GOOD GOVERNANCE CODE According to the Statutes, articuloArticle 31.2, “The Board of Directors should consist of a minimum of five and a maximum of twenty members chosen by the General Shareholders’ Meeting”. On 31st. December, 2000, the Board of Directors comprised 11 members. 5 The Chairman of the Board of Directors “That, should the Board opt to combine the roles of Chairman and chief Executive in one person, the Board should adopt all necessary cautionary measures to reduce the risks of concentration of power in one person”. This recommendation has been carried out given that the Chairman of the Board of Directors does not have and faculties delegated by the Board of Directors. At the same time a number of additional measures are in place to ensure compliance: appointment of two Vice Chairmen and a Chief Executive Officer, creation of two delegate commissions, etc. 6 The Secretary of the Board of Directors “That the figure of Secretary of the Board be given far greater relevance, reinforcing their independence and stability and highlighting their function to ensure the formal and material legality of the actions of the Board”. Article 33 of the Statutes, as well as the Regulations of the Board of Directors, in its Article 12, highlight the figure of the Secretary of the of the Board of Directors placing amongst his functions to support the Chairman in his labours and to provide directors with the advice and information they require as well as conserving all documentation and maintaining minutes on the development of the sessions and agreements reached. Directors are also formally committed to appointing a person that is capable of performing the role appropriately as Secretary. The current Secretary of the Board of Directors is an Independent Director. 7 The Executive Commission “That the Executive Commission, wherever such exists, should reflect the same balance as the Board between different types of Directors and S OL M ELIÁ A NNUAL R EPORT 2000 58

GOOD GOVERNANCE CODE that the relations between both bodies is based on principals of transparency, in such a way that the Board is fully aware of the matters dealt with and decisions made by the Commission”. Article 39 of the Statutes foresees the possibility of the constitution of such a commission, although it has not been deemed necessary to date given that a full meeting of the Board has always been required. 8 Delegate Control Commissions “That the Board of Directors creates within its ranks delegate control commissions, made up exclusively of external Directors, to monitor accounts information and control (Audits); selection of Directors and senior management; remuneration policies and reviews; and the evaluation of governance”. On 23rd. February, 1999, the Board of Directors agreed to create, in line with Article 14 of the Regulations of the Board, the following delegate commissions: 1. Auditing and Compliance Commission, which includes amongst its functions the proposal of Auditors, the review of annual accounts and of compliance with legal requirements, correct application of accountancy principles and the provision of financial information adapted to those principles, as well as examining compliance with the internal regulations governing compliance with Stock Markets, the Regulations of the Board of Directors and the governance rules of the company. 2. Appointments and Remuneration Commission, which includes amongst its basic functions the formulation and revision of the criteria that must be followed to form the Board of Directors and the selection of candidates, the proposal to the Board of appointments of Directors and of members that should form part of Commissions, the periodic review of remuneration policies, the supervision of the transparency of remuneration and information on transactions that may imply conflicts of interests and, in general, for the items included in Chapter VIBII of the Regulations of the Board of Directors regarding the Duties of Directors. S OL M ELIÁ A NNUAL R EPORT 2000 59


According to the Statutes, articuloArticle 31.2, “The Board of Directors<br />

should consist of a minimum of five and a maximum of twenty members<br />

chosen by the General Shareholders’ Meeting”.<br />

On 31st. December, 2<strong>00</strong>0, the Board of Directors comprised 11 members.<br />

5 The Chairman of the Board of Directors<br />

“That, should the Board opt to combine the roles of Chairman and<br />

chief Executive in one person, the Board should adopt all necessary<br />

cautionary measures to reduce the risks of concentration of power in<br />

one person”.<br />

This recommendation has been carried out given that the Chairman of<br />

the Board of Directors does not have and faculties delegated by the Board<br />

of Directors. At the same time a number of additional measures are in<br />

place to ensure compliance: appointment of two Vice Chairmen and a<br />

Chief Executive Officer, creation of two delegate commissions, etc.<br />

6 The Secretary of the Board of Directors<br />

“That the figure of Secretary of the Board be given far greater relevance,<br />

reinforcing their independence and stability and highlighting their<br />

function to ensure the formal and material legality of the actions of the<br />

Board”.<br />

Article 33 of the Statutes, as well as the Regulations of the Board of<br />

Directors, in its Article 12, highlight the figure of the Secretary of the<br />

of the Board of Directors placing amongst his functions to support the<br />

Chairman in his labours and to provide directors with the advice and<br />

information they require as well as conserving all documentation and<br />

maintaining minutes on the development of the sessions and agreements<br />

reached. Directors are also formally committed to appointing a person<br />

that is capable of performing the role appropriately as Secretary.<br />

The current Secretary of the Board of Directors is an Independent Director.<br />

7 The Executive Commission<br />

“That the Executive Commission, wherever such exists, should reflect<br />

the same balance as the Board between different types of Directors and<br />

S OL<br />

M ELIÁ<br />

A NNUAL R EPORT 2<strong>00</strong>0<br />


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