INNOVATORS Gold Award - New Orleans City Business

INNOVATORS Gold Award - New Orleans City Business

INNOVATORS Gold Award - New Orleans City Business

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Members of East Jefferson General Hospital’s TDI team include, from left, Raquel Joubert, Lindy Sells, Royceann Fugler, Stacy Collins and Melissa Mayer.<br />

TDI Team<br />

East Jefferson General Hospital<br />

Key innovation: establishing the Teaming for<br />

Documentation Integrity Program to ensure thorough<br />

and accurate documentation<br />

Where they’re based: Metairie<br />

Top executive: Stacy Collins, director of health information<br />

management<br />

Year introduced: November 2007<br />

AN IMPORTANT BUT overlooked aspect of running a<br />

hospital is appropriate documentation of a patient’s treatment.<br />

This benefits not just the patient, but also the hospital<br />

because flawed documentation means revenue lost.<br />

To improve the accuracy of documentation, East<br />

Jefferson has created the Teaming for Documentation<br />

Integrity, or TDI Team.<br />

In the past, a patient would receive care for whatever he<br />

or she needed right away, but documentation would be completed<br />

much later. With TDI, the documentation takes place<br />

immediately.<br />

“Instead of waiting to do it on the back end, we’re<br />

doing a concurrent review,” said Royceanne Fugler, a registered<br />

nurse and clinical documentation specialist.<br />

Documentation used to be done by coders, people<br />

without the medical expertise of nurses. All of the TDI<br />

members — Fugler, Lindy Sells and Melissa Mayer — are<br />

RNs and clinical documentation specialists.<br />

“The nurses can make clinical judgments, whereas<br />

coders could not. … Nurses can make clinical decisions<br />

on what to ask the physician,” said Stacy Collins, director<br />

of health information management at East Jefferson.<br />

“If we see oversights in the medical records, we can point<br />

those out. We’re an objective eye,” Mayer said.<br />

Why is this so important To be reimbursed for<br />

Medicare costs, the hospital must list every aspect of<br />

diagnosis and treatment. In the past, if a patient was<br />

treated for an injury as the primary ailment, but simultaneously<br />

for an infection as a secondary ailment, the<br />

injury would be listed but not the infection. As a result,<br />

the hospital would be reimbursed only for treating the<br />

injury.<br />

Even though the program has been in place for less<br />

than a year, East Jefferson has increased reimbursement<br />

for its Medicare population by $1.1 million since<br />

December. The more accurate documentation also helps<br />

physicians from being audited.<br />

If the documentation is wrong and a doctor said he<br />

treated two things but the hospital was only reimbursed<br />

for one, then that doctor is susceptible to an<br />

audit. The TDI Team aims to eliminate that hassle for<br />

doctors.<br />

While the hospital said the program has already been<br />

successful, East Jefferson plans to add more nurses to the<br />

program and roll it out to other insurance companies that<br />

pay by Diagnostic Related Group.•<br />

— Fritz Esker<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Orleans</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>Business</strong> 41A

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