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Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

Course Description<br />

Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

Prof. Curtis Bahn<br />

T.A.: Helen Bullard<br />

crb@rpi.edu<br />

bullah@rpi.edu<br />

class website: http://www.arts.rpi.edu/crb/classes/creativity<br />

Lecture Tuesday 12:00 - 1:50 Classroom: West Hall 112<br />

Lab Sections: Weds. 12:00 or 2:00 Lally 02<br />

Office hours by appt.<br />

Where do creativity, innovation, culture and technology collide In this course we<br />

will explore creativity by planning, designing and realizing individual and<br />

collaborative creative projects. We will also study the working process of creative<br />

innovators in a variety of fields to develop an understanding of creativity in a<br />

broader context. Through your projects and class participation - you will define<br />

what is Creativity and IT.<br />

Lecture: Weekly lectures cover basic concepts relating to the creative process, as<br />

well as providing a forum for discussion of issues related to students' individual<br />

creative projects. Examples of a variety of artists and methods will be discussed;<br />

guest lectures will feature case studies of individual creative process. You have to<br />

be there; often the lecture can inform what you do in the workshop.<br />

Lab: The Lab sessions will follow up on lectures, discuss readings, engage in<br />

class exercises, discussions, as well as give individual critiques of ongoing<br />

projects.<br />

Learning Outcomes:<br />

By the end of the course, students will be able to:<br />

- Apply concepts of creativity, the creative process, and case studies of<br />

creative individuals, to their own individual fields of study.<br />

- Conceptualize, research, plan, and schedule the development of a<br />

personal creative project.<br />

- Use different conceptual and technical tools to organize and develop<br />

creative projects.<br />

- Communicate their ideas effectively and creatively using a variety of<br />

media.<br />


Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

Assignments and Requirements<br />

Complete details of these assignments will be provided as they are assigned.<br />

Final Project (40%)<br />

Your class final project, and the process by which you arrive at its development<br />

and presentation, will be the main goal and objective of this class. This should<br />

ideally be something relevant to your course of study that will enhance your<br />

portfolio and give you experience developing your own creative ideas that you<br />

would not otherwise have in your Rensselaer experience.<br />

Since you come from a wide array of backgrounds and have very different<br />

interests and skill sets, the parameters of this project are very open. It will be up<br />

to you to determine your interests and your own creative view of how information<br />

technology could be used to benefit your field, society, or some niche application<br />

that you can envision.<br />

You will be asked to brainstorm many different ways that IT could be used in your<br />

field or related fields that are of interest to you; to write and sketch in your journal<br />

about them and to mind map them. Narrowing in on specific areas, you will<br />

research work that may have already been done with similar approaches or results<br />

to what you are interested in doing. You will narrow in on one approach and<br />

present a project proposal and timeline to the class for comments and feedback.<br />

With the possibility of forging collaborative groups and revising your project<br />

proposals based on class feedback, you will go forward to produce a proof of<br />

concept demonstration and finally present your final project on the last days of<br />

class.<br />

The process you undergo in researching, proposing and developing your project<br />

is as important as the final result. This is not something that you can do in the last<br />

days before the final presentation, but rather a disciplined and sustained<br />

investigation into your view of the creative applications of IT in your field.<br />

There have been comments in the past that this course did not apply to specific<br />

skills or concepts in your field. This project challenges you to imagine how you<br />

can use this time, guidance and the input of your teachers and classmates to create<br />

something that is interesting to you and relevant to your progress and goals.<br />

Mindmapping (2%)<br />

You are required to download and install “Freemind” mind mapping software:<br />

http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Download<br />


Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

Grading<br />

You will be asked to develop at least one mindmap and give at least one class<br />

presentation using this software.<br />

Journals (10%)<br />

You are asked to keep a physical journal which you carry to class and lab each<br />

week. There will be assignments pertaining to this journal, and you will be asked<br />

to hand it in at various times for feedback.<br />

Biography/Case Study (20%)<br />

You will be asked deliver in lecture a multimedia presentation on some figure in<br />

your field or related field of IT that you find to be a creative and innovative<br />

figure. This presentation can relate strongly to your interests and developments<br />

for your project.<br />

Two EMPAC presentations (10%)<br />

http://empac.rpi.edu/<br />

You are required to attend two events at EMPAC, and to write a response of at<br />

least one page for each presentation with a particular eye to the creative use of<br />

information technology.<br />

Attendance, Visitors, Class Exercises, and Participation (20%)<br />

Much of what we do in the class is experiential. Your attendance and<br />

participation is necessary. Every week we will engage in activities during class<br />

that aim at heightening awareness, “waking up” the body/mind, and get those<br />

creative juices flowing. We will have special guests who will talk to us about<br />

their work and offer new ideas and creative exercises. We will have open lab<br />

sessions where you can work individually, or with a collaborative group recieving<br />

feedback from instructors or classmates.<br />

Readings and Media<br />

You will be asked to read articles, view videos, visit and evaluate websites or<br />

other media. These exercises will be related to class discussions and/or journal<br />

entries. There is a list of media on the class website and at the end of this<br />

syllabus.<br />

There will be a great deal of creative freedom in this course. We expect everyone<br />

to be involved in an ambitious, creative, and conscientious way. The main rule is<br />

to communicate about what you are doing and your progress. With<br />

communication, and agreement with your instructors, assignments can be<br />

modified to fit your creative process and needs.<br />


Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

Grading Percentage Breakdown.<br />

40% The final project has many aspects beginning the first day of class. There<br />

is a great deal of freedom, but also the need for ongoing reports and<br />

communication about your process including (weighting approximate):<br />

2 % - brainstorming mindmap<br />

3 % - research into similar work that might have been done<br />

5 % - project proposals and revisions<br />

10 % - proof of concepts demonstration<br />

10% - final project presentation in Lecture<br />

10% - final submitted materials and<br />

5 page evaluation paper outlining project, process and results.<br />

10% For keeping a Journal, not counting specific assignments which may<br />

be in your Journal such as EMPAC responses.<br />

20% Presentation of creative figure biography/case study.<br />

10% Attendance of 2 EMPAC events and 1 page report of experience in<br />

Journal. EMPAC report should focus on role of IT in performance as well<br />

as other observations.<br />

20% For attendance and participation in Lecture and Lab.<br />

All readings and assignments are to be completed by the date given in the<br />

formal assignment handouts. Late assignments will carry a lower grade. Be<br />

prepared to discuss assignments and readings in class. Percentages and<br />

assignments are subject to change, any changes will be discussed in class.<br />

Required Text and Materials<br />

There are no required texts to purchase . You will occasionally be asked to<br />

download readings, software or other materials for discussion and class<br />

assignments. See the end of the syllabus and the class website for the list of<br />

media and readings.<br />

Your class project material(s) will be of your own choosing. And so you may want<br />

to decide early what materials are best suited to your skills, curiosity and means<br />

ie: clay, musical instruments, recording or photography materials, robotics kits,<br />

web design software. You will need to provide or access the materials needed for<br />

your final on your own so please plan ahead.<br />

Attendance and Absence Policy<br />

Attendance is crucial in this course because much of the class is based in<br />

discussion, special guests and experiential exercises. If you miss any classes, you<br />

are expected to make up the missed work on your own.<br />


Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

You are allowed one unexcused absence from lecture. After that, the each absence<br />

will diminish your final grade. If you miss four lectures, you will fail the course.<br />

The only exceptions will be with a written excuse from the appropriate Rensselaer<br />

office to your situation.<br />

You are allowed one unexcused absence from Lab. If you miss four Lab sessions<br />

without you will fail the course.<br />

Laptop, PDA, Cell Phone Policy<br />

As a courtesy to the seminar please do not make personal use of devices for email,<br />

texting or other communications or gaming while attending the seminar. Use<br />

devices only for in class assignments.<br />

Academic Dishonesty Policy<br />

Collaboration between students in this course is strongly encouraged. Likewise,<br />

students are encouraged—indeed, to some extent required—to exchange ideas,<br />

opinions, and information constantly. You are encouraged to help each other with<br />

performance, production, and presentation of projects.<br />

Plagiarism of any kind is in direct violation of the University Policy on Academic<br />

Dishonesty as defined in the Rensselaer Handbook, and penalties for plagiarism<br />

can be severe. In this class you will be expected to attribute due credit to the<br />

originator of any ideas, words, sounds, or work which you incorporate<br />

substantially into your own work. This applies particularly to citation of sources<br />

for quotes and ideas included in your compositions.<br />

Below is the Academic Dishonesty Policy as found in the Rensselaer Handbook<br />

of Student Rights and Responsibilities:<br />


Intellectual integrity and credibility are the foundation of all academic work. Academic<br />

dishonesty is, by definition, considered a flagrant offense to the educational process. It is<br />

taken seriously by students, faculty, and Rensselaer and will be addressed in an effective<br />

manner.<br />

If found in violation of academic dishonesty policy, students may be subject to two types<br />

of penalties: the instructor administers an academic (grade) penalty, and the student may<br />

be subject to the procedures and penalties of the student judicial system outlined in this<br />

handbook.<br />

Since academic dishonesty is a violation of the Grounds for Disciplinary Action, the<br />

student may be subject to any of the following sanctions: disciplinary warning;<br />

disciplinary probation; disciplinary suspension, expulsion and/or alternative actions as<br />

agreed on by the student and hearing officer. It should be noted that no student who<br />

allegedly commits academic dishonesty will be able to drop or change the grade option<br />

for the course in question.<br />


Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

The definitions and examples presented below are samples of types of academic<br />

dishonesty and are not to be construed as an exhaustive or exclusive list. The academic<br />

dishonesty policy applies to all students, undergraduate and graduate, and to scholarly<br />

pursuits and research. Additionally, attempts to commit academic dishonesty or to assist<br />

in the commission or attempt of such an act are also violations of this policy.<br />

Academic Fraud<br />

The alteration of documentation relating to the grading process. For example, changing<br />

exam solutions to negotiate for a higher grade or tampering with an instructor’s grade<br />

book.<br />

Collaboration<br />

Deliberate facilitation of academic dishonesty in any form. For example, allowing<br />

another student to observe an exam paper or allowing another student to “recycle” one’s<br />

old term paper or using one another’s work in a paper or lab report without citing it as<br />

another’s work.<br />

Copying<br />

Obtaining information pertaining to a graded exercise by deliberately observing the paper<br />

of another student. For example, noting which alternative a neighboring student has<br />

circled on a multiple-choice exam.<br />

Cribbing<br />

Use or attempted use of prohibited materials, information, or study aids in an academic<br />

exercise. For example, using an unauthorized formal sheet during an exam.<br />

Fabrication<br />

Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information in an academic exercise. For<br />

example, use of “bought” or “ready-made” term papers, or falsifying lab records or<br />

reports.<br />

Plagiarism<br />

Representing the work or words of another as one’s own through the omission of<br />

acknowledgment or reference. For example, using sentences verbatim from a published<br />

source in a term paper without appropriate referencing, or presenting as one’s own the<br />

detailed argument of a published source, or presenting as one’s own electronically or<br />

digitally enhanced graphic representations from any form of media.<br />

Sabotage<br />

Destruction of another student’s work. For example, destroying a model, lab experiment,<br />

computer program, or term paper developed by another student.<br />

Substitution<br />

Utilizing a proxy, or acting as a proxy, in any academic exercise. For example, taking an<br />

exam for another student or having a homework assignment done by someone else.<br />


Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />


subject to change, consult webpage for the latest schedule and deadlines<br />

WEEK <br />

Topics and assignments <br />

What is Creativity<br />

1. Tues. August 28 Introduction - What is creativity.<br />

Lab August 29 Mindmaps and brainstorming<br />

DUE: creativity & IT mindmap and journal entry.<br />

download :<br />

read:<br />

http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page<br />

Chrysikou, Evangelia G., Your Creative Brain at Work. Scientific<br />

American Mind, July/August 2012, 24-31.<br />

2. Tues. Sept. 4 Guest: Ryan Jenkins, EMPAC tour<br />

Lab Sept. 5 Discussion of final project parameters<br />

Readings and Video: What is creativity<br />

3. Tues. Sept. 11 Guest: Tomie Hahn - Shifting POV<br />

Lab Sept. 12 Readings and Video: Creativity and Point of View<br />

4. Tues. Sept. 18 Guest: Helen Bullard - Seeing the (extra)ordinary<br />

Lab Sept. 19 Readings and Video: Creativity and Point of View<br />

Creative Objects<br />

5. Tues. Sept. 25 Project Proposals presented in class.<br />

Lab Sept. 26 Readings and Video: Creativity and Innovation<br />

6. Tues. Oct. 2 Guest: Ryan Smith -Music and Animated Notations<br />

Lab Oct. 3 Readings and Video: Creativity and Innovation.<br />

7. Tues. Oct. 9 NO CLASS (Monday schedule)<br />

Lab Oct. 10 Readings and Video: Creativity and Innovation<br />

8. Tues. Oct. 16 Guest: Heather Dewey-Hagborg<br />

Lab Oct. 17 Video: Innovator Biographies - Jobs and Gates<br />

9. Tues. Oct. 23 10 min Class presentations: Biographies.<br />

Lab Oct. 24 Video: Innovator Biographies - Jobs and Gates <br />

10. Tues. Oct. 30 “Guest:” Curtis Bahn - Tradition and Innovation.<br />


Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

Lab Oct. 31 Readings and Video: Technology, Culture and Collaboration<br />

11. Tues. Nov. 6 Guest: Heidi Boisvert - Socially Responsible Games<br />

Lab Nov. 7 Readings: Creativity and Play <br />

12. Tues. Nov. 13 Proof of concept demonstration in class.<br />

Lab Nov. 14 Readings and Videos: Technology, Culture and Collaboration<br />

13. Tues. Nov. 20 Open lab, individual help on projects/presentations.<br />

no Lab: thanksgiving 21 - 25<br />

14. Tues. Nov. 27 Final Presentations<br />

Lab Weds. Nov. 28 Open lab, individual help on projects/presentations.<br />

15. Tues. Dec. 4 Final Presentations<br />

Last class, no lab. all class materials due by end of day Dec. 5th.<br />


Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

Media<br />

The class will draw from these videos, readings and websites in addition to others TBA.<br />

Readings:<br />

What is Creativity<br />

Chrysikou, Evangelia G., Your Creative Brain at Work. Scientific American Mind, July/<br />

August 2012, 24-31.<br />

Michalko, M., 21 Ways to Kill Creativity. The Creativity Post, Feb 11, 2012.<br />

http://www.creativitypost.com/create/21_ways_to_kill_your_creativity<br />

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Chapter<br />

4). Harper Collins.<br />

Resnick, M. (2007). All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking) I Learned<br />

(By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten. ACM Creativity & Cognition<br />

conference, Washington DC, June 2007.<br />

Creativity and Point of View<br />

Gardner, H. (1998). A Multiplicity of Intelligences. Scientific American.<br />

Creative Objects<br />

Turkle, S. (2007). Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (Introduction).<br />

Technology, Culture and Collaboration<br />

Fischer, G. (2011). Understanding, fostering, and supporting cultures of participation.<br />

interactions, 18(3), 42-53.<br />

Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas (Chapter 8:<br />

Images of the Learning Society). New York: Basic Books.<br />

Rusk, N., Resnick, M., Berg, R., & Pezalla-Granlund, M. (2008). New Pathways into<br />

Robotics: Strategies for Broadening Participation. Journal of Science Education and<br />

Technology, 17(1) 59-69.<br />

Creativity and Play<br />

Flanagan, M. (2009). Critical play: Radical game design (Chapter 8). Cambridge, MA:<br />

MIT Press.<br />

Videos:<br />

What is Creativity<br />

Tim Brown: Tales of creativity and play (28:00)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/tim_brown_on_creativity_and_play.html<br />

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness (19:00)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/mihaly_csikszentmihalyi_on_flow.html<br />

Amy Tan: Where does creativity hide (23:00)<br />


Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_tan_on_creativity.html<br />

David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence (11:47)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/david_kelley_how_to_build_your_creative_confidence.html<br />

Creativity and Point of View:<br />

Joshua Walters: On being just crazy enough (5:51)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/joshua_walters_on_being_just_crazy_enough.html<br />

Elizabeth Gilbert : new ways to think about creativity (19:32)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html<br />

Neil Harbisson: I listen to color (10:00)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/neil_harbisson_i_listen_to_color.html<br />

Creativity and Innovation<br />

Anil Gupta: India's hidden hotbeds of invention (22:55)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/anil_gupta_india_s_hidden_hotbeds_of_invention.html<br />

Arvind Gupta: Turning trash into toys for learning (15:31)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/arvind_gupta_turning_trash_into_toys_for_learning.html<br />

Isaac Mizrahi on fashion and creativity (14:14)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/isaac_mizrahi_on_fashion_and_creativity.html<br />

Dan Phillips: Creative houses from reclaimed stuff (18:00)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_phillips_creative_houses_from_reclaimed_stuff.html<br />

Behrokh Khoshnevis - Contour Crafting: Automated Construction (12:00)<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watchfeature=player_embedded&v=JdbJP8Gxqog#!<br />

Harvard: Soft robots in color (1:33)<br />

http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/multimedia/soft-robots-in-color/<br />

Biographies<br />

Steve Jobs: Good artists copy great artists steal (:40).<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watchfeature=player_embedded&v=CW0DUg63lqU<br />

Steve Jobs and Success (1:29)<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watchv=KuNQgln6TL0&feature=related<br />

Steve Jobs on 60 minutes (15:48 and 13:00)<br />

http://www.youtube.com/watchv=1jqSK8Qv4ZY&feature=youtube_gdata_player<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watchv=CXcfDN6L9d8&feature=youtube_gdata_player<br />

Steve Jobs Documentary (47:00)<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watchv=zhWChAihstQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player<br />

1990 Steve Jobs lost interview (54:00):<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watchv=11-x28DWiCY&feature=related<br />


Creativity & Information Technologies ITEC 2961- Fall 2012<br />

Bill Gates Unplugged (48:45)<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch<br />

index=12&feature=PlayList&v=6b6DEUM5Gbw&list=PLBCD362F95A724D1E<br />

Technology, Culture and Collaboration<br />

Natalie Jeremijenko: The art of the eco-mindshift (19:51)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/natalie_jeremijenko_the_art_of_the_eco_mindshift.html<br />

Larry Lessig: Laws that Choke Creativity (19:00)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/larry_lessig_says_the_law_is_strangling_creativity.html<br />

Innovation at Google - Douglas Merril (51:00)<br />

http://www.youtube.com/watchv=2GtgSkmDnbQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player<br />

The Myths of Innovation (51:48)<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watchv=m6gaj6huCp0&feature=relmfu<br />

Creating a Culture of Innovation - David Kester, Chief Executive, Design Council<br />

(10:17) .<br />

http://www.youtube.com/watchv=KyqHGdIMcas&feature=youtube_gdata_player<br />

No Time to Think - David M. levy (58:08).<br />

http://www.youtube.com/watchv=KHGcvj3JiGA&feature=youtube_gdata_player<br />

Creativity and Learning<br />

Schools kill creativity: Ken Robinson (19:29)<br />

http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html<br />

Websites:<br />

The Creativity Post:<br />

http://www.creativitypost.com/<br />

improve your brain health and performance, luminosity:<br />

http://www.lumosity.com/app/v4/personalization<br />

3 exercises to improve your creative thinking skills<br />

http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/7670/3-exercises-to-improve-your-creative-thinking-skills/<br />

TED: the creative spark: http://www.ted.com/themes/the_creative_spark.html<br />


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