We Began to Count Noses - Silkworth.net

We Began to Count Noses - Silkworth.net

We Began to Count Noses - Silkworth.net


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“Here is a case in point: One of our friends is a heavy smoker and coffee drinker.<br />

There was no doubt he over-indulged. Seeing this, and meaning <strong>to</strong> be helpful, his<br />

wife commenced <strong>to</strong> admonish him about it. He admitted he was overdoing these<br />

things, but frankly said that he was not ready <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p. His wife is one of those<br />

persons who really feel there is something rather sinful about these commodities,<br />

so she nagged, and her in<strong>to</strong>lerance finally threw him in<strong>to</strong> a fit of anger. He got<br />

drunk. Of course our friend was wrong - dead wrong.<br />

He had <strong>to</strong> painfully admit that and mend his spiritual fences. Though he is now a<br />

most effective member of Alcoholics Anonymous, he still smokes cigarettes and<br />

drinks coffee, but neither his wife nor anyone else stands in judgment. She sees<br />

she was wrong <strong>to</strong> make a burning issue out of such a matter when his more<br />

serious ailments were being rapidly cured.” 83<br />

Earl Treat is credited with starting A.A. in Chicago and with urging Bill<br />

Wilson <strong>to</strong> write what would become the "Twelve Points <strong>to</strong> Assure Our Future,"<br />

published in the April 1946 Grapevine. These “points” would later become the<br />

Long Form of the Twelve Traditions.<br />

In September of 1937, back in the Eastern City, we find “A FEMININE<br />

VICTORY” in Florence Rankin. 84 Florence hailed from <strong>We</strong>stfield, NJ and was the<br />

second woman <strong>to</strong> be counted among The First Forty. In her personal s<strong>to</strong>ry in the<br />

Original Manuscript draft of the book Alcoholics Anonymous, Florence tells of Lois<br />

Wilson coming <strong>to</strong> see her in Bellevue Hospital and then taking her home <strong>to</strong> hear<br />

from Bill about the Power greater than human power.<br />

“It was there that L--- came <strong>to</strong> me. I had known her very slightly ten years before.<br />

My ex-husband brought her <strong>to</strong> me hoping that she could help. She did. From the<br />

hospital I went home with her.<br />

There, her husband <strong>to</strong>ld me the secret of his rebirth. It is not really a secret at all,<br />

but something free and open <strong>to</strong> all of us. He asked me if I believed in God or<br />

some power greater than myself. <strong>We</strong>ll, I did believe in God, but at that time I<br />

hadn't any idea what He is. As a child I had been taught my "Now I lay me's"<br />

and "Our Father which art in Heaven." I had been sent <strong>to</strong> Sunday School and<br />

taken <strong>to</strong> church. I had been baptized and confirmed. I had been taught <strong>to</strong> realize<br />

there is a God and <strong>to</strong> "love" him. But though I had been taught all these things, I<br />

had never learned them.<br />

When B-- (L's husband) began <strong>to</strong> talk about God, I felt pretty low in my mind. I<br />

thought God was something that I, and lots of other people like me, had <strong>to</strong> worry<br />

along without. Yet I had always had the "prayer habit." In fact I used <strong>to</strong> say in my<br />

mind "Now, if God answers this prayer, I'll know there is a God." It was a great<br />

system, only somehow it didn't seem <strong>to</strong> work!<br />

Finally B-- put it <strong>to</strong> me this way: "You admit you've made a mess of things trying<br />

<strong>to</strong> run them your way, are you willing <strong>to</strong> give up Are you willing <strong>to</strong> say: "Here<br />

it is God, all mixed up. I don't know how <strong>to</strong> un-mix it, I'll leave it <strong>to</strong> you." <strong>We</strong>ll, I<br />

couldn't quite do that. I wasn't feeling very well, and I was afraid that later when

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