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- itADRlD Tour - Toledo<br />


Jl) t Boarlrst, Lunch, Dinnet l<br />

,18 - catalunya square<br />

-llt t *:ats on Boatd ) I Dinnet )<br />

r Flying with Emirales to the Capital of Caialon ia -<br />

Barcelona Spain's second largest city and principal<br />

porl, beauliful, 0ch and <strong>com</strong>mercial The Gothic quaier,<br />

so named on account ol the number olbuildings vJithin<br />

it, constructed between lhe 13th and 1slh century,<br />

makes an exciting slart lo your stay<br />

*Arrive Barc€lona, check in hoteland le-flesh.<br />

rTmnsfer oul to Cata unya Square, is lhe largest square<br />

in central Barcelona and the place where the old city<br />

Frce time for individual shopping befole dinnel<br />

BARGELOI{A lour - Guell Park<br />

a-<br />

/d1 I<br />

rDrive along the broad leafy avenues and visit the<br />

Ramblas,lie most famous slrcel in Barcslona.<br />

rWe also see Gaudi's exkaordinary Sagrcda r-amilia<br />

Church, aboutwhich opinions are so stlongly divided<br />

. Guell Part, distincrive & unque design ofthe imposing<br />

Columns, waving corndorand lhe ma etplace<br />

*Take the funicular up to the mountains Montserrat, is a<br />

mountain top monastery in Catalonia. Modestly cradled<br />

into the side of a steep mounlain lies one ofthe nosl<br />

Yenerated shrines in Spain<br />

*Visit theAbbey olSanla Maria Monlseml, the black<br />

statue of Mary (one of the semi-myslerious one ofthe<br />

black Madonnas, where Mary wilh da* oI black skin)<br />

was brougil to Spain and hidden in the Sanla Cova<br />

cave from the Moors, the image ofour Lady ol<br />

Montserratwas rediscovered in lhe caye in 880.<br />

The abbey is a very populartourisi attraction, wilh 2.5<br />

millionvisilors annually<br />


J, ( Brcekf.sL Lunch, Dinnet )<br />

r Past orchads of oranges and almonds (seasonal)lo<br />

Peniscola before afiive Valencia, lhe archetypalcity,<br />

lertile, full ol light and vitality.<br />

rThe city of Valencia - v/as founded in 138 B.C and<br />

dominated by the Roman during theAuguslus Empire.<br />

- Visil to Seranos Towers, built in the<br />

century now housing the Marilime Museum.<br />

- Cenlral Markel, built in lhe modernist.<br />

VALEI{GlA - Cuenca<br />

- ltlADRlD ( Brea*tzst, Lunch, Dinnet )<br />

rBecause of its well-prcserved ancienl city of Cuenca,<br />

the medievalcily and a grcal solid verlicallayout, was<br />

selected as the wo d's cullural helitage Both sides of<br />

the river around the city, the fomation olerosion in lhe<br />

river valley, and magically lhe city to building on slopes<br />

Cuen.a Street arca is considered to be the most<br />

magnifrcent ancient city of Spain.<br />

ronwards to the capital of Spain- Mad d<br />

*Madrid cily tourvisit lhe Pueda De sol, Plaza Espana,<br />

Cibeless Fountain, Eleganl Calle Alcala and Paseo De<br />

Castellana.<br />

rVisit RealMadrid Santiago Bemabeu Stadium.<br />

*The Royal Palace one of the top attractions in Mad d.<br />

It is the official residence for the Royal family, it known<br />

in Spanish as the Palacio realwas built during the 18lh<br />

and 1gth centuries, it replaced lhe fomer medieval<br />

Alcezar, The present day was decoraled to lhe tastes of<br />

Cha es lll 8 is exlremely lavish inside.<br />

(Close il zny evenl, shell ftplacs .lLtr.live sighl).<br />

oul againsl the blue castilian sky is lhe<br />

"Standing<br />

manielous cily -Toledo bathe in its rich hislory building<br />

and ad. City lour visit the Gothic Catheral, the Chulch<br />

ol SantoTome wilh lhe famous painting of El Gleco<br />

"The Bu aloflhe Counl of orgaz'and Toledo Steel<br />

Workshop<br />


- GRANADA. Albaicin<br />

( Bteallasl, Lunch, Dinne7 )<br />

*0n board AVE Renfe high speed train to cordoba - An<br />

lberian and Romafl caty in ancienl times, in lhe Middle<br />

Ages il was capital otan lslamic calipiate was one of<br />

the largest cities in lhe wo d. lt is claimed by some thal<br />

the name Cordava continues to represent a symbol of<br />

lslamic conquest to many laithfulMuslims around the<br />

world.<br />

rThe Great Mosque otCodoba, nott known as the<br />

Cathedralde Nuestm Senora de laAuncion. llwas a<br />

mosque built by lhe t mayyad in theAn dalusian city of<br />

Cordoba, Spain The mosl ac<strong>com</strong>pished monumenlof<br />

Umayyad dynasty of Cordoba.<br />

rAfler lhe Spanish Reconquista, il was rebuill as Roman<br />

Catholic church wilh a Gothic cathedral inserted inlo the<br />

centre ollhe large Moorish building.<br />

rThe cily of Granada is placed al the loot of the Sierra<br />

Nevada mountains, al the confluence ol three rivers<br />

rThe Albaicin, which is the old Arabic qua erof<br />

Granada, for many cpnturies it has been populated by<br />

the gypsy <strong>com</strong>munity, lhe mi ure ofAlabic influences<br />

<strong>com</strong>bined wilh many centuries of gypsy influence<br />

evenlually created flamenco The interiot of the<br />

flamenco caves are nomally adomed wilh copperware<br />

and photos of prcvious momenls ofglory.<br />

F7z GRAI{ADA - AlAGAfionemolinos)<br />

A I &,eaflast, Lunch, Dinnet )<br />

iThe A hambra, a Moorish citadeland palace, is in<br />

Granada lt is one of the most famous items olthe<br />

lslamic h storicallegacy lhat makes Granada a hol spol<br />

among cullural and lurst cities in Spain<br />

The Almohad u an sm with some llne eramples ol<br />

Moorish and Mo sco constructions is preserved ai lhe<br />

and lhe speclacular view of Medilerranean Sea<br />

.* +t\<br />


- Flamenco Show<br />

( Brcakl.sl, Lunch, oinnet )<br />

rRonda is one ofAndalucia's loveliest towns, steeped in<br />

history lt stands on a towering plaleau in lhe mountains<br />

of Malaga Province, and is famous through Spain fol the<br />

plunging ver gorge which divides the medievalfrom the<br />

18th century parts olthe town.<br />

*Seville,lhis capilal of the Andalusia province is one ol<br />

lhe leading centre of Spainish arl, lileralure and<br />

educalion Moorish influence is plominent in the city's<br />

network of small, shaded streets and in lhe<br />

whitewashed, balconied houses built around handsome<br />

coud yards and lounlains.<br />

rTonight enjoy the Flamenco Show.<br />


I gt..Xfasl, Luch, Dinnet )<br />

rSeville Calhedral was buill on lhe same large,<br />

reclangular base-plan ol the mosque ilreplaced, is the<br />

third largest in Eurcpe after St. Paul's Cathedralin<br />

London and St. Peler's Basilica in Rome.<br />

* Two parts o[ the mosque were thankfully preserved in<br />

the cathedral : the Moorish entrance coud and the<br />

Gimlda, originally a minarel, conveded into a bell totrer.<br />

rThe tomb of Chdstopher Columbus was originally buried<br />

in lhe cathedrallof Havana, on the island he had<br />

discovered on his firslvoyage in 1492<br />

*PaIque de Marla Luisa was buillforthe 1929 World's<br />

Fair held in Seville, the Erposic on lbero-Americana,<br />

and remains landscaped wilh atlractive monuments and<br />

museums.<br />

rThe capitalafld largeslcity ofPorlugal, with a<br />

populalion of 5f,4,477, is lhe 12th most populous urban<br />

area in the European Union.<br />

rlisbon is rccognised as an Alpha World city because of<br />

ils impodance in finance, <strong>com</strong>merce, media,<br />

entedainment, ads, lnternal onal lrade, education and<br />

lou sm.<br />

- ^"-. LlSB0ll - FATIilA<br />

1x.(J - SlllTRA larertrrst Lunctr, oinner;<br />

* Fetma : Nossa Senhora de Fatima is a litle given to<br />

the Blessed Virgin Mary wilh respect to apparitions of<br />

herlo three shepherd children at Fetima in Porlugalon<br />

the six conseculive monlhs in 1917, siblings Jacinta and<br />

Francisco Marto<br />

rProceed to lhe bealifulhilltown ofSintE is dotted wilh<br />

hisloric houses and surrounding bywooded hills. Photo<br />

slop at Cabo Da Roca on the western edge of Serra de<br />

Sintra.<br />

flfl<br />

LISBOl{ Tour<br />


(grczHzst) ( ,,eels on boad )<br />

*Lisbon - city tour visit Belem lower guarding the<br />

esluary of the Tagus River, Jercnimo's Manaslery, tre<br />

Discoverer's Monument and the old Afama quader,<br />

amaze ofwinding alleylvay & narcw connled slreetts<br />

rBid farewell lo lisbon as we lranfer to aircort for flighl<br />

back to Kuala lumpur.<br />

arrive KUALA LUHPUR<br />

( teats on hoztd )<br />

*turive Kuala Lumpurwith happy memories and lillwe<br />

meet again I<br />

I Bookilg Tenns E conditions Apply<br />

Golden Tourworld Travel

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