Planning Applications - Runnymede Borough Council

Planning Applications - Runnymede Borough Council Planning Applications - Runnymede Borough Council
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5.5 In respect of concerns raised by the occupiers of Flaxman House, it is considered that their comments relating to potential damage to their property during demolition and construction is not a planning issue. If any problems occur during the proposed works, this will be a civil issue between both properties. Whilst the points raised by The Chertsey Society are well made, this Authority could not reasonably refuse permission on those grounds for an office development given the existing use of the site. In addition the site does not fall within an Area of High Archaeological Importance and therefore the Authority cannot insist upon the imposition of an archaeological watching brief. 5.6 Whilst the external design of the building is not being considered at this outline stage, the applicant has provided street scene elevations to give an impression of the potential scale of the building proposed, and the bicycle/refuse store. This street scene elevation suggests that a building of the floor area proposed would be in character with existing commercial properties along Gogmore Lane, in terms of its height and scale. The street scene elevations suggest that the height of the building would be increased by some 0.6 metres. 5.7 Following an on site level survey, the applicant has demonstrated that existing levels beneath the proposed building are above the 1 in 100 flood plain level of the River Thames. Therefore there is no requirement for underfloor voids beneath the building. 5.8 The County Highway Authority raise no objection to the closure of one of the existing accesses, and believe the level of parking provision to be in line with their standards. Whilst the proposed redevelopment will result in an increase in staff numbers from that existing, it is considered that a refusal could not be sustained as it fully complies with adopted parking standards. 5.9 Consideration has been given to the requirements of Article 8 and Article 1 of the First Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights. It is not considered that the granting of permission would result in a violation of any objectors' rights under the Convention. Officers’ Recommendation Subject to receipt and consideration of the views of the Environment Agency, THE DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES BE AUTHORISED TO GRANT permission following consultation where appropriate with the Chairman or in his absence the Vice-Chairman of the Committee, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the details of the design, external appearance of the buildings and hard and soft landscaping of the site (hereinafter called “the reserved matters”) shall be obtained from the planning authority in writing before any development is commenced, and shall be carried out as approved. Reason: To comply with article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995.

2. Duration (Outline) (C2) - "(a) and (b)" 3. The detailed drawings to be submitted for the approval of the Planning Authority shall include a comprehensive scheme depicting the hard and soft landscaping of the site, at a scale not less than 1:200. The soft landscaping shall provide for the planting of trees and shrubs within the site, with particular attention along the rear boundary of the site adjacent to residential properties along Riversdell Close. All landscaping, when approved, shall be carried out in full accordance with the approved plans. All soft landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the building, or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, or such longer as may be agreed by the local planning authority in writing. All planting shall be maintained for a period of five years, such maintenance to include the replacement of any trees and shrubs that die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased, with others of similar size and species, unless the planning authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: To ensure the provision and maintenance of trees, shrubs, grassed and turfed areas in the interests of the visual and residential amenities of the area. 4. Details of Fencing/Walls (C23) - “details of all fencing, screen walls and gates shall be submitted” (R23) “In the interest of visual and residential amenity”. 5. External Materials (Submission of Details/Samples) (C29) - "details and samples" 6. The development shall not be occupied until the modified northerlymost vehicular access to Gogmore Lane has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans, all to be permanently maintained to a specification to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Reason: Condition 6 above is required in order that the development should not prejudice highway safety, the free flow of traffic nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and to comply with Surrey Structure Plan Policies MT2 and MT3 and Runnymede Borough Local Plan Policies MV4 and MV9.

2. Duration (Outline) (C2) - "(a) and (b)"<br />

3. The detailed drawings to be submitted for the approval of the<br />

<strong>Planning</strong> Authority shall include a comprehensive scheme depicting<br />

the hard and soft landscaping of the site, at a scale not less than<br />

1:200. The soft landscaping shall provide for the planting of trees<br />

and shrubs within the site, with particular attention along the rear<br />

boundary of the site adjacent to residential properties along<br />

Riversdell Close. All landscaping, when approved, shall be carried<br />

out in full accordance with the approved plans. All soft landscaping<br />

shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following<br />

the occupation of the building, or the completion of the development,<br />

whichever is the sooner, or such longer as may be agreed by the<br />

local planning authority in writing. All planting shall be maintained for<br />

a period of five years, such maintenance to include the replacement<br />

of any trees and shrubs that die, are removed, or become seriously<br />

damaged or diseased, with others of similar size and species, unless<br />

the planning authority gives written consent to any variation.<br />

Reason:<br />

To ensure the provision and maintenance of trees,<br />

shrubs, grassed and turfed areas in the interests of the<br />

visual and residential amenities of the area.<br />

4. Details of Fencing/Walls (C23) - “details of all fencing, screen walls<br />

and gates shall be submitted” (R23) “In the interest of visual<br />

and residential amenity”.<br />

5. External Materials (Submission of Details/Samples) (C29) - "details<br />

and samples"<br />

6. The development shall not be occupied until the modified northerlymost<br />

vehicular access to Gogmore Lane has been constructed in<br />

accordance with the approved plans, all to be permanently<br />

maintained to a specification to be agreed in writing with the Local<br />

<strong>Planning</strong> Authority.<br />

Reason:<br />

Condition 6 above is required in order that the<br />

development should not prejudice highway safety, the<br />

free flow of traffic nor cause inconvenience to other<br />

highway users and to comply with Surrey Structure Plan<br />

Policies MT2 and MT3 and <strong>Runnymede</strong> <strong>Borough</strong> Local<br />

Plan Policies MV4 and MV9.

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