Sane mntrihtors to HkcMnson adnit thq never hard of him 10/19/86 A01 2<br />

F&@ &cws 75 pct of Hukchhn dbnorsarefrcm out of state 10/19/86 A01 3<br />

Redection of m e Bunpers endxsed kg <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette 10/19/86 C02 1<br />

Southwest Times Record enarses Bunprs for r e-deckian 10/19/86 C04 4<br />

Asa Hutchinson giledges to seek SH research for Ark univs 10/20/86 A07 1<br />

Dale Bunpers voted with Reagin stand on IMF 10/20/86 A08 1<br />

Whols mftontheaomies (edonBwprsandthe IMFvote) 10/20/86A08 1<br />

David Pryor: acmes EBI of &using its per 10/20/86 A09 1<br />

Conservative Ri.gest with artid e on Bunprs mailed to Ark 10/22/86 A03 6<br />

Asa Hut&jnson calls for irquiry on @an@ bned @ aontras 10/22/86 A04 5<br />

Wer 25.000 free copies of Qnsemative Digest mailed to Ark 10/23/86 A03 6<br />

Asa HuLchinson saysBunperstwc~fac~dabut SM (Starwars) 10/23/86A10 5<br />

Spkesnan says Bungers nwen: vdced to rdce SIX funding 10/23/86 A1 0 5

Asa Hutchinson dedhd use of ghaned Reagan message 10/24/& A03 4<br />

Dale Bunpers campig has heavy war Ehest f a f iml weeks 10/2q86 A13 5<br />

Dale Bunprs wants hi*= Soda Security COLAS 10/25/86 A14 4<br />

Bunpers camp &clines &hate with Httchinson. cites schae 10/25436 A34 5<br />

Rwiw CIE M e BunpreAsa Hutchinson mpig lo/%/& A01 6<br />

m e Bunprs calls m e Hutchinson a& 'lxa&y1 10/26/86 E05 1<br />

List CE rent mntrikutions to m e Btmpers. Asa H&&inson 10/26/86 B08 5<br />

Esa Hut&inson reg hmslarge amt t% mndrit fm& received 10/26/86 C04 3<br />

Necptive a& of Hutchinson criticized ky naleBunpers 10/27/86 EOI 2<br />

Tip tax lms amaairrts & Bvid Pryar get rwerse resats 10/29/86 A03 1<br />

Huthinson' s attacks on Bunprs dm @g~s of mqing voters 10/29/86 A03 4<br />

&opsedre~enuebndm&inArksupportedIy~vidPryar 10/29/86A08 3<br />

Federd &c cuts hit ky WeBunpers. defended ky Hukchinson 10/29/86 A09 1<br />

Hutbinson rerives gm issw Bunprs pt to rest in 1974 10/29/86 A0 9 1<br />

Jchn Errnett calls 12-yr-ald issue m f irsarms a dead &ck 10/30/% A03 4<br />

Asa Hutchinson @eased with olltside fulding of campig 10/3l/86 A03 1<br />

Reagan a& may suppr t m e Bunprs on r epd aE aircraft tax 1l/01/$6 A06 2<br />

&a Hut& imn says Bunprs a& &sicped to f ric$tten elderly 11/01/86 A11 1<br />

Wiw cf Asa Hut&inso~Dale Bunprs campticp 11/02/86 A01 4<br />

Asa Hut&inson step up mailin9 to voters 11/02/86 NO 6<br />

Lm and order is Hut&imon thane in talk to FOP 13/02/86 A13 3<br />

H&chinson'sout-af-statemoney~dfendsamesupporters 11/02/86C02 4<br />

Bunprsand Pryor inline for Senate po&sif Danocratswin 11/02/86 C06 1<br />

Dale Bunprs would lack ban on WC Emding 1l/03/% A07 1<br />

Jan Brunmett discusses BunpzeHutcbinson campig.1 11/04/% A03 4<br />

Dale Bunprs defeats Asa Hutchinson for 3rd term in Semte ll/OEp/86 A01 3<br />

J&n Brunmett anranas on strong Bunper s win 1l/0$/86 A03 4<br />

Eoth Bunprs and Hutd-hson hdd 1 engthy p ess oonfecenoes 11/06/86 A01 2<br />

Jhl e Bunper s discusses his 2-fold str ateqy for race 11/06/86 A01 2<br />

Election returns. Icy <strong>mm</strong>ty 11/06/86 A09 5<br />

A ~ i rterm d for Ed. e Bunpers (ed) 11/06/86 A16 1<br />

Map &cws munti es carried ky Bunpers and Hutchinson 11/06/86 A38 5<br />

Mqn arms Aipnerk to Iran drms ment f ran We Bunpers lVlqJ86 A14 4<br />

Dale Bunpers alls trading aims to Iran a lad poliq 11/16/86 A14 4<br />

Cb<strong>mm</strong>ittee assigunents listed for mvid Pryor 11/22/86 Al.8 1<br />

Dale Bunprs to chair Semte S-1 Bwiness Chmittee 11/22/86 A18 1<br />

DaleBmpxs wants out&& poh af National SecuriQ @mdl 11/26/86 A06 1<br />

Ileagin Ckdsion on S&T I1 will be reversed. Bunprs believes 11/30/86 BD1 1<br />

Asa Hutchinson co<strong>mm</strong>ents on loss of race 1J./30/86 C% 1<br />

Frienids rncmkion mvid Pryar for majorie lea&r 12/02/86 A03 4<br />

DaleBunpers raisedover: $1 million far rededtian mpign 12/07/86 Ell 1<br />

David Pryor heads sulxo<strong>mm</strong>ittee that avcx~es IRS 12/1l/86 A24 1<br />

Dale Bunpers urges Reagan r d ease details of Iran arms sales 12/13/86 A14 1<br />

David Pryor repests irquiry an arms for Iran. Nicaraqa 12/13/86 Al.4 5<br />

(hmyi2 iane with S&T I1 urged ky Sen M e Bunprs 12/16/&6 A01 5<br />

David Pryor mlls ~y raise plan pnel 'unrnnscriomMe1 ly17/&6 A04 5<br />

Rqrt &CWS Asa Hutbinson e&d rae with campign &kt 1Y17/% A18 6<br />

David Pryor =ys 6 agencies wezpidmillions in joHessaid 12/18/86 A01 5<br />

Asa Hutchinson discusses politid race. pst and future 12/19/86 A03 1<br />

ELectim resats czrtiiied 12/27/86 A13 1<br />


see aim Blioe<br />

see also St Rands Cbmty<br />

see aim Tdwisicm

DATE<br />

RGE CDL<br />

03NLm, MIKE<br />

see also Track and Had - College<br />

a3NNCIR. JCWN<br />

mily &nates $25.000 to UA1 s Old Main poj ect<br />

CONsmATm<br />

see als3 WO&rness andNatural Areas<br />

a3NSEFWATrn ~~ TTIDN. ARrnSPS<br />

see alm Fbllution<br />


see al s~ Cbngr ess - House - Ar k Di st 01<br />

see &so<br />

Gwernor<br />

see al EX) Vigilantes and Radical isn<br />

Janes Ibwdl invites mes of hwn mcular hunanists'<br />

Janes FWdl aolunn on sedar hunanisn<br />

Finding a definition far hunanisn (Jmes &dl colunn)<br />

Duare Me3mgheJ.l defines. &scusses hunanian<br />

(I3MSTITUTrnN<br />

see alm Birth (bntrcil and Abortion<br />

see also Gburts - Irxal<br />

see al so Education - Fimnoe and Budgets<br />

see also Gwerment Bands and Investments<br />

see a1 rn Local Gcrvermnt<br />

Ebur popo~d amdts likely to make it to voters<br />

Four amenianents to be on Mlot this fall<br />

List Of petition drives that were akndmed this year<br />

Secxetary aE State oertifies 3 propoas for hllot<br />

07/20/86 COl 3<br />

08/0l,/86 A19 4<br />

08/08/86 A23 1<br />

12/3v86 All 4<br />

Val idtify aE siqa tm es on petitions not ch ecked & McrCuen<br />

Roposed am&s assigled nunbrs on ]call&<br />

Secy a€ State Mdhen uses ranh m@.e m peti tim check<br />

Full ta ker ' s art misa p@L ied (ed on samd ing of peti ti on8 )<br />

Robert McInto* to hire stutknts to &eck-petigon siqatures 08/14/86 All 4<br />

McIntoh finds petitions clertif iahle 08/19/86 A34 1<br />

Change in nunbring proposed amas to be sou&t 09/12/86 A20 1<br />

aNSTnVTDN (US)<br />

Arkansans jain wapn train marking 200th year 11/23/86 A15 1<br />


Wmen hilding reptation in oonstruction 04/27/06 E01 1<br />

Qx r&om Ell threatens to halt Hdg born in Ark 07/20/86 A0 4 2<br />

David Townsl q oprates crane hi* abve aonstructim sites 09/02/86 E0 1 4<br />

a3NSJLWTS<br />

see also E&cation - Consdtants<br />

msum CREDIT<br />

see Ckedi t<br />

rnNS6TMER W m m N<br />

see also Electric Power<br />

see a1 rso qrmid Sales<br />

rnNaMINrnrn rnD<br />

see Fbod Contamim tion and Poisoning<br />


Custaner reaoqizes Herb a t Searcy. wins $5,000 02/26/86 C01 2<br />

Catherine Erennonhasremrdof winningcontestsandprizes 10/Ol/86A18 1<br />

Namie my Maaft wins $100.000 mticmal drawing 12/2q86 A07 5<br />


see Birth Cbrrtral and Ahx<br />


nN'IRAQTS rnD JumZsm. m G m<br />

see a1m Little Rock<br />

see also North Litt3e Rock<br />


see alsr, <strong>Arkansas</strong> EChcational Tdevision NeWork<br />

see alm nisease and Illness<br />

see alm Ells. Hu* L<br />

ee alm Prisons - Parkansas<br />

see also RoadContraes<br />

Legidator questions a&-benefit ratio Q€ ME ads<br />

Legislators May action on RSC rrquest for legal assirjtanoe<br />

PSC seeks contract fa 1- hdpwia Grand GLilf case<br />

LqiSLators amwe aontract for AIE advextising<br />

&C gad apErwes EC aontract with Wa&ington Iew firm<br />

Legislators criticize Tel~ls firm handling of edicaid claims<br />

Audits h dd up on nonhi d ad contract: of AIDC<br />

Legislators are state en@Lqees mder Act 483. 1979. E rules<br />

Legis1 atom cannot db hsiness with state. Atty Gen rules<br />

Ruling barring legidators an be far-reiching in effects<br />

M ing bars aonstituti anal off iers f ran d2al ing with state<br />

Respnses vari ed on state ern@. cy ees doing hsi IESS with Ark<br />

Innocent little ethics lm my hit legislators in pocketbook<br />

Ruling on emplcyees and stage txlsiness mq hann state<br />

The little pohlen of selsinterest (ed)<br />

Clark asked abut ethics lw and purchase of modities<br />

Ethics in Rzblic Contracting A& defended ly Rep Mike Wilsm<br />

Purchase d satera itens exme f run lm on ethics<br />

RiL ing on legislators &ing hsiness with state ineff eckive<br />

Cbntract for legis reporting serviae pes to new firm<br />

Aqreenent rached on prchil~~ aE @me equipnent at Qpitol<br />


see also Statehowe Cbnventim Center<br />


Qaak and &gger motif used ky Little Rock to attract groups<br />

aOWAY<br />

see a1 EIO<br />

Water<br />

CDMAY o'xm<br />

see also Alcoholic Beverages<br />

Bookkeeping error led to fears mtnty made werpyments<br />

Comty Judge T J mhan says he was attackd & Bill Hward<br />

Bill Howard arrested over altercation with Jude lhhan<br />

d<br />

-suit seeks purchase o•’ votingma&ines<br />


see ~d~cation - Teaders<br />

aMKIEs<br />

see Ebod<br />

ComEY, mCHm<br />

sze alm Ebothll - College<br />

CmLm, 3 F<br />

see also E&cation - Teachers<br />

Testimonial honors former Shcmter Qllege dean<br />

mIzLmD, T P<br />

Ibmtes mllection of 15.000 insect di&s to Univ d Ark<br />

(33<strong>mm</strong>. rnALDL

see also Burts - Ark -Court of e d s<br />

CX)RD-CHARLm s<strong>mm</strong> msm1Cr<br />

see Eacation - Curriculun<br />

a3rnlsH. nwARD (Pals)<br />

Pioneer in @ m d prathood to be honored 09/01/86 B01 4<br />

Q3<strong>mm</strong> KJrnHrnT<br />

see ala, Edxation - Student Con&&<br />


see aim Frisons - <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Er Bob& Roberts alrea* fmiliar with bard and prism 01/20/86 A01 2<br />


see alm Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

a3TIDN EANT<br />

see aim Bor<br />

mLm. 3m G W r n<br />

see alm Cburts - Ark - Court of Appeals<br />

mum&Im<br />

see also Di~ase and Illmss<br />

03UNTERF'Enm<br />

bbhans @ad gilty to <strong>mm</strong>terfeiting currenq 05/31/86All 5<br />

%er $9.3 million in bogs currency seized a t Brway 06/0$/% A08 4<br />


see Local Gwerrment<br />

wm<br />

see Suits and Claims<br />

aX7R'Is - ARK<br />

=fat begins for pnel to &sci@ine. reglace. set judge pay 02/02/86 mO 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong>JudLtidal Cbundl wantsstatetotake wer funding 05/0$/86All 1<br />

Don Vdaw to seek state f mding of circuit, chancery cts 08/09/86 A13 1<br />

Stu* QPnm urges state py mst of judicial qstm 11/07/86 A15 1<br />

Judicial Cbmdl pesenks @.an to set salaries of judges 11/13/86 A0 9 1<br />

Work begins on @an to pmide for disciflining judges 12/16/86 A16 1<br />

Mediation pqam at LR tries to settle displtes 1v14/86 BOl 2<br />

Ate Gen Steve Qark supports rneitiation programs 12/11a/% B03 4<br />


see al sn<br />

Ril aski Cbmty<br />

Chancellor Bruce T Bullion to retire lQ/U7/86 A03 1<br />

mers scramblefar appnt tn 4th Riv in 6th I&& 10/~/86 cm 1<br />

ELlen B Brantl q sucoeelfs Judge Bruce Bull ian ly03/€% A03 1<br />


Sixth Ilist Ros Chris Piazza accused of Big Bruther: tactics 02/09/86 C03 1<br />

Wentieth Dist Rofiecutor Bill Brazil to resiq 06/20/86 A07 1<br />


Judge Jim Cboper to seek redection 02/2y86 A08 4<br />

Jchn E J&nq files for murt seat 03/29/86 A12 4<br />

Qurt has not enjcyed trarquili4y &ring its &ort existem 12C!.3/86 A03 1<br />

Donald L mrbin apEtd chi& judge 12'23/86 Al.3 5<br />

Beth Gladden Cbdson ap@d to court 1v24/86 A08 2<br />

Judge Beth QUmn &dines to a<strong>mm</strong>ent to critics 12/25/86 A11 1<br />

OOUm - M K - SUREME <strong>mm</strong><br />

see also Wtle. J&n I<br />

Editorid on disting,zishsd career aE Ju- George Rose Smith 01/01/86 A22 1<br />

9b-n Glaze to seek post being vacated ky Gecrrge Rose Smith 03/1Ei/86 A13 1<br />

Court 'crip$ledl Icy limited Wies of mrtle. Judge Holt ~ays 0l,/23/86 A03 1

Jmti~e Axrtle explains nature aE his limited &ties<br />

Jchn Fmtle tells Judcp Holt he is re@ to consider cams<br />

Justices st@ crEfer a€ Furfle to return to bench<br />

Repblic~rn R mvid Lmis files to oppose Ttm~ Glaze<br />

David Lwis criticzll aE Win Glaze's Appals Ck rmrd<br />

Rwiw OE race iy Thanas Glaze. R mvid Lewis far eat<br />

Tan Glaze leads in election returns<br />

Tcan Glaze has lopdded win aver R Iavid Leuis for seat<br />

Judge George Rose Smith ends 38 years on mu. t<br />

ELed5on r esuts aertified in GlazeLewis race for seat<br />

mum - L ax,<br />

see d m aildrenand Yoeh<br />

see aim Traffic Acd&nts and Safety<br />

Judge Ri.&an@ raeaeed Tarane Brwn on wn remg.lizane 03/18/86 A01 2<br />

LR Mmicipl Judge Alan JIi~ancJ~ had rd~lased arson swpect OJ/18/86 A01 2<br />

Theopilus Qbb Jr rd~sed ly Judge Alan Ili&cm@~ la& M l 03/18/86 A05 1<br />

'Iheofllus Cbbhfl reaxd was havn ly Di&an&. recnrck shcw OI,/18/86 A05 1<br />

Bill Watt to seek LR Waf•’ ic Ct seat<br />

OJ/18/86 ZU6 1<br />

Les Ablmdi ta seek LR Traffic Ct seat<br />

01/23/86 A07 3<br />

Robert S mre Jr seeks LR Waffic Court seat<br />

01/24/86 A12 4<br />

LR Eanicipl Judge lX&oncj~ orders taping of his wurt 01/2$/86 A18 3<br />

Wilkur C Bentlqr files for LR Traffic Judge post<br />

OI,/25/86 All 1<br />

JeEf Dmis Jr seeks LR TraEfic Ct position<br />

0l/28/86 A05 4<br />

FayettevUle City Bd mwes to collect $500.000 in f h s 02/01/86 All I<br />

Judw Allm Ri&on& rdeases rnurcler s~spect without bbnd 02/0$/86 ED1 6<br />

suit seeks renwa~cb Rimn Mmicigal ~udq Ronnie A Ihfilip 02/09/86 A10 1<br />

Ray Rschall's WI reaord filed un&r fd& me at Hot S*<br />

Not: S m ct anaoyees accused of altering LWI records<br />

IkJI pliq changed at Hot Spqs bj new judgs Jlaner Wri&t<br />

Judq Earl IQz mder accused of ar &ring r emr d a1 terati ons<br />

KR Tkaff ic Judge Dean brlq retiring<br />

Proposed oonstitukional an& would raise mall claims 1 imits<br />

Raff ic ju- race heating up at Little Rock<br />

Other candidates ltisavcw gmghlet critical CE W C Bexltlq<br />

Sour- of flyer abut W C Bentlq is a nystery<br />

Five candihtes rtnning hard for LR Waffic Court judge<br />

CandiCktes for LR naff ic Ct judge tell stands to WIDD<br />

Bill Watt elected Little Rock Traffic Oowt j udge<br />

Court rules <strong>mm</strong>icipll j u d must ~ reside in <strong>mm</strong>ty of cdfiae<br />

Cavernor must make appnts to vacant <strong>mm</strong>icipll judge&ip<br />

Ronnie A aillips sws to seme as judge for 2 cities<br />

LR midpl of J u e Di&onc& closedwed afternoon<br />

Staff walko* at Di&on#~~s wurt runored<br />

Bnaqees of Judge Did~oncj~ d l in sick again<br />

Workers hck on job in Judw Bi&on@'s aurt<br />

Elwen m@.cyees of DiAon*'s ct wfil not get sick pay<br />

No sick leave ply for 11 en@qrees of Judge Ili&on*<br />

E4nQlqees of DiAcn* murt sue LR wer py disprte<br />

Di &on* calls LR permnnel & reor a l&r-buster<br />

Counties lack authority to estab<strong>mm</strong>icipl cts. IY; rdes<br />

megrating ct enplqees into city qstm is behind LR fuss<br />

Stemen MDrlty. e n Sugq seeks tra•’fic judge post at MLR<br />

Ste* en br1 q whs NLR traff ic j udge mira ti on<br />

Collection of marriage fees bj JPs mihand1 ed for years

PQrriage fees bj<br />

R-oposed Am& 64 woud give true mall daims ct status<br />

Supporters begin &ive for hit 64 pssage<br />

Appal s Ck rU es LR 1 iabl e for firing of Debhie Will ians<br />

Debhie Willims was fired by Judge Willian R Bukler in 1983<br />

Fditorial. explains effects Am& 64 will have. if app-wed<br />

An& 64 would revive 'E&o@els Burt' hvid Matthews says<br />

Proposed Am& 64 eribrsed ky <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gmette<br />

Plan to raise <strong>mm</strong>idpl ck limit drms little opposition<br />

Munidpl ct am& leading in eleckicaz returns<br />

Judge lUlm Rihan* gets support for largle sllq increa~<br />

Municipl judges fa- incr~sed worklcad undler lrew an&<br />

LitKle Rock lxldget indu&s raise for Kllan ni&on#~<br />

Little Rock 13hldget has fmds for $24.000 raise for M&m*<br />

Judge Nlan Ili&oncJ~ to withdraw rquest far salary rise<br />

Allan Dishon* to seek annml salary a€ $61.000<br />

David Matthews ~ y Am& s 64 won't make sky fdl<br />

Bill to be aEf er ed to allw J R to set. keep marriage fees<br />

Rfmwal ct Hmn Mmicipl 3udg2 R d e<br />

A &illips mu&t<br />

Hut Spin* bonthnan &gd with bribery in IWL cases<br />

mum - US<br />

Judges at LR sentence 13 persons to total of 84 years<br />

Four federal cburtroans in Ark on list to be dosed<br />

Key role is to pot& f reebms f ran majority. &nold says<br />


Disk Judge W illian (X7ertm sees more conservative ruling<br />

Arnold bothers sit m same plnel to hear cases<br />

mrris S Armld apprently to be m ed to j udgebip<br />


New magistrate J&n F Ebrstex Jr described as a ' Rqul istl<br />

Donald R Mton is J PHa<strong>mm</strong>ersbick dmiae for P7ard-d<br />

Donald Ray Eel ton to be nunina ted as rnar&d<br />

US Atty Geosge Ftodcor to r ig.1 staff<br />

<strong>mm</strong> - US - DISrnICP OF WESTERN MMSE<br />

Judge H Ranklin Waters overcomes GOP oppsition to appnt<br />

Judcp Waters pwes anservative as federal judge<br />

Waters came to Ark to pa&im lw with James Blair<br />

Jum Pbrris S Armld says critidsn aE judiciary jlstified<br />

Pbrris S &mld warn in as district judge<br />


see also Vigil&esandRadi~im<br />

am& moms M<br />

see also Devark, Inc<br />


see Brks<br />

CR1W<strong>mm</strong> Gourn<br />

see also RULltion<br />

byors press suit wer grdits frm <strong>mm</strong>ty-wned hospital<br />

Cbmty orckred to repy $1.4 mjllim fdral grant<br />


Beth Brickell writing series on &tisapparanu@ aE Craw ford CJ7/24/86 a1 4<br />

Case of wanan who disappared in 1957 to be reinvestigated U7/24J86 All 4<br />

bTwspper 1 inks di~pparanae to handling of WEE Bag estate 07/24/86 All 4<br />

Fhu& CLaufmd was pcrninerf: atty. civic leader at Cmden 07/24/86 All 5<br />


Artide details events surromding disappearance d Q-mfard 07/25/86 A01 2<br />

Mike Berg inrciLvment in Rose Berg's affairs discussed 07/25/86 A0 1 2<br />

Bitter feud between Qawford and Mike Berg r gor ted 07/39/86 A01 2<br />

mny police records frcm case hze disappeared frcm files 07/3l,/86 A01 2<br />

Investigation called 'at &ad end' dter four &ys 08/0l/% A01 2<br />

Questimsraisedin FBI decisionnot to pzobe &appearan- 08/03/86 A01 2<br />

Six themi es on di sappearanae surv h e the years 08/07/86 A01 2<br />

Prosecutor reopens case. qumtians two prsons 08/07/86 A11 5<br />

brly thecries of slbu&. abduction. annesia rejected 08/1Y86 A01 2<br />

Few hdd thexy that Qawford let vdmtarily 08/13/86 A01 2<br />

mry saw Clydie amford as logical swp& in case 08/22/86 A01 2<br />

Et>tentid to expse wrm#oing provitks diapparance motive 09/21/86 A01 2<br />

Ca&llac owned Iy Berg bodycyard suspected in abduction 10/19/86 A01 2<br />

Source ays killer: described slaying ll,/09/86 A01 2<br />

Sourues allege Mike Berg hired Crawford killer 11/09/86 A01 2<br />

Alleged 'honchot in murder & Crawford sulmits to irrterviw ll/lY86 A01 2<br />

Alleged head hon&ot in ase psses polyqafi test 11/23/86 A01 2<br />

EVidenoe leads to Mke B ag in Ckmfmd case 12/21/86 A01 2<br />

Artide qlores d-iaracter traits of Mik-e Berg 12/22/86 A01 2<br />

Widenae indiaates Mike Berg set fires at Cmden 12/23/86 A01 2<br />

mud Craw ford ormtrilxted t o Qmden1 s hq&y in '50 Is 12/2$/86 A01 2<br />

Mudl Crawford succeeded in pive life and her career 12/26/86 NO 1<br />

CR EDIT<br />

see also Agriculture<br />

mr&aser loses med auto &spite haring title 01/12/86 B05 1<br />

Food provided as andition for loan ruled interest 02/22/86 B08 6<br />

Ark usury lm &es not apgy to resi&ntid lcans. judge mys 07/0V86 A08 1<br />

Lamn Sqlare financing brou@t rding on residerkid lcans 07/OY86 A08 1<br />

Residerkia lcan ruing came in hnkruptcy ct 07/01/86 A08 1<br />

GMCviolatesArkla~withlaw carlcans. hnker groupsays 07/16/86AOl 5<br />

Subsidized auto lcans f ron imhouse lenders may be ill@ 07/18/86 C02 5<br />

Etoaecbres for garni&i.ng wages ruled unaonstitutimal 07/30/86 A09 1<br />

Reinstatement of garnishment la to be sou*t 08/08/86 A08 1<br />

Judge Overton's ruling on grniherrt creates major stir 08/10/86 C06 3<br />

Steve Qark warns derks not to issue garni&ment writs 08/27/86 A05 1<br />

!Ibo losing hcmes in NLR wer failure to repy lcans 08/3l./% Ell8 1<br />

Barday aonsmer credit f im leaving Ark 09/06/86 A01 3<br />

Consmer (ledit Cbmding Service hdpj mamge runawq &ks 09/07/86 DO1 3<br />

Tmprary pmdxe set by ct in garnihment oses 09/11/86 E01 5<br />

Grif StocHq discusses grnihient la 09/14/86 CO3 1<br />

Wing says Biblical la on ww dated ky An& 60 11/23/86 A24 1<br />

Suit seeks fardosure on 2 houses owned ky IUlan Did-mn* 11/25/86 EXI~ 1<br />

&-wife of Nlan Ridmncjh ~ y her s m e forged to <strong>mm</strong>tqge 12/0q86 A19 1<br />

State @ans f ailling systan for liens 12/21/86 A23 1<br />


see Banks<br />

<strong>mm</strong> IWD <strong>mm</strong>mas<br />

see aim Bribery and JGckbcks<br />

see a1 so QE;lital Rulid-ment<br />

see aim Q i m M Law<br />

see also fires<br />

see aim &au& andswindling<br />

see al m Ganbl ing<br />

see ialm Kichapping

DATE X E OL<br />

see ala, Murders<br />

see a1 ED Ebl ice<br />

see also Risbns<br />

see also Robberies and Th&ts<br />

see also Sex Crimes<br />

see also Shootings<br />

Majcziq aE juveniles arrested in Ark placed in a&lt jails OI/OY86 B01 4<br />

Better securily in phlic housing projects in LR mu#t OI/lY86 B02 3<br />

Resi&nts of LR phlic ho~ing afraid to go out&& at ni&t OVl~86 m2 3<br />

Plaj or mimes reed at LR in 1985 rose 9 p&<br />

OI/lY% Bo8 1<br />

Bi&op Hartfad Brookins acrmnerrts on l5Lack-m-black crimes oyoy86 m1 1<br />

bkrt McIntoh mlls task form idea a Bill (lintan @q 02/17/86 A08 1<br />

Serious crimes rose 7 pct in Ark last year<br />

02/23/86 C06 1<br />

RuEus Qlanoe. Georgia pison escapee resists elrtraditian 02/25/86 A01 3<br />

Justices hear argrments on lsing hyplosis in crirniml cases Oy27/86 A16 1<br />

Mus Qanc~ has lived within lw for 10 yrs<br />

03/18/% E01 3<br />

LR mnsiders R q e Szde Hane far hi* crime area<br />

06/10/86 All 1<br />

&rest ~cxricks glimpse aE federal witness wogram<br />

06/01/8c; E01 2<br />

Tcwn of Mi@t rallies to aid of fugitive fran Louisiana 06/13/86 AOI 2<br />

Louisiam irrtent on getting fugitive lack<br />

06/13/86 A11 5<br />

Louisim escape gfqred to •’hi& pison term<br />

06/14/86 A09 1<br />

Need seen to impwe inveskigation of stlspidous deaths 07/27/86 Cln 1<br />

Advoacy grogran estabd in Lee 8 to aid crime victims 08/12/&6 A07 4<br />

Fred Rooswdt Bndridge serkenaed to 182 yrs in pison 08/15b% A23 3<br />

Program at LR seeks to make haws more crime resistant 09/18/86 ED1 2<br />

W e hcme pogrsnn at LR aoinu&s with asmilts on elderly lO/Os/% a03 1<br />

Xate d serious crime up in state<br />

10/19/86 B07 I<br />

Valmtary intoxiation no lcmger availde as d&ense 10/21/86Al2 2<br />

Ch arl es Whitf idd gets 40-yr term in br sari es<br />

10/23/86 H32 3<br />

Hi* aime r epltation of W Litti e Rock undeserved<br />

1l/23/86 PD6 1<br />

Judge rules (JICmust give pobe &ta to prson investigted 1V23/86 AI.0 1<br />

&iew aE top crime news in Ark during 1986<br />

12/27/86 A07 1<br />

Rwiew aE crime scene in EUaski Cbmty &ring 1986<br />

12/28/86 Al. 0 1<br />


Center sued by jourralist mder FOI A&<br />


Dr Lee F Bmer f iles sander suit against Ik F2hn-y Pkl ik<br />

Dm: Wik says he has been slandered by Dr Bean=<br />


$pd conversation chdlenged as illegal<br />

Attorney says taping prch Mted in all aimiml cases<br />

CEfidal arges tap recording la mt intended to be general 0$/19/86 A03 4<br />

Recollecticns elicited ly hypotist rejed=ed @ oomt OllJ2Y86 a2 1<br />

Ruling in case imalving taped evidence delayed 0$/24/86 A10 1<br />

Wiretap lw hearing brin~<br />

sharpwords between Bwdl. Glwer 04/3$/86 AIO 1<br />

State waretap lav repaled ky <strong>Arkansas</strong> Legidatme 05/02/86 A21 1<br />


see Qiminal L a<br />

QIEWELL, =EN<br />

see dso Art<br />


see Electric PaJer<br />

JAIL<br />

see Risuns<br />

a!mENm QXIm


Fbnd-raiser for hrme honors Elizabeth Huckaby<br />

CRaSS c3uNrY<br />

Circuit Qak Claude E Brawmr Jr chgl in misuse af poprty<br />

JCWN<br />

see also King, &rtin Luther Jr<br />


see also mars- Lecn. Roy<br />

CRaSsm<br />

see also Ibllutim<br />

CROSsm S~OCL msm1m<br />

see also E&ca tim<br />


see a ls~ Murders - Cr osd cy . Wayne<br />


e Gblleges<br />

CSA<br />

r;ee Cbvemnt. SvordandArm d theLard<br />

CUWM m'mNlEs<br />

see aim WaL-&rt Stores, Inc<br />


Joint arts enter for l%yettwilleMv a€ Ark suggested<br />

LR ad agencies pol talents for <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

Arts and Scienae Oenta at Pine BluEf sdfers fire loss<br />

Fayetteville WAE' j oink center mq ke hilt<br />

Site chosen for aanrytd art certter at myettwille<br />

Fayettwille votes ban* far arts ewer<br />

LR myor Tam &in- warts anan formed to panote the arts<br />

Enclmrnent for Hunaniti es awards $126 -404 to 9 poj ecks<br />

Nine arts organizations stand to gain $605.000 in grants<br />


see also Bl itics<br />


see aI.m Banks<br />

am<br />

LIWS<br />

Stuttgart measure curb teerrage vanMim in town<br />


see also Ehoticn - Teachers<br />

( X T S H ~ S a m rnS'IRID<br />

see E&ca tion - Currial un<br />

D'M'WZE CD<br />

Waste f ran Rqnol& Metals used for cat litter<br />

DAISY MANUrnrnRJNG a3<br />

Rogers f im adered to py $14 rriillicn to Michigan by<br />

DALTON. m m D<br />

see also LittleRock<br />


see Rivers<br />

<strong>mm</strong><br />

Ballet <strong>Arkansas</strong> mes Ri&rd Steinert direor<br />

New director cB Ballet <strong>Arkansas</strong> rea* to &age directians<br />

DANIELS, cHmE3<br />

see al so Land ~o<strong>mm</strong>issimer<br />


see Echcatian - Facilities<br />


see moods<br />

IxUmH, FRED<br />

Offers matcfiing grants to each <strong>mm</strong>ty libraw for Ps k book<br />

IxaRrGH. EXED K JR<br />

see also American Civil Liberties Union<br />


see also Murders - Goodlw. Edgar Ban (Wlm Jahnry)<br />


US Appals Ck says Hanack can foreclose on farm<br />


see also Gwernor<br />


Sirranans Bank chi&. Hne BluEf leader. dies<br />


see alm Cburts- Local<br />

WVE. M Y<br />

see dso EbrrCkrs - Davis. IQry<br />

mvE" m m E<br />

see also Wdxs - J3ardin. Harrive~: J<br />


Re& te Qre Center at NLR dLsc~lssed<br />


License granted wcman whose hushnd was accused of alxlse<br />

Nanl stan&r& for centers appwed & malities Review Bd<br />

Heritage Fbblihing Co @ans enter on penises<br />

Gwermr's Task Force on Child Care reprts<br />

Eoonanics of child ore (ed)<br />

Chad Care Fhdlity<br />

Q<strong>mm</strong> studies me of fks<br />

DEW WlTI'm RE3NQ;E<br />

see aim Banks<br />

EPNE m m<br />

see aim Books and Writing<br />

see also Rrks<br />

Reoeives jourralisn aard at Univ a€ <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

DEPW maTY<br />

see QpitdL Rmidment<br />

<strong>mm</strong>s<br />

see alm Bearden. Jahn F Jr<br />

see also Births<br />

see also Qrter. Eked M<br />

see also Chur& aE God<br />

see also Ibis. Had.1 N<br />

see also lbrsey* Well<br />

see aim Fires<br />

see also Fbnerals<br />

see alm Hanack. Rex<br />

see also Hmting<br />

see also Jcnes, Guy Hanilton (Mutt)<br />

see aim Ercy bath<br />

see alm MLE&~S<br />

see at= Nursing Hmes<br />

see aim Ibllutim. Sewage and Hazartbus Materials

see aim Riddle. ~~<br />

see aim Shim. Gram J Sr<br />

see also Straws. San B Sr<br />

see aZm Tymn. &n&l Willian<br />

see aim Weatha<br />

Abbtt. Bisy Rhea<br />

Abrah~~. JmeS B<br />

Abrms, Charles Willian<br />

Xhms, Horse M<br />

Allured, Virginia K<br />

And.€r,<br />

Gy<br />

Psrthcny. Nlen D<br />

Arnof, I N<br />

Baker. Ehgene B<br />

Wer. Willian M<br />

Barms. men<br />

Bates, Rank Dewitt<br />

BearEidd, Rtil L<br />

Eelford, J&n H Jr<br />

E&leprde. Auyste1D<br />

B&m* mry D R<br />

Beg. George E<br />

Bcmar. Eckin S<br />

Bond. Jchn W<br />

Bradford, Clarenoe A<br />

Bradl q. Gene<br />

Bradley, Fblland A<br />

Brmner . bber t B van<br />

Brmn. &dl F<br />

Bull. Willard C<br />

Burrou*. JchnV<br />

Butler, Sinnuel Hlnor Sr<br />

Cam@ell.<br />

Elr &rick<br />

Gtrmichael. Rrry<br />

Qrtwri@t, E Elme<br />

Qtlett, Robert Win Sr<br />

Caz or t. A;l an Garner<br />

Collins. L L Jr<br />

Cook, Joe my (ms)<br />

Courtney. WfiLian hkwioe<br />

Qrittenden. mnrh C<br />

Davis. Ralfi Wal cb<br />

Deese. Qril E<br />

Deish. Rter A Jr<br />

IhroucJi, JeEferson Murfiy (Mrs)<br />

Doz ia. %Ween Cbndr y<br />

Dunaway- Bath ke . Shd ia<br />

Duncan. Wfilian H<br />

Wes. T C Wean<br />

Frqalderhwen. Jen<br />

Gfilian, @hrn M Sr<br />

Glasgrsw. Water Standl<br />

Glwer, Bnrad Nathan<br />

Grace, Willian Rxter<br />

DATE<br />


Grahan, Eaos<br />

Gregg, H Rqmond<br />

Pdl. IQry PPlnette<br />

Mat&&t. Linckey<br />

Hathmck. Reston Lwue<br />

Haustine. Brmo G Jr<br />

Hays. Orren Lee<br />

Hays. %anas E<br />

Headlq, Adrian L<br />

Henderson. Lty Wed. y<br />

Henry, I;ouise M<br />

Hol<strong>mm</strong>b, Gerdd<br />

HolLq. Janes T<br />

Hdt. G mss Jr<br />

Holt. Jack B<br />

Hmdlq. B S Jr<br />

~~lq. Ruty E<br />

mst. W J<br />

Jackson. Ch arl es W<br />

Jackson. Jabez F Sr<br />

Jeff cry. Harry Oirter Sr<br />

Jones. Grrbll D<br />

Jones. Wle W<br />

JOES, L L<br />

Jmes, Walian M<br />

Kmp. Jose@ C<br />

Laaq, RuthB<br />

Larq. B d d Bqan<br />

~ttwe, ma<br />

Lipqez. Lauren= H<br />

Lively. Bruoe<br />

Long, EBa<br />

Wdbx, Qrl F<br />

Mahan. Jchn D<br />

Mann, Jcbn W<br />

Mansur. Lester W<br />

Markhan. EVernon<br />

Mxtin. Rufrs A<br />

f%d&urn. L A<br />

Massey. Dwqr Lee<br />

Main. Janes L<br />

McConnell. J&n Rul.<br />

McNabb, Henry G<br />

Mmae. Qrleton<br />

MWillims. Bul<br />

Mi ckel . Lillian Ei ch enber ger<br />

Millwo&. Lloyd<br />

Ivlitchan. FBx A<br />

Mooiiy, Cleo Ellis<br />

Pbrrison. bhck<br />

M~Alins, J&n W<br />

Myers. L3qd<br />

Nail, Guy lvlerton Jr<br />

Nelson, &ic 3

DATE FPGE (31L<br />

Nor ton. Nathan M Sr<br />

Page. Bert L la<br />

Brk, Neil Wanill<br />

brker. Willian S<br />

Fate. may RLlth<br />

Perry. LEwrence W Jr<br />

Elmer. Sblly Terry<br />

Polydxm. G-9<br />

Rrwdl. Del mane Sr<br />

Fwell. Hmard (Strong)<br />

Purtle, Hollis A<br />

Quicjlqr. Hderra Key<br />

Facpn, EBtrick E<br />

Rqrmlds. Rnanl$ McIbnald<br />

Pqmlas, Bea M<br />

Ria, Qthaine Ri&t&l<br />

Rokerts. mlor<br />

Rdinson. Ruly Gray<br />

Rogers, Robert L 13:<br />

mss, Gear gi anne Russ<br />

Mer. Dorcas Kessell<br />

Sadler. WLllian Hamld<br />

Schideler. Mkrt W<br />

Sears, Uoyd Cl ine<br />

TL<br />

Shegherd, Jahn B<br />

Sherrod, noyd Hodges Jr<br />

Shinn. Pivery E<br />

Sneed, Samuel D<br />

Smdgrass. Willian E<br />

Steed, mil a Mri e<br />

Ste@ens. IZln D<br />

Stevenson, Ehgene E&ard<br />

Stokes. Alvis W jll ian<br />

StOrq7, bank A Jr<br />

Stuck, Willian R<br />

Sturgis, Rick<br />

Stur twant. Win€ red L<br />

mylor, Gilbert Wayne<br />

'Shdhdtner. Bruce A<br />

Tillrrm bhxua mthe<br />

Tr&~&dl. Mlth Lester<br />

Trimble. =gar &c<br />

Qsm. Van<br />

Warren, J&n H<br />

Watkins. Ward W<br />

Watson. Elvern<br />

Weinberger. Rose<br />

West, S Ry<br />

IIIReder. Janes R<br />

Will ims. Ehnd L<br />

Will ians. Id.1 ian<br />

Wilmn. Jose& Vantrase<br />

Wilrson hrie Holland<br />

T<br />

01 08 Pilo 6<br />

10 04 ED8 2<br />

02 06 242.2 2<br />

07 18 A20 1<br />

01 25 E08 3<br />

01 18 N.0 2<br />

04 16 E08 I<br />

06 26 H)8 2<br />

01 31 rV4 1 02 01 XO 3<br />

01 28 DC6 3<br />

09 02 AlO 4<br />

12 25 X6 3<br />

01 19 I339 6<br />

03 10 m1 4<br />

12 27 A10 5<br />

12 19 A27 4<br />

05 21 IV6 4<br />

08 18 E08 1<br />

02 08 a 0 3<br />

01 10 Al2 5<br />

08 16 A12 4<br />

05 16 A18 5<br />

03 26 All 1<br />

11 18 ED8 5<br />

07 23 N.0 4<br />

12 16 E08 3<br />

08 12 B08 1<br />

06 30 B08 5<br />

08 03 A16 4<br />

11 13 ZQ4 5<br />

09 07 I115 4<br />

02 26 A07 5<br />

11 15 AI.0 4<br />

08 06 A12 3<br />

02 19 BD8 4<br />

05 02 A18 4<br />

10 30 IV2 4<br />

02 15 ZU2 4<br />

11 16 E06 5<br />

07 29 E08 2<br />

052lZQ6 2<br />

01 14 PD8 4<br />

12 09 At0 5<br />

1220N6 4<br />

01 07 H)8 4<br />

10 20 HI8 4<br />

09 18 E08 2<br />

02 09 808 6<br />

01 21 HI9 4<br />

11 07 A18 3<br />

05 30 IV8 5<br />

03 21 IU8 5<br />

01 26 m5 5<br />

01 05 E04 6

Wamn. FKkertGerdld 02 09 ED8 4<br />

Wimin@mrt, Robert Curtis 10 20 C02 2<br />

Wolf. mn Edyard 09 08 E08 4<br />

Woods, Charles S Jr 07 18 A20 3<br />

Woodson, Billy 07 02 IV2 2<br />

Wricj-h Ibyle Bm 11 2l IU8 6<br />

Yates, Ridnard E 06 23 B08 1<br />


see Qedit<br />


see also Blythwille Air Fbrae Base<br />

see aim LittleRock Air Fbrm Base<br />

see also National Grard<br />

see al s Ihysicians for Socidl Responsihil iQ<br />

see alm F h Bluff Msenal<br />

Cbnviction of draft resister Ehd Jamb u@dd bj Appeals C!k Ol/1$186 E02 3<br />

Paul Jamb to akncbn appad. for raew trial 01/20/86 A07 1<br />

Terry IUelper cd Gentry indicted for not reqiskering 02/02/86 B04 1<br />

Terry kSelpx sys he tried to enlist. tried to register OY03/86 A05 1<br />

Eta o•’ Titan I1 missiles nears end as 374th wing imctivated 08/16/86 E01 2<br />

Toxic leak occurs at missile site in @may Cbmty 08/20/86 A01 6<br />

Gpinims vary m handling evacmtim &ring missile leak 08/21/86 A0 1 3<br />

Potential mnflict o•’ interest delays hearing for Naani Haye 09/26/86 A07 1<br />

Air Ebre sets new hearing far Nami Haye in ahltry case 09/25/86 All 1<br />

Ten te&i•’y at closed hearing of mcmf Haye awe 09/25/86 A03 1<br />

Smnd hearing wnclu&s on Naani Heye 09/27/86 A07 1<br />

Ra aE Titzn missiles arming to a dose in Ark 09/30/86 E01 2<br />

Air Ebrce keep reg on Nami Haye case sea et 10/03/86 A19 1<br />

Charges aairrst Naani Heye may be modtifie3 10/0$/86 B01 5<br />

Rid far Naani H q e pstpned 10/11/% A05 5<br />

Qngressioml candtiihtes speak to &ace Throu* Strength 10/1~s6199 1<br />

Air Ebre to posecuteNaani Haye an origird <strong>mm</strong>ts 10/23/86 E01 5<br />

U r n ~ a E HudbonB adridge prto•’ SDC 'SbrWars' pqect 10/25/86C06 1<br />

Hearings being had for Naani Haye an addtry bng lvOY86 A06 I<br />

Naani Haye's at& seeks to s&pr ess statanent lv06/86 E01 2<br />

Statenerd= ma& ly Naani Haye hrrd •’ran tridl 11/07/86 Al 0 5<br />

Cagain. sgt testify on r dations with Nacmi Haye 11/08/86 B01 6<br />

Naani H q e aitflits &fair with ca@. mt sgt 11/09/86 E01 5<br />

Nacmi H q e convicted on all <strong>mm</strong>ts lJ/lV86 A01 2<br />

Mcmi Haye merits on her addtry. fraternization aonvidzicn 11/12/86 A01 2<br />

Tibn missile silos being destrqed 1l/20/86 EOl 5<br />

JacksorwLlle News c<strong>mm</strong>e*s on Nami Hwe case 11/23/85 C04 6<br />

Sgt Thanas A Bwh &noted for ahltry 11/26/86 A0 1 4<br />

Haye murk-martial (ed) 1l,/30/86 C04 6<br />

DFJPNE. JULm<br />

Song ky Manis m q beme dfidal song of North LitUeRock 02/08/86 B01 2<br />


see also Osnqess- Home - ArkDist 02<br />


see Nursing Hcmes<br />


see &l so ml iti cs and El ections<br />

Hi@= filing fees set for my pimary 02/16/& A16 1<br />

mes for qmllfying for pimary races ky petitim 02/16/86 Al6 3

Firan- @mcil meets. hears talks ly prty leaders 02/23/86 ED1 2<br />

Blacks &allage exlusion frun Mlot in Ihillim Cbmty OY17/86 A03 4<br />

millips Cbmty Mack opposed Dms in last deckion 0y17/86 A03 4<br />

Dan Mton Jr patests overruling of Lee 8 pnel 06/0$/86 A16 1<br />

-key Emd-raiser hdd at LR to aid Ala and La senate raaes 06/25/86 A03 4<br />

Ark parw erases &kt with $50,000 raised at gxivate evefit 07/3l,/86 A05 1<br />

Pait G Kirk Jr hdp state plrty with fmd-raiser event 07/3V86 A05 1<br />

ShdfiddNdsonhanetsedfor pivatedimr. fmd-raiser 07/3l/86A05 1<br />

Proposals on prty @atform pesented to pnel 08/17/84 1307 4<br />

limy Robinson pev ed over 1 ack of honor ed west status 08/20/86 A03 4<br />

Tcsomy Ro~nso~Sh&fiddNdmnplitical alliance severed 08/20/86A03 4<br />

She•’ ield Ndson to be next gar@ d-imn. runor says 08/21/86 A03 6<br />


Expansion remains Dillard strategy<br />

FUMi&er Jchn H J&nson is first Back to serve on board<br />

Former official testifies in civil ri#-its suit<br />

Stores emnerated in j ob-4ias suit<br />

Dillard hys two Texas stores<br />

Firmen. polioemen reueive Christmas ifis<strong>mm</strong>ts at stores<br />


see alm Shooting<br />

MLLARD, a3MW<br />

see also Natural and Cultural Heritage Ceplrtment<br />

MLLMD, WILLrnT<br />

my ke &&ired fa IBrbes list of wealthie* Anericans<br />

DIOXIN<br />

see Ibllution<br />

mSAP<strong>mm</strong>a WE5<br />

see Mi sdng Per sons<br />


see alm Acjriailture<br />

see also Eplosives and Explosions<br />

IXSrnrnATrnN<br />

see also<br />

see aim<br />

see alm<br />

see aim<br />

see aim<br />

see alS3<br />

see also<br />

see a1 so<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alsf,<br />

see alsr,<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alm<br />

see alm<br />

see aim<br />

see dm<br />

see &sf,<br />

see a193<br />

see aim<br />

Agriculture Dapartrnerrt. US<br />

Athletics - Hi* Schocil<br />

Banks<br />

Blacks<br />

Brinkl q<br />

811 eges<br />

Cbnservati m. Ibl iti cal<br />

nillard Bplrtrnent Stores. Inc<br />

Hanosexual ify<br />

Hman Services Deplrtrnent<br />

Legal. Frufession<br />

Littl e Rock<br />

~ssis~ppi. Bmty<br />

Mtim Pieures<br />

North Little Rock<br />

Rd iae<br />

Iblitics and Electicms<br />

mlaski Cbmty<br />

Retail Stores<br />

Soil Cbnservation Semi-.<br />

US<br />

Vigil antes<br />


see aim &&a1 Health and Disorders<br />

see also Iullutim<br />

Suit seeks AICG test far dl prison imates in Ark<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> AIE Fth formed Ly firis Beckhim to e&c public<br />

Chris Bechan says he is an AIE victim<br />

%sk farce suggests AIE pnel for &il.dren entering sdnodl<br />

Doeors came lack of transplank orgms. surgem says<br />

Flu closes schods at Eureka S~ings<br />

Influema virus does schools in three <strong>mm</strong>ties<br />

Four teen cases of gmorrhet f omd at Tucker mi t of pcison<br />

Rise in AID3 cases in Ark prmps tweday con•’ on illness<br />

Insurers in qmnck~ on costs of ALE pltie&s<br />

04/06/% DO1 4<br />

05/22/86 C01 4<br />

05/28/86 C03 5<br />

05/29/86 C04 4<br />

06/27/86 CM 5<br />

1v18/86 COl 2<br />

O I / l ~ s 6 A05 1<br />

03/16/86 B32 1<br />

OI/16/86 BO2 1<br />

01/17/86 All 5<br />

0l/21/86 A05 1<br />

0l/22/86 A05 5<br />

01/31/86 A08 4<br />

02/01/86 A15 3<br />

02/09/86 EOl 2<br />

Oz/O9/86 m1 5

Outkmk of red meades reported at UAF 02/1v% A08 4<br />

Officials hop I<strong>mm</strong>mization will qmll measles at WAF 02/1V86 ED1 2<br />

Urn. VA researches oral drug to mwent hsaL d l carcinuna 02/17/86 E01 5<br />

Suspected cases of meades ac WAF-now total 22<br />

02/19/86 A08 4<br />

luieades outbreak closes three sbodls at Rogers<br />

02/Zl/86 All 1<br />

Rogers sans to reopen schocils<br />

02/23/86 A14 1<br />

Contrihtions sou*t for liver tranqilant for TimJ Wan 02/23/86 Bc7 5<br />

AID3 group ask state to edmte Arkansans on disease 02/2U86 A10 5<br />

Measles imranizations start in 3 EW Arkamas cities<br />

02/25/86 A05 1<br />

Tim J Wan dies Mare liver transaank dbne<br />

02/25/86 A08 3<br />

Eseades imdation under way in several areas of state 02/26/% AOI 4<br />

Fkasles vacdrations app-caching 15.000 in NW <strong>Arkansas</strong> oyn/g ml 2<br />

Rrticipnts in UA events mrst be i<strong>mm</strong>ulized<br />

02/28/06 A01 4<br />

S* school maches m@ain abut state stand on measles 02/28/86 DO1 2<br />

Red meides alarm in Ark suksi&ng<br />

03/U7/86 A15 1<br />

A&lq Stafford still waits fa liver transflak<br />

03/23/86 ED1 3<br />

Flaine Qnnell cf 8rwq received 1 iver transaant<br />

03/23/% El31 6<br />

Cerker for Nzheimersls at Urn dfers diacposis. hap 03/2$/86 BD1 5<br />

Fshlqr Stafford qtting liver transaant in Dillas<br />

0$/05/86 A01 3<br />

A&&y Stafford gets new liver in 15-hx operation<br />

OIY06/86 A01 2<br />

ash1 qr SWf ord awake after sw gery<br />

OB/07/86 E01 6<br />

Askdy Stafford awake. eating and talking<br />

04'08/86 B01 2<br />

Ash dy Sbf f or d making exell erh p ogr ess after sur gery 04/09/86 A05 1<br />

Hay fwer gets early strt with arrival a€ pollen<br />

04/09/86 m1 1<br />

UAE chosen as 1 QE 6 in world to use specid laser fiber Ola/ly86 AD7 1<br />

UAPE laser fiber will reace surgery on har&md arteries 04/12/86 A07 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> AIIE seeks hap for dotian pogram<br />

OV15686 A08 4<br />

Orgns of l5y~ald bug Eaards given to 5 ptients<br />

0$/16/86 FlOl 1<br />

LR fiysician testifies on malnutrition in the dderly<br />

04'23/86 FlO1 1<br />

Group work to p-mote organ &nations<br />

04'2V86 A l O 2<br />

Nathan Tolbert. 10, saves uid frcm chokinu<br />

01%/26/86 A17 1<br />

Heart recipient fic$ts for-hdth. hap@n&sand against &kt 04/28/86 B01 2<br />

A&dy Sta•’ford returning to <strong>Arkansas</strong>--<br />

Ashlq Sta•’fwd wdmed hane<br />

Jacob Danid Willians desaibed as a milcade Wy<br />

UAM3 studies naJ drug for radiation trsahnerk<br />

Use of nuEf led to death of athlete. LR haor testifies<br />

Jerry Cbmd. 15. waits &nor hart at Ho~ton hospital<br />

Dispute wer lab led to Ark Lions Eye Bank and Laboratory<br />

Arkansans urged to be alert to hypertension warmng siqs<br />

Dispute le& to ll~w eye hnk<br />

~erry Comd undergoes heart transplant surgery<br />

Gbndition of Jerrv Cbmd is critical. ht stahle<br />

(bnrtition of ~er& Cbmd is stable<br />

Jerry 8md gets vesy positive hospibl report<br />

Jerry Cbtnd hing grsat after heart transplant<br />

Jerry Cbmd mntinues to impwe<br />

Jerry Cbmd takes wiilk in Hornton hospital<br />

Remvery aE Jerry (33uld aontinues to cp wdl<br />

Jerry Cbmd mntinues exercises in hospital<br />

Jerry Cbmd to leave hos@tal =on<br />

3vo bearme ill at Batesville after taking BC b&r<br />

wan Threet needs $70.000 before operation is dbne<br />

Wan Threet. 1, cf Pbuxtain Hane needs transplant to live<br />

-<br />

O!YOY86 A22 4<br />

avow6 A O ~ 4<br />

OYcn/% ED1 1<br />

05/21/86 A01 3<br />

05/25/86 Ell1 2<br />

OY30/86 A09 1<br />

O!Y35/86 A07 1<br />

OV31/86 Flll 2<br />

06/01/86 I36 1<br />

06/02/86 A03 5<br />

06/03/86 A09 4<br />

06/0$/86 A16 4<br />

os/rnm 1128 1<br />

06/@7/86 B01 6<br />

06/08/86 A12 5<br />

06/10/86 A12 4<br />

06/11/86 AJ.4 4<br />

06/12/86 A10 6<br />

06/17/86 AlO 1<br />

06/19/86 A08 5<br />

06/2$186 A05 1<br />

06/26/86 A05 1

Tiat kudget peverrts state Fay for transfiants for dildren 06/26/86 A05 5<br />

Fulfill a &am to lad fmd drive for wan Threet 06/26/84 Al2 5<br />

No evidence a•’ tampering with B C Ebwder f omd 06/26/86 A16 4<br />

Gnmr axrewithin grasp Dr aarlesA LeEiistre saysat LR 06/29/% EOl 2<br />

Rock concert at Wmtain Hane to raise f m& far Ryan Threet 07/0$/86 A26 1<br />

Asian moquito that carries denqe fever is in near& states 07/06/86 A01 2<br />

Ryan Threet returns to hospital with mexplained fwer 07/10/86 E01 2<br />

Benefit anuert for Ryan TRreet bring; in $13 -000 07/14/86 AlO 4<br />

Funeral directors faced with questions on Am-rdated deaths 07/19/86 ED1 2<br />

Judge manates 30 days in jail or AIE tests far prostitution 07/28/86 A09 1<br />

Vixd heptitis o&brak at Hot Spin* antaired<br />

Judges in LR like Hale's idea m AIE, VD testing<br />

Gene Rdqr recounts his experience with inner ear tunor<br />

Rokr t McCor d calls for mopration among cancer enters<br />

Jerry Cbmd r &urns to NLR hane<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Eye Bank and Laboratory hsiness increasing<br />

Arknsas Epe and Kichey Bank may lose association menberzhip<br />

Depessim sdferers meet at LR to discuss &xoblas<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> @nax Research @rter hrsed ly Rxt Smith Times<br />

Stelhanie Henry to get bone marrcw transplant<br />

Dr Robert Wan@ lectures on atherosderosis<br />

New hain tuna treatment p q a m wailable at LR<br />

Iynn Wallaue gets heart transplank at Houston<br />

Dr J&n D Miller Wises kit to iktect eye pokAms at hane<br />

Conf on moking and the workplae had in LR<br />

First case of student exposed to AID3 virus reported in Ark<br />

Timber Ridge Ranch tea& es &ily living to h ead-irj ur ed<br />

Student epsed to ALE is in Alma S&od Dist<br />

Parents of IVma youth hdd press mnf, my no secrets keg<br />

Interview with Bck Dozier who was exposed to AIE<br />

hck Dozier was exposed to AIIE, lxlC does not hwe disease<br />

Five LR fiysidam defend o&pltient tonsilledxmies<br />

Puhlic responds wdl tn AIR3 ose in Alma Hi* Schod<br />

Steaanie Henry gets marrm trans@.ant at NY<br />

Tests anfirm Alm stu&nt has AID3 arkib* in Hood<br />

Rib implant gives irbant Qystal Jmes a &axe<br />

Rib imflant was &ne at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Children's Wosp<br />

Farents of childrenwith caner aided ky %rent-&&rent<br />

Ryan Thr& mdergoes bbwd surgery at Chicap<br />

wan Thr& mn&tion described as critical<br />

Iynn Wallaae kick in Arr k after heart transplant<br />

wan Threet dies of Heeding after bawd. liver transflant<br />

About 100 peoae in state kwe AIE or arry virus<br />

Dennis brqn orgmizes AILS f tnd-raiser at LR<br />

ALC hears oppsLticn to AICG &c plan for hanosexuals<br />

H a t h pok&ans of AID3 is top pimity of Ark Hath I%@<br />

Booklet on maanma honors cancer victim Ste&en Mcibnald<br />

Sane laidatas call for aktinene to halt AIR3 axead<br />

~eaislacors hold ux, antract for AIE &cation m&am<br />

~Gte Health Lk@ &a.itsadion on popad~~~lj-ed;c effcrt 12/17/86 A21 4<br />

A m irdmation line aims at treating 'worried well' 12/26/86 A20 1<br />

Job Corp stu&nts to be tested far AIDS 12/28/86 A13 1<br />

Crawford Comty hosp spdciljzes in trsating impotene 12/29/86 E02 2<br />


see also Gburts -<br />

see dl= &edit<br />

see also Homing<br />

see also Et>liae<br />

MVORcFi<br />

ee Mrriage and Divorce<br />

DOBSCN. <strong>mm</strong>m<br />

see a3 so Murders - Doltson. &on&<br />


see also Egrking Garages and Lots<br />


see &dial Fki.1 iti es<br />

rnDD, BASCJ3M<br />

see also G W i l l Indxkries<br />

DDDD, mVID 0<br />

see History. Ark<br />

DOG R A W<br />

see Southland Grqhomd Park<br />

m s<br />

see Animals<br />

see Iblice<br />

DOLE mERT J<br />

Qmpiglsfor AsaH&&insonatfmd-raiser inLittleRock 04l02/86 A07 3<br />

DORSEY, m L<br />

Former candi&te for Ark qvernor dies in Gina& @Lane cra& 06/12/86 A15 1<br />


see alm Murders - Downen. Geraldtine H<br />


see also Murders - Doyle. brim<br />

DDZHrn. <strong>mm</strong> L<br />

see also Wye <strong>mm</strong>tain Wildlife Rodxcts. Inc<br />

W m E Y ; ; C N w CRECEMT<br />

see aim Books and Writing<br />

Photogra* cb author<br />

D<strong>mm</strong><br />

see Art<br />

<strong>mm</strong>m. rnrnERINE<br />

see a1 ED Cbntests<br />


see aim Ibllution<br />


see al so Gane and Fish Q<strong>mm</strong>ission<br />

Sings new eaonanicx song at E<strong>mm</strong>ics Cbmdl meeting 04'10/86 Ell1 2<br />

Honored ky <strong>University</strong> of Cekral <strong>Arkansas</strong> 09/12/86 A21 1<br />

DROKlUE<br />

see Ethcation- Dropouts<br />

IXCWms<br />

Eark mgr Jack Dickns saved life of &wning victim<br />


see mhol and mug Alzlse<br />

OV22/86 E01 2<br />

muG ENFOrnMENT mlNIS'IR<strong>mm</strong>, US<br />

see a1m Ihysicians and SurgemD<br />

IRE <strong>mm</strong><br />

Iharmacy Bd concerned ab& fiysicjansl staff =&ring refill 02/13/86 E08 3<br />

m s


State fiarmaq Bd acts in disd@ine cases<br />

Gemric Pharmacies opns store at Little Rock<br />

Billy S Berry. Btr&nelle @<strong>mm</strong>acist fined $10,000<br />

Pharmacists &sci@ined over &&mid fraud<br />

Iharmacv Bd &•’ends ikdsions in 2 fraud cases<br />

pharmacy Bd repiman& @mrmacists<br />

Wti-mysiuan p5vate diric @macy opens in LR<br />

Legislatars awcxre generic drug plan for kdiarid<br />

S m q crE actions taken Iy state fiarmacy Bd meeting<br />


e Tra•’ficAcd&nts and SaEeky<br />

see a1 m Qurts - bcal<br />


see Festivals<br />

cum<br />

see Bllution<br />


see History. Ark<br />


see a1 rn Sex Crimes<br />


see Murders - Dunlap. Lottie<br />

IXTNN. amES <strong>mm</strong><br />

see a1 m Gblleges<br />


see alm Mxders - Dunn. Fkank Harrd.1<br />

IXINN. sum<br />

see aim Opxa<br />

m. ION<br />

see also BasketMl - College en<br />

<strong>mm</strong>E<br />

see Explosives and Explosions<br />

EELE<br />

see Wildlife<br />

mwuAKES<br />

krapild pr~ring for pssihle earthqmke<br />

Sail liquefication woad be serious prohlen in Arkanas<br />

N~Y maid quake called a matter o•’ when' not ' if'<br />

Qrthqmke safety tip kcadcast on Ark TV stations<br />


see also Rrance andBudgets<br />

see a1 so Hand ess<br />

see aim &or<br />

see also Save Une Children Fkderation<br />

see also Wages and Salaries<br />

Limited grwth. adng of Mlatim slam rwertu.s in Ark<br />

Ca<strong>mm</strong>mity a€ enter Ridge hard-hit Icy &i ry mntamimtim<br />

Hdem-area pohLens discussed<br />

Poll &cws 69 pet of Arkamns & not think reuession wer<br />

Runanic activily flat in Ark and otha southwest states<br />

Drem fading fur middle hazicans. alunnist writes<br />

Clark Comty has seen 3 plants dose in 22 months<br />


see also htion Hctures

see also Reynolds Metals Gb<br />

see also SouthernGrcwth EbliciesBaard<br />

Sciene and Te&rnlogy Authority in &g of hi* tech f tmds 01/08/86 EOl 1<br />

State f ulding for high te& available. Gav Clbton says 01/08/86 B01 1<br />

AIE to place mare ads in Wall Street J1 to attract industry 01/16/86 A03 1<br />

Continuing a& in Wd.1 Street J r brinq cnm@A.nt: f ran legis 01/16/86 A03 1<br />

Mem and Polk Come uelekate pod f ortme with inkstry Ol/l7/86 CO1 3<br />

Bill Qitkon says money spnt on Jourml ads were &f&ive 0l/23/86 A07 1<br />

Gw Qinton says Jowml ads IxoucJ~t two in&stries to Ark 01/23/86 A07 1<br />

Little Rock listed among lCinderdla Cities1 for grcwth OI,/23/% COl 5<br />

Rivate in&stry ma& sans on inve&ment. job in Ark 01/28/86 C08 1<br />

Grepy HdflEfhger says J1 & hsouat his plant to Mem 01/29/86 COl 5<br />

Films invested $236 million in Pine bluff last year 03/31/86 C03 5<br />

%p shws er8erpise zones in Little Rock 02/09/86 EU2 2<br />

David Harrington calls recruiting trip to Japn successEd 02/12/86 A12 5<br />

City park play role in emnmic devdpnent. 3x1 R-ince ~ y 02/14/86 s A14 1<br />

Prohlens in i&rki•’ying location o•’ Ark Ciiscussed 02/16/86 CCB 5<br />

Qllege . - &u&nts in Ark have poMen i&ntifyhg state an map 02/16/84: C03 6<br />

Bill Q Won &smses needed initiative and r dorms<br />

State wlls seek $2.25 million to estab lcusiness inauktors<br />

Five execukives named to pneL to help AID2 remuit indrst<br />

State takes wick in success of Arkansa&msed f inns<br />

Waveling shw pdctions make imp& on 1-1 -nay<br />

Fort Smith is enter far in&stry. eoonanic gcwth<br />

Ei&teen SW <strong>mm</strong>ties join in inhstrizil devdop pct<br />

Forr est ti in pr sui t of indClstry and pay rdl s<br />

Jonesbro called diverse cads in distressed delta<br />

Japnese to examine <strong>Arkansas</strong> as possikle invesbnerk area<br />

Ark 5th hi@& in rate a€ job grcwth- stu* reports<br />

Ark drop in survey cb manufacturing climates<br />

AIDC fiqres on new job overstated. Spectrun Claims<br />

Director mve Harrington says AfcC job f iwres not: irflated<br />

Cuv Bill CL inton says AIDC &es not @Lay with j ob f i yr es<br />

Inastrid d hate rank sems to affect invesbnenks little<br />

Achiwenents listed in re* ky Gm Qirkon<br />

AIE di reckor has mitment s f rcm Japnese to consider Ark<br />

Advertising program to enmurage wing of <strong>Arkansas</strong> prod~cts<br />

Gw Bill Qhton featured in a& for Ihy <strong>Arkansas</strong>' drive<br />

Frank White assails ' 13uy <strong>Arkansas</strong>t as blatant pol iti csl<br />

Use & Gw Clinton in 'hy Ark1 a& explained & agenq<br />

Fort Smith W aff icial calls spots pol itioal ads for Q inton<br />

OYlV86 CO3 1<br />

05/22/86 Al.7 3<br />

OE625/# C03 1<br />

06/05/86 C04 6<br />

06/06/86 CO1 3<br />

06/12/86 C02 6<br />

06/1V86 H37 2<br />

06/1y86 m7 2<br />

06/15'86 E07 2<br />

06/lY86 C02 1<br />

06/19/86 CO1 3<br />

06/20/% C01 2<br />

07/01/86 B01 2<br />

07/01/86 ED1 2<br />

07/02/86 A01 2<br />

07/02/86 A03 4<br />

07/03/86 A35 5<br />

BlandEord Co<strong>mm</strong> rerts on ~siness dimate in LR area<br />

07/16/86 All 1<br />

David ~arrington.-Rmy Rokhson discuss foreig tra* policy 08/05/96 C01<br />

State effort to dwdop service sector faulted ly Harrington 08/06/% C02<br />

Wealthy hsiness leaders seek ewn devdoplnent of state 08/07/86 A03<br />

SaLh Cb sets $500.000 5-yr inhstrid devcilopnent pcgm 08/1W86 C01<br />

Sate urged to devd op agrf hsienss<br />

08/25/86 All<br />

lbPkanrsas seeks major investments frcm Japnese in&stry 08/31/86 DO1<br />

List of Japtnese ants and devdopnents already in Ark 08/31/86 DO1<br />

In&stries skipover Ark for cheapr laber werseas 09/07/86 Ell6<br />

Incbstrial Devdopers of Ark reaogiize 4 far &forts<br />

09/14/86 DO1<br />

AIE to mnd 3-<strong>mm</strong>kr delegation to Taiwan to ~cmate Ark 09/18/86 E02<br />

GCN Bill Clinton to speak to Taiwanese leaders 09/18/86 B02<br />

C S Willians named volunteer QE year in indus dwdopnent 09/18/66 COl

AIDC sp kernen discuss difficulty in a ttracki ng indwtry<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Eananic E-nsion Stua Chm meets<br />

Gross state ~ od~ct of Ark cl imbed to $26.6 bill ion in 1985<br />

Sunitcmoto Qrp of Japn sends r ~ FS to Ark for talks<br />

Thx break for existing in&s costs state $7 million<br />

Business incuktor Genesi s' opens at UAF<br />

Role and purp~<br />

cf hsiness inahtor pogram explained<br />

Fi rsk SCCP Ian ma& by Scienae and Te&nology rnhofify<br />

Investment tax credits transferratle. Ate Gen (lark rules<br />

Qunann and Calia, Rock develop inhstrial garks<br />

Melvyn Bd1 suggests formula for eaon grad31<br />

National Sdene F& hooses Ark for stu*<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> momat eligible for $715.000 tax credits<br />

Enterp-ise Zme Act mq not be creating job<br />

Job incentive acts called useless exe@ as tax credits<br />

ManuEa&urerls Investment Tax Credit Act benefits giants<br />

Reprt on Ehture a€ the Sooeh not to ke iqor ed. leaders say<br />

Genesis program ai&d ly Universiw aE <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Gentxis program desig'led as hsiness incubtor<br />

Genesis program hdw fledaing ted-malocg firms in Ark<br />

List, descrieion o•’ f inns in Gemsis program<br />

Cbnnnents b~ Tern governor is rdwant to Ark devdopnent<br />

Gw Bill Clinton lea& delegation to Taiwan<br />

State delegation seeks to lure Taiwan irwestments<br />

Lengthy article explores emnmic slcwdbwn in state<br />

Rich, pcrwaful assemlal e afain in pivate meeting<br />

Jok far <strong>Arkansas</strong>'s Etzture issues re@ on action nee&d<br />

Repr t &r esses need for i m w ~ ed e&c for eoon grog ess<br />

Sunmary d Job for <strong>Arkansas</strong> mtwe rear<strong>mm</strong>en&tims<br />

Job far <strong>Arkansas</strong>'s hture re* gmerates interest:<br />

m N m C EWCATrnN HIERAM. mIQ\NsPs<br />

see Emnmics<br />


see Emncmic Devdopnerh<br />


see Eooncmic Conditions<br />


B J McCoy med director c•’ EDA<br />

B 3 May sees 'ghnmd effort1 in same of KIA's prohlens<br />

EX)A mes inhstry <strong>mm</strong>clil $24.350. city audit finds<br />

Bcard hears plan for rthahilitaticm af EOA<br />

B 3 Mdby not allwed to opxate EOA olll: of his 1- &fie<br />

NEW Nan far EDA still secret<br />

Proposed plan calls for hdqet incrmse. me change<br />

First Cb<strong>mm</strong>ercial Bank buys OK) &fie bldg at LR<br />

Scme bd menbers offer to py r e for Udg owned ly Md3y<br />

KEYDN o•’ficial. saleman indicted on axaim tra•’ficing chg<br />

Agency kick in operation<br />

Ari Sesu Merrehzm calls for &ut&wn af agency<br />

Janes Rilq HHendermn Jr surrenders to marbas on drug chg<br />

EDA Bd votes to begin talks on &certifying agency<br />

State notifies EOA grant eatus to end<br />

Agency now weplred to file far hnkrtqtcy- aEficid says<br />

B J McGy hops to seek bankruptcy for agency<br />

Ol/lY86 A09 1<br />

OVZo/% A07 4<br />

OY3L/86 A05 1<br />

02/05/86 Alo 4<br />

02/20/86 AOI 2

DATE<br />

E4GE CDL<br />

Fbmer head of KEKDN convicted on clomine. prjury chg<br />

EDABd apgrwes plan to file for knkru@xy<br />

Bankrwcy filing shcws dek of $53 0,53 2. assets of $333 -279<br />

B J McCoy ~aised for &forts to mve agency<br />

Deoerlif imtim of EDA is eff &ive<br />

Former head of Kq-Con gcoject sentenoed on drug charges<br />

Assets valwd at $60.000<br />

WNWCS<br />

see also Echcatim - Cusriculun<br />

see also Rd igion<br />

EEJaTmN<br />

see a1 ED DL Ease and Illness<br />

see also are-Teacher Assouatim<br />

see alm Sbolars Bml<br />

see alm Track Scfioals<br />

Studa&s give LR hi* marks on qua1 itg a€ dca tim r ecreived<br />

Uaski nistfs ~ ~ I program C K seeks to invalve prents<br />

Japnese delegation tours Qossett schoals<br />

rnCATrnN - ACRDEMIC CAL<strong>mm</strong><br />

bnel rea<strong>mm</strong>ends mifarm opening on last Pbnhy in Aug<br />

ER junior hi* dasses mq expand to 7 periods &ily<br />


see al il '&a•’•’ ic Acciderrts and Safw<br />

rnQ4TrnN - m <strong>mm</strong>mRs<br />

LR Su* Ed Kelly is a fimlist fa job at Fhdison. Wisc<br />

Gm Qirton to seek estab of ngnt institke for pindpls<br />

LR Sm Ed Mly withdrms as candil$te for Wismnsin job<br />

maski Cb grinupls taking course in dealing with staff<br />

N&r s-s take wer in 61 aE state's 334 dists<br />

N;R Sqk Joe Austin discusses his work with dist<br />

rnCaTD3N - ATYJLIS:<br />

Jcyce Christine Ckcwder is top GED saxer in state<br />

Likxary ad&d to LR Di;strictls A W t mcatian Center<br />

Wer 800 addts enralled in A&lq Cbvlty grogram<br />

WmTm - I4irnI<br />

Mbelvale Hi* Scfioal 50-yx remion hdd<br />

<strong>mm</strong>m - PWARE PMD HrnCWS<br />

NLR &u&nt wins intril sdene and engineering contest<br />

Lake Hanilton 6th graders win iikerrational tro@y<br />

Prohlcm-mlving at Barcy. Ark (ed on groble~solving tern)<br />

E3. Bra& elen studmkswin Intnl Wssey a€ theMindevent<br />

No Ark sch0dl.s among 270 hmored ky Reagan atin<br />

Sbte Reoxpition Rogram honors 5 gupils. 9 teacbas<br />


see also E&cation- Segegation<br />

Qmty Bd appwes annexatim of Lwra to South Mississippi<br />

Consoli&ting distsmlst have &aced bom&ry. ct rules<br />

Ross Van Ness <strong>mm</strong>t merge with m&ra mder ct rd. ing<br />

Four pltrons of Midland Disk file suit wer dosing<br />

Consoliihtion of St Charles with Mitt u&dd ky mut<br />

&mah Dist merges with mnila Sd~ool Disk<br />

Z<strong>mm</strong>zition of Ekowah Est to <strong>mm</strong>la Dist @ad ky ct<br />

Rep mug Wood fwurs limiting of dists to three Fer county<br />

Deha Mst merger wit% Batesville went wdl<br />

06/1v86 All0 1<br />

06/25/86 E01 1<br />

06/23/86 A08 1<br />

07/07/86 A01 2<br />

07/10/86 A1 4 1<br />

07/18/%6 A24 5<br />

07/25/86 A07 1

List of 7 occasions when Fkank White a&ocrated cxrnsolichtion 09/19/86 A20 1<br />

WaTIDN - CONSJL57W!lS<br />

LR Rist hired IX Richert to hap dwdop gifted program 02/04/86 A06 1<br />

Dr S w m Richert gets $700 daily as amliltant for LR nist OVO$/€E A08 1<br />

State grant to LR Dist ~sed to my fk Richat's fees OY04'86 A08 I<br />

State Wca tion De@ mzy limit consultant fee to $300 daily 02/ 0v86 A0 1 5<br />

l'hury Verrters rethinking de* policy an aonsultank fees 02/0Y86 A01 5<br />

LR Ilist pid Ih: Richat $14.400 for work dme last year 02/06/86 A05 5<br />

Fee a€ $700 per day not mtsual for consultants. lea&rs say 02/U7/86 A03 5<br />

Little Rock on $700 a chy (editoria) 02/07/86 A18 I<br />

E@.e Bmocrat at Warren critiml aE fees pid Dr Ricfiert 02/16/86 C04 3<br />

Firing of expensive mnsriltarnt by LR DL& j ~ tffied 02J1%/%6 N.1 4<br />

State gifted e&c head r eassiqed 02/18/86 B08 5<br />

py for Susanne Richert &•’ended Ly <strong>Arkansas</strong> Sate Ress 02/23/86 CO4 2<br />


see also Kiihapping<br />

Central Eli& at LR aayed ky auto eak-ins. vm&l ism 11/13/86 A08 5<br />


Guidelhs s3ucj1t for dasses reoeived ky sjltellite OYV/% ~ 0 85<br />

3-10 schools to use dasses f run Texas via satdlite OI/17/& A08 5<br />

Cushmanand Cord4mrlotte uses ~ tdlite pogrms fran Tems 03/09/86 C03 1<br />

TI-IN satellite instructicm is livel wes t&e@mes 03/09/86 C03 I<br />

TIW Netwark operation in dassrocm described 03/10/86 All 1<br />

Eonunic effects of shuttle explosion tramd bj students 04/10/86 rD1 2<br />

LR @ans for subtan= alxlse. sex e&c clourse discussed OVl7/86 Al.9 5<br />

GLoM Studies to be rquired in evesy hi* schoal Os/O8/86 Al9 1<br />

Stronger s on math urged ly study pnel 07/16/86 NO 5<br />

Drug e&c program m E<br />


see Edlmtion - RfmdzXL Rogrms<br />

begins in LR schoals 1l/19/86 BOI 1<br />


see Edlcatim and Shoals - Student 8n&& and Disdflirae<br />


Rope rate for hi* schoal stu*nts listed (by state) 06/0l,/86 CU7 1<br />


Jmction City Schodl I=d manber files FOI actim 06/12/86 Al8 5<br />

Junction City 1x3 says no FOI viaations occurred 06/13/86 A17 1<br />

FOI ~etition agdinst Jmction C3ty M withaawn 09/13/86 ED1 2<br />

Rim aonferenes & Rilaski Q Dish Bd often llsed 12/28/86 C06 1<br />


see als~ Ecbcation - Fimncx<br />

At-large M el &ion at Hunnoke ruled unconstitutional 01/03/86 A03 3<br />

Judge ruled Mack denied ric$tts in ablarge M electims 01/03/86 A03 3<br />

Most maski Qmty Dist makers to seek re-dedAa7 Ol/OV86 CU7 1<br />

ELR voting on hoard psitiom 03/09/86 I331 2<br />

Six seek two open psi tions on LR board 03/09/86 HI1 4<br />

Little Rock and Nora LitU e Rock bd menbexs elected 03/12/86 ED1 4<br />

Election resLllts in &sts o&si& Ailaski Bmty 03/13/86 AlO 1<br />

Hunnoke case tests a-klarp election of direckors 11/09/86 CM 1<br />

Lmyer says Hunnoke gilQ ct 'Anerican aprtheid' 11/13/86 A08 1<br />

Federal Judge Henry woods orders zone el&ims for LR board 12/02/86 A01 2<br />

I'kp shcws pzoposed zmes for LR nist 12/02/86 A01 3<br />

Hdem-West Hdem at-large deckion rued not dtiscrimimbry 12/09/86 Ell1 2<br />

Waski Cbmty Dist zcne @an not suitable. Judge Woods says 12/10/86 Al4 5

Maski Est pegares n a scfioal bard zme pop&<br />

WCATrnN - EFmomE1S<br />

LR Ili st to give custodid services antract to Term f inn<br />

Little Rock CTA asks rejection of Tenn f inn for custodians<br />

LFl Ilist, CFA rea& impsse on cut in custocXd services<br />

CTA and LR Ilist reach agr eenent on support eaff<br />

Little Rock W A wfil no lcnger brgain for secretaries<br />


Suit seeks tryout to lx cheerleader in maski Cb Est<br />

Meeting called on ch eerl eading r U e in EUl aski =st<br />

Court sets hearing on cheerleader tryouks in Fulaski fist<br />

Eblaski Ilist errjained frm intezvenkim in tryouts<br />

Blacks pr otest d~ eerl eader ael ect i on method at Engl and<br />


mr&nelle Mst &ays off rm build in^^;<br />


see a1 so E&ca tion - Segr ega tim<br />

Maski Bmty Dist faces hdget cut of- $400,000<br />

h& 59 effect on s&od firance creates ~ohlans<br />

LR JSR dists nuw told thq &I not m e state rdmds<br />

Stu* ar<strong>mm</strong> =ys time not ri+t to revise Pinit 59<br />

Fulaski Ilist Supt Bobby Lester lists cost-cutting measures<br />

List o•’ schools and amts owed state for cwerplyment<br />

key dists owe state abut $3.7 rrcillion for wsplyments<br />

kmentun grcws for change frun poperty tax for f&bg<br />

ParaptiLd Press urges change in A& 816 of 1983 (proprty tax 0~26/& C04 6<br />

Winston Bryant sees litfle hope CE rerision aE Rndc 59 Ou3lJ86 A07 1<br />

Edlcation bears large &are cb state hdget cuts OYO8/% A09 1<br />

Millage rises soucj~t bj 88 districts 02/09/86 a19 1<br />

Three dists r eprt debt to state much less than thouat OV11/86 A03 3<br />

Legidation to be mught to forgive werpyment in state aid 02/16/86 All 1<br />

Sd-iodl fmd cuts estimate r deed 02/15/86 BDl 2<br />

M;R will cut grograms if millaw rise not voted 03/03/86 A03 1<br />

%an Ferstl's renarks on qtaliw CZ &c irks NLR group 03/03/86 A03 I<br />

Minim fornibtion aid cut bj $4.5 million 03/03/86 A12 3<br />

E&cation in Ark faoes fmding crisis. Ed Bulington asserts 03/05/86 A05 1<br />

Schoals in Ark spend avg of 11 -9 pct on adinistrative costs 03/%/86 IU 5 1<br />

Colunn discusses reappraisal. rollbck and millage 03/06/86 A17 1<br />

Me di&s face 'sink or miml sitlation in millage vote 03/09/86 A01 2<br />

Glen Rose Dist asks for deer ease in millage rate 03/09/86 A01 3<br />

KR ptrans to vote an millage increase 03/09/86 E01 2<br />

Districtstoreceivefar lessof anincrease in statefulds 03/12/86 A01 2<br />

KRand Pulaski Bmty asks defeat millage polpsals 03/12/86 A01 3<br />

WRandPulaski Q nistvotersturndbwnmillagein~eases 03/1V86 E01 4<br />

Voters in 58 fists appwe millage rise while 31 disappwe 03/13/86 A01 2<br />

EgR maski Ilists to art hdget to raise fm& for stan&rds 03/13/86 A01 3<br />

N;R Mask. Rists to cut bdget to raise fmds for standards 03/13/86 A01 3<br />

Election resdts on millage votes outsick Rilaski Bunty 03/13/06 A10 1<br />

Ark gets hrwin for &cation Cbllar. Tb<strong>mm</strong>y Venters =ys 03/17/86 E08 2<br />

IUl aski (b Di st may cut athl &i cs after mill age &feat 03/21/86 A10 1<br />

Editorids discuss resd ts of millage votes 03/23/86 C04 1<br />

Itsenty dlists get extensim to gay hck state Emding 03/26/86 A01 2<br />

Gloany oublook on school f imncre has beme worse 03/30/86 A01 2<br />

AEA AssemUy asks spcid ses&an af Legis on fm& 'crisis' 0q06/86 E01 5

Fklling oil pies hurt schocd &sts in Sokh Ark 10/20/86 AOI 4<br />

Gov Clinton asks groups to work together for increased fmdb 10/29/86 A07 1<br />

Schoal a&rs meet. pn&r f irancid poblans 10/29/86 801 4<br />

Frank White fledges all state mnstruction funds to schoals 10/30/86 A03 3<br />

State ranks 46th in spending per ppil 11/05/86 A07 1<br />

Manhte given Gw Clinton means more taxes. Ben Allen ays 1V07/86 C01 3<br />

&cation Eep schoal Idqt e=ee&Gov Qintontsproposal. 12/03/86 A04 1<br />

Lecjidabrs urge mare school fmds than Gw Qinton asked 12/09/86 A01 2<br />


M;R Sd-1oo3. Bd votes new grahtion stadrds<br />

WCaTIDN - <strong>mm</strong>aPIED<br />

see alsr, Ed3catim - Student Cbnhct and Risc<br />

Bryant Rist refuses to py to keep $4 in special scha<br />

Suit seeks to farce Bryant. State U c Dep to ply ao&s<br />

Fort Smith prenks sue teacfiers of motionally handicapped<br />

Fort SdW suit alleges children were absed<br />


Hunwc~k stifl ing children. Verna Lee Himgarher ~ y s<br />

EmChTrnN - m ama<br />

LitU e Rock, maski Cb Dist s to stay in ins pool<br />


Hillary Qinton lea& effort for HIFW program in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Brad &doped preshodl pogram dled HIPPY<br />

Plee ma& to stop gushing children to achieve in early years<br />


l3hcatim lkg ~epring tees fa hane shoal students<br />

Testing to begin on ppils cptting hane instruction<br />

Testing hanes&ooled is tureaucratic hea&&e for cdf idas<br />

Ropr Schoals explain hi* grades earned b~ students<br />

Hane &cation lw d-dlenged ky M<strong>mm</strong>y fanily at Spinqdale<br />

Test resuilts &cw 81 pct pss ems in hane sd-ioding<br />

Battle 1 ines drawn wenr r esd. ts of hane sdzoal tees<br />

Sen Nick Wilson says Gw Qirhon lacks courage to change law<br />

Reprt &WS 818 students being edcated at hane<br />

Legidators asked to make changes in hane sd-iociling la<br />

Cbmpmding the error m hane schoals (ed)<br />


Yearbook at Ehnington oensored ly schoal cEf icids<br />

Farmington Shod Bd orders censored editorial distributed<br />

Censorbip at <strong>mm</strong>ington (ed)<br />

Fannington Eootmte (ed)<br />

Tek af amtrwersial editorial in Fhn-iington yearbook<br />

Wise &usian (ed on Rnnington S&od Bd decision)<br />

EwcATI13N - R&ErnS RAcrIaS<br />

Suit was filed acpinst Van Bur en I;y Nancy Sted . a repr ter<br />

Suit alleges prayers said &ring schod hours at Van Buren<br />

rnrnT113N - Rxl'EDIAL ROzM<br />

allege Statim group seeks f u~ds for pivate learning lab<br />

EEIJCATrnN - RKlrnNS<br />

see E&c andschods- Alunni<br />

maTm - SEREATIDN<br />

see dm Athletics - Hi@ Schocil<br />

see als, Gwernor<br />

Ckitaia for &segrqting Hmnoke faculty =&red ly judge<br />

Pul aski Di st o•’f id. al s stua Mem& is nei cjbrhood plan<br />

8 J m y wanks em&asis on qmlity dc. mt desegregation<br />

May suggests hcw m@~asis mad be &Zted to qlality<br />

KR will not appeal finding on culplhility in LR poHmns<br />

Black pares will pope assigunent aan far LR &st<br />

LFt schodLs emined for irnpwenents needed un&r @an<br />

State Edxc Bd splits 4-4 on amal QE nilins in LR case<br />

E'mds to be m~&t •’run ~qis-co py state &are cb czlse mst 0~28/% E01 5<br />

LR =st requests hearing on bm&y changes 02/05/86 ED1 1<br />


Hearing set on LR Maski Cb ni & born& ri es 02/06/86 EOl 6<br />

~laskiGDnistasksUSSuprenea:toreviavlatest ruling 02/(n/86A07 1<br />

GOi7 Clirkon kicks appeal aE arder for state to py LR oosts 02/08/86 A05 1<br />

Bob@ Lester meets singly with Maski fist bd mrmbers 0~09/% ~ 0 41<br />

Lester meetings on mse did not violate FDI la 02/09/86 E04 1<br />

Order for state to hap fmd LR desegregatian attacked 02/09/86 Ca3 5<br />

Ailaski Mst asks appcrvd d NAACP for student assiganerlt OYl2/€6 E01 4<br />

mssibil ity aE annexing LR Disk to hlaski Q discussed 02/13/86 A01 4<br />

LR fist @.am not subject to FOI. Ed Kelly contends 02/1$/86 A13 1<br />

Maski Cb fist to &ua @ans in pUic OY14/86 A13 1<br />

Sqks of LRand Pulaski CB Ssts disass bom&ry ckranges OY15/86 A07 3<br />

Pulaski Dist Bd offers @can on horn&ries Oy18/86 A01 2<br />

State E&c Bd votes to appal order in maski Gb ase 02/19/86 A01 2<br />

Judge Woods postpnes hearing in Elllaski Cb-LR Mst case 02/19/86 A01 3<br />

LR-Maski Cb ase mars f rui tim. Janes Fbwdl writes 02/2l/86 A17 1<br />

Stucknt assigrment: plck ktkleen Maski. Cb- NAAB negotiated 02/25/86 E02 1<br />

State asks rwiw of arder to hdp fund maski deaegretim 03/0l,/86 BD1 5<br />

b1ask.i =st. MVIB at imps= on assigment aiteria 03/11/% E02 1<br />

Pulaski Disk a&@s student assigma& criteria 03/Iy86 A09 1<br />

LR Bd votes desegregation measure 03/1$/86 A01 4<br />

LR @anwot.ild aost state $70 million. then $52 million yearly 03/14/86 A01 4<br />

LR flan wodd ao st state $79 mill ion. then $52 mill ion y eady 03/14/86 C 1<br />

Cost o•’ LR propsal termed hrden to state 03/1Y86 A01 5<br />

Little Rock1 s desegr egticm Nan (ed) 03/1Y86 A16 I<br />

Littl e Rock' s desegr ~ t i -@an m (ed) 03/1Y86 A16 1<br />

Cost to state aE LR @.an assailed ly Gw and Atty Genera 03/18/&i A01 3<br />

Parties in EW.aski Cbmty dists suhnit @ans to federal court 03/18/85 A01 4<br />

Rilaski CbLnty IZist suhnits plan to federal disk murt 03/20/&6 A01 4<br />

Keeping desegr ecgtim in perspective (ed) 03/20/86 A18 1<br />

Report issued on racially identifiable sd~ools in LR Est 03/21/86 A03 3<br />

Ran* in LR is chealpr than segrecption. H Ben Wfilians says 03/21/86 A23 1<br />

LR Rist student assicpnent flan is depirtur e f run policy 03/23/86 A16 1<br />

And nav the RiLaski Gbmty @.an (ed) 03/23/86 C02 1<br />

Henry WhAs plan now looks better. Janes Rwdl writes 03/23/86 C03 1<br />

Ruling on Rzlaski-LR Id.& bmdary is o~tntger a€ dispute 03/23/86 C06 4<br />

Legal fees awarded Mack intwenors in mlaski Q Dist case 03/2!3/86 E02 1<br />

Ekl Kelly defends LR's propsed plan as wcrkakile 03/25/86 B02 3<br />

Legidlators asmil LR llist @.an 03/26/86 All 5<br />

Jodie Many asks LR Dist to r eaonsider &segregation @an 03/28/86 A17 4<br />

Rilaski 8 Dist wants new dist bmckries to ke prmanent 04/11/86 A10 1<br />

State Edzcatim I&@ mts upcivil Ri@tsUnit toaid disks 0$/13/86 El3 1<br />

Ectitorizils on LR @an and state 1 iabil ity 04/13/86 C04 2<br />

Steve Qark asks ct to order LRhlaski 8 Est talk 04/15/86 H31 4<br />

BXtorials on pying for LR poblens 04/20/86 C04 3<br />

ArkHour;e aE Reps resolut5.cn mndanns LRm statefmds plan05/02/86 A01 2<br />

The Ho~se's 'little' resoluticn (ed) 05/0$/€6 C02 1<br />

LRBist tells ck order on desegregation ren* needis no rw 0q08/86 A03 3<br />

Pul aski ni st eeks delay in @an for d arif ia ti on 05622/% E01 5<br />

Hearing ordered on state liability for @may Cbmty case 05/30/86 A06 1<br />

mte seeks assurance •’ran dists on aum@.iane 06/04/86 A13 1<br />

Court rdtses to rule on permamnq u•’ LR RLstrict lines 06/06/86 M.3 4<br />

LR pt~ms recruiting stu&nts for district 06/08/86 C06 1<br />

Sate to rquire &as to pwe they are in mflianoe 06/10/86 ED1 5<br />

Jim Wa~~ey<br />

calls for merger a€ LR and Pulaski Dists 06/13/86 A01 2

krger of LWRzlaski fists would aid hsiness. spokeman says 06/13/86 A01 2<br />

A lxlsiness call for school merger (ed) 06/18/86 A18 1<br />

Bom&ry changes called central issue in LFbRxlaski Dist race 06/ly86 C09 1<br />

Hearingii resune on bomhry changes in Maski dists 06/17/86 A01 2<br />

No botnd8ry changes expe&ed in RiLaskj. dists this year 06/17/86 A01 3<br />

Supr me Ck a&im means state to py p rt o•’ Rxl aski a sts 06/17/86 A0 1 6<br />

US Suprene Ck LI@I~& or&r for Maski bm&ry changes 06/17/86 A01 6<br />

Hearing in maski dists case di.sru#ed ky funes in c~uctrocm 06/17/86 A07 1<br />

Sorting out schood desegretion case (ed on maski Cb mse) 06/18/86 Al4 1<br />

Judge Woods or &rs NLR to &w it is in m@l iane 06/18/86 BD1 1<br />

Maqet schods discussed at Maski dies hearing 06/18/86 ED1 1<br />

Judl~e WOO& expects his next ruling in hlaski case mdd 06/19/86 A01 2<br />

Judge Woods names pnel to seek union af LRand Pulaski. Dists 06/20/86 A01 2<br />

alter Smilq. Bob~ussell. Kennea P Wilson named to pnel<br />

Planning begins for talks on possiue merger in &laski Dist<br />

Necp ti ati ng a Ril. aski shoal rner ger (ed)<br />

Euth major newspprs at LR urge merger d districts<br />

Devdopnents in hlaski case spark talk of district merger<br />

erger called best wty to end Fulaski s&oals ase<br />

Pulaski Q pnd. may rqwst deed talk on merger<br />

Beards of EUaski and LR Dists favor open j dnt meeting<br />

Pulaski bd menkr Bennie 0' Wl favors merger with LR<br />

PuLaski cimty needs one di &. Rokr t Mar d writes<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Ress ed on Maski merger @.an<br />

Jacksonville ed opposes merger @an for Maski dists<br />

Surpising suyJport for Fulaski disks merger appears<br />

Pulasld dist s merger talks to be open to pkiL ic<br />

Maski disks bds mnentrate an segregation in 1st meeting<br />

Necpti ating shod ansol i& tion (ed on RA ask Q &st s)<br />

Janes Fmdl recap major wents in Eizlasld &sts case<br />

Business goup issues appeal for merger cf FUlaski &st s<br />

JackomSle C of C sug~sks two &sts for Eblaski dists<br />

Little Rock CC urges merger d FUaski and LR Rists<br />

LR Maski Est Bds to continm talks on possikile merger<br />

Jacksonville City Cbmul favors 2 dists if meger occurs<br />

Pr ogr ess noted in talks ketwcerz LR and Pulaski Q dist s<br />

On the rmd tward sd-iod merger (ed)<br />

Group lobhies for 2 dists in Iblasld in additicm to NLR<br />

B&ng is main topic at meeting of &laski &&s hoards<br />

Blacks in EWaski Cb say brden af bsing fdls on then<br />

Busing is aucial in talks between LR Maski c5sts<br />

Shemood Comcil bcks @.an for *two dists in mlaski<br />

J F Cooley &tails experienes as black teacher in East Ark<br />

Judge gets LR IUaski nist pan for bunduy changes<br />

LR Rilaski Bds to hold seprate votes on merger<br />

Figxes on lxsing under merger given to LR maski Ws<br />

Nmth Little Rock will not enter into merger talks<br />

Busing wodd rise if LR and Pulaski Dies merge<br />

Judq Wood!% or&rs LR fist bmhries to e ~ n with d city<br />

Text o•’ ct: order on LFbECllaski Cbmty Dists<br />

Rokrt Mard mlunn on NLR re-1 b join merger talks<br />

Guessing gme mntinms on FUaski dists<br />

&R decision appears to hiwe killed i&a a€ 2 Waski dists<br />

A decision on the sdmols (ed)<br />

06/20/86 A01 2<br />

06/21/86 A01 4<br />

06/21/86 Al.4 1<br />

06/2Y86 EOl 2<br />

06/22/86 E01 2<br />

06/22/86 CtY3 1<br />

06/24/86 A01 2<br />

06/25/86 E01 4<br />

06/26/86 A08 3<br />

06/29/86 CO3 4<br />

06/29/86 C04 5<br />

06/29/86 C04 6<br />

06/29/86 C06 1<br />

07/0yt% A01 2<br />

[n/02/86 E01 1<br />

07/03/86 Al6 I<br />

07/03/86 A17 1<br />

07/09/86 Ell1 1<br />

07/12&6 E01 2<br />

07/16/86 A01 2<br />

07/17/86 A03 1<br />

07/18/86 A19 1<br />

07/18/&6 A1 9 1<br />

07/18/% A22 1<br />

07/23/86 A01 2<br />

07/23/86 BD1 2<br />

07/25/86 A14 5<br />

07/28/86 AOI 2<br />

07/29/86 A03 1<br />

07/29/86 A11 4<br />

07/30/86 E01 1<br />

07/3l/86 A12 1<br />

07/33/% A1 2 6<br />

08/0y86 AOI 4<br />

08/0y86 A01 5<br />

08/02/86 A01 6<br />

08/02/86 A14 1<br />

08/03/86<br />

08/03/86<br />

C03 4<br />

C06 5<br />

08/05/86 A05 1<br />

08/05/86 A08 I

James md.1 discusses latest order by Judge Hemy Woods 08/05J86 A09 5<br />

JudgeWoodsapp-wesexkensionforLB-Eiilaskimerger talks 08/06/86E01 5<br />

ThadGray discusses propal. for 2 dists in Eblaski 08/07/86 Al7 1<br />

Chmn of US Civil IQbts Ck<strong>mm</strong> tells LR groupantitxlsing stand 08/10/% A09 1<br />

Fulaski Cb Bd ready for &cw&wn vote on merger popsal 08/10/86 BD1 2<br />

LR Bd favors merger. Eblaski fist vote to be do= 08/10/86 BD1 6<br />

Jacksonville Sm&y NWS <strong>mm</strong>ments on Woods latest ruling 08/f0/86 CO4 4<br />

Van Buren ed says state &odd not my AzZaski dist msts 08/10/86 C04 6<br />

Little Rock Bd lacks merger. Maski Bd indicates owsition 08/12/86 A01 4<br />

Axlaski Disk Bd r q ects merger. votes to appedl ruling 08/13/86 A01 2<br />

LR fist Bd disappointed with vate ty maski Dist Bd 08/13/86 A10 4<br />

maski nist ~d wants talks with LR ~d on merger<br />

08/ll~t~ AOI 2<br />

Fulaski =st kgins appeal. cf or&r cm &st bmdtry dmqes 08/16/86 A05 1<br />

Planrdngby LRIXst stalleduntil bmd$ry issuesresolved 08/17/&6A01 3<br />

Map of arsas a•’•’ e e d ly LR Est bmdary changes 08/17/86 A05 1<br />

Janes Rmdl sees chawinisn in Maski Ilist Bd vote 08/17/86 COG 1<br />

Mediation pnel asks Maski Dist to reclonsidx merger vote 08/19/86 A03 3<br />

Brsiness takewer mt needed, Jqae Uliott writes 08/20/86 A15 5<br />

hneld8tkarcuitatohearappal cnLRbmdxyca~ 08/2q86A03 1<br />

Here m e<br />

the8ti-i Circuit judcps (ed) 08/23/84 1116 I<br />

LR and Pulaski Dists •’am changes after this sdocil year 08/24/86 B01 2<br />

Maski nist has hi* hops for ap~eal 08/24/86 CU7 4<br />

maski Bist wants •’till 8th CXrdt pnel to hear appeaJ. 08/26/86 A04 1<br />

Nelera-West H e l m blacks daimdisaimimtion. boycott s& 08/27/86 A05 4<br />

Districts in Maski Cb agree on stu&nt transfer pliq 08/27/86 Ell1 4<br />

Boymtt of HelawWest H&em sans to weaken 08/28/86 A15 3<br />

State asks rrSlease •’ran msts of Cbnway Cb &st menrgers 08/30/86 A03 3<br />

Judge Woods estak maget r wiew pnel for Maski di sts plan 0 9/04/86 $1 1 5<br />

LR &st gives judge details for next &ase of degregaticn 09/05/86 A12 1<br />

N;R IWaski Risks file &segregation @am 09/06/86 A09 1<br />

Pulaski fist denied full pnel for apal CE ruling 09/09/86 A05 5<br />

Cbnflicking views filed in appeal ctE Maski Dist-LR botndary 09/10/86 A14 5<br />

Bdiatim pneL accused of hflisd threat to Waski rep 09/17/86 E01 5<br />

Fanel aonsiders legidation on maski Cb dists merger issue 09/18/86 A03 1<br />

US Circuit Cburt pnel hearing appal. of LR bmtkries @an 09/20/86 A01 2<br />

Layer asks r ej &ion oE racially idmtif iahle LR schoals 10/04'86 A03 5<br />

I&R far f ran king clear CE desegregation case. s@ warns 10/05/t6 C[n 1<br />

Busing for &segregatim harms LR Robert McCord writes 11/16/86 C03 1<br />

Merger talks in Etilaski Qmty pol;aMy will not resune ll/20/86 A01 2<br />

Chartof radd makeupof LRandPulaski Distsm&r order 11/20/86A01 4<br />

List of schools transferred to LRfrm Rzlaski Dist 11/20/@5 A01 4<br />

No appd of federal ct order aanned ky LR IUlaski Dist 11/2C/% A01 6<br />

Pulaski Dist srrpt oltlines prohlens murt order creates 11/20/86 A01 6<br />

Court &usion settles nothing for NLR Risk 11/20/% A04 1<br />

Little Rock Dist @am no appeal of ct ruling 1l/20/86 A04 1<br />

Mapof LR Dist hom&ry mder murt ruling 1l/20/86 A04 1<br />

mx base dmnges for LR Maski Dists under ct order 11/20/86 A04 3<br />

Little Rock Di st bmdaries will not expnd with city limits 1l/20/86 A0 4 5<br />

Questions arise in areas to be ad&d to LR Est 1l/20/86 All 1<br />

Text o•’ Eicjath Circuit Ct decisim on Rilaski dists 11/20/86 A15 1<br />

New bmckries f a LR and Fulaski dsts may be set by next yr ll/U/86 A01 2<br />

Teachers seek to greserve ri@ts, job as bomdary changes 1l/21/86 A05 5<br />

LittleRockwon fi&t on resegregatian, Jmes Ibwdl writes 1l/2l/&6 A25 1<br />

State agrees to py Nmo Vista 530.000 in Cbnway Cb case 11/23/86 A20 1

DATE<br />

BGE U3L<br />

Queskims abornd on LFeAtlaski 8 hounhry &f&s 1l/23/86 ED1 2<br />

Maski Bd menbers meet singly with attys to discuss rding 13/25/86 E01 1<br />

Jacksonville News discusses latest US Appals (3 rLit ing 1l/30/86 C04 2<br />

Legl asks in LRFhlaski Bmty case rnntinue to dimb 1l/30/86 CE 4<br />

State told to gay desegregation msts in 1979 @may Cb case 12/02/86 All 1<br />

JudgeWoodsor&rsLl+FUaski bm&riesef•’ed5vefor 1487 12/03/86A01 2<br />

JudgeHenryWo& &sclassesseyeral issuesinRzlaski 12/10/86A01 2<br />

CXv Clinton fledges mopration in financing for s&od order 12/10/86 A14 1<br />

Gcw Clinton saysArk tomeet oMigatian as cheady as it can 12/11/86 A16 1<br />

Paying the hill for &segregation (ed) 12/1l/86 A22 1<br />

Maglet @an would move ROTC grqm at Jacksonville 12/17/86 H)I 1<br />

LR Mst seeks valmteers to trader •’ran Uaski Dist 1V18/86 A05 1<br />

Pulaskj. ni st &tails popodi on mag& schools 12/20/86 AJ.3 1<br />

LR Su@ Ed Kelly receives fair hare aE ahse 12/21/86 C06 1<br />

Pulaski Dist Ed amsidering student assigwtent aan 1Y23/€6 A01 2<br />

Judge Woods says he -mot order LR to hire Maski teachers 12/2$/86 A01 6<br />

Fulaski Dist W amwes pu@l assiiigrment gxLdelhs 12/24/86 All 1<br />


ee a1 so E&ca ti on - Teachers<br />

Hop Dist sseks way to r&ce dass size after millage fails 03/23/86 E07 1<br />

Gov Clinton urgesetkcatorsto resist dilutim of stanhrds 04/CX3/86 A03 1<br />

Gav Bill Clinton honored for &forts in e&c 0$/0$/86 A10 6<br />

Schodls can seek innovative ways to meet stanhrds. pv sys 04/09/86 A01 6<br />

Teaches &atages mdd fore E&c Dee to seek changes 0$/09/86 A01 6<br />

Will not s w r t weakem ng stanihrds. Gcw Q inton says 04/09/86 A01 6<br />

Owal Rubs callsstan&rdsa sneakyway tofacemergers 0$/13/86C06 2<br />

Gov Bill Clinton defends need for den s& amsd.ors 06625/86 A08 6<br />

AETN p-opss ming satdlite qstm tro meet &an&rds 04/21/86 A12 5<br />

Elditoridl calls far Mame in msts of meeting stan&rds 04/27/8g C04 3<br />

msk fore med by Gcw to aid schocils with fhncial poMm 014/30/86 El1 5<br />

GCN Clinton names pnel to sku* me u€ W to meet standxds 05/02/86 A03 I<br />

Don R Henson has plan for large disks not in <strong>mm</strong>@iance OVOz/86 A24 3<br />

Use cd AElN to meet stan&r& ins s-rt fran gand 05/16/86 A13 5<br />

State &c officids stuck pssiUe use cb TV teacfiing 04/02/86 EOl 2<br />

Stan&r& jeoprdized ky %ding deficiencies. AEAhead says 06/05&6 A13 4<br />

A3N can oEfer Spni&, German and ghysia courses 07/02/86 Al.3 1<br />

W murses to be monitored by state Edcation De& 07/22/86 A03 1<br />

Ten dists to be allcwed to offer courses throu* satellite W 07/22/86 A03 1<br />

Stanhrds mud b stretched out of es&stenoe. mas says 08/n/% ~ 0 1<br />

&ark Spctator sees no vali&fy for stanckrds delay 08/17/86 C04 1<br />

Pushing back the stanards (ed on stand of White and Cl Won) 08/20/86 A1 4 1<br />

FrankWhite~llsstan&rdsarurdansoli&ti<strong>mm</strong>eas~e 08/21/86A03 1<br />

Dranatic strides taken tmard meeting new stan&r& 08/22/86 A20 5<br />

Frank White popsal for ansol i&tim led to new stan& rdr; 08/24/% C01 1<br />

TamLarimer discussespr~blendmeetingstan~rdsontime 08/24/86C04 2<br />

Gw Clinton says stani$rds effeive beginning of 15437 sch yr 08/25/86 A05 1<br />

Stanhrds effectivein Etill 1987 would delay foroedmergers 08/25/86 A05 1<br />

WA disagrees with Gw Q inton on deadline for stan&r& 08/26/86 A01 2<br />

Gov Uinkon insistrs stan&r& effectivewith 1987-88 scfi yr 08/27/86 A08 4<br />

Gav Clinton accuses Rank White aE ckarqing stand on mergers 08/29/86 A03 1<br />

Qinims vary an deaaine for meeting stanhrds 08/31/86 HI1 5<br />

Earon Dist ~e a€ V for Spni& instruction wd.uated 09/Ol/86 ED1 1<br />

Pulaski dies ask Eeckral judlge to waive state stan&& 09/03/86 A01 3<br />

Fulaski &sts ask waiver acl fmds mn go to desegregation 09/03/86 A01 3

=torials call for no retreat on imaenenting stanhrds<br />

Vm Buren Ress Args sees erosi.cn o•’ local s&od control<br />

Districts making trenendbus effort to meet stanarck<br />

Alternative schools suggested for students who db not learn<br />

Rlitorials axnmertt on &cision to stall legis action<br />

Stu&nt tests &m edtc reforms arewaking in Ark<br />

Retreating f ran the shod stanhrds (ed on Leda eramge)<br />

Am saores hi+= for stu&nts already mder raew stan&r&<br />

Pine BluEf (3<strong>mm</strong>erci.d d on e&catim in Leola<br />

Frank White @edges to u@xild stan&r& if decked gvernor<br />

Ettitorial urges fmding to meet school stanards<br />

Nano VisLa Rdds f rnd drive to meet 1 ikary standards<br />

State E&catim Bd wants mle authorily on stan&r&<br />

maTm - SWTBTIG<br />

State drop to 49th in ply fa teachers<br />

FedxaL qvt fiqres on several cabgxies raeased<br />

Mhinistrative msts in schoal districts<br />

Dists spend avg of 2 pd: of bdget on athletics<br />

Avg teacher salary and pck o•’ raise. 1976-1986<br />

Ehrcillmerrt up in all 3 dists in Maski Cbmty<br />

Increased enrcdlment at LR attrihted to recruibent<br />

LFL N;R re@ emallments up Q 284 wer last year<br />

J3rnllmnt up ly 634 in Rilaski Cb Dist<br />

KLR Est dxws enrollment increase<br />

EIXT~T~N - SIIU~T<br />

<strong>mm</strong>ua AMD ~SCIE~EJE<br />

see d so E&mtion - Crime and VanM isn<br />

see also Tohcco<br />

J u e or&rs criteria for discLHine wed in Hunnoke schools<br />

Wse aE handimpped cfiildren at Ebrt Smith school alleged<br />

Eblaski Mst bd paM wants plicy &ange on arpord wish<br />

Prosecutor will not charge accused Fbrt Smith tead-iers<br />

State critical uf Fbrt Smith pogm for disturked children<br />

Granite Mtn area prents say stud2rits lzlnned f rcrn hses<br />

Federal Juw E i a e ughol& expulsim o•’ White Ball stu&nt<br />

White Hall plrent alleged expulsim hsed on race<br />

N;R teacher rags over &sci@ine pohlans in elan shoals<br />

Dr Joe -tin says NLR has no disdfl ine pobZ an<br />

Qree suspe*d stu&rks sue Hdem School fist<br />

Student &@ in beating of ~indpll at Oak Grwe High School 06/03/86 A05 1<br />

Najorily cf N-IRteachers indioatelackof supportfrm stqk 06/10/86 A01 3<br />

Four Maski teaches accused of striking students this year 06/12/86 A09 1<br />

Pulaski Ilist reinstates 2 teades accused of striking pupils 06/25/86 A07 1<br />

N;R teachers send survey h m on disci@ine to gatrans 06/28/86 B08 3<br />

Survq &cws NI;R tea&ers see discifline poblan 07/23/86 A01 2<br />

Survq shms prats belime NLR has disdpine groblm 07/2$/86 E01 6<br />

More prpils disciflined in LR Ilist last: year. re* &cws 08/2/86 A05 5<br />

Pbther flckets Tyranza Hi* School. says piddled son injuced 1YlV86 Al.5 5<br />

Bus driver at Bryant chgd with &xiking 3rd grader 12/1Y86 A16 1<br />


see alm CivU Ri&ts<br />

see alm Cblleges<br />

see al rx, E&ca tion Segr ega tim<br />

see al.m E&catian - StuCkrk Cbnhct and aisdg ine<br />

see als3 Ekedm aE Speed


DATE<br />

EWE<br />

see also Humicutt. AddLeB<br />

card Evans aonvicted of terraistic threat. harasment<br />

Ward Evans was a teaher in Hderw-West H d e m district<br />

UCA &an &ales Hodges urges teahers. alls to co-oprate<br />

Dedh in Hack teaders gating<br />

Campetenq tests are thrsat to Hacks. mnferenae told<br />

Nunber d black eaca tor s in Ark ded king<br />

State's teacher evaluation @an fwarahly red at 3 meeting;<br />

Cory o•’ lcasic skills test given to news media Mare test<br />

Subtitee test avidable to reaace stolen version<br />

Basic skills test pss rate in Se* was 89 pk<br />

Richard A Curry mils police. gives statanent on test theft<br />

Probe of leak of teacher test nears ma eticm<br />

Basic skillls test r eslil ts not mpil ed by race<br />

Lwmakers discuss teacher evdmtion @an<br />

Prirbrne Express will not charge Curry in test theft<br />

Rosecutor Chris Piazza says state may charge Curry in theEt<br />

State has $440,000 in grarks for atreex dwdopnent pq&s<br />

Charges filed awinst RicPlard A Wry in thrft of tee<br />

RichardA Curry turns himself in w~s: th&t of test<br />

Froblens in teacher &c discussed ly Bill Wdtman<br />

State &OF to 49th in py •’a teachers<br />

AEA &ta on salaries queskioned ty Gw Bill Clirrton<br />

Settling back to 49th (editorid)<br />

Richard A Wry flea& qilly to stding teaha test<br />

KARN m@qees questioned in tasic skills test thdt<br />

Ed Balington says teachers &ould not suhsifize &an&&<br />

Arbitrator favors reurn of inaentives for LR teachers<br />

Sick leave laa to k ldt intact. legislators &Q&<br />

Edi tori ids discuss teacher salaries and state stanhrds<br />

Teachers in LR Rist to receive $475 bon~<br />

87 pck of 1.547 taking skills test in Janmry pssed<br />

Ric5a.d A Curry ets $500 fine in thdt of skills test<br />

National CLxnpter Systms offers restitution for test error<br />

Newark students boycott sd~oal wer teacher dismissals<br />

Attendme at Newark back to norma a•’ta stu&nt ~otest<br />

Ark chosen for grogran on allahoration among edwators<br />

dcatim<br />

Colleges. local dists to work together m tea&=<br />

Court rules @may Dist violated ri@ts of Jerry Jcbrason<br />

Way d eared for suit on skills testing, AEA r eprts<br />

StuCkrrt spokeman r &uses to address Newark board<br />

LR Ilist seeks to estahlih three categories of teahers<br />

Newark Bmrd hears studwt q~stians on t e3&= contracts<br />

Litt3e Rock hits 1eqd snag in @an to py bnuses<br />

Districts cannot rdce teacher gay. Atty Gen Clark rules<br />

Gcxrernor's office rdeases report ranking Ark 43rd in py<br />

Report rdeased by GW'S offie indlud3s fringe benefits<br />

Repr t &cws Ark ranks 4 9th when fringe bee<br />

its excl u&d<br />

Save Om S&ods mends Ark fa testing teahers<br />

mTE accreditation for Ark colls propsed ly panel<br />

AEA critical af Wary ranking as listed by a c Des<br />

Rpr sues for rdease a€ wdlmtions of Searcy teachers<br />

Gazette gives two lasons for lw teacher py in Ark<br />

Dmy Venters says figres on teaher py my be wrcng<br />

01/16/86 A07<br />

0 l/16/86 A07<br />

01/18/% A10<br />

OI/18/€6 All<br />

Ol/19/86 A08<br />

OI/19/86 A08<br />

OY19/86 C06<br />

Ol/22/86 A01<br />

OI/22/86 A01<br />

01/23/86 A01<br />

OI/23/86 A18<br />

0l/24/86 A03<br />

01/24/86 A03<br />

OI/24/86 A05<br />

OI/25/86 A08<br />

OY25/86 A08<br />

01/25/86 C06<br />

Og/29/86 A13<br />

01/30/86 B02<br />

02/17/86 All<br />

02/20/% A031<br />

02/22/86 A03<br />

02/23/86 C02<br />

02/26/86 A14<br />

03/02/86 N.0<br />

03/02/86 CO3<br />

03/06/86 A13<br />

03/07/86 A10<br />

03/09/86 C04<br />

03/20/86 A03<br />

03/21/86 A03<br />

03/26/86 A09<br />

03/26/86 A14<br />

0qO2/86 A05<br />

04/03/86 All<br />

04/04/86 A13<br />

04b/0$/86 A13<br />

04/05/86 A02<br />

0VUV86 A07<br />

OqlO/86 A07<br />

04/1y86 A12<br />

04/11/86 A20<br />

04/17/86 BD8<br />

04/2Lk/86 A14<br />

04/21/86 E01<br />

04/27/86 I31<br />

0$/27/86 $11<br />

0$/27/86 CE<br />

04/30/86 A18<br />

m1<br />

04'30J86<br />

05/02/86 A13<br />

OY02/86 A24<br />

05/06/86 A10


Cbntracts of 5 no~r&derk Beebe teachers not renewed OYO8/86 ED1 5<br />

Teachers at Beebe rquired to live in schod distria 05/08/86 HI1 5<br />

Job evalmtims in NLR Ilist mfair. teachers say OY16/& A01 4<br />

EditoriciL an UA @.an for impwed teacher &c programs OY14/86 Al.2 1<br />

Beebe bard votes to keep rule m r esidenq for teachers 05/14/86 B01 1<br />

Sari* Tedder loses suit over tea&= test and amtract 05/1Y86 A09 1<br />

Unikrgrahate mures in gifted, talented elc suggested 05'1Y86 A09 1<br />

Nwqxpr: withdraws FOI suit aginst S-cy Schod IXst 05/16/86 A03 3<br />

City FihcTrust mar& g~antstoforn:LitKi.eRocktea&ers 05/21/86AOI 2<br />

LR CPA agrees to add days to teacher mntracks 05/22/86 A09 5<br />

Taskfaroefarmdto~t~eev~mtion~ntrw~syatNLR 05/24/86AO9 1<br />

Dr B&an says Tans tested better bemuse czf &c assn role 05/25/86 B09 1<br />

N;R sw agrees to new evdmtions for teachers 05/28/86 E01 2<br />

AEA files suit challenging basic skills tests for teachers 05/30/86 A01 6<br />

Gm Bill Qirrton mn•’ident test will stand hdlenge 0V30/86 A01 6<br />

Suit mys mpetenq tests discrimirate against blacks OY30J86 A01 6<br />

Teachers in LR Dist to be pid for 6 extra hys 05/30/86 A07 3<br />

huaL keaMowno•’ h~cskillstestw~lnotbereleased OY3l/%A03 4<br />

KR teachers still upset by wd.mtions 06/08/86 CU7 4<br />

GOJ ahton asks if pltrans want teachers who fail tests 06/10/86 A03 4<br />

BlytheviLle News mys cnmpetenae, not racre, is testing issw 06/15/86 C04 1<br />

Colleges producing failing teahers &odd be sued. ed says 06/1Y86 C04 1<br />

Tms of tentative contract r each ed ky EACC. lbl aski ni st 06/21/86 Ell1 2<br />

maski Dist teaders get 2.8 pct salary raise 06/25/86 E01 6<br />

Basic skills test far d c stucknts wopsed ky Eatc De@ 06/28/86 H)1 5<br />

Testing of &c stu&nks would re@= state skills test 06/28/&6 ED1 5<br />

A skills test for all seasons (ed on E&c Delj popsal) 07/0y86 A14 1<br />

Four dlists cut teacher py 07/06/86 C06 3<br />

'krial starts in suit ly former teach~s in Southside Ust 07/09/86 AlO 6<br />

Forma teachers in Southsi.de Dist win liwhit 07/11/86 A18 5<br />

Ark ranks in top 3 for teacher py raises in la& 3 yws 07/1y86 A03 4<br />

Reoo<strong>mm</strong>en&tims for tea&= edrcprogramso&lined ky pnel 07/19/06 a02 1<br />

Tbuc$ien rquirmerks for teacher &c programs urged 07/19/86 B02 1<br />

Sout:hsj.de Dist or&red to rehire teachers, py S2l5.000 07/22/86 A09 3<br />

J F Coolq maintains teach= skills test un•’air to Uacks 07/29/86 All 4<br />

NEA official says peo@e think testing iqrwed schods 07/3l,/86 J92 3<br />

Salary raise d 1.5 pct pedicted ky AEA 08/06/86 A01 5<br />

Avg salary and pct of increase, 1976-1986 08/06/86 A01 6<br />

LitUe Rock teachens told salary raises not likely 08/16/86 A13 4<br />

AEAsays state Ixr-t czrtstoaffect tead~er salary raises 08/19/86AOl 6<br />

(la teaders vote to take $9 per mo cltt in salary 08/22/86 A20 1<br />

AEA and UAEB obj @& to griM h s for teach er dcatian 08/27/86 A12 5<br />

Ei*ty-mr~ pct pass late& teacher skills test 08/29/06 A08 4<br />

LR Ilist. CCA agree on terkative teacher amtract 08/30/86 A05 1<br />

Little Rock CTA ratifies antract agc eenerk 09/06/86 A08 1<br />

State E&c Bd votes to&y an ~opsals on teaher &c 09/08/86 A01 2<br />

L,R Ed apprwes teaher antract 09/09/86 HI1 2<br />

Eblstered teaching prqam skanards ap~rmed ky Ehc Bd 09/09/86 6;l 4<br />

Sumnary CIE rn stan&r& for teacher &c programs 09/09/86 BOI 4<br />

Rep. LlqrdGecxge wants names of mlleges of failed teaders 09/12/86 A03 1<br />

Tea&- Salary Stu* Qr<strong>mm</strong> hqins stu* o•’ =law disprity 10/OY86 CM I<br />

Qtark Spe&atm supports uplpadting teacher stanhrds 10/05/86 C04 2<br />

Teahas Salaries Stu* B<strong>mm</strong> explains why salaries vaq 10/08/% A08 6<br />

bhang@ pogran king Thai teaher to Little Rock 10/12/86 EiL4 1

DATE<br />

WL;E Q)L<br />

Atty Gen Qark rules list of wlls of failed teachers vdid<br />

brtlmy Venters r &wed a11 list because he thoucj~t it illegal<br />

&king the teacher test rneadngfd (ed)<br />

Stwe Qark advises no racial heakdmn af te* failures<br />

94 aE grab tes r epr ting MTE sax es p ss<br />

NTE pssing rate aE gra&t es 1 ist ed, ty allege<br />

List wanted ky Lloyd George to aost $4.868 to pepre<br />

Teacher uf the Year in Ark is mid brgn aim of Rogers<br />

State ranks 48th in teacher salaries<br />

Basic skills test challenge & AEA menature. state argues<br />

Murid brgm Chian honored as Teacher aE the Year<br />

krged black, white teacher group at LR ohserves 20th yr<br />

Fewer teachers available to meet hi*= demand<br />

Fbre teachers retiring than alleges gadmting (tahZe)<br />

Several reasons listed for teaher &ortage<br />

Gralbrates of 3 black colls post highest failure rate cn exam<br />

Skills test failure rates listed, ky alleges<br />

Ocachita Bag Univ gradmte pogrm defemkd Ik Grark<br />

Wick disprity in salaries studied ly Salaries Study Q<strong>mm</strong><br />

AEA stu* uE mg salaries of &cator s r deased<br />

AEA disputes findin* on tead-ier aorhges<br />

3 colleges sy skills test not accurate gauge cf pogrms<br />

EmQlTlDN - mcHING m m<br />

Kin~land' s qanckeacken: attends gadration pogram<br />

Kingsland class axresponded with grandteacher sine 1980<br />

Carver Rale b&l Rogram teaches stu&nts thq have wor~<br />

Teachers sku* 'writing across the curriculmt tedmiques<br />

Multicultural Reading and Thinking pilot pa& explained<br />

Rqj eck hwn as WcRattt teaches critical thinking<br />

Bob Harrdmn dwd.op6 wagram to motivate stu&%s<br />

Carolyn Ebllan urges change to teaching reading by ghcnics<br />

Waski =st mnsiders end to ability grou@ng of stu&nts<br />

9iJ Bd1 pogram teaches stu&nts consquenaes of choies<br />

War kshop h& d on teaching stu&nts to r ead, think cr ativdy<br />

li@ingdale Hi* Scfiool has School Within a School pogrm<br />

Sp5ng3ale1s School Within a Shod gets hi* marks<br />


see E&cation - Gratks and Tests<br />

ELUa4TrnN - 'IRrnSrnrnTJDN<br />

see alm 33a•’ffcAcddentsand Safety<br />

Hdera-West<br />

Hd --West<br />

H e l m Hacks say end to txlsing is punitive<br />

Hd em & smrrtinmd hses after millage defeated<br />

He1 --We& Hel em &st q s end to lxzses is f hnci Q matter<br />

Mary sd~ocil kses fail safety inspections in 7 cornties<br />

Rilaski Bmtyls dists aodident their hses are safe<br />


Hi* sd-~ocil stud2nt s attend Gwernor s Institute at UA<br />


see al rso E&ca tion - Stanhrds<br />

State Board holds retat at Heber S~ing<br />


see also E&catim - Firane andBudg2ts<br />

To<strong>mm</strong>y Venters aomrnended for speech at Ckiktrvfille<br />

Ihzth Stede ramel &my dirakor af Gewral F&c Div<br />

10/1Y86 A01<br />

10/1Ei/&6 A01<br />

10/ 17/86 A2 4<br />

10/18/86 A01<br />

10/22/86 All<br />

10/22/86 A ll<br />

10/24/86 A21<br />

lVO$/% A07<br />

1l/Ov86 A07<br />

1l/13/86 A20<br />

1l/13/86 ED1<br />

izJn/s A O ~<br />

1lj39/86 A01<br />

11/30/86 A01<br />

11/34/86 A01<br />

12/oq86 A01<br />

12/04!86 A01<br />

12JlI/86 A16<br />

la/l2/86 IU6<br />

12/12/86 A16<br />

12,flq86 A32<br />

12/16/86 A11



Organs of ixaiwdead youth given to five ptients<br />

EREIS<br />

see Wildlife<br />

EL# DORADO<br />

see al.= Ebllutim<br />

SCHOQ msm1a<br />

EL m m<br />

see Edmtion - War& and Honors<br />

EL mso<br />

see a1 so Storms and Tormbes<br />


see also<br />

Itltexmtiandl Relations<br />

ELPSrnMER cow<br />

firm to hild plant at Braguld<br />


see also Defenses and Armed Rxces<br />


see alm Cbngress- House - ArkDist 02<br />

ELm INs<br />

see alm Edxation - Ekectims<br />

see also Iblitics and ELectims<br />


see also AlaohalicBevaavs<br />

see also Newton Cbmty<br />

ee aim Ihillip Qmty<br />

see also Semq Bmty<br />

EEICITrnNS - m<br />

Cbm@.&e. mo•’ficial resdts for oornty raoes<br />

Eleckion returns in <strong>mm</strong>ty rams in runoff<br />

ELecl=ion results in run&<br />

Four cnmty judges lose in rmdfs, fifth drop out<br />

Results 1 isted for runoff pinaari es outsirk Fulaski Cbmty<br />

Complete resdts in races outsi& Maski Cbunty<br />

ErnRIC EWER<br />

see also Agriculture<br />

see also Gwernor<br />

see alm Rqrmlds Metals Cb<br />

see also Waste Materids<br />

A m says Ratepyas fiat Back issues are nck~ moot<br />

01/01/86 All 1<br />

Grand G d f issues arosre out af FERC rding on ply for pant OVOl/% All 1<br />

N;Rmayar wants to lay A m facilities in city<br />

Ol/07/86 A03 1<br />

Cliff Jacksonts proposal would revoke APE& franchise<br />

OV11/86 A09 1<br />

Searq lsily CXtiz en ap@au& appeal hi &s on Grand GIA f 01/12/86 C04 1<br />

Middle South will not mwe headquarters. Lupenberger says 03/17/86 A01 2<br />

FERC has transEormed MSU to mr qul ated monoply. plnel told 0U23/86 A05 1<br />

Bill Clirkon responds to criticisn on A m rate case<br />

Ol/23/86 A05 2<br />

Agencies to be aonsdted before more wark on Grand Gdf I1 01/24J% A01 2<br />

Rateplyers to be Elled if Grand Gulf Unit 2 not amgleted 01/24/86 A01 2<br />

Cliff Jackson says Steve Clark changed Mlot title too much 01/25/86 A03 3<br />

Cliff Jackson seeks ct r tw iew CE pop sed hallot title 0V25/€% A03 3<br />

APL gives aaranmor ative smg to <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

01/25/86 A07 I<br />

Ark PSC to &u& rate increases granted Am. LP&L<br />

03/X/86 A01 2<br />

US aerie Ck rduses rwiw CIE Grand Gulf ruling<br />

0l/28/86 A01 4<br />

AP& custmers fared better thanLPG mder GrandGrilf accord 0l/28/86 C01 3

Gw Bill Clinton warns of battle an mst uf Grand Gulf I1 Ol/3l/86 A08 1<br />

Gcal a€ A m is no r-il rate rises for almost 4 years 02/09/86 A01 2<br />

Jerry Buden discusses -era issues inlengthy inkerviar 02/09/86 A01 2<br />

FERClayersfini&89-pgehieE cnGrandGulf allocation 02/09/%A03 5<br />

Jerry hdden &fends AP&L1s origiml decisim on Grand Gulf 02/09/86 A05 2<br />

1980 agreement: allwedAP& to get o& of GrandGdf ycaject 02/09/€!6 A05 3<br />

Middle Soeh Utilities forecasts need far 8 aal @ants OyO9/% A0 5 5<br />

Wlot title rwisim by Stwe Qark u@&d by Ark Supme (+ 02/1l/86 A12 1<br />

KR City CbmCjl votes $4.9 million bn& for Grand Gulf py 02/12/86 A18 4<br />

VanWs <strong>mm</strong>e loss of per to 3,500 at Hot Spin* 02/13/86 A10 4<br />

Executive Q<strong>mm</strong> CE G(aP enibrses vote cn AP& franchise 02/16/86 Al4 1<br />

lbtes of AP&L ranked inmiddle czE power osmpu-des in region 02/23/86 A01 6<br />

APsG seeks to p&~& Joneshoro •’ran taking clstcmer 02/25/86 C08 1<br />

AP&L begins rate rise under Grand G d f eta anent 02/24/€!6 C02 3<br />

FERC acticn in Grand gilf case 'app-opiate' FF3E kid says 02/26/86 C02 4<br />

FERC rejects EdBethune reqmsk for fraud probe in APSL case 02/21/86 A03 3<br />

Jonesboro, mrmers B-Op threaten suit acpinst A m 03/01/86 A08 5<br />

Nddle South Utilities will mt declare dividad 03/0l/86 A0 9 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong>NudearOneUnitl isseriousrisk, groupreports 03/0ti/86All 1<br />

NXhasnot indicatedNucLear &Unit1 unsafe, AP&L q s 03/06/86 All 1<br />

Union of Cbnuerned Scienctistsmade reg on Nuclear One flw 03/06/86 All 1<br />

KLR drop sans to aquire Lyncfi @ant f ran AP&L 03/07/86 A07 4<br />

CL iff Jackson 1 ists r -sons to r woke AP6rt franchise 03/07/86 A18 3<br />

Jonesboro, mrmers Eleric Co-op file suit against AP&L 03/08/% B01 5<br />

AP& in&s custaners lose if Qark exclu&d f ran rate hearing 03/11/86 ED1 4<br />

AP&L gets rate rise in Mismuri far Grand Gulf asks 03/13/86 C01 2<br />

Hearing corn@. eked on divi&.cn of AP&t rate inm ease 03/14/86 All 1<br />

Bob Scott &d.lenges propod to revoke AaG liense 03/14/86 A22 3<br />

BiLl Qinton. Stwe CLark ask part in suit wer Mlot title 03/21/86 A12 5<br />

FERC not asked to ansiikr pudene in panning Grand Gd. f 03/2l/86 Al9 1<br />

Circuit a in D C uniqessed with Grand G d f appeal 03/25/86 A03 I<br />

PSChassprt $1.9 millionfor advisersinGrandGulf case 03/28/86C01 4<br />

Qurt mys A M, in&sperasalAe prty for franchise act suit 03/29/86 A13 5<br />

XECofficial saysAP& ratepyersfaredbetter thanothas 0$/02/86C03 1<br />

Orval wants A m divorced f run Middle South Utilities O4'04&6 A07 1<br />

FE=RC lm judge raes SWEFCf) mt liahle for Terns paw= @-ant 0$/12/86 A05 1<br />

Fins IxildingTems plant ~mt integrated, FERC j u d ~ rtiles 0$/12/86 A05 1<br />

Grand GUf is issue that will not go awily 04/13/86 COl 1<br />

ClSf Jackson leads wotest against AP& at Searcy 04/28/86 E02 4<br />

FmC considering propsal on ahn&ment of rnfinihed @ants 04/29/86 A09 5<br />

Bill CLlinton pondersway to fendoff astsof GramdGulf I1 OYOl/86 A03 4<br />

Gcv ainton amfirms hemay a& on GrandGdf 11 m&s OE602/86 A01 2<br />

Middle South Utilities opposes hi11 to restrict EERC per 05/04/86 A07 2<br />

Advane agp-wal aE Wlot title on APG r&wed ky murt 05/13/86 A01 6<br />

Farmers ELectric Co-op drop rates a•’ter Jmesboro amtract 05/13/86 C01 2<br />

Crimiml. bwesti~tion o•’ APL Middle Soukh suggsted OVlEj/86 A17 1<br />

Nuclear One safety deficienq Mind changes. critics charge 05/16/86 A12 5<br />

Spkesnan far AP&L denies Bland and unim safety charge 05/16/86 Al.2 5<br />

Middle So&h again piys no qtarterly dividend 05/17/83 C08 2<br />

Roposal mud form state to renegotiate Grand GUf case 05/19/% A03 1<br />

AP&L fauted by Reith Hanaker for mwe to Qpitol 'Ibwes 05/21/86 A03 3<br />

AE%iL reslpnds to lr ky Bob Bland on AN0 safety reaord 05/2$/86 A03 4<br />

Citizens hearing s&eduledon safety aE <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nuclear One O5/24j86 A03 4<br />

FQ q Sind ai r to attend ci tiz ens h earing on AN0 saf ety 05/24J86 A03 4

BATE<br />

Bookkee~ers may get settlenerk reopened in Grand Gul f case 05/25/86 A07 1<br />

Activists war& <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nudear One dosed bwn 05/25/86 l31 2<br />

Sumnary of activities at citizens hearing on AN0 safety 05/25/86 E01 2<br />

AP&L &vies plan to hap customers ply bills 05/30/86 A10 1<br />

Sue Sargent asks Hmersdunit to pobe AN0 safety 05/3l/86Al3 4<br />

Grand Gulf settlanert prties bulk gov auld reopen case 06/0l,/86 A05 1<br />

ReopeningGrandGulf case auld give APSlL •’dl $487 millicn O6/OL/86 A05 1<br />

Newprt Daily In&pn&nt opposes gaying for Grand GtAf @ant 06/01/86 C04 6<br />

Gotr Clinton vws hill on AP& if Grand Gulf I1 is pushed 06/04l/% A01 2<br />

GW Clintan would seek rwooatim o•’ AP&L francfiise 06/04k/86 A01 2<br />

~manent financing for GrandGdf Unit I app-wd ly SEX= 06/0L4/86 A12 1<br />

SnC oventiled Ark officials in appwingGrandGulf financing 06/04/86 A12 1<br />

EEfect of popbsed acaxnting rae dange explained 06/04/% A12 5<br />

APE&. state EC urge rejection of ac<strong>mm</strong>ting stan&r& change 06/06/86 A24 1<br />

Bill Clinton cheered far hlming FERC for Grand G ulf poMms 06/12/86 C02 3<br />

Eklitorials discuss Grand Gulf and politics 06/lrJ86 C04 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> I6C action auld lcwer smer dectric bills 06/17/86 A01 4<br />

Ropsal made to endhicj-ier deckric rates &ring sme mos 06/17/86 A01 4<br />

FERC paw= outweicjm state's HC, US Suprene Qurt rdes 06/18/86 A01 6<br />

FERC ruling by US Supme Ct b&s ill for GrardGdf appal 06/18/86 AOI 6<br />

Bill Clinton, RSC say @.an to &ange mit rates not plied 06/18/86 A03 1<br />

Coalition seeks amas to feral bill cn Grand Gulf 06/21/86 A07 3<br />

Bob Bland critical. QE safety of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nuclear One 06/23/% A01 2<br />

Rwsian accident spurs worry about <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nudear One 06/23/86 A01 2<br />

S&enatic &wing of Pskams Nuclear One aant 06/23/€6 A05 3<br />

AP& ranks in middle for mercial rates 06/23/86 A10 1<br />

Clinton seeks armprison o•’ AF%L. otha dectric utility rate 06/25/86 C01 3<br />

Ark PSC staff tacks drop in hi*= smer electric rates 06/28/86 A08 5<br />

Suwner el ectric rates beaomes a new pol itical isstle 06/29/86 C04 1<br />

PSC's Rt Qmlls smlds Rank White on Grand Gulf 07/03/86 A01 5<br />

Qmlls calls Rank White a ' mff eeshop quarterhckl 07/03/86 A01 5<br />

Frank White adnits he has not read cbcwnents on Grand Gulf 07/03/86 A15 2<br />

FERC f ormd AP&L lack into Grand G ulf Bse. EBt Qualls says 07/03/86 A15 3<br />

AF'a si&s with Middle South. Saott Trotter says 07/03/& A16 3<br />

Pat Qmlls rminded White AP& irkerviewed his FSC nmimes 07/0q86 A03 4<br />

F&t Qmlls took advantage aE Frank Whitev s vulnerabiliw 07/0V86 A03 4<br />

Role aE the mff eehop quarterktck (ed on Qualls leckure) U7/0$/86 A28 1<br />

Frank White supported Grand Gulf settlement mtil it was made 07/OY86 Al6 1<br />

Conservation mn save ratepyers, APG. Jerry -son says 07/06/86 C03 5<br />

Newpr t bily Indepndent ed on Grand GIA f 07/06/86 C04 2<br />

RSC ufiolds sunma-winter rates for Okla Gas & Electric 07/12/86 A06 1<br />

Cm Clinton urged to include Grand Gulf I1 in legis call 07/13/&6 E03 1<br />

Smtt Trotter disagrees with m e of Bt Qualls' renarks 07/13/86 C02 3<br />

Fditoriiils discuss Rank White before Btricia Qmlls 07/13/86 C04 1<br />

F White mys state auld issw $4 billicn bonds. by ARL 07/15/86 A03 3<br />

Middle South Utilities pys little or no federal taxes 07/18/86 A0 1 6<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Nuclear Safety First Rqject sets up watchcbg team 07/18/86 AJ.5 1<br />

Operations, greaautions at kkansas Nuclear One &scribed 07/20/86 A01 2<br />

Reprter. @mtograaer for Gazette given tour af IWO 07/20/% A01 2<br />

Contaiment Udg at Arkanas Nuclear One described a7/2l./86 A01 2<br />

Efedz of l~-lev6l radiation on hunans undear 07/2l/86 A07 1<br />

PSC order on Sunmer rates meant to ke rwenw neutral 07/21/06 A07 4<br />

Hirfier than normal heat plshes cleric usage up 07/22186 A09 1<br />

Grand Gul f Unit 2 appl r ently will not be f ini & ed 07/22/86 C03 4

Gw Cl inton says 1980 contract Ices Ar k out of G rand Gtil f py 07/23/86 A03 1<br />

State suit we kmch of 1980 Grand Gulf mntrad possilde 07/23/86 A03 I<br />

State takewer of AP6rT-I not feasitile. Bill. Clinton says 07/23/86 A03 1<br />

US gwt tor e up 1980 contract on Grand GU<br />

f. Q inton mya 07/23/86 A03 I<br />

&a Hukchinson @anwoddalLow FEFtCto deudeGrandGulf 2 07/2486A03 1<br />

Pat Qmlls apflau&d at meeting of assesmrs 07/25/86 A03 3<br />

AP& mnsiders rate pq ections ~ogxietaiy Mormation' 07/27/86 C% 1<br />

Dugan King asks Garland Co vote an rwoaatim of APE& dmrter 07/27/86 C& 1<br />

Grand Gulf pant to be rnamged ly System Energy W~~urc~s 07/29/86 C01 2<br />

AP&& to farep $45 million Grand Gulf-rdated rate increase 08/0l,/86 A01 2<br />

to r &ce rates Icy $15 miJ.lion if tax bill takes effect 08/0l/86 A01 2<br />

AP& files plan to &crease rates. rdirquih increase 08/02/86 A07 1<br />

AP& timing on rate cut s necessarily pol iti cal 08/03/86 A03 3<br />

AP& could pass all Grand Gulf costs on to custcmers 08/M/86 A01 2<br />

W& survq &am its rates rank in middle 08/06/86 A01 2<br />

Danger ofreopraedGrandG~fcasediscussedtyJ~~~n 08/06/86AOl 2<br />

Middle South will decickd fate d Grand Gulf I1 in late 1BOs 08/08/86 A01 2<br />

No effort to be ma& to allat onGrandGulf IIat this time08/08/86 A01 2<br />

A kale ~ two electricity stuities (ed) 08/1l/86 A08 1<br />

AP&L resi&ntidi. rates hi&= than other Middle South manbers 08/lV86 Bol 2<br />

Chart a€ Middle So~h<br />

rates. other pivate ukil iti es in Ark<br />

EC staff anmen& APE& aan to cut rates<br />

ARX reoornmen& only minor alterations in rate cut pop&<br />

Frank White says APShr bills to &uble ly 1990<br />

Levdized bill frcm APG is pleasant surp5se<br />

FkymldS Metals seeks $800,000 cf A m rate cut<br />

Bob Bland allwed to attend meeting on Nuclear One safe&<br />

Ex-workers tdl NRS that <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nuclear One hiaardb~<br />

PSC orders rate cut, a<strong>mm</strong>ends AP& on $20 millim rdction<br />

Decision mlikely to hdp Ark in Grand Gulf case, atty says<br />

Ihcpn King suit alleges AP66-I pessut-e cost him his job<br />

AP&L rdcing workfore ly up to 500<br />

Both mits of AN0 at Russellville taken o& of service<br />

Gov Clinton says New Orleans ruling could benefit Ark case<br />

Jerry luadden calls cuts in labor fore a tou* &ore<br />

Opinims vary on e•’f& o•’ ct ruling in New Orleans case<br />

AP& cuks work faroe ly 600, expects $20 million savings<br />

Fifth Ci rmit r &f ims a good prindge (ed)<br />

NRC fin& p-ohlens with aooling systen at AN0 flank<br />

Spkeanan for AP&L disputes NRC finding on pohlms at IWO<br />

Gm Clinton to seek mecharrim to rwoke AP&L franchise<br />

N O is Natianal Amday for Nuclear Training branch<br />

kkansas Nuclear One ranking imp-wes in Gritid Mss re@<br />

AP& pants at NLR Helem @aed on 'standly-atus<br />

Clerks void sicga tur es on ptikions to r woke A m f ran&ise<br />

-66, ask Garland Co & to diaqml- disfrancfiisenent flan<br />

Blythwille City Qerk rdes petition on AP6rT-I aEf hidlot<br />

AP& rates at 49th in utilities ranking for winker bills<br />

AP66.1, Jaklesboro City Water and Li@t sttle 1wsui.t<br />

Sembors Bunpers and Prym seek curb of L"ERC pens<br />

US Serate Mock Bunpers- Pryor am& on Grand Gulf Unit 2<br />

Issues on Lkilities ruled off Mlot at Blythwille<br />

Grand Gulf Unit I1 is a $2 million per month ' dead &ckl<br />

AFsL spokeman cn<strong>mm</strong>ents on TVA re& on rates of APE&

Reagan ad @an to sell SW to pivate interests to be w e d 10/1l/86 AlO 5<br />

Bill Q inton, Rank White amer questions on Grand G a f lO/ll/86 A17 1<br />

Satt Trotter questims Rank White's Grand Gulf stand 10/1q86 Al.2 1<br />

KeitA Hanaker reveals aan to cut A% rates by 10 pct 10/20/86 A07 1<br />

AP&L prrchases ads to market extra erutrgy 11/02/86 DO1 4<br />

Ratepyas Fiat Back urges A m change Grand Gulf settlanent 11/1v86 CM 5<br />

NRC suggests $50.000 fine for AP&L mer safety rules ll/l4/86 A17 1<br />

Smtt Trotter plans fd.1-time pstering of APGG 11/23/86 A03 4<br />

AP&L lqs off en@Lcyees at 2 steam @.ants 1~03/86 CO1 2<br />

Confickntial rate for hastrid firm sm&t ky AP&L 12/03/86 C01 3<br />

Phaseout of cild plants to r&ce capcity. AT& says 12/03/86 C01 3<br />

Stu* says A& ranks 33th in exess capcity 12/03/86 COl 3<br />

AFT& has el imimted 465 jots 12/0y86 C03 4<br />

AP&L custaners get respite on Grand G d f Unit I1 12/06/86 A01 6<br />

Stockholders to gay $8 mill ion <strong>mm</strong>thly for Grand Gul E I1 12/05/86 A01 6<br />

Elitmi& on AP&L rq~st to cut rates for me large wer 12/08/86 A18 1<br />

Smtt Trotter w a s pledge on Grand Gulf I1 in writing 12/09/86 C02 4<br />

Middle So&h will not respond to letter f ran coalition 1~10/86 C02 1<br />

2 allege aoercim at Al&L nuclear @ark at Russellville 12/13/86 A18 2<br />

US Lahor Dqt to irrvestigte chgs agaimt AP&L nuclear flank 1y13/86 A18 2<br />

AP&L asks mitigtion a€ $50,000 fine NRC propses 12/17/86 A26 1<br />

AP&L drop effort for rate cor&identiSliQ for Grsat Lakes 12/17/86 Kll 1<br />

MiddLe South darif ies plans on ahorbing Grand GUf I1 msts 12/23/86 C02 1<br />

Valve rndfmction delays restart of ZNO mit at Russellville 12/26/86 A12 5<br />

EC reEuses to make rate change rquested ky inhstries 95/35/86 CO3 1<br />

mc<br />


LR f inn will find anything, sell it to you 04/24/86 CO1 2<br />


LitU e Rock f im is higZlly success€ a 10/12/86 DO1 1<br />


see alm White Rives: T&nologi es<br />

ELK<br />

see Wildlife<br />

see Wildlife<br />


see also Vietram QnElict<br />

UEm. J m<br />

D<br />

see EASO Vigilantes and Radidl isn<br />

ELrnD, W W<br />

see also Governor<br />

ELIEOD* W W I11<br />

see a1m hUic Servim Cb<strong>mm</strong>ission<br />


see also Qime and Crimimls<br />

see ala J andG Tie Cb<br />

see also Logn Cbmty<br />

se also McIksson Cbrp<br />

see &LED fiditical Bard<br />

see also brton and Co<br />

EImGENcY MEma SEFwIas<br />

LittZ e Rock Amhlanae Authority headqmrters &dicated 12/04/86 A16 2<br />

PPnkulance TransprtServie anflqeesquestimedon charges 12/09/86 A09 5<br />


Fhlaski QC)mty voters appwe 911 systan 1&/06/& H31 2

EmLOEE <strong>mm</strong>m<br />

Inter active vi&o used ly Interactive Learning Cent=<br />

Stark's Interactive Learning Cellten pogram explained<br />

El'G'LO<strong>mm</strong>T<br />

see L&r<br />


see Wildlife<br />


see alm Electric Ebwer<br />

see aLm Rivers<br />

<strong>mm</strong>EmN<br />

Studmks of nonaccredited ASU yxogram dlwed to take tests<br />

Tests were given ASU grabtes for three yrs throu* err=<br />

JoeL T Hicks is a forensic engineer<br />

ENGLmD<br />

Nw hilding homes enter far dderly and a pUic likary<br />


see Pkdical mcilities<br />

ENGrnD S a m lXSrnIrn<br />

see Ehcation - Ektracurricular Activities<br />


see alm ReplM ican &re<br />

ENSQ3. JNC<br />

see Enviromental qstans Cb<br />


see Eoonanic kvelopnent<br />


see Emncmic Devdopnerk<br />

ENrnTArnrnT<br />

Traveling shtxv porkcticms make. imp& on local eoonary<br />


hvid Brwer paints $09 portrait of plet's future<br />

ENvIRcNPrnrn RILLUTrnN<br />

e Ebllution<br />


see alim Bllubim<br />

see also Rivers<br />

see also Swanp andwetlands<br />


Ee dm Bllutim<br />

Ensa expects $1 billion in rwenues 1995<br />

Melvyn L Bell is prsihnt of moo<br />

Forbes ranlcs ENSO 9th best mall firm<br />

EDA<br />

see Ecnnmic Opprtdty Rgenq<br />

~ 0 CHURCH 3 ~<br />

Fmtiqws stalen f ran Ttimty Church at Van Bur en<br />


see also Mur&rs - Stafford, Gary Dugas<br />

mIB IN RlsLIC 03NlRACIIlNG ACT @CIT 483.1979)<br />

see Cbntracts and Purchasing, State<br />

mIl3 s<strong>mm</strong> msm1Cr<br />

see E&cation - Consol idatian<br />


see alm Books and Writing<br />


see alm Books and Writing<br />

EUBmIs, GARY<br />

see alm Legal Rdessim<br />


see dl= BddviwUnited Corp<br />

see also Insurance<br />

see also Tra•’EicAcci&nts<br />

EUDORA S a m HSrnIrn<br />

see Eaca ti on - Consol i& ti m<br />

EXSRrn SWNS<br />

see also Fires<br />

see dm Historic Building and Sites<br />

Roposed thene prk codd king massive changes to town. area 07/20/86 DO1 1<br />


see Ilisease and Illness<br />

m3HANPSIA<br />

see<br />

brq Death<br />

WmS. mELA MANE<br />

see alrso Murders - Vans. Pngela Diane<br />

wms. rn&D<br />

see also Historic Buildtin9 and Sites<br />

Ev<strong>mm</strong>, CRmINm<br />

see Ckimiml Lm<br />

w<strong>mm</strong>m OF sPEaEs<br />

Hendrix Coll pdessor. Jq <strong>mm</strong>d. urges acaenane OB/26/86 A15 1<br />


see Rmidment<br />


see &ED Acciderks and SaEety<br />

see &so Agriao Chenical Cb<br />

see aim Barquet Fbods Cbrp<br />

see also (31 esm Indmtries, Inc<br />

see also Fireworks<br />

see a1 so Of1 and Gas<br />

see also Tracor M3A<br />

see also Vouc$~t Qrp<br />

Worker killed at blburne when e<strong>mm</strong>ite exploded OI/Ol/86 A06 1<br />

K R home explodes and hrns OI/X/86 A15 1<br />

Bnflqee killed when hi1 er exploded at UA Experiment Sta 03/21/86 A16 1<br />

Explosion at vacant lot in NLR irjmes one. &ages Udgs 03/2q86 Ell1 4<br />

myor Hartwick orcbrs halt to excavation at explosian site 03/26/86 ED1 1<br />

Contractors charged i n Mast at NLR 03/27/86 A12 1<br />

Monunent honors 53 workers killed at Titan site in 1965 08/10/86 Al.4 1<br />

Wo hmtas injured when dwicre exploded in woodland 10/20/& A07 6<br />

Hmters were injured by &vie set near marijuam ptch 10/21/86 A01 4<br />

State hliue sear& for explosive dwims at marijuana f idd 10/22/86 A08 4<br />


see 61x1 Agriculture<br />

EXWSrrrnS mD mlRs<br />

Ibor attenancre kings early dose aE Se&enber Phgicshav 09/08/86 E01 5<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Fbir has SequienkennniiiI Wene 09/18/86 ED1 2<br />

Liability insurance causes rise in pice for fairgoers 09/2y% A01 2

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Sbte Ehir opens fa lO-day run<br />

Ihotograghs of Wkansas State l%ir senes<br />

State Bir plrack is enjcyakle feature<br />

E3rRAmTIDN<br />

see d. m Q-ime and Crimiral s<br />


see Psy&ic Fhe~mem<br />


see Cbmpnies and Ehctories<br />


nark dosing to idle 425 workers at Arkadelfiia<br />

FAIR <strong>mm</strong> ESUES<br />

see Murders Baker. Ql unhs<br />

see Murders Ritchie, mrvin<br />

see Wders - Welch, Jahn<br />

see Trials<br />

see alm Murders - Phssey. m e A<br />


see also Murdxs- Pbson. FhrjmieL<br />


Net loss of $2,285.000 for qmrter reported<br />

FArnrnCE; m m CDmEs<br />

Hideway vacation spot near Eureka Spqs has rwtic luxury<br />


Hal Burton injured in two falls on &tit Jean Wmtain<br />


&ky House Inc dmrged with alleged fde arrest. dander<br />

FAMlLY <strong>mm</strong>m<br />

see Birth Qntrd and Abortion<br />

EARPI BUREW, <strong>mm</strong>sPS<br />

see Agiarlture<br />


Former general mg Jack White sentened, fined on fraud cfig<br />

mnagers sued ky Securities and Exhange Cb<strong>mm</strong><br />

Jack E White hdd liable for sale aE unregistered securities<br />

Insurance f inn asks pl icy be rd ed irrvilr id<br />

Arthur Ybmg and Co seek change a€ vene fa trid<br />

Br-directors allege fraud by hmland Inhstries<br />

Jack E White. di rakers. rdd 1 iahle for millions in losses<br />

Co-op to get $300.000 frcm Citizens Bank of Van Buren<br />

!Rial caE suit accusing officids of fraud begins next week<br />

Jack E White r mw ed f ran ao-op suit<br />

Experts say a-op ill-senred ky atbr nqs. ac<strong>mm</strong>tant s<br />

~nmist testifies in trial o•’ m-op suit<br />

'Itso lmyers, Arthur Bung f inn ardered to my $8.3 million<br />


see also Electric POWE<br />


Closing of office at mnville suggested iy Rokert Hankins<br />

Wmy Robinson fin& fault with opratim in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Tanmy Rol=liwn sets probe aE oprations in Ark<br />

Sharp Cbmty Supemisor Gem Maride indicted on fraud chg<br />

Billy Hartraess, Bra& &emr indicted on fraud charges<br />

Billy H Hartness, Brenh Keener asad innocent to schene<br />

07/17/86 COL 5<br />

10/19/86 F06 1<br />

10/1Y86 A15 1<br />

01/03/86 A0 5 2<br />

Ol/3l,/% COl 3<br />

oyoy86 Alo 5<br />

02104l86 C02 4<br />

12/11/86 C02 1<br />

12/15/86 C03 I<br />

12/17/86 A15 1

EAR<strong>mm</strong> S a m MSmIa<br />

see E&ca ti on - ~~ ia ti ons<br />

EARM;rnD INmSIRm<br />

lsee alm ~mers B-operative a€ <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Oldahma<br />

FARRAR, mvm<br />

see al;so Workers Bmpensation Cb<strong>mm</strong><br />

FmR&L, m R<br />

Long-time UA athletic figure f omd dead of qnshot<br />

FARRrnrn. rnVID<br />

see a190 Livestock and Poultry<br />


Modernization hap; garment maker be mpetetive<br />


see al.m Cblleges<br />

<strong>mm</strong>ms<br />

see Illegitmacy<br />


see dm Governor<br />

&&IS lr to Clintcm aontrihtors haks his latest hook<br />

Fauhs says he is writing book, being elder stateman<br />

No surp5ses f omd in elamimtim cd Rubus tax r &urns<br />

Faubs says candihte Jchn F Kennedy avoided p&ng with him<br />

Fauhs to wed Mrs Jan Wittenhrg<br />

Fahs marries Mrs Witterhrg a t Cbadmanl s Inn<br />

Expresses mnterkment with rn married life<br />


see aim Nmth Little Rock<br />

FlVICElTE W C<br />

see also North LittleRock<br />

FAuLrnER axJm<br />

see also Willians, Mrvin<br />

<strong>mm</strong>ER <strong>mm</strong>Jm<br />

see Willians, Marvin<br />


see floods<br />

see Swanp and W etlan&<br />


see Nursing Hanes<br />

~~~~ KBERTW<br />

see dlso Cbngress- House- ArkDist 02<br />

see also Blitics<br />


see al~o Aloohdlic Bwerages<br />

see also 8wts - Local<br />

see also Mture<br />

see al ED ons st rations and Protests<br />

see also fires<br />

see also FOllution<br />

see &so Waste Mterials<br />

see also Water<br />

myor faults hiring of Deryl Bur& as pUic works director<br />

Eard discusses hiring of Deryl Bur&<br />

Deryl Bur& to be kt@ as puHic works director<br />

Merchants trying to revive Rickson Street<br />

02/25/86 A07 5<br />

ow26/86 All 4<br />

oyn/86 m2 1<br />

05/05/86 m1 5

Voters turn dtxJn mayoa-council f m aE govt<br />


see finance andBudgets<br />


W E Bau* Jr hea& white aollar crime mit in Ark<br />

Interview with Ibnald K Pettus<br />


see Banks<br />


see Rives<br />

mc<br />

see Federal Ehergy Reglatory Chmissian<br />

F'EKUm. JIMG<br />

Ibnates property valued at $615,000 to North <strong>Arkansas</strong> CC 09/0q86 A12 6<br />


State historian to be honored & Hen&rsr>n State Uriv 1Y09/& A07 6<br />


see al so Al mhal and r;k ug Ahse<br />


see Rivers<br />

I;ERRITOR. mIFL <strong>mm</strong>D<br />

see also Cblleges<br />

FER33, G-E<br />

see alm Books andwriting<br />

msn. TIM M<br />

see also Etkcation - Firance and Budgets<br />

see also Fbor<br />


f3naq&, image aE LR1s Riverfee rwieved lq @.anners Ol/29/66 E01 1<br />

Riverfest is nm big business. figres Ehm Ol/2Sb/86 ED1 5<br />

SLwak Oy&a Sqpz draws politicians frm all wer state OY09/86 BDl 2<br />

Qzark Satti& Fkstival s&&ed at <strong>Arkansas</strong> allege 04/18/86 E01 4<br />

Toad Suck Daze events 1 isted for Cbnway festival OsbOY86 Eol 1<br />

Jme-Teenth Celelxatim &lamed at LR 05/10/86 Ell1 3<br />

Riverfest is very hgxessive went 05/23/86 E01 2<br />

Fireworks thrill Riverf est throng 05/25/86 EOl 4<br />

Riverfest has pod am& despite rain OV26/86 A01 2<br />

Bradley Cbrnty mato Fkstivdl. kegins 06/06/86 Ell1 I<br />

Merit Harbor Ligbts sponsorhip of Riverfest sprks axnflaint 06/18/86 801 1<br />

Juneteenth celebration mdx way at Littile Rock 06/20/86 E01 2<br />

Toad Suck Bluegrass Shw nw &%IS 4.000 visitors to prk<br />

Tbrrtitcwn G rap Festivzil m&r way<br />

Bop clel dxates w ia Watermdon Rstival<br />

Prairie Grwe Qothesline Rir to attract 40.000 visitors<br />

N;Rg s Surm-terset to attract 80,000 to Burns Brk<br />

Sunmaset attra&ed abut 100,000 to NLR prk<br />

Wiederkehr Weirbest s&e&led<br />

Turkey Wot Festivdl at Yellville indudes turkey drop<br />

Hdthfest held at Hot Spin9 oelekates fiysical activity<br />

Duck Calling Contest won @ Ttgr Wwford<br />

FIL IPlNCX<br />

e Ebrdq &scent Groq<br />

mNFNCE PND AIMlNIS<strong>mm</strong> EERRTMENT. ARK<br />

Janes Sanders wins Mas suit ffled against De@ in 194

!Wan mrtin discusses revenue @&me<br />

FINrnCF: MB B<strong>mm</strong><br />

see a190 <strong>Arkansas</strong> Efbcaticnd Television Network<br />

see al sb Attorney General<br />

see &so<br />

Cbll-s<br />

DATE<br />

EECXX,<br />

07/31/= A03 4<br />

see also Emnanic Conditions<br />

see also Ehca tion - Fimne and Budpts<br />

see alsn Health Deprtment, Ark<br />

see also Hunan Services Ceprtment<br />

see &ED Earh<br />

see alm Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see alm Tamtion<br />

Revenue aollections blow forecast for <strong>mm</strong>th Ol/Ol/86 A03 4<br />

Federalaidtodvindle, ArkCongressimraldelegatimsays 01/21/86AOl 6<br />

Ark add<br />

lose $38 million in federal kudget aTts OI/26/86 A01 3<br />

Ark share a€ Ekmn judgnent is $21-5 million 01/28/86 A01 6<br />

Thx coll&ions im~we. lzrt spending cut still gamed OY01J86 A08 1<br />

Pentagon popses over $23, million in Ark prujects 02/0v86 A05 1<br />

State to lose $120 million mder GrmRudnan a& 02/05/86 A09 1<br />

Sluggid~ state eaonany grangs $45.7 million hdqt ak 02/08/86 A01 2<br />

Budget cutkicks to affect several agencies. pograms 02/08/86 A09 1<br />

Eihcation, hunan services to kar hmt o•’ Ludpt cuts 02/08/86 A09 1<br />

Gcrv Q.h&on and lawmakers discuss budgeting press 02/11/€% EOl 5<br />

GOi7ermrr lamakers support end to 'continuing Lwdl ~ w i m 02/11/86 EOl 5<br />

List of gen rwenue agencie6. hdgets. and cuts ncw in effect 02/12/86 A03 5<br />

Limited granl*trh. easing of inflation hurting <strong>Arkansas</strong> 02/16/86 A01 2<br />

Gra* sham hdget arts and rwenw sources for those cuts<br />

Ark Sen Jay BradEord inmyrates red WIG mard<br />

First Red WE ward is for spending plans for QmpRoEnm~<br />

Red WIG mard is for waste in lpvermerrt as seen ky BradEard<br />

State agend es discuss cuts in hdgets<br />

Ark to k hardest hit ty rerenue-aaring loss<br />

Health services ansidering job ccrts as hdg& rdced<br />

Gazette asks why BradEord dd not indude nerve 9 s in W E<br />

State tax colleckims above revised forecast<br />

Health Degt to lay cdf 23 mplcyees<br />

Auditor JUI. ia Huaes Jones trims her cbf iae hdget<br />

Ark ~ twindEd1 s cf $25.9 million in Exmn setI3.ana-k<br />

Rwenue collections fall belw forecasts<br />

Ark ranks 31st in federal expenditur ea with $6.9 billion<br />

Ti*t hdget forecast far next fiscal year<br />

Mother kudget cut may be made as f irancial picture worsens<br />

Go.7 ainton orders art in rwenues to agencies<br />

State crdfiuals gaming witk latest: bdget cut<br />

Declining rate o€ rwenue grcwth rhared by nearky states<br />

State rwenlle faxrecast not as rosy as before<br />

Sen Khox Nelmn wmks py raise aE state workers anaelled<br />

Gw CLhton rdeases $15 million for various prqjects<br />

State rerenu belw pq &ions<br />

E'imnae dficids dosely monitor reven~~s<br />

lun& of state agencies ordered rdced ky $9.9 million<br />

Revenue &ortfall Maned on declining emnary<br />

CEfidals hop to spre job, pograns despite fm& cuts<br />

Colmnist Jchn Brmett discusses awes of revenue &dine

~xexem~ionsof $400 millionaofldbe sourc~forreren~ 06/15/86A03 3<br />

Legis access asswanes tax loo@uiles will not alter revenue 06/15/86 C01 1<br />

State needs tax policy research arm, Ekmst Ilanas writes 06/15/86 C01 1<br />

Iievenlre dedine j eopr&zes merit raises 06/17/86 A01 5<br />

State amulces step to cut msts 06/18/86 AOI 3<br />

State q~aks ky end of f isclll year 86/28/86 All 1<br />

State kudget in Eack ly SL millionas fiscal year en& 07/01/86 A01 2<br />

State may get another $25 mill ion E ran dl f inns 07/09/€!6 A03 1<br />

Budget x qmsts increase despite Gw CLintont s suggesticm 07/18/86 A01 5<br />

Fi scal 1987 year begins on por &cw ing 07/31/86 A03 4<br />

Rgvenues aontinue to be flat, state off icMs say 08/01/86 A03 I<br />

Re* &cws eam af Atk, other SW states, flat 08/Ozbf% A03 3<br />

hother rotnd of h*t rdctians ~ohl5l.e. M hrtin says 08/13/86 A03 3<br />

S-te c8fici.d~ order kudget cut of $31.5 miJ.lion 08/16/86 A01 2<br />

Generdl reven= distribtica estimate. fiscal year 1987 08/16/86 A01 5<br />

WindEd1 cf $16 million expcted fran NatA Investors &nsion 08/19/86 A01 6<br />

State ChpLtal remation ges on despite lean times 08/19/8f3 A03 4<br />

Fiscal dtilma goes beyond need for hdcpt s 08/24/86 A01 3<br />

Revdving Loan E\md, Ibnstitukioml enues Fbnd are aonaern 0862446 A01 3<br />

List aE mfrndedGeneral 3hp-wanent Elmd projects 08/24/86 A01 4<br />

Relying on sal es tax (ed) 08/2q/86 C04 5<br />

Himay Cb<strong>mm</strong> to seek no new rwenues in 1987 legis sessj.cn 08/Z/86 CM 1<br />

Leqidators seek wzy b read& Revolving Laan J3md 08/27/86 A03 1<br />

Propal made ty &LC pld to reaganize state fimn~ng 08/n/& ~ 0 31<br />

GUJ Clinton rwds plan for me aE windfall fmds 08/28/% A03 I<br />

No one aims to 'borrcwv mey fran Teacher Retirenent: fm& 08/28/86 A03 3<br />

Eficials Uwhing wer re@ of $16 mLllion windEd1 08/29/86 A03 4<br />

State rarenues &cx sliat increase in Augst 08/30/86 A01 6<br />

State will be in bind when federal tax looghdes dose 08/33/86 C03 3<br />

Still trimning (ed on hdget cuts) 08/33/86 C04 3<br />

Jchn LiGon scaled down sales tax could r @.ace exmqtims 09/03/86 A03 1<br />

State maqee ]gay raise pocecbres explained to ALC 09/04/86 H31 1<br />

Real austerity still to me. &nest mas writes 09/[n/86 C01 1<br />

Lqidators urge delw cn hdgets for next bienniun 09/10/86 A03 3<br />

Federal cuts, lagging tax rwenues will rdce pnlting 09/16/86 801 4<br />

Joe Stewart, Won Elilrtin differ on odds fa another cut 09/24/86 A01 2<br />

Stateforedto my jobsearch wstsfor foodstampd.ients 09/24/86A08 5 .<br />

Gm Bill Qinton &es not expect another romd of hdpt arts 09/25/86 A03 5<br />

Natinal Investors ws it &es not awe $16 million in taxes 0 9/25/86 B02 4<br />

Legislators tell agencies not to spend SW B dl r&m& 09/26/86 A17 1<br />

Tkxcrdtsfor edstingin&striesm*sstate $7million 09/28/86AOI 6<br />

State rwentle mllectim up for 2nd month in rcw 10/01/86 A07 5<br />

Tax cr &ts cg to 23 firms m&r Act 5 29. 1985 10/03/86 AI.2 5<br />

Warker taxesoffset lossof $7 rrdllionininchstry credits 10/03/86 A12 5<br />

=torial an effects of Act 529,1985 on rwenws 10/0$/86 A16 1<br />

Law Hanned to restrict agencies not aorrectingdeficiecies 10/13/86 A14 2<br />

Revenue forecast may have keen too ogtimistic, hhrtin says 10J2V86 A12 1<br />

Gm Bill Clinton's revenue forecast is cjloany 11/07/86 A01 2<br />

Senator Qarenoe Be31 to seek sales tax rise 1V07/86 A01 3<br />

Idea af mf t drink tax being di scllssed lJ/ll/86 A03 4<br />

GcwBillCLintonmsureaf needforgensalestaxinaease ll/lJ/86A06 1<br />

i31d to waste would prwent tax rise. Jchn Wtll says 11/18/86 A06 3<br />

Job inaertive acts ckain taxes<br />

1MP/% C01 I<br />

Possilile tax hikes discussed in edibrials 11/23/86 C04 1

Variable rate sales tax discussed ky John Lipzon 11/23/86 C06 5<br />

No easy m e r in state hdgeting (ed) lI,/24/86 A12 1<br />

Atty Gen Steve Qark seeks 27 p& tudqt rise 11/27/86 All 1<br />

Gaps in revenue pq~&ions<br />

widen 11/28/86 A08 1<br />

Buets still mikcided ly &C ll/30/86 A03 1<br />

Moth- hdget aTt: foreseen ly Gav Bill Qirhon 12/01Jffi A09 1<br />

Outlook for wmties grim &C told 12/0V86 ED2 1<br />

ALC apIrwes tudgets of five agencies 12/04/86 A03 1<br />

Sales, use tax exemgions mst state $300.3 million la& year 1WOv86 A13 1<br />

Case can be made for brrcwing •’ran gnrt retirenent fmds 12/07/86 A03 4<br />

%x r&m add raise $30 million, analysis &aws 12/09/86 A08 2<br />

W F Ebsker urges rqectim o-E additioral tax exemgtims 19/10/86 A01 5<br />

Gav airkon favors ptterning inme tax code a•’ter US oode lYll/86 A01 2<br />

fiiwmakers hear pop& to alter way mtor fuel tax collected 12/12/86 A0 5 4<br />

Jan Brunmekt &sasses W F Fbsterl s idea on tax exlem@icm 12/1q86 A03 4<br />

&=st mas discusses need for fairness in taxtim 12/14/86 CO1 3<br />

Revermppogranrnq change axprate, indiviihl taxliws 1Wlq86CE 1<br />

Municipll Leacye to pops smset on tax exangtims 12/1v86 A05 1<br />

Another state hdcpt art virtrally arein. GaT Qinton says 12/16/86 A01 2<br />

Cm Clinton popes wring tax em@ians to raise f mds 12/16/86 A01 2<br />

Jan Brumnett dLsc3usses possihle tax on serviozs 12/17/86 A03 4<br />

Gov Clinton. Rep Jchn Ligon 6scuss varied sales tax rate 12/17/86 BOI 5<br />

Budget dtxnira tes talks ly legislators 12/18/86 E02 1<br />

Legislative Cbtncil hearing bdget rquests f ran agendes 12f19/86 A03 1<br />

Mitorids urge eramiration of tax exqtions 12/21/86 C04 1<br />

Clinton @an on tax r dorm at varianae with mEL st@ 12/23/86 A01 3<br />

Overhad cf *ate tax code reunn~nended bj Rockfdler El31 1q23/86 A01 3<br />

Rockefdler Fdn sugq&s ways to raise needed fmdng 12/23/86 A01 3<br />

State &art of ready m&, delays pymenk of m e hills 12/24&6 A01 2<br />

Taking the hard rcad on taxes (ed) 12/26/86 A16 1<br />

When the state rms olt ed ca& (ed) 12/28/86 C02 1<br />

Htorizds discuss loss of f&rd fulds 12/28/86 C04 1<br />

FINCH. JIM<br />

see also HunanServie'~ Deplrtment<br />


see allso J EW. Ine<br />

FIREmrn<br />

see also Umgr ess - Serate<br />

mRm<br />

see also Benton<br />

see also Fires<br />

see aP so LitU e Rock<br />

see aim <strong>mm</strong>ont<br />

see also North Little Rock<br />

Wdn* Ridge @ans to dwdop its own f irefi*ter academy 02/28/86 A13 4<br />

Black River melily at Wldln* Ridge tegh clases Oq/09/86 C08 1<br />

VdLmteers may not be irrnncne f ran litigation. Atw Gen says 0 V 13/& A0 5 1<br />

Valmteers p-otectedfrcm dvil liability, Steve Clarksays 1v08/86 A12 5<br />

Wen firmen termed 'rzltalystl for attention to vohlens 12/14/86 A19 1<br />

Firmen training a•’fects insurance pfiniuns f2/'29/86 %I 2<br />

FIRES<br />

Eao arrests made yet in series of arson fires at LR N,R OI/01/86 A03 3<br />

Wardof $18.000 offaedfor arrest a€ arsonist atLR KR Ol/OI/€i6 A03 3<br />

Coua e die in house fire in Whitma e an<strong>mm</strong>i ty Ol/02/% A08 6

Home fire at Fbrdyoe kills model, reel estate &doper 01/06/86 A08 3<br />

Fort Smith wanan dies in apnt fire Ov07/86 A07 1<br />

Horse fire kills mu@e at Fbyetteville Ol/O8/86 All 4<br />

Fatal home fires at ~ordyce, Ehyetteville bd iwed acci&rhs 0l,/09/86 A14 4<br />

Foa-ups &lwed f i*Cing fire. Wabbeseka official klys OY10/86 A10 1<br />

N;R pli& question Tarance E Brasn in arsons there Ol/10/86 A14 4<br />

krerky-nine chqs filed aqinst: Tar- E Brcwn in arson cases Ol/11/€6 A07 1<br />

Colqil e die in house f ire-at lQwd ia<br />

Searcy flayed ky string of arsons<br />

S5pi.o A Jmes Hi* Schod bdg at NLR turrr;<br />

Thrana Brcwn to underg p.;ychiatric e ms<br />

Judp DiAm@ rdeased Taranoe Brcwn a.•’ter hrgaly &g<br />

Reaords shcw =&on* rdeased Cobb despite record<br />

Prok af fire at Sc5pi.o Jmes High Scfioal mntinms<br />

Fire at Sdpio Jones Hi* S&od ded acddertal<br />

JbJoFs Reearnant at LR destrcyed<br />

Historic hotd. five hlsinesses hrn at Qnne<br />

Tdo children die in mobile hane fire at Wym<br />

Aprtrnenk Mlding on West &rkhan in LR destrcyed<br />

Spae heater believed =me aE fatal fire at Wynrre hane<br />

Cotton war&ome fire at mrUand kbes $8 millim -age<br />

Waan and two &ildc-en killed in hyettwille house fire<br />

Abclt 27.000 fires. 86 f ire-deaths r eptd in Ark in 1984<br />

Arsonists Uaned for four fires at Lonshle, Garland Comty<br />

yo^ arrested in LonsWe fires to mdergo mental tests<br />

Cgd first QngctzqitioM3 Qmch at LR destrcyed<br />

Emawe Inthstries at Benton destrqyed & fire<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> had 27,000 fires in 1984, report &cws<br />

Legidative pind wants stiffer pmlties for armn<br />

House fire kills two at Gredxier<br />

Child dies in apt fire in LR<br />

Elythwille wcman dies in fire at her residence<br />

Warren f ird i*ter dies in r as- attenpt<br />

Ghot wanan dies -in home Eire<br />

mo die in mohile hme Eire at Swiftcm<br />

Fire Traimng Aca- &manstrates effective sprinkler<br />

Three &e in house fire mar Ebr*oe<br />

Fordyce fanily died because brs tiocked winlbws<br />

Arts and Science Center at Pine Bluff hefnrily damaged<br />

Om a€ McG&eels oldest; hilltin9 destrcyed<br />

Home fire kills ax@ e at Bingburn<br />

Hot S~in9 fire callses $500.000 in dmage<br />

Five hrsiraesses destroyed in Fbrrest Cily<br />

Fire deStrcys old Merrill Hi* S&d in Pine BluH<br />

Slate Assesmat Div cff ices &mag~d by fire<br />

Fumes fran tuning rie cause 800 to flee Ebrrest City<br />

Forrest CiQ resiiknts return after moke Eomd nmtoxic<br />

'Brane E Brwn adnits series of arsons, th&ts<br />

fistrid. &dared in trial hvdving Scimitar Shrine Tm@e<br />

Robert C Bleoe will not be retried in Scimitar Shrine fire<br />

Rice hulls and equip& Lxrrn at Scott<br />

Taranae E Brwn gets 773 yrs in string of armn fires<br />

Pim Bluff arsonist strikes five vacant houses<br />

&;son Haned for Hat Srrinas Eire<br />

OY16/86 A09 1<br />

OY16/86 HI1 4<br />

0l/17/86 A03 1<br />

0l/17/86 A07 2<br />

OY18/86 A01 2<br />

03/18/86 A05 1<br />

01/18/86 A15 1<br />

01/2v86 BD8 3<br />

OI/23/86 BO1 2<br />

01/28/86 A05 4<br />

05/28/86 A05 4<br />

OY29/06 A07 3<br />

OI/29/86 A16 1<br />

01/29/86 A16 4<br />

OY3I/86 A15 3<br />

0yOu86 EO4 6<br />

02/12/% A07 1<br />

02/14/86 A17 3<br />

oy20/€6 sol 3<br />

02/22/86 A09 4<br />

02/%/86 A14 5<br />

02/2f5/86 A14 5<br />

oy27/%6 A17 3<br />

03/256E El3 2<br />

03/25/86 EO2 3<br />

04fQ.l/%6 AQS 5<br />

04/12/86 A08 4<br />

0$/12/86Al2 4<br />

04/13/86 806 1<br />

Og/14/06 A02 1<br />

Og/lY86 m1 2<br />

04b/23/86 A01 2<br />

0Y29/86 A09 4<br />

0V20/86 A07 4<br />

OY30686 A17 1<br />

07/06/E6 A10 5<br />

07/09/86 HI2 3<br />

07/14/86 A10 1<br />

07/lY86 A01 6<br />

U7/16/86 All 1<br />

07/29/86 H)l 2<br />

08/0l/86 A13 1<br />

08/06/86 A05 4<br />

08/06/86 B01 3<br />

08/26/86 A09 1<br />

08/3Q/86 I331 2

First Federal Bldg evacuated &ring fire<br />

Westmark Bldg at LR dmaged<br />

Fire &ages 97-y~dd btbhome at Eureka Sp3.n~<br />

Three hldgs in 'Sin City' area of LR hit ly fires<br />

Fire destrcys Bdlevw Bldg in west LR<br />

ProFerQ wners. Wen VED settle suits wer Urned Mdq<br />

Jane Pbrris gets 7-yr term for ixrning her house<br />

Vacant aprtment units hmily &aged at LR<br />

Fire dmages apnt Hdg in arsa a€ other LR fires<br />

mree youths die in fire at Jmesbro<br />

Fires set in two vacant apks in LR kuilding<br />

Map &ms location of string of fires in Southwest LR<br />

New armnist may be invalved in So&hwest LR fires<br />

Soahwest LR has 8th apt fire in 11 days<br />

Mamger aE 7 b l d where ~ fires occurred shot<br />

Police arrek mrrdl Stnith in shooting of Ranoes Mlan<br />

Prosectkor. apt mcjr allegedly threatened ky Dztrrdl &ith<br />

Pinecr est Lunbr near lbrrilbn heavily -aged<br />

Car crash sets hme m fire in LR' s Walton Heiljnts are<br />

Robert Sims pleads qilw in anspi racy to hrn Cbnway mot&<br />

Kathy Lee Qrr chg with turning hme cf farmer boy friend<br />

Wo Bead cyilty to interstate armwfor-hire s&ene<br />

Hilton Inn at LR m@id ky moke fran lam- roan<br />

Wman &es in resi&ntial fire at Jonesboro<br />

City Hd.1. Fire Dep de&rqred at Pleasant mains<br />

Pine Blu•’f wanan dies in house Eire<br />

Jack I; Hill QE Ibssellville <strong>mm</strong>icted in arson at motd<br />

Mills Hi* Schod (Pulaski Est) heaviZy haged<br />

House fire kills 3-yr-ald Maditmn gi. d<br />

Fire &strqs luwry oondmininas at Not Spin9<br />

men- of firwdls in Hot Sgrings mndominms cited<br />


Little Rock bans f ircwmks f ran city<br />


see Banks<br />


see Banks<br />

ERST B m D CORP<br />

Rogers plant flans $18 millim expansion. 75 new job<br />


see Banks<br />


see Banks<br />


Brittenun sti t alleges ex-angilqees violated pack<br />

Firm was formed ky ex-fm@oqrees of Brittenun Associates<br />

FIRST NPI[I IXX1AL BmK (CRosSrn)<br />

see Banks<br />


see Banks<br />


see Banks<br />


see Banks<br />

09/1l/86 E01 2<br />

09/14/86 FD4 5<br />

09/30/86A07 1<br />

10/18/86 A03 4<br />

10/19/86 IU2 1<br />

10/22/86 A03 1<br />

10/23/86 ED2 1<br />

10/25/% A14 5<br />

10/26/86 BD6 1<br />

10/26/86 BD6 4<br />

10/27/86 A03 1<br />

10/28/86 A01 3<br />

10/28/86 A01 3<br />

10/28/86 A01 3<br />

10/30/% A01 6<br />

10/3C/86 A01 6<br />

1l/U7/86 A0 5 1<br />

11/14/86 Alo 1<br />

11/18/86 BD1 2<br />

11/2l/& A23 6<br />

11/26/86 A09 5<br />

il/n/tx AX 1<br />

11/30/86 A08 6<br />

12/oz/86 m2 3<br />

12/04/86 A22 1<br />

12/17/86 A17 1<br />

12/18/86 A16 6<br />

12/25/86 A01 2<br />

12/25/86 A13 1<br />

12/30/86 ED1 2<br />

12/31/86 Al4 3


see Banks<br />

FIRS'ISa'IH<br />

see Banks<br />

see Iver Jchnson Arms, Inc<br />


Children raninism abut <strong>Arkansas</strong> bths CE the Year<br />

FISH<br />

see Lbllution<br />

OYll/86 ED1 I<br />


ChtEi& farming is a graving inlCIstry in Ark 08/23/86 C08 3<br />


see also Rivers<br />

FISH mMING<br />

see Fi& andCrayfi& Ctilture<br />


see &so<br />

Qrtoons<br />


see a1m Gwerment Bmds and Investments<br />

see dm Treasurer. &k<br />


Remgxized f oa: df orts to dwdop inastry<br />


see Wildlife<br />

JZtTCH. JCNrnAN S<br />

ee alsa Assaults<br />


see also CivU War<br />


see a1m Little Rock<br />

Fx,<strong>mm</strong>ER. mvm P<br />

see a1m Murders - F led=. mvin P<br />

FLm, mELm<br />

see a1m Murders - Flocks. Ehd&<br />

EL100aj:<br />

see also Agriculture<br />

Brk Hollcw draimge pq ect at NLR mq be fmded soon 06/26/86 A05 1<br />

First @ase a€ Fburche Qeek project ocltlined 06/2$/86 A09 1<br />

Wo South Ark counties hit hard ky flooding E/29/86 BD9 1<br />

EEA seeks halt to &aim9 work in h~ilkner Lake area 07/09/86 E01 1<br />

Corp hQ ts dredging east o•’ mR to pate& wetlands 07/1Y86 A16 1<br />

Cabot residents ask city mtndl to begin flood aontrdl work 07/19/86 AlO 1<br />

Faulkner Lake &airage pnel a&&s @an 08/23/% A09 1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River abve flood stage at Van Buren 10/02/86 801 3<br />

Week of rain flood$ roadts, famdands in me areas 10/05/86 Al3 1<br />

Seriow flooding along <strong>Arkansas</strong> River expected 108 6 0 1 3<br />

Mrth LitlAe Rock areas face flooding threat 10/07/€%6 A01 2<br />

National Guard hdp sandkg area a€ brt S m i ~ 10/07/86 A01 3<br />

Flood potenkiiil m <strong>Arkansas</strong> River dbwngra&d 10/08/86 A01 2<br />

Hanes flooded in me sections of mrt Smith 10/08/€!6 A01 2<br />

Dams on kkansas River not desicged to mntrdl. floods 10/ 08/86 ED1 1<br />

Crest forecask rtvised Wrward in LR aree 10/08/86 H)1 4<br />

Fort Smith wage eskimated at $1 millicn 10/09/€!6 E01 2<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River mvers 19.000 acres of croaand 10/10/86 A04 1

Image to crop ky <strong>Arkansas</strong> River pk at $3 mill ion<br />

Water f ran <strong>Arkansas</strong> River rising in Gntral Ark<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River: flooding in Toad Suck Ferry at- (photo)<br />

National Guard f i@ting floodkaters in Rrry CbLnty<br />

Thowands of acres of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Vallq crops mder water<br />

Gw Bill Qinton suppxts p-obe d Qrp hand1 ing of water<br />

GCN Bill Q ikon tours flood area. calls for disaster aid<br />

No flmding problens reported at LPFLR<br />

Army &gkneerst policies need stu*, KhleBungers mys<br />

LR N;R residential areas wred flooding<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Riven: reeding at LR<br />

Sme flooding occurs along <strong>Arkansas</strong> River at LR<br />

fiver daims lackyard of house in western Maski Qmty<br />

Flood destroyed 4,800 aczes of beans in Maski Cbmty<br />

Wmy Robinson wants Cbrw to st@ erosi.cn at Judcins hane<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Riva flood in Oct amed $18.5 million &mass<br />

Dams saved $126 nGllion in &ages along <strong>Arkansas</strong> River<br />

Cost of Fburche Cr eek pr oj ect may incr ease for LR<br />

Damage estimate pt at $18.5 mill ion iy Qr of Ehgineer s<br />

FLQilERs<br />

Fkatlrre artide on Russellville grwer Ula Halbrook<br />

Search for Dodd rose bears fruit at North Little Rock<br />

FLUrnIrn PND <strong>mm</strong> Hrn'IH<br />

see I3erkistry and Ikntal Healt3-1<br />

KX;LEmN" JrnN A<br />

see dm WFX, Inc<br />

FWLK ART<br />

see Arts and Cra•’ts<br />

FONrn, IETER<br />

Actor is in Ark to ltiscuss plans for mwie<br />

Wife cf actor is mrtia Rebecca Crocktt of dkkansas<br />

FOOD<br />

see alm Md-irocms<br />

Sour honey di str iht ed in Ar k called safe<br />

Caviar f ran White River fi& kings hi* pie in Mew Brk<br />

Artide on <strong>Arkansas</strong> aviar<br />

Little Rock food pries in market hsket sum y<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gdld pat cfieese pocked at Lanar farm<br />

Brent Bunpers, Sam Mitt devdop market oookies<br />


Safeway store at LR spbnsoxs 'sincjles ni@tl<br />


see eilso J EW. %nc<br />

see alm bisoning and Poisons<br />

B m d pesticide hegtad-dor fomd in milk pr&ced in Ark<br />

Feeds prochced at Van Buren were muroe aE hegamor<br />

Glass found in Gerber hly food in Ark<br />

Six daiq farms in NW Ark qmrarkined for hegacfilor use<br />

At least 36 dairy farms qmrantined ky state Health Ik@<br />

Major pochcer recalls 60,000 gallons of taintedmilk<br />

minted milk called serious hazard by EaA official<br />

Festicide a€fected 64 ha& in Northwest Ark<br />

Jack E and Henry R White wn J E W Inc and Vdtl cy Feeds<br />

3-10 airy fanners sue J EW IncandVdly Fee&<br />

10/10/86 A04 1<br />

10/10/86 A04 1<br />

10/1l,/86 A01 3<br />

10/13/86 A01 3<br />

10/11/86 A01 3<br />

lO/l2/86 A01 2<br />

10/12/86 A01 2<br />

10/l3/86 A01 2<br />

10/13/86 A05 5<br />

10/14/86 A01 2<br />

10/1Y86 All 1<br />

10/18/&6 A07 4<br />

10J20/86 A01 2<br />

10/21/86 A09 5<br />

10/2$/86 A07 1<br />

13/09/86 807 1<br />

11/09/86 H37 1<br />

12/17/83 EO8 4<br />

12/39/86 A07 1

Another airy firm joins recall a€ taintedmilk<br />

Pbre Arkanms milk vdmtarily recalled<br />

Wfidd says 90 farms in Ark ordered not to sell to dairies<br />

Inj mction tells Vdlq Feeds not to sell mntaminated gain<br />

Scme recalled milk f omd unaorrtamimted<br />

EZA fauted ly Lale Bunprs for delay in ban of hegtachLar<br />

Article on h-ador m-kanhaticm of &iry p-dcts<br />

Dairy ind~stry pmblgns serious. official says<br />

mr e hi ry ~ & c t r ecalls issued<br />

Additional milk recalled in Ark after tests<br />

Realled milk pro&& listed<br />

'iko landfills to ace@ feed containing heachlw<br />

Pngq hirymen talk to aEficiiils, get few mers<br />

mthers' milk tests in big demand<br />

Mor e Chi ry poduct s added far r -11<br />

Gmernnak mq kuy hi ry oa~s oontaminated with hegtachlor<br />

Val1 qr Eke&, and J E W Inc king probed fy FB I<br />

Jack E White serving jail term for fraud in ulx dated case<br />

Probe asked of Health DeIj handling of hegkachlar case<br />

Jack E White aware in 1980 corn auld not be fed to rattle<br />

Dairymen to get lcans f ran m a<br />

Dairy farmers see RnHA loans as mixed Messing<br />

Statwide testing of mothersR milk to begin<br />

HegadiLor found in meat samgdes f ran <strong>Arkansas</strong> cattle<br />

Doctors to &ci& msaf e he@achdor lwel in mothss milk<br />

Dairymen inhnity bill irkrodxed in Qnqess<br />

SmqiLes insdfici- to set h-ahlor leva for mckhss<br />

Fear a€ he@achLor carrses 20 pct ckop in milk sales<br />

Colenan miry recalls ie crm<br />

Meat f run <strong>Arkansas</strong> fomd with hi* hqtachlor 1wel<br />

Pet maprated Milk recalled in four states<br />

Colman miq r d l s ioe urn<br />

Goad news for milk drinkers<br />

Scme airy farmers hew feed taf nted, group reprtedly told<br />

Gw ainton fin& notification satisfackory in milk case<br />

ResUts not yet in f ran milk m@es<br />

Continued harm seen in hesachlm- mntamiratim<br />

Brmst milk tests<br />

pesticide led at norm<br />

Reflacing herds cheipr thn ridding them aE hegkachlcx<br />

Dairy fanners get first pymerrts in hqkachla cases<br />

Chlor&r~ fomd in chickens being qwn for Barquet Ebo&<br />

Wheat wed in chicken f ed be1 ieved source af &lor hne<br />

Wheat on Brtia farm believed source uf chlor&ne in feed<br />

More chlordxe-contamimted chickens killed<br />

Chlorlfane suspected in 38th flock in northan Ark<br />

Chlor&ne tainting inu&nae believed declining<br />

More flocks suspected of ctdor&ne amtamination<br />

Daiq farmers file $17 million suit a@& J. EW., Inc<br />

Chlordane red in soil aE farm UE Jerry nip at Wrtia<br />

FDA r m&es dead end on somae aE chlor&ne in chiclens<br />

Hicbry Holla~ recalls turkey han ~ocbced at Searcy<br />

White flakes found in j az of mff ee at Brinkley<br />

Suktane in a>•’ f ee f ran Brinkley to be amlyzed<br />

Tests &cw suktane in cnf fee was sugar<br />

03/19/86 A13 6<br />

03/20/86 A01 2<br />

03/2l./86 A01 2<br />

03/2l/86 A09 1<br />

03/2l/86 A09 1<br />

03/21/86 A09 2<br />

03/2W€!6 A01 2<br />

03/23/86 A01 2<br />

03/25/86 A01 4<br />

03/27/86 EOL 4<br />

03/28/86 A01 2<br />

03/28/86 A14 2<br />

03/29/86 A01 2<br />

03/30/86 Ell1 3<br />

O ~ O l / % A04 1<br />

0$/02/86 A07 1<br />

04/0v86 E01 2<br />

04/10/86CM 6<br />

0$/1l/86 A17 1<br />

oq1y86 A17 4<br />

0 VIy86 A01 6<br />

0 $/19/86 A18 1<br />

04/22/86 A01 6<br />

04/29/86 A08 I<br />

06/29/86 A07 1<br />

07/1y86 A08 5<br />

08/08/86 A01 4<br />

08/09/86 A01 2<br />

08/12/86 A03 1<br />

08/13/86 Al3 1<br />

08/14/86 All 1<br />

08/1Y86 A23 I<br />

08/16/86 Hdl 2<br />

08/l6/86 GO8 3<br />

08/19/86 A09 1<br />

08/26/86 Cm 5<br />

09/25/86 C02 1<br />

10/05/86 B02 2<br />

10/07/86 B08 1<br />

m/oa/s A O ~ 4

Fe&rdl grant allws stu& Q€ &f ects of heptachlor 10/16/86 A09 1<br />

UA rearhers stu* rmoval aE hegachlar f run dairy mttle 10/31/86 COl 2<br />

Dai rymen under hegtaaar qmrarkine f i*t to sux ive 11/02/86 C09 1<br />

FOOD s-<br />

see fimnes and Budgets<br />

see<br />

Ibor<br />

see Taxation<br />


see also Athletics - College<br />

Hen&rsonl s R alm (Sporty) Carperher is NAIA ma&-cd-theYr 01/08/86 DO1 3<br />

Urn Bears 1 ist ed at top of NWl eseamn poll 08/21/86 DO1 6<br />

Pr wiew cf 1986 season 08/31/86 JD1 1<br />

Firrancid package oE UA Cbach &n Hatfidd among top ten 09/2Y% DO1 2<br />

EBzorkacks bck in top LO in poll ll/OB/86 DO1 6<br />

Donzdl Bmg out as UAB am&. sources say 11/14/86 DO1 6<br />

Donzell Ybmg resiqs UAEB coacfiing post ll/lV86 CW 1<br />

Univ d Central Ark wirs 4th mnsecutive AIC &anpianship 11/16/86 FOl 2<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Univ wins Southland Con•’ title 11/23/86 F01 5<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> to Nay Wahana in Orange Bad 11/28/86 CO1 1<br />

Miani qide for fans ging to Orange Bcwl m e 11/30/86 F08 1<br />

All-AIC sqmd listed IY30'86 F14 1<br />

MA' s Harold Horton named AIC @a& of the Year 11/30/86 F14 1<br />

All-AIC sqmd (photolpagh) la/Ol,/86 C02 1<br />

ASU1 s Ran& Barkill med to Eb&k All-Pmerican team 12/02/&6 DO8 1<br />

Five Razor kicks make N.1-SJC first team 12/0$/86 DO1 4<br />

UQI elimhted f ran @.qsaEf s in 4 wertimes 12/07/86 F01 2<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State defeats Delaware to advance in @layoff 12/07/86 F01 6<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State whips Eastern Kentuclcv, 2C10, mes to fimls 12h4/86 F01 6<br />

Archie Goolq namd head ma& at U&V ctE Ark at Pine BluM 12/18/86 DO1<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State falls to Georicja Sollthern in chanphship 12/21/86 FOI<br />

Six AIC plqers named to NAIA All-IPnerican tm<br />

12/24/86 DO5<br />

Steroid use kans Razorbck David IXtdnq frcm Orange Bwl 12/27/86 CO1<br />


Newark drop progem dter ma& resiqed<br />

Preview a€ 1986 seaam<br />

Bartan defeats Mineral wings for state aass A title<br />

Wynm whip Rivera& for state Qass AAA &anpicn&ip<br />

LR CkrxtrdL heats Fbr t Smith Northsi.de for state AAAA title<br />

Boorrwille takes Lake Village for state Qass AA tiae<br />

FOH3E. =HI<br />

P<br />

see also Cbngr ess - Semte<br />

see alm LLieutemrkGwermr<br />

see also Eblitics and ELectians<br />

see dl so Rel igion<br />

see also Vigil antes<br />

FORD <strong>mm</strong>R CD<br />

C D Shdton files $11 million suit against Ebrd Motor 8<br />

FOmCE<br />

see als ES res<br />

FOREmN DFSrnT GrnH<br />

Fili@nos at LR rxmrment on gwt of Mums in the Rilip@nes 02/16/86 E01 2<br />

Sane fili&nos at LR hck Pr esiderrt &xms 02/2qJ86 A10 1<br />

Film dbcurnmts Delta Italianst lives, mntribkims 12/07/86 ED1 2<br />


see International Relations<br />


Illegal dims working for farest contractors OYM/86 COT 2<br />

mRmT rnIRY, INC<br />

see dl. so Fbi mning and Pbi sons<br />

film dosing oprations in Ark 09/23/86 A01 3<br />


Suzpect arresLed in series of fires in Van Bur en Comty 01/26/86 A07 3<br />

Swnd suspect arrested in Van Bur en Qmty fire 01/29/86 A13 4<br />

Forest fires hrn 1.000 acres in state 03/09/% A06 5<br />

Fires d2skrcy 5,400 acres in stake 03/28/% A03 1<br />

Fire on Qav Rn (Fop Gbmty) destrqs large amt of ~operty 08/02/86 ED1 2<br />


see aim Insects<br />

see alm Ebllution<br />

Jchn Michael Curan med Omchita Natl hr est supervisor 01/18/86 E08 1<br />

Groups obje to @an to anvert Ozark harckaod to pine OJ,/3I/86 A07 1<br />

Nwbn <strong>mm</strong>ty Wildlife Assn. Ark Sierra Club obj e& to Nan 01/31/86 A07 1<br />

Maraganent pogram for Omcfiita Natl Ebrest a ~ w e d 04/02/86 AlO 5<br />

Onchit. Forest land plan criticized Olq/O8/86 C08 3<br />

Groups to ap~eal Ouahita Nat3. Fbr est mgnt @an 05/13/86 A03 1<br />

Forest Service rdes out de~lrakting on Orachita Lake 05/18/86 F06 1<br />

Forestry official. mys Lake Omchita are to k potected 05/28/86 A19 1<br />

Serators Bunpers and Pryor demand protection in Ouachita area 05/24/86 A19 1<br />

Omchita Forest Sympositrn discusses forest me issues 07/01/86 DO1 1<br />

US Sen TZlvid Pryor attacks needless dea~cutting near lake 08/24/86 AlO 4<br />

F'o<strong>mm</strong>YDE<br />

see Ebllukion<br />

rnRREST CITY<br />

see alm Ecununic Devdopnent<br />

see also Fires<br />

see alm kdical mdlities<br />


see aim Birth Qntrd and Abrtion<br />


see also Hmting<br />

G w Bill CTintan seeks desigmtion as Readiness Training site Ou3l,/86 A15 1<br />

Army expected to keep mntrd wer Fbrt 06/14/86 A08 5<br />

Under consideration for Joint Readiness Training Center 10/01/& A13 4<br />

Joint readness center to be located at FWt maff ee 10/10/86 A01 6<br />

JRTC training of 'light forces' set for Se@enber 1l/13/86 A01 3<br />

Methods for JFTC tr xhing explained 11/13/86 A01 3<br />

FORT s m<br />

see al m Emnmic Conditions<br />

see aim Floods<br />

see also Hatd s<br />

see also Eblleion<br />

see alm Eves<br />

Strib Bqmton is new dty adninistrator<br />

Developrs mnvert aghg structurs to nwd mes<br />

FOm sm SmOCtr IZSrnICr<br />

see Edmtion - Fillan-<br />

and Budg2ts<br />

see E1Lzcation - Handicapped<br />

see Edwation - Student Qnhct a d Rid@ ine


Fbssil skull a€ ~ tfiEfi headed east for study 05/20/86 A08 3<br />

Ar&dogist finds mastod3n bnes on hnks of Red River 09/11/86 ED2 4<br />

FOSTER. N m<br />

see also Murders - Hendrickson, Orin<br />


see a1 m Attorney Geraeral<br />

see alm Firanm and Budgets<br />

see aim Local Gwernnent: - Finanoe<br />

see also hbl ic Libraries<br />

NEW dvic bldg at Engand named in honor a€ Ebster<br />

FOUKE msm<br />

see Mnsters<br />

<strong>mm</strong>m, mPH msELEY<br />

see also Books andwriting<br />


see<br />

Nursing Hanes<br />


see fivers<br />


Lacgiapp prt~rsue f im. allege misr ep- eserkatim 07/1Y86 C08 3<br />

mLm, BITIY<br />

Nand Distinyi&ed Alunnm of U&R Ov04/86 ED7 5<br />

FRZWKLtlN <strong>mm</strong><br />

Sheriff Bob Pritcbard on trial m nunerous charges 02/0V86 A03 3<br />

rU1 charges against Sheriff Bob Pritchard &missed Ow 06/86 A07 1<br />

FRwXLm ELEICmiIC 03<br />

Elants at Brinklqr and Jacksonville to be mld Ol/2Y86 COS 2<br />

Closing of @ants at Brinkley and Jacksonvflle anrromoed @3/14/86 A01 3<br />

Gwermrls offiae, ME scrmUe to save @ants 06/1$l86 A01 3<br />

AID2 to dfer grant af $500,000 to try to keep Rants open 06/16/86 E08 4<br />

AIE1s~veHarringtontryingto mve500 job at2 @ants 06/17/&6 C01 5<br />

Kenilwarth ELectric Co will hy Brinkley plant 06/18/86 A01 4<br />

Lab3r mst not factor in flank dosing, UPw atty says 06/21/86 ED1 2<br />

Cff iuals of msm, Inc tour Jaksonville pant 06/n/86 ~ 0 15<br />

Finn tledded not to hy ELanklin plant at Jacksonville 07/23/86 C02 3<br />

FRrnKtrn, JCHN HOEE<br />

Black historian and aahor sgeaks at Littil e Rock CX/17/86 E01 2<br />


Fraternitie at UAF hdd liable in death af Tbdd Alan Prince 0Y29/86 A18 1<br />

Zbdd A Ftincre was on f ratermty hay ridle when killed OY29/86 A18 1<br />


see 61 m Banks<br />

see al so Bri ttenun and Associates<br />

see also Fhmers Cboperative CYE kkansas and Okld-iana<br />

see also ~nners Hme Adinistration. US<br />

see also HiWq and Transportaticm Degartment<br />

see also Indepndenae Gorp<br />

see aim Insuranoe<br />

see alm J EW, lhc<br />

see aim Pkdicine andHealth<br />

see allso Wrton and Co<br />

see aEs3 FyramidSales<br />

see also Real mate

see also RaadGorrtracts<br />

see also Stocks and Bmds<br />

see a1m Welfare<br />

Iman charged with tilking Arkansans in sale d W 'di&'<br />

Charles J Ibaoock Jr fomd imcent on two mail fraud counts<br />

Charl es J Baaock f omd grilty aE 3 mail fraud aomts<br />

Charles Feamck Jr to r esig f ran farcbns and Parde Bcard<br />

Charles J Bamck gets 15 months, fine of $3,000<br />

Charles Feamck gets 15 months in prison. $3.000 fine<br />

Judq rej ecks Rsamck plsa & being too ill for prison<br />

Charl es J macock J r pys $3,000 mail-•’ raud fine<br />

Charles J eamck reports to pison to begin serving term<br />

Warning issued on firms prmating strip mining<br />

Cnarl es J Bacrock Jr ins early rd ease f rcm pison<br />

Four men &gd in check-writing scheme, pony driver lienses<br />


see also Au&ts and Maraganent Reviews<br />


see als Chi.ldrenandYo&h<br />

see a1 EO Qime and Criminal s<br />

see also Erkcation - Wcation Buards<br />

see al EO Edrcation - Teachers<br />

see alm Gwerrrnent Rnflcyees<br />

see alm Legislature<br />

see aim Miller Cbmty<br />

see aim North Little Rock<br />

Journal ist s1 oppsition to FOI tampering discussed<br />

Mitorids ltiscuss rent &fort to waken ED1 act<br />

Editorial on sqlliabkiLe wes 831 at rent Legis session<br />

Ress Lzw my at ASU amsi&rs privacy and ri*t to haw<br />


Bill Lewis wins bck py h US Gburt ruing<br />

Spech critical d Harrison supt led to firing of Bill Lewis<br />


see Tbxation<br />

EREENW. mvm<br />

see a1 so MIX &r s - Fr eenan. Ehv id<br />

FREmlm. V<strong>mm</strong><br />

seealm<br />

Gwernor<br />


see alm alleges<br />

FR<strong>mm</strong> OF CHILIREN, mc<br />

see Children and Youth<br />

maT. m y ID&<br />

see a1m Books andwriting<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> gap indxstry garing as a~op<br />


see Irxtermtional Relatims<br />


Honored for •’omding Fulbri*t pogrm<br />

Fulki*t honored a t Lman far student ~ogram<br />

Says Iran arms stzlnhl has dme serious h m<br />

Ekergs of co<strong>mm</strong>ents in TV special on Fhlkxi&t<br />

be<strong>mm</strong>es stronger

DATE<br />

RGEQX<br />

FuLmLL A IREAM<br />

Prosran lacks fmds for rdm sick children<br />

05/05/86 A12 4<br />

~ea&n~ drive for •’m& for surgery for Ryan Threet<br />

06/26/86 A12 5<br />

Fulfill a Eream gets $22,000 bill frcm Ulas hospital 08/27/86 A01 2<br />

Fulfill a I &mls atty may act on $22,000 hospital bill 08/28/86 A O ~ 1<br />

Group to discontinue •’ md-raising for orqn tr ansflant s 10/03/86 All 5<br />

Trustees of wan Threet Flrnd ask acaomting<br />

10/06/86 A07 1<br />

Director says Ehe will open books to pkil ic<br />

10/CY7/86 ED1 2<br />

Records on trans@& ptients availae to pUic<br />

10/09/86 E08 4<br />

JuM <strong>mm</strong>IN<br />

see L9<strong>mm</strong>ement mrks<br />

EUmMENaLIS'IS<strong>mm</strong>ms<br />

see Re1 igion<br />

FuNER&S<br />

Griiff in Leggett Healq and Roth gives irdants free f meral<br />

Fr eanan Flmeral Hme in LR has &ivethrou@ viewing w indm<br />

mFs<br />

see also Wye PbmtainWildLife Rod~cts. Inc<br />

GAEnSLX<br />

see also Lee Qmty<br />

see also Oalcliwn Egrk<br />

Lw phikits pssessim of lottery tickets in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> residents cross to Msmwi to flzy the lottery<br />

State Rep mug Wood sees no &an- for Ark lottery &ive<br />

Fort Smith resident wins $10,000 in Missouri lottery<br />

Opposition gearing up to fi@t gambling proposals<br />

Fayetteville couple wins $100,000 in Missouri lottery<br />

State residents fnror lottery. Alan Brks says<br />

Gmhling equipn- seized in raid at Lake Village<br />

Lake Village operation allegedly awered three states<br />

Large arnomts of money, qrhling equipat seized<br />

3hcmas C Wheaer. Willian Skinner arrested at Lake Vjllage<br />

Jack A G ibon, Gem Bzzanti J K knew aE gmbl jng opr ation<br />

lhzzanti ~ y cpnH s ing is acoesed in the klta country<br />

FBI irquiry irk0 allged gimhlhg house at Lake Village asked<br />

Arkansan wins $10,000 in Missouri lottery<br />

Honoring the liw in Chiat G<strong>mm</strong>ty (ed onoffiualsl attitudz) 04/13/% C02 1<br />

@ration at Lake Village allegedly used WA'IS 1 ine 04/15/86 A01 6<br />

%mas CWheder loses bid for return cd $210,000 OV25/86 A16 3<br />

Lottery rrrahess spills into Nor~ern <strong>Arkansas</strong> 04/27/86 C03 3<br />

E;ditoriQs on gmhling in miat Cbmty Oq/2/%6 C04 1<br />

Three darged in alleged gmhling a t Lak Village 05/0Y86 A20 5<br />

mree &a innocent seas a t Lake Village OYl7/86 All 5<br />

Bingo flayers in Sehstiim Cbmty warned action possiHe 0~17/&4 BD1 5<br />

Frank White says lottery will have to be mnsi der ed soon 05/2l/86 AlO 5<br />

Six persons arxesked a t En9 gme at Eagles Club 05/24/86 A03 3<br />

Sloan F Bemtt withdraws cyilty flea to gamUing charge 07/27/86 A13 3<br />

Centerton re&&& wins $75.000 in Mismuri lottery 08/19/86 ED8 5<br />

Ry-tcqlay hingo is illegal. ~rosecutahl e. Stwe Clark says 10/08/86 A02 1<br />

Inability to pit bookmakers in pison f xmtrates polioe 10/12/86 E06 I<br />

Binq is a lottery, lotteries are ill@, Stwc Qark rdes 10/22/% A03 1<br />

Paragofld IZlily Ress urges resistan- to lotteries 10/26/86 C04 1<br />

Jud~ Xlan Di&on@ finds mase for cfiq in kingo mse 11/08/86 A12 5<br />

LR police rwiw opinion on lingo and qmbling 1l/11/%6 AI.0 1

Rank white renaxk on veto of tingo bill poves axrect 1l/l6/06 A03 4<br />

Bin9 is legal i•’ py not a rquirenent, posecutor says 1V18/86 A06 1<br />

Prosecutor cff ers cpidelines on bingo 1 1 1 9 1 6<br />

Steve Qark clarifies ofinion on Engo 11/29/86 A09 4<br />

Gmhling not pxmitted in Hot Spin* National Rrk 12/02/% A07 5<br />

Rrrin Jones amunents on ~oposal for lottery in Ark 12/07/86 C04 4<br />

Jury seated for trial aE 'Jbmy Wheder at Lake Village 12/10/86 A08 2<br />

Mf iax testifies kts sent to toll-free nunber cB Wheder 12/1l/86 BD1 5<br />

Em-my Whedervs Ckfense dtes lack of direct link to gambling 1Y12/86 A07 1<br />

Testimony ends intrid oE Bmcy CWhaer on cjmblhgchgs 12/13/86 A03 1<br />

Jurors mMe to agree on verdi& in trid d Ttmq Wheeler 12/1q86 A07 1<br />

New posecutor to &ude on retrid of %<strong>mm</strong>y CWheder 12/17/86 ED1 2<br />

Baxter-3ulletin men& on Mngo and lotteries 12/23/86 C04 5<br />

Hmg jury (Warren Eagle mocrat ed on Lake Village case) 1Y28/86 C04 6<br />


see also mllution<br />

see also Rivers<br />

Ikivefor destaxforG&E'C begm bj Arkansansfor Nature 03/18/86 ED1 2<br />

Singer Jimy Itiftwo& is honorary chmn of drive for tax 03/18/86 B01 2<br />

Gazette reiterates &and against sales tax for bun we 03/20/86 A18 1<br />

James Rmdl atplains reasons fcc oppsing salex tax 03/21/86 A23 4<br />

Ron Byrns responds to Jmes Bwell on bed its of salex tax 03/30/86 C02 3<br />

BlythwUle Qurier News opposes sales tax 03/30/86 C04 6<br />

Agency wins suit filed ky ex-enplayee 05/09/86 A23 4<br />

Tax in mnstituim axild jeoprdize food stamp pogram in Ark 0V18/86 C01 1<br />

Tkixes &ould not be anbed&d in @nstitution, E mas says -<br />

Arkansans for Nature may drop drive for mles tax<br />

Sumnary of action taken at Qrmn meeting at Lakeviw<br />

Conm skudies opions wer wlildllife mles tax and food stamps<br />

Co<strong>mm</strong> to hat tax drive if food stamp ~ogran wodd be hurt<br />

Di rector Steve N Wilson discusses tax plan<br />

New wording means food stamp poqm not jeogardized ky tax<br />

Word change amwed for ptitions on ales tax<br />

Stwe N Wilsbn explains concerns abut sales tax issu<br />

Legal dDukts renain on G&EC tax plan<br />

A tax that would be for keem (ed)<br />

Ek3tarial. on special sales tax for G W work<br />

G&FC withdraws pop& on sales tax, dtes food stamplav<br />

The anservationists' good choice (ed on end to tax drive)<br />

Joe Pbs& urges stu* group to seek means for agency firranae<br />

Searq Bily Citizen insists pinci@.e of tax is wrong<br />

Sping3al.e News obj ed=s to writing tax i*o mnstittltion<br />

Budget aE $20 -4 million apgrwed IJy Crolrran<br />

Cost a€ poducing Arkanss Gane and Fla magazine discussed<br />

fl<strong>mm</strong>ary of action taken at Qmn meeting at Rqpt&<br />

Elditorials <strong>mm</strong>ment on sales tax and need for f ulding<br />

Dropping of psh for des tax called a wise decision<br />

Sen mox Nelson lectures Steve Wilson wer sales tax drive<br />

Search for fmck seen as kcwiring on 8m<br />

Group discusses f mding oeims for wild1 if e po~pans<br />

Director Steve N Wilsm defends tax programs of agency<br />

Pine Bldf Cb<strong>mm</strong>erdQ suggests souroe QE nm fmding<br />

Fred Bd1 retiring after 40 yrs as enforcement &Tier<br />

Prcfessimals Eh0ul.d manage GWC, J&n Heuston says<br />

05/18/86 C01 1<br />

05/20/86 A01 6<br />

05/20/86 DO2 1<br />

05/21/86 A03 1<br />

05/22/86 m1 4<br />

05422/86 m1 4<br />

05/2q86 A01 6<br />

05/2q86 A01 6<br />

OY24/86 A18 3<br />

OY35/86 A01 2<br />

06/0l/86 C02 1<br />

06/03/86 C04 2<br />

06/06/86 A01 3<br />

06/07/86 A16 1<br />

06/10/86 DO2 1<br />

06/15'86 C04 2<br />

06/1v86 C04 5<br />

06/17/86 DO1 1<br />

06/17/86 DO1 f<br />

06/17/86 DO1 1<br />

06/22/86 C04 1<br />

06/29/86 C04 1<br />

07/2V86 All 1<br />

07/2//86 COl 1<br />

08/0q86 A07 4<br />

08/%/86 A14 4<br />

08/17/86 C04 5<br />

08/17/86 FF06 1<br />

08/25/84 A10 3

Janes &&l1 ideas on best pram far appnt to Q<strong>mm</strong> 08/3l/86 C01 3<br />

Au&t and Mgnt stu* pnel paises G&lC, hits fm6.ng efforts 09/13/86 A01 4<br />

Sumnary aE reau<strong>mm</strong>en&tions of Mgnt Stu* Umun 09/13/86 A01 4<br />

Harwirson mily Times ed on audit finding 09/W86 C04 5<br />

G•’f icids reslpnd to a&ie in rngnt cu<strong>mm</strong> rwiw 09/21/86 C06 4<br />

Sen Ben Allen wants audit re@ studied with ladget requesk 09/25/86 ED1 5<br />

Delay in filling vaanq on (3xrnn discussed ky Harrison Times 13/02/86 C04 5<br />

Stom Cbmty Leadel: ed on need for adeqmte f rnding 11/02/86 C04 5<br />

Sunmary uE acticms taken at Cb<strong>mm</strong> meeting 11/10/86 DO1 2<br />

Audit mitiurns addrased" G&FC asserts 1l/20/86 A19 1<br />

Formd responses to audit issutd ly Steve N Wilson 11/20/86 Al9 1<br />

Steve N Wilson accused of shooting f run hip on Vertac probl en 12/ 07/86 C04 6<br />

Studti es Reynolds Mews maEf er cd lake 12/16/86 DOI 5<br />

Researcher: says hmters' wants vital to G&EC 12/21/86 F% 1<br />

GAME<br />

GZEZ~ s~t~mp. m~ praes WT~S oz/n/txi coi 2<br />

GAMMILL. <strong>mm</strong>E<br />

see also HlaoanSenriaes De@<br />

G<strong>mm</strong> Q, mc<br />

see also Newsppers<br />

e<strong>mm</strong> RXTFKATIDN<br />

Lbnates $25,000 to Literacy Cburdl aE Maski Cbmty 12/3l/86 El1 1<br />

GmLAND <strong>mm</strong><br />

see also Risons<br />


see Prisons<br />


see aim MmCkrs- Garner, Arthur F<br />


see dm Books and Writing<br />

G<strong>mm</strong>. HmLE<br />

see also Ebllutian Gontrd and Emlogy Ikpxtrnent<br />

GZmISHrnT<br />

see Ctdt<br />


Named RLstincpi&ed Alunnus ky Hen&rson State OYOY86 Al9 1<br />

WE<br />

Wanan killed when aceelem bnk exploded in ax trmk 05/06/86 A02 1<br />


see Rtrdeun Rodrcts<br />


Nmed president of Southern Histaid Assn 11/30/86 E04 2<br />

mB. GLm<br />

see alm maski Cbmty<br />

GWmN. MIKE<br />

see aim Governor<br />


see alsn Winrock Intermtianal<br />


see alm Qedit<br />


see Tel e& one s<br />


see Emnanic Dwdopnerk

DATE<br />

EGE OX<br />

GENEsls ERGRAM<br />

see Emnanic mdopnmt<br />


UCA pxt reports stu&nts fail simgile geogra@y tests 04/20/86 C03 1<br />


see a1 EO Gavernor<br />

GrnIGE. LlmD R<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> E&cational Tawidan N&ork<br />

see also Qlleges<br />

ee also Edmtion- Teachers<br />

see alm Nurses and Nursing<br />

Assails state my for food stamp d ient sf job search 09/2q86 A08 5<br />


see als3 Traffic Acd&nts<br />

Qossett @ark eqmxdcrn to add 50 job 01/28/86 C03 5<br />

Strikers not entitled to memplqment bend its. ct rules 10/23/86 A0 8 3<br />


see aim Irkelsat<br />

GErnYMANIHIrn<br />

we also Mississim Cbmty<br />


see also SouthwesternBdl Teleaane Cb<br />

G m E<br />

see Appl ri ti om<br />

GIBBS, WNNl43 (LAIRE<br />

see als I%r&rs - Gibh, <strong>mm</strong>h Qaire<br />


see also Murders- Gibon. Flcyd Jr<br />

G1BSQJ.<br />

JACKA<br />

see als Ganhling<br />


Lbnates $39.000 to r estor e Old Main at <strong>University</strong> cB Ark<br />

GZLES~E, am<br />

see al m Books and Writing<br />

09/21/86 CU7 4<br />


43rd annual suppr raises $9,000 for Gillette athletics OVlY86 HI1 2<br />

GrLrnRE mEY<br />

Cevd oped s ucce s& a hand-made f i& ing 1 ur e bsi IESS 06/22/86 F06 3<br />


see also Cblleges<br />

GINTW, JxRm<br />

see also Vigilantes and mdical im<br />

see dm Vigilantesand Radicalisnr<br />


Om&ita ho&ing 1986 <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gids State<br />

GrnOIR. <strong>mm</strong><br />

see also Banlcs<br />

emalca, mELL<br />

see aim Qngress- Home - ArkDist 01<br />

see aim Gwamr<br />

Glascrsck to take job in Louisiana -pig 01/34/86 A09 5<br />

Glasaock given credit for Jim Wood's &wing in 8ng race 05/30/86 A03 4<br />

Services soucj~t & Asa Hutchinson in bid for Semte seat 05/31/86 A18 1<br />

Whither I;Brrdl Glascuck (ed) 06/0q86 Al4 1

aid^ reaaoes Glasmck at &mk driving scbod, takes test 07/17/86 A01 5<br />

Aille respndedtorall call. tooktest at drunk drivingsd 07/17/86 A01 5<br />

Glasmck is pol itid adviser to Frank White campig for Gw 07/17/86 A01 5<br />

Judq Bill Watt hala Glascock in mntens, impses pralties 07/17/86 A01 5<br />

Glasoock says he sent friend to hange ckte &-IN1 sd~oal<br />

Glasmck risked fine of $200 by not attending IkirI dass<br />

Prosxutor to ~obe incident involving impersonator<br />

Teacher at WI shod describes incidmts<br />

Mr Glasmck1s piorities (ed)<br />

Neither Glasoock nor alleged imperaonator to be dmrged<br />

Glasmck atten& almhol ahse dass f n person<br />

Eolitical mnsliltant .cays he will continue in state<br />

IXiitOTid an Glasaock-style campig<br />

GWS. IIVID<br />

see al ~SD Wd-mrt Stores. Inc<br />

GLBZE 'IOM<br />

see aim Qurts - Ark - Suprene Cburt<br />


see Ehcation - Fimnae andBudgets<br />

see mkEtcm<br />

GLENHWTEN <strong>mm</strong> ma4<br />

see Children and Youth<br />

GDER. RBBY<br />

see also Legidature<br />

see also Risons - <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see a1 so Amusement= Egrks<br />


see a1 EO MEXr Inc<br />

GCLWY, W I3EAV<br />

see alm Gwermr<br />

GOOILCW, mAR Em (Jam NYLCN)<br />

see aim Murders- Godcx~. Edgar Dean (Jahnry @lm)<br />


Basm and Janes B mdd &mated property for LR facility<br />


see mrerrt-Teacher Association<br />


see also Agriculture<br />

mx-f ree bonds appwed for SoWwest HospiM constructim<br />

Ark Public Emflqees Retirenenk Systm has 37.3 pct return<br />

Munidpl, <strong>mm</strong>ty hond issues need vuter ap~wal, ct rues<br />

Stab Suprene Ct: rding on bnds is far-reahing in effects<br />

Supme Ct wcxturned 50-yr line of oses on bond issrane<br />

Suprene Cburt ruling described as a 'kilocWsuster'<br />

N;R @an to rewrite bond issue mq be hdted ky ct ruling<br />

%fort may be made to amend constitution to werturn rding<br />

She•’ idd Nelsm may lead effort to amend bond r esttickion<br />

Svene Ck ruling on bn& 'Mew to state,' GCX7 CLinton says<br />

Plans begin for amendng const on bond vote pwisions<br />

Back to the Cbnstituticm (ed)<br />

Meeting sched.ll ed to diswss am& on hond prw ision<br />

Leaders discuss p s e am& ~ on ~ r wenue bonds<br />

Court ruing could hmre hig imp& on North Little Rock

Cburt ruling on bnds strikes Urn for darity in state las 03/09/86 C03 5<br />

Ruling has $221 million Maski homing bonds on hold 03/09/86 C06 1<br />

Bond&alersl~rnaourtsdb&ange~eirmindsonissues 03/10/%A06 1<br />

State agencies have $926 million okstanding r wenue bnlb 03/10/86 A06 I<br />

State rwenm bonds may be called into question by ct rding 03/10/86 A06 1<br />

State Suprene U asked to rehear revenue bonds issue 03/13/86 E01 2<br />

Terry Hartwick discusses ruling with SuFene Ck justices 03/12/86 A01 2<br />

Terry Hartwick souat darification Q•’ ding on bonds 03/1V86 A01 2<br />

Sh&f idd Ndmn explains his rde in concern over bnds case 03/12'86 A03 6<br />

Gm Bill Qinton supportsmwe to WerturnSuprgne Ct rding 03/13/86 ED1 2<br />

Justims dedinedto discussrneritsof rdingwith Hartwick 03/13/86 ED1 2<br />

60v Clinton, others seek change in bond ruling 03/114/86 A01 5<br />

Jchn Norman Hakey thrflatens harrage cf suits aqinst issues 03/14/86 A03 4<br />

Stwe Clark raises two more questions on legality a€ bnds 03/1v86 A01 6<br />

Securities f inns seek r&earing on decision on bonds 03/lV86 All 5<br />

Fress reaction to Suprme Ck ruling on rwenue bnds 03/16/&6 C04 1<br />

Fun& for 33 sewcx. water. waste pojects frmen ky ct ruling 03/18/86 A01 2<br />

Revenue bonds were being used for saver and water pq e& s 03/18/% A01 2<br />

Steve Clark to ask ct to delay hgilanenting bnd ruling 03/18/86 A01 3<br />

Status of rrarenue bn& for LR airprt in qtlestion 03/18/86 A07 1<br />

Jchn Nman Harkey halved in pqect ming tax-ems bonds 03/19/86 A03 4<br />

State Stqxene Ct asked to rmnsi&r decision cd bnd issues<br />

Soil and Water Cbnsemation Q<strong>mm</strong> freezes fmds for poj ects<br />

Stan&rd and Poor pits Ark bond issues on 'credit watch'<br />

Bill Clinton. Steve Qark join call far rwiw o•’ rding<br />

QEf icial s discuss mllaterd izatim c& state f mdr; in bnks<br />

Robert Hays Willfms urges dear IMts on rwenue bn&<br />

Bond ruling di mu* s expnsion of Bnway water @ant<br />

Met=ro@an Board asks Supene Ct to reaand&r ruling<br />

Editorids discuss rwenm bonds issm<br />

Jokn Norman Harky says bnd issue ruling is somd<br />

Permissive laollateralizatiod of fm& suggested ky Ligon<br />

Partial aollateral far state fm& to k rquired<br />

Eblitical savvy widefit in draft of call to rerive bond la(r<br />

Qinton popsss bond issw bill i•’ ruing delqed ly court<br />

Court dears up qmstion of retroactive apgilication<br />

Suwene Ck rduses r&earing on revenue bond rding<br />

Variors meaning found in ne~ ruling on bond deusicm<br />

%eSupene Ck &an& firm (ed)<br />

Teachers System to invest up to $40 million in state<br />

Cormittee for Ar kanszts' s Fhtur e named to work for am&<br />

Steve Qark appwes me, title for vote on bond amendent<br />

Jchn Norman Harkey temdom in bond isscle case<br />

Petitions for rwenue bond am4 to be drdated<br />

Mitoriiils dtisams need for rwenue bond am&<br />

Mitor sees gping hole in rwenue bond propom1<br />

Hot Spings hnks sue Qark and EMridge liw firm wer bn&<br />

Hot S~inq hnks sue wer brick far hgic Spings<br />

Revenue bond sicpatures secured for Mlot psitian<br />

J&n Brumnett aolunn on popsed renrenue hond am&<br />

Jchn Nman Harkey oppses proped amen&ent<br />

Spin* e voters apFr we bnds Ear maj or hotd am@ ex<br />

Propsed am& allws Legis to &dde what is pukilic purposes<br />

LR to vote on r & imndng of Statehouse Qnv Center bn&

Refirancing of Stat&ouse mrrv tan& will not raise taxes 07/12/86 B01 5<br />

State withdraws $3.2 million f ran trouhl ed JLrstSo&h 07/17/86 A01 2<br />

a t e agencies msure about keeping ErstSouth deposits 07/18/86 COl 5<br />

Su.i t seeks $34 -5 mill ion aver bnd i ssue for Chden mckd 07/19/86 A01 3<br />

Proposal mre~enuebon&toknlmberdh&67on Mlot 07/25/86A12 6<br />

State Trasureu Fi&als actims on E5rstSokh enarsed by i;d CV/3l/86 A13 1<br />

Jhmie Lou F5 her &dims to 1 i& hckers of bnd am& 08/05/86 A03 4<br />

Revenue hond am& meets needs of -no. Shdf i&d Mel son says 08/17/% C CB 5<br />

Group f mfng to oppose ~opoed Revenue Bond am& 08/29/86 A03 6<br />

ko atlys disagree with Skffidd Ndson on bnd ruling 08/29/86 A24 3<br />

Allegations &nied in case cf bnds far -den Holihy Inn 08/30/86 HI1 5<br />

State to rquire 100 pct collateral for its $50 million 09/05/86 A03 1<br />

Jchn Brmett mlmn on popo~dl bnd amencnerot 09/25/86 A03 4<br />

History of bndb in Ark full uf misEartme 09/28/86 C01 1<br />

Dekate wer gropsed bond am& raises sigif icank qmstims 10/05/86 A03 4<br />

Jchn Harkey accuses Shdfidd Ndmn o•’ lying on lo& @ants 10/0v% A03 4<br />

Jchn N Harkey explains opposition to Am& 67 on bn& 10/05/86 CO3 1<br />

SheEfidd Ndmn r mark ab& quitting AIOC clarified 10/08/86 A03 6<br />

Hi#= EXhcation Bard kicks eopse&Am& 67<br />

Artid e, chart on bond kusiness under Gws White and Clinton<br />

Jonesboro Sm supports popsed Am& 67 on revenw bonds<br />

KR saves $16.3 mill ion Ey reE irandng bonds<br />

Failure cd ad= 67 wodd end hond garam incentive<br />

Propsed am& is topic of vigorous &bte<br />

Colunnist sees Am& 67 as handicaang in&stry logtions<br />

Dissecting the revenue bond am& (ed)<br />

Benton Cburier oppses rwew bond am&<br />

Southw st Times endx ses r eJem bnd am&<br />

Inhstries & not warh delay or tkhtes of electim<br />

Shdf Sdd Nelson, J&n Norman Harkey &bite rwenue bnd am&<br />

RRTenue bond am& critical for Ark, mvid Pryor says<br />

Bill Becker rEjects noticm job at stake in rwenue bonds<br />

Froposed am& steals riat to vote. Jay 'Idbmc&hl says<br />

Corrtra&ors group supprts rwenue bond proposal<br />

Jdm Norman Harkey w s hdp solicited, then dropped<br />

Backers say m& crucial, oppmrks disagree<br />

Editorids discuss propsed revenue bnd am&<br />

REYerm bnd am& leading in electian returns<br />

rev en^ bnd am& vote. iy <strong>mm</strong>ty<br />

Transfer a€ Clb mst Fort Smith $248,000<br />

Bond issues app-wed for 2 firms m&r rn an&<br />

GWrnMEmT ~ O ~ E S<br />

see also Almhd. and &ug Abme<br />

see &ED Cbntractss and Furchasing<br />

see also Gwerment Off idals<br />

see als Hunan Serviaes Rqk<br />

see also North Little Rock<br />

see alm Traffic Accidents<br />

ksiq CE m dassif iaation systm delzyed to 1988<br />

Delay in reclassification Nan disappointsASE3<br />

No neptim found in agencies that are targets of <strong>mm</strong>aaints<br />

ASEA &&llenges re@ Ark state m-taqees wdl-pid<br />

Legi s to get FOI kill exemoging puM ic emgloyee walm tions<br />

FOX bill gives no &fMtim of 'walmtion recordst

Jourlzll isn spokemen obj ect to EOI exemptions as ~opoed<br />

Bills to ereem@ prfarmancle evalmtion records &ass in Legis<br />

Rrsonnel wduation o•’ schoal, prUic emflcyees emgted<br />

Sen Jhox Ndmn suggests cancelling pay raises<br />

Jchn Watkins heads Umnn on &rrnnne&L Bralwition Reoords<br />

Jdm Watkins says not all &ta of gvt &odd be rdeased<br />

Marry agencies will not be ahle to gat merit ply<br />

Ekemgtinq job rwiws fran FOI Act oppsed journalists<br />

Bnacyees suplport forqing raises in peerenae to laydfs<br />

Fwenue &dine joprdizes merit ply raises<br />

All engqrees will get 3 p& across-the-board pay increase<br />

Merit py increases will be delayed because of fmding crisis<br />

Highway Dept to postpone merit salalcy raises<br />

Panel reaches no conensus on walmtion of rmrds<br />

Sane state agencies not holding to 3 pct wlary raises<br />

Persmnel Reax& Evalmtion pnel discussed<br />

IBM cn records and ED1 make m e gains<br />

Jourrdists say thq would aca@ion evalmtion e~lusions<br />

Regulations popsed to avaid ethics act anflicks<br />

L D mens calls for rbill a•’ ric$tsV for state mpcyees<br />

Jourmlists offer =@ion frcm FOI on permnnel rmr&<br />

Dau&ter of R~F Jchn Miller hired by Transprtation Q<strong>mm</strong><br />

State AI;S(ME hdds anncal convention. psses remlution<br />

Imals early retirement @an being studied ty G# CLintm<br />

Gazette urqs cakion on early retirment inaentives<br />

State deck of driving remrc% seen as ri&ts irdringement<br />

Four mnstitukional aff icers seek staff increases<br />

Eard aqees on p-opsed K)I am&<br />

Pension hikes mconsdomUe, Charles Moorewrites<br />

Plan on disclosing job evQmtion &ta dmrs amnittee<br />

Gav Bill Clinton ties salary raises to tax increases<br />

Legis pinel will apgrwe rm py raises mtil fmding assured<br />

Gm Clirkon rejects rquest for 54ay Christmas holicky<br />


see ~ E K ) Cbntracts and Purchasing<br />

Children of &ate dfidals are wdl-pid for wark for state<br />

Lt Gclv Winston Bryant returns plrt o•’ salq his son<br />

S~ing%l e News objects to gay rate for c8f icidst children<br />

&sue u€ salary crf children 'ty@calt bd=ics. muen says<br />

CEficiQs keep fm reaords on wblic rdations expenditures<br />

J&n Bxyarst. 14, worked in Auditor's office in 1984<br />

J&n Bryarrt.14, is son of Lieut Gw Winston Bryant<br />

Clinton. Bryant. Qark, Miller head natl groups<br />

Tim Hechinson sponsors hi11 to limit gpv to 2 terms<br />


see Qntracts and Purd'lasing, State<br />

Gw<strong>mm</strong><br />

see also Glasaxk, IiBrrdl<br />

see also Gwernnenk Off icials<br />

Rank White buys newspper a& to miticize Bill Clinkon<br />

GCN CLirkcm merits on causes of US 71 acdtlent rate<br />

Frank White finds Grand GLil f a pgular topic<br />

Frank White says he l&t &or ajar for later: entry in race<br />

Dr Wayne Lder and Maurice Britt seek GOP nanination

Wayne Lanier •’ ormdly anraomces for GOP nominatim 01/08/86 A01 2<br />

Wayne Lanier opns mpign with attack on QMon ad 0~08/& A01 2<br />

Funds for hi* tech pqjects nm available. Gcw Qinton says 01/08/86 BD1 1<br />

Rising poverty rate in US discussed ly Gov Bill Qbtm OI,/10/86 A18 5<br />

burice Britt formally annomces for GOP ntmimtion 01/11/86 A01 2<br />

Target o•’ Britt is Gw Qhton in annom~ng candihcry 01/1l/86 A01 2<br />

RepzMicans lining up to seek their prty mination OV12/86 COl 3<br />

Orv8 E Wuhs says if he rms it will be as a Democrat OVlv86 C06 1<br />

S~eculation abut Clinton. E$uhs. White amtest in Nw OY12/86 C06 1<br />

Wow Reenan says he will not be candidate 01/12/86 CO6 1<br />

Leaderhip of Gw Bill Qirrton atbcked & Rank White Ol/l4!&6 A05 3<br />

Robert (Say) McIntosh amsidering rming for &•’ice Ol/lY86 A03 5<br />

Bill Q inton swprts National Guard exercises in Honhr as 01/15/86 A07 1<br />

Bill Clinton makes 14 appnts to bar& and co<strong>mm</strong>s 01/15/86 A12 5<br />

Britt called Bill Clinton tEggest taxer in hist of Ark' Ol/lEjA36 A14 1<br />

FditoriaZ reninds Britt that Rockefeller tried for huge tax OYlY86 A14 I<br />

Maurice Britt. Orval &ubs called two candihtes frcm pst Ol/lV86 A14 1<br />

Bill Qinton says federa fordos~es mean fewer fanners OL/l6/& A12 1<br />

GaT Qinton eploring ways to ease fann pohlms in Ark 01/16/86 A1 2 1<br />

Robert (Say) McIntoh to seek DEln mination 0l/17/86 A09 1<br />

Orval FEtuhs ampres his utility, edxc prograns with Qinton 01/17/86 A09 2<br />

Orval Rubs reninikd telemone, gas are m deregulated 01/17/86 A0 9 2<br />

Onral hubs says his reoord ampres favorably with Clinton 01/17/86 A09 2<br />

Bill Qirhon outspoken in oppsing early rdease cf hates 0l/19/86 CO4 6<br />

Robert M~rrtosh declares cancX&q. rails aqimt Qinton 0l/Zl=/86 A01 5<br />

Bill Clinton lad grwing acmrding to go11 OV2l/86 A07 4<br />

Qinton urges moratorim an farm mortgages be k@ in @lace 0l,/22/86 A01 2<br />

Wfim appirantly mu@~t rdase o•’ motor fuds tax data 01/23/86 A01 2<br />

Gov Clinton responds to Newprt ed on Grand GdE actims 01/23/86 A05 2<br />

Clinton says Wall St J1 a& kroucj~t 2 indlstries to Ark 03/23/86 A07 1<br />

Bill Clinton@ansto seekmgntinstitutefor schod adnrs 0l/24!86A03 1<br />

Bill Clinton announces appnts to state hoards and oo<strong>mm</strong>s 03/25/86 A08 1<br />

Editorids discuss Rank White and Robert McIntoh sans 01/26/86 C04 1<br />

Pine BluEf Cb<strong>mm</strong>ercial a<strong>mm</strong>mts on Eaurice Britt can&&cy OI/26/86 C04 5<br />

Clinton misinformed on Natioml Gmrd trip. activist says 01/21/86 A07 5<br />

Bill CLinton apgks SheEfidd Ndmn. H L Henbree to AID2 01/28/86 A01 2<br />

Bill Clilatm reappoints Mc Van Horn to AID2 Ol/28/86 A01 2<br />

Bill Clinton says SheEf i&d Ndson appnt mt a pydf 01/28/86 A01 2<br />

Fabert (Say) McIntosh heckles Qhton &ring press mnf 0I,/28/% A01 2<br />

Sharp exhange between Bill Clinton and Rohert McInto& 0l/28/86 A07 3<br />

Gm Qintm explains his decision to am Nelson to AIM: 01/28/86 A07 5<br />

Clinton decking warning of &nger tm Natl Gmrd in Handxas 01/29/86 A09 4<br />

Greqry TBeEfdfinger says J1 ads kroucj-~t his pl& to Ark Of/29/86 C01 5<br />

Bill Qinton fays National Gmrd will train in Hcnaras 01/30/86 A07 1<br />

3iokrt McIntoh angered Iy alunn by Rokr t Starr 0l/30/86 A08 6<br />

Robert McInto& attags to &u•’•’ gaper in mouth of Starr 0l/3Q/86 A08 6<br />

Bill Qinton says he is sensitive to appointee issue 01/30/86 B08 1<br />

Bill Qinton appointees already mntrol mst bar& and <strong>mm</strong>ms 01/3V86 H)8 3<br />

List &cws nmhr CYE appnts ma& b~ Clinton on each board OI/30/86 E08 4<br />

OrviiZ E Wulxls still hinting he may seek nmimtion 01/31/86 A02 1<br />

Bill Clinton warns of btUe on Grand GUf 2 costs 01/3l,/86 A08 1<br />

Bill Qirhon trying to get Fsrmy training center for Chaffee Ol/3l/86 A15 1<br />

GCN Qinton says he is sure Natianal Grard safe in Hmhras 02/02/86 HI5 1<br />

Bill Clinton to speak at: Children's Defense Md mnf Oz/OV% B08 5

Gw Clinton names sevad to boards and <strong>mm</strong>mis&ons 02/06/86 A05 4<br />

Gcw Qirtton hits Reagan hrdget in mtJ. W awarance 02/06/86 BOl 2<br />

Edmtion is an am o•’ US security, Gclv Qinton says 02/07/86 A08 5<br />

State tadget a€ $45.7 million or&red ky Bill Clinton 02/08/86 A01 2<br />

Gov wantsappal. CXE or&r for Ark to gay prt o•’ LR Dist mst 02/08/86 A05 1<br />

PC= erborcement on hazsraribus wastes defended ty Gair Clirkon 02/08/86 E01 5<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Press ed on Robert McIntoEh czlnltiihq 02/09/86 C04 4<br />

Reagm ad kudget cuts assailed ly Gov Bill Qinton 02/10/86 A03 1<br />

Supprts end to l mntinuing lwdl hdgsting formula 02/13/86 ED1 5<br />

Gov Clinkon &dims to meet with <strong>Arkansas</strong> &ace Centen: rem 02/1v86 A03 4<br />

Ebll hews app-wal of Bjll Clinton holding steady 02/1v86 Ill 1<br />

Charles Geage woUd seek Dgn miration if $100,000 raised 02/16/86 A03 6<br />

Panel medlyBil1 Qirrtonto stua wwenent dstslw 02/16/86AOS 1<br />

Mauriae Britt opens heaqmrters, mes rnenkrs of staff 02/16/86 A16 5<br />

Clinton reE-1 to meet with &ace Center oriticized @ Bland 02/16/86 ED3 1<br />

Robert Manto& calls task face on mime a Clinton @cy 02/17/86 A08 1<br />

Graval E Ehulzls talk soma as if he is aandlihte 02/18/86 A03 3<br />

Robert McIntoEh gets prmission for talk at Central Hi* OV19/86 E02 5<br />

Redection would @ve Bill Qintm p~esftil cffioe<br />

02/W86 A03 4<br />

AEA salary &ta q~stioned ky Gm Bill CLintm<br />

02/22/86 A03 3<br />

Bill Clinton ~aisesuccess of workfare for AFDC r€cipients 02/22/86 A05 1<br />

List oE rent appnts made to state hds and agencies<br />

Frank White ~ yhe s told 2 GOP candihtes he may run<br />

Jacksorrvjlle group demonstrates out&& Gwernor' s &insion<br />

Janes Fwd1 acrrnmerrts on Omdl E Fauhs as candihte<br />

Gazette recalls Eaubs history on utility matters<br />

Orval M&us as utiliw biter (editorial)<br />

Bill Qinton gets hi* marks for ming Ndson to AID2<br />

Gav Bill Clinton speaks to Eta Reagan about hdget cuthcks<br />

Reported &dine in Af2 scnres praexes Gw Bill Clinton<br />

Bill CL irkon carsi es message f ran lpvs to R es Reawn<br />

Orval E Rubs at work prepring for raae for Dm mination<br />

Gcrv Clinton speaks on federd aid cuts and the states<br />

Jchn Brunmett mlunn speculates on Q hton p- &&rlci al Ed<br />

State Rep Gloria Qbe works as staff liasion to edx group<br />

Wqm Lanier warns of power Qinton would have if red.&&<br />

Bill Uinton ar<strong>mm</strong>ents on federal hdget arts<br />

Cuts in mdeil spnding saxed by Bill Qirrton<br />

men: ACT saores in Ark not sigif icant. Bill Clinton says<br />

Bill Clinton visits hane near lmdE ill at Jacksonvjlle<br />

Grval hubs and Bill Cl intm were one political friends<br />

Gm Qirrton attends farm aids meeting at Shmood<br />

Robert McInto& ~ y blacks s mwt police their morals<br />

Gw Clinkon attends SequiaenkemLQ Wagon Train sendbff<br />

Role in Natiorak Gwernors Assn assessed kg Bill Qinton<br />

Bill Clinkon discusses poblms of brother, Roger Clinton<br />

States <strong>mm</strong>t irn~weqmlie o•’ s&od pinupls, qv mys<br />

Rul ing on bond issues blw to state. Gw Q inton mys<br />

&stay fiyre offers to fhnue credible Dem to &el airrton<br />

Bfil Q inton &fis<strong>mm</strong>t s talk of p esichkial aspi rations<br />

M e a€ alleges &sassed ly Gov C;L inton<br />

Bill Clinton would ke Repb if Linmln still ran prly<br />

Bl11 Clirdzon wodd not support aes tax incrmse<br />

BLl1 Clinton leaning toward dorms for U&R my-area<br />

OY2y€%<br />

A12 5<br />

02/22/86 A15 1<br />

02/23/86 AlO 1<br />

02/23/86 co1 3<br />

02/23/86 C02 1<br />

02/23/86 C02 1<br />

02/23/86 C04 1<br />

Oz/Zq% A01 2<br />

02/24/86 A01 3<br />

02/25/86 A01 2<br />

02/25/86 A03 3<br />

02/26/86 A03 1<br />

02/27/86 A03 4<br />

02/27/86 A03 6<br />

Ow27/86 A07 1<br />

02/28/86 A03 1<br />

02/28/86 A14 1<br />

03/03/86 A09 3<br />

03/02/86 A01 2<br />

03/02/86 A03 3<br />

03/02/86 A06 2<br />

03/02/86 All 4<br />

03/02/86 ED1 3<br />

03/02/86 E01 4<br />

03/02/86 C06 1<br />

03/06/86 A03 4<br />

03/05/86 A01 5<br />

03/0F/€% A03 4<br />

03/05/86 A09 1<br />

03/05/86 A09 1<br />

03/05/86 A12 4<br />

03/06/86 A09 1<br />

03/06/86 EOl 2

DATE E E<br />

EkohUy would have voted for Gram-Ru&an Act. Clinton says 03/06/86 E01<br />

Severd appnts to boards and oo<strong>mm</strong>s made ty Gov Bill Clinton 03/07/86 A05<br />

Bill Q inton edps mle BunRrs in pesi&ntid nmors 03/09/&5 C01<br />

Prodanation aer monies give Bill Q inton exellent exposure 03/09/% C06<br />

AEA 1 ably ist evasive about stand in governor s r aae<br />

03/13/86 A03<br />

!bsk Ebrce on Rae named tw Gcnr Bill Qintm<br />

03/13/86 A16<br />

Bill Q i&on s e r ts eff &t to md3 ct ruling on bn& 03/13/86 B01<br />

Change in bond ruling souat Iy Gw Bill Clintm<br />

03/14/86 A01<br />

Gw Bill CLintcn a&ess questions of children 03/1Y86 B08<br />

Appintments to M and m s annotnaed ty Gov Bill Clinton 03/16/86 A10<br />

Joint &fort neefkd for j oks. potkction rise. CL inton says 03/16/86 E0 4<br />

GCXT Clinton expreses anoern for airy fmers 03/18/06 A01<br />

Clinton assails cost to state of LR desegreqation flan 03/18/86 A01<br />

Bill Clinton pofliled Newweek as natl plitioal form 03/18/86 A03<br />

Fellcw gws @ve Bill Clinton hi* rating on effeiveness 03/18/86 A03<br />

Bill Clinton has been in off iae too long, Wqne Lanier says 03/19/86 BD1<br />

Wayne Lani er sees ine@itu& in leadership 03/20/% E02<br />

Oraval E Fkmhs enters race Ear Dmocratic nmhtion 03/a/% ~ 0 1<br />

Gov Qbtonasks prt in suit onAP&L franchise revocation 03/21/86 A12<br />

Fa-s lists seven issues on which his mpiq is kased 03/2l/% A13<br />

Black editor Art &rr etazon called boy1 at muhs amf 03/2l/86 A13<br />

Clinton joins rqmst fcx reconsidxation ct ruling on brick 03/21/86 C01<br />

Campi9 off ices opened ky Bill Qhton<br />

03/23/86 A01<br />

Clinton discusses issues he eqects to be raised in camplig.1 03/23/86 A01<br />

Clinton adnits to political raivete in awakemng Earns 03/23/86 A03<br />

Qirton opposed plan for state to hy Buhs mansion 03/23/86 A03<br />

Idlerkif ication still not made cB man who called Hack "boy" (X3/23/86 ED 4<br />

Appnts to Ms and co<strong>mm</strong>s annouzed ty Gov Q inton<br />

03/2q86 B08<br />

Ahility to raise campig fmds will determine White course 03/26/86 A03<br />

Frank White explains why he ramed Fams to veterans post 03/26/86 A03<br />

Orval &&us. Rank White working as tern, Qinton says 03/26/86 A05<br />

Fauhs cannot erase his reoord, Jmes Rmdl writes<br />

03/26/86 A13<br />

Bob@ K Hayes files for GOP ncminaticm for governor<br />

03/28/86 A01<br />

Clinton ays gcison ~ s t m direction is kasically ;soma 03/ 28/ 86 A0 5<br />

Frank White expected to j dn chase for GOP nanimtion 03/29/86 A01<br />

Fauhs candi&q resurrects <strong>mm</strong>ories of the pst<br />

03/30/86 C04<br />

Frank White enters raae for GOP nmimtion<br />

04yOY86 A01<br />

white calls for reopdng Grand Gulf aase<br />

O$/Ol/86 A01<br />

White favors delay in irngil.anenting school shrtbrds<br />

0VOl/86 A01<br />

Clinton or&rs State Rlicre pobe a€ -@son charges<br />

04/01/86 A01<br />

Frank White wdl-organized, used restlaink in filing for race 04/01/86 A03<br />

Insiders indicate White may mt hwe strong Steghens s-rt 0~03J86 A03<br />

~itetsconsm~rhetoricclcrm~aredwithhjlsutili~ rmrd 04/01/%A03<br />

Faubsl filing fee pid & five newsppr editors<br />

0$/01/86 ED1<br />

Fhurice Britt f i3es for RepUimn mimation<br />

04/02/86 A01<br />

W Dean Goldsky files far Dmocratic nanination<br />

0$/02/136 A01<br />

Maurice Britt is America's most decorated war hero<br />

04/0v86 A03<br />

National ~ess avers Fauhx reentry into Ark politics 0$/02/86 A03<br />

Clirkon fills severd vacancies on bards and missicns OqOy86 A08<br />

Mber t ElcInt o& &es not file for governor s race<br />

04/02/86 A12<br />

Britt has har& words for Frank White, cites treatmerrt CE GOP 04-'0q86 M3<br />

W Dean Goldsb haaded EOA of Maski Qmty<br />

04/02/86 A13<br />

Clinton urges eacators to resist dilution of s&od stanhrd 04/03/86 A03<br />

Faas cites uE his son in warning against drug use 04/03/86 A10

Britt co<strong>mm</strong>ends incumber& for &fort to imprwe public e&c<br />

Foots& e Britt advocates efforts to draw mall Lxlsiness<br />

Clinkon pdcts he will win mination wiaout runoff<br />

Clinton says he did not allw state to hy Fauhxs mansion<br />

Qinton bes not recall p-dcting vickq without rmoff<br />

Gd.dsbJ8s persronal check clears tank<br />

Faulxts p-anises to try to divorue AP&L f ran Middle South<br />

White calls far r mpning Grand G d f setUenent ase<br />

White would allw other f inns to take APS6, service areas<br />

Clinton homred ky raU prty org~ for efhoticm efforts<br />

Gazette mends Clinton' s f f rm stand on s&od stantkrds<br />

Frank White voted for Grand Gdf as menher aE Ark-Pb board<br />

White voted several times for Grand GIA~<br />

financing<br />

W Dean Goldsbj makes f mi2 anno<strong>mm</strong>ent a€ candidwy<br />

Betty White wjll be writein can&&te for Gw-nor<br />

Monroe Schwarz lose did not erker raoe because he is ill<br />

Antipoverty workers praised ky Gov Clinton<br />

F White politid mches at Clirkon boamerang<br />

Qirrton says he raked e&c fun&ng without g~hdplast<br />

oq03/86 All 1<br />

04/03/86 All 1<br />

0q03/86 BOl 4<br />

04/03/86 m1 4<br />

04/04/86 A03 1<br />

04/04j86 A03 4<br />

04/04/86 A07 1<br />

04/04/86 A07 1<br />

04/0g/86 A07 1<br />

04/0$/86 A10 6<br />

04/04/% A16 1<br />

04/05/86 A01 2<br />

0qoy86 A01 2<br />

Ola/O5/86 A03 1<br />

04/oy86 A10 1<br />

04/05/86 AI.0 5<br />

04/05/86 A12 1<br />

04/06/86 A03 4<br />

yr 04/06/86 B01 5<br />

Fauhs &g on Clinton and mpiy f mds called 'nuts' 04/06/% ~07 4<br />

FaWs says QintonmsGrandGd•’ deal dciedup campi9 fmds 0la/06/86 B07 4<br />

Cbnact of Rutus ampred with that af George Wallam 04/&/86 C02 1<br />

Cl~onwantstogettobttancb p5smpohlans. edsays O$/06/86C04 1<br />

Stuttqrt mily Lsader on CJintowWhite renatd 04/06/86 C04 1<br />

Clinton criticized for ~ aise aE pison in&stry pogrm 04/06/86 C04 6<br />

Clinton lil.anes FERC for Grand Gulf &g to AP&L custcrners 0$/07/86 A05 4<br />

Qinton sees hypocricy in White critidm an Grand Gulf 04/07/86 A05 4<br />

Frank White links ewncsny and edmtion 04/07/86 AlO 1<br />

Clinton rejects hdding Legis session on s&od fhnoes OqJO8/86 A09 1<br />

Coffeehop talk cited by White in criticim aE CLinton 0$/08/$6 Ell1 5<br />

Fund-raiser attended ky AP& custmers. White says 04/08/86 BOl 5<br />

Fund-raiser for Clinkon was 'pyaEfm for Am. White sugpsts 04/08/86 E01 5<br />

No mes of APE& a€•’ icidls. or en@lcyees on f tnd-raiser list 0$/08/86 BD1 5<br />

Clinton callswhite's dtingof cx>ffee&optalk 'pthetic' 04/09/86 A03 1<br />

Clirton says AP& had no rale in fund-raising cited ky White 0$/09/&6 A03 1<br />

Clinton will not support weakening schoal stan&rds 04/09/86 A03 1<br />

Clinton wonders if White rmd Ark-&b contracts beforevuting 0$/09/86 A03 1<br />

Hunorous note on bsehI.1 gme and ClintowWhite contest 04/09/86 A03 4<br />

EkEtorid on Whitet s votes to ratify Grand G d f f inancring 04/09/86 A12 1<br />

Clinton q s state &odd act on p-oblens at Benton Smioes 04/09/86 A14 1<br />

Bobby K Hayes says ean lea&r&ip is main issue 04/09/86 B02 4<br />

No word f ran Clinton on specid session of Legidatme 04/10/86 A01 2<br />

FrankWhite critical of 3 agenuesheaded iy hisappintees 04/10/86 A03 3<br />

Clinkon muld benefit politically frun qecid Legis sessio 0$/10/86 A03 4<br />

GOP hopeful Wayne Lani er mlls j o&; chi& issue in el &ion 0 $/lo/% A03 4<br />

Folitical aonsdtztnt Jerry Russell no longer in Eauhs camp 04'10/86 A03 6<br />

Monroe Schwarzlose wants to lze writein candichte in Nw 0$/1V86 A02 1<br />

ClintonclangiLeaselabr andmgnt Icy callinglegis session 04/1l/86A03 4<br />

airkon fin& notification satisfactory in hel;tachlor scare 04/1Y86 A01 6<br />

Reprt on &at5 at Beon Services @nter rdeased by GCN 04/12/86 A03 5<br />

Bob& KHqes hands extradition file on1983 thdt charge 04!12/86 A08 4<br />

Jaan Roberts says Clinton mare of file m Bob& &yes 04/12/86 A08 4<br />

Bill Clinton enhrsed ly state AFL-CIO 04/13/86 A01 2<br />

Emnfles of Lani er ' s conservative. ~o-business v iws 04/13/86 A03 3

Wwne T Lamer is an mhmn qmrkity in race •’03: offie Ola/l3/86A03 4<br />

White attacks Clinton on schocil fmding OY13/86 All 4<br />

Dm and Repub candihtes make pitches to A M 1 0 <strong>mm</strong>bers 04f13/% A12 5<br />

Editorial views on Rank Whitev s race for governor Oa/13/86 C04 1<br />

lktioml Dems feature work of Clinton in krochure OY13/86 CM 1<br />

Clinton and Jhhs arge shoal stan&rdsW merits 08/13/86 C06 2<br />

Fahs faults A M L O encbrment af Bfi1 Qinton 04/15/86 A03 1<br />

Fauhs mentions hi* insuranae rates in atbck on Clinton 0$/15/86 A03 1<br />

Fauhs revives story ab& Qirhon and Vietm War: potest 04'1Y86 A03 1<br />

Fauks sayslabor ~&r~dC1intonvskandlingof GrandGulf 08/15/86 A03 I<br />

JcanRobrtssaysQ.intoninEncJ.and&ringprotestatUA 0$/15/86A03 1<br />

Mod fmck to kx scarce in1987. Clinton tdls pincipls 04/15/86 All 4<br />

Clinton may Fopose lw on bond issues if Suprene Ct &lays 0-$/15/86 E01 2<br />

Gcw Q %on hxks Pr es Reagan on bmhi.ng of Lylda OW16/86 AlO 5<br />

Prism irrnates prfmed deer camp &ores &ring Fauhs a h 04/16/86 A14 1<br />

'These facts, jf true.. . ' (ed on vintage Ehkus techniques) 04/17/86 ZU8 1<br />

Orval Buhs warmly received at Shmood 04/18/86 A17 4<br />

Qinton w-s a limited agenda for specidl legis session 04/19/86 All 1<br />

Editorid. reviews ~ i m pohlms n &ring Faulxs a& 04/19/86 A16 1<br />

AEAmakes no endxment in Democratic primary 04/20/86 A03 1<br />

Frank White endbrsed for GOP ncanination & AEA 04/20/86 A03 1<br />

F&sellv2le Cburier Dmocrat ed on GOP grimary 04/20/€% C04 1<br />

Article reviews m e cbg ma& ky muhxs in grwious races 04/20/86 C06 1<br />

Fauhs Masts labr dter not getting endbrment<br />

0$/20/86 C E I<br />

Gm CLirkon -11s Legis into session to deal with 2 issues 04/2Y% A01 2<br />

Frank White alplogizedfar calling teaders gee. militant 0$/22/86 A03 4<br />

'Q-ie AEA and - Frank White (ed) 04/22/86 Kt0 1<br />

Clinton Mmes pnel to work for an& on rwenue bondr; pohlen 04/23/86 A01 4<br />

CLirrton r esponc3s to muhs on teacher tests. sd stanhrds 04/23/86 A03 1<br />

Fauhs defends acts &ring Central Hi* crisis in 1957 0$/23/86 A03 1<br />

Fauhxs &•’ends his remrd in rdation to hlacks 04/23/86 A03 1<br />

Fauhxs says his ah. not Rockfdler. rdeased prison report 08/23/% A03 1<br />

KAV Bll haws Q int on with 66 pct of vote 04/23/86 A03 4<br />

White has 62 pct a€ votes in XAW Ibll on GOP pirnary 04/23/86 A03 4<br />

Faulxxs says he woud mwe dioxin at Jacksorwille. brn it 08/23/86 AIO 4<br />

Wqne Larder fears Q irkon hi1 ding pol itical machine 04/23/86 A13 1<br />

Wayne Lanier woad cr tate advisury pinel on e&c fmding 08/23/86 Al.3 1<br />

Legis to get X;DI bill exemping evdmtion ress on state enp 04/24/86 A03 1<br />

Gw Clinton ties schoal aid to local &forts 04/24/86 A03 3<br />

Fauhls and White mq use same mff ee shop Charles &lly mys 0$/28/86 A05 1<br />

Faubs says AP&L 'said to be pying prt of Texas eve& cost' 08/2q86 A05 1<br />

Fautxls says tourisn went in Texas to mst taxpyas $280.000 0$/24/86 A05 1<br />

Gcv Clinkon took co<strong>mm</strong>ercial fliat to Texas tourism we& Ola/2q86 A05 1<br />

No $180.000dorated&A~ for Texastrip spkesnan~ays 04/24/86AO5 1<br />

Spokemanfor Clinton says $280.000 indudesnatl media a& 0$/24/86 A05 1<br />

Tourist increzise frcm Texas is gal. Gm Clinton says 04/24/86 A05 1<br />

Press regs Acw Fackfdler. mt Fhuhs- rdaased prison rep 04/24/86 A09 4<br />

Gov airkon calls Legislature into session 04/25/86 A01 6<br />

Cost of Texas towim trip said f ran advertising fun& 0$/25/86 A03 1<br />

!Rain trip cost public less than $9.000. organizer mys 04/25/86 A03 1<br />

Bill Clinton warns Dans thq face test in 1988 deckions 08/25/86 A18 5<br />

Fauhs' s Gmrd at Centre& Hi*. 1957 (ed) 0$/25/86 A22 1<br />

AEA needs to take civics test. Janes Rwdl writes 04/25/86 A23 1<br />

Faulxls says labor cbes not trust Bill Qinton 08/2f5/86 A02 1

Clirkondefends ~wisionfor dcmentary shod. aomselars 0$/26/86A08 6<br />

Robert Waldrun says Clinton dls FSC chairman often 014/26/86 A12 1<br />

Ex-Comay Cbunty Sheriff Narl in Hwkins 1-a Ehulxls rally 04/27/86 A16 1<br />

@fie rdeases reg ranking Ark 43rd in tea&= py 04/27/86 B01 2<br />

Clinton attacks &uhs and White on Grand G a f reoord 0$/27/86 ED4 5<br />

Clinton says &~uhs. White 'crazies1 in Grand Gulf critidsn 04/27/86 E04 5<br />

Nad limited contact with ESC staff. Clinton mys 04/27/86 E04 5<br />

AP& hdpd Rank White defmt Bill Clinkon in 1980 0$/~/86 ~ 0 13<br />

Frank White kerning virulerh critic of AP&I, 04/27/86 C01 3<br />

On the trail with Orval. JZ~ulxls (ed) 0$/~/86 ~ 0 21<br />

GrandGulf politics (ed in Searcy mily Citizen) 0$/27/86 C04 6<br />

WWs attacks on Clinton stick to White. Searq gaper says 04/27/86 C04 6<br />

Gw Cli&on thanks Legis Ear meeting in special ~ssian 0$/29/86 A01 2<br />

Fauhs favors lottery wa poperty tax incraase for &c 04/29/86 A03 3<br />

Fauks favors me cb NBN to meet shod stanhrds 04/29/% A03 3<br />

Fams says e&c funding shodd hae ken in legis call 0$/29/86 A03 3<br />

Centrdl Hi@ Tiqx ays Faubs &esnlt look too kad 04/29/86 A08 1<br />

Britt adnits his allegations on Grand Gulf 'dram-tstantidl' 04/29/86 A12 1<br />

Maurioe Britt wants Grand Jury pobe aE Grand G a f 0$/29/86 A12 1<br />

Clinton asks &lay in firing Russ Burhnk f rcm job 0$/30/86 A05 1<br />

Bill CL inton. Fk-ank White attack each other' s r eoords 04/30/86 A09 1<br />

Clinton mes task fore to advise sdnod &sts on spending 04J30/86 EOl 5<br />

Qinton sugpsts Central Hi* stu&&s hme forgotten Fauhs 04/30/86 B01 6<br />

Bjll Qirrton mq kick initiative to fend off Grand Gulf 11 05/0l/86 A03 4<br />

Faculty ptition at Central Hi* &ms disgileasure wer ed 05/Ol/86 A16 4<br />

Clinkon and White exchange words over Grand Gulf ctlse OVOY86 A01 2<br />

Clinton cnnfims he may act: on Grand Gulf I1 Os/Oz/E A01 2<br />

ClWongetswith&aaldR31~11onl@saudtitFaFers 05/02/86A01 2<br />

Generail Assgnhly mended ly Clinton for speedy woz k 05/02/86 A01 2<br />

Clinton apps stu* group on TV use to meet schod stanhrds 0 5/02/86 A03 1<br />

Fahs adits Clinton war p-otest chg prcbhly not rdevank 05/02/86 A03 4<br />

Fautzls says he dbubts that Clinton mad climb a tree 05/02/86 A03 4<br />

Fauhs uses @rase "It is said" in jak at Bill Qinton 05/02/86 A03 4<br />

List a€ Ehuhrsl s "It is mi&" used against Clinton Oy02/€6 A03 4<br />

Clinton and White Idme eacfi other on Grand Gdf 05/02/86 A12 1<br />

Grand Gulf domintes Blue Qosel3lue Shidd political rally 05/02/86 A12 f<br />

Maurie Britt manes both Qinton and White on Grand Gulf OsbOY86 A12 1<br />

Centrd Hi* petition siged ly 77 teachers. mtnselors 05/02/86 A19 1<br />

Fauhs and 1957 notoriety still goi nq strong, J Rwell writes 05/02/86 A25 1<br />

Campgin mntrikutions listed ky Britt. Goldsky. Hayes 05/03/86 A07 4<br />

Qnttichtes file f inancia1 disclosure forms<br />

05/03/86 A13 I<br />

Gayle Windsor Jr rdates EWms role in Central Hi& dsis 05/03/86 A16 3<br />

Adkrerse reaction to Central Hi* Tiger editorid mntinues 05/03/86 B01 2<br />

Murice Britt repats rquest for woke o•’ Grand Gulf case 05/03/86 E01 2<br />

Orval E mubs as<strong>mm</strong>erks on Cbrhra3. Hi* 5ger editorid 05/03/86 ED1 2<br />

Frank Henaqr is sg~keman fm hulxrs at Bin meeting 05/0#% A03 1<br />

Frank Nenslq led group for Ronald Reagan in Ark 05/04/86 A03 1<br />

Wlary Clinton urges Dmg Derns to repudiate 1957 crisis 0YOY86 A03 1<br />

BjllCZintonlssuppor~rsh~esl=u&edupon~~srmrd 0V04/86A07 1<br />

Clinton cites evidlenae Rubs ~ e State d Blice to tail foes 0V04/86 A07 1<br />

Gov Q inton ~ ays US must learn hw to mpete in changed emn 05/04/86 A15 3<br />

Frank White. Orval E$ukus paise each othe 05/04/86 BD8 3<br />

FkXtoriQs ttiscvss effects of AEA endxsement of Ftank White 05/08/86 C04 1<br />

Stuktgrt hily Leader dscusses Fkiutzls and go1 itics 05/0$/86 C04 6

DATE<br />

BGE CDL<br />

Central Hi* Tiger editorial was not supprt. adviser says OVOy86 A07 4<br />

Bill a%on has support of &*thirds of voters polled Os/Osd86 A12 1<br />

Rokrt McIntoh enibrses Orval E l3uhs in Dm p 5 m q 05/G6/86 A03 1<br />

Lesson lear-d in 1980 propels Qinton to campicp hard 05/06/86 A03 4<br />

Yes. it was that hd in 1957 (ed) 05/06/86 A12 1<br />

List CE recent appnts ty (;ov Qinton to boards and oorrans 05/E/86 C02 4<br />

Qinton. White- Fhhs basically agreeonhiaar&uswastes 05/06/86 DO7 1<br />

List a€ cmpli.9 mntritutors to Qinton. FE~uhs. Gal&@ 05/06/86 DO7 1<br />

Frank White. Wayne Limier list rnntrikutors 05/06/86 Do7 4<br />

Gcw Qinton orikrs cut: in rwenues to agencies 05/07/86 A01 2<br />

Fams pprs at UA shm he med S ate Eblice towatch blacks 00$/07/86 A03 1<br />

Fauhs says he has no knowled- c6 State Rl iae surveillane 0 5/07/86 A03 1<br />

State mliae resd on po@e alleged to be didayal to muhs 05/07/86 A03 1<br />

W Ban Gol&& challenges DePn foes to &hte 05/07/86 A03 3<br />

FaWs opns office with attack on Qinton and Grand Gulf 05/07/86 ~ 0 81<br />

Bill Qinton saysrulingon &a&-qmlified juriesisriat 05/07/86 A08 4<br />

Unlea&ing Fams on the insuranoe bys (ed on Fauhs record) 05/07/86 Al5 1<br />

Siwin~ Guaranty case &ring Fauhs a-& recalled<br />

Forrest Rozzdl details Ruhs actions in 1957<br />

Brlh Hmkins calls CLMon aontrihtions list misleading<br />

IQrl in Hawkins' son. Bruae. listed as Qinton mrhrilcutor<br />

Clinton siqs nine bills of special session<br />

he Fauhxs watrdn (ed)<br />

Faukus says he is not opposed to civil ri@ts<br />

Gw Qinton faults Reaqm ad far many Ark prolilens<br />

Bob Ledlie. Bob Cohee mt kcking Frank White<br />

Bill Qinton speaks at <strong>Arkansas</strong> BaNist: Q11 omenaement<br />

GaT andMrs Clinton homr state's hiatest stubnts<br />

EtitoridL fkiscusses aunpig chests of Qjxlton and ~~s<br />

Frank White rays he talks less. listens more<br />

Wayne Lad er mnazntr ats on GOP str on&olds<br />

Maurice Britt has many acacrm@list.lm&s in his record<br />

Republican affiliation is only change in Bob& K Hayes<br />

W Dean Goldsby is first Uack to seek Dem mination<br />

Hax 'newsgaper' article used McInto& against Qirztan<br />

Fauhs has no specific plan for rdcing insurance rates<br />

List a€ rent Qinton appintees to bds and c<strong>mm</strong>ns<br />

Bill Q inton is a<strong>mm</strong>enuanent speaker at Ehilan&r Smith<br />

Foes say Clinton is kataUe<br />

Orval E &uhs ask Bill Qinton to rdsase t;ax returns<br />

Candihtes hwe intersting pasts. article rweals<br />

Bill an worker canpensation siged & GCriT Bill Q inton<br />

Frank White says Frimn Direor Lockhart is honest<br />

Clinton need to check tax return rdease with wife dismssed<br />

Fauhs offcxs to r d ease his tax returns as Gw<br />

Fauhs takes dw-pc~d<br />

wmplig.1 to Western <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Poor &wing in polls pzles Owal E Fauhs<br />

Timing of pimari es cited ky Mulxxs as ~oblm for him<br />

Bjll Qinton speaks at hi#my dedication at Spingdale<br />

Fauhs rip into Qinton. the pess- the super rich<br />

Bill Qinton offers to rdease tax reax& if others & also<br />

Bill Q inton takes campiicjn tour to Russellville. Fbr t Smith<br />

Orval Ehuhs attends Old Gmrd ramion at Qmay<br />

Bill Clinton app&ensive abut Grand Gtilf I1 ~opsal<br />

0s/O7/86 A16 1<br />

05/07/86 A17 4<br />

05/08/86 A10 4<br />

OYO8/86 A10 4<br />

OYO9/86 A17 1<br />

Os/O9/86 A24 1<br />

05/09/86 A26 1<br />

05/09/86 A26 1<br />

05/10/86 All 4<br />

0 1 2<br />

05/11/86 EOl 3<br />

05/11/86 C02 1<br />

05/11/86 CO6 1<br />

05/1l/86 C06 1<br />

o!il11/86 cm 4<br />

05/11/86 C06 4<br />

05/11/86 ClO 1<br />

OEdlJ/% ClO 2<br />

05/11/86 C10 3<br />

05/12/86 A07 6<br />

05/12/86 A10 2<br />

05/13/86 A03 3<br />

OV13/86 A03 3<br />

05/13/86 A03 4<br />

05/13/86 E01 4<br />

05/14/86 A03 3<br />

05/14/86 A03 4<br />

05614J86 A05 I<br />

OY1$/86 A05 1<br />

05/14/86 A05 1<br />

05/14/86 A05 1<br />

05/14/% All 1<br />

05/15/86 A08 5<br />

OYlY&i A08 6<br />

0$/16/86 A03 1<br />

05/17/86 A09 6<br />

05/17/86 A1 4 5

Orval Fauhs ~ t IRS s Ems for rdeasing returns<br />

&tide pcfiles Gw Bill Qirhon's campiq<br />

Artide pcfiles mpig o•’ W Dean Golfkky for mination<br />

Artide praEires campicp o•’ Orval E F&hs for miration<br />

U S News calls Bill Clinton rising star in ngnocratic Par9<br />

Orval Rubs sigs release on tax forms for pist five years<br />

Orval EWhs trailed ty N3C Nws crw at bmt N e b<br />

Faukus anpig rwfses history. Spingdale News writes<br />

Insurance pols for s&OQLs. cities suggested ty Ftwlxls<br />

Frank White hits LR @.an on s&od desegregation<br />

Frank White says Catholics may hild scboal at Otter Creek<br />

&pal OE 1979 inswane lw called for ly Rubs<br />

Wayne Lanier mys he has best &ot at beating Bjll Q inton<br />

Bill C2inton. Frank White hwe friendly enaomter<br />

Wal E Rukus ends campi9 swing throuc$ so&hwest Ark 0~2l/%AlO 4<br />

Frank White accuses Qinton of diverting s&W fmd to aolls 05/2/86 A10 5<br />

Lottery wjll have to be mnsifbred for rwenue. FWhite says 05/21/86 A10 5<br />

Alta Haskins ~~s enarses Orval. E EUms 05/21/86 All 4<br />

Otter Creek discussed as Qtholic schoal site. supt mys Os/U/% E02 1<br />

Bill Qinton rdmses $15 million for vxiom pajects 05/2l/86 C08 4<br />

Faulxls urges pstid. return to trusty gmrd system at ~ i m n 05622/86 A08 1<br />

Bill Qinton urges suppxters to @dd schod starxkrds 05/22/86 A08 4<br />

Bill QWon is primary &dce (ed) 05623/86 A23 1<br />

Severd appnts to bds and oo<strong>mm</strong>s made ky Gov Bill Qirhon OY2W86 A07 1<br />

Campig aontritutions 1 isted 05/24/86 A15 1<br />

Sumnary cf RepuUimn campig.l for mination 05/25d86 A04 1<br />

Sunmq of mpiq for Mocratic ncanination 05/25/86 A04 1<br />

Bill Clinton. Onral bubs give fiery speeches at Levy ]Cay 05/25/86 lUO 2<br />

Wtori&s discuss election campig.1 05/25/86 C04 1<br />

PraEiLes of candihtes in km and Repb primaries 05/%/86 A08 1<br />

Bill Clinton Meats Faubs and Goldsky for Dem mination 05/28/86 A01 6<br />

Frank White easily cagtur es Repub nank tion 05/28/86 A01 6<br />

Jcbn Brmett disasses ~ ote& vote against Qhon 05/28/86 A03 4<br />

Surprising returns kept candi&tesl hops hi* Osb2&/86 A09 1<br />

Cornflete. mo•’f idal results in pare pimaries 05/29/86 A01 2<br />

Defeated GOP candihtes rdly behind Frank White 05/29/86 A01 2<br />

Fauhs oonusdes &faat. aongrat~lalates Bill Clinton 05/29/% A01 2<br />

W Dean Gol&b declines to ay if he will support Clinton 05/29/86 A01 2<br />

lhp d~ws voting strength d Qinton. hubs Ory <strong>mm</strong>ty) 05/29/86 A01 4<br />

Bjll Clinton's &cwingrdniscrent of 1980 05/29/86 A03 4<br />

Sbge sret for QintowWhite ranat& in Nwmker 05/29/86 A03 4<br />

Umfficial &&ion returns in h n andRep pirnaries. by oo 05/29/86 A13 1<br />

Map &cws voting strength cB candithtes in GOP pcirnaty 05/29/86 A13 3<br />

Clinton and White -- who else (editorial) 05/29/86 A16 1<br />

Darrdl Glasaock m q be hired ky White as mnsfltant 05/30/86 A03 4<br />

Frank White says he will mt rdase his tax returns 0!jl30/86 A05 1<br />

Bill dirkon @.cased with mirntion. hops rhetoric to mol 05/31/86 A01 3<br />

Frank White agrees he auld not reopn Grand Gulf case 06/01/86 A05 1<br />

PartiestoGrandGrilfsettlErnent&ukGw canreopencase 06/0l,/86AO5 1<br />

Reopening Grand Gulf auld give AP&L full $487 million 06/03/&6 A05 1<br />

Whitewo~dseektoperslads RCtoreopnGrandGulf case 06/OY86AO5 1<br />

'IV rep did not tell Qir$lon he was on sgil it screen wia foes 06/Ou86 C06 3<br />

Guv Qinton vms kill on A m franchise if Grand Gulf plshed 06/0$/% A01 2<br />

Frank White favors hange in pcrwer flax& acaxmting raes 06/0la/86 A12 5

Gw Qinton Ib&s White sees effeck cf ac<strong>mm</strong>ting change 06/0$/86 A12 5<br />

FrankWhitewoUdseektoincrease ECsize togain antral 06/04/86 ZU2 6<br />

White woad seek to force stocld~olders to my Grand Gdf aost 06/0486 A12 6<br />

Dan Felton Jr Umes Clinton in Lee @mty-@riy fuss<br />

Deficiencies at Beon Servioes Center revealed Iy FWhite<br />

Gov Clinton had alracy asked Legis stue a€ Benton Cenker<br />

GaT Qintm dlediates Pinrade Home for mentally ill<br />

Mernber s of &&a1 Health Task Fore md by Gov Q inton<br />

Robert Mdbrd sees rejection of Fauhs as ~ogredve sig.1<br />

Gw Qinton addresses Cbmcil cf RdessiaraaL F!ir&i*ters<br />

Aim cB c p t should be to get welfare Clients m@Lqed<br />

Guv Clinton testifies More US House Q<strong>mm</strong> on perw<br />

Welfare recipients &oUd be rquired to work, Clinton says<br />

Clinton and White rm like speed horses on mud* track<br />

Clinkon asks if pltrons want teachers who fail skills test<br />

Gav & irkon cpes on attack at Tanato Festival<br />

Frank White hires lbrr&l Glasack as mnsliltant<br />

J&n Brmett ltiscusses Glasmck siq-up with FY ark White<br />

Gcw Clinton cheered for Miming FERC in Grand Glilf case<br />

Frank White calls &ath at Be&m Serv ie Center: a mur&r<br />

Frank White sees Clinton cloverup in death at Bmton Cer$er<br />

Grand Jury fomd no airniml act in Apaeyard death<br />

L D Owen critical a€ White accusation in A@ yard case<br />

Wte calls for firing of Jim Fin&. EBy Smtt<br />

White was gv who apgd Ray Scott to psition<br />

Wait is over - its White (ed on hiring of Ihrrd1 Glasaxk)<br />

Gcwermrts offie scran~ing to save R ~ i Electric n plants 06/1$/86 AOI. 3<br />

Frank White's outrageous claims (ed) 06/14/86 A18 1<br />

GCN Bill Clinton prticiptes in SequicentenniQ werrts 06/1Y86 A01 4<br />

Suitable topic for mpig.1 mi&t be $400 million tax breaks 06/15/86 A03 3<br />

Erosion of state finances &odd be discussedl reporter ays 06/1Y86 A03 4<br />

Clinton says AIDC &es not inflate job f igxes 06/1~86 ~a7 2<br />

Janes Rm&l sees Qinton win this fall 06/15/86 CM 3<br />

Politid lwjinks (edonr2arrdlGlascockandRankWhite) C6/1Y86 C04 1<br />

Stone Comty Leader cxnnments on Rmkus win in Stone Comty 06/15/86 C04 6<br />

Clinton speaks of pst and future 06/16/86 A01 2<br />

Frank White risks r estar ection af I silly som•’aynf label 06/17/86 A03 4<br />

Frank White1 s I nuder statanent recalls Ozark Inst case 06/17/86 A03 4<br />

%itels insurar wid out uf court in Ozark Institute case 06/17/86 A03 4<br />

Grq Varm szys he will tx writein candi&te for Gw 06/17/86 A07 3<br />

Clinton says PSC plan of surrmer dectric rates not political 06/18/85 A03 1<br />

Extract f ran Bill ainton spee& at Sequicmtennial went 06/19/86 A19 1<br />

Legislators paise Bill Clirkon's emnanic leaderhip 06/19/86 C01 3<br />

Frank White alleges averup in deal3i at Beon Services Gent 06/20/86 All 1<br />

Gov Bill Clinton wdoomes natioral PYA aonv to <strong>Arkansas</strong> 06/21/86 A09 5<br />

Sttatman at work (ed on Dxrdl Glascock work for White) 06/22/86 C04 6<br />

Clirrtonis bnof mtl cp7Istaskforcle onwdfarerdm 06/25/86A03 3<br />

Senator Btil Berhan is acting gwermr for two days 06/2V86 A07 4<br />

Clintonwants stu* aE Al&L. other dectric utility rates 06/25/86 C01 3<br />

(3x7 Clinton gets re@ on anditions in state pfmns 06/26/86 A01 2<br />

Gw (linton seeks delay aE permit to EnscD on Kl3 lxlrn rate 06/26/86 A08 4<br />

Clinton supprts &cision of lq Satt on Dl23 mfloyees 06/26/86 AlO 1<br />

Frank Lyon Jr med genera mgr oE Rank Whitels campigz 06/23/86 A10 4<br />

Clinton cpverns by reaction to aitiusn. J&n Brmett mys 06/27/86 A03 4

DATE<br />

AGE ClX<br />

Gw Bill Qinkon inspects State Hospital 06/28/86 A08 1<br />

Gov kadgered him to act in Applqrard case. Fay Satt says 06/29/86 A03 6<br />

Sunmer dedxic rates kames a new plitical issue 06/29/86 C04 1<br />

Tho ppers critical aE Rank White on Amward merits 06/29/86 C04 6<br />

Bill Clinkon listed among new heed of &c activists 06/29/86 C& 1<br />

Latest listings of aampti.9 antribtions to Clinton. White 06/30/86 A07 I<br />

Gcrv Qinton speaks at God and Corntry semi- at 3hunanuel 06/30/86 AlO 1<br />

Gw Clinton asks UA Ed to rethink pay raises over 3 pct 07/01/86 A09 1<br />

Ads panoting buying of Ark products to feature Gw Clinton 07/0lJ86 BD1 2<br />

FrankWhite calls 'hy Ark' mpiw 'blatant politics1 07/0u&6 A01 2<br />

White cztmpig.1 wanks amnnercids w i Qinton ~ bnned f ran W 07/02/86 A01 2<br />

Clirkonrs ad agenq7 explains use aE Gw in 'tuy Ark' ads 07/02/86 A03 4<br />

Ornral hubs lists additioml amtrikutions 07/0u86 A15 5<br />

Frank White krouat up Grand G d f at smer rate hearing; 07/03/06 A01 5<br />

Frank White &gd change in sumner de&ric rates 'politid' 07/03/86 A01 5<br />

Frank White receives public salding frrm EC's EBt Qdlls 07/03/86 A01 5<br />

Gcw Clinton amsidering specid. legis session on schools 07/03/86 A03 1<br />

Frank White adits he has not read Grand Gulf dxuments 07/03/86 Al5 2<br />

FERCvaidedClinton play to keepAP& out o•’ GrandGulf oase 07/03/86 A15 3<br />

Fort Smith W aEficiai calls spots politi-1 ads for Qinton 07/03/86 A15 5<br />

Glasack reaction to Qtalls &ws ha lecture hit hcme 07/04/86 A03 4<br />

Ibt Qllalls reninded White A m interviewed his RC naninees 07/04/86 A03 4<br />

Bt Qmlls took adwantage cf Rank White's vunerability 07/04!86 A03 4<br />

ble aE the mffee&opqmrterhck (ed onQualls lecture) W/0$/86 A28 1<br />

Frank White called for support for Grand GIA f setU en& 07/05/86 A16 1<br />

Pat Qualls says salding of Rank White was her anln i&a 07/05/86 A16 1<br />

Gcw Cl%on has pod reamns for call a•’ legis. Brunmett says 07/06/86 A03 3<br />

Zwoiding f maed schod wnsolidation important to Gw Clinton 07/06/86 A03 4<br />

Gav Qinton faces dlenma in finding funds fa scfiocils 07/06/86 CO1 1<br />

Gov Clinton ~ y lirnited s powers are essenae aE Cbnstitution 07/07/86 A03 1<br />

Darrd.1 Glasmck begim effort to rehild after Quails event 07/08/86 A03 4<br />

Bill Clinton not mnoerned about Qualls rhke o•’ F White 07/10/86 A03 1<br />

Clinton fiavs Legis session on s&od finance may be necessary 07/10/86 A03 1<br />

F White agreed not to oppse Grand GUf settflment. Gov says 07/10/86 803 1<br />

Bjll~i~ongetswamgreetingatUnitedPe&acx>&al cronv 07/1l/86Al8 5<br />

Bill Clinton imites check of facts of statements he makes 07/12/86 A07 1<br />

Frank White Hanes Clinton for eo<strong>mm</strong>ic andition of state 07/13/86 B01 2<br />

Clinton urged to incluik Grand GUE I1 in legis -11 07/13/86 EU3 1<br />

Choioe isbetweendunsinessor savcd~faire. Dmaswrites 07/13/86 C03 3<br />

Exm@les of hmuing statenents ty Rank White 07/33/06 C03 3<br />

Editorials discuss Rank White before EBt Qualls 07/13/86 C04 1<br />

FSC pones wanpxl with calls paising Mrs Qmlls 07/13/86 CO6 1<br />

FrankWhite covers e&c. GrandGulf. abrtion in radio talk M/1Y% A03 3<br />

White says state auld issue $4 billion bonds to hy AP& 07/1YE% A03 3<br />

Frank White says only J&n Brunmett called Qmlls mastating 07/1!Y86 A03 4<br />

Bill Clintonaonernedabut esoalatinginsuranoe panims 07/16/86A03 3<br />


Ibt Qualls responds to White quip ah* music teacher<br />

White's objections to 'EUy <strong>Arkansas</strong>' may hckEire<br />

6ov Clinton speaks to Tax A d M strators Assn mnv<br />

Clinton says 1980 contrack ranwed Ark f rcm Grand Gulf msts<br />

Gov Clinton sys US govt tore up 1980 Grand Gulf mntract<br />

State takewer cf AP&L mt feasible. Gov Bill Qinton says<br />

US govt tsurp state rqlation o•’ ~ilities. Clinton says<br />

GCN CLirrton testifies before US Sen pnel an Grand Gdf<br />

Birthhy prly fa Bill Clinton to be a fmd-raiser<br />

Frank White charges that no one is in chg of &ate qvt<br />

Gw Clinton has met with Suhru offickils on @ant site<br />

Wder with access to plls says Gw's race alrady aver<br />

Nashville News sees sl ez iness in aampicg<br />

lbt Qmlls recd floral trihtes after spech to FWhite<br />

Frank White accuses Jdm Brumnett o•’ ~o-Clinton aonspiracy<br />

White alleges Brunmett. AP&fi and Clinton conspi re<br />

White1 s oonspi racy suggestion anwered ky J&n Brmett<br />

Cl. Mon aalls White1 s allqations ludicrous1<br />

Clinton notes m e r duckanoe ty legislators on specid sess<br />

Has red no surrport frcm AP&L= Gcw Bill Qirhon says<br />

Gcw Clinkon speaks at &&cation of EhcjLand cerha. lihaq<br />

Recent appnts to hoar* and cu<strong>mm</strong>issions annomcred ky Clinton<br />

Latest for special legis session would be Sept. Qinton mys<br />

Gav Qinton ar<strong>mm</strong>ats on grimn probe f hdinqs<br />

Gov Clinton arranges for free fans for elderly and ill<br />

State1 s top lxlsinesmen meet secretly with Bill Q inton<br />

Bill Clinton. Frank White <strong>mm</strong>ment on AP&L1s lcwering rates<br />

Bill CLirrton calls on Arkansans to pray for rain<br />

Gw Clinton sends kdistering lr to Wdl Street J1<br />

AP&L timing on rate deer ease necessarily plitid<br />

AP&L &esnlt like Qinton $60 million worth* C Kelly says<br />

Bob& Glmer urges Qinton to ask prison director to resicp<br />

Recent appnts to bds and oo<strong>mm</strong>s ky Gw Qirrton listed<br />

Gm Clinton not seeking rdqation of AL Lochart<br />

Clinton hits Glwer mitidm OE polioe poke of pison<br />

Guv CLinton. Rank White exchange hrb at roast and tcast<br />

G# Clinton agrees with Ety Saott actions in firing emgcyees<br />

Gov ailrton amers qmstions called in to radio talk shm<br />

Rimn staff amicanks &oUd take lie tests. Gov says<br />

Bobw Glmer dmrges Gw Qinton ducks pism pohlm iss~les<br />

Candihtes reninckd that W Ark has non-Grand GULf poblans<br />

Gm Clinton was maware uE NaU Gmrd exercise in Chile<br />

Correction Bd apKwes 10 recx><strong>mm</strong>en&tions by Gw Qinton<br />

R e n t appts to XXMrcB and ao<strong>mm</strong>s 1 listed<br />

%sk farce on handicapped permns p<strong>mm</strong>ted b~ Gm Qinton<br />

Legiaative Cbmcil crr<strong>mm</strong>ends Gw Qinton on fiscal integrity<br />

Crwd hap G w Qinton elebrate 40th birthday<br />

Invitations to Qirhon prly handed out &ring work hours<br />

Poll clE Legis on spcieit jessi ion ordered ty Gw Bill Clirkon<br />

Witations to Clinton prty also sent to FC&E<br />

Frank White daims state hoke. delaying pying bills<br />

Mahlm brtin answers Frank White chgs on state finances<br />

Pushing back the &an&rds (ed on CLinton and White stand)<br />

9un rap for Glasmck (ed on White befare the PSC)


DATE<br />

ERGE<br />

Ban Hudson questions Frank White on issues 08/21/86 A03 1<br />

FrankWhiteoallss&oal&an&rdsarur~mer~rmeasure 08/Zl/86A03 1<br />

FrankWhite prsttictsQ~ontoseektaxincr~sefor d c 08/21/86A03 1<br />

Fahite pediction on sales tax increase aksurd, J Roberts says 08/21/86 A03 1<br />

State action on tax r&m& assailed ly ELank White 08/21/86 A03 4<br />

State actions on tax refunds jmt god mgnt. M hrtin says 08/2l/86 A03 4<br />

Several agencies may hme r eaeived Cl inton prty pckts 08/2l/86 Al3 1<br />

Gov Clinton still quiet on possiHe Legis session 08/22/86 A03 3<br />

Gm Bill Qinton to be chairman of Natiord Gwernors Asn 08/22/86 AlO 5<br />

S&oals mended bj Gm Qirkonfor &fort tomeet stan&r& 08/22/86 A20 5<br />

Frank White &gs Clinton did not support AEN1s Ftaymond Ho 08/22J86 A21 1<br />

Eymnd Ho had his supprt. (Gcw Bjll Clinton says 08/22/86 A21 3<br />

Frank White &arges that AP&L bills will &uMe ky 1990 08/23/86 A13 1<br />

FrankWhitefavors shod stan&r&. oppsesclonsolidation 08/23/86A13 I<br />

Appintmerrts to bards and co<strong>mm</strong>s a<strong>mm</strong>ced 08/23/86 IU3 3<br />

Illness forms Gw Clinton to leave pess am•’ early 08/24/86 A10 3<br />

Frank White. Bill Qinton rep spak to Wildnife Federation 08/2a/86 All 1<br />

FrankWhite call for sd mnsoli&tionledtonew standxdls 08/24/86 C01 1<br />

Frank White &anprioned school. mnaoli&ti.on in the pist 08/24/86 CO1 1<br />

Frank White runs a~inst his awn p5ndaes. colunn says 08/24/86 COl 1<br />

State Senator Qarenae Bd1 advises no special legis sessim 08/2La/86 C07 3<br />

Gm CJirkon grcminenlc in National Gwernors Asm an€ 08/25/86 A01 3<br />

Clinton ays sch stan&rds e•’f ective beginning of 1987 sch yr 08/25/86 A05 1<br />

Stan&r& woad not be effective June 1. 1987. Qirrton says<br />

AEA &s&q ees with Qintm on &adl ine for s& &an&r&<br />

Gav CLinton mys he was horrif id ky invihtions incider&<br />

Inudent wer Qinton lirthhy gives White campig.1 Eod&r<br />

Gcxr Qhton. AEA Acw m e siqs of mity<br />

Bill CLirkon takes over as dmn of Natl Gwermrs Assn<br />

Gov Qirrton pmnotes creation of job for MEA gmgrm<br />

Federal amtrd. & Natiod Gtard opposed by Gm Qintm<br />

Clinton insists skan&rds effective with 1987-88 shoal yr<br />

Bet- Wri*t co<strong>mm</strong>ents on Erthday pr-Q mntrwersy<br />

Prosecutor to rwiew Clinton hirthay invitations incident<br />

Plan for we a€ state windfall fm& rwealed ly Qinton<br />

Latest pll &ms CL inton lea& White 61-29<br />

Frank White called for ~ obe a€ Clinton hirth&y invitations<br />

The White-White Mates (ed on White stands on sch mergers)<br />

Bjll Q inton accuses White a€ danging on rural sd.1 mergers<br />

Party imitations incident pssihle violation. Piaza says<br />

Seas like old times (ed on Clintm hLrth&y prty inciderst)<br />

Gm Clinton says hewill not call Legis into special sessLon<br />

Jan Brunmett sees pliti cal motive for no Legis session<br />

Clinton &ms no Sigl of mtl antitions at NGA aom-ian<br />

Ed on White chg that Clinton diverted fmds to allqes<br />

Gm Clinton hoL& Labor my picnic for union o•’ficizils<br />

ProseaAorl s probe aE iriv itations not exactly fal-scal e<br />

White repats criticisn a€ dectric rates. scfiool standards<br />

Frank White muld bend it fran dekate with Bill Q inton<br />

Clinkon seeks health stu* (d E9 mra& arha pollution<br />

Bill Qinton discusses e&c r&<strong>mm</strong> on CBS network progran<br />

Bill Clinton, Rank White engage in &kite at AP aonverjtion<br />

Drug test taken. pssed by Bill CLintm and Bet- Wri@t<br />

Candiihtes gram comical ads for camgaiq

DATE<br />

aaGECDL<br />

Bailg! rOll &ws Bill Clinton leading Frank White 2-1 09/07/86 A05 1<br />

Clinton mys F White voted 3 times to f hnue Grand Gulf 09/07/86 A05 4<br />

QirrtrnsaysGrandGUfar>xrtra&orsplidWhiteadsinl%O 09/07/86A05 4<br />

Frank White denies Clinton allegation on 1980 camplig.1 Em& 09/07/86 A145 4<br />

Gov Qintonattacks White position in talk to state -10 09/07/86 AL2 1<br />

W Clinton speaks to mnv c& state -10 09/07/86 A12 1<br />

Darrdl Glasaxk takes &ug test 09/08/86 A03 1<br />

Drug test taken by candi&te Frank White 09/09/86 A01 2<br />

Frank White pedies Bill Qinton to seek tax increase 09/09/86 A01 2<br />

Fkritevs ion of bxhike oLledridiculom Q airhon 09/09/86 A01 2<br />

J&n Brunmett discusses CLirkon anno<strong>mm</strong>enk of drug tests 09/09/86 A03 4<br />

Jackson T Steghens raises $104,000 for Rank White 09/09/86 A03 5<br />

White and Clinton discuss rise in nunber a•’ state an@cyees 09/09/86 A09 4<br />

binting with ~ i dat e the specimen (ed on drug testing) 09/09/% AI.0 1<br />

FrankWhite Lses radio ads on state aorhract with Rose firm 09/10/&6 A03 1<br />

Sen Nick Wilson wrdims he is eager fur Clinton to 1 cave 09/10/86 A03 4<br />

Qinton meets wia Rqnolh. Steelworkers on pant closing 09/10/% All 2<br />

CZw Clinton msucoessEU in hid to keepReynol& aant opn 09/10/86 All 2<br />

No widenae uf drugs fowd in Clinton or Ihrrd Glasaock 09/1l/86 A03 1<br />

Gubermtmid dekate may erupt into a lot ct uoss talk 09/12/86 A03 4<br />

Tests &w Rank and Gqe White free aE drugs 09/12/86 A08 1<br />

Rapmusic ad for Rank White rot god politics. Clinton mys 09/12/86 A08 4<br />

Gw Qinton sets execution hte for BobQ Ray Ekebud1 09/l3/86 A17 3<br />

Ratepyas Hc&t Back sends que&iomaire to Qinton. White 09/13/86 A17 5<br />

Bill CLinton 'wrote off pesiderrtial Ed to seek redeckion 09/14/86 A01 2<br />

Bill Clinton would not oppose Bunpers or -or far Semte 09/14/86 A01 2<br />

Frank White would not seek reelection in 1990 09/1$/86 A01 2<br />

Colunn calls drug testing issue trivia. siiilly 09/14/86 C01 3<br />

Editorids ment on drug test issue 09/14/86 C04 2<br />

Wvern Daily Reaord merit on Clinton birtbhy ~ r t flap y 09/1/86 C04 2<br />

Gov Clinton asks EC&E to hold hearing on Pin&ll landfill 09/16/86 A0 8 5<br />

Ei#t med to state bds and ca<strong>mm</strong>s ky Bill Qirfion 09/16/86 AlO 5<br />

Hillary lWhan Clinton pssed drug test 09/16/86 ~11 1<br />

Dehte between Clinton and White was splrcring mat& 09/17/86 A01 2<br />

k&animtorwoke~frm&isetobe~u~ttyCLirhon 09/17/86A01 2<br />

School standardr; dekted @ Clinton and White 09/17/86 A01 2<br />

Colunn discasses hoofla attending Clinton nafl pcdile 09/17/86 A03 4<br />

Frank White accuses Q inton of making deal. with AP&L 09/ 17/86 A1 2 1<br />

Mary Ann SteBens is AP&L bard <strong>mm</strong>ber. Clinton points out 09/17/86 A12 1<br />

Mary Am and Jackson T Steaens hdd f md-raiser for White 09/17/86 A12 1<br />

WWElrodsaysQinton. Jerrdl Clarktalkedo•’tenonAP&L 09/17/86IU2 1<br />

Jerrd.1 Qark says he did not discllss GrandGlilf with Clinton 09/17/86 A12 2<br />

Clinton directs bond hxsiness to Lasater firm. White alleges 09/18/&6 A01 2<br />

Little of rote in QintorNhite debate exe@ tackiness 09/18/86 A03 4<br />

F'un& for mnsdkmtswas topic of t-alks. Jerrdl Clark says 09/18/86 A08 1<br />

Jerrdl Qark in amtact with Clinton's office. ex- secy says 09/18/€6 A08 1<br />

Frank White says Jerrdl Clark, Bill Clinton lying 09/18/86 A08 2<br />

Frank White says Bill Clinton lied abut AP&L support 09/18/86 ZU2 2<br />

Gw Clinkon says Bn Lasater is a sukstantid. aontrihtor 09/18/86 A12 2<br />

Steghens firm recdrnare bond hsiness thanLasater, E&es says 09/18/86 a 2 2<br />

White benefitted as much as Lasater on bonds. Epes says 09/18/86 A12 2<br />

Frank White adinits error in listing agencies he abolidxd 09/18/86 A12 3<br />

Frank White says Clinton lied abut Rose 1s firm 09/18/86 A12 3<br />

GCN Q inton says he is not critical crf AP&L mntrihtions 09/18/86 A12 3

Gw Clinton to swak in Taiwan to hsiness. govt leaders 09/18/€% E02 3<br />

Jchn Bxl<strong>mm</strong>ett oolunn on allegations of' bond f avoritian 09/19/86 A03 4<br />

Clinton has no fears of Lasater macyees mnnections 09/19/86 A04 1<br />

Clintm r &uses speculation on White cxmr<strong>mm</strong>ts on Lasater 09/19/86 A04 1<br />

Clinkon wed Ledla Shod as example af White's plan 09/19/86 A07 1<br />

Supt cf Leala S&ool Dist objects to ranarks of Gw Qjnton 09/19/86 A07 I<br />

GaT Qinton participttes in reenactment o•’ 1836 legis meet 09/19/86 A08 1<br />

List of 7 occasions whenwhite advocated shoal mnsali&tion 09/19/86 A20 1<br />

Appointments to state boar& and oo<strong>mm</strong>s listed ky Gw 09/19/86 CO3 4<br />

hreeAPs,C&reorssay FWhitesolicitedfmdsfrcmthen 09/20/%A10 4<br />

Tho AP&L directors say Qinton mpig.1 askedthm to &mate 09/20/86 A10 4<br />

Bill Q intowDan Lasater r dationship strong, White charges 09/20/86 All 1<br />

Gcxt Qintcm says he dbes not mcidize w i mn ~ Laklter 09/20/86 All 1<br />

Gw ainton did not say &auf•’eur had been &g3 in &ug case 09/20/86 B02 6<br />

Mitorid. merit on &ug testing of canditktes. staffs 09/21/86 C04 1<br />

Gw Clinton attends Fbur Church Fellav&ip event 09/22/86 A04 5<br />

Gcw Clinton ~ yhi*- s test smres Fwes edx iwwing 09/23/86 A01 2<br />

Ranark on Leola School not maant as insdt. Qirrton says 09/23/86 A03 3<br />

Jackson T Steghens huddles with hrrdl Glasack at Buster's 09/23/86 A03 4<br />

Warren Stemens hdd fmd-raiser for Rank White 09/23/86 A03 6<br />

Marvin L Qment. Betty Whileqlalify as write-in mndihtes 09/23/86 A08 5<br />

Guv airiton asks USDFl S q to &dare 8 difisasker <strong>mm</strong>ties 09/23/86 C03 1<br />

Gcw Qinton invites Pres Reagm to Gws Qn•’ at LR 09/26/86 AlO 3<br />

Retrating f rcm the school stanhrds (ed on Leala examae) 09/2$/86 A14 1<br />

Cone@ cd state' s not f m&ng abrtim has Clinton sqpr t 0 9/25/86 A03 1<br />

Another romdof &ate hdqt cutsnot likely, Clinton says 09/25/86 A03 5<br />

Bal Clir&on answers question of Lasater lcan to R Qinton 09/26/86 A05 1<br />

Timing of CLintm annomament uf HUD grants aitidzed 09/26/86 A20 4<br />

Darrdl Glasaxk. Bill Q inton speak at JacksomKlle 09/27/86 A11 4<br />

Mitorids -erk on camprig 09/28/86 C04 1<br />

Pine BluM Q<strong>mm</strong>ercid ed on eacation in Lda 09/28/86 C04 4<br />

Stwe Qark disputes Frank White ac<strong>mm</strong>t on creation scj, bill 09/28/86 CW 1<br />

Fditoridl lists Frank White psition rwersals on iss~les 09/29/06 A08 1<br />

Gw flinton names 10 appintees 09/30/86 AlO 5<br />

Clinton says Rank White ges lwhacbl in politid camgaicps 10/03/86 Al4 4<br />

&kansasE&cationAsmen&rsesnei~~1: mndichtefor gov 10/05/86C06 4<br />

Cb<strong>mm</strong>ercials ly White and Clinton Acw truth mn midlead 1VOY86 C06 5<br />

United Steelwor ker s Union &nates $2,000 to Q koa! campig 10/06/86 A0 9 1<br />

J&n Brunmett explores rsasons for AEA action in gov race 10/07/86 A03 4<br />

Mlq Ebll &cws Clinton leading White ly 57 to 33 10/07/86 A03 6<br />

Alahma candiate talks to Gw Qhton abut eaoncmic &Mop 10/07/86 A05 5<br />

W e d Lasater and Co not r & ated to politics cEf icer says 10107/86 AQ7 I<br />

Bill Qinton says he is 'turned off' ky campi9 10/U7/86 BOI 4<br />

Q inton discusses state bond sales mdier his and White adns 10/ 07/86 B01 4<br />

Three Mlls on insurance to be afferd Icy Gw Bill Qirhon 10/(n/86 C02 6<br />

Bill Clinton initiated negativim in c-;am~;aigi. Glasmck says 10/08/86 A03 1<br />

'Ihree rm nwnbers named to Soznic Rivers Q;rrmn ky Clinkon 10/09/86 A07 4<br />

Prank White candidaq is pwer grab by Stemens. Qitrton says lO/O9/86 E02 4<br />

FWer grab statmtrt ky CLixlton alled akurd ky D Glasmck 10/09/86 E02 4<br />

Clinton sees bid ky Steghens. Inc to by office throu* White 10/10/86 A01 2<br />

Frank White calls Clinton statme on Ste&ens ' mokesaeen' 10/10/86 A01 2<br />

Cl inkon &g abut White. Stephns f inn pcm@s queskions 10/10/€!6 A03 4<br />

Fr&Wfitemntinuestojabwith mnflie-aE-iriterest dig 10/11/86A01 2<br />

SLugEest WH in mqaign. Bill Clinton dedxes 10/11/86 A01 2

Bill Clinton, Wank White an== questions on Grand G a f 10/11/86 A17 2<br />

Artide. charts on bond hsimss mdsr Rank White. B Clinton 10/12/86 A01 2<br />

Gw Qintonfavorspobe aE Cbrphandlingof floodwaters 10/1Y86 A01 2<br />

GavQi~ontouasflood-strickenareaalong<strong>Arkansas</strong>Riven 10/12/86A01 2<br />

Jchn Brucanekt article on ties between F White and Stepehns 10/1v86 A03 4<br />

Golr Clinton tdls rmal &cators armp&i.tive schods needed 10/13/&6 A08 5<br />

Southwest Times Reaord at Ebrt Smith endbrses Rank White 10/13/86 A08 5<br />

m11s. rnt mlunn, &inyi&es White claim of heavy supprt 1Q/14J86 A03 I<br />

The bonds that tie politicians (ed) 10/14/86 AlO 1<br />

Wtt Trotter quxtions Rank Wkite' s Grand Gulf stand 10/1/86 A12 1<br />

Cver $17.000 donated to Rank White ky Ste*ens interests 10/14/86 EOl 4<br />

Reparts haw Qintm lea& White in campi CJI &nations 10/14/86 E01 4<br />

List aE currtrihltars to Bill Clinton and Rank White 1v14/86 C08 1<br />

Frank White gets &nation f rcm Teamsters Union plitical fmd 10/15/86 A03 6<br />

Teamsters Unim pesident is mder federa indictment 10/15J86 A03 6<br />

White had hiked at Qinton tie to prsm mlier investigation 10/15/% A03 6<br />

David Martin p11 &ws Clinton with huge lead over White 10/15/86 BD1 3<br />

Frank White alleges Lhvid Elartin is on AE%L ~ayroll 10/15/86 B01 3<br />

Candiates Clinton and White spak to a&o dealers group 10/15686 ED1 4<br />

Bet- Wrist reveals pd. bid traits of Bill Qinton 10/16/86 A0 5 4<br />

Gov Qiroton addresses Ark Assn of Gerreral Cbntractors 10/16/86 E08 4<br />

Bill Clinton a& anwer Etank White claims 10/17/86 A03 4<br />

RoUans in film in&s to be axreed, Gov Bill Qinton says - 10/17/86 A13 1<br />

Frank White seeks free time to reply to PAW co<strong>mm</strong>entary<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Nurses Asm enibrses re&ection of Bill Clinton<br />

Jahn Brmett dismsses Rank White rquest for free TV time<br />

Gay White says her huskand regrets calling teachers greeify<br />

Rssjng the muck (editorids on negative camplig.ling)<br />

EWation pqan defendzd Gov Bill Qintm<br />

Frank White aitical a€ mailing of Clinton speech to qvs<br />

Mrs Clinton offers to dtisdose bond earnin* if White will<br />

Q inton strength plrtly resat of White weakness<br />

Bill Clinton cnntintles to stress im~wing @&cation<br />

Frank White omgai~s in Hack nei*brhoodrr in East Ark<br />

Gw Clinton talks on j oh and emncerry in SW Ark tour<br />

Michael IBvidson is write-in candickte for gov<br />

Rae for gv a dirary hoon for residents of Etst Ark<br />

Attorney for Etank White urges FCC to perslize RAW<br />

Qmfletion of Grand Gulf Unit 2 favored ky lbarild P H&l<br />

US Interior Secy ~~d P Hodel mpiqs for mank White<br />

Bill Clinton. Frank White discuss indictment c2 Din Lasater<br />

Frank White r minds Fess hn Lasater is CLinkm's friend<br />

Gw CL %on not involved in Lasater case. US Atly says<br />

10/1@86 A08 5<br />

10/18/86 B02 3<br />

10/19/86 A03 4<br />

10/19/% AL5 4<br />

10/19/86 C04 2<br />

10/20/86 A07 3<br />

10/20/86 A07 3<br />

10/20/86 A07 4<br />

10/21/86 A03 4<br />

10/21/86 A07 5<br />

10/2Y86 A03 4<br />

10/22/&6 A04 1<br />

10/23/86 A02 3<br />

10/23/86 A03 4<br />

10/24/86 A05 5<br />

10/24/86 A13 1<br />

10/24!86 A13 1<br />

10/2v86 A01 4<br />

10/25/86 A01 4<br />

10/25/% A06 2<br />

10626/86 A01 3<br />

10/26/86 A01 3<br />

10/26/86 A03 3<br />

10/26/86 All 4<br />

10/26/86 E01 2<br />

Review aE Bill Qinto~~Frank White campig<br />

Write-in mn&chtes have gemrated litae plhlicity<br />

White r cays ompicp harvest wit3-i indidme& af mn Lasater<br />

Bill Clinton says e&c, lcw jouess rates aonnected<br />

Frank White mntin~s<br />

talk of Bjll QirrtmDan Lasater link<br />

Bill CL intm co<strong>mm</strong>ents on Don Hode3. support of Frank White la/%& E05 1<br />

Frank White spala at political rdly an 'traditional values' 10/26/86 E06 6<br />

Bill Clinton dedicates inas prks at Trunann. C$l im Rock 10/28/86 A03 3<br />

J&n Brunmett discusses possible dfects of Lasater case 10/28/86 A03 4<br />

J&n Hudgens mys Q inton material in State ml ie auto 10/28/86 A03 4<br />

Transprtation Q<strong>mm</strong> autos had Clinton siqs at rally 10/28/86 A03 4

(XI drug and hagoqery (ed on Rank White and Lasater case) 10/28/86 A10 1<br />

Bill Clinton reiterates he is no e<strong>mm</strong>y af mall rurd schoals 10/29/86 A07 1<br />

Clinton wrges groups wmk with him for &cation fmding 10/29/86 A07 1<br />

Hillary CLinton, Rank White &are stage at raL1.y 10/29/86 B01 1<br />

TransprtationOsmsuspends2 cffiersafter siqirquiry - - 10/29/86 E01 5<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette edr&s Bill Qintcm 10/29/86 C02 1<br />

Lasater drug case is issue in -pip. Rank White ays 10/30/86 A01 3<br />

RansprtationQmrmcpt mpessmefrangovernortsoffioe<br />

10/30J86A03 I<br />

rank-white aedgesal state c~r&ru&iokfm& to schoals 10/30/86 A03 3<br />

Frank White pledqes to u#-ioI.d sd-ioal stanhrds 10/30/86 A03 3<br />

Frank White pzcmises to f ire FCSrE 13irector Ehyllis Garnett 10/30/86 A17 1<br />

Irked sw af Leola Scfiool nist resiqs •’ran pnel lo/3Q/86 B01 5<br />

Gclv Qinton not sure popsed am& on abortion fmding needed 10/31/86 A14 1<br />

Recent antrikutions to Bill Qfnton, bank White listed 10/3l/86 A23 1<br />

Rwiw d Bill CLintowFrank White campfg.1 for off ice ll/OU86 A01 2<br />

Dan Lasater gave $90 to Frank White1 s 1980 cam~aig-i 1l/02/86 A03 4<br />

DanLaster reeivesfcnmlr seekingfunds for RankWhite 11/02/86 A03 4<br />

S~ingdal e News &sasses axaim issue in c~amyxtig.1 11/02/86 C04 1<br />

Election returns shw Gw Bill Qinton won resection 11/05/86 A01 6<br />

Jchn Bruamett cxr<strong>mm</strong>ents on power Qhtm gins with IEW term 1L/05/86 A03 4<br />

Bill Clinton camp el ebrates victory 11/0!j/86 A12 1<br />

Frank White aonc~dIes Qinton election. fledges swrt ll/OV86 AJ.2 1<br />

Bill Clinton takes questions after cmflaints f ran reprters 13/06/86 A01 2<br />

Reporters irked & @an for 'photo orilyl sessionwith Clinton 11/06/86 A03 1<br />

DaartAl Glasaxk co<strong>mm</strong>ents on mpiq 11/06/86 A03 3<br />

Election returns. by county 11/06/86 A0 9 3<br />

Map shws amties carried ly Qinton in 1982, 1986 11J06/86 A12 2<br />

A manibte and time far Clinkon (ed) 11/06/86 A16 1<br />

Gclv Clinton makes p&ction for State revenws 1l/O7/86 A01 2<br />

Cl Won mwt spmd his rnanhte. &nest Dmas writes ll/O9/86 COl 1<br />

O@.nions vary on effect at 4-yr term onGwernorts irfluene 11/09/% C07 1<br />

Sane Rank White supprters f adt Ihrrdl Glasaxk role 11/09/86 C07 2<br />

Gm Cl Man not sure general -1 es tax needed 11/1l/86 A06 1<br />

Possikile pesiikrkial race ky Qirkon in 1988 ascussed 11/1$/86 A03 1<br />

Joan Roberts r edgs as p ess secy to enter pivate sector 11/15/86 E0 2 4<br />

Stasan Whitaker ram& press aide to Gw Bill Clinton ll/l!j/86 E02 4<br />

Arrogance - briefly (ed on pot0 oriLyl meeting w i pess) ~<br />

Harri~on pper merits on Qinton f ailme to carry Borne Q<br />

Gou Qinton ha& Southern Grcwth Eblides Bcard<br />

Gw Qinton cautious on use aE Rison Overcrwding Act<br />

Gov Bill Qinton favars use af troo~ to hat &ug flw<br />

Bill Clinton visits schoal. teaches two dasses<br />

Clinton hopes to imaanent plrt a€ rqt on Ebture a€ South<br />

hrly retirenent @.an for state anflcyees discussed<br />

Gw QbLon addresses directors of National League of Cities<br />

Gixr Clinton addresses National Qucus of Black O•’f idals<br />

B Clirkon ranks 4th anong US govs for fade cabinet manbers<br />

Frank White me&s on losing rae for gov's office<br />

Another round of state hdget arts foreseen ky Gcw ahton<br />

Clinton pcmises mack on ever major state pnel ly 1990<br />

Gov Clinton leads delegation to Taiwan<br />

Bill Clinton returns •’ran Taiwan, calls tripvery god<br />

Clinkon wants reduced pymerrt to Teacher Retimat Systan<br />

Bfi1 Clinton ends campig wing $19.3 02

Rank White ends angagin with $319 balm- 12/09/86 A05 1<br />

Gov Bill Clinton heads to Flcri& for meeting 12/09/86 All 4<br />

Arkwar onilliteracy needsrnareallies, Bill Qintonsays 12/10/86A07 4<br />

Lisk OE cbnars to Bill CLintm crampig 12/10/86 All 1<br />

Clinton @edges mopration in financing sci~od adex 12/10/86 A14 1<br />

Campi9 aorkrikution reprt CIE FI-ank White 12/10/86 Al.8 4<br />

Clinton favors ptterning inme tax code after US tax code lVll,/86 A01 2<br />

Gair Bill Qirrton axmnents on several issues 12/11/86 A01 2<br />

Guv Clinton responds to Justie Dept on Cunmins p5son pobe 12/11/86 A03 1<br />

h r Clinton @tans to offer mpz&emive wdfare r &m hill 12/1$/% A03 1<br />

ArkSequioent&alwas&iningsucaess. Gclv Qinton~ys 12/14/86A20 1<br />

hothen: state hdget cut virtually mrtain, Qinton says 12/16/86 A01 2<br />

Clinton popes pring tax exemsions to meet rwenue needs 12/16/86 A01 2<br />

Clinton meets with J&n Li@on on varied sales tax rate 12/17/86 B01 5<br />

Gov Q *on attending meetings, ess cnnE in WaAington 12/18/86 A05 4<br />

&ern of we& Gw Qinton made in Taiwan 12/18/86 A23 1<br />

More miversily funding to ke reumnnended ky Guv airrton 12/18/86 ED1 4<br />

Clintontiespy raise for statem@Lqzeestotaxincr~ses 12/19/86Al.5 1<br />

Bill Qinton hears flea for moremoney for polatLon officers 12/20/86 A01 2<br />

Pledges no shoal to dose early because d 131dg~t &S 1V20/86 A07 1<br />

Mike Cauldin med press aid to Gw Bill Qinton 12/23/86 A08 4<br />

Rike muldin to need sense of hunor. J&n Brmett writes 12/24/86 A03 1<br />

Beth G Qdmn apFtd judge aE state appeals ct ly Gav Clifiton 12/24/86 A08 2<br />

Eill Qinton can make his @lam in history. Jaws says 12/24/86 A13 5<br />

Clinton demes 5-day Christmas beak for state enaqees 12/25/86 A03 4<br />

Election results certified in race bj six candichtes lzJ27/86 IU3 1<br />

WERNrnf ASSrnATrnN. NATmW-I<br />

New pvermrs king trained at LitUe Rock meeting 13/21/86 A26 1<br />

Gcrirernors jest with pess at LitEle Rock 13/22/86 A03 1<br />


see al so White River Tedmologies<br />

GRPHrn BCE<br />

Ib& plrty, fmdraiser given for Grahan at Little Rock 06/13/86 A03 4<br />

GRPN. ED<br />

see a1 so Autunobiles and AutmoMle Ihrivers<br />

see also Vigilantes and Radicalim<br />

G M D GULF mER EiWT<br />

see Electric Power<br />

see Gwemor<br />


see Water<br />

G~~<br />

IN AID<br />

see alao Ckwford Coulty<br />

see al sa nl iteraq<br />

GFWB<br />

see Ekuit andvegetables<br />

GRIWEIT', m Q L<br />

see also Maski Cbmty<br />


Retiring Arkaneas Cbll tea&= has sans for •’&me 09/1Y86 BD1 4<br />

GRAY.<br />

see also MurCkrs - Nomood. m a n Ibuglas<br />


Finn ~oteSts Arkla Md to dismntinw gas serviue to aants 10/16/86 C08 I

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